HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1872-04-01, Page 30 N > .7 o SMOTE, twcnty 641 , , � - Z* foot aeep D 16 . . .. t opened along' '41 J the ols�ern basO of Sierra -in olloboo J f 0 vicinity fill,' reJ Jeet wide, add W* places il Novida. At )ther a th id lip in gr a con tip inted ITREAKFAST.—EloWS COC"A---(iRATZ70L "D fj�",JPA. the graund is 111&v, 'By thorotiAll knowledge of tit$ - ha Co4rolITING. onunhisi oner of Police for blitnikoba. d eat ridges' Mr At 'Hiolien has b WWII% 'IT IN in, TO 7 r�flivt :1 ining, Y, reue ING ve Stopped rut, C 6"ra the operaitlo�ia ofillites- "Iturtillawambiph hk CL *4" h who lion anti nutriment an&b A careful, application Of JILousat ds fro jr arell 25.—Mr, and othets have.brulcoll alit- United Stat6 r acer of tile Ilfa.. 41 q .0"J. ler QwE Engi front Th-3ro a6vo in the repontles orwer, "Iectiod. cocoa, Mr. Z! Sw -10�tn iq 4;0#!Pleta.8�4 *011ing Georgb 4%. rice Tito stiu4s laswd at 'ate"als th %it rive and a half millions of people the Illuo k - J to hear WIn! bao'l)roVl�claturijrtiakristtaplbs WithIM *one& TL tliv�jlt iuntaXjo atitt Quebec 114diroad. may- UVO "-7A I ­ ov boy-eraftftlialk, doctaft, illit-rivitse) jug Water tit milk., W CO., llooneopsitill,19.01ISMIST!, i Joulpany, 2 2o to 01:30 a. Ill. or ton years of 390allable, soid TA1;av IL ;O-W�inl-1 arAved trdav and conimenced all ox- Tito cost of pr V10,06MM wide milhOt crii ation of. the line of radway west - t isconsidered.cort;ain that the "s-"Ppf iky� cocei"I(cocoot an TIMPt antiti, tnl� --,� cp'�'ruik�&'k" A11-36 .# ­, " 11 A - ward. It edrtt for tile it was.CJ3,000l. his ova FA it . i , r A n C tit till vote a Sulu Ill aid of artnour plat; -7 %i March 25—ThO ent 'kilicat Garth's MOW, Works in ,bloutram6l. it OF weed 6 o olloths TaneY I T"?, A,�'t t 3ioat was 151IStahea to -day t wook Ldq,0.1,000, AMERMAN 'M 'vh exit Duck Yatti, at wore burned I -jrjud from thp 'Gov run, I I I f ]CARADW. he a ft t Corkedlon, P91L Dostrolfer, T A B 0 3 - surance. now bo -i r say 111 iiinkatatio;v here Co dak. s, -)mo absent- Pembrore. T Thunder r urrot covered by in -21 the pubitaft &,.I" Of 1*4av--�O-lo Oiler 011 T' each James Gillespio Hill. of Pidon hAs' f6i : � � " - IM oil, rand vessel'apa Will Carry foar gilUsi risaira. ailing like. at nee CALWATA. IfIn �ftflofwll � boon appuluted Sheriff of Prince Ed- Euxle Aowl minded ninix balonginit to ilia C' compot:4 or'I'moolM&T11111 A" mod to wall liked OWN Zolto t perpatalmt wa,fd 10 Trumt;- flailroad IV to 411161 witily, ood E;%4vers' gan, weighing thirty-five till' - NTT FEMMISHM"Gas 4 0 -he 4ai on Ilsswalso"Is -41 4 with -quis of Lansdowne, a of Wig ward Coil tit vice Greely. Jave'veyorknown a 1 AllAbi All while aTeashig, the tracl .1 a. 11. 111131til". to no diseased condition Of'tba directlo" have -1140111, I f iwwe% t pit the . . . . . OUSANDS -.my lis" Wall' wilt pro- -)rso of Now York is I(, unior ort P40'er"S' faved be.-tised IN onalut d'I neaten 2uko '111110 a10 - - locomotive$the result was that tile horso`, �ably succeed L- ord, Nortlib 1`00OV617y Pholiphates slid 001827a, Tilly --Ot akfathe lost and magli J of the 1 Bellig &Chemlcsl� Food andWu oildti eat, tested i$t5teb all 0 onto, It acts hystologleAl �Tictloxloan: k p,,Wtiob Iremily ;$ad finelp- Illestioll An- , Thapelik from ozpe one, c=t an(tmau were pitched to -a consider- dor Secretary of War. In the Nome 41'eliect. wood, did not observe, all approachil TIOW111151119 them to lotX- L Is of tli -3SUry. Professor bI so -which Dr. Whaeler?o CoMPOI1211 Elixir 40h, whum 11101 Effatk no at La To*(, in g. t; It" N" he" b no rook, as seriously ill that 116 hope Of bi of Its W h entertained. 0 t Perfecto rl' , 6 tit the matiolit he rm n sa 'N`t� ra have qtrnck anneras our diet. 4. Ti 4;? tiscriber -would return thankS , U:;�. 11; �,i. I T I I Th IMST. a -obable R; A " -1 ::.:: , " , ! - I , "! . -eVde range orwor 4RWty str"Alt oil sinillation. andilitto allo Of h It Y 1 y 'beral -V-ktrOnI19O liblo Pipe u as oil the IpAiti-4. March 25 -Tho (jipinjolb Tito Toronto booklAild In b&;L it �Oxtjti,it thmaghir and =60016 a onventioll orters for the li ft literary c for nine hours work nd'it ii pt r from any iw G cc his supp mustaillittlievitat forto by sit gillyLitai the' waste con. somrial ist States and Ow suit rilcommandeo,maydek0d, UP 4 a apot in a shrrt time, and prononced tile tionale statea that - France on em 4r . 