HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-01-22, Page 1J IT 7 WIN ka - ,-T- , -T - but I now d"rsi7it to U, Such & bin of exc'hz�ge was, Navertrawn Oilsigned bytaf, *Wd I Jimst yft lieve rdy %;azmen ti J03 A" turninir to Mr. E=6, in reply, 'though the t tol(I how noavys littod W 7 from Teff 7 :;vj how T slay -and although Atli tention th'prCWUt0`0Vr' qn to farthest - C6 legal conclo illing to HAten to any ex - 6 , ��_ �_ I , I I I Pslliu i q are w maxy Imisi, to -offer, mad Planatious You oft *1141tt6vot 11�m P,1115�ei in said 10 PAPtly. "I ow ;0y i -_T X glTAt&*qPWj"ti And VIM U", i t�on of any, can ou J$ A, 1A4A.rqWA;6W AW _F M., n -0. 9 cccz at "t'licavie% ct:A>Atits the Market t T116 0ii: J" ble 46'Od t thOrOat$st oil 1*1, A _Li i It 1&N -a chi" 'BELL, 353 0 c. r*�­� a 'I N S TO 2 Zl'=,It AND ci V'()L. XXV1. No. 1. GODERICH,,.,.,O, TA,111­11, I 4 Z 1. J_ � % W 0 eJft*,1&J2 Iff-r9dit'; f` token thatigh nfap1ivjt8`ijaturii-! rw 1) f fl i 0, t%bilityi -r-p OMM: 0 race �DV �l arrears am Th I '.'' . "' i . � 0 i0cl Here"pon-tho lAtter tpid- b# the Oetulisadty-apC P413er -lizvoTatinlav i tit ead'up6n4i'th whioXhp ihad*"an Aarh- 4t tbs OPI ton cut th, 6 J51abiL Et? ry w 8 8119tasted that it should U Idi-ivaided gild notlood orith, f 1h,_ algh f 10 ote. o. pro. ............ t' . lconcurred� t a qnqpidpna,-W4 inuillostion M4 an to Mr. Ellis., iii(lra*, sigh DID, bV trial WM Agr hiktarilAq ;A,offoot f in erro the h6ldir of A In -thii,HarrY h igh jl�d�jqjfi. 3fied sndth4 manner o ts,4�4r'&*rp the ]*tter of Itif RATES OF ADVERTISI-N-0 cee 'en it, and -as 'the price f4lds aftha't Jgglittemen' wavvffthin a� day's reflelote-d'upon-Barry4, rdiatailmote iHarry said, , in 3my AP I - ,Will yon permit me to�aslr, Airi what 1!Unfortnuately that is laot Atli alijufAod jpurney,of Mbntiiial, and jiemrdinklY hilly than he he&Aoltio to. the�#f,�rgjfjjer, r" line fAr tte first it, and 'fle nattim,o 'T LODGE ffo. 33. Torotito Life Assurance and Unce lug9bited'c§V ths'#*,Viv� cbii plibi e0____d sifcreov�." be W'i Tft)t.i 0 tar was ht- once dispat�b.A.d 6 him. o' 61 a, The exellafige wi 61161 IT W lk"o ;Oztx W aims ?,v.- ow�h theibsol _ tb(t way in �f the aoctimo 116,60116 %hicIXhemaae the acquain is G it. V. , A - F. A. A. NJ. Tontine Company. jIlaf tijoird till me,, 3�-Intsn came nit awNheding s lines, $4 per BY J. E. X9WbLL. Radston f 14sHoVing day�_Randolpft an ar� anee of Mr 15tarlino. and -the ustare o I � -9?s 10 IiLtoo $& -� FJ1HF REdUI-AR 001011UNICA 'rtant btfainess mat-' that �,entlarasn*s remarks W din a . oil ar d6imyself - TION rifling vallie. rang%d' Xome impo ;h h I 'it iny LA1110 and Mr. Starlib I Ishodouthetirst wedue.,tday oreach BE, AD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. curiosities of t tars, 1 T121113toid NY, th month M, 7.30 p. an. Visiting brethren r, the old year has departeol dacluerroffice., His story told,lgrc on the sai oeoxi;�adm"smw bv a azaig of "Id ,jonpws le .1 ye Tba scheme thns fairly prepired only tt;at -Warry , was, - compelled to be calle t' 116paper, as -with oae exception Of 'taft"r �pr�D*btijik if-fo'lfioi� LE ily isivitt'd. sonte favorable absoilt the greater part of the morning -Ellis ilsW iflie knie�*wliera.tbogeiftle . ther� *,as. never Isi cordia a chanco, of th'i lie "You -vq truirlhUt it is -T*ry =&t- CAPTTA1.A"11AR1ZkI?DVCJ1AVT?R ....... .. $100,000 Ott the silent wheels of o atted i a maturity for t JLivez�i"Mants witI10--t spwille direatiAns, wil! 4� - tim W in attenaing to iheir dispatch, and when man from Neiv York *as, -to *be f4tinel, liappening." ainste,-lor,,the geutlomtn be rd clist," With liberty V) increase to halts trillion. ,of hsVin d. W. DICTZROV, See. 'In it many a wish was thwarted- ances to..impli- rJaderich,olth MaF. ISTI. swT3-1 conjunct re of circumat the representative of the New York stid -lep, exception 71' to "Airy,'it being th( maht wiser and riling the hotel, asUed1s'Ran- "An,] what was the Tur- mide M0 Xeciat LD. Many it sorrow turned sublime. CA hoetati enter6d and raade biq, enilifiries dolph to accompanying him hither to suedHr. Wright. bms of eieu 1, T9.0tvT An-oillit called in, 25 per ceitt.-al paid lead to a successful iswie, to 14 to one whk- - - I likelier for Mr. Lambton or Mr. Ellis it was obtkiii an interviaw. bill, of. exchange which 1 so 4you. aZ -44own as A& Auly The 1l'_1zvnzg rates win be ebarzod t� merchants lip. t-"eri,id when .: ente!pd in_,v wait t�'Wc FSSI��Iv &Id Otte- who s?'Vertis" by the year,- 1, 0. OF G. T. Where are now the joya that lighted lAulicli it into, pliblicity a Handolph Whoreceiverl him is, hiiy- '.iirn in the'month of June Upt." our On reilching the hotel, Mr. Ell 7g -Wi - tilon with Mr. Lamb. Many heart% a year ago I mpt nimunic4 -ppointment exhibited by the ing sent up hit; 16ardt was at'Olice race on- else Oze P'11�ran I year ....... ........ INVESTHFINTIS LIN[Tr.13 BY CHARTER TO NORTGAars pro The than iv DrAwn by whom and on whom I" c 6 li�uths .................. 35 1 be ityip6asible. 'This timb it I -, 8 months .... .............. 2s Where the hopes t toil wold in Ran- -ad,' and afterinapeeting the forged P1 inued the other, i man WAS, A NIPL,: NO.= . 1)FTIIlS,OR09R It our h,)use bare on -our a, -.ants in ON&.; air0itle"t I lbollo7ft- I vloall .................... 35 reSSfons' of regret, determined upon summoning Harry il FAITHI H I )-PE AND CHARITY. AN 1) vZBXN MILES, hat onciii delightod messenger naturally drew fro apei ODERICHTE was enti ly in the hands of Rand(3101 a,dph counter exp By est EOARD OF DIRECTORS: f Arqtimst&nceE. London" rep s .. . ........... . 5 hold their meatingia ths Temperance Hall, W You thful spirits in their glow t to lx, &Ad the plot woiild be set in tuo- d ng which he let fall a remsrk in. his own -defence, as 4 lied Harry. a7)e orl S M-onevs.. � ........ q as zrin5h�_ visiting brethren cordia ly invited. be H,.W JOUIq HILLTARD CAMERON, tion at his 'signal to the confeaerat licating his relatbonship to the head of seemed ak&st bim. "Will vfl-.t thow us thtfarm t5f the -`Ia-any;Ah6 clerk advaisitea eath a In.3,1thq I President - Sad memorials now romind.ltx to met so strungli ..... .... 20 nica to it xu .-him, or have they seen Mid %VX. GORDON. Tit. F., Q. C.. & v fro. Toronto. arrange( the house, (in hearing which 'the gintle. To this the agent of ille. New Y,,rk I raft and y or for�gina) referc Serretary.. Vt1j,, P,,,,Jden;,: Ll,wisliforrAT. 1:14. ry from bia t s months ........ 