Huron Signal, 1873-02-19, Page 1700017 L E. ON TZiM N -D 75 "it 44nd e F,,M.o T I a �,n 1 7. de. S. C F;M�_O E .1 J H Vs _10 V. o ANJ ACIIE L'.'iT. fur SA LEJ tAYFFELD. r e 'A Ratz- A 3a a 7 la=d. ?or -stale. a -vs % 0.4 Tto -ny, ID . 7,,. a "e-1 ezee.­ ont -ard, rs*le ani F"Pacft- 10 -0-.:ea a f-Kinz treat *be of th, rn'v t -b 71 -EAT r and Sartreyor 2rDPerty For safe. 3 N D E32 D-7 TSE ms�v OB! L t s_t:1,2_e - zvez?e4 ­toji at= -1,,,3 =1 fra=e efth-_ cz se;--mter t3, '3Z TO ZE-Z. wi6_ �ig!m m2m=e3 aa%- 'ff tile !J -2---m. snitta 10 zcrZ3 of am*-Wa, Rttna. and arLza t4at Z=7 ba -�Mrz:L ;'3 apply ta t7- D ALLAK." 20* A- U 10 f1i Ita Y-7—zo e - L: _"nC7z:0 R=el gn:u to a =s!l t,)vr) �r a-'ampi P",_ aay zri� rv,. 11&�% LS FOV�3,-T, r -YOU'WAM PICTURES Y T L ;;-. Y' S ..49 LESM & W039 a 1=7 e-1- 3 v';3 elwayo ftil 'C=1 C=:Iv t'�- AD t:ado �03 ;a v,A 11B _CA AU, W, and Nriziftt WA cm dit,44 k y9 jJ1RZ EFEEIDER lot *0" 10 0 V ft IF wer ewd Av%aWaft ft", A IRAXT A64 ART" T-_ 11!! T ­ I 15,0� I -7777= I DAYS Olvirs *ad -a desk* to imew how Our 'fitedde, minfiffigs in nag aso grawy my curl"Hyp- and im I lizid 0 il WIS bout me isoon 6 a , koh Ora Hafazim, w the -obloot -6f MY visit. 0 This p6pular moutbly,, -at perhaps. iiiWr raiders are aware dmd thCAT 41 X6*1bRrgb; sh ad In Unsda. the Hudson. Could zaturih itirround. tall At 004atch, Ontario. are,,7 "iM,.t1k�Wt)oXf 6 Wpg4jr ------- t deAft the world. But it in of my VU mins, 45pWilly at tbo 921M Montreal streot� sdjolalug the Market Nuam. b ------------ that I intend ztAhig tiznf to speak. It J. BELL, The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number. was on the Isat day of ths, 61A you tbAt presented myself at Ake. *&vW 8anceum saiwfoniIwof this noted month - A" I110PIURTOR_ VOL. XXV1. NO., 5. ly. The omens i!orl pImpitious and GODERICH prosent3y1was njoyf*g -*.W-eW4k&t ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEB, 19� 1'8-/31 WHOLE NO, 1357. with tk* editor -*I t""' xeyorbem iny good REV: Car anniam. in adw.m.r. v Ifemllit A and i cotm selteeir ptoaitlhat the a civ'rh arrea .9 o2capt at tbo Option of the pubiher.; r$ are to 111 svdar positiVely and solemnly that The Rev. Guy Wilton was here placed himself time in calliiig at Hi, Lambton's himselifor a battle with the worl I d, in modest, unpr0ending gazifismas waW RATES OF ADVERTIS'l XG thier," holding up the second book, "'did in the witness box, and in reply.to brief house to express himself �oherently to another colony of the mother country. in tbo3chzir b0ort) tie Z:td Umidedpy �,er no for the fl -.t ...'erti a d not leave my possession until the twelfth interrogations, said: Lucy, mingling his congratulations to 4To be coiitbmed.) either friondU or i BUnd 21ke 4A AUVW da of August last, and that the plate _alundo;r ow in Iwo MONEY TO LOAN As perhaps the oldlest and nearest her with his triumph on the account of cumstances most 41sco-Frap-ns, coal$ Per no r --r oieh sniselacni u.,'r'n1i11.* GODENCH LODGE NO-- 33 �waa, not even engraved ints completed friend of Bri. Maudsley, I Undertook his friend, and then darted-dway leay�ng stibIrkbAl va Ar= per than ton Yo&Ts,e eara ;lot e%N0dIn 0 *�;30,. 'M AT LOW RATES OF INTERESTr "Stand like 4n anvil," when the a* to than a week a' rher." - the mission to The Nowspaper. foundation, one of -t-he -most,polaial" anna-1. 1,, 1; nes $5. 9 G - 11. C A. F. A. A. 112. troke gtliLtO 1110 a England, where, I felt her tearful and excited, ei riappy. rark.vw-1 IlE HWI'LAR CO-MMUNICAT Of stalwart men fAU , "Now, Mr. Wagner, I have another satisfied, tbe key. to the mystery of this "Dollar Monthlies" of our day. -v the spW0 TIS 11.3-d 00 Llloilrst Wednesday " each REF, HOLD Permanent Building'and St 6 fierce and, fast j question to put to you, and to whicb, Evening was closing in �ud Lucy sat sealo of aP. na. nbrbth'GN F orms but more deeply root the Oak, pl-t would be found. I was- successful Reader, have you ever tbo'ught what HsvinF sWAd the 0bject or my visit, Savings Society of Toronto. before the bright fire in her own pretty wonderful thing a nowagaper is I You Mr. W80d Tery kincily volunteered to bo th,�nt qps�nfi, d,r,.*,%1nq. %VW )O� cordially invi". Whose b feling, I trust, the o�d?Tnity of the oath' beyond MY Tdost sanguine hopes. To room. ge sat on the ru�,'Iter slight waitfor yonrpaper perhaps ometimei3, initiate me into the _Mymteres of the ius�r,.e4nnt:I foebd. and ebarg, I ae,"r1111gly. W. ]DICKSON, oe. For particulars apply to rawny arms embrace the bkt. under which you are giving ye-ur tosti- secure a villain of the deepest dye the figure almost buried in th a drapery of impatiently, and scan ovet the news of e may 60 %firelfart'hwithpro­ YEARLY A6 Goderieh,4th ay. IST1. SW73.1 A. M. ROSS. inony, you will give it reply: only after *Possession of -a large property to which her dress. One arm was tftrown oer a (he day, the adrertisments, and the sai. &rt,'f go w Agent at Goderich. Stand like an Anvi , ceaded to (10 so, 'by sayivg thwt,t-ko *nj 4" when the sparks due and careful consideration. Examine the accused is entitled, this plot was con- low ottoman, bpr hands were clasped and �orials, and throw it aside, perhop8 Main- IRtaq will be ?v. merri'iint- Secretar aud Treasuret, Fly far and wide, a fiery olhOrs TThO Advertise by the %ear. CRAs. ROBERTON Shows,.. tliisdoctitnent,"hei-atliedolinseI handed cooted in hopin -that its success thin in oriler was the gathering cy his - Ono c,.,mma rear to'him the forged bill of exchanje. blast his character so c would her chin rest-ibg �n the , whilst her P 0 ............ To 0- OF *G-. To Virtue and truth must stillba tender, loving Y( in- the editor for dullness ; but did it torial. I was not a little surprised When Toronto. marks ompletely that � e es seibed- tracing 130. Where malic Was that form struck offa plate on- return to his. native place woulil beim- figures and dreams in, the ever occur to your mind what a wonder - FA ITH, he quietly informad that kig "wLttay" s ... ... v. a Provel"ts Want of power. graved by you?" I, coals, ful thing a newspaper is I What it costs for the past year -cost hina -mo loss vi-han sr, HOPE AND CHARtTy. possible, and detection f the fraud She ehanged her attitude, #un into a the publisher and what care aud trouble Ellicii rmil`LF. NO I 11t waR." evaded. This Mail Radston�was the position of weeter grace if -possible, . required in its production 7 The art of ................ .0 '%13. 00THIS ORDER "Stand -like anvil,.1, when the -bar "Is it possible that it could bavebeen active projector and instrume ed Gail Hannilten three tbousa"na icl- G hWd their ineetinzin the Tempernce all,wat MONEY TO LEND aixthoussaildc1lars. *Saidho 111pay- ....... 15 t. every Monday N nt, and I drawing her long abundar(t hair like a is Lies, red and glowing, On its breast abstracted from the book first handed to hold in my. hands printing from mo c ble type, of prep r - Visiting brethren At Greatly rpduce4 Rates Of rnt8r8st Duty shall be life's leadi his solemn acknow- veil almost ever her face ivith one ban(], a jar, ............. .... a year; I hi6ye f3ven NATriot Beach- WM. GORDON. 