HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-02-12, Page 3nenwommo !Merit 3. Seal ME a wRsE, ttCUtIrttone, • to tn:,,nant . wee te re. nter, Prom: e.• nacelle, to en moi f - -- OP 2869. PETERS ▪ ii:eietoette fteneettete. ioseed tathis OLD. •' 'Co Hereto o h E SOCK. ;::r,1P1.7..C.ki 'JP.; ^ 5 sz. -"was- a.s se ▪ 7%,c: ¢7 • t -aro F RITES A at77%..-a5: 14• 07ga 'LS.21.:12 kSS eae. 7- • s • -s - a, ea. asp 2 A • 7:3 • 1,e-eMLUtIta:.; t 1 A N T the L=a -aa ma -a aara Prove it .1 • E 1 A SALVE a r.d J:7 A FAVORTTE." • re-=acasam tfaa„., eav• -ay a`..2 rims -gem erre= MIX- ` Q7ALITY." men nal& AND SITII ant la 0$ teio 1Z 0 4 TA 1.4 ,fmgf tat 10.410 r.1.4 4 JFIE ONERS ItALUYI WS: regIOIffe: tat0Zaat mime& alga • GOODS.. d *fel amet. of !fi c..othiniffr wimp. MALEC o a ii T•11313LATITIrl 02210,TO •••••••••• eleeday, 31 Feb. After noratine businean Mr. +me- eonehl moved the seeeettl, reailine of his bill to amend the Election Law •of 1838, by providine that betting or wagering shall be an illegal act. In de- ing so ho said in the Stete of there was a late to much the same effect The Bill before the House provided that there should be no betting or esteem% indulged in by electors upon the numbei of votes which may he given to any one or inure persoons at elections fur the On - tans Legislature, or as to the person who will receive the greatest number of votes or a greater number of vetes than another. His design was to give great- er security to the electors, and to strengthen the provisions of the eleetion law: It was usual and to some extent fashionable for gentlemen to bet a hat, a bottle of wine, or some other article on the result of elections. It was done yery frequently as a mere matterhf Pas- time, just as they would bet on a horse- race ; but bets were sometimes made of large sums of money, so that it really became worth the while of those whe wagered large sums to spend something to influence the election. This certain- ly was the case in the neighbourhood from whence he came at the last elec- tion; and it may have been that the elections were to some extent influenced by the practice of betting all over the Province. There were gentlemen whe would corroborate him in the statement he had made reseecting his own section of the country; and he considered some - nee. The Rill had received the approv- al of a certatu portion of the' press, ir- respective of political leanings, and it should meet with the support of the ; enure and the country. He understood it was the intention of the Government te introduce a Bill regarding the purity of elections'and with respect to contro- . veined oloctions, and he thonght the previsions of his Bill might be added to it 7 premises. Ur. Prince aelmitted that 12.1) Special Notices.. one supposed Ontario had jurisdiction • it it was equal')' i r nth -.t no one ehoubted the competence of Ontario tt offer a reward for the punishment 'if crime wherever committed Mr. E. B. Wood defended the course taken by the Sand field Macdonfil I Go eminent; and then, at constdomIde length, discussed the legal bearings of the question, and Sleeved that the whole resit, of the impunity granted i 0 Riot was to be charged to the accountol the Government of Sir John A. Mac- donald, whose speeches and conduct in relatien to the matter he criticized in a scathing manner. Considerable discus. sion of a personal nature followed after which the notion was carried. WEDNESDAY, 5th Feb. After routine, Mr. Macdonald intro- duced a Bill tot in corporatethe Orange Association of Western Ontario, which was rend a first time. A discussion tonic piece en s maim. by Mr. Wood for the papers connected with a recent judgment given in Chan- cery against the province at the suit of the Canada Central Rade av Co., which was carried, and, some minor inatteis were afterwards disposed of. THuRsiciAY, 6th Feb. Most of the afternoon sitting was qe- cupied by a discussion on a motion of Mr. Rekert declaring -"That the eon- tinuance in office, am a -member of the Executive Coancil and as an adviser of his Excellency, by a person who has voluntarily resigned his seat in tho Legislative Assembly of Ontario, is sub- versive of the first principles conati- tntional government and a most danger- ous violation of the spirit of the Con- stitution." The resolution; it will be at once understood, was substantially a omolemnation of Messrs Blake and Mac- kenzie for holding office for a few weeks after their re-election to the House of Commons had, under the operation tho Costigan Act, compelled them to resign their seats in the Local Legislature. At six o'clock the debate was ade • joerned. Mr Fraser was as much opposed to In the evening the Ballot Bill passed the practice aimed at by the Bill, and to its second reading by a vote of 40 to 14 all the petty vices connected with elec- • tion preceeding, as the mailer of the FRIDAY, 7th Feb. measure, hut he believed the member i After_i f