Huron Signal, 1873-01-29, Page 2Vats.
to a trainingwhool flDr 7
1diots. cupation, by British subjects Of 11%nd thorn vill he 90116. 1 Will go with 7ou —Mathew Morrison, Thoa.11islup,jatmw tho it' beluttladouco. 4 'T. lak
Sir It wdl be differOnt in its character from upon 18an Juan and tile other Wands replied Itis CarrieT.
tay q Wilid) and sely if I can't ret a tiringston. andZis Mitchell. ...Cattlaj U.Crt to tin tiltq,
. . f, - _ " ..... .... 86,04 C W
ram § Zmftqft the Insafte Asylums. The latter are for awarded by the Geneva arbitrators to pair too., I know, the Johnstone always Moved byThos. Williamson, seconded Mi) -Fell by. nee4nded lyy- 811,4-
dul J. Witt wiok, that G. Pop be PZ 0pi - - - - 55.50
a ts incapable of receiving instruc- tile United Stdtes. try to plelibe their cumtomers and I have by L. Dobson that. Hatilew A101,481)". p dd tit tile "!',so ..... .. .29, DD
Inx4velt No-,' DNia %Yatseln. tion. The former will be for youths be- ar no.doubt thoycan suit me. be appointed Assessor tor the proi!410 'rate of $90 per anniiin for b,iar,ling aiid Poultry . ......... .... 6.00
yles: e:ar sevEng mathin(! -4 W. On Friday the mail and baggage c IINTEXIM SussioNs.— Piater Cowan, Yc salary of $80 Uarriod. . clothing Jas %leShorry, that J. Stapies IMT10man MOD I
WeAtN-ankIM. ,,mmoa per weelc for bli jor Department 41.50
tween the ages oft) and 14. and will be of an express- train going east on &r t i
sholly -for educational purposes. As tile charge([ %vith having assaulted and folont M'.ved Sy T. WilliA11180n ' p1loPare 'eltithing Sarni, Jones dqr ording arid In ......
Grand Trunk took fire near Grafton iOulllY wounded James Kitts, at sea- ing 410 present Mallinfactures, 8.50,
F011,una M, soon as an idiot is found to be incapa- m r by L. McDonald, that the Eric
I n' could be By-Lawls for appointment 'if Clerk)' year, that R- Crittendign be grnnted the
0-banceTysalo—El. Maedermoft. atatiotil and before the trai fo till On tile 119tii of December last, as ......... 20,50 'Wei
831a -G. M. batiy. raduce ......
True- ble of receinng instruction or benefit he stopped the flames had obtained Yeported in our coltivens. at the time, Asses -nor and Auditors. sum of $10 to be plac d in the hands. of
Itch 13,75
The, was brought before Jndgo Tonis on T IV Laaiei, Work, ........... 23-50 ."1
will be removed to the Asylum. he following debentures were grant- I.Varwick, anti that idow Horsley be 18 C,
progress that it was found to b: in plild 60 cents por week ,aT
NNednesday last., lie having to be placed ir, Q
Mackenzie. reports of atich institutions in Great possible to save the car front being con- tried suintuarily. elected to be ad, viz: cornit- th f R. Stephensdin-Carried. Root Cr0ps ............ 4...- 20.00 nee
Ira Lewis, Esq. John Howard' Statute Labour e hands o I Special Priz;s, . ...... 14.50
U7itain, turope and tka ITnited States sumed. 14irly all of tile County Attorney, I the ted $4 . , %Vitt. Patton taxes 1872 ed R. Stephenson, seconded 1 Total g sale
6r"t 0,4cauimg S.,ge..-Johratea & Bro. 1 English t'nail poarod for rainitt UnVed by Great' Clearin
show thatover5i percent. of thochild. It
Fenow;s` componnd Syrup of Hypo- matter, a Part. of tile Canadian tit il, cro-wn arid 11 lott, and'E. $7, Lewis )fcDonalr], aounijillor;` bao by -F. Stiver, -tliat 'the auconat of 'Dr.
Camliaiglf for fe I It Statute Lit- Appleton, 82, for medicine for Jas Me- ...... .............. ow 75 OF
i ren trained and instructed, in thiani are , the de nee.
the express go -48, arid all the passell-ers, assaisrison- taxes $10. 10, Cli-As. Rowe' )tal paid oil account of same .4.97.45
;t fit" to be placed in,fatuilies, whero haggavo were borned a er Was found guilty of tho t and bour error $1. Sherry, bo paid -Carried.,* Balance due ...... 82.30
,Or badly injured. senten4d to 3 moniths in jail, with tho Moved by T. Williamson, seconded, ?4nved by 4. Warwick,' seconded by ng lut
they become usefol arid earn their own Tito t' Tito election ofolfiors thenslook place, 61 ei
Mck for yards arornd the burn "ptlory f Paying a fine of $20 and all by S that the time of col- R. Stepenson, that 0. Foster be paid vh t
ts they ing i 93 Boots Shoes
-is strown with clitrred letters, hich latter lie preferred doinz. lector be extenaed u6til the nox b4ilding bridwif (in President, J. Biins, A at Vice Pfesi-
Law 3MQW%= samilmmm living, instead of biscoming, car 1r, t'uneot- .9280 on account- of 111tod. 0 foUqWA.4-flL Buell,
othervrisb wuld, vicious arid degraded costs amounted to nearly in f Council -Carried. Con. R. 8-9. lot 29-.C4rriod. not alre GXPM11110tt11*t0 and acouataut charge tip newrpapars, and general mixturoOf $10. . Cowan was also bound over in 0 dent; J. Washington, 2nd Vtco Prel3i- At Cost and less than Cost,
U-13 Cm^--d7v. 0-0 as -Ulti!Z9 to Continua on the public. 541okinq mail ati-I baggage atoff. V ved by S. Sleinnion, seconded by Moved by A. Monteith, soomiled by t 8 talcomZon,' Secretary. N. Rob.
tuair Ose: (he ituni of,%,00 to keep the ' eace f,r L. McDonald, that this Council adjourn F. Stiver, that this Council d,) now ad. "ell ; - V. p n Utb Journ to n anti, Treasurer. Digetors,.'
r y
Z it thea. alzilottheir; Poor fellow said lie had ,k300 in tit() One Yenr. to ni4t at Tuok's Hotel, iestagin at Lmjdoshoe Pugh Turnberry; T. R. 3 or, East Wfiwlt- FOR 30 DAVC
Hon. 'Mr. fackellar has introduced a Fobrary no x t- Carried. on Satord
wit ai v or--atcnca t,- vezia antil wi s4cara am lebria of tile burnitsl; baggage. The fire ay, 22nd ebrqarl next, for
'Pa- Qp- a!14 qZmenboirs &-,e he!d resPunsiblO GDT hill to provide that naturaliEtid citizens i% said to have originated front a stove A=bQ ; 107. J. R. GRANT, Tip Clerk. 'theTurfiose of granti g 6llii'ficates for nosh-, 9 Andre ws, 0 inton; J. J. Fisher,
Colborne; J. Mason. Hullett C. Proc AT THE
2. naZZ t -,t or r,,f' sis to lake tbe Pon the- ngo $ 21 years, who are as-eqed tho car. tavera licenses arid other business- tor, Morris; T. McMichael, ull tt; C*.
Firtra.-The saw Carri-id.
rmn T.,0 OM ---r to which th4v and grist mills be-
am d1zrted. they a-m LOA MSJWQ*1W.a 1 IV th" hv F raser 6f this plane war WS JAB. BRAITHWAIT
8-1 CEREBRO -SPINAL MMUTOITTES - letc. Auditors, R. M. 4acey arid Peter
att:ei ttzeir bn q. sllm.l r4 numbars =ck'al 1. av- I towns and $203 in villages anti town- Channel, oil entirely dostroyed by fire on Sunday. Township Clork. D STORE
f -,r an Income of 300 in cities atid A terrible disaster occurred in the longing to 1r. h,- Masoni Tuckeramith-, J. umminlr,, Hul,
in tN= It2 Vis 4 ll,lt such not--ce of dt2ron Fngli3h night, - findersiand that several cases of t4is Cavan. ROJLI
V'ricsW 4 , v nig:19thinst. Tito fireoriginated ' HU1101,021st Jan., 1873.
