Huron Signal, 1872-05-01, Page 444 r ;W, Set -Sale or to itt. o ad, Oardage wi y #4amersgn VeiFjV6dnmdn TOWN LOT8.9 ask& I< -44 -01 0. 1: A 0 T ORYL. Y. SALE 49 EMLD Qg to 1!0 AND qT 40 i44 33ATIS 39ZLIOTT tic, Tv�o 613gp The utility 61 raw tiones is much cir' It. 0Qry_A,jrb , �ibd lips. Ll"x$Upr�q. . , I I JV ,!, I I- Zpply to ko e(t,. APA Or tffi and" to in Intl- ftmacribid by the difliculty of,brin n HER t mating to the - -11, 0, 11; them into fit OttO40ri ,Ito own and roantry batthey Goderldh 27th jjajV"7SV% nl4w lublic of rr %41 ;C BE go* ft in& t 11 ads, 'r �JrAqL zw,m ullm inathod of cracking them, orreducing ,)� P P, lrl� 1o: have opened a Waggen ar YOU little t003. a 4, �0=04�,"d d tjWVft to large fragments by nWiffit4f a A "I X St. on Cheaply, as Is. Ot P he�vy pounder or sle0ge, way -be om. -THI Only a golden head, ployed whet*ltboY are intend4tdr iai� stand immedis FAR FOR A A tO t the WOrk Cutly in an orchard or vineyard, where th &C� 1. attend _Peksonalli/ ey m Nair York. Up I 4S. Sept. 234 .... 10% A ....... % oli., oott 16th, entrusted to t1win. and4r6))r4r*tCd to LUMOut AL FMqT-0LA58-FAl1Y. Only- be buried at the roots of a 14 Fla%, 66PL Wtn.. .0 EUONIA-MRAV, Oct. 2111 JD)Cfjg leave to return thanks to the inliabitinth Of told 11OA4 fo- ilkn .2 L. Oct. 28th adjOIntrif; the "Dratpz a the 'Zown CLTU"l fruit tree. Ly 994U1011,41141-aurroun4lus ijuggles, LauAlyand dt- Iest RI,Tt; jr Sat, Oct. 7th .... AN 141 y, tor their P ,-If 1241 ne blished w prepared to fdrulsh all Sloigbo, th"ta Sat" Oct. 14th_.00 113NIA ... Sat.. Nov 4th 1114rWpationageduringtho last two veark bb has OnlY a little brain, they And qxerr - Wqd=84 fill tprdoy tile, a -to lw*4404; �berinbustnass. Hots no b b me useful to annual crops, (Xitters wt4aofel 44; r 1,1" r af; I articles In hisline, such as 911:1a be f)rough t tij a more py vj 2%. Xv, p and laverythfirg in thelf, llue,ofthov best ma. eh ford. (DnIj a itflaheart, en c moy b�oken theylvijky be. to-: terinl And, wor):U14011111, And at the v0*11ov/cat m watorca. ft ballft elm Vhd r! 'tive raw. a stm7-an(I hallftmer."'W10 y slowly but anop 02tn:2ttyrW?rc 2rau�lftd! with mought. V T—T- a :a muners, till caustic Iva more IW1 0 with. 1jmsjjbe7,aI QPIAL P45P Zr!C)i'3B 3S X ZZ Is 901 om to be me -FEcla wit much Itr .If I it IeA biconveniiftt:6 than by Toce Sent bi 16 riiati sly ig�tewisr dower team,l omplish this, h t ti lit box, not, over 4ighieeii a large as ortinent of Ig 9t d for h 00 =N Only D, nT on P, is needed. Procure sound - he b thope w1shm .0 send for th Ir d%-1 73i, L i X poor tIn es doe -=-Oki SIGNA4 I 1 3 � - .,. Codellch 27M J V. n6 officas r". - a we al wood-mliep. lqix ^ peck of 9ml - its T -Al. 130 1 MaL -Ri nly- IfN I' 7- r,� ­ ­ - 0 a baby small,, "pat . ( 11, I - . - -.-, Oj T71 lime an -d 42Rct..4-PL� w barrel of Or oil rMAT Ar to us ith tht 'Wo 4" �, figh, s, etc. t ) iheELp for a es fir3t) pittiti t i all f W, �'l ROM6 aiid lect. II -0 I f I 1. I I I , - I t I UT ON CAMBRIA RoAD h NLt -iw w�ti wat�r, QM` e the mass AND 0A THE SHORTEST NOTICE NMI 10 js�xw and lot. TermB rm�onalge. to - order. Having on hand on sia T NICTURE PRAMES kept on hand and made to �#me to time more water to trepegre a ... I 1. -- 'bL q,!A sortu cut of taut stte of moisture. 