Huron Signal, 1872-05-01, Page 2C AlhL 46 �prfl 26.—A number of Bills VOW -Ward, Avith Jas. gard to back ta%04 Witil votoxt at. noxt, tUAV:,gontleman v&S n - agatived, And the' PRIDAY, risi6litlong reported' d, rasa TbLa Zolti, cul. 8 Blit'rkaly.- tarst6pa are iishea in St. Alldrow'p on. roancod t a� see d ware int be' taken for tho colob tio,n of tile MoVarlano as pourkakapper—Carriod. council Meating"CA a No "!SAVAGE Acase of considerabla interest and I . odo - nail then adjourned. Movedht Sir John -Xiteaonalil laid on the table. "L"'s 13irtlici im or ok? W The Coo Qy ri by, 1. X AftdiloW that th'o -A dWD114slow-don ensued o5in.Sir Johh '4 return to the address 'for correspoo, St4mh,-, importance hV recently been before. the not lieve in dollara'bo paid to Joht - RiiVbilui4n Zr$, -X crial and can$-: IS NOW OPONINGA LATME CONS(ONMEMPP, tin a lot of wokey in aod,0,ha141j bill tagialro tile stealingof deneo between the Imp VOT-AI members. dian.Govera %Vantel, powder and an I 11 0, wh ch raight be 1741; cmwford. — . So rn(4its on tho�subjoctoftlio ur] s*16ps"'IK, e Court of Common Pleas li Tbr�butot and others for faking out, astlok of fivilboi larceny ff �iml Analfzt-s RanLway-_A. Polle;,klo II has now been carried to the. Court of I to -SALV, OF A F Anm.—Mr. Roborb Reid Ana, piecing I on: *e*.br1d6 imsed, 16r. the - abolitioUbf stAMPA Al- F01afi invasion of 06111144 � 9180 a ro- applied to much bettor urpose, but a owr'Iho _.J ) Ili riv 41.4 -A. W something ought to be out to got up an �tley, has purch �77P Teadera Wan�Q& on Treasurer of Stai lilloa nine milo iivoibut ther. They urgod Ill- 4lippo# of tilrtl toAhoaddress for tho4th atid Nh,pon� Of thoffewelstStYlex and Patterns, Chancery. The plaintiltisaMr. Koith, excursion, or games, or omething bf from Lieorgo coniions0thereby pto'vehtingtho'bAd "' 16 difflglllt� -af-,obtsining *!ill Liout-Governor Archibald and Mr. ig Mitchell his farm near till go th view- tl I � E W-Mitell —E. W. Plnnkett. a Protest -ant anti P at nature to-Atriord 1,00ticin and illectim the ]Fenian inva- Dirent4row tlic mest Cdebratul natterst in -Unglafta, uniteo �staus end C.nada. r"byterian, who tit boijig token %W*y b laiii places, . and tile yoy WoMickon, tv whieh *111 be suld lace. l!he lattgr intends runkoving to frtim y �!,Xolstb'ftood' 4timps in'car t (of onq- W. J� Xay. Bmcrt I", r��Ttat, Amuseluell le I and show notice ownshi * of H uron in - the CoillitY —0arri Loll t1laxivere Ilion of Manitoba. 0 also gave our citi contratted a inarringe a6me 2o years is tile T P ad. lim.Wfept. condition iii4hi 8,90 that we an atilt loyal, not ithstanding he would introduce a AuT, Conrt elf Reviqiou- Tcwn of Cvo;lerich. witha. Roman Catholic, NovindOrst4nd- the independence cry wh h some are of Druco. Moy�d by.T. F. Alldibw sondudeldL by 00r,"146; the 1infiforol avoidande of that on Tuesday P. �Olp that as Elie Wollingtm, -� Gray obl.tj oil the,ground thatno stamp' Bill to give offlact-to the troatyof Waish. jo, other TM. ing %-,is cime to at the t! - endeavoring to raise. W1 o will � move It'. R. OOM 11110 of tile marri andBritice P%n3� his Asked the hact een,ajHxe& to the instinniontolis ingbon, and one to readjust the reprq- qfy0U-tvahtA6o0D HAT and an �,,`-,Iy Fit to."I'ld!and makoa mieatleniezatot .%ever use thO 1inift�--Dvs Klineand age as to tile faith in which their children in tile matter? Don't . all Tak At onto. -ilil silo Council to4tor the aRreetnont-alreWy. put6dililaii. Sir John-obideted-6on- selitation of the Parliament of Canada.'. the fAtAo and Varied Stock now on Lineil Sit Georg Lay. i NT. -At tile SPI W of Ishould be broughtilp. Mrs. Keith, 33aD BATTALtON.-&B Its Battalion AcciDF signed and delivored-to them, fluCt thiW tering intoa, disoussion'd thiji,quiestion a Cartier then ititroduced P6 (;&der1cb.,Arrl1 2td,'1872. 1311. Bill raspecting the Canadian . Paciga tits Soitth Ridina Society 1101 here, Mr. i T07,Mto. Gmy an& Druco Railway mho - donnoil considorstltQagreei�o�talrepAy* iLLtLore"tkt.an&lthe�.billLpaaoot ;i ze sovere-kicilt _ ** -AColby-thon ilwai is , alous R an Catholic, has will in all pro6ability be e "Pon to' John Ratteribury received a - Ilthei Tavtor. doTfe her utittost to counteract %ny re- put in its annual drill at eon pto a in the back of the neck from signed binaing ,poll Alain �u&Lr mo�eil hu-Bill'to, a- I" According to the toRrms upo�l A agrees to take no ad6ntaga -of the Oom.� boliall, the protalitins6lient law. Ashn- winch BritishColumbia was admitted the stablishod near Win i liln, horses- oil exhibition. He iaZzLithlia t r t 10 t M C n 15 ligious instraction Imparted by tile e uld it not be well to i til pany whether they ieceivolthe joviku� ilatBift'pgabl It$' second reading 'last road Wasto be commenced within two t W with 811011 success that the wo :oKr, r, &u. -A Base Ball and Crick- year, by _79- to 60, and was then' with- yeirs and finished within fathor, 'and tention which was ex I a time Cn, ten, , Th all ex nient. subsidy or not -Carried. - two oldest children aro Roman Catholics &Ito of presenting it *i t . lours. 6tClub has beei I i form . ad he . re. moved by Andrew Dreany, seconded araWit, � 36. Colby opOsed tile law on tefition ia'thib. it shall start from U16 1, 83b�%bws V'I-a cla ifbt give ex by'K. Dalton, that as� the- Clefit'has' the $rbynd�,thatj# hil'opi"ion, it eri-, Nipissing the most convenieVLt point Of P-9 -U:- to in feeling and pmfessiQn. Mr. Keith W� understand Goderich land Bayseld boo 18720, "a CzAt--7. we 13 1 muz -Jb1ftR to contique contributed handsomely, Od the other x6ported that certain- latweva omitted c6t3rigiis Teoklexf tradiiIj,�`, leigolfis the connection with the Ontario a d Quo having shown a datiormination. that the bankruptcy, is iory . railway system, and from which to X It Rabli�1bezooziez places where thus are 00mDaniell w8ft Psomiria.-A owe belonging to John laltogether from the assessment roll for Inbralrepupanoe tc I I I Me at their 2700 m it. three yonnger ones should U brought todotheirshme.' Asittiltios about two- McTavish near this place, gave birth to 871 and somelots assesisail on both rolls, -.66stli1h operitioh,4holl tlitaftihi6lvent P"iflo coast the distance.is a ta he we ribed, stocks on the miWket, for forced sale, wo'"7 msl�!`* to waft 'th"i omtll A'I —ars am up Wotest, n , h i's wife had them rb- months to irt 14, a list 4 f colours, 11 as -others. erroneously dose to The+ woirk is to be done Vy a private com- W_:%=RAILWAY Wd ZIP; a1XI %1aZA- 110 fire lambs. They were al dead. of its b A ho:d mpeasibleg,,r moved from his houstsabontayesrpgo,and tiraq is to be oat our bat,' on is to be that the Clerk and Treasurer bo'herelik, the injury of hoiest raders. Mt. Elar- pi6y, which shall give proof lb THmviff.G.