HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-01-01, Page 10 ji V A --------- Maslow )J =a PAT. PAU1&,_.0X the of tu 4 or" i1alltji & OMMOVAef h9UW=d J prmoollod t* thogmhalge of the x. J� 3� 4 t he Bar. 11, Be PAW. -hatiust removed, and prownted hift With a puftsoontAining *Y*r SM. Tho _4 �'T 7� purse waspruentodby3fils. wilonana Un. Portergio'callect6ro, andihefal� lowinga4drass wm read by Dr. Camp - X I Tit bell: .4fRiTaBrzSZ, RZV. AND 1)XAX SM —30in 13D _ f of expressing our approval of your con. 4__ a 1 pa�ft- pz,­;S�01 1" (r [a I , a dustas a faithful *Wunder of tho s4limetrutbis of thisf 3xvine volumei CvL-y wlickis the rhatter of our libertim here 11! -molt Ain Q%, _Aqqr A our only hopp her"fter-1 oarnestadvocWof every "forrawhi& -is calculated t�o leave thia eliwthaf Ottoll, little better thin ya Gre "The Greatest Possible 600dtl6l the atestPoisible tumber It With your plaint humble, t1swulm "t Ott L demeanor, both ass, man," as a Chrii. lian—wo ask you to �ocept of ",yre_ VESDAY4, JAN. 19* 1873 WHOLE N09 13500 ss�t Asa man tokenof our*d"o, oar - VOL. XXV. NO,, 50. GQD4RICH ONTARIO, WF,,Dl�'' nestlyhoping that the choiciet blessinSis of that L11 —Frovidencethttsh" car 0114, =Tara, in c?mm-p. $2 crctlit a I nVrears are will not leave the house until -one of you Rough hew themas we May," by any ple4ge given, or ex as d, from V 4k=V forrelief furnished to Mrs. Jefterson. at t_�o op! �M �i tb,, pub,, la er. on Oil of returns, but go'now you must.1f taking you, and if. you are $5, John Varcoe, for re -staking C*me. may be showered in rich prof�n upon visiting it, I will be or. Anxious to get Harry from the house, SUIGIDE1,—joh, Carrin, of the Town- RfehardRyan - a you stid- r estimable ImAy . a for gravel, 8( unt both ip of Huron, 0 mpted' 'de 'Many thanks- Gordtfn, livill accept and strnnk iw his determination, Char- shi slaU -be rem= CA'lit. j�a I - to=l Dodd, for gravel, $17, JosbQ RMS OF AD - -your intrpiltic MUM LODGE 110. 33 Tcronl- 3i=ill '9 — , atto iiiial. to V Assli'rf%nCe and 1 4 ;,j�4irr ', nk, 1�lr tizo fir�t and "R) fUt raysitrilong reallna mlin*,sech 'r rX Sinai Carrier Sue' AddTO313- yquir offer, fo;bIllave mauy rolisons which 16y ace6ded to'the wish of the: RiA, and abouttwo� -r-'-' �r 13 -11, %nh,-.h1n,-UL inwrtion. C-9 A. V. A, A 1q. vie ago by cutting his Allen, for gravel, $2. J.4rifes Hflwjaf,� Tontino Company. I cannot now name to yon, for 6ther's are accKmpanied Harry to. an hotel not far. I . shall take V12MS n .- c­cTd;ng C, lineq. ,4 per threat, but fail in the attempt, p6r., for wood, 93, J. J. -Bell, for printing, 'His Achamlwr in 0 to to $fi. FIST JANUARY, 1873. fivire nearly concerned thaw -myself in flistant, where in a private room the chaped poison h nent 1) 1" cf h to bi ex- 83T.57. 111 -1111th At P this matter, for releasingthill vounu, man 'question was fully aiseussed, an put an end is death." oflin. - ra,�e repk,ned !.V. the Rp"ItAb - in. Visiting bretbrco HEAD 9FFIeE TORONTO, ONT. istencii last wee by means of it. He Moved and seeon&d that Mr. James T., jt�ev �tlrdzall� Invited, Dear patrons and %vorthy go -id friands,l entlemIn *16 al vex , mv of NonParoil. .1", 1 pfay, 'from Such companionship�-relY ugn it As he- exiected, Harry found when leaves swife an children. cook rec'eive 05 for moving fence-Car- t"7- DICKSON, See. CAPITALA 110RIZEDUTCHAnTFU ....... .. Excuse a! Dev Im direetionq will 0 1(0,000 Wholn the ifen-'r-n" a contiugen6y tiendir you will be the means,o'f doing 9 Oharl6y's passion cooled that he feared I propriate and feeling reply b� t1ja ad. and Charge t arvordingly. ti-ttlerieli. ith X14y. Is', 1. Y.778.1 v —W b ried. Ith It ; 1.crty 0 increase to halfa million. His holiday visit to pay. solid service by ititroducin,& me amongst in' prneeeding to the last extremity in :,dreffo, which vas entialy txtemp6nb, — I neither. am nabob nor squire Petition of Mrs. MoDougald for relief 7ZAHLY XCr.7zEVR-,-T9 : them." breaking with his uncle. go bioke , t-ous-the visit I*ing Altogether ur,#X. B it I trust y,6u Will lead me no car; i wasread, Moved �y Xr. Morris, geeond-4 Amount C�alled in, 25 per cent. -al I . AcuiDaNT.-An old mah'nalDea Mar- 1 ie 0. OF T. I paid As I come nut your pati�nca Lo tire, Be patient foran hour, my dear fel.- down utterly aL laaf; and appealed to pected. The company then Epread �­M3 n, t,,,q win !,i 1imrzcit i ruor�-h,%nt- old by W. Buchmian, that 010 be given tip. "�Iut to wish you a hoppy Ne%y Year." 10 ten, who lived onlhe�Goshen Line, was =,W-4 who 4�lvc,7t�,t w, and T&will gratifyyo!?. wtheir h Bamptuous repast liarling bra4ht , 'y Ikno is 'listener for sympathy and.�ounfi'!, by some arties; returningfroin tcp her jDs relief, azise-11mmn -1 , i run over ar . ... ... 147AIT11. 110PE A' ND CHARITY. Flo did not . dare' to consin abundance of the gaod 44 WTS LldfTr.D ny ONARTEPt TO U09TGASES You inow that the baqgon* habits, andanyattempt togethimout of betraybis a 208 at loway's a couple of Aloved and seconded, that Mrs.- Jef- hink's of t" .... ... ()nFH11(`HTC%IFLr� No. 2.13. iw-rms ORDER '"Esrur' I life 111ong -with them. ") no;�W46T6 abo Ti, -thA sbadovvy rith.1 10,1.3-_,.r, their clutched at the presetif -moment Randolph, and acknowledge the fault of (I hold their mettink t'n the 'remparancei Hall, We, ferson be aivon $10 as relief -Carried. qt AND DEBENTIFIRES, 'tt'naid tho weeks ago an illeverely injured that provided wiflaprexentili th I V --Ir ....... w;nter's colefarown-7 would only do harin, besides perhaps wh ich'he had been guilty, =4 from the he his Moved ana Eleconded, that Mr. Samuel t. e�,-ry xoaaay evg. eammonring nti o-co6L- sharp. -'134 biq last groan on the blast I since e J 6 25 Visiting bret.hr-ti cordta.iy irvil4d. BORD OY DIRECTORS Tho much to his bouniv we ow(d, Iorris, Tavern Inspilator, received 0 5 to Mention. Altogether makings public exposur Iiis frailties. consequences of wbich-his cousin had W31. GORDON. SILCe his youthful successoris here, Let. tbern go and we willfollow.11 saved him, although it pressed like a. a leasant nfght was speut, #uRvened ..... ...... Set rotary. 39vott.1 i . . .... ;-,) ,, JOTIN 111LILVARD 6AMEnoil, I thought I'd step over the road, ior his services -Carried. - with ilauxle bathvu61.a1:d Instrumental, At. P Submitting to the inevilable, with pa- weiAt on his soul, cond uaky present that the Clerk s Juio 24th. 1,s I. S7 -6m, Q. C .. & r to. Toronto. "To wl-h you a ha�py New Year" Moved and secondedl 8 months ...... . �q Vice fireedent I 'G.w7s MoirrAT. Esq. 3"N 0VT8 H S r06T.