HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-01-01, Page 2717
�el, 2�1 1 19, 4 V f
I #a"
ighor, P: 4p6oial- Notices, 8 901al Noti ONA111 n
zu S. colifyof Pgo paper train ;'councillor a. bvertionents.
P non -ThtigiVilson ......... W
ff�drf& S. Goighor, -R. Forg
hich is to-tako, the place of t xe H. 'Bowlor, enter ltonl*,
Tho eloctiona f chool Trustee% takoa w D S,
tone after the bat of Jauttary,
Pal U�' — 3LIr"i 31 illarobtill, J. Kiflaisoh- GOV ISILVOU �OOCO 111W If Aiqv AA. iti, 101 N I.! il
of the i
second Weanesdav of I OBtTv.4,ny.—Wp regret to annomince a e.oladVa. TO THE RECT,
Co.—W. cw�kz,011. Place on the PETIL0,14TS -fitivaphillibe operations at diseli, AUDS ABROAD
finpit9w. -, , C0�11PA"Ifto
January, which fallso this, yo. death oil Vr
air Oil tile the 'if Ion, and by A 0041111 application of or
iday tast-of N ticon 01fo auto (Ar
who Ila Leave, T. IM'Ads -VMP8fjl49 Of wait 411111044 40 -0 - ti, N
st1j, or two aays after tho muuioii)al Kay, E sq., a for the Wit 20 yeara
Stay '51 1)0VtIty Room% J. parsom wad. has profidoRt our breakfast !Ables - tU a delta& a y 0 M64 fOOP011iffillY tO Caution the P40110 of
beem a resident of this town. - Mr. 0- ANNUAL MI;PT- flaVar6d baraft90 which MAY XXV0 mityl 011VY
alcotions. Tbo retiringtrnal Kay was at one time engaged in bust- tot), Cri'muffilloirs, N. ri roid, 1.----KuhlI, ING of tile Ooduriall Pe- doatQfAl ftrvko GUNN, Ad* Kittoly r guard $&&last purolhaloing Xoar)olits In& alneS.
G-13 toa bting #told as ujy gebuino 1111olldwity's
s, Ward, Goo. lr� - �
s, A. Q.
,town are, for St. Andre% ft.count, but for sonle, gan, c. Moilard, J. Lowi. 0 its
ttsso. ness. on his own 0111111pilly , Will be with Boiling Wateror Milli. each p atistatell a
rtml- IU3-0. L —fl&%xits 14"Fps * Co.j, Hommapath(d jchfov� If, and .0futmouts" by certain inlividu0s, of ISO MAY G,
jan� the Toirns ipsof aron
Swansorr, St. Davids Ward, C. Cr%bb; years past has been amploye(t in tle Leavy. Tiold in tho TOW'11 Hall. On 0
1jendon.11 le or ur) on,jilits, trwillil (for the. J480, few L
Wiird, D. rtergustin; St. Botolzatore (if T. J. Nloorchonse hich jani'liliryt 1813, -' MAIllinliACTURZ OF 10000A.""WO will now gtv , of Court L I
11r, Monday, J onths cal usider the sty P Vic "Nowl1ork 4L _'ill
St. Patriek's IT . I ac6ount of the process adopted by Messrs J let"1041 r-onlifiny", k very artifiep its made Vve I, www being
it A past 7 ocloi - Cut, matitsfacturers'of dtatetic artiale f %tholn for -the purpose of impos it u tho
Mork We un- wa,'3 a nlorc congenial sphere Arall. Diallot) an't t D. Bon- ok, tot ihe. The Municilostf-Electio TAW, to LSW for
G�Corgo'a Waad, J. V. Do . Ocati6u of Directors 'works In the Sustfintlload,Gondon.0 It I and the lonors 61100tv011y reciv they. Tow stringentiviscontary", -Dutwe
few inea iri this town were better in- nis; Dgpaty Reeve, Goo. winin Ina L. for,the 11111pef,
citratand will offer themsele for ro aI literature than lie. sf rnied in gonor dliguilig ye a 110""Add ftfdt- Ex a effrontery, Ji their stlydruedmolut andidiRe to solicit ifdtoo
I. W, r, an o thor gs)a Due the to] lowing esution IV icetion oncpt 211r. D Ile ill ho initich mimed both by Ili's Oln- Brook, David Mill, Robt. Creevy, Thos. l$Thelminellso demand for,noLwwAygP,LLs ol
hremoved from the town two pbaytir and Ivy those who werd in the oral bushiosill, comfo -
Case, Jag. URCILDOV, S. Cornish. WM, CA.NIVBELL, It AVD 0INT111swrl has tompt�d unp.smin f led- titblishment 'and �67 4 ir V MUM,!( F
, STUOTo bt6c ,
Z3,w r. -.r S h1litt of pArollizing, that patabliol Ineut. .pirtles to counterfeit tizeKe valuAbLe sill-
2,XbV3V401-3. C liNADIA111 PAIN DE
tru'stees will h-wo to be eltictoll In t- has filled the ufficea of Dec. 26% IS12. 1304 $ooretary. cities; Able0vist0it. We he arb- of ANY ?RB
-in i k' In order to prooteettho public and on elven on band tonisisting
nit Rive exp� 'Alecretary to the Roard (if '!Schooi Trus- we have Issued anew 'Trade Mark,lc it, hotth
,vR totjja George's Ward, %nit a n1jinbor of c, a - Reeve, Win. yotind by acoltuiiation,
will I' micillors, olin orriil,'Joha Biteh- r4y. Up!