11. i j4 extended to hilit that other trat 10F . p I mhile*ihp J10urielling icilf;b of InCehanism"' stantly gQIll .1 - I I ; i !:". He can Itor los wilt fall r Mr Washburnet . I . " , "V-- I : : I - , , wn i]If Poderich. Aff9rd 1116 0010 -me sainesz-mra cutsand briiiiiesabout the The antoulalilng ei ii�rain Do- To -or, hivingonly received enabl.ng mind and Hereeft'. % t1ib 611 at COST; qu(I is dctfzmiucd -f9- anan out nf dan, oetwoon the Unit 1� lion, arlervean( ronse, a, *a the result ofinolitalin physicatetortton sewino 11acyMelin The Asylum for the Blin a� Bt;aA Wily to uittlorgo, great taller w thout ratigae. its orili 6 has boon concluded by I anti collut do �roken down' stroyerinihairli S ROD 0 wmdkf head. (,)ril will b3 open for the r0c8ptiOn Of ill- actildnin,building up constitutions b M11 U-trl Anierican Minis..tol, Minister, anti it with Wasting Uhrovile Diseases, by fast tivinvand njiondeid i6id Ili iffindbrilkUdy, W-im be,490-*fi:lx* usat, French Foreign mittes oil the 16th of April. It has. ac- had hatilti; is truly flect baing ti�irtttrouzi 14,0 - at . ld, -:In,ipLy111% .�L t;et ol narrows ,%Nqnt give Vis 44stow private tellograin tft at a - -Tjcmcn 'Maile, eti. extraordinary. Its d te, 14" Iouly waits ratification- cola niod:%tion for 160. immodiatoln.energizingali the organs of the W7. Neryoul 119ntI6ZI11 en't7to ittin [0-ranklin success in business. Mrs -to, elailb, $9 11111'.tho" abling 'tie ni anufatt was receiv�iVliere to -day front b t 1`4ul's, Piero conking 11 J - ��4 & 4PT t --' r,� g - T P a0h 4- i, I U40 jera� statotl that bsointely ossontlat 0 cell for, nf Remedies- Ordli blitaIltlit,' -ifukther an ipLUs UIARA Of SPIN109 t; -112eirl; embrIc atingthat Aulaind 0`1' 1(tont, March 26 list forall. time Dealers tuall valsildfille shon�,�-� ABA AM- SMIrM "s talter who. -A in the vicinity Of Sarnia Phosphates being al tionattiltbogrowthoftis4ties in a,,w r C 06 -ft are ia that -plischief tN % re Planning- Sonia -Prince F be NAToRs's e t rcs.torattv6 ZI vitalizer. F1Ias,atxd*WIj,t A � t6lbo'coarsestever '04toDfullpter Lap rederick Charles of Prussia has suffered sbriouslY from tile a rut' "Ufyft#A rootho," n 0 Pf field by a City ;0 this country, 6�h. 43-­;;7�'r ME wit I ire WAT111411 M -welt ai at", A.q , tplegram is bof-�ved to -be hisax, while onarecoutv er'.3to The of thn weather and -f roil' absence F b tl 12 1308-1)4 ailor &-"Clothier -morim TrAle-, mined the Italia4 C ran hamodieta' All 3ft eli 0 , T, army systein, III'd , sit ere Ice Bent Tqr tl%e�11711030 of getting up an 61- eva Z,:Vtioll to, protect it. , I,�. 'GrortM' Pilyslewit"raerittitfies it- :'61`1110 rally I us dopr2s Mist bf IL IF -h -Square, Vodbiit before doiIarting advised areorgaul ay is projected from k6risl -�cj, -17 is zoldstrze-101V MON, �:tl TI 41 11 V1,11a orri Ill 1 41, 4,0113P -f ! �, to Ottawa, to Connect at th lreCovts:verbot*o� hf Market A railw without It after try,13 prohm0d. tto of the ariny on The j(peQ111- I 7P 11 e a Prussian,plau. a f6rmer- - W.J I ­ - t 21st, 1871. r L 14 rim;rm-ID70-�5-, P>, 5larch 2"t,- tn the bar, $01) 1 minufveturers being oilelfrmtfied'10 We ffif`�6j*, strength all-l"AiZ6, 11W ccuntm LoNDON. March 2C -A motion "Y"'ch with th,3 Now York railways Illy a CAUT1011we CAUTIONT! P`* 3M�rtA, ty Geb. Cri ofeve7v family in A*-soiain,il The remb --Q ill�sho*; , -- Legislature a resolution, introduqcd 110 House of Commons last Once the St. L%wranco. was made in bridoo over v-4, il�k i1i", Q6. WAYIP"'all the in.- . 111i BItIT. F. A -an, The Si sai 7 rxFonsyexes"s; *X -- yesterday, by Me. Whiter, to inquire q iglit Hall. Robt. Liwe, lor �f the TO THE PUBLIO OF T Friolk I our Inachine are un nil. lit, by tbQ R Tito bildoct of the Chtitcel -jag. B�'nthurn, %)gei0AIo;. 1..- F, frlipy "W'di the now aucellor of the I or. ances of Groat IS11 PRQYIN Combe, Clinton r S. YOT IDIFOITA broul-hit; -on a con- ell in the Exclio(ill 4DA a to) the expedioney of tInildiul, &1chequor, fur i CE$ OF NORTH 130. 'if, oullion of tile mediato reduction of 50 per cout shows the fin, Aw988w tf. Parhatuent buildings, - � Bieter; H ;And t versation 0 car- Britain to be in a vrry witisfaati:iry co'- 4ekiiew;Z. Hialkwoon, all Oade *ch,.Feb. 22nd, 1819. -7- - The Guelp tTe question oi 11 4 Revert' 3 oil cQjlfeo and chicoryi Was ...... o— Li t s!c-lo shwel SIAC1138 ,if dutic dition. lbe-inost.rospactfallytope inint-thiiiniblioof mediqlne dealers. 