-Ori and at A late hir the, �Camlvxy bado Ptestdent; rbe, lio, tilexice, Harry ivaited until Gordon was and galling hfin, but he owned to- the receive $110, the Treasurer $69, thp he -had been d! Gro DrboAN, Eli� 3 udge of the County of York cannot pretend mueh to speak ready, but when thidyrilached the gaib� vicious c6urses.of life -which lay evening, the 2 �iib inat., 'Mr. George Collector $60, aiid the Assessor.Q,60 for a eu to the Rtv. zenti#mz�i s7nd hisietnt flurazi BELouft, Ea.,X. ID V. P. Prescott Of the stirring ovens of his life f Irvilie of this lady, nnd Un don, tl Pursiling. He spoke of the way in .... .. Esq, cas'llier Idlercliants.1laul,,, The subjeet would take mo a week- ieyfound their exertions r, having re towi ship (Huron Road), their services -Carried. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Toronto, les" as Charley turnettobstinate in 'his which he had been brought -up'; and he' turned Rom Seaforth, went "Each took CZ ids seerall way I WZI- J. 3fACDOVE1. L, ER ., 31anagar Toronto Sari They ivers so attractive and rifo. 'Air. Dart 0--t In to 1* in - a, W. Moved and seconded, that 0� n6 From the poles -througliout everyrellme. resolved fo nilletsome otboday." lt� ror(inte. intoxication and rehised to accompany In an unguarded moment he -had been ut after d%rk to out Some W'Ond'at the receive $5T.00 for tahing charge of tho, and RZ REGULAR WEEKLY ligiCTING Or THE A, Rqn i door,. whlin the a ?m ?"It:1 n, in't"a te, Ati-tzaa Qlam"vals. 3tonalq0% 81range episodes mark his career. thrown into contact with tl xq, glanced and lodged Town H,11 -Carried. . . Ezq., M. p. the party to their ha.unt. Qouqoffempera e Is hohl every Frtaav evplejugat �e,;njary la,d An I eann,-t detail them in rhymo - I T, ds girl, a of � -1 .1, TnuR HATIVZ7. Esq. 4ull in the inner 'lide, of his left foot. el,wk in 6e --.r "I" i The next, day Charlev did COL ippeai stranger to the citv, unknown, helpless Moved and seconded. that l6t 8, 101h firlal; 12ouses to let or for o pogt 0.11ce v, Eroll�'n Wcpi` St. f1rstdoor wept 1 "But I wish you a happyNewl Vesr." Will, ec� - - nit* i., brethren corauity inviced. I Applications for Insurance in thi 'doming alarmid b6trged, and desperate. He told j�o� Under Dr. CampbiPIFS' care he is do* abave rates win in (m cz3oa I a strictly Godertch Ing con., IV. D,, be taken from School See 1 tThaubve locals 1-mve been in "c for first class COIZ3 eeded to G- l,n's quarters: his inexperience 'and treatment ofber W1811- tion No. 5 and put in S. S. Yo. I t the last week or two but were unavel. pdipy received by Even in thi Dominion soude Elarry proc ordc Battle rare revolutions occurred. t ths 'ably rrowded'outJ J� J. BELL and from him learned that Charley 'had 4iad caused her to cling to him; and how in inteniod in any Ennobling to Patriot pride, Vlioplu- lot 4, 4th con., W. D., be taken fro 1. 0. 0. Fill -1342 1 Agent at GodeTrtob. And bome witti absordiiy blurred. passed the niyht at & house not6rious eventually', he felt the chl�in ti5o strAg S. S. No. 2 and put.in S. S. No. 1. tbst ii!zzz'14 rcazh thomUce by rl,�oa ob — - Those clirsed privattering claims for its. character, ind wjth I one of -t'l;e -to break. He had mever known aflee� Tim POULTRY T14&DF.- Mr. J. C. lots N-% 4 and 5, 9th con., E. D., be Daddy43ull lius disebaLged'twould appear; lawliig I fo We heartily figree with the foL f the 9TC;',1;AL maLws it inmatesofwhichhohad rineda"haann" tion ot sympathy from childfiood to Whiteford lihippedl a. car load W live taken from S.'S. No. I and in S. 19. nron Lodge. No. 62, Ive must pay. the piper -not Bea.mAD.- lu- main=. I wish you a happy i% ew Year. ofAseriouscharacter. -'Tbia-information manhood, - and he felt he couid not �IlrkeysafewdWys #qa. Thereisibrisk No 3 it no objections bepaila2-Car: remarks of contempar4my an the fol- Hmsets attheir qan,, .1 M11b. �7 Gordon had obtained from it brother abandon thb one pho hadirst exhibit- demand on the market for all -.kinds of low:mk sub, 1 ect "Theubil cat of 7*wso every Thursday evening is rece2y CL %lbion Block. Goderleh, Theres a railway -in project at least. officer, of whoni he bad'iiade enquiries, ed both towards him. poultry. Unred and seconded, that the Reeve P -"POI X%C�,-a4 I O'N�k Tx I n T-11 -V l7lill, r% i u�;Stog Street. By our UothamitegoveT meat plaoned' _cd Visiting Todoin the far cast intending to communicalt16 the result to oned with him and drew FANCY 8.LL3.­T4e pale Anci trvium of fandY. goods an Cnuucillors receive .4,20 each for erable thrdm& the Dill, West to the Hariv reas sttentid1h I MONEY T 0 LOAN er deserts of wilde,ness 11nd. isritt"'y W.M. M-ITCHELL,secreury. Twill be good com . penration. they say, . Vany, now that hopexceivedthe-intereat him out to speak of the girl' and. as she und6r! de anaptee4 of the St..4 Paul's their'servides�Carrled. the demand for it our losses by Fenian skor, te Im -ever-ne, AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. For hetoog in the fortune$ of this misled had�relst dberi;ad storyto blarley he Ladies' .4id Society;' w1iich was Ifeld last Moved and secondedthat the Gollee- As Dad Buithatilthe cost o't will pay: - young man. learrit it too. week wai l, g'rea . t iAuceess. aboi I it $1150 tor's time for collection of txtes be ex- derived, from fuis fourels-it view cf i1ls FP"But I Nvish yod arhoppy New Year." BE 13 OLD Permanen t Building and Acting on impulap, and strong in the An orphan, when just approaching being realiz;d. bto"' undue i4fluence ten(led to the 15th of T=uaTy, 1873_ very great trouble it -giVm VuEt-inaztets integrity of his owficharacter, Harry de- Womanhood, sbe'had been left in char to keep quarberly -p-mmunts aulb- S TGgs Socipty of Toronto. What sealskins from cold Labraeor _,- e was used as is ge'perall the - tase W 0 a. - ; . ro"particulars pply to ? terinined to proceed atonce to. the tonse of some distant relati�es. who -g d i force the sale of go�,ds. acribers, in Vkwof the pietty annopyances It will bear to Col.-�mbia's strand gtniz�-, Moved and seconilell, that the RWhatacalps from Vancoilver's ]Hr shore, -her to obtain a finish 1z adu- to publiabers, wto -are drugwbre for A. At. For frei0it in return, It-vill comivand! nam'ed and endeavor ti) naive Charley ly assisted aive notice that the Nomination of Anent at Godericb. 