I Ives nd Cotintv Anditor fi,r Smile time, t�` I . IT IS ':of anI0 yptian. Circle ofaserpent tne, DRESS OVE RCQX-777
f 0 lbi)riio h 11 and isvo ly known, relievInA
tZ, IlIvit sv Alex. Malloy, H. J. NOtt, IV; AsAj:'FAMLT� letter Win the contra. Every box a lit .0 ultimately go to Clio pell Nxe ca in which he ave every sitp, o a W M Can#A& Qry
4; have thous&ndsfroni pain. in the this trittle mark on It. N2320 art g, U, 0
07. t, THOSEtt'
tp &=4 vhci '.Nlr. Call)pbell will oppose N1 r. Netion. Ali fatieral oil Monday was not.-yat paid their tax -es for �xi Overcoats.
harL'Ply tile respect in -imAqr-, Side Back and 1704169ughs, Cows, wit"iout it, No
d �;ip. a -it iC"A ri!spoulibla e i)jIt wt% 1872 aro.roqiiste(l to meet tile, To DEALERS AND 1OB11811A iN Ditubs AXO(M! As Christmas �nd Xor Yssr is see that lie has any which lie was hold by Ilia fellow citizons. I -at suli- - Hill, iin Hondaj 4ext otiling 40
raiiu' Brid
two I Winter 011, 0
IW triist to sea ianro Roeve, Arelt. Mi�Douald bY acciama, ftwipain the.Ttolkac�jo Cholera 4 1 We oil your attiou ra, ution enew we wish to* see the
_ AT. Joux's D.ky. —Friday last buing 01
Is . . I to 6th Janimry, to settle tile saln
n f6-07:1 K, 46, ..going. P&A Jacketillp DVMS COAtill, Luts
IL .1111. the st. john,s tlay dtly-co-lebrated Ivy tion; Deptily ReOve. S. dos. WAY'& I'LOANP loams
t^ley ae V ilitt ro-Z% lu kilifested thn is lism Thos. T1j0MAS MORRI$a, 40rbus, Py8etitery; oullit stvte at
and Vents, Itu colorij and shatles, Boys'
wm. Elliott.; 0owicillors, "—none rof ol al stylearemAn actured bv
Masonic Lolgo' in their rooni Collector. us no - 0 bronto , 0 t 8, 's, Jackets �aud
t, 0 n� sae'l rot --Co 1873. 1350a. att I vs ry
�Spalc 11 there re al puraba a 41 oft re-
Nui. Elliott, John Strachan Thos. Wil- Frost Clotbinx in suits, Bo
413 n,;2 tat: ts a very ititportant ono and controls the E %st SEreet. 131 the afternoon the F14' Colborne, ls 41 -WO to �t. r the Turnbull, alyj 0 BrAlor caers*t old Hudson Bay Overe6at5j. �Hkts w Caps
wert, installed (4heors fu 61 atil zzotZ Fraadtmls or fliout,Y. style of oods of the Llitest, StYle, Shirts, Drawers,
School. now been bef -inform I n concerning any h- g"Old" CArpot',Bggs, mufflers, Collaricand Ties-,
ATOTHI GAt t"i ttio the% BROUGHT T S
Goderioh Hig Th; Canadian Pain Destrayst4has being o le wilibe.recelved with"lo.'an
NVethink its chractor migt Ilk. very Inflell lling vear, 11 0. -lositlill W.Nl., Bro.Robort fore tho pubito for x length of time, and whorever We ask the favor of all the ftifottvitfitin pla a Jorge and woll selected Stock of Broad.
fiiproved nd we hotle to see groold lift -11 llen-i* Beo. 14arry 11. Smith nover failing inibingie Instaneff I . -
erin, S. NN'. Roevo, J. Leckie, Dr. Holmes, W. M. f kill re-opoft on Tuesday. uned to wait ilk 11 can give in vegar4. to those countefleltsio
lvnlng�.t olli nd Bro. SmI Sloan, 'fro. to give permanaInj relief when tiniely used, and we Now this Coo I ap-to order
-Bro- Livingstone; 0minvillors, PoterThom- The exatnination if whethe mratiy saware thutiourldwado,
-1initary 7th. have never 4now(I a olln! f Tw"aloviiaLwevillwakle
notlerialithein ocopy,the precise' 9 tting' p a . x0WONYIEW
12* Gr,�D. P. C.,.. 0 Park- be IL erly.foll(Aved, but on tbs ;J�lb 6j:k�ll by thalyard..':
0 Run, 1'4. Smith, D. R,jas, W. It. Wilson, new pupils desirous Of entering will be tilreetions have 0 .11111pipily to
stephen Yates, J, D., R,,,. ontrary,all flied 11 9109 iti jo. T16tions, and myMAdiefties, biltilloordertbe morec
J. N. ft!tt. GerO,- D. Me- 01 Crjug of Its'yj ues And tasStj blind the public, they have recourse ti), ther .11 W sold iwdgp�
R,W, ftTTN S. D. 11, held ouFridAy, 10th anuary, and ap- t1loo, highest u n
Elvk Bow, im onr ouly anthorised A- t'halilain, Broi. H W. Karr, J. 86inemot, Thus i;psak ir, Feco or dec6ptlop, viz. fit stntingthat the,' eem
Intish, J plicants are reolitired to soad in their ,al effect. t ccssthe Bailiff is at the* do We
vaTtising gents, York. Botilt-in J 31a colin 'McPhad, Ty., NVat4oll, J. 0. Th -23. 13,dian- We speak from 6"Y161ace in 46 matter, bXVIuj a they.flay, to make'up the III) ftad forCoh as
Tho tiames to the H i�,111 Sell 101 'flaster or to ej�rff *base who aro olotmentlia. anotiler form, lit d that thsat thoy prefer to sell Cheap o0rielv," th Prevent AYX
Bro. 0itiductor of tine, C, tha tested It tiopiongbly ;*and tlieT N a
Tlo' fizit Itit v it- Wright. Dr. inspector, not later -flonnir from linyalithe camplathta for-wh1oh It. -is a ew L bet, �r- further. Cuttfng -done
I as Cook and Bro. Goo. liesides the above-montioned. flUltomical him, comingany
4LI being 980veraI94
Bro. Tit If Thursdair tile rLeornmouded,n4ydopendutilla ie
tiase -11-11 lit' , '9- piny ,there is -also, a David PtIngle Of Now rk, fV80 Charge. A%
1Stitit I r 'd to pupils attend-, Remedy flair
- cljrq�� who ify cantiuminate trickery Is attempting sell
t!) I Reave, [1.- Purvig; Deplity Reevo, P. No fo(is are 'rho ;;to�ishl;'g Pain be- -SMITH * Co.