or Senn!, Lee-IsRykert, routine, the debate on Mrs motion of yesterdav was re - is had a private object M 4unied. An anneidment by Mr. Mhwet introducing this Bill. Mr. Fraser then let a little light into certain practiced i in these terins,-"This House, whil Ormly adhering to the view that no per connected with the late election at Brockville, which justified the impres- sen sle•uld for any length of time con- tinue a mom! ier of the Executive °fennel sion he lehotored under. lie noticed that the Bill did not make the acts re- without a seat in this House. is o opinion that the resiontatinns of Messrs ferred "corrupt practices," but would diermalify a voter for such trumpery I Wake and MeKenzie se, members of th ! Eitecutive Council, haning been tender- est as the betting tof hendkerchief or a ed at the earliest pineticeble rumen pair of gloves on the resolt of the elec. after the return ef Mr. Blake to th time Then, tem the risk and trouble of I collate were in due tune; and that th a scrutiny were now quite sufficient, course in delaying the resienations.unn without introducing a new class of eases Mr. Blake's return teas justified to which a candidate himself eoulil net min - trot, but which might unseat him with- sound censhitutional pr octice and c.), reet constitutional usage," was- aft, • out any fault OD his part whatsoever. The BEI would really encourage corrupt somee th'set'es'"" coiled on a vote of 4.*: practices, for a can.io aidate or a friend of 'e -* a candidate might easily put a few !tun- - rand Trunk WDorthrool. GA dred dollars in his wicket, cud, by of. The ferinee'Inn- odds, disqualify a whole batch of his opponent's snppnrters. Mr. It is stated on pretei good anthorit- that the Grand Trunk Railway Coffman Maedatiald with his own recent eleetion- eering doings, and suggested that if he are about to alter their locomotives so. te burn coal instead f wood, and ..' per wanted to protect himself he should pose next winter using coal altogethe• bring in a special Bin to snit his owe it least on the Western Division, th- case, and not one that would effect the whole country. Severs' other members hart g express- ed their o •ini••ns The Alt racy -General sad the ohjec• of the bill VMS an Important one Th question redly was as ti. the means it was proposed simml.1 be adopted. He did not think th it any cue e ho risked large aims weed be deterred by the loss of his vete. The only effec: wooled he te prevent small bets. The law ot Englauil mode betting illegal, if it was the veil only f .r a bribe. But this made any bet, however triva!, disqualify the voter. e thought the result would be to eoconrage betting, for the purpose of disqualifying opponents. Ali betting was objectionable, but it was necessary that they should take care not to create the mischief they wished to avoid. Mr. Fraser moved the six months hoist which was carried on a vote of 40 to IT. Mr. B-ctlenne then moved the eccond reading of a bill to provide for the in- ten/fiction of habitual drunkards. He said that of the six thousand add corn - mi -teals of the past year upwards of four theunand had been for crimes connected, directly or indirectly, with drunkeness ; and one of the learned judges had just declared that nineteen -twentieths of the crime was due to this muse. For these - reasons ho would be glad if the traffic -it- self could be stopeed, but as that was out of the question he would apply a principle that was as old as the Civil Law, which regarded habitual drunkards as lunatics An habitual drunkard was in fact a lunatic, and so widely ass this felt that he had demands from every quarter of the country for this remedyi which combined cheapness with dis- patch. As to the di malty of defining no drunkard, he would adopt the definition Of the bill introduced into the British Mouse of Commons by Dr. Dalrymple, which was substantially that any person who was in consequence of drink 'neap- -able of controlling himself should be held to be an habitual drunkard. The reason why jnrisdiction was given to the Surrenate Court in his bill was that it was obviously desirable the remedy Should be cheep. and at men's doors, if tt was to meet the wants tof the class meet interested in the contemplated legislation. The principal difficulty would be that tee law would not be en- forced withosiafflcient stringency, and go there noted he no fear that any man's liberty would be wrongfully interfered irith The motion, for the second reani- ing having been seconded by Mr. De - ruche, Mr. Camerae criticised the bill, and maintained in conclusion that it would be inoperative. Mr- Prince con- tended that drunkeness could not be stopped by Act of Parliament, tied Mr. E. . Wood doubted whether the bill before the Hoese would do much hcod. In Mr. Deroehe's opinion if no result fol- lowed from the introduction of the Bill bat tins debate it would not have been introduced in vain. He supported the ill. Mr. Calvin could not believe but that something could be done in the way of legislation, and, in the counts of a racy speech, pointed to his own island, which he described as being governed by Lintatellf in a trate, paternal fashion, as an instance of -what could be done by a re- pressive policy. Mr. Farewell thought all the oval was traceable to the moderate (drinker, but yet gave his Strong support to the bill as being a step in the right di- rection. Mr. Grange spoke at leneth on the same side.