HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-01-15, Page 4II" r10 Books are reconamesided "RICH N K D VR E 0 The follOW11119 MUSIC- 'I 41, . . �W� k T T t GODE FG an L as betall tile BENT of their classl Farm For SA10, f6t i N N 9, r K Pouth halfbf Lot -McKAY" -FA` II ric sint t I'M x. ERIC lb tbat exrefal The 3ZI� E,.,bloteft L -a*A asixualFell of vatr with rdwrrA Kin, gt; Iiis . I � . , .1 I "I . Ite, a 05, 2 60 UB 'CRIBE-E 'r Be Gka me E LLM can rm'13t 41 01 I11 an I rdedy August 23. ILTUN ST., t the inimt; od bearing Q�cp of 0olre, ii, Trw. _ard P,g aker Wl [be Over 300,01140 col, in H Poters' Burrov-11' FrImr. ......... 80 t 60 Worral's guitar 311hool ............ - op Upholsterer,'&c ARTIAL, Ll T On the,Vrem1pes rainfut clastes. I 30, tb of SIGN Or TUB OB leave to retrn tilanki to tit* inhabittl ding country, for thbir W 'S 740 M, 0 L- No Plus Ulm Glee Bob w1th, I I 60 Vbderldh 1!ert- " IS" Piw, or OtpriAer.00tarnitileut. I Ooderich and -iiijkrroun VNrtk _0 tt 1< .1 1, - A for," at Pajl!1011�6At. x0,=riV-9 nect3r h7 tha drop; FOR THE F Ludden's School for It 0 Voice, 3 50 E, liberal patronage ditrin; tho last tivo vearl he has f Nale Potere Art of Mingir rn t H undersir, -1uro ty and 01 Y�Aro -Strol,p ........ Is 00 liftlifulniiiinexii. Hek now prepared tofu 11hall ned havinr sold the I n Foundry proper ters'editiou) 3 00 8 A, UV% y amo14 articles In his lluo. such as 969ral 0 TE Foundry and'NI'anufticturiqo, Com, 11 Thby will vever drain dae folint. Knurniees Flute cho0i . .......... a 00 KA&MOT11 OROSS OUT SAW Lite E I Stock to the-" Goderi0h -)any T -T X t W, x LT J OLASS-,. PUTTY,_., bS Wim itentedt's Violin School ...... 7. 0 JWF, SabiterjIter offs 1qr_x&jp the ortb IsIrd Xin me tan, Pt WimmertittelVe Flute 83hool.... A.. 75 beas to thank the public for 1 heir libenl'sapport for.the PRst ninpteet�r 4 ' 5z%M0Qt—aytjj agaia! Peters, Violin School ............. 75 -0 Having coinpletod their Fall pur- LotSo 14 fit 06Pad Cbficesqfon of tkeTown- OF ALL DES -trusts thaf they will continue to sei2d their'orders to e rXis gin Patere Flute ach,ol ............. Ta of Yeats, ad th i d2 e,fls�,Wd PILLOWS 11140xerpsof I PetrprlorCompstiton. For j New- Company S-.3 011) R_ &1iouseanAgood frainq�*� on O'bot Flute. Violin. and Piano, also im BOLSTERS C! C)� I 6rcbkrd otexetIlicit f1rult trits. - T He Wills R. 121 ave ty".0 iumnr Petore Parior-Companton. ror SHELF -REAVY HARDWAREII RUNCIMAN y we tasro. Tkis atift balf of tits "ms 14 MAY %litY A 14A It Flute Ana Pittlo, 00' G MATTRXSSES, &C., G-oderich, I 00 Junej 1872, 10 Huron Signal, c will be isent Are now prepared to fill all orders with C)he;pi, for or g p ILLA' ROPE hichthe may be f&vQred. Thoy� the above Notice, the GODBRIC the plemises, Zin ma, thon, ot tin to A ;U- CKING" 1110st-Wilil on receipt '11 A w NID ON Tile -SHORTEST NOTICE. Referring; to K T`0tNDRY AND MAX I ,?Very raomovit - and Maw ilie usarked price. respect7tilly invite attenti FAUTURING COMPANY beg to inforin.the publir that th are prepared 'HEMP AND - iihBE R' PA L . PICTURE F RAMBA kept on hand and made to ..07 t1le [0110 Ning lines of Goods LEATHEWEEMIXG; ARM^ Und Apgt-, 19f4aleh. J. L. P 9 rE HS, 509 Broad -ay, to contract for Z -1 , , 0 0 order. Having on hand an assortment of WHITE ILEAWAIP�ficgtj�� New-Tork.N which they are prepar- &STEAM BNGI1VES AND BOjTLBRS,_ BOILED -AND RAW 4IL ad to sell COFFIN THIM11INGS, FLOUX GRIST 81 SAWMILLS, SAWING MACHrNr the. go mts of ITHE NOTC-L N=`29 a-itne-,h and Pura I sm. prepar d to make coffips on thts Filiortest notice, and to conduct funerWF; on the most re I,= =ro; n VERY LOW FOR CASH. ason- 00n ]FIELTYd- AND.