HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-02-20, Page 3Aen in Z, Illomellro wasgoue.* ;16 Jay intellectual,
tbratigh cornanittee and a atimbei wor iterary- quality to.tli.6 JDa"Knim-Erife 0000A.--camirul, AlM
a 1, sec"ita of them. were society she ov6sln, and we sha It sooff oftliges- before us in -tautlyllas dead' i(IRTIAM 7-By,"a laturough kriowledge of'thd
There ndfrIightonizig'. no halo a Pure and morii; invigpratfii 3 '*11 JOH�
11 di1lhot d nutrition, and'Vy a -catotui- application of
or at, ilitti ran
waliet, notileadly-t1ir knifii mosphere,', nine properties Wien salectod cocoo, Mr. Bpp CJ
of %private at Inc.
Two Bills, orthe cust6ali that'ire
aq ele hitsi. provilied 4,ur breakfut tables, witt(a.",delicatal . y
d�a shion tliat:,is r6finemen ITUN I 4-ILr
Ono intituIccl- , Ant Acr, t.3 111brove tile into the poor beasts throd. o There was in g,, an, llai�eed beveme I whIcu ir*Y ia" us many heavy. 4MIT ST
fs of t116 no pinfelt, as no HH)b moved "Ani,-Ijoall, *Vc doctor blilt.s'- (Avil irulot Gansu'- U440 5110,P Y.
11300fs of t116
PLuvinee of other ttamena. or tuuscLs luivered. with ewling Witter t;k Milk.
Now has coine, the hog -butchering se- -,Ta-C ' JtoBL Ho�SBS.-�.jt is t ledii-4anies 'br TRY PRICE -80 LOW- THAN. ALL CA$. U P018 IT,
0, SIGIf
rks�actang P0116 40111018, %verO URA 0' the Diiiidon, ! .
n P
Boil, and tile 001111iry i1dund willrasoi.-tid, interest of 1�sll who o%yn horses to keep --414b. makera'd, 9pp?, �lty rioc.q*;. dQctj,.%*ud at the reqtVat 0, witmra.';Vu. _rl :� ". A 4
Cioideusua lit - qly� 06 a tip condition -
that the Government had with thocrems, tif malicing them in aeal nd o 4 INA OT111, Ot ta
in the xperie ed'that DARLEY 3 1 TIzecmid IINTATLE NAVY'" lX'1"&.toW.4Ud my
orvtin- of the Avo, - --Us prov eanlpbiaft ns to the w. men faint, and the childien wm-*
the achootiaw,buthad tboughtit test fawiLr�, with tbeir- fingers in thOir ears, 00"ITICON Fo*zEm and AuABrW Havi qompleW their Y41. wit 3*19
on the run into the depths Qf some elosatil 6 Hirox. R4�FWk, is the most efficacious;:
totwnq down noweneral tnoasilre
ct"`�eaajoti. ile had al- get away krqm th6 sounds �Iiioh, they it has been ii;4 by th6diands who will
wiioll; if it will neVer 6�tgoh thon.gh, th4 111;ay live cheer
fully*confirm, thid statement.' Foi
'Reaves;. Co'ughs,,Cold, -.ss..,0AUT101NT1
7, gim notica of a 41 My HARdWARL
'beld petorm and all diseases wonld dariu- the recess to ,,qA TION ACALIA IU
0 XTCdr
It is an Rge . of liberality; let. it, i6tso which affbot ffiai vintr WARe. f4
'tezupurary wlief for some griev- TO THE P-13 �Uz, BRIT. It% AMIA
If it critim equal, norisit equalled -as a condition Ard ifow prepared- to fill all 44ears
lined*f in our school be anage of humanity. wind of horses it hits nd OltTH. bea ;BLI-0 60
aueea� now oomp ISH PROYMCES OF N
punishcihle by law, to starve ort ov�crwork medicide; it pu 'be 10dr
Hfica the blood, cdrre6ts which they, may id., They -
system, until the Government brought WAUOF
r;r horse, let it alsobea-crime to put and impfav%s tile ippetit9i iind softens resT ectfully invite ittefitiou dovm their memara ncxt sm%ion. Mr. a PO'
dre#.s,, pain, which we the'skint, in, fact, so grea� isfilte improve-� At riapactruif�fp
a creaturb to iite 1,61rq? �g -Ines
Wood -was-gill thok the attention of the 1*9 o IWONUM
d to the have, sheltt�ed aincl led aha conatantly ment iii theicoudition and appearance of th British sortit Ame c4aproviucestliat in Xay n
ewavernme:I& would, ba turne Us I caused the busluess at. 9Q, Adde*14ne,', New "whicht
the animal is to have led many to y
-tried for a year back.. for the sale ut a,0iXoiAV4PItLS AXD ()INZ
stitution. of take Council y lie
subject of tha con Ho. compline Wt a the same liqrse., p . whien were no -to tliot time VieVared b 9EG81, TO3 "T T RAT JM -
see tb4t -the V lam Bro,vm. now I
n, and so sudd Remembe'r-the nanie fwle� HAS
re s4ii t6le�o*� biWrijul.oh �by