1n, four or THS FFIN ecome j - IMMIN L G . I., # To ra=m staimimm cbXMcZer-- Gelp so tluclL softened that th( Itr � I . , LY V will onimble L rep�r;d to Make, cAup on the shortest sWHITE & Co. iI have now on hand it good stock of Ir�jjga -Wood Plbufthj; oilers to powder with. a slight blow. Tlas mass top, iwd- IQ c9aduat he moot I Kngiil6s.antl sale. a beaten fine oth New and Second Hand, which I Will a It che�jp. call. d Tjja best, "(SW match-Marryinig may then be mixed up an . An .=11=r soldstaud, D an exam ne mjr stock. 91ARCIISE AND ACRE LOT, VI,,n A witli 1"shovel, and an equal quantity of wife. 1019 diled and thorongbly inter. OLD) AST, 1ARGEST AND BEST -Ono containing0i re. fir�e soil a je aw lvrll,� A L pital Letter r 5i -,of'Vo4trail. R., N may so* Im. Mingled. This ccmpost is too strong for 'It. IT - 6derIch mittamce. . . - . '00d 4 t direct application to the seed, and it us t ericb, Jan. 8th, 1871. 'Take- cars of the ye Mith V nce,' c. ing it for corn some earth needs to be has to look QAt fi#'Ied ith it proviously says it jill the expense her If thequantity, J,",DS fUr SAT R. J. wTMT, far. ies is increased the procest is pro- Q416KEST.- AND FESTSTE406"i, so=* one &�' hes, i Ph11&UthiOi9i an -ortionatetS hastened. andbesta coraodatibfi^-'��­ are now manufacturing- AT BAYFIFE-L.D. NZWSPAPER A wholovexall man ad #Wie- and a man MUE SUBSCRIDER H4VING been APPOINTED 'DANIEL! GQRDON NR R des hwitons Bum ta Owil YA41'' L Tovmcblp JL A "Q"k FOR -A GOOD ajKOK 0AB1.NRr.V WX -ER E USE iTHE §U'Pj11jS- I be sur. the be- qilalltY Thet beeiclndi��= duc-i-In, 4i first LTN rs OF which. for appear unce and dam i itY ca"uQ my sacond sat, my third and fourth I of all -who =ace Oftho To- ar RaDneld. 'There !B a psased, and am securing the patronage Of 0 ac -Its which colafld be for crop. The remainder of vDio ini' want u first-class article ed d A corr covered witb the ba5tofb­ccch=d map, the onion mag- y R. NVarrau6l. esponlont asks for information I&Rrqpsredi.� UrHOLSUIVER, rural dL%tria h - ho x to stop or prevent PUBLISHED X.ENITYMN j%ln 8 NDH M T -L-11 All Work w a RRY a splendid growth. an c:ccell ad ent VjfN rj� 0 10 O*Ifig' 16w rates J[YA SW I T n OAAWAGE TRIMMING men im the, t front destroying the onion. Here is aAT d&not sabjcribe� to cours" of lectures, ,,io ..EL- y1i* tokeed-ut brandlIes well and tastefdItY clecUtM, vritL Bides of the propeAy. whielt t d Ima a method _MWA I? -_7 -, In futimI C 1111 I w1th Mod which has succeeded for several "i 1 1� � 3,Ch MJX n all ital I vs -the limes pur See T. E atendmice of Mir Jolm and well so 1, Al at, nderitho st2pet are twitted with having (_h "h years� When the Onion is up thrie or jg.P. 14, ebaecd t fitied up his #live E; at ho=*- 0 .Hamiltou) one or the COILM112tug CU corea. of Lt