Huron Signal, 1872-05-01, Page 3—A
n Advertinr mays j U IF
sGod rich,1
ford Beacon, is the 9 kind of article he wants and patkiiof unfavorablicii6matitice t
mau for South Peith* of
h syp
si rl 4, Jun
ant Buckin5b editor of the Stim. t can lvela r obl. nufaituie �tha%.qwingt6tho unpte6sbilitea oombl-
SeAtorth. Taid. 2 4 aft T
Mr. Wil. baby,'born in 1872.1 COUA& W�� , Iff
The tolado tho:dqot�r The be4jud 111W is Yin To W
perbaps 9LJ�h" declare
d ipe ifor the ilia
i if ho.,cau be got to run. thereby Show himselfa boxiefactorf the 1�ili be ond,of the most- dij*Atr6i(#. fail. ClintonONN-.1 AprtIl Msi -AM
We learr at d t hunian race.�Harakl. ares in the seal fishery every knowni Aln]N,010�44- 23#N& �21. P
i"IT Ia
tAL- A
ter� Jau-2f; xattla
hot water. The Great Western ave regrot
tl%nc us 1. t Wawa front Gret Britain Telegraph. Exe OTn
8 JIM an. _i_$hat up to the press Win
AN rA(;,k rA 115 emigAnts have arrived thi 0 Thotrio and Niagara Railway is it Wo publish the news with the. greatest W
Ilan T-LOR
111. three 11101" hold it under a lease for 'some time, d, Job 81 Aprl S,JUA 4; CL IN Go
iae�.,, '11. land. ..T*o
known, %vere. seen.
OW IN A -PETat stock ifimilip1lAt wd aellillig
srap t, 20th
4i"x0en t idsaboye the I;IL%Ils A,Lonomotivo boiler exploded 0111 whi6h expired on, Saturday nigh While the A
America,, sit n Sunday, W. A. Thumilon of
I loudy near PArkersburg, Va. and was i t un�t, e e
tem g 0 OODS
A' 'ri. 41 . FrO411, 30 a elk thc� (),in Southern, who ol t c bf Th ireportupouthe state of thablilitis , '91,- � 1101P caula .4 : blowti distance- of three hundred nd! the Ow 0 - of tile, road, witiniva o Canada, submitted 1LUDIN4 DIM,
X0 - 9 I I C W �tha AoilmiI of
07ZO lg fifty feet Three men ivore killed.
rzca men shin ed off the dreat 1 �K.AD*ACLOTHINO,
t I%Itrora chip t gives A arj� , a
Itiss" Commo�s ado or two ago,
i Tlio'Britisli&,'IutiiblaxepresentaiiN-esi Bing itock, and tore up a portion of numberof detairarespeoting the defensie
3311i:ng 6Xcursion, but b
paw�, untari 9 AND SROP,
have issued cards of invitation for a
the track to prevent that Co. front run force of !tile country. The reserve [R0
the current th grand b;dl in the Rin Music Hitli, woo 11AUElWAR rAmeww"as
tu, ing tra a over it. k regular war ha; tia of the Dominion numbers nearly cAllidlan-71111111 ;t . I -
pilis, =r=;,%adw%#ftTsr 0
Am Vi2bUd for a
"t the head of a Ottawa, for the evenitiv of the 1st May. i -be'en going on between the employees of 700,000 ghting Ten liable. for militev ZWUrn, 41 A*istils�jnxtaude EXTRA-
th' bQ,-4t atriking a reek y, VALIM, IN
d I 4-,A, :h Al�ldwlddtv. df the to ilinip"M 1I rewwha 030- 'Vwc 0"o- P to Orflerr �801d, by the 7AT4
the twq companies, which ma "n lywr M y load to ser, Ing an increase of 31,942 -men "*rot
ions of diges-,
'the 0 rat have never k*Owst a anzy COWT101M
A brutal murder took place in Kausaal natural laws wbigh govern, OW.
ous �eaults. "We do not understand since the first enrollment undei."the' A"ful._ on Wednesday,.a. train being stopped by� Beri - plipupation Of April 2Zv—An accident 00- a crowd, and three men taken out and why Mr. Thompson should be guilty of present law'two years ago. Tho� stre' h add sli'm old
DO of we I oblec" — I P
tbe.tune Nrawr tell
It tabig, VIV miles Wc ch'conduct, as the road would no of Of Suspension &hot. the a�tive militia force on he Slat has proyl ad tur b
favored beverage Which May the utest swes ana PAtimw
the "nistake, . the pa�t doubt #ave been closed up, but for the Deoembor lost, including all rankffi WAS dnators
7 810
RGV.Mr. Fawcett, late of Brampton , it Ia 161*1. tbom Great Western Company. 43,174 officers and men. Of this number with'BoiungW%t4Brftr]tt*.-uu 11*00V 00" WC
tralTas 001 T** freiglit at, present placed at Oakvi Be is ab6ut two olsori", to BE E N
and d4liksged 4414 'eve; erformed annual drill for lOd-J"I"01 tPPI co-; novIrp, gooftw, f F* VOW Thovubs"Iber *Dula re6m
two of to proceed to Manitoba missionary. I GotIi FjmvzR ox Txz PAciric COAST. Londo INQ, V 33,P
nw Aarrow_ a hir, $0 tile Ii-belfal
nbrrow4guage engine First-class -Cutter a'ua th4 �best of WorkmeA,
The gold tever is raging,irith extra. theyearig &uaofthess22,5"Offi06rS Alsou,61kefild ZPPS'# seven 0
'r 0 t frelcl,164. The Herald calls on President Grant' -sow ft" � or
�frsnmrs andth
2h states, room.