Vze raw hips, it - 11 have the right tit vote at all 1. which ticarly 400 lives were lost. even. dangeroub and freqnetifly fi&tal disease 1he meeting passed a resolution that -A
4L 11"MOve to..thaT aces witbou; from the furnace, MENS' WONENS'&Yk CHILDREW parhanientazv and municipal some of the handA have pecurred between Settforth and
and *Itpir Par' The einigrant ship Nortliflaot came into havinst put on a fire in the evening to waltoll. a dinner should be iven sometime id Zo Febrnary, at Joslin"p Hotel and that in every size and qua4ty. t
t tha fc-_T_-dr dmtious. the, The measure will lin,bably become law oll;isi-in A mid -night with an unknown prevent the machinery from freezing tip. COUNCIL
f.-reivr. at Thit Will is eati THs MEABLES.-This contagilus- ('Is- MECTIVO.-The Colincil met the following gentlemen should' be scolff- in tL
V-iTE BY BALL 1T. which cut her down mated at about 85o0o, 'ding to Statitte' at Air. Biggft's miltee of inatiagenienit:_,Aessirs J. Big -
ease is saeeping tbrough ur town t acc-
$2000 of which is covered by insurance. 0 Remember this is the greatest Bdot A; HeZE
r. C.arku -f Wellington hits 141 ot the %yater's edge, and priceedell on present. Whole fainilies'aris clown with Hotel, Varnd, on Monday the 20di Jau. gins, J. B. R-ti-ey, N. Rol -son, S. Alai- jcmss i
-0, Gne. P. rtowm t 1L 40 Par o pr -,vide f% -r v. tiog liv habot at el c- her omrso without takinit any steps to he following bavirig inatito -arid s,ib- cornsim,,fand S. 'Andrews. Shoo Sale of the Season as we are do.
and S. U. Frrri-.0lLL t C--.1 scribed the
ttwis f-ir tile Llc k Legislat iro. As it tile cri: vr anti pas- i A x OLD INHABITANT Gom. - lr. Ja3. necussavy declarations, took Tile meeting then adjourned. terminea to
Park Row are only authorized Ad NNEW CHrRen -Tito clivirch of Young. one of thA first who settled -it fl)e'r seats viz'-
ron will lie $Olue tittle beford all"tiler gt-11 soigers of tlie .Suiliitig ve Silrnps n. Reeve, Ge6rge Castle, ising Avnl-n in Now York. ssel Tire re-'Aand intend orecting it hrick ch irch next MaKillop, died it few ays ,fit at tile ndt3 'Vahlart I it"- * :u CLEAR OUx THE LOT
al election tit,, feeling appears to be ir. i.t of this inbuiumity is, tl,,%t oitt of 1 86113011. AL site hits been oroctired Arid 0oputy R000, Dr, Wilods-, Thos Keys
advAnced age of,79 veitrs. He remOved
favor Of lettnig the inatter stand oyer ngers nd the crew of tile lost i mierationa will be t ommenced in tho to Leech,ille a few mlinthx &go where lie and Geo. Anilorson, 001mtillors. Mr. C tril %yell, ad Iressin&, hisconstitu- IAT GRE A.T RE DUQTTON.
412,passe pi
o ; the i a. the to tchwh tid it is seen whether that syAte-u of vessol, oiil% (17 iiidividinals were ble to ! vwled his days. He was a kind I f -ed 1) 'Dr. Woods, sebonded by T, ent at Oxford, says:- F -C,
t NEW MILL. -We are alsot to bavo it liovs, that Win. Plu fkkt be Cl4kiL Istm sorry to say I aon old enoi ca
offenRive nian, . bnt had been aoinowha Igh to
'*PETXR tnP WntiuLe$ to work well in i kve thmselves. The horror of the oc- ; nex Ate im & ri%t nill.
'Nles%ri. Smith Carried.
tn, there ey
tat 'Mr. rist-riox -oe uinp, inte,ld erectin unfortunate in busines ' a luatters. reinvu -er.when abouill0yersi JOEINSTM & BE1,98.
curren" was intensified by a panic k Crid, it next season, Moved bv G. Ca3ile, sac,,nded br Or. were differences between tis and the
is p xid u to Ist I UR. GEO. FUICSYTa.- Ir. Forsyth Andunion. that 'itio saiarij s of the dif Unitodigtatdaandwhenagreit states- 4 NOTED FOR CHEAP GOODS.- Mr. (T.rizo has a bill which t: .%hicli seized the the mpt.dn THE PRODUOE TRADE. -Produce of all
AU=671 mad t -mt ha ozmq fnit Lt dtate I late Market Clerk hits been tppoidte-1 by
kind, i coming in freely. 'Large qu,iii- I offi.,urs. lie 111(i sc lie is last vene man, tho late Lord Ashbtirton, was sent poll theill, tities of pork are being gent to GodeL ich l,rk, Atreet. , xc(kl)Ulie Huttirniiig 4iours whu shll iverti; eninpose those lifferencas with R the 0 iuncil to act as m;trker v Goderich, Jan. 28th, 1873. -2354.
6scrZers to0 szd it to -be to VL-ir izatere jf s niisdeme.tnor to kill or offer f- r s., e beitig thiMly obligt;d to fire it
- 't tiverons birds beneficial to wounding oti man, in order to entorct? for shipment. Mr.
to renew as Our ternm are anv insel P. f h irr I inspector mirld town li,til ctre taicr at :1 61 eich-Carl-Led.
lice to his orders. llad the terror-! I salarY of $300pe 1110 distivailishe.d ni:tn who theit presided
azr'icid'ure. Any person s., doin Roburt AndenstiWalipfind for the Wit. -e over 'he foreign affairgof America. The
othartr se , r annum. Tliiq is 11
_g um, O"ediet oliull brolight in a resed hog the
WL2 It is pod appointimint Ar - F. beilig a steady.,
be arrestoll, and his gian seized and s -id stricken emi!zranls been amenabl to I other day which wei - hed 780 Ihs. industri-sus, honest, intelligent m-tli mul
Opposition.inAinerica called the treaty
0=1 Tr=X =vw- atith -rity, it is probabl that mzny I till- lluxest vs haVo heard of this sua- A'Oved b3' T Keys, secondo(t by Or. Y hie slirrunder of Washington, and at) Me
if necessary to) pay the fine. son. a generd favorite with tho wiblic. Woo,la. that livin Doweiing be Assessor -if tile Opp,,sition here called it the
more lives might have been save -1. A ;
XV-VICIPAL ELECTIONS. I BALL. -The Bachelors- are takincrof STEAM SAW IMI'LL' BURNED. - T! e Ashburto itillatio, so ill, pleased
Mr. Toolay, an old 'councillor, has in- subsequotit de Vatch states that the giving a ball. iteam ill owned by Mr. Tliop. G veu- Moved by G. Castle, seconded by G. ' it cap n,
were some on the respective Sides; hilt
Timing Iiiia-ve as followall- steatner which did the mischief Vag the lock and situate'd tont 2 miles worth Anderion, that Robert Reid be rreasu- the great tisass of both intelligetittpeoples
tv-1oced a bill to divide e%ch township I
Pelayo, bound trom Antwerp for Ha- of Seaforth - was horned down - it Fr iday rer-Caried. joiced that an amicablo settlement had
........... .......... s. M. into four wards, each of %which wi!l elect ni.0itla9t. 'Lo -4s $500, we undurstand INI-,vod by G. rastla, seconded by 0. rZeen efFected As a inember of Lord
oitia councillor, the Rt Illlch in,ligDation is felt at=the Cor.-;CZL 31
................... a CE rI XG, Jap. 2-0, 187 3. that there was no insurance. & large krdersooi, that Rlph Jr., -Pa3in-tirston'sGoyernment. I rmentbor
P. rp. -evil to elected by an
wiheartless conduct of her olmuiaritier_l Tito nevkly eir 4 . ..................... 3.30 P. thv whole t,)wuship. jo township teted Cmncil havim-, quantity f-flumberand a large minihor be Inspector -Carried. the -girat pains-wertatiA to,
A still later despatch appears tit justify talcen the oath if office. took their sents. of saw logs were 'also hnirit9d. Nl-. AU,ved by 0. Anderson, :seocindad by ly thi,i ,rwhicli give rise to coln' cren V
be entitled toa Dep. ty Reeve till'it has
Trains aro clue as follows,- Officers app--inte-1, C. Prouty, ork, Govenlock is a rich man arid CM1 stand j. Uagrle, that Joseph ffiggins he All- lfltiiat
1,000 e!uctots, arid for every 1,000 such he inference that the steamer -which T. 0, , f ina in t6 pi gsei]A year, in the xe!crc
.................. 10. 130 a. lEllillLn', Treasurer; W. McDougal be intends to build 3 miles north, tlit,,r-r wrried. British cast- and in the IThe Ile spe Ie r- rmn her down foundered with all on able arguments
....... ..... 2.00 P. m it and J. MeDmiald, Anditnrs. salary $10 near his brother's, saw mill.