3V15IY1-J1:,! p.i..tiv the, b", 1p Maritime rrtkvinces. The feelin- qr offered tne rublic--tWo its Inarv`6" ' Goitedi. Pip. V M1 U, it: t. knetubm Ivaia gptur;�Ily favourable to �We.troplemactItf)%t-,ttatliatMr. Fra: thalliltish gorth American pi�ivinctf that in May t Taiiort Will de tll varieties of ' domest!O APWIOS� It is reported that France lx�is givell last t caused the bui-hims at soi. blablen loans, New Gnu&TLv RMUCED, jing Roformar, has b York, for'016 sale�ut ffOtrowZAy's`1hLL3 AND Olb-l' I% fln Vrilffiedib., ,niira tc*nez tn. tile sor a thorough, een lictif fiald notice IFE t V 11.16 artiv�d bollid frout illo Ilartil4lachine, with M ell. DZ- Each birililtil; CuirkhW- Powr GA�Zr,, tlarcli 30 --The nows- of .110 abrogation Of orned for South Grenville by a ilia- tbati-tinto, prepared, by o jority of 10 over the couservatiyo catiz William Brown. How decealled, v; commorcild treaty with Belgium. to be cicsed.' Ire Liers hero �v­dtli bitterly te, day aLptinst lZaille grat to Saylbat, 1, have: roatinn to know that the JIX MAIIJi-E TS, VZ- A.wm wn'�- -Marshal B, I1a;UC&5l=N7sTP TIA1101403my the uvgfect Shown by the Dominion pvltis, Alawlt 26 didate. management nf the late businesshad forsome Years, oil �Ullseato and in tuartirways and It mav ng out iiiid has received pormissiull to Pub been ninst corrupt, F151i AGOOD SMOKE �Of (loverninent for no� inaki Major Campbell has bo d. be that the Plibrand '31 vitinent were not prepared Will[ a n1phlet jilstifyirv- his Conduct," 5letz GUELPH SEW disp(*ing of the balf-breed giant, anti pa from tile ruOV08hip0f Warwick Townshipi, with thao. Cain 11 have always desired. jGUELPH OANADA- ot u-Ish to be deceived by buying terAl has voted tr lip rhose who d n scotch and ]E�vgfiuh Twe6d$ for allowing, through theirofficials hero, The Conseil 0el He wai.aftorwards entertained at a . 6 -, 7 ., , AlrabaniSmIth.Age e_- 00 francs for tile spuri ulix medlc�ines.whtiihareinnw likely to amaHate ill*-- I lhyqol� bt this fro n - The Powol of it" propriatioll of IS,000,0 In the States or elsewhen am- Pre" 358 A7 Y pet) [tie to cut t imbez in all directions in complimentary suppov by a number of' 3, It'd to Possess tit � � 40kao ?�f AND�, 13,11clon ; W. Watson, sesiforth. therrmince. One paperherasays that selfools of Paris. selves or tl,ij gentline Holloway% Pills and ointment medical feculty. il'eirmf sootJon where AUL, WID, his friends. n England. utyndiced; a kopwalyJaco"Iell rm ­nT, hirtnufactured Ity me In London, #- - for, the win do well to see that each I bentl the Vroviri�ial Land nifico for the Pro- 2-j --Thi y , Tho t rial of Mrs. '10autilboll. totandbox Itself the -OTHS noxv, March Parin=,V* I i 4� CL vred by old deb�ctives. The gave a. I -,n-. andicuce to tho.1;jince aud murder '14 lior husband coinmenowl at British oovernment Rtanipson whichis engravedthe , iMICL, ­, _ , 'L�;J�ik�:,,­"­­. wince is offic . 1, and that by tb@ P FLAN*ULS, 0 14ollowali Flits and olittinent, F rencli, hW recids say they wouldrather 1113 d3sired thein t -The4ty]m&,wlJ1 care Pit mOns, tOYI&CL0THJNG--. tile a ress. On t is labal Is 63% OxIO741-street; 1.16, 0 ALL IT 9 CLOTHJN4�T tM, ft Ila ion than the present till- on, %where Ott, if, - � r . At - - - - - - - - T T Princess 0 Londou Ott Monday. Coyles oxia- will wT convey to tile Queen of nnt come b-ifore,the Grand Jury till Mrs. Tile iii paces ata as Pit: b *xud"Wd )uo ot SyIn other part oft e w I aronchins, Laii4lits. dugim, satisfactory state of affairs.. - It is said thanks for her constant evidet 0 s case is disosed of. roner, and not in dollars and 0 X -T -��h.lt thev have determined: to send Riel . the labels In British Cur attly treat OUTFIT P -Mr. D- iiol C th, the nresent re- cents. actionand.NeftofulTwO6. such as Nil 611 i't IL., -%alit- ALXVGE NERAL tile pfople (of C TLorraind "MYRT all I ny lit rrin, A through 1,13, NVY14.i uC0131 0 lr?tav�a fov the District of Provenu ter f -,r their pity. No reprosiontafivelof min"Ill ever tea, NM tbaftleen,D Ilbill& rr lar 5 is on elt-b Cdttdy.i T. It. oil Paul' V1119. a_.Pat y Part of the British Proinces, actionofthe- (A rzo Britain *rk in the Lo Rlckistx, Feelillia All these he Purchase I the best advasta next election. was presentative of North L-Lua or tile Tuclim & 11fi-LING %v4 -gin* C4601110ril will have the bepefl, GC,7-==3nt C2 CA Legislature, vvill oppose the lion. either to sell. or to take ord3r1l. for my Pills N tonis'er Loss ow.vAloa. 1twilloqzUtIcosithoell, nouilltint, January 23;1872. fruit society, held in Kildollork tile JTuiverzi(Y 'If St and Ointment, and as I bave reason to belleve that' orold.N.Ausenna. and restores the. Tood.,topurity Lo-, Will. McDougall in that county for tile ilia $tojoz; and 404 t1le l" th attempts %will probably bernalle tn decalirb-theFulb. -jad 11 till, 1. lected rector of 11gr6allndsce la�it evening, w.ts tat, rews ill tile if . Ali �)iiy Czar co�to,2� And Commons at tile next election-.. lie Ill this, way by pewong upon Tried ' sill* vendors, faisely ropresenting libif they are acting K'nox's Frouda, the Iiiit-tall. * 18729 East istreet, The Hudson Bay eagincers ft r tbeir Tito Tichborne claimant, who is noly kilwiedg 3ud c0nsent,T deem $ for ilia, and will' in uard -ISO Sold-- LAy-'APQ*)SC 0. steamboats, arrived Iwt night. Ma roil 29 --An ex -11 Oc n trial on the charge of itwivitiable.to Pitt tile Ott lie on their ii Price. psdarlell. 