-ACREIM, VVK A. able terjus. t3l Remember the old stand, Blood IRON AND wooDEN Pw&roirs. with KILRB MQ, then, Isteel boards, A -1 Every mament-and again! GANG PLOUGHS, CULT11rATORS, opposite the- Bank of Montreal. Ahd . aflAdnds; if V 14ATLS oderloh. Feb. 12.'72. t a trite r STRAW CUT TEBS� it SUGAR AND PO'1ASff KBT it- i A M; I IW. Of all sizes and des . critionsi verychoap. TLX5, GRAT-E BARS 'A 111 'or cvcry L�m WAGGON BOXE, to - 'SAT 17 ��r Salo cite", - - i- - I ZI 'L LANDS: OLDEST, LARGEST As GLASS L) 13EST PaY pm a0%T: COOKING, PARLOR 4, 40i�STOVBS of various kinds. KISS tile, t1ion sizes,fro In 9, 7 7 to 40 x 30. 311'y AT sAV#tELD Zvory moluent-aInd again, DANIEL GORDON 1L_-V-4iL-1NS MadO to 403rdero BOILED and RAW OIL, 11. Parsang & Co. G Townshipof (50'acrIch, comp*1 ern of VARNISR &ROWN JAPAN, OAB I NY�,'.r M AICL13. _AL Ma IS C>' the bdg 4nalititifland, within 00U519111MA of the, M Lrket piaxe of the To%m of BWeld- TI*M is OP nZ,3, ancl poln, to 161rarUii iduse ODDS A= Limz. NEWSPAPER COAL OIL, ofgood quality cheap, UPHOL§rFRER. Iron and Brass Casti Blacksmith Work. —0 MAKES THE WEAK STRONGS COAL OIL LAMPS, 13OTLERS AND S&Lr P14 -S REP4TR.�q 11i shprt notice, covered with tholl A S W I T tt A 1. kee I-ul. spIendf&grA)vtbs7jcxcpj4imt r"&,Psaxes on -tw- TZ10 T11*114 raest IiLe�y to mako his' view to ith ti.9 imes pnr- er Jqne, 28: 1871.� sislep -of tbik proV bf4 Is oitu*toln xr-��jd glue 'will f attl tu tb-o who cannat The Peruvin Sit r=a Pr tect- LANTERNS, REFIXOTORS Twent o cliseed 4� fitted up It Is ytothiiftyHorse-PQW-er� Tubular Boil .is.. e 0 bourhbod -I iti hts own name. TBLISHED ed Solufflon of t9e toxide of BURNERS, CaINNEIS j(reti%01.1IIwet - AXLitp , !*,,t Ifty-A listj&ley, 4 P It ' Iit Generally on An enthusinsoje Nebras%-a editor says; Iron, is so combined as to have WICKS hand for Sale. g, gem- of Witl r4x#.ryed timbey land, All Orders addressed to the 06 TOCKIS EXTR& "-X4nG n-Onphs of the ver in -Nebraske-, is. the charact" of an aliment, as =ufA*6dtzC-kk Ifte AtiantfWofffrewood W easily digested and assimilated OMpany or Seerntgry will Ueluvet-ftyflem Wjo a a" mmcr,' and, tha, re3t, is might I SLIG11 SITOE 5,T*EE] ate in FURNITME with the blood It" the simplest CeiVe prornpt attention. ;10 w4Ltq 1all-WItIch mn it*ft *V411 &tortq food. It increases th quantit Wp , t he k-pring. I V all the. leading ql7aa, itr. J ID A1 an Irish watter; of Natures Own evitalizi CASTSTEEL, a fair ort- WARE401789. ROBERT RUNCIMAN, HORACE HORToN, 'Iff AX HINE OIL ment. where he vril I In future dirty on the bove business General Manag,er. We haven't gat ft;' and isn't it corn IN THE Agent, Iron in the blood, ah PresidenC ]Rnr been in gonpral use for the past two years and cures "athouandills,' simpf BAR & HOOP IRON a goodassortment, more extensively thanever.While tbankfal for PaRt gl.vl.n the best satisfa­tbeii, as may be seen 1) uuaph; W80 by Toning up, 1nma 17 an CAST STEEL AXES from 81 upwards, go, hehopes by IAL BALD HODGE, t, I, R y teit� striet atteutim to merit a GEORGE NIEBERt' L, ARITI nialtsfroninianyoftheleadin Iasurer, 'It will not congeal in weather, it Is Iin his Vitalizing the S stem. con- BEST CAST STEELBILES, a full =auce and.lucretase orsupporL Manager -Agricultural Departmeut, . - . i the c g st -0 editm thus, . Secretary and Tre 01de -riched and Wd PCr- amortmen% tit., 10th June, ift. therefore suitable for thelghterstandfastelst, as well ammmerits on a mco= motonlight HE HAIS NOW ON ZAND Goderichj O' in" urnitnre in the C6uUtY 4025, as the li2ayi�pt i4chinem,�a x�a,, cident; "%V -e !oft our sa body# one of the Ivirgest stock', of t � I - I — 2neates every p fA4 - , 'A te 0 i; I art 0 1 9 and tson the shortest noticco I . 