Huron Signal, 1872-05-08, Page 3P, "3 as tile air elatib% which met, he 6dohr fr* Whit3h I)CrVhd leab. I.I.&VI 1, T43Y ilL d tt all R A. L A k� I laid in tile holk so it liAs bacon 4 j A61 I'Ct 1, *N 40 S. Tile DOMIT11011 of Cama, jRjt�d $3 terrilcliv offensive inawof decovrlpbsidO� It aePon,$ L A Y aIle t HYPOPROS Thay� fol. lojig aistme isfaction, as may I . . 6ra istlaylid by tills 4 the best sav to - rem, iuddabotlftl� �j Ivor., CLOTHHuCt ill winter were ruxt)lor, Alarall The powel 6ra y tolhe f taisli5aft It 3D, Dlay 25. f.fta or& IV, Aacknow 90iAllifromnial ao woatker, ilia I 'Vill bo solected from. for(, lid0,111fialli Mayers, 17116 is half owlmi of rx0t0r, Jan. preparation Is -whe n in tile, 4rol sat G GODER10H6 & uell a0d ayoung- inan n note, Jan. 8Q, A till 0-3. faculty I r1l I he rm Ififirmw3l sale umle the stock -igmurlete And sellin Sicotia,'telk from each. Baytiold, jan, 31, A titrnduc�drond d " thwboxylestmilthilles ltL 115c, Nt -.0 tmatAtqm, P, I it April 2q.-- Now Brungwitl- amed R Dungan every section til Ab test, "well Alt, thbi I �07-17kl's Uew I&TV obert- IV, Co rta 01101% at 10 0!0 Itch vantee 0 best gualantee Of I exrenses will be onjumptlon In �7 h ltuch�tl here thi3 by the pilibitc., r4,n vmns s qzfn ras Says that a Tit( 0 40 3EE EXAM"14Y MEAr. jb� MUN will, uro p Otlt-`39t fro, their ship. A PusP.x-n-11, front 311%kl Is will ilva, great reltag, ITZ8V Y-Wa. She is Q� - i nl hurricane 11 swept over that 1`102.t.0100 0,%vinga Maul: tile firs ltwlllzu�iltst Whi the�pu*ftt he b"PM*104 W bUsinosis handsome, Gtituticil aff ri. tub its and -COldil.- It 'ql 'ber Wish Bad prol h9IJf$ lit utlixachintwrks, sitswit. parynotis, coug Amemmt una-t11'nQrYiq built in IlvaloP & city nd vicinity der.troying all immense xotices. arquellit lately canicia mi bv .,Forf I t --' 1. � - a 'low ai Sta-2 Ono of ilia evidencea of tile pro .13pociat ourt all t""es dirlatfistIlIg tt6a wall' of ttusi"�f der-Stock'sallcheavirat01-00 rgallon, . I St !;Vlen the. new conipwind v t "aw-meb 0 Squ*. gress of.tII6 bonlinion in material wetlth Action and Nervous -,a. such as N ypw, ��,011 the 0Z U tbib Sple n, 'tinount of jakets, asbje alive oil at a 0kntg,. yourregiloo, we" Etdrs �Iono is cstituated ",t 011`3 iioatid prosuorit3r i's shown ill- tile exl6it aotilmofli iia'; F4 W. G res ell 000"4 . I ll -,U3 t been a aBank the u &nd I;tayjn&�Ued therst6 00 4144 so Aphoula _ 6 D. kt pounds terlim n�ade by tji� Post Offic in tile year akditliliWli bil .t011dritY Sold ty lity, thil- mortfin- the fino brick resi- great loss life. siric6 its eattiblisliment. able For saii,'duly by 'AND adroalil` TEAS of the finest qu of Wtu. r -4,,-j dopositq.212- hut 15, U lingwood, is at 1861 there was received oil AASONS & '.Co., Hiiitrdware, gpICES of all kinds s,,lin, wasdicoveretl to At.r. Van Every of Coll -AoNvl C0%.IvoaTING. edge of PIS G. Tha C1 517, nud in 1870 $4,917,576, uqual rn tile operatlonn of diges- Oy zbikuloi SWOt St 4 Peft. r0men were till icklY in-Lon(fou, 111,116110 P""ba en (If ti(of and untrulon, and br a caretu),40plicatioll Of on t4n OIL wket, for font, years to all hilarea30. of 90 per colit.; Sold luotity of pre vent into our in,. Som Aoz=s, 1properties of %ve I Mr. E B 11, 091vith a dolloa 3, Sfx tor$7.150- to'llitunder Bay ainto all . broug which placii. that whilrt ill 1867 th.6 blance WR q f ffie Latest Styleri and P#tem. ilil R204,583 81 ,for le, 0it was,4.42,4M,2W) 65- lijovl4d tur breftkilist tabI five liany heavy DRY -GOOIDP,* RE;LDT-HADE, 6f,07rMdt vv- tilt' tit,, artiAe fetches -.is hi -h' as Iter ton. 1, beverage Which may a 1181 simply solA co0j. vaursvery is. or equal to 1,200 pal% !cut, so that thoro �ootors Willi it- Chill Strulee C'azeftv. Made - bel- FELLOWS" CHEMIST small am, lot" and Isbot, be� tilly The iirice paid by gir. ollwgg Witter 4 Milk, Rach,paelcat Is tit JAME, Will Tito 941facr WOU101 return jhaftu The invnitur, wali twarIv Ill front ,412 to,$14 per ton. was it deposit aottiall� loft ill tile led-Jalues. rq)ps 16 ipo., hommopathie 011ealt9tso �T. jaHs, N. B. L1kDiM,at 031 Arch at., Am AtWA" NMI his suppor&rg for fto libeial pstro Ago oFLOURI .,HAXS Government tit the end T110 from Washington Rtattes or E is Milk Codoa, (Coe" and. VhjIs&lpht&., pa.. -and I)r. 11010tichA84 84 exteudedtollim wbile in e Godarlel sept. 4th 1 SL y are making uAP1r&UT tile ,;cnatti, provid- yonTs, equl to 300 liar cont, oil Clio Townof Ooderioli, Re dewed AM& ibill has passed