HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-02-16, Page 3Tan MAUXETS
It 1,i w0l +%tt tho Ileformera of On- -0 t
t I "Golmillol I r. Vaux6th.
��rio sh-miol nat lose sl -,Alt of t4o t' actica
IvIleat, 411) -p tj ;t ........ Q1 is 0 1 2�
bash... . 1 12 0 Ila
pirsainq They jzr(w %V01 known. His viour-iperUl.). � ......... 6 oft 0 050
-rvaftvd ...... ... 0 SO 0 O'SO
P-4, Q, V 65 (a a zt-,
frioil'Is. is -L Tko Q_4ret It, is bill oitl dol"re, 9 66 0 0 45T.
is tt. I otat 4�. UP bil,111 .......... 0 00 (a) 9105-.
Park. il %0Z ...... 4 p 0 5 qa� -
to linlows H..
QlviAo tha iv t
i-1 this ili,3 CA . I.!" ..... .... 14 11D
�nq v-,rrair .......... P -.,s 0, (if)
atcht- 11,Xt Tl,i ......... ........
t;iM, t-1 d- 0 00 0-.0
of that.
nitra 33 th.-Y zte" Il.n. tae A) t wa, Felt 14, 1872.
t a Whod, fRall) -PrIj.,jb .... Sj 16 �jt 1:
�%-Itl an -1 whent. tn'r busli.. I Is 0 1 17
ltscll�tw;z� viWcie equal, to Mour, (iwr fir) ............. G ca ql) 000
oats. ,-.-r lin-iii .. ......... a 84 0 0 SO
�*.Yilttion at Toronto. Ped e: per t 4. 1,.: ......... 0 w 0 0 13
-C,re, mast be put Barley. per bu. '... _... 050 4D 0 5r,
fcl��-VY Pff )i t tw,�r Potat 6, Per bush . . .... .. tj 4 -5 49 0 SO
"Il tu ap!!t dij 1,12foral jxwt.y. Tbat. Fork ........................ 5 CIO 6D
is U10 ga ll;% i,r,, t4o ltef.)ralers fuk� Butter ii:�r ........ 0 15 5 go:
a is
that Tiley have victor�y F4%% per doz. (hup-,,j:jcod).. o jr) 'Q 'a ]a
110w in tht!iy; own h3a,13 it' they chose W
takeik L-�ttile-iin.)tboullette�lon�of
ithv. t4t) craqtv wilas-of the Artful whe-it, rr.1111 ........ .... 1. 10
WnvaL (�priuF) per bash.... 114 1 Is
.01aAgor wTjjjji��.JS tjj,.,m:,Yta,r-and bob -
I Flotir. unri 0 C-0 600
tzdl th-at.makQa np the Coalition at
l3arler. 1,er bush.. . � ......... o5s o st
nats.';'er 0 -;4 48'j-
Otftwa. tactics are to endeavor to
ni Pe3se, per IrlAt ............ 053 0 16- a
�D ke it.", paar that the Rt,,forui leadom Powtv.s -ec.buill .......... 0 t5 0 60
have form. -a cfQ.)-jjtti-.,u gnl are there Pork ............... ....... a 09 S .25
for"a no) 1nn-gqr GlIti rip Butter, -per 11) .............. 0 16 017
a to tljo- cAn6-jeuCj;) unp:w1ced) .... G ld 0 IS
]ZAarZerb. Refor.11ols' Call I
easily azttlo thalzi p,iii1f. by,,answering NO-nnuAZ, Pon is. IST2.
qllf"tians. Are -the principles *heat. (Vall) 1i linsh ....... 81 -Its
wbaakc(8p.-M;-) T) bit4h ...... I 4G
1 40
42,111101iDAL in the Government poliev as F%wur.(per 1wrt.) ............. 580 Ci� 5 QQ:
4=110qticel, � Reform princirAW'-Have Ftrley. 11 bush ............. 060 (to 135
Oats, 11 Iov-h ............... 045 Vt
vida-w--erantent b.Zpa down -upon any Pe.%se, -A bw3h ............ . 0 85 0 0 ST t
PS Single (tot(fation. that th!'y a4vocated Pntitoi-q, It bush .......... 0 85 @ 0 A-55
itCorif Is aGovernment Porlt, li 1h ..... ............ 6 50 @ 5 75'
Butter ZI 1%, .. ........... Old @ -0 IS
whick carries ont'Ref-inu prinoxplea a �1 dws, J�irijack � 1).. 1. 0 211 @ a -,-n
RefOrml 'danent? If these ques-
tions bo-answerej in t! -,e affir'mative, as Tonoxw. Vell. 13,
tT1CY',ZsS`nZ'2d1Y m-Astbe, tbenthooryof nt bush ....... S1 30 (4 1 31-
YbettI (.jpAug) 1�i bush, _ t 21 @ I R
"'COrditInu' i9S dalA40Tt -intended to de -
ceive the peopla.- Bmulel-.. U bush ............ 067 0 068
, = :Z� - &�6 busb. .............. 044 0 045
94XV9Pewse.,;V hush ............ _ 0 TO 0 0 7T
alt wall. on-%ghl?" saad Simon, -Potato -8. p, -r bu, ........... 000 @ I all
'to O�n a-=IfTe a ttut Pork, t" lb ............ .... 0 OD 0 0 go
The the Sense, e Wt Zee IMtter. 01 th ............... 014 �@ 016
tn t 0�,, Eg6s,'j;7 doz. (itupicked).... 0 !20 -0 0.24
4 VoZ7. VrettT girl saying to Leigh
El t
nn1N,'-"`1 am VerY--9_-d, you se,-," he re-
k;,m%at O'k, Plied, "Oh, 'no, yen belong t,v the jewish
p= A-rq r. eat * �Yan, are very jc&�r, T
Pax- P>.A=_1'r-. flia great ftax a�d STOP THAT COUGH
:,,d 0- - -
ar.d XT DET -Al.
ezez thirty thousaind PnT D3.1%
au,js to buitd
is inde ect doing h; one bvfe�7, one day, and it may be too lateConsitnip-
IT, g sjatp_y�oliisneigcrhbor! fign Ividt itsjvag Aram of siacVes is m3-9tir.1 talet
4 -is 2CA6
�Arz totfz�; long .4aw of ift alaity ricuil, IN.
no old in a-.1 g-,i,%t in _jt�ily th;q Vill eane llcf�re
ter th--, t1mra his be flow ea:- YQ pp it ? .1vilere is
017,ekatiff, im Flor-1 t. the
'ence -Znd for the first time in
ra"Idy P
=UY year4s
wtien the G*erlw_m� ARWS-Iinn-Balsam can produce more
an hall: %04�mnjtV is pl (l,
gest' any other
Fgn%!e Will haVe tlle 1'�M Uaticlaal evidenca of real merit than
dab'. of any country i, the world, a- akicle for the 'Purpose. -1tissuldere17-
e mounting in ratmd where by Drugg-ristiv and general Store-
fimlll�,_� . Janinbers cc, 4,4,500,-
enl Q2, or niare than dm ble� thei proserat keepersi.
t%naa=t . off the J?UbliQ dSht the U liked Read the following extract from. a
letter received from Mr. S. E. Burwello
well'inow -titerchant of Ontario.,
A Sm==Gsta
te-meut was M:tfle id I Messrs. PEft-_Y D,&vis A.- Sox,
tak- Congress 'z� few days
ago, - bytio 1,--s
91z f"_ distinguished it L-epab.icad than"Gatteral Dear &rs.-Laat autumn I was. suf
�ere, cold' -which settled
fering from a riev
Gftrile'4"f 051i)iW1100ILVIS allthDritj cof
an my Lungs 4nd produce& a distressing
the azimmissiouer of pausiom, asserted c -)ugh for whicti. I gave trial to a number
that o -foarth of the whole, ainount,
of Cough Medicines but without any
AW01 paid to tl-e Palls"'n benefit. I at last tried one *bottle ot
Cibaut V-5,09 who 11%7;a (V
o.1 their
e"s golas to pers,)n -ILL&-f`SLUXG e1L%_A_)r, which Iant happy
rzsvemil naniz-s uprin the pensiva r,j!jj by fraud-,
and-wha kave 0-1 right to be thereat all. n beable lo stategave alumst immediate
It aPP2,%-:8 t1hat thery is a sysiksm of pre- relief and performed a perfect care in,a.
Short time-.
pazing flictido4s eviolence ok disability by
I : Yours truly,
days C,a= a-zent-3 t1st has saaceeded to the S. E. BURWFLL.
:--nm e Orm-)�as so fhr.+. the'
-h 4f 187'1.
tr�-snzv is anzatr-lilly depleted, of � about Fingall, Oat., Alan.
;179 pm- �8,00.J,00D for tha banakit of swinjjej-�;.
