HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-01-15, Page 3-7 niso ......... --------- 1111001, tit 7-17 %speot for -187.3 Via "'Ouvallat, staw that at ctrkain pue to pedal NQU64, Q$it th 6) rk .()nthG o)satot rioria% sea, t iji-iPAIi 0 to WMAU Riolty: "A f4warvir %I"so 0,10 vAlmn lk stiveru the olisratiouslotoiges. 1*4TI01171, AND des3mt saftmw1ft,%t those hillas.. stanift looking raptil ITRIL.ftOAsr.-14W* Cook —t Wo 00)11O`fttlN%—"By a tholoulyliksorowledge, of the Which alderinvi aft f" at'Ahis fbx�611110 Alturool lr,%vm wIlic ARRI To tioll and rotttrillono. mind Ily it, carour appiloAviin Of 0fUXPA."r6,P6ft9ft an extriordinary VA C, -�Itoti c�:l r it tailing placm. MARM SQUAR& GOD2XICIt. &Wftaa. to he tho- 04;ai6" the fifils ll�opoitleoi (if wo 11 soltlited d A iK,"I vat vi so" in, the. net Workliki has 1providoid our b roa kfast 4bhix woltililso k*121 QUAtre T il is 411lost, FI(P iso of h . t "10 -1 . lac"ILT6111P Out of tte reach of J)oo MAVOred liever3o tirldeh mo t UOLIV* for A", their 'us many huv,* prfM W tiqla t4wr %)it next water with Periodicalin thi -Warld. A Be - was -P:aP%e1li to i or %Ulk. Rach W itre and 0A.a#lpion of Ap catner, whom, as h their Aippeft at deep hole is 41� -*hleh & of egglt io�N %viih llullitig wau Akc�i SUATated, in ur & depart a _011VU" ol*hlo choullst-3o; V I R-9 C Load"'. SAW#, WILLIj depoeited, andthencarefully covered up. WNUFACT101119 OF cccna.L-14*6 will. pow- jivol an 'N69 for 6�ale in lRbok or Ne UV FOX, Ali' WIN k �444 "OUI UT THE SAWS, AND BOT VAXX5 - Moor 11cowtut of file process adnpi,ed. ky Niiiism savues -v On relaching the water they tint unfreqit DEW, , WT. v the' ho"res" rl'-*a Oth8ea to ve, ontly swini three hitailred, 111illijailt G001'18 44 filiall 111HE ALDINEo!whilo tieane4'�j Ynl'-at bN14t Of, at leatt so sea, foraging ' for 41PProprist-1 food, 2 t in the Slistate - , 1:� I � L # it View A i IfO PINry, JAXES. VARL - k ri far as th' -w0r1X4- 940as it co-neeranod. Wholit anothiii batch ofeiki&re do $to, el Guid ;:I t�l regitlorityl ham.none of the teiiipora� , Qrt,at'.7 ng 0`V5 XAXZlW r or L 0, timely interest qh�rddteristic of- -Sal be h .,AT LA Z. oz. �Rinr 41 mmogg. wroms.,imm With they will return, a 4; His rsi"re" 'WM &WVffinX1T vkrAsm to 6d, after 0, tango of about Vand, he sail Ming 'I in d 1 0 at, Z Porto it is"all�,olego 4 A �nllsde 40of"p)lre; light- an -AT f Alas! that slim, lineoven in the dairktAtniv !SATqrA3R0A]DAXZ6- COW thoqth alftld� walf in* %4vaon*6 qf what IF, R A U D S k B- ft Q'A 1). A= t a skixd* filort, ES OPSM RAL ip6eiinads -of - itfastlAtill, fi. 1:00GING CRAIN)R, -hv?A �Zulatoa d- � . ­.­ _ f� TI dures, buried sokpi, Rotft6v* 0_3 literature; �nd a collection of pif they h 0 rardit, no-hatf art deposited ancl-nenr .0.r AU 8 rS, tal �'Alth4 tigh eact file- ttellritialt orth American Provinces to been A�,T C� H oat they hvA to offer. $P astan am bdore.'They, know instinct- E4 most resliectfully too caution the publio of -i lack and whiie. ceeding,p affords: fresh I th42LwU&4X1fiznity;bu%& bum- D STORE istactly was the ut, oc Xway the% 6 ROGREA ively the day and holit when the young, to it's f W i! Pw fat *311614's WhI it wasn't to be in- which am belfig hol(I annoy WROuGHT' A" C trAUA" kc. -�of THE AL to promptly a PM will be af�-Jlt apjpre-. and oni litiloo, -sr no meaita,, trading (:'or the latit'low -"'4j6Ny1!hq UE�w 0. *U"rm Afallof Meaning, at the spot to liberate than! fedriv, thbirL trionths only) under the aw, York that wo I - it'fiii bijea-,b C _0VIt4 of thin, halulog Complony. her PArtnere, wife was altogether discon. son. An snort Wy artifice Irinalle use Pift and Olutuient�" by car sin individualoo,'of bro" inclabaW �by solat, rays, will (Q,��;� , 01 Casti choorf u I glarice, tlireak'tlie