wDuld tumme a I - ALL CAN U 10 IT. -e a strong solution Of I�W four inches mak A �19 let it IUMBER -WAGON, To yoltry-keepers--le rb*ra any dif- PRICE 074 ro Tholot El salt water and apply ith a common gsr- THE, .9refanvi attended th. -Iteali Orders JR t4is line e cousid=ble water fall x7file fere�rlce botween, hen mg and cock. den water pot, nearly scalding :hot; rer- A6 T -T rX T 0 W 1-nd Repairing. able for URNITURE 1,1bibbiug a r III$ ap h �Trlp'issutd at Arfd -Tras a-Zilly to, Am =bin? peat in 10 days. With P Ication ..: -4- "--7 -- . , 31YIZTL'� NAVY Is n,g-litte i paid to all orderstutrustea to us For t� du4t, r�l, and any in stridtalUnuoi - I On higmer rosecuted. The name , =tA m3' X,arjat notic,i,I -No whistling nor I haTe saved mv onions and had good it on It will be or W. IV CONNOtt, L?Eq. WAKEHOUSZ. Tv(,ICI'TT BILLING$ 18 oa each Ca dy & TA -JR. an eaeh rlug� UL& solicited. thft"umkp &WIS.' ghbors had 41 theirs City, Off, BARI_$-TQL- S Saw TOrk.AX1 at Haington, January.23,1872. W4 am* is W crops when my iiei. st mav 1871. 70 Donglas Jerrold once SAM, to a"Very -destroyed by the magRD-' U feared at CITY Aq TO' i0b r04(will-in future carry on the above business, Guelph, Aug.15th, 113 a WO'L & 4junlit but first to use the soluti 0119 ISL 0 extenaivelytbart ever. While thankful for pait N.1Y OF HURON. C'My (or E )"'�E'Ls anaga_ha hopes' by Atrietattlaitilu to meritw NE SM 'GloderiBMAle on hot, but CITY or '�381111pro thin yo lik I without th* Aefd Orth* LWAM4 ence has taught me that it cou wor, c4 and-lacresse ofeupporL d does not harm tke ortion.- C Teva4swe Lim cut convicts to OVA9 ... , V _ - work Cure,, an crft RERP ty or L01,60N TRIUMPH -All fill -ght to too NiheTownfbip Li�-O& Araawhusetts Plowman. CITY OF j$ROQUYN JfOW 01f IffAND I 11111on. -North xtart of Meek r� rCM,2r;0k CITY or Linram 100 acres 90 cleared awT ainder geod f�_� #jag xpret;ilitim for tlie�g to� molke mia�iks oi jurnIiure III the county ri V ji ,ei like offe XY'Tho subscriberr won d raspectfully ujgo those on thaAargest. 50 aercs good Rard 17cad lljrpW,, 0 Creeks, 201, fly8t quality trwks. mea="Ment of Ur. nt4nding to Wait fairpipo 100 4-04, to go R d ls,% L)a shortest notim -prepared to I good 14-9 Eezm =J inman LW6.vIdnKsjvjtj ly 04 temM wj�b ever"thilig in kid Une Frame Bam and vmall lm,�jn an 'a lula" wife on being wely, asked xqn"n timal baftid. I qL/ A ve I , and hich can afforl the mos win an liarjor rietts mileoffitem eawan. casualti s, ad:nd Od) $150 Per Ali -am In Advaflee_. "Gardner, So�w I c h1l'"19 4 whai'sh shonlil lo in case herhusb� Cat milesof the County TormGeerl(2-4 4Zc3la %nd The Ploughmay; aaiys� oil a sinalli a odatjoui pasqengem roolu Betts it, Wall-ut, I X. B. -The rates qunte(f, aboVe take ou from the do do- In CUstuat; T;HAM -am pplyto i Should fail. replied, 'Live ou arms t.0 �e fold' 700 cubic feet, make a ton;,forclo- MANUFACTVID ILT ON. 9 Got"eh $tsttou to the d-1 6k Queen, do do In Whilid %yood, JOHN VDWABEW sure. k*e1W011_1k1RdLffe.hj�%_twa,.wU ver, allow a