-Fooldor is very soaroe, and i nTT aacttzt Girrafawa to Mke the PeS. on a par with others, in the neighbor- authailze to meet and exaTqino.-.ther risop, on the btherl hafid, hold that -flda and ability,for the undertiLking b a,3-1xhv3 ft -a the, OSZO to whle socv�ted in some plaQo which he has been those who have hay are annoyed by their t TO GODERIU11, thoy a ment, the lodgingwiththe Receiver General th P 14`Z�4 0 h at and 11 h COMING nog a-;,taZd m-,,onnib.a up tbos tkavp hood, at the camp, in r To iLo�plo dishonest neighbors helping themselves roll for said year and liotifj whilst sugoiptible. of amend -of -40,11ars. Under tho nable to discover. AIr. X. alleges she I I �; that if it oifer- into' of 6, milli6n hick. or tray. toot the County'Treaturer before the first of lair was right in rinoip a Roon was aided and abetted in this proceeding �of Cliniat, aced on ad too ready feel Was to debtors, tI at to is X*t 82c'L notlea of dL Sedorth, t 1upintion, &a. to it. lose bill the' Government Will have pow ;I C:� X -X 3P C?w C> C> X) a, as Me taw r�qdinn. we would therefore suis May, so that the Iots'may be pI 13 4� rev�,Dvo to Ott, tile Collecior's Roll for this year card. 'facilities might, be 'circumscribed ; that artange with -anyone Of the companios ,p w by Archbishop Lynch and Father Jamat, that they lould do s6met4ing at once. ', pjaeca Ithout AtultyVillo. ac 46wapplyi it an amal- inform the public that he has purchased the busiucm Aadt't%oir wriod-cals or and though dilligent enquiry has been It was intended that the Iqolours should ingto Statuto-Carried. orbolitors shipuld have inoreased powei . ng,for charters, o the Subscribbr wishes to 11417 7-1 "'U'D rp"t to tba to -mar diMLO . ttlev - And that the faults in thd gamation of them. The subAdy to 1EAP-1 Wns' be &gift from the ladies of the county, bloyed by J. F. Andrew, seconded by over insolvents jai ely carried on by rcal—iNo. %I r. Carroll, who M. Dalton, that this Council' grant' tile working of tlf6l�w-were more in its iid- coinpahy *ill consist ol lands and mo made in all the %)man Catliolic Institu- and we know they only r e-quird'to b6 re- THeSTA11111110 CA -Ml. ney; rket. Square, (Riobinson & Yates*,. old Standi M�r�, degaw, '.*OR the Ma tions of Toronto they could not be found, nxindoid of the I matter tof carr y it into was stabbed by Dernyon it short time the suni of 830 to volunteer Company ininiqtratlon�'than in the law itself. Mr, the land grant to be in alternate blodkB Mr �WJA=s SAzlrzs, 74 Wing 8trGet 1 though traces were discovered of their is gradually recovering. No. 9 of the 33d battalion for thepurpose OliVai ouj�0.6rted the'repeal of. tb.e law, twenty Ildles deep, and the money sub- And having addell therOtO 8 large stook, consistingof affect. We trust they wilt see that it is ago, E-ut is Our advertising Agent for To. I for TXAcnru's of repairing tile* roof of the -drill shed, and spokolfll ilearly six o'clock, whou sioly some $30,000,000. The land grades, . having been ill one or other of them done- SUGARS of all roiato. f John A. Upe- blocks have boon made twenty miles in T& LS f thi3 fine%t quality, ­ erg 6f this neighborhood have forinea provided West Wawar-osh gives ail equal Mr.Savary rose ;. bu CROCKERY & GLASSWARE of every descriptiou, a portion of the tinie during viiieli they ExPLANATION.-We feel Called upon donald intervening, suggested depth, so as to make the Dominion grant ICES of A-linds; j�V' GBO­ P. Rdwrmt & Co., 40 Park have been absent. The plaintiff states to explain &pin, witli r4orenc thoniselves into ail association for inu- ainount-Carried. an ad- TS CHAMBER SETS, at all prices. Rvww, 'Ind 'S. 11f. PtrV,1TGlLL & C.)., 3' a to the tual improvement and iiiatiuction. They Moved by P. Clare, seconded byJ. ournment in honouri of 'At. Georgo'B uniform with that agre-ed.to be given by CH,I�$& TEA S Also a quanti of Park Raw, accouuts in our office. Woavo 4dnged will meet eyery two.weeks. F. Andrew, that the two,path mas---- tay British Culumb-a. The Govornmedt A t -V are c-nroulvauthorized Ad- that both tha Archbishop Lind Priest It the dates opposite the na4e3 of all sub- expect that tile quantity of laildin altep- rQT isirW Agents. in Ne,� York. promised that they should be'restored to a W. 0. & B. RAILWAY. -Mr. Leckie boats oil tho8th and 9th concessiouroad 'I. -Sir Francis ne.eblocks r GAR DS, .' 1MADY-MADE CLOTHING, MXLLINEItY, sariber whose time had expired pre- between lot6and thegravel roadEastern WIJDJfE8DAY,24th Apri eserved by them will be ;V9, will, and shall, be sold cheap. 0 sniall wares, which their home if lie would allow their re- vious to the 21st December last, the has re.-eived instructions to purchase itt Hinaks subrifitted the estimates for' the sufficient to re-imburso the money sub- a-Z"M Tzv,%;= P.AMIVA'T once theright ofwvyft)r this road between Div ision, bo'iornicd into one diviqion un lig-ioxis instruction to be left wholly to ol�te when we came into into possession 3 leyville and Bluevale. Work has der We superintendance of Robert ensuing year, also a; statement of. the sidy. But even if it should noi, tile rL6 R, IMMS AND BACON ALWAYS ON HAND to 1121 Dec. n,, when their account Ai" receipts and.expe.noliture from lsbjuly, treasury fis now in a sufficiently healthy With take ail been: commenced at Wingham, and the Blake -Carried. S.POLLOCK- GODEMIVU STATION the inother. He states that the mother us commenced. We hod to Movoil by P. Clare,. acconded'by J. 1871, to 31st March,- 1872. The eati- cofidition, Sir George Cartiorkemarkeil, Trahis leaveas follows.- hx% all %long xised coercion to endcayour wor guide the address list which we road is to ba,pu8hod through tit once. mated expeqdituro is set down at 629 to justify the expenditure, spread or God e�ah April 1315-1y. �L­ +h. MIA 91 "b"l, -M4 Patton's h ol at Ethel F. Anoirow4hat Mr. Dreany be instrue.4-. P I , th,*W2, - and he th -in with -11 tb istakes FiRE . 9 675 460 The receints for the t�� 1 ;4-411 h. T. addition to ........... ........... 7.00 a. in- he . r with . tho outbuildings, w, ' A tohave the bridge at arr Is a put in egyms as . ranco. do- f- I i futnre the Inspectors Mwiitol�a to the boundary line, Mid IONSs Farprm ................... 10.00 applied for a writ of Habeas Corpus it contained, and as we get it corrected tOget a -proper state of repair at as ear-ly a date months vrerb $20,945,033. the inain linestwo b m.nolleis are propose we can assure our friends we will keep stroy'odbyffrbaboutaweok,ago. Nothing Mr. Morris, in answer to a question, to -be built -one from some point #i .................... 