sholl, an4a C'IM41P L I I' ";S � : - 'L TEJEZ In littaillu upon the; v, )a dectuefty to diiceiva. they I for tke pot one or .1m As WHY alit of tht, hole, of by thou tionsmsy�blk­ -6 i , J: ; �' EU&:MIDW �&IR 109 W"Ite t1dilir CA" CWumatancos," the the mother turtle leads them dAvo#,, the pgolic; and the more 1Z -list .4 'tums t0 his reymnee and, boo that he bank to the waves, and there ietids her have the oftntery. in their advtrtuismoutv,,�O.if 7 rHE ALDINE:is amniqliiii, utlowplisegrarViEff. Opposlt� I n US A Ing CA I u J­ gae'd 41 to wait just for A few parental talicitude and tilattrual duties 'llow ut 0 US ban' 4 HA RIKET HOt nlm� _11"; is 44 -,'�6n'oeption�alolie'in4�'llil"*P-Drilao ed N whilwahe mus over to too it Asu 0 STR *V -tom�ted hriphlitled absolutalj without c4al - 'poition in price the n �q&bnnrt wonli notaftiatherto A scientaikithobawmailaiiar' parties -to counterfeit these valuable eill- 0 6, estiption cities. G. Hi, PAW.W6 Co "riW'thsiamount. There being,nopti, intothobreaking of iron 40% Wood THAN-JEVER godericb. Nor. 28 1871 and in , . , - i'�` I -T - - . e -cannot duplicate the Ittityi of'fine paper a -ad baltravings' in any pilier shape or numbor, of volumes for, fuTswa cm the table. The coramony poor the contre tvlary bat (of 4en times -its cwt - dja'thj� thers ar; thi 11:101,60WAVS PILLA AND 0JNTxZW�WII1t -0 irOU does Railer loss, of strength. H c-;", � J "'Vi 1 � Q i T T - &ein the is not affectecl. by frost, but that letter H In A , �% 4plate'voluin ring in order to proteat the pabI iook le andopursel nt fro4tY weather, "Cousiders that good iron I'vehavotissuedsourwITtall6t ift"toikil yhz jaction to this point she Went 0 du raus 11,19hort time, sho raituniod pl of an htyptlan Cirel I tit, was, there'llpinat proceeded with' and the 71 holdislo bowever,Akaf the eitte,46 ri trade mark on -it. N)fte art genuint been ty 'of ihf TIU A Iflav " �L_ bertediatim having earth boytesith the rails in cofd out it. A S 'tind End oi ART DIPIXTMEIFT. To DeAl.8114 AND AND, Mzzi�, %J1 01 d aminsed, the young wife, Wile in the weather offers better explpnatioA of *101,NZL agit of withdrawing, handed -to the clergy- a V6ry Mug want6a stein of dof.L%w&yJs PIT.I.&AND 01MM8XV price of habMriptinn - last Talli whifn upon iri Man sipawn offics ttck*t for breaks than t 11 he Offftts Of frofte frost We "ll yourpou Notwitlistindings.the 'It,brsase in the his OoAt, V which, haviag noticel in the hall leading THE ALDINE affisnined its present- no- :-At'DOIC-41A Uladere. 4 ble proportions and repres --�ndns Of ths Old 8416 are mauqfact",Wkl,''�-, to the mristy. she went sac] pledged 44 us now- not have they beeit for motithif.' W; therefore caution all Purchasers agatuat r4 'the (mlymosits of g0ting over hzri GROCERIt" d ins tid ceiving from any Jobbers or Dealorathe OUT acter, -STORE inthrmation equeamir*1ito -311T 7 & BRA. 4. Style of qo,ide W_ vi�gth�t the Amod 4 1 . n - _V T97 A we ask the r4vor of all like infqftn#tfOlk�OU to XQT r(M. CHEAP GOOD in <3PC>":01R1110" - being 0111416d will'beirbeillv6d *Ith thaiko Cali public.appV0,4440, q4milliiappor 4e�ihihe ca�uss,;DUArt." �, -The, t sincere eff,' can give in regard to those coarturi2l.i, Moore & MCK10329110"'k blislreis, a-roxioll"s to jll&tiif1,,th9 rqady Tak 15th, 1871 1351. t)yP0SJTE Nam 110,USFJ� by- the bridele, CAMPAIGN "OF nottarlowthem, ocap-theoriosi Rattin #6 a ex - Now thin Coto any tit awwi,- that rl Igo I ties. but in order the more complete] d yto lerted theinigilvii t&I thi'U'tMoit to do Innis Stragg, B.A., ablinlethcal public, they have recourote'tolizootbort CHBAP CAS11 8 Head Master c_f GcdoriA Righ eoe tion. viz. In abiting thit the deem TOPE. and improve the w6ri;� 4 the t no the folckefl lot Ehaaboth, fourth dtuxilter tQ 1114119 1111 the Pift Ind .491AIlfg,par, aR all SchooL V plans for -the ointment I oth o , ard that that they adopt 4 , 0! the Rev. aticart Jlurriiaon, ALA. bythe nJnajhJ.