- Dr. Clarke (Norfolk) supported the bill as likely to do much poi Mv. Boalthee maitttained that the temperance cense could only be ad- vanced tie moral efforts, and that -there for this bill. Th At was Re necessity terney-General entirely disagreed with the hat speaker. An habitual drunkard f d 'ad nnphale was no te enz wig oleo is men!l to.! or lgel right to be a dreamland. The principle of the bill was perfectly well understeod and widely no - prayed of. The Lon. gentleman, hav- ing Shown the extent of the evil, con - chided by evince. that the measure would have his support. The law would be of & preventative character. The bill was then lend &second time, and on the mo- tion of Mr. Bethune was referred to a Select Committee - The Attorney Generallannounced that inconsequence of numerous deputations which were constantly waitingupon him he would have to postpone his Manici- Fel Lean Fund statement for a few days.- TVZIMA.; 4th Feb Mr. Crooke' BM to facilitate the ad. justraonst eL dispates between masters and workmen was reads third timeand passed. His Bill to *Mate agree menta between AMS100 and workmen for participation in profits also passed its secondreading After some remarks had- been made on the state of public business which mals4 forth AO enmptio MI, from the Attorney Genera/ in which, be claimed that notwithstandin* al* nnornsans labour their Ilropossi to settle the Muni- • 61941 Loan Fuze indebtedness had en- r tailed topes them,. the member and Ports:tot of the *warm they had brought down wodd compare favour- ably with them el any other Govern- usen; Mr. Ferguson moved fortele- L invtin and iorreepondebee 'whiting to the romor4 awed for the niartleters of i Time, ff.c4t at Fort Garry. Ile mad* a !(M% speech, the object .d which, so for OSit was Intelligible. 11110044 to he to ' eintrtat Mr. MAO and We GOTOMMIOnt- With insincerity in ofewiiic * reward, ' while Oaten* had act jerindsstioa in the eind it will come considerably cheane than wood at its present hieh rates This news, if true, mid we nelieve it i i will not he relished very much by tho I of our farmer friend; having wend tesell. and "tor advice to all sarh is to rush -it I to market this winter anil avail them selves of the present high prices, for i I all probability next seas on they will h mlad to take or eveal 32.50 a cord f• • - g.,f,d hard w and.- Berlin Telegraph. It is estimated that even after payint the Alabama claims the Chancellor 0, the Exchequer Mr. Lowe, will have am available surplus pf ten tnillions of dol- lars. Of course this surplus is rathei speculative in its character at present Ibut if the revenue of G -et Britain ex hieits the same elaeticttv during the -nee' three as it has done during the last nite months, there can be no deubt that a considerable balanee will remain for dis tribution among taxpayers. _ . _ 1.1135 MARKET; - GeDERIEFT, Fpb. 11., 1873. Wheat, (Fall) O tuah $1 10 111 -1 23 Wheat.(Sering)'If bush- 1 18 ft I 19 Flour .(per brl.) 6 03 OP 5 50 Oats. bush 0 31 0 so Peas, • bush -50 0 54 Barley, ;a bush0 50 3 0 50 Potatoes. bush 035 all 040 Perk, fi 100N 4 90 ID 4 90 Hay per ton 412 00 at 00 Chickens per pair 0 25 a o so Batter.* lb 4013 8 015 Beef 451, 500 Hides 4 60O (a!) 603 Wood. 3053 850 Wool 050 " 050 doz (anpaelset); 013 0 10 TORONTO MARKETS. Rat RVAar.- COCOA -on/men:re ...{.so mirmerme, "By a thinotiph knowledge of the ▪ tterallawa nal Nevem the miperatione elites thin mei wit, • ion. and iw n earetul {tweet en of tee tine emporties of well eeleeted en ma, Mr Erre peOVidell our breakfast Mirka with° a delleatelY g„,,red bot.pr,ge Melt may move us many heavy donne.. bpi, • chat service Gazette. Woo malady with Bolling Me 0er 'lilt. parked le la ol led ra.„ aa co., Homeopathic: chemists, London." MANttracTritr ori`oPos.--"Wo will now give all aze011114 of the proves,' adopted by Messrs Jamie; Epps & mann Natures% of dietetic article*, at their works in the Suellen Road,Lotelon.t.-Casades Household Guile. ' 1341. c- urIoNI FRAUDS A.BROAD! .