Ilan -dI*4kWf0rvh1*1tU ow
ger traitm dL ad,Ui,wmaorm 01011011111 IL Auvoing 13114, -00
1 ish, as Mr. Fi&Ys I - , - %, - i I J.
r to remove Seeretuy r dinary virulence in the Paoifio indmonmith 1,196horsesiwereamsem- Couden"d
0 serious d ay to pass and there is every indication of it, seizing bled at osimp exelrQise for 16 days, where ' I ;I .-DTLOR -
Pass It- judgement in� the Alabama came has! on British Columbia. It US been they wete drilled, paid, supplied and at'sbecis sm, iW19 t0jftlti�JCOSM' And 1A detAmilmed
I up April 23id 1872.
proved unreliable. 1 1, . ;�;� the lon4t
OTTAWA. pril 26—H,,u. caused chiefly by the discovery of rich maintai4edas If On "ve service in tim is Im ut , W
01*U 1002MM #"oomtn I irt"xooidno
'04woostu SU
Vitt has, ire Mr. Lan The weather was, very hot in nw 1 depopits in Nevada; and mining experts of war. � 5,210 officers and men with DR 1r"JFZZArJ: whithor he ha voins become 31 horles were in camps, which were taW t" British Colmbia, port of hix via York last Friday, the mercury in the are' of opinionthat the ',Ow -I .
Itia at the express clesire of the Pry shade standing among the eighties, and ;p DU or e enrs 11Z0
wider. and therefore richer as they ap. in '6 1 f ight days,_ -1,189 cav- The lan rain 4a give
an -Ud#
ohdition' of the All 31sdI*9 Doollas ksOlt as,
with a view ot proach the oceau. The value of tfie alr ilth whole fi4ld a P ate* Tr6n.
in the sun rising to ori�, bumdred., rtillery (10 HERR to no disessed'i of t11,3 ZGW acqu!nng The old" G�lt,.has Comstock Mines, Nevada, according to batterie, and 42 field gans) performed, In which Dr. Wheelarlitaquipound-3111sirs) Pbysle gus order &u4.*aJt;, &adx*�4mHyL*I1I be Tye" farm near T It with �t it Province Phopphates and CalisaVa' meT jot ��be used 1119 after tryl
0hemical7bod,;and Kit- "I
been purchased Price. onlrTmatylvecents �wbo".
0,000,000. The Crowit Point Mine in Z
tion to tile Pacific rulaw rel on behalf of bliss Me- the rating of the 11th inst , approaches drill in the different camps of exercise. ositive benefit. Being a I It 'in tha some 0044 VAst- of EL Hortoi2js, -G;ooe*
37 and fritive Tonia.. it =is yviolqglcs T,
pherson for the purese of eat 'by
minll,%and a study w a6lishing a $5
of the requoi-sr led-. auner as our diet. Tt parroots Dlgestlp,� As- "eA* � Goo., Cattle, "distributing home 'in connectioi�`with the same territory is selfing at the sur- 'Natioilal- Unifica ion, as it is ca slintlation. ancithe formation of'heillby,blft It.
fthat C01111try. The rap
Opens with an elbonto dscri O�t aher mission. ng.toggethe of i
facd rate -of $20,000 I)er square foot. the joini ffie various or- sustains thevitAl force Isy supp,3 gels, as tile result kard,
ption df a that all a race into one stanny going on, of nerveand mm iln
e of mental and physical exertion. suani., Exeter. H. Goibbe, 010n;' 'S. Sesord,
the climate and territory, tke charact The Councils of Mara and Raina town- The-dold nill Enterprise may' tions of' ompict whole ng mind and I�Aenthunt, Roge dlle- T Pie,
lisve tons broken down
the gtooks along the line of the Conistock in one of the f vqrite political theories Of hnily to undorao groat lat)or without fatigues. INOT, 19-ORTITI 0.
istlea Of British Colunbi ships offer $300. and the brothers, of the a
action in building. up ronstittit 1Ifto*;E.,HIckKU, No#ortli SO a
late John nearly $100 o arrest of! have -%dyanced in the ag regate fully rho day, and millions of dollars
for tl 'With WFINtinir Chronic Diseases, by fast living and
and timber which are describforest lands Donald Gun E d7 - dealers.
ed a& bei n, who murdered John thirty per cent. during to past six been sacrificed in different iou
ntries had habits. is truly extraordtnary, Its effect being 11116 IdnO -the body. Godariab Ded. 29,187L w 50
veZY rich. The report weeks, and that the capitalists of' for that object; but whether the r: ult immediate in energizing ailthe organs of
then gives a nig Healy at Atherloy on the 17th. N
do- Phosphates being &bRolatAly essential to call ran-
Gaiptiont)t the auriferou California and Nevada are seeking in- win justify the expenditure, time alone mation and the growth of tls%ues. mn4t forall. time Mlerebant Tz!llory
Bregiongand t1i, The St. Catharines Tantes regrets to'
c,anat:3 of their tardy dev Vestments in thein at the rate of millions can tell. But this. we do know, that be WATU a great restorative and vItalizer.
learn front its country friends that there
t 01OPment. Th Oa the other hand,- the "Canadian Pain Destroyer" is cGr- 761.'Ill 4rugglats at $1. d I 4= tics
ollars daily.
