Huron Signal, 1873-01-22, Page 2r 1% k �_ F. . E A -.,.,L y Rill - VIA ow t t -V@ out Thej wer6 obliged to tg TM Tanana" -1111061`6i�- 7, Vd"T.;­ ZXOF=ZiATM 07 OMAAZV.- Aff.oi *&t*11 information cent who not term in rq &To lid, products, no Matte ion' aly and br*aking his b&6- 'The q -the &mount of money p� r what -export duty G! Tbank3-Dz�. AmaoU. con-, some hopes othis recovs, 6ye, The annual meeting of the- members' ToRONTO, Jan.Uth, 1973. nales of the purchasers, and so on. .110 wo put on. as we had no ompetitors. of the jSonth Huron Agricultural Society Among the petitions presented was Mi r It also mention that A nuMbOrof After goino ftirther debg�@, .,Lklb rcw C -.I:) Z E0, a — E. T. Failbacks Co. Y to" ANOTima Acoiror-*--t-As A' 111411 was i held at Dixon's hotel, Branefield, on one from the Council of Pablia 1110true- beri his had not been tfiken IiP,. He felt 11160n W84 carried, The attouda a 021co. mesa 0 a 0 an oil ,rara Irith w Go er c 1 9 new Posses', costs, comilli ont of n6o of tion r lative to tile constitution and 'file interest of1he country Thoroute-of -thepaciflo I_Zftnivey, the 1 4 d y last. tha� it was in that the Principal, whose e 6uncy and fire civilipany, ready to do their duty at and irr 'wh*ch a' Is ight lie with slaigh. and tp�in4 horae., the horttis took W" so a of PaTtv -D;Dylo & inimbori was unusually small, there working thersof, aiid a number pr hoUld 'hS put ft:Ldur Insolvoitev Ac sail some other queg- judgment iio one will call in qllestiOuv a moments notic - sisfety, and it ill o difference tW fright at a passing train and ran� &WAY, ayin' that. theme borths a] -t _1 a n than the tbatan Act may. pass to prevent the licefise, aud they would therebiro be tions r -_ Kan. ,Squie-e. them whether there were docks here itt settling in contact with a aleig oad. of being but few more preautit isme tip for oliseni .0 , has 9-d and stifficient reasons for not 108.1*0 odl"ft and directqrs. - The report of mantifutore and. sale of imtoxicating y tiny parties who A reanlil R:12smel %V. 1,' squi-r. ACCIDENT. -WO undisrotind a mail 111. The delegation showed that the tile it OR06 to purclitime b� tion witg pa -3 -sed suggesting Publishing th.9m at preient. nanied Win. Rumball li�-i one nf Ilia 101 hil wheatand slightly inj uring g 8118(ldeiiii the'Troasurer showed the aftirs of the' liquors. mig)it choose to) take Olem at the prices the repeal of tile Stanap Act. sho-'03satnef LInds-JULU Macclon ala ango they had made necessitated now of a young man named Robal 86cisty to b� in a very satisfactory cdn- A number of Bills wore introduced) the� had brought�at thq, atiotibri. Ap- Steps wore taken towards 1mving on - 710n SZCr*-(3'=. 'McKen"ic). thumbs taken off at the first jo tit % hits docks. and it wits only right that as they of the township of Morris. dii1on. The new year is commenced the full . towing being the mere iMpor- plidAtions had been ready -ed for the", tire conformityin tile conItions of au I -We were qilite cnrnect in our state- loading a car at the station a few days had caused the necessity they should at pRoplITy CyA,;GfX-G HAND8, --We - I "Ows' comy*nndl Syrup at Ilypo. ' 0 - w froth adver�al parties, and they would it policies 6f lasuratee, Fc- L ment that tho London H-rald placed tl.* ago- least aamist in their construction. They learn that Dr. Campbell has purchiss4- ith a very fair membership list, nud tant .7 with a balairce to the ceadit of the Society Rr. Kacdonald,-Hill to amend Law p9tsible be put finder license. Mr. %V41 kes moved, secondeil -by Mr. t,wrtehirts of Mornington, Hiblivrt, CoLrtomxr, rqlNV' NSHIP C071MIL -Tile ofterwards saw the Minister of Justice from Mi. Frank Meyer, that. no&( and froin lastyear'soperittions of about $106. Reforin Act of 1868 in reference, to Ju- 4110 debate was continued by Mossrs r4ou'rillivrav, th.t the Exceati;,e couticil Logan md Ellice in the Countv of Council for tile present yearis com. on tile matter. The Government v ould comfortable dwelling on Mail' ItrOot, Tile following stat-,mentand report were ries in civil cases, and to repeal certain Wo6d, Cameron,, Scott, Richards, Oliver Committee, petition the Doralnirm oov�. d&t,lv, ar, not commit themselves, but they allowed 1. t..d,_ Voso i of the sitails inenihen An last ye, near tits station. The doctortak6s lolls' road by the Secretary oil behalf of the enactments. and�Catviu till-6j)'clook, when the House ornnicat in favour (if postal delivery in Hurtin, at least so far as i with tho exception of Mr. Malloy, whiise expressions tit drop which le,1 to the session on tile ist of April, when be Directors Mr. Bothune-A Bill to' provide for adj6tirned till Friday, in order'to giv@ attisS And tfjw-ns without additional Law 231mUZZ ITIM,91mrs. ti -n was concerned. We know nothing placa is taken by Mr. Jas. Symington. hope that an increased sum would be -locate hin office in it. Mr, Will. Ault ATEMENT _mei�bors an op ortullLtV Of visiting the plitced in tile estimates for tile improve. �age, opposite the Com" ST the Intardiotimn of Habituil Drunkards. - charge to the lr"oflar postatze Uparl lef. Vot g-4va laxp�,99 notice to &�lout the weekly. Of course it was HARnouft WoRxs-.-The Contractors n,alit of the harbour. The town woutil has sold his coti O,f moneys paid by th6�8ociety for prizes Mr. Bothune-A Bill to 9m01f(t_ath0 Brififflird BlingAsyluti_2 ni) _T11,4117-silaY. tLra, Ikc, Carried. -!3�ekl wisll,Ls �o couthl- only a Mistake, and our cotem netWnt .11oll School, to Mr.,Wm. Logan, of tho G tlta - ('011- Law of Slander. 31r, Pennock moved that t1ja vf)Vsrn- ti)r the harbour wtirks are ofigRgedon tile be expected to c(intriblito ita share. but firm of Logan & Jamieson. The first during the year k87� FAJDAI�, 17th Jan. supers entecl ment be urged to reduct, the pastagison =zs oi czoi� feel put (,lit bicause wo directed atten -ould not,,he called on for more than thA and knumber of potitions were prom 13:2 4��. . Ze, t%o ec�_Vni� tructure 4 the soutb, pier, the ice Mr. Macdonald -Bill to provide in named,prop6rtv wassald for$2 500, -Horses ............... 6.!, . . ..81[70 50 Civil Cases a, Verdict by Jury rhall not transient nowspapsr4�&G., to are cint, t�llo pnblis!av 0Z puollwl - offering great facilities for tho prosecu. stiol rtntedi,ytheby-law,viz:$20.nOO. I. -of anAct-ta compel e: -a cak7 opu,�Qcs to 487:1d t"S:n Quell &�j 23rli-'s az, tion to it. 9 10terjor 8800--E008ito� Cattle 120 00 "king 1qr4hVPPAjw Carried. PiA Qp; a -d utann�­,& " Lald, mapu2sible voz tion tif thio work. The question an *tiothe 6wilorship,of the- the- .............. require to he unanimous, 0 1 each. is -There is Shoop 8150 Mr. 86thune- -Bill to amend the Up. Coiinty -Co7tinditi - t � divide the *hule Votes 'd thallks haviog been t6ndered dock and the imposing of tells to cover THAT GOLD 113APED CAIUI High Sohnol CAPTAix DA-,;cy h,is we understand, r. t$ 4050 er Canada Jurors Act an, as to provide Cot�nties,fnr purpoess. ............. t,0 those who had,contnhiatcL to making 0- 6.�Ozn cnzv to Wh!C11 t%cy tile gold headed cane PIP ry ....................... 1125 lor the payment of petty jurora. i4on. Mr., Pardeehitrodoced 2, bitI far -succe" the Poard adjourn. b NXTS Or Tam TZ=. addtd to his ' 'fleet" by the puroilimse of the I ist of c(instrnotion hall been raised, still a gobd deal bf talk a cut N Poult tt6,r UVV another vesse, at St. Catkarines. She blit it wai thought host to allisw it to Shantz iiinning he managers if Root crops .... ............... 2600 the meeting a fts�t:4;� t%= bl'Ka. sez:;irs numb", cack, 01 It av- Pu 11 man can am About to be intraduced which- wits offered by t! Mr. fdacdonald-Bill to %*lend the patIblishing an Inabri;tte Azylum. lie over in the mean time. He thought ed. tax t!no:Q Ua tits 02--s. to Lot ozzb U01,;ce C2 C1M,-,_2 will be employed in the general car�ying the timber shmild be got olit at once, ,,It popular Injplei 1K90 go'. - -A. t --- ' 6 tia'asm--it as Ott- ZAW raqaL-m tile R. C. Church, to the -n Aet respecting short lorms of Mortga 'q address to fjoret D itferin was on the English railways. trade. man in town. -Most People would have Grain ..... ........ ........ 1775 inUpper Canada. adwited and ordered i6i'�o rausinitted. and. if the Government undertoolil the iii- Fruits ....... 6... .,. ........ 20 50 on. Mr. Crooks in-ved the House int tu aLI ttl.:r The lomat Legislature of Manitoba is MUNICIPAL LOAx FuND.-The depn bet upon Dr. Coleman especially is Mr. Macdonald moved for copies of . I wa to "-1, dimuLs, the-. , Work thoiy would take it, off our hands. f- Vegetables .................. (). Committee of supply, when a long Ab urt tin tilts. M3ZC anminoned to, moot on the Sth of Fob- tation appointed by the County Council belonged to tile ChUr which Was 0 9 all Orders in Council (if any) and cor- He fell. sattafled the Government would disgussiou took place n the llopeik ruary. to lav the.elpims of the County in this de something.. &lid in this ipinion he faring the cane, others m-uld have 6et Dairy Produce ................ 22 rO respondence (if any) in respect to tile upon t nfended or otwo mati6r before the government, visited he head of Mr. H. Meyers It very Alanufacturus .................. �2400 candidature, for i- Bad anomber oftfia mettibors A freshet has eccurred in some of the was. horne out by Mr. ohn.,Brown. I an r6bla lawVer, Fine Arts ......... ....... 475 taking tile pporitynity to brand ei�,h Gxt�. P. Ro*&Y.L Co., 40 Park Tcronto for that purpose last reek. �Vith ' nce to the prospects of opular young man &no antz L%dies' Work .... ............ candidat-ure, for seats or a seat in the othbroas traitors, liars, FinaUy an(j S ,, n vilas Ent all were disappointed. Mr. Sh 36 00 HollsoofCommons of Canada, at the PsRsn-T&t.-M. C Cameron, M. P. the coming yor, our positio I tj'and Extras .... .............. 2125 he' Hunse reolved itself into qolll- BOY WHO CAN READ ANI) a C..., g-, Eastorli Statits, which has done Much teink his departure for another trip for mrative - stranger, a Germs, recent general election of members to Pal: -k or only authrizt& Ad- dainage by washing away hridges, c. not very flattering, It the amount a 01lul? ...... 075 otttee, rose and reported and askod -1 te;jj)prLutLoE) to le= VoTtiaing. Agants in Now Yo "f our indobteduess to the Miinici_' a --Protestant beat th;m all by ilimie 400 Flowers and Plants . � .... 5 servo in said House of Commons Of the 'eavi to sit again. A. C. Chadwick, Barrister, of Guelph, Is.,it. His medical adyisors have orAere votes and is now in possessic ..... I? I The debate;,jti the Tiftiber poli Printing. Apply -t tile --k. the benefit )f his health, on Thuroiday ill Of, hand. Blankets, Flannels, &o - - 77 istrar fty.r the South Ridin- if tile I r d pal L,i&n Ftind was not reduced g aid Plowing Mtch .... ..... 8700 ctunty of Lanark, of the She ff of t'he ley ()� has been gazatted Junior Jud.a of abs-ilute diessati,-n fr,,m busines for a below the suin lie had named we wolild some walking,ca.ne worth it i ri Goderich, 20th ail. 1873. tillia. Me has gnue to Savannah, Geor- hayu to raise to meet interest on Har- County of Hatton, of tile Sheriff of the theovernment was then rcsamud, aad Wellington. TrmPEEtA.,;dr, RavIVAL.-T110170 seemi rotal amount paid in Prizes -4725 50 C,un tyof Carleton, and ofone of the In- 'ft" a nitAnber of memnom had on- �re�sed their opinions the huilso ;ld- On. the CzHmS3 elm Io wAich gin. Nfr3".Cam'@'ronaccoinpaiiisdliitn. hour deboutitres, Platt's Hill deben- to be q%itte a movilitlent aniongst the dry ]KEP44U. spectors of High Sahoolsin the Provinct 7�� Diphtheria has become epidemic -at vocxs -The deputation appointed b- tqres, Salaries, and other expenses Ilongs on the subject of Tempfaalleci at al of Ontario, After stating 'tho facts of juat-rd at one 2 va":,74 In. addition to tile above financi r1X1%r1j f -hat 0 M r. Ramiltou where a ilumber f children -the tn�, n council soine time ago to to- which must be met, without taking into preient. Some time ago Mr. Joiin Ail statement, the Directors reported as fol- (,-;tell case na. they had come to his notice, 0FD0YLBA1\D hare (hod of tha discaso. tei view the vosernment at Ottawa with account any public iniprovemen- it what. -trew canvassed wir t�)wn for signat,ires I . 1; a --d E%nt bs otues from Z, al lows he argoed that it was exceadingly fin itier was thin day &3104vea by .2t date. reference t,- thl- building of docks, pe, ever, $1600 more than last year. The to a Prohibitory Liqu­r Ntilion nd 61 Jq Wo have again to remark that goner- properthat Sheriffs and. tither officiah Inutual C1111IRMIt. svi it, to 6g to t!zeir baterest . Ths; Empress Eugenie and Napoleon their mistsion list week. The state of the town would call for the inost overbod"igiied it and eXpraSse I *a third annual meeting of the Do- c2ir term's a illy speaking )llr Society continues to should take part in politics. B. L, DOYLE. re the Fourth gave a grand reception at rpqtllt will be fmind in our report nf the MI Ist rigid economy on the part of the themselves in its favoi1r, and ugall) on nidion B,)ard of Tra,ld was coliavelied at 'I pr,)sper. We hold a Sl;rin-.,, Show f -,r Attorney -General Itlowat said lie was (),t�wa 1, Chiselhurst on Thursday, %I ivor's rewarics at the meeting of coun- council. the eveidna (if the, 131h inst., the Rev. itallions and bidis, which was well at- glad to dfid 4ie bolt, friend advocatino st ff'&les Ly, r-lil attvn- avz, C d. .4 cil on Monday. With reference to the Cemetery lots R. B. Palinor doliverall a Lecture oil rger than 'Goderiala, Jan. 17th 1873. Aan%e appears to have been la Bloody election riots have taken placp where tho drill #had stand, he atated the sam. Gocd *ramplar,4 tonded The Full.Show was as usual, views which the party of which he wa,,i. aternumberof lo�al-1 NEW SALT*W01tF8 AT KINCARDINE.- a Fuhjoct in the very allecohiful. We h4ve had *also ill now the leader In this Elous" hall al year, and a gre G."I.- dL T7=X 2411TI7. in Portugal in which a number of per- The anibitiousvillage of Kincar(linei that he bad visited the Canada Com- Hall, under the an.�pices af the Sors aoa,�ds were represented .. *The repre- i is 1.8-2 a compotition of &(rowing root crops wayi contended for. It was highly do- I sons wore kiHed. to haVeLA Be pany's office in Toronto on Saturday and of. Temperance. This I eeting was till, iontioll embraces the maritiaie yro- 4. RRIST KR, ATTO R14 Z 1 .4 r L T4-. o-zicz- salt well of which Messrs D n,l v plo�rinif match, both of which sirable that Government officials shmil,j leb, Unt. W that they had consented to Ove th" of tile most enthusiastic and succes3fu 111.es and Bdtish Colon-bia, and Ar. I BthriuChanuery %c. ;,jdar. Tho Allan line bare lost another 0 rav and Scott are t-, be the proprietors. ere more or le3a successful, and all Oil- not interfere in the elections, and ht ley ap�em-vd as represeatative of . omen, over i.e. De0or&,Co'f3 SwPorlina, Tra�m% leave as follows.- i , Tho contract for the arecti,,n of the towit a free deed of the wlicil-) eight lots ver held in 8eafortli oil that slu�ject. -itlated to advance matariallyAhe itgri- ractretted that while the friends of til I , steamer, the Acadi4n haviniz been slink neces-tary works h&% been awarded to now fenced in. They wmild also convev Prhaps we might partly acclairt for tilt t ie,,;DaLrojt Board of 1'rada: 'File re - .7. 00 a. the Ints (In litrge audience which filled the Hall (w, `ilmral interesis , of t he Riding. The hooli. inemher were in officii they had no 71sy coming in contact with ice at Bald. tKe town, free kif expense ri' President bafori vacating his soat Mr J. S. McEwtn of Seaforth. ftrmer- lonatientandcotitrib�itiona tot lie &oi- seen fit to effect any- lVXL8la`ti0 i necessar) ' , I j .. ...... mo7a on Friday.- ly of Goderich. They wil I involve An the bank optifisits Sheriff .4acdonald's. night say) inside and ont, by the facr ty for 1872, were superior ,o-anytht"14 to prevent thA evil,of whic I It the bon LtVaspeech in, which he took a retro- C, A L -' D '0 F*']P H 'k N K S. ...... 