- - I . I - 60� _' . -
ANova:I -The calling of the'
Grmul -NoW Opar,3� in Pa4s will be mad,
x3f Copper, cousistin", of a-multitn4a of TO BUY
platfm S�-rawcad tal�,2thers, ano! capable, -of
breinz- at -sny tini9disi,mifef".. Thisroof
so,tliat the heiglit
L -Z�re "itlated at plea-'
N a is, t*le th rwtq be r
N.I. &wa
Gure. -vivzv . lo -bas been co -n -
it, h.,W it ijI to
1-C-1 .-L U . .3 V
oa-ere paets, wid tho subjact chasen ;s
of raaAzy aim-
zk -is c-implate, and selling
Nhille the eo
to the REMALKAMir OEM, AP.
na vspaperz --a
u OFL a Pnlry pie�-e : and
with -the W.,1t3taa..,3 of aj.itcroicana lizo-ig A Splendid aimrtizielif of'
�ZeEr,-Can �b,- �dss pap,g than t I* -
.d, t -*a :E:Zrand Cloths 4: F.-1j!C_y.%Tee4jS
for,nirly ! Taup. a
(I'm Ti�ws and ,-,h -.- pa�111-fry i-lorflalls
0F th,%t 0D.S33. Will 6.1d th-3 ffaW prituess m--d6_u,) to Order or Sold by the yard
16 p3j)VO T.111 a 5,111 lop- at a dis,!auntl! while, GETJTr FUZIM-9=03
ir. in -be beta at a preatium i
M=-Ozla. of the L%test Styles aud Patterns,
_na) Floneer f -r
R�a. 9, was printed ;Ili- a WX saf-et of
P311411, e editA:Qn w)rsitmud he Subscrib3r, vicful,4 return'thanks to
-f�,,In, Utgn, 61t4t the ocalitior his supporters
Gj&tattyaa h th ' for rlia liberal. patronage,
wild be exi6nded t.o him while irk the flourishing
th i ne--t is�na v
'He cau-now affbrd
atzd on frunny b gr, IpAless ii Stappad" Town of Godqriah.
tosell af COST; and i& deterinined to
gwe 'his cu--tomers the boijefit ofj1his
'Cimrmm Tnnoi�Ara Worm. -Deacon. - Ps inbisiness.
mcr in tile
of D.ftntafartou, v,
flafait of. S 'fic.0'r, very freelf to;,tha ABRA$IAM -SMITH
jollygod. Oneforanq�on, baing- a wee
fon, he- po4doUt-Mly ffi=,St his 01bow, A&charlt TOor &CIdthierl,
tL tl�i niinlatez?a cloor2s East of H.'Horto*s 3xooer
gut w. The � r,
blerUm= wqs insfand.Vo. and ledaz- 31arket -Squarp,, Goderich.
O'sin �epb 21st, 187L
nul flae, r'nia of heallth and chameter
that WONP011110�V it'
Deacoil,, "thaelf,
p- For Sal
jr-N Goderiell-, the House and,
drinldn� -vellen rnz young and A
no to, b3 aaen gainn strotti. JL Lnt at present occupied by
rnl , 2�jg
Capt. Ord!s family, Beauti-,.
Z�yne half fixa, wDea rgy head is as the
fully situated on Light House poini.
conid-Ins fifteen rooms.' Hpird ana"Soft
& A -oulh� Vr�millegj Or
L=- Feb. 2.-A wm% meating Watel�, 0- PPIY
.02 dtizmn4 tzolxkj�[Z�ca to-d�y w4 ad�pte41 by letter to
CAPT. -0,RD.
in refaiing to, aamit Briglm;i _S2. sw975w4 Go
Y=qa7n�j otlzera-to ball, and`reque3W,-,
3 nitting MacbiAe
compromisirtzhi% offloial -ONE of LamVs lmpio:�ea X2111
Slaolliois for sale, iax0oa wqrkingr,
Cin be soon at
0 order.,
At F R. A. PEI
cliker any oflier exWbitiono, vre b0ova
Hamilton Street.
��tha aff2lit of fflia. noble, wAIA 1W mvelt
a ai �VLAre jeV�fqj %jbQI� f0i J�116
and H4*
P4:Sawith the "Canal
Dagirayer," thp� - never wu anything
tzlak gave, such - fiatbraotior� it -rdieves
is t1ii finest
rain'almagt %A3nflY, and
ic. .961K
A Ir
gia, WTvARS in flo -,stoznuwb, ft. 2,5 jP 43�. XI,
C LY fL battle�6fjt:o ld'tjYajj
=-_Xdm�, de3lers. W i
sbli�et 6r
I Ira.,
, miemi344 thait
_-7 uph61stereri,&ej7
ataaal us; but that ilq"Wes 110kya vlad
Hos Itxv*t6ftturvvraanksto�t�e ja4titants. or,
godarich vA surrounding couftW, f6r tiek
,the last vearit he has
tor, Agwever. say% rk little 1P. W'#q to proki
Heiv nq*-Vtdp3radtofaraI8'h all
V ��tinj� ivould t)6an ,
64 Wyaufazoz -
TU -a Z W 17 j Fu
:P . . ,
ThOte ara m4a thau V40 tbOU53344-
diTenat. lklixiscif pills futhe.Vnited
statac� s6liaof Auni are iwortjjjeiw��d'
inituiotm othem are
IOMDr.-ParsonsiuvSite4 the hat siti-
ara now ilk, nudov: tile N4410 of Vqr?6Ar.
Che �%p
Two Or (U ja su000Won Vgj,
With many wustitudolxq� secarelyastab-
pRA3j&-jkeptoix bal, g4,1 inada. to
14h the 11"is Of Consumption in �th*
- '
system, thus oonyerting what wa*nrigin� .
ally asinlei ourawo atiectloo, hito oil&
, 40 u3u 00ft, on the, _qls .
I *a prep" 4
96:110rallY. UtA Otdinary prndenoe
_On*t4tX%#W*Ofa 091clitnotitis got
rid of- Fortunately '�Bryan!j rubuonio,
Waterc am thoroughli adsp6d to re.
wito at- mea of WOUU04
Moroi SbOs'Il"Y AR Cous 9 and 4001d$ and
are equally 99acklys, ilitto peizoazy stages
Ot fp*wwwtivo, sAhms, and Browhitis.
gold by all Vaggi4 aud aotmtrydevAem
Pr*, 25 040�, per boy- $8
GoderiCIA, YOU- A 72 XW85*"W
tbef wnw zoo of about am &ZW
1%# feutblis" ww ow aum the
D re"TA 4mvist for a pun hmar. API
hiobeef sewtift Of their obm*-.* 0
16ft dkww do*-.
0060dio, isal, 2K%-Ul% Infout
It 1,i w0l +%tt tho Ileformera of On- -0 t
t I "Golmillol I r. Vaux6th.
��rio sh-miol nat lose sl -,Alt of t4o t' actica
IvIleat, 411) -p tj ;t ........ Q1 is 0 1 2�
bash... . 1 12 0 Ila
pirsainq They jzr(w %V01 known. His viour-iperUl.). � ......... 6 oft 0 050
-rvaftvd ...... ... 0 SO 0 O'SO
P-4, Q, V 65 (a a zt-,
frioil'Is. is -L Tko Q_4ret It, is bill oitl dol"re, 9 66 0 0 45T.
is tt. I otat 4�. UP bil,111 .......... 0 00 (a) 9105-.
Park. il %0Z ...... 4 p 0 5 qa� -
to linlows H..
QlviAo tha iv t
i-1 this ili,3 CA . I.!" ..... .... 14 11D
�nq v-,rrair .......... P -.,s 0, (if)
atcht- 11,Xt Tl,i ......... ........
t;iM, t-1 d- 0 00 0-.0
of that.
nitra 33 th.-Y zte" Il.n. tae A) t wa, Felt 14, 1872.
t a Whod, fRall) -PrIj.,jb .... Sj 16 �jt 1:
�%-Itl an -1 whent. tn'r busli.. I Is 0 1 17
ltscll�tw;z� viWcie equal, to Mour, (iwr fir) ............. G ca ql) 000
oats. ,-.-r lin-iii .. ......... a 84 0 0 SO
�*.Yilttion at Toronto. Ped e: per t 4. 1,.: ......... 0 w 0 0 13
-C,re, mast be put Barley. per bu. '... _... 050 4D 0 5r,
fcl��-VY Pff )i t tw,�r Potat 6, Per bush . . .... .. tj 4 -5 49 0 SO
"Il tu ap!!t dij 1,12foral jxwt.y. Tbat. Fork ........................ 5 CIO 6D
is U10 ga ll;% i,r,, t4o ltef.)ralers fuk� Butter ii:�r ........ 0 15 5 go:
a is
that Tiley have victor�y F4%% per doz. (hup-,,j:jcod).. o jr) 'Q 'a ]a
110w in tht!iy; own h3a,13 it' they chose W
takeik L-�ttile-iin.)tboullette�lon�of
ithv. t4t) craqtv wilas-of the Artful whe-it, rr.1111 ........ .... 1. 10
WnvaL (�priuF) per bash.... 114 1 Is
.01aAgor wTjjjji��.JS tjj,.,m:,Yta,r-and bob -
I Flotir. unri 0 C-0 600
tzdl th-at.makQa np the Coalition at
l3arler. 1,er bush.. . � ......... o5s o st
nats.';'er 0 -;4 48'j-
Otftwa. tactics are to endeavor to
ni Pe3se, per IrlAt ............ 053 0 16- a
�D ke it.", paar that the Rt,,forui leadom Powtv.s -ec.buill .......... 0 t5 0 60
have form. -a cfQ.)-jjtti-.,u gnl are there Pork ............... ....... a 09 S .25
for"a no) 1nn-gqr GlIti rip Butter, -per 11) .............. 0 16 017
a to tljo- cAn6-jeuCj;) unp:w1ced) .... G ld 0 IS
]ZAarZerb. Refor.11ols' Call I
easily azttlo thalzi p,iii1f. by,,answering NO-nnuAZ, Pon is. IST2.