119 star, you for inspectitin?" leagement on what proved er frnm old, and but for this art, or Stowe two hundred dollanparardele, S is - his dying whilst her beaid still re sed on the rags, the ijurprishag invention of JamesXartoz fiftv; Tilton th; "ice; T. us innocence its test. bed, that 'fte assitmed the name and other. Acloping door a Eichth­ I veal ............ Sec ta17, IV UY amount ofmaneyto And conscio req., '"To steam and the more wonderful electri ......... .. ... 3 Thian years. at a low rate of med to rouse 3 months .............. ... 5 a. 14th� 18U. sw interest and farourable te . whinli per . iod does it belong, character of -Starling to carryoutthe her, and she started to he feet ; listen- telegraph ; the railway train and the S. Arthur, one hundred; Mcrac* Greeley, hy veiriv instalmenti; rate Of expenses will defy scheme now happily exposed. Were it ing, she h rms of repayment, Payable "Stand like an anvi4" when the 'sound thour' eard a stop ap oachinw the onehunilreel-Woel Readly, ffty;wskelyi This au4ft,),rcnt iA 'a be confire-I tbo .1-linary competiton. .1 "This form Lis oneof those bearing my required I have overwhel ocean steamship have all contributed to thirty; T. K Beacher, thirfy�six, Virg. lifloitas. An! it will I - Of ponderous hammers Painsthe e to, Ming testimunY door.. nd the next ment arry the sheet before you. Many hands and . . nit'bAholdt, ,ktl�tlan Re r I otels. HORACE HORTON Thine but the still and stern sr, initials and da and could not have to this effect, but I merely make this Afaudii1eyAocid before be 11112 Townsend, tkirty; Ebariet Pion been in the possession of-lmbton & Co. Rtatementin case the innocence of my ring 0 Spofford, ligiven-ty-five, And Robecos, Private rebound eyes have been occupied in pre a th tt L nts arry advaueed�z step, wondering at matter you read -so eagerly. in-tiviAnsl m*mhors of firins, a 4,- or for Apfpraisekfor t1to,canatla pell... - Of. the grea heart that cannot fear. -earlier than. the twelfth day of August friend sliond be challenged outside thill, thb silence witkWhich lie as received, Sale, 4-v. mallenivnilding Ji savings umdrect8 HadirgDavis,onshulairsdand twenty- ascou rt, as so far as of papers from all parts of the world are five ollm, etc. All of them* artiolsit the!aw is concerned, and then -his voice, trbmulous with emo- looked over, and their most interesting gry in length f oin ones A h 7 to six SocletTe of Toronto. "Stand like an anvil," asise.and heat "You swear to that F' he has already been fully cleared." tiop broke the.spell. r JW &S WThe 0370 MtLS Vrin ilk all csleq I e strictly I adhered to. I BRITISH EX%,fHINGE ROfEL, Are born to e "I do. Adver&"ments intonded for In4ortion In any MARKET SQU1L IE GODERICU. arth, and die with time, Further evidence beinj held un- oc Lucy,' and important information culled out. pages. Of iourso selected Isitter clood The $0,11, like God, its a3urce and seat, The sensation created by this evidence necessary an immediate acquittal was News has to be condensed editorial arti- In Part!­Iar Issue should reac, the tifflea ll� noon on INSURANCE CARD 1318 could say no more, �r lik a dove not cost anythi g. Tresday. - was overwhelming, and for a time stun- given, and Harry was shown to th flutto oleo and paragrapbs writteln, and all the CAPT. W. COX, PROPRIEtOR. The Subsorl'ber Is agent for the followingfir"ass 14 solemn, still, allivne, sublime, in a ring to its mate LU t Tho ulaterial being now all obtained, The lar6a cirenration of tb* makes it ned the prosecution, and amidst the excite- Judge's room to receive the congratula, him rall Owarda time busy fingers are constantly employ- it is sent to the compositor'wilepwrtment, Trisurnince coirnpanleffi. exclaiming- ' L an uuqurrassod advertising medluir.. L.- TE OF TH E HUR01' HOTS14 PHOPNIXtif London. England_ ment, Pallissy, who had felt uneasy from tions of his friends apd the Judge, aild IlDbar, poor Harry T ed in -picking up and placing together which being in another v�reet, �nd not RARTFORT) of Hartford. the opening remarks of the defending also of iho counsel for the J small pieces of metal. The design of all in his main building 'we 41id not Y*t. ,10% WORK OF KLL KIND$ A ontinuance of the favor and s.o`PPort .,f the PROVII \CIA L orToronto, crown who Neither of them could, ever explain these appliances and labor is to place be- The "mattee' being "met up," the forms Evc-euto4 vrith meatness and do CominolvialatidTmvellingp,:bitcthat "asaccorded BRITISH ASIFRICA, of Tf-granto. LA= RATS AM TATzz -RATL counsel, madean unobtrusive exit from warmly shook hands wfth -him expres- how it was that they stoollocked in each fore the people the important thougW _Amtoi. livis printed : before the tire, respoetftly solicited. ]Fire Ar I%IFLrine bilsiness done at the the court, and was seen no more. sing his extreme satisfactionat ift are stereotyped, and the plates Are -re. wbiloyolawait. Orders bTmxil punrtna!ly attend_ 2i34 lowest Po4sible rates e result others arms when Same I ttle"time after and dojng, of the time. To make peo. ed ta. The counsel forthe crown cross -exam- of the trial. Mr. Lambtonentered the om.' turned to the -press room, situsted on HORACE HORTON By W. B. TOR. ined this witness, only confirming the. ple acquainted with the facts daily cour- the first floor of the Inain building. In I h of hizovidence: in the clearest man. Oii leaving tha court ho se Mr- Lamb- ring in 4 parts of the world. To b i Office Marl,.9t Square, G,derich rIng this department we found four large ZURICH HOTEL. Oct 26th IS70. lier, nd on concluding took his seat, CHAPTER XXI. ton insisted on Harry acc an Iiiin men into acquaintance with their fellow- book prerges, valued atfrom three thou - to hi; residence to greet ru vss-iv. Here amid the intense wonder Of the feeling that1he merits of his case' were. men. To enlimt their sympathies in be. and to three theusalid ;five hundred ff. H'appel, crowded court the judge handed to the fast disappearing. n dis- half of right, truth an - PropriWor. clerk the document, and that functiou- understanding Wy the y d freedom, und to Tkese presses ptitalt il�x_ 10, ary read out audibly as 101, L Harry's counsel again rose and called THE HARVEST. glayed such emotion w t 9 10 unite men in opposition to all that is ollars spiece. 0000 CCOMMODATION FOR COMMERCIAL own : e excusel. teen ps'-pis with every imression. 