Huron Signal, 1873-01-29, Page 3C
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was undoubted; a at for'himself he
After rnlltiqt� N�j r. upoll tile jw the lor ife
W,1111d trillch pr"fer to keep olit of them. ,iotices. z z,:,z G, 11. - PARSON8 Cos
Jnu%ry 20th. He ha no serious ittiptitation to place WHTHEP.—We have had Bottle ex.
porienco'of vory bitter weather lately 11UP KVAST,- '-PPSS Cojo _Unj,,rErUL AND l§aafrth, lin the 16th i"It-to VV0 1,Viig of a dsongh*
Court%, but the latter sometimes e. Interaporsod with flattorilig little latiells of tile
. . elf a much milder tendency Co fveru the perations or diges
noveti ftir naddmss :_ Wood dges "or clerks tit thelte mroRTINO.-l'By a thoioup)i kNowledge Mr, Thom. igaDWARR MERCHAN."r-So-
stato-tipilt of all itonla of 0%. hibited, such a violent partiz tIon arid untlIVIon, and Ily a careful aplilleatiall of
the an spirit, Da 10 MARKET S
evzolittire kip to tile �rcsent T connocted especially at election ti es, that it thootino pruportins of %yell lielt(qed co.Oa, Mr. Eppa, f
willoie of welinesday niojiit and theiefir-
bas provided tour broakrast allies with. ajd6lifttely,
-tth the cl 11,71 grEcaltur- would be well, in his oninion. tow deprive tier ptrt of Tlitirsda"y tile long accredit. flay4red beverage which inity Have its 1. ,&VIE JELUC11:11 Have for szi�
trany heavy,
L.AhQ,tir Nj,)doI Farin con- in his own knowledge the influance of with very boisterous Rusta of south-east _67AHI lik]?S & offier fra-pf 4mosf
'a' to tie. foundod ,, I January thaw seehlod- to. have set in wilbHollingwaturoroolilk. Ea(3hpackoti"IaLAle&
the Manual them of the franuhiee altogether.' With. el dtictorA'btlltj.",-CivilserL,ict Gazefte. Made mlinolv! At (4oderich by the Rov. E. L-Eivroo4l,
0 Thorails, Rites to HisrThorlison,
wind, 'tool inipallied by exceedin IV London." t daughter of, %Iho, UT SIWS, 31ILL SAW,,W0D
their position had been used most rigar- ionlas Thonjipson,
2 of rain; HAtMACTURE OF COCOA.*_ -"We "T - MAKES,
01131% heavy arid continuous torrents will uo%v glv,% an' both of Colborne. FUI�L supplv of every description V61* SAWS, JAND 13ES
He diil not by any means chargw account of tile Process alintifed by hlosoirs JaqiAs or, ErAND SAWS, CHOP'
wellod up the vitrions rivulets & Co., inftnotheturers of dlet4ic articlem, atr At the re ks, consisting'of PA d 30 inchle
reqpf�ot of th'l -wine, anti tile ll the clorkE with oitiq this, but thorlif 3idence of �t. a of Blank Boo
e a. ide's f&th or, in A Silk J9 an
thereof. ivorka Ili the Bus ton, Road, Lon-lon, P-Cassal's Mitchel FING AXES. VARD
itito )r locat I PLI,
woril Bottle who used the power of their reeks ditches; avid t1irea to Ill, on, Saturday lapt, 4y the
tened Houltdwld Guide. 1341.
0"PiCs' of all meniorandumq, office with the unnast rigotir at timeal accomplish vonoral, arid veritable break Rev. J. W. Mitchell,. M.A.,:L Mr- DAY BOOKS, OUS 31 A n1iWites, or Ordars it, Council, in rc-pect it would ba 'well, he thought, to I ' of the whole wintry organization: Andrew YOullig, of the Township of Silk kepp� ana Poplins, -El S. Ruy-S AXES HAND
tip le -Ak U _r 1 0 IV
oft he Rattle, includin"T sttement (if' subject them to suporintondenco by the bat Mature, in this.vac'cilatinZ ailmos. L19D PRTr
Grey, to Mary, eldeft dsughter of Mr. �LBDGERS, AXES ANr RROADAXES, COW
which 'His Excel- Mgher conrt8. It had been said that phoro of our4 playa very freakish pranks FRAUDSABROAD I John Horne, satir. TIES Ori EVIERAT, KINDS,
to latiyers ditl not It r e fee at times, arid shetva a disposition vory JOURIVALS Twilled Flannels, White and -Scarlet,
p a g a ill these f Mr. Those Cooper, - L 0 G G 12IT G CHAINS
this, Housco in rvspf�ot Elf tile said Cot courts. Waill, it they did nrit they got like solle pebtrent flirts, in our neigh- it the residence 0
BEG most respectfully to aution the p,ibile of Wingliam, on the 17th inst., by the CASH BOOKS,
a write, tier ti -e BrItialt orth American Provinees to ba on Rev Mr. Pritchard, Mr. Goo, RobinT GLASS, PV M'
tio-ge and Farm, %rid the location thereof. money somehow or other -(laughter).- b0urhOold; it" just n`)w 8 1 y
pravesded to criticiss at I arid lie know it, for lie ha exolessive tiaklenoss is demonstrated by their guard against intrahasing spurloua inellicineii Nubian, White, Searlet and Black,
d aeon thorn hich are being mold as my goinume,,fin1lowsyis son i� Miss Susannah Cummings, all MINUTE BOOKS, wItou(7,aor A�NU CUT AILS &e.
length t& policy of the govern- receive it. A to the genera hurryin.,, its into a temperature about w
I cliaraotor Pills and Olutuient," by certain InAividuale, of of East Waivisnosh. y gle of zd a large assnemer-t of &U-3duds of
He, of thp courts, o had nevev been a party MEMOBANDUM BOOKS, Toured Turquoise, different. shades,
niont r-ith rvfortince matter. 15" holow Zero I and a northerl little Or no means, tra(lini (ror the last few
'DbJectc'd to the course pursudd in it, 0110 of the"', all oil r, ti er lo 'wind so hetvil burthairled wi -morithR Only) under the sly P or the -New york 09;,
a w hl A I ie y th anow, Chemical, couiliany.l, I very artilluo is made us*
ir� th his money tnan go-, into thosm,,for he was which if itootintinne, Nill amply reple PASN BOOKS, nish of 11), them for the purpose or lintinstug upon tile
uillic; and the moors atiectuany to eivesive, boy
11on. Mr. cKellar aid. the papers sure Were would be very little obnco of the whole of the mutilated Borgal fabric Uve the oftcritery, in their advortisemouts, to is. POCKETDIARIES,
askGrl for were in courso of preparation, getting it. (Laughter.) in a few hours In Win%tharn, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Bash Ribbons, Cord and Watered, flue this folitowing caution:�
and well be adbefore tht, House in a A number of the members expressed MumctrAL.—.Our township elections "the immense demand for'HOLLOWAT, SPILLs Isab@Ua Korman, aged 27 years. POCKET BOOKS
AND OINTMENT' has toifipted unprin led XE4
very few o are over, and you are doubtless already MAR T HOUSE'.