ef Publia rnstraction. d have 9iven. s6ietil horses their doubt. 'If it could b taxi]f.that I havol en and' JL-
vatem no* in practice quietus with % gu
in day achnnl% and mvid that education— COMPIetelv 4am all theft Oo*trx p5aea -signature of Hurd & is on, each agement -of the late business hall fors eat,
ome ?I
-ion — was behind lYzed, that thdre wg not -the backnae.' TTdrthrop Lyman, Now! a 11 nianv way�;, been most corrupt, and I
rEl'd pr"tical edumt 1:1 lat the PillA uiid Xittmoixt wpm- not prepared
evidence thtt exForieiiiced. Ont.j to f the.cre-E havelways, (14iiirm. hat it was 6fteen years ago. proprie rs, or the Do- .,I
t, �, -. 311 C C�
any pun wa. Thursday. Fah. 15. Theyfell. slowly forwaftl '*ithntit noise 'mittiont $old.by'ap mi6doiue dealers. osp who do not wish'to le dedqlvetpy buying
I r
A large nrimber of petitions were pr� Fq4
or struggll, So'it was, with the hog. the StaOs or 61sewliftel bfir* to&Mbisthem- of all`4 ii;hd
Willnot thereadt-r) th e to it Be a of tile genuineHolloway's Pilli and Onat t
�iieut of. an, at wnted-praying for tho- establish T0444, E 4
9tv fc
nd tite dxq'. Pe that -animal of his shall bek ninted Th( is a man in in no L ebor�ll; III ad d: boic �bejih3 -the
ate *1 do well t6 see that aewtaiid'
Ish G8verurpont stanips on which is engravedtim
ticas oil the sale of intoxic-iting liquors. CLOW11, daughtand,bound, a WIten iliellihi nbin, ancl a B D he comillit- kernel7:Oew into the w6od pile,,he r MGV:, IV ds,moboviiia-Pillsaiiii pa
E t "ler torturp,. of the knife, this year.. Ad d Ma'o 6 t It e: I ab fl I w. 6 A IL e �0 46
da rk
.r W. IOU ind RA VIO N
; , U- . �
Dr. 11.
ns IT t A
itIL th6 r 14. atariding 'Che re rices
tee appointed, to inve3l, t@ tu c, pistol will be found iuost As of wood to flad i where only itliq aie, ma-ut
litan'-C& abols in British cu!N�QT? ill). ot i t, but if a guWbe uftd- it shou neigh -it rprtofthe.willid. canniact-A w ignatiou _by dropped a kernp!
a, wheri th& searcher wai looking,:bat; til
of powdei, ,slid.
-a Treasurer, presefiked -their with & stuall �cfiarge de
olugmthardviood three-foarths ofan inch when h6found it'he said - -,'You cant vo,41nve1tfi"h
me with thesmall. kernel the "ilia
%�bqrmino wilt e, r
, I
gal to attend and prosecute his charg.-M hick through -will an- fool na 1); of Mie � ritish'Proi7indes; or the Unt
long and half an I eff
si either to or to take orders -for my rills
a ave� reason to belle War as well Aix ball. I &king - thi' lost wais large -one.' tbat'
Wad, concluded as follows a[ Mutt cut a 4T
ncourse the. head is not disfigured so as to at t�i if te made t deceive the pqb-
isons calling ;ipoA In,
vin o nting -that; They, are -Acting W, r
4aement or offerwas rwifle to tbei Hon. be noticeable, and in every respect it i t
preferable totheold inhu . TH33 WARXETS to r me, WI man made bf
K 13L W64 as arperibdf otthis, House, killing a hog.
advis'Ableto the public on Tiblair,,guard
it to induft hinli to real-git Iiii as GOMM% rab2fth.1872- l aln9t; any site ptions.
a tmunrer of ther PtuTmebF of Outuip tu.h... jl� e eme ithattlilybe plea$A-AiLtlie pub -
it is ad
tho Hon. E. Blake, while a memb6i of whAAt.(8k1rihg)T bush. 12 40 1113 mmunleate the purport oftht sime
The Conimt CQ!Lutm. ........... 600 0 6-50 Ife in 9 e
0 ihg Into re"IrI4 SM Oki* *rF4004
Pe3a, P Wait ........ ,J 55 0 0 67 so TIUS
055 1 iawl milk rat"& sonvitt bapimilidy
a gibuthiliol, owAy's Pilliand Ofntrfteut,��, Rio Rio
bat they may not he defrauded of
.6 mone
the, Opposition itk the Legislative As- tc their ftlenna,
t oats. V. 13tiRk ............. .. o 36 0 0 36 �%e Coming importance of the L
d cli money by ' rblio6lug worthless Iitations of ate 0 057 ti Z;36 ills
Parley; I woulliask. a jre
a 0 55,
An objection: being raised b. -at lavow,thiit should It comb
rposesneems Poliawc..V b;h.... 0 50 t the kitowledg! of aiiy pergon that spurious meIll- toaded to by
30tb. U72,
Cameron, tka mUptioa of the repott was Superibirregi6lifor rnininipit 4 75 (a Or - ..