eltol itow ro-appointeJ bv Sir 1 :st. Ili tile evenill'! tilt, brethorets itl - flarria; Colincil- ing theSchoA. ;troyerincurIngthe diseases for whifill Itlarecoono tipurious-imitatiouo-otmyl.Aedleints. Be re of ABRARAM
Julin A.NIAC'1011.11d, 00 SeC""'d Ila' th"'o their wive an frien4s met Nleltetizie him likewise. g - Store,
a daughters S'TPAll�, B. A., inandeol. find its ounderfid Aftet; is stilidulng thq- This unprincipled Cbeillical Cbmpjfnt has sixt 'door to .3. 13ot4lit Dru,
ft.r otictrtaiiiii-mit. A slit). lors, \Vni 11-miderson, Jm I-lamilton, are" Insot'aboulnZ
appo:14te,l for t,� Ora, ti-tw,— d by E. Olif - ArIlit I" I, D. Back Read Maiter `rt' 7 -j
.3 t�) * Nervous Areetionsoutitle ittob, brankinthoillml to Ilay that I owe verylargs sums at moneyl tb v,
stanti:d siippt�r waq prtiviole oxglors ar4p golullog ta fruct Uodielillo URIted Statem, %%'hat Is -the Isett A news sper,
wittpiltalood,witboliviny inowlegoictoria sent.,
part of Goderich, Jan. Istj 1873. 1750, of Remoodis Deftmbler 21at, 1872. Ooderi6h, Dec., 17th, 1872.
t�.,7t ha ot-es zt dti:40. Dr. T ford, after tile liter"IrY Dealers In all parts Of thS COUTIftf, t6rltlitkhlor� #11pi
al 4tivii and by collusion with a party Ito held a 11' 1"
plies, and "ch t9stitylus AM to AS 31111VOrs -,; 13
A. Ale
--1 -e ration it giver. I
S. Pat Z ltock place, Bia. Book, Reeve, Goo leg-thboij mn(j MY
.rs or. -Ars
f0 M212n QS WSC t:"�- ap J AtIllt meateine4ttx&uthAt�iiricitfor,thmye c tho.
ltlas(er if the L,i,lge ill tno ell. The causlian Pain Destroyer udorer fails To
Duptity Reeve. A. lotioan.nnd TfIf �1 sons havin- , �to if oxtent or $100 00 d Aassrs Ctimmifig 4? immediate relief, 'All Medial ers1esill as Ingal .- utthaill
in %valker; 0mincilloro, Won. Scott SMICTLIt I READ IV -use it; 111:401"01favally will blo t,)JLJ"w r.whot it air =no order and IOU 4aut
Aiken, H, Me otb1sw o'gave Ili fivailt.s 0 6
tC. 0haslunier: loi!.sure, and wishing to increase th' it after trylk t9,94,901
me, please send addiaas prepaid to
nil illusic %%as d by D:. ThotuP- A, Sh1winalter, Pries. 6alTweittv- "c4nuilorbottlea to
nude tied. , Ocen0atiOn easy and 0 M&46# y it, bid I nt.taksustipii
Tin i,d others. A vile mYl
d . 8 bisju 0 antwItFsoon'be t
eveit'll" wits. _me -Sold in "arichi Uy Uaftle, ahonorabie, suited to all, and asp(
of I.. IGardifiet 4 !O11t TO LAD17ES. 82 to 610 par day , with- -Tor OL Ot oil e Am sure, that I owe tent
J. 'Pickard 11 1. Jae, Banthum, Rogervilli, not livim�distejy pow� 'I S -J V- STOP TH C01U
A cQrtain lady having become weary' ont rislE -or expense, , � , I - "� A,
TFACarns' The fol- of th n k �n 1350b U. L. BOSSE, Mointreat. Exeter; HE Combe, Clint6n; S. Seedrdi I everatAherized tever In fh6 atatemcut.that�
u my 4e Ill Zf!,' !�i7. -4 DON'T MAY-
Jaq. XleLftinati, 0 compatiottahip of a dru namiffortloss an It loul, r
th—o w4o vbtained Ludknow;Z. Efiekillon, Seaforth ; and of my Rills 4 fttlivalit'alt tip, both
.... .... . .......... husband, thoulglit. she might obtain -a mdcgross I rauds b&va'boWprsdtlsa4 u"On 111111l tm-. iUgf)1du3)d-41VCr, BUttit
Jas. A. Henderson, a ree -lit aEx- d b "pZ.
. . . . . . . 1O.At) 14 4.ortificates at tit IvOrce in % shorter and a& Pper Way thali Stray H Goderich. Dec. 29p 18M W509- i pyluelpjold"non ';"brs way' ficcolhanying vul 14tqVWR0WP-
Th-is. 140fertson. sevell aPP"' by applying to thecourts. * Some friends 'duld flAver, that should It c 0 tA,
Ill. -tlitiatu'll w Fern
3 1) P. - Dim Ins. I nd chiii certificates of the ki-OW194p Of affiy'liersoin that spurious P., in. Uon. J. O'Connor, Win4sor. cants for seco of hors,mombers of the Legislaturo, ac CAUE into the enclosur' of the sub NW10 IAOSMW 'Of (44ax-V e-difu i* 3d*
El wh,nit only one.wlq stlecessful, Tile 8- -1 t
i an a the THE snn nwall aro dt cordingly drafted a bill, and presented scober; Townshill'of Colborne, on i�r THE GREAT FENALE REAH UY to Plallid to fond =0 the nam
as ,thers �),ttttrve,l third elwia with the ex- e.mber last,'a Hei. vondor who is selling tit* eams, th4l mayi I ille It? wilere -is do
........ ... .... 10.011 it for the consitiration of the "Efouse." about the 2nd of Nov cotscO lugs It, UVIP, WATP311, ow tan yen stop
11L velpti-11 w1w already held a certi.