Of cmirse thiS, not a ditforent opinion with reference to th :1 parties to counterfeit thtse valuabiecl?. 11. White 31russeis, Net Muslin Lace,
the, time to -d-scuss the questi,)n, for un- working of these courts and complained in possession of the results. It is very MONEY WALLETS, H. PARSONS co
tit the correspondonct.4 nd reports were of the ainallneis of the fees allowed to evident from the falling off in Mr. In order to protect the public and OurgoIlreg
Gojerich. Nov. 28 Isyl
we havo issuea a new 'Trade M ark,'cotell jolting Special Notices.. PURSES, A -c.
in the of hon. membets thb- clerks -and hailiffs. Arms triing's. maj ori ty, that the extreme of tin Egyptian Circle of a aerpent With the
Houso would nlit be in a position to dis. The motion wus thert carried. ith Green Kid Gloves.
inolomency of the weather, w 1he letter [I in tile centre Every box of genuine
cuss it intelligontly. The Government, 4 uual coucomitant of bad road& preclud- 'HOLLOWAV8 PILLMAND OINTMENT'Will have
riiizh�,' say, h,%-tl n t change their , ing tile ll turn out of thi trjtdo mark on it. Nme are golnuina H STO NiAc ri AND ITS DR-_ NOW N'STOCK, -TUB
The bill relating to the, University of �yltlout it. ANGEMENTS are the - common
pohcy )n ti is subjoct ; but before tin- Tor-ento ocen ied a great portion of to. the electors in the differ6nt wards, w 'ere To DEALERS AND OBSERS iN DituGs A%,DMtD. cause of most of tha Chronic W"ting Canada Yarns and Hose,
dertaking a %v -rk- af'sn iwich- iniport�knce dav's p the principal causes of Mr. Frazer's noh- " torsts. siantly . - Very Thing Wanted
.1 We cill your Pat tioular attention totbanevi, Discuss for which invalids arecon AND 0TrZRZD AT
and in<z6t ev had thought it im- aitting, electi
In the evening along discussion art -ss )n; as most of the rties thereby StV'e Or d0LL,0W.4Tl5 PILLS AND 0INTX9XT' seeking specifics, When the foi6d is Also—Felt Overshoes &
port."Int to g�,t al� tho iliformition tney I on the hill relative to Mutual Fire In- constrined to absent themselves from -none of tile old style ara manufactured li� imperfectly dligested and assimilated the 11.40wese ]Rates
co"'Ild s to te sato, the (111lity of wonld undoubtedly hav"iven us now nor have they belin far Months. We blood becomes impoverished, and all the
which is to be re- :'therefore caution all inirchoissra against ra-
surance Cotilipatkies, colivig from any Jobbers or Uealers the old organs arid tissues of the body labilitat- NMV HARDWAR STOFX
t -lie soi:, ad ttia nanir� of the work to ferra,l to a committee. him tit support. We hope, however, style (of go -ids TO CASH PUROHASERS,_ b,,o carried on m the institution. Had Pr"'ca a for better luck next tinia ' Anent keep- ruits.
hill cnilcerning assignees, w-ai killed Information concerning any tine ad by want of -tiourishment. This
they etlsen to havo takn upon them- political feelings filoof on the ficca- h goods general depravity of thi syste ti mani.
"being offered vrill be received with thanks
&net Nic. Beth,ine*s ineasure regardin' ch, 9thDde.. 1872. IS47 In 43-40MMR 11
9 ig We ask the favor of all-tba information 3 on fe i�
the selecti.,11 of zi, atte thv, might parties ion -oroving land unit er a mistaken d6n, (I mean in this ward), the utmost sts itself in some constitutifins by At 3100RHOU 0027" f 6 Gode . ri Iola
ha% e d'.ne sa 1114�u!hl zo ; b�it th care was practised by the reform party; -,,;an give in regard to those counterisits.1, disease of tile Lungs, Heart, Liver or 'y title, wa's a'!s�t referre-1 tto a c-im(nit tee. held thit I-. mns the dutv 1-f the G,lrer�- tit the conservative elemprit all seemed Now this company IA Aware that Your laws do Kidneysi and in othais by Scrofulous
not I ermit thent to copv -the pro�cisa OPPOSITE3,1ARKE T HOUSE.
ment, to s-ibmit tho site th to sail in the same boat: %v ith the honor- getting up 0, Goderich, Jan. 130, 1873..
ev y bledicius.i. but in order the more completely w enlargement of the glands, eruptions of
Lkelect &r the opprmval if the' House. able excepti,)n of tuh), wheo guidad more nbl,,,,d the public, thL%y have recourAe to an-ther, ulcers of,honooi atold flesh, pingl
piece of deveption, viz.
That wtiald ba dotte in a few days. arid %3 0:43,rio X=Onitos. by princii)le than by party prejudice. in st-,ting that the weakness, irregiilarities, exha ati
it neceAsary, as they Ra7, to make tip the deell Ing -T El 1p' E-M]P OR I _U M-4,
Pills and
Ize lizid n't the tl,lttbt tl�e GeV- had the manly moral. pluck (if voting for Dintment in another form, at d that that the discharges, nervous prostration, ental Ufa
t 7 adopt
ernment 7 bo suitained tit every WHZRE Td6 L&TrOU DAYSAINTS eoV- r. Frazer. New Label, �c. anxiety, neuralgic and rheumatic "aino,
-p tliey had GRUCIATE. Itesides. the abova-meationet "Chemical Cana -
and that the selec. pany.11there Is alsoa David Pringle of New York,
stt AJ:NICAL.-The amateurs in'Bured an `a all of which fitrise from depraved titri. SIGN OF THI CIRCULAR SAW
tion -f the Rie tney would ree.inmen. I welt as in secular music throughout this who -by consummate trickery is attempting to sa,l tion. To invigorate the Stomach and
-ir;e w, be approved. ME TpIPLE IN USSORN�E puriou8 imitations of my Medicines. a L i@ighh.)trrhooJ, will have an excellent Beware Of perfect digestion, and th formation of
litnt likewima.
cal This unprincipled Chemitial Company has dared healthy Blond Dr. Wheabir"it Cam�ound
TONN,-ill[P DESTROYED. :)pportlinity for improving their vo 4j. C'. LIP -,-;;er.L,-otht-r lne;tillara having spoken a DETLO .00.,
%%as ctrrted. by placin- themselves tinder to) gay that I Own very largo sums or mOney it, the Elixir of Phosphates and Calimaya b of 0, 1 rpnE powers, tia-4
IL - Begt advise that their new sto-oh ia nutv complete Allave suot cut an FntaroNcw
IDNIORT 0CCUltr9N-C9--zjRReW United btates, %%hatigthatiet? -lo'newspaper
ining,)f, 51r. Ward, who In- gent obtained withoutuly knOwlegdolorcongent. 9 and
Mr. N[eirrick loved fer an address for ,he able tra great efficK and reliability, lbiin
returia" elf all correspondence vi ith the ESCAPE FVM TAR AI;D FSATHERS. endi openixig a class f6r the curreni slid by collusion with a party %%ho hold a limited harmless to infant or adult, and prom t 0 i�'
G-,vernment, or with cl dOwer ofattorn iv of iuli,c, an order to advertiss)- r,
lergy- I leffects. Qd ?y
4,ason tin M,indav evening the 20th, it, tiedicines in South America for three years, tc the oind permanont in its
For s mia ya ini pwkt, the follewers ii, ;ch,),,, Section N o. 12, Ashfield. AIr xtent or SOO 000 in vOld. He then sOld his clain, Dniggists. LETE STOCK OF
0 mon vri-lim the, Province of Ontario, iri h:13 00'"
refemnoe to the zboliti-,n elf tile marri- iVard-comes, on this, his second pri-fea -ferredbylheeou,ttoafrieu(i 04
j )saph Sittith, have bein quietl�L,, it its bo'gavejudsement ligalust me tO the amoui, 1L. IF, 1N J1.4 11-1 1-, 1L. -Li JE*; 0 L,-"*
f 0 ;U 41�
or to the legAhty of iiiiial visit to this localitv, with alim- �j $1,1,237 g-dd, f(ir protit which he said he could have HARDWARE
tile d.ictritie3 of the M %ges C OILL110 by It, had I old. takni B A G X S lirrilb, 0
elebrated without license bY nondations of the highest character froul �\Iei8 to reputl late thi., ofallidads WhiC11 Will 108 Sold Elt D
nen of anv denomination in this iarts of Wtqgtern 06- rile differen* districts in which h I I t Wanted Im fattu ill %ariokui I , Ila transaction tile inoi I came to my know Ialdge ThIjudgoment will soon be set a'side. It mediatel Vrovince. He objected to the present: taxio, and ucceedd in several localitie, - t BLACK, BARATHEAS, give us a C".
