HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-02-05, Page 3a 0 %N� 3 32 i 7nThs a ��- We2 'Es 4? o ak�.�r Special Notic Special Notioes. mondav, 24' Jan. RrsT(;-;r.D.—A meet* f tile t a 41 AFtor muti='Nc. 191thnao intreduo 8 oaM hold on the In COWORTIM1. -"By a thottolaph 271 Jant arl, I'HE-STONA011 iND' ITS Dft ont't's" at' Act tO erect the vzltage Messrs Hall, Worthington smil. 11, -ti, nitura i,,%� govern it HAIWWAR19 MRA019AM& and certaj;j to,vuhipi -hi 4erations of dillea. ANGEME NTS iire the cnmmon 1114 lit a oa6iful application Of Callao of most of the Chionio Wasting rweigneal tfioir pasition u trustees. n iii, iijit, 'If w0li RolectQ4 co�oa, Ur. Epps MARKET SQUARE. GOIDERIOX. to a T48w county to bo Q& 84tfis COU-11tY election to fill the thus caused broakilat tables'with a dolicateilr Diseases for 9rhioll jnvalida are constantly t ]till .1001i fpe%d & h7 d 9i �rill be 01 on the 10th kily beavy seeking a of February, "lay 141"ousn" When the food sfirst tlr-%e. Have for Sale thI6 r ottring trustees to bear the expense. '%,fill 11011111g V:'"N or If.. fectry digesQ and assimilated the 'qr' %Vcai (Braut) introluce.1 a bill _.,J%mk4 I'l.r. Co., 11pillumpathlo 'm Great Clearing Sah) entitled &u ALct to erect the inanicipalt- PRr%3Nr1T10-;.—',%Ir Sh4n Mpnedr becomes intIO-overished, and all the ox, and iff UR04�s par] tea. organs and tissues �uf the;.hody debilit&t. OF Coe-3A.—Ilwe will now I 0ed CUT SAWS, MLL Sj t'ft thsr,iri n%rnod into a julliol. eoutity, Cher in public scho il, h:%4 be iti presnted . 1, by. vrailt of nourishment Title OF to be called tho county of Palniers�on, with mn n I a ni a! SA WS AND EE9T 31AXII, biln by v, k',. I'll tnuffieturers of dIeWtie articles, at . nerid depravity of the syste;� mani- FULLsupply of evory des6ription and raloei it's first rea,lillf. fit the Kustvil Road OF HANDSAWS, CHOP-' ts Mr. L%udeir thnilg?lt It Would a I �70 the pupils ur.tlor -his ch�irgo. re itself II a6tne constitutions by of'Blank Books, coniiisting of PING AXES, VAR- CO-OrgRATIVIA 8,T0itr,.—A number nf 'disease of the L"V, Heart, Liver or OUS ]MAKERIS tmublo if ilia G-,veramaut would state farmers in tills r 11100ts & Sh ,ecti,)u are, talking of Kidneys, And in others byScrofulous 0 e's (I __V U _r A ON? DAY BOOKS what CaTtrae they int 011d8d to Pursue startin; a,; o-operativo store. enlargement of -the glands, eruptions of ND PRIOES. BOYS AXS, VA2,101 regArd to these now counties. FRAUDS&BROADI the skin, ulcers of bona aid flesh, spinal At Cosi and loss titan' Cost LEDGERS, AXES AND BROADAZES. 430W-' OYSTer. Srrrau.—The Fire Briptie TIES OF SEVERAL RMB7 HOm. Mr. Mowat said the Govun- held their annual supper afthe Qlieell'a weakness, irregularitisal exhaust, gislatiou for in JOURNALS, LOGGING OffAINS tqlY t!l Motion the pliblie of %?I tating inerican Provinces to be on anxiety OF ALL SIZES, t114, foTmationof new CouatiL me11 %$at wOre opp-ased to any le it t 1 oil Frtilay aveiflug 25th Janirkry. Ill:o. Illost respee discharges, nei-vous iros3ation, nta FOR 30 DAY's vNee thi% session. Abant 43 members sat down and spent a I ticitritkit ort Ildlues , neuralgic and rheumatic pains, CASR BOOKS, their gwinl OP'Lluit purchaRind spurious me, all of v hic GLASS,PUTTY Mr. WADA then went on to explain the very pleasant eveniag together which are lIt"319 hold as My Rentime "Holloway's h- arifie from depraved nutri.; ptitb ana ointinent," bv Iduals in . certain hictiv f tion. To' vigorate the Stomach . and AT THE AlINUTEBOOKS, WROuGHT AND OUT 4NAMS 8�9, Provisions of his bill. it propose to I Smnova ACCIDENT. —Oil Thursdav litilo ,r n, tra(llil (for the -last fe,w perfect digestion, 11 'And a large assortment of "� kinds _ej mcnxtb� only) undcr the tv a and the formatiou of for'n the cnoty oitt of three townships! last au accidont )f a very serious natre of the -"New York healthy Blood Dr. WheeUr., 0 MEmoBANDUM BOOKS, t1ame of k very artifice Is made use ollspound ira the County of Grey—Norinaflby,� happened too fartner bythe y ei, for the purpose of itupill; RED STORE E17M Ing pon the Elixir of Phosphates and 0alisays, is of PASS BOOKS,' El -A laIDW A6AR1091 mout, and Proton ; and the Town- David Geddes, of Morris. It tippears inite; an -I the im-re elfactually to 4aceive, th talve file val't litery. 