will bi entitled to a deptity. The Tho Weeveapp--inteiiFrederiek Wood. f the Irord Chancellori we did all' we
5.10 -loard immediately after the collision. `eiteh;Janiiis Mollard, Assessor, salary SOIREF IX THg Tow -N BALL. -The AlovedbyG.Catle, secoodedby G co(ildt6 set forth argpinbrits which w
::14eputyreevesinall casestobe elected I
.......... .... ..... 9.S3 by the councillors from. among them- Soiree in connection with the ethodiit Auderson,-that Arthur Haack,3and'Tlios 11, )pe4 1volild haveoewireld 4 against any
Petition for aid for Mr. Sherritt to Episcopal Church, which came off in tile 0 -0" baL Returuhrylodicerfs for 1873- leeision adyerso' t6 our views. But, e
-tin, e 0n the quPstion U, is.'this the
will confer a faronr bT
very successfui affair, Over Aloved by Dr. Woods, seconded by T. nitnt'bf view in -which *a shonlil 1
Air. Mollard to lot jobs of chopping week was a. I CK
LOCAL ITEWS lay t)ver for next me, Town Ball on Nfondav ev ning of last Carried. Snhman
near con. 19, also n centre road near $70 being realized after all expenses Ke)s, that the foll6wing accolint b at tire subject? (Hear.) Everybody, I t2
s "I Sny 'M9MMty in the Hon. ir. Crooks, on behalf of the Cot;.' TY COUNCIL. -Tho County Court- con 21.. Clerk 6 notify Collector to were paid. The Rey IN11r. Palwer oecu Paill, viz:MoLean 'Br4liers $3.50, wipposIt %Vho oeginfo an Xr4itrtion
"their p1pars.
zovernm nt, has charge of a bill to coyr- C11 Met ill the Court House in this town 1 collect taxpa immediately. Next meet- pied the Chair in the absence of Mr. Ben- T J. Alourbooso 61
solidate ana amend the laws relating to vester lay. -Carried. 7 fids at tile end what he does
%70 alkall b3 &Mat all times to receive ir 9 (if Council two weeks from next son who was 'advartis-A to lie chairinan. Aloved by G. 3ecillided by 'w t altogether like ar expect.
But in a
ce TaA_, Ks.-We have to thank R. Gib Saturday at 10 o'clock.
items of IoQ%l news, reprirts of meetinz3 Mutnal Fire Tnsuran os. Itproridta The speakers adveirtisea tobepresent, T. Keys, that,this Cooncil grant the private Iffe iftWo'great proprietors have L)ousM. P. P., for supplies of Parli-3. ,ItDERS GR I NTED. were the follo-ving.-Rovd's Caird,,. lim of $10 to kssist in deff-avittig the laipls rillilling 8 side Tor s veral
accie4n% or any ircident of interest that ton freeholders in any municipality ide ny
! e Nt. Amev work nearbitI5,cuu.$. $225 Graham, AoLoldsmith, Bull, Saveile all i expenses of establishing a Telegrap`!t miles, and questions arise of repair, or a
e#her in this locaiity viltere it occurs or may, be advertising, call a meetin rtary p3pers. A it
Z. atid AIra. McEachan, Charity. 5.00 Dr.Oampbell. The two last ni6itticiled Station at Vaf na-Ci4rdecl. f fidiing, or 'bet een their tenants,
CaEs,.-A chess match has been ar- 1E M, tCd
td-tho camty at large. Stich matter if 30freeholders &rtend-and a majority I Mr Soulden. work N. B. 52-00 were upavoidably abgent, but the others Moved by Dr. wooas, seconded by T. which vouU 04 twhe right, cotirse tu
of them determine tolestablish -a . 1 rantyed- between Toror4to awl Seaforth, i4J. rend, error in S. tax. 3.18 did full justice to their subjects. The Keys, that tile suin of $10 bogranted ptirsp97 ti t Mutual omly ba sent at the rate of one cent per
com a olf by telegraph at an early day. j. McLeod wl,rk on con. 14. L y o ake I hold of
o7-- if m -w. ke2 Prititar a Cc and not Fire Insurance Company, they maynt 3.00 music both vocal and instrumental was towars inisintaining the Grumidet faini- every jjhin fhmift'o'tield imse anation at
obliged to hold 9 represontea in in-digent law, 'and get int( as'ruauy law suit4 as
PY HELD Ovsr..-We are Fittin polling place ill Exeter. 2.35 first.class,Mrs, Collins being the favorite ty the, beii
ber o A. Shank, work on cou 14. He
aoalle& To ensure publicatiod- in any once elect three Persons to- open a sub- ver & till in f reports of T-.wDship !nrpassing even herself up, n this cireTaustances. Tile. said sum to be ex- pr onght they on the contrary SE W1 N G PM V! UE rer,25
issue it should reach the scription book. Whenfvver one hnndred Council proceedings and ther lcc,l T.' J. %looirehouse map papet. 2.71 occasion. On -the whole it was one of pended at -the discratticin'of t" Reeye to say, "We li-Alrefrion-Isand nei._qibonrs and,
or more owners of property within the -matter tZI1 next iYeek. R. Stanlake, errorin assessment. 1.40 the bes Soirees ever hold in ellfcirth.- Carried. is THE
offlee not later than Monday evening. rapableofreconciltuty rilthesediffe -eiices MCI
nee shall. have signed their names CHURCH OPEN-U;G -A now Episcopal J. Tretithick, attending election. 1.50 favourite with the tile pathinasters for and wexill put the matter at once in PEOPLE S'FAVORITIE,,. tate I
_pe ople and ast excel- 1873:- their It h4st" tCheers.) Well, what is
arid bound the inselves to effect insurances Church called St. Jaines', in Goderich
.Provi Retarning Officers, 12.00 The -Rev. Mr. Palmer boing It gene --al , Tit- follooing are
Jas. Hodgins rap=tiig scrapEr. 3.00 lentspeaker hiniself Mways commiAnds [.John Wilzon 2 Jas Williamson, 31 ouriposititird Weand tile United States C_ ittownship near Bayfield, will be opened I 1 0 P 0 01 t ND gives universal satiitaction, it is in ther company to the ameant of at least 0. -PROLI Y,
a large audience. Go-, Ertvin.. 4 A'
on Sunday * next, 2d February. rthil]7 Haackie, 5.Dr., -vwo #hetweenmsthe great North Amen- YN, the istosf- simple, durable and the
SM,000, a meeting of the anbscrib rs I TIP. Clerk. Woods, 6 Win Harrison, 7 Jos Wild, 8 van cotitinanc. We h tv-li tely inade a lightest running machine now umdat
0 HOILSES DROWIVED.-A valuable spao I shall be called at which directors may he rvty & Ross, %1. Church, 9 Elijah Castle; 10 athew Confeeration of oar CoLpilies, and I of horses bel,-ngine to Ha Gaftnlah Tovusbi. 'M-wlake sell., 11 Ell. Talwit, 1-2 Robt rJoittrto,4&votikbn o,hw a 064. (Of t e cheaper kind) and will, new muck appointed and the company frilly org J Efh re in that heavier material thEEh any other, jit'is i XCU WELT1.1fG.-The vil lae Court. L)rys,l;tlu,- 13 Win J'shnson. 14 Johli fetUr
gan- c--ntrActA-)r* fdr the harbour rk,.4, were COU,
wo Ativamyself- The able men Za just what the farmers have lorig wanted
zed and pnt in operation. The direct- dronned on Tueday of last week, on Munday evenin, for the pux- Therk, I
Dy i Cor_,,TC1-. 5IEEzr-NG.-The Council met 61 [it 5 John Joh lln. 16 0. Ton_,,h, w ho represent thtrQ-teen in British Mirth
ors may adopt a tariff f rates, and way I . =' I and is warranted in every easeand kept
back,ug over the ona of the N rth pier t,,-dav (20th Jan., 1873 . the Clerk in p-'se'of bein-'f sworp in, which ddne U Geo Green. 18 Goo McDonald, 19 America are to '-Vern frow the Atlantic V 1FL__ fil in repair free of charge for one year by
into the water. the 'chair. The fullowinv gentlenion by the clerk. No other 'business was i X,hii Criiieinhard 21) Jas Graiogtmseu.,
issue policies for any torm not exceedint! 2 to the Plicific -from tire inolith tf: the the P,)mpany. Take my advice andbuy
GODERICH, JAN7. 29, 1873 6ve year -j. The company BEING RE-rr-rTED. -Th building ell handed in their qualifi.-ations and de- transacted. 2-1 J,din H4)ua;l, 22 John Pollock sen.. St. Lawroube tip the Utouth-lbf the to be
reav "su" i I no other I am also azent for aU kinds Hamilton streettlearthe S(Itiare, for. clarations of office, viz:- FAIR'S MmLs.-This mill has s oppec 2 . ohn Peck, jr., 24 J, Yhn Stephenson, Columbia River. TITJy'fiave- iliousi-nds of Agricnitaral Implements.