'TotilibeELtilttoace,,iito,3ateHfiicko, from further. degradation by inducing. cation to qualify her as a governe is, and v l toke place the general weal of the"uttry then anr �V, Nx6uatl .!all Secret -try and Treasurer, evr;- him. to accompany., him.home. Gordon then deeming their duV ende I thev Mien his future elections draw r It nuty eave in like Babel- al0tl11Lkd1- A SEarous at the Town Hall on31onday 23rd imst.,. to APTAI 4-A serious fight L gottle'A ZL4 LaF W., zuir can_�-% CHAS. ROBERTON, apppoved of the resolution, at the same procu"red her a situation itt ad isfant city, return, we trust the Domiaon Gbvern- I W, "But I wish 5bu a happy Now Year." took place.in ti a vipage on.the m at 12 o'clock, n6on-Carried.- CAPT. W. COX, Toronto. A 343. tillaei regretting that.Ma� military duties and'Ittunched her alune'to fight the bat- rning meat Will ice the propTIC-tynd utmty 4 JOSEPH CARROLL, ve ' ed him joininj him iii the mis- tle of life.' Trusting in disposition and of Thursda last bletween an En"glish- L kTE OF T:i AneulteTritorial boundq Rre nt Vp Clerk. removing tVs bnoxiotris tax on IL4- WLIch Bunte neighb,,ra areprone to dispute. Sion. pill ridnesa, tv an of the name of Vas Kitl and a Low- ledge. Newspaperpostage audihe N-bt# MONEY TO.LEND Choice bones hurta 116 -OL thrown In the houladsq re In heart, susceptible to ki land Scotsman of the name of Peter -1 a Jt Just at dusk, Harry arrived at the -and ignoranf of life in its worst phases, Stamp Act we consider the mo*6 annoy - a c' no. favnr ar siinr.irt -f o But they'll nut keep the pin-als mute, I Aliblild. r. Goderah. Out. -v­;!n6 1-h i "kat At Groatlyreduceil Rates of Interest They 11011,1116 Q'�.t PoWe othrer plan Cowan. Both -men were- working- in For Goth arbitratioi. I fear. liouseindicated 4ndwas atonce admitted, she became the prey of a scoundrel, who, Grey, Sparling & C6'8. lt workA, Kitl ing aua grievions of ifli our in(2rect tax, before the fire, rt, t that Itile Sa-h rvan,- and as advised by Gordon, asked f0'r the whilst she was innocent, cotapromistd Conlin Ww1mu. -During the past week, we ation : the one cartails the rpread uf I THE undennamed ).as anv amout,t of n1pney to 'T%as a tit -hi 'oatt from two to fifteen "But I )�jsh you a liappy�.New er to be 'have been visited on sevelral ogeasions IL girl, iind-was shown into a parlour where her reputation, and caused h g off at 12 (0016CIC at Might i�nd education auf2 mformption - the C.Mex 4 YearG, at a Ilw rate of r Cowangoingon. It em&they have been Me aftnggliv sofa he behold CharbBy, driven, ghelterless from the li,)ust where by an ld despotic ruler th Bweal 1mPost's a ZU11ICH HOTEL, iatreqt anl favourable tenn of reparment. Pavable stretched n a bdrilen -an i iving on bzd terms' an d Kitl saysthat hy yoxrlv in3talmizn1s, Fats Of expenses will defy There Is ulucy that might Lice oil content, but fast asleep, and wa�cbing beside him she had dwelt. Then marking her an a energies of a elfiEsf men 17ae 2cast able oompetiton. at ruidnight,- Biorm K�ng, inflated -with ull the usual e road 11 a have got an 3r. P. �vhols a saint: t4 nd n,ueb that migut mako us repine, a y oung girl of about ipneteen years f helpless prey, he by fraud accomillished they met �n our of blis wonted inclemency and ar-, to pfi�, sua is a violaticnf Cowan attacked hiz4i�wifh a knife. This, '19 IEORAC 7E HORTUM A% bathis creed till nu'er c-uld,define. le. the rest, decoyed her lo Montre 1, and ot plea J04 sound polifica c conomy. 33Y a], 1 Ille,fories are N-und to die hard, aL Cowan denied. rayed in the full frigeriferous dR OOD ACC'.%1310DATION, FOR COXMFRCIAL The feelings� which were uppermosVin `,hen deperted her, as a prey t was left off the newspaper duty. vzsul V Asitieoldt,yt:wordruns,-i;(-Iliear: o thl vilest Rowever Kitl his snow polar garments., aid :fioBf_ racalis, 4atrz rTtravelletiz..bavinirtlhpbe;itqamplernominZitrich. 1 in rather a danger'ous canditin and iiiin'nPiriv Pjgti & iqm�tvj ngs Sir Jobn has played out his last carfl.:- Harry's mindereat once cholreddown, of the vile. - It Was then that Obarlev 2 ii a - ZGEON, &a.. Qt4e. Hamilton Tht bar Is ell supplied with liquors of tba best I "But I wish you a happy New Year." when Dr. Campbeg'wits called to dress begemmed diadem. ftoud Virtue, iiiia Some 'of the May'kl 20 FE_ viilces 'e4oy _Z�h. quailty,_ Good stiLbling and attentive hostlers. -Society. ­ ­ for.never did he drearii'in such a den. met her, and fearful and ye�arning for *a this boon pTiavlous ta -Confe dvilatir ; Z.rlt.ti. Oct. fth.. 1871 44 inating with a being whoso face and protection �ind sympathy, she his wounds -he found some fourtee�n f4thful 13ope look abroad beyqnd iho ad tiscdionlsa tux isow regarded as, Ouiload improvements clung to so -)pe of his imperious rule; Viit and ate fAir different wounds which he :is of opinion y 1he harb6risg&ovhjjz til -ace; form so belied her miserable calling. him beyond his power to resist, and was I one of the grleveni6ez under wlddh they INSRANCE,CARD Affitinst come bumbly and terror They have glanteu some tree.*attbe square. Site was tall and fraigile-in figure, with unkmiwingLy dragging him down to list have been maqe by -sorniq metalic I U I YN 'I' I ( "ITEL, The Sub-ceTiler I,; agent f -r the tollowingfir3t-claae I ISUt the 'IARKET HOUSE still bo,d,4 lu place! a delicate attenuated initten at the apprnach of -his awful - labor tince unith�g vdth the Dominion, 2XRICE1. Cry. HURON Tnqu2-nnee CnrnpRniles i facer, gfieivmg in a ruin. subetance. Thirtee4-of those wounds ' Wipe the tax from Athe Statte 4-i Thoe'sa thrivingsalt tralle on the fla6 ; Pleasure znd' Folly run Zad- were on the head 4nd face atid one on presence I Aul what nia,, give loafers good choc a and -ITARTFORnofffartfwd., PTTaP.'VLXnf I nnd-)n. Er-glan(_ sight degree the effects oflatu hour Struck with the stor� and convinced JOEI-N Proprietor. There Is a forty ;od factory At Pjott'b- the hand. The -Dr.lislaid that Kitt was ding about; lbeeking, lobs�ure_ nooks for 23Y 3`0--0ur=eMb'UyS TiM mfik"ROte an irregular lde, yet utterly dev6id of of its truth, Harry at last offered,to con- Of ffib �Ovll, -we true qaa Ecek to PROVINCIAL r-fToropto. A ew I ear." -But I wish you a hapi y noCin a fit state to be rem6ved to Court tbe'purouit of . transitory enjoyment, his bouse �� lt,t I w -ch every convenience for RRITISH A.