11. 43 orloring their prod notion. Thecl;ildren as possible -Carried. it so. If any have paid up to a later saved; no insu Moved by J. F, Andrew, seconded by announced that it I RRO T IMPORTAI ..................... 3.30 p. in. were not fortbeoming, and Mrs. 4eith period than they heive obtained credit *. Da��ou, that this Council do now ad- of Excise are to be paid by salary only, another from a point in the main line Trj�nsiaro ducas follows'— .1 .1 U Ir 1. 1,1 4 . ; 0 "L .11 1%. ­ -A . _, 1.1, v- Noxilloy., slid not by aphare in the seizures, in + T,61,. Q., -4- is not nronosed to .................... 10.00 a. M. erse a a 0 Mr. for contempt ok court. Archbishop or, J know, in order that th'e5 matter may be again at Copeland' a notel, Lucknow, on Monday, the 27th o� May which their subordinates alone are to mvke any grant in inoney to these 0 do .................... 3.2v 1% m* ........... Lynch anti Father Jamot filed affidavits 'fied- These mistakes, which occur- reot, red before our time, will wo trust not A:i OLD RESIDr.NT GoNH.-We regret bei 'g called g�ipou this week to record in next -Carried. participate in- future. The report at the Intercolonial Rail - branches. As- several companies aVe applying. to carry out the work, theW SAN man .......... .......... 9.30 i affirming that - they have not and never operate against 14s, and.. we hope our the sudden 4eath of Mr. William Bthck, The first sitting Of the Revision Court was held on Monday, the 22nd of April, way Commissioners was laid on the ta- will be no difficultySir George observed, bad custody of the children, and that r friends will endeavou to! aid us in our an old and highly esteemed resident, of -, at, 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at Dean ble. The total expenditure so far has in proceeding- with the undertaking. W-0 they had nothing, to do with their ab- straction. Mr. Keith's lawyej� did not efforts to furnish them with % first class F ipor, by recoramendin; the Signal to their friends its circula - the Township of MaKillop. It 'a"' that during the late freshet, in order to save the livci'of two men, Mr, Black Swift's Hotel, Dungannon, . pursuant to public notice. been 85,o75,411., A motion by. Mr. Jones (Leads and Grenville,) for - the appointment of a �Xr Mackenzie critized the provosi- tions of the Government in, some rcIs- but admitted that the road woulid. b1l,,ai0ottor Taft deem their at5('.awits a sufficient answer and ex.%endiug into the The- following app2als were board :- to inquire into questions af.: pects hire to be built. lie furthOr 7 t1ke,opi tion. Jumped river, which passes pear hisfarm. his John Rourk overcharge oil real 6d per- committee fecting the interests considered A7 W. J. KAY's. 11alo IT Ito tile writ,and applied for permission to examine them on oath, which. was 4 NAvia.&TION. -The ice which has been hafiging around the harbour for so long, After rescuing companions 0 and leaving the water, Jle neglected fo. some time to change I lis clothing, thus� sonal property, Jospph Tigert over- charge on personal property, Thomas agricultural of the count occupied the Ygreat- ry or part of the afternoon sitting.- explanations necesmary. Along debate took place on a tion referring to pr3moti:)ns -in the -civil ov reftised. Soende,lithecaseintheCom- was on Moqdak driyen out by a strong a contraeting a severe cold which settled, Whittaker name omitted, Adam Ureen 1. Mr.'Jones raproduced his.alit speeA, ' - - Fas agreed to. slervice, which m Or 00otton Ygtrix moll Ple which n vailed and it is to be 1. 1 A C I r ing I incorre etlyassesied, Robert Clendahn' -ifl, -h alte tions'as the course. of A 44. minor business a on i a ungs, an rom -tile J. Xk'" i(_)�eE;e- have seen the last of it for this name emitted, James Dalton the na Fy Mr. Keith has now applied,as we stated which he ivai confined to ilis 11OU00 for time had suggested, in favor, of �r8teO- debate arose on the second reading of a i of Edward FLynn for the EA 1, cou. 8, duties on agriculturalyroduce. Mr boyo, to Cie Court of Chancery, mid the season. Navigation is very late in some days. ite, however, recovered Bid- tive Bill relating to the issue of Dominion , E. D. atuitted, Thomas Stuart. over- tting to GODREUCH, MAY 1, IS72. a onbig this year'in consequence of the ficiently tc 6sume work on'Tharsday Magill has -a committee 'low si a notes, which cbntinued till the adjourn- 0 V.ase Small Wares case will be pwrlied on as fastas pmiible. ?P' charge oil real property. anufactures IMP I ice. �The W. Seymour left on her first last, but on l9riday was, again taken- ill, Johii Rc, . urk's assessnient was reduced consider the condition of in ment. Im the me.m time an injunction has been trip lost season on the. first of April, and- although during that day -he was still $200, Thov Stewart's do �200, Joseph and commerce ; and why not, argues Mr AT W. J. KAFS. Rc6rx c:Dp�zg of V.,is &,, U's Siqmg I can be issued forbidding any ght have gone some 'days sooner had Jones, also protwt the greater interest person to remove mi. able to be abiut. On Saturday he was Tigert do $100. R ­r, 4Z;- she been "ad -She left -esterd— 2. 1. .3 -11.4 ;.A 4zi V, C, rf a6riculture? - If anybody is to be pro- Extraor1inwrr Davth Of 9, Do me emidren ont of tile ccuntry. Tbe J . conuneU LO LM U av, a Robert Currie on bis pQrsonal apDeal 66 morning for Kincardiue arid Southamp- I bath morninu he breathed his last. Alr. ectedi why not let everybody be prow Hortry issue of tli;s case will be watched for with was assessed for acres of the N pt. of tell with a full cargo. R. Hawley's Black was lan of unusual intelligence tected? Mr Mills, the member for E phraim Burkholder, a boy of about much interest, as it will show whether a ;team barge, after a N.� 6, con. 1, E. D., Adaffi Green was Bothwell, laid down a few Bound eco- seven yers of age, son of Mr. Michael AT W. T. KA Y'S. everal ineffectual at- and force of character. Although'but a assessed for 1, 2 and 3 North of South wife has the right to set her husband's tempts to make her way through th i A omiciiI principles that fairlyknocked the Burkholder, of Cherrywooct, Pickering,, ho 0 Ice, young man he bad by perserverancean Ireet, -Port Albert. Ropert Clenden- n I ri at deti lice in such matters, or ry, succeeded in hewiticr out of the S. e nists out of time. He said he met'his dedth in an extraordinary man' ant t cleared yesterday morning for, Windsor indust I prot ctio - R,,Itq and Caps in GrOat Va'riOty nin"'s name was;entered oil the roll ' — the ner. After having -returned from -school., rhother he is in realit v to be, q, he is forest, a comfortable house for himself Edward Flytin was assessed'for the E 1. felt an I -NOW t1n, the pnp2m connectol r. ;b with a load * of salt. Thence she will it useful inenber interestin the 'protection of AT W. J. EArS. Enl- W;ns.Mng�= Treaty have been laid nominally, "the he3d of the house. proceed to Rond Eau on Lake Erie.