- 1 BEG most reapeetfullyito'eaution the pnblic of tke British orth AmericanaProvinces to be on thew guard against purchasing spurious medicines _ which aro being sold as my genuine "Holloway's 'ills and Ointment," by -certain inovidun' t of means; tr little or no ading (for the last few 'maim only) under the style of the "New York Chemical Compauy.r I very artifice is made use of by them for the purpose of imposing upon the penile; and the more ottectioalie to deceive, they have the effri ntery, In their advertisements, to is. Sas the following caution "The immense demand for Fl oi. tow ay's/nue " Apo •)txruatar his tempted unprincipled " parties to counterfeit these valuable Medi- " eines. " In order to protect the publie dand ourselves " we have issued anew 'Trade Mark,' cohabiting " of an egyptian Circle of a serpent with the "letter Ii in the centre Every box of genuine " 'Timmer aa's Pitts •ati OINTMENT' Will MVO "this lode mark on it. None art genuine " wit out it. • " Drill:as AND JOBBERS is ANDIVIED.. .‘ WA C your.i.maKi.taiscrusl'ar attention to me now • stv'e ot Hot tawAY's Plies AND oinstiere " -none of the old style are manntaetured b nals now nor have they been for inontbs. We '°-therefore caution all purchasers against re etlieVig from any Jobbers or Dealers the old "style of gods "Information concerning any such goods "being Maned will be received with thanks "We ask the favor of all the information you "can give in regard to those countermine' Now this Company is aware that your tam do not lama them to sops' the precise gamine up or my Medicinea. butin order the mere completely to mind the public, .they have recourse to another wee of deception, via. In stating that the demi .1 meneey, as they ear, to make up the Pills and ointment le another form, aid thet that thee adopt a New Label, , Besides the abOVe•Menflonel "Chemical Com.; pane." there is also a David Pringle, of New York. rho by ma= mate trim lay is a' teMpting to eeil pinions imitations of my Medicines. Bowels of mini likewise. This unprincipled (menthol company has dared "say that owe very large MIMI+ at money hi the %sited States. ‘a.hat le tie fort? newspaper stent abtained without rnv kflo 'deg& or consent med by collusion iefth fa party who tele a limited ,ower of attorn iy of' 'Mae. an order to advertise my medicines in Smith America for three years, tc the stent or $100 000 in void, tie then sold hie claim 'a) m wyer. who get It referred by mhe cool to a friend .t his o he"gave iud,gement against me to the =mum 18171.237 0.1d.for profit which he said he could h .ate by it. had 1,1 taker eters to repudiate Ill iii, transaction the nunneot it came to nty toe ' Age This juilfieniknt will soon be set a-ide. mast smippeaeml. I am sure, that I owe a een 'anyone th, t I would not immediately pay. There is no truth whatever in the statement that ,cer at.thorized any person or persons in use no tarns for the sale of my Pills and Ointmenteltimougl roes trend- have been practised uwon me by tin wincip'ed men In Om way, would rok, ea Ft favor, that should it come t- he km owleoge of Roe perm' that spurious med. •mes are hein.f mal. 4nd sold in my name, that be e pliaa:ed t,, mnd me the name and address of th ,en tl.,ort who is sellini the -ante. that I may, for tin rote n of Ihe minim 'Eat ,tote preeeedines again- iim, and I engage to 'Pm:literate hendsemelv my in •winant withoet divolgine hisnaina. iiinenla any person have reason to believe that he -as been deceived by buying spurious heirait.,as ti hese Medicines, he will oblige me by sending to he address at foot(whieh ho can do at a emit of six 70bl in postaze), one of the books of instnietien- Melt are affixol to the Same. My Medmeinea can bir-supaiied nt the lowest thaiess,e net -prices nt quattttties of not less the, 20 worth viz.. S.M.. 22s 34a. perdozen'hoses a ills or Po a of liniment, for via eh remittance - cat he sent In taeance. The -e Mel taints are ne -ti In the United a-tatee. Raft Pet and )30.; of' my oeneine aredieire aira the ttritisli tiocernin-itt Siam), witb th • ,rds "Holloway's Pills ani aintineet, Lee 'a," g3, Loon Ind( 8, Oi :Ter ;el); 3W, .18 - TlInMAS HOLLOWAY • 1347. ' NADI tn EEC S A FAMILY 'MEDICINE, IT IS well and favorably known, relievint thousands from pain in the Side, Bark and Read, Coughs, Colds. So re Throat, Spra ins, Bruises, Craning in the Stomach. Cholera Morbus, nysentery., Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, etc. The Canadian Pain Destroyer bits now been tie - tore the 'public for a length of time, and where -vet ivied is well liked, never failing in a single instsnee to give permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single dissatisfaction, where the directions have been properly renewed. but OD the aontrary, all ate delighted with its operations, ane meek in the highest, terms of its virtues and magi- .11t1 ederit. We 'speak from experience in the matter, havine :cited it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are a +Tering from any or the complaint, fpr which it Is recommetcledataydepend upon it being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian PainDe- stroyer in miring the diseases for which It is recom- nended and its wondernif effeets in anbrly Mg the -orturons pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affections entitle It to high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming in from Medicine lealers in all parts of the countr tor further snp- plies, and each testifying, as to the universal satis- faction it give?. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers keep it as Physicians order and use it; and no family will be vithout it alter trying it. Price. only Twenty -live Cents per bottle. .,'Sold in Goderich. by Gem battle, F. Jordan; Gardiner 6 Co Bayfield; Jas. Benthunt, Rogerville; J. Pickard. Exeter; Combe, Clinton; S. Secord, Lucknow;E. Hickson, Seaforth ; and all Februery 8th, 1873. medicine dealers. noon -No. 1 super i $5.56. Fancy $o 85. Extra $6.50. WHEAT -Fall $1.25 to $1.56. Tread- well $1.32 to 8L4& Spring $1.24. Osers-43c. SAitewr--66c to 68c. Rez-65e. CORN -48c. Burrell -Good, sound store packed 10c. CHEZSZ-A lot mf 40 boxes sold atel2c. Etetis-2130 to 22c; Pona-Mess 414.75. SMOKED Hems -1.10. HOGS -$150 to $.65. MONTREAL MIEKETS. February 8th. Foonee-Extra $7.00 to $7.25; Fancy $6.65 to 86.70; Strom: Bakers *6.30 ti 86.45; Super $6.10 to' 46 15; NO. $5.65 to $5.80; Fine $5.00 to $5•10 Ididcllings $4.00 to $4.25; Pollards $2.75 to $3 50; City Bags $3.20 eo $3.25; U. C. Bags $2.90. WHLAT.-No sales. , • CosEsE GRAINS. -Nothing doing. PEovisions.-Pork, Mess, nomina Hops, quiet, at $5.55 to- $5 65. Lard 8/;to 9c. Butter Fair to Good, 12c t 180; Choice, 200 to 22ei Cheese, 100 ti 13in. AsHEs-Pots, $6.60 to, $6.65; Pearls, $8.25. r• • Goderich, Dec. 29, 187I. w 50 g na GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Noses' Periodical Pills rare Ih'VALUARLE MEDICINE is UNFAILING S in the cure of all those painf..1 and dangeron. Inseam if, which the femme constitution islititaect. II moderatos all excess and removes ali obstruction. oil a speedy care ma' lw relied on, TO itAIUSIED LADIEs it is pecullarle suited, it will, in a short time, hone 'mi the monthly period with regularity. Th[48 MS Malta set se teketisv Pestates dfarine the Ilitsr THUM MONTHS of Pregnasselhas they ar 'ire to &intim Affsearriagt. but ataxy othertime them .re sore. n all Cases of Norman rmit Spinal A (Tertian s,Pnin in he Backend iambs. Fall rue or slightexanion.Palpi- mien ot the heart, Hysteries. a -id Whites. these Pill. effect acne. wl-vn all other means have failed • allhatlith a powerful r denotement' iron .n hone', antimony. or anything hurtful.° the collet, - on. Fulldirections in the pamphlet arotindemeh package ditch sho,ild be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW yang, Sotit PROPRIETOR. .:mreatnudrn12:aei t for nnetage, enclosed to Northrme Lyman Newcastle. rint , general erten Is for th. lornirtien,will insure a bottle containingovee 60r l. NORTFIRUF' & LYMAN Newcastle. t; .01.,genere . agents forransur r Sold in Mortench by Parketr a sleeken(' • harden ; tioniiner oc Co., Bayt old ;Jae Continuo. femme le; J Plekard,F cetei J. R. eombc.cord,Locknowt E. Hick' son &Afoot, E Medina.. 'healers. - ---• 7•1307_21r_sCIVITS, driOty PolUND "MO OF HYMPII0gPRITin repair free of charge for one year by Pc ' just what the formers have long wanted and is warranted in every case and kept rho power. of arresting disease dleplayed by this mearation is honorably acknowledged by the aedical faculty in every section where it has been itrimdtmed : and the rapidly increasing Rale is the te.yetaapauraaee of the estimation in which it is held The Syrup will mire Pulmrinary consumption. in lie first and second stages; give great relief 'ad prolong Pre in the third ft will cure Asthma mronchms Laryngitin Coughs and Colds. It will tut all daw mages originating from ant of Muscular .etion and Nervous Foote such as Eniargementof The ipleen. Dyspepsia, Rickets. Feebleand Irregular metton-of theifeart, Local and General Paralysis. tphonia or Loss of Voice. It"will cure Lencerrhoea Otillo=b,naemiaa restores the blood to pewit, In Tuckerarrith, on Monday, Februare 3rd, the wife of Mr. Daniel Clark, of r daughter. • - I NCARSZEJES• -1)n the 4th inst., at the residence of th - bride's father in the Township of Wa- wanosh, by the Rev. James Miller, Nerten Smith of Rechester, Michigan', to Sarah Jane Berland, daughter ot William and Susannah Borland. In Goderiela, on the 10tb inst., by th' Rev. A. Mackid, Mr. Henry Cook al Goderich Township. t .Mrs. A. Ker. of Ashfield. - • In Toronto, on the Sid inst., by the Rev'. Father Jamot, Mr. H. T. MP Phillips, late of Seaferth, to Miss N. A. Flannigan, only daughter of Francis Flannigan FM., of Toronto. a ritzT. In Tuckersinith. on Wednesday, Feb- ru.ss7 5th, after s few days illner. Catherine, kelpie& • wife of Daniel aged 38 yearor In t• he township' Of rtardisy...en the 3rd inst., Ann, relict of the late Robert. Young, Esq., and mother of Rev. Mi. Young of Manchester, aged. 68 years, , . Et • DUNLOP Merchant • Viva' eiraitir,, GODERICIt fiAS ,received his Fall Stoolc of Goods and zs preparedas omit° mart all kind. of (4arments in tint most feshuni- able styles and at the