dwelling liouses, stores, shops, and other ineriv occnpied by Jac -b Seegmiller as bavii Patton, Esq., cq, -1
Reeve, Henry running for a few days, as they a -e pill- 25'13d. Robilison,-jr.. 26 _zWin Slierritt, of milesf territor. nons with 0
Ford, Esq.', Deputy Reeve. Messrs. r ogntermi J. W. WEATHERALD.
-are 6, d to 27 R-,bt Douglas, 28 - John Schafer, 29 the United States tif'Ameetca, and they
Gfffibs c av's Siqnal can b! buildings, hoosel old furniture, niercban- a pr,tduce store, -is being fitted tip as Cox, ting in a new boiler. We
5 Cents. shop for Messrs. Thompson &- Slkbt Eiliott, and cKee, Councillors. see that the work is being done )y tho Nvin C!arke lVest Street,
dile, machinery-, live, stock, farm pi, I ! ; 30 Isaac- Erraft, J Win wotila-hare bail, but fSithe arrangements 11 0
duce and rther commo" -ht, will so n remove to, it from their; Tho Reeve having assumed the chair, Goderich foundry, and that w( have Grahiln' 3i Andrew Stinigaii, 33 John that have been made, all kinds of ques- dities. This bill
pregent premises on West itreet. the minutes f the last meeting were an eat-afilishment near at hand to per i Johnson, -3 1. B Fisiier, 35 Win Me- tions about' -fisheries and boundanes,
riseets with considerable opposition
read anti pased. Air. Robt R-iRsell was form this kind of work.
Zrnnel!L LaWa%=. fr,,m BitEAN DOWN -.-We mnst all"Incr 7 John I it r- and all' i
existing companies. ize to -This foundry Qlywont. 36 John R id, .3 iianner of possible disputes.
1 appointed Assessor f. -r the current y9ar, is extending its reput+Ltion, aLd will soon
portion of our subscribers for tLe do ner, 38 Jag Forest, 39 Tolin Forest 40 Well we have agreed to' refer them to
Messrs. Whittingliant and I command a very, large share of bus- John Cochrane, 41 JAn MeDiermot, 42 arbitration, and ulthough -in'snuis parti- I
A hqgva number of Bills have,'beon in- J U RT L W. lay which occurred in the delivery of Salary rJ0- 1 0 0 - - ALUCTION SALE
Cantelon were appi.inted Anditors. to iness. =
traducel at the present &eefinx of the 11 5k M-tedonld hwintmducectan act tbeirpaperslastweek. Justasweccni- I J hil MeBeth, 43 Goo - Whitdinan, 44 culars oar views may have been disap- OF
receive 86 each for their services. Mr.
Ontario Legislatiare, the provisions of - to pr.-vido that in civil causes the ver 'n"ce d t- print a hreak- occitried in the LEcTuIts.-The lecture given on the lialcolin 8'"ich, 46 4-3 Logan, 46- Geu pinted, the broa I restilt is this; that, s.
machinery of our power press, which R- Proctor to be Tavern Inspectori to evening of the 15th inst , by - the Rev 4orest, 47 John' -%IcN ughtnn, 48 Walter 1 wmastated by the'President ofthe United VILUABLE RESIDENCE 0 ey
so=a of the met import=t of which we diet of a jury shladl not require to be un bd
took some time to repair, b receive 82 for each tavern inpected. a
ence the de- W. -Cochrane, of Brantford, in colinec- Mllffatq 49 Dn"Plan McKenzie, as S-ates of America in his messe to' IN TRE IX:58 re-newM4. Wei, Thompson was refunded the sum tion with the Presbyterian Sunday 5 these i
pro animous. The same gentlem an has a 1 lay. Accidents will happen. I
of 85,03-- for wrong assessment. The School, was numerously attended. nf,t-' Ste wart VIllonali Campbell, 52 ill. Congress, now for the first time
bill toatuend the EDCCAT]o-v REPoRT.-The Report of Brewer, 53 k6ht J. Coitke, 51-J. Ennis, two gret nationsaro withont a question TOWN OYGODERICH.
petitwn of Win. Jenkinr and others withstanding the inclemeric 50FUirkild Rossi -57 Jas I of bonnilary, and now for the first time f., . XLECTION LAW thechief Superintendent of-Edneatior. fi,r of the 55 Thos Perrin, of 1868 by providing that betting or i 1871 has Just c"60 to hand. a" I The account of Shepperd bw iutraducea a meas- was laid over for further consideration. weather. It is hardly necessary for us Baird, 58 John Tom inson, 59 Peted there is not a clond on the horizon in Chilli[Pery,
u;,& for thisi parp-_s3. Afte? reciting a year after the close of th and Cooper to say that he was listened to with wrap- Uraerer,*60'U7na1d McDiermot - 61 Jae batween them, and thai it is his since!"'
Is of: wagering shall be an illegal act anti an h- usul, liver. 6f wa3*not admitted. The sum ef 81 each ped attention, as -he is well known to Mordo6k, 62 Will P141lips, 03 Malcolm hope that rhisstate of things mayremain i,
canm, eas of, certain hea, erind which it covers in makinc, its ap- LOGAN.,vs. 143GUN.
fdmiTiC3 an, ject any person Join, si, to disfrane P per %%eek, quarterly in advance was be aui eloquent speaker, and his subject Fisher, 64 John Morgan, 65 George for ever (cheeks). Let in'
e ask you what
I athaza h_,-3 been (if great hise- liearanoe it lootes much of its interest, grant d to Robt Lee and James Crei&- Anderson, 66 %Vt'Dixon.. is the dreaesb erro and what was the
L was one in whi.;h a great number h.Ld r M pursuance
itind Keepers -1- John Morgalri, 2 greatest misfortimb that ever xisted in
s3 to themselves, their families slid meat ard fine. otievor wwway take smother opp.,r ton, indigent persons. The f-4lowing personal recollections. of a itserset jt d fliki
tunity Df noticing it tit greater lej the' Court of or
FAME FENCE4. n,th order zfer sale made by
'86; day evening last, Mrs. AlcCnaig, wife our
Mr. Prince has in- ill order 1 Archibald Ellitt, for gravel 81t $URPRIS-EID.-On Satur- Chancery in thin Cause, bearing AAte
cmffitarsj, it . provides &-That any 11 U, AwA.Y. accolints were ordered to be paid, viz:- AGRzzA Christ, pher Johnsom. 3 Barnard Siiow- the history of this icounty ' It -was the af,
an in the community who, haws th, rothiced a hill de- sic Gtvg- .-We w (Ion, 4 Geo Campbell, - IT rth > Ing
f 5 Jus Boyce, 6 tep-tration of fkU:t
-Peters' MirsicalAlunthly:' t -i hQ sent for'John Gardner, for do. $6; Trostees - reppel;tively the twenfy -xWh day of
raputatiaD of, being a dninkard sliall be' fining the duty of owners of adjacent , Will Graham, 7 Thow Weils, 8 Jos !Ind. kinsingn. It;qaAonec6ssarY that a sep- June 1872, and tV* seventeenth 4&,v of
ne year to ativ, one wh-P %ill Rend nq 10 Uoion Schoul House 84 for use of of the ReV. F McCuaijr, of this place,
a that January, :1873,' and with I ho approbs,
-is with respect to line fences, an -i wits agreeably surprised by the receipt 9 Alex Citintirtip, 11) Peteir(.TrA'nr. aration she
heU to ba an ha-bituml drueskard. That tin u ld take place, becaus
subscribers t. the 41GNAL. Thiokofit'i Sch,Lol Hoitse for election ptirposses; and C
provi -ast to remain a depen- tionof Henry MacDermott, Fiq.,,tho
at Sixty Bea:utif.11 t Edw.l. K-Ity, for do. $6; Chita Robinson, C Bot- the 'reat
he may be inter?ictef and deprived ot Donald ItAss, 14 Jl!ll Kitchen, 15 And. dency of this wmnft.