to bn unders�o, id as fully in England as Pork, V ]00 1h ....... of i do o2 siiaaw my paind;7Ae. bi. deforriad for want of uoticift A number u. , , 0
-per it.
with ourselves. A large amount of Or go p o all the prtioniars be can coueet ()A T. MEI� from, $1 upwsrdi
0 ecting the Name, that �Z' � 8 L
is to say, the r me and
'Of bills. wom read a third time, when'31r. capital has Wen already plaeeil or se 015 a 019 re. -s of the, vendor who Ja sellini. a apnrloh
oses. at th opening a Mackeug�is inovedt Ego., #P A08, tmnpackel)�.. 0 00 a 0 to In [cities, and like*tse th
--the adoption of the- for alining 11 a endmean ad ressoftbot "Softment
usainthe Umted8tatift or elshvAore, Whielt �HOIILO
$qPly' An iprtrfLr ; save Ap
tepott of the committee of gm,
companies base have suj�plled that maJor-the rMco n, so as to enable
Smendment U�r have the speakefif salary d' CLIXTO�, Feb. tfit% �rocibdl - Znghsh capffalhave been uld P otectloi,6ftbe public, to "titute 44 TO). IL frq4la
Wheatj,(FhB)lu;r bush .. al 16 0 120
fixed alust such evil-doem and I eliggo -to rem
at $low. inste%d at increasing -it to lnderato VICES -COIL CRAIFN TRAQR�
tig) r bush.
X& wa 6 Cg a 6 00 Z= pX4ory be
now a teleggra ph company Id a, a'
115 .0 v iy-'handsomely any perion who initygivo i4a s4gh l ompany are: to be set afloat to dperatq Flour, (p bro ......... , 0HAIlki, ,,0.34 a 0 so information, the InAkOiantals name mover �beiilg UnAv 11 a F. -
ted. A large Oat,4z. per ash ........... j-- -A
and the report adop SHEBT ZING anA QA
)ecially a ih The e ake 0 68 d !fit aurler Bay. 53 0
all. L31 IOU bavereagwitio, believe tbg'm
were th growing 's
litumberof items of snpi)ly nee it%efy,'d Did Th Barley. p 0 50 0 65
BY itidicate A, .11 d by bitytog siJurlos Imitatiolig 0?
r basIt .,i ..... 04 1 me Ina an
bar t ad dAs at foot (AlOrlie can 0 six cents In postage) one of the books ofin. and - BtANLU
Tven some mond otions which. arQ
Fricuy. Feb. 16. arful illustrations of M inaperfeOtly loveloped has alread� ...... 015 a 015 tr, A) the
which the House adjourned. 15 a a 15 of k; mued through committee, and a uum 6 0 50 a Nlodi2ine 119 will doNvoll- to eeni a VOO
5 00 go it a of bflh read and referred, after confidence inla regrion, which thouah but 5 affixid ib the same. I Pr ED, S!
id z.(uupacL 0, C M
;bness ; wl�-ich biis fair to be far more varolne wandisenc Q; reply, lotit- an sh"o T) an es"
aluable td Canada tjum the gold mines 81:iror.Xii, Feb 20,1879 ply t6fliQ �ergou f Put 44 Te7
edictiies ire.gliulno or`tRA s(i tbA. i(fp* A- AUW numberof B llzwm�dvauced rtc I -a stagei after hich: tka report of the V tP . " ay ap M,,,y rain *"Iidrn he ruzeb" siovw Poe
f California 1 have been to that State. ... .... .. $lie t iern to hae his raturhed.. 0 Whilt, fl?alp. 'filellf#1 Wi4auoilb,' about
Contraittee of Sugiply wax reeeived. An We hear of maRy people that are prg- "r bush .... 1 14 10 ChemistsaudDruggists wholiest -St, , 1 11 - U awheat. ifiring) pe re He
2AB to to
'eillones cate be 66 st Ait6iii..,knd one
paring togoup -ou opening of Barlek, per busix ............ 0 55.11 057 -ices in quanti tea of worth, viz., not liss than A20 e6z4&XSyW4'�U: The owner Flour, (per bri) ............... 000 1,1,6 00 ipplied at the 1owqst'WIioIe8Atd
item� of W,OW or encouraging the re-' p
-9mition. provoked cousiderabje dmiclls- 034 0 35 1. 6d., 122q, an! 34%-Iier dozdn boxes of Pills: 4r:
i&ion,, d of- unusual energy to vats. perbush. ivo - -hom 4 ixpeam -.and
CBS 0 6Q P 'of Olntme�' motts without d1i Buck PI ov
ransporf which will be re,,: Pease, per bush ... 0ciiantj for wlitelt M iou. Mr Bkske stated that it was the nav M . I .Potatoes,�per 15 o 50 r, mitfancii wit it be sent in a4vaide', Hin(fles, 116te ame4ge tikel emi
supply th4 t
intention of tke G to give a.
erto- the Lake Superior ....... r) Gg 1! 5 25 1 have th( bonpur to be,
fida,W; beat
0 is - 3AT
bontisof.06 altead0affidtaindapro- 0 16 " o 17 greatieopecC ree-don kmn ada has been spoken of as a Butter. per lb.
portionate xwn to, children,. what should nl= ons' to which a Ew.vr 4oz THOMAS H6TAOIVAT.
