HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1872-05-15, Page 2VOLUXTZZU 0AMP.-hS Militia rtant ono inualikh-as it 1044 tO, Ae .#*od, Wlliou the--. overit- S lgo Jr np and doing, let us auftilftge foreigri Runboat Prilici AVred'tO Detroit Ituat to increase kh6-_ cemetery. An 640r. U40a I me"nirlurt-ended to iii duce-%Tielr - me 'The UWA kt-quendon. ca. a. Robitim n, thoritieshiLvo-(Ieoidoa Vh 3r 10 noil for t be 'don :TT1870j" itt .,aoro raiip.noting-'tho- radistribution of ration 'allowance, to the men when in -Aa Wo tocome smoWnaand it we in lie liad mofe thatt once ilifited. Azwillbe seep fr)m our report-of-tho find J, T. for Plff.; John Davi CAMPne'ttJune. The horse- -allowance for 0 a reason, it was only pqriiilly Neas. 11 only go about it in thtlightway we may T l C ,r oils of grading is lityof a consiaor`blo injar%. son and I. . Tome for Deft to #I; and Outtho neceell .4 XP 40 Ae. IP 4 the arrangamonti proposed. f 3-hitroan6Etoti and the' lo none in proa- MCQW juired on Hincks Sb. i tilso val between thi W. Lyn. *make our town aeo0haf proceedi*91i.of the Mown Council, a by- een—Verdict by, con,- also will be incressed.from 75o I ieTFut. A few r votuck- t Urget eis much rat law is to be submit ad to X it. Squier for -)?tff;;- , , I . d PXtWm,, two crossings on ad. On mecond . reading of bill, bdatll e as PeTity and importaaos the rate. Payers alit for $225,; 'practice and musketry - instrU011611 are the Dayfibld Ro sta* of the town, authorising tho purchase: a Deft, a- carefuli,-co, 14-havd to `bw Halbift% aso of J. DaviAon for isfaction, - and tend, A*ullt of property being taken up on parisolis woh pWA, IVIIHO 46" ia Clatao*, the Karen Hotel p * 11fa . rtfialtvs- shaw-Action iof 41cot- fin'01% us will give "t -ceam Aftrus, in MAO - V. Truoman. PAVA"OL roperty m a.gite for widt' bottso in to increase the 'efficlanck. of the.1111011o' lettoed is road through whicli-ran Witte maai'with t6 i'v, t'for church, parties .,now going there to tintelligetal Trrast an -i a of Ian Adwlu , sTowitrilallanAMarkethoso. some life 'Ile llevvrow# W. Bunting. xDitgwis WAi&D Son 9i Houss seaforth. ptrdietft PIM BT.A 0 ound Vincent Street to leiftl fore, that It" would bi It in high Lime dAp was nut to the ot the coudoil we're desirou' th at before R. Kilier and F. for his ftrd IN ra quired to go ar .r -Wo-A Clair for Plff'; W- now schdol house t Crescent, whiclahlainofer Waucoa Without Aelar. I which ms U daily witnessed taking thisatop, td aors ishovila be asked Olmsted for Deft. being ripidl puslatcl towards cumple- reoUid-A Sir 006.:,o b wouU bo, Pit*. 'he Agricultural Mittit4l are up and the root is e graded; and as it is almost illitassa inad. tion' that it 'be iril a8004 ii llto at th=ilwxy Gt&tift 6n the Arrivid Of for from Persons w; ha hall sites, which 6wart Vs. The wi b we would recomnic;I4, the trains. and *hA will hays the effeet they would be willing to dispose of for iny of Lqndow Action it ader way. It is a substantial ded 0 soon as possible. could n6i omm" Asy suranco, to recover the w6odn structure, and will. have Single rn Patr4hk is Mr. Holmes iIiquirod whQiho"- itvas, It the 390 7 z this purpose, but ho majority were of $1,140 as 1059 on barn and con. ; titodttlon no of 4 of niskin our tOWA riotorions, and pte I -Policy;of _t only for the present. 8,51so rec,ominand that BE BUM ( &we 4& 3ot be Smaod say at a cost 6f Twenty the inteia.09A of th,64cavoninititAhM40 Tantingtoeople, esoWally ladies, from of the opinio3 tha a more suitable place oyed by 6ro in October,- 1810, ut'!%ho. f6r the future wants f the at not eupm-% I-% Hes tonts dOst, lollars. We would aho redommend guy.ahaAge istloiling ind Z .Z raviered as WWAU; to n absolutely could not be obtained at so reasonable a in the Township of 'Aalifi4ld. Tito de-. awing part of the town in which it is t the Harboui r should be ".pay of Ue volun rt'v&ile VbrfhrrAA_# coming to it OX46I)t wh4 9V that the street kr proprietor of figure. Mr. Cam: sell folleo sot frand -and falsle wcar- situated. tia. arlee of th%ir neMiary. Eversitice the upwas proved at a cost of say $30.– 40 sruou gag dron has offered to i tbre o this amendment thePlaintiff in put- QUXXKS B1%TKDAy.