ding that in case of -lispute. fenc-- Yott can get at lea of a registered letter, containing $25, It Jacob Diihl, 19 David Robinson, 13 nation' -was tot) v * 1,
V-1rvrer as a present from her- husband's 13tb.e Mapter of this Q)urtt Goderld ,isn
the ea*PLo rn=aageEftent of hi & may lP-- caUed ton to, arbitrate -- ngs, Dut-ts find Ch,-rusyse and frurn 1 Trustees S. S. No. 8, nd Jas Richard- McD..U.,al. loss wa's that lie did iiot sopirilto' in such C_ 12 till -
is extate I
1, class. It it; only a few weeks
with the privilege vf appGal to till! ifty t-, sixty Pi;,no Vieces, worth at least anti 84 each; Jas Fair for litinber avo Ehat-1 Swan, 16 John e:A,
;Eall not -mll. mortgage, or lither- I Fence Viewer -s -4, Piritz Wild, 2 obt a inanneiJLs tc dra, closer the bonds of SATURDAYll 8TR FEB. NM,
ending its 10 aubcribvr 3 to o-ir 8!07; Slessrs. Stokes. McCullough, the Itev. gendeman himslf, by the Watson, 3 Rlph otephenson, s"n., 4 hrotherhi Pi -d, and did
vir' ' diswss of any portion of his real Ounisty Judge. Vi, by s we had t chronicle the gfft of $ 00i) to not remain' united
1 aper. at 12 &clock noon in strictest, ties of friendship (che
I Wo -ods, i4nol Rodd, Re -.urn- Lad es' Association of his congre-gatvin UT: G. X. TRUE &I AN, A ' Vien w
i ng 0 i W NloClymont, Wolin,Peck, sell., - in tile' 5 --or ;ersonal loug as the inur- KNOX CHURCH. -A debt of -91000 ha fficers, $10 each. *T. J . Mo"r- These things indica, Diincan Mufarinne,'T Jhn Laut, 8 Jnc; [jet its h, ips fiuw that, having foll cra)- ae,
to a healthy state of owed 1xin
&;at continne3 in force. 'Eke Surrogwe been %Teiiihing on Knox Churcl in this It luse 7.05 for stationery, Donaghy & "her nation At. his uction Itonme
to%% n bir s,,me years pHat. At he last Simmons, 85,45.50 for advertising by-law, eto ot 3 in in the Town Of
ot* eting (if the manageri field ah G-3d0rich. kt rnnning nuraliPer one
Cozmt vdU bar*& 1poer to interdict on Anderswi. the Treaty of, Paris, we -have for ever 3=1 ru GararVs freling ti -wards thij minister arid luis cXau-_,ht6nP'9 1116te!r Creerer, It, Rubt the ,Ivico wo'wv
t family by the PresbyteriaR congregatior.
We bare -received the Third Annnal ont thi ee &a The Pittlimastert for the year were M.Ive-i b
tba pwhtian of the pa.rem% wife, child, -ks a appointed. The Cooncil adjourns I to OW)FELLOWS' SOCTAT, 4he Odd Fel- C' I y T., Keys, seconded bi G. correcired and extinuished that error, thousand aiia three, 1003, in the Town 0
Report of the Registrar General of On- wet go it was decilled to make air a9t e, thai this Conneil des now adjonrn and begun a nw- state of thin"s arid W
bls-A friend or creditor of the 11-Irt to pay off the debt, and alreativ ineet again via the second Monday in Iowa of 618, villfkge performed a vry to of Ooderich, containing by glirns"Urs,.
r. Ohiqgis Hotel, Bayfield that all Euglish-&peaking people will
-Dok-w- JL tarif., for the year isn. From it vie the whole itm-unt,,virith-the exception 4 March next at Cook's Hotel, Holmes. t,dd arid siugtiar act of hospitality n R -11118nt, - one quart.'jar of an ure-ofland.
.1. The interdict will anutlane Thnrsd y list, thb'an4iversry of their oad, oil the last in Fetnuary inore and more strongly united . in the P10:l
in fozaa far twelve, montbs, at the end of learn that the reqnimments of the Regis- $100, has been subscribed. The irign_ vine. at 2 tj clock,'P. %I.- !parried. botids,)f aff-cti,-n (liere, bere). EverV, This licit is elt-iblysitnatod forAreti- e 4:)
tration Act are better comphed with lgers also resolved to add $100 to the T. B. STOKES, Clerk. institiltion, by issuingi, large number of WAL'PLUNKET1% Tip Clerk nin who contribtites to tbi deuce or busineliq stanA6u- thaNnrtb
whi-_,% tim. a ffie judze, on the petition of than after the measure was first passed, toinister's atiperid. invitatifillatil the prificipal inhateitan.ts a great result side of East Street; a very short #Jistancel of the village to attend a free sociai at Ba,) field, 21st Jan.1, 1873. is a friend of his country and of his rue from the !ilarket Square, Goderich, and
the Party intardioted, may, -in pr1of be.
IONARY SERVICES.- Miftionary i
yet, taking the cansiis returns of 1871 and every itian whosays ordoesauythin
the Town Hall fin that evenint.e. The 1 onthemain thirtroughfarelojiding ecFthe
f=z sh tha_+ he has bft,me a per&. -n Services %%ill be held in St. Gl-orge's which sh-111 Eco against us i
the basis f calculation, it ap I "rhe Municipal Council of the Town- attendance was Jarge, reac-hing near 200, is 4n enemy to il Grand Trid-ak Railway Station. There
of sab= bahies, remove the intordict. as pars Chtirch in this town, ort Tuesday next, ship of Coibierne met. at the Town 1 .1111 who were entertained -y iousi froin the. North Auron Agr.lcutural Sociot7. his country aiid to the advance of civil- the
that the requirements of the law are 4th F,bru,ry. Divine service i I be izatioU(clXpers). lot a gand two story fratne
wffek WV 60 ap-pointed a guardian still very much nev Ard tin.Ron-jay, 20th inst. 'Prusent'. Wit,. t -and, singing, accompanied enther by - a up hi` Usla with A te
lected. The total held al ll o'cl-sek, a.m. when Rev. Itr pian-, or an organ, aisd The nnual meeting of, the members containing in fiUine large rooms, Alec> a &rat
of the estato, ar any Gthw person givins YOU11g, Esq,, Reeve, -'Messrs. J. Budift readings. The ?4
-y, Ji I is Symington, H. promeditige were opetied with
number of regWrations for 1871 wet e, Kellugg will preach. A 11116sirnari, if tile North Ridtit2jAgrebulturolSocie. PEXERs! 111VfJ10, L.X(WirAY, No.. 66,
for FeGro kry, comes promptly to hand
sftueAy as ardarod ' by the judge, to ipeetpig will be held at 7 nan, Alex. Alail, pryer by ty, ti;ok place ai, Lashams Hotel, T,ondee-
Births 24,=; Marriages 9,939; Deaths 30 p. m., when J- Nott. Coloncillors. The menalers of Mr. N. Atathes,tia. r. D. P, tter then gorld barn and stable. The flurchaser I I
v104a. jnrisdf-ctimn the gua7dilan isill si. 9.1S2. addreoes will be'deliyered by a number t' M borough, on Vi ednesday tfteFll)th inst. anti is, as usual, averflowing - with melp- shall at the time of sale pai.clown a de,
tyinen a he Council signed the declarations -of read art article on the pro)gr ss and
be aub ect, No perxnn may sea to Under the latter head IS are of clerg nd -others. lioligh not lar2e Wss )dv. This mag;Lzine is furnished at the pbatt in the prnpriirgion of- ten donra WAYS qnalification and office. The osinutes of name of the society, followed by a Own ho t
for* ever one huddrod dollars 'if -hts
reported to have attained the age of cr)(11posed ji-;he prii cipAl agriculturist., low Arice -if 83 per year, and contailla E40 - 0
y =* so fnterdEctA under a pengift t REGISTR:Tiox BmL.-A bill has been last meeting is ere then read and pained exposition of its emblems and regalia by . ! - 0 &rchase monev, gild sballpay One third
an - Moved by s1r. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. H. Scutt. Mr. N. Matheson ale.. wboll, lve m,ire music in a, single. irtonthly number Of the blan6e within one weakfram the
100 years, and ,no uf these reached the introdiiaed iT to the Ontario Leg! laturt .,if the ii ighbonrhoed, altiongr Uto
=a h=drsid dallars, say spirituous Is . noticed M. nell, G- thdticari be bought in eliget-forih for A&e M 1
remarkable a -go of 120. InAhe County to re-ulAte North &4 Suuth Perth for Ar. Nott, thaVJoseph - Carroll be Clerk read a paperon tile nature of the secrets 4Y Of, "ale., and the remainder within
CT ferm ed and if the offender rexistration purposes. Wh Snell, W. 'Jenkins, 4J..Carr, i double th4t: snin.' Tile noutber befe-re
Iof Huron there were restered 1265 at about - Carried. The Clerk signed the de. of theassoviati-n: Dr. Reeve read a one vear fwm tho dav of sale, with in. -be t1s, hoMer of & license to sell liqnor, Huron I TheAvwnsliips of selection front Pickwick Papers. Tile S. Andrews, J. Joslit)) .1. Diiiiiii.itntys, s contains MiLittle Pot," CU
births, Ashfield arid claratioiss of 44alificition and office. torest at severi per centum pep nnnum,
male 634, female 629,,, name and Colborne have petitione . reimhugs were not -only J. J. Fisher, J. Bntifftwaite, E.' lan- :nfulbailad bithe fainons iong-writer. socureil by nittrio tcrra.