11. Xcuouamll U traiellet s. having the best saMPlemin in Znricb. for his sacond witness, John Smith, who, Foremost amongst the gro evil. "The writer of this having by acci- up of To say that Mr. LambtoLta was gratified The newspaper is wonderful,'too, in placed upon IM isloilitor in: the Gorn@r al - ILL be at home f4r up to ii Tho bar is vrell supplied with liquors of the Wst dent read in the newspaper the report of pale but collected, took, his stand. in the friends congregated in the judge's at the indication but ftttly expresses the influence it exerts. Likethelightof The pRyer being now printeil, it is W in-, everyday W-.:& v:&It patients -quality. Good st-iling and attentive hosiaers. box, and was duly sworn. chamber, to welcome Harry in his dis. hisfeelings, he- had i64 &seen at any bld= afterwards, night or -;A). Aq Zuric. Oct. 9th.. IS" I the trial of Mr. Maudsley,, and, in con- - I , the bent Of day, of whose influence, great aa it th, room, and with it we ded to The usual interrogatories were -put as charge, were Mr. Ellis and Mr. Lamb- Lucy's inclination the fourth floor, -whore the" sheets of nection therewith, read !be evidence of a, but;until now he men are unconscious, a good paper Maria Jones, keeper of a house of ill re- to name and residence, and minor points, ton. To eiplain the appearance of the sixteou Pages were quickly folded by impression upon the miRds iiad 0. S!Xaunon was in ignorance how far arty respon makes an and Shen the counsel proceeded; latter -we must return to London where ded to them. He felt t the dearest %.)OL BORNE H01'RL, pute, avows such evidence to be inalici- means 'of largo lolaing machines attend - 13:40 -1 1 you iem"6mber the eighth day of we, left Mr. Wilton, U!Iffists in moulding zlie character of its e L eh&ts Sr@ I ous slid false. The writer is the girl in the apartment- wishes of -his heart won be gratified constvAt readers. On the other ban' ad by &Is; thes _,han Uken COIDERICH. Lizzie named in such evidence, amil has July last year?" occupied by Radston. could those two be dra together h . LL: )!hvro they "o zatherea, stalab", siad "I do." Y -those newspapers which encourage ha- - Mr. Alaudsley alone to thank for rescue- Eager to escape, Hadston dastied down mutual inclinatitin and qction, and he morality and supply reading stitaied. HYSICIA.Y. SURGEON. 0 litt"s ER. ing her fro "Wereyoii in the counting house of- the corridor, and was turning W decend determined there should And now it rew4iilno enly to past* on ra a life of shame. She i so no obstacle gratify the evil passions and inclinations, the cover, and the magazine is ready fo,? 'a - Lanil ton & Co. on that day?" the staircase leading o the private door in th way *hi4jh it nii atidHeradence, third doureas, of Ceatral School. now through his goodness and christian e eE MARTIN Proprietor. -hV be in his po �a 0 charity, leading a reputable life and is "I iras." when he was intercepted by the secozid ek to remove. 0 w- have a bad tendendy. Like the noxious mailing, and ef cpUrselt is no_lift�e wcyk Good Accommodation. Ample Stable i "State for the information of th ju detective; rendered desperate arry's !objections he wialaria, which men cannot sen, lbut to Post ever thus 11undred t-hounind L)r. ceissinay. P4 here prepared to provelier statementis, ry by the frus- Silencing all H I sleigh, and whichnovertheless�sapshealthand leadia Room. if by so d ing she can serve the, innocent, and I lie co-irt what reasons you have for tration of his plans I inst as he deemed placed him beside him in -the to death, they are destructive �Df moral magazines. The mmilling department ig the date, and then state ssrape certain, he made a frantic effort conyersed as indifferentlylas he could on WRGEO�.. 't 0 Hamoton e::2, Thi is admitted to be a. First clas although it must be by imperillino, her renicisiberit alone L&CS Constant QuIployMent to Six PStree;. Goderieb. ontarw.� SWI02 Efousti- kept in -Good Style. 5 own present position." Whitt veenrred whileyon wereia the office for his release, and missing his foothold the events which had just transpired tin- pripcip le. They strengthen men in hab- %malo magers. 31r. Wood infl3rinea its and perpetuate customs over which via thai -he mallad thirLty I-&& III Auizust S 0 . z of Lambton* Co. was precipitated down the steps, frao'- til they had left behind them the crowd- -bell, %r. 13.. C. 'NIL- E- 00 am The counsel for the crown iminediate- as dis- the good and upright mourn. The doned this om, P4 ly rose and stated that he aban 'on the first day of July I w turing bis spine in the concussion of the ed throughfares and woke approaching newspaper is a teacher fr aU 19 the e C� 0 partof the prosilcu I charged from the sick ward of -the hospital, fall. Helpless and groanhig, he was his house. which men Mont to about fifty haiadi. Thp-rwming ting evidence', and He then said4- learn more of mankind and of the world The McRae Hotel, r., W P4 - and on the same day in the following carried into his room, and cal aid "Do not think, my de�r boy, that exponsfa of the -house must be immenso, P ta-I re-owenco PM zr expressed his regret that injudicious ad- - - ey at his at once procuriA, when the in general than they are perhaps aware and yet a very large subsemption Int 1, %oq enter ;­!erwh from Clinton and Bayfiel I vice and ignorance of the parties ad week, I called oil Mr. Haudal over the 11 Far-.4*31s Sta.-.' --a-d bn414- a 11 fiat of am wilfully exposing ou to any pain in of. Yn its recital of paesing events, its in&) 31win Streot, Seaforth. M hV J. C. mciptilsh, %vho Will LV -request, to receive a letter from a friend inevitable and speedy death was at nee ca * enables the manager to ze6d fora 1303-ly m- at happy t. t", TA to the %vants; fthe Public alone induced hiin to assume' it. With 0 rrying you away from ihd trying scene discussion of principles, its thrillin at the Stable, T&bI - and Bar. A eat] solicitell. cc this remark he sat down frowning upon of his with whom he had interes ted him- pronounced by the �ractitiouer. For a we have just left, to greo azzindiftbrent 9 nar- Dollar Monthly, that is road andenjoy- self-to procure me a situation. NIFItilst tiin ratives, its biogaphical and historical ed, no doubt, iA houaan4s of homes Ira XC,%V I a J. C. McINTOSH. the counsel for the priva*e prosolutors, e Radston lay stunned, his intellect or clianged Terson. My'doar girl Lucy 3ketches, its advocacy of important sub- from Maine to California. Glideriah, September 2nd 1872. 1333 Ak who had led him into such a disr waitin-iii the outeroffice to see him, I apparently drmant, but when the full would never. for *ve me were I to t Cb3=ery, c uxlv. 1'rowu Attorney, heard -a voice which I thought I knew, consciousneqso,fhis-positioq reached his you receive your welcom. from her, a* jects and questions, and in its fighter Should any of cur resiiiers-eve DARRIM% AND Arr,111\11T-AT-LAW, AnD ble line of evidence. ha has car a n er departme r chazee Tit of poetry and tales, it meets G,J,ddr1Cb.