elli-deures q Citueer;v j��oriv alidXlears. b I 1 0 of 1.8117, or in round unnibers con in,, that on and after tho ouNo KNIFE,..N0 CA . USTIC NO 0 is Aek!rmined to y I A very LOODj LITTLE PAIN, Goderich, April 27jbj 11870. to sell at COST; quid custolvivers tl�e Imnefit .4 a, and eofltie itt Of jteVjSjt)n GREAT CAKV�RANTPOTEI;- I,, salbigs Chic siltt"urred nt ill till placed Oil 66 0o. heultilt, free %till tile Illity paid the rhis worldn"men. of -the country, and it is relartleulamaddress eikhe . r of t4e -above. sucom inbuidness. i certaiul';allovidelice of.the carefulness Cotirt of Revision Mir tb� Town N I %. MAY I It in bond shivil be ill j, ill Meet at L_ the Coliu­ 110tvs for te But this ey pH,i,,#,t AND CAUGATA. THQF' aiftt providence of that oil f Goderioll w slln ftll ion Ii ke Huron, t a e it a ci ill, ers. by it.% ulcans iepresents the whole alliollut cil Chamber . , on Widneiasy the fifteblilth ION, tit- tile body 11 ' 3jerelmt Tajjqr,& Cloffier tu il es fro m. Fovt Q rti,,t Ii., 0, T IMPO '11thouse. Otpt A VlOtUNT thundor storill, acco dpitt of their for in nearly ovoryTovirn condition Of at 111alf past 7'o'clock, F. U.; I- of ds. 1 tant, cloods Fsast Of IL Horton!m Groefty d overCollil ell Dr Wheoler'll C0111POund Bllx'r ills 1).xssL t tile comitry1boroare Saving pme *of hlssri�g, Appeals: Y evening" much W City*itl "S pIjo.oIj.tt..s unit 6ausava, may ot lie used with for the pur 0 a or band,'ono mada*ln'SetAln'ber Muket,15quare, Goderk-h. w 'd n'Tuesda, %till other pity I joloocall in the some against the attsesment'for the presOuf 11111, by James D. Smiley for $50-001,0 John R- Sept 219t, 1871.. Ire party of uicu'who shel- pe,dtive nchemical Food and Nil n ootal)ir, 16M Thomas the crew 'wt ,or it ructs Digestion. All- Barrf-lite other it lair, itereilt than is allowed ny tile tritivoTonic, It actfi Phy' nianner as our diet.' It POCI Wel;t elf Wailritnoall,,for $0.00 te WmL W�-Rvl lies the beach.and will litely- I tex ill shanty down the llost'offico Department, and in these at formation of healthy blood. It eAXES THOMSON, ;j, 91 Aeblield, both dne"i year after being made.. be, recov,,rvd. glitning, and threc tile nrasta con- g wom truck by' he Ii left t all e111141 aulultilt is deposited. a hy supplying Town Clerk. 1. therefore, ill to wary 411 parties not to nego .,t;lllls thovital A)r(, f thom were so selittlilly ilijkIry ji'�slj exhibit,., aro certainly very satis- stautly 9 log on, of I erve -,tail 1111181110, the result represented them, 0MVPonp, —I)nrin, t lie storin -nrtliin, onabl:aa mind and 1872. 1450 t-xGmtd notes.ax the amounts, al all'I [)It It ex Crilderich, Alay 1 st, havenotyetbeita patd--��becatlso not yet ue-to last, ni feared they c-annotr recover. that iii materitIl or all, izr. cad hollso was to onal,mo grext tailor without fatigue. Its the Allbserlber, therl ;htrdlowber 'e, trilek factor�, and show Pros .-onstuntions brolren down One end of tit,, was I 'rut,, IA011doll Tellocs �Ililludiugy to Gle perity, ClitlIftda has rLason to be proud of RA-filln in and BARR. chrmilo by fast liv 119 I Ito Ill"ll position whit -11 Bile Illailitilip'. strntv extraordinary, its efflict llfllug down, ind tilt, ell (if Canada with to I God"'h"'pru"'O'b"872" "Yir --ei CARDS censures ille Conduct ilmoli.,litte -ez -gi4ingtti'4,tlloorgiiiisoftiiebb(ly, VISITING Merehant Tailory essential t.) Coll rot, Blue cottov Tarn xvlz�re both strjjcj,� nud badly blivitt. Pr. ,f tile in its treatille"t 1111tioa and tllogrd�vj,h ortl%4ue,,, nitillt foralt time 0 V as Z-dv-cd 1:3= f= tts r, LFATLY rrinted at the W . 4. KAW j, tandhilits. tilat it lilight Ita Wan g in tilt. I)olilillto NATURIN great ro,4torlltive and vitalize N WIL iitihbBRITISH MARKETS" A ilf I istuileo with Bach it flourish of line otton.Yarn Wah a Epiculd stock ,,ovenlocjjjl�-jrthi�. as at oltyrric ieOrange sentiment is Chu now Tory strnek by I �jjtnijj I Tliesdav lt was to AT W- 4. J. KA r Scotchnd Engli4h TweeW ()it i be a Into dol ort'all tilt, 11CIU. I Ile buil'j- alt WOOD&OO. f (. 0 , ily to CAUTIO 141. CAUTIONY! PUB BY 5 ddre�sed the pallor neyorabuse %iqbtAly, and oi and ESTAUZAISHED 1830. Y.. at $1 per. anUUM AND Institute, at alwith and that,too, ill Newburg M THE 1311IT- nd Mr. to to-, c.f inod-oration and good sense. -To THE PTTBLI0 OF One CaSq SMall . WRrIBS i FS OF NORTH ry ,-f tile object Bile has in and' hpple of ISH PROVINC Q - I AT, W. was explanato AV as Alas * ttou things has Rs. t till to all ot ro RICA. NOTICE TO,DLBTQ foundin tilt, SO 11, lit, hAME, !V oLbTMNG- After the d- lie of has bcm %uspected For -ickod, . Ili all its bcalAt all I—at-qualuOthil Pal) Bor very clear-aiu just beell III T091101-t1fillIV t( The Books and n6tes -of the estate 0 MENISCLOTHM09 ik)jj�njng monzy letters it, Miss Macpherson rovincestbat in 3fily A few ,, tile dress the jcholars sell laillill!