bfs M"emse, wM bit forfeited, and he wfil d that if the rid- Vtoted by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr wall delivpred - 8ge 'Of the aaid land.
sex omitted 2: 400 mariiages and 361 ings are not to be re nink, J. Biggins, J. Peaicock, JEL bro.W111 S. flays ; also, I' the Hea J
ra Dt be able t9 proews, a Heanse for the I -unittil they may lie Neat, that Mr. A Sands be Treasurer- but were received by the andienc r renly' Gqr.deit Mattie M4dy,ll and- Except 'as shav-nientioned, the cosa.
deaths,'beinz an increase over the pre. attached to) the South riding. Their Carried. Moved by; Mr. Xtitt, see, ind- lice 0 with Quar ie, J.,Sunth corubii, and J. Wash..
p interest. The rendings, ditions of sale . are the xtuniling candi.
trigtoll. - "GiFe Iny e to all at Home Two.
Theinterdictedperson b Lov)
viousydarof;440 births, 31 marriages bitsiness more naturally brings them t ed by Mr. Malloy, ifiat J as 0. Stewart terspersed with singing by Mr.'and Miss t ns of isale of the saill Oourt of Chan.
may, with the consent of the PrOTincial GoderiA, and besides it would be 'a' In the absenav of the President and .'YPW- -Xld'me: oter H&Ads i2v
and U4 deaths. be Assess4ir - Carried. Moved arid MeTavisho Miss Barry'and Miss Lake, eery. The conditions of gals and further
Searata:y be sent to theAsyluin for ruoreeqnitable division Of Vic6 President, Mr. R. Cole, second Prayer" arid "Par fiont ilty PA0119AW, U, U n
tho C.-unty seconded thatr T. Morrish be Collec- and Mesrx. Forbes and Wilson gat e re- particulars may be obtained at the
The, bffi :wfU probably be- for the registrars. tot-Carriud. Moved byMir.13achanan, citations. Refreshments were served Vice President cccupied the chair, gf-,'Tt;jethigr,* *!&tea
Chambers ofthe ssi
id Al"ter at God-
2rzws 07 TEZ WZ=. ter rh6 meeting wasclled io ortf6i tho:!faI-piebea:: ICCU0 thd-Tracl.," four hands take At
com a ravr. PUBLIC SCROOL&.--Our contemporary seconded by Mr Malloy, that Sir. u superabundance, and of a highly Secre I erich,andat theLawOffices-ofW. p..
in its last issue devotee a Jai-ge portion if flaynes, be one of the Auditors --Car- uxurious nature. The xuests retired ..tary-rpad the inintites. of the bv Ed. Strauss; 041-tstmair Gift Slquier and Messrs. Davilion U111111al M - eetim, e avlopted. and"SlIver 'I Mr.
LIQUOR. LAW. A joint commission has just com. its space to the school question, which it* ried. The ReevA appointed Mr. Me- about midnight after giving their "')at$ Tlie Secretary Aso reid flie report : f the laud Mazurka." Goerich. Dated at Goderich lids 22acl cuples
Mr. RkroweTl fw proparoing s, measurs, pleted the survey of the new boundary appears to have on the , brain, and is Murchie as -the other Audtto-r. Nloied a hearty vote of thanks for their pleas. Pirec.ors, as follows:- 'ASATTETA TRIP thePub day of Jan. 1873. -
grossly ' ' lisher ofteis
personal with reference to the 0 -
and se.-6nded -that Mr. J ohn Robertson ing entertainment, and sinzint, the na NacDEP for 96i--1:rZBiVz the sale by TOME of is. between France and Germany, efficient principal, Air. be Tavern Jnspector-Carded. Moved anthoul. -:-Niw Bra. Your Directors baye.munh plesure to send, post-pao, ifiree back numbers HENRY .3TOrT
Cumming. in sobtuittitig, to,the their an- Of 1872f6r 60 cents, or Six bao'k nutubers lastor, at G 01 , -
toxint-Ing Mquairs as a beve=2 -the erlob.
e The AHan. steamer ,- aditzn recently. Facts are coming to light every day and seconded that the salariesof 0JAcers 30,141 reptift for Ilia liut yeat :'andln -for SL Send onyour R SQUIER
at havin, g the power to i IV utterly.-f;L11se, -and n-' for tbisear be as follown,-Cleric $110. .!J(Tera, JIMA -our
OtOrfore' sank near Baltimore has been raised wbic show how d6ift so''the'iy- ,would ,cohgratuIa!e the wolvorlt, you wfl 46t ten1fines Solicitor.
reliaiplO its statements and reports are, Tremurer $60, Assessor $60, Collector your
WM, the mjwufactura or whoressle trade. and repaired. but as the whole matter will 5, Tavern. Inspector W - Carried. Couircri MIET11fQ.-The 'Municipal tite-fi,triiioiiy"."ktnd,, ;rtiiaity of tnOneY's wOrth.01choic' 111CUM
come u at Council lect for the towns Solli4l the ueneint suce6gs iffi(I PkosPeii,:_Address;' '13rA b
T s W21 pZu-7flee that municipalities A terrifie snow storm prevailedall the meeting of the Board n xt M onpday Moved and seconded that- Mr. Peter hiy of Hul- Ictioz
may agentsitosell! liqnarsfor 'that haittiiAei1 the -Societ.0for the 'J L
we abstain from any further remarks on &.Pbertson be appointed to move the lett, met at10 - iideshorough, on Mon -lay, ty STRA
the -20th itiaL, a cording to I past year, encli menib r of !he Socie New -York cut tl
dagnifizal and rawhanical pur- over th aw, madY ty
ray School Libraries commencing vieing with the other toe make the I t
9 country last Thursday. The the subject at present. - at No 6' 7
trains were very much delayed. 0 subscribed their declaration f
Z.,,Gsex =1y. Tbe y wM sho hitrin thei thence -No. 5, thence No. 1, thence No. a d 'n' FUD
and- ffiice Ran- 0. 7, thence qH ce, and witeted up. e.--krectjorL her.private parlor, (No. -nsbip of GOdqjch,,Dn
AfILA.-TIre following 3, ihiance No.- 4 thence N ali cation and offi' tilti9i, it successl ind4o secure to the so IE into the eclosure. ofthe sub.
way hixvi ,in- n eiuiplation-'th' WILL It or, Tow
Lord Dufferin is at, present staying in remotions in the. Reserve Militia Nmrl Ridini,, _',Of'Hurow tit& greatest if an.,- co j, 26), at the * ALBION HOTEL, P about 10th of November last, a stray
F, &war fk> Ncensel, pubUo house& for the -P e'= rib
Montrbal where he is making hirrizelf am- 3azetted, arl$ No. 2, thetise No. 6 -Carried. Accoiltit "n their -duties f.,r the prese'itt year, 0 AcCom'jidafton of tzaveZhrri, lint camnot -N( rth if uron, to be Lienten. of Mr. T. J Minutes of former, meeting wire then possi Toronto,,- ,VrUch, viii
at Moorhause, $3 51, ordered tv an object -thn-, r be lost; oMato the;ji ti6ssity,oi hading over -or 2 each day for a 'Sheep. Tbia.owmer is requestea to priore
trewely popular. It ('014mel,- Major R. X. Racey, vice read and.corifirmed' ve (Aderich, aft Itrant t7nem U!,-gusex sell livor. Mr. to be paid. Taxes refunded Jan Taylox 4 11 0 le.,p*,Aies; a iej weeks, for the Purpose of revealing - Xiroperty pay char e's slid takeit away.