quarter more. At the'_ bot- Glasigoworkondon firyandt,lietvirsa. For so I description, Pnac� rich Nov. 9% s7L hands,, j* jhS en4 ot We will tom, of a large bay, 400 feet, Make ii ton; Zter formation V to de. Godc MIMI W-W-ADI)CLIA AN I " % For family and light manufoduring work the. vemturafn4a ttifths4�"PI-8 W,ill ne' her 6 e7 aa mowwiu For Sale,, ver near the middle, 6()O faet. Asaglideral 6004ines:Ranking bilice, faili, rule, a cube ot eight feet in t4A ARGEAS East Streel - lot August, 187�, Garldnersewin-9- XAcihine weigh a ton. This rule is given all one $ORTMENT OP It is suggested to Mr. Gih�oro to in- . ............ ... . . . ...... ifig wel. estimat- Pictures such as -Oil Paintings,Cbromes;Lltbographs CARRIED OFF THE F11UST OVER 4,4 TIM _�4CUJ AT TiLE &bridth Photogra E it Fast -lit. Multiply the Ien19 6 Y HAVE att t , ia%tesi in Boston the editor has followed safely S gitt, VAmtone, & ArRF at thecomin2 JIL pliof the Qul6*u.Haviqg made arrAugetnenO EG To INT131ATE THAT THF A House cau supply is tud- the pq of the �Ipd, by a wit 31anufactitring NT0i LOWIDONi treet. B opened a branch of their Kincardine Wrjun*.�_j �Rjager, Qf'coi �ogether, either in feet or TGO. C:KAVHA r� fP ROUte to and frarallo and height t Fict re n anystyle required,st. Toronto If the latter, mult ly 0 length pric s, 'Applyi.0 V. DE TLOJa VSQ. yards. CATHERINES, N BVIIJ, A Chjuamap ivrhQ b -Ad -his naseL bitten off always oa hand a 6ornplete assort III Yards by the height in 11,00 AIMCHT 9i , and of DA31pr. ELL. in a ftht lnItan.FraneL4co halli vide.the product bv 15, %nd the quotient In the old 4taud of Mr. A. 31. ohnston.victorla 0, 7,msto kv. pub -d -=d- *bow, will be the numbe- in the mow, 50AIIIS Shroads in theLatest, Style. GoderichJuly Zfth. W,:,L. r of too his friends One of t] e American cus. h, and will be ab'e to supplY t,tderic if it'is well settled. 11 It aJso came off with high honors at tile X1rOvjUcI41 ExhibitRon, Kingston, toM3. �.'Als' FARX 201% SAM 01VIDAMSES to h1ro. and whq a*arded a Diploina at (jid'JUmilton EhiIiitian A young Wy was looking a a pictiare. ornbsto-nes, Stnvbo= Bed& ita f ifttilaga, PXie &'IdVdrk in a boat, pp;tj lbdon- ol __T M Lm-nd 70 acm Plti=d 9Md BZf11:1g, a) cerm with t1k*ia=Qftb&1orq=X#n -enielIl- p Co'y People who saw THE GA ft -the 1: derry, or Glasew Ill housands of ntlepieces, A Make the soil deep, rich, and pulverize apply to Mora f5tof Post Office. RDN ER in operaitipti. ar, these ex- ing the Vaist-df_!!�' Mt&ai:_*&n she nk Railway hibitiorls %ere adliallyliastonishedat is 'Window Sills. P;,Iy or on the inn="y' rWAWj_X4, AIJOW natural 11 it thoroughly. This is all the Me UC. L3LJL, Gbderieli.Aug.15.1 W30. . 'Umbij; and Curdivoodlaken in L?a V &, at a Clp� . C. , _. v avm com. cessful grower in the countriv ever S 1L Pi -I C11 Ys.- ST AND CAPAUTT Goderich, Dec. 13th. 287L As a Uwyer and adczfor were� vraffing to, C&M� gC. attempted and accomplished. When the hest ct�le of workmanship end on reasonatI.