-, tilt) tIligh flown, morality has (] Is',IP- llm7ttiih North nerietin P ft de3i Lane, Now Mr Jolm -HuTis Insojvent� ge left witb jr SHIRTSf, of a descrit-idus. 1LtA AND 6i?CT- tt coninlimentary letter con' It .11 s in the Tow days it ha i',,t I IIALLONVAY'R PI 1$set for hint 11v tile P�lst Office vile a traducer Yori�. fr tile,-, Iffr Ge(irge j!�ntj-; for ccill6etion by A P W- JrA ]rS. AND GENERAL sum of nearly 1i; ed, almady becoMire as N%-IjjPjj IN'Pre up, to thit time prepared by z- t A:F! ccag F. FINDLAY,� a purchasea to te bee, adnxt ty a five - I AII these I I and to -d :-A ed. to lin cicse;l *U lays the bellst, fonnd A Briti�ih Colombia p!%parsay (If llolle3j U �Ibt it ell, s tho ilia, williftal itoknow that the Assignee clifitoincya *1 ('.In hint.- Ile prit, whichlas I , YMIll" Ulld protty girt was, thrown from .1 shoat in thu, D minion. The attacks cret to say tll%t I have rmqon Iff6d? a2 see arrestet'. alld Ill it I j, ent"r the bite busineqshaa forsome cars, Hamilton. 25th'S�pt., 18611. H%ts and Cap s in Great V010ty she faint and and -en,i Inaliq­111 pt, and it may Di -g, been most enrru, prim. Di 11 title III)k I Awl intillativ Ivni a not prepared Fmt h, a It Bacon Hill. I,, T)ry paper have Ie tita tile rins; and ointrulint wer wa,.t until a male billed r in llk Pic�ic`t' tll�s UP Stwt, opposite KAWS Chret. ve.etter. . The little woln"Ili lisgrracc[61, and low that it ling -) T 'Not she *e I truly I. 1, 0 Nvllo do ot NA-ish 6) be defccived by buy cher u- T1 "r,T lours di eswhietharerintviivelyto an "ech. 24tU 100% 2M. waw�- -, I I vii it tha� rare I have atways defure(I innate AT 10 leatied to her feet, Zathered up the skirts llits SlioNNII its tru.. ice purious medicla , b,il; to PosAess theta. hea led the fl i nine las been mirin-­ off radualiv froni flit., habit, y int, our friends rrom t lie 9tates or else JL of her riding bo -h truth altd f tile ven tArinowaytts Pills and Ointment 110"Aloilt the C Enkland. Sa n-,,dard Scales. Parasols,'Slaek and 000rell. n, the first in sLv, months, Ila,' biell Ill engraved the of af z ten- If it takes WINER river ft�.r two, dys, the recent he-.tvy fall TliMal OffCAught and led link to% stumP, t -willtry wDl do ell to by me in London, bears the hin and dashed off I V.e -yint ea ell pt and -W KA PS- where she remounted vo the box tAT YOUSAL;E ALSo e to break the ice and the WAVATI-tire I" I` the ltter Britigh clovernmenttamps on xv' Wain before you coud s%y ebgllt abusil I,, Ointment,', and that Wor Pills and OXtOTd Street. Lon- H. DTJNT-,OP- Vol­me of water a ood deal value but to- iiilla dozen times. Sheistheri�,htsort arto ii,,tirequired to inult t1leii own the �dd real; or ther labLI is 633, ALAMN CASH IX)RAWERS, -B:'It-enridge -tie manur(;tured.aud in no Bladk i�ustres, CAPitsl a of stuff for new country. slich abuse. don where nnIV thev I prices are on MAfIVINPS CELEBRATED SAFE% H.w noW Tturned from t -he other p,rt of the )rl(l. Tile relai AT There are great complaints from tile I In lila�illg a finN remill '.3 ill the House' ilia libels in -British currency, nd notin doltarsand . TROEMNER'S COFFEE & DRUG MILLS, W. 81 J ZAKS, �Yesterjav ull to.,"Av it rininber of Inurbermen of Michigan as to the in- W, the ex,;use f0r period. at cents. e or m;lve %viii ever trivel tbrough WAREHOUSE TRUCKS EASTERN MARKETS Vc-lunteen tch the first expe- suffi�ciency of wat in the streams "to which Parliament No represenlativ &Forks er any part afthe British Provinces,,or the United Ely, BaIejI&Co`sCeIebratedHoes dition, glt tae time of.sbclu; to bring down.the saw -log L cuzie hinted very Ili, tur Iy that it the t,teq, 0 tber to sell. or to taice orderq for myPills en3ble them I S, .1 , 3 litipelial believe that C)mPOSITIOs BELLS, All sizes. TaMiese Cloth htvbg pur&asca t* ihe beEt samtsge fift Y 'Lie; n. � up. T'ae v, hich c,,vme up elay aruse on nd, on some of the rivers this is so much ttb- jrAirS. vill itro',ablv Ile lulde t,, deceive the r y tjjt� I! �Iit- Was calling rpou medicine LETTER PRESSES, &i3.,&c. AT -W- 'OOKOX -with t se��o-x I -n serve