T1%r*wq13 wfll aNa move for a committee, Di. Puqey, leader oftbatxectionof Widde. South'Huron, toteMajor, 8.1. %oved atid seconaed1bat th Moved by. A-. Mo iteith, second Sight f in arra -icnIWral:'dounlrj like ; - - - _ grah, . . 1 -1 Th e ad by, - structuee will a7tinjjt the ;ffilnension fliiei past and the future, to those who
Callad ) Micro ibe Jakhtr -is theXruat 0.$ ON,
tg inT ulat inwtav who2,,- Subject and re- the High Cburch Party know Reeve be refunded'$1.50 for Wa rwickl, that a by-law be prepared oftiie,Xrthiurikl ailw.
CaPt. . Adamson, vice Oja :2 O insuring lnityi favdur her %1th a call.
Hall, and Jp given to and passed, fixing the amount to he paid prodficer, atfil'all 1354a;vr a Reap. wai; r"I
n as Co. to be Captain, Lieut. S. H. Detlor addition to Town , jk
d a at to be Lieutenant, Ensign G. Johnston Robt, Simmons rried.. 'to,the varibus townahip -officers Oeperfdenf-fipc f1jWi;i,, -The colleaN
RW,, on th* present. statist- of the Is w. an "PhsAYitefi," is lying Clang rou to be Ensign, A January Bald
as - charitv--Un pregen
to best mearm of suppressing intemper- Genoa. Dickson; Nil. 7 CO to Moved lind seconded thatltibt Sim-_ You-t.Direcfiyrsi lia%-e'rnubli pldfts-ulre i ' AUC.10Y SALE t ya'ar- Carried. TT
be Ensign, Stephen Carr; No. 8 Co' brii to the* pr aceed.-
stace. Tro U1 fs not expected to, tan A loons be exempt from big taxes. $1.90. The by-law was then read aiiA pa' oMoved and seconded that the Collector - Moved by.T.Warwick ifiti, id and the rapid 'ng OF
number o0lToronto and Hamilton be Lieutebaui, Ensign Henderson' seconded by R. Pr -'8P` t 0-11, Alnoutlt to
s W L- a 824
thf:w sessiou,-lint a. faU discussion wffl be, Curlers visited New Yt;rk In t e a d be It arid satllfactory strides 'that - ar
Ellisign, 31armaduke Rems-x"rt be allowed till the 25th inst. for cnIlect- StephAnsonj. that Jas be -an Atidi;- 0 U- S E H 0 L -D FURNIT
h". -"a the, roppA of ths, Committee andesle. No. II'Vo. ta be nfign, David Kerr. ing taxes tor &r th-elcurreat yjAr-Qairied. -made by- out- own, county Qf Elul Qpr hdr, a leist. three -buiidnid ILIONTORE,
played againatithe Empire Cit -Carried, Moved Ad seco6d-
*-a- bamYnallieforfu doDU clubs of of, that city, beating thenir SUNSHIFz- Th"uu sbone out in all. ed that the Council 'adjoiarn e Georie Onnningliame' was: then ap. the great race ,(,gross;. and enter. 'Xii Minfieso _ b
tlarause. ' ta 'the r'
0 P1 e.
his glory on Monday litst, the o t 6. . A fil * years ago oui* stock was Milt A&Tifid inaki stoi-in. rhit bf mom TIRTMETVIAN
IUMIATS A"LUX, by 272 shots. nly Again,on the Sth day 6f February at I TO il s v-; I , . M
inted tfie otbor Auditor by the Reeve. mot
bright, pleasant day we havolhad zinc*,-- o'clo' Moved'by A.'Monteit)i, geconded t-entir4 idtha rjativ6 lireed, im;Aiginntii, t tj fif fo
H=. Mr. Pudes, bw introduced rt is repor ths, ck-Carred. by instructed by,the - Executors of the
W t the lax-EmPre" before the, New Yeir. -Yesterdaythere 'SUISE-PE1 CARROLU Yp Clerk. Stiver, that John Landsbor(iugh be we can certainly Pompar6"v ry of, tfiQ . lati to Ifur
f voura. 3fargaret '010
bMf9rth* eAsbUshment-of an tnebti- Eugenie, will ivo up her residence at wararelapset4i, theoldst Assessor for the pr solhi' MY it ith -maiq, -cif -ths oidiir caulaties i
aand iho wind blow. and. the anow.fiew in X*Yis thtellbyAu
me' ate of thitigiii ction t.th4 Auct.ion.
Chiselhurst, and Moved. -by J.. o the - qualffy o0t1w rich blb6d in i ur istit Aw"a and the. girvern nt will seek relief fro at D_ Alitrt, Goderich, on the fl
It. Stop cittlo,ifteq) d"'ine audinilie i[hica
rw6*;nend Ra rem a great rate,apm b1o6king tip the roads. berisiin,, that..Thus Noilans be - an swi , Won-
W260ass the most swta- iniscencex by Ukin, elect- Coll - brful ilu prtyvel,kent filAr hoisiii` 6wing
a9UP"e"bo e"n A res.ded of this town jho ban fVed COUNOIL XZZTIXI . Thonetyly slotor fer.the present eaml-Carried TRURSDAY,'30TH JAN. 1873,
gl' 06
arid ad Riieve 'ty Reeve, and Council- Monteith, by isurip 'f& tl4nulberiif
bill pro-vidst forthe, some Other part of England. -here fiPr the last eighteen years Dep)i
Moved by A. *I() sitt
whose business keeplahim constantiy on 16r4 met, of- Daltie's Hotel, Cratibrook, Imported horstia iii O r:iiounty,lo ' hA Cofamencipgat,12 ocloc-1r, noiDn,
ed 10, ON TE119 2ND Household Furniture c "It WX1
19 Inspector for the Wes )r W. 1" BEConcie- MY VERY
F. Stiver, that Gabriel Sgrinik- be Tairern
t)wlr folun' Scandinav,ia like other countriesi is 20th Jan., 1873 'at noon accordingto ; ING'LOT IkO tsiy XPP]f=t:04,-< I - theirosol inflTMOU that holaqviar saw t- Elictoral.Divi- n omprising in
MAU1119 A, It oVetoilloards unification. At - - Statutei lis ink. been iiiat inilie-Townithip of Go&- I L
en much snoiv in Godiri6h as- thee is at. Orn $ion, and John Brittbii Tavern Inspec. 'YouiDirectirs4ioliappyto.fiiid that* U I*'90c part
-e oponlog of Swedish 31)let, the j?rssont ectotal Division, fo r isI-Jtoad, two and Ckld'M Bureau, 0 Stoves (C USTONERS
th arid' declai itionx. fyled, -the following tor for- theJtast El'* m we attention,1 bqiili; th de- ei#ch n t 0011ing NUXEROUJIC
on is AtIla mad* Cn=P;1ulW* ad-. I personi:tZok tlidir'ii A half laoilfidm.'ihe Toi vn Of Goderich, Zi rlor,) Stov
King, in his sp4dh vats ai_ the'bfuniol- the curreutyeir- 4arrie& Ila' . AND THE
ZATJr or! GoDztierg e,. 0 Piffll, XrO(lkery and
from, the thr.)ne, 1) of ligr6tofor -and go- acisi '- 75 cleared and
Union -*,-with iftn6y other articles. ENERALLYg or
3111111111101L of h4itwd 4MMUWds, The LADY.-TheAl- of -Grey for 18 3 J viz: Arch. Xoved by A, - _k6ntlsith, j e_,AQ intelligent GlisswAre, Bedsteads, Carpet
Of expressed a 4sire for its full derolq p- peuaArpusstj veryaorry arindd by.. lbat Watered PUBLIC
to, Mewilalolf Reeie, Sarallikslef Do, T. Book
cr ve i6 record the duath'of War*ick, that the. sum of $16.fjIg $ -of the, jojl,Ly * lr, 'ta ay -bring Ive run.
went, pu%,,. Reeve, Thom Williii ' k
t4,1 0 mison, swith' it succes i or take i
politicia Shannon,'a Y" 4rr fa a in a grea or 16880r de- nitig through ilia Lot, h large 6 1 thank
4rinkard M&Y nPly DY th )Ung lady 8srs Of takesior 1869; ou lot 19, con. YOU fartheiery liberal paWn.