%F­RTC, of Torcuto. I)IiCenees and degradation, lie I-elt his vey the girl from the city, and provide and accordigly the Magistrates, Messrs. whilst Inclustry resorts tolactive modes the rrtvellinz p-it-lic. Fire &- Nlariide business done at the roultnowwbaienjoym tyou'vegained heart eivell with sortotv. sit encountering her witli a respectable home elsewhere of exerciRbto ward offhis ruthless Feve-. to%-,-e,;t D03sible rates 0-' stal�itnq ani PmTzpt %ttendlanbe McDougall and Ben�o ItInt Tt3XVIS r4T Gc' From our SIGNAL, whenh duly I've brotight; such a being id'such a place. until such time -as 9be could euppqrt her- -n lient Cowan to 1670 wirs.-ft HORACE TTOPtl ON, Wh-t knowitinge 4na Ion yuu've obtamea. Goderich Jail to &wait his trial which rity, and Modest Economy etakes her- VAXI_111�M ND ATZ)PNMY-AT-LAW. A dd rissing her as fi. v% ould have done -self, if in return, Charley Would proMiSb ELLPUA=B 7.1q Frullrl the iterus wtiorewith it is fraught. they appointed 0 come off in the Court O"f to the vooking of somps, patchwork, Offiep Nrket Sqnitre, Gocie One who mpvud, all, in how different a to abandon the connection, and with it . banks of tho river Ganges, says a inE z- 0��e n rich its prose yf-wii acknowledge tirst-class, ting, and daining of old se'eks, for ,,tj 1870- ir3.3-1 Trit, ilmodust a net pit�hy aud-clear; -d with 411 his evil associates. House, Seafortb, on Monday,, the PORT AL13V'RT ROTE V. sphere (if life, he requested a poi ingt., at 4 o'clock, P, X. 23rd nd tally Wlalst its p,,rt,Ty wme can t;urpiss - the better preservation of domestleicom-, iournalitte ther& are wany aPORT ALBERT. ber alone. 116 thought he � read the These terms,were at length _arj�angred, fort. Mealiwhile, Indolonee loafs, `13utl %tishyvu a havIly New fear.- sundlil, and during our !xpedition a girl at -it glhuce, and at once defined the and armed with a note from Charley, ustre"ing happened. 011A_VCrRY,&c derich Tovuohip. somewhat C D lb"102 s! GoAerit-h. GEO WXIA%�ON, Proprietor. But Chief its political news course-4detiou to pursite,. not giving darry again invaded the iufamou$ dolin- Go around bar -room stoves, sino or- An clehant iumtio* n -& - - T. Gannow. 15 rowed pipes with bo owerl. az J J.. (if the glorious inai ch of Reform! her time 6urefuse, he contintied,�-- cile and met the girl. stuffed y came wit oil Ulf -the vortex of no; firpt ano fe, at Ainpe st-ibleroom o1r;jts,rLggl0JtblU' loryaLuse. lt�, to-Asy (9th Dec.), tobacco; orlrollil himself up a wurd-, T' And trititzipliai,tly weathtlied me "Itiaosa friend. of the gentleman He told her wh�t Ilad been arranged, I - . C! C.3 tL­3 _T ss hoie, a -T&,",,, an zep - in style. ke th request, and and produced the letter, and asstodh6r pursuant to adjournment. robe of var uts tricate bituself, matt*rs becalne wor", hig 1,; admitteq to be a arst-cla 'The Coun then 400ther, =d in lendfAvaring tvcz- Row It braved every ll�zdrd for Blake, there sleeping, I in& 6 Part Alhert, Ile-.. ist, 1871 As a I%itrmt I'rn sure you revere. I entreat you, if you have any regard that the undertaking -would he thorough. The The members- all lJreseD t. snorts lsqmllep, the drollsy hour; r his Is e4 ." . Let o;aee-huitting ilartizatis qutake! for him,,not to refuse me." lycarriedont if she -yould-.pro minutes of lbzt mersting and spe- anaiqueaks for the huskshat )in At hillit 220 FOrtiOn Of Oiaer Of -0 3- 94. E!5vw .--73 V7. ',I. SOL-E:n.P..A. % "bu t I %i, kh ) uu u hapi,Y.N c it, Year." in on to cial meeting were re�d and passed. the table of zfeutiitious chavity, wwalst were yisible, a9d the bystAnders 'had tem. n3, Glancing, slightly at the rpcumbent have -no communication with Charley or It wag moved by'David Patton, se- the last named lady, herself "has go?je &iven Up tht PGOr Anifi2lial 118101tt. Blll�ng ou%r roat lon in life, 'form, ana with half 'bevvildered air any, fbrbunately.aus"Uy powerful,- he tried i In all y other -paxt.y jn Montreal save conded by George _McKee, that 11�b "im to voo6t," and hislyprobably appear I tru-t)wi untrarred, gazinga#Harry, she moved into the through himseT or suchother channel SOLICI' TIrtt Y, u'ru fice front coisnumai Atrife, a - members of this Ou'unoil. cordially and at some other date when ber boon, ty win xevtril times; with wliat Aplmsraz to big E I Aricireapftjgtrutvtrtu(s'sretrard. passage,,atid closing the door leaned a� he should indicate. a' %. Q - deeply sy mpathise with Dr. Stokes., their. be less in demand, and will have more uper"turid-strrngth, 4arew afoot frarm Fl. 14-5, R T I IT Proprietor. That you thtr%e I v ymirprotits in trade aga0sithe wall, waiting for him to Aftec a passionate outbu t Oftears respected Clerk in the mad Uri; the Closely CHnging "rib, pl"init it - Ills aill1ress.ber. she accepted the offer in gratitude, avement the semblance of a socW virtuR, be'it, udin ithhis rauk, be in. Ample Stable I cold pliveny niuck d; eo J which he has sustailied in'tfie loss by, obviously more voluntar:p. Now is the Where 9 u 9 W t - Good Accommodati, t 1,lar�au intimate acquaintance of pledgingher woid that she wouldad foundt.1�emosts6fidiW. Not I.S.311YCLAIn C17-18. SEAGOR, Jr death of his affoctionatd wife-Car'ded. auspicious season for Local Room. first here strictlyoto the terms, and heaping The sum of $20 -to . be Cbarley,.a�d last might, for the e elippery 111reia, Attempts did te grou Tlat weil fa...'oed and good, premare, paid to C. is to be seen gliding slong th G:Ale_�J D27-- I qt.. 1971. IV. dmitted to be a First clas, ble"ing when he tilue, learned the cofilpany he was keep- on the heads of both for their Crabb in pn ant -for, 6ne'acro.of liigkways in ewy 4irectiolif; sometimes ept in tioled Style. But Fla noi in a fLittering nwod.' ing. I mean his -mile associate. I action towards -her.' , Esq. himseff.' Dudng the whols period ofihis zwm land, beini, part �74 Of �Dt 24 in 2nd com. on foot, An& sometimes dn sleigh borne -4 or JJISUAIIJLID�' an expert, tried toz find him but filled atid to -day This dfocidel Harry prepared an im. ftoubles Us tries w4ers exceedingly dojor� r which he p -VEYA--Cl. nrchasedl at the sale of lainds �emineucell but *aU the while and in eveo, -r- AV CRLnCER7 AD CON NG. st3 I Y41, L'UtalhMiLgitair statits ;ivitip u1:11e. Xm, Apd. by m6diate-'departure, and learningfrom for a I being a mis JU Q§ftM�Dt%f5 Wamoces, OTcia�I.As:ngnee. What a cuntm t %, oil id quich- 3, avi,car; his friends hare Inissed It rrears of taxes, 4 it take instolluce cuting a look or two more on OU159 and might'have been hosid for tw 1. ahappy New Year." fj for is grun When they were at an You,(I I,e loilioto trade !ots I optiie,- i merest accident Llearnedof hispresence the girl that the very clothing she, wore of the amsesso for a year 1866. The her interminable b7twstockh2q. Such is 'P -t- Vhe McRae Hotel, But I wish yl)U-. here. He is young and inexperienced. was owned by the mistress f thd house E- r,4 Bum of $9.63 wal f ded Jseph the spirit of human life at present. The *nd, wnequilEy indicktive ofliatisfoiC. �-1 - re. un 1 flavepity on him. Tonotbethe -jeans though paid for.manyinies over by the Driver for wt ng aslessment. The ol- forest birds�those of L6 meloal6i The !utarrislaplicatio 5 you enter jnderich from Clinton and Bayfiel I ne n of a bot. thai; 0 odigal ex-, lowing accounts were paid,'Viz: WaL bills -not so-comfort9ble at home as etrong sphit's soon dissipaw B t I ilenty godd liquors aud pie, is re -opened byT. C. 31clutosh. who w;II he You've to blame the assessor for of dragging him down t ru in. His munificence of Charley's pr tle of *5. 