- a W3W Silt* _tQ 3 7inend: the soil is put into snob a state, a man terms. These two are ast 09[NW to our. h�ahw OKS IT WILL SEW FROM THE GAVIND STUTE=S,, wait$ _f"poni4.7 Be- may, plant trawberries with a pretty Agent. good expectation of obtaining. a strong. IHINEST MUSLIN TO THE HEAVIEST CLOTH & LEAMER. rm j.i)i sw93-t LOT 5, Con. 4, 8. 3D., Ashficjcl�, cam" they are a lawyer and a, dct")r- vigorous, growth, providing be obtains IN =19 _�*tendVelff'W-Premise yo= money or your life. AND' IT IS HANDSOBIELY MADE AND IS sortmadaptedtokslocality. Whetherhe eoveredwilb Mcple ud Dc 10 mils Tapa,"said, ai.bright h&ired boy, 'how S!L:e� 41id ]New-. Stock Simple, Durabl r faiging trout ever gets any,fruit willdipeud somiwhst ei Convenient 2nd Easy -Learned, om Godedell, *1 -a rcTe' coutd, tto militafy '#y' froin, the:191dr of M rannineg tb -ed, and the meth. strea mg ntire of the upon the variety plant 2�e ve Wit& thoy 4ad;6uly one pin me the niost complete get of land, there is bout 16 of c'eared ou of cultu I e adopted. But the ground lip And has aWichmouts O$ sav apiece, au1botff wings bf the army were Machine now mainItictured. la,nd on the front of work and foundaLion of succers is in pi, AIL thrown 'mtq great disorder? Say, PaM ting the land -into the condition wehave rooan how could they flyr Call and see the GardnerNachine, at silei I opposite the Market THOS. VEALTBURAL] described. "', House, Goderich. AT IMTLEX'S, ear -17111S3, Eli n6-raudsurve For Miles who admira large VabfietimkdN Urdeftmrs wood P e For. a neirstyle isilichead of� a, staffed hum- 'Gode W. S... OHNS-TOV. Jan,2nd, --bird DvcKs 1U -R0 SIGNAL min. vfflidliAond eye3, enclosed Lrim AND 11L -s. -Some interesting AGEN - "0IR HMN 00my; im a witia hoqp otburnisBed gold. They; exp, ants have recently been maidek N. B. -The following is a copy fr6m The 01obe, Ouring the e4iblition. HVRD&ROBERTS, Valuable Fropert For sulo. w upon the comparative fecundity of ducks I�Beautifu],Assortment we vez�t Texy Ffaja�zrerprbcr acrow tn& stater, to the' mra next week -at King.,ton,-'lT1ie Gardner SeWing Mac-hine Co. e3�bibiOaveraj IDVAW.118 IN WEBLZ,&IWFO=n5 OF t land hens so as to determine from. which OF luttda, can I ga thraqa4 tM5 gau 0 1 40ot tb W-'Adb0on's Erarnest "SlWp, wpm will bt, familymachines. Those on riew-were moperatjon' during the. 4ay and of t& two the larger noinaber of eggs can lou#d T8 `Eow'� Gl? tha riverF politely iuq� aftshionably SUOT17,11 GRANATE MONUMENTS L" be obtained in the same tiule. For this JEWELLIERY OFALL KINDS sewed from the lightest work to a piece of sheet lead md O.bit of cigar $S3 "eudn IRT40(n(mrowlirg The L wemt through this mouaiiiig,' was the hor- for! Pirungroom. auct rar or Pu all thatin req�iired family circle. =d reply. REb Dffi�ri,au& ull in ny Mize cofitimavuou hame Ai, GOOD ASSORTMENT 1 . machines, do liuM manufacturin' work as ell a4 aud fill Lot E58-11ba�iA ex dressed MY. 'Perap3 so; a load of hay purpose threo hens and ducks were se- ir You �riuz ,X0VXM,,, of kitchen. Bftlrqo box eombined. Tork strts Hamllt;us hilt lected, all hatched in Februaryi and JUS nourished with suitable food. In the T TA41,98. 