12 SO m. Referring to the prooposed breakwater 1hat the lkev. Mr. Palmer is a very abi Tile pL�tivo view tof the work of che Board, penditure ofabout $30,000. we h%re hAd hitherto. Nunicipal gentleman complainod, With regard ti� ..................... 3. sop. M. The Right Hen. Et1ward Salwar Lvt- to protect the lisclit house, he had re- aud popular Speaker, having won laurel V widi'llouchad on one r &we vubjects If CANCER CURED. i ouncil. rof the 0,ounty of Huron ithoad Train's aro clue as f�3110ws,� tn the well known Enzlish auth-ir, STkNLFy AOTaIjULTU"t. SooiETY.- ceived a telegram when in Ottawa, lit, bot11 Asa Preacher and Lecturer his hion. friend s motion, there were ill au4h anportanue that would eugage at ...... . Tile following were elected office bear. did know from whom, iokiug him to call their approciation of our offrts by giving Orders in ouncil with reference to nu Tne Port ify, that . 1, Patrich Qurq, suffered ........ 10.N a. m. died last Friday. He was 67 years of AsUeld. Is a grant of $100, and several public Wilhi future'ti-jile their attenti,in Motion. I ............. ..... . 2.00 P. M erit of the township of Stanley A ill- the attention of the governmen to ilia. .,if the, mitters mentioned in his le-4ion of olli-.ars resu-tod la tile -a- from aei�y severe Caucer in MY " .. Fdic at matter. The gavernment stated that 4pirited gentleman throughout the Coau-. With regard to correspondence with an) .5. 10 V- -890, f the parties Mentioned. Jalifinious selection (if r. Fry, of Qao- right eye, so that I c1lutel n It se'D Out 'if tural Society at a moeting h COUNCIL UE&rl.NG.-The Council ni,�' , give iis abont or special prizes. of ...... .... .. 9.S5 The Chinese am obtaining large sup- i Phing's Hotel on the 4th ;nst -Presi- the tenders received for thia, work wero lec,i Preidatit, and Mr. ten years. ... %tLoughead's, Lticknow,-(30th Decem- Chis, with a meinbership fif about 100, go far as he knew there wa' r,al it for at least 4, dent, 'Charles T-taugh; Vice-Pre3ident all too high, but plans for a cheaper ' ber, 1872), all the inenibers present 40- of Toronto, ai Vice -President. Docturs in this e(juntry �Atendinq me, plies of breach-loidirm rifles, and foreil4n nd tile Government graotof $700, ena- no corresponflence whatever, with ont Tar-� I Peor-ge Castle; Secretarr and Treastirer, strulAure were now being prepared and The mintites of last meeting were reao I After certain routine business, the for whief, I p:Lid a gowfdeal of money, wil confer a favonr residents at Tientsin are beginnipig to James Armstrong. -Directors-D. H. if they still found the ail in at their diis- ied us to pay off all in,lebtednesa, and exception. He had no objection if46estion cauie tip for discuision, and but none clui me any good till I cairat and approved. mra a blance of $106.61, to commence bring d4wn the correspondence with the af irrnmlarity in the feel apprehensive. Ritchie. Dr. Woods Edmund Weed:tke, posal inadeqiiate- they would be obliged day. any Notice of application was "cross Dr of Berlili, prnaia- recaivei porations for another year. For prom- Sheriff of Halton. rhr the remwinaor of the 01 -livery elf their pap�a Win. Kers, Thomas Simpson, Wm. to increase the sum asked for the wi irk, ear as esol-Iti,oris on this question were re4deoco Galt, and now in the spa-ve cf Prince Bismark has retired from the I from Wm. Hnrpar to have the E� 10 Lums, we have paid out uring the v SbMe further discussion took place iro i Hall, J. B. Secord, Ralph Stephenson, in the estimates. The Mayor conchid- iub& three months T have Sound eyes, ?r Prussian,-_&binet, it is supp-1sed on ac- W con. 11, taken frc.nv S. S. No 5 and . -an ts follows : Spring Show, $J02 which it was charged the Govern- itted; that introduced by 111r. We shall be glaodet aU time_% to receive i H. McCann. Auditors -John Es ad his remarks by expressing his -grari- nexed to S. S. No. 13. alkerof Lundoti, in favur ofan Ili-' fir which I have to thank the Doctor. count of (fiffurene" be' weati the �Eiupe- son, John Keys. fication at the assi4tance rendered him ih(.)ffp $510; root crops, $26 ; pinwin�- ment that they had employed land ctive duty of 15 per cent., (Nigned.) M A petition frm Win. MaVough to bay(. nstch, $87, milking the total f prizes aluators to influence the electiong. d�utal prote items of news, reprts of Meet' "A HoLLow HoxoR". -Our town by Messrs. Dickson and Farrow. I; indIn favor of a plir-nanent fiscat pohey i PATRICK CURR, nir and himself on Chnrch questions. the arrears of taxes for 1871 agtillst ffii' -mid, $725.50, as showit above. The teirned out, however, -that whereve azcideq-ts, or any incident of interest contenip,%rary considers a On motion of Mr. Robertson second- r a wasladopted on a vote of. yeas.10, nave of Goderich Township. University ancelied Branch Societies in connection with us valuator had been found interfering ill either in the where it =-lra or -gree a "hollow honor". Perhaps the d by Mr. Clifford, a -vote of thanks was Advice -5 --from Zanzibar state Ihat the Si of Ej lot 9, con. 5, E. D., c Letter from B. L. Doyle, Esq., in re- J. The Board, after transacting some Jan. 15th, 1873. unanittionsly tende are comparatively flourishing. With tke elections he had been disinissed red to the delegation i I tc3 tlie__ county at large. Sach matter gnpplies despatc�ed by N[r. tanlev fable of the Fox and the Grapei never other business, adjourned. ference to obstruction of sideline 3 and the exception of the Usborne &,Stephen The Government had noted thronahout Oil Tharad-Ay the question of may ba sent at the rato kie oe, cent per 'lutv reched Dr. Livingstone. and the receive,11 a more fitting illustratilm than for their exertitins on behalf of the town. Moved by Mr. �Detl.)r seconded by 4, con. 5. Branch whiell nialgatuated with the with great fairness and impartialii;., ing the oxise duty on petroleala came Up- CONSUMPTION CURED. ;reat explorer, vith charucteristic en this. As for its ki'lowledge of Latin Moved by J. F. Andrew, seconded by ,,,,ty S,iciety for a Fall Show, All the Oz;. if markei- Priuter-'s copy an not Mr. Gor U The motion wascarried. 1 qnottions the less it gays abolit that -ion, that E. F. Moore be ap- andijafter some discussion a motion do-! D, Who was P. Clare, that James and George $aul:13 f Certify. that my son Joh ergy and phick, set ont on the l8th of , ,thorn have held exhibitions attende,11 Some minorbusiness was iisposed o To pnboatiou in any the better. When the same mistake is pointed Auditor f, -r 1873. action for the present was car- 'lifford be refunded 86 an:1 Donald Boyd $4, f,�r with considerable Success. It if' A PlOal- and the house adjourned at 5.15 p M suffering frem a vely severe attack Au-lisi; last to complete his discoveries nade over and over ag-ain it is very Moved in amenduient by Mr. C Statute tabour, 'and also t -Au dollars featnre in connection with our rLec(. The remainder of the Bitting was of ConsumptI.011, is now COUVILIeSCent- -t shonM reach the nattimf for,,ne to come to the conel seconded by Mr. Gardiner, that Jas. Ing January 14th. Spent mainly in discussigg the hglprOlob- nawn charged agolinst, lot 4, con. 7, E. D., fOr Branches, that they are making efforts O!Hce not late-, than mona3v evening. The Riissian Lrovernment, it appears, For �he cure of this disease, I have ft� Warson be appained Auditor. large number of petitions were pro- ue4t of the canals and other water t to try to induce the Frit. rhat the person inaking it does no' know Statute labolur be refunded, the work to have grounds and permanent buildin i biUs intto- thank thevevy judicious tr-eatment�ol sent an agen anybet, or. The amendinent was carried. 94 sented, also a uambdr of routes of the Dominion. In the -even- i9b Govenituent to co-nperate in th The Mayor then nominated Afr. having been performed in these cases. Of their own. Tuckersi6ith,. UBborne ducd. ing ille delegatpj were entertained at a my son, by Dr Arnold, of Galt. The k QUARTrr. OF A cE-,­TVRY.