3 AUGERS. HOLLOW AUGERS prepared to mit4a4ht I= aight , an -1 on our waj tirt—n lind'suchas y 44mages 'ati&- Bud AUGER BtTS, ANVILS, ouppiy customers with everythlit fit his -!rE !§T T X "Wit" 1, h: ---mo we sZv*a yo- iing hdy an searcho -oW fl"rbid �__Aecre_ W VICES. COIL OBAIN. TRACE Drawingroom an parlor setts 100 ltw-4e 01:1414fingr, �Axa shitv7s. flotts, &n&1edv1n# nothino for in, Wah-ut, From theJoseph Hm Alachine Works, on its hinges. CHAINS., COW TIES, . TIN', Bedroom Betts I consider Stock's cAl 'heamr at $1*00 4ilalil*t goba ( uke ;md 'nIeY We= evidandy 114maant &I btin-, disease to feed upon. do do In Chestnut; S G' You. SHEET "NO and CANADA do do in whiw %yood, th= olive od at 60 eente. y D This is thie secret of tft won- Nvatly* cheaply and expeditioml�l o ot e 01 t 6`1 lat t. and we S&w them bite eaZ ex. ate I at -the '.%c -of tile resident. ml e of4§�hm eaw and GrUt XMI, land - *it 4 Buttresses of every description, les of the County ToiwilGodirliili: 'Titinemode- lerful success of this rowdy in PLATES,, CROSS OUT SAWS Feather Holsters. Pillows art. Com- and WOOMAWS - VRAML A dimautattvo piec* of rowcu;ifne colu_Vff OF �111R;IN. curing DyWpda, LtvgI ED,­%PADZr ONHAND ALAftGEAS W S, 11 4G�� x SHOVELS For sale only by plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dlar- SuRTMENT OF Hardwre thcanzeit was nicely pit dtiwn -,he wther MA - CARDS, CO.$ GoAcrich Nov. 20.. He ww de-taffinq to a latly rhoeap BOIL% NervodsAfflecUqns, long and short handles. Pteturessuch aR Oil Pai�tingFi.Chromos:Lit-liogmiths Mort.hants, Goderift Photunph or the= Having made arrangeinentg BILL HEADS beUes nad Chills and FevM H11MOM A very choice assortment of with r, onto eturing House c%n supply XGE.-Nis, C_ -3W VAIR taLCM Litarz— oar rho 4, enne on Suu-ly i 1 $1.50 Per am:a in Mri ne. Loss of ConstituUtonal Picture Frame it any stylit required at Toronto vigori, IV OTE, 8, 2312. ABLE & RM211T t- NIVFS prices. -htr pe,,ple Diseases ofthei7nidneys and Has always on hand a,complete assort RECEIPTS, LnY 70 acm cle4md goad Building 10;ztres Bladder, Female Com—, in Ivory, Bfick-h6rn, Cocoa and Bone ment oC 11 I Ing in Handles. A PROGRA --Ap�ply - -W G.'� TRUDWAX 00dee2cb.'u ci thb Nyl tseaes onginat complete assortment of and all d' us & Shrouds in theliatet Style a bad state of the 6L _,�n 106d, or ac- PEN and POCKET KNIVES, RAZ. roply. chev prccia-�a, t, i companied by debility'or a loto ORS and ',qCISSORS, from thebest Alqo,ffEARAEq:t0 Istre. TLS, 1)A . ode ich, 6`i AitrLe stein. Being free Eh-lish Mke", state of tl4e sy from Alcohol, in any form, Us NOTICBSOFAPPIN ALBATAAnd'ELECT`RO-PLAT- TM-C,,VT, R, Je WHITELY & Co whv usnalky hearl Itia pu,.i.s energizing effeeft are not fol- ED TABLE DESSERT& TEA 2DoorsWestof Post Office. OATHS OF QUA LIFICA TION OR SAL lowed by corresponding rea-e- totta:D a -week thot-.9h Watts Scriptare tion, but are pej%tanent, infic-, SPOONS and FORKS, ELEC_ C:3?- Lumber and Cordivood-taken in Ex H=­rv, and aftexrurar&asked them prij- sing strength, vigor, and new- T40 -PLATED BUTTER change. PATjTxAsTERS LISTS, I OT kmch calestions as an4gested COOLERSL, KNIVES and E. - . -1).i, Pon- life inte, all parts of the system, i Godorich. Doo23 'd. 1870 VOTERS LIS mms.-malle ut, themselves, to his'mind, one day desired CRFETS, very suitltle for TS, and building up an Iron Con- covered ,and eReb, .110 vilge a YOUM-9 Brehm to -tell him who Jessie stitution. the pproaching holidays. CL&CULA.BS, fro*'WB16060" ivith a nevei failin 1�ont ww; whon the b-, �y brLskiv "Tho _NGT_,ISH PLkNES, PLANE IRON'S I Thousands have been chan g throogh tho lc�211� a the FL-:) ts or of D a n. falmn e, _cdr. _ged' F oiie' Extensive_Ne.