lerest Ger of all (ecriptions constantly on hand. A 041.I. EXPECTIAT.T11014CITSP.kie, ' Osman', eritia urnbillxings 0 - 0 .L..._tyiaci al Notices. T HE STOVIACH AND ITS DER- ' ANGE dENTS are the common cause of most of the Chronic Wasting -Diseaseafor whiehinvaliols are constantly -seeking specifics. When the food is imperfectly digested and assimilated the blood becomes -impoverished, and all the organs aud tissues of the body •lebilitat- ed by want of notttishmont. This general depravity of the system mani- fests itself in some constitutions by disease of the Lungs, Heart, Liver or Kidneys, and in others by Scrofulous enlargement of the glands, eruptions of the skin, ulcers of bone amid flesh, spinet weakness, irregularities, exhausting discharges, nervous prostration, mental anxiety, neuralgic and rheumatic pains all of which arise from depraved nutri- tion To invigorate the Stomach nod perfect digestion, and the formation of healthy Bleed Dr. Wheolerh Compnutpl - Elixir of Phosphates and Callsaya is of great efficacy and reliability, being, harmless to infant or adult, and prompt and permanent in its -effects. Sold by Druggists. , et, CAVA) OF TH L\NKS, CANCER CURED. -7-- • I Certify that I, Patrick Curry, suffered a from a Tory severe Cancer in my right eye, so that: I could net _see out of it for at least ton years. I had several • Doctors in this country attending me, for which 1 mild a veil deal oif moue, but none did me any good till came across Dr -Arnold, of Berlin Prussia, residence Galt, and now in the space cf three months I have good sound eyes, for which I have to thank the Doctor. (Signed.) • PATRICK CURRY; of Goderich Township. Jan. 15th,- 1,873. :,- CONSUMPTIOV CURED, I Certify that my son John, who was suffering from a very Severe attack Consumption, is -now connelescent. For the cure of this diseese, I have to thank the Vely judicious -treatment of ; my gen, by Dr Arnold, '-if Galt. The I disease was of about tdelve months standing, ()dere I placed bite under the care of Dr. Arnold, and in the short space of three months he seamed to me have effectually cured the boy, so I• much so, that for the last te to months he has given up using the medicine prescribed. (Signed.) ' DENItt RYAN. Watford, Sept. 11th, 1872. 13534 m. NEW GRO 'TRY! James Brackenridge e A VING bought out Mi. POL- LOCK'S Stock of Groceries end . ',tided very largely to them, is now in a position, in the same stand, tn sell Grocer Crockery, and - Provisions, HEAP 'OR CA -SH !- . Large Stock ef, ri FE A_ On hand, and selling at reduced prices. Bound to Sell Cheap, GOOD BARGAINS IN Raisins Az ...urrants. Everything that can usually be found-ln a Grocery Store can be found here. Do not fail to call and examine goods and prices, if you wish to save money. J A.S. BRA.CKENRID tE, eieRetneniber the s -and, corner of North Street and Market Square. Goderich, Jan. 6th, 1873. 1351 ; DOMINION CARRIA Ei W0.1.1.1-Kt5, R. J. WHITELY- & Co a: .7. WHITELY, 50115 KNOX are now raiumfacturing, Phffitons Buggies and SP; ing Waggons. which for appearance and durability cannot be sur- psased. and are securing the patronage Of all who want a tirst-class article, All AWRorRk ItAarortiEnted. TRIMMING n all its branches well and tastefully executed. with despatch, under the eaperintentlence of Mr John Keex (formerly of Hanidton)une of the firm. LUMBER WAGON, Orders is this line einef ally attended to. Jobbing and Repairing. 4triet attention paid to all orders entrusted to us N B. Inspection of the work now being tnantd OQ is earnestly solicited. • Goderich let May 1871. The ffe'speler SEWING MAAIHINE IS THE PEOPLES'FAVORITE 9 A ND gives universal satietamion, it is rl' the most simple, durable and the lightest running machine now made f the cheaperInd) and will sew much heavier Material than may other, it is the oempany. Take my advice and buy no other I am also agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implements.. J. W. WEATHERALD. West Street, Goderich. • Sold By Aoothecaries. Price. $1.50: Six for 87 50. JAMES I. FELLOWS, CHEMIST sT. Jolene N. B. - °interim Sept. 4th 1871. STOP THAT COUGH DON'T Dr! AT. One lack *174 dayoutit ileum be iewlste;Consum'p- den with Ott Lug' mum of safeties iswaittiow to carry lotto Melons knit( *Assay sidies .talio have gdnietiefore. Hew can yeti Mop It? Where- is the remedy ? Allan's LungBaWsm can produce more, 1354. THURBER'S ROYAL ANTI - FRICTION BABBITT METAL. - PAPTTCULARS, THURBER METAL, No. 1, is for Heavy Bearings a and Railway Car Boxes,35caerlb It S• No. i is for Packing maga and Journals running at high velocity 80e per lb. ii No. 3, Is for °Whew and ; • . ' General Purposee20e per lb HARDWARE - .11fERCIIANTS CANADIAN METAL is for Cheapness, and better Goderich, 28th Jan. 1S73. CD e -p- 0 rea CD a ...