-The' Moved bv N. Dalton, seconded by A. And Stephen hsvz already seoured such Ron. Mr. McKellar announced that disease was of about twelve riaontha plans of the former for the subjngation Moore as the other Auditor. 0�aj)[IletLin the ��Russell H�nse by- the S,ratford Becon in referrinz to our Moved by Mr� Smaill secondetl by Dreany, that Henry Cook be ram4ted at considerable expense. Elay ha's he had made arrangements with Mr. -it standing, before I placed him under the f Khiva, but Fler Mjesty's Ministers havinglittained therespectable journal- $1.93, Norman NIAttheson $2.08, 'jonticil. of the' Nfr Sloan, that the Auditors be in- *ad bought land, and will. no doubt, soon Muir fo run special trains to Brntford,' 6 awa Boziid of Trade. care of Dr, Arnold. and in the gEort Oil Friday, tte third and last day of par.e of three months he sesmed to -we IS rooLty have resolved to adhere t-,. their p,,h.-y istic aut of quarter of a centur says'- structed t., carry uut the changes that Donald McDonald $10.46, on account of 418o erect permanent buildin'L's, all of leaving Toronto at nine o'clock *,- the �Meeting, th(k uestiou of RecT I;o have effectually cured the boy, 66 y "Onr time honeired contemporary. the nded to be made in the luistake in assessment. vbich is respectfully adbinitted." Thursday morning,- to yisit the Blind up, slid 4 it is a question which Qoderieb Signal. this week attained the were recomme Moved by J. F Andrew, sibouded by H. Lovs. Sa., Secretary. :aido much sa, thaf-for the last two moutlas 4, Th,.� TurUsh Gi,vernment bs com- wiuso* Treawrer's bnoks. Carried. k Dreany, that '$9.03 arrears of taxes GEORGr ANDERSo'_,r, Predident. Asylum. He also announced that tht oealis directly on our salt iatereatB we he has given u al joiirnalistic age ,f twenty-five M,.ssrs Ded-or, SmAill, Robertson, charged Against S pt of Ej 9, con. 5, E Great Wasterri had agreed dv6 the repurt in fuR as it appears in. P Ining the medicine vierred an -Action for libel azaiiist the Ve&rs- Itiqa-,niething foranewspaper Watson slid A. Sinith were appointed a ELECTIOV 01P OFFICEM. lialf-fare tickets for members during tht' prescribed. (Sigued. L,trdovi T'ines f,,r inserting letters pur- t,, be' able to boast of a quarter of a ra-ittee to select the standing com- D. for 1871, becancelled. The following officers and Directors session. Ron. Mr. Scott aiinoftneed &hts it com Hotj�� JOWN YOUNG oved the follow. GODERILH, JAN'. 1 coultury of usefilloe!13; and few news- ilitived by J. F. Andrew, seconded by vere elected for the ensuing year : Pres- that the Grand Trunk had been applie- watford, Sept. 11t1li 1872. 1853-11n. 0. �rtlnv to be contriba tud by their Turk- Inittee.-i for the prexent yea--. ing�*resolutioii, atconded by Mr. Do -__1 - - -_ ­ . - - - , � ___ I- - - papers in their day and generation have Rev. E. L. Elwood, the retiring High 11. Dalt,in, that John Oent, George Anderson; Firat Vice to, but it refused. Mr. Rykert enquir, iqh Minister as St. James7s which are heen rf -,reater service to the country $12.50 for postage and Division Regis- Veber:-" Whereas tke National Board r h an t I e Goderich Signal. SchoolTrustee, wasra-appointed. President, Arch. Bishop*; SecondVice -ail whether or not it is tha intention o; ATralle of the Duited States,'botb at ade!zell to contaiu untriia statements On motion of Mr Gordon seconded bv trar. President, Win. Bpll. Di'rectors-Poier 'Ministers to appoint a Corumittee,to) CAUTION. 1 -r -L 341 the vriee 5 cenfs. Moved by J. F. Andrew, seconded h, 0- , Godarich t the Imest n,, held at St. Louis, aud lately respecting the finances of Turkey. people still believe Mr. 0ams own; Win. Wi �i � Robeirtson, thu slim 180 ;uqu.ir BVY OINLY THE GMM -NE of $4 vras utothe charges made by the t Ifew ]Cork, resulvdd to exert its legiti- *oderi i township ; Thos Si,npson, on that a4vertising by means ofhani-billg ordered to be refunded to Alex. Taylor P. Clare, that Rohort Clandenning' Illiam. Macdougall against MOM - Evidence it hein4 taken at Ottawa for nd posters is better than in n9ws- cc(iiint for postage, &c., &mounting to waVs influence to proutote a ineasuro the mixe-1 0,mmissii,n, respectint, the on a6mut of 2 camotery lots purchase,1 $3.25 he paid ataulev ; Wm. Wiison, Hav; Whart0u bore of the Government in reference t.. for Reciprocal trade with the - Dominion Fah'anks, Standald Scales, uapers. Mi,st of the large stdvertia,3rs by him, he being a- lailge ratepayer of lodasori, and R. Manning, Stephen certain mining lands - The Hon. Attor Moved by A. Dreany, seconded by P if Caga4a on a broad, cjinprehonsive 7-12-ist) wLo have Lid anything to d., respnsihditv f the Canadian Go­ern- have learnod botter. The Theatre the town and thOrafore entidea to pur- tarnes Pickard, Uaborne ; Dt. Coleman ey-General said Government wou!d tad:, liberal basis, and where" the . Ex- NAVIUFACTURED ZY Nlana,6ers Union of New York on Win Clare, that the Clerk be instrocted tL ent forik 8�. lh:tn's raid. Sir Jhn chaae for thv same price as other rate- ieaforth. &lid George Sproat, Tucker- hnng down aiy papers that were aske, Lth tLe Cr,,-wB Land Department -)j I;s.v resoir �d �.� Modify the present form pttyers. procure the services of Mr. Thollial 'llnith. for, but a C;lmnattee would not boap calive Couticill of that Board were in A. acdonal-I and 11 -in. H. S. Laug(IVID ,r4()ted - E. Ootayio fa -a to have been im- to momurialme Congress in T. Fairbauks 00. of ad v ertifSqi q by aholi8hing hift b, lards Afto,-r- some discussion as to the ad- Yveatherald, V. L. S., to fii,d the bear The business before the meeting and- pointold. Mr. Rykert asked for car b r_ircaseZ wi!h the adimirabl ing on side line 3 and 4, con. 5 and -6; Ing with the election of officers, an immigration retums, to that the Hola Avbur of the APPOUltmen! of a Commis- mayrA4ith re the prinoipal witnewies. Sir Geo. wltd r,,tr' A --, noticei entirely to news- viiiability of allowing purno's to be E. D., us J104 to. act in conj nction With the Stttto _:T re tanks, the Council a -t- might know what money was spent an, Vile, advertising expeni3es of journment was made.-Expositar. whr-L tLemmne33 of tka dep-a-merit is Cartier wili bp emn�-mnlsd in England. and to set stakes on the front ail, placed lit the fi rear of said concessions. OepWment to negotiate each a treaty, MIL -3;312 I'L3 Pra3en� t head, E10U. El,m. Roderick Matheson, of Perth the Now. York theatres average nver jjurned till the last Friday of January in what direction, since the Rouse, las nd whareas it is the' opinion of this 31M a day, and the managers have Moved by J. F. Andrew, seeonded by met. While approving of the action o F.. W. Szott. T -he poliov pamued by avid a Senator of the D --minion, died ln P. Clare, that Keneth and Finlay M� that, more extended Ommarcial He Wal beencompelled to make advertising a D.-aald be refunded $4.23 each, being &D son. W. movat on Puty. the Government, inasmuch as it was i ti. rti-xis with the United States would the- pucriat tvirh referenc- the 13th inst , aged 80 years. qtlldV. 'The 'result of th&ir study we, wizz"m - copy of the policy of the late Govern a highly ad�aniageoua to tooth coun- overchArge in taxes. ta-aw, WH61 laads rs a UrLqe one, and the well known thr.,unlimit the Domini -n. have stated.- Exchanqe. he objected to th, rie's, thurefore,.be it iesolved, that the 1 0 FATAL Acciromm.-A fatal accilent the The Premier being' attackei by the ment, hows a large in- Ron. A. 