*Frem'ises JUR Y U$TS, tr �iik�iiin by the use ofthis remedy, fjWwW.' and CHISELS, SPEAR &JACKS 8, 8tan2,PthF _.' ' - "What a nim�_ TAYLOR'S. HAND, PANEL and AND JOHN RRADINGS R: -T- WH'TrLy- sance" exclaimed a veak, skA*Z#, suffering crea KNOX a. i I tures, to stkorng, healthy, and Pre now irmnufa-3turin.-. as a 4 New tStock- 1 -A pply to go-rie RIP SAWS. A complete wisortment 8 1 , voun(y f,,p P c­ucert' - 0 1 I happ iJW �id in i -Y m4m and women; and I of WHITE, and RED LEAD, dri Ia lovid invalids cai4not reasonablyhes- RE-6�Ds, Phmtons . Buggies and XRO _S.�VMATHERALD vc;tee to a lad "Did yon OR S, refer,tome'thre eninatv itate to give it a trW. ing -ag ons, V at'his Side PATNTS ANT) VOT. SP; 1W ivhi�h for appearailee and dara inty caunot be sur- See that eacla bottle has PERU- PAINT, VARNISH and WH 10Wa',a4 Ei Goderich, Jap,�od, W12. f ,p. -0h no; I ntean7t the ninsiciaiss hited iii Clio 'besi st'y*le and at the t- ja psased, and are securing -the patronago of aH who WASHBRUSRES. M LA9 C. Barry & Bro. thtre'. wh1woke-p lap such a n,,ise with VIAN SYR U � blawn in the glass. mant a fire, k0V E ani RUSSIA ff ROPE r -e- All Work Warrafited. tht-Ir in-3trume:tts, that I cad t btear vewu v a Rates V@I-u blfk� -Vdy-- "=a 3pamipblets Vree. PACKrN . IREIrDSTONES, V, abinet lakm, Urderfak('�rs lVooil MING VARRIAGE-TRI-11 GRTNDSTONE rLA:runES, es J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, Turners, i Is braita :'well nd tasteffiTly 11--utll, Witt hE TOWN OF '-patch' der thes--pe.,*ntfndence�,Df-XrJo4P' fianuitou) one of the firm. 'a 86 D L - - 4 L oS NUiiI;6iWi FrAY, Sir, -F-hat renifessi-in are vou V - -POW-DER. SFTO'l, CAPS. -BLE and TO a LUMBER MA biah,-and gia Lot 858 thereismIngetsvittorevfmme or& W'Vnew % ho Bold by I)ruzzists genter111,117- fisrm -.Led IN THE RIDr-ES, DOU GODERI-CH WOWLEM FAC K Goderich -ba Lo sitnated &small Erick rove and Have remG�ed ikeross we street -to the storot �bxt bb*11�'h1V(?ria_ tub a rnt -,Ucs -,7--s d-eemsii not, very respectable. SINGLE BARREL doorto W. Achoson's Harness Shop, where tvill be Ordprs IR this lind4zeefuliv attend2d to. Id Itouud =, etdtwl 16t 1:1 - I Actl% d sit. ime mer- GUNS ad all the artitiles 'Jobbing and Repairing. The.Lots will U soid.dther. ftmtbn br, xeptrift swen A, GOOID*ASSORTMENT 1 uslially found in ,trictaiwittion pal(i to all orders entrusted to us to;=P made of htch Bdroom. Diaingroone. aun'ear or Fu N B. Fikspertion eif the work now being ttaot;I0 o14- o"A W17.0 ..Derz and 5ft-e, T seleaed stock of Hard en. ISO, >1N IS7.9. niture. such an to eirne-Aly solicited. &aid Mr. James, HLRON SIGNTA ware. HE SUBSCRIBERS, WHILh RETU RITING THAWES01� PAST PATRONAGE. BEG L6- a sherry cob- TABLES, TSTATE that durink the part winter, ih�y have Godarich let Hav ISTL W AvZbON &OGHNM�X CHAIRS bair, eanet xna wood malted) 'ar I I CUPBOARDS -Goda�eh IS Ze: I Jet, 10RO -BRUSTEADS, Added largely to their Magulfaseturing Nart-hiaes. TOC WisH TOCR AN5017-NICEMENTS theabove stock hits WASE STANDS' -And 111 having been eattpay.refitted. !!o,ne on pAy- h:s fa�her a7. 31ATTRESSE.8 derichNa who, ams sont '0 Meet NE W, A 8 the whrle of Go ible work -E HOUIM� MT. been purchased very law and hu LOU"S. ....... r div. r- as ind-cpd to anterthe tabernacle I Are now Prepared V) EXe 110 navtiry f the scene all been marked it o -est cash prices, -SOF&B. fig Ir auto Orders grObelet-a 33tickHouse willt- In Twtewl4 Fall Cloth- SatIQQtts, FI -43- WinesYs, Blanke orse Covers, Stocking Yatrati, &c.. &C miauteX.L ''Dr u'g S tor 9 we have much plex%ure in requerting a 14HATNOTS.. OOKIK GLASSES walk-'af-the e, but at lenqth himf 3r, aht' f call frona the inhabitnts of Goiderich and TH, GREATER DESPATCH, 3WIcet Sqnare, - with IOLzftft