-'a requisIt49 in that region he says is will be no peaches tit the Niagara O29th. 1.81%.
1 2308-ly*
1`111a papers CADnsi er tawy t
Id he best medicine for curing.cold,
some,of the Califo �Aull the e�citement� fie TS
9cological survey. That survey is now district this year, the frust havingla- BRITISH, MARKE
1113de and gives titious, and predict a rhournatism, neuralgia, suipmer coin -
promise of the troyed the buds. viws
huge crash before long. plaints, &o., can b"aa for 25 cents
results- Ill the nleanytine it is Active operations have again boorun d
bottle (if all Druggists an country CAUTION! CAUTIONT1 Inip or OWN 8 W :EngUsh Tweeftit
T" d that from the United States on the it ellington, Grey and B Sootch
T310 Future of thd 2%#& X= dealers. Of
053rddegTecofnertlilatitude Railway between Clifford aud Walker- NEVER F - THE BRIT of,
Of front 'Due to two hundred ton. The ballast tpat* has started from TO THE PUBLIC - 01 =tlon In It AND
NIS, B f 110RACE GRIZICLY. THE WARKEW ISH PROVINCES .01? WORTH me teal sacutsy Iii vv".y
nd nearly everywhere the Forty Hills. I
utroduced ; and,thb rapidly Increasing sais n the best gograntee of the estimation in which It Is held
4869 being It is rumored that Slice will betak-en
by the public. FLANNELS
l �zly three In, lions and a half of dor- off each of thi Forty' years ago, the Cherokees, (;tDrica, April 80th, 1872- IbOXMOI.;tTegPSCtfUllYtoacquatnt thepublicof cqa Pelicans? WANUMPtIOU to a� 3 large 7ounties of orth
11 -1 will 4 ',1 1
Thereport which Ontario and North Simcoe, and anew 1 14 0 1-10 the British Worth Aineirican provin"m that In 3&V Will Rive grPat relief,
Creeks and Chickasaws were removed Wheat, Fall) V tu.h ........ $116 & 118 th 14.1. i1T
nteresting second a es under pressure from the gall text I caused the bnFlness at go. Maiden Tians, ifew Wheat,(ipring) V bush all giv valuablIs dal and It= It will curt Asthmat
0 information electoral division forn)ed there, to be Flour. (per brl.) ... 600 0 600 Bnd prolonglife In the
almost every subject in conneciion fertile districts which our fathers had Oats, V bush ...... .... .. 040 0 042 York, for the sale ot KOLLOWAT'S PIUS A" fpxr- arouchlus, Laryngl" Cvu&s and Coldx. It vdU. ISHIRTS, f J9 de4CriVi0IL5.
ealled Liagar'County. u -IMT, whien were up to -that time prepared by ;from want of Muscular
ctlon and Nervous Fares. such as4niu emento ief A'dCXr6V,% W=t OUTFrrmc-sl
wit'h the COUntrY. Esquialault, he sa solemnly guaranteed them I 'for ever" in Peas, V bush .......... c Go 0 0 62 curt all diseases originatins
,ys, I It is understood that anew c William Brown. now deceased, to be closed. I re.
Barle ......... 0 50 0 0 Isle, Rickets, FaebIsandrrpgaIar
orgia, Pat s.,P bush ..... 50 a 0 55 the Spleen, I
is the best harbour on the P,,cific coast 'Dltitl- the States of North Carolina, Go 0 gr t to say That I have reason to know that t i ]I otbers to surpass, AII� the beat4dv&t_&M
ency will be formed out of the present (10 5 00 management nf te late business bad for some years, actionofthet:4 Local and G�Gne=t Paralysis, have the beuaat�
Alabama and Mississippi. They did Pork, ;V'100 lb ...... ....... 475 en mnst 0orrupt, and It mav A bords or Loss oFalce.. of San Francisco. it is w ' and in rrfftnv ways, be ItwincureTAueorrhoea. gLIJ at Stracharils Black�mith:shopj
ell Free Grant District of Muskoka in- Bay per ton ........ ...... 22 00 @ 24 00 JUB
110tiolentlyresist but they forcibly re- be that tbt Pills and bintmenj were not prepared all -Groats, Auaemis� and restores the blood 0 purity �alzd fC4 Me-
"It"t-ed and may be entered ithfacility Chickens per pair .......... 025 0 000 g the �cash�.- [Only $18]
hich there are said to be some ' OW Batter,* lb .......... Is 3 1 have always d e swe you brin
-her bY day or night e or in or 8,000 voters. 7, jep.. 000 0 0 20 with that car, _ psired holittil,
eit in fin monstrated and protested. All in, va6in: ..... 0 16 0 01 Those who do not-wisla to 1�e 4.1eceived by buying
Sturfav 'Weather. �fi�hl the Whites wanted their lands; they Eggs, tv doz. (unpacl ap,4rionamediCineg.WhiCtkarailowlikelyto emanato
respect to the A local, describing a 4receut accident, were in the way, and had to -go. Beef. . ...................... 6 to 600 froTn the states or elsewhere, but to §omxesx them! Sold By Apothecarks, East Street. Oppgte Kzoies -r-hureb.
