HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-02-16, Page 2r • • tc, ilatattgrrAstifiVg Safelistatts • . .,..- , eieloitaZt7einotr t Traintleahre si Ukase. - Mail... .• .... ...;',er IA* c m• Bipreta...v........„a„.. _too tc ti : laxell . . ......... 11 45 " " • ... 0.SOEVII Trains are dee follows, - Mixed . It It It 10.00 CL. tla 3.24 ta.M. Exprest...". . ... 8.30c " Mail ... . 0.30 " , • s•••••• I I I I • 2/Iggitlearattlre TWA*. lof Wednesday. Ihtreas. h011 again 14.- li'Vea) 41141 40445 4104 firoPtioludistsild; Lutheran k .24 Quiik- • , stetted his eathority, and ;tome *now ethough plain end an tentationsi are Ma 14; Oheistians and. Dieeitel 49; n- eat lathe uew Lon Illoekon FtortiSt had the effect of making the roads Very Ishtar peocetsdoil to elite glowinie delta. 4.1 -ether persuaenties, 14;• uot reported/ the prospectus of. Thrue H I ?it • 41911eh'tehAVt!‘ 11.41" •itt Ouleetiiieseey eight hot a fire broke which fell ou WolluesdaY eventing hes Wortila Of the 110.014 of her es, Mr. Pule Ported aa Prut4#51151, 117; ft taritata Wugfrethe followieg extreute, from • Itt•Appm. P 11 y in o pate pieces-. eription _ef their yuyage mat to picture- 31. war o ey "reroute whicleeretaIted ilk its entire" . • h, the .1 oa hit h it 0,t1h te imt nh , 'ordain some valuable information, eri'eli - a rt t 4 eiltw 733.001te-Wa lave had t °Iv J.LA - - 4.2kin ° - --0 eettre" or • WILL OPEN FOR INSPECTION, ON SATURDAY NEXT; A LARGE AND doattuctson. -It otilitaine a hreseact pleasure erloolting 'dyer A 11,4i1W 1?60k- 640 +AV got Over /sofa & elate =are emploted in the Public reference to this Canada of ouri. oernal wilt, the eubecriber trusts be to •=1 P.m Ia. .1•11111i W. 11. SAVAGE copied by wine of the leadinz eingliet thble nua, its Emily. retitle Bennett (Mee maid. to . the biearnen Common &Imola an PG ateteitehere hi The effect of th br • e pn !cation of this varied itesortunat of Lull& iters o2the 311.$Tit.",• StOrralli I• salbliontee of the city, -Thalots ia Airestore, the author " &int • Rev, lhan W1•43 OdliVin lag h111:1 itAaa tree port *the Separate ftelieola „ . t ' I W' mated to be nearly hal,teemillitaatefeloll orlira1:11,1tawi,4aTittlaPtintfiltisi°apt"r.ra ton,. Ott Oper.01034 et the tempeettious ors we find that th.e highest eatery paid itorance with g C da, tee rt- lyierete lane . aeo _or an who inanifestea, !yelp- ith reference to the eiderieeof WAIL- dissipate, in some degree .at ltadte- the • I to nutuy of onr eatleia. Mr. Walden weathe %dee-, do ye few ye awry . e nude -towhee in county 44;00, :fortunately prevalent in Britieft • _ -Lea aimed Geteateh fur the boa tee° Caeser and Ins totalities.'" A greater attld,thelowest OA 0); tri a oitye the -Isles. • Thus eeterpase, the eubecriber ° etdt lhattlahlt, - sitiamereatted his tibrvicesinfea-aaaretea thaa -Caesar gatid ea aeeetein eeeeeee, haehuest, $11.000 --,the leiveta. 250;" in feel*, bas notbeetc' undertaken Ino." • ' • aherelt were very muelk appieciated: to ins diseirs Wita doyo feerr Vella ttow the heeilelle ' I ,wea. ttuent too soon. Never before eats the . • mr- *. G. Smith. of t'dmieh Igzs !Till° book eleiterly .writteit ewe Ceti shOol fear Vetelt-us te the Safety $225; fa Ita illOovParated;: ail age tl watit ofadditi n tio . ....tcurefifq vigriat ,Q.estiun, to- whici.: :het, peeler,' reitlioe bc les:. It willhio (Watt bereft(' with . 