()n% OMee in Court Hati4e. To express the beFilderment and emor I xpressing thanks for a letter which Mr. soiII, his cue became pitiab e. He was W t we*burlth, t4ae-oaradviee oi rid in n a crowd%f the ever recurriug wimts of the quir- L 0 tion of poor Charley Baxter would be 21fausley had apparently been writin,-, infuriated even then, and it was only as people." and oe for y*dnelf what we - hAve tried, CgLmeir-�:ln ao f4arrow. for the party speaking. the dread moment of dissolution drew . ;",� ilg minds f.mon. It rofeahez th7mind al only 4- heard some "Bat air." said Han "I bay . _ to describe. -From go Den; ccratic Be- ARRISTUatSOLIC1170119IN futile. He had reached Alostre. - parting words, and when I entered the "a and 8uppli�a food r thought and mat - the night before, having travelled al -, nigh, that he displayed any desire to be sons,,, O!nce. gingston stre most 4;2 publizitit-, Hamilton, N. Y., Tam '9th. I inner reoul. I found Mr. Naudsley ofor !0 B .: , I on. It exposes Iraud N C. CAMMON VF521 J. T. Gispow. day and night from wremote district up alone. j at peaze -with the world'aud his Maker. .-And supposing I undo and villainy,"a6d in its nar m -tions ofthe ffe i6formed me, thinking I might know I A clergyman who bad been callel in to those reasons. What h 7 Harry of this #_ rg his visitor, who came from the iown ir i minister to his spiritual wants, succeed- been youhg myself, a pu _T cqnsequencesdf *rang doing, of vieb and IES. jr�. IDOWT,10. THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON attack upon his character, baving, like a son, o,.Waylvardnegs, t1to Toiang are -warned AERLnTr. AND ATTOUNEY. SOLICITOR Englind where I had just' dWelt, that ed in softening his obdurate heart, and Harry, I would not vrtll' ia! 'a better in-Chanecry, &c., Goderi-h. Out. 135-, the last witness, learned it only by the the gentlem .3 d, taught that " honesty, is the best � Squie years *go I went spooWly to public prints, which a friendly hand had an who had just left him before he pZed away he left behind man than you art are, polloy." A good neivapaper L cannot be qloninelArsize, sud acddon�s4ywitiaosg- 'roras AD INSURANTE COMPANY.; forwarded to him. 'Before herecovered, tt 1 7 - - him a nfession, completely, clearini son might claim from ould read every week without exertinifs bene- A was -a I'VIr. Starling of Liverpool. Find -tt"4UPM: 6wn Jk1R19J-Er,3, AT'rt)FIXETS-AT-LAW, SOLICT the girl Lizzie had left the court under In- that I was destitute of clothing to fit Harry, and a statement exposing his laot deny you."' ficial infibineii OL n L + ed Man, A 111tiViD Of UMt Conntry 'he tors in Chanzary. ft. tioderich. 000. Me for a respectable station such as his frauds by which Sharkley had secured to Here they drove u t the bouse7, and tar of the-rea-der, and it isAn important wag Charged vvith, the. murder V1 B Avalimible Assets,, 027,0" the escort -of the junior couisel, and kindness had -placed me in, Mr, Mauds- himself the Maudsley estate. Even at witholqt affording his companion mind atd chme- wretdh Losses paid in tke course of ThIrty-fivo years e m- I Sinclair & I.Reacer had driven away in a private conveyance Y UP9 and necessary educational influense n6igbbor. ItzoetineA�-tht, an�"Glgt eeed which had been waiting for her. ley furnished me with means to procure i the last bourhe shielded Randolph Pat- time for reply, Mr. mbton entered which cannot be found elsewhere, neith- feud 9XIStedetWeen tIeM. T40Y k" FORTY MILMONSOF-POLLARS! The senior counsel for them and requested me to call again the, ton by confining his statement of his the hall, and t oncel requested Bliss B I.ssivCLAIR' CHAS. SEAGER, ir SQU!'1000101 he defence re- -Ar in schgol, nor in college. Lot all -the met at &fsir and exchange- 16 next day to freeeive a letter he wished I complicity in the conspir&dy,. to confeB- I I 4b ws; awn Gada-zab. 0 Loan on F -a au or Towli Property s t 7 per sumed his address, and pointed out that Grey a maid to conduck3gr. Naudsl advant4ges which these offirbe obtained that ev6ningtheyinet at Is lowpot house, ceut. App:y to theonlyevidence which couldincriminate ("Irms Vy CIRTCAZ me to convey to my future employer. I sions of general assistance rendered by to her mistress. Ha*- 'dismiss66,1t;ys" as far as possible, but at the same time and thi boay interference of friends T a L.. -f I at nearly 03 00 000, are heifi�_ I did so, and wbilst engaged in conversa- him. li�nitlateii as fast as adjusivil wrmo CAMI'AIG 'i E, Solicitor, &c.,. the accused, wasthe factofthe abstracted attendant when th.4 reacb�i the let not the valuable influence of the slofte,provililateds tgkt batwqqu -thrm. ,keeuri ty, proolpt Pdymeut� and Li 7b..'l Oct.34th. &*-1 41Lf Goderich. sheets from the book, and to make this tion with Mr. Naudsley, I heard in the A, coroner's inquest was deemed neces- door of the apartment,"Llid itauding for The prisoner washeard to vGwveijgo*noo BARRINT,Tt. ATTORNEf Ar-L%W SOLICT- . t eat D, its i.is-ses am tho prominent features of- I i outer office the same yoice biah had sLry, and amongst the witnesses exankin- a moment to ip his b �idin 'heart, on- newspalpir a slighted. We have the tor in Chaneery t c. i Pi -rich. Uni. Jusn" tell circumstantially spinet him,thedate w 9 pledliflg satisfaction of knowing that in againiiit lis rivat The wro�ctiek -V-Zcrm thk wealthy cornnany. struck meas familiar the preceding, day. odwastheRev. GayWilten,and are- tered ais we haVe rels;te 1..� Gt5m%, over J. C. Detior &Co's Emporium, Market FIRF. #' POLJCIES Issued with very of abstraction must be clearly proved. nd LIFE this �art -of-the Dominion it is appreciat- left the house ton6wea so= aftWbyibe Square. GodericlL 1353 liberal roliditions. 11 ONE Y T 0 LE�, N D My berrefactoc left me, and I saw him port of the case with his name in connec- Now, your honor, and gentlemen of When Bfx: Law Wit joilied the yo"g feel it to be their prisoner, and wS& foundst1b Zxy antke Head 6ffice. Canada Rranch. MON. TfhIGIiT PER,CLNT. S131PLE INTEIRESI the jury, f am prepared take from the dra ver a parcel ojident ly tion, - appearing, in the London papers, people he kntw at a almce how m9tteks 6d, and that parents to prove that duty to -place one Or more, of the best Toadside,=qrd4radl -a4d I;% isoe so NT M "r., stood, and as Lucy fle%414to his arias he 2apers they can find, in their faWilieB, barbarouslybeaten in by s etono that AP.Allc7H ]A ,,rio-yests. lnt�rest re�ay_able;eitlier ittairing money, and place it with it fell under �b. notice of Mr. Lambton, TREAL i eailyur 4:1-yeari-Y. ATIatto these bills, 'holding upthe forgect drafts' other papers in the hands of the in Paris, whither' he had T A7 CHACERY A - ND -CONVETACLNG.. Hi-ARYMATHERS, never hadplace in that book; further, I some returned, 4nd kissed her -fondly, -*eii, taTdbg her -and not only so, but they endeavor, in he could oialy be identilled by Vw iress. IJ OMZ*at 1011.3do Wiesen -. -Mcia 1 Assignee. C. S,%Ul 1:11,1tesiden I Secretary, visitor, L Stating the- par"al had been sent that gentleman. at once crossed the chan- hand, led her up to -H Goderich, Out. St. Helens. will provethat the paper on which these to him by Mr. Motley, 'the broker, for nel to greet his Canadian friend. Harry, thii is the t, I -wish 11hW many Mes, to introduce them iota the The facts were stron$z against -as A. St. R038. Agent for Goderiell forgeries are written was not in Mon ' treal him. The visitor expressed his thank&- On arriving in London, Mr. Larebton son to claim, I­je er to "you homes of their neighbors. . r; in fact, t was the strangest 'Aalcomm"On. at the date on which the prosecution a 91 17here ' Archimedes wanted -but a lever long eircuntstantiO4 eviaelloo I V W_ BAC2 M O- E Y T 0 LEND. attempts to ishow by collateral evidence for servi6es rendprecl. him and -said be received his home. letters,- atid: was at- she has already besto d he" It amt v1d enough and a fulcrum strong enough, to met with. As a form--ef b1z guil fthero IM7- - I- -e ,,,ATr0RNET, SOIACITOR,&c.