D. 51(;VArthv, ItImet with - fiyorable reception, and for coming two years old.. The owner tin, and I engage t�o ifulcuuners. maly in- tiilver Irazo a rem
P. 01 Sivtv class rty, 81 Periodles 401
6 11. applied for third %vile put upon its first, second, and third ii requested to Job Most I P1115i I formant witboutividglag,hisnallit- .................. wh..tii only seventeen Should any person ba4reason, tobeitera he T-a"Ag B"M es"ll comoll
5.10 site- age� and talce it aw4j, or it ivill be
0 — readings. and passed nithout even tho dam has ban sceivell Ur burn 40arlouslali Onlot., �M�Ritanted ffolir I've ival-j—
.......... ....... .00 1 � I It All, rW werit than other
forkiliality oi sending it to a committee. sold to defray expenses VHIS INVAUTARLSKODICINX Is ty thosi Medialtsex, he *11 a ffs# Me iij souiling Ito 4. in the cure oral) those� proinNi and.,djangt-reell
-be ean 46 at it east
SLCOND CLASS. Oho of ilia members, who was a little i OE[N STUART. ths fiddross at foot (which 'eln, Albe c1la,
Illsesses to Wh ith the remalo constitution is Mat, cents to Vogt" , one' of the boalm of list 91
Geor,-,o E. Crade B.., and disgustail with thii summary way fit jimnolorstaff 11 oxcesif.stud removes all obsirvatioms which are tothe same, bor I Vy Till 11 ru ts Suit
Dec. 31, '1812. 13500' IWO12 I �!, vvl*reby P
comfer a foonlur by T.,tin- in the andaspoodracuroma- bt ralledion. till
ctmnde%to for a pal
B 't -per e. lli Read the fouowi�g eximct
he tk, p -pitig - - My Medicines ean 1;# suppliod Ut Nit ree , keepers., .0 -ilarity in t -it in a;oce !)a ustv the proper duty of scoitirt. and MARXIMD LADIZI Wb*PI6 not- pricei; in ivitiff" of not In n O.O.D., %I irt., -
YED 9Oworth-v1A,8sAd.,2 i.Wpordazon sof s'p,'
-,c,, Ali and Agricultin-al, Clietwistry. who had votedagainatthe bill, aroie and STRA to
Mr -i of their pip,�,ra- bi�tween Ike hotirsof and y "Air. Speaker, I rise to a point' litspeavillar aviiied. Lityrai,in itshort time, bring PIP, or Pofs of Qlatinent, for which rotalt ces W. P. towful; THIRD CLASS. Raid: 14Y period with rskolarity. -
X1. In this town 6're area large nuin- f order,' I am Summoned to aitend a 41RUM the Subacr�tber, Lot 2, ()Cox,, 6 an the month, meatboastitiniAvance. ThoseXedialuessenot, wwoll 1MO* ftercuut of Ont
R. A,lants.
I I I has Pow should,ftet be siunim ifina4s diffte 970 Watch Impomterr
all ti:nen t�) receive! meeting if -,no of the committees of this VV: D., Colbnr a Red Steer With I I .
We !�Aej. of to fr-an. n I NYt1i.im R ArniEvolig. FIRST THR38MONT0410f I essrs. P.E*v DAYN 80y,
Na 4144k btUrlIfts thay bears the llritiob Governotanit 8 .1 rat,
-e sutfl,:it .. t hono�ra;-o,e h fly, frog which I arn chairman white on the beliv and &.hole in the left cure to wilices misfis"** lamp, wig!ael: ST King Stret
%V,� tvist *he- v., words "iffolloway's Pills na - Jintment, j JAu- "Uillb -sutumn I 'Was
re* W.I! tal
it L3 f intercbt B. I have a wife at hoine, of whin I am ear, riding three years old. Ay infor- TOZONT01 ON lie It n t in fill cases'llf Nervous and SpinalAffectlonio,V41 don 14 whi& sedw
.y ircident , non ering
tri -eves, in tho v, e:f ire , f Very foad. I beg the Hous - not to 'inad(mi of his whereabouts will be silita- - theBaekand tjlmbs. Failirue or alightexertion,pal 4 ad) kjnyvun
ignrelect the best mvn I Ile aou& for W, id
virn ont , M �� %%%. di-vorce vie from her during my absence." bly rewarded '"tionat thehoijillysterics. andIftnex. the - THON4 HOLLOVV�T. ri,wil 11-b -lnfrect . our. �%0,. all other means have il 588, orjord Strut, W. C., I I . , I f h -I gave trial to a uUmbi
ntv r -.t large. 8,ich mtter b1lit., PETER ROBERTSOX. edy
to t'.0 czqu. ttv,? oF -.,,rtv C Ind although a pawarki! -r) of Cougb adMies 13ut witlioutany
Toachan' Salariall. Dec. 31, 1872 1350e alomel-, antimony, or anyt ghtirtfulAothe a 1.
t%0 rate Of - Ut4 i*'-', I' Tit waq t last t*4 not tootus ot MZy bo sc? t) it:ie-n .%h,)
CoDy n.1 not, fo:- ia the wari,, bot Oil this subject the Puterboro'.kxaw Crie -,jFW..1 rut IdIrect,nivoln the;amphletaroluncreach paeka BALREAVich
�'O INAIDIAN. ;WEEK11y 'hwhitholvId becareftilly preserved. go
:on in a" V I
azalt::,d. To ens -ire vI, wit, th-44i be
Eliza"er"i ick IN torter sava Sheriff s Bald af Laudsl� reUef And erfomeTt, To
I re%z!if 11 ki Eicher the 8earcitv t, toncherii or tho I'll E, IFAV- lilt 1E'll, Sol KOses, 3mw Tor&. 20LX FROMICTON, - ii
a -rvj no jobib filluO.
.'ay eveL ng. G. erwisod c"At I,f I or-pethap both and Ili cents for pontago,.enclaxed to Xnrthrap Cgunly of Huron,) Y Tirtus of a Writ oft Pi�rt
ill . I : Lirmptu. Kpirculle Ont golvelful agan to for the V �4 11*
n., .14 Il to' I'lle WNT ard WIEP4�1` Pap BFqMas Issued but
if orl increase ; reas us, is causing a g�n arliffiloon, will Insure'a boifia contablingaver 50r ilia itaty
"teachers salaries averywhere It is weli ly return malit Ctvuirt� of the 0611
0 directed awsmat the Linda and Tons-
Rohiusn.' knownthat this clais , -of ouicitizons has �TORTRRUP &'S'THAN nients of Wwisfu Plorne at the suit f Fivib Mo. Ont.. X&rch4,.