▪ • CD P -S 0 0 ad 1g 9.10011 JU WI •sZ ado INSOLVENT ACT QF 1869 In the matter of WILLIAM EAEONARD, - an Insolvent. AA Meeting of the Creditors of the . above named Insolvent will be held at my office in the Town of Gederich, on Tuesday the eighteenth day of February, 1873, at three o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of con- sidering the advisability of disposing of the Entire Estate and effects of the said Insolvent, "en bloc" and for ordering of tbe affairs of the estate generally. Dated at Goderich, this 27th day of January, 1873. DIXIE WATSON, 1354 Assignee. sr0e,IC'e EXTRA a MACHINE OIL Has been in general use for the past livo years and giving the best satisfamdien, as may be imeu tea. titn entails from many of the leaflin hunaesin Oviedo. It will not congeal in the coldest weather, tile tneretore suitable forthe ightest and fastest, as well aethe heaviest machines in use. TESTIMONIAL From themseph Hail Madame Works, ehawa. I consider Stock's oil ahem sr at 81.00 per gallon, than olive oil at 50 cents. Yours reepectfu'l, F. W. GLEN, President. ' For sale ohly by G. H. PARSONS & CO., Hardware Merehants, Gnelerich. SOLE AGENTS,' 1812. THE Very Thing Wanta NEW HARDWARE STORE _In r-4:›riliEt.icirl OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. • -. ;In Of THE ClICILAH Pr RE eUBSCHIBE RS BEG TOSAY THAT THE1 J. have just eampleted opening out an Entire Now and -COMPLETE STOCK OF 4-1ARDW ARE., ofallkincts which will be wild at prices that defy competition. Before purchasing elsewhere. Please givons a call, B. -List 61- Goods sold, next week. Ge H.PARSO S 80.46 Opposite The market House oderich Jun .23r4 1571 sw37- Et, 11. PASOo. than ordinary Babbitt 20c per lb. PHILADELPHIA to a very fine Metal et • thePriceHe • merit,. Large quantities of the Thurber Metals have been - used during the past Ten years. They have been _ thoroughly toned and pitted against -till other He.? tale, aid finally have beeome almost exclusively toted in all the large Lumber utstriets, such as the Georgian Bay and 'Saginaw Valley flaw Mills Northeen Rahway and Lake Slum' Mills. Peter: - heinustm Lindsay: Port Hope, Trenton, Belleville, - Nap,anee, Brockville Ottawa, M areal, Thiee - Rivers. Quebec, ana'3TOTOMOraneleldilla, ,es• i 11 the Princiaal Fonttilties and-Idantiftte. $ ,HARKET SQUARE. _GODERIC H. _Rave, for Sale MINK, FOX, and other, traps, CROSS CUT SAWS; MILL sAws,wiroori • SAWS, AND.BEST. MAKTIS OF HAND SAWS, CHOP-- , PING AXES, VARId xrualgAllEitS tailesaBlulWay Shope, Stnalllboat!. ProPeliera. LNDFRICES. ItOir'S AXES HAND *6.fier SalUeyerywhete hi the Dominion atthe4above-' AXES,A.NE. BlIOADAXES.7' COW eyitlence of real merit than any otheprides, ' TIES OF SEVERA.I. KINDS, article for the Impose:. Its Sold every:. , F.' P. G. •TATLOR 8vr CO,- • LOGGING 'CHAINS where -by Druggists and general.Store- keepers. - Read the following extract from a atter received from Nr. E.. awen know merchant ofpntario. Messrs, PERRY DAVIS & SON, Dear Sirse-Last autumn was suf.' -bring from a severe cold which settled on my Lungs and produced a distressing cough for which gave trial to a numbe of Cough Medicines but - without any helmet. Tat lad tried one bottle or AnnalesLorweiBaniastorhich lam happy o be able to etategave almost immediate relief and performed a perfect cure in a short Um.. • • Yours truly • Fonsale.b itpAign'enEtiesfo-ner aciod?..rith' • OGFLALS14,1:13SIAIS,_, Termite NoV.15th, 1872 1;44 .WROu4liT AND CUT NAILS dre. OYSTERS ./Irr D. FERGUSON'S, ,DIRECI FROM BAT/CD/ORE, , SOW lyy the Measure. AU orders, pioinptly attended to; 11. ke *hand during the Winter BlititeemInr o - • no,itorick gut 040,072, Finks% Ont. March 1871. - Goderiell, 24th, Peel 1372, 1.349. Add n large assortment of akindo of . ELA U33:Vvir At low Prices for CASH. Opposite MARKET HOUSE. . G. II PARSONS &Co Stodericli. New 2S18'1 - 0 W lited IniniediPtetv, BOY WHO CAN READ AND Write wallas an apprentice to learn .Printing Applfiit the "Signal" Clam Gederich, 20th Jin. 1873. a 71) rr CD CD C:1 CD C41" • 1-Cdd , 1=LI SPD 5 tr.4 F•D %.5 ff t.M2S $1... Great Clearing Sale OF Boots it Shoes At Cost and less than Cost FOR 30 DAYS AT THE _ .RED STokiE, MEN'S' WOMENS' eCi; CHILDRENS', in every Size and -quality. Remember this is the- greatest Boot & Shoe Sale of the Season as we are de- termined to _ ULEAR GUI THE LOT AT t GRE AT REDUCTION. • 1)HNSTON & NOTED FOR CHEAP GOODS. Goderich, Jan. 28th-, 1873. 1354. ` dVO p Re' ij pirui torat n.A.E5rea 1-14a.V.13 EtEcyd-Ary.E.D 'Era IVICII.N1r13( • • bilk Velvets, 21 and 30 inch. Silk Repps- and rppiina, Twilled -Flannels, White ahtl Scarlet, Nubiai, White, Scarlet and Black, Cigouted Turquoise, differentAde; 'Sash _Ribbons; Cord-amd Watered'? White Bruiseia, NeCriuslin Green Xid Glotres. Goderich, 9thDeo.„-18722 . . - Canada Yarns a;ndliose, Also -Felt Oyerdhoes Vies!. Fruits - 111111( Iola it I$041411". :BOOTS - a) AFULL supply of every description .of Blink Books, consisting of DAY BOOKS, ' 'LEDGERS, .1()UR.NALS, CASH BOOKS, .111INUT.E BOOKS, ta• p • mItzrj mahealib02 1254., Cf11:147CrIal • thetaleavelinerie aaa E492 f)Fie..aTO ° CI filF OR* B 4023:r t where bolt' prepared to de 1111 t7r274.10th w"slezi Ii may_be faveved. PrfA_TR:T.N:G: • --; 'ilDa?Kk 'rani ErEh#::2$5 AirD pEsr-4.1rox. ME3119-174.1‘W CAIZSOL201121111).