P704M� graving dock, he.says the site selves of the genuine Hotioway's Pills and Ointment Ii6ne YW]i, t6m 1hat'can compare (;odtfteh. 24th Oct� Ifa.
would appear to have been made I says that "the hall entered the groin of Apart from their compulsory reinoval, By Special' Telegraph to the SJgnal- manufactured ty me In London, :England. Price. $1.50 , Six for $7.50.
expr4wy for the - purpose the victim, and passed. thence into his they were treated humanely, and: gener. CLIsToN, April. 80th,'1872. will do well to see that each potand box bears the 'Or lightnessi ttrength and -size
It is ,Ild $115 0 1 18 British 0overnment stamps on which is engravedthe jAVER L FELLOW8, CHEMIST
Long ()r Constant Grovtt. -The dock for lumber region." The precise locality of ously. The now lands assiped them Wheak (7Fall) per bush ... at Smith',s Hifl A
ed: were ample and good. They Were trant? wheat (spring) per bush. I is 0 115 the address on the label Is 533, 014orl Street, Lon- ST. JOHN, N. B.
thO Government has invited ton. Flour'(per brl) ............ 600. 0 6 00 they well des
this region is not stat' words Frcllc�way'a P13111 and Ointment,,) and that Th6 Judges sad owl
'Th: I erved FiritPrize
dera is to be "r ) feet Ion-, 90 feet in I We learn from 11alifax that a report ported considerately, fixed comfortably. oats.arbush .............. 0 33 0 0 85 don, where only'th6v a's maitinfactured.and in no pt. 4th 1 2. H. DUNLOP.
had reached that city from Bermuda, to well fed, and libera Pews per bush ............ 058 a 0 Go other part of the wAd. vhe retail . prices are Goderlelf
1're-4th, and 30 feett bot��m affording . lly provided for. On per bush ........... 0 50 & 0 52 the labels in British currenev, andnothadollars Goaerich, Feb. 22hill 1872.
a 110P%h of ater, at ordinary high tide tha effect that some trouble had, occurred the whole, their newoines are probably PZ1L_;;,h per bash ........ 0 60 (it 0 60 cents. Aag nowovMedfroirithe
e f not less than 24 feet bn the sdl. ]K'e' on board H. M. S. Royal Alfred, areferable to those whenc6 they were rork ....................... 5 00 a 5 50 No representative of mine will ever travelthrongb_
Butter per 11) .............. 012 a 015 any part of the British Provinces, or the UnAW
refrains frOm Ontering into any details on that some of the officers were to be tried taken. They have thriven aince their ;s, per doz. (unpacked).. 0 34 0 0 0 Stitem, either to. sell. or to take order, for my Pills RN MARKETS
tile P&dfic R,%ih7avo survey. in ant�ci- bY'cOurt-martial- removat, and made considerable progress EC91-1ver Seed .............. b 50 & 6 oa and Ointment, "des I have reason to believe that EASTE
1`3tiCirl of the rept;rt of the Chief En- One Walter Couthard, a compositor in in the arts of civilizatiA. "a ....... way by peisons e ) deceive the pnb-
7 00 S 7 50 lie in this lling upon medicine
anting that; They we acting
in its turn, ....... 18 00 @ 20 00 attecipts will probably be made t 10T
The "Indian Territory 3 00 vendors, falsely rePres, P8
sheep ............... 2 50
the employment of the Gloke Printing J;VJL OE s Ri9;DU`sJ#-= A COXPLETRETOOK-07"
0 was to be theirs "for ever," free from %jood...:,...: ............. 2 00 0 2 25 fnr me, and with my knowledge and consentJ deem Company, has been sent thirty days to lta4visableto pet the public -on their guard
agRinit anynch deceptions.
Shch treat- SIRAFMTH, April Both, 1872 1 HEAVY WMER CWTHS,
M=3 D ZT.&TMS. jail for quitting his work. all intruion, all fear of change. No
laws but their own were to be en- most earnestly entreat all those who
nient as tbi-3 is not. very encouraging to 119
0 forced therein, while their annuities wheat, (Fall) ........ ... 212 113 this advertisement that th.-ty be pleased� in the pub -
We strikers. and Wheat. (Spring) por busb:. :, lie interest, to communicate theptirport ofthe same
Y., April 229-A Woman' Flour. (per bri) ............ :.. 6 bo 13 00 SUIT. HARD TIMES, imATY wi Nm nv'E"Sll
compensations for their ceded lands were In their Mends that thev may not be defrauded of T 0
of Pigeon Barley, per bush o 50 0 52 iey by purchasine worthle7ss Imitations of
NE -her, residing in Greenbusli, %Daserville, at the mouth sufficient to shield them from want. Oats, per bush ................ 0 35 0 36 their moi struck down anC had her neA River, in H ur the rnu loway's Pills and Ointment, HEAVY 0WRCOArTIN0.91
on County, blich., promi- G6 0 57 Ine TO
broken lau�t ovening in ttempling� to ress once more Peease, er -bush ............ 0 k. as
owns 10 ttles, threatningly across their bor- Potato per bush .......... 0 60 0 55 on whkhher IsTrepatedto tell -fliker ftu011W
But the car of Prog a great favow,tbit should It como
t be one of the leading salt t
to the knowiedge of any peraon that nprItions medl.