­1n order to so - r or ptaolislt W11 anows aft the British Bxchhtp Hotel saw fit to the lots with the huildings and material ing on tho p r an Onlin a0gar st.' o tho Company. The F"BA.SLN COST OF JHZSE 8ij- 0 orgo Vier: p 184 424 ting in his clait" t comodate those -who ish to visit i'h i Nita, ay an mtfor any eXcOR15 I ; ill I r sp n4lble lto ibus between his house on thein for $2000, and in willing that taking d G1#Atnq Bruce, atreat, 015, Tr 411 wiawb:byot*1107 - put on case, wha a very long one, Birtbd placed in e-,"i"Ithastes nel* wer tWelAVOK ail nra has witnessed Goderich. on thp Qnisen'f a C 7-ftCO t431 and the station, every day paymenat-should be spread over it term nearly the wholo ot. Uiumd About $15, NaTior at'. $0, drain Huron Road sun" L d i I s6ke tho PeTi I Nelton fore the 110111419. w0i* 46U thi WHO OdOil# T.Veofli e to WWI, 1h y ed.11 .r be prosOdt At the races on the between the ofl.loy6ars. On these terms the council 2011vitnesses,,wore oxmin lie Jury last,060y, but that itrw6h CT bi 'y ,st unseemL 05, si a walk on Huron, Roma to7 lit, the Course, the, Gritrid-Trunk Railvisy'aam 00oramout 5" 0 It, sold,-Asr I -- - - L I I F/ I h1%;% SeQ 1!ng a ambor ratepayers J Jr. Gibb# -004mioj NW L - - A Clack. ot leav 0 two vehicles which convey proposes to purcit"o, if the returned a xerdict forPlff. -for $740. 10. giadink HinoRm Fit. 810, crossings on to him rnatieTs Of th ny has agreed to issue -tickets from - I . T.. Oarrow for PIff.; Agrading Vincent j natsh notica oT citscon oal! .1116 irpre. Q't St.. Pat colic hl;t tlo a Vto 1 R e; I binson. and 3 I uj to and fro- Honorable authorize them to do so, &aid to meet slo,.aud. all statiow: in Canadi west Uttlau that ih*04y i1A vaig"A Sinclair foi Daft. St. Georgo's Cregotint-$20, Jt b mabstitiLtea eg relent I Places 6a to ratiarn on the 25th, 00- 1 airy is all very wall, but the the payment will issue dobentures. Wo. of Torofatta,'go r $36. MaWnZin lit - i -h -bear veruullmlls Baker vs. iolktmton et al -Action for the . . 1, In"" 64:B111 re. - He MAV4V ana or business riv f rvk'a at. $20, Harbon or 'The TerAln w*W ts on 1, ,e to ivoj am qorat t, the! co, m.?r dii by the rivals ir lo per cent more than single fa k'r'L T, L 11; - VAN In in the hope 'something will be done that th of a ua the Judge tc all a total of abont,01,90: 'k a W ntity of fish. fatal laliwaste need rico put on additional cars 10104 A,Z — P All of which'is resoAritfully submtt6a; vi, vilth A. aid *69 Cdrw, $06tcheo tgUrse ht?M made it % Omallot. J. S. Sinclair for They will alro 49 prasc ce of passengers. in anything miserable old building need ail a market, from Stratford to Gogerich thit all may t House pig.; 0. Robinson and J. T. Garro vr -for E. CLIFFORD, Chaittalk1mv 'by t to those obliged to listen and which disfigures the Cour bo,accomoliated, and the evening train El Street but Yle&q 7 An Vie, *Ahai *iag i MAX,- 4e nes S.,ivr o start liton b' A CPR J& is. 74 F% in Deft. from Ooderich will be timed t Mr.- Gibbous 1rom, the CO* ollsy thb To- to itor creditibis to those who indulge in square may be removed. Local jeal' CAW til IW flpw. , t4i9m. arel East Is twitr advortismg Agent for CRIMINAL SIDE. later on the 24th, so that those who de- Mr. Cameron's Offer to Douaial (in on kc This has hitherto prevented the seleati6h ;of'.' e disgraceful conduct culmi ae Humn HoWW the 714" )tamer, The Qtieen vs. Jas. Dornyn-The eireto return thd same night, after the site of tl d X '1314 onis ale .&Co., 40 Park on Tuesday isoner was indicted for -'stabbing a moos areover, may do to. TIfe steamer v; market site re. I k GE0. P. McCaroLL of last week in a row. the ofa, sitep and now that a central position P t666 , M 404 -AGENey o., 37 f which tax they came out can be 4 trust all tty local young man by te nattle of McCarro'l ill-aloo issue r R --,W, nd S. K PM--ri'NOILL cironialstauces 0 PQ ;it W. ssymo w etuin tick. that the purchase a L', , ''e , .. W, - 1 ,15o I oil THD Mr. Park Raw, are our only authorized Ad- stes M4 feelinats"c"T on- the fit teenth of Ap eta, at a single- fare, andwailielay her bloYed -1 , j W will 1;1;d axldo,., and that the at AitileyVille, do i JU in ovidence before this magistr 1LOOM OMPA- vertising Agants in New York. ratepayers of the town wilt t tile. last, vAth intent tp do grievous bodily departure tUl the a"' over. The a xi&sy, t t t follow& On the arrival of the Mal ram are ny, of Ority to make ihe pur- Us no doubt be the means- by-lsw to the r mod till f qtd ayerg for tbA 0d,3hir4 -09ii 6rin. Vordict,,.Gifflty of unlawfully inducements will V AT train the fighting stabbing and wolluing. Sentenced to of Winging a large number of '%fi being nd e W , quibbling for the necWiLry auth of lots 23-uhd-'204 as a- sifo At GZA= strangers d pmession of Passengers and their lug- chaao. H& ng i guiQ)le site secure three monitis in, C0111-111011 aa -1 at hard to Goderich. W, ia b,by M4 041AP-- gage m btr f when one of they will be in, position to proceed labour. J. S. Sinclair for the. Ordwn. i'Mdved, iiiamendtiaell 3ftly. we all feel 0. Robinson Q. 0. and D. L. 1)o lo for BIAZINA.