'Your taxes, ofcourse were Iloo high, 10 C.&c. m, st I11ppv to &tt�nd to the wants ofth.Public career in life is bi at the Sta6!e, Ta6le and'Bar. A call solicited. !11.yd0-uLeT but, rany anil fat; njust beginning-wVy pen&ture 'in the establishment, he do Fleury Cook, 86 ' L4 use of house for Tennyson% wren -have all taken fight frembling.and ra4torsa, his aquanimity. Ir J. r. 31cl_NTOS", blasting it ? None of his sceuded to settle with her v hilst Lizzie COn y TO D. r ou are well rauLticil up in warm viothes, V- heil purposes, T4(,s Champion, $1.50 to soxie zlimitte more like -that of Goshen XAMY unfortunate, islephantli are lost in 2-1.1383, While milDe Dre Sloppy 9.114 queer; 0 friends but I are acqua.inted %llitli his airessed for ber departure. for"do Thos. B. Stokes, 860 for regis- thatLours:�porhapst-o.ttetropies-par-, trm'4erags wan4s., whei� ia%4o -U hat a tale I co4ld tell ofrry woes I 6 oil /not' He 11 posta� Use of "frass or brauches of tram ut I willa �ou a happy Nea Ytar.** 1 intimacy in this house; will y ttle contemplat6d, in his ignon! tration, go, Astidnery, framing hap to Utah,. or perhaps to Trainauver Itant! Lxjr, =TA1S � AND IN live him a chance of retrieving himself arice, having to encounter such a storm and compiling bv-l& , 4e., &o.; ames to seelic shelter under the'proklecting aufj- are lift at -Land to form an xvailabip NC,. & A-WAO BUZdIngs, Buffalo, of reviling, and filthy abuse as fell to his. Patton, $10 f -of-& 'Cannibal atimospliere. ani'SUPP cert "I But I came not to whine o'er njy wants, ii is too late. �' art fat fhem� After a Ville J wish to be merry lo -day. A half ileflant look gleimed on tbe lot Qn making his to 'f erd, r P thems of cottgratialstion for the All the szvdls are away on their jaunts, Pay Or Shepp e, t for s4rvices, 0!cpol an the poor beist bocomes powerless, an4f And the eurlers are blythe at their play. fico of the as the first- stords of this thf. -C the owner can oonly look with surrr a THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON girl � clothing on the departdre of the girl, attending ei , 'attin jobs) '4:bc,, condolence of Sir Franeis Hiucks 1 But t You have pald.Mr. Bell his account, :a and it wits only. by a threatened appeal 'I)avid ptto JAJKE;S SMAZZATO, ddlresi met, hererar, quicirlysuceseded David Patto avid Cook, John however, our Woods are tuneless now� I the graduall disappearance of his noble '.%ow you'vei.rine but the Levills to clear, At yonr orvon I leave the aujounr_�- Cox and George 0 a 840 eachfor do. yea -voicelesstoAllechoes,eicept the per- Anifflul, and lament tbe pecuniary loom ND G -LOBE- by teats, aadthen a great gulp seemed to the police. t1i4t he succeeded in mak G6U&%. Irans ani "But I lvib* whom, he ilson e -the falling '�itm6ie-ry Ile thereby siaffers, for all hautaft -aid im Aaca h ycu a hapi y New Year." to rko from the depths of her. heart, g his exit with his charge dep William VV r ceive thitimber cassive shoctis of INSURANCE C 0 M P A N Y. Mid a pitiful sorrowing wail burst from osited for'the night at a risnec,tall�16 on the sidero futile, been known to be ad raw ng'to'-tbe lake on the pop -pops from the rifles of amatear -c6fi,, betwe hqrJips. At the zound, aheadprotrud- histel, with the, intentibn of putting the the Ist nloii,b and 6. for Nimrods, the croakin twelvehov in's ling. g cf a few hungry Available Assets, S27,600 � 000 ea fro -the matter.into. surveying I crows the bootingis ofthe mousinZ owls,. - he satfie. m a doorway beyond, and a haish further airrangenieu� of hobinqo�n. Lo --,e-, paid in the co7rsa of Thirty-five years ex- VATER ZATp, voice tiddressed her, comnlanding her to thZban'ds­of2V1r. Wilton, the following Thb Cu JBitmusnan. ceed 4t.QZS .0 O�O tj neil the:. djouizea. or' the mor�loud but less melodioak� 361n. morning. F�Qitunatgj " immediately' To WASIN F"Nsru.-It is sad ast &VZC&NAd%11Te=da nfS2sbee, Dcars, 131[his, For cease her cries and retire into her * 'T.' B T lerk. notes, of- vocalistilo -teamsters, whose byy :'t1ILLION-S op 0 A S! 0 Loan On. PAPM or Tqvrx property at 7 per fs7jULlp. ail Dre3se:Z L=ber, at the God- 1) tL ]R T. Cent. Applyla -who was the �tter leaving yi by putting xn caftee of borar. to a VZon, 1 BY B. TOR. 7* Fortunately, the speaker, the 4otel he encountered ,wood -notes' wild" in'spirea bi-11BOU G. CA31PAIGNE, Solicitor. -baress who oiried the istablishment, did that,�entlem . an, andJogether they walk- tach FortyroV' startle the dormant ear f the water in whkh flannels are to be 1.309. Claims by CTTTC_&ffr0 SPIT11M esti- 'of . dioinguish oom, of t I he pas, ed Zlr, wh D WiJa w".1dair, that' not nn3y will hrink- mated at nearly $3 C)00000, are being O'LIGLh. 071 41tf Gedericb. % in"tbe gl jist he recounted the inci- of night andgivetoffature, and -N ltquidate4 as fast as adjunted T71TZOrT DEDUCTION. pge, that � it was a stranger � who was 0 dents of the,case t him.Asth6yesceilld. 90HOOL EXAi'Mi. ct,- ing be flirevented, but the garments WMI end Lliberality in ad- I XA'M' ON "D ftzswT�-' f6r a-dreaier and more horrific e . Eectirity, Prompt Paymell, CRAPTER 7J. tanding opposite. her weeping inmate, ed the steps of the private. entrance of rox.--rThe annual, ablio Fx%mination be bettereleauud, losses are the proibinent feaitires oi 'the hotel tho he6rd a commotion with- 6f the. -L)upils belon ii -to 0. 6, ImpnoymurNTs.-Stotion Jastmeat 0? It13 . -02NEY TO LEND but coribluded that"it must ba. Charley� thisweaithy cornrlarry. at lengtY. got zu elegant no* school FIRM and LIFE POLJCIPS Issued r4th wry T IF-IGHT PER CEN.T.. SIMPLE' I,',TTERZSI HVMAN WOLVE3. 