ret, r kV 9uyintrir. A
IN AN RIC A. Mahon I have selzed *44 taken In Rxesiation all -
not been as well paifl a they ought to NeweastleX. %V.,ge -era the riZhk title and fititgrast--fif the said Defs4dAut
ihave been. This has driven and 011io Quarter a
tl h is 16. page i WEElil�y for $2. 00 per
t "I w% �al V, a I agents foorstlasor in and to tLe South ftsit .Of -
dri%ing th- best itivil out 44 tliol profes Xt,mber Three, in the Seventh-Concessidu - Itile
em�d Township of Ashfield, Ex tern Diviislon, .2 . Us,
a nips I I t� mc #-%old in Undervolvo bv Parkey % 17atiff a . i
si-in, ;tail ai a consequence, tends t 1 tlij inviall I fffiivilinoi op Co., Bayl old time. t,ounty of Etur-in, nui Province of0lits, felt
iiijury i)f the )) hula people, It will b, 10ras FAVORITE"- PLAN.—We have leathum. Roca, V, le; jpIokMrd,pj;eIfrj.jj Lands atid Tilinments Isbell offer far als,,
M -UTO it c4lv 4114110 place him t4ore. f,,uiid tu tile interest id all Bo -Lids of plaroutil cut a paper'which give*$ 111(fro "!,Irvilvo. rthntan, s,S C ffick*
ou Wedno;;day the Fifth,day, -of February
j id t,i reading for less money than any paper ',snn 3-.hfvrt1 ind the hour of Twelve of the clock. ifoon, 'y -n TIOULARRIP
rc* frustLs t6'keep ,,jofl te.telicra, ;it PAID
-a nual3kniLETAL. No. -a, u rcra"Ir,
—�a of th* '76 this t-10 they sholild p!ty liborai salarie. in &'net ica. We propose to furnish
JORN MACDONALD, 13horltrof
GODEPUCH, 1, 1873- oltiploy an inferior teacher for tile better, hiller. wore iiaeri,sting, more Sheriffs Office. Goderlob.80th Oct, jSr
To,wa NO !; is f0mr %W::
54lie oi Sit% ing $10,,820, or evon 8,100, a carefully colitod paper, it 82,00 per an. 4old jouglis:6 TIM" It Dwaster lk.,43 a'-reily attond3l the in -ave tile part ivelltv 1.4 a pultoy that sho-uld-Not be enter- 111111oll tbau any importba paper which
While givinqthe prefeX NO, 1., Is for aw!far-w am
ot this day's siq; trel to c Lrry on I ti Tito of I, -)I�n tan d no N ;tt We commoncemon t if the. costs You 83. TO LE, T.,
elice t MUP "'RPOPROSP ITER !0AWADWXXETATr, 1.9 for Cheotpagsi, 1,-74 bMW
-,A Z! the 5 cents. Nosanein o Canadiato prodijetiorls- we wiliz
t4 rive povist of arresting 41saws dbiplayed by this P ina 11"a Soo vs
Orlualls. dill tilt: 01111
i. inferior Doctoll If ho "ot 116 survik;(3 give, froin advance shvets, the beet nrenaratinn 1% hotiorotbli, noUnno fteti, by Oe HAT ho Ajoinitig, t1w
r when tb,�ir vess-la cannot feer UVO.'(I, D -p'ltv jiteevI. an'l i -oltiou where I T A 31FTAI,, to is yAW gas Metal &t
whiii t bam been
G-ti-ditier If,r YL ;andif So milch wiaduin in En4land and the flainsi fieuity in svilry.,ve Office.
Unitool -itati-s. - We will have the 11test iltrnollnead r and its rapidly Ilierpasing saW in 4he the .'it. Lawren,�e. Their otI pr vaile. tit cariiig for tha body, Bliould bent gultrantee of the estimation In which It.11a held Ap too v*rjb.
A. 31 wkay a relative to by thp Public. ply to there be lats hi providin for pr�;i)or and iit-,st interesting items 40t. bale Wn
AHA 8311TIJ WWI during the past Tf Z jesivir, 44" Iowa
vare. les ana pAted
to eiv& Onr hans an CPpor. Germ -z -L was tot'411Y %%reeked (in t1w The Syrup will care Valmortary canstimption in
the Farm, the' Grden, th641oustohold, the. first and oteeond sugft`:�wfft give great relief Godan X41.
ch. 2ndftt. 1872, loss
-M'ier, X Ule C'Jait (if France. Iliontes t c Ld given" that tile tal* atd Aas rem* 0
tur"ity to onjoy the Cliristma hohdvs 23,1, if DcA. tontilia acd Literary intolligence, a .90 rolonglife in tb# third � it will care Asthma. N OTICE is .1terobv A pettii.m wai ;-rc.rnted frwit IOAP'k. the little coluinn of Wit nd Humor, &-a. (oat a irnitchillo. Laryipg1tis. Coughs and Colds. it -Vill Ctnad% Company will aiiiply to M we
are raprrre,l loat. the
VrO only issue a hs!f ahoot this 7eek. TI-irty hve,;, ',,x ll -I --thers skin�,, for A TA L1, 0 luss�n, . iamplu nnm;)or at the owsdealors, or fur( all diffeases originating from watil of Muscular Legislaturet of Ontariont the eniaing R00M.8 to Let ockilan P4T an nit- va kw AIMS,
Adreadful i v acci dent town Qf %1imje;fijjk, itil, i -No3thern Riti,wy Asma 741twe 8Frim
Tho 1cos Gf reading sntter is more thn Lit- livva a 1110kr with litti fain'.1y. ' A fow write for one. -It wia be son t free. etlon and'Nervous Form suebts Essiargementof fiession for an act to amend West' k bomush, LInasily 'Fn Hope, I Few.
it,) Lost week. the 4pleen. DyRpolvidif, Rlekets, Poebleand Irre ular the abl; 35 fIVE R the Post Office un a l3roic Ue, t4vj
h r,,ad in 01 r. to I I inded by $I r.
m--129 up ur Almann'Z, a CoPV G
b? evliq ago thrpu Tartr sarprised the 1'TjiLFAVoU1T9' uArc.� Thoelegant) action of the Hettirt. Local ault 'Ge"Gral Para y Vict. cap. 102, empniwerinr4 the �xaid %F Apply f6 Wo.Aihd�i
j U M SpbonlaorLivolsof Voice. it will cure Leuco ziebe,
tz� Gar,lin -r lk!k nd Ed I,r 11irl whilal 16 mge. -(ptrto foriti wa.havo ailoptea, rrIl0ea. Company to divrt the River AnX-84 Pf�IWIP*j Foinn 94 kavilfw
wbLch we prewme gratin to each snj-). An olpresi trtill 17 0 th (.,.n jjtjllt�r, ;Ltld It YIPUI ChAdvoidi. -Awtomia. and rogtores the blood to parlty bles RCH., DICKS6N. WAY b Stag,
. . j W
=,-I whip -h will lie forond to #.,in. br,d,,e hv a br.,ken whu- I tn'. they werts "'Ile it alliffautors, %ihile inore cotv�oniant for,reading in antl,health' And to drain lands in the Tlfwn- Gaderich, r9thNov., 1,97g. 184 jtc�g
r f Ac
iLtti,r binding thvia, sii`jectoict the miller eliects, i.9 aloobet'ar adapted forbinding ship' of -McGillivray,, Boanqlieb and e"rywherela the t�omwom, 4he -w
much ms9ful anil interegtinginf,w- 110 iM4 50 Perc"n Sold By Ao6theoarleso A
it -�ir 41-ity to 1 atid hii; wife it) tim noit orttel tl-rturws and conihis tifty per cout more reading Stephen AI to qdVo power t the 0 to 020 Ver "a1v
[L'ase. Council# 6f tbesid Torinships to I F. P, 0. TAYL014 00,,
urit it they t.,ld thum i lit) -plaeo whorethe matter than tho unwaildy 8-pio folitis remit GUARAN.TBbV. lgpke�meuljau � - I
by f1ra 1�;4- 0ii;,, a I%, # ER 1. FELLOWS, CHEMIST. the Taxes o%th* saidlandefoi an
Price. $1,50 81% for $7 50.