8 What a panift y -do; On th return of Hat r'P' man expresqed a with for a -private in- house, partly stimulated .4y one br tw, vtnlr books 7"'said Air. Wright. cYes �J *t 7wihieh 17 . ...................... 12 June 24th. IS"al. %WST-anl Io&oDVoGAN,E94 Jndgepf the Counly of York. ou cam )I[ . took iiii op] il; the was 03 was 5Pdk- WIth'.: a MSmths .................. R ff. BltousE, E -q..*%[. D . M.P., Prescott. C asting one sad look behind. asi Raud(" gortitnity to name terview. With,an -appa�Tpntl botol mln-� artful stiggestions made by Raudollib, "Certainly," said Harry, leavii MA .. .1, fsi IV' ; had made, all,] y to by dzL,@ofWbl9rkX and I tkink by. 3 mot1ths ... , ......... ... 5 No. 120 Aacm 1-411-110.1, .�,,Csshier Merchauts Bank, III isit hich Starling ner, but a thr6bbirg he - � -opyttIg that the -case assume.. room fi4r a woment and returning with an noM� emory rises to our view,, 'he clerk who art, ifow that'he objected, tf,ok ca to do so when . Amin Dlviqbn felt the crisis to i that ,he book in his hand from wbidh the Mr. Patton M We Thts qarccwnant is to %a onrinned to tb Art, duron W31. i. �T&cDom. t. Esq.. 16fatilizerTorouto Savings be at hand; RRnclolpli so stropgan tappect agobiji't. �hlm, Bank. Toronto. received im was present, and, of course. hill, after having been fillel up, had "Iffe should -like to am thit.06rk Or bzqizfon�% no' Id-ictect. xvrt f,r it trOT SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Yet, in memornwbat i led the ay into the inndr offide, and further collateral if PosSible, 11ollity-o-it. EPCI , M P., s oberished, lipard -th remark. been cut out, le�ving an inner margin Patton, if either of them ArWix-thO ho It, la N %,#I %I 41�Q orn.w0cl Worthy of the handing the visitor a aeathe-waited for shnuld first'be phtainedo sufficient, to ?ir1.nrr%%itN -cereivy and Tritastirer: ARTHUR TIARv.T, Esq. ('a- ynice of pruiae? "He slatted that lie was returning to r1A on Abich an entry with corres- in-^vozal -nomba-9 �f nrv"-. to !et or f- rRE BE".VLAR WEEKLY OF THE gnool hiat to open the conversation, which Le justify an, linimqdiatc, arrest f,.deelned Applications for'Insurance in this What good offorkh!ivowe nuurisW, Englai v Sato, ta. zlon% ofTemperance Is held every Friday evening at did hv introucing himself as kepresent- advidlile. The utmost -he should con- ponAing particulars had been made. Mij 'Effix Lere intex' 10 , posed, 103 aid, and ke called bore to siI� atidAsked . in chair Bull eat St. drai door west first class Compauy received by bye. H allio wished to see you respec.- -a for' t on W ing tlie New York house. cede 'Was 6 iortoit Mir. erceive, air, ew'rlta %N," ratsoo mt- in ull cases I striettv Spite of euv* witheriiii gime.? Plies, under a "You ths, bill wa. 'he Young visiting breturenvordially tioviced. J. J. B9LL ing some bill of Eichtifige which hi had -You Will oblige - me by considering promise. not to divulge his re Srad poilids., .'asis shown by him-, and beiiig sunamt;14, f int-niai r4ir inneeinn in nnv Goderich 4th Jul7 VqT1 -Mtt 1342 Agent at G,,derkb.. What goio Purchased of ytiti when last,here. I faTic-y asons for' three bull `Hr.� Phtton, asking, nor the itatit r -e of ihe'sus�picions this Hatry,-poindugout.- fforiltave,wastriven this a private, eon* man entered thia apartintant'aud was in- rqrLt.-Q1znr t"�-zp should reath ti7e offies I%v n,,ou An he had not imed it, and was desirilus of eraati6n, awpu�licity 'may defeat thle--purpose ot agyahist hitn;_ to elieft train Uaftv the Mr. Wrigh t inspeoted tU entry and, teriogatid by Mr.- FAMMY10 To accomplish formankitid I re thought, n7of -sellingit. Batitwasonlye. 111v 1111581Q32. To comet!) this, matter at handed the book over to Mr. Pillissy, ��You snusinta wit -A 13#r&6 �jrcoc -f tt­ qTA '%'AL makes It 1.0. 0. Fs - What examples bate we iiah who, after a critical inspection, whisper- aic name -of starling who -Uea-htre a 111-011cl) to I expect, as he did not enter into ian), ,It(* we bare loarnea that some paper with Mr. Sf4fling. Worthy of &'gonqrou's mif,411 particula , and took it away with him," iq -'Mir.'Ellis returned to the ad. something to Mr. Wright, on -Whose month or two�ago 7'� afloatiiff Now Y,,rk purporting to be Accordifigly 111 remember a gentleman of that 403 WOq�! Ott MILL KtX03 orrou Lodge. cfo.-42. said IRA9 olpb. '"a, after face.a glimpse ofintellig�nce glesuied in drawn by you and accapted 'by our- ffice, �nd, io A arry a prpria -lam sorry I did not C::� ST z n 4il Hmocets atthelt Hall t see him, hu,'J Ab !wbat good have, we eendohig I ftp'l' ant on his response." name calling to 9(�B Mr- 3111naBleY & sua cam 141 Ri In printe'l %lbion Block, Goderirh, MONLY TO LOAN a will I have sailed beft-re tbis selveh,and, as it certainly has never exchanging thou oil co�z . In the y Tetin , i P. if leave Ordersbyrivil puartnany attend. Xery Thurday evening oar thatnow is gone I pa4sed through our handi it f flows' he' tAs qtlestione( t th vill thig with* us for n Aborttime S;w P�isa thii'cle W RATES OF INTBREST. 11 ' buemesi? tontmutd E�tranc--�op Rtuptne street. v is un; AT LO it is ratl er an ,dd idea if he is going to that it is a f-rery. Now - may I ask istranger, Mr. Staflink, w�o hh� racenle sh,)rt thue, Mr. Nlaudel6y- We eish to 44D4 0 stato 'Foolish ends we've ifeett puinuing, I , - - England to wish't� re -sell the bill of priyate coi;v4prsation his interlocutor. Prothren are ronlially invited. who in your ffice is in the abit of ly been to, -N gb have a littleurther C W. A-DREWS.,43ecretarY. Perminent Builiing and That hitvei#u 01 F4Akly enu 99 run. ExchangF-. Did hementi,)n any reasims .,raw coed - any Not fully: he iesmed vary much 4is- 'its of exr.hange, aud Rayry - statedthat he presented a letter % ith Mr. Ellis before we pro Goderich. FebAd. ISTI. ws-iv- 9 itift your ba ed at zot fitid4 Mr.. Mau&2ey Savin a %fciety of Toronto. li*t 66 itiondafit ho had i or so doing. have run short' flirther the partiea cognisant of -the ac- of introduictiolf from, a friend at home. further, said Mr. Wright, 11 ppoint Yet, our lives W "No do ated the substanop ii it, 09- Harr) again left the room, -at hume; avdOD may ellquiring if I could For particulars applv to perhaps he mq - tilt existing between -the two' honses. and repe f * and oln Bowiiin; On achia In' �6 grgat id grand, f read money for the wqage. but he tin- a moment the last do anything fo him dtnjri�; hissence, A. M. ROSS. ve o an -de Mr. Elds asking if there I had been any %nd after wai Agent at Godericb. did not si 6y,"continued Randolph. I 111aY remurk that the pitper is ina he Anded. to a of exchange wif-chhe Making glory more respondent, nor paable neithei at the banking housu busitiess transactions betvee $hem, he speaker cnntifiued d purdbised-from him, hich, ais he Secretary and Treasurer, This c included the conversatiom, "Mr. Pallissy sng-ests, 51r. Ellis, that ha Giving justice more command. where our parments are usually tuade, named the, sale of a bil of exchange, n i - I ILL be a -t b-ime Cousaltst-la up to, 11 Ilor yet'at your aent's, and a6 this step� and the introdu�ction giveT to Njr. koi. we sh r- home, ho wished to X -e -W. CHAS.RQBERTON, was the I matter resumed, for the last puld compare the fo ,ad bill sv ill asTeturninz Torantil. 