24 ,fteVeL at Atho, ton, near - , published an appeal to the H.-Illost any-stioli deceptions. , sl..50; six rerStma rr d In. erjoky, h'a. those who may read M 111101111; uarnestlyentreat all NJ cuLo, KvicAnDusp, March 30, 1872-. r. tw.Ility l* for subicriptionw to aidhim iv -thly be pleased, In tile Pub* JAMHR 1. FELLOW% commenced luanufacteirv-, I lie interest. to communicate tile Purl WJ e14 1% this advertbiernent that port of tile gains 'UB Bit 0110THR tdtlielr frion 14T. JOTIN, N. B.; THf4 19 %%ere i iiied oil kill., his defence. Gro TO INTimik'rEl TRAT H13,HAS-, ,.0 h�ro fL 'I'f.111 salim Ilia new block- to -day. ThtsistilZ s that tile), may not -lie deftult9d; Of 80 111 BER B E 0 lv(%. )ut we New Pe­istr,xrs have been appointed their money bY purchnillnt worthless italtillions of c irreil on by DUNLOP - 1,2V C amy an -I iieariv all %v Solkirl; ' tilt, gelluitic liolloway's Pills and Oin Goderist 6opt. 4th V I. pu lied C�g t follows "Ilov raost: ostei.sivo salt , manufactury probably die. tment., rc.ha the business lately ar It is fitted tip wirn all the ill tile I woui.i ask. as a great fit% our,that otiould It corce �;ttt;�c . lit.provellieuts; has an evapol- There is reat W:n. Kennedy ; for This. Sin'. onous motif- Has now Taturne-d from the to tile knowledge of ally Pill"011 t1lat BP A VA9T1A%- 06 itity ,f tile ]nine. ar(pietto, F. Chemier ; for clues are being made or sold Ili lay Hanle, 110 be buriaiuv --t ab ­a 3,000 siluaro feet, wr I eod is till tile Particulars lie can Collect Gava4zl,�lkc P pleasedto 4 making 130 barrels of salt March 30- Father Joseph Ltiverno. tile Maine, nameand of goo& for oa1oatTiinou!s,& M's hew iol that Is to the AT THL EISTERN M-ARRE iest anti politiciall, Coll- R 1-tto of tlt3 Bran1fo i who 11; Bel In tile spurious .knovin pr addroos of tile vondi it I o L oxds of wuod. WAI Medicines, anti likeiviso tile Hanle ap addreuis of the 't� the Wst 'advinta-P HardwarO store,,Oppofitt!, tilkit"W per d") 'I anti expLes toulplateaViliLting Antericat b3ali, apoointed t1le United Istates. or elmewhorq; whiell, _ving purchased Wtilled thel". so as tn enable me .fortive to sall for Noov Toni some Lime nLunatic ��iyltlm iIF Ar's EN MS, during uj. .9 stituto procc �WA A !P A Cj33MEpLZTX:5T003K0 NAILS, GLNSS, PUTIX, vsk2im 'STATE i f, hi gr.tntford' )Public, to it, I April. w 4olitc4lby R111110 0 Ninets, and I engage to remunerate CARPENTERSTOOM a-4 agallitsuell erl WE 3t)-fliforartti-in oNt nith it litasome rpild %vatelt, very bandsainely alu, person who may give 'no RuCh ILL BE POT -MD A,�- N, March HEATY�WINTER MOT SHU"Im, JAIN DO. slntile infuriflatitss Hanle flavor A ITi,tl,l uV9 t�o SOYTHEI�, FORKS, divulged. 0110 t C E4D190 ohe ointion to bolleve that he P'ealdent I been rece vy Ived in I his t itY, All ex VloSion HWINTP LIFE Tilt, City C,,Ilticil,,,f Ottaw&�Lavo vot� Should tiny lierson have rc tions of 0 Urant is !Intwn to t,,ko ueep intero-t I o:curred in a safety ftl,3o illanufactury, 11 (1 -we ved by buvar- Spurious imita, ed �1,000 to -aid inanexploratorly stirvay ttosend me. in a lGr it) all 18. His service' I I -, ItIOVERCOATINt wh� re .1 number of females "Ooomploy- riu and Quebec hlie ean do at a HEA,� WMITE lewir, tio the adilmA at fool -0166 ill thitt C4,untr.- = the war inado -I of the proposed Ont. xim Toron- ont )f uix ecHts in p,,slagr) ann or the books of in- t�. dtosoll either bylboYar ed, causin-3 Will I" ftailway. Theline will run ft romise W I C I to is propar MAIULL& ROPE, I n tructions 1bleb are affixed to tile Panic. IT) &I,) russimi upou his Inind as made latio"Jo $11017011t 119fici at, �,D 1547. VVIIIII011 Wer�&hiiled air, to ia Paterboro', Madoa and Carleton adseno a reply, lating whether tile RIMM to tile resmirces od the 8 w J, touxamine it a, 0. - 0. Emp-Axo country, , i1a Suveml- other 3fetheinesare genuine ornot so, that ffspurlons fit I veker LTING, 04W3 c[tpicities. overnment, and ill lit act,3 river at Ott;vwa an d RITE, �li C1 yl IYATHER 13V �cm "a as anti it is foled Am" with the North Shore line. may artily tit the Permian froin-whout he Ourchatood uf - W WHITE LE", in Prim. No thinks there then, Em bave Isig mun(y returned. so U C are W Ilk Genta" 4111r1:1,61 V.A survive. ad to'notice, that James Cheinistaiand mugititio who desire to obtain the plea of yen fit ticy a 33 e4jidd. be no reAter blessing cutiferred We re p:e,,% piled at tile lowest wholesale tat a weigh . cC341L OILED, AND UAW 014 114 As- Nedlencti can lie He s? ft.411 Ot broado a ell alit be the worth, viz.. y3gur * Young, Esq., M. P., wilt Ag notiesstillatiZ-20 Feed; et outhe 31oxicEill People tha, the estabill5l'- intil the and packs a. Inent ofa, rnment '6intillent, next, without discount, for which sombly took -are un.1nin, its choice of the Reformers uf 8s. lid, 214. iossi a4o, per dozen boxes of Flits Or he frand and d.) noi be put off with Ili �a cr2 ssira-nx, Protectorto by tile United nasifte I VAIGHINERY OIL, I 22u.1 April. l`oVi its of wrisaiiirayistmoitlit States. He feels that it be a South! Waterloo for the forthcoming oleo =Ittitnec inust, fin sent In advance- Wtable lore In Points throu E&3 WIZ r, 29 St. Thier4 adressed the Asent �)Iy, gna-r- ted trtit 1h of sdmitniatmtion, and wonld go . 1 10 FALL in internal The I have tile hollour to be# T 'THE TIMES. tion for tho House of Ci)mrnons. 0 t. 5UI Aisa &-Unamri)f IV ill[ great I espout. ed the maintenance If rloo could nt, have a AT ant# Reformers. of Wate far towards cavrpm., out those theories 'triler declared tile arl"Y faithful, and bAtor in -in to ropeesent; them' TH031ASHOGLOWAY-, T A X of maxiifest desiia vrifich are so dear to y a Chatiaber that -20 intervup- r,-,,0xroR6qire,t (late 244.,5fraAd) WOWE- HIM A CALL" &rA vra sia His argutrient is, astired ti There will be more sclkooWi�uses 1111ilt Td nitq, March 22ndt 1672- 18104M tkain, ace was tbreatone,1 front Londirif, 1V c., seitewoer 1. 1871. tle Ge:3P033r,. occupation of tion of tile PC it nutrio this year than eyor before, th3t in tile event of tile o of his speech lie 11 el e�Iexico by a fozeign army, wo shoul-I be broad. In the coil] isol- siJac-, the bnildinf, at the first one. The For431" "IN, intimated that Fralle waTentirely ,r A, MECAW ated; justified it) ,4,ing w war tinder the Mon-' I ding TO or 80 littlo'unfortit- r atlianl:.o. . days if crow a2l Ti- rue doctrine. He regards it as an ar.111- vtes into it 10 by 12. apartment, large $tie was not without n-, n:sr meur, in favolle of 4tae protectorate- enough to- accomoodatd about 20, are STOP THATC UGH w, would: be much cheaper and Ila heap 4. aw-kylt ppily "one forever, thanks to the new '91 i U. tio 00*te the markst H~0 �cbant NSON �cr tbe inter;vention of a foreign The King of Burritah has turned kner- ns and economicl trustees have to I E U C M , �ravanttha landing of a foreign sclloot l'tw. Parsimonious school See- DONT DELAY- for=- s Peter the Great turned ship- J011 CBS 0 V - then, ont, after the one &y, and it may be tee 1at8,COfisumP- P Lamthin to drive one ltypl. 'His Majesty's ships anti stores 100 tile inark now. tion wia its long trail, of sateum is wanting to car" 7 right. int--rmtian hliicl rjegnn.,- Bat if there is gh Bur- - it is said that the oldest navi, ------- ------- is to are appearing everywhere throug ators of you to ae tang honx of its viany viding Witt ham &.1 - He is becoming a generalitealer HAMILTON ST-- miss mah. c6 Ma'i L on much ice' thelakebeforo, with solittle How can you stop It ? W 1,111 0 ly mo�eilxexxt 16tol-ing towar I Lake rrie declare they nover saw to v- before. tfiat the here Is Ike eNzw,youx, ardIr 2CL-Governor Ito and to such, excellent purpose T 4 E As. JUST 41 Chinese audMogul traders, at the date �snow. For nearly eighty miles out froni Temedy ? SIGN 07, TN% an usnalot bribe verv,best tnaliwil, Utvst 0 who hu,instlefthera fair Japan, has f the latest news, ivero packing up their six Buffalo, the -ice measures three feet styles inthe f0VPw;PgIJ:HCS i,-: tak-mi h6wa t4a, Mikado &-draft of an 0. ca voods and other *area with a view inches thlk, and toams are crossing at Allan's Lung Balsam can produ� more jaxpGrJ4ntandmoj!; liberal commercial PIC Nor is the It would evfdenc'e of real merit than, guy 0hee a rp MANNOTH 'W' D. FERGUSON" 11,LPARTERS e to be agreed to ret&nmg to R=90011- points never criossed before. d 0]&086 OU . T 04" DENEDW THE treatas the b3sls for on King likely to content himself with his seem that this year the opening of navi- article for the purpose. It in sold every - on ia tLa- future. T)etween the Uiiitid Feathers and Flovei.