• PASgoO 'Bk , POLKET DIARIES, WM. SHARMAIL POCKP2T\BOOKS, NOW Goderich, May 201h. 1872. 11.1184.3ear MONEY WALLETS, ExcElk,I.31,04, PURSES, Bre., True Blue Groesi'ry. - IN STOCK YATES k SON, AND OFFERED AT If 4(10NIFSt • attes TO CASH PURCHASERS, 1400111100741; ,P • Goderich Jan. 130, 1873. <1.)r -4.r ACTS. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE 7-3V21 EDIEREEH and the Townships of Huron and Bruce Counties. The hlunicipel Election Law now being very stringent iris contrary to Law for a Candidate to solicit a vote. But we epic You one and all to call at tem Es- tablishment and buy a warm comfort. able Overcoat. We have a large Stock on hand consisting in part of DRESS OVERCOATS, .Canada Grey Overcoats wall capo and Hudson Bay Overcoats. • As -Christmas and New Year are past we. wish to see the Winter Clothing g ing in order to pocket the cash. Pea Jackets, • Dress Coats, . °Pants and Vests, all colors and shades, Boys Clatbine in suits. Boys Pea Jackets and Hudson Bay Overcoats, Hata and Caps of the Latest Style, Shirts, Drawers, Carpet Bags, Mufflers, Collars and Ties, a large and well selected Stock of !road Cassimere, Doe Skin and i'ancy Tweeds which we will make up to order in First Class Style, or sell by the yard. The above Stock will be sold Cheap far Cash as the Bailiff is at the door, we prefer to sell Cheap ourselves to prevent him coming any further. Cutting done free of charge. ABRAHAM SMITH et Gm Next door to J. Bond's Drug Store, Market Square, Goderich. December 21st, 1872. • - nave much immure in st=toriracmg to thiamin:mama ens custom•re, and the Public that they have re -opened and replenished the above Grocery wit!) a 40_5d stack of general and faintlyGroceries Tb RAYS' T.OBAIDCOBS, comm. "c1CrOBER:T8117, CsFmuzag SPICES. RICE, - SUGARS, PEEL, Also Butter Bowls. Pails and Tubs. They have aliso Onus -ed a ane stack of China Sets, Stone Ware, Glaris Wan, Crockery, Lamps and Clumneye. Flour, reed and Provisions, allot which cantle cob/Cheap as the Cheapenfo Now is tee Wine felt or r podPrarguacinee, Natt Dear to Jordan, Dreg store, OPPOSITE T E MA 11„Ii EAT . YATES & SON. Goderich. 11th June 1872. 121 Stoves! Stoves! EYE TROUGLIS AND CONDUC.T.ING PIPE CISTERN PITNIdrfie LnAo PIPEBa &e. PLAIN AND i-P.A.Ntry Mg' W 41. XL 331, COAL OIL• W OLESALE AND REZA 731. lree.Coal Oil Lamps, &e. Old Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool FichingstondSheop Skins taken in ezeliabee. J. & 3. STORY. Sigh of the Large Coal Oil rand Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 swl LL -U1 OFF MTIEPTION. SELLING OFF! pitt 1 cri .1; IMMENSE CLEARMG SALE1 '° clon - c • BOOTS &SHOES, • "WI HE Subscriber wishing to retire ° from the BOOT and SHOE Busi- ness, will sell his Large Stock compris- _ ing some 6000 Pairs of Boots & Shoes a. • COTT, FOR casE., Now is the time to G -et ' As the subscriber just means what he says. P. S. All accounts must 'be paid without delay. SAMUET. PURSE, . tign of the Boot, Market Square. Goderich, 13th Nix. 1872. 1544 STRAY SHEEP. (SAME into the enclaure of the sub- ; ' "scriber, Township of Goderich, on or about 10th of November last, me stray Sheep. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take it ew:a.y. C. SHANNON • Bayflejd Road. January 2./th, 1873. 1354 c' • *own. PARTIAL UST of goods for sale at PG.113014 new Hardware Store, opposite the 'Market House. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY-, CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES, SEWERS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RA ITE -S, G ifi CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, - HEMP AND RUBBER •RACKING.i, LEATHER BELTING, alleizeo, WHITE LEAD, all .prices. BOILED AND RAW -0 BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL. TURPENTINE, And all kinds of A..3E1,131611r..4„.“E litsQr Sale Cheap, IL Parsons &Om. /Opposite the Market reuse, C3-01DMI=Lial-i ' June. 28. 1871. THE .EMPORIUM. I J. a, 'PE TIAOR .8a Co., - Beg to advice that their new ettecik is now complete A MAGNIFItikNT ASSORTKENT OF .1.7mq, W 175A Z LrlIELIMPESOSIElfit SEDILAENMIL) LAINE.S, OLV BUCE BUICK MARATECIELIS, L1CI1 OuBOUEGS, • Exact on.xaszfac Immo% PILES OF SCARLET FLANNELS, . PILES OF BLANKETS, PILES or wricris. LL B0II•f:}1:1T BEFORE THg R e FULL LINES OF'1300TS & SHOES. TRY OUR GO CENT Itt14.. J. C. DETLOR CO, , Booms H. GARDINER& CO., 'Gc-gN,BRAL DEALERS IN - ad I 1 it-VAIIDINElia PAINTS, FLEOWAIIRM OILS, he- itt P PUTTY COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMPS. GLASS. Nice Variety of Plated Ware. HARDWARE of all kinas in endless variety, aria at the L.w�t Rain. Tia PURL, 1347 1 • • NORTH SIDE fiF 1:111B SQUARE GODERICa f Goderich, July 23rd,„1872.. 1327.