&c. ; w35 that,thay were issued. Further I am bout to leve for New York. Not once dismayed sud'distressed bJ the in- may God bless you' pth and spare me 'a' ' I be able to move the world. 'What- Rie waxno, dodbt--thei prlsou6r was callea �UOSEY 1-0 LEND. Toroiito Life Assurance and; ON IMPROVED FA RAI O'PRO- in a p6sition to prove. that at the time knowing the aentleman. ' by the name by - telligence they conveyed of the charge to witnegg your happiness. Here he wautsawe have --the Press. Since the upon for his d6fence. Hecalled,,to,the i perty, at 8 per cent simpic interest -this mysterious individual. Slarlingr, %Vbitt- Mr. Alaudslev a�dressed him, tinder which his famorite- Harry, was pladedber hand in Mrws whdst he press has been in bxistprIce, the powers, SUrprIZ0,of avarycne,&exaurdefeaman. Tontine COMPatly. per atintim. Apply to. stated that he hbld these documents. Iret recognizing the voice, I moved to laboring: He found Mr. *iiton prepar- turnedluside, to hide h own -emotion. A 12-1-IMTECT, &e., &c,, COURTH I ihe open d6or to satiafy myself as to his. ina forhis return home, and concluded intelligtaucesand resources of niankitld; Am4 the raprilered man c4ime orward. it Gadericb. Plaw; ani Spicifialions drawn HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO, ONT. SAMUEL.SLOAN, which he represented to have purchased, a -inoth' man had betih conectly. Carpenters', Oiastii�rs'and Masous" Colborne Hotel.� from -the accused, they actually had no identity to make the voyage with.,him.. happy partr r6et at Lamuton's have been more multiplied and enlarged It seemecl that er w=k =e3�=e:d amd valued. Here ihe witness paused, L-acy, on being acquainted with the heuse.that evening, 3yr.' Ellis who had �han they were in all the preceding time murdered -that the ilenfifitaton by existence. ' I shall be prepared with CAPITA16 ALrmoa;=D By CRATITER ....... .. siovoe Goderich, 8th Oct., 1872. 1338. . r. from the begilli I30T-IV. "Did you obtain a clear view of the news, was even more concerned than her re0eived- a bint fro 14 -Lambton Aug of thin," ; and in 4dresis was agae. for all It -he peasautry of with liberty to increase to halfa mil'lon furtherevidince by the time I have I ad made up recent periods the benefits f Tierary Wbre themme desm-*pflo visitor T uardian, and all. endeavours to induce whilat at the coulf-ho Ise, h thrapre ' n of ind pip -the -ta convinced the prosecution of these facts, B _. G"hat 'presumed. vic In bkd AMozott called in, 25 per cent. -all paid which will show my client to have been I did." her.to remain in England, and uait b1t. his mind as to the re ts certain to en- have increased with a compo lot TTAV9cnba-_daHkin,1sof9-a9be3 D BlIL41 tythrough all the ramifications of so otshilatjItat he 'Would be EL Xomldiagb. and Dressed Lumi;�r he God- tep. the victim of a vile and damnable cola- "By what name did Mr. Matidsley Lainbton's return from Canada, were u -c- sue from Harry's ret6rn, and paying a "a trst' AINUHOR LINE. address him. ly futile. , In. fact, her - distress and visit to a jeweller tought for Lucy a ciety. All the changes -and improve- under the Wkitt Boy ac"d toil :aijja erjeti PMing Kul. nd whicli will eiiabld him to ter poignant costly ring which he linsisted on H4ry ments which give the present such an onlyreturned with -a noblo ;snd Irish sympathy were so extremely perior2, feeling of � Wh court with his honor untarnish- 'receiving from his hailds, and lorthwIth advantage over the'"foregoing '6a L he 1309. EMITXD By CHARTER T03;W",TGAGF_9 lepa U "As Mr. Starling." i4 ouANDVEMENTURFS, bieamcirsSall f-WeryWednesday Did you' recognize int and know that they revealed to Mr. Lainhton -the ed, and his reputation heightened. have been �rougbt about by the in. griclotnt foo'waff fieingtried C and Qatnrday. him I" ast to- placing on the delicate- finger for'which eie, But, for the informationof the jury, and existence of a feelin- in hei bra BOARD OF DIRECTORS: - L I tecognized him and � have known wards the accuse(f ;�Dre sacred than it was intended. Neq] Simcoe and Belle fluence of the press ; and ifthe world is count. SURGEON DENTIST. Pe5jdent: The H" JoaN HILLVARD CAMEaox, TO AKD FROM NEW YORK AND GLAS. that the honour mqy be bestowed where st : � C . . D Rgvd- 6-dy Wilton still deterrained,to go on improving, and � Thecase WAq cleat, the PrAiiiner wZ1 Office d resideiiee, M. p., Q. C., &-c. te. Toronto, - . ) , Callingat Landondetry toland Alails and justly due, I will *late how we were him for years mere friendship. d He therefore yielded Stewart with tho leave us at as great a distance behind. as innocent. - Thi5Jddg'e tolel the J Ury tWest Street. r,,, p"d�ga: L.W. MoF.,.. E.q. Msengpv. - 0 wovidentially led u� to this state of the "How was it then you did not remem- to her wishes, an consepted to her ac- and. Mary completed the par-ty and . Three doors belov Bank of Montreaf, Ila- Passeni, rs hooked and forwariled to and 1, - when they separated it was with a feel- A�ffe hareleft our predecessors, it inust it wasumecessarytochargethai& T.hoy Geo DtOGAN,Esq. Judge oftbeIC2unty of Tork. rrom -all Rallway.statil-lis in Great Britain, Ireland Cue. My colleague in the'defence, ber him on hearing his voice the first compatlying him. GaderICIL 7$9 ac- ing of joy and gratitwie�on. all.siaes that employ the press and put it to still more retumed in about two hours, whou-41til 1311-ly W. H. BitousF, I�sq_ M. D., M. P., Prescott. Germanyi Norway, Sweden or Denmark j exqmined the document for the forger* day During the voyage, Mr. Wilton 11911, With 8k1]gfAC0, 11AMC161-111 Aacn. CAmEaws, Es Cashier Merchants] Bank, Anienca, aq safely, splecli!y. col4fortably and "Because the name of Starlin- was quainted his friends with his contemplat- a result. so happy W -been achieved. tubtle and Affectual uses. forel 1;routo, Cheaply, a by any nther Routs or Line. of hich the accused stands at the bar, n The world is slow to change old habits the vardiet "Guilty." Every- ons, WM. JoSIACDONMT,'EF4.,3LtbagerToronto Saringg assumed." ed marriage with Mary Alaudsley, much Meanwhile how isleatihe arch eonspi- � tloLilillied. A. M. CA11PBELL THE Nr%V DEPARTUREK with a powerful Weroscope, knowing * after all, and sticks to themver obstin' 'sx -"Good Gait' e Veteriwry Swgwn. Bank. Toronto. Yr.mg.lailgow. From New York th t sometimes onoravers in finishing or '-8tate his real name 3" to the delight of Lucy, in whose'eyes th rator, Randolph Pattdn, whose schemes ately. In many i6four-arts of livingwo judge, "of what ix kb vilty tl.o,.q, Esq., 31. P. ept. 23d. IOWA ........ Mon., Oct. 16th 29 � AxGugMoRR $at.. . "James Radat n. merits of her friend still reigned su- had been so utterly aeleated. ' The d, MgIJLT ofCo)nc.1 University, lth�a, New Secretary and Trearver. Azriruit HARV.T, F9q. Rat�,.Selpt. 30th::,.CALEDON1A..Rat., Oct. 2101" =ellishing a plate introduced their show a very great want *f S murder, surelyll' M is virt al agacity and rder surel -lin, &,A_ Graduate of Ontario veterinary -list. llct 7th .... ANG f, I A ...... Sat, Oct. 28th monograms, names and even dates. and A thunderbolo failing in the, court preme, and in a private conversation he, fectiou of h u Iaccomplice, Patton, aptitude. We are the fortunjite posses- thefor6man, "but if'he Applications for Insurance in this $at. Oct. 14th.... COLUMBIA ... SaL, Noy exceedingly, but on the RESIDENCV, VARNA. could hardly havb�'iroduced a greater felt it his duty towards. the brother of alarmed him sors of a beautiful appardus and are too Ahat man sure he Atolo­ MY kfty Illaars W-gl vfs�t rbyge!d every Satarday. ists 3m.s finit class Company received by And eve�y Wednesday and Saturday th Ath he found even more than he hoped. I J. J. BELL from Pier 20, North River, at noon. areafter will now for the defence� proceed to call sensation than the name BO simply ut- t his intended wife to acquaint Mr. Lam�b_ testimony ofSmitli being given, he Ipmy to apply it properly: -to its pur- three Years 4.-o RATzs OF FA89AM'�AYABLE M CURHENCV. witnesses, and the*ozigraver of this plam tere-d. . It was utterly unbxpected, and ton with the share that his nephew, could not control his fears of pek-soinaI J. T. DUNCAN V. S. 1342 Agent at Goderich. To LiveRpooL,GLAsopw -oR DznRv- so completely destructive to the second Randolph Patton, had borne in the per- implication and ma4e a precipitate re- = This - remark- applies to our R&T,eAific, 865 and $75 according to location wilk-b G3ADr,A2Z OF DYTARM Vlr=2;AZT COLLEGF- Pi e the first we shall examine. of doing business in gonerat in RUA Ut bokvt ft*., cabin Excursion Tickets ?good for 12. nenths) On the name I �­ea� point of the prosecutioti that t6 becution which Harry bad undergone- treat from- the' fi�igbborhood �f the OFFICE AND STABLES, of Julius Wagner being trade and commerce publicity is the best abcomodation.,$130. u I WaI for the Crown was discomfited, Shocked, yet hardly surprised, Mr. court-bouse, tWng.Tefugo'iu the office tL of Success. It not unfiequejfliwouti, *1joik per. 1qewVts Street, Flifth House. FxA cf CoTbarne =late, M. Steerage, 8W. called an intelliient looking German " ra- great elemen "Ana yet how Hotel. Certificates at LOWEST RATES can he bought stepped into the box and' was duly And at oncei made lip his mind to aban- Lambton indicated his intention to 'Of the lawyer wliblulthe prosecutors ha& Many business men sit dowu with h little 40118 Are %XkQrUfth6V'w1Il Aubstribi L r EUXARYMedicines on hand. Callsp URS INSURANCE 00. here by those wishing to send for their blend don the cas4, if the -evidence of Mr; move his nephew beyond the power Of employed and th`6 be dispatching a le of fliat indispensible ilem. VT, ;;_.de. to. ZmUpt_ TRAVE Pra resertation. sworn. Wagner." Smi- h proved trustworthy under cross, doing further mischief, by offering h nt. They do a loW.- neirapaper, or if they !4� AV .."Where do you, reside, Mr. im ter to that orthy, dvising him to with- take it, that they -but ply at the Company's Offices,or to not perceive as. clourly am they ahould ination. the -means of leaving Canada for a foreign draw from tho casa t the earliest po�si- that the steam develo PATENTS. NSLWS AGNST ACrIDENTS CAUSIG -In the city of New York." eum* it entenft gitil Tail- j�e%hboi B: takes it,jafid Z Upi 01i j�s& Bodily injury or loss of life. guaranteeing the MRS WARNOCK 91What isyour becupation.?' Close searching sifti�g enquiries only country, with the alternative of legal ble moment. Wh" that functionary wa extension, hay payment f.stipuiated stlia per weei6 tom s3 t, Westfft.Godedei. on _T vastly e@arge(I FOR INVENTIONS pro, or the, psyment of the principal sum insured, Goderlell Oct. 23 1971. 11 am an engraver." P, , ved u]toro 'coliclusively that Harry punishmient for conpiraer if he remain- returned from the.court disgusted with I waVay the toils every mates neighlborhcod - have *-t6t' P 7rr_Pbsl��fisg, -And friDm 8300 to $10,000.1f the Wnly cause death with. vig innocent, an& the accusation a deep, ed. On the other -hand, he said he -was the faillme of his case, he related to lijB- I I r WHAYS *On executed any commissions by Mr. ce,of hira oRMIlufurell ofthw W 0 r;AX1;iY11i0 USLY & PROPERLY In three months. al -o grints- ful - - - -0" abrought. within hailing distan ouse of Lambton &'Co., Mout- cunspiracy, and in speech equally honor- a loss how to compensate the sufferer, "client the stateme roade one hundred times �io number of casto- in alple to.head and heart; the eounsel for for as hii confidence and esteem for him tou of the death If of' Radaton, adding me he -d b fo . w th m le ha e re No eans gea=edfu Canada, the Unita Statm and Europe, LIFE, INSURANCE, MONTREAL 0 CT A 19. 'roallhe h . &TSVTgE!�mateed orno� charge. Sendforprint- ents of all fnrins at low Cash lt,_tes- 'ad plates, for tl;em the Crown abandoned -the prosecution had never been sha.kap, he could not re- to. it the astounding news of the of announcement that sufficed in thelit- Xx, !Am Agency - operation ten years. and endovim ,I have enCav -had nev he M I VILIOWN, If, HE �N BY GMST, Fall inform tion cau ba obtaired or u to eoncluding bill ad been lost, but presence of Mr.. Lambton in the tle old locality will not answer for' tho Having, I wliife 1 t5. EL DETLOR, produde the b Uk forms of' their billil of dress with a; tribute to store wh�t or this virtues of the I aceused. adcled. meaningly, l5erhaps, that Harry court. Thiq last -ras a blow for which enlarged circle. He musbse ostsy$. nttawa, Camda. Agent. auge. himself might suggest a means of so do- Randolph was utt irly unprepared.' and the far- lishment, - �Gnfwly, Vech�cal Enginnr, 89HItorof Paten& and Goderich 23rd May. 1871. 