ra Pork .. .................... 5 50 6 00
st0P a fight bet7een her two sons. that state. It now has oL prolific w drs. Our people are on all sides Butter per III ............ 0 14. 015 cinei are being made or sold in my name, he be T. E- R 0 U S =ado ceat h OWN
Jo-saph. the ali-er pleased to xend me all tbc particulars he can collect HITE LEADS, "GENDINE." -"NO. I'll "No.
d niatricide, has tied and will soon have three, producini,, it is of them. Texas, growing rapidly Fggs pef doz. (unliacked). - 0 12 000
- M f respecting the same, that is to Rev. - the name and W 2 and "ITO. ti.11 ofthis brand are unsurpas-
FRAncisco, ApHl 23- P=ties r- thought, 400 barrels of salt daily. Hides..16 ................... 6 00 7 50 ad ied for 6dy and:brl.IIlihcY of sheds -
drives millions of cattle from 8011th to H ....... 16 00 1117 00 dreoa of the vendor who iH selling the spurions 11.-. mtt -�.nr:
riving at Portland, Oregon, from Sitka, A tele,-r%m front, INaples states that north, through the full length -of their W'.'U. .......... 2 00 11 2 25 medicines, aud likewise thenama arid address of the, t&jn nett weight. !The public are we so-called G 130te in the United States or elgewhera. which tain, other brands -6 1111is. short in every
AL%s�a. li-110rt great excitanient in that! Mount 'Vesuvius never presented such sacred domain Emigrants will nDt 8 supilied them, s - for tte 25 pound package., SPECIAL 33JRGAINS IN SEASONABLE DRY GOODS.
may bav� o as to enable rap CAYd. A" �nXAWN&
T691tW On =aDunt of the discovery ef rich anunequaHedpttchofgraudeur. 'Fresh make.a detour of himdrad of miles BiONTREAL, Lpril.29th.11872. poteatiot, of the public', to instituba proceedings Examine tile biind find do not be put off witW in-,
VMTZ?'Inines within balf a mile of the craters have broken out in different di- merely to respect tkeir wish and their wl� e a t: -all) 00 @ 245 against such eril-doers, and I engage to remunerate ferior Paints. I. The sm in always the CHrAPICaT.
bush ...... $0
Spr ;r bush..... 0 00 @5 1 40 very handsomely any person who may give me such Sold by ron"Ptebys dealers in Paints throughout
. . ........... 6 25 6-75 inforination, the informants's
rections. and lava is pouring down the stipulated right to be exempt from in- Flour. ( e r brl.).. divulged name never bein I g Ontario, and to dealers only by tOwn, and of rf2h old. and silver mines
in ot1ker r1ace3 on the djacent coast. sides of the mountain in torrents. trusiod. T woo great railroads have been Rarley, bush ............ 0 52 0 ELLIOT & Co.,
Oats, V�buh ................ 0 30 @ 0 32 Should any per -ton have reason to believe that be TOXONTO.
Ap2il 24-Ale:e. Robin%nn, The Brantford Expositor refutes the chartered by Congress, to run respect- Pease, V bush .............. 0 87.1 @ 091 has been deceived by buving spurious imitations of 1310-6m. A T T E K T TO I
a edicinex. he will do well to send me. In a Tormto, AlArch 22nd, 1872.
die Pottawat,mijes, wilose report bout the peremptory dismissal ively north and SZih and cast and west Potatoes, V' bush ........... 0 86 @ 0 95 the$ ko, addreas at foot -(which be- can dosta
Porki %I; bbl ................ 15 00 @ 15 00 letter, to 0
is ssociated with the I of the gardener Peachie by Air. M�Ken through their entire territory. One of 21 CO 0 16 coit of six cents in postage) one ofilis books ofin- ip E; IR Ck U S 4D
4 Witter. V th ......... . 0 1 0 , Irromise
i,f Chicago, died yesterday, a�,ed zie, and says "in a word the whole thing them will be completed this year; the -Eggs, 40� doz. (unpack 1 .. 02 a 0 20 structions which are affixed to the 81!3330C
toftamine it and'send -a reply. stating whether the
a cack-and-bull story. too ridiculous other, I presume, not much later. Is it ions he T
Medleinesare genuine or not so that ifdpuj
I ToRONTO, April 29th, ISM. may apply �c the person from whom he - PuNhiaed t )11s�'7' ' e �k to make room for large purchaues,
_kp-,fl26-In anticipatiotiof, Whe 1 5 @ 1 48 bis mon(v retnmed. u Meg ne-U6,
to be treated with any degree of derfous- piobable-nay, is it possible -that We eIR D W A R E
at, Fall) V bush ....... $ i Has 4etrm)�
ness. rmdon they fraverae can themceforth be 1 28 (t 1 29
the ts, large fl ets 4 '11UNITY
of the St.-ai wheat. Spring) V bush. Chanitstsand Drnggi�ts who desire to obtain the
what it has been, what ouu treaties Flour,( r barrel) .......... 5 so 0 5 75 Nedicnes can be he supplied at the lowest wholwas and begs th call the attention of the r IING COM
for Bu o. The barn and stable with contents, 0 70 0 71
d yt erday and to -dal for Bu the property of John Nis 1 4 to be? Barley. Vbusli,-.. - - - .- .. * 0 45 ..... �Gf no' athou 420 worth. -viz.,
A L st I Y, _N - Y., A pril 2S --A shocl In- seq, near s - t pulate that it shall continu Oats. 7# bush ...... ........ 0 43 d 3 p. bo"% of Pills or to the fact that
Ono who has never bee -i among or 71 t. for which D D
affair occurred in th Johnston's Corners, county ofBrnee, Pease, bush 01-1 0
e,jown of New n o go 1 00
ear Iridiau tribes can hardly conceive Potatol�e, per JOHNSON &
pote pr'ce GE."n ttI diace 8-,. 6di,
0 without
mussennwere a few days ago destroyed by fire.. ... 15 00 1500 1 1�'. the h
Sceland this Pork, bbl ........ to be.