#':ij3ft it a"' a AV410 S. wi stdifli it On Dm 25, delight even the ingst sanguine . :, friinoa at the rossideme of tits, des t ovG-mouttonal "Chemical cwll- SIGN 4 THI CIRCULAR -SAW valor." there to also a David Pringla ofNGw York, the Rey - R. Wh of THR A bridel's father o by consummate trickery is attempting to sell The publishers are authizod to an- Moodiet Mr. F*Wwis -Oliver, -tf Rib- a urlous imitations of my Illoincines. - JBeware of OMr. Robert Huggart, at Ntirth D bat I owevery )a I-ert, tQ 31aliete, eldoot daughter of tyin likewise. :-noubcal am &A b hO nioit This unprincirlid Chemical copany his daied t T thn'tois al molney in the ag-ont obttued without my knowleglit or consent. Chester. U%'10tdStZte-q. "host hot? 4, newspaper' - Tt Lar e ,g ArrWli. proance ezA of th . . " I � . -`N: L I ­ '4� At the rosHence of the hride's I and by collusion with A loar�y who hold a limited tii ROW' 4 tidiiiiig,4� be Of Go Xa _,mples of tbi bist Wrip grattorrosy of an order to advertise my . f of Olarkell an Men- =11411 in South amorim far�ttliroe years, ic the "grisest I , , by Rovie3fr. HaDoneigh, xUat - V CK OF ol,8400 00 In gold. He then suld'bl-4 claim cgreii�fhl liffer!�'q 'ii0idirlif sincli-iw fia�,e COMPLETE- $TO lie-gavejudgarnsat aRainst me w, the amouti ot$lT1,�3,1,F,Id.fdrpr-zlt which Ile said he col�ld4ve &)al-kwyer.wh,lptitnterredbr,,hecoAdtolftiiT(d bi�c6jiii, fai@11i at it E Oph. twnd dang, 00111s -Eel Firrow, of Blusivalu. to 140 W"Bl4a. Ann, W B A ,of or HARDWAR s rodf iny kitiit.: lVilliam Rid, Esq. made had I not takett steps to repnotiafe -this illf6it efaUkIndswhicla VM ThA 46,aiforl�Ii sold at lilat86IV -Before purchulagsai-swimt. ledge Thisjudgement will, ocou.be set aside. -L -i It- w -ile transaction the Mome"t it came W my kfi" r f 1ohniV DarW !&wl,1t be louppaAed, I ain SUM"thoitL r Jk a cen.' vppf6priate to t any one that I would not immediately pay. t Of'JOO& SGA Janl"aak' to is no truth whatever In the statement that, st�sil appear - Ing Inj e, -he 90L insL. Mrs e for the sale of my Pillo; and Uh o ug The tflia a Pt SUBCRIBB! erer arthorizzed any person or persons to Moore.& ZeXenzle',q ortozo, QU t dam July, an&06tobefri wbuld"bi alonorWorth L ON ', "I', ro:js fraud* hive been practised- u -on me by uu- ay. Blar.,ay,a&ed 78 years, mlother of ohn men in this w Inif Xt r, that should it eordetn Ago McLay FAq., RogUtrar of the Co. of &-k, as a favo 4 he ki owleage (it ally perpon that spurions, medi, SUBSCRIBB ! illustrated "!�4114!!ttuae, -nu ��s4ltix JIM 321ft inesarebelug made and 8 CHEAP CASH 87ORE. inber will be old ininy.name, that,he AtBlackHors6cora" ed got? to %and me the name and address 4 th 41 OPIMP) d'P h he To pssess sitch a valitiablaii api0me, of ths.25th Inst., Elims",oth, wife of Mr, d r o is selling the -am;-. th&t I may, for i LA protect. nofiliellulolic ia�tltut ceedinimiLgatust the art winrldat a. c--st so trilling, -will Jurtas Cake, Cummemat Hutel, &Sea SU IEL D UNLOP him, and I engiagetozemunerstio andxioimelymyin-� lrwofut without divulging blonami. commalid the Vuhis 39 yeam cAptions of the andgearlet, 'anould any person have reason to) beiteri thavlle, in Gliderich township, in every- sectid)l of he countryj, hot Six On the 5th in&, tg been deceivell bv buying spurious imitations oi hose M,,dielues, he Will obltg6 Two by send the uppfulisess:'and ftttrapUrins- of T H F, aite oldress at foot (which he can do at a cost Nerob tint. Taor i ALDINE can be--enhpiii�d.j,m propior- On the 5th iast., after a a -tuts in Postage), one. of the books of twitracti, W hich