's -v78 ,.Here the cRundel handed hbi� the book, Completely overc6me by the reaching Toice of the press if he dedras prescription, Au4-t-hetaet]uod# w na fall of ing,. when ItboV reached Montreal. losina All nerve incontemPlating his rob, 11th 14n. from which the prosecution maintained hich events 'had taken, a ignorant L of the providential turn -which position, he reach.,d his lodgings pros- to have the benefit of this hapychatige ing your Compound Symp, 1. -felt hentfelt gratitude to the beneficent pro- : 11] ric tile forged bill Ila been abstracted. in the flates--if be is.not too Il'to see ous to, give it a fair t in my--pri 1W;WT1P'0j)]ffPANy. Examine this ook and inform vidence who had shaped circumstances th n t the o case had assumed, the gentlemen'o trated and wretched. There he found a the advantages biougU within his reach For the list twelve 1kont-hig I hsvo.,don- W. G. WILSON WESTERN A S S U It VIX E STEA hojury'Whatherit was pro. an to his aid, Harry bent down his head 'arrivingJa Xoutral - drove at 01100 in communication from. Mr. Lambiton wait- and stretch out his hand to seize them. ", &nd I f22aWitLjft inelpillstoonsam Court and f in; ri"Wr or XSITia�-a -Licenses. OONFANY. ORTICKBTS to and from Liverpooi"Lond"n- duced in Your establishment, and if so on his arms and wept freely. The e&ct ,tlfeir travelling garments to the court ing him, wherein �he writer express The policy of very man. in business tion ana 'other -dizessa derry, or Glwgc4 by the above Steamsbip coy. was a general contagion of teari; and by a house,. ispatching Lucy to Mr. Lamb- his suspicions of w4ual complicitviii the df the Unlwl F or what. circumstances and what and who must live by the - public, is to aridIdbuil, & I= done, *&all& 'Real Estate Agent apply to P. IL CARTER und u old reg *hug -pair Ipstiralaeo & 0110N Agent Grand- T;unk Railway date." strange eympathy silence settled for it. . ton'i house under the chazze of a conspiracy Justx3esea, upbraided him let thi public hear of 1ni. His best t -*a J-LJUA had accompan- for his ingratitu 9)- - --a comxT.qsro-;ER rN B. 1z. El" D 01TICE T TO- 0.d.,,,h.Ar.i5.IS7o. wao 6-1 engrayO the Plate from which the mument-or two upon all, when it was oilltruBted adrvaut; who 6a and viUainy, and speaking trumpet is the netpgp6 ad effects of dipthefia, jLud t.U,: cAI>ITAj� STOCK ........ 8W,00o brok thd hysterical cry of a juror, . ied them on their tour, with a promise to challenged him t) vindi6to himself 'Lt vertisment. In a populous communi follow%g typhoid fevek, pre nMg, 5TORTf- AGES, sheets of this b k tru k off, and ty Toont ilk DR% WV % V0 FXECUTED thty were 1 ry trader this region, it is the best remedial ' are a 0 in book fo rM Wour as. ey learned how matters -age means would be provided, if want-- Agent tablishmeniv aef delivered ith the evidenee &C. su" a bi a general and impulsive a messenger with news o=4 or leave the 410untry. In thc&tbir a d pi SURP UNDS ........ ,edel her to dispatch .,LUS F 208,369.60 IOU u a ra d ap like this, eve U REC&pTsFORTHEYEAR. DIVORCES n roar from the galleries. Order for a immediately th o must make himself heard and known, I ave ever Used. 3alit X01M- TO LOAN ATS-pareent. by us to the , for Im"K EN'DLNGJLTN1Wth1871. 357,858.26 BSOLUT ton & Co. as I A moment was impossible, and before it 81:04 Of course w in ad, to enable li�m to'ieach a foreign otherwise ILe will fall behind the _Vo, suffering from M E diyor�es legally obtained S3,m of Lamb nd by refer- ioxIiallic- 0 - qv7l7-lv 0 up 2 970. ZURTCH. Ont. ROM,. J. 'HoPMURRICR Ain difforent. Stat0s. Legal eye books upwards of was restored Harryfialt, his handgrasp. Mr. wiltouls possession, an acquitt;il oountr gress ol his neighbors. Ho may - b Q(thebraivalsduervous Aysitem"firem, r7- once to our of account _yi� and if his future conduct war - President. ill! eaertion-general micoudulit, ed and a voice was certain, I;ut ther desired to see ranted it, furtfie assistance might be exily in the morning and late at might, e --d --&years o whispe#ag-in hiA ess; . Wh1ChaomZUy7RUn$Wjn*UJP1�, 1kn 9 - and raising Ids head with a quick' start Hairry cleared if jossible without its aid, granted to re -est 114. him iij life.. . f6rLrf#Jori . W GODIEFLICH AGENCY &Q,, "'Alcient cause-u0publicitY Te- , Thee6unselthen handedup another talclighly hishy'sicialcuorgles, ard eat of uwbotter railiffmi; to B. HALDAN Blanagin.- Director. and in open court by undoubted and R4ndolph was not oor, ind gathir-, the -broad of carefulness, with hozoatin- heilth tliiiqa;!� C63*. OF THP, quirod-no charge until- divorce gmut- book Be like the preceding one that it L ofs3tonishfitont, hiseyes encountered nger sent by' pany of FIRE MARINE INSURANUE AT ed�-adviee free. Cail'6p�Diaddresa the noble 'face of- Guy Wilton, radiant dear testimony. A messe irig his vilhabli he Ut Montreal the tntions and stoady brin, yet he is peared an exact duplicate. ynn ty-'k 161torel any, TrIlst and Loan Com LoWgat with a tritm, M mob them the night before, iat foll6wing.mornit replyipa, to bit Encle ever open to the charges of failure -for YOU 4618M. a-plessotoexamine this bookandsta6be �h which assured him of - arostliUartytou"i. . Ratfs. 00uU5jIlQj '44t Is a place about thirty'miles distant from in denial of.th secusatirclis brought want of that intellactu YOUIN. Aii. A A. D A.; of, the furiker con .1 tio�x Of big ifiriocence, al sagicity-those Terasin, insumilco for Qua or threil years _#w, an before for the inf4irmatioit, Nghtreal, whitber he had been sent, against him, declining pecuniary sebools wit otaehed JurY, knowing & A.'r. It. D. on 4 No, 180 15roidwsly, Xe* Vork City. dollit, iulthingyou, may knowrospecting-, The�judgw- u-iw.addressed. the Oe course they'must take Oil kelp at big hili in doing ibis he left wide views of things, withont which no -EDWIN - Dwelilegs;ChurcheSE14 h contents. in Wit 41, . Man Can have a nafe1a �X B." JA2Iu,6rY_ 14, 1871. Cltarler. Cities. owns andCount es that m ur -_ _,.�e�n 0, 7plafts: Th traus and saying-, in the wh4le Cotirob flis tho.arrival ofthe steamerfro E OPS, the ddo)rop Aoudlit for a sue: im for his bud ul 15 2 �ftrmKofP0II"psztiC%aai 7 favorable to the Farm. ,This book waslikewise manufacturedL udicUlife-he had not seen.so strng a and from bini- they learnsO the probable cegsful ppli ti ness. Of two ships cross 08 Atun- =7. ti; da §n foi substantial id tie. =gbroezes le with I aff, Community. by uff foiLarabtou & Coil and delivers d _0ircumitalitial r case. br -one will stragg Oak down lio ut� -testimony should, he re qdo it, *when -the remom- 0Ar1TAZ-­0NE MILLION POUNDS Ff-tclassma"wantedfor a travelling, &gsna; T -Ift exculpation of Harry on- the AQJ NOWE by us to them on the two -h 4: pnd get along 'slowly; whereas; the for tile townsbips, outlyl his Te%ve. Apply in ay- of tenlind it 400mod to hiM, maluir froln, 'of the engiavei from Now Ydrk ; but at bralaces ofthe siERLING, wrijing with referagees to 6undmjIgaaf0ttf11*r causes arisring out 4thw. pr,4.