1% their-ativartisemouts, to 61 great efficacy and. reliability, being Pj CD C) ..a shiDll of Minto, rthur and Luther (six i thikit -hile waiting at the store -house for sue tito n,nowiti. caution:_ harmless to infant or adult, and prom t MEbZS1 WOAIENS'[& CHILDRENS1, POCKETDIARIES, At lowprices for CASE. opi)3(site townshli 3 in all), and thrjj villages— his turn to unload, as thero wero a num. Theimaieusedemand for'HOLLOWAY'SPILLS and permanont in its effects. 8 old Mount Torest, rthur and Harristoll— ber of teanis before him, lie tpok hold of AND has tempted unprincipled y d quality. Druggists. in every size an POCKET BOOKS, in the Countv of Wellington. This his horses by the heads, as they were a to counterfuit these, vt oc� MARKET HOUSE, CD MONEY WALLETS, M do a square compact county, reasona. I spirited tism, awl by�sonjo Inoans they in order to protect the public and ourselves Remember this is the greatest -Boot & G. E. PARSONS Co wo hav4 bssoed a now 'Tmde Mark,'COTAelating CARD OF THkNKS. bly midway batween all ihe county took fright, and by a sudden jump they GOJGriPh. NOT. 28 28ZI of an Egyptian Circle ut a serlient with the e- 4 towns now existing. The Uill did not got beyond his control, and knocked letter Ilia thecentre Everyborot'gtoluine CANCER CURED. CD Shoe Sale of the Season as we are d PURSES, 4-c-, '11OLLOWAY'S PI LLS AND propose to set Via county apart in,- him dow-% the eud of the benches of the 0IxT3fE,%-T'wIII have FE M iermined to TEE :: tio-i trmle mark un it. N:)uo ari genuine mediately for judicial or munIcipal plir- of the sleigh catching him in such% %ri0out iL Certify that 1, Patrick Curry, on oil him over two or three T,, VZ41 CIV4 XD 108SERS wDR170S ADMED- ffered NOW IN STOCK9 Thing Wanted pose?. but to attach it as a judior coupty manner as t-) r CID CLEAR OUl THE LOT* T VAJ to the county of Wellington. Itdidnot, times, and breaking it. rill an4 from aviory severe Cancer' M " in my -T 01 otherwise P1 rig, to n . &me anv county town, bqt injuringhim. Though he is at prosant r I: I your im, tieular attention to the now ht eye, so that I could not see out of AT A GREAT REDUCTIO_ ASTD OFFERED AT MID OIN-IM it for at least ten.years. I had several N responsibility of doing so in 0o confied to his bad, in loCti,elleon's 112W loft tho hands of the Government ; it proposes n o tire manufactured by Doctors in this country attending me Hotel, there is every hope tliat. tie will nor have they been for mQuths. we for which I paid a good deal of 3 therewre caution all Putellasers money to leavo the now county attachad to tho 1 soon be s!ifdcieutiv well- to rot nrn hilate. JOHNSTON & BRO, NEW MD'W",19 -0 Yew Era. -,,I% ing froiii auy Jobbors or Dealeerg&nthnet ro' but non did 1 0 ?oaatv of %Vollington until proper bui�ld_ old me any good kii I came ings 1�sd bo, -on erected, and they wero'in Infmniation concerning any such good : across Dr. Arnold; of Berlint Prussia, FOR CHEAP 'GOODS. otrei%41 will be received with thanki. 8 residauce Galt, and now in ther space ef TO CASH PURCHASERS, In f 40101EIR3110IF1 a proper position to enter upon tho dis- Goderich, Jan. 2 - weask the rovor of all the information y0h 11h, 1113* 1314. charge of their couiity duties. He --,,n ;ive III re.,ard to those counterfolts.p, : three months I have good sound eyes, At 1100RH6USE'8v OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. for which I have to thank the Doctor. thought the peoplo of theso toivnships qn.4 couilmily Is aware that your laws do 40 - In McKillop, on Jan. 28, by Rev. -Xat- not ; ellit them to copvthe precise gettine up of (S. d Pate URRY Goderich, Jan. 13th, 1873, had suffered inconvenience lomg enough, thow Barr, Mr. Robert If the py Nuiivina4. lait III nler the more completely to PA& CK and were *niided to immediate rehof. township of Hullett, t,, lihiii ilie publie, they have recourse toanothet of Godirioll TOW'Uship.- Ple"V of,lecePtini Viz. III stating that they deem it neep-Lary,w.; they Ray, to inalte up the Pills inid Jan. 15th, 1873. The division of conntiss% though a very Somarvill,4, of the Toww;:,i,, tf Mar !rnportsat matter, seented to him to be ham. Ointmet inaliather furia, ard that that they adog in the nature of a privato bill. I M_ - SIGN OF THE CRULAR SAW Holt. Mi Mowat observed that a gat)a lie�idea the above-nientioned "Chemical Com- CONSUMPTION WRED. pany,11 tht,rO is tN) it David 1'ringle of -New York bill, but as the government wore respoli hn, who wags de,,d could. be ssid in favour of such a trickery is attempting to sell I'Cortify that my son Jo III- urioui Imitations of my Medlaines. Beware of tinton, oil Watnei I tv. 2,1 It suffering from a very severe attac C, sible for the legnalation of the house, auJ hini likovist. k I 14try R)bi:,ja, wife. ol i III, nn!