1"P constaLtly on hand, and nrill,fumfishto ovler 1ftel on short notice all kiftap of ICHA (W8h0air;ne sud wood 4eated) %1k orks embracing.MonumentaTio0b, Abl� The U�iost 9&Umt MaD ever heard Of is following autumn the ducks had laid two and to be sold A S tpr .11, 11 one who reftiudfromidt"gs, d t 'hundred and twenty eggs. vi bile the hens � I Headstoues,Condbera:'I�ible-U BROSTEADS. Ves. both 24arble Ama warlile., hadbitte Crf%OA/ --Jzed Slate, said he, T MATTRESSM 10"'DERICH WOOLEN.''FA laid none. In the following FebruAry To Wu�z T*2 CHEAP AT 13 UMLEW$ WASH STAND9' iL — I :1 *_ , LOU V 4. k6i6if -_ei2t_ the layiug season began again witlithe NIES. il M . 807A& ducks and continuai uninterruptedl r1olling �V;Lckles, nELF074GICAL MZNSIZATIO-1--Severs uniflAugust. Theyshowedno inclina- WHATNOTS. LbOklk GLASSE9 Godericb. CMOs 'O, aNKLMOU n to set,, but became very thin, al- UP ALL Churchgro tain: 'kAW KINDS. atam it was _;1iie1Y though they afterwardsfattened up some- 13- 13 f n il-6 prepared to goll everything in : LARGE T N U M BB R their line Niece: _WW4 au""p- whaL -The total number of-vggs laid by the hens amounted to two hundred and HRiSUBSCRIBEI"S. 'WHILL RETURNING THANKS FOR PAST PATROVAGE, LFA L STATE that during the past winter, thcy teve IT11TE gulls-,R1BE8-N',iPX#A1WIY MUM say it was; as Broad:: CheaO 100t 0815h. -seven, or eighty-six eggs each; and -ad N.,B Ato 001itMentfCofilng and Shrou ALL. vrrders fifty Its -two, ot one bun- alw4vs onb=a Heme to hire ; al on. reason. or, Ajaufloter, wl0stperusing a chapter three hnn4iEe4. and nine '411ftriox kin ablelterfus. ef Genesis, tamed to his mother and in- -y-one each for the -ducks, alRufteturing drt�d and thirt --�D F_ Added larg eirX ACAU VWITED. A19D i(Quired if the people in th(ft 4.1ty-9 ined which tSerl smaller than the hens, yet And all having inca entirely refitt4 or-lere 4. d Goderich.. 16 Aug 187M to do. ad AT dds"Ir theyproed to be ded edly superior in C; Are Ordor'l Owing Township, OUA= 3 to te hens. has &boon ban& covere&_tko hifibit'106t _xadijg. the I productivelim AT BUTLER 8 InTwecils, Full 41 qqrs�c covers, Stopkiii.-; Yarns, kc.. &C 'Arlol- *anKQUftbA=1jWp1ied Tho. Ei6bhlor Oroory The San Francisco Post says the ex- UVIanch. 19th Aug"Is7.0. a _- . RE�D XW104 CwR'-FAT= 1), er ESMTIX� periment. of crossing the buffalo, with dq- A ScotchulMimax addriassed by mestic cattle has been tried with highly HOOT SC4FFLERS.. -y..&qCU, is ly, UTT his sia wj%; 10b;- I shan't leave The animals ro- AND STIMW 0 satisfActory results. Thty ow I;,, =. -"I � . - Betty, d Weation. to All sp duced, are 4rie and itrong, ihe- hiJ2 ]ExteAslve W onliberal terms, snaordcr-1*T-jZ.1)tIT, H AVE GREAT PLT48 and youql plezk-se, me.'- returned John, 10,the public ofthe j9R'E,nA&*,,try,that the) jection to them beiiag thit no 6rdin CUSTOB SPUYN-MG, CIR01M.-VLOTH =cpicd by3ir- ff. Da". witth great, eqnardmity. 