a e been teaching,and which credential& �anwd; besuppo�ed, I am sure, that I Owe a cen 71 B.-LiBt C2 C-Cds Old. rest wce%
s stem uf issnina liceses and adyocatcd' in leading weak-taindeti people to rill) to ally One that I would not in mediately pay. AN EAD rz
ire. �ertaiuly well' calculated to nullify, WHO C R OR C-OBOURG1
t that,
a change in the law. thagn, and. as a There is no truth whatuver in tile statenien write well as an apprentice 1.9 learn
c,insequen:e, to re- r set t noti,-,ht any reserve of cn fi I cvt-,r authorized any person or persons to u lily nounce the faith �4 KA01K & COL. FRIONCH NERINOS,
Hen. Mr M.,wnt haVin of their f,,refitthers so Be Hffipnsowis &C0
.-stated that ence regard ing hiA capacity as a musie4l- name r,,r the �rtlt elf ny Pills anti yint,tent.aitirougi, Printing. Applyat.the nOffice. meol
the question was under coons,d oratio no Espacially is this the c.Lss ill tile town rit;truct,w, whiell iniglit hitherto have- �,,r?,ls fratuds have. been practised u,,on me by'uu- rILES OF SO.ARLET FLA19NELS, opposite lfhe Xarket Howe
principled love, in this way. Goderich I 20th Jan. 1873.
Cie wu�in as withdraw. ship of gooro, in the Cminty of Laiiil)- ieen called into oxiZnce, by tile abstifi - I wuulti zvk, as a favor, that should it come I- Ord 28'
other returns vere nt,)yvd for ton, where a number of Nelb the Ito owlege if al,y person that spurions merit riLris OF BLANKETS, Gade7lcli Jun '15 Evi -.2
mid prejudicial reinarks of some of Ili,
ana a nnniber -f bills advanootd a staae people hve settled, arid whvirls there are cience; ,,in,,; are iwin4 matte anti Hold tit my name, that h,-
' ' but few family circles who cannot sai less siicces,ftil rivals in inusical 8 0 pleased to -end me the name and address of th. d kLES OF WINCrES.
after the house rose. sl)eeitllv such ai firlarri the bly-blutoot endor who is -'selling tile -aiiw, that I may, for Uie CIAIU)�OFTH ANK$: H e+ that one if the bortsehold ha Protect 1 n ofille miulic in�t1tute:1)roceedines against &0 ALL or H E It I s E
Jannary 21it. 1 ' nduence' (if morbiA selfconceit, coupled 14 t- -
I "Oone atill j-doea tile ormiDs, ahn and I ,ngae to ieinutieratj hatillsoideIV Iny in- U -essure would oraua tit without divulgill 11811 CANCER CURED.
The -ay arid festive M ormons. tinly monopolize all claims to theoreti, 4witild any person have reason to belleve that he
A large ntinibz-r of petitienis -ve-ra pro- lerchancR with pec�otiary pt g I anit. FULL EASi�OF BOOTS SHOES. TRY OUR 60 CENT TE
sented and tte f )I'uwixrg bi-s amung
been deceivetl by buying spurious imitatiuns o J..C. DETLOR CO.
hese Medicines, he will oblige me by sending fi, (,ertify that I, Patrick Curry, iuffered
4.-zh-rs int-(-du_-t!_I. - to) their ehf,sen�yst _� in of worshi p. an -1 a. r ie liddresiat foot (which he van dn at a i!ost of Aix
from so Tory severe Cancer ilm my
s -An Act to establish vice re.-tilarly perforined therein, it, c lition together -with all the pin',fits likel% fit postavu), one of the bl)uks of instructim, Nerchallet' i Tere a t-abernac!e has% been dedicate, t rid practical perfection in muslcal eru- B --n 31r. Criio-k Tailor,
11 se�10, .. elf practic d SclvaLe. accriie therefrom, altf;t)ugh neithei '"t 0
i f Well are affixed to the sam ripht eye, so that I could n,ot see out of
ct to eAtabitsh orLatty t tli,3 d. wtrinas enjoined by It
r. ifted'by nature nor disciplinbd by art Ily 31colicines can be ole�plied at tile Iowel it for at least ten years. I had several W E n 7 t_� Mr., F. ED
their spirittial heat], 1360111111 , otin'-'i ' holesale tier prit-es Ili quairtifies of wit less tha, 7- . I .
'r;ieir mode of life is sitnilar to that ii nr sweewniniz life by the graceful rbn I Doctnrs in this country attending me, z G. BOOTH,
it 1, �,20tvortfi viz,, 8s. lid.. 22s.. . $48. per dozen hoxe4 oi A. - H- GAR Eg. lerings -if molodions sentiment. 'itils or Vo A of ointinent. for which realittatece- for whicti. I paid a g. sod eal - of ln�ney, GODUR, 10H,
in 8 It L�ltke city, with the ex be helped is well as d"ired that Mir allht be sent in advitrece. Thete Sleicinesrt: no
hot". _11r. Croks-An Act t- ftedi. but none did mis any good till [calne
Jld In the Uttited State..
ze that patrmia., Each Pot and Box of mv Genuitill Illed
-eptioll f hat polygain y is -not practi4e I wi A IRDIL N EIR. & CO.9
tate he a i 1 ;8- uf thspu,es uer we .1 fully reali jejue tcroiss Dr Arn,,ld, ofBerlin, Prunia. "AS recolved Lis Fall St�p rl 6
ell Oue or titeire if the head elders vi3 W-.111 -_
011d ty hich ii justly due to his verf sopel'i-I '-,.ars the 1�ritish GOvernrn�nt Statrip will 0 eftwo,
a i e,tr the, 0.1). vorls Pills anti Jimment, ite.4idence Galt, and now in the spgce 'GENERAL DEALERS IN and i5 pyeparcd rx lasual to mlike h1th-An Act nee _,reat head sfthe %Lot ,erits. Lall ra- 6 .. e.hree months I have good sound' eyes, kinds of Garments in he MCF, 11
-tend ton' 1-9 0
. and receive instroutions for the spiritu:. (Signed) for which I have to thank the Doctor. b le styles mid. -, t the lowe t A trespvc: ing th�; c�_-nvtance ui rcal a-
5! 1% M�
Lilt� 41lidance of the flock nuder their char�4t THOMIS HOLLOIVAY bo is ;7
Revivtls :if No Fun. 133, Oxford treet, W. C,
Se%.t:sa� Li 1% we7e then advanced a � -e f frequent occurrence Loidon, Oduber 3, ISM 1347. PATRICK CURRY va -A
aeld tile tneiribers if both sexes wor3hiv tlie huusz� lr,)st�. The Hami of Goderish Tow"'nship. 3MO'r
d Iton Spextator complaitip
klevo!itly fri)m the stAndp,-int taken h --!I
�an. 15th, 1873.