� and family. He was. I con 8 El. D. 2 fariner, as he did of every other class of he and his brother played together for a i i The steam dredges hard been actively of society, oo�ou pied. a leading position in the community, but the only honest way tiqie in the wood -shed. 11e then left big PazHa:jen* it in more evident 'The'.Q1 wasamended accordingly. - %ra:5 to leave brother and went towards the stable. -eting all claqsesp at work rinlie last week in clearing out the community where he lived, nd wa's The Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Clerk of prote n of the fruits San,(. time after, his brother, a la Biack and Oolored ov= the, enr have been Sul up the now entrance to the harbour. The stly respected by all who kriew hini. were appointed a committee to examine every man intliftpossessio ol a P aralsolso e" i other vessels which w-Intered here are is sudden death will 4e intich felt nd of 0 AT W. 4-J KAY28. b;L-5-n-ed �awz�y -without any equivalent f his own industry. -It was not fair year older, discovered him hanging from being fitted up as rapidly as possible.— deeply � regretted by many. His L Tbeoppon ntaof Mr. Mackenzie are the roll dnd report to next meeting protection, to increase by law the priDe a rafter which projected fr6m the roof Yet we find that a kT,,,-e num- Coln". The Cuart until very hard u for ch%rges-to bringagainst The �ceutre of the lake belv!z clear, vessels remains w -ere followed ta their last of any article for the purpose of afford- of tile stable on tlie outside. A cow- ber, of ja=rials which condemned the him. Alon,lay, the 27th of May at Copeland's Theacousation of having dimis;- are on the move, and- on Sunday three resting place by a large concoure, of ing a'profit to the producer. There was elfain the ring of which pased over the Ilutel, LuaknuW. eath. Blaok LuAres, Capital valno such %thing as natural production. The rafter, had been the causeof d ed the gardener at Brantford has bei�n sils were Been in the distance. frierrols on Tue;dy . . 0 iffaded 15uch The boy had probably stood on a board, & - intpeoliments to -commerce a AT W. 4 J. KAYS.. evem, when its worst fe%tures were not shown to be fabe,'and yet some of the protec . tion, gentlemen ivilo favoured a raised soine distance from the grouno%, known, ns-�lx tMak it very thi ng- — lesser are taking it up and feebly TOVU 001=4- April 22, 1872. protective tariff outylit to have opposed and to one Ride of the chain, and amused 00 canals and railw through: -giit�ood Cloth in potrer at echoin- it. The �t�t accusation is that NFw PARSOifAGE. -It is in COntempla- the lionstruction f aYs, himself by thrusting his heact aiRl evera though the best in- Ms. The regular monthly Hug of the tion, to erect an Episcopal parsona-e in 81(-,NAL.—Looking oyer your bcoagse they did away with this natural the double of the chaln. Itislikelyth4A Mackenzie insured.the Public pnper furtho listfow niontlis, Ihave ouncil was held on Fri y evening 26th this place. The congregittioij of �St. priite'6ion. The lion. member for Leeds he lostbis balance whenleaning over -AT W. 4- J K -4 -VS. T e = ntry shanld suffer to Buildings in Toronto in the Isolated f af U elt disappointed at not see',,, an ult. Present.; tili may y had asked for a committee to thke evi- and sW1111fr off, itotbeing able,to ragmil i L, r:rrq 11TMZat, Reefe, and Geor--4?s Chrch, Montreal, have gener- Vlan rezn!t. We had holied Risk ej,. of which he is President. Councillors t, = . news froin Zarich, an -1 though mv Rumore,S.m , Robiertson, o sly contributed $1715 towards it., dance and repurt, gainst the 'principles his foothold.,, The chain would �Iose on 1L_111 feiiiiiiine pen may nut amount to much, Henrietta Cloth 35' t4e of Cana&v was passessed Supposing he dil, ve cannot see any A. Smith, Campbell, a, Gordon. of political economy. He-'saia, if the hi!3 n eck behind theears, An4l'sooii pro - re r4��,ret i �EXFOF.TATlo OF STUCK. -Mr. Jen- yet, I slivuld like ta give you a little but �v to harm in it. The rates of that company MacKay, Clifford and on. Illinois last week two distiller were copelled to use in -tile duce insensibility. Dr- Tuckgr held an kins aent away to ace"unt -,f so-utt-of gur pvt-ceedin-s at AT T, J KAYS. finl tLat n�any af tho3e -.1ify control this Minutes of.prev�ious m read and fine stallions. They are niLmed "Young I Capital ofilay.- Wehadi - nidnafacture of whiskey, on%ccomit of a 'inquest on the body, when averdict of are 1.,wer than those of ny other, and a I tie nost do- aill, y might as well be s3�ved to the approved. ry an lightful weather last wenic but quite a duty oncoirril'sonie more expensive gr- "death b accidental hanging" was ro- in the Government would be compelled to ts rned. Greatsyn boy's Twilled Prints s of horse flesh. 8Und4ty lli-lit, raighky engifle of§4�4td r ev it, ii�stead of fev ACommunication wasi re I ceived from Robinflood'and "Eimland'sGio ipathy Kr the' taking a braa] tndep=dent view of country as nivit. Beiides, the Isolated the St Caffiet,:�,a are superior apect all disagre0able ChLl1gC 1.711 iaher excise Car in by theitillabitanta of Trade re- he content witif a it parents was manifested f tlie Council ANNIVEMAR to af into a y 1. 0. '0. F. -Clinton ,es, is 0111v U 0 11 1 W a] nild enial we. �Iice turui- pubHu- ntatters, have, shovirn themsel ,ne 4 seven comptuies with questing the c n order to prqvent smuggling. As to the of the neighborhood. AT ,i� I K4 S. ago seema as Lodge of.Oddfello%vs colebrated tho An severe anow storm. The vill, rotiblv on the trestv qnestion, to be in memorializingtbe govm�e!ment to'pass higher prices and *more prosperous con- th, buildingi; are insured. If any nivewary of their Order oil FriJa eve- ustva-tobe inathrivingstate quitoa IL ning last. by a conVerjazione in the Hall. number of new buildins Win�; lin. pre The Time3 says Dr. Walpo].6 haslo it arty in proof were wanting f the ability with of weather iignals'at �ujtable points goj�lral iDcrease of prute.5 did tint mean m, erely blind spad4tV of the p an act for the eatablixtimept of a system dition of the United States, admit it. , A Go4ericb, April 30th, 18N�' pgwer, inwpective of the intere' d afterwards a supper itt the Queen R par Ltion for ntip, wbich will make his beautiful chest emare. She (ii(ol' of which Me�sn 31acke3zie, Blake & Co. throughout the Donliniov. The Mayor an an increase of protits. On the coiltmry, 4 Hotel. A plesant evening was C ffairs, it is supplied by Wer spent. it qiiitu lively ditring the ensuing gum- uddoul y,n harness, it is supposed fro n ourt ()f-Rievi. ion. theeauutrv. Canadians T4e feeldeep- manage pnblic in tkq- Unitea States, the' cost -of livin- and Clerk a instrucitied to draft a lyiuteresteZ in the the present i memorial to the government accord- LErT CLINTON.