till h ase that work is suspendtW. Ofthe Uests, it was h4ol lit. in this Ilpeison� i - A-4COXIM BST October nex;t; ifi Y the men t eq aginaw and I Blicill othoy f;jl%ctv'repreqvnTinsr that they are acting Scales T d promptly fitrd reasaimbty. by tile Ottawa Governmunt 9 vendom jad consentj deem HITE LE &US, "GENUM." '"NO. stock of logs put into the & rpa8- for me, an -I with Tny knowledt-e ,No. il,,ofthis brands. unst -pared tonteet the W 2rand ackagescoll- Mix-Ti,�d Yc­�ter ma -during tile past are e huS tile the 111thlic on tWr guard its Iributary strea yen now unprf; FAIRBANKS & CO., sed for J,;dyudj`brlIhftncY of shade- F dred mil- ill Fur deliverin- Ili mself t1 tath list I ti are -warned that car- Cloth ThEl ','it. Pztnl Ire eight hun use. I V agaiwitany suelt decePtions. 93 AfAJAV ST.. BUFFALO, N..Y-. ight. The public Henrietta 4vinter, estimated at lackenzie in the I ainst, earnoqtiv entreat fill those who may read HFATY WINTER TWEEDS, 11 tain other brands are lijbs. s4ort in eyery so-catled denounces AT W, 8. 1-IrAY'Stl ther =- lion feet, it is not likely that more than Vj,,jj thi4advertigemeni that thiv bepleased.in tile pull- -goard style, sayin,1, among mule FAIRBANKS & CO,, 25=unld package. beir line from Pem- haft -t tit lost black e X 'tie the firand and do not be put off with in t will be got in ALnn0sc"a - s- it,, Inan t. to communicate the purport ofthe 1 sil BROAbWAY. NZ FV YOR IjpAVyWnaER0VE3&C0ATnA- I rs is little better. Aher t is "a to Winnipeg, imnItaue,,u,-dv with the state of affai) hthat ho' to thv.ir fritlmiq that tilt may not be defrauded of farlorpaints. The MTi86IWAY5`thZCF"`-A EST- . 2 , imitations of it--. fi)rin of ttack their ninney by Purebasin"' worthless Co., Id by respectable dealers In Paints ttirclighout the coustruction'of the North Pacific, -to -s Lake Erie ntelleo,Oallv it' tl tile geimine Pills and Ointment, FAIRB�.NKS, BROWN and to dealers only by r1thXT byl*46W SOine Boston ge:iiiis thin], would vourthat should it corkO Z Beautiful Twilled Prifitl Ontario, tho fritier, which it is said,, will be by He says its' y ai I a 1110, til.tt lie I \Yoow ask. as a great r 118 MILK SMET, BOSTON, ELLIOT &.Co., made up,. the 21MA68t 3101co jkt 4*;�. will dry up eventually. lot scrupi ,to picL- your pocket," and to th, of any rwion that spacious madi- � I swgSgw52M AT W. 4- -Noveraher first. e - name. he be Goderich. �eb. -22n 2372. TOIELONTO. shores art- coustantly washing down into aindividual." cinesare hiring Illade or sold iu an the thus reduc it tea..e,l tv sen ale all tile particit can collect ---- Tormto, bi sion. 22nd, ng its depth, and if �hilt he thinks that this P lars; be name and DUN02LN'S 1872., 1310-6m thisprocess continues, the time alist � If otir contemporay of tile ime that is to gav- the 1-872- Gentem&u Coll.= t2e:; &C... o oil k�nq;Aft - (if tit',- vood�i 1%,Iin IR geljin-g the spurious Godej$ , I pr ve tile tl. n) addre di Api;1 30th, oter �art of tho lake style tA writim,, will ill' 0 and t lie na"IC tilt address of tile come when the upt ofeanaaa, the soonerho is en- ited ttel; or elsewhere. which' M, A= EX" N re- rough Houe tit the I'll t which is scircely navigable now ill ptilied tit is THE may have sit, ceived from .it the -Norshern able ex- proceedingo E t)it the subiect tile better. It em, so asto enabletre. fortl weather, will cease too be navil, Tirntectiol, of the Illiblio to inE to kRD W A R -.1 aturday el and �is simply disfracefill. 'and I enga--e toremuncra orer of the day, Venln,� . t*.I,el, evil doers. Rest Pacific o h a very narrow chanii e '.';On AVII GreatHealth 'o AIr Blah %--cry haml�noielv any Pei may give me such cr When even the miidle and lower portions 'A ftsw daYs ag - ks inforni:ifion, tile inforinaut.0 a 011me-never being —a— U cept throm %nnozince thQ� whailesale murd" -ill msterol. 10to tric P*O R A.T TE NIT T O -N e sit s, as' u .11, wit . I) h. ��s at the root of all disex family rl'�med CocL- The Pilirder ill 1 1, YT strill sea, Orough its THE Will cease to be covered with whit it . I ti,)Ileer," while Mr. div"19-1- e rea�nn to holieve that be r in restoring the, Blood to a e wild :of i, Yatikeu Alic peron liar I wonderful powe KHD D the AttOrnc healthy state. ortleberry will -row. C rooks, Medi 'IT.S.. lie AvIll (to Al -pit to send me. in a . Per., :vous Debility. a ell cl�111111;,tdj by and lwco- 'Y Was, Ill- having stinrioul; Imitations of lie P. vast Tursh where ill [I Diseises of JOHN, ION aldt-r sAyamp wh as oil a W110 I 't I Oes llut litilow tile -hieh lie ean do at a, -crofula, No, astism, Indigestion, Jaundice, splikep of tt�r t" the address at foot (%% the Skin, Gout, Rhour AV I.