am allixed to the same, ille, nuniqlicol increxilla of its i4tipporteft; Maidaud Coatemions, MY Medicines can be supplied at lite lowest L.,�- 1. - T W` I 19 The Cheapest. tion io, the publishers propose to make "aaeurance dogbie sure, by the Gademebt tuwnship, a3goiiii 51 yeam rholessle net prices in quantifies of non I ... .. nit z;:70%vorth viz,, 8s.Ad.. 22&..843, perdozen= :,!r Geills: both i-Turquo e. diffeient shadeso or Po a of Ointment. ixrjz ilizip0jillpled of At Farquhax, on the Lvth alt., of heart rN RUROK SIGNAL for which remittaudes zold and -er. But the erof aust be sent in advance. - Tfoesa Medicines are not AND il% dLaeass, Cathariae,raliit of or. Kay. iCCOMIA PRENtUft VdROMOS OR 4old in the United States. 'Every cribe T,) D I N AS ceivecl-lia-17411 sto* 4 otowt ire and Formerly Each Pot and Box of my Genuine Medicine.' to m4oa *U in pr6pdrdi6ni subs �r tb, THE A ,�On Cord and Watered, 1 0415, 1 ef D&Ih--asie, ojimty of Lt nark, apa ars the Hzitioib Goverrimput Stamp. with tb, - ana4s-prppa cut, Lon 18 red 4s *i** sords "Hollowkys Polls Ana Aulm 13.ESI: PLACE 1 17 GODE XCE T& T2,r, ROS who pay! in advance hir ille yoai M, 60 �-'E L L HPYJIKG Mu4s. isf- off ipth-0 -mod fmliiou- will receive' wit6nt 44ditional'ohaii. Able Oyl" and At the"Os"J"t -'WtGg- (signed) a Irair (if beautiful oil (;bromos after J, At Tomato. on the 12th instant, Mrs. THOMAS HOLLOWAY �VM russels, Net Muslin LaCe) In sterlimr vlver case ancl ...... ovackenzie, ralit of the late Willi."" (Estsiblished IM) W, Orord Street, M. C, TO BUY L ffill flie. 6nIffieffit ish Iminter Landon, October 3, 1872. 134T. gold poiTits, Itill jewened Ly9a Alacimazie, ir� the I Ist year of -axraolted The pictnres,, eutitleol,,, �'Tbe Village for fiv -Are 101re e years- Id G1 flon� Ralata�tlj oU heir age. Btffle,"- ttnd,1*0rosAngJ)ift-0q on Ki oyeg- C JLNADI tqg�fher mitliz g6l&�iJlated. A - Groceries, .14 x go ini:hes�are- priotedfr=15 dif- AN Pkht D198THO DrY Goods, 16ort cbain_'%vl�i9h Y�41 ferent platesi re prtrt of V"- _qviring�5 impressions ints,to,perfect. eachmicittire. The is the oldest newspaper in Western Can ad& on. receipt of $25, or 1.11144 . . . �-- -; : 77 117 danaaa YOUR and Hose, d �36 per,pair TEN BFA.RXLTS� da, and as such Waims the support of thL E, IT 11, er e -ameebrom(.1laregol for 4 Godbritit, 21fstOet. -2. well P in the art storea, - -As tro'the� fletermina- X J=. U, WS. Wly as t thousan19 frort;paii* inhe nd Baots Sh . 00SJ' 0. D- P P� tion of its coalluctors toq keep THE —Felt Overshoes .18 A FAMILY MEDWIN readinz publc. of Huron, expec nd favorabl kniwn, relieving W. li C L4 Also Whe11.-(Jr3W # _..Sn 14 a 1 14. ari ui;s foana 'Side, Back anti Read, CoWhs, Colds, watch hip� ALDINE, out of ther reach of e.ompeti- 011fa JNPORTIT1618. qre Thoat, , Spraitis, Bruises tion, win every.deprt.nent, the chr,mos 12 83 [Ung Stree ------------- 603 0 Cramps in the Stilmmeh, Qoleroz' is:Xoor-e &NcKenzie."s .%ill be found- coloritspoullingly ishead4 'Fresh rrults. =1:1 ............ .. 037 a 033 iforliim, T)yseitt", Bowel TORWON ny. that q,%n'be offered hy other'periodi .............. 53, SECOND TO NGNF, 11 � cals. Every suhs&1ber %iil rooceive a Merchaflit Tailolry 0 Godo&h, 9thDec.1 1872. 0 80 a 05 CHBAP CASR SIORE . ertificate, over the signature of the pub- CO 0 4a 0 35 Bites, hiliers, gudranteeing 1hatAhe chrom,)s an arrived Lento, ftem tho., ;W 1001 ............ 4-" a Also in point of excellence. delivered shall be. equal to the s6friples BRITISH MARKEITISM, Exy .... ........... U00 *ISO* The canqdi*n Pain Destroyer has nnvr be6ni *1,,ed I &I p to he refiffided. �, The distribution of pie- - Jkausz,* lb ................ 