Ce t go to, as
beaproyedof by pe I a. oxjrard Sli4e(Qala 2A. �tidlsd)
,rxnno respons;ble
trip inightbe made in seakeh,of; IdowrPxAt, Feb. 16. 18,
Ird I ` .
A, I�ATA. .to ttw- Government; efiTker in London or health. The wildness of the shores; the Wheat� all):P bush,-;- @ I Ss So* 2118".
Wlie:tt,( 'up) bush ... ;-.1 40 @ .149 a; -T PA.:
atthp shigping port44 imil- who shoulill, the agateis that may be
pictured rod is' F i.) ............ r) 80 @ 5 90 ZL -Q�'
dr luarley, as TRO -PLA, come to't is country ana take tip the
picked tip, and t1te music and-flirtatidnis 0 60 @ 06
-been the grand Oats; V uf ....... 0 0&
oftbe steamb ....... 045,
residenceherafoithr�a months. Tk, @ 0 0001-z q
oats liave (g 0 87 and
was hopell U., .......
KSIA WOU14 621courage, the righi to
a0latractions tq old and young. Butnow P�- ROW
In Pork, qR 5 50 @ . i
% :p .......... 0 8G @ 0 8-5
Sort, of people to come out ana Settle in P3;d 5 CRUETS, very suitalide r ------ i0p inliox I #r,04.
....... 0 16 Q 0
liell 01all t will give way before the 1ha
the approac ng.71l eater rush of industry -and winmerce,
this Province. The policy of the Gov�- Butter. th, ........
0 20 1 .40 BUM. E1qG118H PL'A Z
Ot rnment was Eggs, 20 0 T�*jj with. U i6t�nxp itable a
approved of, and thq before the avalauche of those who will
item passeiL An incremed. vote at �01%0�TO, Feb. 16,187.2. -T'hoyiae Eelfr�rjc Oill Worth an, Vinails PANEL �h
- i i." oanSr w, all
tuake haste to be rich, and would go to Ifnat, 'it Tlyto -HA:Nb' J0 T-T-�g -
V linf-Ir ....... $I 3�1 .@ r st Gold Do j0ii know angrihing Of it? F, on
VM for superannuated teachers w4 the confines of tke visible world if the3 A eqmp ete 41fxwo
04 IrAlvi wheak ($vring�V bush, t @ 1 24 ym did. 'Rip SAWSa i%f AprA
&P to
alsa a reward of #5000 for the
naluney in. ilibir purse. In,
apprehemm-cm4the tauriterers ofTh ' ociula bub put Flour, (p;r barrel) ........... 535 0 6 29 of HITE, and BE
Ps� addition to these there will be the lea-itf- Barley.1 0 6T 0 0 68 Pain cazt*rAVs(c;Y -wheire It is used; It fa th' Scott a6i R--4 River. The ret of the 044 0 045 iemp one d6se cures equL trader,'�seekiug to'turn an h1l est Kedlelbe.ever made. G
0 70 @ 013 row,
mate est Oats, V bush,. ....... Us Tutidit. one bottle his cared BRON-
bush...,. e4o�, Feb,
Potatoes, per 0 the
00�-@ Aton",
i&ttimaltes ware concurred in. and AhO E 00 AND COMM
vo Yth has eured: . Ita 00 i FARMING 4a'
enny outaftheueeassifiesof the miners, 111TIS.. Fifty cents tVQ
.-Hou3a adjoume. 'Pork, 0 0 COUoH. One or two battles inie bad
Thei, ther -1b aand wo will prefer to hasten slowly to 5 016" six tideli;14 PAI$Tj iMisia-inaWHITH
a0 14 @ ases0fPILC%aU4K-(Dv4j-TJL0CBL
tion, - of wealth. 20 0 22, 14TIM -7��PPLI�i the acquisi Eggs, q fufip;�i lications Cure NY c%saur k4ew W-
.02ft-lid' tl
will be a large ch who have alreacly got a
Acx of oiglit,years,stitdAg
2079*bb UT -3 PAS=- '4zomething, goo ROPE
d! something that needs 1)aniq4 Drnk, of LI(NG QUIN.MTON1 8
nJ?.A -1
elff, bfka CoQIr 'which effected
. for A bdt Oil
Ina very nmu by,@% aj...
vftlage there liveci a bilt, the ddU aud the blast to turn up the qZ -FIXTUM CELFUL ZU11 life CaQoXei3)
-beneath the wffk4 �VVD
F CAPB nlek-botind richesthat,'IW V
ae sel4ch buys t1alued J�alnie. had AniikA tr
111 h,
His rnoth��ricae,T.hi-a andlialuved his 511 1 1 rface. For tlxw last two years the 'at I, eirs, sayin are. hatfol'A-5flee 'MtRS, 4nd 0 .......