4.bb was, perhaps, leavz_v the *hvuse- in the house, and'an enterin the.room. Colborue,for the tribution prizes, -e n the tame site (framil), *reot f6r5or10-years. interest repayable either �aud before she had 'any opportnnit� iday nd ence, Wes6 Street. liblaral loditiol- A house ofaea anl "411 'Where Harry had left her, found the tin- VaS held in the $ 1 011300 dose bythe wo'nderful old tahanty, Syrup ea0y or half -yearly. A ly to it : %vith no little concern, as, F he $ (&praWt#dso!vt16n of the pro. - Ww Bank of Montreal,' I Head Offics, Cana& Brocb, MON. PRTI F, ZJt Y MA T f! 8,1 afforded- her of.reotifyiiho her error 'the'. fortunate Ll4ilb in the hands ofa rtifflan, Dec. 20th. The... _e e �cl'. ses were 'olaneing the name. If Bar- taxideof1ron) winter pproached. that Harry itgairt` erly pr G Jerich. TR ra;-opened ibe door of the parlur whoid 'Harry 1 recognizdd . as -one of the ininutelvexamin4ia the, �Teaehe�, and. 13OD-til. noticed in Charley Baxter's manner tbosei girl -.8 led: at they w uum. do not look very smarZ174 � evtrY,, deceiye,,l -by Aty ofnthe Preparations, '101 and bge'kondd Harry . to, follo w. ber in. group associated with Charley the night by tbiir.answerl, era trace of- the iol4 model curiosity -will be Perarl-an Bivrkand.Tr,�)H L indicati4i of locie and irregular liviiig.� loughly a4ustint whi& may Lie ATIONEY TO LEND. V. did Ito, and �va* dismiyed to solo, fier before. With a cry,the girl darteil to. thoz I fo buttlei3f lannius jiioh had oncebefore attracted his atten; He a wit all the snb- lost to -the world. We have lately had a offered -7 A. 9- CAMPBEL I Vaids tileib, eager t6, iesoape she knew j;ots " pi-iscribei now bridge built across the 18 nfl@ has PERMAN STAUtf not, F16._ n A* %1. R6Sb, A-ment 1br Ucdertub ti6n. Oitgn did be appear at hi3 des throw herself on herknees And bowing I , theb -respective, down her head in her hand" which she, riot where, and- on Harry demandi�g an forms by the 6focial pri-gramme. aria at - The viver in the i i ity of r. Ptitchard's Bark) b1o9m in the glass. XNARM IYRO; inthe-morning, haggard and pale; bu� fit - _� vicini ralvors!17. Ithus. 111PROVED FARM explatilition, th, clerk of theftot6i an. Trusteex and a few -T Altort 'were, saw mill; the usefulness of said bridge Tia 20=1 BmirozZ Fruiwitgo. or H'F1 without matual,knowledge of his -resortk piace-d bnacbair, began' to,:, sob mo . resent porty, at 8 per cent simple interest- neuTi4ed,th'at this" expressed themselves hl airty had acquaiaidd and oerannum. App1v to hi would, bowevek, have lain long in abey- is I coaw. RamozN Pi 0 Harry felt, it difficult to. app�uaoh bW Vteouii Y tmel; whihtpityinjj�im;he t6;o1wfiiirAhat his" t was one ilf the pleqsed with ihe e iency. displaye $AMUEL $LOAN, with remonstrance or warning. Th� is Oh sir, pil n6tori gues -fa - e, fli ance--the"' CoIfficil tot having ftim'da ily friend I have ; whytake �him inmaites.4a.. , io'us. hou6e ci ill the varii:os classes. Frizes were awar- M * 4- t the on SU cien - i able -hid _r from. me -Lost 68 1 am, he has a sfied that the a in in ils f -Rogularit ill At- no sot -of �ES AGAINT C(IIDENTS CAUSING hed of the office, Mr. Ellis, so raret Colborn TTotel. iid beinQL sit! tat, "ent ded to the 1�iipils fo t 110 It Xotlpfa era tuinled out Wo hay* ofirtril Wondered there U a tiat of a otipullitei stfm per week, fr ct with the subordinate "way tendance, D T. V. S 1. Bodily irdury or lop a life, quaranteeing the Goderich, 8th Oct., 1872. 13.38 came into cont, ilileated me kindly, - In , ever --ye- I was correct, 3hey wer6 ejecting her t9 illigence!� and om 83 to =1AZT PYMI, the payment oft clerk s, that there was little hope of an y always d Con- their own ACCIP and cut down the hIJI person in aU;ewEa&n;a, whodonnot CXAW1L= 07 021,,rAVC '7=3M haprincipal snm Instifed. 51vithe reputation of the�,establlsltment. duct- The -expectapion of obfilining .6 qjauy know and appreciate preached' Tne, 614 treated . line as a makingy the likitrance -thereto pai tl�e valueuf 41ohn.- to eao,oamf the i cause death,.7-Atti- gs being detectied unless "In that daseltiform. your tr, prize has bad-- a vef:y -benefidisf *ffelot n STABLES, 50 ahortcoming sgrants", boart to .,? humafi being 'possessed of* a re"A Am�jfse Linz f as a familir ef Colborne forced upon him, and.to -undei;take the feel, and a soul to �nom;-Charliiy, that Itho Revd. Guy WiltotI7 will taki upon the proopetity -(d thevehool-aus.; 0.1 Itis.aivpted to most aft LIFE INSURANQEf AIN 'i 14. WNE office of makin the discovery for 1 understaux! hat Mr. 1116dic'm ("barley, must I leave you pro Ing 5. TUrpom. -and ima emq*ments otall rhrms -at. lovr Ca3h Rabn- W -the 'Ity and dflligence. tion. of uumetnue friends ercame her, but the strains of enro'her lodgings for else- timilla,1119 all to activ I. can- be uiqd, as a ta It to Hilro, her the young Wo!nau in charge, ai4d I nee of pupilso,and f Ainterly wills, at the sugge is tho best palti kL feelinga ov njglkt ak H4rry felt no - inclinatio a regular atfendAe Fraser ar d Wei He xather trusted to-tilne the' clos, Me(filegglay pl, her piteoug. outcry reached the sleepid' �where, and Say further, that whilst not At a of. the Pexamination, tile wishers, intends running forthollicef armers iiind *took X-Alsers bay Ire. revealinL, fact; with which he could 9 xhat they haa awn very t faculties of ObliTley's car, and springing blaming him for keepipgi6 skirts ptire� pupils very pleasairA#y simpri 6d t1jeir Reeve at bur fortl r AT IN TS g4n, , �:, cind'Sn-tsirday'. grapple, and relied meanwhile, 'upoti a 1coming municipal q1tietstIvUld u r4 S adderich TW Nat ea with wondering eyezat -withl-regard to women W'ho maj enter Teacher, q)v Preaeatiox him with Alt ele- ele�c isto be hoped r good results from giving SheridaW C TO &ND. FR031 NEW YORK AND GLAS- careful, though not apparent, personal Upt ho staT tiou. It Air. TrI46 gowt Callingat Lonlrlonde;ry toland Mails and im. ; I his house; it-wonia b� wall un BtOd �04 beautiful will succeed,- u therere fow. if indecel FOR INAENTIO Tim isoLA.Trw rd wat4l, to enable him to guard Chirl6y. . 6e picturi-before h t. f are he to Xdnt Brotme Ink is fellow Ca4s Rock4ng Chair,-.1ius � Wcan of thek i@ business, Ifoliathe meaf'iin4j'oftbw-- urge i o Tuffians like th befors aud aft*r f4ey drop ihir you ZAXiWITIO a SLY& PROPERLY igresults. Hispati anyof oar prOcticsil or'publ - _W, t p�k- FA9;en1, ra boolied and forviardW to. �hd- against'any spriolu e'c' 'W&t is your 6usinem here sir. -Then respect and Esteem. 