-rinvirle-1 Choniteal Company has dared of Consumption, is now convAleseent. .1 ME SVIESCR9BEES BEG TAY TOWTTIEff thov considereit it imp­rtant that inuai- to �.I! tlut I We very largv stitus of money in, Esq , c1int%)n, a's I j3 Ve,4 R. . the T"Ve JuEt out an Lot= zlew I newspaper Foi the cure *of this disease, I have to, 1P In Gorrie. oil ondav_,_ th-_- 21fth inst.*1 n�e! willialit iny knowlegile or con�ent. thank the very judicious treatment of &rA incido as far as possible, they had come I r., a aij,11bye il:I�Iori Irith a 1,any who held a Ifilifte My sonr,. by Dr. Arnold rgiiiiI SON Jas. Youn -veil s3 years. of Galt. The CD 0 COMPLETE STOCK OF to the conclusioal not to aZr q p.,,vvr.,ratt irn -Y of iiih,e, an orderto advertise o. C al and eloctoral diisions should Um%ted l tte4. IN hat j -i the Net? A III Smith Anierica ft.r three yea lisexast'Was of about 6 e o 81 �he waive montlis legislation of this kind thi. tsiany In Tuclersiuith, on Jan. 29j Jane c-3 extent 11 $41k, wo in gol.l. lie then old rhid teclami standing, before I placed him under the Thav would do their best to consider the Knight, ged 83. 1 h-1 got it referred by IlleCoUrttoaftiend I --- HARDWARE. I I.Is N% ho*gnive.iudgewent apalml me to the amount care of Dr. Arnold. and, in the short whole subject and introduce measures In Godarich township on the 21 in, t. which he said he couldhave space of three months he 'seemed to me 0 ofankludswhieb wlIL-bo zold at pzice3thatOcTy X e4 with regard to it next session. 1 L Mrs. Lurter, .8enr. A.crel '15 yeak. inade t,y it, id I not tzIkeu ste;s to repudiate this to have effectually cured the boy, so 0 .10 e competitiom Before purelinsing elsowhem. rkap-a Amidst cries of "withdraw," 3gt- vile 111`11111.zaet I'll the Invalcut it calno to my know 1R1EC1E1_V3C,1E) give as a call. Wead stated he would see the ars Thit jadgrinent will soon be set aside. It much so4hat for the last twdiftiontlis 33. -VA oi Goods 6old. next wceh. THE WARXET3 uan it lei qo�vtl, I am sure, �hat I owe a cent he has given up using the medicine OD of this, bffl, and if they coasauted he to inv oue if at I would not immediately pay. proscribed. (Biped.) would withdraw it. There is no truth whatever in the statement that, In the mean time Golmnica, F,b, 4L, t,vveral- iny,,person or persons to use mv DENTS RYAN.- ul ��;00 Go HoPARS0104-GO it might be read a firt tim name f�r the alf of itly 11ills iuvi dint,tignt.sithough Watford, Sept. 11th, 18t2. ow C5 e+ Mr. McCall enquired if!�*t Was' the in- wh -at, (F") ....... $1 23 0 1 2! gm,,s traudi have been inactise upon ule by on- .1353-1m. Opposite rfhe Market Houlse whPAL(Srn IS It �n III this way. Silk Velvets, 24 and Winch. tantion of the Govoravaent to introduce ng);V 1 0 J. 1111, 1 Flour. (per brI.)..... I asa -or, that should it come in CAUTION. a bilL dtaring the pment ses6 n of the 6 0 a So the ki 0 VIV-1 o of any perison that spuriotis dl- ough ...... .... .. 0 37 & V 34 matle andsold in my name, 'th"fil. BUY OINLY THE GENUINE Ontario Parliam'out to improve tho pri�s- .............. c 53 a t t, I to send'ine The name and address of the C -t- a vt ti for u lio k 5401JM4 the gain,. that I III I" ; 0 0-3- OP -epress isatempermee. fkariey rta ............. 0 54 IV 0 5) fairbanks' Standard, -Scales, Tectually 0 �9 ent U-causs Law so as more 01 &0 iSfik Repps and NpUrts, e+ to i Potatoes. ty bush .......... 0 :�,3, j 04, in-titute:proceedia.yi.1.09r.il.h.Ot Coe IEL D U., L I 1Ig*a_-e to iewunerate handsomely my in- CR 1. i aut divulgiug hisnanit. Twilled Mannels;White and Scarlet, Hon. 'Mr. Mowat replied tLat the Gov- Pork ;P 1001 ............ 4 J) '0 4 9,) im'y have reason to belieTe that he 1111111d eFilment hoped, &uring the present ses- HSLF�dr too, .... .... ..... 13001 @ 14 00 1 MAN-117FACT173irD 13Y 0 0 cw,e N1 bo will oblige me by sending to 0% 0 0 - %IJ6 one 3r two c-lauses to make the licease ................ o 13' A) o 15 R'lLirei.