11, 941 tilt xetive,,,,i tt.ta-I-v.a; 6-;- at tt„, thp sti471-hirtelt. Outatteptda. _otlereesenotr9r:tforaa6f1;:fer9;vaathily-if9:1°etteaairttleeralt:1•:- e 40111O ;ungfl. We SIMI' notice the eta.; Interest he' theatavilhh -huaw 'Mre • • . tlen. To he hail itt Metorelibitie • and two _days, atter; aliteeriee era hi. tt highest- The..aherege sidariet04 euergetio tad iiidearlobe a A mt. tr. „et -wattett alatter Le the 014"; "" salt ritich infornettiih1„- at to the Beek -of of veasel with :welt" Step, on. boitt.d.,:hijheo4 $4000.:eheleeteet, ateeee ithese eciatrouglY felt, and -2urvor before did: • . charged with a great etiasion - ee slum hat in vil a • e ° _ 4 respentleitee in neat CaLEitiAlt. "TUUsclAr lett " was signed; the cousthution .01 the weeny male teat:hers tn countoos was On y brihf review of the itehentleondition . SO4ERICIL - r gn-16:11, 3`81:1. , bit !nee Ttiesdityee_aDering the amnia., ........... . . Viatehilailithe ''''' - -:'• re - RAW a the R6inau VatholiCein Eegland eteseeegszetei et tee Gwent* Gene . The Spring .Assizee w'll' heeiteld as th4 PeoPle Were. Obliged to confess or. . " Wel CI Intlted. follows. in tbe Wettern Dietriete India he; heti= as It was. lteroxedi-: On -the day 4mitg.•••... Gelb presiding:- " ,_ - - .-. pr ceeding the- firet clay : of ,,,lieut, hole° &akin othorroic was .caosed on 'Store- feataon • .altfondata Aravoit n5' tl4 mune. - Nally - curious intstieus at . • • itlay Lgt throttl,th.qat the British Beapire ;;St• Thomeh- ...Tuesday, April a ' °Oa Ano,e- Ptevialetiort Stet ,40, theeialy by the startling hatelligenee that Lord ':-, &lei: ... • ' ' +.; tt:'' ...:; -21: ..onf4;•:Itple'llteCeliezia-AwslititIr`trriii:Nt'eiSidtaiky.4.4iteliwv: Moa` a GoVernor General of India, had S•taidwich • 'coma to a tragic death "by the -assassin's , Gotierich..... heal -, Since the death of Aareham Wrakert°° .• Tneaday„.. IC. 14 .thrbanka and publie offieei Wire closed. Menden .May 0 • Leilt. , Being n Stetatory holiday all - it • ir . ea . Shyovu Ttiesday 41 iti the fiat datt, of. , .. . :The anniversary' of St yabintine fell'. Liipeole, and litter of the Hon: -Thoe._ ; ,.., reArey` McGee, -me sinailar event .has - Esitt o'vizi Ifcttos.- Tinppu, the sane day Inuf n; oonsideraisle. , - — . -"- .. ' , number of missives Sootaihing .piettiree tattled suelt a'sensation. The great die- - The United States Semite ' is. `taking a tahheneh emtalee. thieirte sketrered. :togethea"' es Sani Wellet -.expressed it, tanen at which the sewn of the omit,. steps to protest egaihtt the Ottheat treat* ane. la *Intel', and fele fact thdt cold. mot of the Chinese labourers.. r - ' ,aud the 11..iii971,r.hYDI8 ..Pa7lf,g3...4,%44,..11Aigh., perativsly little is known anew,. quite. . The •Adjahnit-Gentral *ftve, ;* at thq-Poste4Lre,' :We nave anemia tette i it it n Re. - oftgr'' b, eiug leaP yeer emenyeo , the fair ahlr. . . . ha/ at t le usse onae at dianaufahe man, dept. ives it of a portion &wear, no_ .; ..,, .. , ''', w,°"-* took. adanitege. of' the pre eative. gmalt.. tot . 1 s .nter_ste Tont when we consider ed them teed macht piaposals will& these 'a ; . e • mho Iatest information froin: tlifit goatienien friends ...well be. hethuleto, thee la! alto hes thna summatily been •-sonrce disrifoc,a,inistinnisl.ittlgiat atwilitietr'fa:Rinntinbeiteedu - ae. clirept Or. t..isay t_itiallattill !Ona,ItY; ' '... ' =tear, wheeled the meat responsible Parzia . , and Inenourahle pesition in the gift of furl- ' - - - ' , I ‘f MaritiVii: 'Ziimo4 Mei:J.4 .The British:lad American Mixed Coat: • e _ ... , - ....„--- - -. '''''.7 - -1 the BritIsli crowu, we cannot bet recoil, mission have adjourned anti', the 23th: ' h. tOrintiiteftee:wee. heihiars,*iirg X. e 'With -Itorror at the thought, of such. ee march. - - ' r• i Ia., I . h,e• Et &at -troll -if ad being nearraitted• aad the Ptityera haae been offered, in the - daprivitY of hamar& itattire winch would chanties of Sheffield- for peapehettireen -.aI, Pa aPasrahle- 114,7-4°41.. 44:up'eie,t1-.i.-.:vf. ,, 1.1d any one to jai accomplishinent. Theelh glend and America. , • . , .. 