024 6 0 16� The Propriefar is dotgr�ingd. to Makl, s well liked. nover failing in 4 bin a I a net, W= a to give and we tfires of. thisrade,-41reeLto theafibscribii- 0 R 1U M cyckais W pair .......... 0, �25 90 0 za November 5tb. 1M.' 1312 hirnii1idd the wreat, or the money wi fore irm �ublir. for a length of time, and wherevey 11;omaneiit relief whes timely used, r4m V, d' -s. (aa?oackelly'. # 13 *111 iave never kuowu 4 singlodissatisf4etion, where the Scotch And E49110h fteew the SIGX�. AfirlftCISJ� 9 ]me .............. 4 -vo sea tirwtiots have been proffrlyfol.1--wed. but on the era ta a five-diodlaf perindicali svilil uiark,, -ontrarn all ws dr1l h.stor . .................... 15 CO 0 soo, ted with its aperstio4e; antr- an,.�epiich in -the vif *it; �and,. ;mk in the bIgbilst= or its virtueb and ngf- considering th6,mbprecdclented -1 peap- WOO& .. . .............. 300 a Itso -%I effect. 2 WaspealefrowLix1isifooluce in tha`�Jnitter,�jTffilZ nesisl�of.tbe­ price f;,rTHEAtD0'E, WQQ ....................... 050 it thoiolighly ; and therefore those *110110 itqe.f. thei.�,�narvoell iells little short ofa ZoOGAZz PAPRIEt -6-tir from say of the complaint. for which -it v J. C. D E T LO R -COAL miracle, eyeri to those beit-=quainted Boyl!:6 CLOTHING.- wommetdedmareponli ulpalt bellig A & � r 0 C, a, that.46ir neo stock 4 no.% completo with the mbeivements 'i,f inie-litive 31EYS CLOTHINI Cta3ma!i;, Jan. 7, W3. Whaiiij. (ez1Z)pPz busk 15 a a IT 4eniots -and improved,.mechaideal . ap. T-birostonishing effloeso.ofifia canadiah Pain Do- 4troyerin iriag: the diseases for which ba4(SX;A* pa bus!i.. 1 13 No 214 and g9lic-da tu aid of an iihoo, appredi (For illustrations flfthi:su_, T AL.&ON': 1�, A' AND GENUIAL A) U 1,tj UZti(,n ;Iurous pl. of Rbimininthroij and in rellevitio, W�JL ii�idl W Ate -decided and its lor-anderfill offsets is subduing L ORD IrIERY irlo-o, Lver br2) ------------ 0 IV 0 (5150, his efrorts, to 43ftnl dre NEFF A3, of molts AfTrectiol i entitle it to high rank in the lim 1L X, jC000si :X> Et Cj.- .44 jS I lesishe purp-biseG to the lAfft ........ $83 it 035 or Remedim 0 n rs are coming in from Medicine, wwou 414 customers wmiavo the pouat, Durici the coming yearit will contain James 18rackehridge: P-546 ......... Tifti4aTtRiNY­ PARTN=t- wtao ... 6 W iWer in all pai. of the countor, for further sup, 01b, ........... 042 090 'veles. and each tdktifying as to the usaversal satia- Mir. P B,.Zay. pL-- b,_4L MORE RJUDLVG XATT`Zr., faction it giver. bought out inne unde I rL the UL will, pf Mr. B 4ACK Brady Fatal"% Poor _,J� . ........ o4-5 60 0 rhi cansifitt'iftloo. lftt-yr orar fliffs.- to give, LOCWS Stock of Groceries and 11] VVENRY'STOODAEU), as - Wt. DPW ............. ........ goti 40 go* 110RZ CAILKFULLY WRIETTAIN EDITOXIAM -nomwilate reloor- AlfNediaris fieslers' kas all tdded very largely to them, is.naw in a -distel ky tlie 6ist *mters and, Fidetif of 33LAICK,BJ�R amnez wo 1 ............... 014 la 000 3JO.Z COMPLWZ SUMMAUftS Or"Giurml; =eIns order -and use it ; and.no family wfit, be ATHEAS GoddTIC11, Utl]i OCt6 IS11. it sition, in the same stand, to sell' ................ a 10 a after trying It rhe day, ulto ill strive to have Ae- OURGEto Naws, Price. oulYT-eatvi-five Cents per bottle. always,ift ................ 03 4 000 iterature of 'THE ALDINE el COL. FRENCA X 11INOSt' -�OfD C01714= 0 keeping with its, isilistic attraolious. rZp, per dw.�=pazted).. & It 1W Is IFULTm TOWN LwA-L Iv. AO -S Id i#Gnderich. by Gen. Csttl F.'Jordan; Gir&tner i b6- Bayfleld. Crock. ery, and rX 210i -SCARLET FLANNELSLID Grobairiesi, .......... 5 rA L TimrJawex, PILES F as. Bolontham, 11ogerville: J. Pickard. n C* 14 so $5 per annum, in dvance, 'with Oil .................. BBT= ftowwq, Provisions, 1xviter; H Cofabe,Clinton; S. Secord .............. CH01CM POZ=Jr, E ticknow;E. Hid4un, Seato th ; and aill 0 H E A.P -F OA 0 A S H 1 & SHOESia ......... . ........ 