—The Senate lilspeakin-ofthe Holi. MHolt"Ill, anor and it 11 t %rl;ix e,,tifq So out, of the b6oks orin- 13curvey 'Bronchial AllaitionlS. aDd Cilles"llm- JLAWIM & 0061 of Commons diVerence lietwevil a Illi3dente. t'r' I promise DET tictions which ore to effects are marvelloulL amendinent to tho 11,u�e in the Bon the other fel ine-camine it all fri.-Ked to tile, Fi me Iarialug' from an infections HAM11LTuN ST., ony f,f c,)natitutional -Ise reply, � vhether the There no tne bill nig I d n . tating N , or, impure wa N is SECEWT Orllmmt !jit tile Hun. Joseph Ilowe indu ge llrdirine� are ruail:v or Ilot !;. that ifspurions lie late of ter, agalust OF state of a states _t tqt the Ist tA uly nexj, in tit eutteranGes. "tie de'll Itiore tha+ front wlioin he purchased whichit. notasa to t-t�cje e,�Stc e following choic uized f�Lilitrc" alld a crea tnv apply to tile P�rt . which it. go or N. tilevu t, it ive his mont y rettirn-pd. 3: was cncurrel in by it t. -D like to know how I hat gentlerfian low nd Illeall. sire ill obtain tile Price, One Dolla Per 13ottle. SIGN OF THE,, an -I Drugqlsts wbo de. e UTiplil"liat tlW- refilse, roptery and insol a say ag Ile h 7 -1 to have the eff in that iti.ite.id f being a Pat vi,holesale ODS in tie Ruse tv-lv. The bi!�l n4 0 DING DRY INT elick-, and -the utter absence of decency .1 ell is the twic­ in n,,t. leqs than P-20 worth. viz., ft)r other v3llers, tl'O [' aiij 34s. per ozetf boxeq of Pills or IVIN& NERCEII, HO., 1101heil MKIINJOTH C]�OSS OUT SA INCLU Aper to D SAOINS, S' thuPresitlent fa-rhis -I,Iirqval. -intl propriety, to make an attack upon ViTt"t !"If! v'oltt]lt P pot, .1 Ointillenk. aett. without.discount, for which BOOTS AN at %v ld iu the aild We a,re S A" DWAR.E. b,yal gentleman in this lionse. Th must be lient in advance., HPAR oHaving completea their Fall pur- GROCERIZ Viidun two hours after the pas7xt, la entleman wm a Yankee from his ct t ic otherwise it is I IIAVC tile honour to Ile, SOLD BY -it te;� itrid sorry to say tbi�, becau IN ith -,real 1 espeut'. chases of the, 1IM repenlin the duties on otir exe. lall- ordanandAll respectable VALUz nfT clIff-Ce, it ws signed by the rr�.,;dvnt. tail to the tip of bis nose : his very nose the best printed sbee THOMAS HOLLOWAY. Cattle, F. J :EXTIMA was Yankee. lie bad neither the style, Druggists. look, nor manilt nor the art of all V-1.-Strold) - . SHEV HEAVY HARDWARL 00DO ST nor IV. U., ,picudirr 1, 1871 GREY COTT0148 1; S ImESS C PARTIAL L! orders.with Twen rience in vairg, 0M. ty years expe Are now -prepared to fill all The P About ten yean. ago I They ljpe t'l-day 13Tyan S Polmonic Wafers have proved which they may be favored. JOIEEEC 'Soft, *PP(ieite the martot 74. R --u% April rt�med Sloane taught'school at Murpeth, respectfully invitd attention to f Rome ost, effectual remedy for gave andip-r, � : time, thela to be the Ili �a to.3jwl) citizens ere at the. same CA ey of Kent,wb u of the throat the Tono wj:�g lines of Goods 3 N T He n", -de an addre3si. i u c,:,urse of which I f medicin exertion of way ivhi L 0 �t I N ID 33 P 'A XL V 3 Z 3 he d on the study to e nil- coughs, aud irritatio STOP THAT COUGH To Oto,Gfel & 010ce 8 I T A, -1 RE i4k$, F F, DS: tiT j uub,�jjuf as the scourge do He graduated at caused by cold, or un su APEM r. Sutherland- the vocal organs; public, speakers and Fint�01885 Cutter allatheliavo1w Thoylla�ve- f-PADES, OR toyllms, 4L rn.-�Iern tLT--ss. Arbor, and cras lice need to practice ors will tind the,n most beneficial. DON'T DELAY. J. DETL a—Advices frot, e Can an Board. Subsequently, � I in Zan b -rican army, and ftek qe- entire freedoin froin all deleterious ()TIcH is itereby given that the map or plan and VERY 1, SH.- 1314. 2�bnz­to 25ta MM7 stztla� thP�t the Island i ed the Am( olle lcrek. opte ikiv. and it inail lit, too late,Consump- N b6okfrefereneerelating-tv the Course- and GP 8, Ilis: ingredients rendor3 Ilryallts Vulmullic race Itall*AY, April,23rA 1872. Or wa:r was over went to Japan. ngesi traill of swelle; is utanfing to carry 1 1 his! 'Wafers, or Cough and. Voice Loze Direction of t1la Toronto, Griiy and B Gliderich, tsimble h urricamue. I tion With lt� , lome of its many victints who have he same relates to the section thereof 3 of Conduct there may be 'inferred from ?IOU to the 10 jn6,,ofwclIjngion to-Gorrie and Y tepersoll, to,. 