�sentporida had become - offier, with , helmsman st the *heel ffl, ' L' 0 '!6psredt61n&k9.tbiS -ted vos ofthe .96411 q0litiez thetime the messenger left M011tre2l, blun bythe 10 thliffikon, go-folkwe'd 001ca, -.96 OW are- y U, P) accused,- HsIiX�cisfj& bie - 11 - who knows the whole chart vf Ws vall- F. .3L. NA -RPT ad the 'interided appevanae, of"Smit as a in GCX Doyep Um a J). WAT". Charley, Baxtil in vain for - ing, is, k9owingly steered into the track in if nit. jitllt,6tnent, lind �wliat proof have youIhit up6n,themxtirii 6 helijig tti:Afflicted,; M r souAt tim _wm afd� for, Investment. Local A' you-sre conv0V anctrich1j. Jj4d it been. returned witness was not known. A letter fro' tmeft of the girl'Llizzie, and in his dis- of the tracle vKinds ; and, while the form - gent, JtOlift painter -the erfoh Ittli0e*1872 I' iff can swear, to Lffie production of. the apparent *1�oijj ris 'Wilton'by. the previous mail had Xr. Wdton,. or is working hem _M 'A- k, Oncil-of-thb*it- -orepared ZiJM for some evidence on 'oAssiss4a OIL the Ifecarity of sopt6*44 lrxft ppoi6tirkent, aboa upon Ivily in the PH Pain camot-suy Wkro. it J� 1W bwAttaft shop th6,�Gffib6 of Z *X- -0n 8Q- TJMOAT, One bottle kax cared Meiji. IN city or Tow ea uch as. any m; -it, tke plates bT on QUO an ms_ ness 25110 tfis�t ge4fliman's surprise, or, it may be, going dovm with, a Property for part6de of #lva 00,,'had., slubtoll & Harry's behalf-, if -not the personal 'ap- cist'wl FLfty 0"'to worth Us Clod a tia ,,,,rj;*mwith&oon"q*szceor lerrowefs, and poiOtppt m. -Ws own h4ndifiark,'and.the, hill' te' IOU could'ho finahor other has its sails happily furleel in port. of tIt## og --by an- tioits by a prad 07multQ V&ax- One or tW$l boWXn,, UA atfAcb 4Wof-deHvory. y clear-outid what- pearance of the�writer by t1ii, suc6eeding TMIN19 poiovvoii malignity I ro"yable At, exp 19toly.,donitilislied b ei Inaft ever stiali pto ofie'r bar nd in marriais. He In thuselping bisxex by the la;ye, rjujamblIrea, to� the mer, audhe had sent on'bia nessen, solk -AsoutlAw injUT boO triment 0 sail a succeselhe woul Uuilsnaents� I . I I - &6 . I . V flight' ger inanticipution to urgi ell dir A term 11-Y fiedi4illeui LCf dig �nd d th t Edd, APPlirAti0W CUM ANY CAW�OrFI*WWAIM X 04 �c 04 d ask ent Skill, a inan will 1110011ft 500ceu, jut: acquaint him with the way in which the ons, will escap RiLex of eight Years istandh to enable him. to. a§ a tomPeratla man, Who liv UP 1Y Grin Ba sn oimbotQ, ate .0f the:sccusei his undle's an "me, dier tbdr':nobent*j_-- too,-- with,teLovidence of 'I =6 appeared ... erdig and takes proper preewati, G. X.TialozKAN lithitho 1ptbk therailv due ti ;rate �o TU=.Ico Brobkwd) -Tiop COB! A6, AC PaRrAno To r. ��q Ato?, thirty -11 foiabottlee your*L hs:W�ziaii ho w tqe ta spei2d the rismainaer.of his days' abodofaiikifess. Thisilltrasolhumin AM 6214100 fOri had" - 'Unku- to Harry, fi* nature and society, in&6 lvoaa attrage.. Wmiridtion, euxii IBIS UOQX= own ith 1� 0110w can you d is- or. Moilt 9ftliese aiiments�sndloskit t t r:tcatlonv. A other 111111i by six W or14100 fliendo had been for at the plot hs, n WJW t" UA Ana, Sor aond, book,� --oh, the Mr �3 dirs.fro4doilat; - � I r propted, And Mr.. Wilton itaor frpm �kowzl, 'be mod him thall ho -wall -YeAn. uys:'912 bave bell ofs, 40AM& hwi tenin� to, the unravell]4,, effect a man's condition, are'lialpably again 0wn rose an"I $100 would zwtb �Rlldiqpat4b, . , . Ilk too jtili Ant book. was sent 6if9r%ppjov- -tkQ-1iQA0rQf It '�.Rccus tit III ealdia all 300M., )19 or4ers-Ay ':by Kqnainted with horpresent place of �I rgmd Ben Whim, and when Mr.�IW r neglect. Rufus Robl"On"o 3, C hop ltic, Glaz 'Ose "efloh Iferne86 6 msflwjl In" 1#d0"ItGf*WelLfM I tf, ga Gr�i -fig owing to Ids owaignoilliwa M 145t 9MA 6etsfor1h,6A .oliavillriindt, small. bottle of 3 opr Xc%k-:rAJC one wh to give bis evidence,.or rat X0 S1 tjmdih6sb7 eQ_ 16i%aake his residence, pind I 00 0 �aa possessed himself of In the general 400,110ray of the woild Mail xw rec g to'saerifi =%badutf, kila . A. MARTIN #orkod off'untile ­ eiviod th0j;,01461i r6pil- st4tomot, it was only to reutoire'4e pos. thorough kuo* ledge of herhistDry pre* like causes produce Uki results Sul wbper lu I.Sum. lky. 16, 1870�% ��*j 'of,3f#urs._La'mbton,& C6. A Min ti0ft sible shade of & doubt which in . ay:h%ve vious to, 1, where proper L� P I N Vritn"'Yourx UM fich, A#g, Fors, fuvtber Lnds bilerent-to her calami- r00O3Ve " T on (;oWitireat A- ":bei&ordora*ere., d 1) -' blawo., To sliew Naiipijoigg - tons Noptreal. He owed arcbno&'f Ulk _MSMA q opmoom in *11103010109 10 11101 puVic 0 Pilsit!Oii tak I bn to -au lingered in -any. appearaA in eans of eadheik. TV talk -of , ft cou 'Xly: "Web.gre -Aenj� US inA -t lnin tw mind to Tlarq end tha 480 orxr. lessee 900r: C letter from them dated in lightiswhi 'W.Qd.tho� position of wol triansmitting a suchom in orer his 1 letter to h d' he desire to v Ut -ast his 4 vc% il singservedliM m, . tIiU$_W4,Jwou4ed, titious. Amid- - nil, Altaritay' WMa hob rrit* b With 0,Dr fAt# it V4 11111POrl! -�STLYLH IN, �Plorj Big last er ity. a. Martin, 004erfell. W. his 0HURNS A" STRAW CV, jMS V & -- ST 4tid as the co misdoti was M IWOWN' L 18 gas Vod'tD 6 AW. -.* j �� " - �adlled tor - - Congratulations -over, the frieridsseps. . commended mnot to take so isetiou 0r#Vy4=nFl0t4# bg tuillilsk" tt ti- Alt Ifford 02111 %0#1 Xrm,' ai�j 0461, tho.plate my the, dock, leaving re Is belleved"to be "d 4 to, sanction - that couraii by 1"Ated for a few hours, arranain 't6p even As to o--mmants --ad obef6 �,nroceodiog 't,�- even -consideration, njilb A� TI-- ... r;- fv-- 41- .�l W ng eye.? 'ffW_A`VV TYA134ZWfQj_ 41%.- _1L -4 hck coin- W :- - A � r. J A .1 CL ediato And 41-11' again at 31r� Lanabt-n'a 1146 611 the;, if -1 -v 0 LJOBW '00 . $..i , . n 0 Q1. leaav, a year W. 9 J I[Ar& A* 'I - mn dnalrTmalneve v,, - tends of the sunerer mmost muca Moto eeiv Mr. -Wiltan departed to con- 4" 4, A, J6 ve same mind, he would - r X *a W- X.WHITLERY b6okbive-b :Hore the c - 'nsk for this d fence Ask,4. 0 F11 ftpawd by & IS. U wdt-tr tbfi obcond worked 6E. oil tinued in th pain as the iufferer himself) and -should intolligene4to Mary, an ofiloo in undertWe to 4o the medium of �convey- NORTHROP it Y.,Aa 0rdore prompto. 1 J the finished plate voutiningthe 're the TeinvoinimeZriateattaution. Dr. Wistaes EUMAN, X ,xo iiddi., sa- that b6foro big Ijolil& r closed the ca4 A _MJ& ho best speed of a pair eg. vie C A NE 0' V-1 GN "ERT -TE, i x1finonfof auother`�-wltn to hie wish Bal=44 1RU CUmit tpeodily tures a hils in'lliose of the first tharai* lie, wished to Misr Mich he bad b anticipated by Ned lug to Xi.-1a1_pbton his desi es,_ina of tionti. w I t in 'Opeii - court,*� tb� Sinicoe, Who at t urpng cozq . cosFry-com6ots, antin9cl", eria I . coug�u,.edldSi influenza, more Hiroat, 'k-0. Eold 7m,00de3leb, by ­oIll. ifiensalL yho 11ail of horses, dashed round to the houses of fe Jusfartived' To ft 4 It mill, always reilieve cousun: NLAN, ED. 'bY6u will thon;posltiroly� swear tUt �ir� tor�nzOharley agreed with iption, ancl Gardiner& Ce.,sayrteld 91" sonams alls, ili ManyWOU eete L A ddrest from EAS%id *bith& he' Ha -'s iie aination , i in- his own heork top _Vtte5t9d CASO if &Soff it. V. Fly smailcomila3yea liand through*" de to aviluaivit them 15 DMUAYand ART AGENCy., thiliogoondbook. was not eveii,pilitool UA to" *on' behalf of. rry aresbitioill, datern J. FACIMd. Fxmler.j, tire with the happy re ulb, -and- E **'1JVbZ a PeTbOt 4011r1l). lr#fw*-'Md VA ao* 71�T rl_� IXPWd tq Tf001D ;9 full 'was i X XT J10 of jib ;N� W-101% biat-_he -h befollI t46 ei&lv daYof JU17 lub." YK out -the,maii Starling; ardly gave thQ pariodof ias pra3tioll in 7