'Vidal of Sarnia succeeds him Low JouRN-&Llsm-Most o; the news- Moved by J. F. Andrew, seconded b% b�:3;r e33 of, tho n�B��e sT P Clare, that Council adopt th't I'lo-in. H. C. Cam ron for his descent appointment of such men as Rev. Mr- j4 xecative Council be instructed to, me- papera in the neighboring County of W-Utirred in the woodi of Mr. Currie of - �e m -L --os, in t�ho rczeipts fro -n tIA3 soun-e Hon W Muirhead of Nova Scotia is oatition of the Ontario Temperance &lid from the bench into the arena of politics Horrocks Cocks, whoL know nothin� norialize the three branches of - the o5 Phe im-2rease foz over also made a Senator in place of Hen. P. Bruce appear to tRnk it their special the Towvship of Turnberry, near Witig- Prohibitory League, and that the Reeve "'ads the following eloquent defence about -agricultural matters. , Han. Mr A numbur Le4alature in fav,jur of the appolut- proviiice to abtiso earli-other mateaJ of ham, oil Saturday, 11th inst. as" a valuabij exposi- McKellar acceded to the motion, an, Mitchell, ilesigned. itimate, business of a of men livere employed in getting out and Clerk sign the papers. oil behalf of vhich we publish of a Commisgion to act wita the ti E86-1 Es Very baiaz fulfillinu the leg 0 McArthur -B- the Colincil. tion of the importance of party. He said that Mr. Clicks had been appointei ."lomin'ission of the United States, should . -19,. public jonrnal Low and v-filgar abuse timber f r ros., of Montreal. I because he held a promise from Mr far the fa=, er UJ,7,00 as azadn3t $3 The funeral of Napoleoa III. took Moved by M. Dalton, seconded bv A. said: )no beamed. or to take inch other IqT� "f each other has been their o!iief stock Two tif the n were chopping at one tree Dlace last Wednesday at Chiselhi 11 b He (Mr. K.) confessed that he did Carling. Mr. Rykert moved for 8 rt* 'a as will -beat respond toAny action M, for tLe at the . he widow Ri i a4il in trade for soine tinia. The last issue when x* of 3ne glaficed ahli striick Dreany, that t ggins ,),) ittach 'itgreat 'deal of importance ii�hiirpart, t-jearryouta treaty for a si headed by a deputa ther, a man named Louis Tau- llowed $1.48, and dwoude memiori w J)Sv-Cy, but he did not teciprocal trade with the United I-eali obtaij--ed by squeeziug the last The prc widow E to turn of and valuators, romunerati" of a sheet published at Kincardine the sevioring 85 as ckarity. place party before paid - io them, &o. Mr. -McDonal 0 -at of, sott2lsza but owing to the tion of working men fv)m Paris. 8GO sPe -ks of a brother editor its a "lam. chette, on the side of the neck, y, and he was fir party because (Leeds) moved fot an address for copLe Peon" $I Moved by J. F. Andrew, seconded by count of W_3ats taken out, the miiiurnera were' P I reptile", "beast", &c., and in- Ahe jugular Vein. Medical aid was and cor Mr.'LWHITZ suggested that theresola - in attendance and th Mlotl summoned, liout before,it ar- P. Clare, that the slirn of tan dol " b� he -was for 'country. (Cheers.) His at, of All orders in v)uncil, if any, rz-amba"r for :872 taeing one-thLd in ex- enrtege was witnessad by over 39,000 didges in language which is simply dis. pro �h� inj tired man had bled to death, ra,nitted to Wm. Loughead, being one- t*ment to partv -wassbvilaugoo hobo. respondence, and telegrams in referea, "Oil should be alteredso that the words vraceful. 15 wu upon such prostitution rived me he knew -that eebranchesoftlieLe,.Yisl&Ctire"shotild cz:u ne--r;y doable, that OF penoas. The Empress was too unwell balo, "thr (if an honourable profession. in� lived only fortv minutes after alt of ilia license. an accon nt of losses deved-becau the in. to the 'ostabUshatent of any addition;-. lowe ving the injory. sustained by the burning of his house iv terests of the country were beat advanced No'nual. Schools. Carried. The Hous.. �,..d "Government of the Uuminion.", to be present. Funeral obsequies war,- LEcTuuE.- Rev. W. Cochrane of reciii 1860. ho 1�-mds wen a7iao suld tt November last. 4y. means of a well organized party theu)%djourned, at 4.25 p.m. The smigastion was adopted, wita the &-"-c3 reAliniuDg ce!ebrat,d in a number of Brantford, delivered his lecture on the Moved by J. F. Andrew, seconded by founded on well recognized principles. Jantiory 15th. -,unsent of the B=rd. r of -Scotland, in St rho hon. gentleman had been kind of the '68,0100 �WTell Were 83fd F()Ir cities na the continent by the admirers He o-Martyra M_ Dalton, that Win. Andrew be paiti Mr. De Veber, speakin P A' 1 K 3. Andrew's Church on Tuesday evening of COUNLIL MMT'ING -A pecial meet- A number of petitions were presented �? I � t s ivick, said their 2871. In 187L of the deceased. in I lore's Hotel, the m of five dollars Nr losses sus- tinough to say that he -hid been chosen the pra--ead3 in 'Ontwrio b praying for Amendments t-) tho Soho.. 'or trade of,New Bruas umanuted to last week, aa previously announced. I g ofC6uncil was held at a $ C., lead tha Rtf9ruiersof a- Act. xporcsoftliatartiole were exhauste(f. ;r tained by hiin collecting for the y,a, U 11, froM We -,1-513 f0rCMt_S A Company his been formed at TheattandaLcewas not what itshould issels, Dec. 31st, 1872. of his high M,)ral worth. He ebe general tiade of the Province, iiow- F�a'O,CAX. wh2s in 18732 it mountea up Member* of Council all present -the 1871. Mr. Clarke (Wellington) introduceO have been, thongh-quite as large as sin t;,atik�-d hiin for that compliment but -Vor, was increasing with.grew. rapidity only Liverpoultoe3tablisha line of steam- enerally be obtained in Goderich to Reeve in the chair. Moved by J. F. Andrew, seconded b% - lid -not the hon. gentlemin see that he a bill to -provide Eel- vating by nallot ii STOCK SCALES, COAL SCALES, H.LY ships betuveen Qoebea and s,,mo French Moved by A. NlcD nald, secAtded by P. Clare, that the sum -of ten dollars b'e elections for the Legislature of Ontario. ithout reciprouity, but %� itu reciprocity, SCATms,DAiay hear a lecture. rha lecturer described paid'to'Donald McNnan for the boar(.i sag at the same time payilig:a compli- wasconfideat itwouid. incrqase. ten - was c2a:lvod from th-t-, great sale of limits In answer t port. The tMde between trachh, that James Spenc e o Mr. Laodtr, the Attor one half the i6rce beinz a'- the chara.-ter of the Scottish Covenant J- S :,nd lodging of one Robert Lashing, a ment to the Refdrni party. They might nev-General said tha Government di( - ' France will amplY support anch a line. era and of their oppressors and illustrat- point�d Returning officar f4ir Division blind man. be right or wrting in the estimate 11o1r. Hawley, of Aetroit, rose to make Scales repaired promptly an reaion nt 014� the No. 5 instead of John Bell who refuses to not intend this session to bring in all 14bly A portion of the stock is reserved f,,r ed his subject with a number of anee- Moved by J. F. Andrew, seconded b% which they placed upon his character, -, I ine roinarks on this question, ;Zud %as dotes. The lectuie was,weU received 'Let, and that pell be opened: in School f. Clam, that this CU'uncil, do now a(i but the fact of their eboosing him for easure for eqnalizing the represent,, sted with load appliluse. 11� thank- For also, Troemnees 0 ffee and l;,3:: -_y in Cae =�ney marlikel, at the time. Cana" which will be repr*sented by H-juse See. No. 11, Ethel -Carried. tion of the pe,ople or to erent new cousi ra Drug N11113, . Compositi(m BaIN, &.11 &�zes and gave evident sati8factibn to those lie die. that particular recommendation showed d tnem, very warmly for the kind re- YA&+, yE-A-- J&:�,6a3L a=83 Of =ng lAdN one out �of the six directom. Two po,&,- Mored by T. Williamson, sec,inded Joum ties for municipal or other purpose� Letter Presses, A;c.,40. who heard it. JOHN COOKE, -T'p Clerk. their high appreedatton of that virtue. I he matter would be considored pax phorithey bad given his friend Air. La Lake Superior M-3triat were erful vessels havebeen contracted for byA.McDonald, that the timeofthe There wore many menin thaReform DIlaud. himself, and on behlf-of the THE MOST PE RFECT againsk, a=es in 1871. The" MWEAVICS' 13EVZIrOLPVT '30CTZTT.- collecti-m be extended until 2uth Jan- party well fitted to fill the place for session. fwt3 slAak fur tbo-_-_,ss:ves and show t, be ready in March. The Co- will This Society will celebrate the first an- uarv, 1873 -Carried. ftepbyter7 of Zuron% Nhioll lie had been selected, there were Ittanswer.to Mr.