of 0'ut Cd Pazieit.w. Lind having litt'le I GILT FRANING.. WI OF MORE DURAB11ITY9 a farmers and traders of the County of t3- G. B t B are.rpared W -sell siraythmf in groubtf,large-toirchardi goA-wall,,ibistern, 'ir U.0 an Mr.") Than Formerly. zettiu; ftber ho-ne =ntti he d Neater In Pa wood.iihed, thoi-first-r6lars--stablo. and Huron. No trouble to show goods. On- n;s kn��kin- higfather eXZjajMed- J 0 HL�; B 0 N D, ly cne vrice- Remernber the Place, Cheap for Dash. every convenience that misy beTequired. % To REA HE They woullauccall "'few"'Aftentlouto ve. ratr P-' get drunk, an' N. B A complete assortmentofCoM -For p&rdculats apply to 11111 CUSTOM SPINNING,-. HOLLhitDING CLOTH PRE jLlw&Vg onhand =d &,11eane to him o a w harao. CHEMIST & DRUGGIST able tame, TDIINSfox BRO 1) the River Blg� of the For which their inaublotety is opeula,lly aftpted.Parties comingfrom a -distance with w * 00ttO gctcarded, by or, to �AR. W� Ix.A leav me with 3fr 0. FetWoon,hierchaut.Goderl rely theirrolls home with them , OF 25 YEA.RS PRACTICE. the e - to exchange their wool for Ooa - V rhose wishing eticli '9;� 7tj� (Court in an indiri will Olyleft A , d. . _ U. i� 0 du%l � L. GEST NUMBER 19AIMOTH CROSS 0 _T SAW A CALL SOILICITEDs, d.sA = their Interest to give to the bar -Lr a breach of edench. 16 Aug 1870. ubicieibe-s a call. the -Prietis L*W. F zat-olass work SilIanuteed. , Snow. , ' iver ar =Ah Nutain Soott - V-anst6h� *,-Co.,] lined the offeuder ii�,� MIS TO INTIMATE IrHAT THEY 14 The cu'�pns, as usoad, '0 FoRPURE DNUG,�.4: VE J-IHNSON &KERR B_ r4rt1ler,*. Be, -OR NGLIS ta �ja of rue Na -CiF- A Large. Soul in i Small Body. 'rate, "if, Goderich, Nov. 20th 1871. BURSHE CUTTRIN van& EM SAW RWCK known as tlio I�Ceisares, Set ARE YO.0 SICK T. 'Wofics"Eltnated In the -TElege of H. id %z-h�, Indiges- F111 S. in the old atead of 31L A. 31-TolinstAn Vi-irtrl&st., viawl"tIrle" of M4ItlRudVI11e7RoteL T dw block will b"old is'll-argain te *=sTa 'A. with Dvzpvj­ a. C GODERICH FUN: FICTORY ew Sowing Machine Agenc -stouter, *r ozebahged"for 6wn or 311AN.-FlatChOr. Of tinte. P, -athe tlea,t, I)j&eaSeq yl Goderich, md will. be able to supply, I f �,) Rl' 3 t J. 1: n v *�, Ewitt RE' SbRS-RIBER I� PREPAI&D To FILL� CAUTION. Sa�!G*W, i3 kno-vu t-jh�sve po4sewaA 4jar*.-._!:�,­.1;e. t liegswret,1 Vezetable ..... LL orders for, party. -Capacity 0 blarels per,ozy. �Appjy pop. IE GENUIE TA Insat =rn�& te-InDer r, id� compiot,!y cnr�d tho-2-ands BUY 0_,LY TH Toimbstonesti sonally or by lettOrto s rootman Z-"* 'U 2W 3P JS Gcdg;16b,� Iles�z� t�> Advertising Rat3s Liberal. thr u�hw,, tn.e.1t4L, vie:1 &, 3W.n Goderich and JAM C. LE TOMET, (Esmis;e, "Why do you antlepieoosi 2242, he. "Bemuse, and give satiRfaction. Varties serediAg orJers' CERVEIVATE-4. fairbanks" Sta'd jfd. ca e � - ay !o speak the trutL, I cannot bear your Aurora, JaneelrT 16ft inail will please gi ve depth of' well from platform, wififfow- sills"', uming Township, No. of Concession and This is to testify th�t I htve er've 0. be. temper. " "To be sure, I na pamisionate, .1 a beneflHal ANUFACTURED'BY has also 'I. bt My P_Sman m not Sooner oil than it's effect from &-nd's Zmic Bitters and (onted it to be by far Meet 1)ast artiole in use for Dyepepsia and e df'workv�isnshlfe an efi OF.' Yco,` rephed the aervant, "bat T. Plairbanks 00'a RLVERSIBLE 61OLEBOIRD it the be4t s4l. %* Lt%t:r C-mp'amts. VI., Ac terms. it's UD safir_= aff chm nes on." JOSEPH SHIPLY Thewell-e,trn�d repulatim of our Sealeg has in - V7' N STU -et auj worthlesttbal- HOOT tGUFFLERS. _THERS Wesleyan Minister, duced the inakers of itieperf, Fairleinks' scales," and pu ths� while snedsto ofrer Lbern a4 OIIURN�- AND STRAW CUTT&RS. Goderich, Aug. 