qllf"tians. Are -the principles *heat. (Vall) 1i linsh ....... 81 -Its
wbaakc(8p.-M;-) T) bit4h ...... I 4G
1 40
42,111101iDAL in the Government poliev as F%wur.(per 1wrt.) ............. 580 Ci� 5 QQ:
4=110qticel, � Reform princirAW'-Have Ftrley. 11 bush ............. 060 (to 135
Oats, 11 Iov-h ............... 045 Vt
vida-w--erantent b.Zpa down -upon any Pe.%se, -A bw3h ............ . 0 85 0 0 ST t
PS Single (tot(fation. that th!'y a4vocated Pntitoi-q, It bush .......... 0 85 @ 0 A-55
itCorif Is aGovernment Porlt, li 1h ..... ............ 6 50 @ 5 75'
Butter ZI 1%, .. ........... Old @ -0 IS
whick carries ont'Ref-inu prinoxplea a �1 dws, J�irijack � 1).. 1. 0 211 @ a -,-n
RefOrml 'danent? If these ques-
tions bo-answerej in t! -,e affir'mative, as Tonoxw. Vell. 13,
tT1CY',ZsS`nZ'2d1Y m-Astbe, tbenthooryof nt bush ....... S1 30 (4 1 31-
YbettI (.jpAug) 1�i bush, _ t 21 @ I R
"'COrditInu' i9S dalA40Tt -intended to de -
ceive the peopla.- Bmulel-.. U bush ............ 067 0 068
, = :Z� - &�6 busb. .............. 044 0 045
94XV9Pewse.,;V hush ............ _ 0 TO 0 0 7T
alt wall. on-%ghl?" saad Simon, -Potato -8. p, -r bu, ........... 000 @ I all
'to O�n a-=IfTe a ttut Pork, t" lb ............ .... 0 OD 0 0 go
The the Sense, e Wt Zee IMtter. 01 th ............... 014 �@ 016
tn t 0�,, Eg6s,'j;7 doz. (itupicked).... 0 !20 -0 0.24
4 VoZ7. VrettT girl saying to Leigh
El t
nn1N,'-"`1 am VerY--9_-d, you se,-," he re-
k;,m%at O'k, Plied, "Oh, 'no, yen belong t,v the jewish
p= A-rq r. eat * �Yan, are very jc&�r, T
Pax- P>.A=_1'r-. flia great ftax a�d STOP THAT COUGH
:,,d 0- - -
ar.d XT DET -Al.
ezez thirty thousaind PnT D3.1%
au,js to buitd
is inde ect doing h; one bvfe�7, one day, and it may be too lateConsitnip-
IT, g sjatp_y�oliisneigcrhbor! fign Ividt itsjvag Aram of siacVes is m3-9tir.1 talet
4 -is 2CA6
�Arz totfz�; long .4aw of ift alaity ricuil, IN.
no old in a-.1 g-,i,%t in _jt�ily th;q Vill eane llcf�re
ter th--, t1mra his be flow ea:- YQ pp it ? .1vilere is
017,ekatiff, im Flor-1 t. the
'ence -Znd for the first time in
ra"Idy P
=UY year4s
wtien the G*erlw_m� ARWS-Iinn-Balsam can produce more
an hall: %04�mnjtV is pl (l,
gest' any other
Fgn%!e Will haVe tlle 1'�M Uaticlaal evidenca of real merit than
dab'. of any country i, the world, a- akicle for the 'Purpose. -1tissuldere17-
e mounting in ratmd where by Drugg-ristiv and general Store-
fimlll�,_� . Janinbers cc, 4,4,500,-
enl Q2, or niare than dm ble� thei proserat keepersi.
t%naa=t . off the J?UbliQ dSht the U liked Read the following extract from. a
letter received from Mr. S. E. Burwello
well'inow -titerchant of Ontario.,
A Sm==Gsta
te-meut was M:tfle id I Messrs. PEft-_Y D,&vis A.- Sox,
tak- Congress 'z� few days
ago, - bytio 1,--s
91z f"_ distinguished it L-epab.icad than"Gatteral Dear &rs.-Laat autumn I was. suf
�ere, cold' -which settled
fering from a riev
Gftrile'4"f 051i)iW1100ILVIS allthDritj cof
an my Lungs 4nd produce& a distressing
the azimmissiouer of pausiom, asserted c -)ugh for whicti. I gave trial to a number
that o -foarth of the whole, ainount,
of Cough Medicines but without any
AW01 paid to tl-e Palls"'n benefit. I at last tried one *bottle ot
Cibaut V-5,09 who 11%7;a (V
o.1 their
e"s golas to pers,)n -ILL&-f`SLUXG e1L%_A_)r, which Iant happy
rzsvemil naniz-s uprin the pensiva r,j!jj by fraud-,
and-wha kave 0-1 right to be thereat all. n beable lo stategave alumst immediate
It aPP2,%-:8 t1hat thery is a sysiksm of pre- relief and performed a perfect care in,a.
Short time-.
pazing flictido4s eviolence ok disability by
I : Yours truly,
days C,a= a-zent-3 t1st has saaceeded to the S. E. BURWFLL.
:--nm e Orm-)�as so fhr.+. the'
-h 4f 187'1.
tr�-snzv is anzatr-lilly depleted, of � about Fingall, Oat., Alan.
;179 pm- �8,00.J,00D for tha banakit of swinjjej-�;.
- - I . I - 60� _' . -
ANova:I -The calling of the'
Grmul -NoW Opar,3� in Pa4s will be mad,
x3f Copper, cousistin", of a-multitn4a of TO BUY
platfm S�-rawcad tal�,2thers, ano! capable, -of
breinz- at -sny tini9disi,mifef".. Thisroof
so,tliat the heiglit
L -Z�re "itlated at plea-'
N a is, t*le th rwtq be r
N.I. &wa
Gure. -vivzv . lo -bas been co -n -
it, h.,W it ijI to
1-C-1 .-L U . .3 V
oa-ere paets, wid tho subjact chasen ;s
of raaAzy aim-
zk -is c-implate, and selling
Nhille the eo
to the REMALKAMir OEM, AP.
na vspaperz --a
u OFL a Pnlry pie�-e : and
with -the W.,1t3taa..,3 of aj.itcroicana lizo-ig A Splendid aimrtizielif of'
�ZeEr,-Can �b,- �dss pap,g than t I* -
.d, t -*a :E:Zrand Cloths 4: F.-1j!C_y.%Tee4jS
for,nirly ! Taup. a
(I'm Ti�ws and ,-,h -.- pa�111-fry i-lorflalls
0F th,%t 0D.S33. Will 6.1d th-3 ffaW prituess m--d6_u,) to Order or Sold by the yard
16 p3j)VO T.111 a 5,111 lop- at a dis,!auntl! while, GETJTr FUZIM-9=03
ir. in -be beta at a preatium i
M=-Ozla. of the L%test Styles aud Patterns,
_na) Floneer f -r
R�a. 9, was printed ;Ili- a WX saf-et of
P311411, e editA:Qn w)rsitmud he Subscrib3r, vicful,4 return'thanks to
-f�,,In, Utgn, 61t4t the ocalitior his supporters
Gj&tattyaa h th ' for rlia liberal. patronage,
wild be exi6nded t.o him while irk the flourishing
th i ne--t is�na v
'He cau-now affbrd
atzd on frunny b gr, IpAless ii Stappad" Town of Godqriah.
tosell af COST; and i& deterinined to
gwe 'his cu--tomers the boijefit ofj1his
'Cimrmm Tnnoi�Ara Worm. -Deacon. - Ps inbisiness.
mcr in tile
of D.ftntafartou, v,
flafait of. S 'fic.0'r, very freelf to;,tha ABRA$IAM -SMITH
jollygod. Oneforanq�on, baing- a wee
fon, he- po4doUt-Mly ffi=,St his 01bow, A&charlt TOor &CIdthierl,
tL tl�i niinlatez?a cloor2s East of H.'Horto*s 3xooer
gut w. The � r,
blerUm= wqs insfand.Vo. and ledaz- 31arket -Squarp,, Goderich.
O'sin �epb 21st, 187L
nul flae, r'nia of heallth and chameter
that WONP011110�V it'
Deacoil,, "thaelf,
p- For Sal
jr-N Goderiell-, the House and,
drinldn� -vellen rnz young and A
no to, b3 aaen gainn strotti. JL Lnt at present occupied by
rnl , 2�jg
Capt. Ord!s family, Beauti-,.
Z�yne half fixa, wDea rgy head is as the
fully situated on Light House poini.
conid-Ins fifteen rooms.' Hpird ana"Soft
& A -oulh� Vr�millegj Or
L=- Feb. 2.-A wm% meating Watel�, 0- PPIY
.02 dtizmn4 tzolxkj�[Z�ca to-d�y w4 ad�pte41 by letter to
CAPT. -0,RD.
in refaiing to, aamit Briglm;i _S2. sw975w4 Go
Y=qa7n�j otlzera-to ball, and`reque3W,-,
3 nitting MacbiAe
compromisirtzhi% offloial -ONE of LamVs lmpio:�ea X2111
Slaolliois for sale, iax0oa wqrkingr,
Cin be soon at
0 order.,
At F R. A. PEI
cliker any oflier exWbitiono, vre b0ova
Hamilton Street.
