HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-02-23, Page 4• • • 6 • 0w „ae�he • e. CLOTHS ,,: .ate! '�T .R � sly • w retltrn Vara the li MAUI. haled to the best atdvtM`` age MriarrzSTOQ oris •AND ElL;CL0THS,; • U Fir, twirkER, T'4tr aP. • a ,J 117 GLASS OUTTE , ii; PM 1 D TO MAIZE SUITE TO ORDEIPA.T:1C:HEAPEST RATES HE HA' t' EROTERoaA.T ss • { is e rE p 6.• a� rA A.LPADA�tN!W PU N1Seiprepared to soli .either by *Byer • ,y ;ie no on•the shortest notice at ll�i3' %tA O 66th 18 b- ,�2. _ �DiOdertQ , I►lar , � • J � WEB Otte Shirtsi Shirtsea16'ir3 ties loo.. o all kinds, chc7 •>%:T,L AND EXAMINE. cd doh i het 1871. tn" on . :[tLoelsto0-rA or ten 1,11 .,,.".., .1, brOug,,lt sys-'; i?' iiith;rh..dttmat.. e sale • or hack ",- .,s' inial frostbitei,{ fqq a bottle= of. th'eGA1 Y S tOTEttf K'ht �[ai ' 1S Cyr' aR' i • _ Inch' tr, $?trante. Holt lealera .�'" 20' V ESD SONY - Q A vn GREATPLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING • to the public of the town and countyyy , thank t ought out -the interests of MLA. i. Grtal -1 . in ou old 0 to 0 tit 'a ee ' ' end.. " d'# u` o e v nhan . • •own lvu k eve $ `ke ! F v ., i L� g p *. = F. ♦ . A.,-4airthloyipttkcif Ia.? ,1107.4014,1:1E2,s. aritli a *wore, attack tit nab otter otic land 01$ • .hive~, :said used all the power, they failed to 4f - F1 relief. I btuied v nr ,-8yrttp of °'liypophosphites, • vertela"k_ttt cure. I am •Ctiet i feud, -:free from "Respa:otfiilly yours, MEN - 2' ` t book d:Be, probably thatz, • ed m the, world,: was th etof tien of Rieltard Haber.in isataloe was in'. five thick 'toes- Yet this collection had lied nnib '::ones voht:ue 1t n stall. entitled the "Value " a boot whicleht:+ was in doubt L 'to or blot tai buy.)) TEAS CU's „, JJ� F3 SAAR, SYRUP, ' 1QLA$SES, 1AIS1NS, CURTTIIA.NTS, I RIM • SPICES, j{ yay {C{:\PEELS*{;�r�� CIOCKEI* A ..GLA$SWAi.�L,�4 .2"..134 lire saattiee that ie:Rgrictlltllial impels all over the eo41ntt:\i recommend the -use of, SI'.iB1-II2.tN * O41,'Y•tr413YCON; Wilma P,fwDrra 2 - There are probably-a'hiindred or Harsco persons ia this and - nehboring towns, who. daily suffer from the distres- sing-effects istressin -effects of kidney ,troubles; who do. not kap*' that ..lo *isni S ANODY*1E L30tsiai.-e e'k sYv �ases, D re t elief. be'obtaint- ed, if not a perfect etire. . 20 a • gto A wsPAPER • .,y 44 . •R arke i tutie''r Gaffe'? • • e • • lr fl 4 ! L -t rniittal 'Printing • Coa r iw CO :EARA&. W11J3DI TG' CONSIITIM i • 0 !k b CON - ISTING -OF; Qt—NA. SETTS,' TOILET SETTS;: STONE • :. . COMhi(N ". And by the Dozen. •f ,- Fier» f', Feet1,f)lttmeal,i':;rntlittal, Beek- cvheatl+ lour,nnd Provisions generally, al- ways lways on band ! . , ,,-.g TH?',' �.��1,DLr 0n A* D • .. CHEAP. AS TM' C:HEAPI ST FOR GASH, OR PRODUCE. i opposite the Market,. and next door.td rite Di!utg Stare. , ' Goderiol;x4 Ti 11ay,i82I. 7. GoderichMarble work fir,• �. E ai* icf: • ew r Phatograp'h Gaileey !: (Next 41).1. to t7 the 2glegra 0. ,} '"-:;fit 'Man'Subneriber twang- commenced businesal ID , '.l. ,Acheison's 131oc11. corner of theMalket Squarcand.W'yest Street, in the Tewn.of Gederich: over the store formerlyoceupied 1i7 MrJOHN BA' RIS, Would ;resppectfully _solicit .a''share 'of public patronage-;Visitomwiil find the rooms fitted ay In the most Modern style. He ie'prepared.to doe. all kinds of work in' the Photograph line, such PBOTOGR.APRs, AMBROT YPES. PORCELAIN POTTURES,: circ. PRIOR REASONABLE ' 'Spec=ial attention paid to cokingold Ambrotypes Largo.aufi smaall.pictires inv ttie best stlde oftbekit Nopicture$allowedlatedve ibe Gallery nnleesifs proved of.. -A CALL OLICITED. • . W. sr. WHITLEY . Ooderlcb. Sept_14th;1871... .w67• ' , r _ 'THE gig- :Wanted • sa. l ll �-iY lit OBE B Ala •SA�a � ..•• y. . a.{�:� �T M �UAI�F J � V �/yp. id'� J.ri��iF - .. a � AO• iTRa :.AT e. A�� T F � tF�l� ur p : MARKET HOUSE. 4; _ urPosic. . �or`famiip and light �n'ufa„turing world the � ,' ijt -THE-CIRCULAR -!� . Y _ - - RRe�,�I,EI) ,OFF T/HETFIRST /O V tit ALL; T'.CBINE• S AZ` TnE al OR 251 TO, 1Lo14 D CN, CR I' TH M) GIMP' P' _ `�H INS E � =' � �f. CA �R L , Q . Ai.N,(�'rBi�X' LE, W�. ER .• ,, . 1,00 AND CK: ELESTON • -- It alsii'came off wifhhigh onob tt4; the Provincial Exhibition %in ton and was awarded a Diplon}a at the Hamilton Exhibition, ti .ra Thouiands of People who saw'r•HL gAA,DISEi, tn. ,operation.atl:theseez hibitions were actu y astanished at in �s ' IOITQ, ST ENGTH:+N. .GAAPAC1 Y� IT.WILL SEW FROM THE' - { .` TIOEST1�IUSLI TO TAE E �IES7' GLOTHi & LEANHER. IT IS HANDSOME1014t AND im Ie Durable, Dohveijierlt And Easy -Learned, • Ana bias the'mat, corn lete'set of attachments of any' • - macbine now manufactured. • c:� Call and see the Gardner Machine, at salesroout, opposite the Market House, Gedertch. - • U 9' • t ,r; W. S.;, JOHNSTON:•. ' AGENT FOR?, HURON COUNTY. N, B.—The following is a copy from the Globc, during the exhibition' ws q{e'r at King ton:—"The Gardner Sewing MachinIOo. eiahabit several f..ii' y machi ines. Those• on view were in xilserattoa -Miring the day and sew d from the lightest work to al piece .of sheet lead and a bit tote box ombined. The machines do light-maninfacturing work as well required anyfamil -circle." a 0oodei4ch,1 th 1t , 871; 'y.: "' • jtt Vanstone : co.. EG TO iNTI MATE. THAT THEY IL - opened a branch of their Kincardine - L! , Utile oft stand of Mr. A.M. Johnsto1!,Vfctori$ ?Gederieh,end will be ab a to snpplys • ., i• �. Tombstones, ttep4 eS,. 174 1- • /#lidowN i1Is Eco., &o• 'face,, n the best stile of workmanship and on reasonable terms. [GAVIN STUTH_ERS, i .; Agent. . Gbderich 17th 3n1 -3i' sw93.4. .i�.1 ;it Y,... • air 1 W8)7;.ize* Letter A.. Aft f�.Y -SE 'UI ythe mplestrwill dOthegrad triety4werk,fsinureea,Ilypianaged,lesal101et9geetoutoforde, d ns..li er, `thhn anyrOtlier nfltiteffie• tyrtag rlaehine; " Carries a heavier thread with a liner Needle than any machine m:tnuraatdredon:the continent A'nefflelen operator -will be found at our ware-rooms,rubblesandapeeimensof work, an toreceive'orders from the L.tdiesfanr: all sortsof; _ .' $' 1".fAG si'Y' AST1TCHING, NoTo3 of -COP 1tTIN.1tR • . ue1 ibis day taken into generehip falba :. Hardware Bimetal, Mr: . eorife Booth* of Uodeiich. The- business will .continue to be ;' carried on under the style; at High Gardiner do Co., at ate old stand .on 11*'Market Square. Utwing to thia'change in `the#lim all debta�lue the latef rm of lighh Gardiner Co,,rnust'be paid at once. .• Guderich, Deo. 12(h,1$ "]. ; if '• A T /�I{ZD'i.3�1BI3CItF8Et3S BEGITOSAY' T THEY TH have lust pnnipletedopening oat an Entire New end .0 0 M I? LET .STOCK 'OF • HARDWARE, - .01 Plain w sk. MI sn h1neslwarranted - - N.B.-+-Allsorsof;Afselpleire�pstred;p dhortf•ttiotlea"7Threads and neeeseaarteefor3[aehlnee.kept stantly� on liafid; •• Waggon and Carriage. FAGT�O,:R:Y*”;, A S L TT P. �VL'�1111A Show-Roomnext. door to the' Signc4 OiBo :',= .Y vKG Goddrich, ling. 7th. 1371.• . B • .:4, 13i 'c0LP , nA nisi t{1t n, ,r 4tran la p >4 tt c TS AVE pleasure in inti- 1 j in ting to thepublicof. own and country that: they . have .opened i WW,jgo -artiste Sh , tan ;D `' t)aviddlc et, (li Eitl a old stand,) Immediatelyadioiuing the. Western. teL B. & E. attend. personally to 'all the work entrusted to t ieni. and aro vreparecl tiftarn mita .Waggons, Buggies: unhorse,- Sled and t weiythiug in their line, of the eiy beat ma tertaland workmanship and Cat the Very, lowsstre: -:munerativerates.' - • # l �� ``. Promptlyatteadedrte , '• - Kum- a Large _to tflit t=ol. A.Oi ''I a d?i c` Nix wjbtelt`win be sold Cheapf`orOaah or Ojrfi "Wood. • '+ - - P 'Goderieh; At 15, 1570_--.,�.. = .. %hi _ yi X11 . . .•."'$'{�'.. 34.03 E F Oh • W • • • • o a . during.tme Rest winter, they have .„,„ ts-7 , _Fro:r:tieiywilide4. by Wanes. wi woo the same with Vid. D. Feigusen,lderehant.Goderlakeen twee, wag theirrolle aldth • ofallkindsw1noh will be`$e1d' it pr eestbatdefy eompetttaon.: Before pTs ing'elsoehere. Please giveusa call. , B.�I,ist' of Goodsnest wee r. R �H P� IISO S & CO• Opposite 'rhe Market House Goderich June rd 1871i . aw87-tt the, Minn Favorite. • NEW LA'BO( SAVING Carpentersr� anted , TO BUT THE 71M.IGE1ST? C4,op., NaJls,:']Coo s and.other PA AT IMO Which we. hire just received. Painters Wanted ` To'cleai ont the Large assortment of . Palntri, Oils Colors, Glass sad Pum, all of the beat Quality. : Blaoksmithis Wanted, { - Win .14acoia II �i11L IAI',E &'k �i?,lilit,.�:G ii3y��i, f`a:kisllft°TSi _ - '- �f,':DDIiSe�'14r gIP51-AiiiSfl:31, P.EIYEti,,,^. u`L'<!IDl Qk2e -t:.'3 field Road Int Drift:t ua Roast. tto:s tess+:nabl'e, xitDp;,y to {� i•ifi)13E1'r Vt I1 SfllC; riletopr, f7 ����� D<3,si',lih ,.l'i�`Pl"l.li.,. Liodeltiel dill July,1�d'a, s8 tt N . MACHINE. ' I - or SiRWLNG MAOWWN`ES. ' • ((��1'(hOUS hi,DS TIIROUGHO'C' CANADA AR1 ,L noW tug. these, biaehines. They bare been #ested and altgqnestion• make thee, fano l k� etiteh it lie on Huth•sfd aTe "Pronounced sn . 1per'aor ' 74yother maclifno. OIfere%theissue cel wide r9�n a of work, perfection. beauty- Merica rf mechanism,• sdaptat;ititY. strength au dnrabfi : 1 - To seleotthefs Supplies of Horse Neils, Iron avid'. Steel. in which we can give them thevery best value; Coopers Wanted, To snit themselves ont of& great variety °f the Tool. of their trade. • • Lail s Wanted, 1' To- imps; s Yea'y Very large .stock of the 1 PLAT>eD AWE* 1fJ.f.N.• INVENNYENTPDBPa">3'PATE:1sfTEi1 by ALIS. TI TED borne, Gotiericti p, _ A urge Quantity of ore on kind • Osilrme Sewiv.P Itiaollinehas' 110.11,Y i•. , ' FAPE"- • F. 1 ilial-f'L2t f 1t 1't ar11'ii t7'i'!t a aN. UAi. fl 14 si?emi.lis¢ 2.7 ('on ''Dtvro hfo.ofre evkb, adjoin•n'tt a Cot'oom_iiola.'fol! , d r,•n.rvf 6414411Z eontoinin„1"sisDerrs£tie:r3++tnaMtmr)?f1 !:Dlanee good bush. The1ra :are Aso :".tiavte lahm orel:Ditiils slf rhaii%appleantlpeor es, a`Men •:r,;,. F'P1 isf one watered, 'Tbehnilaanus ut'e fret ¢•'Sara ar=il eemice a 'Eton -cud InflPeatnelomap.bartion4gmhterx 'rHeis ao onpnrt nityfo,garoeor34t: n' 1-1a?e-aiel.11°fadegulltiCI1 resolciomlehemetiv'iiti)• "'mins liberal. -Apply4 • nt titeroree iDals•Atte o_ G1i,V,INETkii<I'4'f7I Gederfeli 17th JtilY,1871. , # lfltIA f31'Al3 ,• Ai'Im iivetaents bave ° lately been :made, en- It C/i3f at rItifii'SYPt'Js.ii'f abiing'h�emanu��facturera to oiniin It as the NE Iusroiot. - erm* eakonable: Applytn. JJ,1J i 1. LT1tA of t. ing Machines,, W ill =do all ; .Ita?(?iLU Apply to kinds-bfellOmesifosewitig. from- t''e lirseat cambrle , �;dEti!elifi.�nlv.is'f3. ,•} }at -w9.1 O to the nairsest over -coat' orralper leat1W . w'a ` fi' :EED TO13g •�.s E UEi3TED. oB 1;13. !At, • �v�tnnaar' D Feu o!Ua1 E TEA . - _r nd eadil e fits def TAB a a OtsTF1T3s P x- tr n the eht �c r c rip ' Dos],` 4110 '� E one-half h d� i ` old a p re e • d s i k § clan Man th d -the ea ,A T s ti rent wff work. t moi•-�*_ a ., like ,of eve), fl�iy in is oretsbeingd terms a Ht1198Yv :Op ACi?L 1 01 el elyf determined In the to pace it with:in: oodbea13n orellatd ' e Country, .. - $ $ .. fWit=eve),'�t ulnnesesu 3eiliuotvinca Salta Alai Y lo' v ine. are uiaeuaw;dr :Guelph Rereraible inentlythe. st 'Single Thread liaebine ' e Publics -helico Its margeiions success., . : - ... ., lverleties 'of domestic sewing. PA1cJs. • eki LANDS chine, withfnll antfit, ;12:1Teadlei dor, w 1."=C I-113 OFrNFa' or- r arsd' w tie of all IC els. t lie's much pleasure inofferingtothelearniera0 TO ' '- , , ezdiess vasiety N. B_ rEverythity:sold at the Very Low;; of fids owninventio and for which he nos secured a ' est rates at Patent for the Ii0I11�IIioIItif Canada.; Where already - - — — ---- - - 13. 14-riv CHU introduced, the parcbaserS have considered it emi neut.-1y worti vof its name. Et,I.viNa OF AND LABOR, • or CONSTRUCTION; " SIMPLICITY OF GEARING, SPEED AND EFFICIENCY . OF IV ORRTNG . it has no iimierfor. NOV-The paddle that works it the cream can be either tuba- or towered according to the tleptli:o the cream, or`gauged atir depth - St. -Godarich, olrult rityBorCTI:welfitshi: rights secured on caul* seen at the Store of Alr DFermison,ITa Mlton liberal terms. Per further particulate Auplyperenn., ally at- lot 17 &18 6 Con. Go derieb orhy letter to ALEX. TICHRORNE.- PATRONth HOME MANUFACTURE stoei-j. ..stovo _ cottish. jivierioanc'; f gals AN EXCELLEA"T.FAJLILYPArIIE,' DEvo17 7a7 s ;:";:t! ,.Reeidon , Iisfearisti of Brlt�t›� - 'America. P!J Y i�iulaber contains' an interesting $coteh oit.II.atidsh.8tbiy Poetry,'Seleetiolts from the brat Literary Pattie Alone o. Europe and .America, EdjtorialsonLeading Topics, $e. 00.3LIfillteZDON.U.NlIABY4th,181.11, .` Bash, Doors* Blinds's:, /Witches of a• JAW rtooring sad eh lissite et, es EL,;c Li wortic, Witalgrot Aar rods . •etios !Dan- WO 110,0041: inek min ctrargi, Taw #110.103 -LT C sff, ethigi 11 • Noir, /6 Tit* PILF.TO StISSORMitt 3/. STViVi.tato colirxcmr Au,,timais &inn= TO TON ROW Ogles for woet done preview* GoanitiiiiAlbOt !Wart 0014 oar ec- • t. Convieil • • lee ft • • • hamster& Lifts 11110t0118 .CONDUCITIR, PIP -0-0 A L on_ sweoapoii Market Nana, Godezioh, PULMONARY- BALSAM ara DUO AND EED0Ni- - EkettENT PHYSICIANS IN NEW ENDiAND FOR. • THE ONTO YEARS. "NOTHING BETTER - CUTLER BROS, A C0.1 tor by rho Drusalst. Shut's, Sale of- tank pre a offered Wilt ON i.17 a Such Ma 8 mon G-9 er t gtiodefichlbw 30t .prk 3 l"•r',:t1INGF Y_''': awii tt,-'x Clime nsranteed. m . S_ PL�SD nuns i4A:TRD EVEIiYwilL'RE . TO ,fA E,MONEY--APPLY Tei g KE PING MACHI t.E -CO.; • To Wit : • c: Lk' Espouse for Part and nett Facies for residue issuelontof ger filale,sty' Court . of Queens Branch -and to me directed pgalust the Lauda. and _Tanen:Ras of Devitt 4lorraSu)12 "at the " - milt of the Iderchems Batik Canada,1 inlve seized and talon ilk Exec :Don nil the tight, title end Interest Mid Neill Of tele:Motion ,of the above Denied defendant in • and to Lots numbers seyeg, together_ by .1.dmeestirement Iwo hundred:AerM tnore or less. Winch Lauda and Teodments sheik -offer for Ease at my -Office, in the Court Rouse, in the Tows erGederieb; on Tinusilay ,the eleventh - der of January 167g-, a:Me/mar of :Om ofthe clock, lithe efteritoon. • JOHN CDONALD ,nee.utjulsn._ Tr.Shoriti...O! Huron. SHERIFF'S SALE °rums's. • To Wit I. Writ of Pied linclati; is County of tfuron, Ind. to tile directed against -.Lends and Tenements of -James L. Robison JohnTaber, at the snit of Richard Hunter,. I haVe ;seized-1=dt aken in exeCtitionoill the right title and interest of the above named _Defendmit,_ John Tall: er, in end to, all and singular that cettain purcel Or tract of iluidand premises sittute lying Old being in the Townslip of Thekeramitit, In the County '0:4 part..of Igit number Fifteen, in the, First concessiim of theTownsblp of Tackersmith aforesaid; and he - big hi the village of Narpurbeyand may be better knotrn and described as follows. Commending at Where &Post is pleated at the South 'easterly an le tenon. of eight chatnsand -seventylight links in re °rico on a comb North *v. -gay -six degrees, :1 front the point -of mammal= Vole tv the triviet linron Road, and -the alloWanee far Mad between Lots fifteen and sixteen in the First Conceit:1ton of the-TewnshVorTnekersmitli, on the westerlystd of laid lot, umber fifteen; thence north fourteen e - grease -est thineen *hams and eighty rem 11101. or lessito the northerly limit of the said Firattione s., Simi; thence °nth. sixty degrees east alongthe td 'tilde vivito mod concession thtee *luting aneidn ly link‘thenee south fonneen tigress west luie, I74 ly limit ofiaid travelled Enron Road, thence -ninth seventv-six.degrees west three chains and lusty, eight. Wee Mote or leu le the place et beginning and -containing four :acres, three toads and twenty perelietufland, excepting Nil, feet flea Iron the said post platted at thersoutiseasterly corner of )he Freshyterien,Church yard along salt Insulted Tru Road by one bundred feet, in -depilit,.. Aviutit and Tenements 1. shall ',offer for sale *trey yid in the'eourtlIonse, Oa ice Town of -Soder -left. on Toes, ilayt Fifth nay -of atelt,A; .0411172. at the houra Sheaf 'Office .10,erlehiBar,100411471. . Copper, Brass, Wool rickAngs,- and 'Sheep B.* taken in exchange, • Have for Sale OUT SAWS„ MILL SAWS WOOD ,AND BEST- MAKES PING AXES, VETOBS, -Burs LIKES, BAND TIES 01,SEITRRAL KINDS, L ()GOING MAINS WItOtiGHT AND OUT NAILS...k.o.- And a largo anoriment of kind: of • I01.1100111 for. CUL Opposite • • • W. IT Wat.soliffeeforth. N To A AT B4Y::FIELO. NO'S. OFR ro s. X71 X72 i3A�1?�I>�!� �Ul'ft;ldl�Il()1 T • Township of Goderich, comprising ]fir atria ell 'tholes quality of land, within about 2 miles. of -LMR Market prase of the Town of Bayfield. There `is A clearance of WaneTy@ Ciel; rev‘i, I .cd. foretop. The remainder of ihttfandls cicely corered with the'itest•t.fheed-hsnd.mapie limber of. splendid gron ih, nn exce :rot rood j*.sea ole twei sides of the property,,whieli' ie-aituetf 'I LI* and well settled neighbourhood, .AZ,$O.—f.ot14,•iiain : A Township Amery containing aft ?aer¢g of web reserved.Hntber- • ivbieb would prb:in'¢a large quantity office rigid theacre The lot rune to-heRivet'13ayfeld with i1 &onslderable Rater foil which •Deis Ile 7tiadle avail. able for milling or iainufaeturingid pL1sp�aasef i . :., Por terms appy t0, JAMES o ALLEN. ,Gmair or IF, W 'CONNK)It.Esq_`Ilagle/d. _ 4as far sale Parson's ess Cala low &van Store, ,opposite the' AfarI140 SPADES, SHWELS, WYTH.14S, FORKS, GRAIN ORADIAS .1 TRA 11,01/Z, WHITE LEAD, all prices.. I ROILED AND RAW 014.: MACHINERY OIL, TURPENTINE, And all -kinds of loci/lures -69 oleareti aus2 under good Mike, mew, $0 acres vod- Thud Wood !timber. Two swim., Creeks, Boll first quality, pod Log Mule IOC Frame Fall end well heartug Ortiratd, withiaj - 'al:bor./Steam Dave and eraonn, end within , pules of the County llama Glederichi Taunus • 131t • Opposite the Market llonsik, 2 11.00731s8 poderigh 24111. 2671. awn- ' sailwaintoo 111ot, most eligibly situated on Shorn Sale of tads. County of Buron,- By -virtue ef racia4inuoavut• 9f Ilerlitaineifi Milt against the lands and tenements of culla thatipbell, at the suit of glisabetit -execution all the right, title; and inter-' alto/ the ..1340vill *named :defendant,- ,in and '30 10t number soventecil in the eleventh opitoession of the Township of %borne, the; Comity of Huron. 'WbicItIands and tenemental shall offer for side at my GS*, theCourt House,' in the Town of Goderich; , on Thursday, the second d'cy of Aprii„1.872, st the hour of Twelve of the clock, 110011r - JOHN: MAkIDN'T Ora December, 1871i, 1.will be. nada at thew)* esition *Mu LISS& latre Of the l'intinee of Ontario sir an act te Theca Italie-ay Company 'and th several deb =int OW ewe, and ***slimed the powers aes• uPoSi Colofiski OA fix *AK PM: poem • rAitit FOR, BALL .1J Laud 70 acres -cleared geed xeiknec., tO *nal -Of Fall Wheat, el miles from the Tewti ot wleriek4, Atid$ In G. IL TRUXMAN (10deric' or on Hoff, TOR SALE. ."-41 Joining 209 aPrei cxcellent laud, covered with .Mapie and Leach,' ill mitei from Goderielt, with a never failing trout 2 land on the front at the lot* " ' THOS. WEAVEltRALD, Galeria, Jan,2iul, 1872. . Naluable, property Far 4010., -r Ors NUMBER, fillS AND Shl IN THE *opt cattageand lergattainedwellisg Maim two Owlet hick, and en Lot bfik there is iilargotno Immo ware -bowie whicheouliabe Into a first •"11e. ••, ' lintel it little told And ni.so a irate 'barn.' - J The Leto will lossOultitheo 101•ther SOWN* suit purchasers. - on. the premises:410 Meters DAVISON egogitiritof lionerick 15,7;4,187k y await 'BING the East half of _tot 71a awe wit Buituuts faiiiitz creel:runs through Om:law , Antlf.743PPOSITE F JORDAN'S Hewed Log House alga .40bl I& ' . feet: .This Ism' is situated ,5imottt it ) utisalent.to Abe Market. - .the Norther:retire Rol. When tlw ' there 3.s. also a goodysLang StaCklif 140#613 ,t11447111,"417 "1444' pitirigi IN, WART OF ANYTHING In his • „i•otetviktr primniemil !limos aFloi WORK -WILL E -c Ike"'"iu8°Ii`k aQintirwirP7 .00 E THE SAME AS 'USUAL. , Binistarit-km, Tit Rouse and lot ibt tlils•Winser Smiting Machine Company, and ali pit. - ,,,. ; . . thie ars isutionedurtinst Paling Mutiny moray ea 1.0 a central part of the Tiflis! 41_1F , Went. Act WISP and -Amendnients Thereto, 117* BolloinsdOlirlstopterw. Dimon. JUST 3320111IVBD 20 Ton' own, Shorts it J10.4 - WHIM VINT 'WILL, treeea, grape' Om, ke:l'iltion banal. APPir Goderle'h, Jan. 24, '72. so2SOlf THZ litl"j4oinet"Mtef tioseiAletztraitat Woo they Alfraletkellarefiewil.01 04114-41111411114:144144151151111;extirt to diwart the ewes of the "Um Aux is the Too:whip iloseageek Tcr?ate, Iolth June, 7414,0 -4110 • ,34 • • knuanri MN 42, elk 'NIA Pellot pit face SU. for *maim at Atartive uses Gede 4131. SIC at vottsaiN 473 ikRINE1 1.1 Sore is Li Oases • OWN Ira Cu'i. LICIT weett Igies"L":"Ii1117:61: At assfelf Dissib la ill gent Pei era • sim Fe •