00 50 r THE ALDINE vl, hereaft bbL PILES OF _'Wifflarzs- DV BzrT= S9"=0*0io nedicine dealot& )btainable.onlyhys'nbscii�tion. There FwLLzz XAzKzT laxrozTazy Tm%ArIj. Goderich. Dec.- 29. X81T.' w 00 g A Large Stock- of be Tio. roaiced orclub. rate: cash for 1;'L 13 0 T -T HLT BY, F RE T H E R k�. Sza"=X, an. 14, 1"3. ELO who"# CFAID ....... .... .. $116 - I IT TH" ANY LOCALAPZJ6 �0_�RS subscriptions must be -sent to the pub- FULL LINES OF 1�0&8& Sif T Joe& brO .............. $09 " 0 Uithout-respansibility to the 2ticb-' OT9=_ - -RENEDY, li%fieriAifect or hand6d,,to 06 1 OE. T.RY1OUR60A=NTTE ink yerballt.... I." D27 rRE GRUT I �' J. C. D-19 whos,% Qsprzms) On hand, and selling. at redu d prices. IE -1 1 TLOR &CO. 5Q NoWflist&Uding the grest increase emeept ffi vases where the ciktill-. W. ralls, .......... 043 o 0 Jobiloffiefff. Pertafteal Pills. ii9scl. � eats. W bj* . ............ 036 - 037 thoprice9f laboullanUmatorialil qaze isigiven, bearing the fim-simil-I X" GARDINE 13 whicl DBO U I A to Bell Cheap. 00TH. 10 p"p%W t* 49 All W,* -,'W* V the�cure of alf thos piowfil and daingirrim- .......... an thg Daily and many of the Weekh WANTED. NER & poor b -If ............ 0 6T price 0 natilre Of JAXES SUTTON & Co. may to ...... 4 50 4 75 tisexiss in wbichl the female constitution is him compelled an adv=co in the Fin e row.4. OF SOM IJ 'CO GOOD tARGAINS IN 0 Jotgna4 afthe Rwovin",.- ti Ift� -afpL A*,- S1(1:VAt ro. nionderatee all elean and remove& all obstruc a Any person,-,. 33r=. ITA.1 ............. I tud a speedy care, om- lu roolledion., is -a 1&al agJilit, It au GZ.,N,,!NR0,DEALERS IN 024 ly. '1�lp 2 .. . ......... 014 bo pnb16h6d at l receive -anto. U rr and the Townships of Hnmn And Bruce inog b a p y1pi; I I * , to. ft it peelooleerfWitil "', -z ftwill,flieroillort time, brin, op Y7 (A ............ a 4C!& Tpt in F dm 10 20 41 so c6ulifi J/iME8 S CO;; a the montlifyPen -wit einF 8 riL _b regularity. 'n w'N Publisho A X N TJ M 1" pots sh"id f R ft tuenowtomaks durine the vir York. 24y ..... ........ ?""t NTHS of Pregnamey,its they .......... .50 PE. unc, 9?TRST TRAZOR a9v s,ringen ir TO vt A sw fish i "gre SOX I .- o fail to ca an examine ve 0* lure to brifingsis ot goRds t t- is c fiftAir o-iloiaSJO XA%ZM. "490 Do no a Adidate iii iitiolici *4 of (I I vou one a; -11th, M3. _$JCftY nF ADA�NCE. ve nioney. ask' _at.: olij, -7A e'Xin, ST Flom the eition.Palpi- 4 —No. IL Avor 0.401 FJWCY D iE.- lAy a, ar -coi yrster�c#�aoftdwhfte000l. the$(- Poll - he stand, orzier'ibf able ve-a arge ato�k L: #U714thopres X-orthli�riq�tebd.Ifirket-,4qaare; 6n$and,pon VioselivIllosubscribo e7 ­ 111. 1. - � . 7,_ .,� . - . , r anything hiartfuito thetoniti.- 9� W tlow0i anti bMdWeUZtSL &ad nWin Lat " - - , � 0 A river iv tb tb, t 3 Tiontril 1�� � _t -ill A riss D Prologelltill whiclish63idbacav�bfutik..Preserved. 4Ud Of' 187S A" Will. SW be f o aft, for lwwmg, an mg XOsrX,-NzW '011M. RALX Pit,"XIMS. OILS, 66 to 6to d 68 enclomifitc. Nort rar Canada -Gr 00 arld t4 canto for "tologe, PUTTY h py Pvsr T llu 61`6 Lymno, Xrwcas1Je..0nt;. naritfaiet too for the ADJE T t 'ATES b"R y 1. AM.P& NORT-13RUP'okLYNA-11 Ter li their doing. ar..are, pAs. one tuit"Iters, shoatu 7111110ft timstrostat pages WER bushels bATW Han Iffifforica -y aturb matt. � 1 — — b I L � " `� L';' � I . . f:VA-About Ift R 0611 0A t I . I.: � i . _. , ; OA OIL. *e 'wish I t , 0 1 -iiaat TWO1114111A tbe above see, the 50t, to 1 tonfoijorCanitar - . - 1. , . - "A or TnE FAVOILITIVoli s3&AL3W g,)ing, in order to , poo et 0, oaS 0%ot'sm - . , .P- -out a papfir h ve ore U.