��tha aff2lit of fflia. noble, wAIA 1W mvelt
a ai �VLAre jeV�fqj %jbQI� f0i J�116
and H4*
P4:Sawith the "Canal
Dagirayer," thp� - never wu anything
tzlak gave, such - fiatbraotior� it -rdieves
is t1ii finest
rain'almagt %A3nflY, and
ic. .961K
A Ir
gia, WTvARS in flo -,stoznuwb, ft. 2,5 jP 43�. XI,
C LY fL battle�6fjt:o ld'tjYajj
=-_Xdm�, de3lers. W i
sbli�et 6r
I Ira.,
------- L_W�
06004.�-GPATJiPM AND
a -thurpitak dow!edge of,the
X&atitnns otdike%.
atitaro laws whicil. govern tho OA
tion 11111 ut.1tritp-tt, alid Mr,a earefUl all
p1teation 0,
the nine t i it f jvt,*Il Sol acto.r1co
,'I prilife n - �' I!, tl�o 11�, t3l 111K 9 2t eu
slas 1110 e real0list tables
flavored barer. a 4111011 May, VIVO us many licavi
dootor bfils.I1211inij ScaftCo UL7zaeo. Xnda Slmp.y
Also, ataltvnV of Ej)P2I All CY UO
Condensed Ujilt. uqao� %;oou& Ila
0 -�. ,
ISH -PRovixon 8 QF X-ORTIL
1 ie -
the Britl;th Noril a Attlerleartyrovtnees that In Nav
last I cjused thA biviliess'ah $0. Btql4pu Lane, Ne%v
York, for tha 4q!e or fioLLowAyIS_PrL:P &-qu ou'l,
MENT, Whicit w0tv,dj&to, that t(i4e, .1irepared by
Williall, Browli-ttow XICAFaseil. to be'elesod.* I
grat to Bak [1 1 rg-
lat I j have reason te kilow" tPat the
and in mant x%,.VSi:betiu most corropt, and lffhf�,'
twthatthoPill,iiand jlu�rueat %tere Im, J)M"d
w1th. thAh.'rure- I'liave alway-, dostrecr - -
Thoso.whodolnotwishto bjdeqely�41�ybu3jhg
topossess tjiqtll,
a0lips 6f �tllil golkulue� I10IIU-.vnY*ffPIIIs and Otntutojitt
tuleactured - by me in I
,dittlon, England.
vill do well- to -86t: that eaclqwt ftd box beilra Vie
Britlih Governioent itauips oR which 1.4 engravedthe
word§ 111foraiways Pillsand OintmeaVI and -that
hL, addivaos-onthe haliel is 63S, Oxtoro.i5treet, Liln-
don. whore,oulyj thay.ale wazutRefured.4all In uq
ither p1rt af04 wald. the retail prices are Oil
lie tah,!14 in BrIOSIfear;aucy, udd notindoll:11.69:44
No ropre f,
Z santa v6offainewilLevertrave rou
any part of tjle -33ritiall, Pro.jacas. or th 14�
a Unit
States. dtli4twsoll.orto rake.ord4rx- for toy Pil
and Ointment, and w4 I have reason to belleve'tl
attempts will pro' :nbly be made 04-eceive t1kq P
lit; in. this way by ptiAs(tus callll).� upon rAedic I file
vendor., faliely representing thCt they are acting
for nio, and %;rit 'lily knowledge and couseutj deem
it advisable to, u#'tJje publicF..on. thdir gti4td
gamstaity site egeptions.
g"_ st .-- I
I most eearmn ty
entreat all those who. may read
his adv�,�EN:;m 41 t that th ly be pleased. In the pub-
ic intereast; to c ininufficate the rairport oftUe Rains
to their frienas, that they- m4y otit"6e defradd9d, of
heir money bY, worthle
lmrchn�;ina 5s., Imitations 6�f
the genfilue jRolloway's Pills and
,I w4afdask� -is a great iravour,that should it comi
to the kilowie( 0 Of any per*pathat spun.ous medi-
bz!b , Mile 4n, sold ifx ililly. name. i he be
pllksLd to send rite ell the iitrVen its he can"colleet
rasp-eeting the baln--, that IS t -I X-aY. the name and
ad: lr�e of. thc ve.9dor who 14- Aellbg ' e spurious
all -I fikuwl-.4e the name and ad _..t tho,
-its% bt t to Iftitted -Sta 'Evs. or eNewhere. w4ieh
way liaveistlpl)(W tbiiiii.sov-itoiioableninfort.�,e
proNnti9j, oTt%a 11chlic, .:to institut4' proceeolln"4
a,-;h'.uA.,vch --ril doers, and leng-age toramutter-te
very hand-anneL any per.2-a who may give me ,q( -Ii
inf&.aat ! h1f)rmautsisr namie never" It In
llvulgvd_ . . . am.,
anv pqson, have reason to believe that he
ias ogen decoiv�d-hy buYing spnijoxi� imitations ut
these 2%ledi_-jnc4,-he w;l1dowell tosend ine, ill a
It' t --r, to the ado -m -w at foot �whichltc can do at W
cost of six cents in, pnslage)�pae orthe books ofiti-
structioni,mliko Arb iffixed to the oiame. I-womise
to exavine at aad setic. a reply, stating whether the
Medicines --e, gerinine or tuttso, that- ifspurious, he
mayarply to the peIrsou from, whom he p I drehased
them t- h.%Ive his futility returned.
Chemist4litfid I)raggists WIM desire to obtain the
Sledlenes chu be t;e'supplied at the lowest wholesale
prices in fititutities of not less than.420 worth, Vi&,
8% 6d., 2'14, an(t 349. per dozen boxes of Pitis or
Pota of Oilitineq1ti nett, without dis6onut, for which
remittance must be sent In advance.
I have the, honour to bi,
-5-3, QTfortl qfre4 (fqfe -944. Strand)
London, W. 0. ,
f 221 1871.
0 3, 1� au -,v D'
aqa rdlsldayed by Me
rite p0W01 oCArrastmg djs�
rieparation 9 jioliorablv acknowledged by- tbe
.d ival fautilty in. every section where it has been
ntn)dtzee4 - and the rapidly inuxeasing saia is the
bast gaitrantee or the estimtiti. Ill which it is Ifuld
care Pulmonary co4sumption in
the itnt andset-Ond stagei.; will. zive great relief
Bud prolong Pteiiu the thiril. It will sure Asthwa.
anmei,! ligiti-3 Coug4ti. and Colds. It vill
curt r1ginating from want ofAlitsoular
�e,ionand Ne rous.1"orre such as Bn,argam&11t0i
thedideen. Dyipepi;1A. ideke'ro, Fiableaudlgregular
.Ut:.j.LV,'V1e.)1eLrt, Lodal and Generill PaiZ-sis,
!�i "unt -I. L Voice. 1twillettraLcueorrhoea,
chl.r.'s. ==.- and res-tores the blead to parity
and health!
s6i d � OYL -Apethecarleast.
irtOej st.5o ; six for sroo.
J A Mi E59, I.'! rrmwv�S, ail=87T,
Gods 8 .4thl L
SW3 Antos
, . I is
Job Yaloges, P.0riac6l. P11
disensas to wh iol, ths Aitualo 6nikitution 5s subject,
It M-mi�rAt*OtE'Ltl�,,xces,atidruiauves all obstructions
it is pecattarly itedi -It wiltiin a short- time, br=#
sit the mouthly 'bodwi9fregularity,
2 lx�se I'd1a SAO AoPPg tal*yb &Y 11 onza Oe dWItim-
r1RSTT". , HO�LWRS ofFreynanoll,as they art'
sz&rN040hfhh1ff01x ' varriogd; bst at On)y ot#artirnio 06y
dre, safe.
I tAfrecti6s,11ain
tgialt Oasesbf eva6a,1cFSpIua In.
I 1�ond L
In,ollot ebq Upterics, Said Whites. these Al
I e eat a eu wirm61(othor illegals have .!e*
saddhImu' h a Warfel 0medy; dDnoteQntt
caiQlileat alit, ooranyLhIqZjt;trlliA%?�!hq4
Faliffirbetillits- [a the pdmphI0tFri:iui�d 4*qh_pA4ag4
1*9 u is ror-postagej enclosedt6 Northrop,,'
astle, Ouf.,general agettis fof the,
Y fears mbottlif contaptingovev 50rills,
bY4_ i'. -.1 .IV, i
'L q I
N. weastlo, G
A:16160ld in I** derjell by, Pdrker, -Vattleand'
F.. Jo8dan, - atafat;r cz
enthdift" ivi le,
5k aod ar.-Me4wo-0eii1firs.,;v389
T-110*fs' PA�e 061 wqrf&.2�# V750 -its Weir
Do �;r -.11 xo;, it
Faiii; cannot %yhere, jb.is� used. Xt, is thez
chesildstXedib carer madd Onactose.cares c=__
6b T. One, bottle line gated, B-011.
4ta Worth hag 'c
=18'f firFilty 01: 1 _ area U)j 4JLI)
gZANIiNG COU N41,Vne-or two Ai0itlesicurewbAll;
ea4a% oqui n111zVxiYTaotj2pga� Sixtoreight,
4Vj)hbaUQl1,% CUPOAN�F CMY. 103�1�Xd!tttiATW NIPPLES.