�' �% foot (which he can do at -a cost of six 0 White, Scarlet andWaek, sion, to intraduce a short bill containing li�s bt, ed I,y buyin. spurious imitations o Co. 0 Ifferchant TailAr Chickens per P:.a .......... e :51 a o3o I Nubias, law mor -4 effectus]. to suppress intemper- P doz. (�tu;,ieke 1). �-_ 0 is a a IS rmts in oil,,, of the books of instructions ance. (Efear. hear.') whi, haro afflixtut to tht, �arne, W El. air S-TREIE X9 Bef ............ ........... 4 S6 5.00 My )fedzeines cau be hupplied at Ilia lowest r. Rmert moved for some returns Hi'le-4 ..................... 6,001 0 6 03 wholesa -e ixt prices fit quantities of not less thaul Ce-oured Turquoise, different sh�des, relative to t1io Central prison, and some wonti .......... ..... 3 00 a s sn J29%vorth Ci's.,.349. perdozen boxes of GODE, 1110HP i P,,,,;,,f oiritnieut. for which reinittauces Wool ........ other minor matters wera disposed of, ..... .... ... 0 so 0 M IW -'It in These 31elicines are not III III, U uited States. !jAS rewivedis Fall Stack of Gea-da when 31r. Wood moved for lithographic Bash Ribbons, Cord and Wate'red of the timber and unaral lands of i3y spic re! to :ie 5:-. . a ti, E�,`l Pot and llwz of iny Gennine Medicines aj2d is preparedle asual to make Be p, et tit 11ritiA G�vprnniont Sianp. %%itb the 0 6 of Garments im the Imost fahion- the P:oviaco. Mr. Scott opposed the i s, F� 1. 4 , 1 S;..3. sell intwent, Lou- M I ai.)tion, on the -vou ad of expansa, but it i bus' Whita Brussels, Net Muslin Lice, 0 oIIt iible styles and. at the lowest ratts. Wheat (Fall) p�, IlI 25 ;V 41 1. ;ne-') 7as finall, carried. I IIONTAS HOLLOWAY. Cwents Vuimishingts 0.'l r. i. Jr. I— Tne3day, '28 Jany. -- Flour, (per brl) ............. ti all a 6 50 Is -.2. 1117. Green. Rid Moves'.' After routine r. crco'6 hiu to e&- oats. per ba3h.. o33 gD a sri of all desuiptions Coutianflyonhasacl t-3bihsh a schoal of Practical Suience was PeA�e, verbusth.. o zz o o 53 CtXAD1t. PANX DESTROY- &trwy. I -r b�qh ........... o 4s 0 o o A CALL SOL Passed throuqh committee. 5 The bill re"Ping the University of' Pxot,itaeb, rer lms?i ........ 0 43 &' o 5) Canada Yarns and Hose, Toronto vras ctmiddered in jmatlttee,� Park ....... .............. 5 00' , -0 6 Ou Goderich, -21st Oct. 1872. resid a third time and passe 1. i3u!tcl Na L ............... 0 14 & 0 o 8 A FAMI LY MEDICINE, IT IS Mr. cKellax's drainage resolutions' o. 2 010 @ 000 Awell and favorably kn(,%vn, relieving Juso-71ett Overshoes r thou;;a vis from Pain in tte as�iug for *2Q 001Y to be expended for o, 3 ... 09. @ 001 11 drainage pnrpuses by the U.-vornment Ezgq. per doz. (ailpeked)., I, ',s a o 19 Side, Bark id Red, Couqh5, Cold. ITO THE.ELECTORS .q4e Thrat, Sprains, Brttises, Fresh Frulis. and anothersoin oftWO,M for the pur- cimer$eea ............... 5 60 ' 0 6 00 chase of municipal denentures to'enable Hay ................ _.. 12 CO 11'(lo Craming iii, the Stonwh, Cholera mizaicipahties co drala their own lands. i Sh-.p ................ 50 Morbu, Dysentery, Bowet Goderich, 9th Dec., 1872. OF THE i I Cumplabdi, Burns, OOTS & SHOESS were C-11181dered and td.,pted. Bides .... .................. 7 00 7 50 Thee-ftning, sittin- was chiefly oc'cn-' Scalds, Frost ...FAIRBANKS-, 0 Bites, pied with diseumions un several of the rkFAru, Fen. 4., IS73. &C. -311 ta n d a rd Scafes'.. TOWN OF GODEWCH bills for tha amendment of the encr4l Whe3t, (Fall) ........ .... . $1 22 The Cani,l:qn Pain I)-A!ro% er hs unw been bt- law of the laiad.D Wheat. ($pring) per bush-... 1 17 I IS or a length of time, aud wherev ffM sxbsaftber hRB commaaced bnEiuc3 rore me p0lic f el, STOCK SCALES, COAL SCALE$, HAY THE'EMPORIUM the atovl) line, !Z the Eh6j) opoomo Mr. Bbultbee moved for the eitablish- Pl our. (per brI) .... ......... 00 0 00 U,Ied is weJ lik-cl, n,,ver failina La a bingle Justane, SCALEs,I)AiRy -SCALES, COUNTRIMSCALE1111, 77 aud the Towliships of Huron and Bruce meat of a Juniciary Committee whih he to give pen,anent relief when thnely used. and w, &C., &c. - Barley, per buib ............ 0 50 052 have neverknown asingIPdi*satiqfaction, where t1ir Counties. maintainaiL if composed of the best le&Al oats. per bush ........ ..... 033 0119 directio" have been properly followed. but on the --- — -- talent in the House, would t6ild to ft- Pease, per -bwih ............ o 5! 0 58 eontmi1r, all aie d�lighted wfth its operationp, Ili' Scales repaired promptly and reasonably The Municipal Election Law now being a cilitats legal legisLition, and relieve the Potatoes. pot bush .......... 