1ffore. - Y remedyfor the most delic V.0 IC1.11-uty 1, ra rapil promotion, for two or thilee iniontlISS oxeter Station),,and thelana intended to be NAILS XAMLL RO, ery ago a return jea as sur d has can3ed them to be held in high -T �on passeA iDveraud lake How can you stop it ? Where is the wl iberefot, reivalredbytbe pro - &n ed to Amer de and pro - T --the most im- teem by all who have used them. Sold vialions 9fthe statute in such "se in& sizes and descriptions, Tery cheap. lrUfled, and. Of all velft was t e apanese Embassy remedy? 1, bavellitri duty examilned'itud. PA pa1t nt asilm-1 . dealurs at. -15 cts per Adel t. . ! VEM IYEAD, ant Dresent _)f-japs that By all medicinc stled. in the officis buthe Clark ative bodi 4 -40 'opies thereof depol, and of the f*thepeace forthe County ofHuron. -Bo= AND RAW 011L, yet visited box. Allan's Lit ng Balsam can - c GLASS Oak C�1011ent. produce more for the Province of Ontario, Provilliftial Seeretar. om 9Y7to4Ox3O. BLkCK OIL, Bratitiord V111TUE.- Virtuenirely passes iture- any other All si*eik f , r Tup. Cou.N-rr.y SAITz.—The evidence of real merit than and one copy has al ate been delivered to the*Toror, I rand is de- 7�_ It is sold every- Qmriermves the miambers:of the Ontario co,rlized by the world. A few distorted article for the purpose. to Gray and Bruce'RzilwaY COmPaul IlucEiINERY 0M -j where by Druggists and: gener Ell 0overn ent a most -excellent certifieftte, o nize ]ter fdatures Datl�A this Twent;Y-thbd 0 alfe- in e & BROWN JAPAN, It says they get up at 6 but it would, Ile keepers. SibTHERLAN .'VARNISH ,is easy to douccal th D TAYLOR, %I St6re- Wsited in their General offices At Toronto. ofelvaracter. �tics may fai I to recog dayofAprilIA.D.,1872. B ILIft) md PLAW-01L, 7 Ait: fact- of the noiji-i-dy still under., a niaA a W. in the morning to attend, to pal Read'the following extmct� from Secretary T. G. R. CO. COAL OIL, of good quality cheap, &U kinas ofj lit infant. busmeqs. Itsurel,7 ou�ht to sjtisfY as to hido her resplendent features. And letter received from. Mr. S. E. Burwell, (10a OIL TAV S9 ana- a-.�ffairs of the country so it is with tile Canadian Pain Do- a well know merchant of Ontario. it speaks RY LANTERNS better hands than it is ; strover:" every Pilowil') IlSes ]NjesSn. PERRY DAVIS j1% SON, BRADB-TJ REFLECTU. 'joula-viot be in T 11' erms ot its virtues and BURNERS, CHIMNEYS & t coltrier would not pay R:a'tn removing qUalitic-4, ettled V. will -a our button dollar that in tile highest t autumn I was But- For "he Corruptionis Fur rheuma, crami It tism, ps and fering from a severe cold which a WICIP, a sotendid compliment to these and produced a distressing neuralgia, colds no �flllal. on my Lun'gs. intS; it has whi "Gri&,7 anjess, it was absolutely true. spnimer Co.,nlDl de ell I gave trial to a numbe; Pwimns 100 d take a% by Druggist-, and'country fo SLEIGHSHOESTEM 0' If thaQttavia Ba-chanalians Woul For s 40. of &ugh Medicines bnt without,.8-nY were bookof Blake, Mae- lers. Price c6. per bottle tried one'llottle at aloBf out of the benefit. I -It- last na, kenzie 316Kellar &Z Coll the -Dominiob The it-golle feelin w1lich PeoPl ALImi'sLutru B&LSAMwhich Iam. happy all'the leading fairassort- lowilL, "O-abavei far brighter prospectsL. goinctinies speak df, is caused by want of o be able. to sl ate gave almost immediate OASTSTF relief and p -ft-3 Mont, 111111117 - --------- ---- proper action of the liver nd heart. erformed a perfect cure in a Theio may be assi-ACd nd the bowels SlIorf'tiMe.L & HOOP IRON agood 835640 ent" June, 28, IL87L Purgire P'lls in Yours truly, L 5TEEVAIMS from $1 upwarcls, i regrulated, by I I It -- - UAIWV t IS. E, BuRWELL. CAST OTM FILE KEp. fi-ND TWO MEY small doses. BEST- jiisjlor�M6nt 111411 A St;HO but j R11 A S I �Co ' and flour are staple articles; Finnall, Ont., March 4, 1871. 