�Fitzsinimons, tile la�ionalBoard, which the$ represent - be styled-Ahe French Canadian Steam- niver3ary of its indorp,irAtion by an Tile following accounts were present- d many in Attorney -General aaid no arrangemeii hat Vfr=r tLa Oataria(20rera_ Ili than pr,weeded to. say that a wi-je I do they had tile plaaaaro - of attending. oy3terSupper at E. Martin's Flotel, on 9d V121 The Presbytery nf H*nron held a regli- 150,416 amoing his collei;g�ea ail haa yet been lnidii with the D,imiuio. t PRAW If ship Company. rho House; blit it w thought desir- feeli j?Ujy=, tL; daveloLpaamemt of Tuesday evening 28th inst. Tickets 50 1. V. R. -Grant, stationery and lar Meeting at Clinton, on Tuesday, the that one of the old Government regarding the appointineir tfr1sad `x'sEed and HILES At, Ill 11"ll -41c, by the party 6 f issuers of Marriage licenses by th COT ta cents. , Friends of the Society are in- postage ................ .. $22.06 14thinst. Mr. G�aoaV w;ts YAppoitited . round it'the United States, in favour rmtuzy. They tAe th* anlighten- o e party should occupv the ;f racipnical trade with Cituwla. N�*- aid,e,sw tEat it is better to an-_3urage the Lut =05 of thO 23ft VICS-MCQU1163% vited to attend. , The ociety, which is' 2. J_ R. Grant, conveyancing 14oderatirfor the ensuing six montlis. p0siti-on agaiu, and he thought it his Local Glo,ernment.. EVERY purely benevolent, comprises about - 'and expenses arbitration Wt. Ure gave in a report setting fortli Mr. Rykert moved for a return show IF t il o in th East. e,. capital and the settlement EDITOR AND ?"PRIETOR OF THE 1117- ditty wit t1i refuse. -The bon gentle- a, ljorichern and Wesiern States had forty members. A large sum ha% beet, S. S. No..2 ............... 13:60 that he dispensed thj sacrainkint 'A tht, I ing:-(L) Copies of all Orders 1�n Couit MUCHANT BON SICNAL, GaZIFELCH, WWT- exp Lord's Supper at Dungannon and Port daif said that, a jit lie wlRo 4eft; the ejorted favottrably of it. Ia relation e: tLa Guuntry than to clininder the . ended duriniz the past year in cb&Ti- 3, J.. Leckie, making By -Laws U rilating to -the recent salt: of timbe, DRAWER TEN 4 sHORT TINZ BEFORE ty. fhef,illowingaretheoffi4oraforthe bench to enter political lifb desecrated &he sbrojatioa (if tile old treaty the -o pnbHa U -_-2s as so mu. -h property hold in HIS DEATH. and expenses to Seaforth. . 9.60 Albert.. accordilig to instructionsof Pr"' the sanctity of the bench. I� (Mr. limits in Ontario. (2.) Copies of all ri� number of causes Which 'tdli it:4 ULD ensuing year,- Moved by A% McD-mald, seconded by Reportil were given in Fby the 0 ports in the office of the'Doparment of ere a whf_-11 the h�gflsst po"15"o Slowat) admitted the7 sanctity ot the at end, which many of his c,ountry- E Pro ident, A. Kirkbrido. - T . Williamson, that theftirogning accounts = missionary deputations showing Crown Lands, relating to the survey - tIth Use Then.- Wamted. =a fs to T --o obta'ned at thq s3criflae of xactly ti�venty-five years agn Thomas Vics-President. Wm. Wright. be paid. and that the Reeve grant or- that on the whole thay met wth greal bcneh, but he de4ied its desecration. d. limits, the quality and deserLptiO.' uen tin the other sidu of the line a van McQueen commailcod, the pilblication of, Secretary, John Nairn. ders-Carried. success, but that in consequence of the He biolieved'ita low, degrading view of "a leplorea., 9%ero wer.e not only the 07071 Other a - politician's life to say� -that there was of timber thereon, t1ke nature of 'the 'OLU AT in that prevailed s - CA,15rds which k -ad been referred to, but the Hugo_,i Sm-N&L. We feel satisfied Assistant Secretary, R. McBrine. oved by,J. Strachan, seconded by A. severe star ome of the 8oil, &c. (3 ) Copies of the rules, regn no sanctity Velo ging to -it. As he un- who per- FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREHOUSE.' 302=1 Aftli% that the following. his last lines, will be Tiemrer, C. Crabb. McDonald, that the Council now ad. meetings were sinall 16 Atot, a as 10ajer of ladons and conditi2pe under which th, iii influence of p0htloal.,Men 1 Oil application d r . lit posintion thire ua�sthoiight for some rAa3oa , A Would rea4 with interest by our subscribers,' a HULLETT B.A.$.-The annual Meeting JOurn-Carried. made on behalf of tL congregmion at the party, he thoujilt there was as much purchaaera'of said It"Mits held the same. Fairbanks& co-, &Z B'Dr_713 tir-T-3 p3e� 01jr QaUtefll J. R. GRANT, Tip Clerk Bavfie1d,_ Mr. Ross was appointed to showing whether the whole or any por ie: well to give notice of its expiration. porary h A&ricuftural Souie. t* manotity in his p,-s;tiiw as leader of the bee -z !sod over the godly number of -whom cnrhmenced to Of the HullettBratir Moderate in a; call ih that cohgraga 'oil Reform -party slid of the Governmnt. tion thereof. are subject to settlement. Air. Allies hadlately stated on the same! 93 Main Raff,110, N. Y. ireat-Ty ex M_ ty took place on Saturday last, I 1th hist, iii6ject that, in the exigencies of the MI Ereadway, New yolk. -) The names of the piarobasers at siti, issue, undt-r (4, 'S HrZO with its drat. on the' 28th inat , at 11 A. M., There was way, Alba N. ye take our paper lay. tha PUT41L- Schools ar Brownlee a Hotel. The reamirer's, as in any other in the land. It would sale, the qiiantity purchased by each �jreat ciTil war in w1i itulf into a Tais propmetor3hip. rep, as takei-i up a call from the 6tigregation of be A-, sad thing for our 'ctA ich. they were ea- FAIRBANKS, BROMW Mo., tT-lf3 tOWU, a=1 L23S WG��klsl' 0�resentqd, showing a b�lilince SUDi)zq DEA.Tji.-On Friday last a Indian. Linda in. the Prasbytery of untry if the firm, and the several amounts agreed tt gaged, it was deemed. that the Govern- eg nt cancot -pl I ll �=d . 839.U. The report wait this city Montreal, to Rev. John i-,Roas, of teoSinion were -to be hol by our be paid by them resp6otively - tht 'teat of the Uisited States should have' The ea-preb oflife so low'ry and fair 3&pted. The billowing offiee were ri�an named Henry Smith left xpoisei. r wht-Ae sytdain of govern- s of the For sale by Ualling Hardware Dealers. Pea Lists and Replatq i�re fa4iriq itwa7 fat. ij!jadowy cars. rfaF and Sly, by Hawkshaw's stage for Lnean, where Brucefield. Extracts of records of, amounts actually �aid. (5.) The iiamet abitilate controlover the revenue nd the miu; cirAce wx Uvolly, 90 chee rhen appointed, Viz: -Mr. J. Biggins, he rentained over night. as was in Montreal Presbytery were read, as all; was one that inv.,lved party as a necen- of all purchasers who havo failed to com. country from all sources. They could Of tLa piN ta -the 2lif- b.o,)dj9 ionsi7 iu gicum th3twijL neer risx away President; J. Mason, Vice President; J. aitk. All statesionn had united in that 'hug if tha va company with a woman whose 'name is reasons f�oraud against transtitiolt, after ply with theonditions of sale. (6.)Th- no, Make an lexcipti,in with respect to nged if feTent� d9r;,Azt Ineu ts- for P nora-; roxy light f9113 oa lardacapti and lake A. Nelles, Seeretary ; T. Cooper, Treas- the Roaipropity Treaty. nd in looking abliGzttisn. We rbe r. unknown, but whose character is beliav- tv h ich parties were heard as folio wai Rev. viaw, 'and that it must 'be cha names of all pnrchasers; at said sale bo UON SN ture in gladnems &wake, urer. Diractors--Jas. Sutherland, Wra not worked by pat, 3% If this ostem (if W�ta it L3 go far that we A04 Nds drowayna ad to be,bad. He pasted bar off as Ilia D. Gordan, of Harrington, and Mr. have since transferred 'their claims t,, bitikupon, thin'runtter it was just this' But to 113Y histlems it Pon es but to say. Caldwell, Jai. Sontlicombe. Rich. Cole, gorernment, which )lad done so inw-h pl2bUisil, trN_o li3ra; too, were TEat tLn giawn 6n my spint will a(Var PaS3 1'7- J. Shipley, Win. Wise, H. Ford, F. wife. On Saturday the p%ir went on to Charles McDonald, elder of Indian other pbraons, and the - names of su_-I� colisideration should have its due Exeter, where they put up at Drawls Lando, on behalf of he congregation for our own country and for the vlorious persons. To this -he proposed, witb� tii� 4A lit. brt we mtzs� infflrm mr Walters, S. Andrews. Auditors-- N. motherland with which connect- Thamoonugb: tintgambolson woodliond and 'wave Ri-loson and B Intel,' but took separate rooms. Smith ofIndianLandx. Messrs. Nail Russ ', -id, and with whiija 4ve all. [lope -to be ermission. of the House, to add the fol- Hill, bf Boston, also bore testi- C�)a,zaratij,st 6aa rexioa js t as he SrirgA steep tQ the wea7y and rest to tha slave, R. P. D. Brown. A vote on retiring to bed complained of a DavidYouill and George Forreat on lowin g:- -"Also' stating whether ornoi MOM to tile altered state of feeling in 11m its" rrry saftaarA unh-4ded mut plai, of thauLs was passed and tagdereJ to cannepted. as long as we live, was ona statp3" lat-04:s3a "U=La hA�d b*aa no am- Fo,- cip g1com ja Loy spi, it will neler ra3% away. slight illness, and we believes -medical behalf of the congregatLO10ef Brucefield, the purchaser or lassignee was, bef!)rt: thNnited States With -respect, to eel - the retiring president, Mr. Shipley; which degraded it nu;u'tn_takapart1n t--) IaL7, Q0 prescribed some medicine for Mr. P eorge Walker oil behslf of the Bass- the said purchase or3rausfer, a lie pr4city. - They -had not agreed precigul after whibh the. meeting adjourned.