1 •W - leyaa Methodist Oeaferance ,in pp, assesem is a Mahomedan coinnet, and Sti ..Tol;rt, N. B, has htten visited hy tl, ' L ads , dehiered•lial le-etereT on:- •4 a Ca -nigh fall particalare are not to hand, itvIrthtruaduttreit heore;taiThhe°4 1121:atrittymt.plliltry ,oiloatireehr .;.,Minethmejlteiwn, ' .. ionw ,eliTueosill‘Y.4altitee it apt ears Sett the deed mita perpetrated deete.ene Loss $14,0*. 7. , -., , : • Jet lase Netentintane den ale- atteli at ohe of the Andaman Ielinads in the A hean-tifui privabaresidenceni Belfee 'an y of thiaweither which waa-, epythl_ Bay of Benge, whither parents melee _Ville has been eurchated by some a Miss -.but li;ea-ant, the large'and attnthed,i0 s ardente for seriona offences are two- McPhee -ewes friends, as a hOrae- for her • OhM eh Was atimpletely filled, itntl we o portal. There fras for some time been b"Y°. t''' rel)lace- mrarchaPate recently. served 4eite a number present' from th burned. , Mr. Bancroft, Ameticau Minieter to --4aPrrthtFttatetrIzar:trcier:Y• tib? Pr'F'994- ''Q.4 . au undercturentof &sad-ea:ion pervading , • bihrylaiiiitlielianaestelpitt.iveo-viritat't:le. fraottn.ti.iovribttt:t, te4lratiatrieedgla4ittLanattapittohtat9_14chatia. Tilie4etottvintetr-z... ti,m-Deolitituilt.iruit hi.ifotICaa:ricctrs,„ snefticil'ivel'inetillyt neighborhood being'sandy end barren' ma as , %or: i- -In hittesethee 'salaries Of. eel:dente-Mid such a aeview mem* 18 ef '1,,tlaeli set bet -in tin, .,iman.i.),..0 t4-, tp.to ,..teoeheta ay'oragea_ou7; of female porta to offer; It oily not be eeperibititue place_en Which to.datablish ,thenislelYes; 'W24tentilegli 42464 ' examine thetnebst ilia'a Mate ' thittalele -tea-eh4rat:.42all. iW trails intaailuttaattitethporaeralteci. '81to4,ite.,4p6,12twievmth4teeih SI thides.wigherdtitiooet, ‘Btereitilinth-: Disesterefter disaster met 'the boat, rand -idly-Vat aide ta.a0110.14 ' Vegteltla_lp.). wITOt:ch Antarterti4eauiterilusea_trittagooentarenifotofinththe at Let, being:over teken''. by 5 storm they 11‘„,..9°.:''. , e -2 , ,- i- . , ' ', - '- weeeeeleelesigh lest', . het . atiateedec ai -f ,anit atelierineentiene makee ,-; tee ,,,, wee tht exception ' of • Newfouedland and gettOete ulitto- th4shitfickii4 a'realt.c, .1ifere lbwitig ju Wane and 'eertinent -,.eoniaiks Pe. ciiEdWard Itilluid. It thus stretches theta eode iternt in - nefetta After the with,regfird to Ai ettiployineitin iteach' Crain 'alb -A•Vantlei0 the Paci0.*Ootain, stolen wee over they' did net Jeieve their reewithelithich Wo most eerekallYeeniat and ire-m.0e -StaLawienee 4.th-thet h:haer Alter for 2a hours; - Why ..was this 1 hie: beliering.that:teaeltarZ*Irriak-06*-h ges• Mentatiale the great commercial wire ve. y net eneeete te return to eixene mon Schoolsare meet meanlyatiii, aretel- emitrehif the Dominion,. --a eity of nor colopktipoli;s:re,,,:vnt.itlini.tini •,.sab,. ddly - remunerated-, -for -their. labeira- 000 initabilanti, ht ithoutupen the same .., . , bath; , No ma. dipped; uemitaitet weer- , " .4111kongattke'w,orst aftetaitht.o-the ,Cf- ea,hellel:Of. . hithede 'with Lyoets, io the brated alootthherockyallifirebd •diAhOii - perency ot Public Scheolietineationaar.e. South -ut J0snee,,ana: Vein, in RAW,- `itsdattiivs. ititt'arhas.,:'sothZ.i :In-Pre:Yet" tia :'prais4: thOsq-ltrUste0,19;14.11SVOli.l.t9tif #!102S,Iipfflrtent Of territOrlheall. radaPted for afelhoutiatiandment tOgat What tilVmat=eilltaaleeatiteaclaer, . oultivetien atithia the Dominion, -may wan to-the:it Sevalit.att'teal(t lie -eitoraiii4 4udwhoseehtOhaggledowntheteaqiet's' _bb estlitiated sta,250;000 Square* -miles eemateratton as aeay ',.11t413.,o,ttott 'rot , an ineigetteeent poetion Of:which ,es at , asepeatialeatlionelt; in`:reitlitit they.