inoupi, and otliors vlitbles were, The lieriatofore in vogt At tile year's and, JAN peoified For xsl* by0i, GAUDINER CO.,
6v:r annowaomentq will he in"'-, pone action til X. B.
a 114L JOEX,
,f fts'.fileon- c -.4 th;-n -kided the poor iijillZwawl nitbacriber will have a volume of period, �338 WOrODIS IRTERARY =2 ART ACENCy,
fill "L L!A MId 1,11t. 1!4.w d -Xicu %Va,; ne- I their axes,"Filiaring thu 832 Vages, containitig tile fecliiiialent of Godertel Sept, 4tb 1871, Dated thiti 9th da of October 1812,
A a,sry his %-,it,, witl C 2(awltrgb. X� y Nov. Ulb, I=
g t lie ewtrf i I I at least 00 fifty -cent volunles, at a co -41;
coflee imported into the Dominion from k
lio Stre.--t Reptyrt for the' y
. uric. "A f ter they hadpap ud the goods Of
the United 1�-tates comer, inVO offec! to year t, as pre9t-4--,d t1 f.1 ow-
tlig j tho tiatirdorert; sat liown to prepare tea ONLY TWC? LOLLARS.
day. in m LWAsian tva kuttle (cal
0 "Tup, F
To Ono and 31 wo Vult $t4 led sam,,a rid whilat doing so olle A Issur..—I'The
i L,-,st weoYit col onap ppears to hav
ASAPPY NEWYEAR, A. ,u,-,h--ut the colon- 311till Sewer, -72386. of'the ruffiatia, feling annoyod by tile Favorite" wifl be issued.— t
been g000rally felt thr Struett; and 1758' 62 lamentations (of tile poor girl, poured 1. In wookly miII11,606 of 16 pages at
try. ' At Brockville the themOmeter Fir, Tanks aud 3fark,-t Well, 137-00
solothin" but water river hor 5 cuilta.
Indicated $2 (legreeo holow zero. and JD,jcU af Hrbotir, 07.48 i-
70,3 yCaZIS72- bw jwt claae'l Great ic-afriv"o has bjen (I in-,, by in n, a young sturdy 2. Ili monthly parts of 04 or 80 pages,
puaawitl roturntid home from a neigh- in a limidisrano cover, at 20 cents, 7
Total P,4125,34. tw,irin village, dud whil4t crowing. thZ X. 13.—Iub�crilbors at 62 will be
ice Ilemphig, Tenti. ThQ fullowiny weru vr,lurod
P, - a DammsLy of Va3 ac=renceil Ha-mr c7 of . Princo id againattho corpgeo f serve - a witil the weekly i6sua for one
to be J. St,,ry 815,70f, V gardon otmilbli
hii which liiid beet) th"lowu otft yer, ur,1033 thily opeciry that they pro-
ol tho King4ton laBt oeek. $17 80; J,,Ittv Urackenridgu yc3r b -it ari to hold it
Coiintv, died at 916.87; toy the aitmasirm, and -purceiving thorn futi the wonthly.
07ev. tin sont A fire occurred at Win,lBor strac" all John througli tho window, fie.4t, once resolveJ "Tit it FAV�RI-TSMAVIII,—VAnads for
82 80; J. Thmitsoiji &.5. Hothore
laot Thurddy. Le;53 ectim-nterl lit EK- the by birth. or'
Dy 31r - iribbotia seconded by tA 170T 011411118. (ore wtlm to fetch alcrw6tr fro tioni- Lot us help oftoll other, if we
1r. Stitaill that the mattor'of the Stroot nuxt too the mill. and thils arine'd otood aspire to 'be a 5ation. "ThoYawirite"
way arben '414 Sigiall poz h vory prosallent ill Nova vvhich tile utdit-lay Co. WaG to give the before ilia door waiting for the trialefac- is a geiiilina' Canadian ontorpriso'-0a.
in in lina, pf tj thvm Ile
Evg.lain MV142 Runois. tos; tors tj come otit, Tito darlmovoo of the nadian in ito conception, its oweautign'—
in tbo hande of Cionerou & Our- i ,. . histifidurtaking., Two of' writton, edi0d,' printiod by Ciittadans,
.0 IP 0 itj appearance tilght favoiired
t1jo ic tho Tito Ila d tho inurdoirorn woro, hillull (outright - bv un Wisadiin aper, with 'Canadian typo,
,1,11.1 C,treiod
E =!Ora (if Zlj,&vt Esr, Ill, to aco P
iIr it tho viblIA4 Co. ale wile vigarous b ow, The third Tartar
ja�ta 0-3nmor�oll tlra aqsi� y trXheQt NKMN—motnm wh. ttied tit itwid. ntsitinco to tll(j luf(3,011f Whid-11, tho
ivilling to dot t1lo.rPiller'o 80a Ann The recovery Clubttrrtis on4 nisuiplo numbers maill,
ned und thon killed him
Z,,at n1f0i th?VW Vrollf of tho 1) -or littlo ffirf, ia d6palrod 4,:7 ed froil .04 application,
Gvsr—A numbor oflocal and Tito Council. 911611 adjoul,110111 Great oult � Inducemouts to clubbork
rov-rabrg Lai: noti- lodlov itolan aro 11"Ild '17or till nozb woolt, Lrvr, F+4oLu CAnvarD,-1%st.G0ur- "Tho�F�vorltW' is sM by all'News-
SoUT11 ilunw; Socia- do ovoijing our townsinau Mr, AtldfQw dealers 6nd on g1l Itsilwa,trAins,
PIQ3311m, vonewato t�zo con , —Tho annual g1locting of thi 'ancility, 76finsolloo Whilo In tho VOrilty of vollit, QF THE -
ED,-, I will bo hold at BrI100601d on weaftiolday, Clark Ifillithouvol, WA"i fortanato 00,011011 090, S, DBODAUAT
ta 15Z4 jarplavy, at 2 P, U. noevot David Eltitton, to spy -a black caglo of -onorffioub wo TA70AllIR, 'tht 04.