27 IWIL chasers havethereby, in Many Instance$, been Sub- S h With hj3jnMMjt 9:31; A 11 soldun llh6al terms, and order spr-tiipily Mr, John Bonti, .;eoted z., fraud and tmpo4lion. very ' itstxchmakerA,.ver,�capab!eofootistractip9goc attended to. Dear Sir. 8tand previously occultied-by 31r. H. I)ndd. Lat, and the traredhn havm- acted hiq I 4111 1 have great pleaure in recom- Be -ales they would telve no occasion to . litorrow our The above cut 'represents obr J, D. ARMSTRONG. t_ ­3t, tx7zrds the altuse of t9a evening mending your Tnnic Hittein as an excelleut thing for Wane. 'S.0 111 IF Zy r givi,.g Lone tj the stomach'and strengthening the GodericbMerch4th -'7:' W swt4-tf felt nst a, Ettle Ed",grzed. The m azer i; sy$teemegenerarly. f1tarefouteddi: a very beneflicial 41F tbx, and tetueen the soeties; gg In my oWro personal came, ind have known C) JPAIRBANKS'SCALES. $70 Organs . -1 RE, S tsand to use it with Eik- satisfaction. WHxLz illanking ouifformier age D* he tt*k t -he aztsw iuta hda dr 0 --AQ 0- Yours itc. customers 'foretheir liberal patronage amd ar-29ekei r. c�ipbbaed sbrected a small J. H. KAY.Iq,� and contidence for he padt, yehr d I1i P, -Y-- AN-* 14 [an gbsa =,a 8uing it 'With whisky, GO TO THE C.jKlnister 0 AuroM-May S(Kh. lixlu maxwerlbitr hits been appoinrentagefif foiltbe I feel perfectly free benefit I have Nraister C..,, respectfullv 6plj-j1k'6ir 4fteption to 6�r 14 E � 0 wbich we still 110j to,ietain,l iv� would :.r h=r, said F? 'NEW)VFflaT49i0_1`�Vtt(Ry nfaCtureM of -Me of Sole ftoprietorti P.'Ud Man feparittidno.. IrAbbris, .Tonte L'itters. stle, NO, 6L tt e;ivO from tree use1*6f 1-1 .Uii; Orga� b4ng� a 6 0- br, d Victoria Carbollo 'I 19 -Ie s;Za -nf the .41ass ? They li-we relieved repeated attacks of Dyspepsia, a ieiy do- - - in my case from their Tonic and aperient properties 4 tave, Doub)dA�0 t4;;"jmd Work,, Victorlil, HJA' XeLinds Stmstl SPELER sirable instrij mdut f6r 4divanceir I 4ayers, Toronto, ont. SOW-l1a8`AUCSib4:f6r thi Counties of Efaron Corflir if kiikh 8 The following Genulfto Prepirdt10118 1111108 , A ga�� ji,ke i3 toid in Was DAVID SAVAGE. "t to Pianists.or Oarties e4ocating tbeWsej ves QQ - NewileennWouXintater. -.-Vxc%4)x& Ai� (I and quareA, 73nngt4_-a at 'I '14s 41heuti. call. at Mr. A. �WaddejF,s_rx- u 't. And 50 others. for the pi4nofitrrte; and as a parR6r In- PawAuijw all Druggists. Do iture 'Itud askfor tits a WelLkn-)%M 'Senator, 9, ithd seo that yowget me;4- - erve your n c reltaks until you see him in good 11mor ana readF to -p "m -killij, II tT�3 is nuti&loaa f4sr taking two ectektails Bond bews to intv3duce his,Pnimonic Syrup for atrument, it meets every reqnirethent.- the 11 es I sii�.olots. kstborea, WsoopingCotiq 'aalloxily.w4utsto'be-seaq to be IlPictures tirlde C, same. a chitis &;c.� ",, the Betot eeInbrated in s=ea3Es befoza breakfazt. Otte 'th Ili Hoarse -30 iithe as 61, bulidiff am h1so.Akdut for the m-4ming, whff@ tha 63 --mater was pran, cine ever introitilaced In Goderich. IT, has daved Q ent style, and more 'txpensive. Ou. Climaxa vit.tatbrThrealilngMachinesandCarter's IP 011JIM ') , F-HOTOG Our No. ar A Ditcher, all of which are to well known too Keqnire P tm�- at the Bfemlro�*Htam bm, a friend ffionsanda from an early grav- No. 32 is pronouncec A'fW gobd agents .1 ll wbo have 4 'Godench, 2nd Sept. 1872. Id pct� tD lilm the pardnerat questicii:--e 0 seen it to be did finest� Itistrumen An the Norletures " world for the price; -th Tois J=lr 8 why yon take two encktaffs I Worgan I*s two) WRAJUERLD. t, Id 5 41=1f. e; the place�jEatrWo.pi 4 it A,7-recable ropa-atift for thd Tdllet.--: For 0.0derich. m a cu3trm? Waln't, C'ne t"ne, you 9 AllUryli3t.