14 M RF HU I I . . HOLWW r.oN ALL WI IN PICTU n(A inore so than Johnson's Aitodyne MUST STYLE t Hj,,ron Commercial. ,a Cam% It ip goc Li6me7d where known. UENEDY )d for GRENT r 4-1�6�tween From the Per ENALE P Gr T I IE leg by Don W battle with the children or adults, for any internal sure- AMr 3, four man, -PItF =100 CHAINS, TIES, Scz- lements, driftin- about uDon Pss of the chest or bowels, an d the best 7. IN TEW MOST jjN EDENT most plain Killer whatever �Naomlnity, admitted by the Uttile9r, P 69510n 1 W. vNITLEY the H=on, buffeted Vy tbe4ce prepred inide Job JfoSis� ?'erj9dical Pillso �ixcel- the Planes of W ol, Want oftbeCityofjTewYorkt4Cl, llFL&TES, moss you a set Wba it ough A FRAX- forcein. rudely and continno Y as th naLne. -�WOODSAW. All otherglo-surpass, Xkj3W IMZN 'NHISI -VALUABLE MEDICINE is UNFAILING other milkers, a sea; after aZ - X� . I vVera s4iling upon cti s ne- :hose painful and dangerous KED, SPADES, SUOVELS jut ca'd -at "UtUbWalacksmith h0VA ManY� person in tht: cure or all I POWERi PURITY, HICHNE89 -of venturegavid 'experiences wild etOng' ct. —AND— XANURE - FORKS, Be Surfl -you bring the Za5lL- TOnly 418] glect ther horses�licalth and condition diseases th whichr ill -fernale constitution is s t e "A EOMNIXii comw3rA 10—A I U -- erials for a romance, I, moderates all ejecee8s andromoves all obstructions -eat- t, re ort, pC -a furnish the ina until it is too late, when at a trifling ex- handles. ,hei, schooner Goblei, r faithful d a speedy raw bt.relieflon. 4DE, wolqn, long','and';sh with he very choice issorinvent of P I. C Tria E's t Be and no trojible the horse Might wo me drifted dowl -8 once r4k little crew- of t I the pen Mau "Ohle'l; and 0 lid y "I the .,.,thy, rig breeze, anil have bee rsmungtl t VM 0611dipare I r-- iirin tatilways There 9 nOne lak% before'a fav ;!%�o"f1h.Prd!e5ldoft1s.1 - itisit ,out- To all who may have ocension to use an the Concert n saved if attended to in tim To)tAUljIED LADIES I �ith them arlystutea. itwill� in a short time, bnug andg Ion F da hove to j It ty. puulrit!r of -the 3E31t:&1D- For lightnessfi I aboutuoO33 article of the kind Ave v...Id coriffilently I.L.'thP, Mo. -for simply + t ed -old Ilag flying ild perioa with egul A r6a Immense �itj5 is iLceountad mith her the 3mvlalv V Allow, head,: 'and lay. rez-ommend "Darlev's C.ndition Pow- lzwse, partsshowd not Oe fakenoybemaks its superior mpritsp'be niz the The Jadges odd at Sfifith i ,.A=tjy from the eave aemedy., W, Z MONTRa efersgnancy'as tkeyctre Workmatioll Bilek-horn, d6com and Bone I T110Y *�Cjj rst ' itAs :lTallatbit in Ivory, uch ders. and Arabliap ]a Onot, am�QChuevvt. of deserved F! Fri0ft. tow with as m nstarrtagIf. ka oA a*y olf1witims theY per�-eett Tiiere wmting - Ear a doubt the best �)reparation in sure tebringopt, Ise llas been waM 1'% by A. complete re fatj.dge, vicern. tbbilebestqUall dsti, as thou in all Cases a Q imbs� Fat ORB #OM t Unco asth?ugh she hao without FM and.1100KIET KNINES, RAZ- ...;-,,Fe used it tis- �ti.rvotig;lTio,$prll4lATecti�n&,Faia in it -.(;Odetiq 2�nd,1972-' sands who ; .16 or tarriv4d, fro, n Ch�cago� aft r 11 h -or slightemitlion.ralpt- and'SCISSOM the lze tify. Reiftember the Ila— and see that t a Back ILI rue The ti is on each lationot the lif iartXysteijqff. and Whites. iticie Pills Makers, Ig Trti 3Z ordinary the signature of'Hurd W Uo., frect. It cu rty m+4n aVother, m6wis have Alled, TA and -E b. of the ice which bad f2eett cu ou, AVA Biel, ant Jan, ary, � with the hol e package. -Northrup &Lyman Newcai- althoush2v P0%- eitul rimedy don tc ale iron, TE d In B&ck River in -opriators for C41 atomel, - iada. oily, or *-.JIDD TABLEDESSERT 'Ea- IF YOU WA" tbatsberwolild-be 911e.to do-sonvethi!g tie, Out., PI lion NO SPOOWS and FORKS, E L cutaway�a, hQl �e by all me"ine dealers. Faildireouti inAheraphletavoll" eftil P& a the for the reli-Of Of tl whi ecarefully 'Proe , rve AGENT. TRO -PLATED BUTTER 4-2) TURES ri mini tfiat �d­vaa soon at h -.r COOLERS, KNIVES b,,nd 31! will vras long deferr wrw yonx, sops rappittrTon. very juitalile for pig"CES =(I within a Snort time tl Le THE ZL&RXETS JOB CRUET sidej rits.for postage, eficlosqd to Worthrop, , 'a -approach' h r, eaten craf; was lyinj at a do4h -1 oo and'12�'p a— 0 weather -b tlm-, ageatifor the ilaj" h�jrvvl7o way, andon�y '72 & Lyman b, ljqtfle conti goveiroordli- xEs.PLM iYWA i0djentau in this city, out of CluDEP.1cit, ay 7th" 18 ENGLISFE' FLA heaft, (pall) V 28- V MAN, Tito nost un romwheat'(Sirm Ubushl., 1 22 0 tqiRTHTtU:V&LY. W61 Untliviri names both canaluala AIM 4ud of repa& W No "Teill MAR &JACKSOWS, Floor. (per b- 8 � HAND,, P T 114! iWater, ZU4 requirinw- Q moderate amount F,, by rotor" MI exteptiona -and Xmeri�au CY to make her riila4y for business. ....... 6 00 (W o uO TIYLOW 11 A'A d' the czew ofil few Itotm in 04o 07 042 cah beficen at the, st0reOlri'le W 1003 OatsV5 bush ............ .. The I;wa meriviiliq COMPOS ag -A.complet,6 woortment' . ltrits, I : . ain a;ildnvate, -and they' re�voj, 9 bush ........ C 62 0 065 Nortk$jjs Market SqUare. AD, -dry were the capt .050 ..bf-WMTE. aid BAD LE it% POP101- , Barley, V bush ............. 050 0 sw Vh the vesse he went, tatoes,q bush .... 0 55 0 0 60' went with the vesso wherevr Po Sold I.A, 0 Ob tile ot-3blish- throu the inter. ghout all ometimes ....... 4 765 5 00 FAMS �A" COL04 hT; 11, FE USON Hay per ton ... 20 00 24 00 R ?. Hiek� in by the Kim E they would be quietlyhoplined chickes. per pair ........... 025 (0 001) inton, S.Sve PA I ' MT.-VARNjSHanawHff19 or ItIlreo =Uuo from file Butter,V Ili ................ 0 15 0 1f3 I 0 012 tae-14ft. ce, on two j?,ggs, V doz, (uDpa0h'oJ)-- 0 0 of 'Tor days a�--& time, andthen -6 001 auj Rum jEiENP ROPE her On, xpec nteei' ted 0 shore, wbuld break BLZ .3 ONA C,1 N.&# PA0=9G, GRMSTONES, yould come, a win4 which ]pie t a up the ice an&sena� it an(! the ves4lel- SpecialTelegraplb to Ilia Signal- GRINDSTONE FI=URES, SP tho HOIII,'CAPS, 314. 7111,1872, Wting ji�injji all -piled vp 60146- 8 where, e1r9, th( ; vessel beiiMpreventi.-d vnleat, Fall)per bull 25 0 010Q mmwolm, IT lie, REVOLTERS, sna I ow 1,20 0 -0 00, -and rtby t1lebarder c Wheat; Sorin nr-DGES, IDOMTIE mour, (per ............ iAngl -* is to this iilwul- Ad 6 00 6P 656 nq flop LM32U,0.3� prattk girl ow, t e abore, extelvdi�g '0 001 a 037 SINGLP ikkitAt' TrYiPf tO hail frinci1al, Oats�jiezbush .... lisauds fin-ni paiii-in th�, ow I urin- the etirly p0t ............ 0 00 (0 0 60 77 If MY Pease parbusb 'Z- -and dUNS-�ud all twlsg, iN pair into deep wate the via el Barley per ........ 0 Fill Sid Ovi n -foun otUaimprisonmen, those 0 ItUall. ........ v o60 ;heir at rie 600 0 5 50 IP C� U I from cold, i cr"a d muel ....... snah, so t1ley could not bi ild r per 14 0 014 h- broken liar doll. (inapackedy. 0 12 0 '00,)- 'DYsettti6Vj7 BOWCT t 113t, ley ould reach, the Zvore ......... clear lft� Ills pt"0111t #- .7 50 .......... 7 tiq ( 1, . - . — I � I . . OHN, ON, Pill re; but wl4en'the ice for uloverficed; .......... - 0 OU Ov , u uu its llji�ei so Yugo, ley ........ ?17 va @ ao 01) --,. e . ', .1 Le weaZ aa supply of ed Itove's go0a, bBite-$ - "I eo. obtained another I ...... ....... 2 00 60' 3.00 so t1ley `200 0 .025 4,� be biattdiltiott Of isiom Wood and. plenty Of prev Wood .............. Z lj�,r cwio duriftZ hecomfettably. an Pli't' S of COM h.. ....... $1 0 ADO or of Their mean Z5p 11 20 1;20, folv tho-P blic f Devi -16, is I Drfaillagins jEs,1010 Wheat I*heat, heskodwfrg ul'�ertanau ....... 40 00 4 400 a le Vhe�g r 6!11y. they Were ablO to- t' _,4sed "Oerbil ato el- pe aliallit y10� -three rude 11011 ........ 4Rzr, 0 36 �d been' r6p Gs .1jilrjoy, partUtiti. 5. 2 t o* the. id -sled they I nove o%yll it Angle dfoiAtisfitotit ventnres ond with a Oats, per h'w a 17 rouow6d' , ut jte�eir articles theY t pcaE[e per bash ........... 0 07 0,-69' deV9 tail IN th 11 e t #rt 'Of Ita woul4t britig Inick Wh, -speak in Inost of the r0imes, per busU­ ........ 0-5� 960 no vessel lair ­ 11 6 60 'I of4b Fork ........... 0,4 1 00, bat eflect. M JSL "Was ea am ex -in the, matter; tailni two or.fhteo Ottli Butter, pir lb..;� ...... par ancl It ID Wgitper doz. (qupacked).... 0 6 �twenl ty--two, f 0 0 OR roughly 4, dW f ri 00 ;, n tany6ribecompisinu'forwhichit Is N river. ............... 16'm %7 00 sydepaudupoult beingaisoverelp 50 Hay,; ....... 0. 04rhe jce:ffQj,.jUXiu immeni - , L � -, �, 4 � . -, -. !-- fidga, -aboub the laka kept them ttloro As aon it broke I ntU x few Uoj=vAL, WAY. 6 rs jtWwd)efderfat ing ii for the all);R bush, �V 09 145 inendel] , stibiln relieving iitwy and thCgja(j SailOrg fl6t Wheat, 1-40 Ing ot'sh I 0 0 W , t 'At -7 C# tiolf out tie Ate, 131 L r. L ? of Remedies.. ordevoiareM 0 P f," . rjor Varley, V *rt#6(tb0QQuntr t heDeater Pat an(I afow liouralate 91le Ojils, plief; and each tostify'll bus 0 39 k(W 031 zo, the so, fieraely tj 4a 13 00 as 20 orderand =e no atrying It 13 clit per bottlo, lkono".To, May'. Gth, 1872. jillsh ........ 1�1 49 149' - g-gr�olij iGr V bush,.. vo (it :1 25 a fine StSU"ghsobooner 30 00 6 bushels earwitY, liTid doesnot B.UIeytV basil ............. 0 F#5 0,10 lj�jvtjluv, Uogdrlmo, 0 41, 043 *u& the worse for we4r, 'On 10111 0 10 a 16 thought herbottom is &InsidlarAly 0 Ttuckndw-'E� Rickson ad. l0w will go. into Fitzgerald'o. 1600 151" vt�, V*Wr. W ....... 0 17. 0 V, as soon a4 b*r "MO of corrt 014 0 C This 00M having b to it DAR b" "T is A W to. DIRIC '0 It, -0 0;.