1343. sugg stion made by Randolph gave ;l was -4-ith whort he believe -ur *sual formp, and further examirle tt, him, butl.fr. attonjust thenentex- zzy h,3or day. 4w And with deeds and thoughts seenring reag�lnable coloring to the action of Mr. nea-asary to avoid discovery, if the !ey the brisker, BRITISH EXCHUNGE HOTEL utterer of the bill intended to meLt'thani he had tratmacted other btsiness. Sur. he binding of this bnok to see if a leaf ing the officei I left thellf t gether. Alfthat honesty can grant, Star ing. at luat rity, suspicion- is naturally priifed at the tnquisitivesess exhibited 'Las been abstracted at the late which it "Dia yon 4ear alafthifig f=her ofter X&RKET SQUARE GOID=Cd. MONEY TO LEND We mightrgairt renown enduring B sinc as in the- office of Lambton ra. as if such slit-uld provti to -be the Mr. Pottod enterecli" at diiected to your own esiablishinent. by his superior, ff4rry st�4ted the parti 'lea him say as he was leaving 13:40-1v CAPT. W. COX, PROPRIEfOR. U Greatly reduce4 Rates of-Intere Astherocksofadamaut. Co. resu med its usual course on Iffarry's d shliwed case, the collateral testimony agaibst ch is Yes, I hestd] return. Mr. Ellis after & few Aaya; stay, "Our exchange' is usually drawn by oulars of the transactign,i an voung than will be ovewhelmieg. � In the office that he would dispbse of t in LATE OF TaE HURONTROTEL, 4r. Maudsley, for the signature of the entry in the Exchog book veri. y- qew Yo TfM inderqixned bag n y to We are brothers passing slowly left � f6r the remainder of his holidays, either Mr. tambtom, or Mr. Ellis, bitt ing it D:smiadng him, 'Mr. Ellis re- he aEseuce of absolute proof of his ut- rk. oan'from two to fifteen years. at a low rate ot ey Baxter -Uppear- A, coninuan.- of thp favor and support of- the interest an favourable ternis of ep ble Through the labyrinths of life- and - after owilplotau, and a "Didbestatotho mountcronWhOm La r avineutl pay& .11tring the absence of my 'uncle in turned to itie hotel, and _pe%ted What terance of this bill, and the non a EYSICIA*�-. 0 4ill defy some tbi gs which he had in liand, pre- r WUII- Paad thtrd east of ceazrz� & hool- C� befory the ar., ro4pecaday solicited. competitor. On our acts -dependent wholly Mr, Ellis, hu given Mr. had occorred, on hearih commemial and Travelling pmbd-t5atwascaccorded hv vetriv, instaiments; rate of expenses ohich th, Luceof the endorser, laininclinod to the bill was a a pared t Inple. a power of attoi;n-ey to sign agent requ 111 to -a , -compauy bisi, -hink that very little more evidence is "He did not mention -either in my 1334 0 Ilow the eia eated hi' to a HORACE TrORTOX I& the turnin of the strife. Durin the short , sojourn made IV to the office of the broker The ififo- i equirpd to ensure his conviction, if - we fofthe firm, act it sofnetime3 occurs that hearing.j"replied tbeclerk whowasthere. McGill coum Charley Montreal, he had careftilh ho is absent at times fr weeks during matiou obtained thbre o ily thiokenw, produce -this book in eviiience. See, HaluRton tAppialspr for t to e. Caunda Pt"r Let us,. then, fight brave and braiver, avoided& is old baunts, and to � great apan dismissed - ZURICH HOTEL. mn-vivir Rall1offlina& Savings the summer sea3fin," replied Randolph. the dond of suspicion, as the despatel; sere is th; remaining part of an ab PSI.rcet. Godeneb, ortzoioc. 517102 Voclety. 6f 'roronto. As each year in silence Rise, degree ad shunned the societj i7i his , We were duly notified of the In'tter of the money representing, a bill -,f ex- -tracted leaf at the very place," alla Enquiriesfo:tRandol,�'hPatt4lnelidtiDit 9. Happel, conaiii, Ind had, in fact, exhibited such fac th Proprietor Keepingthis inmemory*ave-r- t to steer clear of�contaut t, andindedd the bill inqviestion 'chaugedfabouttheramoulit ofthe f9r­ !i, jinting with ann dt ri r� h r of t u p t the Ullewas notubnut-thopremises'llaTfy a n y - was requested torative,.and a-epnyem- L Perseverancii wins the prize. wit0lo�,"',.,anthxalet Randoslph, who purports to be signed by Mr. Maudslev gory, was mentione, ttige(the., with Mr rhin sheet of paper left attached to tht of 0DAT10NE FOR COX I as attoiney for your firm. Yon are if StRrling'4 statement that � he intondeA, ititching of the book, Mr. Wri,&t plab- tiblibe `11. 13.. C. bed in- tween Mr. Ellis ania his visitors r4��ty. - MERCIA INqURANCE CARD. sil AC �OZCHV mveilels. hai,igthebet fiampleroominZiuleb. The ubscriber Is ag In ent for the tollowingfirst-class P, GOOD Acco"' tendei o make him an instrument' d the nook before Mr. Ef His. oP :)m-"aalresidence The bar is weki snpplied with liquors of the bpst Insurnnee Ce-mroFmies conse acuainted with that, gentletnatic's purchasing such a bill fro m Laiiibzqn rnoENixnf London, Eimiane. his desi ne, abandoned all. thooghts of the prifited mat- enable them tomeet Randnlpia, as -be up GVW tts p�-sz o1ze build- qualit _h. Good tttbiing and atte . utive tinailers. to signature, 10o., and to convinced vas the New "Of the identity of is pe d to be the last person who h" Ing) 3wu stree" Oct. 9th.. Is"l w7-1 doin t 'fl 'Certainly," said Randolph. York qgeut f ar ate. Z.ri� In fact he Hhr�y�a piilt that he er and the paper of this bill with tb are HARTFOR offlartford. was compelled 1309-1y PROVINCIAL efToronto. LAM BATS AM WATER RATS- so er and had to relinquish other 66 Then please to 'examine that docu- stated his -deter.