-Since our lost issue tbinga -thertnt- L y s going on as usual. 6t AtiodUolad- L, ' ", 0' , - - h ith Polley's with the buildin , of which hAve been activa About the 4tir imailt, UU10 trt Prisoner. -boor. On by W- GI-Stitithl tlu rt Trains love as follows— the tuen connected w ) -the Comnittew -vrpiessally state of Ear be referred be ck- tf lip, :Vftudi frinbko- `M6 Weller, called Calloway the need so milch, whenever the Wednesday last the i6yootillar 1- 4iii )no# sub ed -iAL a. -thefatber xwlft bns named The Queen vs R615t. Do &Vu with instructions to advertise for tendbr& :iiitilt'ref6h i will admit of it. of the a6ve. beft. wmh indicted for Dotmld', ;Wt h a csigo -of h nit ............ British Exchange a lost of Aoi whou t owiler; the Iniont , Was intO-COMMI t t it of the town finance of corn, arrived from Chlcai -ferroperty suitable for otic u raids in thelr W24110 of 1000 assultilig (.no John Bailey, in the; dis aud he do e.................... 1145 by Jbji4i[g the t T 8 Wei o­ The latter reOrted hq6rgo assisting to arrest the first vessel to puts the My " - - 4 i 4i34- 110500. 0* and after-thel4i -1-Investment. ..................... in. liar. O hisAlity it DrigiTiat Inotidn. CofninitteCi Of wellees com- b1sastrous 0 agmtion In Tor6uta- c lilty. Straits this seaian-' -On Rriday the Nita— im, intlitorizeil, - I making some allusion to Janies Dornyb Verdiot,'Not 91 - 'WUh or :Y. to 4cept Counea .I to Vonj FL:[oel18n4* Trains are ane na Arrived from Kiriaiardlate _2201y The Ma;y. -Tesolutiowl, This incensed Weller, who was J. S. Sinclair ior Crown; B. L. Doyle tho Msin- aixta from the confraptai'05 very strong 7 -gr It S. an. i plellou. bushels bf *be&V Afteiltalar a lgioia Oyl r m .................... lo.00 retilrailoa L , , _ging,at ilw - ,.20 P. in-. on the platform, while C&JJOWsy was DZIrrItUCTION' OF XEST.01? THU IRON Via, i or6m to be informatiou 44 m on I.h. forDeft. the elevator she like. soon as it ir, rf 0AI? tthat. t1ow - W", a vh) or -TT deep sonsid ante a ugo L of J3P,.;0WC . F Xe , %lvanief .................... . CK Dorayw-Deft.Was $atil. L,,Clifford W. G, Smith Srafj rX-0f't4oAUit% Express ............. and he drew The Queen vs. Ru . The'Maggie c1eirCd,6u*AUtds;y foe - I - 1Iff at tXpigF of 0 qx I By f n- ..... . uo tstanding on the ground, int, Peace offi tainted a Roxid Of tlke`pedple- of 4u= si 46 car in of kicking dictod for obstruct with a lo#2 of Salt.. 'Oul Men- PARThOft w0rt­' APP low losta.struts. Us; An -tsotnt.,& fire of part -- ! * .......... ..... . back his foot for the Purpose OniSnialay morning -a destractive discharge of his duty Verdict Not Winds" i - . .&. Y, -iliAtilley. have, inen,fa -day tke schooner NeinftU ar, 7011,100m, in Si 00111 Paper ior Crown;, . t. f) &,a Her Majes 7011arOTAOIlt t J*AM c430r1Me#Pumh0cf7:` Cartoway. when the littsr "Ached for broke out taunton's R J. S. Sinclaii Kinc4rdine with 4519 buohelb'of *'W"t The Road,siudBn go Ommitte ty's v ,hot W guilty. iaotioll-,- from 04 "I _ I -- a stick in the 'bu and struck him on maunfactory on Front Street. It ex- for Deft. wea inaii . * 0,- ' E 'i* Strdetbet*eon t' pA­ rk nicted.to have as ,A lei at, oUiiali of-tibe VJAW SfAte&, 3L IMA dischargedetthe elevatoi,- 'Oain ria , P A, r cxaiCitil t; nnl Wallar's com- The Queen vs. SaT41, WaUxr Assault the road and -' tjie wai WAY subjects- -4 the mt. Three or four of J. B. Smiths Lum- Worth- igain. The P&Td*- A ef & - Inilportta tande d from Oheirnilnix+A xlfV sit -406cla 1W I -i -=7 the to elot"of ih6­ tape of Good with intent to d6grievous bodily harm2,4 W4tchman 'of XUgjton jrAied-. station ro right to claim closed in On Calloway, when maniBionera' k" ranions. arbour Co was retained foi hurs, Moved byW, bliaora, sec...by At 0 berlard, the T- dated 28th Jnty. 181g, th 1 11 No Bill. Mr. Squier arnbject to IM utY Potnore, that S5a be, 'granted -towii& wordo-4TW self defense he struck Waller &&air' with 61fico and the I Block, of which there the Defence. day, eve1jing ballidg, -in for a ihort time -th6 gun- ku if t I ng the cost- of coal used