-A numher of young inter. Stigarniakiii-, hasin most places bots or pin worms. 11 the D.,ztor lit d was increased inore rapidly than wages. r the frivolity of the 'charges brought I believe lmost proved it. failtire,thoti-gli sed Sheridau's*C4�i 'r, atilt men have left for Itad Rivor. S. Jones, -a poor u palry Condition Potp- Mflada pik! atate e, =64irs. Our �hoinour, as well as I ingly. The rich were inftole richer and tf Court of. Revision for the To:wn, IDA' - . 4111 B__ M az agpinst them. -r. Davison stated butcher, with his wife and. familv havle that ha-% not 11iii,tered the usuaL enjoy- poorer. At'bebt it tras but tI;e story of ot�rs, he would, no doubt, bave'bad Ill . icb. will meet at the jCoun-! -N'#- �f : , M t hew lic t f Godef ltea cures wCapie" Ta interesta ara at stike, mid i r's Is- ineut of thet yonu,r h%dies and gentleman ulare to -day -they are death oil wormo. f cepted the office of Depn Judge which removed to Victoria, Vancouve the sale of :the old dog for a linudred ell Chimber,,bn Wednesdaythefifte of the neighborhood, who met at a Taffie 11FFX0CAt)ST1r I . to IjL surely Britain v7i:l not reqnire us to con-. laud. dollars, and pay in ent* in two at fifty dol- ; Chapped hands are very connuon with 6elock LOCAL ITE173 would disqualify hinwr fro. retainingi his Paty in Mr. 046irles Wilson's bush, �t, At half aot I ceiRe to angther rights which she seat in the CouuA he therefore lars- ea�h. Aln Bodell as the reTre- those who have their hands much �n for t; is purpose of - I-earing MEETIqG OF lltrro.N PRF-AMTKILY.- where thero was plenty of tht delightful sentati ve of aWn.-ricuittiral constituency, water. A f9w drops of Tolb�lsoWs Ano- A at �,�drexs tithe, tendered his resignation. At a tne�ting of this presbytery in con- ii�t the awasment for the hers.eh- woutd indignantly refuse. So. -If I' S.LcZhZ1IiIIo C0.11111, I - I - cowg. -Outsiders are _)dity t1l, SatiFfy all -the han s STRACfl_%;N'SHAr Moved by Mr. Cfiff( rd- sec� by Mr. nection with the C. P. Church, held re- m-grued forcibly-'a�painst protection. Sir dyiw Lininteut rubbed over yw d yet to trvi, appatit-;, -Pi mes a day, re3p.eZt We s1ould nut. 1"so, an hard t ("fttf sn"llfrol'o as only Francis Aii, wo or three ti win keep in o beat D. K. Strachan's Doyle that Che remiguatio [i ef Councillor eently, the basis of union was agreefl on ks oJeclared Jiimqelf a _free t JAMES -THOMSON? our mind it loors very muz-h like abe- harrows but they can't do it. adv. Davison be accepted, and that the coun- with . a fewslightmoditicatiou. Mossra- h;tploysvirits ktiow, the party turned trader, thus slipplying-a very effective soft and white. Fisheruieup sailors, ard Town Clerk. ILA -The spri Audergon, their fUCUS 1101LIUMLrtf, 4vell pleased with commentary HPOR -his (ICCeMSed "nation- Others will do well to rdmember this. gati,in of it, to all -ww all claims for Sprxr, &sizEs Ing assizes ail regrets the lon Qf­ h a services and f1raham.- Yeo, Rose, the -evenings entertai4iiieut, I ahould-say 39 C114e Inklif;- at polic�,." Mr. Fergiiso'ft wanted to go of damages causeed by Fenian raids to pass: will open in the Court House on Monday expresathe pleasure the r4taye enjoyed F6rbee, Ferguson and Alacle-, with the 6xception 'of our -celebrated t next 6th, May. Judge Galt will preside. to --ether as members a, the council- tars; and N-tatheson, stilith, %Vilson, G for a straight vote witb�oat a committee, MIT* t arried. no�.hn, Kirk, Habkirk- S uanaticwl, and a the same time yield . C, . , lid Doeturn-nd Poet, Newspaper correspon- F01VIZAT & muTH.-A ewe beloning C and let the Government stand o r� fali-by. A SEenET `WOR�tr KXO`wrxr__--S.n a Or CARDS- Zia r' "�oinceol coniini.3- deut, &c, nho inet with it severe dis- up rig -bits in the valuable fisheries I to air. John McMuVen of GodeWc� The Major was instrui led to iasue his Kenzie, elders, were LI-) ai it. The Government, � llowevet,* had horse dealers have diaco-vercd_ that I y A MY Printed at the e- go -is lady love suffelivg from This, ihe we passwg. We do, n -.3t see either why'�f To anew election forSt Andrew's sioners to the n ,t ner-al ssenibly. LT0111i'luc"t, I ovidently no desire to accept this saga- the uAc.of 'Darley's Condition Pwdej . ti 4. wnship, recently gave birth to four Afr. Prithard sinified his -acceptance of A serious at!aul, of tqotliache, which '. W - I I pon to grant by I ewe lambs. None of them lived Ion- =1211Z the vacancy. 0 CII)LIR counsel: TIft withdrawal of -the and �kmbian, Hea:ve � Itemedyl- Aher Rolt: we saould be ca-Hed u 1. 'precluded her froin bein-, at the festive- IGNAI, OFFICE. w , ingcommuni axtion from the a call to Bluevale and -Wirkghin, aud the 0 was than �r�063ad, and the horses are -so inucit improved in- �yiet;y at city Prices. ftE Tr-uF.-A trottin� The follo cono, thereby the delightful ni'atch came mover dsented, but Sir John A. Mae- respect that they will readily sell for- I trem-sty the right t5) mse oar Lzilawl waters for the 24th. Mr. a was received induction was fixed ticipations of the poet into gloom, and ,-C1 �=e,, espe �.y a, the correspoll- offon the ra-;o course on Mnday last Messrs. Beatty d Th I oro . Lt intginnounced. his intention of rosign- i donald evidently to gratifya feiv agri� � from to $30 each MO're than they betureen two horses owned by Plley and ceA- Gra readerim, the poeticz'd effusion no doubt TnoxoLD, April 24 1872. i n g, his charge at the close7 of the cur- gested -would otherwise, and t cost' of not Attentin. dia-_ rights of mvigation conceded to us prepared ftir te occasion utterly useless iltural followe,4 sug I that 'it and Neffrespectively. , The former was HORACE ONTOm, FzQ rent year. Some further busiuc83 was useful ill'othb'T"'directions thair more than $1 each. We consider thisla, ara a mere delm!