-aination zo. advise his nook of yurs, there can he nooubt," heldspeech witb 'Air. Starlin Mr. BRITISH AM -RICA. af Torontq. go furtl t:rire A-- Marince busiz�ess done at the plans which had been.formed in biR Inent Mr. Patton -whose signature is himse to prosecute -him iwr the fraud said Air. Fallisay; and both stood in ail Wrightandhis,coadjutortha- OPP �d, -lowest ppssoble rates mind, b I the carrying ont which2 lie atitude of triumph �at tho-aluiloubted andasthedaywasa&v f that?" and after obtaiing plehge from %I r. ARMMR AND ATr0?_VSY-AT-LJtW, A-FZ ZURICH. Co. HURON HORACE HORTON BY W. B. TOR. had fully calculated (in Charley a assis- "I shculd without hesitation reply Ellis and Itindolph nGt -6 mention the .-stimony o the -truth.of their suspic- close. Mr. Ellie tallell in Harry and Colmutv Crown Atto=67, cet laiin at his bongo -.BEG OM2ai*nCourtIffouge. Office Market Square, Goderich. tance. that it w4that of -Mr. Maudsley, or so matter tintil'he could re ru fr,,m New ions. requested him to M JOELN PRANG, Proprietor- OeL. t�h is-, 0. CHAPTER XV. The state of mind under which Ran like it that I should take it -as renume York with the instructio & of his eov-. With his head bowed on hisnbands later in in the evening, *tld after a ployers as -to fu and concealing his face, Mr. Ellis permit - Cam dolph had for some time labored had at 9 friendly grasp, of the hand, and -a brief eva-M zz (A�Mrrovv- Wo house is litteA, up with overr Convenience for if appendext to cheque (Ir d -aft. a - p oceedings I length eapped his powers of self-control, -ft which, ade imme I � arturei ' Tlk' ted a few fears of silent anguish to issue a4anrance tf his faith *- hit 1M0 ,&?.r.ISYEas,SOLICITO]aSI,XCEI,L-%7CERY.&c- thet=vallinailubtle. "'That is the bi as you a 6, m an 1111911H.. f B at Goderich., SW GC-ftd stabling and prompt %ttexAsnee ru=aza Dzv-&oPXZXTs- and he Pad indulged more freel5 in hit, F I . r wits extort,6, from his eyes, whilat in his indild he he too left. Kluqstoa bears a signature purporting to be ours. promlso,gi.ven by T. GAWWW. Aux k 1670 WI5-ft former strictly concealed recreations an, Darin& the absence of Harry another and Which we say is forger Tile party tinder thA threat in tVwWeQ T6fU*'alOf` tik, glauced over the points lofthe cue, and To cleseribe the atate of H&TWs mind �visit was -paid to MontrtAl. bD Rabtoii, pursuitaltlla� was exactly safe. Heb.aro I-iolding this notp is not what we sho'ld arrest. of �ffarry under rthe criattitiff the protiabilittes for or his favor- -be impbasIle, and themoreliwro- _gsinst played heavily, and zspectilated freely. i to Harry" Rising to bii feet and turning BONIC. Tia"OTEL, --aul name of a -naider a character of unimpeachabile charge, and hilsi mat isfii� of his lani- fleoted 404 tho-position the more qm W -- 310L i still un'der,the disguise ASRLSrEas k..�VD ATrORNM& SOLICITORS- and to isoch a'degrqe had lie been un -the CODERICHN Starling, and, as concerted with Rxii- reputation, but respectable enouh as cone@, he feli so bewildered at 0!�- sway for a moment whilst rssedhobscamo by wtwork.-.O: Gnderr-h.Ow. frtqnsto as to sweep -away every shillins! a . st him that hill tiwa� thevideuces ct hiW feeling, ciicumstfi�cez -e L. DDTM sw5- W. &L q2z=. ILA. dolph, he called it the culluting houst! hings go, and hp states thaf he pur- coUateral.evidence Again, f_; - nvirmimS Win with -t he possessed. N6t content to by 'chaze it in -the ordinary way from a was utterly af a loss ttow,to act on h mirtied with-auairxif,dignity to his V11111. salipiciouis itpp 4%one , --- .. ­ I IS. ]"RTIN earinew., :'The .h- Prowletor. of Nessm - Latobton & Co -t and an quired for hi a 'Jos*; he -eudes0T.ed to tetriOe named Starling, whoseen- behalf. tors. �6 -th# Utter R intf6ductiono e. the ori2W 411W Trlliaft 3"i6sner y expreninst them tol furthor ventures, akd abusinu . cirsenien�j you ti a back "Resume yur. seats' for. a moment. mendAtion he tw 0AU %t,, SWOK t 3nMERS. ,TTnBX5TS-4T-tAw, SOLICT r,,OOd Accommodation. Ample Stable muchdi"pipcIzintment to the 4104C whom the t "it" &,* perceive, is on rd repose to hi t --,s fn bat! he in" he had appro 'Do you hardly telL_vc;u that he w, t was away of th� bill. gentleue"; I need the brqker;1h*A.tate&w9nt lie bad . ingdo uses the money eli- _�know any one of in thi4 y S-aya. and Room. te printed- to his -60n man I have taken a gria to flie broker; the l-stoment he had This is admitted to be a First claa from home. He coutitiu4id marks tellated vs fiith�ou bAitlf -of that name I" 'CHATER to the young man.. say ing - that his hrd HerW Randolph aplayed a cirtain interest, and still, notithstanding the. maile tii the'cloirk &ndTAudo1r# Tattn oirrmolaw 4b 44 9nnow kept in Grood Style. He -blid; � h6wbver, done"this. i&-subb, a or cosmains'. 0 - n big second 8; bonglit -ded. look and' niquined a litsifapay. trong ebaract of-tileeviden C, &'bill 4 ;pxchange from r. ... still CIUS.7 SEAGM Jr t'.in 11463itre4l. insun's" as to ellide dstecU66 for a � co 41- of manner ver� much at yariance with him, I cannop believe that lie i's Vilty, inntationf his then maudsley, V Itelt las sidirabl 3 length of time, if not for ever, TIM' MNZ SPUVNG. ould Gada*a Do --131-127L and, with your 'permission, I *if which, as he was obout to leave America the easo he � had hithoirtblafsplayed. the tsuraf niouersent"to him by� 4he shou ld arise betweet i 1-4 unless d screpencies' him ,Hud "I think before this ' �tter is procied A few days afteritti o0ittrance of tht, tike ttsretall 4* fiquestion or broker, r6prezintng �&s -near" lilissible TheXclEtae Hotel, he we& anxious to T84611,- and iodlod­ his acco tints and those ]passing throogh -1 w I av upon Mr.. uaiudaw., �rilative to it. Mxrl.Eliis sliould be events narrated in the lai't oih�ptor, ro- two, after shich ill e A 3nderfelt fr and Bayflal I d with further t6b6t the fur- i the -purchase money bf's ill , vt * i -be A W XCINC -il tht ..b 1' t 6florg0ries ther conduct of the matter in our: valueof the.feirged 00, sit ohiota CffXSMr- 'A." COWEYA I. a you enter M typ - mours began -to float a QU 41clat A-Mgmee. is re-opeued by J. C. om Clintii-n 0 Cr re the ban a of Harry which might awaken 02L -sal z-zfw in yelootosh, who will be At this hk ItAndolth ente L L P4 C; U- suspicio and enquiry.. The knoledge presen in at happy to uttend to I cifficeand reoogniud Mr. 8t,r1,ug;.slx- 1117hat partioular reason haye you for havineg been per Gz-�iirach. oat. :he uranta orthe,Public petrated �y a- confiden hands, dhiess his replies remove the, -to t&jika ifirtim, tv eiramst4nflul 'e, Table and Bsr . A Call Solicited- sh. E-' nthat th clue to his defalcation fay iii Mr. ark of, ope of,ibe, CUef mercautit, ioud, of,suspicion now bangng over at the Stab tng hands with him wakt. coidiaUy) and telay in ansering my questi.,n, tial cl. evi4g000ltheatron re. Wak- gestnatu J.C�XcINTOSR, the h a of the other w2s an addibii) a 16ttri SL mvitinghimto.enter theprivate &part- eatton," said the stranger, either you himses in Montreal, tmd iut - of which 1' him." tng it -unwise to - vi-aach tLe to 6,46deb. aseptember 2nd 187 N induce nt t o hig removal from the cc pus imin A pr6ek:e-liogs tit* 14 ment, expressing at the same time his Mr. Starl ng, or -you do not, and was expectea, or "I couilder, air," said Mr. Pallisa any of LU trignils u it ji, '97. ion iich he held, as a stranger would know at my tiesti,lit requires a simple affirnia- would arise. This was (31 Sol he ciffigeof'reply, lothattile vimi -with Xr.