Qr1NFzAXr,D`J3�XA97, U110 00ttlo, 11tWoured LAME
BAcX �Of � e!ght yfgrij Atigiding. WMETA;
BtockQeId,-.T IPA YEent
thirty it b5ttle o1your. -Oifwhf6lf� bi4cted
.. "Va
'WO-W8109h, a g oft, 4ftosMW1hjI�b ty ok,.Jp-'
ifficatidnX, ot4or who. has. 'had ArPTUN4�.',,Am
yap$, kl�sr t'llottle lefr
ind $§1100 woo not baVIVif-I 01'.-govilb stiorg."!
rrr llufu� Alp!A - jI,Qf Nuuftl "Quo,
small bottlo o l�#g&19TRIC QIL:TestqTqd. tlfi�
'volse *berath ;,Djion-%bad not Ppbkm jaboia�&:
_"4m- .. ji.F�- Zk* I
I a
my gV s; A�.Ybur Beim 1:1170
a o f B ii�oun 61hi i
the "llittly -jigfi' " we hal(e never sold i medlefiuk
th at h da"s Ivan i's ft dX10,9 inglefo. 4 US rae t! 0 a P.T thl If.'!
Itu compasiA Of ShE Of 6a BX47 U!tg TNAX.A1M
JWOW.4�- "is im q6s�j t6:t4Ik& As f6r, externalf1so, fi�d
it WitV0.4 f.46 b9_lWa1e9i=e1b1y'4m4PbriQr 10 any-:
till4g.gypr m;Lde- AV -111; savejon-Alftelt 'sufrQ
and ManyddlIkYa 4 a4pAOX U sold'by' one Or
more diafersift'0*j V!I&2rjr`e,en"Is;,
- rrepire&bVS. X.ITHIWAkfudltsf�s. X.,A.Ad-
jj'oRranar '&_ IYMA14,; oNZWOASTLJ4 Ont., SQIo
ants for the,�VOMIUIQII.�
Cattle,,F.' J6Td*4.;:
Gardiater QJI�
J,Pjickaid. Zx6IerI-T,.H!
. inedif:
Luck-nowa, and ad,
T at Iwo, laroul, la j4s Tavmd Ci4erioh,
IRTO, at Q,� �-4;ii 1,41140 and
_rVemilles,purgultilt to a P.iwar of Sale - cWou ined in
"ver4I lndenturds,�(,;*"4ro 1#bld. lispro-
.data at time qf *0r.
L Ut�narcber 221inthe &W VOIXF001011 Of tilt
in't1id- 11�t C611640QI11104 of tual
TowniblPtAlCuIrOW, ,, . . I . _: ,
j a partof Z4tll'in the �1114,c4ilfimlw'on offher
0;1;�Jkip of UUII#tk $0 Aer4i r More cj� *,k; &ISO
&VOkbip of -Hullott Acyrsizorii-orlosso, 44
�L W#jt hiltof Lot number. *Ij. i *A Con.
cosiollofWastwhWAINGAL , I go , L -1
Its abolroars vaziablwyam, awmaw 1A 87P
notgo"trT. For a tor
6"tois 0)*fQ4 "POL
TAU A FABULY XEDJOI�XF,,_. -IT '101119 File - Into
law -
thousaiids-Srotu-pain i1i
41� 41�?rqbiq, Br4ises, If"tibg vt tho
.�ajn of -this 00
MM nquJOW llra 06 T.R 31 Z 01111laiv a Too
im, Victoria
f. 0ty 701
P sth, ISMS
at 1
i, Al 0'
:E 0, -.2 -TT the. 1)24t
W the eleotion I
T Le Vahaill4i �alzi postmyor hu* now been reglstdiA-aud aftelubhfgamat O it will % #iolii4oftiod, .'Tk.e us 19 the ejual
fou tile' j4he fov -a jength,ot time, and w harloer with
W sougia ihs ace,
Stap af rwhen. tlideIr
gsed, find
=,y, Wt. oXe (jelighte Jvithfts�oparntions,-aua
snspel 't in tho Algli!0t torma of Ita yft.ues slid th D*
aai&;X-,8anBA VAr- X781 10 L
dk from experlenedArt the watt6r,hn`in;f OAT. 1T3AT# SOXIX8
gb ; 1,
t thorons, ly 1 00
andilCenefora thnge who are ATFORM A111W,
sMdeditaitijda&nd upon, 1; belaX a Nuvorejga
In.'euring �hd relieving A
tor, �13UYPNLT
lute and Its -wonderful alt6di In Autilluins the
pains oP Rheumatism, and' In 9 GEN
Ner voit Affiections ontitI6 Ittalligh rank in the list AGE FOR
of HeitietIfes. *, Or or.% Ire coming in foina Bredinine AGE Towr; %ritil 11 r0lims, St
It Iff AS
De heconutra forfurihor.5 -i E �SU880R[Bglt B r"
EGS TO IN rP Al of lan'l -Rod a "T(-*
the r jr- I - &TE , T 4T oubloLoAAkrul
buishies lateh watv
e�Crtfftddla . a Pan Destroyer nover'fallot to give, PT A 872, Apply to
keep It as Jor"N M.
itru ediato'reheri � Ali Medlelr.e4!eftlers
Pit ieiant; order 4nd use It; and uki fatn4vivul, -CF11i"D. $AIM$,
G xe
wit, ?At it' r t�
.;Iyg It
P.1qoj,urftTwe trliVe'd4t 'b -
'AT cattle,
i� d6derialif by Goo
04idivief -A 06. Ba� f to *c11 kc� A,
Jai anthum,[ Ro Fie il
JAL �d
EX rAl 1) a See a,
tu, Know
0. 4Y, 2,
W roar.'
T.& 001
R E W -A
JL.1 uy4ng
tni0o : Y
RI T-0. I ry, Sei- e4"if f jolt �h -e &4i*
-P bearer for ns(Avopts.' All ies
or ;eia
-A, cALL01 iied no. VA jb6V4oLFAt#o. by -
0 Luc�nbw. 23rd Jan' thd-jqfk-.bf �Pebritary next, t
. M;E d ourt fW
%A i_
chases Of
'77rl Sewing'M*61lixk4s rep4re4_aA,t, Saws sharpens
Orders IeM with
A now prepare irs w
r d to fill ;LU ord 'go fi-#6recl.
�ffiej y - -Th thi 1872."
zhicW ey' 4WD
respectfuLly invite attention to S1 it 'to ffie elitjejesur0ig,
WA_ 4F=6
lot SS, Lak&Shb&
"a,neS of "do
field, In Atigust, last,
prepari.- three sjir*i�
ed t6 sell,
QlDjD. Uken
:T OAS,., $Vrd.Ag' ET XS
12. wie
Alto in -pq*wn f W948
Of sizes Paid Ap ptions, Very oheapL., VbI6
013% X.'�_ IrX J=
R G U S-05
all % J41
AAsizes. f�6iu 9 3r 7 -to iO x 00,
RA' BOME15 and W OM, A
CbAL 09, eheao
031 "r
TOA1 "K .
:W or
JD� E2 A U
�Tt6_ .- do W h
-114,preseal st961F. i In Ilg sizes 1I the leadi
oCASTSTEE aazq�� i4id begst6o-ci 01o, e FARNtIN WC
ruenti 00ntsiiuedna,,oer
atld W111 U Xbj toLlitir
Inthooll ^
I V t H 0 0 rP I f L 61 f a go dd a 9 s or t In ex Lill uro C ASZ S' TEEL AXES from $1wards,
PA. 2)
uutll IL
VICEs, 00M QUAIN', TRAC Window MN,
111000'a mite,
8 13 Of rr ZiNo. finil. b!
anti WOODSANY87 ..-IX TRZOW Ia 1-116 10t *h U41 411
'RIbn -FR-AM- f *
ED DIDW FORKS loug and she# hand[dS,
very chokoassortment of
in P�Wytlag- in hi ilinpvanfew - iy' 'btL r 'a
g in rg st of SAmiel
jho e Or- VETTIVIZS,
Flatt;,Xar� 6�in Platt �id Edward G0001tICU 1-05.T
d' 'xiid .:010thi ittlti'a i�otfidu lease made,�y the
ifi, -1vom Rtjck-1ib*,C0C&
Robt. 1011
Efandles, A,:_go'h2plete: aBsort1hent dra _.tjj�,Jjiter
1161fart, Jqtu
FEN ana P�O MET KNIVES, in U=4 ' L
Uz- Catterj Vorfulorn 3
to X.0ortain
oin the ll�qst An
ORB alitif Cam1fifell. AMOS clivotl: a
-AndenGio Y"do etw4n theui, and Saw.
CU)Tjo J01111
Af;,BATA-*aii(Ill-gi;�OTP.6-.VL*T. _e*
-he Haidagi4ville < Well C"OkJOh Xft
4; jmovm W t 49
T.Oul"Irth Wm orfo ps
.4 TEA
mi and all tl�d kfeivat
qdeA1cl0ranu, r -1�bhj IST'S
SPOONS and FORKS, XLEC :,**n -e Walter Recutney.Tolin
TAO -PLATED, BtTTga Y1 clark-613. we
14' corral wilinA
McNalka In.
Qk1b ETS
-br4 Ishii
he p Ir, 1101ifty f- All - ithp "intarest the zald,f mile, Nlk er 80bert Niebol Rolmtt
21 -and Raw
AIM-MON9 H4,yAra Rott rattemon JAU"
aid Itows 01. Sft ISELSSPZAR.&J`AOKS0N'ff, Platt M -i ceitabi indefitum of. lque fE'130d -sharkeymazym*
'Tein. sath�Sdt. Coin
-4ad Iiiade
A"coinplete assurtlrl wkl�ht D. Rew
Edward- Platf,� e 1hud' Hall
-fo Joh-ston 16
of, WHIT dild -41PD -LEAD, �aua i4lit Wiwi W. J.,
i: -a Ana nrivile,
induffione a n A� j6ba
a t
Vor 01CMA
PAR0 L 8. L V-3
and V.