-�:on. _U long as we are snecessfnl. Most likely lie lias turned his inedicai might, be isposed of, and the Court adjourn6a to indiediteJ �'by Ur. secret worth: knowing, and one ZZ P, y ta=4� wit4 p -;r neighbonrs �r Of Godeekil � 4, 1 '1 1 to good account,and we hope Ily . PIA Fllt�T CRO 03 ST. A-NDEmws WtnD.-The elpction of DEAa Sji&,_Year cot 0 of the 22ad- meet at Goderich-Pit tho seco. shr, will by this titne (in vulgar phrase) Jones. It was thereforo agareeilto. all -,rho own horset - should not faial a a Councillor to fill the vacancy caused iuL was receivedl and w i,beg to reply. of July. Afterrecess the debate CILDIOU WHEiT W 0 they -are ive!came ro the use of "be able to ro in for taaffie.'� the repeal 6rofit by ; -it is unquestionably the rlavzlable wateE�, in the event of war, by the resignation of John Davison, As it relates to the actioi k taken by your of the -,Insolvent Act W119 TOsurned,in the kbrse medicine eyer sold.: Rememb x Yours respectfully for ialC Also Timothy aud Clover, Norway 10aw, Municipalittas W which "o see that the signature A B. I BUT no treaty wquM kftp them open. Wa Esq., in this ward, will take p1we nexi and otber in. aiding ua to ur i�einber" spoke as the name,.ana Kw jeao& ireported.PoItatoes, A'P-, &a.. for sale ONE OF THE PARTY. JV - - rnment St bsidy, we ex- olwsHurd &0o. is on each package. Noril-� byJact b Segmider, opposite 3ftrwa aotai, near fear Sir John A. can com MondaL rthe MrL (virdial thanks, but as this de- ODDIFELLOWS' SocuL. -On Friday fop Newcastle,'' Opt., PT )- cl� S-,ur.---A social will be held in the , . -Orith the evening the 2 at came off gretted that 'MILLER GEO. mznd, asmEmen& number of servile fol- -inand on us has; nothing to dm 6th ult.. -it soci Mr. Cameron (Huron) re prietors for Canada. Sold by all mec"L- JACOB SEG 'the Government liad not indicated their. 1)wws in the ho�2�- to ratif�7 the treaty, 'basement of the Wesleyan Church, an i1f2g caused in the 0dolfellov-s' Hall in this villitge; M0111blioll 1.0axtictinen! Zino do 39 GP C pril 3 line as then considered: a tl Oth,M72. 1315 d, 6903 G i Thnrsday evening, to raise f2fida, 10 ajl� but we saall La3k apam it as a sorry day by a failore to obtain U a services of a which was a very successful.AffAi.- - ------- line of.. action in - this matter. If was sist Mrs Mellish, a poor wogum, in pro- unfortunate the attendance in the House second steamer to join t s in our. enter- Over 100 persons were present, biai�y of BIONDAY, ADril 22. -The no,ise only . . was so small, und tbqt theleaders pf the O L for our Da=nion, when* those to who curing a pasmge to hcr friends in Fhig- them being of the fair semp In -the Bata short time to -day. it I I d had then to ch Otor a 15toamer, prL_ Government and tbe. Opposition were we have conEele the guardianship of land Prtb; with i outfit addit- absencq of A. G: McDouirall, $sq-, as a -o- at nisuranco, vate members day, and the time was 'absent. Bbf664he -discussion closed, lk""e Eckxiric OW Mali& nu 7hres its Mi& 8 CCND-RAFD PORMOLF. ENGINE AND of the v= intara�3ts, b3,:1Q- a Ir vray our m ois t va lu- F, w lfzLw nAPH LLVS. -The Mon- ional, which will amount ni:Iar$40, 000. whose duty it was to take the chair, but ih Gold Do you know amitking qt it? ifnat, it chiefly occupied with inquiries and An he oi;oir would proba� A lolleir of&Wnt 15horse-power, irust be in witLout any eq;dvlent,� tre-nal Telegraph Campany aror about to The amount asked are aware" who was detained by siekuoss�Bro. tices which did not provoke much We' wever, those gentle nol h.6 did' not 'inzi-you did. goml a der and running -conditLon. pply, �giving aker took bly all be in their azats, 4 TA establish an office at, thelharbour. The is not for our boat i�or fo longer time John Campbell, �x­harncss �fti ba t,. part lain caiinot s1ky %Vlere it is used. It Is 111�e (ci tars as "e, � vd� ame of makir, price, think thereholdbia.,pay Adjournment. &C A clivspestbledicineever-riade. Onedose poles were set last week from the town 'than this season,,As we builif. 'This the obair. Music, instrnmental and Mr. Blake introduced his bill to pro- H. a faifA to 4diSCOVer,;i the remarks of E. W. PLUNKETT. In Suez- Too u . Men ORE RROAT. ne o as enre *fiera the harbour request is to Aid us 'O'ing vide for.the trial of oiutroverted elections am - la2, Bat it is Urged tba. the Imperial an- 1 offica to the elevator al' was supplied by the' foll the legal gentleman who. had spoken eny E Ite., 27ti Aril, dai:ro us t-) ratify the troaty nd the wire pected demaud, as the or oil of a youg& ladies, -Miss aggio Foster, the by the d s. Sir G. E. Cartier pro - will be In ge TA NG COuGn. no or two bottles cures bad - office �mllbesftuateka ground for the-'continximico. MLEs and Kawsy TRorzLw. and Ent it ne-e-e dut fu7 us to -0 stmn- a,% soon a% it arrives, probably second boat was n -for otir - mis- Miss Johnston, Msscuted 4 return of the arnoutits paid in- tioriable_&�'law- Thoiloi gentleman -all.. Bix to eto 7ap 11cationsure ANY CASE OF xcoRrATE:D2N some time thisweek. The e3tablizit- tnal inter6fts- Were t, thigilempind. Carmichael' and, Others. Mr. Frank dividuals for losses sustained by ther, �disagre d ai t the modeqt amen(lmant,� flirl.&mmn ftrAsr. 0ae bet _,bas efired X� P. w4nted Imme&atply. C�Mutar tfl their whhes. Britain has m9t of this, ofhca will: be a graab con- onnawaxilotcOntem when we were Paltridge mkLde the speech of the even- North' weit rebellion. Dr. Tu�lier a .1. 11ALck of giglit years standin Dandlel Plank, Ze.-Waya aml is stilr, aaim-eke:i hy a And there ore hoGove=ment ing and was loudly cheered. Short ad- stated that Cilnidian fisherman Would 'and heelieved'Ate only. co'PrBo Was t 3jivoldield, Tioga County, P , pav: ,I' V mottavra, ey9a, thit- venfence to tha shipping- to era mg�n capli-ple of takin friendly t--= with subsidy was be protcted from the trespasses of for;- ol isli it altogether. He be][i thirty Wks for a bottle of y1ou 011.whildhp111ac . g entire charge de3ira- to remain o a not inielod, d meet it,tilresises w ' also delivered by other 0 1 1 NrON*�DSUML. VISTLE: of a Cnooki;D Lure by six ap� D. Oliph= MulaIr Gc3pel preach- moreover it will take we have asked oparties,. and on the whole a pleasant leigners tbis-season as usual. Mr. Hpr. exis.ta.d"f�r­t p1leatiom- Another wbo ho had Aafak& tor ofhorses. aU shw, 13 �dilivered a discourse affthe Ilunicipalities 'law in4$64 had teased.. eliar1_110 qT bottlo leM Awly to or 'lities " ol the lgoaVii night *.0 passed. Etables in abun have balfofa POcetif don asked whether it was the intention liqf$100 would not buy it 11`1 jeouldgft 310 