- Ellis, e hisd tp �aufftr regret �t, the absence uf. Mr. Maudsh-y it . - - .1 E-4 Ce find.it; i upossible. to trace but uny'slort- e arres of. It a -gtu ti an =efirfigable, and to expose. hilt -ZSY TO LEN -D. from home, b, ton or denial." . . 4 1z Ili irolrering his own car- by reports of th ., al6ne, und MeauWhjJQ � he f4ilb ri v 0 1 an s in eon- the n tire to'bint in a Item way they -inflfit be required.- "Itug-4. Had Charley worked in ae- privaits in- ir# Nvere work-1pZ to lig dioadvau- "I do not know anything of Air. Star- parrywithava etrofi at of it viceis 1p any,. to a =3111 cor& with him he might even bare de ion therewith' cirou' stautially do terview, would tend- to weaken ur ?V2 tr* J14L51TC8 SM- gthecterk forhisatteptitun Ell I I introduced to him nece &4 he iiU61iiie, Thankin tig, 41thoisgi was A for ;n P -&RB tied d" b Ham, and he made --,D- - udoiph, -tit- chances of a conviction. I thould re--' the ivela Ailat 6 was *Ait7mg for - - - & r him, xr,' iarilngfollowed R& (31. he left for Eng tailed. g A 0 nis first 'venture in the- full assoran this very office; b LONDON' r a biief cii -forence depaitvd, atid. I under3toodi two or three months The parentage -of these�,Tun.oul a it was c..=mend his immediate arrest and the Dinted b, arA Muclue anu 4ftei, r i the hour a Air. Ell' 46r an :5 T5Z;ZE7- 0133* rHE LIVERP00a chat th4 assistance he required could bt- ifficult to trade, and "dB yot it'wu feared impounding of this booh us impoitant: WMA E:�Mz-��4-d smj, val=sd. in hearing of'tlie clerk, that gonJLXD GLOBE saying, with as Mr.Maudsley irw aw4ha'hadctiang- Obtainea from his cousin without de "That inay"or may -.4ob be the case, to mention names. btit, " f1tere -was evidence."o by t11etwb.,g4*_96me11 froluew TOrk, ad his mln4 initil, b't a very sliuht ititercourse-a-ith 411 ihink, air," said Mr. Ellis, "that. and to themlie related what W irezil- COMPANY, i, - and would negutiate the Ir.Patton. MayIask-Ishe�6corres-:- eviently some gr�uudi-fori the state- URANCE him on: his retura satisfied the-016ttei sundent of your house T" wants current, the pu�ltcexpvctatiox' he bject is not xo much to prow we JEW=bAzL*z6 N S bill in New Yolk. re a. jired bet en -him znd Mi. - Staling, that ho,' would have to work his plans 'Not f the linitse, that I am awire." was on the "qut fivell" I . or the d one- cquictln as to find ant andpunish w und c6lore ad 11 krr vanable Assets. 027,0100,000 This apparently casual call had been a_0' - ' d =P. &='L at the God alone. 11, &Vgc' I az� L=bs7. e ,f Thirt;3,five years ex- arranged beforehand, and timed so care- "Then with whom is heacquainted in, ment. wrong-aoer, aa4 in this I am prepared to ally-aud -yet 4D Viagnily a -t : A ot_-�h ?zza:rz 9212. Losses paid in tke cours CirLml-itstances appeared to flow in thp repro� ceed funy that the' ideutical clerk should direct c7 ignnel-m success, ILu4 in the 1 ur- he house?" `1 lie entative of"tho New Ybrt Ithough if thisyoung man be; ri, the �uty routair for --tssiiit you, a Mr, W ght - 1 S OF -I)OLLARS! chance to- be 'in the office at Mr hotise, as ustated; rettim- the �Fiwinal it will cut me. to, thehear him to 1pursuenderlho eircums tite time it moil of business at the ol. ise, of the sea bas before bee -so ; but guilty- or innocent he wa _�IvLce OW0 FORTY MILLION I was -introduced to him by 2 made. His evideuce would be re- -the month of Junelast� ad home to make b1i r+rft41is p db sto was soki, tkandolph plunged deeper' into, Iandslooy about cipls, and so satisfied wire- -th-ey of 'th.- quired at a future data, . and the miturt: aright to know the nature of the char on the, Clams by CITY0 Irving hitz, replied Randolph. pharg; -, -Rindol0h E 0 it D E X T CRT- sare being 'thus secured. lifficalues, his own datiger no frain-having I,een Perp against. him, nd 1, shituld like to heili- dwelt upon the asoi i�k Mi. TAN dated as fist as r4justed wrrH0Vr DMU.-TION. of his testimony wzs� dIAto the sticking point, as the'time Ap- "All ! -that .-is',the, tithe this bill' is iU the in ad The nature of the I scheme, matured by sta'vlWhrueu� iA 4mbion.4 100 , that, lii replir-b4foria any ulterior measures, would make to -Sara hifa. and-preduota ta3idence, Wast Street. 111!� nirity, prompt P9ment. rild Liberellf� )roached by the imending tuaturity 0 -fated and it seams giugrlr 'it should et features of treal, jnrzaent 0- ft losses sit thepromineut, OwN property at 7per tile co federatpa for -the 4diruction ol aftera-eta',pultatt0n Vith the. owagr.of are The book I wilrat -once place. t T- dmrs belo v Bank of Mon _T 4o itt this vreaithy comnany- TO Loan on FARM or the o 'ad pisper, to pla3 his last cari . lvme been so locig in seeing the light, theiibtp; the�_,Aecided, upon - taking i in- (in to remove thaf 6bjeri- I upon the, minds of Wth his - vjsliors, r, RES nRv and LIFE FOLicoo issued with verl L cent, Apply to Harry may now be aketched, 13ringfi.up his. accoitnts to� a polo" -.1thouh'being at six months? date, that in your possessi G.,CAxP&IG%E, Eolicitor. &e., The docunients Ialluded t4 in 08.1aat Mediate atMs-fQk -the p1juis in -of the tion but aity explanation he can givei that delay n4lit cauite that gentlemen ilbeml eonditiou,_ ;where -t are wait Kittle,chance of detectioi) -nay in a ahnner account for . 'itV - OHn' , - - eat a 41zf Goderich. �ut, replaiedbi ' Stich lgga1'.zw1*jjj�ia,as were I be ma here 0, to frustAtti theend 9 justice by-fatbr- chapter, as d�stroyed, ar;.D& offender. andnow. Hisdefane Ifeed C0109. 1083WIft 1humbe NOW" oct.zoth.,&67i , the re- -of hit * abstractionsil.RiatilIAL itiollic von tetl4ne- -whether Ciii.