- it then it was a saa thing indeed for our euse y &OM tOwn On In ber lovelle3t raWs waiden paturis appe3rs. ew Bra. hita The itextraorning he was found On of Brucafield, and Rtgv,. Johiltms filture hist(iry). or limit -holder, and if so to what extent; aso what form reciprocity of trade ard bar zz�ejnrf dull daspondeney's fears, alit this vran incon- Her wirdit may be swe�t. artd her:2-mers be.uay, inhisboddead. The appearance of the torhimsslf.�- Taer'eaftyer several mem- alsoi the total quantity -of land now un. sh4uld;ake orasto the w4thofits at the time he Eta the gElom on my spmt wul iaerr pa b sigient.Avith tile.past history (if hoth at r der licetiOR, AUJ the to -a- 1106pe; buf ho thotight that they were 6S gdyiwlicatid a &ath of great torture, bers,of the Preshytem expressed their tol quantity x SLIP3U "ve be8a atteMAiUg to this dU- Towu CoWil. visage was livid and distorted, and Views on the matter. w owii,,ind the, motimr 6udtry�' Re felt maining unlicensest." fully areea t -W the time had come tu TO MY Vv, B y hen it.was agreed Thq, e.1 To arlselo: of the M""Wea may via with the rose. discharging his duty that he wasaw mn c -h t t Illat; would 6neourage �'Attnn\ind irar And ho3aty =4 iove ja eavh ft ittaro repoxv, the in awles ofthe li mba were iery mudli. not to tranilate and. Mr. Ross remains i bow- &lid acting'upon�._afs bighm,)ral Hton.,'Mr; Scott sa4d- hi had no objec prepare a rea v a ra 00UNCIL CHAMB319, aromitanont, of -course ErPA 1TUXEROV9 CUSTOMERS 0)j tizo sclluV3 bial PLV-- &"sual. Tmap Dut I feel not the power of "Ye's 100ug Y, I contracted. AUrge-poitionoftheplas- Brucefield. TheAssioMbly, principles as lie possilily 6nuldon, the tion tothii�addrei;s. it wonl4, I I a between 'the . two countries and Fo, tt� gicam on my spirit will veer pas away. Goderich, 20th Jan, 1873. f ter of the waj at the bac� of the bed was the appointment of^ mission agent .-wa5 eritail'Agood',dval of,trouble and cost a ktut thein together more closely than ND THE ta,3 kls-eexr was called away before he betich.-(C-beers.) ' Hw. -entirely To. V - - Tho new Council met to -day 02CCord. knocked off, it is prosumedby the dying coniiderect, and after a - long discussion good dealof time in freparing the To-' Over. It -was a remarkakle thing that, the, worki bb� he left a ALV to dearexr. Irfr;md, earthom pleasurps liza fled, pudiatedthe notion tht. there was any- a PUBLIC dENSRALLYj , jf�,:s ial-,ely for r2e Ills tbe bonle of fle dead, ing to Statifte. All the members wore man intheagDny ofhis stniggle with. fate. it was agreed to di-sitpprove of such ttim asked fee. A arge part of -the _u6twithstanding-the abrogatistlofthe tyhn hu always 1;,, 1 er I dream 6f a taps-,!erdayt present exuept blisars' Gibbons and The circumstances'of his dex ppili.intment. Circular 1ptte thing inferitm in the positi6a of a polid- information asked was contained in the v al patron- th baing e, a ra wero 1aly- in 1865, trade -had increased. I thank YOU for tlffj very liber 11 -of the people, The impulse lvqti� me far the last For titIggla3m oniny spirfl will ne. el PASS awty. Doyle. tromelyauTlellous, Dr. Hymaw h i4 tin read from the Pre3bytory of Brockville cat inati-a representative reports -of the Crown Lands De]pArt- given'to -it, may ten or age you have g talken a a diaker of the laws,' an*administrator, TXVX MCQUZZN. The Cl�ri read returns �of the MOM,- priday, but sh examination ih reference- to the reception as miniitans ment, from time to time. Tito princips. elqven years of �reciprocity, was suffiej. ten years. I alit determinedl of iho decoased instead fthischurch-of Sir. James Dougla . a, a ormadon asked,with re, wa,j is ai; t,) purform the bars elect, all of whom had put in their of 0 justice--totli , a Posi . tion:of any judge. part of' the inf ent to jpush it shosti ' in spits of tile _t& merii continuation wom�y certificat;4 and taken tile oath excop� of corruboi�ating the opinion that Smith' minister of.this 0ongregatianal. boi.0, - rt i's rumored -in Ottawa that Pa-, lit ferenc6 to the Lake Huron country wai Atippage of the treaty regiolationx. He bf your atronage rs*t4_, 6a cliarge that the two above-mentioned. had died by po only led to the and Mr. Boyd, a licentiate of the'. Am- Topmr, idod by afuting that under the by selling Uteni will meet fr despatch of busin i"n PVFPCT 60 - JEALOUSY. -A contained in the appendix trfjlia report conch h% ess 41The Mayor addressed the Council. a Tlietthat death -vas aripan Presbyterian 0bukoh; frum the harrowing* 'tale of love and jealony of the DAph6TtMeut for 1856.- �'he thought it' would onellision and a Other To. new admirligtr&HOXI you 01% e. easy* to ma tc, 90rETm Ws dutlies properly, that he , is. f the . preliminary Ur. on the 1,8th prox. He congratulated them on the fact that ciumed by oxciesiro drinking and bad Presbytery of Toront - 'nout the recep-" 0om ro n D ndso. A lover the othe'r ports had also boon presented -ons in b ke -The Hom Roderick Nathosont San- the ratepkilers wers so -wi.11 satisfied hAblits- The woman'left Exeter art tion of Mr. Gaiirge Clarke, a minister ' of evenirlg� thot I ight he saw Iiis "sweetheart 1857, another in 1859, &lid another in Vangoinents for's new*treaty next March. GOOD AND tFEAP GOODS. h" alwsyj done-wl tc� the ontirosaw�jc. ator,'ir dead. Hon. Alex. Vidal is named I I with the inanner in which the business iiundar ft6rn(Aon, and though diligent the Uidtoil Presbyterian Churah.of 'ill-& talkini over the gate Co. a rivil. Lover -1803., As to tha latter part f the me. 4j.'Rendorilon, -British Consul, said YOU will alwqx-fiud on, hand itfull and t:gn, of te Djari, an 1 OTSa jut 'f,as hissui t,f the towit had been condticted during search was ins gathered a Mulder and hurled it - gotleman �would be Able hol! r hii�solf autUrized assortedaffick of "r. I ossor. do for harsh* could not United- States,.and from the Prasbytery jith tion, the hon. did not ociosido a- Ottawi requires *411,000 for tha now theast year that the old Council had bo"found. When Sinitharrived in of Matii6ba 6ment the: , reception bf Mr. true Aim at� rival's ''hoad. 'he subject W:'@U -3n WAS MZ4* to. NUITI lit Rival's head to procure defixilto information only with to say itnythin�.Officially oil t by ;aw�- VrouatAnt. Ganersil Hlili een lected with the exuptioA of Exater" he had a smaW sum of m.'n ji(!bg on regard to the su".oyod'torritory. There Hsr�aqme to ga�& Little information ari(i. JRY her. Wt t.%SL SjjjhUSt SXC40PI 1 ised S12,oW up to the -pz4enf,- two members ey, NoilMoDougal swinisterwithtoutcharge proved to, be a ;ni6gl lurned . .! _ i only ra lie stated thitt he W bd when his clothing was examine& -on of the � Pros4yterhirt Church of Uanad%. the gate post., -,Boulder oaromod ou tile werawgreat Kuysquarstifilesoftimbor to make a ret�irt to his Govorument, Uon WA4 Uko to the Danner !n -W,hich I Dr, C, R Jones uf' Torouto died xnd- been on serok delegations _r*cently to -8duday,ruorainguOt a cent could be irtvonno�tion, with te. Church 0!. 