'it I oWild jet iio more," uld not buy it
wanted t7o be a awount of mineralt'land that -hal:% been d $tau wo, E I)oUBLE- slid
YE �': i RID
rrns 1101,mWx, of writes.- "Oda SI OLE BAARE4
d by this taken tip hag b4Ln something enormous. d iniall bottle of our Ebt:r-mpic 0 His. mather,lid not like the ide, The powet. or arresting
0� Igaing her little Ja , but -ke ha& All the availaBle ll�catiouli it7t Bluk Bay pre-arfttion is horionatilv acknoviedgelt by the above �z
ti d -all the omen b&t4ot i,pokeft ity I'm evprk setion where it has becit ReJ.'Malloq, ofwy�
the back abq - ia-ilor.q -_-utl aboutl 'ad Thander Bay, and int6 hispbr in PLvE 9 lis'all fouitill 112 a WOOD
zaqah nt �sato is tht, 0' X
N. Y- writ
ee se
me vl�' gmuch. Veek.:!1- Jhmlersi All ofer c 'of
rl,duced and tha�rapid DR; our ECLECTRIC 013�cttred
onatry for some zuilO: has b n ' cured ut nire"S11,1,19 mother, 0 heat gnarantpa or the estinIft1c, in iehitisheld itts TO Medic
�ve never sold a floel Ancl at last by 'Incky fellows,' niany of whom T41dy by the pub110. the coutitty d a lyrup will Cart Polm[OftaiZy 00-1sumPtim III; thit-bas given sitch cquipiete satisinellon qsAlos."
eD have occasion to curse their luck. Otwr TUA Ana
will give 9
ibis mother V%id, Taia�ie the first auisettowl tikes, reat relief! it -is cumposeti ot six.or the -HEsr- rhati, what. is of morp importance, rich Bud prolong He In the third. It will ctire Asthma;,. KNOWN. 19.ag Z0Gdi0 taxe as for Aixtemluse
i I. I . -, - You Tier Istesar +11, !E� and she,wiid, I Congflis'aud Cold is believed to be mlluegsurea*. Hd valloys have been troiden, the soil. of amnehins. a. t -Vill W.ill. -Bave* yq%L --much " s
%herever you aral, whatber at
ant of Muscular ting ever made.
Is sold by Qua� or
etion and Yervotis and many dollara� w1iu �4. &sabo*d, the food outt all disaises nrigijutin -is catlable of Vowing ore -It as of exilense,
from w
ftea or land, never ta acknowledge yurhich SaL Exurarg rtyllaF -lee 25 cents more dealers in eve loon, Dyspeplia. Rickets, Feableand 1, plaee. Fi
promise fInt, upplies necessary to trc use od those who tb A li);�'e mroll "g agerg. low. pa d
erat nA
Prep.. - d-., . v im �;, 1 1 , . : arke �at, O -W, Aikv .1 -ft
ja:taRa.P-41�; LY2 b6fi ta, r Y-.�..�Gbods :� night on. N, Leneorrhaea ULN-iTitou st
IV& ad Gell -V
�Four God, Local
rill flock.t�ere. it was the farmeTs iu ewill ku veW Aphonla ur Loss orvoiew" it will cure NO du If- California;-thatigofrich in illecarlydaysir. Chiloro,Ill- pnatizaa, awl reftores the, blood 'At,,,=-fortbe boutinion. p ensif ' * " pmyer3.. don't Inind-, &-ty: and so ic �vtill b6 up alon.; the bright,cold ana eald3l.
topurit -hAv
-At& zma,F
bW 93-Y SPRe we
itha saflorw langh at you,' Jorda cAll ft -6m the h
ere will beAe ers, of S an,Goderich, by Ger'C
wat Rog6rville the falit
and tru tr'or- T 4p� Sold By Apothecaries# tr��Iers.,of
1)qsjt6g up to I i healthy c - �: , - � * " All; T md
lintate and a ig '9 ' ' �:� tr, that OWU V111,
land, rich 8 Packa: d. Exelet J. H C�Wbe,bltnton; 8. tieco e4 &C
_,in, znotherthe�teara trio Att.1r0n.�-7 0"
d it. in dwim ft
A;I�Z down his allealms said, 11motherI c ly cne. Price oekoryftoN Ad t4o, 131211 fmg
4 nxt
t home marke of extent and e--- rice. si.56, six rursT 40.