-M t 1. b, is-fe MLPBELL Ra�dolph on the correction. u, Arithp 1,,A�a,,proper time and an a p1dee., 'iny, � et ilf -the �pt4itf6s concerned it,is my., 'M4 they Jbililly -do�e iA*d CA_ ed Ha*Y U, examine d as then, han been here -since thattimel" - pallisay. trvtsP_1 ndAlla clefli, wer6 el - Tt Yces,� big call" he a tow weeks Figo t . - a toproce*4, *t Op* le. a port of Harry's death were bill$ of ex:� Asrm � vialt�ir surgeon. I G. b C. SM11 a, MONEY TO.LEND ting to b 4ij��a by the shroug:4, and thi& dione, he ie satisfied "inatitute critid him and "al - - change purpor ighttr;iliterio a- Izarniversity. Ithsea. New MONTREAL sent on shall . �)Msfzarr orc!= 317, , gat Er E a, T bIGnT PER Ct NT. SIMPLE INTERESI that h6mightnow with sAfety -to- him- whilst-Xr, Midi3ley, -wpA absentiAnA nal proceedings. er rciae i trate siad procure the ;tie�e .to 4rJJ[�3tal of Ontario. veteriva'3 tuterest roppivsbia -either firm of-Lambton & Co., oil jil. well knoit self, a any . time give- the iiuderst(lo- i up the'Otfa-wk,� rind stair-dil-very magis t- ibrOodench for 5 or 10 years. a New York And London, On their. arrival thei� /ibey iafqrtned. He a4mits the signature of., 313 3m.. A. R. ROS231. AXeu eai 4 house . i 4igu� Psive,opomfions, our firm, 1111t1olvItylo JV1906 him in duranov. Iyorhalf-Jearly. Applyto by the ri 1 r offe §tarting -not fr.Ellis of their inte4 -and to hip --was, that It's Iffarig *&& abdirt t4 1111ch-disappointed' a�t seoing him; iresult I West Win VISMS4756A 67=7 epted tion, to be byhim as Your attorney, and the. HENRY MATWEIRS, ado is accoluut- e�miba_r,­ii 'd tr6me diiitresg. aikeiltfkartllarry mi,,,ht iro -t a p6i elens. of that hou t� ut o.which h' mid now I rem- a sai -svinethinu x 1309-tf These bills �wiiro-' were t b ght, he -felt tha;t hil-cotild hout a bill teceptors'llame vr�b knwo be ji foraeryc� enter his ONM domidic " wu-vnmtea tive , any; S, h nb` b -a 1117- 4n ht at that tim ray itQXi,1r to, of ­ be s4mmoiied, tf) thoirresenco-Aas pre 1 te to,�ra� by an officer- id justice godoupxsyed to 'T. T. 3yu VD", V. S - d ted -at- a period shol -4115 . rou AhavingnoTig 'NART COLLEOR- ta;rIM& rsnd overy,�Pte ased froin him p- bid pie�ioui Visit, Itininary step to other Hav ­42ich a bill, the inferenctiis th. 0 ticaroerttion he I P - nd avt -and 'I, C TRAVE1-b.RS MSUR"d]g PJ0' visit, a & tranier,'continuing them, -h Fro&'hii Vlic of i "$79Z21D� 79TER1 id, detection altogether, 4t he eifliek 9401 .. . o a clerk in the offi�;. hi 61er is ing no reason but his fMirigs ta - forged the acceptitnee iDr,colinivedit its was required, diveri Ahe 1311314VII-1; Shall I call hitu imidnj�ht`hw wals visited OFFFM,AND STABLES2 IrNSURES GAINST ACpIDENT9 CAUSING MONEY TO LE &ID. taken by that worthy; then and on the p"inisac: urge for delay� or other *steps biciml: permitted lo -communicate withtis % Rouse East ct Colborne I Bodit injury or loss or life, watantee with a vi6w to el2tan9WH#ir3 weich-r light be excited agmitisthimself t, in Be-' 14 the had been 1 done by andther. I do no a friends, and r per week, froin 93 t) taken, Mr. Elliqoncee4d their.tevest, -'eing IMPRQVED VAR11li PRO- �in a mesh of suspicj�kus probabilifie4t Lvilai-wereqtiirB-further-tojui3tifyaua-r... by Mr. Bills, the TWV. Guy Wfitquaud som Insured. a dismissal. with "Not at pres T'ie alitli.11ariy . wwr idsheted, in. rest, or what can avail ntit scraplitig, in p _ynejo=csouhsnd. W gio, or the payment of the OncIP21 per cent simple interest which would inadre hi ent, 4r.. Patton. Ned Situesie, the from SM to-$l0j000Jr the ilkfnry cause death with� -'Ravd4in"h ;Y. ly Wt pa. . . 1- 37 p6wrful Unguagag, to .06tize C32V�- Uk-413 '10 pprty. at 8" r required. e:act knowledge �Ju thrw months. B10 ts fu* -innum. Applv-to. disgrace if not with. crimivallpitiAsh- ' IT, new ou13 me a very ngly loo'k When hig1prosplil was d6manded per of the� whereabouts of Mr. lamilton to, -thp- privat6 -arice. Harry was totally win, , said9r. Pai&sy. L -SLOAN, illese bill* 'seeing the light or Air. Mandalay, and before investi;. I do not.attch the_ same im Pattou axonie coinpuedy-iU thimxk4l�. ATENTS LIFE Jr4SURANCEV SAMU ment, n strikbJ he final blow, -and this. was short -Mr. hilip ignorapt of the�charii) to 'be bronehi portance. Colborne Hotel. It wits in furtherance. of his. plauai�that ly' afti rwards afforded by- the receitit - d 'tintr the watter any further, s you seem to do to the acknowledgment Mr.. Ellis` ind�, Mr. wil�ort seftod and endowmentliofaU forins At low ca-�h Rates- -1938, St h.d betterbe re-calledi - and, moallwhN againsi. him, anclthe ointrast betweev VENTIONS_"� t Gode*rich, Sth Oct -.2 lb72. arling had, obtained an introAtiot letters from his- uncle �!adnoxiucind his 'his siguaturi. 'LL fact that very �ad4 -64uck At I'Wa vu - FOR IN Fun i2fomation Can ba-ebW60F L, I WiH communicate to my . principala hi a as they stotia TLOr, )�ker, the orst ideallisiogto, is uii th in and Randol�oh Pittoi to thebr( departure for Egypt, from whence. ey the paper Xid. wait instritc- togelihet nanner in thioligh hit 'at 1 have learneol,. fradission. by the prompt and unhesitatin"'t Ralid"1011, Agent. cvh the Lrizomouny &PROPERLY propos cofitinuing their tour -10 FiLles- which it was given, fills naii sJor present -Plot induced " a ino You. can, giy office 'Nefime, . thii foriner, moved away Z), 13 . I have been As States and Eurtype. Goderleh 23rd XXV. ISTI- elaboration of the tine, turning to Europb� in thiZpil tions how t6 ' propeed -a �11 - 1, - lvitb hope -of his innoceince. with addreka�nC wor.45 'of cantioll to - h E. safer method'the. pliiicing them, iripio- lisuing,year. Mr. preuctle, that '1: respome"t(i t staiar' d 9"Ut king over it,ana it affords the maii4 Ned Situcoo -toretlikin ilia �, 011-9pWous I'U Eendforprint- A' LIN T48- biok�, of thei acy in op=ta ten Y&17a. York. May wrifie to him ?I, f1urthen (if thb`14tic4sed, aud THE ISOLATED'BISK per hands in'New Let ' from.- Radston.:;ao Rando "Certai;ty, but I arp it . - oift- L ' . t hi reason -why I -wish to questii a him filri i d lit g foi4 to; itlea, own breW EIENRY GPM, however, a a usefuL as' a lumedtate -Actb er the im- h" I. ��,ho was, ,g . 0 le ithe subiRtaptilatv or I f the 'platter bL- bt4!a1ncrsNn11 SV'eifyW0dneKdUy or was, I t �,n, and taking Tht ther. - Row :tniny nfug being shown * c tild be* mac r to collateral �witneasy ts from lifs rged I Iii - 6DUlitor of patents and im tolift - of t., it wilt be unnecessary, ns a let- ardusera. .,, , , lia , ii - tature, even oulycolorably lik refutetbem. vautq a of the temporary dbsence (if 'r "aii le v n1v an u ere FlIgn wea=�_� Zng5aee 4�atnb �dbadly I , FIRE 119RINUES _andQatn'rdvk'y. ad tbo amount of (piwarded , to itn.