feroncp XLQ54a4ek'iS0d-thb1 *W 0 - thestick over the head, -nookinglaim e, mMer removal Mr, Elwood- was retafne 'Stifiihai not jaw o Bill. luOriov and beat eY i on; Saturday Ply remained two a 6res uncunsumea by the The'Queen vs. Martin $dt' k 1 J I . She r tirsion latt all retu nedfrom Sam down and fracturing fireiti February' occupied by M. Fisher N 61, her first trip to Like Defence in this case. The C Otincil theil ad ourni the was All these visited while in the Itarbour b ety;- mation: wag laid, and on Wednesday the & Son's and Staunton. Joshua 04110itia cagia came before the MayoranaMesars. The Queeit vs. arge nIWlWr of pe I 'She. is A very -or f wero completel destroyed.' As at the Assault with intent to &,griqvous bodily is:F4 qlan 41;ty.9 van lisrulaqVieIressel of T e capa ity. Her-, Itifull vigonr; and *14001'a sealWAX0 woox- ;­ I - MAY No Will. - We ii d -,ftafh 11 q -*jl I t. a a -u# ado GODERIC11, Detlorand Ombb, J. P-9. It was not preyious . fire the Iron Block the an- harm. iritancl Mr. T6114011 , the I cibins-nd staterooms are-,cQmf9rtA 6varn; vftt": witilo if ivu ------- ffsary, have t Ohopekthat-d hwunited M SOV the. a V - - - III - -t , concluded till Thursday, when after less to arrest the hames. Macdermott would if me d t by - , *M w4 r an convenien , aud­= Cate Ball iu,414, fiwil Asa -'b --.-gro lairtV men y aELeerB­WPr'f`;' Ft1" gait, am eek. b all the evidence the Justices gines were po The conducted th She had f it- WAS:* 'b6ti 3T* *A&- poling ut the'i hearing The loss is aboi it $150,000 ori ste was given here lait, ads,The -Court. closed at dix, 0,616ek on. -naiglib& fRONTO idecided to send it to the Assizes then n, but it is supposed M. fact, t1astabe was u 46 all tha' 0 eftoe'of %Z i at a, oft eat success. in he fire is un movy Friday -evening. ln,th6'abs 40i, , with freight which 81iii gr 0 - jaod id 4 5 Cent,-?. just app'iellAeton that The Grand Jury considering C. Canteron M. P. M. So'bir to have cornme keed in the ongine Toolia Cl * , 9M sitting. _was : 13116 ^'Aamorio li! 3 q took . 50pae bu subject of ditTer=6 40 *,A ND acting only in self of Staunton's Mr. Gavip*held his 13riefe. 1wold-', , - that Calloway was f ctory. ant of, obliged.to leaw AlAfift- 'Of bay bd- and an the caie Thefollf'Jivinga is the PrepentUt S`CHANGv.--Messrs, Mathosen 8t%tOS ig one Of pit sto;i WOM] t;0 nd defenae,ignoreathe bill, -hind., Wotrnak"4 t f the Clinton special im&rtRn0'ft%d Asurp slid, Grigg, pro rie ors -o are New -Erf- itighmW Alnu hdV10 in the`follo tri. the enAed the GV Ad Jury, Qffity Ae,'C 4a4ia flit t out igury. of me ilitoom wbid Sh1#0jA A tinle api vre p-01 Sing AssiZ03 It I T Witlx, OF ffuRwi, T36- Juro of, flea rill at a Trunk We are amazed that the Grand COUNT'y tend: tV6 new I t of.the High o -Zrtle to I Sold out 5th ei ffMslimbntf; om 2t. ar a jqan,,&g, s which would L, IL AnTJ4 Soyere4n. day afternoon the' "I to mes, ormor 1yrd)?riAdf offile Xew it has been 2allie, the re COnvxPov, tiny; The Spring I _ 16V of mauufac- ould have allow- ssizes for the County of To wit oar 'u-Ilti ? agAst 'or shelept Hol of L -A and Town authorities sh Mr. Matheson -.n,qed to ad this rowdyism 0 go On Eta long un- Efuron were 0 ned at the G6urt House -Lady the Queen beg Cave o pre haslorm6d 'thrc e dissatisfaction by tht with th aThat they have'visited the Jail and too close'to t1re noith.p%rsiadgrounded (I iritc4o xWbuW egixa Vt jaol , -mjidnized iron. and pro It about ffignthe 'partnk-Ahip- *ith- 1W.-Holands o, purpose o a dis-in g- hu subject. painting Out I checked, and unless heAvi*-anthebar. Shadid)6,6tldcceed f him to, 'thinse is now on T esday aftwiloon, 7th itist., found it cleani well keptanit in gooa.or some forth I accounts speeches by the ustice Galt ou the benb. der. Refer in gettin 'it for- :t1fi -oi,foar h6tirs.1 mot 4. ck, Mr. ring to the case of a poor reer -03 -- Ase i manuf3cturmg! do.. to puts, aroptoit,the ilifeeling 4 o clo and arrau'gfil leadhig members of thd 'Ji9iiO. Xrq ow, Blukes mttb., lbj by the the Jurors 3he ioloji &bont 1:0.36 g hie business matterg, after was wtttch might he -rial on wi h deed by t1ii fo Bayl which t '"'latter 'will beo ss,when theQOv0P-"tl W', giou will proba- J. S. SinclairEsq-, conducted the busi- woman confined as a lunatic, the.Jurorx he Oano sole pr gre prafit Stage, colli Aty "d Saginaw. p#et L' ... - k 'I 38 on bbhalf of the Cmvn. The only are of opinion that tho1il. is not a suit- ( ihethet thq wonl&13 -­ ­$ to bly lead to more serious results. The ne or. - fhoiltite 01' May.