-the Cimplexion, Atid renderlag'the I 69.dprkk Jul�a=h.,-;§72, ji,3234. FOR YOUIR_ coinplete setts same as No 30. with two of the Montreal Zele .e.. 3 --I r U 1) 'I Q V d I ted I additional half setts, viz, Haut y and Soft White Clear -and free from EiTyjiess, It God4 61 C4 I . yolz w72y 11 falko two f NEW BOOK unrivalled. It"will. q em tz Vox Celeste, xiakiug four se from *kly itmove WI Redn 7 a one it t -L, T -e3 me feel like Itf Ronaltuess, �an, BrecWep. FLmples. and other Im- a taka .3. 4 middle C up aud also If odta' ex f -Bass Pdrfecaons. For chappe d Eland anct.Lw w=. WoU, yum sq -9 I'm hisurad Ift 0 Profiqndo. We' are the first only Bites and Sjrq Lips., It -cumo bO' See,& Ty co r4cez cc ta.; aom, = camns-,ty to treat that onn; - parties who malco this line of 'nstru. .-LOOK O.UT. TOR sa I take. a w_­ard 0 ments, and. tte univqrsiloati ction. i ­ - - . ". . Cleo 11,111111, n 3 M they have giveni and 'the irmnine e sale 311G, VVA T of these Organs, show'thit`tfie� e at) F's XV41&1:21 V"Pu Taotli;us AND j preciated caiid enc6urages us to make QMZ= pliNji WHOMSALE&RETAIL FAIRBANKS-& CO., a speciality. r2 93 Maih Street, B;3ifralo, N. Y. them 403 St. Paul Street, Mini -times 6onfid,.ntial- �ed� edthyv a on AT BUTLEWS V� Applicatious for agencies, wb!re we treal irnw To PM OUT A WIFE have no agehts,t all the son, prevents irritation W-;3 V iia� -ZlM, M9, FAIRBANIRS 00.9 ly solicited. removits the ots larly used by of perapiriWon. and, shotildle r I311 Broadway, N. Y. Fo Illustrated,C ilogu at ps, Adc-ress: Cholera, Smallpox an Fever Patients- . r E AND RETAJIL. licktile to turection win, materlau 1, STZ 19 Via= old 1"t =e washed With tUs Soap; and It& a" -by Ai Tg5, 4btre,4 the eight highti vrith a blue A. 'S. HARDY &V e k-bl�aun I 'I BeautifalpA 0�r nent FAMBANIKS, BROWN & CO., Guelph. Ont, =ad of dtseaie., ?doe 15cents per ',blot. I118 Milk Street, Boston. july let, 1872. I= I IMPORTAN NOTICF, OF "-cot Le, 59 g!71 bFgacd ta look at, w. too, For Sale by leading -Hardware Dealers. &u. QLd Iron' dis-beHaver ffi JEWELLERY OFALL KIWD& Vu -3m Copper, lltasi..'�Vool Fickingli-And'Sheep e2�4�, 2=1 0239 07 111kS CE111area in the nins.t icep, fti.Axehange- JUST RECEMD,. J.,&- J. STORY. -Itt - L-arutaz� ov her fa- Alljdnds of Work fr)m the THE NO& PERFECT cfjte� 4ige Cv4l0il Barrel AV- r I a g�e ge- W wotel? 4S U r T �*aa I bet the member (d IQUAL! Eczents, SWd- 19tik4c Ad4F 15 1870 Owl and us I I aud to be sold Bolls, rimples. " UP -000195 Ja 9 1'. P, COMPLETEUcia-E 8 i 0=71SIng,,anducauD CHEAP, A7 BUTIX s Which bas-Inda fouu -b physidant:4overywhere IWItetebt-Is prL-pLr6d to fillin cemergwf STI a�,�Dut, hez augher, Gea if NILF:5 AL % FIX TELL 00,-IiS. 10pon3sil ell rauve quisitt4 notillicovered fn=y -tlyandatro JargNtFog rtotheSMS e3t Card Pr4mal"Role" Is acd dialdkas, cat sum Ten First -Pri2*S ZVERY ZVENY applo dZIM- lip ALL iU=18. W�iSISTIXG OF E At TyNLyxhibit fit !t abluns 4 av lejgjS 011ERCWT iAS Y01) GO TF PC V T .0 j:j,jL? q g �m gintn Con va lived th it & 0 0 har smanttit bow long txw WrrH ]&Aug DRAWER ail to BROULD sff�6ideri from*OUV47C od Gun, Dpg -0xT. T�18 'G UGTASS - Noll Wit B A37ALZ 18 the mostrellable and e, C30101S ENZIE returns -liliq shteere'-I LINTZ, Z Remedy- in all 4ases of Bore, Throft, HOU4111114 bl hit 1 t1411Gkx1t*.TspsiP tbaqW-tw tIwpub1fb*;for 06'ge 'bnq Ud , I wer4fifilixtr . er Use Them 'Received Eve ie First Ili a 01pther13--smitichlux, imitation of B o ka nee her xl:Andid.�Ieldi; -commenced buslitexi list tfia mrther 4nDefloLkin y T4Q4s&4*d0Cff0MMoAL1h this -c"Upable; 61 fall, jaid Is ditterminedtooleserve It more and biore. ti R.