** resent' etieepied. The tetalpopulation • tetelleetilallYShvaving-theirOwr ehildre11, "4: tha Daaoniert _at preeent is 3,575,00h end wasting their time by etinaoy,hafteuelsoulse The/population whith it its -cepa . . ea. twos, _but etceptedhili eetieety, and With- itithlitittatriest they can4itted the:teaUltettafiniait-Foolts +aneWhinetics thee May be called, huttt. iit'ofauch. Mee ' * Ennine, *Oaks tripe* Persian; ,Astraohhni Oone3r1 a in,Gew nitt, GAPS, and GLOVES - a large eesortu'ient Fa 1 and Winter Cloth Caps 004=6 terieI that-tine:homiest° Iped,0 A, pnovtoRe:her„..R0511;00.; me aluult it bleeef,mep_pertmgetitea, bareckoned= at , • es se ebbe+ athiseide eetee,eatea. -Teo ait ewe good .clerk is. -worth- two', 'toot §0 Mach for etten t- tertitorY. The; rePidly as ihisa hut „ atilt More Lee ee-naaniiek open Icttklp,Tr.i14000 te.emaloy good elerhee:, aertamle- not less than 150,000,000.,a datiaant- wanted. •Oitnitde progriirsessnashift --''GwaheiphOaluelflirmieopiOe'60iittliullitant'IDaoc..X11.tht.-Tit h.re worth hotivio.e. Laws .weraitot pled, atrilAvdJr-der -611tain retein eliatactetof the land ofili bestiudged, grow initchfaitah: :Everywhere the brutal reurdee of a former resident , `hettiiired lor' the Mitadearer 'people t nr-ideltli# they pay them,gooaederiese ;of ee, its produepee .Thershar,e,ao finer .tlirtinith"?rt3 .there Ja the of .thst town, together *ith her little . Re.tierieee haalong shown. the .-seuntle: grain . orops -retied- ire the -woad than saaie :demand for more labor. Farmera hay, atRitne, Penn„ during the night of 'Oh* bi said 'at Use eityptione . • et. but for restless spirits who came amon ho them afferiirde. Cite ta theireeetihn.. 'less of ',dug bitaliKaS.xsjo sad, practice ea these.praduced in Canada. ither timber. peeid tine ve Rae; vole, -Aeinee, -erh,x theiangqirleht of teaelters; yist haw itscomeeterFtor °Val' inatket,#. tee. .theeld refeee tti aceobt ..iliehiffieta of tiolea *tar t"846:a 44.4: 1r1ttSi. 111)3ODOZ. cannot edit -fast eneUelt - to meet the ie.. artier, an i4aeetainteux white -there ie nq Om *era, abaadoh a ru e- on which aot. Omega., Now -aveet portion of the an l'aataitv4wvila'aa'S14"-';:eilid:all"thiaellic;4:' Tantitiyeri.°17:11Iaanhfliorelreies),he6'prteittitin-tisi'---7ilialciatialtaTdalWealitti-thjtYliel,dvaiffileltrbeleSt fil°rrevi4entetileal" na Iterehip WOO a Test :Of tittieueliiir . they . in.: solved the easpuieees esetee, et licele,..... - -14. high wage* for coon '4 Ilabwcrs, egoireteineettia,give WO' at a merely li c no ,itoolpii elip2theilffig fi,ditoolinild:obligi.-Tg. hen to give Itteer *agate tee; peer lae eihniime priee is land of the very- best es- Peoele te send their, cliffilre. ate Valkine .. (kers." . : --.. , .- .. _ e 4: . eitedieft aidei:enly acquires to he clear_ Weesave'elWaei contande : that the ce to yield splendid trope and furnish b- oil -hater, eig -t wtte pat in the same cate- i l'alaxies of toathersahould he' qa at * abundaut auppeet fhr indestriousiatei- ‘e gorrieoamemati..as aunt atentliete .-drunk- / ufaciontlyhigh.rate to invite i loilof.the lies7( Iibteletely free grants are biadfs; the ...T.abloraellans in India, and it has BTerlin, hes prenared, attester eo the The leeture 1St% new One, having on bion fowl necessary on several peen; Britiah case already submitted' on the beeearecently: preparectt froth reeterie /donate assert British authority with a Slat Joan blander," queetionettel af. hahlthred duritig a Vigil to ate' seet ant at-eFe Patla PoSe4a. tat ma moat Ouliiiated .411-aST. igaccs'i but l'where lands are A eartainhint4'llte-watebroeght up (-,11 . mt../ 11.1111 I einde to ,make teething. a lffe; -prOfes, iseld the -Prices- Varv. from ,20 vents fo I, r c e.ty ty. wet noeproven„ ion` iniiaad of a -mei° teeipprary em- "a2te011iptlit;11';vifilit tef°t. e'li:..litnii,l'atvliti'llithercele.:r':744:+4:eh'pli:_fi,ase.ttliee'n.. aid; zar,:ilbe:rt:aeli: er whit. Uier etaile otlivo,.itnitAatte.fff-01. le-naerittive el!-•-• • Is '8" eajeTiq • hi. t -1°Ntitral°: '°' /oement -till they Mei attatiete-aleinee bewere tali emelt talkie • Mt sternhaud. Revenge either personal or ''''°- submit it: ta Vie tin:emir of 'Geri (10#:a :femme by the landing of the p learie. lie las :the sent' a eapy of it to rut, a short -time shoe, It was d politiate las therefore probably prompt- e a .1,- ver' eater- the &fit ton- ,---- at the - Coop die Astrireruniteut at thaelitit-gton. - eit the foul deed. . . Evidence n co .1 at a 1, i.,- -InStitute in New V'Zirk, on the Oth Jai Brit•hat intere3ta ja the Eashthal Lord Screamer, of Neva York. -It has betel aia t effertYtt on -11 we dO not consid it ie perthtellarly tinfortunate for_ „ter hea Leer! tehnan':.7 tag. illatti , eateetaetr.4.,---B: laseaftlefore 2000 p mete and is oenaide mai to b .i Puillon's Bloat - br Myo sit add have been cut ofi. At the thecovereil that time of hise appointment. by Mr. Disraeli 'llerieeti fife, tee tem& hi voeitection Mr. es -86.000_ of -tii.,:er spoils .it equate Maki:awe en Macaulay:: ' with the Aedit OM* 14 fallen tb his There iPetn.illoseahuiiiIientr tenliteceredstbaSigaatYoinnia4: in ifig$, and just before he made way - .. lot. fupor:ahnr. Gr-nistadsaato:ealttniklie.veitoit vtraasmloaorkoe,da , • •Al, _mom mail maw- it-IsTigiet'..1.htco Ipti , !Li 'tin' Ira: no4 ;' : i hs Ye a ea Ilto:utliortiajeti t,,,1, :i,o.U. ta 1. ;iv 4t:ii. Lae a ickaksi t: . colsittet as chief Seciatary for Inland aniielfetelegenist Wee airdirer . . 4 , . .., . Fuer liriwe eboile 3milesfrowtRiAgsteat" 'are head m speinaheeteeta winca•are Was math as to r-aise the leatility og at ' set are totitia baroe and enthousee a fent; setiated with. heroie ..... et celebritted .nie but the Libeeal linty, and it was. eon, nieliteago. The buildirsge with 22 head. .31-4'1-3".. the: 4hildrell -.54 .guntusp ., . sideeed probable 'etkee The Gindatcne of cattle, 8 horses; a Anantity of hay - Piinrett. the Meng,' man' Moe --..hut! would eincel the appointment i straw, &a, wore eouseteee; flevoeving 1Z :twee fonne of exeelleuce aw above Pe-imier however appears to heve had"; the Vac The. hos ef over $40.90. sPrevheie to Iting- ....uulea.41 we mean • .0.exu;ft Our energi e he stole a teeny of horses vela , 41V -i ...el- Ea...4 ...!•747 as they a faith intarearaya,,ssua yealeutaildawly: i nisi g II. Tee police ern in rmanat of the xfa there is a greatness highee than tli . . - of genius and ehielevneciin pel hoitat ' an. as, ti4.0 us founde'dforthesakeof ;materiel, -edien, r,i,:gotee2rreeeeta",tim:- .agtkeet:id,144?ettaIPtilo.ling.p.linla.izklY--0111°01i414:1?C0111natt.PitarY:ty. iCt. the 7414:744.°Y ina.refestuppeeeattroad;exitesr„:Tphuez er.eguuld,i usio: eetiteuts between74ne 41';e5ra' aina' 21 ewe, without *payment of.feei ,* was :4,.. - were all'soundinpririmpleand'ealcullited "411-Prin inerek4se'" I're.- toipo,,ketlion4Oediugstrioodii mthene7:1.-•.e;---et, ;or- saiti, .._/1,,setl,±_pa Year oiti-S-ocht-'0111:. f selloolepartlyfreeethat *Atha teete thoegh the Puritans leit:is -died their 944- ;915-9:::er. leie Per inenth'4Was' 322; apiritetie eyes-, end the poeeepioe.s.vhiaa, &Freese cif 71. Iledeethe new &hod stilre exert tie Iteneficialaffeet ;Upore team Tato ex the elatattee tlie. oyeetyareet, itelieinnai7;6tiee;eti-efeo--rit ot;rell s.rbccida-lit the ,Prevince are - - tcception as a moestiout blu.ntier, Fein, ligteiiodi4.4 thin er- eesselexcept those. of-flamiltoia iniethe fdpoiles;ncixtd.sta:tteuile:0-awlasidchtoTh;ediietitalistpitiri4h3;efashrtaa,illt,,,,..,00titebti.o.:_i;e t p!xtx:il .4( :ie. iti ,efi 7:1:htoo• „at eloTomrrio44 thri4etal 0:71 7th Iziest 11,111e:419: tr.ee o. , alive? Witio .spir g • e :trieeelafwilim4.TtniatEat 'Tapa-14-4114lie.:' /1'17`e• 6411(a)18' ece e • ' - • i fe...00' eerie:ilia; i'aetti- say beet 10 g • the streng and willing hands there us abuild- in by iblow from wine blunt %etre-, teoveinmentaeoires, however, in every paled of woar eVerywhere. ' Merit. The murderer was arrested. On code before..feally leeehig * patent, ea With regard to taxation, few civilised learning of the horrihle affair, the broth- soMeguarantee 'that' the land his eealle einnitrieS in the world are 86 lightly tax- -ere of the inereered Woman at owe left heeetthee hylbeepplisant lex& -511 Oieuela. 'The prevailing duty on Guelph 'for the -scene -of the trailed . Maeuffaeturets, iontrectoraell unite in the 20th telt The victim Was formerly thesieue ery :for /shoe. Skilied laborite_ a 3.Uss Farrell, daugliter of Andrew Fare the tehne eieninands, af ell -times front relI, whit still lives on the Waterloo ;elven- te-tweive day ; while Road, near- Guelph; and ?the murderer larsler§,are- only too glad to employ men iti18 her husband, ons Petrick Benue at from three tolonr pounds sterling * who married her in Guelph: Affee. month, lath 'ratians. At .the minimum leeving Guelph they settled in flespelee ate given -a man in Caned* earns_ nearly for a time, where Burns kept tavern - half as much welenigaie•eithratiens as they then moved to the Township -of in Ingland mums without keep. Thus Noniumby, from whence they eventually thehavizige avery few years, will on- wandered offto the States. The annthr able is mu to purples**. a freehold farm arspeare to have Iieen -moist odd bloode Of 3-00 *Ws. lliOusends of teen who be- id affair, the unfortunate woman hair. fee le Canada* this, way are neiv ing been strangled eed kicked to death,' -the- possession a valuable property. For while the little boy's skull was crushed ceoe to 4thillip SEnili Wh t p ocess 0 eeprovemene The equity of imported. goods 1115 per vent. In the e and the remains of the victim were tat- 1 thi9rorleiin will heevident attglance; United &stets an aierage duty of over I en to Guelph on Wednesday lase for It -ie iiiteeded to prevene laud falling elpercenelitelleeted. The total debt burial. • elite the liana ef mere speculators, Wilo "Of -the .country gives thont 14g2 Per bead yea sellit to settleta et a.peolit, ' upon, which does net 7-emount_to more : butes Among the principal preduata of five shillitigs of English money. . . . Caitadmetait to stop :there would. giye' a The Province of .otaris silica Cori; ' v•e 'ai e fe t %lea a a '' - other actiens of a like nature ire pandit*. Itiaviiis once obtained eossesieet might of the 96Pulatim-41 the' '1114491 -11114"st returned against a New aerseY A Verdict of samo danniost I* beta' I Qr°1° 4'4 Illn" than- a dailar 'aatl iluartPrt or saY for libel. The proprietor of the 'sheet* eilling to sell unt cheep, as several rY. MP f)f the e P Imam of federation, , has been unable'to epeud all against him, '-ehercountry...e'Verioue. •kitids • ef fruits' .ite. .revenne Aipon ordinal niatterlaof are breeeht &treat perfootioni-enektUr adminittratien, and .is now, evoting its apple% pears, eloms, peadhes and grapes - if -argue. amounting to- Borne seven or Eik-gflit mir -II. Trite" 4"la The/ales and rivers ebound with lisle eight -et Atm; -to aid.in the Ivpi. Pr ft. Pww "xPl*-s8 trim"' 'Country with deer, ettioeeei'e partridge, For menet meats. Inge or salsa, tile visiting 13efore starting. amd the less inhabited 'arts of the construction f nisi linesof railway Pregelat-* P-aaaengara flr San Filir"hi° Then .tee, eiey fairly he Baal to hotorabiteliel fertheinvestment of fluids - should lay in, at least one months pro= .snipe -end many other kiod.s of game- Boinirdon Canada :preitents a most and the reenfle tete showed. thathe ransPreant. : • for a milli ti traly greeta it- is- it . • Thomas lin hes e wen known - • !eborad be (ma, of - e dishonour th leinetan eve nitatakere Kind and genial *his, th. E -11eheautg that he- P Ten, apeltaftna the 1'10111i:0$ $$'010‘tri $ dispnitiouatia IN•zsesailizsufficient firm.; „0, ewe fpenil of America has written a, '‘eitriva. wincest he ever clad tie home-. Vet we robes te honer theaaif We do litnates. and, our daye„ iveh nese in enforeing, authority, he Proved _ .enararzeristie letter on the preseet re- sotto and eta/ be entalthl tattle sel3elloi; /31* 04, ve4.11012:44'ith,q.ik, howl, .exti!nisle 'euer'jr,e`the Sitperieteedent, neitilY, It", relations of the two countries, it eon- t h:mps.; hot ?le the settee: -at t.t1L-Itiu-t-gm.3d. compueR..-1- - • - - t orttly repraentative of the-Quient ine eludes as followt:-"L:can only hope 'in ;filch thaa vie71(1 us.4.theternha",- Fitid A 'Nt.etleteirle‘.9.1 ,the-ethatqa4 her-114bn. Empire. nm death taped that time,tithe great selver, will, help a man wbo lilted- W.eh4 8.8,411240f !testa'', hthe• iiimPerfenht aalhe,"4.er, eye• ketkvTie.' sot - Gale ' :aboitt- three t teem' witharatueral" wealth; Hetet: is io the 'preseentiou ". el interne*" as ; from trim ' there lead' there ' eOpper, there einhe teten a, er tent caa readily he tiloi; . • e ..i. ilyet thatacintlee.10.;Fght -: 40. hhese tamed formanay Upon- tmdoulaell, real minerals are,. found in vast' auinitities; estate security., L.. ',Many ef Ito, building ed all, with the exception ofironaliave and Ian: -societies pay :annual dividend* IreitiOsin atoaked.to greet advantaite. : of nbie and tii4er eent, aud sometimes Caeadetax Irma -whichnetpialita is *final more. in a coUlatry Ithe this honest le - o .thel'Pdst , Sx64ish, is only : !Wow , 411stry is surtktyltiake its ?fay ; the very Anita ly:titiptehreirthettieditaif intimated, j higheat poeiteenlia the -laud lie open to lie coal elite a kt4 . got stueltitel it eta these wito.hayeatlie :ability aati _etetwee e Obtained at aeurfficionila cheap late, to seitis t time , -• Thy; Wal we here inineileetetible Mike , - Name who , were, need ovor lac ply on the 'Atlantic :-: ad -.Pacific ',sea ..-ii el:sulfate:We i'Osid : or a ehted tont op, .noards (that is to SOS?, .in Neva ScOtiit liar a cheerfed ki-iiist4 bflaa cwn. /Ana alA ArStaith ilanuibia) end weeia mid- want More 44 5 3040 Went la this eay "beiwede the two ozemis in- our world !St He Ow went zometitioginoree great:North-al tat Teri ittay. Itich de- and, fortunatalfi Cainala can supply him posits oglilintibago;, of entiumay Mal of' still ,:tiesii:e4t4.0ond govornment, stable pheaeate 7 iif lime lave. also- been dia-.',Velitiea,l.institutiOna and a pure admin. edvered; while the Province- 4 Outario "trades of eniattee All these are tobe is &Seine inineose weeth float two of -1,found here. I not,auailigna lot& apen tae most unpermat ortieles of daily.eiine -;them as much 'km; birthrielit se the air semptionarhickeh,e helertunite enough 1,1we iii"eathe 4. smugeigstutaW are we to 'to -. possess. ise'..eppereatly entilimited theee in facia tiint primes- we do ;het 'quantity, vie. ;petroleum and ;mite' ;_ ,. [hetes' tlieelliqhie themes we. ought: Biet thar °etude is a cono#y of he- Here libettyj ;led order are, reconciled ; frbleeee fad alone,--4ho extraordinary :.4 educatien for his child.ren; here,againt i menseheedurece end destinea fee a wou- ;Otte neeer has to be saerificed to. the deihil eareia of presperity ie erideat Other. ,Theri a maa wanti a stied system P;*.ess She ia making at thi present Oinado is oda level with the very forte entatteet; Tat:Maine er tiao simple mid .hoost vountries iiii the world. 