D7. tAvi, --WoAt Turnborry hi'l Doputy 9,10OV-0, uoi)ry Ford 4y 0001ama. 11glifing on a logo frola Whi0h it slid AVOWSP D
ed t�jo hV (; fnf4j0Fjty OF 25 'Gabrivi Effiou, Goo, down'dition; donlo bno� wood A"Od 1.0039 fiibk�quo q74 Vtendf'd Xaf
' ; AjXjj4U4J, J011111 009, 1�aVld ON& finow, where it beeasno entaligloIt till its No, 1 plave dArm rot$ a 1,
'grantififf it hwsuo (if P"3voq to tho Loildoln, OA nil and a 0 st,
Tow'.0 and aftor Th6s, Simpootli Do utyRcovo ineovilderab # Amount tit Mt
dop= tqntay, Ol 'Itn truffliph, 1111B 8TONAOff AND ITS MR -
captor matia Witil tho OW0180 of" Auloluo
da no to"a W111 bo. olloged oft; tho vlif�vlb GVQI Wide, both 0100ted Tly sr6131114. JAM 011
tion, Dr, Watids, Thoo, Ho firought it how In tbo 6votiffly 11nd ANOBMENT 9 ski the ommoll
tfjiou�hlwt tho voltay for U10 present
Iryfl, Goo, Ajjdovun� Win -,7 Molato, 0, flow Ili,# it g1fely. qVgM Ill 111tj livery gall#o of molit of tjig 011roillo W"tins
V t thoy will ne-vor agaill
W. Piakh4d, stablo, This 6 tho largoot spealtitaff of Discaloo for wh1ohlavallas itro, conxtputj
to allow to, Impo"d,
of- ialfief, . and bue
that variety $70 wholl t1if 100
tho countryi, moasuring from tip to tip finpor CC ly dijeeted and assimilAte the
lot* vria XhZ21,31C.1 droW free, -� The gava 0'. hall All tho Albion r4cove, 06, Armalro09 slid Aloz, of winga no 109 thatil foot 0 fileica, Mood becompi impoybrislisd �sqd �tsll tbs
6 kulf3N2 tse-opi flotol b5b nl�,fht, Tho old yeav was F Well dolle for Andy.— Zineardine Be
KE3753tCl 09=; an rafior Do iuty Wevo, John Andre
organs*aIld flamiles of tile bZ 40tillitsiti, thon, dawca 0110 and the flow Y03P dncoill in, %1, Dalton, J'ar). Onw/ford, 0011"Offlill's Portor! 04- bY witut of tiourishMent, 'Till#
t,� toarml. On0lbDilf 44A, tCr� iW;'Y OID' D, A=D i3 k070b� tliflt tile 13 U1111011, John An. maid Abmh� WN.&SNA
'ra Palo NON itgOlf Ili' 1161110 06n9titutions by diabasy of tile Longs Uart, Liver or,
and d;0 othoj? h3le MYj q, ba fIjrjjj3jjCd to t1le Lo"11tor'r j9 11111(jEj, HULLM, .
a-31 to PluqL 0 Z 191 1Z
mal'la tviAntavy te, elaa Gzr, 6XIAVII jj" If. ho oprids as Ilia flaftic (in c"n, -alid in Piers UY, Scrofulous
ftoevo, 11. Stiel 4nil 'Thos Aloou,
W sh Ilia "Talo of r& Dt-puty Itsuavo, A, XanUltllolcotod,by In 0obtl6h, ou tile ftsl ingt,, t1le wife onl(4tniflant of tho 4fando, eruptions of.
W&F bottyloon of �jr. IV
Coullaillorsif N. Warwick, " A, Martij, flarnesti. Makerp. tho's in, uldors of lions� And fiesh, opliAl
W. W,0401111tt T' Olovekit, Sgovijs6n tdootedby id- of it daughter, uthat, dtheBayfiold P -mad, raiool 109 11A 4 elaination, disobargai; 1jervOlus prostraflon,. mental,
Laltoj Mma Potatiwa (not including tho,
sEs al jKtA73, fnur��M to C aniiety, houralgio and rhilumatla VAins,
�9 , all, of i"Ch arlio from. -depraved nutti.'
to awaltane3) from 11b, of seed His rOtW®n IWa3 re,166 roevo, Thili, Tikvlor and David Scott
I a stomach and,
eB tio Pnvik6rxte 'th
Ila f= a3 Eaglaml was Tho seed was obtai-.0d, from Contifuill(tro, Jas. Potter, Edwin James At tire residonce of the brides.fathar, on
or a
��-Of Now yoef. q eitiollo*nd tile f6rmatioi, of -
FloalthrB (ma Compound to -se 'V -AU! one-gnd, this we
lallun, Goo McKay, Daviii- the 171th. Doi, by
Rt:W:N was 109t tQ pn'.sue hr 09ija XP.0 . Rov, WilHato
A another difflmlty of Hallett, to U.' Grabam, Mr Willialn- M -Queen, of We, hope e ,
31 Elixir of Phoopw ek and next
Cho numbeiofabout fiftYi, had a dt'"noT the township of Sfanlev,'fo Maigaret, Us and Calisays is of' t6our areat
oat Qfficaoy ;and ieliabllifi,�bbing
oldestdolightefof Nfr, John Lawrencoi 41
g.37,, ap Arot&(Itho festive lJoard were recount- itevv'o, U011j. %Vllstil and John Rem* of the t6wnship of Tuck ramith. r,adult, and rom t
*a3 'g3r!W .0
W . rghd permanoiiri 4cold of
A ed many of tho %perjences: of the early 00r; Poplity fteave lbouilass, Jae. nits efiectx;�
a cornmera:-,l te=y tiogg, W. if By Rev. Chstlei" Lavell, M.