'T been a f Moral ve 119 teat, t�o OG ru Pot Which th6irmachineryls spenfilly Adapted.�Piiiitles7elirahygtrom a distance VIO *001 ILI 3- D. ence stops them for a moment 7 and thit Ad *erti ir pates IL A ve 171cery-afiJno%4qtjod�� 4jaoutho Wife te, Y099 tir3isted the NEM PREMISES wn accouu, 'They1iLv6;A liandj go Wtd.ed, by Godevoll Xarch4th 7 wiS*%A,tf -hay love the water so much that -they riguson -ebabLooderiotitcau rely on getting th leaving the Siunc i0th Mr. D.Te Xci a rto g home hthe same day Thoso ivishin t:W al IV. the kt��, Mid- g to exchange their wool for goods will. And it to th* i swim and sblort in it even when it is -of-fact hus- ;Plibers a call. ed the matter fail of floating ice, ancli. the 'UOUD STOCK R. y will jump S. B. --iPrices Low. rst-class work cuaranteed. -Theexampleof ig rthe sake of BRA"OFORD B" reveling7in, iis liquid tleftent.4 VVhM PRO. prope;lr cored JOHR--$ G- pdkysco whb"met of old might have for Iffiese, Aniaw Iddas 7. make "M _Aetj�a 6fp biffatton. as milar superfo; ilil? re enc'erSLXXXAle's& orte r 3 p evil the to t1irlipffaic, rove of commerce4v 4�rool 4 asa*---,d, is TE Of �. .:Es rlrs Mottled e in JF ta abiida awardl" Sir TOBACCOES, fill n Thfttl� is actitaffy i considerable com- AD 'm %11 1001coaditi-on, Iftit wo ike to ke merc&mtAuU between M!ance andEng _0, A by his mother to saw, Lmd. Xt�ad of good size and L ift good SYRUR j agar I out of railroad tiQ& condition will fetch twenty-five cents in MOLASSES, One- laboW the, London market,, and a dozen of ex- da- etorltv�cstbollo Raff bar-XZk, �hortly afteT, she fu=d saw toris 104 4tAIM-,P Xr., o nd Work eqUent q'fialii rth fivei dollar*. FVtl y _. - _. - .... �.. i a 'T - . Im. - rations are is old" 0 - DERI all O' :'ig V624 a 7 1 r askeit her�MIief the* thsciii 'C Mtdi ofilt are All Mg&tL 150 i's aura. Aud"k fdrthO VICTORIA 001101sespeaw Ty Adar m ..tiIe iuwwraof these, gArdetm er, mama GE0. G Tj PEELS. Podericb Jan, 10t4 1871; 11� hard. very hard� to abelmr ifor them. Tb 8 7nl; 01,1 a pay their w by insectsi. 911 tiof-� - 11MW NEI ARB. A9 B-R-I.GHAM G ON �RM DiscIzuing al-Xd (who Itan hurdlojne Is U by.p,-;a.)_-'AfftOU Olar -STING 'OF; UONSI Gi itJIMLY to 11 niw" a'Arsel' 'X=s*--"Ye3 ft. * , Di� dear, tim ito klilicl IF FOR � T - __! I NA -TOILET 'BETTS. r W Toilet. For tc, mot S O?Ab a 0 XIcTigTdr=d*rInS Uts bo.pirlo ;an Only be Managed by kitd. YOUR I -P. uy p*od sendink the '4 one of th,05e' trid _g *_j " S 0 NE CONUO Vfnf, gin NOT1CZ--4A "%Red.' It -ast. 261ferto ab''r D E-11 10 11. Vl3NTAA= YOUD CkZLAZ4,�- 18�f()I- 111.1 will Quickly remove all edne t. A O nex; so you had better get some sponge, owing. advice is ,weU u bl! � L Mea, PIM h F..ordar orth- heading: lee, and ottlerim ourizesafonce., caUand W l4w*-faters, dty=Plains, Frost 0*defrchj-4ithW,1he mith­t 'A e cello r r y .. tow * Ste towards --ozent aad jIpIijj It; will, Tdceivj an rde� fr' 3jaVe for SaI6 n k bythb cari 2 neles, &c., Dfl, Aw'swom asecalkil t1le, off _rXI T, Mr. a pair of -theirr k1stl;611 ��X y TZ �X 'Ind Other traps, -CROSS catiset they easif humbugirgd, hei ftd,6f N V litithespirffig. The r U tineal,43u.