W" of cel.-ent,� priea for htiiA�eds of f4r�merrs-
vratnbo� yon I will:, Perb4M in ib� whole Wininion there is. JAMER 11. vELL0Wk(, CEtEXISTi Tho bq�r want on bft-rd a Ship
Ito, I)lace 4hj�cht f)roeisea to offer so Roll. a` Ila
Indin. They hail a- ICHNil N. B- � clied. energy qL '4
is;I4 sogia. twery goA sailo �n- when rewahl fr Properly dired Gode Sept. 4th 1 1. zw3-4
ag STOP T -7K k, MOTH,
---------- Ettle-iemlei knalt doi t e coulteation rilrulture ap this 86pe- T; MAI
was na, one whq laughed . at hi e ricetreZiOn. It is cl0s& at . holne--�f6llr
reached by TZA SL
dayjt- distant. CAr
UA an easy time, *Mt them Y .. �caxi be, steiinboataAd wid xoou contain: as many' ,
Er, IL o bAck ftom, Indiaserne, hcT
get-. illlijf�ratioim or modern ci4ftations, as* N,
ing to car4 KIM it
OKNSO� AU of*b1ch
taptatn I eft W"Aj� V" tim-104 its One tra"'t of�wtafa4rwwt Till t* Wd AW ftrftAi.�
4raeft-1h6ni th pliot b �Apable oV 3r6r new GREIT frees)i 6nae HIM RE �ictiw Who Aar#
IW644 t 14
fit tnre ffr
tit I P. an
tin Id IlA sad
ud it
y oin
ei it i3 in�&ii sense of WR mutty open- TRE
fellow, The f
irst 3tischt. when tl�
thdr berths he ed to flie: 40tiring energy of-1he d^Y- Nov. �fth
naflomwere going into GQaerich,
tke :*rugged!1 job ffose#.�! ertodicral P111i
-hougli ha grey Wit rocks,
and frowilinjoinine6dalook
andbe. went- up, to hiln -And shokell
atempt upout
are,o -ai t
ahim aboxontho "rstidg. "Ifene wit1iAS1*cid9( slit ItA
real 9 for sine *Wtlt v(Dry 006*
Ieffod* ar 4ho modern explori to. s
as re merxt':tII,. Any or, 1:00- 000 1; 4
,of thatere, erer wasau-'IriflO
W! nmonk theavewth th - em of theit r e e No
.!Viet 'nifoo. oM+UgjXD a3�tidb _pUrpole. vibld
J&*, tT
bir, aswearing sailor, 1 am �*ther sail A —11 �e b�r juirgihu atia,genetil Storea �&:he. bad been,
I butL
ZVOISIM -With vekOlarlty-
on the� month] y pleriod
Ulvgh� whati*ja &Y k i d1"Alwft tbIlowing �`bxtract'. from A It
7right when -he was 1W '�7. pilli'sholild tot be laftn,6
zoint. 0 IL Read*41f� I
Jet Jr .9r. ur-WO14
it ISLI as, came up to; tlxis W prfonasm as they'are.
- T Mali, stater, af, -Conetaotitt F1
p0or .It zrsrTHJZB,9 r
OfAerafflaiiu-v Mr. Qr,�Ived. om
to briggan, H4mrKa99-Wa9,aa`Y
, L.. a -Woll kn6yr-merchant.of -Ontario..
all 304 noplej,W1 the roo-E-4 a, sft?`Sdre� I � �- , .. -
" I I �
ing t w:6rk--upon - . - A
�Vrb;FW strackthe, boy And said, "Comea
40_ajeil�, and r will, give yo�L ii thrash house, lost- his-fo�tlng �au# fell fifo the ridus avid soinit Pal *:Flo L & $0-X,
inalreasesorNa" Messrs. PzRliy wirr"Ir A M
at 1`-�
a ions 'I L b*Aitutunt
!rho chanceC the Bukalld LAi1*S,,JrAti4ue=6" a as _ I
latio - dott Jilin -WAX flut," Ime thi'106* is couIputi and -r.
narrow stirdeCupon ai ni. from a iseLvard-- ttled,
.f�vi Lain nota OvIng Of tholiglit, fte,heariXylterm,
wit U b6paasingi at the tilft.. Ae'*q4e' uelfactji. ounce. W40 nother a 1(0. cold-whickae 411�
10athowm8adu ght,, and thel swear- jr.- ad '4 0
I dw� Ariali, , was ecl b_k the eqncusstoin, injithhotwJI-apoife do AN' n"w'sib-a- -672-�,,
sailor tbofo4gh1Y. thruh6d the one I �. , "on,myr-mvilgirl , , � -:J i.1. I �
ri-� �;" L - Ji S
while the Ms ensped *Mof1t;.mAt8 e -
Then e`� b am MIS SJU
,w)m Itsid bolod t _As fello*. cough fbr'.Vhiqh I Ave. tV. . to 5,uum
al iujury.,,�
allilifeetionsm, epamohletiroundc'
�,Ka;liciuet ; but;�!, *11th0ut
�th%t;abiz -awl Aisswear,,. - XJAt %ilijoll 1*0. 9f U090 1�
JaboWdaiii � "
N 2 JWr Anon pf 0.0- dec� axed caused the pCONIFTO.-, ..