tual hQ9 offho townthip, Leach, 1rhil,'Thompson A-9 nvKga IE13. xh-uor fs sc-,Irat-A from (days in Councillora, 0 'flin; . lfcXw, -John Christmas Day, atthe residonce,of the
b -ct govern. FUSENTATION.—UT. 0, D. MeDon- Gri brid 6's brotber, Mr, Sidney X.Jaeobo i;, aft fl
t-iqr of feebt4 Votcatate& a Au4put, of Xvoy, College, Toronto, G, j M if Ein ! M -Br wri6ll,' both Of' Teadhbr Wanted ao recip Oy',' DAltmout, to' ' a M
a mum /&Oksonj T, a
an ezibsmy to Z- waq on Friday Ipst mado d iont Seafortb. -IFORSehool Sectiou.No, 9, Oolbornii,t 33A5 ent of a Vuk3o offifty dollars presented by
, li GoVeraw
AtMebridels; fldte� geaforth,. on the Femile prefeiTed,. having had sotpe'
an4 souatiox 0; visit perieftcei�
thecorgregation at Diingann landor and It. 31. tacy, 171.11just.,, byReZ Thomas Goldimith 01C Salary libeta XPply u,
f-, on. whore Rwye,. P.. Cal
-h tUa view e NICHOLASI
f Era 54 o.9 ihe P33t 'Mr. Thowas ,1411aaher, ef 13tabley;
cWs I ha bad bec0abouring during, Councillors, W. Coates, A.
8rawing". U7) 6-440 In igo- stimmer, IV. Mailaffie D Doahol Vi 0. Ann Croierof the. same WM:' VANSTQ,$E Trustees,
to Miss Kii
&arla, J, 8, H.
request, VXTARMARY CoUEG.—The fall, Orm H, Combe, S. Anch,e AS.'S rEWA4r,
stovens) 0. 1 cTav*
4poonor, D.� X
thA Indl,30 of ee OntatioNeterinary 061lege closed
MV Xt the rosideiW6 of the bri4e's fathet 06derich, Dec, jbth, 1872. 00
C,T ill Ser-iZee, YC -16 fOr YAKOOVS 1,�sbveek. The following from this sea. SBAFO=jr� . I i — I , , cone" me
Colbo ' 'on the �Ub Dec.; 1872 by
b3t XiIIV4 f-AM11 thtf, TAIKOON 1, f ion TAttle, Teeswat J. H, Benrvwby acolami Mon; Revim.,A. Wright, -Mt,. Alexandev sun
or, Reev
of 1111 k1ag-joXnoo [� JDAid 30ritosbi, Brumfield; 'Win.'.4ohneillors, D. R. Wilson.11. B. Shantz, HunterofKincardinoto, Ass 'Anna
disturbanca be� Honey, Illutcliell and, &Tanwill Fowler, J,- H. BroadI111h - F. Seegmillir, WHi,
aw�baflli TUB. Strong*
out'- -of a
3L P�Uei While steppin ' " . �; .1 .. I vs TTB T
alfivr4aillci fJr tbw period Isid down HIE
AT viciD 0 HE iu
ST q# Immediatel &fie th*
TAX001,, AU d leave, D. Walker 6414 W, 0. ro" AT D-� X"XiRGUSPR! S
gutter itt'his. Uvory stablo ieriously i�, P
At an limbAW fA War;
ttlo Zou"t wts tillso 044114hmont oft, 116,has to g". D. 8�i6atfi- W; 0hesney; T, In poachvine, 61v the 21stinst.;,thawif
0 Inr,0:6, of Clintb J.0
flotind ois cratchOS but, Will WO trust 110011 ltobinsJds.j�angancl�v. of Dr. W rth** I Afib ])IPVPXT ROM
jubWa" dirliid line of f J. Shan'n" )n� by ma- At oil'alarioh.-on the 27tupec.,,-willia - 'STO
fitogy Utwoft thAt wntry -be all jX
at 4tioi 6�roT6 of fr1oh4jr.,
misinformed *Iten wi sta Reov�, W.
A114rdeiopfomptly atteude to.
ion ftm i1w CASPIX4 Bei to the, we we,* W
ItAt wifek that X V� 21110tt bad b9on- tion, Deputy ltevro� Jame* � Hays and Xoxay, a, ill 0 ke'jiVon b2lilddurillig ue, Winter,
Boll, Alex,
41414ted to
by y r the
Jay*# vithwhi4*0 Bfi*lk b
to irat. of M0, Widdgr, ;Eq. tAjIsx, rr, And. GovaulooX, 46 Horan and el 246, i 1872; 11347
Odde .
'04kjjin, 3sq., of Obstford hpA been Of holir XhiTL - 4Xpoditio ro- MASIC34TIS
W is SQ I ta3[r,
m*W iko'tbat positionaud Aly, Elgott
h" bow dW00d f�htedl
A;P0iiW to take W. CSTans
Coxxrzino Yox Tauz, browit by wolematiou; Jr, A
—T" boyal XeOrS; A. the Workill �r to'.
ls� 0
xamed Fiftwillisms wftv brouglif be Tolloplify Awpi D. Swtt by awlimMiofi;' 102-
49 7111illftant. Ci, Croibb, J. P., lost wook- ob"gelit wityr It. Miller,' W. J., ohn-
C.0 a
by llow*! bull*
Og robbed Us. Afad stor.!== UcCrtogi bi Acols=tfon.' r4ftS, 01 '4 lu cmurw AdAdavirs wal wea in Barley, V buslit, ........... 062
H*rr Qf a son *f mmsy a fev &YA Pre 0,40,
TO"044 On W04mality
next, i9th Tionsly. Aft*r k"ring ibe evidence ....... 4; 51 0 470
'f the Subsert-c
J41111111lovy. Tho 1110mm iknqn#t will they wm committed for trW. Perkins by. re�to � *
U 00 ta. M 00. "ANS th ilia premises a
Dovqtv ItOve, A. L. ber, Lot 26, 4& ipoii., bast WBW'Aq
tAkO P "Vict tvtujj�q CANADIA 11,Lr�TRATY�R--ThO per Ivor. ........ 0
WAS Qf thO and Thfsl 0 Iti, V00h, about the iaid4lo fit Ooiobor, a red
Perg"Ison, Thm. i c ols 40 0 �4' hiree y6ax-e bld with. a s�tlfkt
lit - winig ri tht back a4d Gvfl. wul, ....... 00 tail The owner iM -0eae 'Pay, jxPoluo
Qft "Wit k thialf paw
tka ....... ........... 0. 00 (1 603 son rind t?le it awa
"Iltd T14 4%0*0 V06 its .250 a too
Qum, ='AM
Taco" 40 Iservant cl.Mcislty. We hate &Iio., rt.
aolllve U07A 11matill by "amatior#;
R ir jj;4,,r � . - -&"-- a� 11872. -
IF, lip.