800t.- head of 46stneas. Vithirgave loe r a 'lands unsurymiyed Refound in the re. wl" be hop'4�4would isud to assijt, Boots Shoes, Iteaf3y 31 do Cot�hinq, w' daul Jut Weduesi:Uy front the officets of interriew- the Goverritnont on matteri doss, ,o,f shot him.. Ill intlig o4*t they W in view. 'he Ud porformed his dlity. � Tile lit y jof fohnd,'and it, is believed the woman got land ' Theffillowingare the commission. Fi&t 'bit The port of Mr. J. G. �tussell who had given the ooa,y ToQuir" him tO Spend half A davit a do"i of chloral 4ydrato' administered iirfi-w) tatice, to the town. - With refer- all hoo.oss6ased. " 'The body was interred eris ef�,cted to), the nex't General Assum. splintlors iWerelicked'. 011V of X*eetnesso fo a 00 HARI )WAR�Fd r more M* rmation about shatterritory Xr.WAlkej;dath subj 0ofrocipro. a . M sr'O" a m not bly; M ) be procured from any other 1-trado did'a"ot now create.thetame, 040- a yw in *wh department, in- to deadon tile poiriff art operation. ellce to the as-ablishniout of Normal at! the ixponso df the munitipatity. inistorx�Mvmn. Tonea,,,Bxrr haisd;.bntaho�', solitidi'14 an then was tA in the follmwin 11 of Schools it was prot)able there would be Si6ith, who was about-fift ye - of age, source, that ills i5res of timber lands in -in tillaity �f, fise stead of which Is* has Always deyutwj at Ax'oLv a" slid McClusig by itotation, -&lid mors. ifbojsj#4o4 ofijai, I - _h `iAILS, SHOVIEL5, -FUKS, &c., k. man nin;i'd Wni, Clark, in the minils of, tile Eugarilio Falls, droppe tin church three,liew ones, one at- Ottawa, one at leavol; a wife and fi b the Ottawa Villey waa about -5,100 poo To children, who are %iss, Ure Ryd Goldsmith by illot. plo, of this.,conutry s it had done irmot tUr" wooks to tb* Cglist- Kingston, and t JdoAsh) 'Walker, Tot" miles. The estimate of to 131nool the' abr.�- treaty of at thistplaco, OU Sunday last, third, probably 'at rosiditig in4his eitY-in extrome.ptiverty, Z Inrentors re experimenting with ��Ation of tho P. S.--200 i B:2. split Herr�;Ugs. jr. _ Tbw chwgo agoisist Lim Londoin.. He went* on, till explain! the The two had not been - living vigethor ranoo, Str4ban, 0�rnochan And which pine grew north of== 1* there ba iil-l'besn a great: change in position of the town with reference to for several months -pist, in oolas On in, tion ofMr. McLeano socoud- %f' th; two countries. U tiewore holly without frll"dation. "tionce son ud seeing just for what� purpose was only Tory general, " no survey lad the '�rslations i' fr" "da The Prince an4 Prince" of WAiles re,6 may skic the Municipal 1,oarrFund. aud stated oftheprogigatellfi lid bytheliusband, ed.by:Kr,*MoCn&iA, -notice of which mo.. coarfaligbe used. The last yetbeeimads. 'Halled"eu iistated. Them was oni fa�t -which seemed to Goderi 3'4n. 20th Ax4 u I l; dromake. wi4ow - xhutterii of in -chl i is "r turn W W fault, contly lu,;chvd with the Duke of But- that the Goyernmen were prepared to thin had been pri-,natioly givent Mr. U onanewspaper -raport of the spwch hisys) escaped the notice of his Ameiicau We, elspos4a that since one of tk* land. Tfioconfral dish wag aboar"099d.- re, It,, as a safeguard against fife. It caribe he had -inside the te HERIFFS, SAM OF- LANDS. aud the, gocon(i t9sh a pvwmk pit. do justice as far " p6ssiblo to all con- of Goilorich. ffainominated, for pr,ifosibr athdr-dAy, that he had fliouds. )4e. noticed thatthe aggre.g& ti#$ cAumWod with our waWrAporavy 041TIlsod. lVwai probable our iotal in. of systi.matic theology in Knox fita-proof, . weather proof and withdrawn, two t6wtishipe; from the mie, tridis betwein the 17,ailed, Stateil and' w4tel' Proof, and: with "these t1irse obtai"a 4 the school Bond i Ignstlut Korman. Zsq.,# of Walkertnni, dobtedpalsa for principalp avrears of ksppeial meeting ol Presbytery, 'was tion -in October last, when orlist he had this *anti -during the 4xistoace of the IrA)untY ofHaran, )yvmo or-sWrIt of Z*ri Pointed 8214-06tiOn' *Vrit 'orl interest, &C,, would be reduced fr6m Tat R. 'itited t " b dssirablqi�qoalitivs attAiriod, thire, seeing . . I try, illions of xj, To Wtt, EMU issued . Cut CT UCT aopvrak re;cts, ha bown it - M. Soinu.,Tho Soiree in appo ,'be hel-I in Clititani on I e - at- ed A6 that he' had' v6thd,rawn two tr+atj, -was Iour hundrea w � b1l boW of tt MWOPt fur $140,0(* to 009,000, He had just re- connectio a, and in' the way of its sty's cor-ty cowt of tte cc� ,Zm.r v Dominion Gov# n with the '-Episcopal -ruary 4thjor the pimpinia of coitaidening to be rat Miking pijty-two U) wilships &I. doilall. Thii J'AL11e. a inexporissud Ana tome (greeteil n,,,5 �"tiv ad general adoptiou, 0f1wP"0P0i;" but what 40 AU& AU ace *j3d UrrisiLe, �'turned from Ottawa wherA he, with Ur. Church, ca a off in the a Q�111 from Bayfiold, &c., 'Rev, Mr. tog ges' 9 in that amount wm 30 per cout ether. The departmint had infor. at tbo au� of ilia United Stateit . ay net. know that the r a. PIAL tias. we ex- 11 the tj0t. and intemit OT-t1la I , Sonia people r matiouthat there was tilabs' of �a fine "If6ditrof Cana Its report of tharst =80tinj is arrow, 31, P., and Mr. Dick;on, had own Hall. -on ilia. evening of Monday 00chraile, of rAntford -being preoit gilr�Wi -The six leading literary maga:zin" F in Ivo sod"bot for ispoew purp,�", =4 , namely, 11arprts boon sent to urgis upon the Government last anil was' quite s, succeoxhil. afair, was itivited, to sit as a cofiespording. -y withdrawn, po,-ted about 336 or enilt to -he, Rlld Defenaantlil nn� ;0 - III Number Two llmirycd K'allily, th W�orjell t character. in the 6rritck ,obticio Inpa, the balls, the - I v Atlantic, tit# CMINICYP for lsom'o aulitaxicu toward* 'building We expect'Liftiller report ixour-next member,- !Tile PrejO;yterv- agieed to od ason tobalieva that ;W&tex Moe than we imported froinit, V; omortitr anilpestle'tilebi and he had go Te by^ emmitt"is made i, likribnor's Monthly. 14ppincoVit isillue. g -,shoe, and other hold its next mestj ngliii Clidton, o�', ho - - north of th&t there was &,very fine belt Sittce'the�abrjgatibn oi tati Ticaty, in-. L-.nnds anti I Oft? for Lo�o iat Mv synibnbc are relies of a in TuedsyQf­ April. ' , , , .;- t. i formation, stw 30 per cent., the pra4vortilM,ei t* OMYOY 9 N �n th# 4)PPO Zille, and Old and Afew-drculato Jut Ag- their caw, but of course the Govern �1[RIoU8AC01DJ91.?T,­4* Ur.D -of timbor land. All tlld . In oCo in at I ynes, 1010 when the pitblic t* w pleX5 mout wore roticentin t1lemitter. Hou, WAS go _igal r #0*104 of loyor 150,ODO I I Aut the power (if mexillop, wo t used for) as far as it wax ill t1l'o Unied 8�;Itcs fr! s driving a load of wood batlettorod'sigoa were uselexx"and the attbe haur jl�w woomee the rOP06 ix Mi. hmd, by upward* of two Milo H, L. Unitevil), . Min4tor of 'Public ovir finpurts frora ZOaiFt WA,_,.vuN 7,Di into Col�lflfin & GU*An1hck'a salt blook, The ice is reported fouktoerL foofthiok nvw5_FXPdV 40eNsxy -diy did not the department, would, be brought; down. "D gof to ibow, a roadim. Works, whom they bad tirot soon,, told bg Was 'Re miot add he, intended to emboiy� th�t.country lay the autount-of eakied to mi"d dso P%Nkp, but V inght botweu the wood and q1tith 1 0344 fooloiii pOpli ooiliA not road, 4Z per % d Im C- -rave -Gam 11rapel and is the C lZaac; ZT ,.L] 4Ldo EMP:11i Vicol I AWBOIN L&C-16 00ean ltikcn, IF VaUC4 U1 f1cl -vo-E�rrso the ff 11 veeid 1 thjn--:L-i r-al-Aing Winn!! t:11c'u1% lcedre] Val-N)y 11 mlgy�:nl 11emyer, Ub �Clljfimi nent., L 2K�nem fc-, cl-0 Tau(!' t cz,outtl ra Z r tLe!T'n Thu lnEnt, a Q Caen' nett, Ej Dr. Wip I -as *-wj CHKrEl U006 e U! Lug F, ra, Ti-filij w1ury 4'A" stop Xam � JW. � IWVA Fat% U!�Ay F41MI QmF R sy'. � rlo= run. Sctdl Kidid Fig.; F L07, WAX ihe latti CT40P t)f f& t4D CRIVA Rjuds til HOGS�, at eq�� 2151 . be, I _g,5ud bw to iuw were lclarlffi W,3to and Ulk been si uti� 06wX A" SAX, Asa =-u ymild t0*3 � 'ne ell! of Lim AOY 41mv"01 #t to 14 40-65 '1 100 Um Inorm-1 Bskn W rift portei rx�:l t,o, N_,4 to CM G Mi* 2 0 U Chet" Ann *.w I