45 0 50 4ftlk in the highest terms of its virtues . and magi- - - -, For sale- v where he Is Y�epfiltd to do vll� -work wlt�L whiall 11 a' effect. also, Troemner's Coffee and ery tringent it is contrary to law for ,y be f .. ... a. a Candidate to solicit a vote. But we J,9_m3lature of mmoh aseless and unnecesi- Pork .... .......... ....... 4 75 5 10 Wj speak from experience In the matter, havio--- Drug Mills, Composition Bella, all sizes J.'C. DETLOR & co -i Batter, Xa. I .............. 0 16 0 1 and thergfore. those who are wary e.9tel it thuronghly , 'Letter Presses, &I-., &C. ask you ons, and An to call at our Ex- ir-frermy from any 6f the complatuth for which it I� Beg to advise that their new stock is now complete R EINAU RO.I NubG Mr- E. S. Wood took a similar view� o.2 ...... ....... 0 14 0 14, recomineLded,maj,epend upou it being a sovereigr tablishmblit and buy a warm coi4fort- .............. 0 08 008 Remedr. THE MOST PERECT VA able Ovoreost. We have a large Sto6k It was the English prActice for the Gov.- er=ent to introduce all a�nendmenta Eg,-;t per doz- (unpacked) .... 0 -90 0 The astnisbing effleaey ofibe Canadian Pain De- A MACINIFICFNT ASSORTMENT OF an hand, eousisting in part of Hides ........ ............ 6 00 6 25 �trover in enrin; the diseases for which It lsre,on,. -ALARM 'CASH DRAWT, the general law, and the Doinipion Gov- mended and its *..n.lerful eTects in suhiluing the TOWN OF CTODERI('1R. 1NT 30 NAr 3F@ a,. Xa.3C-n NEATNESSIVAIM MESPATCH- Lortarous piles of Rhenalatiim. and in relievin OVERCOATS Hay .... ................... 14 W "1 15 00 x MILES AL UtX IrILL C0.98. I ernment hd also adoptd th�t coni -se. ervou Afrectiong eptitle it to high rank in the list 3:)' -:M1WjB,1:E4 DRESS A Jndi,,-iary Committee existed in tha 31O,.qTR&&L MAREFATs- or llenveie%. Orders are coming fit frum Hedleine ke Dealersinall parts of tire country . ior further* sup�- EvERY ZVERY In Chancery, A CA= 80=== aud worke BI ACK- SIL House of Repn3entatives 'February 1 st. p.les.an each testifying as Lo the universal satis- IKS, Canada GrefOverconts with capo auel e? Pain Destroyer never falls to give admirably. faction it -IV P. LOGAN vs. LOAN. After some fnrther discussion, Mr. 1 FLorn.—Extra, 7 to V.33 ; ancy, The C a'uaJ ia MERCHANT a i � BLACK '33ARATHEAS, WAI. 51owat objeeed W the resolution, th� $6.65 to $6.75; Super, $6.15 to 66-20- immediare r�lief. All Modicins Dealers keep It as DRAWER 'j'O BE JSOLD BYPUBLICAUCTII)N Hudson Bay overcoats. strong Bakers' 6.30 to S6.45- No 2' Physicians rer an use it; and no family will be SHOULD in pursuance 'of a decree and Au;.l BLACK-00BOURG, Gode3lub, U72, nolud �er without it aft -r trying it- M order for sale made bt the Court� of ground that ouch a Committee we $5.65 to $5.75; Fine, $5 to 85 . iO ; �Iid' Price. oalv Tweatir-five Cents per bottle. warmill "BLACH & COL. FRENCH HER S, As Christmas and New'Year , are Past move that re3poasibidt7 from the Govr Po Ilar(I Use Them. W. we wisk to see the Wiltiter'(3othing filings, $4 to $4.25; &9.75 t.- Chancery in this' cause, bearing 4ate ernment with wbich, acn-ordin.- to t 8' AM -Sold in Goderich. by Gen. Cattle PILLS OF SCARLET F L LS. going .,W' order to pocket the cash. 4 $3.05 ; City Bags $3.20 to 83 25. 1 respeetively the twenty-sixth day' of principles of Respousible Governmen F� Jordan; Gardinbr Lb Co. Bayfield; Pea Jackts, Dram CcAts, Pants True rocery- -1 WITEAT.—U. C. Spring $1.45. s. Benthum, R ,OLD ILT June, 1872, and the seventeenth da� of I'MIRS OF 13L"K S, Blue G &ey should be burdened. He did- n T, Ja oger-ille. J. Pickard I January, 1873, and witill the ipproba- and, Vests, all colors and shades, Boys tbink, moreover� tfiat the establishmen� C9ARsn G&uN-&_Sales 2 cars p,�", it, Exeter; H..Combe, Clinton; S. Slecor FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREHOUSE tiou of Henry RacDormott, Esq., !the PILES OF Clothing in suits, Boys Pea Ja6kets and YATE_Q_&S0X1_ store at 89c. I uAno w;E. 'Hickson, Seaforth and 'lj Master of this Court at Go ch of such a committee would tend to ahor4 PRovisio-va— Pork, Mess nofninal0id, I d6ri Pu A I, 13*0�1) (3 H T 13 EIFIO 1R. F, T H IE R Hudson Bay Overcoats, Hats and Caps en, thele,�, dLwassions in the House. ruedicine dealers. Fairbanks & Co-, ir, have uchlen 0 Mg to thcm of the latest Styl*, Shirts, Drawers, --A -". �omcm fj �. 