-4_,pol g=WWfttjnuos&fxmwAh,,, raeted 'Without Palo Fea ned is no Bayh ild �b' I all c6J0Ts­.4nd shadeii, .5iea ing -for less rnouoy-t an ny d CuRk"ll Tau", sesrucanz. tenihoint. Roclaivi ler J Pivksrd,l�ojeter J. yr. and gictive, There was, 01219 paper Hie got& yesterdA NOW 0100 an Alum i6a. We ptopi e.to, fuinisV-a 'doon. Ba dTietvofflPlated Ware, rilef.- Airgirsging 209 As.. ZU&TV440M, &1= Lgillf, about f(W-h'. lind : Mediani-Aiiil 10111. Hit .0 better, fiffler. more ititerest'lig" A offhi taiegi,�S raw p, rpa _C&4a page$ riety, �A lar lie gtvil* tu Pit er- ou it� Ball �Of' ffif 1'� ana At" the Lowest - itssa.r todroine car BOU at - cardpily, kitedTaperaf Ail,tiLlo-j liii cjt�zfgqid hands y"- Mon smi thMa9fi the Post Offics ilp ill"i 7' aper- JiVWki adlj p.ctefl took gogisitered Lotter& will, be at vur risk. an(t WPM Wt AbO.ButWro BMIN, ST STRE9To­GOD91k1Cn., e*we ito aTili4isin fr6a al PLAOLp liry gull con ild tons, "we W tMBER -THE twusor Doe.9 riner w Ove, at Theylia" also OjibaC a flas nitftk of 4torie n aria 'i Ve* VA" -OF JHEL SQUAREGO. F �Fi;rgt'QU58 Sty -4!r- Aull, a goo& dwd is "Ibuz. at, fiu 2w leval Agent& walk"& t1i ill paitaito YRUP Tweed hl& Ong fir boughr, about je". "]I' by, iliwvw p he me olfs lityed by thfF' NORT iMRICH Special Witoements 4 acknow edgA. by tis -Unitdd *Azis.' W sound storo-packod within,, the, Coun 1, _bonarobly to Above f sia lledleol farlifty In every PeCtfon Where it hall been Ir ill. �4e, s6lil 6"hep IFI Jor Cash-- as"' at iteini-r6likivat it i ' ad nli,st ilitei -4 : and sale in flit, R tfiii8ailiff'isi theoor.wd tkwlmt thr4dayat Tie and& tatainurs. to of such AL -heap mrselves,,to:praielit., -,the_T;,rin, rdon,, lipf,ohoiaso dairy have be= gld fored to' pals soe%tnv*ntw ofthat 9@11[mallon: fir which It is held 6 the 04 thp: Ra Flo*, T-884 and Pi ILE* IVEV )y RS`��W.IU 'BE RECE ny further, Ctittin� done, -Scieuti'ri�� lira Tit albim fre'e- of cbii�e. V win ciare IV mptiou, In swow is'se time or 3wpla% TAr."91412 Conitba -sulf Onlift,* It vil R A, 11A XS -W IT H C n. write for one. It w Ouse M fSELLW -will cnr&,Astbma 16-Tio-ii, &C et a 10 y= lit -,* . great relfe, he filt XV011 giCAr=, coat the awsde.ilers or M-Aecodivu bavif, gontinned to lad oralang rd Jt 6Z"oerectJ Frir . f- machilin. ill be sent ffee. 7J&ICTIO TH Woulloti, tiF 111711 J. 'Borvl'i Dru Pz. aluvru-no. r-, tidy. -Tiara w" -211JA 'a' fo�k -!SzrA -zJileelegsint F F mentilf .:,: -*I I J. J. -BELL, %64plean; D"08"IC ftfokeff., r"filkind rrt- ilat. Pfzi�si;fiiid specificii6tiona An".bwooew 41arket -page, qhar q orni Ailopted, OPIP T a Mizo& kR ruw# aros T! .­ L' ­ . I raging about 1,OQQ ome #A 411 9 P) 06 yestolorby at sm'.. ane, "r Of ZF.. - - . - ' L '. , LAR not, 4411orwire ictlonof4heilfiai47 iGiOjolz %Vhile.­tAQi.A.cahvenientJ9j- readi t in fAURSEURETALWO 1 4a Hek 11 In Ift Jbf -At f TiriZatt(fifthgesi ep e, ru e ex 1111i Jxona 2172. UK 2,� --teco, t -f 0- and JnAr tit re rq:_� �j or Pac ns Rings anUi coniii1ifs Aft' And health y za$ S12W1b#,,AtSW. to 66ni`�io . . - We, aU worth $675- to J6 litiWat dy ' I . - -- - ? I - . " Gods or, -rfiiaroottr so pit-eradapted, or in i A412 16 purity lhemselv If As;ning It Gods ar a eu -foe, 0 Ont �Old - tsr�i lind "r lb shtriff"t sale Of 14246. hereitt &fore in ed -064 �d viruvrent) 'r virtoe of's W* TR a N .6, 832 kares. cotitsmitig t o el miyalent of Mile f6i entities to r IMMENSE I CLEARINGSALF Fad" 111111101" out $XXW A" tos "&but t6 sasreit1' is 110; B or wielity's Uousity Court Of the CHEMIST e I coustyatu eoz Amount of 11"Ty 30 fi than ord Rabbi CANinit�; I% --R ;it least_ If VtU5tv.er wjth And to in's-dire" t the PHILADELPHIA MIRTAL, vir*np Xn&b=bg dregging a a AJHl9,#T6KA0f1- AN ITS, ohoo t ear Tidn� thr Maholn,'I havone in *�xoeoa h6T-hqi r been tit h sn o�`Of % i 644 at matiom on stt"ti - - 11 1� F - I - h1to Qbeg 4d y tons quantities of th