- own, dominions Already he. has opened grition mu,;t be considerably later than 0 where by Drugists and geherall Store- HSTing c Inpleted their Fall PUT- uukeepers. of Cleays, Se'nivest, Clouds.. tl'o the nil *a afda�ges the a brinch shop at Bhmn,), with the objeA 41W5 of dedige 11 ri - OflLiw that 111) AT Onl' 'ABRANAM of invading the Shall States.' His Ma- Read'tbo following exiract-'from a'.. SKIVP. ave. acted with great Woulc­QuiA, Wilson received froxix� SONABLE DRY GUODS. llooj� aoit WitQlAn.giaoilo to C uu 0 from, Mr. S. E.,Burwell,, SHEtF., IW&Vy, if y appears to h; . _ G odoricU, 6, je afid other Detroit stibmarine 41yers are letter Np. a1r iteness. I have referred to the- ad - an. �a%in!:-eoastrticte&adiiiiigbdlI such as a well know -merchant Of Ontario. ast �­Oad,j,nlup this f mono7i j�fj fedul tlid.j4died, beforc theyamile 1101' -all lmd I SoN pared to f ill i1A OrdOrs.with oi A; I I Are now re I oi wayinuhichhemettliecryp one ri��4ifiEbut never sc6along the lake Messrs. PEIMY on wi remember that; he took I 'U*orbd They N be a those Dear L was SO which t MAT - , , , , : - 'to the latter Ire mer- P rts. 1i is to be foosbioned lik derRVIECTI. 22"do, 18 AM MROOM I- re. 0 lam it - bull by the horns, invited th cold which settled k7c Intemo, BYT1419 11104T 'tit use by ocean diveirs, -costing about him d' fering from a severe W 4h �ntsofall nationstofeasts.-breakfasts, ist t 8150. 'Tito divers hae been look' Lo and-produied A & rMW9 -------- At in faill, Ing on ray LuE w NLW CHOLMD FOR re in r rightly=and *ad@ sound ith uuliib�. thoiXT610"he'y we' r—atw Ck U. .46 YPAL which U Dior Castello, :k thr- on freo speeches to them. Now he has after the sohn'r cough forwhich Igave tri8yt* 0 ed to'self this farhion, in a course which a car. -I of railroad iron) has been at 6e of Cotigh Medicines I)IT19 witho'kit 011ty bottom of the river nQ Port Huron for benefit. T At lost tried 'one b6tile, OL enaed in AURR bi4s. fair to absorb all the trade of h;s- al, 1kris hsipp?r b rge purchases, "Irre st, Be teeii years, and haire a'- ALLA1q'gLUNGJ3AWAM,T1I1 VERy LOW FOX CA his present �atock to make room forla sitar -qhaf the merebatatsshoul yi out all,o! ITY and all 'expressl.* for tile work of be able to statellav it; ( Islas uIU re in a. 0 of the FARMING COATHUN dominions. I 4V D our 34 immaditto. NEW LAWR ran. or a Pcrfect Oil ing the A divor in arm mect and bep to call the attention relief dlid,prf the King is not stopped, the cinuot vrork- current, and short time. NAIL$ at tLA Ali - to Ilia fivi A LEX. Tl Q-11 an T10 jor6iw -ad& oflAs kinodom w soon be ether in his -own hittills. E. BURWELL. -all Ai26 AA -altkig Ilia com- lience �ho need of the bell. Yours truly, On the Ist. Of J14roUTUNATE ATAX.-Orke otour A� rvellotis � ANI U the free *t�ol-,e of poliey, for it adyances bi"hip3 bachelor, friends of Usbortle, being about R,,C H A -S E R U 11toyeata iri4rcial attack on i;haMo is a Ina pin2all, Oat., March 4, 1871 tfrontier H as Illutill*plastilo the very fit ft�fq, 9.�r. 7 t9 it 00. cure, rthest, point of to get m4ried. tait,weefi, went to warm to let, the. votir, irily, if, indeed, it is so i and fib he hall lately up Illo'houliet oil a farm it -the very vergo an -or, if not 'his f FEMALE RENEDY A TEW 0 ..-4j%tW y Ort r JON ST' orchdad Tilt, GREXT teaaxii, colielli of ftlontier d bought in Hibbert, and gov Len- B01 WILL GET hich lie nas; liet:ur L MAIL en1. 'SOCItt'i bdjond that ver,"O.- CorreV.*# lam of a kettle. Next LED and RAW OM - -PA 1k declino lao.1with the at( VARNIS11 It - - WE ��N JA , Na 6 � 0 Pit lit y he went to sel?, ril 'that ua the militister andgot jobMoseg"Ptriadeal Pills- 1W &A Timm COAVOW'llf tk C eapp, Introdne I, is purcil, baro �Q Jf. , , hi it, noso fiozen. The day followina, al- "I - �, . . — I : ... o� fiitoutholAot July shou chq94-jN10AILING nen ly orit* riatue, Euq;- T20 ftoat (led and frozen, he was 01rals IN' S' T" axitiesthat, shal tr otioll. both wal FOR THE' IR MONEY ,THEflUROW�, FAVORIT-111 oLill lic cure or sit ;base painful and danger"lls COAL OM Zih �E 'TRA- �Qffeo,ibn bou ed -in the bonds Illileases its �wllich .,he fe-M. Meconstitionnifissubi CL Imotlurat#4 all ozo.. A corresliondent of the Guelph Mer- tor. ., PINIC080 tlt3t,10 WL 01114"Y8. & � ., " . -1. ." - r and rc4-V)rJWkR mid a specify. ]BURNEW, den deliverba Of It ixatm gave Xoticai that lie would, jury, says-- is -one ef thellealthiest, cure low Ill- relied on- AjjD to to". To NallfilED LADIE6 Aghis line, Ji;lr1ic�fioJftW 0 WICKS, �eqthjin' 9, 11 - NC leafing, tea, all This Island 'it will in a short 111110,1�101, 13 TUANDDUR ........ . ... lotilltspeem"Cuth 5r pen . 6dwith rostilarlif.': 6* Elms* places that I ever set ?nv foot, on, but loplInji iiiartr %an laws impos mountains of limestone sstiltid apt upon Spirits, it� is very rough, jlilsshoua not rm ax Insolirant, Act -nd -of IBM IS S and quartz rock bchi�,' spread, over We It Wyars and al thingo liquom-situff and an,ismalter rocks and Pali. So pril 4, June 6 'Joure s*thon-&kqitqnTrt:W w1lolo Island, May 23. Fy 2,7. March 24 .............. ...... t6 i n elude salt, and it Stones abounding almost everywhere. Vito nerette, Clint eb. 1,Apirst v, Blay St. aIt the leading, lay 21. Ons a4cir CAST STMU" 11, f1kiA688Ort;- is of 4% intojivilio, Jan. 01, ]1 'i,,IICdseg,6rNbror . I Where the laxicl is fr I lit Tioarn, 31 bworjS in'Illo tW-ajo ��n be ne,4TYAW, nays; -2% , W' -itencs. and whiles- -these Pills it tons no super (Inailty. I never saw I - move -J. to ads1-the a verratiperior L. - %Vro�eter, arch 20 stiallallhallean,11y - ii;i;� " nd-. oth fall and s �,Iit 30, 3fay 25. or meents have failed. 