1! The Presentation men better Thepo*ders put thiew in good *alidition, . �Ii � , I jAipt-4 in point of ability, figm all ftailwdStations in Great Britain, Ireland,,' Amid -Wradd upon the in: f, cln�be` tba� 1V3:te(J States ArA Darope. was at lengthirevrded. The eye of was accompanied. y, RJU Germany, Norway; Sweden or Denmark and OU6 3higIlt at A public. entertaintient, as h6 recogalzbd Hwy with , - . t 'Ithe following ad- nfluence and integrity of parpose. uni aud pro. INSURANUE COMPART . . , (limi. maudday, Rd -at the request ibf tfie 5 4� , , a girs them stregt1i to cam AmIrica, as safely, Dpredily; comfortably and mont hiid n thirs ormir, P61itical irly spirit, w, -trust,- will not vide for tile suckA1194. Cbeeply, b th Route or Tjine.' 'he observed Charley enterthe'room itl a infamduj� h6usiIkii;eliei, tracked the ftigi- Ra. Durr, I 11ENnY GRIS7, �eriPARTURE$. state nearly, approachin intoxication place 2)) exhibit its nonsbaso- on tYm occasion. 0.,tswa, ftiada, Yrom(Aaago From Ve ff York, "Charley, if unfit for -me, is- it' 6liter -'C'vO-tOcguse-lierto-bdexpeUedfroinber DnAR Tp,,Limz the_p4pils of 'D. nt_�i aud ana 1n compiny. with, Male associates DR. S. -Jiiitc,am o�v ATUONZA., m Lqwor palt _1113AD 01FACE: __1OWA7 ....... Blon..Odt. 16% foryoul I came to seek for yoult libing Shelter a44 drivait back' to her - Old the Ma4landvide 4'0 fillat" Sept. Sat,, Oct. 21al whosestandir(g 4n society, wao a men -ice phutses, madehim quail, aiidslink away, b I take lthis op - i Kit n -al ISTREZ21, IST, JiDgN- wixibils Oil your account, �ndlbarning pro N. Wb,J1tb 137L. Streo, Conler of (Murch, Toronto. Oct., 7tb w.-ANGLTA ...... Sat., Oct. 28tTs iiien6ein rbalea and to viXtue in portunity sen g you �wit)i this Oct. i4th... COLUMBIA ... Sat., Nov 4th o inexpli pecteally where you, �cullil U fou�nd cowed afid disco'ni-fited. eotherswi,! Wiitchin�thppgrtyclosely "nex] Rockin CA'dr, as,&.token hamiftor th liect and. ent, shal as a am burld to -Anaevevr.,%Vednesdayan4 Savardal t wjs�h you to look upon m6 as I Heedlelie of-thii farther explanations (,fourzea CAPITAL' gfr6m Vla2l),'NorthRlver, ot,;r,,n he enquired of a cool-heided hat ' _31r. Bouson has no -it tD tile DZIRO .;cv, young Charley, as 8110111 lilive solight you," and and apologies of the: clok 'to whom he- ark of tir Rruvx, palm f raer me. zTBD WITH G0W4NXZXT, SATM OFFASSA013 ?,&YA- subaltern, to whozit b a had beeit --intro- veas appi Of. yoiti: very opsition. hosplhltes 44covered peimit me'to 0 yaration of Hypop- vin.*T-6�i% sery and.975 accordingtolilloatirin 0.1new, igh 4uslifict! rr n3sinmm, , To Nvvrtroor,.'GL4zs(;ow op DznRv. as� you in ntu'rn, -not to lWell knc*n,, ' r. -Wilt" n" - ordere,a a - ions:, 'a T"che '�' W 'D.&N Xor.AN, in. -This yoangm'an LIND '"LUa 4 &C 1 duced by Captain Egertort, if h g6 boce 11one p7youe Wot - for lo ontim them find Spoedily acquired in res' �jach, and han(H*,, in poorizzy, drove !ei io pi Cabin D7�=rajon Tickets - 13 sincerely rqgz rt. with y�% but ArXXANDi@U 3fcX9NX19. 3L P. socuring best accomodatiom WO. fir Charle; And Goa bless ANair in a hoijpe 3 son of Dan 31orlin, Senr., of our Tillage7v iji a 4-W Aphonia, wbiell would not h 4era he knw she,- -'trust that, (n1thoug,4 it �dll be 0 our - , of 1ittertrediatijP3.) steersse,02S... more iuforniationt an ho expeated or' &d isuddenly in Se"Iraila lately. ould lie "caTed -for, whilat yield -to regular treatment, aii am hkppy liere broke, in the sobing, girl.- -Harry, re- loss), it iaay b6ile Y611xgain. Cortifintes: afLOWEAT R4TFS cat In 160tight -d'esired. to say, it proved to be 411 that yn vla=- the Im JORV XAU1;ff&N,,Tun.,: alermit, u r4�ut be,, i0e is your friend I Arn sure." 'tured.to..Char e. Xzw,BurrEA 1wirEman.-Mr. Our- bombV-thoge wilAiniztO send for their ftlend o -ea bapector in fhe *a for it, having Acted with erwition 111t Co Asmirance Co. -led -j4yabloozi pirfsertation. (To be cAfnaled Inve3t= (1�4ts A ptaftqjs�,;t trio compAny'd omcellt or tor Maudsl6yAoiask such a,gnestiiiii. That Ard,wbatistobedonjo'nf.yu Lizzle, RAWY * tcDOXLD; rie has been Appoint Ina entire satiffifactim. I f"I calletz ��Pffly at R )Cxi tall fellovi b4ndsome he wvuldVe were tily poor girl; 'a' _�MARGAUT BEOX- room of Mt-. E. Cash resigned. XAtS WA X( nd, beedless of Elaywy a be profef. 'A cstft.Godorlilb, On _ on behalf ofth tupils of the Mait. Cush. couldn't a V00,2 tand the abuse. upon to publishthe fact,!that t out. Debts it n6t forthatvillainousleor whilihailiggs -pr6sbilce, he raiked-'ber in his arms,, alad sion may avail themselie grown Lax0l PMT4 -sp P rlrs OFFmo'' is Carlton,'former­_ iarriing,her ixto an in-neroom, like- In a recent biloarap la�Aville 1 School. 0 um Silump.-The, rove and twitie in your onpoand Syrup cf 4y 0 fol- lienteua�t in Towhich the­-Tea�her:made A l a the-- th ragiman tl,,, w4h her a mintLte or two befuee be re- apr6por of !,is re. tictory-has 4vaniabe& lie the �buelesls. phitex. retired in Indiai roed., -Rhen be confronted Har7;. wnedlazi�eis,.Bppeirs:-;,-,!Ros5i,n* ep y speak and y9tire, very tyulyp AS. JACO)W, 3f,]D. AL 010 F, AN wo�bor tn' y lowbg r fabric of a viaitin"i-so to ding eye an DEAZPU`PXLS,-1 s'Wer,oly fbant you t not a wreck bobind.." The stock 11100411994 bY tllf$ for Showing 06 'white feaflier or ragf- -the latter notice& with forbo busy -writitig,olieorning in bed,-41len 1$lef —1, 1 .- . Ctimpary orinAring cality in playll, do iiqtknDwfbtitiVPQ'8Ca expression f firmfiesibf deoisionon hief for our -very handOome presents and It.4 policy 11011JUS very the tfe� Am' which he,was,engaged fell wlis subscribed but the auool�iou broke kind a4dradi. Bes0red 14hall always faith. Such is lire. -Value them very, h%hly, -nob-only on, eclaie, -,woXe I on A, face utterly new to hun and WAsith - from his hands. "Nqthing easier," an oujury to tr 140 �#gililtk mi,46ra with- fore prepared-, for, the, abarmter of his' ordinary colupolior would Derhaps lay, PJLOXZNAIDE CDSCZZT��-The Ladies vf a aocount*of their idrinsiwworth, but AAk 2A~90W1r1e Gal WMh Tm Wffv tion4a 66 'zFrollne DoV**x*Wax$AJxV# VMS IF .-64 the wo than to vlok it up. again. Nothing chiefil &riinombriiince of our ha,#p St. 'Thomas' Church giva' a? ifinp: TI)a follow !*as great %� wbiW conce s4d oaXini, "llhato writb al 06n4r& in the Town UsI4 on the eyIn- .1 Um -so did. s�,v,,3wffl be adjustv! 