-nmeal,, Buck.- PUVSA-W$ MILD SAWS; WOOD 4Q1r, Out d daer'llundred girif, aitiety-ove be medcal iiluthorifia agree that-theso 'Job-- laui�, 4ed,lO.' 1 t6 happoeff IW3 I 4 'I L. I SALtNr$, AND.) WARY -02" It Cdflll adarlW bm .01plod, hi M6 1*7 algi. 31; entirely upon bygenio ILien wo Wb m, and ii4f Atar Vritnk wa a anAfX*j6j=b'1,w*y dropj�ed onw hed. From, the seven- D S oftin ftXG jof and the, air -breat F189 TA of 6ur Canadian winters, ueemity MI Ton=-_ O, 811-11WIllie -Pslwo XUA ty __ 11 "I" Ou rF bro 5hLthe'41A=V ODD: A, THE. I t 0 tUeand cc On lrw� od I's the hermetical closing of all ex- ILet 5 BUYS.AXES. H t,4 �s '108-1 =,L Openings into collairs- soVaLbase- G AXE 8 A-Wr B WAD A X $. V=M_ __ AAD UE,W9`L*I3'0K theroft no 7 Am lir� 7P AV] TIES S me0to. The result, is that E 'VERAf, X wl�vw V. Gilt rMtilsft6n� and nolintla-gasew accumu- .E FOR,G "AS L 00 G I IS G CHAIN;$ I I dt. JL Vj.A 414, ere; -and rar, Ro *1k A14- hiddd- RITW 0*P_ ALL -JS1ZB8,. JXX� TICB rh Ouse. till) P '-Aiffused thr6ugjktU'* 614b -T he..-N#rket,- and ilexr, _1UTTY ;,,Oy �*"qk 0::5, up _tl It is not in quantity silffdoiIit All kinds Work, fr7)m 42 oi r "P, 4.9raSA -T. den prostrationr-of the:iinforl­ S-0, JO *.6L Y33i9t Ga SND :017T AM -C hRa1tmi6hpIeasdR-jn - tothplearthma Hdro ents, but is gradually ab m0nti� all kinds of L :"?a And a UrgeWsgort a system, and, bein; sic- a II on, twil on the bod +141, find Weil a SAUX, IS a all OW)Weism, pld cuW for -A I IV" "w0a ominia4. r uji ol. -wh -already 'jg we ter, jimina,. -bra e Ow pricetifor y bein weil t Md FkA,;r4 b 16O.Bolle alig ex ure or co OsSesseent zind'-oft fait4l, mat N Y FAVOR F171 E 0 E L% I 0 R G'R 0 0 FFt' ]a, jTHOU would t1lbrefore, nt(fst & 00 .0* .00 i Ticuseholder to ist iliv tab 'Wlij RAV !TN- 69TTFI`AN-atDU XUU4 T' U(,Tl 'lreuti 00 ing frant _cills'r witt's. THE, �r Th; (Utillll clem"Clous e, adz in $I Iadir Drill, 15ronclaus, Imtsuou or oar,= IB. -The paddletfi4i iiiCt6iZe so common in too. c in igara,, a 1741119-Zo the.d. -Asthats. Offensive �(,he, raised or loWered a �.O e5o, a J10TIZIlit, tile creiuff, or glinged ton deviti. ere It PDW"E STORE Nu Wn 0 invalfiablei M CALTSt1l. V 0 1 GF into tuill. GAW6llife br _u; ftystclans. or me abova du lord= am nw, can be s�eh 11 tlib on [to 7=640aliteffiv.- t kw -Y I X. -I lx ha.41nos r 0 y t, 06deriM, r fjo P0 W." arle), anti Ylefulty .0, allyr at I .17 X.A8 30 RU , " T Ru UE h0,TfU1teas&wa1eT 7 SAW rMi __Ntft1XW. "Waww -T Ij I�i�uw I— -.- - I - I06 ?ipy� �W Everything intholilue kept iOu O" to order Th 'for deatcos= musem tivig 406rB from RIOT" �ffi .0 ii=_C411141413! -,UWjUGM fig ultoes, moths, M will, 4612le,.-Can bapr MIX, a �id tIth aI i -the' 1) 0 Iff lieps brigineso-orkri, Attelthay )10FAtffiW_&H.VA m; it", It' P 34, * ks* dt0V;IjeV 4�7 wenly Institute in Ontario, aa I SOMA -Bits ChIs , -1prtt0lk%;-1i1ii 9- �� bred,0161 N-ju or IL -fi. I* 99C A aumurar. C104arjolil, Ir 'Ir Utz - -Abow