1ATt &,Hoop 36;OKik000amigortment betWr wheat --b rino Exeter, Jan,21, Bill wipfrec"dard W!"311alle" Ildeld *�f j' -VS ... . ..... Do , Ion jail 30 ApA I trot f tho fill4tica conanitte 12, June 3. slid sit OAST ST= luHr,,liap0%vorIu!r,3medv tionotcontaill Mfrb* $1 upwards, c don't -b- I - ., grown anywhere. peas, oats ausbaTloy #V� per deut on lso grown TN 3i, Apriik June 4. v Vie CI ............ in BEST OAST STIM FILES, nifull 3�xuafadtures 'Of To a 'Is "orich January 126h. 1872. wry. Gause in this bill of the finest quality a (I rts open �1 10 dcloc4, a. in. irgettout in the so swirtment A Witt I carew .. — ­ 9 preserved. I . 0 size and quality of the roots crul 1 4 .11, tOLLO Th r potatoes W AUGERS, -As fo kUG A (i 7 Oiffrf HA" ;-,4.Indj*n vubber was'sigrar.4 fiot, be beat in Canada. jolt ad AIIOER VITO, fit. W.'THRIC, Son,% rilepallftme, OP onislied 0 see Buch lareAll lyremtrl- 1511r.ls7f., i -would be ast THE WARXETS I CORN.WRI rfurp IC-. V, 9'S, LANDS. tunt 11C iil cents For P"tw, enclased to Northrop had over 200 1.40and 1121 �"Cw Coic efierill airwito fbr�!he� UT the Unit; h soff CHAJ�X% 001 -NOTICE Pit , lliowns.�*T*6 -FOUNTY OF HURON, By virille of a ALEILTIOURBORN-K. bu5bel a.vory Small piece of g�oxxn& 0 0 Igr I LT. V itUilvo been farming, 32 ycars, and take (171) VT4-4- 14 IF el r�, To Wit 1 10 1 lij,40 1paUspling) 11 bashji.1.011TRRUP LYDIAN, dited opt of ner 7,JPJeld`3.91 Th I -Uh- �aajoj" Q1 t-110 '4*&t# Q 111.1 f�tjIC&1VtQr4.4V 6 00 0 fl'00' OROSSO." a County Court, vf the Irm 01 _70. I; a Sal junto, Or intran, Had to ilia MeWORAIC'U. -- -Q directed t ill -j,410MEMANUFACTURE, it on an average, one year with another, Floor (Per bri.) ............ Pafa,W,.-15W.-Afare� the Fr6e Rat, in� Ontario over A5 Wish .......... 1. 0.04,3 "0 Tettetherits of inthes L,'R-)blson' and PATRONIZE usolvexit" *rs, wibmitlh, I could not rabe in - 0159, Agf VID1,; S 8, goo .0 C'h bv 11 loan jobuyabor attlicallit of Itiel Tit R amendment, tf 0 P07 buallelff Of Sprikkg wheat per acre. One piall, 9 hush ...... ...... 060 tell55, rork; V,,,] do th, i�.� to I eatioa of thic bill 6� ensnewiifeatutemomit fro sub - of my miglibors here List Season hild 322 "Will ... 0 60 110 OK tnorust;Zrta allaaila ilia Defellutolov 'Co:qJnittctf offipf%�V. all clean gr h2 and'fit ... ... 4 7o 6t 6 00 Jnrdn It 'Ailill w0! Ti1tw4liouldeX4, A;4d, a tolshipulartbatper 1� liting A is ou c(o 20'.00 Henthunt d preffi, fl1"fk1q er,.* nuiltoodin busixoW per acre, t APA9 I gin parcri or -1-6xx 8316 olle-Ita -a Itay per ten ................. ick. A VOW, 1 K I as"ars tram wig thpat ij I h%ve noi been over 0-26 (40 � 0 00 41; 00 eivabil"w ......... ikitor.opir df Vie im tw unty or xnake salt, duty fOI,- inairkeL clild0014 por rair III unit iop*r Of Vill- 8LUIV 6 in the TowrliMpof Tuokefglilltbi good part Of the Island, and think,601 plitter.1011, .............. 016 0.03. erg. rin y 41tiron, And' rrovineg for Ontario, toing co,riposedol perrect; ut, vor a 0 00 0 0,20 'I)art of Lot number Fifle8ni Ill tile tho 0:9. on thoro. are nOt 111140.03ft - 4 maawrrnsextt� alone Avoluip!Who"old tedious *DESSE". � . I I I ".,# - -6f0UT4ND'-TI1Y-0N-' ere IS �,P "If or tile Twnship of Tueuerstrilth alorchaido and be- 41 0 os; Strina-hey xisid. inay, be better asitsiotif all :Vel and on an average fo utectioll. * or 50,wriei QLXt f the 100 fit, lug ill file Villae of gsh, ag=& the alf andL-ftilnily. kol,CIIART, esur- fingwit and described as f,11ows.. comineneing at -*am, ation. MYN Mf�fi jorhe signal ()000s 'Xind 114� WAs AXTS 61 W111011. April. 2nd, 187 -in Ivory, 3001C.bor Itilf to At every form. ThIll U49n is ito easil-I com- wl,,,, a post 14 piantoi a & tile sonth enapri angle ollbownentlinout I t, about the bal d A 66 �ftctl pw wiliatrif Iff, ortho Prop-3,wriawChure I yaril, b3in,- att s, tilt, now proutweadist 26 IS Say isay Do U40 IT, SacceAdu or least, others its l9por blich ab 1b . i t "Of the 011ler wit;; 3 o�, sit.. 123 Inflov oreight chatils, alid ;Ipaj�, Mweli 23, ho JDVII��7 ur ki0 214 PER'sinATO TK lisp. Wide: who wish'to to a thel; own, dress r les, onit courso ' ortli Be-otint"M degreen, O -W tillage. _aAms, vurnon ON -ZvrPwd;�QA f make fair -rastarago. a oil a Goo ro four, por jai... 0,3; ORS suit W or, ram tilt- poirt ofnsierxol�otioll 7 0, Ito r v ant, no Tirria xno� vrad was Vwilir lifte of 'WhIl , enianisixto �Arst4 00-11" e, as 45 ot 0,rg ll 0, 53- all, Q 613 r OF TAX COU "eJt4JI4hcr V we, haye neither hv nor iiistico. 