NSVOROIjUlty A" -QRQ!C Allthq intereist(If 34441"ej Plait,
8 T!1.0 imallki�& -.0erwu maiLcie be-
the P
'a tlIe inbabijanto of Ood�rjeh
Mont ille sat B'Djuns "' To "lav 70
ocimpaqy �by w1ii T"' su'sc _And sumn"
aQd ja ry. tbali they I*
�D An Count ve "nod 0 'ittielovy
any; ILAT 'PAY SINGLE, artickery �51;hre in the butidinig forut
Platt topA
on thOnOkAnItual byR.,T.Ballautp
profil of -the 441 -annuv
mpauy semi to At Allam Ismitwij;I market iftuarp, vof"i*
Yheiv will be 16undscutaplet# AWrIaW oj#T*0F
'k o
460k d- be interests W f�e s, aid"
parties- IV interifst 1311GAU$ -
aSi7the �p 9vip
:'been puialisie'(1 y4QT' h
all ma t;e sold ef.ealf forsi*1i
*j& hae
-Your izefluRA Ing a r
f OR Ist
ork and. tr
aaerA $ t 9 IBM"
B budpAn. �*4d4rea
YAY0`An9=aI't0*r4*G 3ft"mrs
*Xg of
T. a.,
aTes "P16141161 .0 1413,
ujtjva;t� r%
r s. os WANTED.
ors SWd
. Yep_ N to referoncoo; re
by letterjp*
AVOY hAV0noW on_h&n& &-good stod1c of 1r10111m, A erl 0,Ug*,z*nswjLM B-Offoo, and re
both Now ana g000lid HoQ
wUipli will isell 4 qapn
*r stock,
Bank Mozitrooll.
IAL_ ME] st tbf 1 151
ainj -thi i%kiiiiers now ft %@,Wjk Wr)
Ponoli ffioi;il *XW. If sot,*! 1W
t PL.&PA ivarr,*A119
jo ty k_lr_ jo 4f
r pi px*
the 3��t0n 4, yddW*
oirty days, I I* 'At2
hiii 00 eW. Ckidai* wit
7dat .
X Co.,
X -AOT OF 18690' for A 4aj*4jr,jlsVerior-:AAw Pattem
OL Puf
-tit P1*q U,
:W Min OqUXTY (*U= 45ft-w
41soki D&OPtPro tor,016 ensub,97 fsd
giins.1 business
tam tie matter 4fL Tho
W.0 be "Web -846
andr tbp ',tf finiferill.-am III. X WTACRAN.
� 4 a$, &'*tftl 4001P : 4 WWS the, own OfWAW4 In theCounty. orff=n.V4*[ei
oAcAim*- We of uld faiDivul dim
-b omin Iortmted to
Tobn,- Ina praying that a mebting of t" croditers of for we*
ymptu. Im
a" wbo )d
INTO *0 prejaiin of die tuloolelhon
tho 68:146 LW t* be IW for tb4
'45Z #m* to pay
jdt4obj*4C*L-_ P*wWtdorby -I tam, 1=1:11or
*Nang of
I* T&*vod j0d V09- _, by the uld ZVI the JL
ma" this 'Twebb tkit
"1 0 A
N0qr ��o Vne . W-ftr "d ow Nuffor,
November;A. 1). 1 M�. ton off tk&mld Wobl* be bold 4 ny tm
WITY31ka Tam. 10 Tan ,of fto,�b, es M im"WUMS yean aM. Tio *,saor wid
I" *Owngof ih Joh*ft.
bo bold, at wt,
.L volt fvoe= Will saw owmww Am be 100. jaw 0�04 40"Y
SeAr IS If
PIUSAY W W" is tit a X6Fd XjjojWMX AYJW.Toft Coos a1901 T. 4M TOW
ter. 'DAME" vs 0
oarrW by John T%
110 J.
, miemi344 thait
_-7 uph61stereri,&ej7
ataaal us; but that ilq"Wes 110kya vlad
Hos Itxv*t6ftturvvraanksto�t�e ja4titants. or,
godarich vA surrounding couftW, f6r tiek
,the last vearit he has
tor, Agwever. say% rk little 1P. W'#q to proki
Heiv nq*-Vtdp3radtofaraI8'h all
V ��tinj� ivould t)6an ,
64 Wyaufazoz -
TU -a Z W 17 j Fu
:P . . ,
ThOte ara m4a thau V40 tbOU53344-
diTenat. lklixiscif pills futhe.Vnited
statac� s6liaof Auni are iwortjjjeiw��d'
inituiotm othem are
IOMDr.-ParsonsiuvSite4 the hat siti-
ara now ilk, nudov: tile N4410 of Vqr?6Ar.
Che �%p
Two Or (U ja su000Won Vgj,
With many wustitudolxq� secarelyastab-
pRA3j&-jkeptoix bal, g4,1 inada. to
14h the 11"is Of Consumption in �th*
- '
system, thus oonyerting what wa*nrigin� .
ally asinlei ourawo atiectloo, hito oil&
, 40 u3u 00ft, on the, _qls .
I *a prep" 4
96:110rallY. UtA Otdinary prndenoe
th9riffIDANI MAMU The budnew 6f everr-
_On*t4tX%#W*Ofa 091clitnotitis got
rid of- Fortunately '�Bryan!j rubuonio,
Waterc am thoroughli adsp6d to re.
wito at- mea of WOUU04
Moroi SbOs'Il"Y AR Cous 9 and 4001d$ and
are equally 99acklys, ilitto peizoazy stages
Ot fp*wwwtivo, sAhms, and Browhitis.
gold by all Vaggi4 aud aotmtrydevAem
Pr*, 25 040�, per boy- $8
GoderiCIA, YOU- A 72 XW85*"W
tbef wnw zoo of about am &ZW
1%# feutblis" ww ow aum the
D re"TA 4mvist for a pun hmar. API
hiobeef sewtift Of their obm*-.* 0
16ft dkww do*-.
0060dio, isal, 2K%-Ul% Infout
------- L_W�
06004.�-GPATJiPM AND
a -thurpitak dow!edge of,the
X&atitnns otdike%.
atitaro laws whicil. govern tho OA
tion 11111 ut.1tritp-tt, alid Mr,a earefUl all
p1teation 0,
the nine t i it f jvt,*Il Sol acto.r1co
,'I prilife n - �' I!, tl�o 11�, t3l 111K 9 2t eu
slas 1110 e real0list tables
flavored barer. a 4111011 May, VIVO us many licavi
dootor bfils.I1211inij ScaftCo UL7zaeo. Xnda Slmp.y
Also, ataltvnV of Ej)P2I All CY UO
Condensed Ujilt. uqao� %;oou& Ila
0 -�. ,
ISH -PRovixon 8 QF X-ORTIL
1 ie -
the Britl;th Noril a Attlerleartyrovtnees that In Nav
last I cjused thA biviliess'ah $0. Btql4pu Lane, Ne%v
York, for tha 4q!e or fioLLowAyIS_PrL:P &-qu ou'l,
MENT, Whicit w0tv,dj&to, that t(i4e, .1irepared by
Williall, Browli-ttow XICAFaseil. to be'elesod.* I
grat to Bak [1 1 rg-
lat I j have reason te kilow" tPat the
and in mant x%,.VSi:betiu most corropt, and lffhf�,'
twthatthoPill,iiand jlu�rueat %tere Im, J)M"d
w1th. thAh.'rure- I'liave alway-, dostrecr - -
Thoso.whodolnotwishto bjdeqely�41�ybu3jhg
topossess tjiqtll,
a0lips 6f �tllil golkulue� I10IIU-.vnY*ffPIIIs and Otntutojitt
tuleactured - by me in I
,dittlon, England.
vill do well- to -86t: that eaclqwt ftd box beilra Vie
Britlih Governioent itauips oR which 1.4 engravedthe
word§ 111foraiways Pillsand OintmeaVI and -that
hL, addivaos-onthe haliel is 63S, Oxtoro.i5treet, Liln-
don. whore,oulyj thay.ale wazutRefured.4all In uq
ither p1rt af04 wald. the retail prices are Oil
lie tah,!14 in BrIOSIfear;aucy, udd notindoll:11.69:44
No ropre f,
Z santa v6offainewilLevertrave rou
any part of tjle -33ritiall, Pro.jacas. or th 14�
a Unit
States. dtli4twsoll.orto rake.ord4rx- for toy Pil
and Ointment, and w4 I have reason to belleve'tl
attempts will pro' :nbly be made 04-eceive t1kq P
lit; in. this way by ptiAs(tus callll).� upon rAedic I file
vendor., faliely representing thCt they are acting
for nio, and %;rit 'lily knowledge and couseutj deem
it advisable to, u#'tJje publicF..on. thdir gti4td
gamstaity site egeptions.