814.50to�815; New, $15-150 to,616 (Krs, 93 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. 0uA customen, and a 0 thd thoy bare The motion was withdrawn. a Goderich Dec. 29, 187r. W 50 g I . SATURDAY, 8TH FEB._XE:�T, iULL LINES OF BOOTS SHOES.1 I TI�Y OUR 60 . CXNT TE 1. Carpet Bags, Mufflers, Collars and Ties, V,- andke a 16 $3.55 to �5.66 ; Lard, 9c to l0e. B I I I ter 311 Broadway, New Yotk. S�Wckh of cz a -oreackes -opmed and rep�p% Wednesday, 29 Jany. $38 Brolidway, A Many. N. Y at 12 o'clock noon, a large and wellselec" Stock of Broad good Thera wa3 ao si;dng of the House Fair toGood, 14c to 18C.; Cme, 20c THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FAIRB - OWN J. C. DETLOR-& CO. Cloth, Cassimere, Doe Skin �md Fanef: to 21c. Cheese, 11c,to 132'c. ANKS9ER &0049 BY G. M.'TRUBMAN, Actioneer, ..... . �Xvs, . - day, most of the menibm AsHzs--Pots, to;�3.70. P_ur.'s, 119 Milk St., Boston. Tweeds which we wiH make up to orcler 110BACCOE IS, having gono to Iselleville to visit the Deaf and Dum� $8,25. Job Voses' Periodleal P1118..- For sale by Leading Hardwari Dealers. At his Auction Rooms, iii the To of in Firsit Olms Style, or seH - by -the yarsi. INER. CT, J300TH; The above Stocir will be iwfld Cheap 1rustita* the inagaztion of which prov� Gedorich. Lot runniiiij number no crlcr5s. - RICE, ELUBEES, r L— 1353-2m ed very satisfactory. TORO'.% -TO N17A K�Ts- tliousand and three 1003, in the will for Cash as the Bafliff is at the door, we TjHIS IN -VALUABLE 31FDICENE SUGARS, IM L IROMIT the care of ail those painful nal dang EW 0 OgEny! ch tai. i e a- prefer to seU.Cheap -ourselves to prevent _Goderi , con inin C him comitigany further. Cutting done Thursday, 30 Fdbr,lary 10. DIX NER, & "0 IsUNFAILING of jany. liseases to which tho femWe conatitut;nn is ,,-,,Outr meut, oRe quarter ofall 0 of 1�ud. 1* GA There was only a very short sitting to-: FLOUR—Extra Fany 83.W. (I nioderates all excess and removes ad] obsiruct.c'ns S. Yallill-IM00s, -N This Lot is eligibly situatecl for a riesi- free of vilarge. Alm Bufter 33 3 (J%:� t�teattertdanaa being thin. N 1 super S5.65. an4aspeedy cure ma- btreliedor. X 0. GENERAL DEALERSIN dence or business stand on the N�rth Mr. WGOJ move4 for raturna of lav� W RSAT—FaU *133 to Trtad- TO HARMED LADZES ABRAHAM SMITH Co. They have also cuW47 gtaz�ps issued,, and in agreeing to the ring ames Brackenridg side of. East Street, a very ab:6rt distance China Sets, Stuno Ware, Glats $1.33 to $1.37. SprLi1g; $1.2-5. It lseec0arfr suited. Itwill,tna qhort time, b e e from the Market Square, derich, and Crookerh Lainys, and Chimneys., motwzb the Premier at-ated his desire 1:6 OATS -12c. to 43c. on 111011thly period with.regularity. Go Next d"r to J. 18onds Drug, Store, I hesp Pilk sh&wd bykemales HAVING bought out Mr. POL_ on the main thoroughfare leading -to the "r 'th law atamy& BRLEY-67c to 69a. FIRST T14RELP 3ainiopt)VoTtaHkes4ofPregia4cy,as tAvare LOCrS stock of - Groceries and Grand Trunk RailwAy Station. There Flour, Feed and Provision do away vil dtoine the NIAMItt 30 "W ut& Goderich. b, _D "'I -plot, 1872. 'Barreling sure to bringan MUmi-rio,but at any othertitne thev added ve 'a"r tO allDvF married _ s, 'A. biH by Air. F� PEAs —Shipping We to 67c.; ry largely to, them, is now in a is upon the lot - a good two frame WhIchwillbesedubcapastj-8 tuapwr 3re safe. n aii cases orNervous ad Spinal Alrectionsmain iA ance. sanity 1�l RYE --65c. to 66c j,"I ble worlib Now is the time for J,3&rja*r womem in the m" of their husband's in, 68c to 70c. iosition, in the same stand, to sell dwelling house with kitchin aftaofied, -aace fro pal containing in ill nino.lai-ge roo i a so a lega' segaratloa or abs Ila arty on the poTATOES-500 to 60C. [hel3ackand Lilabs, FatiTueorsliziltexeroon, ;Oran$ Drug stoma the country, to =nVeY Prop lation of the heart, Hystericii. slid Whites. these IN& gooa.bam and stable. The�urehaser T_ pa3s--d its secorid reaX, order of a jadge, BuTTEit—Oo to 100. effect a care .yb-�n all other menais have failed, ramedy donote 6PPOSITE THM 'XARXXT-.