Jannary 22nd. thetir leaders. The presence ofthezt 'hat there is n -j snap about the Droceed C %NADI AN PAIN DESTROWs, Among the petition8 preseued. was one jiga of the Ontario Legislature I It
jiet)ple in th.Lt part let the ttjwnship has
-aVse-"This is the dullest session we CONSUMP1111N CURED.
T,,waship af'Ashtield, prnytrig iad the effect if driwina to their see,
te) he utue 1 tu Souh Huroa for registra increased membership, arid atthe pre -q- tiaveseen yet, an,l the least possible VS A FA31ILY MEDICINE, IT IS
Godelich, 21st OcL 1872.
who was
ert time it is st-itted their numbers may ,iblie, interest seems to be taken in wh r well and favorably known, relievini- t Certify that my son John, PAINTS GLASS
:s roif.g on." The Opp,-sitif)n tinde, -sliffering from a very severe ittayk
R.yi-ert rir,vod for aa addrpss for lie c,lunted by hundreds. Ili the town thougands from pain in the
c�-Ppes o ai ca-resp-ndence in refereu Ar. Blakv -ised to, make thingspaxcead ;�e
Ce ship of Plympton, also, Brigham hall -hde, Back- and Wead, 0(mghs,' Cold8, "f Consumption, is now convetip15cent.
I 1july livt!lyft)r the ri TO THE ELECTORS
to the, a-b-tra�i%,n butween Ontario and onmerous followers, but they have with- Id Government, bill 4ore Throat, Sprains, Bruises For the cure of thik disease, I have to -here is nothing itt the present Oppo.ii thank ilieveiy judicious treatment of
Qaab�-c. Re and several other members in the past three or four years emigrated 0 Cramps in the Sttymach, Cholera' - OF THE
oxpnessed themselves to the effect that tor the Valley arid become exemplar,6 tion, and they are unable to get tip a% Morbits, Dysentery, Bowel my son, by Dr Arnold, f G alt. The 0ILS1 PUTTY
tvich as a dceist breeze. It is we ap- disease was. of about twelve months
the late Treasurer (E. B. 11 o�,dji was the, a4herents anti aiciples of Complaints, Burns,
Jt)e Sinith',
preliend, but the first of many. dnIl ses- before I placed him tinder thei
Pers -n szzic'aPab!e of argui;ig the qlles- band of Latter Dty Saints. A few facts Scalds, Frost itanding, B 0 0 T & 013THOES9
tinn bef;6)re-the privy cou:ucii, and h. -ped in cimnection with the spread of th' 3ioo3 fur pape�rs elf the politics of t4t Bites, kare of Dr. Arnold. and in the short
Elarailtoit Spe-tator.-Be-aCo7i. spare -of three months be seamed to me TOWN OF GODERICH coAL 01'
t,a ear that the Go�ernnient ha -1 enter -) 9 . i
- j baneful and pernicious doctrines o -
ed o negitciations him and that � these misguided people, comes to us . It seems to be- genorally understood The CanLdian Pain, Dtstroyer has nowbeen be. , o have effectually cured the bov, so
they had taktin steps to bring the matter oil ore the public for a length of time, and wherevei inuch so, that for the last two months
from, the township of Usbarne, Hur ie Townships of Huron and Bruce r lbe, I= commcnwl bnfP:_-r3
that the Hon. Joseph Howe will siii�- ed is well liked, nolver failing in a single instan to give pern.aneat relief when timely used, and wt L' above If-ce, Im
to satisf=tory coaclusi4m. county, adjoinin Biddulpb. Durin- the (" he has given no using the medicine and tl Counties.
ceed to tho Lietitenant-Governorship elf
f a p.,rtion of ova Scotia in May. lirections have been goperly rolirwed. but on tit(- DENIS RYAN. TeMunicipal Election Uw now being OLIFFOEV RAKERrt
The m,-tiun was carried. A long dis- past year the inhabitants o 'lave never kitown a singl�o1l,,satisfaction th, prescribed. (Signed.)
cussion then took place on Mr. Rykert's chat towaship have been visited at dif- ontrary, all lie delig tell with Its operations, a r 0
mutiou for the carre3pi;ndence in con- ferent times by leading members of the ;Peak in the highest twals of its virtues and maglai Watford, Sept. 11th, 1872. 1353-1m. very Itringelit it is contrary t� Law for A- ce aristv.pit'Plated Ware.
nea�iun with t -he Southern F-ritension of latter saints, withth . e view of sc-it TH ARMETS cal effect. a 'Candidate to solicit a vote. , BIVt W6 witefe he is to do tal wcTk -day We speak from experience tu the matter, having razly be favoaml�
ask you one and all to Call at our Ell-- HARDWARE of all kihds in enilless-variet
the Welhn.-ton, Grey, and Bruce Rail- tsrin� the grain of muitard seed" to teRted it thoroughly ; and therefore thoso who are. y, -aucl at the Lowest Rates.
way, and the Toronto, Grey and Bruce ttLep--' i -frering from any or the complalut� for which it is tablishiment, and buy a warm c'untfort-
it- GtDE=cfi, Jan. 28, 1873. reeommended,maydepend upon it being a Sovereign
op] e, amongst whom the sect enu r AlbmEmBiR, THE PLAOL, R L;1 P 1" 1 N� -G
qa�y. 31r. Ryk= t poin led ou t the d numerous friends, who gave thes. Whe2t, (Fall);V tu,,h ....... 81 17 a 1 *20 Remedv. -CAUTION", able Overvost.. We have a large Stock
circumstances att3nding 31r. Blake's I men every aid &rid countenance in the Wlipt,(81,nng) f bush ... 1 15 0 1 17 The astonisliffig efficacy ofthe Canadian -Pain De- on hand consisting in part of
itroyer Ili vitring the diseases for which Itisrecom- BUY O.L% LY THE GENUINE J.V01D M giving. ai to tho Southern Eatension 1 promulgation and diffilision of the pecu- Flour. (per brl.) ............ a 00 a 660 inerided and its w-mderful effects in subd 1 9 th H SIDE OF 1I M SQUAREIGORIERIC-H.-
I afteud--moring the claim of the road dur- harities connected with their form 6f Oats. 13 on.'." ............ .. 0 37 0 0 33 torturous pains of Rheumatism. and in rellevinp RUOATS
ing the preiiiitma Session, alid found worship The majority of the resident- re4,,.-.P bush ............. C 55 0 0 55 Xervoue Affeatio'liq entitle It to high rank in the lim ail anks' Standard -Scales, -L)REss. ()vE
of Remedies. Orders are coming in frum Medle.ine -ndtrich, Juiy 23M, 18
fault with the c�)nrse wh-ch had baea of the lo:l - cality, however, were decidediv Barley. V - bush ............. 0 50 kv 0 50 Dealers in all parts of the countr- for further sup MANUFA, . CTUAZD BY G t2. ..
paarsue�l_ Mr. Camern, Mr. Lauer, averae-to these imposters planting tbelr Putawes. e bush .......... 0 35 V 0 40 piles and-. each testifying sit to the - universal satis- Canada Gray Overcoats with capo and ------ L sc=cnizz.
ind ottiens, took pa. Pork, -0 1091b ............ . i N 4 90 ractian it giveF.
rt irz the discussion. stakes in their midat, conceiving that Hay per ton ........ .....14 00 is 00 rho Canallan Pain Deittryer never falls to 91vt 96 & T. Fairbanki Co. Hudson Bay overcoats.