ben4fiC,` j,'Ai"JAS tij�d '�oub bo Ve-ot,
a" Zkow -Janie" '"Y you and takeii befo' -RoLurnopawrow,
and if li-0 dam- so tolockpti 11 1 to bet arretfi�d, to the Ca Joaxosrs, law Tom
for poatages enalilga(t to
milast grAvi choft b i*uied
arbais,foi the a ablq. to'state&�
bei9% a, aae-i�p Order or#,t ii TW
ipin dre" UUU mplecredress, Newcaittle.
11amie, 2"" 4
Wolf the, fls*Vn%fit j V
11 L , I T adLIiate"dLfJttQJJti`raJY anditt rA
he 0.
t6i" '41,
41 1110 - . I.
io *vuts iiruly, - X Y,
via diske(Ithe &ter what 44e had "to
T will! say my a
say in; his- d6for;b, x T
S912 64d ship.
:E. BI
Vera mm 'Ttistlee, &US*er
inxel� of
it A Ontt,'MaXch, 4118 p1j.
go iiatib my INOM '14
trId % bi�i JJar
Core the I Witt accused, in humble mood, "it ii even at eriolf by Parker 931ttle
661d in Clod
w9d. - - -
y"& Wiuyvelf- a at V. 34?d�a, -Gaidiatt: W 0.), 1 . am, -J
��woicksnd YMY pra. a forbid th *jjt
this man says;,'but G' let J,pickg!&Atkiteri. Hv 0
'I waalba Wi"WX should bd4vil haart' X *in 1kattitim Root
liark the aged it� ks& an the coMT0, i4pion, cord
is, for the,
iz ram, fiewlt 1),aforj. *38. for th0i
thi, k he -PAINAMOSTBox-, or -do,
Len a
b. and "It di .01",
VJwA,dv y4p in
he Xjjr J33[3366 fet
noMent I the- man ir
The 'som c An 114i 1��i TO
k without, kneellux
Jnto h% X&PUTIM W; Ae went aid kittedthereupondenizzidid 1hatioandim'
-1T e or a
p =0
AW4 toner 'WS-Pralft
1W .7 di
use& 441%u'd i ',v Ance . ext.bUimineM, Byp
,d VW hWinock, and saK 99neel. down S, 0'"'ibly.,
Thk-'Cidi m —i fit 6 Ir st XJ*
at fflWX-�-,S1r d0fi)u 4hh* XaW90'*t0 n&ffiensaid: thc;usaudwitoth paiii fit 'i;
Read Uiigh�r RA I" ��00
S& -Boclb� a
�A&t f6r 'You'and, YoWnat sa.
��Xrem you Atm riawf" f �Mbikcihailt'. or& M.Wer;
OratnVario 4 G
Wnere Bo
-.kloor2s FAA Of A. H9r1KM!8
to in$ fttel�p - :
Thin t6?the slateelis ci6fifilquPd,
1kring the irbolo TOW b6& tittand J4 street
h" im, that -AWM, "Thok #list
mm Wbo 106W the father of.this =4 li thou Market 8 j.GodexicW'
#,ad -voilers
a" of IV-iiaia Wood A -190 -.$a
Sept plat, 187L P )A! f6nd i OF 1 eV
Illare no
e. it
uppa -07( - . r
'aftnjhi0JikS*fa*Sr, %nd4*t7n"&t tw aniL *Oikdoo(�,- phow
1%X&T;4 �Alr=
IF IT nowiTo"
-A** On& knou 40WA Md s,ilua thou, A&% if it i6 pleaft thee e.
r"'little huo vA Ole go upAL the r�of and fiffir' up W AVCTI*4
le boi on" the 2; affOAKI101112
-ioni& We -pastroyar 1149 46W %116t
*onae inill . it, even at he did1s,11 upou or. 1W lJ*1%k&J
thyfath PJAJV
abWD fiAln.
i4 lenP,;thof.ttme, aUd'w
jai& to hi*ln4 1lFWdftJalI1ikodnorerfgwng inxblugle lftstanM
in=15 -- ., )I -
tur, used, and we i
it, mobocaw*J, "Ysh 'a Uphol: to giveparts, hor6btglv*a.tbxt the Pfftituld
-heraths, -
A09f6ke the ftan6;i U
tA roll -in r"of, X
-4ue d
�h4L has 'aunt ald the 004-Of'O wajogc t3jo, twau 4 duftd at thm 4( "e's
for thoW wM1tA lifin R
not *U�W r al viewwat be Pro,*
W44%e bagpdtia Wdy foljo*ed. % 04*
directi(las bavirtl6en fas niagorif
1 14
chind. urroundlima.c4unt7f , al Ortflu
thaname ofJohnal UA amim 1% 4 tit 4W 00OW10
loam sill abou
nflngtko lsst� tW10 IonA -PAyne.