-Aftei =a 911=ess. T:iis w able 'place for her, And ilist.his D HIRTOr or," es, and Pistols mr-preent-front vr L. H. AND­M. ,RATLI next thing we know kniy representative of the b, desirable that she should be. 04113foriel: Ill. r4te work business, 0ounty was Christopher TI rs: of the G. W..& -H isitiou, -and per- outside ther to an Institute apeoially- adapted to IM64 b circu 57ir Frauds Hinciii Baia !I wSs"Isboilt After aleiramaiks-by- tae first P:ac'l the manufacturiag! will be called inti requ Hisbiry of thoVibre:i 7,10st-wee runijilg I slin thrOg -)ronto. The eises. olutioh-upon4a' haps some innocent person will 4e killed i -to give notice of ares iidoptta. P4 N Robinson, of T the mot-Ilb- ovea the Home- it VFW 'Ur.y I t -AN DU lated in this . see An g, this place. M.L _ j)P0,,,M C T iplenbants shauld pay mes and R6ferrlug also to the caso of a poor M- -o-the co V, C- ;.ushould or maimed for life. W a sell upon the foll P to their na Ates -4 ony of mi ters le act of great importante t of Hilion its owing ana timony of mi tem Uk.in! .ai. 4VEpN'S 'BIRTHDAX,­rTho lie oCIAl sud:he trusLed fli6y:wofild hearld d werb sworif ia : the Grand J ury, - digent man con nod in the ffail &a 111 1 eiery-where, i is the ost, In it er of authorities to act vith PrOmPtness an 0 is C lr t. thejury would respectfully im- dulgence the few felt it tendem To# tLO t -t- woxK a:id pl=tet: a larze numb work ever issued Jim exy an( becessdiy tomake im gifing't otic a market ft Wall. Foreman. , I It a. aient to ard I the Immi iou, Alot lif 11.the'ne-, e anner. once and for press upon the Comity (IOunc ines, decision and Put' a stop ptureG for so reason aDagid An a 1ptAN.rfr0R1D- Myxe Threshing Mach as which baTe cessity. of "providing a suitable Anstit (00$na WV 01, it M; - lug atate duft of yeac, and from the. over to the disgraceful wen George Ande Robt. Londesboro, eption. of the indigent' Alreadiiiiore copici6ve beia ARTCag ' ', the a- P'o a for the last tion for ther roe 4xcaptt 16nout of mii ob of auk work eve;-vubfiih9d, -iv t COA been wimesseda;V the statiO Th* Brown, Geo. P. Matheson, d fox,,-overy pwse:nger or fac. t, a, 7eara on the I%ke. so tha poor. ha Umw,copi Of 'mieu't;ith ollme, of which he baa W Carson, Jas. McDonogh, Bible, itsalf,'aboti Xam ini- Jheeb ofin -that, iiir g OV; --inls of heavy uta The Jury desire to' express their lia-ving besacdi th 0 ybetween im os - . 1) 1 INISTITUr '4af,jttave the age ofone n tarial two months. iatQ ,Jt woillct be remembered, nioT -ose adutyof W10 lbil T. 1 all ---------- 961ichael, nion thwt the Sprin-Assizes here ar4 4n, paraucana, under,40 cog it would be 'insta - all. thereof to Im :z, lit in by water, we occuipy I +t U now 146 4e4AAidl, . ciiatratistao , me Samuel Peiagand, OP' WVQ - -doll '10f- Government- At oJ shb* s for p.joll Tmseiiger -or imini c=ben*t1 attlifs VcPattmcn% -at t The Tresty, generally'hold at Ter this -w3itton for the carry- about -3W, fr liboo bf one edri InKittlIC3 lat 33 the -don, On 6ida re ASA R. $Orsytb, John Shipley, a n nient season of the yaar,.oespecialli de have I -Js! Lon 6 amount, of t, ' 6!r port i)f . -4 6 Vrftlf -,a fo=rl VMDde? Cf UtL of :;:I,:h bu4ness extensively t Gleno Alex. Ste rthila pilt i4iiadils much. 11fi c aV a ha4 oj%1*1,1;,P'!e1'dU1L­ n, J0 fariners, being in the midaw6fie par five in case. ,th anVMe dw b f ' ' - I . Uli 'ertaili i"kixw tit eel briefly assed b, 'MI , 6t in, The 9ftr accuses us of attempting toL - , 2. t - V a ore pie on the tmty ques- T. Jackson .Tixcob Wisner. 10 - e)l 0 in the Count.V- deceive the peo, time, and, they hope the matter, 4i _n ' &, the -as I- thorld on i" - -1i - Qw addressed brought before the proper tu AherUongr Ap vf iq # Itg 8 Ar -g, ­eon a - reag"tied hav4n-- kep But tion. We did nothing Ofth* kind- lts Irm Lard8l ip t T %01 d 8111 MetELI inions-ofthe clefgym forty.. have tO former article was so obscurely warded Grand Jury j#d,,: for due consideration, aff& if at .04 , Z 'ls; the 44 Measures -10i a r1*XI!7 of boarid of whicli 'r' ad -been tti b he public interes la this ane its thent waiting so long, but he Ida- with t so Calth Of tU­pac-sell- a; W71 tr by a important case" ja, L +12a that it was aificult to discoer u suggest that the AssizeA lwhVld -11 Saud- d bW ifying, to air sce 4 CA.