1511"OrY 0 60 a,V 0 -52 TOT1113-DECRES 114 oil ilia weinerly Ito person seeing . to think1hist liblitior a hearing date the 2 lopricen de. la;.Orosgn It It i" of =.Ilory L suit; ran vq%impubtivistic p0ti-tive T OT Ct Ie3 lit -me peirtoor W -F U11T40 21 -or 6 unknown W. do as -to like#. ...... boo wriaryli A, 15721t made OIr lurthe" :directions 'a" ED, TASt;,D� id f there sirli-bitir 107, in 080 it .ij�*rutd mote perfect rifoll i , " it or it- SPWN and 0cman INV Uumaigned, TUC".5 oJ)o Irxift�itch, Little olurrent to ad- t r i06berly flusil of the told I go, Per olo?, ll00 15 atolorilillot sill, AL "Ildisfer affidill, On-* I - - 'i4d' llit-riam W 07 A It t, oft -hopos w P. rinar'; sn"alw=- LLSWORTH. STI '*RV=S,'Xft7 wo ING vortner 'Ies-­ e"IrCIL *7'Jud hileafthem )Free allIbli; anq J upito, thence south foiswun 11;jam ............. ys.. MISS JANE STSWA 1)"Alffitofe: lied Iturini'llmd" flnuice 41011h rebrod 1 of 31, ki .226 Itud syxfv- 4iU debts due, 61114 17 si31fillinel Drw begulailig )WlaftA. ! plifl wit 'ftAroarit, April 2, IF721 ,lotf $14 court at flout firm, ilia fou t 17 . 1, ­ " , � ! Arelit for iveetern on cimlit lifikillnotill or it 41 on of OA %lile. 4uy of Tn itt" Ell be Tn SHURIST, A C, YLOWS AND,. PAIM ARVNII? drLtf3ATW S Ig So ....... .... .. �lu _or viri the I 10f YL01V IR rtment waldotil PT.1pled o3ta Itirrolled noroll M THMEMNERIS COFFEE &DRUS *ILL$ eoratfllpliIiiijiveir ** Is tile djurcli 3wd Aloll, 4 loaf aad saUnlit bril ............. 055, TIONEF RIP "M 34 'E TRUCKt ST A no V 60 I . . � to -,PIN &Co's 161 rior, por 111171" "L ...... " 004 Hy I s0dTcHemeIlbl 000 11 600 lit life Auctioll, X0 Bod lit isp'Ahle4l'i"Ids' W,600113 1h~41 Y401 i V$�a; W4 iii, 0ow J70 00 kwo asylkin, 'Ny' I . - ZI � -4 AV TOV71 0 T 10 X", I$ sto per Iny0l; ............. I ") 11 dt .6 060 0 -1 ............. 0 -57 0 f,6 Ila) all sla#A WAY Orrilt, Pei a :..,;? -.OF A - UThetupw 4 to, ock 1111011 - AND, istees, rer busli .......... 046 Q'I, it -I1f4D,,OI1X 19113,01A ilone 11100ttle RAIN I PAINT' isesiter Worth. L kill, Tor "41 WAS Is 0111 RAMILU sty 00 4� -ARM it;: fAL tit, TFAMM in$,' &C N%t bit itfte or two' I jill 00 -1-17 91 ....... goo 2.25 One blitug 1149f Cured, LAx wwiTownsbip 11148721 a r 6"If Z =Tn=, CPO ateirlding, ]DAnfel: rhulk, 0 -A Istrof Hawn" ropto 113110 .3fair"wi 104 - . ffL Wen 1 01 W t14W Of Q04cripbo In gap wo Isix at VU." will Counti r "I I cO At ur3pr HA BMW= '40 Ages ,df 1872 UZAM0 5 4W r o ...... _fi3_ "� L Cxw a F860A iMUdd Dut of fut 31ujatyls, 0-ouicb, ee'rkli botile fall tim 0'923 t6 b* -4iree Ili ill equ i SAVCT OnW6. sit flif 160st 041"1 i _Wffl ril 00 a W9111 Off, reparp r s4lork, noon, sionits of o ...... gttl, 0_!0Uif, of AlRiwir A*% ell DO X?rIvili t I aw lelit wt frokes Xwel, bt-winsom I �'&401001 SAI to siAwdsor ell 91 1 VAtV�&r )SA, If- Rev. .7.39011w, UW Th"s, is 41, . I ftM , 0111 it poster# at I am f0t 11W # containing ire wer Islas Toxonot A a 46 sills W19 W -1 IR, 0 V M) 00VAiiNgit 'A A*'A Est ism 1081110 of 51dnA Old To d I Ilp- OF 0, 4�i, -as ana toilc� bm purd" "Obtom b"a xw1@d-*V j0pip Int -U10- Courk; for fidlw� at Inv Al r 11#114,11, fi-A P A .... .. bos; niu& fig 1 40W 10W Ilaylp MAIM. gio JIM Zf1 it tle h4i*j ot- r (fin Now t 2fo indble iron" SA IONF 'Within of's 14sillin Of tn V, BLag-3 so, to I&OW f Hie Into IV , - 11 I I - " 0 0 : no ACE if reftaxtro, AIWI 3,11172 6r fAl i Re T40' *0 1 1 ...... [TWil" list 0 *10 14 Pat splost. n -3, Tan';713, 12; V 7 oaf ons, 1011131 to Wato _A14MINS,01 Ixt, elms ..................... 116 000 ................ Notthe coils$ of 113 lillei"y, m4t, I 2nd Clow.... December. feii - -111to T, , ao wk I I a'4� F- m oe 0 pm %a 00 of V Tbo ystra, them ...... doets of 30 frana M0 ty ItiostIt willconstst,o 9 tv 1000 4Ior*rS61ICIf4rVfead4,f Met A It Alroir a tnrc2l, WM701) TWWwnd darls 00 to 1700 elf Dallwo x johnsturto "t-04441 Wadow Ad-� "d CIA" ............. t tic CJ111p.till btlpk 'jl�c ablextak rtic* "W millS Itud dtli(irl .......... r 0- 00 to 0 a*87owweldric. All Im Vol P10, VOW, GOOD gnat fi ilia stunVierf 0 CIA J�, thn lit ...... P.1 C VX Q1 W to 0 in wpm Idisatills 400111 sucoulti Fit"ro, 11 ................. 000 -0 4' Otto 0 tv o JANUSTROX110N, " "J, , tllo lid qJ:io11%"1xo , -1 IS10 of Sri 4A** ....... owitClork, 0 ish to vote, will 00010 000 eCsiluot be ....... 9 00, to ilm .......... in 0. 9W 00 to. A ba y