Gderloh, Tan. 27th"3,87. 9 me for the lost
rthard"iof thoicei grafted'Frult A 9dod 1354
On three xaccessive, dys Hoso a to -mert
by R. in jedrinectiontl ah6d with -1
Ow petAlo upcn ther alloged inebriate, tingres4nda Moved by F. Stiver, sectnded: growin TZ U*iustio
,pprovild. .
on the nfivelist, Hu il.- and,., m(,11tbs Catholic Chlitrah for The appointment of - officarx fr)r tue l§Uph nsouLthattheQIerkbjin out, 1100L - XT AOT OF JiB69
Asylux, Tholudge will A qm* servo # , of last regulai rnentivg, pey to de'd-unty-Tivasittrat -carribil, _urg, Pon Yout 6 onelits -of root crop 54x32; stablinjL_'Zid d v ng
retst qiem YninUteg having beeiipaid by. tb a rticulaiy, larg L we'a, g
homwhii has made Xc og4Idj-.-snd lawronew Dobson, sarin' 'Verinas of',Sale Cash.
8, be,r6ftifidad bt he ggms re' age YOU have
who, was well known to &'urge nunibtr he Lo , oixid 'p
of our comllfiutitn harias been organ- ahoofqedal mie
the Jejeaw was stinon ,rd L ' - ton Y"n
Bulwei Lytt 1" at the __q, -and:w la i i re- lar, e buy loft",52i othar- our
mol fi a day for tb* h earitig. of all th e and who, by her many -virtuell U structed with advise ion to bemore prticnlar. in buildinvs. and a good 11111111PAt-the barn by se Eng Rev. P.* In wn , t4 I
0 ptpularpre-colic- I draft a,petition tQ be, forwarded to - the selection of LoedL- YOU sUalwifins ewained in tba- petitifill. r and accomplilihments 14VA atideare& her- sequence ipf- -the incorficiration of' the, he lAgi#liture'.0f 6ne:oftfie.gieate4 yttrd., This1.td1)60'.wiU be Sold ths'Ynatteli of WnLux E. LEO,.WAaDJ
'to all wh,4new'her. Matty a- hexrb Villiije* of, Brusfels,' the r4ignati Ontario, L aigried y d rawbacka, , to gilcd ssful root. grOwing for Cash or'on'rte 4t 9-Illuit-purchasers, an Insolvent.
AtA At. 'Ron. 'Dr. Litshington! an old xelf As it
If %bo OW40 fwd* 9W the PMU'll AU -fealsAdiorhar death, and her XWeet llelng the urall1ri mwitofpaor'.seed, AND MUMMA by
and distinguished 04 Of ',he Reeve stia Clerk on b 41f ()f .11j;5 b
J. R k;ra-rt asiTownship Clorkn. before .0 L Unail Vs Meeting of the ':Creditors of the You wilt &I
0 ways find on -hand afuR and the
Wtitual drunkArd be ropris istjob- 60- faCaLWIII long be kindh remembered," this Cutincil and 9Woptcd,, r praying ' them --to amend tile hoaairs..-of ti
i144 Cj*kor wifli th* #1U*nc& takyn, its 149itfmist jonraOx pf Paris - 70th ffoo, oC Map.' 26, tif sis fi orfshinz co above iamed- Insolyqut will be held -
t ici, 4140 sa by. * Agffiiatb i we,, Assorteastock of
WUXXX 'All YoU GOINq in sugh. a The folloWng lipplicati6he were X6, hown Noordi AktAT gMceiu tboToirn
of the. Chap. 27 of 35thVic.; as farW elites to Tresurr'qxep6rt,_ J)1rebtolts Iffion
t s this Pr,)Y1nv;s1 getrotary, who' may t tbat 1B4)l1rt0U. 11tiAWsJI*v&'bPr,y I #aid (P jaj, 6f.V s wir 'Of %d, 9f God6rich
Be friend io -another who, ceivecl appl iiij'fdr the iolci of Tim.; th- 118t thut irlOrp, 611 ToWlev the eighteputh
e faceofRogistrars, S6 c;tuse the - tr ift4# Au 4 hcoasto I'01111,9VIst him tin the 4-quaie the iijt xest hiky, be bri6h; 1f6ar ay of in
eAJOX, Hun, to )HY GIOOR 2% 1878, -it three o'clock !u ths
& Oraw
funded, and that tite, said -Ra- tikkfft Wille affiiiri Puf nd 41 t
at taii
ud dnmiArd bo tonsfexrod. to tLpli 11i,rd ais the _,otherday ulthinit giiing th 11'stomary W4, th,
and Foor Coll.
greeting. I Jim gistrara be paid qt'ssollary-j' Ciarrivd. Pqrame. House, and 900ta a show, Re3dy H-AeClothing,
Adylsim. *Are tu to -kept such timt, not Tita Dito do Xeiijour in given as the 9o111KtoJtJl)W!()U Bros, Aloved bi Thos. Williams 1?rame I- I CQUI
on, 80cohdad Moved by,.T Warwick, seconded Mom 4,4)od f4w'ftuit tre aiii4ring the advisability of disposing
vight he're, oppo$ito-tt-a n1srket, by'Satul.,Sfouiiison, that Alext r . . _y - V et-414-90old thin Rntire, EstAto aodffect-a -of tho
R..Stepbenson,,tbat the gum of 056 lie HA P. I )WA %, V.,
tv for tljiz annotkneerost. JIVY ArO having 9 great elt-aring safe if iiis weill., TI -148 impetty 'ViA be "Id oboap,
be lippointed Clurk of this it granted for shovallirg Eta I aport, showing Vent "enblole'and forordering,,.
rel' side 40 0
a ilia fk -the past Jot; Ci sh. Apply to Ugunds
404 may d"M sufficiout t", Airs" 0'r, in fho Rouss, of Re rexentOlveA at and ShOL14% arid as my'llrogilon at, SM317', 4 $w per A11110. f thi#Oaii*ofthe'estateLeutir&lly. in tlat followi
p in. durim, tho' 104 Ila an (1utL_ y of
40111010. 0, cl 5. 6; con. 9, A arid t,63(1_b, year 4, -AL TR
Wasbington, a UW11101A 11CArlY w0fli Out I Aw - hurrying"6yor to pleas4e of the Volincit-Carriod, URUAN,, 'AILS, §110VZLS, jForxS, jkc., ;W.
has, Leon grsnte4- for tho.same porpose-4 . ill Side 157, lo4illg it of at Goderijeti, Ihis.,27th dv
get a VAlr befbl'a they .311 g;. X4 Kiwart, 1 14, to be paid according - 1011brt w as P,(Aop;,.,d ach. ae, Ram 1873. P_ S.-200 J BIg. lit Herrings.
They. ra, . Au4itors, appointed Ale St r to ther quiltttityof gt/jval p7l1i (if he for
WAMINO smor. Yom owm xev, Wl e-.Uirg opon ths, Pi-eiidea to givioAr tromendons, Urg&Ms, and T in Alex 310N, 5 6, con.
It -3
iww iww ieftV400"'s 1011 UNP000114 the, afraid valess, I hurry ijung th$, be3b of _Appae, are tt on. thel -promises IDIXIR WATSON
. iorl$ fOr-offico of Aisesxor vi I x.f. tht saiii 4xv . ixieps, mid'tobo-dom -25 , tl J 7 lea b t4