- msmmpt.o l'of I import, excep& ihat it attemixted to a mont:L earlier, or a month I#er, = lift PUPWIlhe Nsor-!3 wich. wldch heid, onlybeen concluded-, order that farmers may have n oppor- ibk to -60 **tving ik- ult The motion Wall T Av. r or or seemsiewth tAloriiie" ix the blame of whateer was objection He con-, tunity of attending both, to their own U4 us the ty uponi, Igo Refo ira -let* the previous evening. Sabbath Schwils -Cointiriittiete, 19pt#4t-hu TImere ara Lble, in, the trea tulated th on the lightness of Jhe interests and thatof he public. Ukz - i,Pastor -4nd* a. ja -01 - to 'thoy - pol$ed lit Am The Jurors are. 61 glit before I t of mtiiit, yl to ;'s do think that England has gra F,ppiniqu 4 atibij ht -',UhW,S had,' Sir -Alexander Oalt sAUL OLat efore f calendar whi would be broul X6446ilt 4of f pf.lvad farm I Imay congratulate the Courtaud po aiwapw I new- W. e oult the ,orders OT aj 4Zy weree. called he 0-,f the =113 t i t n xten too r"dT, to, =46 co, were only four or live 1 kiloir Ot b6,he . &'( - them. 'There. a 6"Wi the Uill; -ilw t UA I 1 xeDly a cnsidemble! sions to gw Ap*iesns for the sake o oil the lightness of th `&oubt, Alamo dtiti4 v6614 r6pealed -We 'WhA4 implements an 1 1, w6wK ji#4, one of them, -a7case of dr, and t*e, it as favQ. 1X00aveti. INP "d -we art ptfided L ut ow'. provioudy- gil that, if Asked to Wri" And a4ptice wlieth i ee: persons.- magn gba 'in' the' trade in thO abiarombut -11A111-Uiken dema--2 h Ia Dr f serious nature. tion of the. intelligent: 7 005, 0 r l give, up sudl A hlheritan e an our od ere w aMacraj ey a;1 as an insane perap, Uth very X-ue 0 Atli r -e S wit W amr all eroma&.dnes chich Isherieff are Would, nod in It would beAheir duty.. tA Stites, had if t6f I - , . -*,L- :4 - y em d for threeor f6irr ini,.n =a f4 is a strouz feeling ava 00 Abo ilde LW ror gi Gew-" tioert thari i7ill b3 0,146,2661W :beca ty in favor to i lquire into and repork --the - u the . "' Atiorneyp Wja`aa 6r .- -.,L "' - _V 'the Bliape farkj aa I all th4. I ' 'h-' I ' , . -a L ivsd and co these of,-1he,.,q49 anititIg, a certain alsin in England MDT! And, i ecoo. An saoil as they h" concluded theiii ih tile Viscl A b .L the qiiest -4 bomidary - ana rarge nu nbars of letting thiI: colonies go, and that class 11*04 As 1 jetifirtniiL t Vf of Z)VII111 judg - i0nis W11110 or Aw within thd - ed that Her their prisept- C"T" --T- tl tir labors and handedia A, 'aturday. UJ iii fane, it lie, a T§ t fe* Ai"M uteres was exdte( Waltiate . I ne Fb* %tolonift to effltWn extent, to IngntAin d grea is wflffi* tra- sactifift the rights of thou tli te hjipy to aisch rqe ti, 1overnmenthk4 xommuuica Ment lie would 'efte of Gfrand.TaryRAGM *iffbe As-# b 611would ted,;w1th Cauldbilia _Go, 0 ho'Ciffeeg-t nowd" t 't puza, It is, Irate that litibs,olt the we continue %thO* eub'ect 461 ury themr-atired &UCI the goderich, 9tl was -14iitcl aw, - f4 tid desirod to, get all -the Grand, J der to renifte Ing 4h* Artic of. Ivor ApPid 10frullitiollitil, is 'G"AD"X: 31QXMT,, A" o1i' JEhQ his iouroe .th 'ch (! prevelrt;- ana Lq zjwj be- brontit to bear td induc ivilbusiness was procei6ded.wlth. The ad .4 our W9 of if *4a UtIlicir poa r 7, p XerdL port of 4be pses wId con inerdert6m jilp acai ftiab re to ratify ths:tresty, still it following is:& re of tI& jinvaw'- -The 3tay, autat hij 4th ciati: rMlvoi that; 0 radil 121; sd._tQ--4e Arhitr&U 'Who an- leftptionial with it to do so or not. came blifore the Court -L 9 'that it to 'Sibbatlij WK,outsndtheRO-Meb, te"auddoM0, veinnicitthad 9onseqttent1v.cPmMuP! 047 f= it to hwid.. 16 1 'j— ltikw to on a . i - -- th,$ aplsd U f 0 Go euelall articlonj am =01ew . Choice list 46t Ell I 1-(Abseekiog debtor.) Ani ATO vp statue" and k6jpri. Afoffat - 7156 to Zia; and. -An elalaaWie rw 'he AW -W 0 I.T to, see tq An 4t d with the rroyinoi1%tVxovernm0tbf tM1 from And who aro.thow who, advocate its g *h%h Be 91-Tcaqbeis ond' no a Pg -). d foladw orth, ot putidaur O the re,1 a Ime Of VkyJf1w very same men a th6jilit it, 4sh eviden6e.6f British Wudia. rate of.A01111444 first,sidazoad, ority Ar.Z tice -45The, C. "tring ofjgoay'a bridge., -dUTour iniff, betaw prepared "der fli Vr. ­ - L the kupeti (Mr. The, follo, . ­ F . -U 3 -ME C bud6As'-:Oy4ei .48. I.Zkt Sl:ipseoe, we *boopsrar conaemmied !t, but now Verdict Vir PIM for 19 t t1L 4111 air might ot "era-'grante w,6f the 1 40. Tre 'tho eral (Mr. 3 ! d-a k, T 'as Youl*,' ring Orders It bi, J at j.1- DI -o,' n0 riAted SWM. oaand main clair for I jshop, Dr 81 -Frommy.114 . M, , the. A _a be, w5yal Afarb &i bnadr1l '# t. Bell, kiliting blafikaiii Att6rite-y-Gen OT- 3; 'ther .,U& been PTOUA04d, Un p4y in ower. 7.. I.S is Hatory Printing blA azy car. orOVerdict, forflff- for av 511; in'reka-iAto the duties jullierailgW.M& a i *'.01a'aw atId the V Zi vt the Bi A I I 'A Cuites. 