Messrs, CrcolKsarid McKellar defend. the doetriues they hold were, if not sub- train Ia T T 0 0 30 Physicians c)rder and use it; and no family will be
ed the course pursued by the govern- versive of lavi, - and order, at least a Chicheng per pair .......... C 25 0
lair, - 11 Bu tter. Y Ili ................ 0 13 a 0 Ik, ithout it aftosrtryln6 It. As Christmas and New Year are past
mont and showed their cainnse to have rnackery on the pure and holy rot',' EAs J� doz. (unpaulue 1).. b is a 0 18 Price. onlirTweatir-five Cents per bottle. we wish to see the Winter CIrithing
beem quite proper. they professed. Incited bj bitter feel- Beef ............ ........... 4 66 5 00 t�� -SELLINGOPF!
After rezess �pablic biII3 and orders ings, and with a determination to get rid jmo-Sold in G,lderich, by Gen. CaUle g-)ing in order to pocket the cash. to
Hides ..................... �6 00 @ 6 00 P. Jordani Gardiner :� Co Bayfield Pea Jackets, , Drags CDAtlill Pants"
were rak-en up, considerable discus3ioa of these individuals
.......... .......... 3 00 5V 8 50 Tas. Benthum, Rogerville. J. Pickard and Vests, all colors and shades, Boyis
bving provotied bv r. Aiacdonald"3 bi'd prominent part in the spread ')f wha, wo-A ....................... 0 50 1. 0 50 Exeter; H Corahe', Clinton; 9. Secord, Clotbinig in suitA Boy& Fea Jackets and
110 R
to pyovide that in eivil callie-A the ver- they were pleased to�terra the "naked I LuckilowX Hickson, Scaforth and a] Hudson Bay O;;rcoiats, Hatil anI Caps
that of a jary shfitild not he "n nutious. troth," as revealed tolthe heads of theil IMMENSE CLEARING SALT, nn
By spt:ciai rciegrapli to the Signal. iledicine dealers. -of the Latest Style, Shirts, Drawers,
Tito feature -f the dw.ussitni was 51r. dienoinination, a rinulgrnus party, somo�- Carpet Bsgs, luffieri, Collars iind Ties, Grocery.
CL3NTON, Jan. 28,.1873.. Goderich,"Dec. 29, 187r. w 50 g 0 .
& 13. lwa.,d% speech, sbowing the bene- weeks since, met and organized a Vigil- or
effec-� of the English jury syitem on ancecornmittee, whose duties were pre- Wheat, (Fah) per bush 81 15 90 1 17 Jorge- and well ielect9d Stock of Broad
the of tho cumaitinities Ili Wheat, (spring) per bush.. I IS a 1 15 r1lE GRFAT FE111ALT REMEDY Cloth, Cassimere, Doe Skin and Fancy PARTC I AL f -13T YATE SO X9
scribed. The "Latter-day Saints were i Tweeds -BOOTS'? & H 0 T, So have mucliple-cst7em znzGuue:r_gtonc:T=wa�-
Mr. Wood elo- Floor, (per brl) ............ 6 60 0 6 30 hich we will make up to order
wh;zb it wns Ila -gue. arned to leave the settlement (IlliOtlY. Oats. per bush .............. 0 33 a 0 35 inFirst.w i Style, tir sell by the yard. of goods for sale at, PlItroon's & Co's jie
Clasi Ous tzint t1ley have
quently and - foraildY Pollitod out chat and sava trouble; but they (lid not heed 65 0 0 53 Job Iloses' Periodical Pills, Store, osite th6 Maiket acdrc-LACMIEted
Peaie, per bush ............ 0 The above Stock will be sol.d Cheap HardwhrO opp
jar jo sl�d persisted in
.,jj ew- inight oucasionally err, the gentle persuas no House. Barley. per bash ........... 0 49 0 0 60 for Cull as the Bailiff is at the door, we Subscriber ishing to retire TVALL THEl
as 'low c1luslitutefl, wab t,,ritinuing, their "worl,- of grace de Potatne!,, per b"h 0 45 J 0 .50 IN JARLEMEDICINE is UNFAILIM prefer to sell Cheap ourselves to prevent NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, indispv - ble to a proper respect fir th� pite the admonitions of the climmittep. ntlirtsbe cure Of ail Owes palli(,,I arid dn7prim from the BOOT, and SHOE Busi- _A Pork ....................... 5 00 0 6 00 tiseAses i. wh ich the remetle cOnxi not loin is toun him coining any further. Cutting done OARPENTERS TOOL13,
aawmws:afton justice. Tdc prosent, rho, up to this time, had used no VM_ SPADES�, SA' IVELS uess, will sell 6 Large Stock complis I;utter,vo I ............... 0 14 0 o 00 It moderate -i all Pxce,;a ,Od iemoves all obatrurt'jeoenll ireelof charge.
sys,��Cm L -ad poevailed through centariefs, lence. towards one. of the sect. Tbt ................. 010-0 0 00 and a speedy cum. ma- he relied on. scywhs, i6iks, ing soine
�n& cL,,,_ respousiedlity of changing It %at litembers. (if the vigilance committee be- TO MAnUTIED LADIES ABRAHAM SNITH A Co. RAKES,
No. 3 ................. 08 0 0 00 1 6000 ]?airs of Boots & Shoes I SUOAR 5, EEL =55V
not ji,fbtiv to) be laElivrtaken. A!Eer re- c4me exnaperated at the conduct of th- It is peculiar] �r suited. It will, lh'R,-Ilort tune, brinp Next door'to J� Boners Drug �Sto je, GRAIN CRADVES,
= . similar strain by r. Cainer- Eggs, per doz. (rtupicked).. 0 18 0 0 IS ,it the renrably period with regularli-v. Market Square, Gruderich. - - 11 X V latter Eow2s. P.&14 am TUbf. marks in a tribe. an i determined to get rid of the Cl,,verSeed .............. . 6 50 0 6 03 hem pills jhOuuz rimne tavenbyPcmaes durin.- th, A" COT '00P, - CASH. A2so B d
on, was withdrawn. impostors, as they termed them, at all ' j MANILLA ROPt,
flay ..................... . 12 00 @ 14 01) qTRST THREF 3TOPMRS rjfP-g—c?1,- 1hey-
irdin-ty about twa Weel- Sheep skins ............... 0 75 0 150 *. b�t at any otherame the, De I e . ember 21st, 1872. Now is the time to haO 111FO Ca LIRDd 11 January 23d. hazards. Ace lire to bringoot Aftsearrfe HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING,'
F130 11rat pj�t of to day's. sitting was 4go, the chosen fevir, who had been dre- Hides ....................... 7 00 11 7 so ire safe FAIRBANK'S 6 LEATHER BELTING, all siz rpsidruts elf the neighbor -. lot ;ex or,4ervwx-Anif Sphial AfrertioneiPolfri it GodorilchIffatble work WHITE es, Gwet C-5r'00d 13azoo�gains, Ohina Sets, Stone Ware, Glan Ware,
he Irtelicantit,imbs Faii,ticoormligtoexertion.Palp! Croukery, Lamps, and Gj2i�r_eyx.
ake n Up wjtL, law matters. mav 13 LEAD, aU prices.
r"hE,, P n*� sitting Wa3 cez;lpied hotid to clear thein olit, come what -ition of the lwart,ftviterirm. will Whitel. these Pill Randard Scates_. BOILED AND RAW OIL, As the subscriber just menno hat he
.L venj in 1875 vill �ffecj a cure
thE, di Gas "'!13 arld modout for re- afterwards, assamblecL and preceeded SCAPORTH, JA11- 23, 1 wi�jjl all oths-r mennot have (a . tier, says.