d a
4 A
Ll A falniI5: con- the -instinctive antagonism 'between 0 25 sisL;n- of one Voliuc�. his v4re- md Among other things lost were 3 horses, Butter. �Vl III .............. 0 22 With greatespect.
I . them and our pioneem . You might Rns,;p qloz, (unpacked) .... 0 15. iTHOMAS H 8 E R
Vehuer% 82 �iead of cattle, wheat, oats, peas and OLWIMAY. IIAMIETON ST. �Cl A 8 H P U R CH A
fairly presume that thb fronti
s t ep- ta t h er Q=u re d a tw-story b u - bay. er White I frort (late 24. Strand)
9$ .53i Orfo rd 9
himself rude and illiterate to the verge ondon, W. C., rmptember.l., 1871
of barbarizin-would re�dily fraternize So f. 2L 1871.
iner his wife d � A telegram. from Madrid, infnrins us
the fitst fl 3�or, that theCarlid rising in Spain is. giving with or assimilate to the Indians; but he siGN OF THE WILL GET PARTIAL UST
the Govern- i, in fact, theii natural rival, if not
erished in the jkg6o�,deal. oft -rouble to B I I P bli School T-stees of the 'he old gei -r-Aent tioqpsi -wh harrassed f.gooas for Pao at liew
; I- P- Yl� T ac er for
o are being
-1 - 11 n a I ema
ther-AalA 0 by t1to r6els. The latter avoid battle ed he may be, but iii a way utterly d I George'sWard Schoo. Salary, $225 per afinum. HaTdWare S re, OPPOE Tne WAZXey,
A lea. STO Having completea their Fall VXTAA VALUE FOR 'THEIR XQNZY
in the� open field, and depend a good Duties to commence on Gill of May next. P THAT COUGH owl., verse from theirs. . To see tbeni. sitting- tions with testimonials will be receiye4 by p1b., un- pur
or WAILS deal upon busTi warfare.. in 'the shade, indolently chatting and dersigned till 2nd of May. chases of GLASS, P
A scbool4a�i4inrortland N. B., op- 'lau.;,hing throuhout the bright warm WM. MACKAY, Secretary. �n�everything In �is line, 'pfirticuh rl SPADES, fROVEL
o St. 'Jollia named Crawford, has days iydierein crops are
grown'and 1314-b SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE.
d %;, ;rd costs for vigoroual ipt Godericb,'4prit 22tid, 1972. One uwk, oneday, nod it tnar be (6c1atCC_oXSUMP- SCYTHES�)'FOE") I
e"n fine y secured, incites his indignant conten tion(tvit its long tMin of satdia is wastag- fil 09M RAXES
-thrastdii-lin-insubordinate lad u�med He can regard the wild Ind' ymtolfhelong 1w7w0fits—Y vietims iftb ham Are now preparea to fill all orders with
Lan in no ery
i6canied considerable other light than that of a nuisance, an Millin usiness uve. Kinswan. -The call 0 which they may be favored. They Vvinte*,-,:�7 3Dry Goods and 010things
Lead excitement, and- opinion seem to obsta&, a detriment, fir, only to be im- How can you stop it'? Where .18 the respectfully invite attention to
FOR SAX,10 the follo wing lines of Goods
b*ve been. equAik di!vid4ed as he' uvcd off the face of �he earth.
c, _-Pro- pr E subs . criber offers for age the g,;cd - *111 and Yemedy ? HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING,
ID her .6., If the Indian ever learns the ways of which they,are prepar-
r-toCkin traIleoftnatold an4welle6tablishedMil. VIM)
-ivili7ed life he does it -slowly, sullenly, Fast street adiolning the Market Allaii7s Lnng Balsam can.produce more e& to sell 33oots and f9hoes '&c.5 LEATHER 313ELKNG� Ali
#Convocation of Qpeen's Col- c linery business on -WiiEVE, LEAD; 01 prim,
on, on Thursday last, in ad. reluctantly. He loves to hunt, and b I oaq done is the largest of the evidence of real merit than any other
and dig, _'NI rdiii Go'�,,h and ight be iiiere.s.d. The BOILD AND TCAW OU.%
the usual degrees in Arts and' rl st;ock is we asserted and containsall the latest ar It is sold every- VERY LOW FOR CASH.
de, and sit; lie hates to plow, ticle for the purpose.
fon'. or
nd sweat. The characterization by the es, The whole will be disposed 0 where by Druggists and general St e- wly. BLAIUKADILY
owin honorary degrees. a Goderich Janu novelti aty 12tb, 1872.