On HOES9 thfz%tws B0 UM441 of 1164 111aid srs the-, colanto avi in 116 ftuth Exist 101le, 40, of his be lftllta_,� MrIng tile -no e3 T tikorouxltivtexudi%ud�tp)itt*ct-w-in- Nrapbe Inw,iin. t1ke Jky#lajA b prewar e hays bWme al o Aiii*k Ut 2 11, �Q in 'Towallip of kelifliold ZAIUM Divialos, 11" PETEW.ROBERTSOX. Fivoiitei"�W.'ill be sed� In All the Urge, Ln JAxtrToW, neb At tite, iu F'_ IJIL, gold 443 gonss, Ofmost of 00 1 ng bet Of J#Ot 011ronfe W"d for ftel" )klisy, A1;l1I4:, ing to' retire Lands *oil Tozoollsoistok 14hall alrortar solon st SW 5 -4KOW7 fiam the BOOT And SHOE B1111,11- orth si-�Itlgi, ak and�jos*, 8IJoLaW.,W �Poer, ofilone1i the CourtHouse, in tbe-Ow, )t slaosgo,". Subscriber winh ! Dee 3j,'1812 13t c n,-vQe, yinum. era, d W1 k1 b- 'of 16 'pa as at bt _i; i 1: THE Jaw. 116, 104 the 1, foga - i, io .1 1 114�A $4QiW"1fliJMwdoish#d�*nd all the Y�--PaZtf*OEIR flat. to PW, 3[ntl*al, 'Miss new, will iseill. his Urge Stock compris it" kour of Twal"aft riosir,N062. -and Von crenri'Milli, *C, as It fing saint A %9WNAXA WAWW *ft*,L -4 of tto waut of Thi wo 14 LU $07W W, - I -­ , i � * tories,3iii1way 5bopol, 11tosocrob"to, Propellers, ift, 4, sim Jhwl� 46 go, PAO; Kii- OLIV -Aelf _0 #2 0J.- be INS va n., ....... . $tft t* 6000 -Pire of Booti Show. - 00 stilest, they; thatthey Prices. f f C utbe niat Dpc=13ba4e,,Gnoding,, an is. Tar P Loulp, HWF� Utor AT 003T P015- 0 r 'joilwo�jf . I -Thronto# kUsW tun GAUDIXER A 00 severy- course re roan*,#, - exhatisting by. Drd4*4'sfid Will be *44 At a redly ��!a �4 1�� , e�. E_1aT7zJELJ32P, I D' Vtgon tof tb 6 XamAiA hath r by birth r is" Oak "t of am slowko oraptiolw or Albe ow is the- tim A T the 810WAS (AW, S Vft4W adudeono. evidence of 0 er e �qn!r, ba help exch other, if we Spi dolotion. Lit whe or t Ito vir, Vn'th �u As the subscriber just moaffs what he n Akcharxeliol "crows Pros Its -are- reqI �4,xe% saill XXV2 Mau _4 -06hoo extrkc 4inuth. Magai -tau; OW M%k rk"Wauepains, P;oad tbs. foll6win broreiwi. withii one! its spending a Film -67, slow t N01111 A 40 rf.. ater in leamiAg to P. 13. -All mcounts must btfraved not lip gw of": letter w1siv 04 Q 2 written, ad bv.-Caifadiana fit ii too. 011 U 14n P i *1011. TO i toll 6 -60 ftessash welly IDIJ ism a 170 town )a a w611 know as"Zot ,yak$* 00-04 loatu f nation of aJlak.,,A� 04 8 , to ]too$* TAX] W -4u 77 iv bow"'i the Boolii, X 8quate, prom Mesta - - ,, 2 - :- , 2 � it forwhich I give trial to numbe r*y pt on tona = X FdR m Adielk $44' 1 pr(AA& a, Aid is 044 CIA— RAY 01000or 11111 W_ .844 by onut, of Vollq� RE, 0 -the to- it Afetlicines bttb �wltihottt b FBUGUSON -('*AUX �ktci As ;%�" � Any into, -jCrA, .. , If A0011", , pralu sea flftbu U dealqritarzjd on all D. at 'Int, iria v- sm or, Sho 4 ()he hoftlo tit I L41t 4,-Tm I lariber, TV ke Floi A $kw to I I , I tx� Ro3d, "t:mi J%# JrA=W. iLu*sLvyra SAr*Ax,whiah Ima ha 'the Arsvot He tim, inoviths agr,. Red- DtiEdT FROX BA1TIMOR, 01- %tWA Tm J816 60 obte.- islin0fliftinsilisto 9tw wfiii ri 4ointhig tw4, yeaks ol GEO. "Poo far coming two n4 whi"'Ifet axid -�wkiteApift, Af1d stripit on Its' ��PWUUO, 47f. tho FA V. ORIXR,, the, Ca- is requasK" to of, - 0" AtIO ill ihis, foribilia. to A* or owner. w 1:10410VOY rITO Y. iaoaq he, Own& will pkamu N All or4ers prompoyi Attomisod to. I �.Wwl -it j4WHy. AW W#11. Apply at short. IRS. i0, T Xr to $7.0; Jk_ ror#Wood W&Uted tho Post t sk-jost. dawAs" OA4 Abft 6w UWS and t fithttqae d4d VDInidarel Natiolial. Will be kept On hand #uritWl:h* Winter OW. sh" A wadkolff to Youm truly, U "a' add RENRY U11OF XNER- ��No L Plgee. d"Armes'Nifl.- 810 St. PI T to :0RX XAT. 1VU00, � * _ . , Ind to doery ; 41 . - WWM; oL lt*&U, Once er& Alberti 'a 14th -,1611.t 187$' lwi;-i wo aoiosk 2144 D;�; 1#12, 19th Nor., 1W2. 13" IN&