18 1 Flour, reea and Provisiong,
6C Wheat, (Fall) ......... .... .. 61 Ia - I -ndallho sh a powertte r lmerIv dOntoicontamiro, BLACK OIL,
'Act amenlia e place where the saints U consti. P. S. —All accounts must be psicl al I cf wh 'ro
-tlle Asses- en iname to th heat, (spring) per bush .... 115 1 Ia -silomel, antimony, or anything STOCK SCALES, COAL SCALFS, HAT MAQHINERY OIL. kU wLUbe E_o1r1CLc_npcf3 tLio a t,
troaaced by W. Rykerr., were holding forth. The latter, however iCALES,DAIRY F30ALES, CUUNT91I SCALES, without delay. arp�Ctxe.
ment in (I with the inten Flour, (per bri) ........ 000 ... a 00 Fat ulirectwnp Ili the inniptilet around eRch packae. &a., Ac. TURPENTINE, tLe ttmp &Z 13arAgOne,, Next Boom tp
was, flail y discamed; the-Qover=ent were made-acqua te
mising to uke the' whole mar- ti-mir of their opponents, and had tho, Barley, per bush ...... I ...... 0 50-" T 62 hichaho-ildbecarefutly preserved. Zor&t's Drag ter into a, dontL a doors of the temyle securely barree, Oats, Pe Scales repaired promptly and reasonably And 41 kindir Qf SAMUEL FURSE,
& 1pral r bash ........ ..... 0 38 0 39
un .. 16 bring dowa to in Pease, per -bush ............ 0 55 0 62 1.00 and 12k cents for progaae, enclosed to NOrthr- For sale also, Troeinner's Coffee and
bill next S"sjon. Ho. Mr. M4&wat Pginst intruders. The Tigilan Potatoes, per busli .......... 45 0 50 Ill Yt IJO W Ao... ft 1,3'
cure admission. It Lvman. Nf%veasile, ont., general agefttx for t Drug Milli, Composition Bells, all size@ GoderIch, IStli No.v., 1872. ISA4 YATMS&SON.
state:,2 that the G078rum�nt intended to consequence failed to se Pork .... ............... k... 4 75 5 10 uominion,win inorare a-tottle containiniz over 5or 111.
t,_ae: action wjt� rafa7eiico to the pre- and -catidd not carry out their inten- Butter, No. I .............. 0 16 0 l.j 4y return mail. Letter Presses, &c,, &c. For IS a Cheap,
r o b(- 0 14 N ORTHRUP & LYHAN
cedeo��Iaf Qaeoa*s Oninsel. tions. With a determination not t .6 No, 2 .............. 0 14 THE MOST PERFECT DISS01tififlia of Partnership. 317. McLeod moved for an address for foiled in their undlartaking, they again .6 03T
No. 3 .............. 0 08 0 08 NewcastlegIL; W-9generf
reyorts froal the itispect,wa - assembled oft TueRday evening. the Oth C,,g.q, per doz. (unpacke) .... 0 20 0 20 agen is for rana(IF INSOLVENT ACT OF 1669.
c9ptes e. a, Vnstone, & r11HE !AW FIRM OF DOYLE AlS D
iijoa,rn, tottabing the warking of January, and notwithstau"lin. the Ilidjig ........ ............ �6 00 6 2.3 learil ARM CASH BAUD;. 3cott COT, G. His Pars=3 & 00.
f- "Id in Cloiderich bv Parker % ratt
of Dzvf3:0n C,)Ddition of the - )fflue of inclemency of I the, weather, flay ......................... 14 00 15 00 (foridine.r oz Havi 11(11 - j q DEG To INTIMM TiIAT THET'HAVE Squier �was this day di�s_olvd by IB ILO cf -HOMY Ki4linaix pf
anti gi-nvral C `�) Ird, P 'ereter J. P n1FA ES AL R N TILL CO. AR.. 1J. opened a , branch of their Kizicardins mutual consent.
0, wit[i a retu7rn for the year nwaited the return of the Filgrinis fro- 4prithuni. Ro!reivi le; J ell. EFeter,
844 coar, Opposite t�e Market House, -
uf tro nnwber of tsuits eatered, cht; , their honAe olf worship, and poulicint, - -inibe.-r2lintiln, S.S. cord, bucknon t 9. Hick B. L. DOYLE,. TEfE3' INSOLVENT hu TE-aae sm
jaopB,,t of snch sisics and la-ists 'upon them, had them bound seturaly� TORONTO MARKETS. -lot) SotfAfeth. "n -1: Meclivire- . 'seniors, EVERY ZVERT W. R SQU[ER. ignment of Ws me
�o a bleigh, which was it, Jan. 25th. Goderich, Jan. 17th 1 And
1873.. 1353-b the Creditur-s are notified to In t
awne, in eauh offlue (;f said amisted them ini so and then victorist., June, 2F. 1871. j at
ths prov,nze of Ozitario He readiness t0reucive the saint FrouF.-I5xlraS6.40 to $6.50; Fancy MERCHANT in the old ortand of Mr. A.M. Johnottolf my OPGODERIC
8.1 forest, , I O`- POUVD DRAWER "Oder"04 , and will be We ton supply H
OpInI.0n prpv,dieti tilrough- drove offto a thickly ood, $5.90; No. 1 imper 5.65.- J�a the County C�l 11=612, (in
tliat SHOULD Tuesday
our, the c0antry that thus-_ Divviioo. few mil'.3 distant. where a pletitiftil auto- WHEAT -Fall 8132 to $1.40. Tread I I i -4 EXT9A W. n. the 2821 day of J.-nuary, at the hour of
Tombstones, T09K!,
11 $t 30 t.. $1.35. Spring arranted, S ITO
to be tile veoploili piv of tar aud feath-rs had been pre% 1.26. YRUP OF 1yP0PH0sF9TF` Two,'OUcu& In tile aterrc, ar, to rem"
d On the rylad to th ve ce, would bring 415a. rhepowet oritrrestingtils-ase disp yed by thi, Use Them, mantlepleces, ARRISTER, ATTORNEV AT -LA, -V7, OLICY. stnt�men, ts Gy IA affairs, 'ard in
h,,j beco-na the peorib-'s onIv prep3re OATS-SC-ar 0 - BtorluChaneery.&c. tiaiorieh,ont.
t3l III hicleau rimaration in hanorabiv acknovie.!l d by 0. IL
mstd"_rable the captives maolemig - BAitLEY-70c to 740. , e has bet, 11S, MACH 'N E 0
curs -'s Theirc was cu e Ileal favulty In every leption w-bere ft Window S! Offire, over J. C. Detlor& Co's Emporium,
. -Z Square, Goderiell. ed at Goiench capt, rs &c., ]gas been in generaliz for -the past twnyeara and
kmg of tiousu witi, their piteous cries and entretie! PEAs-Shipping 65c to 66c; Barreling itr',,du ced .- and the rapidly increasing aale in th �OLV T Dat
f3faet,ftra WiTb heat gii-trantee of the estimation Ia which It is bell of nry 187
the hands of teiv j8c to 70�-- by tire public ;AHBANKSi SME W'AiRiHousl beat satisfit tioll, as may be seen, by tes-
tu tiler"fit"t; for'Merey at deaf ear to it the h8st stile of workmanship and on re" a
an.1 Et wa!s with a view to blit the vigilants turned a RYE --65c. otil -giving th"
terms. ER'S ROYAT, and were abnut t, Thesyrup will aura Pulmonary consumption tr timunlalsfron roan Q eleadiagbousesin Ontario. THUP
the f1rRt and senond stages : will z1ve great relle It will not congeltl I the� coldest weath'ar, it Is e1her tlia& dissatisfaction their auppI HAY -$18 to $26. Generil price $24 Fa'rbanks &. 0 0'- - Itt6rIMA0i
ascormin Wh em with 9, ciroa tnd Prolong life in the third [twill'ontrdAnthma GAVIN %TUTHERSi tueretare suita os fort, lightest and fastest, as well -
was bwjBg tj present each of th ir -5a to Ov for hind nd 3c to 4,; FRICTION BABBTTT XETAL.
eter or tiae colarts zF 93 Main st" Bufrillo, X. Y.
irnnelillis Laryngitto-Coughs and Colds. it wil- Alrent.. as the heaviest 8 iu use. 1W
�hv fac the of- when a council ofwar WAS 81IT119eated, forStfire quarters. Prt all dis'aasesriginating from waill of %lusenIAT 311 Hroiadwiy, Niw Yoik. Jul). SW93-t T that it Was figree,11' 0 ceast- -vetionnd ' ervous Flime attel, '" EliiargemeutO4 838 Aroad way,-.% Ifiasty. N. Y Godericli 17th WANTEDO
oftbenz Wero uTlsPr1jpulou3 anti and at whicl MuTrox-6c. to 7c by the carcase. TESTT�MONIAL PAT?VTCULARS, r 1!�NDERS vided an assurance wa, Dyspepsia. Rickfits, Feableand llri-epilai FIRBANKS, BROWN, THURBER ME No. 1. is for 13eaV3 Bearrips
ag into desbate hostilities, Pro Ponx--Mess $14 to $16 "'hte= neart, -Local anti, Geller&$ Paralyst- 1 3:00. 'the Joseph Tal' ILL BE r-,_rCF
withoat anteril .118 Boston. Fro 440, chinewrorks, sillawa. nA Railwv�Cni Boxes,85eperil) Pp t!21 the the -nt. BuTTFR-710 4 ' I rheapar at $1.00 per gallon.
Nauvoo, ill Chlorosbo. otirtamia, anti rast ores theb ood to prrrlf� rdwltr� 'Dealers. ,,as Stoves or
p,j He was inctmed to aivdn that they, *01pid ceskse their v pr�onla or LOSS Ot VOicO
�d leave for 3to W I Consider Stock's ell
ing to a want of uro- teachings, 613 For s4el-by Leading His No�� 2, is for Pap7ii-igr qmga for to creetic)n G� a U, ow Frame, ZT, TTL9. ad
At it was oloc [ace with- 38 little dela C and boalth than oltre oil at 60 ce Yours rebpectfuliy
f c�_ so other p] 1353-2m F. W. GLEN, r the To, wnsyt
f%on over t1io clerks a ese W resident. Velocit .. .......... Op. een woll orlb.
0jab who haji practisej the possible. Thim grirantee the "'saints" BEFvas-the inarket has b Sold By AI)othecariless of Ashfield in the
offi is for Oral"nry aril County of tj'=112,
vflra-I�WeLj impissition in regard to concluded to give,� assuring their- perse. upplied sillco our las.t, but the enquiry 'laps and slicuiScatione can be get.12
Forsaler only by
ihey c4lle4 the committee) is dull and �riices weak, one cause.of rice. $1.60': Slic for -$7 50. 'E E
fe"A ati(a 11ad rdraed ttie coarts in- hich is to , f6ur-d-in the large quan- CHEMIST CA24DILN TAL, IA for the houst, of 31r. TL V.
PARSOXS & CO., Hard us jn2�V.
"'Ifors the futilre b 3 AMES L FELLOWSe yl ware thon nr,71mry Babbitt �Op. �orlb.
tliat th(e"y Would1not in- NEW ROOM Thu Tvmtees do n®- bluj ti,
t4ATA3V!1Ug-s!;(D!7$ iostead ofplafez where We quote . y Mernhants, 1' .4* 1 nhabitants Of thOrdistrict. tities -ffere'l On the street- HT el'O" 14. B. oderich. PHILADELPHIA MBTAL, is nvfry finexe t at, A
Ratherthan annoy the i first class as still steady at 84-75 to S,5;, Goderici ser)t. 4tb 1871, SOLE AGENTS, 11o) Fri" ... ...... ire 1)1�101111. t7ac l0wC-,,-t Or liny Tcnder
stat"f-thillzs should continue And, our correspondent, adds�",- in crin- seicond class is weak it $3.25 to $3.50; Sames Brackenridge: 13-2. Lrge qtrnrtItfeqf the Thurber Yet,-41sj h,-170 bren, TEHOS. FINLAY
y CA
lon, 96the assemblago then quietl, wzed during t.he psi Ten cars. 71-ev Jjhvo
,krjistad, it virvalff, be bc�ter clilisi and tljird class as not werth.over $2.75. POL_ tened
4h! --Lt_ their respectiVe: AVING boug Xr.� and pitipil r;afust ,Wn'cr Me-
tbA#, the Pr t�o cullect, aebts tinder dispersed to SHEEP -The receipts of sheep -4ave STOP THAT'COUGH �Ucws Stook` o0fn`Gr6c6riesand tal& aLd finally have U-nome nI most gp.jjjf;iVpjv A . s7afleM, P�,;z Prem.
nree in 0I the larve Dimber Distri,tU; tlZf-
6a. wzthdray, u frora the peo rrhe Globe of Friday last, an edi- sh"wn -ae slight in6ease, but still niore lidded Very largely to, the in, is'ifow in a Geireian E-y,end Vrilley saw %jills
:0 alt, He desire that the at- -would prices. ELAY. finmixio ARRIA k No,thern atd LaKe kirr.ene k1l:s Feter" SHERIFF'S ',SAT -E 'Or LANDS.
g4ether. find ready, buyers at firm DOWT D: position, in the same stand, to a'all
P uld be en�ist�e proceedings ofthe Firfit 0 F -r —
tvuti�n of tile Govornment silo torial, cond hwg are worth $6 60 to $1, witl� Port Hope, Trento, Belleville, - I
Ernakvilie, Ottcl t, *TitrM, 7hica County ol Huro:�.
subject. in order that n8 (14yt and It may be too Zzte,Cons Qroceries,, - lvnmllgh'
co $8.50 for picked; second clasaj lvzj� ef
c4cod to t Vigilant Committee as � 9 t, ump- uebW, and yontmoreliel mins, &,v , rs To Wit: -rafzalg ben
hi It hit ded and
train of satelia itwanting to ca"y - ,ly, might be �pplzed to what W $5 to $5.50. One Idt of 50 sheep And all the PrIncijal FaUrijilea 4n jn&ae. Rr�§,Ttys �Iciaraty t of liar,
,j ?,I, the JM JUM44Y 111til11 .7. U11 Oro ry 0 1 wull C I V 21 T?..IW O_ savouriniz Of prclla�*io. 9/a TA"r?z —0 and to'- n aefa
ons 6VIL Lr, Migur, UV 4 ng about W. lbs,, sold at a W �Vl,
Idinbs, aver
his OPMO'Irl -A sm "f yorno; before, VM,"(l 13. M,�Kvu!f"
to consid- , (I rnr Sale evervwhery Intim Dominicnatitealove lycgenzto , fit vle 6,2�t
'W413" two, for the Governmol't $5.37, and &, otpflO i6ep at $5 75 -it ? - _'Aboji,
-y0ll SVD� wbere is the r.rovi o .1
f'j5 Wow P aw-pbolL I
tnZ CMCMAW -and 410 Pi � Asp rices.