D., Rev. George, Sioux of Whites ac "troublers of thw reasonable terms. ulars apply to keepers. wing extract from A" 0— KTINVJ
; earth" indicates the intense aversion of Ir frth,r pard TURPE
ce hancellor Mowat, i SARAH McCONNELL. Read the follo, NAILS
savages to any other life,than that to letter received from Mr. S. E. Burwell,, TOC]k!S
X, Rev. R. Neill,- Sey- Godericb. Gth April,J872. THE annal On
i nl - -
got Rer. Win. Bain, Perth. which they are inured, and which em- a well know'morehant of -Ontario. Of all sizes and descriptions, very 4eap.
bodies all they know or dream of enjoy- IATE ST STYLE IN PICTURES Husn. 11�191111y 'DAvis & Sow, GLASS
ow York Tribime of.Friday,'
iliat the American claim for com- nient"' "t'sfact'on' Dear &rs.-Last autumn I was But- 1, $ave thi3s outlined the problem 0 i severe cold which sefAled All sizeii from. 9 x 7 to 40 x 30. Iror Cheap,
R for `consequential damages, fering from a' been ingenoralmse for vio 0 ye and
vhich presses for solution on. our Gov- I seen b Us -
Wit Withdrawn and _expr6ssed W. J, WHITLEY on my Lungs and produced adistressing n, as Ill 'be
9vinthe best satwfaeto
arnment and; people. Post&ning that a In estu -ario.
motual81)rommauvol cau
that an It *ill Mot ConWeR LU AU.
ir 11 no cather, itis
XAPAN, they were ever insortod in cough. for which I gave trial to a numbe BOILED d RAWDIL,
4smand, If -this sttement be ti�e, - solution bv drivinn, the 'Indian further PS M& KING �1]10313 of Cough Medibines 'bit � Withab Any VARNISEr-&aROWN thateforetiltab a forthi ii st, Eistest, 2swell
%Vest�l is n6 longer �racticable. Collect- lie bottle ot COAL OIL f 9604'qU44tY che
".41urea it. will eve. muh satL8- ing the Aborigies on reservations, and 0 AE0 VIGNETTE benefit- 'at"
to &o sensible people of both ALLiXAUNG RUSAX,VVIChl qn& happy
striving thus to isolate them, will last
0 160 able to statejave alinost immedifo, Opposite the 3faimt
another generation, though I cannot I 0-T T R R S_
es carrying a gr
'heeled vehicl velief and performed a perfect cure in e
v eat now see how, With railroad trains time.
�. i I
th=.2,000 lbs. in weight, over rushing and gerecohing across those
Yours trul al(0thir than private) i� Victoria, reservations night and day, with stations
-VAquimalt District, must and repair -shops, turn -outs, and tie-.
cutters 'and wood -choppers, 'ib seems On, Out., March 4,1871..
. "i - — *T 13liches in width, unddr pen- 11 � - 1,. 1 - -r
ffence, of $20. Th'e tires that, there must be quite an army of
railroad;ernpl4ees traversing e E REMEDY
ithe untytogmysasforthija -P dTa.", etc, now. in use, very line, fg.,=
Apply pergluillY or bylatuw Iff FO'
The passage of a bill and that the reservationf that territory 0 the lesding'An"J.
to ihe abovv for Indian occupancy wid use becomes a _T CAST -
of the 40
great oatery sheer illusion. Nesesl� %7
-What then 7 I;A-R. :H good 3111 P1
IT.41115- A 'o
fibl�a Fort Garry represent 14 do not know. I do know -that our c - It tVs*-."-nruf an
nii LV lei
band of the French half -i faith is pledged to the tribes or nations LLp4mis 8 1-MrMTO 1W. 'i L T
X themselves and hwi�o aforesaid, and must be kept in BUD- n
Wt on$,
�Rte_ Ralms Xonr letke
-stance, if not in form. t(r
r, 1 9, audinthe krtilellsofike
Red River to forcibly pre I do know to thi ft(1000 led $D rsapi
t t s;di=s rafting away the) that the subject demands the imitaut, 111Y AT ONOW thbund ad.
timberClie-duiringthe onst season, on profound consideration of goodmenof 'I -_Swosswnf�,' 4ttapeclanarysit "it 600 UNIT11inut on itjg su#P410r
Feb-' Will, In a's
e Th all creeds nd parties. And I know. G66iich,, y W"TL perftetlellof fhe mo At iskifled Wort; t,, by
pleas that it is� their
oftfienod *it# retiliati&"
that mere denunciation of the insatiate
ae,F0, t#-saouia 0 _wd�ot pftliw
i hi est*yu
Canadians; in their turn ore proc to Jud0e, lift is; i it
was*ap-i are iPIC TU
c utched by our frontiers. rove of little use.