'the worldl, le)(t -Eurd.pesll ilik torelationshi Tiialobir and P4pilx. follolving me new one in ift place 11 Dt 2 Ag�nt for Godgri0h 414 vicinVy yopr I I good. inie�utions in iWould ingofthe2fthinsb. ty,to-try1tiathand,intlit virgin obil rogreb vory' much,tlli�bld- you'lariwell Is emot sky whilift it Is ued,, It it IlLe here, lrbpuiliata bur rigbVto regulate' not geit out bf bad fdr:i more duet, , Flo. ST4, shall A] Ova be O. -Mr. Jackson Of y y ito WAN AT'Sipircent F%nTJ09FT,% to, 4nd from ',,Ivarkol, Undon- of tilt) Q010TI16. Tho only niou in- tlw si� have ap. pit to work and c'itupoied an4litir, which .Vjeased to xee'we xo, JAmopr, EN *I from his tour am j01zPx&0AT- Oft Wtk I" es"d 34011111- 74 A atealauhip Coy. 00 pr6tellco to flolemtion my ol4pupils an(thear A)ftbeir Eamondyfilebsorefurn CNITAL ]MfW 4411RU WM* k&g *111r" zow=.0are, lot with a; dec al'ono.1athe to' Britain, DrAilmisia Covw� On or two botow 1mrog UA IF J 8SUILANCE 10,!t %973� p6a)ed to. this' 'poor gir I did not Tesemble the,origh, APAY to -my A%!t t Or, D�iotyWjoen of wgrado superior for as -, You lilast. Afri nd-caWd. "I -havii just bindon me, suppose a X. J�f6. woo folblaculegs;l- 0,00no fin diose arm a 1 .1. 3hoomic Socum. Tho Masons in- 0000ri 'y Iropped'a'duoi �4X*iwij J104 t%X#XTVA*It0JftoftW=1 that your g' ow -You w , uie.' Yba will adjourned meeting of tho Town. tend holding a in *t*ir W90, on J.wlcanih hava will, #'Dfjd but'cortAinly her iiisery., Never said A ODSWCH AGSNCY HEAD, OPPICE TORONTO Igpillo In iny life until L met her 1, cold got it for Pad, ' The I m, - I BA-= Of *[At YUN 11111104ft, D"W pk*, of Room on f1w evegivi of 'Fridai firstil' V0 KC il6t, it Was to receive affee no itisomimheZ6 driderthe bed.1 'The friend hip 06tincil'was bola at the Towil H the Aziewersiry-of St,Jo1ir1tbsZve1Igeq 3r0*W,,TiW CWXAT, ft, sairs- 1-1 Wfti 07 TUX 0APITAV STOCK ........ $1901OW, ;�11y.01_,jj1n6A slid If -be liar, 1 6ay- friends if!*. abopt time dondsy 9A inst. on- I I know the pleasure of ze tin 'it, felt f6r the duetivith Ids. mer ahed W*XDM?rl, CUS oft f."Milms; law by gr W ust j0d,L0011 COMPA11Y Of SURPLUS ptTXDJ ........ 2081360.60. that they lookollaft6r hoare and Counciltors'all, present. TY in different State& gal every- -1 haj enj4yed -botb, an wi not r.� itub; SU4 hilkildecl it to Asollisr Man As #X.1Ah, -- 7 -_j`u I X9!r, which do you like best T' asked , X 9 -%turday. Satur. I Jim %df art sort bNOU RZORIPTSFORT"M 4 -Do you-6110646ftog man jostlook- t -A&, inutes of"J"� Ili read and Sxvzxx WXAT1Xz, youltl. lihere.-tImerflon-gen6ral wisconductll sake. ilia XAVA- bAt,nw yo 14 0 A N A DOA, RNMO 7,858,26 ily tho $ vA 0 wouldsAimlitiflam plitse pigeoul, day n0t, Sunday and Sunty night Why, I have R III WrIttelh two,"as sang PaSsed. suffloiefit 431130"no been US "Vero- T. HON, IT. 11rom V URITC a charge -until divorcili grot- hing 4kily, land never dreatfit that he I hav# t q so6o hem-bothj The frigncl; A, petitiou"of Mr., �W. WT. Says Was have as we hays, Over Bylai SOL"W", Of X"", striven agaitiot my wickedness aw f, I go t4il tialill bOus of lour SaAmalic 04 rowild W& ftal Charter. President, 11 on or addren mixod in societt of Stich d xn4 isioluded' that - $I saaw in Canada. The -noes fiat'Wore vililes wkw tu ;= Ud act, advice free, - Ott. JAilad. and will allds,thoissuo, zldsrs- th6ughtif the chsracte;;f the 11"t was read. Mirre I a X" a"" B. UALDAN Managing DirectoY, dIs" can wage up, from, your, 4r a I ,keeping-witfithed Collector eempl; the sunt of 40 OD from frOzen was 100011. ilibills lit FITS' SASC JOB$ ON, ramatic, s1t11I&­. X T V2Jt*.*5T, If FVL J q will, oit of his plenty give most i gal then vitbout -delity, for IL promise 'y 144sini was, of thez,same opinion, ! hill taxes on ic;�OnRf., 61 the '19s; of his Nit %0� ell -or at las;ya,,ths cofiatri, ani tion. he axid do&ded - 4he a jill by lirel--�Carrlvd, he will nijft I must xubiit;but for- econd dust] tv CAp1%&L_()XX X116tJb1(J"LXD8 FIRE MAHINE INSURANUI 58'r york �dityll- that witbinan hour fromlow, if t turn 0 0. 1803rc�#Way, 1 ively on Mail& Stresto The rojast, i it Is on -1 saw hl sakiii.Lbmia, I wril riot at intti a trio, He � finilied his trifif got! Titi following AW44ts ordered to r vocapied To farmers 141;"z efthle ICAT A&F xuy cost." orbeingpluaked 'heWvjs filitmilipW by tb# *I d All sent ths two pieces to th paid - awwrl, Is #A "a I* Un 0 far Lowest Current FA tllnf Ftehd bwohnesroef Vir 0 of our Imlirsorse ! t4Q ny. UP., rem W5 4illd rglr�d Pr Gnj3 6r thrils e -&r. rwappc4rinr� Hank noticed t theatrical copyfit, out ffi� Jos Morris for the care teams while woril fA bluilll"It 10 be Inalwiliow) n And$ sa decen tMoltas hat lier owners, 'rill, their korsee up and dowix,� plux ever mat Wit vive wit .rf,) lie _f OTTct to r :olry for him. ana YOU Vi 0 im a attordance of n uufoK'V11At8 I n4 facu was dowly Palo, - ind the noryoul breakfiiiit." '11"2119 from the Station to tlip Masonic, House 0"Plu", bi XrJLa V, alw%my tiltop" I)lid sriiceifyou CAU bti* X U&iU- hetawouchment, Nicholail fIrtish, for the rsnali, e twitching of bar features told a tola of for the-purpise oftraining tbwa for the or of ly Jones witli that lotf, 0"floN rZXTTXG;-,;:44 lbrig Asa ber, , 1rr"8r#, AX�V� 2XIC01711filitilty, -the strong Conflict within.' c9okLlujober, V29, Win MaYittle, for luin 0 HKOP & LT11110. N Moese I )Oki &n4 tiote of the atildit 0 f4whe're if this pl *114rill tkor #A- "(V if wxt i0ring. This s"nu slam 'ZOA010C wcw and I-JA06WOL-40. I wrl, Ar%U1(jrt1W`MmAAft- race 40011TSO T lkw *t by on, Iflift Class n, 4ft W,4 1� r 6, tr4ir-011113S 4$4ney 14arrih. Lw1vont, sr* 1 plisite, me, this can got & basin 1101 clear water,stid z' V,38,Aase Gledhill, for lutuber, $3.80, � M Alf iqtradiou at Present, for 1110 t0VO) 6'Iffilfl-I thho Tows. APPif 14 NP201JI01 semble,"' said 114 timol, and forever, plilal'fiviont Milos Gledl)illp-for gr0el. ft, 04, Job to be tile *ont t4syno, wrWag w1th Ulf 11111111W� M�,Kffl%ie for oclusetion by accompant. Your smilill-sizOd kllife,­ she iup� a and in the shfi-Ind" (if tile I R, t Em. 3fr GO(M90 "Ah. that vrou to n I friend..- Tills is n �iaoe Kill, an &ran. ith 'impunity., " uvio'ns­ go' trutoa - Riftst*k, fur'lum:tiler, $1, Riebw th, L.NplL f, L CAL, ft, J6. WOW" to thii jf*#A I )Aeft. 0 - - 0 - mro-W Z. F, FODLAT, -hon6r kno w&tqr.w Tsiu� I D. WATION. .."Wo , " X"" 00 -witliTrm and talk If, oyer. Ynd illnot affiokt tlis eye#, Or VMWDV, for gmyelt - $2,76, 1 . "y it Will 0*0 um 41, N. TAMM"t I - Ass*aell witoli, saw klww your Odd= Itaxwd., I IM W, - Wisely pm bi low As" JtL Calinot U IF � 4 0 . st I i, ONW& oww" IftbOOK1871 - A; 9k_ a 0