ir the titaahad,not arrived to tmve Feiz�iid Eta t."Len
or whothiii
Mage out of the hands of lixth anatial convention of intfid at $6'to eght IWO jjr�d f -r Cf tk*
Ulre tho Petri, TIO?remThe I , W W25 fnr droves of fint replildy? CHEAP W -QR OASH V P. G. TAYLOR& Co., 4R:_A
�.fja4iifand pievidath&tthe,the CansvIiah Dzirymorl's Assmiation 4ant In mr] to got Nzl::,
Two e4j,]#n,
d;,44 'to 04.50 ftor probduce more Tbrcrt�- Spvalty mne, �a. am
clus; $6 for picke A Parga Stock 4 For sale by He GARDINER& 00. � D�,16 fiurrjz� ,�
the clorks shouldl bio � wIll he * held in the town of Tigersoll,' -.and ss to 0%5q evidence '.an�'bther --I VMa:,0C?T_,1idwnw14n the V the
Is C,!r.r f,� , ,
voinaroof appointing . L if T+ --w-i afid Thursdav roves of second olw"o, of peal merit than Agmts for Goftrip7j. ?crkjqrM
inw-uy VY- 11 ci Ltr. vnr,,, on I for trilra. article fqr tile purpoae. 1151 is solu every- .*3L.-, img 'bilk IC44 Mee, In thocuzzyt [Imse tn t-0 'ji It 11 lift
szorc!"d - that the" I and.6th Mitt- Mr-. X. A. 1, �6" of 04C
oil to -declart rebruar CALV28—Remaip unchanged'. by Druggists and geinerall $ter@- I On hiii�d, and� sallifig. at reduc' _X�BA,,v
would also be W jr 5t, - whero (er Aaft
bold office durilig pleas, Willard,, A.'M will deliver the annual ' e4zprices. e - wift,
lao,ould ANAL MAXERTS. JOHN XA�,M-x,�Ljo
'PAki& � prWte, Caldwell, of Cornell hIONT k6epers- HN KNOX
a. t)f under the prosent; tenure. alldross. I %d the follnwin�,e'itliogolb f .1kT- WHITILr. JO
vro iDA" no machinery bac*,r N. Y., will address Jar). 25th:,' t '�te, rem a ve now, inanufactuftir.
I TlRfivans Vex' 14. thja-n� leq,
i�y W resolution could b# �,Hop George Brown on at . . I ST
AS it Milk,'! and . a. P,I' ]Phleto all4d
iiaro4 there was University, it r�oeivea IrOla Mr. S. E, Bit - Bill' Q1 8,40
bar tb*- information called for in the Convention on 4.Taintad, FLOUR.—Extra, $7.40; Fancy; letter rQi.- Bound to, fA E , R 8
ez�halwof Olit Cinims ftxurso� LRAD PIPMe. AM: na P
$6.65 to $6,76; Supar, 86.15 to $6.21f;. la,w I know -m Alip.- _ggogies
splagwag f Unu
would ssk to hxysi that por- prof. J. T. Bak9`rs'$6,,310 to 66.50; 'No. 2, 3f psitu-t ]?�Txs & Sq*, 'Eons, Sheriff"s S 1,&,o
t1ho I&A P"_t of 'he , of Albert College, earx. 1 -ty
N410CW b# ir, W. F. Clarke will $5.0to $6.80; Finit $6 to $5.20; Midw L DMr &r$,_jA9i; auttimn I Vi8A guf.. GOOD BARGAINS I$ jPX#jkjX -AIN" -VAN4.1"Y WhIchfor ra anot dum ill "nnot be gar-
yelleville,-4fuid' Ri pitsse& aitromt =sec It the, patronap Of all, wL by'V2,tize of &'Wrii
W X W Extoonis I
tim strucx pup, -on subject,* dlin a, $4 to $4.26; Pollarix, $2.50 tr, , ring from a. severe co14 -which i
In t1ho 0"00 of the ilisoussiou whkh sW add I rem thol Convelition 63; 81ty BOO 43,20 �w $3.26, fe Raisins i& a ourrants.
Wn selection, on. A. Ne- on my Lun a, and prodneed a, distrossili 111 -All Wlrk Warranted. q"C-ZT�1:5 Calm of
I WXV0'tjjftl to M
WjiiAz —Noihing doing. CARRIAOE TRIM MING "Z:C !A�ds
111minioner of Avicultnre. XoAugz GaAuo.—Oats 34c.- Nothirm, w ioh numbe 00 AL. OIL n all Its branches well land totAtefally executfO. VIM lzunl� ul 17=_eb Cf j
air 0 r -o 1, or 'thing that can usually bg foun& in D. FEIR IL S sp, �
Mr, 0i (lo' ckjAnd, if their duties wii. i 14h Uodicines. but without afiv Every GUSON Am
$or, mid that he symPitthiW-1 ';I
I I �d Lf Bu onot, HOLES despitich, inner thaj-p-orinter(lence or Sir Jolab AT
dfkd witti the ;,on, I &ISO be present -laing in other gravils, at � last tried one bottle jf a Orocery Store can baflound' here. W, VLE AND RETAIL., F,,x yornserj.v of Hamilton) one of tile firm. tfflhe said I
'Tisit 01- E Cl- FE
x4r;� - inal;O:d, -
j PuovXsroyx--Fojrk,Xe*ornt DIP. .011 Dk1TI1510PX
*wit T,,,j;j14i4 "I Aft0'stfuNG BALSAN,which Tarn bappy ot fall if# call',aild examine goods' t,)- LUM00 WAGON -t
j;0A$161nan froju the #15; Now, $1&.50 too $16, Hogs, Do n ve . miouey,* ()it Lamps, ike, Qtd Yrou.
he ablo tq "faitegaorb alulost i diate' and prices, ifyort ,visit to sa Coi;pt-r, Rrass, Wool Pickings OrAers Ila this iluit aj*fuUy 4tt�zildedtot
Iwo and Sheep. Scild by the Xe.aFUre.lilzz,,�wt -Ro,
. . . . . . . . . . . . low
ereat froin 9c to l0o.." Bat
0m; wA dif - t1i, 45.62j; Lard,
bal *Oat, & Isluch 9r"wr A the cleric in th ter, relief and performed a perfect 4Ture iu
& J A.S. BR $11cius taken in Pixehanse- ji�,nd 44alrjuge. All nrAlers pomptly -Aton4eE to
0 Loower gixde#, go tio 10c�; FAir to Good ACKENRID 3, Jobbing .1 t
eni;9 Reiffonstem I - I short tiine. � - i ct,
t W;4 CA)Ijectw In thip nViCted 'if i2c t(' - 160,; - Choio*, 186 to ?Ao' 0:� Remember the a &lid, � !corner of J. STORY r! 3 oD U,L-mn. of
thAjil in tho erslere Dep#irtlnbrit, co Yours truly, Xtrictildentunt paid to all orders entrusted tpus� Willbe kept onhana du ngtneWint r V0 04
ad sertenoed to fosit Ch"u, 810 to 13c. S. Worth Street and '46rkit,Squore, %W.8ign of the Larz� JQcal Oil 13RI! R B.inipectiou of the workitpw beimzi7�rntoi On I
lfcca, Go 7-r�d,.,
jjjgrft`i`t# It& pr"410A Which 4,11btWomis"t 03 IS sarrintly, solicited. s4friff �*
Guierich, J�p. 6th, It -185X Godvtkbl Aug Itit-U70L Awl w Groierlohl _114th Deu., 187?, 4t,:
obts tip bm been set. W. Ann"—plots $6,76tosa-80.� po�rlsl Fing*ll, Ont., March 4, 18`fL, 000niak Ut Kai On,
jww* vf thww ouUtiff
WSW OiAlreh* aw Wolfing nal.#A $9,00;nq dontandl..,
4 1
C 0 P_y
P-0 0 R