11PAN OTHORS Dr. Sterry Hunt ilia letter to Wm.1 t m , W prelip NT ft F _:W
revolvers and serious rapacity wherewith Indian lands
J! 0'
coveted and ided. 40k - ,
%XCO'. rNa men -win p
abl OOD "r "ON'
Mbney' is no panacea for the w ongs A andus, Oug
nT(-_o L,
ing salt by boring at Walk v
]Py 'T omou.
Gunn,L Esq., about the chances of find
erton says:i endured or in.prospect. No people
spee,04 "In vievr of the uncertainties
should' over diIalt more liberally in that respect
�i , � -not like to undertake the respoiisibility� with sucli, a riwe than ours have done 27ti March RZ
&Ve L
&ztand Be4ior tile C61an
w6t St
with the Aborigines. If we c6uld It
3g such,'& wokk,but should e0roun 11
;ea pat nat Jibe*4
*AlWili0aldIsba - p_, .p 2" *D -
taken every Indian, so soon as our peo-
has t " LE Essr, T.'s
be very glad to see
tin am py .Stop
lawn =C
itdone, a' itwould 1ple came in contact with him, to a good
Ire give,& new datum towards Ax* 00
-is near Me, hotel, and t1lere fod and clad hi I I& salt-bpring area." rtill"his;Jeath,'the 'race would probably
fdr- the. Abrtest Pdfice. such Viu;idigu =d morivau
ng�gontlereu sWig hive 00.,t s less than they. It ve done, T01- Twa.enterprisii
-Aeys, etc., for aterluo House, Seaiorth z I I 't
the, -W ,a day o
ince, and leftwithoutg though our aogent�, atim
oing t
have grown 'ell 2161; mud that tribe, would
Ivit- for ea this laish ap 'leave the -qduery lidlen
pay g for
the irksome ceremony of rich Itsas rapidly. The most - 1[3UBLT19Tur09y$. S.
ed suitenance. They left bAin --A propriations from.the Treasury will not K j*ovsd Of
door south
ce, as
e u siilix, 5;. 'i - , . I t - - rpet4g, stuffed with the redress the wrongs of the Ited Man. uOikiwWfA"s
I . IV12
Wit ghb vp with. Must, they. always -remain aliens and F. jbrdnn;',4isiTi 06. rags, etc. He da
beWa6A,4rronbT&)k, and with the aidof
outc6sts-inthe lands of their forefathers?
ri I uidate M
,Tpersua&d them t idau ible,-,vliider wise and kind L is i6iob ;7 administratiolis, to - fit thdin. for ciWdn-
. levalln The tes-bUtho oh AUCTION SALE
LeCthig1eld in ship, and then. Abs6rb them Int6 the noin -Vr
dif Wedne ;t
-s- body politict We-hao ' adir:tho*negro oare,npt the remit a citizen vnth little;pwparatwin�
Fhilahthrqy 'EA 14;
fjoni. tbe:Gel20rA1'-"em1D1y1'ol' tl�e slib" Chrfatianity.anct adeqtkate -the -sbyteriin�
Ject Of upionfifth is I ng at, AT- aAecutiug; i Id n d
to dev* OUWHI
4 .,C=a&, dtor �ojisiderable, OUWHIP�
better destillyfip -us 341.2
g.3bb Indian? - Lot
ion;,jwo od"on, the 'VoJqL _Wag 110 11 th-S& thicquestift willitat long ,e- pA1 discuss
ItY 61 the Main
cen, iwhi*, flowied the malof 'Unanswered. tX1
be union at
r, to,; DO tit W4
tittv, 1. :,; 1 11 r$%,10 Wt by Aud
sltii% oft the of 1hi sita sullories Ia,
U t
eWee tbaworld was d
the, f6milt and�, &d1fiftembf' t Is it Pildugs
L- the notth 4 zledwitfi the goldeppape
Dafieriv� 2 a of aeal-GoV
�tertain hia�, 'Ing, i446ndliate& dl�fi LIF
n jujwt, during, Al 0. seal* &ad ifi,6: me des of catching-th em. 41.
-prior-, to - is! .0
wuutr Tbe WntOrti hs*o,fbr� AoMetine fuinishW oesiiioftAireof iifforbutoi
roapcot�: his beei sPle"A iclyfttisdmiilik�f that P
af C mill
f dr=, 110_91.1::� forthe
Vur olse�,
-of BOJA
v ".911
'0 ba, 's ifferbd 9, reverse. -.13y. %vA.
01�, the
letter bf C P Y
ontin"$ W rage' 4Fk J�Re jb7j. 1 . -,
0 0-R
and seveAl
Out It
urs UV1w.,4- —01_1! SM 13139Tme a drifted r*xt the btWbor � f .,i,
WWred and f ftyr.* 0 TJ
and foilifeJ
for &Toro . - I Ili ., _?
r 416*1ft EL beenIM Srje$;M�_ V ftomolido *eri bj,
0 V VIA,
b I usiaw
to b*'
*UA1 10 Move �Isbout OV40
t 4+ f '�ftlg"Snd!:*ould 4-
rib uS_tq_p1%rstW flavim
-cove a, C43golpll: