HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-02-23, Page 3r a Lth PriPLEI r • -staxik wi3t. fowl' 9 •:f a e fr EftatWvIn gritedie Ott , -ere-ea. ere-°•-°.- 7‘.°.,c':-* , • valismossessi .11. • • Ir A! - AAA* 4110.000, Gone. These same men, exd'ght easily seeak s N ti • • •••44••••°.*:6-es•6"1.-06. • fic".....•••2° akar' (". OOloned Ute d t ubscribe fort h'iillation it wittheir goal wotd for it, get their frieads - pecia tee. • .„ . • • • • . Chialioluz die IA • • e II** • - week, at the tonaence of. hui aon. Cap- advertising ohIla1a keep u • &of Olf Great . . ' • 71,1 " / _ . ,, , ,, ,.•- . Budadrast -Esp's VOcoli.-.-Grtaratent al(n Q0111'0=114'6: 't.' 'By thorough 'knew:edit of the 'naturiii laws which. ' ifera Vie open:thins- Of-dige.t. Iton atidnatrition and by a client' application cif , the 'Illii"t !1)11:1Ver°14311°Itcwfitittlig tea ttlit trell; 4114 : as told e „bur ea es at - eats y !a:faucet'. beYerage whitia MAY Save Us many iteaVy 1 tboefOr bhis,o- eiviPoarvies &Redd. 14:61er sinip pi.. with ahuling`Vtiater ur Dfilk, dackpackage tallied.: ' led -James Epps es' Cu.; Ilmtitsuplithle Clienlisfa,. London, -. - ., ..„:„. .. ..,••'/,„,.'• ' ,. ,,,i. - 111 Also. makera Ot. BIWA' • AWAY S.-AMO.4 ..r......11.-• ,tionOtinsen Milk, • • • . ' - • msaitiane anprein • tan George '13, Chisholm; of, Oakville, paper would be a credit to the ie Britain was never more tuarked than* it in ahat ma year et.hia ae. He was county -and time ills() remunerate a. ix et the presenttinie That ts, not onlY born at Ftirt Erie the 16th f S ki , o opt., wor ng Mau. gym Y eitizeo of a county miiiiifested IW elite,* that e 0 Balla of leees and was the youngest on of ought no Moretti think of doing without er fleet Whiten every sea ha ill thi George Gnotatena sem., who. was - a U. his lacer, paperthan Iiii Would of omitting imniber of shiP,,W lah 1r°4n111allY E. Loyalist, mid settled oh the north hiemeAls. Ile ought to be animated by turned iiiitof her doe r-yaria. Thor de- , shore of Burlington Bay in- 1z94,. anci outficient pride, if by ri.e;citlier motive, to • o- ily fagrease and the amoitat of eepital mend for neer veseels seems to ste4°- died there in 1842 -said to have been at 'swat& it, and thuTee it a worthy re- , the advanced age of 100 year. Cul. . presentative �f the ii oplel - noir iiiveste4 in Englana mid So°tIall° Ct elutoaatve pa hashumeexceelii hihoiokneirtin rthe war ylarge• . 1 -Is ,•-• • Son:ointment' igretartue have recent- eaelpee- y of volunteihe, and fought in Letters wrote and revised es the - let been publishel in the mother Foam- the battle of QUeenston; where General yerbatun announcement pelted it the try in egard to her al -pimiltdiagy, inter: Brock wee killed, and took part in near- doer ota teacher in Sixth evende, N . .ew a1812. offitoN ° 1-1A:MILTOX ATii • ; ' 81R1nc O*TU ° ...--- RR, T OJOSS: OUT 'SAY/ Having completed. their Falk pur- O' sets. roin this wore we leafthet lw e all the battles that ;feere fought thet . , who professes to ewe leiesone in hlsesof t 'E dti* duaing the last statistical Year iliteie duos on the alanadiao front' r: At the he nglioh language an aerat re. , CAUTIONI- CAUTIONTT SHELF & HEAVY- HARDWARE. .........-46—. TIM MARKETS . TO. Tiyiii,P1113.LICP OF THE -BRIT- . ' " -," - A.MERICA. ' which, they niaY be jaettinode. They *ere 490 wooden, 435 ironand 80 man- battle of Lundy's Lantahe co posits vessel/. ethncted. Of these cotnpeny. He was"one of th the tonnage_ a the iron yessela wee -the went over with Cul: Bislop greateeteedle propertied beiog /71,760 what there ties at that titn mended party who •till burned a Buffalo. iron tonnageees agmase 56,o30 of woo& He teas present when the steamer Caro - The 80 comfesite *gads were of 12,314 line was sent oyer NiagaraF Ils in 1837, term We ale 'avialatjudge frora these and took the eolore of this lie t aid. kept facts, that near , the large elms of them for several years afterwards, but sea -going yesiels mode of iron, and gave them to Captain, McCermick, .Who the sm.aller orwood comPordte-the ' was returning to England, but first ex - letter apparently, gaiiiing somewhat in acted a promise from' him that he*Ould popularity. • ' ; always hoist them on the 29th, of Decern- Thetotal rinneber of 'lessee, turned out ber. In 1837 he was gazetted Lieuten- was 974, and we obierve that sailing eant-Colonel, and in 1838, Colonel. When %remelt were mcetan number, although the Rebellion of 1837 broke out, he pro t: smallest ea regards torniage. There .ceeded with the late Sir Allan MaaNab -Were 541 sailing meek so against . 433 to Toronto, (then _York) wath 72 volune ateaniere, hot letter had at capacity tears, and marched enter' the City Halla. tif 2`a3.674tans, whilst theairederenly can where they tetrad the late Chief Justice ecarry 177,032 tome Glaseent stakes the gobinsoa keeping sentry; he- supplied 'lead in ship balding. artd.a tins- sighp it them with government a:ma and inenui.; /eon a spring inornieg pass -down' the ultimo This was on the 5th bf Dedellis Clyde and see thousands of man at work. ber, 1839; on the 7th of Deceniber, when ' all sizes and deseriptions of vessels. back -of York, crossicg a field td drive Sunderland and Newcastle rake rank the rebels front a piece of woods, a ba 1 :tett to Glasgow, the respective nuniber iron, the 011ealay struck the stock of his - Of ithipatitrned out by each durithg, the musket,. partially splitting it and relearn- • Yieei bOher : Glasgow, 105; Sunderland; itig in the stock. This musket was at: • 93; and Newcastle, 51. terward presented to him by Sir Francia with an- address, in which Thit Dominion follows ellesely after lie thanked him for bis loyalty and Great Britain, as a maritime powesr, and teldreureh the demand for wooden yes- braverY. bir 'Francis exacted the pro- mise that he would not part with the sels is Fiat eogreat as it once was, still musket, and it new remains with the our ship:ha/din; continues to be. an iinz °Moues family. In 1851 his wife died, pertant interest; The last returns that we hale in print aea air the year ending since that• time he has lived with his 30th June, 1870, atid during, the twelve stms- He leaves surviving , him oue nrenthe, we ma& all 339 vessels, oe daughter and five eons, the youngest of whom is D. B. Chisholm, Esq., our pres- which S5 were iron and 394 Nicol. The different Provinces cinitributed as foie ent mayor. Tiler° are many old settlers yet living who relate with pleasure many 0 jacts of kindness which they received at . . 4,575 Pt& hands of Colonel thOsholni when Qnebect 19,383 they first landed qn Canadian soil. His Nova Scotia •es ... 141 33,659 • house was always open to the stranger, • New Baunawfek e-- 'e 88 35.500 and he was *ever known to send' arty •From these figures Nen Brensaice empty away. His thoreugh knowledge Iowa: Ontario may be said to take the lead itat ship -eon- of the Chippaea language enabled hum armhole, for although more in number --waretnrned oatin NovaScotia, the =pas bay of the New Britnawick vessels was inuch the largest. We hope. fo eee this important branch of industry revive and increase in all the Provinces. We have jpIehty of wood and iron -the prime be of great service to the Government! and peepte in the early days when the In- dians abounded in this part or the coun- try. He pessessed a constitution of un- usual power; and during the whole ef his eventful life he was entirely free from s:clmess and until within a few weeks of necessities of ship-bnilding-and with his death, when lusconstituttonbegan to proper capital and lam, there seems no - give way, and he died in perfect peace, good reason why our builder?, should without any apparent pain, and retain - not be able to compete with these of in o his mental power to the last. Dur- isray other country in the world. ing a great part of hie life he took an ac- - t we part in the politics of his country, and was rdwaysalited to the Conserva- tives party. He belonged to the Mason- ic fraternity, and was 41.1tOngdt the old- est Masons m this part of the country -They are few men of his generation new living, and we part with them with re- gret, for they were a noble selasacriticing body ef nien, and did match to open up and loyally settle this.beautiful country. Of Colonel Chisholm it may be truly said, •elleother landmark has gone. - Ham. Dina. Postal Tolleralth. Cards in Britain, On and after the -5th of- this month a .hange waa to come'enteoperoeion which trill greatly facilitate the treniMission 01 pastel telegratnes lathe" Unitelltingdom. Stainped telegtaph ruessage cards will be issued- at the rate of oue sinning -each, tor the use of persens Whbeither canno', br do not desire to; send bleisaies to the telegraph office. These eerie are arreeig- ed preeiselly the/amen waye- -the forme in tweet the ordioaric oflicee, and include spaces fortwenty wordso They are to hefilledene by thee sender and de- posited m any post -office, when they will be forwardel, freseefehesge, at the !lent clettrence of the box. The shilline atirdp on. Fla _avers, the eoat of inch a message within the Unittd Kiagdom, (the Scilly, Orkney and Shetland Iehnds exceated) thee Channel Islands, afid the Tricot Maniinehading free delivery a the same within the limit of one mile of the Terminal Te: - au office, ee of the :town *fetal de - very of thee ,ctsea,in thaseS where that limit extends .fienand ode .roeilee Should ibis limit be ere leelfed; di any special ede of transpiasion, reel -flit -A A e nirge I be made ion the(petson to whein ' the measage addresied. 21.7pe.yinent of 3t1 forevexyadditional five ,words ot (faction of fie words alanbe cletimeded from ho addressere sheuid 'the total nomber *raid twenty. the postai-telegraph waifs- of preciaely the seine sizeota the ordpeark halfpenny postcard; and, be - 0;14 tke arrangements aboyespecified, tOntainter SP2eit for the ineertion of the date and: hour of ecopating. ,A person &positing one of these cards in a box will he abletie seteertain framthe table bf toirectionenit or over the box, at ithithour his telegram 'is likely to retch its deatinatioW Allowance must, of exidoes hinsa#6.forthetraiesiniesion be- ater -le effice and office; sunlit mnat also te;borlie in min tt that most of the te-lee grape alma 'faille kingdom are closed between eight p. m. andeight m. a' The Post -office authorities have also iseated sit official book giving, together *ale other particulars, the mines of au the telegraph officesio the Unitecleirring- dior, atid a ittatement of .the hours during which: they are open: e husk lad been preparedfor the- goidarieeof -leg whichthey efidnre a slight -ferniene de& an toast -mph officie3a but Inn tatima and evolve, quantityof carbonic. errobabint be issued at an earlydate for acid: The chopped' straw wait worked ids, torso k- olio. The Arse part eon. in just before feeding t „_ The trial:. was taina •name Of postai: telegraph eontinnea for four months, and found to _ offitamkirigerthei° wildrueighboring money- agree with the horses, - while at the order ogees., stafiir'n their distance from same tines it proved satlafactorje each ein dict. Th ei second part adds the point otel*enoniy.. As this food mast be 33azies ofiZwity stations ineri. other sweet and cleateaereat care is, necemaery. piper* *hone telegraphic busmess is to prerent the vessels in *hi& it is kept treneacted on behslf of the Pokanaster- from getting soar. - - Geneaale Intl& Code Bikik th44)3Sillee yours:truly, ofirote than 5.000telegrapre 0 cee grilse lath the boo* of etteendanee at 4012itl511:CWITOZ°1 11.00tht Siuscrays sad litek days. This . Th follow= the report .of. the . tittplioist rel.' E. 131)Mil' the tireStel eonvenienie to the general .11oderich and stirred cliag cottnattY, for their - . state o[ the bridges, exelusore of theirs oa pbatrusoinaabgewdanriengthn ..ftlrispret ptarte,01fr Yttv,:earsfurnhisehhat ?abbe. - the Gravel Roads, hare to say -that beeala ' • lin h as dee liridee_ditiat Benin. er'a intuit •..agticleiilliveliglIPti .274' -4.6TAD• LtivjeAtivil .. A Discovery. . „. ... A DISCOVERY has been made at Chat- ham of tae hed of the Seehorse, an- old brig of -war, which accurding to Adniir- any records, was wrecked in. Chatham Herbor, exactly '209 years ago. The. portions of the hull now brought: to light were discovered &ming the " tame the ?nark dll were employed in excava- Ls Ling fur t le foundations for the bed of the ne e' - .aild docks which are be- rm* Consttected at Chatham Dockyard, the hull being found i bedded _ some depth in the mad ad sand at the soot where she was 'Wrecked. Most of the limbers of the vessel have been found to I oe in an eXuellent state of. preseyittir,n, notwithstanding the length of time the hull has been sebmerged,a large. Trace t.ter of the timberbeing iutended to be on feted for sale by private auction it 'the sated the surplus ineber which takes place at -.the dockyard ta-morrowe- Broad Arrow. - • . _ ' Milan, .Patstoea tt Zpato , —• IN Germany, where potatoes Are so much chaaper thmn. amity, the expari- ment has been. repeatedletried of feed- ing horaes open them-eatlea.ste in parts' and. this`, as we understand, has proved qute suceessfule, Trc one instance, five fonr horse teams were kept, hardat week in good conditiOn on a, day's -rations 'for twenty horseeeof one and one half hunde *eight of hay, eightbnshels ofpotatoes, fifty pounds of meal, ands liberal anowe ance of chopped straw. The potatoes were,steefoid mashed aud mixed with meal while hot, and then covered up aalcl allowed to remain for, a time, dnre • Gunmen, Feb 20th, 1872. Meat, (Fa) la tql..,h . 0. 15 0 1 17 Wheat.(Spring) 11 Wish- 1 12 0 .1 13 Flour. (per brt.) 6 00. 0 6 no- Oatl,la ouRh 0 06 0 0 86 Pegs; 1P" hush (65 ffir 057 Ilarley, V hush ' 0-55 0 0 57 _Psitatoes. V bush-. , 0 50 0 o 55 .rark-;,V 100 lb - 4 75 0 5 00 WaY per ton .. 14 60 ' 16 00 Chief:one per pair e 25 0 00 Butter. # ili 0 lik 0 0 17 BM, 'P' doz. (unpaclie 1)6 02 '0 0 20 IS ROVINCES OF NORTH ,A.re now roteparedito filleUlloorders with Churrort, reb, 20, Wheat,.(Fall)por bush ... $1 16 Wheat, (Spring) per bush,. 1 15 Moor, (per tri).. 6 00 Oats. pee bush. 0 34 Pea e, per bush 051 Barley.•per bush q 50 Potatoessi,per bash .. .60 45 -Tr ' oo 'fritter per lb 0 15 Eggs, per doz.(unpecked)0 15 1872. 7. re 1 20 Q 117 (e, oo av 056 en 053 0: 0 55 O 046 O 6 do • '015 0 015 SHA.Fontst, Feb 20, 1372. wheat, ( .. .... ..$1 Wheat, ($pring) per bush.: I 14 1 ld Flo'ur, (per br1)... is .. :..:.. 0 00 " 00 Barley, p,egliitsit • 0 55 " 0 57, Oats, per tush 0 34 " 0 45 Pease, per bush . „ 0 58 " 0 60 • Potatees.per luts..11 • . 0 45 " 0 50 Pork, 5. 00 " 5.25 Butter, per . . , 0 16 " 0 17 EggsperdOZ. unpaUked)0 10 ' 0 •18 lltdirritura., Feb. 10, 187t. Wheat, (Fall) V, loish,-,-.,.. ..$1 :=8 0 1 38 Wheat, (Spring). -E3 bush . i 410 0, 1 40 Flour; (per bit.) • 5 SO (p) 6 90 karley, 1) bush . . o 60 0 0, 65 P...ase. o boa 0-35 0 0 87 Oats, la lowle,........,:;10 46 0 0 45 Potatoes, I, bush. •,•s• • 0 80 0 0 85 1 Rork, 19 tb,.... ....... 5 50 0 5 75 lautter. lb. .... ,, 0 16 0 0 18 Eggs, 11 ,oz. (Unpack • 1 2.20 0 0 20 Torso:no. Feb. -16, 1872. • Wheat; 1.1V bush.......$1 8* 0 1 31 Wheat; (ouring,111 bean, ... 1 e 0 1 24 Mohr, Orr barrel) 5 35 0 6 20 Barley. 73 bush 0 07 ni o 68 Oats. bush, 0 44 0 0 45 Pease, bush.. . 0 70 0 0 76 Potato s, Per bag 0 00 0 1 00 Pork, q• r , • 0 00 0 000 Butterf 0' Its , . 0 14 0 0 16 *Eggs, lidOz„,(tuipaci4ed).... 9 20 0 0 22 1 '.. A • fr ' • .- ...... . --°-°°•.0. s---frs- __ . 1 be mostrespectfullSquarignaint thePnblie of • theBritish Ndilth Anierican.provheaes that In May • last.1 %used tha business -0 430. Staiden, Lane, New -, York, for the.sale of Floispenyfey's Pius AND MET- _ artzfr. which were up ito that thne prepared by _ WAIllam Brown. now , deceased.- to las dosed. I re° gret to "say6 that I. have _reason tO.know that the • mannerly e e /note lath business:Mail forilatheyeatl. 1 and in [natty ways, been moat eurnApt, And., "tam.: be that the Pills and Antment irefe mit prepared With the: care I have always .desireth ...A. • - . - Those who dci'pot wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines,whicharenow likely to, emanate 'Iron:aloe Stated or'eiatawliere, hat . to flosdeeS:thems. Sely02131 Dm genuine }followers Eills'and Oifitanht manufactured . by taii .6 in • London, England. . Mild° well to see that each 'intend bet bard the Brltiah Goyertonent stamps nn whichisengra'red tale' words "Fldlloway's PillSand . Ointment," and that , the address °lithe label is 5$3;,•01-tord Streetahon- don, where only they ate manidaatured,aliti iti no other part of the w %rid. :ithealaitail. .prices are 02 •the labels In Britleli curroney, and net iriddllarii and -"cents, . . . ', 6-• ' - 4 Ito rep" resenlativeof inIneaviit ever travel through any part of the Britigh Provinces, or the United - Stack. ettlter to sell . or to take order! for Inyarills mid Ointment, and R31 have reason to believe that attempts will probably beimple.to deesiva-file pub:: ha in this way by mowing calling upon medicine - 'vendors, faisely.repreitenting that -they.are acting - forme, atid'witlif my knowledge and consent4I.deetn, it advisable to. put the public on. - their guard against any such deceptions. • • ' • . •-: , I roost earnestiyenireat all those who may read thidadvertisement that iy be pleased; In the pub. lie,intereat; to edintnutilhatUthepurport'nf the same to their frietias that they may not be defrainied of their money by, purchasing worthless• heitatidns of. the geuitine. Holloway's Pills tinTOintntent, • • . to the -knowled e of any per.on that spurious made. •I•Wouldask. l• 0 great favour,that shduld ig00610 eines are being 1)1200 or sold in my name, he he, pleased to send inc all the partreetars oft carreadeet respeeting the saine,, that luto•dab .the -ndirlieend address of the yetichfr who is• 'Selling the spurious, medicines, arid:like:vise thane= and address of the House in Vie United States or elsewhere. which, may have supplied thews() este enable ine. for tb.e protectiotsorthe peptic, to institute proceedings against sreh evi1doers, and I engage to remunerate very handsomely any parson Whdinaygire mesinah information, the informants's tame. difiet heisig • mv:rff.x,t-vir-aii 0.11R01110,3111TES t COlit•Or ND - • •e Tho power of arrestingdisease displayed by this PreParAtiert 14 honorably. acknowledged by the inedie,at faculty fn every Section where it has been. utroduced ,- atid the rapidlymreasing sale is the best guaranteetof the estituaLln in which it is held by the public.- .. TheSyrnpurill cure Pidrac_aary consnmpiion in the firstaudseliond stages; will give great relief, Bnd prelongli e in the, third. Itavill cure Asthma.: /yn aronehitia, la gitis. COughs and Colds. It -vitt- curt all diseas s originating from want of Muscular Action and Nervous Force- Such as Entargementof the Spleen, Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feebleand Irre,;ular action of the Heart, . Local and General Paralysis, Aph-onia -or Loss or Voice. It will cure Leueorrhoea, Chlorosis. Anaemia. and.rertords•the blood to purity and he:drill: • Sold By Apothecaries.. , $.1750 ;'81/4 for al 50; '• JAMES rEttots., cl.TEmrsi if.' B - AT: 6Tef 1Y, • • Gctile ddiat. aid , • sw3-4 TILE GEER YORE REMEDY Job Mase,V.Perlodical Pills- Ono. - Val inverseresonneariolieele UNFAILING L Sze Cizat mi awl ArinTeroi/3 diseRsellm Whrph the fe,riale constitution is siikeeti it 333 nierd0lili 0E104 121-driptiVes all obstructions aiid a speedy earn ma la relit." or. ..• -: - . TO1A LADcss 1.1 -- 11-13 ricateearry Litted. It 1(0a a stiorttune, brink on the monthly )eriod wit - regularity. 71r.ess riffs shou=e rim be ta n4rgentettes during the FIRST TIIREI MONT '5 of Pregnant-11,as they are sure tobrinien,Ifisauriage. but a& any olltertimeth•y are sate. ' , ^ in all Cases or nervous ate Sriinal Ad'eCtions,Fahruk the Iketrand 1.0',,. Rattne or shghtexertion.Palpi- teflon-lit the 11313111Thfitefl03, 114iEl Whites, these Fills willeffect a owed witan atiothisr InealL5 have failed, and although a pourWt. fulOinerly; donotcontain iron, calomel, autimany, or anyihing hurtful to theconsti- , • non. " Foalirections in the ttamPhlet around -each package r.las %thichaboald b carefully preserved. - , - . JOU mtls , NEW ,,4011.K; sorx PROPRIETOR. ' a - -1;00 anct -12k eel ts for postage, .eaclosed to Northrup Zulsymasi.gew ile, ant., general agents fur the Donlinioujwill insure a bottle, containing ove r507 ilk `bit return mail, • • ' •• • , if.r•-$oldtri G JorcJap11 - .1:Tend:will 'Igo nentanori son 351tfoqh • . - i NORTH Newc agents ench Ekt at dinai 115 eivi le; J LY1lAN Ittet'. .,genera r-Canadt, arker •‘• rhutleand o., •Thtyluld ;Jai. ekarcI,E•leter eorcl. lonektrow4B.Flick anti eilieeetirostaidera W3.3; ab .• divulged. • .o • • •i • • ' ' Shutild any Persii-nave Nilson to believe that he has peen deceived by buying spurious Imitations •of these MedLiines; he will do well to send nee in a letter,to the address•at ,foot, (avhich he can do at a cost of six•chnfli in Postage) 0177 00 the books of in.. strnctions which are affixed the eating 1promise to examine it and senc a reply, stating whether tlfe Medicines are 'genuine or nut so that if amnions be may apply to the pertfon from whom he purobassed them to have his MOREy'rpturned: Chemists and Druggists who desire to °Wadi the Medienescan bone snprilled4it Ord fewest whaleSaie prices m quantities of not lege than £20,worth, 8s. 61., 22a. and' 348, per dozen boxes of Pill', or pots of Ointment, nett, without discount. for which remittance must be meat in advance. - I have the lianthir to bc, With great aespect. , .ss . THOWASFIOLLOWAY. Osford Street (late 244. Straw() London,"17. C., Sernernher 1, 1871 t 22. 1E11: NO Itish. - Thomas. Eciertrk oaf woo, Ten Votes ifs ,-egbir, in Gold Do you know anythieg of it? Isla, it time you did.. Pain panna stay where it is used. It Is tho ebra-pest Medicine ever made. ()nodose mires cocci mod SORE TxtrtoAT. Otte bottle has cared )3acuis coins. Filty...cedts „worth. has cured an OLD STANDING COUGE6 tine or two bottles Cures bad case.s of ert,es awl &urger Taurnmia Six to eight applicationta cure T CSSE or FECCORIATED glrELEs or LEM:1343D garotsr, Otto bottle. kas cured Low - Bahl of- eight years..atandidg.. Daniel Planks of Brookfield, Tiega Cistinty, Pa.. says: -"I went thirty miles fur a bOttle of your 011.which-efteeted 'Wosiacastris Ccs,: .fa C0JuliED Lids by six eh- plicatious. Another who. bite had ASSTINA 101 Ve.irs, Says! "I have half ofa40-• cent bottIti;iliff4 anct. S100 Would not buy itrf I child get nd mope Rawl fidniusoo, of Nuud6i, Y„,.writes "(Inc small bottle of jcitir goLscriatic Duo tailored the wdee where Hid person liad not rpoken above. widener in P Iva YEAss." get. J...Vagorr,. Of.k. (Haig, Y.. mired; Enterfaci--1hr. eure4: me of Bronch.tis "Inc 'Week." 'Dealers iall-Over the eduntrfridy: ',,,.‘•We have never sold a Medicine that has giVeri,dtith e•mplete satisfactfon *OWE." b. is-wan:0a ol Six of the,BrerOrts THAT /ate ievows.. ,Ls R.4 200(1 to ds re.r eiternai use, and is believed to -he unmeaauresibly superior to any - 'thing ever tu ide. Will gave you_ much. suffering; , and .many,dutisup of expeuee. eold by one. ' more dealers idcvery rlare. 'Price 25 cents.- * • Prepared. by •.S. TliuM Print.rs, Yae tea • vorausoF Weft -other. Ont., Sole Agi.nts for the Dominion. , - • Nora..-Eikeirie -zfit leafed mid Eietothied.-3m. ;ref"' Sold in Goderich, br Geo." -Cattle-, F. Jiddan taardiner & Co; Ifayfield„Jas. Bente tuir. Ragervilie, 61:_Packai d. ExeW;..T. Combe, S.6 Secord Isackinr7:E. Hickson. 37atiiith; and, ail medicate flea:erS . • , STOPTHAT cauGH DONiZp4LA,..rt • Qns waif; one day, TO 33f4Y be fowl_ ,consuffir- --tion with Its long train of =Mites WerAgagg 10 carry pm to theioilit hOrite 414 many vie:leas who have gone before. - lievt can .yokstek ?" Where is the o . remedy ? - • LungBeleam can produce more evidence of real. merit than anyk other /article for the purpose. ` It is tiOld every - Whereby Dniggusts andegeneeal-Stere- keepers. ' _ Read the folIewing extract from a letter received froneXr. S. E::Borwell, a *elihno* Merchant Of Ontario. kIesstar Point* e $on,„ Dear &r& -Last -autumn Strsea-Insteiettunti I was ferifig iron. - A SliTrere :egld :which settled on my Lungs, d produced a -distressing cough foiveliieti 'gene trialte ontitheo. Of -Coegle .• but witheut any benefit. T -last tried° one bottle in 'Aereetelsinalaellianernefhich Itim happy' • el be Mile -to itafegavis almostiminediate - Iris\elioreat a Oit Micah 18 - - (elm Surveyorasintbmitted at thelat,e -e e '3 43 713 mitt igrrapiodi anactuat necessity tit c g 44`eeli cleat yin as° Pr°70 eve ail, Ge Boesteavet returat lento ha:late:dente of l 1T —1AttibilitT warst con on. e ne pteeso A SA FA.311.LY 11,1EDI011.q.E, IT IS 4., well and favorabler sktievene xelievino " thousands frem pain in the.' • Side, Bade and Head, C411.ghaf 0614; ° Sore Itlur Spraille; ,13rwises, -he Btomaek Cholera ' Buwe sword as j, issat's phogklor calls bine action Of afinfiest. ..l'heuuteber of riers . . moz.b.4, noseritei,y, AND Olt TrIZAH Il'itS1f1\ °Tient • • - bridge are =natty worn away m front,: _ - osl ALL niantetioeis, lEta Thutaatt li ad fitly 'Ere ' 41 thog. no. 1101.0thelf WiStl-dnamatect Thisls moat piLLows f . 00x(-7` built I bo t ° S Way Of &ter. bit of acting 4,edoubt, by so ranch tee and drift -wood_ a front theingliesa redone is thst 'coming down the 'stream. • The stone ' BOLSTEE which insult &,36sis eassn. leinaly work was understand,a u n On/et one twenty-five yea* ago, of very ism , MATTRI#z$F4S, 4.91.=:" mai it taken frime di bed- th evitye , Or y be cott- stenos e e yer . forma ergot ileum. The IsOieliia w lc red eatl from th; ohoui, rot. Offibi &knight; hat lie wag & knight- before he, ited alnitirients is eight, the east o re- xxci,nria enenes teat loit hand and Made 'Id 001.1110C1 It was the heroic en- each or $3,360in all: esupem Cramps Bur»27, • :ads, Zrost- was fratteja* he weld(' not have re- bung vtnich wo'uld be about $450 ord,r. Having on, a* assortment tit alma* tneloasaloaelying, ennestae whit dee bri.dge4 aleis in a bad state. It OOFFIN TitIMIAINGS that.' aisto jail knight., Ile Iris Whim-. Alai& hardly safe- for another year. The nOtiCe.aud to gonduet funeralcon itietuleet reason - it, $111711111 !AM W -be Palrect Ir wtileAk sakurio big notable deed*, wee built of pine timber ift-'59ocit )80/ ani erepat tn make ;Gains, on tee ;limiest hareever,- could be - • " " wait to make it *tend l& The- semon lift the expense would be Den- ,4the °mimosa/ • saal and te licritememberthe-old re -sail potistiliett thakipgiagehiag whole structure, totanothei . s i. wrowat oic yoxt sidisrable. There arettwobridgee on the Vericii,rily 3,9„.72, laai hie sword ea ;Tit; motility iteitiVirs:10 that Bayfield River ici*satt 'of some tome ia rear to bo. ag Mary 11.3p111r11; *Ise one ati'Iurper's rogr:134,r, laihara woe% Othirtiviaw; which inn probably Floe toloe repaired nolmlit,- balsams& oars oodsioil.- Nei nr the spatting manner or fall. it moue& seadpire ofteldimir inonk,syst was first budtut 1857, ha* stood nearly, may not gosesai addy. Unison sowiWg the floor, and evenyetthe Jim- tENDEA8. contents fifteen rtania: Hard ana Soft thy shigimatag wag eiodg, Awl wham fifteen years,ancl is ROM the oicion bridge kingehip, or earlodup, cekaightahip dam- in the County. It had had no septirsiet inatter et • it imity wit. all that time, with the exception of re - respectfully hit4te adention to fella wing liciat Of Goode _ which they are prepare ed to isel.P1 VERY 1.07itiOR 11.0•1.110=0,01.1.•••,... agAif;€9 • cif All-sizeii old deserlptioris, very e ;,. „:0-LANS• . • '- iii4froint 3" Ito 410 a SO. ` BO' De -i& UAW° 0.' VAANISII latco,W,,.. JAVAN*, 0443a,9014 of good4nality Ono* tilAtt .6lit LAMPS LANTERT4' itailoN0 ..guRitTZRSIOKU.403 • WICKS, = a SLEIGH S44E: iTEEL ali the leadoitssTizsesiEE- -4, a, ea, - BAR i'llOOITIRt' ON egos% d" istoriluent, OAST "STEELAXESfToin $1 npwa,rda, BEST OAST STEEL & fall assortment, , • #.13.11 -ERS, . HOLLO`gr.: AUGERS, f. and '4.11GElfte-' BITS; VICES,. COIL °HAM TR •AeCE - CHAINS, =COW TIEfleTI SHEET ZINC And C11,14.05A. • -131;_ktES,CROSS CUT SAWS and WOODSAWS • FRA3T- ,EiDnd, S,mANPADEu4ES," S.11,7003TERKsIe! A - long and short A ilery cheiceisetorfenented a • '3 • •,7 • •• • XOlt A POW) kee T. on Faticii Ping. MOE SO Low MIT, ALL s CAN irgg . .43 TT 0 Wit.; vtivrau:a7 uXritTii! $1.TT " is registered, and nay latlagnient n adn p • it': Terme-n*41ga= Is ea !soh Psoictr 611444%144° im41419.nrlanttary. 22,1$72. ' W4 Ma I: LI! '••••••••••..0-3.-3.• f" . . filifE SU- BSORIBEE BEGS Td SAS gl'oain'ia pnrehased the busin.ess lately f4arried, on bit: 11.11[3it.' W. 1)101CriGI-.1) AT THE 41.4"'Mr f ABT4E.4:4PESSEtT .4NIVES in ivory, .Blick-liorn, COOL 'd.R,One 11=468, complefetamortment tot PEN aiicIPOCKET KNIVES, RAZ: ORS and SCISSORS?. from the -beat English Maker!, . • A,LBA.TA and ELECTRO -PLAT- S OITABONLES anlIFSVSERRKST7E-LETBOt TRO -PLATED ; .1: A -441,,s,: C�€27LERS, KNIVES...eta CRUETS, treaty oniititado fen the appreaching holidays. ENGLISH PLANES, PLANE IRONS andICHISELS,SPEAReiJACKSONY4 TAYLOR'S HAND, PANEL"- Old ; RIPSAWS. A complete assortment' . of WHITE, and.BED LEAD,. dry • • - PINTS ;MORS, ' VARN1SfIind WHITE WitS4G,Hit:31:1413:11O8NA:MANIL,PFIXTURR°PA*Z 1:13 , ePACKINGe'GRINDSTONES, POWDER. SHOT, CAPS, REv:capmalic, and ()MO; ° RIDGES,. DOUBLE and SINGLETREL- • GUNS,and alt the nenallY fonndfin a well selected isto* of Hard- win'e. • „ 4.1 A Salle whole of the stein !deck hibeen s, alt bee merited -lowest cash. prides?, pirchaeedeery low arolehad we bete Merch pleiteeite in requesting Call fret the Inhalittatitit et Griderielaaod farmers and 'trader* of .the County' of: Huron. No troribleto ehetit:go'odit Oni; ly crie )criee, .„Reinemberaheadaelet HAEIILTON- - 7 Sig*. of 'Jot • . , , liatiOWTH CROSSCUT SAW, , _ . • • s • s JO. 11.N. SOk" Cf4ezioht 1W.i6tht Two 1)weiling-, House .-STORE- HOUSE _ .To exeln.nge fOr. $1200-wordi Da.T GOOD* and GROCERIES.' The above would be A good-joiselity for aT.-. Branch • - e • eee. e.noYoit & :KM ;.'Elederiuti, Veit 8, 1872. ' aw0d4dir4 • 41140114 -.66:11v**?ii 41:-e 1 Michael StiIlivan to sell at Iuis • Sale Romns,-Goderiela tee . Ikierat 3.p. clock nuenethet superior cleared tiEtYorillarCh 2,12 fr.A.nbilefiinetd,w4 u rtt P°4 - of fl. lot6 2n; 900' 1-1 10, D. 'Aslieeld, otomirieing in *Rind lying " Other, 150 Agee, ,about 90 acres otviiii -are-cleared and principally fret from IS littipts„-aher4 ion° of the best o_barns Ashfield, with& good dwelli9 house nt orchard. on the prounies, , ar Bites, . - that • igneire ereekrunnhigthroiththe - The shover ,farni 24l istaut from Kingebridge, 5 frog.' Itha, eadadiiiii Rain,' Des dr bail UOIYi. %Si( Vit : fir Used Is well liked, never Dallas' 'irt..-a tangle instance Luclint we 5fretai-Duailaueolineaa4a, about to • rorateteplitne for a .1-ength me, .an -to give penbaneut.'relier when timely utied, and we la lora fioderiche 5 -gFavOt rola - wink _ . directions- have bedn pronetlyrollowet.hAt oik M. - • s-4 • --_ a. s r r ' tt )1:324wVtaelsevver.Ra, rt. ki,:00,:tietxtfpori_s.i:1:0:11ft. tga.:::::etto.nacua;i,inuittentyrr:0,,t4Iihe :i.i.tethi_ : ii _21.13h00..4 Lkista-ape .144:4 tatenoiv, p/.71.::sti.43 speak in tys higl#st terms,' OfIte es lund'inagi- geeeet 4y pitying a small poetuen of the contrary, ill me dellghttid.Withltito icutst and, VEL0118'...A create to o•Vears" vriu. .. • 1 , . . celelegt. • - - : ....-...- . . ,_„. prit a money down • - ,- o --eo tested it thoroughly ;,ind the ono- these whoare .. lava ru?m, Feb. 20, 42; a98'5td. reic'eofrarinlroufrod,mn"grart°:petti"uponTillintit 'bob*. f**11180111evilenlitig. • The astonishing elite/mint ilie Ca roik De'. stroyer in caring the diseased for which it itremint;, ' I bdulleg: -yr Luau!! ,13E70V-AD: pIet e .06 el)*et ., • Fairriv ant lagrowootru wife a Sr • ' aenTA nilielarialeesir atets- Groceries, Crockery Mitt • „For _ run o • A • qosierWilt,P0h. *'As' 11'0 -0 8111T 114 A oAtzl 51. -'-trosii • A. ° t•ifee! SIR& •.Setittli, MAW ti -WM& 4i),10111gtkflitilatt plasm prove property, I* teke theta away. T. , February 16.2 1872. - 'SUIT gAlit_ AT WITROITSON c7 SPZCtAt 2 it s iA4GAINS IN SEASONABLE • -15':"re.-e-ore .7O., 4 •• r s • • Hu aetjmul: ea:to. olOoT- 04' t lapreient eta& wieks ioorsicirlsoto pt4Tiiess; to'calrdiaiteritienoi tlia YARNING Cf01;/41TNITar • 4 • ° I • Gm* • to the atit,that :`P13-itC S E - • EMMA "VALUE .roa. TAEIR ,MO • . Ineveryt. hin-1 faig41 taitibutaiti Winter - Goods and - Oda; dinti tigi;ocis azo.,. , iaVuary lith; 1872. • trly. a ' t47,='' " ••••' • • t- • , 111 .4 • '1.1 • I r fi 1101111, 1r111 tt• kitchen;‘ 10 minutes walk Ire* Tofwozuntewn,redd7.44ditivrlionsiow: rbeiiii,4010.4740&talaptc:000Iiie1aerielvistia . of Apri1,107/6NAPPlirtvirxt' Goderieh, 7.b. 62 mw ilk a Tali To- stt 11)1? -111111 • 4:1;* *teecO"re. Piste and Ani,ai:T food); - ;o1;iinsi% • is dt CUM* Natawry Weed* to Order or Sold by tga ittfir 14 rag ylfa. Potterso. The Sn su for the Mena pairoaark him. while in the Be am wily T; and is 4steroonel. „to cos Vie how& of eagilit 1,44; Teem of • to Sell at - give his vitiocei4• _ • e ene • SAWITI; Tailor -a Clothier,. ; aoorls 'lost Iforton's Groom . Market nem, Sept 2104, 1871: ta • 114* tittle -Air Of atOeltiCRT . i 1 Sitio R g; - aim suesconsons no TO /1111TI114111 TO, ..1 the hihabbante at Gan& Asa aletraadist multi. tearther *eve aro: Grosay seeft . crockery store in ter ini termer one* WILT. Ballatitym a a Ana sad ant ' to Abraham antra. Wen flaluull. 1 nolo will bo found a onspiste anotiont St - *tufa their boo, mat as is inn jg ° SikkAltigli, '''' spicial 44copmaxclurv. _ yo, fik.flr) ., '1 1 L.: • • It 11011Tillealingy Saw Mills, Steam Engines, Iloilers,13alt Pans, Thrashing Machines Stoves,- Ploughs, Cultivators • • s .e.•ee -4 Straw C.O.tte,ts *ask Castings. 2; 8 4Co - All otirldok IDS elooiRlogoaliC 10042;t0k341;312ad:ISql. ftilitargritikS • „.s „.., WHY. UN :azarus hugitis 'ea Z it V sid.SEVIGIECAWY0173G ON =UV 1 NOR ra . *mi.—Amy 19iiok 4.4b4: .tki; I 11111War tn Am to thookkianis Jonisa, :Gocleriak; within the ant thirty days,, • reor.va an order /*re L. M. * 100. for lk pur of their soponer now pat, wit 4 Ble %ow. ' I Goderiphi NAL SWO$31111 - o AUCTION SAO OF •" RE4ITJEatTArrir.... /have nowou hand wgood stook of Ironinia.Wit04 PIO Nolgigee sod Boilers betnNewood.-§esend lima; whialaz win loll cheap, calk ammo:a si *aft, minded Mid itnyWonderrul e/eete a Mt torturoim vain, ot Rheumatism, aad in rata ng NerVoUs Affection* entitle ittohigterank tlfalist of Remedies. Orders are coining ia from Medicine Onierith, J .xigo sae ood0044--9,0: ana .k Lot a* merman oeettpied.. by 41aPt4 OrWIT 3lik411 u, dy situated OA LiglitnOnse .- iliss ilk Amnia that beet mhos to bon ars poi $0. very bide Ith east of „ -..7--- nrrtr, . " tpealeuseouirt diaconal bixtuarttotryttaseentrrtuo• teurmtulathersatig.stiP- Sited jittzeounittetTINDERS Wilifileautile. a. tstpriewsoiri fop la from iiit *ask d 14144.0a imitod I was am hisionesi, ait ot dam baring new stringers it woukk ,ao doubt Wind PEVOLISbeiro'D BY S. 8,' J.T vv1) ct Coq ition it giver, 1 • ' „. to _ Boarl,a4d tO the Beetr. and niarked•"'readaa the akeieleodetion or Amoriven Pos worst years.lontiir. a• Newham N. Y., 40.1 per. 111111.11M. ThOCeemdlen ritin IfittreYer wee Pala Int fatach0(11401Hter tenoon or -Umiak*/ itatwitAr visitor., sod would may its poichaaar Price, onlyTwenty,fivaCenitiet bOttit. the eon and wcsk tO aosuseeee etcpawest ob. ugh,Igirg. iiiiiirmi deassisklroil* lie isms asperat *Wawa **Am ;1 sod loos imam on Mao. Nobility dor* Sew tre lowsd eloss of iisoplo who do so inure for immediate Teller, Ail,Medieine. ct era keePitalt the twd ngoravttlie 86001 Mons& in tad Itne 406"at * via ifecet Om. Apply on tha . • Popidaut order funk wto It noway wet he „yak p 11Tha ittiosairt, fa b. semi it Juir•Sold inTitoderzehihyttliio. e$ aliOther information to ea bad is oft. IX owl* delig INA traityMwir orsawal goat sad few who work so ItO a•••••,‘ R NO MA riltfrirtigr.113110111M111111,10 AMMION. ' %rids Non, la ibis fen al 04404 TillitauVk at•Lived•O; .r. ' isoroso Ingo alot t taa otliott. ritit.04 natal bt , **VI" Irmi 08,844. 41vesd st et 4 1. In arnotber 12, ia tin Oalwasays at *a Trtitagaliantiefta iho lat eariolidrjoi sior. nriiiithart or toir ia sae oeitssaika et - Inane, et ewe or MIN TSB ootnerriVteita;p5inrAaj==et •••1•160.; TN tii• Waage OTOssalski„ _41.1=7 s_ (Merit Inaba, nor nommaa, lfloorno Ina loll lierioal, tacit oota lasoinato Air staid lohno, not .160640r . • -r ••••• • • 'VT6 40, low • ibs "Mir a wrary=4.**** SwituwIT.---Theraistilapaaco'other -without it after triting it• * • * Oat* of cian All liatZ to bonuaiOnt rain*. cut woman F. jowl (.10,rdiner * Co. Sey001.4; fasksee veteretraessiiitTrweet°"144.470:Aill . en; jes. Bentham; Rorgerville; J. Piikatd, coe_t.g_fpnatunt Of tit* so!.4 sad Eeeter; E. CombeeClinton; S. l'w"' "'".itrattrarToori . I Lueknow ;E. Iliolison, Seeforth fend ... . 'vett& u *a. A modicum desists. , ,, /(.13.441anala t4110;*•*111111P'aitniebell AL . CWitiCb;I:Vil, 4' ":1$1/11 , -- •IF 5t)ir iEsi,3yxiiiiiir°77sbautligkft9744,00.: iiritint- 'via.' 4, PoefiGe salit 1111 "le " .411° Ms" tii'm puma:am or unfurnished"with or dein smaribieg est 0Shat are pet up to setts of ethos; tafigermaet let awi trit skulk whoa thaw sce moarids . witliont Boarase..d. ruslipplcasy tosion4 So bear seolisio widdt otatoosa foisootita NM who aro greogy ben/ - ma no do set ilifellibelrbellak SW by the popsy, ivito do V "ate Mb.. wroklair. to pawn •11. of - • p- .4" - ' • • s • cat-eiseeStna" re• ee eolt e• „1;'•is.. I_ a -A • '74k. `As, •-• -• " i.Apre,; ' 04.• .1. ^