g"_ st .-- I
I most eearmn ty
entreat all those who. may read
his adv�,�EN:;m 41 t that th ly be pleased. In the pub-
ic intereast; to c ininufficate the rairport oftUe Rains
to their frienas, that they- m4y otit"6e defradd9d, of
heir money bY, worthle
lmrchn�;ina 5s., Imitations 6�f
the genfilue jRolloway's Pills and
,I w4afdask� -is a great iravour,that should it comi
to the kilowie( 0 Of any per*pathat spun.ous medi-
bz!b , Mile 4n, sold ifx ililly. name. i he be
pllksLd to send rite ell the iitrVen its he can"colleet
rasp-eeting the baln--, that IS t -I X-aY. the name and
ad: lr�e of. thc ve.9dor who 14- Aellbg ' e spurious
all -I fikuwl-.4e the name and ad _..t tho,
-its% bt t to Iftitted -Sta 'Evs. or eNewhere. w4ieh
way liaveistlpl)(W tbiiiii.sov-itoiioableninfort.�,e
proNnti9j, oTt%a 11chlic, .:to institut4' proceeolln"4
a,-;h'.uA.,vch --ril doers, and leng-age toramutter-te
very hand-anneL any per.2-a who may give me ,q( -Ii
inf&.aat ! h1f)rmautsisr namie never" It In
llvulgvd_ . . . am.,
anv pqson, have reason to believe that he
ias ogen decoiv�d-hy buYing spnijoxi� imitations ut
these 2%ledi_-jnc4,-he w;l1dowell tosend ine, ill a
It' t --r, to the ado -m -w at foot �whichltc can do at W
cost of six cents in, pnslage)�pae orthe books ofiti-
structioni,mliko Arb iffixed to the oiame. I-womise
to exavine at aad setic. a reply, stating whether the
Medicines --e, gerinine or tuttso, that- ifspurious, he
mayarply to the peIrsou from, whom he p I drehased
them t- h.%Ive his futility returned.
Chemist4litfid I)raggists WIM desire to obtain the
Sledlenes chu be t;e'supplied at the lowest wholesale
prices in fititutities of not less than.420 worth, Vi&,
8% 6d., 2'14, an(t 349. per dozen boxes of Pitis or
Pota of Oilitineq1ti nett, without dis6onut, for which
remittance must be sent In advance.
I have the, honour to bi,
-5-3, QTfortl qfre4 (fqfe -944. Strand)
London, W. 0. ,
f 221 1871.
0 3, 1� au -,v D'
aqa rdlsldayed by Me
rite p0W01 oCArrastmg djs�
rieparation 9 jioliorablv acknowledged by- tbe
.d ival fautilty in. every section where it has been
ntn)dtzee4 - and the rapidly inuxeasing saia is the
bast gaitrantee or the estimtiti. Ill which it is Ifuld
care Pulmonary co4sumption in
the itnt andset-Ond stagei.; will. zive great relief
Bud prolong Pteiiu the thiril. It will sure Asthwa.
anmei,! ligiti-3 Coug4ti. and Colds. It vill
curt r1ginating from want ofAlitsoular
�e,ionand Ne rous.1"orre such as Bn,argam&11t0i
thedideen. Dyipepi;1A. ideke'ro, Fiableaudlgregular
.Ut:.j.LV,'V1e.)1eLrt, Lodal and Generill PaiZ-sis,
!�i "unt -I. L Voice. 1twillettraLcueorrhoea,
chl.r.'s. ==.- and res-tores the blead to parity
and health!
s6i d � OYL -Apethecarleast.
irtOej st.5o ; six for sroo.
J A Mi E59, I.'! rrmwv�S, ail=87T,
Gods 8 .4thl L
SW3 Antos
, . I is
Job Yaloges, P.0riac6l. P11
disensas to wh iol, ths Aitualo 6nikitution 5s subject,
It M-mi�rAt*OtE'Ltl�,,xces,atidruiauves all obstructions
it is pecattarly itedi -It wiltiin a short- time, br=#
sit the mouthly 'bodwi9fregularity,
2 lx�se I'd1a SAO AoPPg tal*yb &Y 11 onza Oe dWItim-
r1RSTT". , HO�LWRS ofFreynanoll,as they art'
sz&rN040hfhh1ff01x ' varriogd; bst at On)y ot#artirnio 06y
dre, safe.
I tAfrecti6s,11ain
tgialt Oasesbf eva6a,1cFSpIua In.
I 1�ond L
In,ollot ebq Upterics, Said Whites. these Al
I e eat a eu wirm61(othor illegals have .!e*
saddhImu' h a Warfel 0medy; dDnoteQntt
caiQlileat alit, ooranyLhIqZjt;trlliA%?�!hq4
Faliffirbetillits- [a the pdmphI0tFri:iui�d 4*qh_pA4ag4
1*9 u is ror-postagej enclosedt6 Northrop,,'
astle, Ouf.,general agettis fof the,
Y fears mbottlif contaptingovev 50rills,
bY4_ i'. -.1 .IV, i
'L q I
N. weastlo, G
A:16160ld in I** derjell by, Pdrker, -Vattleand'
F.. Jo8dan, - atafat;r cz
enthdift" ivi le,
5k aod ar.-Me4wo-0eii1firs.,;v389
T-110*fs' PA�e 061 wqrf&.2�# V750 -its Weir
Do �;r -.11 xo;, it
Faiii; cannot %yhere, jb.is� used. Xt, is thez
chesildstXedib carer madd Onactose.cares c=__
6b T. One, bottle line gated, B-011.
4ta Worth hag 'c
=18'f firFilty 01: 1 _ area U)j 4JLI)
gZANIiNG COU N41,Vne-or two Ai0itlesicurewbAll;
ea4a% oqui n111zVxiYTaotj2pga� Sixtoreight,
4Vj)hbaUQl1,% CUPOAN�F CMY. 103�1�Xd!tttiATW NIPPLES.
Qr1NFzAXr,D`J3�XA97, U110 00ttlo, 11tWoured LAME
BAcX �Of � e!ght yfgrij Atigiding. WMETA;
BtockQeId,-.T IPA YEent
thirty it b5ttle o1your. -Oifwhf6lf� bi4cted
.. "Va
'WO-W8109h, a g oft, 4ftosMW1hjI�b ty ok,.Jp-'
ifficatidnX, ot4or who. has. 'had ArPTUN4�.',,Am
yap$, kl�sr t'llottle lefr
ind $§1100 woo not baVIVif-I 01'.-govilb stiorg."!
rrr llufu� Alp!A - jI,Qf Nuuftl "Quo,
small bottlo o l�#g&19TRIC QIL:TestqTqd. tlfi�
'volse *berath ;,Djion-%bad not Ppbkm jaboia�&:
_"4m- .. ji.F�- Zk* I
I a
my gV s; A�.Ybur Beim 1:1170
a o f B ii�oun 61hi i
the "llittly -jigfi' " we hal(e never sold i medlefiuk
th at h da"s Ivan i's ft dX10,9 inglefo. 4 US rae t! 0 a P.T thl If.'!
Itu compasiA Of ShE Of 6a BX47 U!tg TNAX.A1M
JWOW.4�- "is im q6s�j t6:t4Ik& As f6r, externalf1so, fi�d
it WitV0.4 f.46 b9_lWa1e9i=e1b1y'4m4PbriQr 10 any-:
till4g.gypr m;Lde- AV -111; savejon-Alftelt 'sufrQ
and ManyddlIkYa 4 a4pAOX U sold'by' one Or
more diafersift'0*j V!I&2rjr`e,en"Is;,
- rrepire&bVS. X.ITHIWAkfudltsf�s. X.,A.Ad-
jj'oRranar '&_ IYMA14,; oNZWOASTLJ4 Ont., SQIo
ants for the,�VOMIUIQII.�
Cattle,,F.' J6Td*4.;:
Gardiater QJI�
J,Pjickaid. Zx6IerI-T,.H!
. inedif:
Luck-nowa, and ad,
T at Iwo, laroul, la j4s Tavmd Ci4erioh,
IRTO, at Q,� �-4;ii 1,41140 and
_rVemilles,purgultilt to a P.iwar of Sale - cWou ined in
"ver4I lndenturds,�(,;*"4ro 1#bld. lispro-
.data at time qf *0r.
L Ut�narcber 221inthe &W VOIXF001011 Of tilt
in't1id- 11�t C611640QI11104 of tual
TowniblPtAlCuIrOW, ,, . . I . _: ,
j a partof Z4tll'in the �1114,c4ilfimlw'on offher
0;1;�Jkip of UUII#tk $0 Aer4i r More cj� *,k; &ISO
&VOkbip of -Hullott Acyrsizorii-orlosso, 44
�L W#jt hiltof Lot number. *Ij. i *A Con.