� yesteidAV. a; iaiffice hadbeen despatch� Ellisithe die-wis c"tAnd the plt b 3 d �otitwl 'over hit, - olir own,.17(juld not 'he§itate at denying: & -deiv6Arod to' ott�4 monepyrequir -W sviia from yetir homej tLe hIS iF,-fOr 1 de, (To -&e. confinui TO &ND FROM NFJW YORK AND, *LAS ad to purchase,&.1411 of t1e, to]' it, and when, ex&ct as t go1v value of The first, ,Radston�s a- ;in a of yu r prinpipa a, TIE �Calling at, Londonderry adol, -Alalls shot the false vue?nr� we�; -alk4 inci- to mo, Va. .. :step tikian.by� ')9re the sea] of oit usoless�le tilo, Aure on mylionoor that' , familiar as I am. eniien. a it wia w!Ork,-tLJld.if,1u up Ilia hat, still. f A plasp Itsily, Stsiling Jiad -mentioned such'a V 'Re *as be. HVAD OVFIC9: IT- Fasren& rs- t"ked aud-'forwarded to and der 'New York was toOffer the hill 'turn �nf the rack. -tth r. Maudsley's harc�d-W'Htmg, I rani ONTA.R10, S firs pended toanydbon�- O=,&WA, Nov: 2k 1811 om all Aaawaystations in Great Brtta 4.ent -,if e to this TinAtter rf)ly up6n, ginning -to f0el. thi In, Iteland. t saction as havin'beencontobutplatell if, eiMiange for sale in� open marNet, lcosarwroteen4 on which hend44t he- Was to bt should honor this ap Zola I-0filtr or Marriage., Licenses. Germany, NorwAyt' Sweden or Denmark and i! will be back to�m= T I- KiV Stred, MrnOr an him and TAmbtoll & CO.',. rkl?ri- qw." ! .. Of gn.,enca.. as Safely, -spitilily. comfortally and betwe -thaf. i;, _16 a rokei, throuill i Y;hom be- spair came elit-1 can easily understand why Alit Dearsir We have much P1. -ziuris C me of. that bound, untilcaRousnegs ar*de p, as byanfoltherzRoutoor Lln% sentativi. Ei 0. a u a f0gerv, 'he acknowledged, it on the inform* ftteAgent THE-,4FW DEPARTURES. , �was �6at_ inforrdi�tion. of �the- fact for a letter kytts, sent �Atboti(f - toapprite to his relief- and- doadenea cliltscience M9.1ytioLofs, large Asmaul 4500i0co qually,we AtT&Bjej) andthe,skilt 61' ac. not seeing its eom- for yout, Compaund Syrup Vf f CAPITAL 450jeadw .4hidd bw conveyed tohe pre It J lypophom za lir B. It. rroln�21wgljw. rrom Niff York. a( �etlded of , visit, rud 1 wili untit -aud rbm 9 r-J'a - - I ajiur Athe moinent DEPOSITED WITH - - cuujspiraiors� had almost�ez tereG04artment where ,ext.; and again, if one name is a for- puites, ancl we heakiriceflent, ateaunte T_ 101E sit., sept� 23d­AOWX- Vofi-�Oute'10tb# both As Harry en GAGES, &0- !1,D0XJA6�*Mt.j Octo �2181 itself in lmitxti�g HMVIII 1*131liadti Oe ftt., Sept. 80th.. .4UALl ___ . '28th -�2hrigstraudoiieilas heexpeoted, and -time has-been,aff 1-,Jbi his apipear- %,"V, -,%by not both names? Irusti, fr,,,,4 thoi� wbc> V, ro it. � &me, Df'jeur Sgt.. oct4 7th....A�1qGLIA ....... Sit., Ocit dhl-f -again I musiampress ! Mr. Ellis andhio joatt he bowed AND EXZCUTED '4tb wting, whilet mAingsplen Eii�ce !it reply; and ALUXWDERUCIEFINIZ18" rse"' �Sst_ opt. 14W. �_COLUMINA_W;. 'argon h&;ieJ,*e'Wed'bVscal1 Irdhi ah"Actont of he - r. FAtton, the n ade e0ibited an air of gentl6men, y6n will permit me to ex, physicians Who *ia Zeq'Ua L. te Wit ty TO AN AT 8 por cent & Co. al�id- o ni yo! I, S1 eqossity for'. to thdiv,-And his y own -in thi I a Valli I able properties' CO215i er -it 4 rpost LQ -Andevery WednesdAY au4 Saturds; vi�re:imr ofthesipatures ofLatabtofi house whoieftbriliquidingif he!held such t ercise a little will of in ul�nf, req#este parmi, on to - ex� c-ticern when he 0113 loth IM, sw17-1v zunrm. Oat. XAWAOZ]h a from fioix 20o NorthRiver, at. noon allowing tbismatter -��rost "it in -until raiii'ved the. gravi qonv NAUGoAx. accepting house. . Evervbollate in.fact, . be -svith wh in ofthe a do d d mzttter adIt coking at his Visitors, =0 rellble mcaicine' a* it is fast 1ewul" ad as popular I L_ thisatt of the. TunJ RATW 0rFAS9AGZ VAYABLEIN(A� circumstauce to. strengthen, suspicion 6; fle4doalc3i ichht; rec�ived by� e !ng I itj 'li;sbuing.gratAbd a at ollue lleeting no t sponi;e, r, Ellis, touch ill 13 tied to Westem Aesuntge Co. 'FlinsT 10ASUC 16s and s7r,­&eiRrd1ng tvlocatlAn proof of uilt, was carefolly �Adoptedo linov, n forlear tha� guil�,v paty may the e4loot which met (rate Assistant cku cku wledgiia ilve genuineness of tht his �boiilind requested the nleneugeT ur blu Tieksts Jjobtl -for 12 31ouths) �!, � " . 1, .. pr.,ss oil Mr.� Ellis -with y� own planple. of mraree'. 0 -to the stirrePtitiultz cutting -,out of' ta, th arlp2l -wio answered itj to again introduce Wigbi WC.V, AWC04N,,� WV aft CH AdFENCY oad,&W F=k' CD 64gotlov. sisi). even .. 1 Ut re u k' � " ecuring best d4cOm p 'OS-o-aaying the yis.itor Mr. 1;- 9;-idaley. These lig you I ,, �%yqs, nd'heing - a seati.- GODEFLI RATER,can -a bonght the bo6Xj6,which_Lanibto!i' Harry., very r Intermeditta.-W3. -steerso;$28; If leaf from diate ; theivwn arh�kfO 4 and Aae 7ours, expectfully A.'40HPJS- rger3 ',duort ae'n o -u here fro,. 0Ir THY '100,� 0 h 'To 113L; Ti�M -bad their- f( 'this the wma� o inducted to -the prijalte - -doptve& . gentilenteli hiLve-1 ADVAN Ceitineates, at LOWERI Co nighd id ts surrender- -To Oil re-ontering the apartment H 117$ TIN wfsbiRj ta�send -for their friend - .. I Tvrk.th matters at d L02a COMPany of eving .6 littilliediatelv-.Zfterwtsyds,frwiufig it the pit , Lchased.it lierebYttiose oqablion proiirtstiorli." boundt and 11 Ia�appareiitfy holdertapliedAlldt h will, Mr. Eilis at.anding Aondust thip .rrust sn praftgfssned R br, to coiled - but reiially. discover left thi'_ present beaiing tin - pa s herii itli a 27L- abape Oft vtry� Istgoi-Cish 'd dined 'd A D Apply at the C01"119mY 09ce ablis,foil; to he 'd oinj so, urdess paid the �&gtitf Isuspic and aslhmb. will 0*, evidently iaboring under feel - C A X85" WARNOM, etr&y. t]hw mutifationi 14 br this, fge1ing,,`ilqgtbJ6 olfspe4be-junif 'great 9nd-Th* tMR0 esti�tea, -as, . under lugs 0 trong emotioti. - In his Jliaild 4ia (S-POrtil. 041f. 'A 4tift.doclerih, bit b 0yhiefi: it -rapt olsuiliv� to 101L & Cc& are inteT - hey hal e. Company at The next step W46 to �r(iafire'aft ac- whom hjilsop 4elib9getely' Stec eld Via, lotgad billi Which be being the " Y elders revy -.Any. Airountiltance �alssistance eaj)pkar untiL the *aited. on the d tadled-11*6 -on this 6551) rum and, �did r.ot.