- XANN all d1fiemes of, thej NoutIL - For rublict ISPOWWW OZ a n19ther Alb Aros, Asthtnj4, onsITS Breab,,Ulcarstod 0111115% Ht would call Cal-Inuke tta rigat kiCI Neatnes and Des P atoh. :Pj el Iths' AvAe i2 1A 7r, yo -a kin qde!ty k,; nZ a;Zg� th At t h a WELLIN6 0-0-8 T sinks$ It Isjoidtawo:' The invettimts'eiq SSELL" I, - ­ I I .. _, Z OJ WATCH j FAIRBANKS1 CALE WAREHOUSE- WIM bit4thill, kQ0Afr%4:i ft mn&by 911 M511010.4 TRZ Tq- V -U4 MR13 tha r4ht Jaul of' -fortififixisf *b and, Or the cur* ot 4uvo dtiordore _tfiubai�ch. Its a h",on hand i ''FtilrbankS undombtedly, 4he abog,poptUr in W RZ4 kesparhichli6tiln 03 Kiln Bufralo, X. Y. J61d 00! aro aU sert- varattes satisfaction to the purchaser. .'-There fs. ilk 6%�R;Lijad ed -by fiftWW? mora-tonUlfstng, #ab bad �watcjj jutij Ift L Vltb'it havealways,#1 ore Witt of,butter.­ FATUP S) 0 C2111, k t V i% CA44 'mWdb vibits Milk All NX 4*- C ;enbot-pro cy s;3.Tkg:ag, ask t7le ymmg jad liteh, Whe; lXilch * 111.11- BiorAwa*# $$*'Yolk. HIM 'UT_Tl9R1MT_;iUto be hatIch"p. 4% 3-iA eomplet& assojiment -of go] 4- Wi t . tid, Go& hex *ucVQIo* A Pr �33 y A 19 BRING. b �rAJILBANKS#�BROVW&CCI.It nA4614r Ala.*; 00 A0 r 1W I.NiG cbd a 1111mr. - - 16 i 71 p . , ft -- .1 Chemixtf ant contief snol ItI810001nTWILAble OrDlebtectfOg mxrn�d atGnla� Wit &ZIt auuy Tua. Lazarus X rn ow A 0 8 0 R ( rgans. n &t tits i'Miticlall ZzlillAtto Beiril ani prj4�e� f,4, tato the. H jn� Ift. 0"Ilk P11411111; _90111-01VA- Stabl" 819 brieh a 'go D *Zd'lor d4ftflAa j*mm f. UT16 For re' kk ir I Arnive God' IMW t(wer cmu It -%111 This grah1success, In adilticiii to lastigaes )pre" Illo 'WiAte, MARTIff MIMM a t0104 moth% JMW%*Ww e, Qniij'r69r# can ele'Iff ednl.5 frm 7 9604 ivddw. "elm 0 dwm� j a8pteasaii in annOutincing to tile pub. I 0,� cc gon rer az -tewit Im h U asiN th-0 huabliftlL 0 Big ulplom pygooa Tbirijtiand a 'e� Its- to It -the.. t rel at hasn3rib xnl I- ftbrer Harness business o4r, T c He and Ist Firs't Firizes, I'll 3 -- oxIftI*W-& judges ate incompgr4MY stIpmor to alt tffiWPje i . �11 elt� ilxov� fbit our' listrumentAlfiL Wh' r . I the opinjonf com wareja bRn petent belt" Me$ er Its% -Ordenbr.tnxl U t edt j1A .0 * Solerropriet rers ot0a MAVO LIXE MiGHAN YOUNG ON TRrAT- worked for rho test lbreeyears in tl( aft, 8. oth 8 neMURDER 7 0 GANETTE, AT' I V nctuallya tend 0. op. ters on4 Wanifedu -811MRARD' STRAMAIPF T qD HEATY MIGHT l Qualif�inj;T ibes Lt U&MIS, nO aZdLj3d0t*'h0QjjU$ -*cku,,wi.dge4bvaiktobetbegreatestimpi�ov 19114 MAW yur# quag wysfat X%rG+,.-:­Any pergon oe'nding OX Xid- yet intioduad. hefroupetlor ty a concedtO Vi't Iiied In Its fAlthil LLPARTIES iND.V3TEDTo TH33 aftw "'a ha,41; but Jliof44 410 Ant boy 1� answer toabie to the Aentit F. Jordaj� and tvith despit�jv Ordois prompt- - Is' R Cglery, other makers from the Wt that tit que hey And P91bb Table U a girl Gbilerich within the next alt,.0ed t6 - "o-Inpetitit, ffj�vnr J -done proTioUn J. MLL, WWI days 7 11, I I 0 i 4k, it Asa fATQ to. w# thAt withdzew fromQ n" thilf, itelrxim Curtyiesibill- thoir Inability to compoto wit Is &Q to, tlxe 21st Dec. last' 7"_ ka* i0ft R4*-kkor, will receive sh. order from D. Co. Trunkoj,Wh1p-% h them. 11411013114 rad Oh, VVIRCS THIM, 'WILL Are r x7d to & (". , r &6, . I . : , Evoryfustivinelif fullywArrafted for five 8. OU discovered --- 111 ID D To -0 t1ILe pay k4e wmt see oy 0wnrwd,,�1d,fa*& f I a Iir bf $heir superior new att,6rj X. is satiberwillpleasayayup -ones. UD AT OWN t ,&LL PLRTTES INDS13Tt or 13. Fly $lip 9 nd throixXtiout Send for c2tAifigue contAinlre lifty different a les MOre 0qtiiicWv me etscou I tautIV . un to ty. ell Midi For CaSh. - Aritt.AHAx sK "d _UJ20XA"FJ90_1jta=. offastrunielItS,. no ba old' a ox ; ­ � I - �-p IKWL r Godel1ch, Feb, 5,12 xwgawa- dooricb, '11111ii 2o, 1,071. - 0 L Adi"