MOM JAMES CRAWFORD liurus.116ijinson, of Nunda, N. Y."'Writes "040 -�rnnortiou of the Go ment. Subsidy 'danco were, siippliod bi the brethren, to of the Government t-3 place dutie's on 'a i� h== Aa:i0f, L�is Day in the School house, proportion of the -Gov that the lay. of -69 VQ WG a3 weara that s1he never wdalT cancade school se4on No. 1, -Goderich Town- to coydr the Charter Our coranti nica- which ample justice was done by main- welli but he'nwtv coudd d it -a a�l ship, tybich was lixtn:ed to with markod flour, wheat, barley, corn, oats, salt, and small bottle of 3 our BobitcTnic,om Test4red t1to y !M� 6,bove I% S=h IiAts 33 wa ara ask tion from Ottaw'a stat4s, "a moderate bersa'nd visitora, 4,nd all left forhome at failure,,and in'.'almost eger w le. voice wberke the person bad not Fpokba coal, to. which Sir F. Hinaks replied vIdsp3r in P ivE YFAits." Rev. J. Mallory, ofW]r- wallowed'up PXT ll-� I -LO AW� S, attijition. He also �avo a lecture on n(r-'"-Hvpy toi- meet-- that after the pr occedins, of the House whole estate w;to Is N. Y.. writes; "'Yoar EcLumic 0ittared V u5 tu da snin, has been placiad W the estimates?'- 11. eclock-bei dD=.1 k f Le wouN oblig walling and Study of the ois 0 . . . Greit frauds op MI a, appy to 1116a a alu. iii curred." 14DYn Tneof Bronchitisin -one Week. D'eaiersaliv�r the subject of P _is not very so ses. -LA Scriptures, for the Safnia Line. T rry to pait-h last session,4 was nt the intention''of old a midle na� wb!0�1 BT4--- Trould -evening, in the ing. We leav th SPItMG W6RK.-SOID0 of our`% quencelofth.6 ;firt creditor;�bbg a the country say: 11 Vq have mever a S A. R S -AT A. R 1. L zcq= to�,�,Taer on Tues"y blip dovernment to' being do�ya ail 1_14� - uch enniplete sattsfaet! e y pro- pr6ceedd of �au: 0409. -He lie THALT A14E E. Church. and ot4er discou" 9 will encourag or that b", given �s E --%r OZ- QW C13 OffiE V-0; t�s�ipEjnny dg, the request to plead iritl y:u,"' have finished their sprin. Q 1p Ap , -ofE n er �om osqa of Six of theW� Ozo follow at different places. throughout the ioal'cliqii Zof t i s cood to taKe as for externaluse, and lhe,- ay this kin& and he might state ; Lroaty, the.- term3l Nours tru01 that_th6-=,r,%ment had notthe least heard of &A is h6ll.vid ta.8 Are still busily engaed ploug be immeasureabTy. superior to any. BEATTY, ng, harrowing, lk� l6unf Of -hsit to that conclusion, made. Will save you much sifflariog 6 [.To Nnship. H. A large -an beinpuiXiqheU�;�'Itjtak J. atidn 0 h thiifa nei an M, y erg of eiDellse. 11; S. y one or will be sown in this vi.inity th le inasmuch 98 this session Mi by Mr ke thii6oVefill.diseases, ttlt.5 sue of taius a map of Gibbi see. fl %t -N= OF BLAK9.-Tho last is ax beittio-the last ored erg* cv-ee, P ee- FrIce25cen i dorful power in -,resto - tue Bloo neling thif e arriston Tribune con rin� - - T12-'za 6v10`XiV,- f I . ere would re OXAS, Pamps, N.Y., Aud Ung Ith Moved by, season. Mr. R. Shantz of the flax mill of the presentParliar "d th ted,� to try 4nsolvont pisest: -The'-591iie pasulors thstprovided-the Messrs Beat difficultieshiLd',pcilut-rod in Mn here .,Prepa dbyS. T IL state. Diseascs -of w � ORT -Ont, nd a Now Countv with the above name, will have a rich harvest. soon be ,In appeal to t14-Tep Sole r crofuls Ner awy longer, r dan satisfact6rilT show to this council _Ple,' who 'eticildsa Ainbndju�ntl &4, b9eq vam, I)e ;,whi.h the 13ditor pr6P0305 should be THE: SrAaLnqG SALT WELL.-rhiS well , -woilld thin have an opportiiiiitiy f ex-. 4btr6dua- 4-e ts fOrthe bomin o-_' 4ba k.1 h 06%xt�Rhpuwatlarn, Indige*sticiaj�undiee, a (hy 4 te. far fliihn rih A to seAsqns"busi- Len we hey Aroloaor4*on .-, r 4 e and Ffectrized.-2m.` �rhsttrj gift even e r, 1lronebW,AX*,0A9. ara Chest om- erected, with Harxiston az the County that f is doing agood business. Itbeganweik :p ng -their opinion upon thwitib ect. ad. � Viewing the-, , P,*-rjd,A :,�Jld in Goderich, by Qeo. 0911.1e, F. Jordo its eftets areynarvellos. wm &a to a tx &a ama ness, that the council dd ;rantthe sum of standpoint� waspr Co. llaiyfl'bld,jas. Belittlaiii. Rogarilli t �is -no, oll"ase arising from an infectIOUS tal 0 the tie Turaberry and� 00wick taken from Hu- oeu P* Bat 0115 on 'fQr th"niRe I Combo, iMi1ntan;*,8.,:8eco, 11 'thestwspbere,or Impum-wAter, auatust then 11, rels U salt have �bdtn i town. It consists �Df the township of upon the lat of Jan xary last ana siftee Mr. Oliver having moved for any due- a�1000te assitin ra 000 I*r f J. Facka�d. bXe their lin wean SarAiS uments there milit be relatN6'fo qlim� in zLaWrad-r:E. n. S6-aforth; aud ail medieWe whiMbialiptsaftnard. 'Or, �Ouyl D " Jeting ozarelzei aa:iVthe old land Wallace a#d llaryVora from Perth, a of Steamers, sold. The -other day the company re- einnimi- a during t a PrbAr deg!ers ron, W, Bev pmferred against Col, Skinner' It '-I I iici, ane Tar -1lottle,..:,- 1i gton and and 11,41affit PrOTidsd't. eY ru ceived a large order from " Matilda, f3 any prospect of Muto and Art4nr from Wel t least tw6 steamers, and der of he Wimbled6n tearn, the -., Min - but, ff 11 the season a Station below Bro.krille. They have -tioh60j.6, Normanby=4.Egremont from Bruce. theymake ister of Militia�Stat6d, therl),W61*00hp, best thin port afeall At -411. c6n. "erich a Thi� rr�ugeaten& should it be carried that a large amount of excellent salt on hand a high tribute to Cot, tkiandes H0.111fift"). trip -of both- 'bogt*­ and pai lfto� � 2c> la,to out oul" rill maken fine compact county. eaoi. py, fMTr. Is XMT Irs Ii way on eseh_ 'v order con' d officienby ft C -ef, 0_11LM3 ab The wall is in good workin6 conduct. an tinned on n,of t ik X001tuouisk. i&.' Self re32eCt Should THSXZVrT,AX SUPFR1oF.LUM.-One petition of for-assistange, stantiv itirnihg oat the useful mineral in I TUESDAY, April 23.�A TlrnbPr.:of ihst.,�tiie .'Wif `f Ch --f Isr -the 'n. fild 100 -v 4 ,L onlifeu& ea on anem- antagas of the new steamboat A CON-, melhber1of F _al�iLk it W4 .� 15th 0' _;4. 6 a, . ses- of the adv bills were tp-day introduced cixebV Mr Fqr6iiag amnelv te', cifttimitan Silo %T-r--vn&vvTLz _Xr be' doidta 0. !Us ttle, F. prasnand oil Tespketable lineismanliv-4ed yD e ac ona W" "ad to M6asirsv Mackay And A. ck " 6f all Uostleran 160 coUlpe 1110.14 .41� ision. gill refait t -hire DiW ineyA TkIIASDAY' All, kinds of garden soedg'ag woll'asl;6ea is -not all ' orithe 22ncLult., 4he wif, a� fomwarden re�eived on Saturday Int basJus jeopived s'large at OL LeLilatures inany Province w order il' rj�I!Ztlo�. 4r, Cam7 W4 ST, from Ott-tvra, to engage &% Smith, Representation In Segfo a 0 PA vileges, An Application from j.Mr. Brown for manii m do Malcolm, 91 tile T4. 