-m yollk)lea ho fir# colllplice�. iTho would flit t llaki�y 'fort 3rd-;,,'Ae �400bflldt *itive form, it ad h6 fth6�ai belpA theirs,'they tb 1XW -ad ot"y 'poata V RVal Cl 143rrate# Ow G r, r. Wright," . #c; time" now, behold the tb;;;�ter oftht; 11, be AdJnjf,;J ev 414,�Anrzlitig td. e . Alk a previous Xes' 0 'impaiulidit, ifter-a-evera in- th-64cej4itI was -twwored, by -Mr., ce d f A -lifetimod t, the jh!pitturo to whi4 10 KVF J�qa 1,LION POUNDS wittout del lot e had in roolot a,vpt xmiman f ity- 2, 05M MI Aluouf3t :"Ok i4enfly �itnsjlf unable, to iAiak i ill With ies, it wastinslivfirial -t'h ip 14iXisitil �,acqusirire.rl, with thw. sign&. id. , UP ifkemdo,lary, itultAual- I L.;- *b1ad, Radst&� to WC6 ijidthat ou -)14ymg 4� to Sturm- or dgny-, tut'still fiw I" dw. WIT tw�� ZuCJ'ajL4 VvitlidubjOY01PL 'IN had e 1114140 It U Ike "'Are' vallitot 1*7, fter him., son 'he �priii it holdi '&tton1j1 zaicl -1 01I.-utd. the partY. ad: aii� #11611&L. be; n0t`0100 kfi6u1jL . $otba4A I Mr.. -;p - turis -;Ir r of Way. f-,, unscru �'Istv A� olsoe, t bAu* iN� eii this i t hexr� thoi �umor#'(outstdii z�')r S1114$0 fo 1&6. �'(Isiailts!6r, into ityeataim, -Mm �Tzs. Fifty cents, worih.kss'eurea. an AJzm ih _y Xfte or t" L be" VWOJ belt rayed TArM_- W . GO: aid, oarofully e thw6nd6reen4cut' hy-Starlingir tebw;k Itintbeeii 6 21TANUrSd CoCGIL EST at t oAngthe door r RiudblpIL­ The 11rat 44 1100MM WX iA 4Wk 001i, jf6*ea-bi11;-, 'howing ad. the Fillis , pri- clamaj j)r13LLu &ua K=zv T t Ing` flity 'a geindemen. ofthe ikPP1JC;&tiGUs ClIte ANT 6319 49FU1OftlATX&-Jt1rTL= 046 as, theii filloW ifbit4res - _ ., , ai,, propirty for eriods Or Five I t l 11 wisvenjenceof torrowizi, WW an there r"V 7 lrid, `1W ow . eurrou 0- gig lueld4h reii'� lit 1,416 not kno RAM, of *1 t years studi o J&.t0L#JW -hiih JWfijfj4*jd trerpml , khow� the uame,' 41 bjen` ­ - ' - - :WA$' wn fWAV OV1019 city, bUtL W 1 .1-1 ever Jim -Counm A's pays. t L bj' � -a an , I � I �i I Iexpiry, <)f t;m* or by a#, not] 1� a or t# ` "" speaking" of the 4air; and tht latter. orb L City that 611 �, U� he' a t* Z;= who TOUNT hail lureality Igiven, . x6awomblo Urns.. T L "Yes, repliod-lundlph, wMaterit,is ,sigIllitu'rd'; AA'1 11 les ontattle, thrdugh the brokeri *bich he we& ti We"arm Cuar 41f&,C&wzft Lam by Wx ap. stsatavlilp!Coofty.� - Abirty zailsit for #,bottle v1J4ur,.0;1,*VQbe@"&ed Trxnk'R'Atl*Ay. 0 I 'r 5ry; sod y�f gn, J�a 1l&JJTe,"L risplioa the sto, f %%'60 -'aPP176 D -id -he stateMs business, -'jenquired' thi kouddlitih, a ]a whom the New York ag e I visitlid, DOW *M _*9 4d AVr*" tcr Am.,Gratil pmoop to rect fin u in u6r prom t ry. balfiofs'600ont bolt4a Jqft� Ir - a is this,! 'I studiously t 0 so that he in dA* following isa. 39, tAMP M- F"08" L Au -1 - L lslo� retlitesti!dL Menat signatii tin nio opip Wldttiii x6dis was I I If the queltione ib( bitn7thea.up Rufas Rowuson. of Ntiuda, 24. Y.9wrims, -coae ibe vodition tb&) it should bav"' Qutiik� PAr0y, air, buthe hili-fiet ht for P mentio u it toabyons but your4e in 'it -to, h6uL 4 L. - yow inspect thlit -bill -of ex* Yoke wkm t was Whiiipft ViC t 4 t, ALt r 0. r And, autity. air t sit -1 . Xtaudol�y 100,, all to 6b "Did be il ton, As, by,,HaTi7" poinew-Udi" nwkm ot ihdck *9 the;- n. bottltf3ottr ZcLw=v6-0IL_resk**J tlIc Ak AW" WT. L g= 46f Wy. on til ]Ellis, guil* ,q se ath"o amouA, from the suspooW fare -r- ttdr1to be pro. bult cne'Mr. whal Harry. -moor Sirtmiffix-lae"010 %V* Xaftg=­ Joetoort __ - - rk -to &%na ;i under 4odefl&_ jn I Cff�enf $tatex.' , I-,' _44NO Ari Mr. Matidaley wits on' , gut -fmnkly4t&tecVtbatU-k'h4&, I 3j, when ligi fuitber rJ*vtWinteryie*. "Mr- Bfigic a glance witIL 'haningilt a it 1.1", Ap MARTI" lie-volled, and Seeftig tbAt he* -what zircumstances)7ou Jissive k* IOVW 0 sottlit With "�Pstiltdh, �10 4, f FIRE Uat tas sivotz. such -audwoolm this s1W A, iio adisturbed a _Prl'Ate ehdem tli learti the if� it. WRA UQWX# 4sax'"Otiou" astw 4rAW"W%,ar k 'Iti.his6hair *1ththl HKANSURANUE AT Cori 'to 01i 4�eii eit by 10�4(ilvb_ t; mot-,-findinj you, 'he Harry received tho documeutF 0. . reJ with j it Is mipoesd ot ft w son *as "t&r A;.�r he OUld M In 110 Othtr aeop- ot-pe6undarrfailutoi, fie� ah& ioulgacquafT voitre at b I kuntzementj, andut-o cerepriod is believed to be tionessureeWy sopuset to vy� call (on ornaaress 11"L:� ce fr4. offered to deposit the amou fbe�XewYiiork house. coulct atten ish expf0l* tit of the bjIlenibiii ato in your absvilco, and cat hagul of firm -denial.. - thing t"r is"Ox 4M swe-yra mks& sWhh4 'hit the i'mino had 4anee,, whilatUArfirr, od Realky cdolin of is ajonvor throe-yearx oft 40tZelect ForiTONi, - lie c%tjahited me with th I never iskul ;=003m-agm .a �Oiltllre of it;.- �d this bill luaAhisla ar, on lqarll the Arst time� I have held it in my haua aroylii*iat islu"OclWyeken"IA &hols witlidont-ts,it, with another pa 3 in which ineofiofi of �oc&�d round tip ual lawow pit* 00"Orownly, and countr ant an a oubli dow Preparedby & KNION46. rX*J". X. Y., An TPIAW-. '11054ritteii,ard proiftu b sprung, spd by, a proce ilig that 1 Vias a o0l ing ii fAYOUL110 to the F&�M, -Need we ask any lie Isuceeetle No, le0brioadway, Now Y(W 0 iv a an adq it, 4i Q , OPen' Xr. LatubtoW.3,'but with t4Q.. proviso or even seen it. NORTHROP A; LTRAT4. Nswommu4 ow. #Alt the -CanvAisu Pourts: "beilig ifistittiled ;he nyoui- signture by your Pirn Agents fort,* 0011iftion. Wg 11881ves- SO& p'laseSsid mselI repeat it excepting to _iiaid Alr* Brij­)tj brelilklino t wA4 not to itressAipont 1100T A" Sao Fir4cloIssinsilwanw�f6f Aitravelling Isseney gnt g it withuut a 4roalt its I-hav� and laying partiouNrls 1,11no elgenien,,,', broke, in Mr. Fal. TO- THR olutl1rig ikis Toicm. Apply in -twwholu the offer was'mWe Vf1t bonten. , a, reaealin 117 yo 'V* Said it 4,ederialt to Goo 00*F. F A*wia 0,10 jo, 620 1pipr "tty of its being tamr ered.'LWjt. Ue, me the, nature word, ai he) turaaowards the P�hers W, At *uce P _-GoilriatiT & ccoo.3 Bsy&A-t-.-1 N ior (;UARANTX D, SpecitatuAllu The man 11adcitil. Exeter r I ru, , . 4 , . tho�dstai)# is, os-EWML with A look of , te am th Owe. -ssia Mr. 10 F h pointed out' -the t In .07 otter V U you allow NWITW = ton killed -a I MrAL be "T low On$ made., and lack M, qNsw 1, V I ION. full jArtletitirt; tree. A.arssa Before any reply c6uia be eul 0 %Juio 1094 1 WATI, 131 t only '. I ccrtVinl 'WOOD" W4 tbat,as it bore ya mit ARTAGINCY, -LtwvA probably .4- business 491�h to d9 tho, Saint. _�JTBJjAjK 0 Irl Local A &cnto findil les,711181110 J11iM f4b,041 -for and sottlitied 1�y an iw e force Roll ut t M 'Pu 6tisiVO &QUO IR ItAiA01PWO hadt tr 14PI Ac