cosiollofWastwhWAINGAL , I go , L -1
Its abolroars vaziablwyam, awmaw 1A 87P
notgo"trT. For a tor
6"tois 0)*fQ4 "POL
TAU A FABULY XEDJOI�XF,,_. -IT '101119 File - Into
law -
thousaiids-Srotu-pain i1i
41� 41�?rqbiq, Br4ises, If"tibg vt tho
.�ajn of -this 00
MM nquJOW llra 06 T.R 31 Z 01111laiv a Too
im, Victoria
f. 0ty 701
P sth, ISMS
at 1
i, Al 0'
:E 0, -.2 -TT the. 1)24t
W the eleotion I
T Le Vahaill4i �alzi postmyor hu* now been reglstdiA-aud aftelubhfgamat O it will % #iolii4oftiod, .'Tk.e us 19 the ejual
fou tile' j4he fov -a jength,ot time, and w harloer with
W sougia ihs ace,
Stap af rwhen. tlideIr
gsed, find
=,y, Wt. oXe (jelighte Jvithfts�oparntions,-aua
snspel 't in tho Algli!0t torma of Ita yft.ues slid th D*
aai&;X-,8anBA VAr- X781 10 L
dk from experlenedArt the watt6r,hn`in;f OAT. 1T3AT# SOXIX8
gb ; 1,
t thorons, ly 1 00
andilCenefora thnge who are ATFORM A111W,
sMdeditaitijda&nd upon, 1; belaX a Nuvorejga
In.'euring �hd relieving A
tor, �13UYPNLT
lute and Its -wonderful alt6di In Autilluins the
pains oP Rheumatism, and' In 9 GEN
Ner voit Affiections ontitI6 Ittalligh rank in the list AGE FOR
of HeitietIfes. *, Or or.% Ire coming in foina Bredinine AGE Towr; %ritil 11 r0lims, St
It Iff AS
De heconutra forfurihor.5 -i E �SU880R[Bglt B r"
EGS TO IN rP Al of lan'l -Rod a "T(-*
the r jr- I - &TE , T 4T oubloLoAAkrul
buishies lateh watv
e�Crtfftddla . a Pan Destroyer nover'fallot to give, PT A 872, Apply to
keep It as Jor"N M.
itru ediato'reheri � Ali Medlelr.e4!eftlers
Pit ieiant; order 4nd use It; and uki fatn4vivul, -CF11i"D. $AIM$,
G xe
wit, ?At it' r t�
.;Iyg It
P.1qoj,urftTwe trliVe'd4t 'b -
'AT cattle,
i� d6derialif by Goo
04idivief -A 06. Ba� f to *c11 kc� A,
Jai anthum,[ Ro Fie il
JAL �d
EX rAl 1) a See a,
tu, Know
0. 4Y, 2,
W roar.'
T.& 001
R E W -A
JL.1 uy4ng
tni0o : Y
RI T-0. I ry, Sei- e4"if f jolt �h -e &4i*
-P bearer for ns(Avopts.' All ies
or ;eia
-A, cALL01 iied no. VA jb6V4oLFAt#o. by -
0 Luc�nbw. 23rd Jan' thd-jqfk-.bf �Pebritary next, t
. M;E d ourt fW
%A i_
chases Of
'77rl Sewing'M*61lixk4s rep4re4_aA,t, Saws sharpens
Orders IeM with
A now prepare irs w
r d to fill ;LU ord 'go fi-#6recl.
�ffiej y - -Th thi 1872."
zhicW ey' 4WD
respectfuLly invite attention to S1 it 'to ffie elitjejesur0ig,
WA_ 4F=6
lot SS, Lak&Shb&
"a,neS of "do
field, In Atigust, last,
prepari.- three sjir*i�
ed t6 sell,
QlDjD. Uken
:T OAS,., $Vrd.Ag' ET XS
12. wie
Alto in -pq*wn f W948
Of sizes Paid Ap ptions, Very oheapL., VbI6
013% X.'�_ IrX J=
R G U S-05
all % J41
AAsizes. f�6iu 9 3r 7 -to iO x 00,
RA' BOME15 and W OM, A
CbAL 09, eheao
031 "r
TOA1 "K .
:W or
JD� E2 A U
�Tt6_ .- do W h
-114,preseal st961F. i In Ilg sizes 1I the leadi
oCASTSTEE aazq�� i4id begst6o-ci 01o, e FARNtIN WC
ruenti 00ntsiiuedna,,oer
atld W111 U Xbj toLlitir
Inthooll ^
I V t H 0 0 rP I f L 61 f a go dd a 9 s or t In ex Lill uro C ASZ S' TEEL AXES from $1wards,
PA. 2)
uutll IL
VICEs, 00M QUAIN', TRAC Window MN,
111000'a mite,
8 13 Of rr ZiNo. finil. b!
anti WOODSANY87 ..-IX TRZOW Ia 1-116 10t *h U41 411
'RIbn -FR-AM- f *
ED DIDW FORKS loug and she# hand[dS,
very chokoassortment of
in P�Wytlag- in hi ilinpvanfew - iy' 'btL r 'a
g in rg st of SAmiel
jho e Or- VETTIVIZS,
Flatt;,Xar� 6�in Platt �id Edward G0001tICU 1-05.T
d' 'xiid .:010thi ittlti'a i�otfidu lease made,�y the
ifi, -1vom Rtjck-1ib*,C0C&
Robt. 1011
Efandles, A,:_go'h2plete: aBsort1hent dra _.tjj�,Jjiter
1161fart, Jqtu
FEN ana P�O MET KNIVES, in U=4 ' L
Uz- Catterj Vorfulorn 3
to X.0ortain
oin the ll�qst An
ORB alitif Cam1fifell. AMOS clivotl: a
-AndenGio Y"do etw4n theui, and Saw.
CU)Tjo J01111
Af;,BATA-*aii(Ill-gi;�OTP.6-.VL*T. _e*
-he Haidagi4ville < Well C"OkJOh Xft
4; jmovm W t 49
T.Oul"Irth Wm orfo ps
.4 TEA
mi and all tl�d kfeivat
qdeA1cl0ranu, r -1�bhj IST'S
SPOONS and FORKS, XLEC :,**n -e Walter Recutney.Tolin
TAO -PLATED, BtTTga Y1 clark-613. we
14' corral wilinA
McNalka In.
Qk1b ETS
-br4 Ishii
he p Ir, 1101ifty f- All - ithp "intarest the zald,f mile, Nlk er 80bert Niebol Rolmtt
21 -and Raw
AIM-MON9 H4,yAra Rott rattemon JAU"
aid Itows 01. Sft ISELSSPZAR.&J`AOKS0N'ff, Platt M -i ceitabi indefitum of. lque fE'130d -sharkeymazym*
'Tein. sath�Sdt. Coin
-4ad Iiiade
A"coinplete assurtlrl wkl�ht D. Rew
Edward- Platf,� e 1hud' Hall
-fo Joh-ston 16
of, WHIT dild -41PD -LEAD, �aua i4lit Wiwi W. J.,
i: -a Ana nrivile,
induffione a n A� j6ba
a t
Vor 01CMA
PAR0 L 8. L V-3
and V.
NSVOROIjUlty A" -QRQ!C Allthq intereist(If 34441"ej Plait,
8 T!1.0 imallki�& -.0erwu maiLcie be-
the P
'a tlIe inbabijanto of Ood�rjeh
Mont ille sat B'Djuns "' To "lav 70
ocimpaqy �by w1ii T"' su'sc _And sumn"
aQd ja ry. tbali they I*
�D An Count ve "nod 0 'ittielovy
any; ILAT 'PAY SINGLE, artickery �51;hre in the butidinig forut
Platt topA
on thOnOkAnItual byR.,T.Ballautp
profil of -the 441 -annuv
mpauy semi to At Allam Ismitwij;I market iftuarp, vof"i*
Yheiv will be 16undscutaplet# AWrIaW oj#T*0F
'k o
460k d- be interests W f�e s, aid"
parties- IV interifst 1311GAU$ -
aSi7the �p 9vip
:'been puialisie'(1 y4QT' h
all ma t;e sold ef.ealf forsi*1i
*j& hae
-Your izefluRA Ing a r
f OR Ist
ork and. tr
aaerA $ t 9 IBM"
B budpAn. �*4d4rea
YAY0`An9=aI't0*r4*G 3ft"mrs
*Xg of
T. a.,
aTes "P16141161 .0 1413,
ujtjva;t� r%
r s. os WANTED.
ors SWd
. Yep_ N to referoncoo; re
by letterjp*
AVOY hAV0noW on_h&n& &-good stod1c of 1r10111m, A erl 0,Ug*,z*nswjLM B-Offoo, and re
both Now ana g000lid HoQ
wUipli will isell 4 qapn
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Bank Mozitrooll.
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Ponoli ffioi;il *XW. If sot,*! 1W
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the 3��t0n 4, yddW*
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hiii 00 eW. Ckidai* wit
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X Co.,
X -AOT OF 18690' for A 4aj*4jr,jlsVerior-:AAw Pattem
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41soki D&OPtPro tor,016 ensub,97 fsd
giins.1 business
tam tie matter 4fL Tho
W.0 be "Web -846
andr tbp ',tf finiferill.-am III. X WTACRAN.
� 4 a$, &'*tftl 4001P : 4 WWS the, own OfWAW4 In theCounty. orff=n.V4*[ei
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Tobn,- Ina praying that a mebting of t" croditers of for we*
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INTO *0 prejaiin of die tuloolelhon
tho 68:146 LW t* be IW for tb4
'45Z #m* to pay
jdt4obj*4C*L-_ P*wWtdorby -I tam, 1=1:11or
*Nang of
I* T&*vod j0d V09- _, by the uld ZVI the JL
ma" this 'Twebb tkit
"1 0 A
N0qr ��o Vne . W-ftr "d ow Nuffor,
November;A. 1). 1 M�. ton off tk&mld Wobl* be bold 4 ny tm
WITY31ka Tam. 10 Tan ,of fto,�b, es M im"WUMS yean aM. Tio *,saor wid
I" *Owngof ih Joh*ft.
bo bold, at wt,
.L volt fvoe= Will saw owmww Am be 100. jaw 0�04 40"Y
SeAr IS If
PIUSAY W W" is tit a X6Fd XjjojWMX AYJW.Toft Coos a1901 T. 4M TOW
ter. 'DAME" vs 0
oarrW by John T%
110 J.