- 'ind although a po�vettu! iroji, Crockery.,gnd shall ;t th)- time of Ale pay down a da- PAINTS2 -5 ralonlel, antimony, or anything hwifulto the Coosa. PO5t in, L the PoRm--Mess:S14,25 to -514 8 propoffion of ton dollars tion. Provisions., Friday, 31 Jany. B ocs­t5-25 to 69. for every one hiffildred dollars of his TAIrM som Pal Idirectims in the pamphlet aroundeach packago . I ! - I I I j, .. , 'S I': The afternoon sm&Ou . was alm'"t CATTLE. which should beearefully preserved. FO� CASH! purchase money, and shall -pay one third Goderteb. 21WJuue;18V;_) ,6f CHEAP BELmms—Receips; of the T<iwer grade Joe UOISF-9, VEW YOPM, SOLIC PUOP RIET(M irbouy O�C*ed in a discumion are still large but first-claSs are not ;7h, T� of the bi0jince within one week from the OILS1 V`CT-TY xzKomfes; draimze resolutions whici 1 00 and m cents forpostag encloqedtoNn .0 &TArgeStookof Aayof sale,and the -remainder -within WAWTED. one year from the day- of sale,. with in - offering in sufficient numbers to MIT y e' -i& i L..., Newcaole. Ont, g th'. were fiaany adopt reneml agents for Hom 31r. mowat, announced that h� the wants f buyers. They oe firin at Domininii,xvill inpure a bottle containingover5orills 9P 10 K R 0 terest at seven per centum per annum, RS VILL 'BE U-0 woum $4.62. rang T NDE 08 P tM the 6th of riebra U -4 on Tue3day or Wednesay next 84.50 to Second-41a's--t NORTHRUP LYMAN On hand, wid sell . ing at reduced Prices. secured by mortgage of thosaid limd. AND ErVLr]D arinounce the, polLoy which the Govern- from 83 to 83.50, and third-C�ass 13011 at Except'as above mentione&i the Con- CO A M 8� for the er"don of v SCU001 xew FUlue. mt bad fsdoe,04 with ref8reno'-' to th'? about82.75. There were sales of ne Newcastle, �. W., genera �ditious efsale itrethe standing.condi- V House in S. S. &ndthe,3fun!cip-3ILoa,n Fund; r -lay agentsforCant Bound to .-Sell: 0- heap* tions of sale of the saidfiDourb of Chan- 9, in the Township Co car of mixedaveragina975lbs;,j yeste as vallStOUIBA (10-, Qf Ashfieli in the utty of Iffuren at 832, and another of mixed averaging 2:2- Sold I a Godench by Parker - Caftleand eery. The conditions ofsale and further Y HAVE Plan$ and Spe6ficationg can be EEC12 at R�fil�.,To INMUTE THAT THE 900 lbs., at W. Today a car of Steers I?, Jordan -, Gaidinf-x (z Co., Bayb_Ad;Jiiv. GOOD. BARGAiENS IN partioulari mo be obtained at the the house of Mr. Thos ened a branel oftheJr Riacardim ceter J. 33. ing 1IL50lbs., chan,-,ed hands at Henilitim, Kogeivi le; J Pickurd,E ? i averag dscautt"t uhambers: of the said Mader at God- The Truatepsdo not bind, theingojve4 Combe, Chilton, S.8, cordjjuc'knovv;E. Hick: 3&aising so . erich, =d at the Law Officas of W. R. to "000 the lowaistorls4y Tende gon 5-tforlh. Prif if: Medwip-Aealers. -214ted-M c rce an nix E_ Soaur�­Tha Sozw 14 SixaEr—Continue to be 0 Squier and Mesrs. Davison &-Iohnston,� V, THO. F M -AY, d in of 9 -eazurer of S 'Is. V intheold 4&udofXr. A.M. Johnstin�'Victorialft., 3 Everythifl� that can 112512 In Goderich. Dated at Goderich this 2�n� HAV)WAIW the. ccnnectfoA with the Episcopal Methodist good demand at firm price Droves Tr GeaftiblIt, end wM be &Ye to supply Ashfield, '�'to 6.50, and �*y Of Jan.. 1873. wbich was held in Mr. 0. 6. first-clas3 would bring 61 a Grocery Store can be'LO.x�td.kstro. -4 d exanitue.. .9 Q be paid. Wgwjes Wararooms n Tuesdayavenin4 for packed $7 to 88 wou Do not fail to call an oc;ciu. HENAY MacDERMOTT Third- SynUp OF HypooU0801[11TES and prices; ifou wish too ta a on y. Gf last week was it plenant and success� Second-class are firm at$i to aster at God . ericb. Tombstones,. y sale of NORTH::. E fu� affair. The iiif.,ht was ipent vV4 Class are not wanted. Tha on T&S. -BTVACKE W. R. OQUIER, q W. 3M antlepleces, cdotes - lau which we have heard was i Miti., 29sheep The power of arresting disease displayed bytbis JDARRUIMR, ANTORNEY ATIZ.4yF, 1�0LIC1. -an f Vendoes Solicitor. -orInVilaricer,&c. aaaOxICII Ellesdings, Spee-_-he3, ne Premration Is bonorablv acknowle otautimaikef lux and insfzamental,, th and lainbs, dressing about WAS; at 86.. dicall faculty In every seetiod where It haN been A Goderich MUS10, North Stre roe.." I Window S11s, JJ t 1334 b trodn ced and the rapidly increasing sale is; the 'um; ka�k ralmer making hinigalf ve LAgzs—There al: e very Offerilli; Inn e A nthe best style of workmanship and on rmanablo agrW3619 3111 &Iding moh to the enter, and a good many, nted, ]prices are ded'oh &C., &C., best gwirantee of the estimation in which It is heId Go by the public. nom Tj ittally T IkSOLVEXT: ACT G j8W 84 Had prolong Iffe I 't GAVIN STUTHERS, drst T mchaiiged at $51b $5.25 for i.Syre g will cure Pulmonary -constinVit second sta 'will -ve, iiat -,class in drove or $6 fo� tu t= 11 A -A icked; the firstan _It is intenjed t it THURBER'S ROYAT, PBX uouchins. Laryngitis: Coughs and Colds. It vill LE6NA3&D, IAgent. -class aud� 3ST P.SADING :3 to 83-50 E, cure all diseases originating from want of Muscular to ftliQ for second W 61vilk otwntiix Pennv Reading . �i� .:., , kP tA5 Church of Bit for third. � I Godedell. 