u4se ApAxiiipo'W"
to Abifty 0'1f0T6TdbQ0"t,'d
SM Mali women 14 Wit 0, -oil "a mutu
tniq 14%W,3051�. wi%pffarda the 6 'rob
of =vo Z TAMP~ W,
-to fro4i
th Wei 70"aww"
Maw 106 yon, a t can oftfrilkd& . t, I , W, 11 W rho we at I
P, jested d1thbruolwAbo ufatirediroft the 0 Per Sal 'of 10*1111P,40.
frofferinis mps;
Taw"p of A Abe
od9ty sna ocintmue, their aim is by W
go the mwtthqqm IM XF felt It- is all diliti fte and owing to or
takingitheir 136,40, the, C�ntre of - intel- pwut ix 4;4" ther FArt-C L -411.111t 0404C -K
ALT ii&WIti-P 0�dralja baraWyedatidpaldby thetmaidJobal re or wo;Abo
AJDtWJaJPn0W ;P WOMM04 ; :,., q
',Ag VP
Wb�eaz car om ie&V, 4 df ft
J hands this Twidizity-savepth ftyr IMISPW W -
�owerntiott., A JUmedy lk JW 4
of 104 a "M
J0 L I. %=&
"Great �Iwtua avA -Ift4rarr -hip 4, , I I L - I ' W I AN
iw '. - hoes A
)r4 - - - 00i" K,6%mkber, A. D. 1 , 3 W - D of VCat
foi�� ooftqyl . 8M "t 11 .,4, .'1 �
'T I -, 'faw, oun"01r. 11
'a6ldhaiN& f0f,witichitiatft WITRYAS!,
n. S t -11H , - *6 U& (W-
and F�W'W. Johnsto
at B, -IN wl
Aten4adud L - R , I 'F U 4,=
Vkpf. XV04*
hue* the Sam* of -her h6use.for no aW4
W4461110004 lady ia tletrt
erni�ff 'roe knoir *Ask# o *T the NO t 0 to ink- of�RboUOUWI[t 111111% :RUM
ci e, ed fift"il roo�mi. #&SWAM "0069%., A.04 to
Wi tu -blow
latay carried, ."M 'zi WMA"r.
Of 0" OUT 1�1
odA6 Wow,
"k was dw tbe-L in the
�..KAT 81 -IS P& ^U
la 9 - 1911ders
hear Not i4 'Al t; JfP �c t
bftf PK&M 1W , .8 ofnem . 1ftrm,*IIJmfutn;e; lie ottiloidsm by Johri
A c. or ou 44100600111, 11 send"" of X ON
t TASSSE b6lino - - me!",
J&*�UOK8,44d Other Denim lutill- Vail It.isfrowits sip sna pw.W
L gralk Brd. -1
oii`Kugs'ton8&roetlJntb warts
helsp f Id. r
owe now
D Awl L
BK% s:
win 9. ges- And tielf Wt1fYlUiiiIk;6 tl*!*ly
`Wi;Wthe AR&Aovr a dis�ed 116110101 Of for FJj;Jt , _ L ' Afluoi*
tuy Sol"" S . . I -#A�6y,,W
Joadd, li t:
-her Ste" Asia Arbor it rmd* 4 MGM Of tU*ry -AXWOR Twx All Medlibillb keep. t'Jui , t 4-
a& wal 4owo to bear, SnORTM Xmml, I Ink
bad and mtda f, tfIngtedizte. rabd. in a
180wres 30 0 �J!ksr
i"Ni1dlai view ding. with criji- ple"RX11UM119kept to WOOD takiq in %yA
Godarich, Im
40,Amr4mcuam und still Impraill Ara"imbi
. I I , ��d
spoeraenting the res, in . - iw-�nt of without it After toln�g it. 04610, U ;Wi6wi C-102 of 1�"W&
-a" ffir Antis Aftdotwn at - orderi,". JU",04,AaW 4110, rii)oittd�,- - I r , . - yoo 0=
or JAMML of thoir ST M b. '�w
edw th" tbi *W ber 1 W4 dw"Air ]&MING . ".10
owsp of's d -TRI --*field, 0 1 1 f. X IL 110"Y
the wrtaxt rtl, Jordin; Gaidinor. 4 'Pic &a., 4k.,- alw i4ayMallike ow A4 of a
oofit" 6% To**
Ica 00be U.1, to t - .rf' t. A .1 , 4
oot rsoolt- Tna r 0 a, L
------ will be I so 9 J. I f
-=--mba the 49 i
&am A.
Illy JAW CLIK&MA to �Q
cittes "d
so Ulf; " PUR kad to, oftiludIt fU00CUU-06 0"
TTUVWI r fa%*I, '119it0r;
thmm"fividocken&GO qMM00avao WIEW-, � -