'mtz-ngi� to anybady Iuzber o feams and promra supplies, 'thoirze g f Mrs grai ats befon eicin,! froiA tki n. taining th;t to be forwarded on the cpem -tip or and E actions;- re 44�_ that they I all ago of Scotia" oft him And fyled, gne-laorea.- I iefurnif', -n XOGPXDU 36w *ai1O0L 1160it. The 'School artiiii gaven6tico that -on' Ail the-ciiia or, SE ting of navi- as8i6tan'o for' was received, U -store id well-, filled. f the Dontivion P�ilimufli. �n-w-so as to guopfythe de a, becom. -dindidates Eli re ANEW& Sir George C gation to Thu ader Bar, Xo donbithere on fron0 he wotild -,move the h6use into ti �46 builOvIr will be, a good demafid this summer M An B:Pplicati e 0 u rling Club Ns ff. � for the user of the Mu Sheet wlidn not ml Thurf-duy. I Marqijolitte Mauitaba,and',*rare ofopinioii- 'oderioih, for all kinds of farm _�roduce, the Seafdrth Common School as the - itide tv�-bnnsider artarn redolu- Qkyamfuce Rai -for Mlilitar"P its, and f0f COMM' thatAhq, 6turr"g_1U0er;Aoq1oJ ha�o 11`81 required , - -Y --Muot xbe accalpmo- the- Cmiadia I Ad a L04� -(J. -- A on the 26th April, 'at the liafer�i*nr flize sup�ply of,th Take Superloi �Gpils attending it Pacific. S. t.Goderich, a to lengilion t, wasgraxited, tiofis, permission -01, ated, in thopjrase1AJ)uil4ing. and that on Friday, he -would y 'I petitiort of , Spra -,D, Mift -4' ) 6A "electo her, b thb, wth J;Rsp Lie I residen�e of thebridelPs fat emby i1iiW*'tih4-_M%P -or -plan a*A Rai jig J. ulef,�ndi rta pt, y gK_-7,The -Spa, ith bill on, the sa,&e subj 'S.' ,JAroatX _Xto IN G z._�An unusual sight 6. have, Pialleiii*14UStrobt. gi*ded,ref6r­ OM th oiti� di, T. - Rov. R.,TTi,Iei'3!r.Geo,. BoQth to MIRr A dmightpr of Mr. Xoli�, Walke�', 51 Ji UX, spV14tio, ni., V'ro.,gow"g-10-114ye a k 6hnXacdonald�bro)ighi-Ao J, I 61d.6' i,, 0%tthX10UM VOUM 4*4 tit �� N ;� . Mrre �. - ., LyzWli mcUOK ofthe Tofoato; ray �ftd Birgen RallwW, 'hei,pa�er% and'corrodpo in- a con&- w4a-witnessed )a3t Friday on the farm to Street Commi oll'. �eoil _Q . for, 0 nwds. rl grand mebtifid"W iitr,og n4e nsi er' 64� till -&3r- rw far As tu st"6 mates to, *h6 j"tJOA of of ; A report of the gtft4f' r ff" postponed I ft,,$* _V 0orrip asdL tioe with the�,fi he Waded tq� be Be$ Will sh6iies, j�,whidh -ty 4- t., aborlourthafty6el4ro . �atiisg tbal it PThejT�yort was obp W3 sad tk*Jftd ft V receiv6d 51 t comlaitod, the V -6 competed f0r.4­,An­d-�-'fiQ,, P ifted'99111d, bo� produbel -without ....... 47 �Iou hmen at -work tky- �I�or hk Elio reVIWI>ytha pru f � �, R4 0i an invitation to strget extonsion, *f Aho 3161*` 14worl - a n. oreap., draw till tV9 it At: Goderich, beta duly�i3matr4odavoilewmawA; A*4 Ile. report of -F tile John It w;s thV �f 1, feev& 1011(i r. *f tb6 Pr thiiusar* �oiiit. to tublio j t jlixftsof OkegWittein aa* si" nwAs and nd. %mot, , r.,Jf6woj11 john.1 iw*�' �0,bce;toaiasthim ing0ttiuginhix crop. di$tancj of 96 rods I A. rhill�p On 'tho'24th iusti, X tb6 n]e'L -work r�sultoidint ce al Ulna �tho - a-copiVni, oe on,.,,reapec�;� apers _*r 0 fttlisOpeauty of 11tir ii, hoplough!n& -being1wau tablo fu *M _2& m-'UbbertDkiney, Rrovinold ssc*ftal, ibr Ike NO '; . - $11 a i6d, - " On Tliursday,id of 40screi. cammeniing Zip fislu, 1,ourvoy,,was abnd4rred- 'Fishe n% Jbintxi In sion he sowing and harrowing NatAhe J "Towd ip tin, of i&d.-Mintreq.- I. - ­, i :., �,., ... . 1, -1 1 i64 wAsTiri-; Holmesvill%'aged 74 �ears, 9 montlij Am -4-40 AV bill 1690flodither� 0, ties Of 1,7A9= F; of tphold foyer. ��Uo �$Ovrw sai* ok talthiotig`h I "eclatoroew And 9 days,, tions 16tv :a AWAO tIORTWOU-19- 'MY 'PC", plougb4orth $40 toth# PIRA112 Present,. " �;"- ;� " L L - � - I ^�cl T_n lontolo, cond, all V 'the VrOM111 the' XWl a Cou"bil iaiib ff; ile, Deceased. was. born in Wind' st on was 6 -4 187 aiAt x W, W. SUTRULAND e n00 lottery .3 a it fell tot bir. I W. .110 c 4fib gainiognom ce ft C T-. 4%. B. Wh t" -De*.,* ILL in the t, of CAJOadA 56 Countr.V in I&M, and settled at on th,e. o"ershir of whielt was decided street prll=g qy�q wnolo.re­ question of Kilkenny, Irelind, l.inmigretei to this Pie's �LQ, 'Durnmin 3fr. T, dpishvs to ox if Z . .. , at. min late, �Wyfle &road ronoo. A Ott ratory attention, 4 4gg -1AVil V report, 61 Mcwum at"the big thano to t11W who'.No wil W.r 4 #P tffio� CA - finav;eft *11116 Ir ;W-014 . I oir 'aQ Tiop 1) 'ei", '- eirdr since., He WAN vuembor, of the in J;oft ­ irwqstolfsh 'at Q'fbrb War f ' '04niadg,.' r4lt - and wo Aceount of- Jam" a tcea Pat Tanders J� ftwed ont to-aslitt him -to -40posit, Im vuwv* A�t",Tam" "'Pai _" cn , In ini6hiospec ad by *1i`lli"'0oqqA1ntAn**'L ILJJL 1* riesm W lrruwwwaf oDD4WQW-3 nz--0"' Of 'Odd- a0i", sad JKX9*. A i 97lipe,millioup,:and' B . 6d.whll- toved -m in ravour,of Ho -waA*buried in the Goderich Utin*rt W A#bW. ap I&I A trod weUX loom foili lot -a; oft, A foi3fi' o or 1) esolut �em 'Olt of r- clollar' rw sy �01 XV; Prom, 1W #* to - be ino ko .'Howlial W MAN ­ 4: feet - 81 11" day for ion bifaii: A nool as 0614"tod tot otdo ! h' X - 46ef fho'j xl?=P�v --plawtho 1114370101fiAt'Rail-, In konlop 0 4 :21st ir*L On . un sy, Fill T- V A William Black; After a4short dongbmilt A , 1p ya I - _b f nww- ;, --;- 1 .1 , f . L, .". wal we. --v 6x1p bv 4, ved by, ho the Roo lit. ra 1011� Infiammationof thialangS an I ap Gamr, -Ad to* ,W tidie&: fill, .11,gli Iftdif"6f tt**. to t Anto 164 fo i thbio, � *Ii4t solt wore ftwfavl5tir bf'fha� � a". rlww�y, 4gail 30 years. A nktive of LwvA*, or that tvient proporuixtbf its r siks;�y Parriow 'Oppmetl -*'hire, spotland. COUD All nQpQil_ by, 419. . T, of 7the *aakilre js� )TI o - , corinect tM.161"On. For Sale ar to Irdiik, with, I that t6wriship (if 43 W -udunolu- the: iusit., Ifallu W _'dul t6, be a 3y_ CottA it Is '01 Th-Calborno;-nn 4"l -oft wM stock6d wV 'Tru I �,Aam UA m - *n ),*%" I W WN&V -ft C011)dA X#W, Alld 4" da tie Sill -aft "to, t" 1"a"W"r T" low W .Pw t, A4*, fat All Q and - poyim OX by 411M Qo&lob -,Ofi 4U fth � v& porge Aj* to3M, B A W0*0j'. -0 Ol' Xf Qodr L � . ! - oral Jhp and 12 r �ge� orj,14 qiksiw lab April, 5y 7-t A_ St., IL 4 1311 A ft Aral f "M tile r-, **y 1!qowal 4�ka WC C'Xlftli2y, j7,* C,,2 vlb- Zleft 1r*jb,A 3,akpth , G1 Baclai r'-fraisall tL,e P" y3tzov n gincer !. ALnm L maimc:2, stop Z_ SAN to 33r�t�:�. Ceno at ti town, a t icil e b mame Wztm.� tile r-, **y 1!qowal 4�ka WC C'Xlftli2y, j7,* C,,2 vlb- Zleft 1r*jb,A 3,akpth , G1 Baclai r'-fraisall tL,e P" y3tzov n gincer !. ALnm , 4 a _1� maimc:2, stop Z_ SAN town, a t icil e b mame Wztm.� 200 yr,- cnr.c' t1ke,opi cleate-d ALr. __ I r1b, 07 lit Mr , 4 a _1