1)16wia, M -*60 vAlji lble to fsm- &'00- matlar Do A to red a - 0 Rol boat P "Ce ' `tie n er. C"C' 80 Phy. - tohn e J, oar OW or D 0 r -6 -of the 6 d an T,.ri V r ict r a to b son ndt Stl aalter for 4 "IA hon r for Plff. Wk. :Sxytg Mrity, -on S. couuti3 'thbra.-wc lose S,Ozk Sandolj _ _ $1 D. Cbughtau,worl italAU no oerio aA e state andt, $a Th 30i trs. If6fatt--(Abscon by, AGAM -,Baird balance cin & B. ioad rtaigin the ton a on on texdreoad, islture f for t)[te aboi. 'con D. _ftitenti T oSte& ict f 6r Piff. for sm I To' woric V rd Laws -of Cantidii,'I (Hear, -boxy.) - ed'for Plff. $1.25i.J. 3follard baliiiiov P4;, h 46t P giva liotide ths 'jown-latid T is A00A. ---A, 7777 pirtaship of Ontario. -4100 6 kfi:jir. As t -Zoa, Co, $24; 0. 0 lana for t4a .Tuesaay ,-h- tUiinformstipy,-the -Gov- romn ould morvthat Iobtaining int to J' W, riyon, Gefieral Agent, . , i - . I 0. _ r L t degrw y -1t -' 14 -tho: had, been eac WA jMtJ%AVJV 31bielm announced in the, of Ejactment A i4oWe o HowxOK a -1k;rAMV& toWulatlifili Albion Hote,4 -Stra Mork - 'n us would shortly tford, OntArio. zz IF UXCV"XVAa to be lield I L' Tp. It.vommunication"with the r oon agent'-hud cemou, on , -LF 'J Tru -&X84kGD. Vs. '120*u mJ%" At Mt. John xwWalluth voll W004 0 6nlsaa4it. Verdid. for Saturday ist LTune­at 6 O'clo Z11! 4&u -X 0110114& MOT 10r4tAft U., ego ok-. P. aften- bi in Nl' be a full th eilig Be , ad - R, K Ikii hoped al 119, ."oar 46, RIM.; gnn.. The Council iliat On i jAaay ..evening, to bitt§A' 16 "t hillbe-fol* fkwtih*4 6- S. "Pog !D4 -- -pi6ltint The. Neyor, Reevq and sdt:4 dAys". W6 110% la 'w neir 011MA, 10. 01 ON --e _in sitt4 ray- -064AT on iiv olunteersof & ' -6 1W rdwreal vs ­1dr there w&b - t* -4o- VoitrNTSix CAXN-7 Wy pasmorip Ribborts6u, Cs! 04611, -16nd to the"gr4in. segic ',3 AUUW .91din, 4 a OR Ilk W,- G. Smith, Gordon, mackayi Clilfor44 a&Ing. ',Tho i ilier A Al k_*W01il(t Alk*tjAvb *414; J *6 t"UU dn*z *bilat out orser 0 Pro" this W -1 'ca ic sh the iAr and end U Wifid-;, ye a t0i 09 . ye-- u wo 1J " ry wt: -e rr, 600 Mb Gardiner, imi 6. 'r for rj&.;- olpilt nr1I&LrheW, A& said. `,drill Orders tiler 016 for 8 V. fA* W, -f -,w *w, Nado r4baj And:1ji e gal CO cultile of ty ndlih 0 tooic the aeci ,T#io!k' f h' X;, for Geo-.: Ck)x, COUTIc 16AjaA sea 'WhyVailosok 'tits b4W wrWen U3 ba 1111 - -1 .7- it audirlAii. W WA Uve, liked Andrew's were Ill Jers/W beiiii tio -And his east.- odmIlTay As 90 f 011-41 all. 4a ' Uft Q lay tqred to f4i *e'e the 164m; 'enimunical Ord might bei 91w, 10'a was readivea,from good ma .1 a --- 0 1 % C.anerona, hold bowit-0 nidstkhAiiiihiliii" elitiug 0 tWnk t1lere, er, 'Clip Aild ation witil r ew 404 '61 and & T. *jd thersT4020 devised JA141ftf ft -0M M.'P.* 610106113T We -the are needed.to tite, Uvr - smotmata to: e, IWO'ill= forDeft. ran I lerf a, Z 7g 1 -11 - Prabb d no uai jnplrkpting'potatoes 'ttits, llptw Ait in why of Ana,= q - 'a' 'unica 4 duWOMf6& - fit wlth.othbr plaMpi. k, foilow` U crabb rlb a Win to tII0 ZCCk- an iliedfar,Dil VX, -whiell'bas badi fba, Bii&h mith*h wa it a" 24 PT Pa OttaV.16 awal6timat'bf flab -bug, lic Works, X -fbr ilpected 'ohal ­ 441fitclinthe4iith 1d1Iy,der-eldp0d-'hiW toVii it will be, im &*Y to to, fii fill of 6r a r 04anici, Cyas. aubject: it., ordor Alet for M I ibla-w*jarture May Ut 187- stou ry'.aa well. as PO4* 03% CerWM otior- "4is- s d J. :Z Garro P'.Lxwu for 'iti early and arm..- iii 'gean, 'of 9 -1r, -In 'reference io yout We ready t:.jr - ' ­­­ Can A PI, regsired attack, whavis all of uqriu &"WWfrt. VhAtfioso c4irfor0aflL oil- ."due-, -a-'ettlinglItIlle)OR tirs, of thti h -P Mr, is 11 I- repeaDdlli EnglAriq), opposed to", tfie 'Pajftalt IIVS -kjj ­d A rth WE', requesting that the ObAern­ A Wo Al 004 V69sk Us I* de p -county the 11, Cot *ith for sm not I* WM TbA rtake the rapt thenailast 1 que mont will. unde to indi . uid. of Bruce. -W0, 14 1 -1 +W- ub r a Aholibirty of.thd rich Hafbor, estim3t tal ea joqk of novr xesi- docks it Code a the pub ir--mi %Pirit,;of a. Willy. P PW .;L- X,Tomi. TWA - , -1 li, ..,-; cksarin4ft tau 05ocim 1A I AM to -Inuddlifig Ot -pro' no Ufa posed, -awith Gmtrolf BtLbetween S6,000,and67;0W Of' a Am in 1). no XsMoTal ovai Itava th . coil Op -the -of ZoglaIiJ4 40 t1i pramarlias you data bfi qggone 9,-.iivmtfid-M6thorCoiintr7would,I W for that the Do kaga of schemes. th'r) -astheila*, ` t it 19 liwifllij , POW "-'A kiiltim in ifiform, r of Goder n-1 Wrett ot cbw#,N'W--% US UL ioll is 1ftot rbgarded )ly !The Bi A yfleld mill- `* -having ally ceni eoqoxli iAbaVhAdaVJ6ri9P * ikile -tj4ftia ffee bui 4AC Oil, an same isltLb4=es-sup-. j5t- a the department as &if%& by Iarrli Mt* Hilrbod People of yar L.;- At Watwoodr- Was pu flihing :;ight tocomifte fog theapeam 19910 11 her of'Refuge. I*Az4, but -t ft at ology hwe :'*1tbpthe Ar as they ba -lin" "t tb", b6i -4 6 it"L, Ir. Doyle for the Baylield-m M I -Z! 111iiiiiji ki, , ale 'it Ins, a. -- -be iubje6t-, tooilii- flaw - U don, on ma ng` . ­ '17 , Qeft, $herra t It Aniter, 0 , , i honour to 6 L6ir atit.3'Of L ii&U& It d -(90 I . &Oil, ft "Tour obedient ' Xyant" hedr.) T To" bit Tfid Mr it6tit--irt io WrititoiLt f 4hikloitd6n D. -msv; Well, G inif u6 -tu Z Zg0qM all B -0 y a-- fA -1 7. 'laze 1; 06 - a, care mat. Ugta t-shbielitl Mehf that tiII06-"Etie OPC Tq- a ioailld be nfu f Pirlia we ameron, X. P. 'It"A'.. Many 1" 44 1 tkk isaipp, tod-h, * ­ . ! _ b --referatice to a cOlvilltuielca 16 V4 zh`tli OurtIL D074 6. fc "T. here.- They* -ki it, Glirro* ohn 15tewart of Stratford-; Asking X4'p 'C 4'h6lp U­Wofthe Attu -iijeon-sideratio a a- 4 thb-bittl go Irwdo XpLt"*- 00 --or. ti% for. prisadd hay, foi-1Aka, upm Its ction bi'lift f, a bp tA n Of tgV JL Ta "'Toron 6, '7ZMqiA% ri3n,ftted,-, aw 64 roadus, nneqp jig -ad For And ies 'italitiond-Netwi*ein; t1u, two,was 'eng*g- A"ou -,VWdi6t' 16i"Put for' a Ubbons b Mr do AL' T*U for, ) ;T &. those Distboa , j, . . v ;.I , -111t46 'd Vn ,.Ih-mdaf, Ili of Robe gria"UM :Ifij the attol!itiOA 0 010 teg to, _periox .1 ­ ­ I new L'.. a'. nw,pq timeftombuii- Deft -401FAM a- - WILOse, delibers ions, -0-T I ­ jentat lta' m" the, introdue- 'This land ldvallugii 4iMi 6o -pin r! shortly. ato of _pr '44ti a "Xive Ilya MY. bert te' poll tv lfltobm -W *44 goo 3 to sibly. -Alf 0WICSMOMU'Vid, All 49FATt 0 in A11`o`wl1* .6 We i nsfbar Aat!;*Cag6m LVAli 'IV. sin 1i his en3 i ftsch oat, io inovba,ttwso"l .00ifif4ithout' trafia ipineub -*as* mly rautio. 1' Bl L e"MUCI -hOU94; out.*$ 16- iMt 47*e 'k,a--thi, o rV. . TIN -1 5 &74 v I, i i !;- a ­ 4 a awba; %ta masn*llilb lie, -p74 Os -8440 wua, VIA* rj #L - ; Vtn D th't Pat 'To "Axi -M 40rdict IL-Ad'A th ter seiz#xi-,Of III -th wit a lep U;T14" offheowtv bedu§alt eile, Udlil T-1 id hlbd .'-' PV,UD, In"'k, in Deft' to biglridpirm lo'd AUed ft- 1%, 4*1 Unions,, f I` W R, i V, 4,4 40,: crilpinal. brow; bring UL the 4a -4"Or"r, of - 0 kedu­h# und Vis % to,* 'he dic c u y4k4 1 01 j , ­ I " - 'iADD" *A4 0 r4 5b those Iwv. -4 6; ip; tit IDU K!"lusum-10 Viu a Imp 4F- V owl 'five* aI ra6dVa4';­&' V is tweity P a, ( t ad jhAt ,t the on 'Not -the 63 .to trAm, "7 toin -6-,A1,ft#k- ton f1ta'am men 4 on:Axhalref the Icanadinu vernmentIO arguethe,jkubjecb before he -aibitxitorg. '1U T811196440il f,tIV6 - o tvi was lx- -ad *ith fte d6bato' ow the -treaty. ,not eeches weielteli*epsa by Mears. Mille ,alt 0 ra ra y ir J,,. A fiedoxA C1 ed iA QO T ut Of Ontario, =1$6A cap.! -30, ve- ptiras­­Sbc'3% . . rparents Uettildren hallrigisterLeiThe oflic6*Utke Towita lerk-within -thirty Aay j friambU6. S66. -11 piaft ijes by -them tIEU-' r#C,A;. $oc, 14, - shall take p" shall" T,tPtort the ijamb -i ­ L ' , -Asys'affordeath. See., 3-6 ess lot $50 on' &,irision lorLnegl or.refilial to prosladate nders.,Sec.,22. Imp6gesn-finelof, Wt Mato* AGENTS WA'-NTED'!.­', iiiay-' 61VN xittowlaliiluted ffigamcfAle Ible aip &,'-very 4-i-biefamily ENQ pubilelled -n. t4 'a 19SUMT ACT 0Y, 1869, lin thaiComulnntircolirt4 Profjoca,pf Pataii the efoitaty of HlprO14 1 -efoll4ty.ori UthamatteroJJ()11N11A1tR18,- . . N 3EWdsy jbi tevinfeelitla, of'Juno' ilwt x1tapaaeralp 11 ap ked -irA _plyt jhoJudgoofll. sgidVourtfor 4,d1scbatg6undef1heAIdAC1t . 4WETTIN H A RMW , - 'byVamero slid-Garrow, may's 401ioltors. A. D. V72. G1o1efIc1i,Jmday41 my IftE 9 . UASCRI$ERAAV1N1VALiW11. STOCK ofleeon iasucl*u bjppared to supply all v110 r'*J9.XeC Te. 'lot UlTURALISTS; 5 k - i To It ntA W forW, ,AlUoT4ero %jdQ&L -oigned vill bav t .1ttenclon. VbcrAl COM a qn a V6 WV 0 , L J . t X00RUM91 xne;it of rl talv"u- 7, X90=0un No U=gg W ZZ nala Fb M. --via "ad 1" 16 Au P11 - IA04 tw Via", 7 UoUija, Apt! I I th j 44P2, 4, BU T '0 X ,L)W, WE LN TWEEDS ARRO lj "sr wantea, Oat, M4