17th jub SW93-t 1. W, tING OAF` IMICTION BABBITT c,o,nneclEon with I CAjES._Ar8 :arm _aj tinchanged dion and Nervous Force. sucl, as' Efilarg6mentof We. Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feebleand 11:Fular c;^xXddting af the Creditors� of the FL9 Js WH -1 of the Re, Local anit yenerai ra yals, PART1X3V1ARS- it will cure Leqeorrhoea. - WS the Town of GWerich V ilea d Insolvent wJ11 hiald' r ­� Aphonia or Lmis-oll'Yofee. a .0 =VAR Chloroals. Awtoinia. and restores the blood topurity 1 0, * ., . ; OVIR �,ofAast e *eeTg:, a, social FMI I - -htoont 46 .big h _ day =day iienips 01 se, 'y 0 #yen it% %it& 4ture two Sord By Aoothe' f- eariess �;D%liidfhr - ;1$73, at three oclock -,Lin the- - fonptt a P. U, -.11 a this villaze, 1 66 xbr, t4- h=6 6y, Mrs. r he, Hespeler 'Ad po;e,. of con j 9fl-iT hin il.2 od! in ehr�,Iq Price. 81.50 ;Six for $7.50. r5i i liljT Of ITA ter JAMES I. FELLOWS, CHEMIST ­%katii and effects oftbe-gaid III I Falb sT. Tcuw,.N *son i It ffi t)Ijjj I CANADUNNITAL, Is fer B. Voc and eirdering of rib. eRo tip y.lt ot 1;PWA Godertel Sept. 4 TIA :1IST 16ijff1dra of the estate aelikhRy. Vichol i1nd 'XrA 'be rrice ...... Goderich, this 27th daY o e#ffjgi��rle at vaxion?s & cola now Of t116 01tedfr Metes 111'M brtal rg ory, Irav tubs, bti h -t ietiWI!44 wbUh they u9tha-past Ttla yMw use. todap7ust a 1206 bftome ablaost #XcjUdv*j Opposite tjM�Q4 STOP THAT COUGH Pheato C _4.V. -t U ore the, RDk SO* , - - - H a vill� Jon fi� tar,941106 00 the which far a V" DO VT DELAY. -X#t atALS5 FUTTyi ixax4au 'fro, -1.1 . - , ( I )Rrm way an vlavey FAW Ulk 92; � mi 1.44 EXTERS T001,19, row. Pr, 4AIM LE roa !#'M=jM . 31 -Auwork- ift =411AY-AVOM Hope., Trgat2rsausyals, aE�* ottAIMII ot . OYTIMs" FORKS, L:, I 90 manti. 1�1, therans to tjog,wiffs I& tong, traht of saWWis n As- t*GV "d 311butmerane"I ]fill, F dX" deapat�'k, UIR wol. To (formarl. I I - , !.L uck C 'UNT jQ0 -n all can yo :stop it? Where ig the UV, L ForMe it Xr. C_ jk2k Irojili box.sopowlt4 h10 h Ror gW - � . 4� sUould have -bom$ , moo 0'.*j I �,A Ajl!a.LnpZA alsain can #fq4Uq*9, t vra not oongoa Injile 00 t IV P#. D s W AXD. RftBft PA-0KING, x1ly dk- , t �Of teAf iite d tileretoro awtow tort be -it 011101110 Cep, 4,b au a a ary iiatbiae, nec �9 :,bi# thfilrlosw� There I;TI; 42., - 9 . i" . .jU th fiv estmacAl4es u use.- jj ;rj or pur , , ;Idu paid to, tea. to Us. Y4. pF*rfalebylr. GA1 AlfxtsforOod VHITE INAD"all'Prices, . on prino worknow beint"tj ou A 11i6titly, T ,$J.OW; b"' Sr ff.. --o,Aj1bfA !c=uwr;: G 130MED &W Q:11:4 -k Br"K Im XIM-4 M" -aid all RaCtlins Varjw Wa. e�,V, Wiving atcoilk; 04 d, 1% ket; bue Xr, S. X. Bur*olli ,"Pin ;�fia.ct irom a VA06, iroM- ETA WORN AND Pre2i P]ROPLIE� C11*_ U I are. SHERIF lrjp- TUP OT4 CljBTZRN P�"ris,'LiAD PirAs, Ae. R Imath and Ito 11 ant of Ontario. n _q _Vjj4L OCL�7&16 -oun countr 0 JIM. And, A& klift"of a:PrjAJN &WM :F_4.XC"r *111, r t1le MOE iutfit�&� 0 en d'T 11- tit- Coto% wifew it, tikt1f*ftL 0x6ve" �Ojcj WhijIl "ftle&. and* 10a _dh I e SON$ Jue., -Hodw4re 10 e&'kg A' 1*11d V i�m� �- . . _T"; x (Of tl 3;1131110 i6c 'or I S1118 melsp, rep 0 L fikil 110' cjjib�a bhf, *j 'hou 411%y Jay AT D-� owl d I H0TXS"X A" 46044 W Ap. Wr RETAII, Wanted mbie, I lie DMICM TRO]W *bj;k P Vi 01900W n Oil Lampal fto I 9,4G, ]go 0"4 JS .04&1 ft, 7 Th TokeJaY f - ors,13ou"t'IM, G Ir 0 jai gs"ty fm ofairse for' - it ; ' F_ , ' wrrituted 1*41oxy C Ocli IDIP V All 'haid. M Ftfl; .UW4 JAI,_ te_ f tx0% jLjj7 orw lt: just what. the f9=03i _ jii�& ratuf vfarltid $44V i1w COAL h it ]SAL CopAri, Erml Wol rickiags sicl slteep the Xi�rlket RCup Sold by the t 11% 6", .4 W A 060 -core lax 0", L 'a" triol' Ott 0 jp war" AtO Wo :,9 AtTicWtUrld ImPle"'en 1. 1 1 , eiWittly Aso AllordwsprompUy _*j J. k X STORY, goo w3u bf UPt on ]Ind duriag IM ATO Argo coal Oil 11 1 Tab; agifi* AMC Is,. Im - k Dec., Ift ill� I oh;-� 4� 1$7 ' I. T --a .1w T ure in MM Una the 2 bri ,hed t wil T -4 C '0 P 0 R