4filist`as incontrovertiblea- faeta • Wbee . - -the Jest eh a t..siVn tzLikeleareeli mei even treated States, siihyeare. age sew- that 1 beforeit is elearatiant goeis the log wheel: the diffittent •Britieli Ninth Anierican : 'await,- e(laine:- tire eiernints Of a sound -4Ptrie4ihOuesitiloetne:1:1,r004ittkinao:g.ated•‘6etaititneatt : eatduagalerlie neomire imuapt art,iitte el. .geinatutibtoonstoiymilk, or fature, were, outering.mte einser. bead* our Ptiblio tiehOols *re couspicuoua for of maitai with " One- 'ainstlier,-..with the: theirestibstaatial; hind often beautiful ap- vietetifhnikling 'UN nettle efthe Atnerie . pearance, Mel theeducation' received in can Rep -utak apteverfit" tailintlepend- -- them iseeas itm, 'hive, coilfessea who have mit nstionali4,.: they, thought 'that -boa ever looked into the matter -thorough had 001110 for -trying„Whethei ay embara: and ellicient.1.4'..::.% ..1.. .., ' ' . . " . , rosin: -the 'Uncle tf the toloniefi,.. , thOr,..,„`- In England the* la coMplete Pilieloes toeld 'ttet inepiree Stein . with- dfffeient :libertat , lat Canada :there is eot only 'vieWeelhilseiltheente ...Willi ehis - vieWeeeligieus lib telutieligione equality ; : , . oured mods or churches': owe* hiss cs,',!ii 4,4 pays ." both na ons through this roik4 kis h and .1te has chee" ea a y vote 0 leaks w ton cred thrai nierni: time.. of . ar. intense exciters -tent tirentehont India, .provo•king amt „that in thee_ • nhallabideleaverir In Ilex. rmishoni oe motion *fatly: Messrs. !'_11, ,t .-• - , and timsii3.8,1 174 quarefty aaspended ,, weentinee neither side maybe hounded this setae th Of the MaVtithehrevere glwooa and beer erig he thit a a of e est A tUalciiita an/ Bombay,. It will Ina dila:- back by onneymoei eriters ok reckless great.. The eetnrer then :Orr *xi Or- -fork aneeilesei • ...;tte-•-aeleing,chrefijr cultertitter to end seltelee seeeeesor, puhronieninto the. dreary' swany front ous float& -o Peyinoute whole e gene en? in eau:, I a' .appJr.toopient of - efteae-eee-,-1-, dr isordecently %sat*. a. • Cool, grini faitkers landed and setticd., SA It:i*.i?, .the,..ocheeeRonXicks'A.)(it sectpus Ilat and we fear a-nions complicatiens may :;reilialt We hi mpezs an sonn , aerie t en piens peorala tho preSent dayietaftheea ea' et tiWerelleithte pepolithone bee aetording arise' cluking th thointerrerhaPh The dee . were never more needed,. end lam sure - i.ippe.red intlieir day. Re led -lis awl- 10 the iivotegeatterelanecurie .the time noosed nohltenete leaeosr a widow with your best eitizene -sin join ma in -prayer ieus4t0 RITiill Hill where tfieiciellIallIff Of 'of keepiii.i. tipt..yi -Smith ichoela; - - - , a , four auna Mid two awelttera hTtrare ere other matters in. the pile!, : that theY IrdtiF he Atrthetaiting.n . t'heir d.saindants- lie, tte ' toulbstoncs -. - lanaortuth in t hea beset:gin alineet_ every cares szripter..1 Supeientendcietei ea p ort - itall woetey, of. • Trotor to tat) rrath Zstata; ;,r a Trehmarti °tett-6 rnavticier on CenhcIsio.n' hi- , , . - .- •dependeneci. In view et eays of pFpbable, "'Or; it ."i -.""i4. erst;_varida halmiattohnaleretrniata?tin- Itame_ 1, .sh,nor.WAidnie the veneratiOn they : 4ait it:gtebi.i.iii.i.v#:iitast, fer want ur apeca dafetatialtiai et:Ailments Upon ehetii for e futnrirocielagiOn •- - 4 .., •Pf14°-,441:01,t4,11. Wi received a shert time agetlei E. noel ;Report of the ...Chief Superintee;. .:deut of 'fel, the year 1870. • . We have not hid tene enti":„ it, for the-lleitefit of tier:"-teeders,:itee he folloiving 'synopsis ter from the . Efaini.lton ,we ob3,szva -mit recently a number of early severance ofall p ditieeleohneetion cj,t_,•, °Zile:ye ee a ein;le pilgrim of ti e - appaintimente have been made from betweenEngland mid Canattsotbegornes we'e Mavaoiver - -Perhaps God concealed - the Ainericau wee anl people toasseme -es Iest ariat°324 elm Editorial. CorPa to potations- , a, proper , pofttion towardcAnn. nev thengravea at 'Laid thet i tlftl aPse'rate of trast and emoltiment. Villa is az it '; nations/ neighbour. It rebilhe3 41i- ' rainn.nfrirtt73:;ttrteci' Xi:: hiiintoi; of eileraallier, fer tBere 3* no elm veil* du t, bostering,r, and neknoiledges the exie . ...9 '9: eele irarie ta. ' la as au afttvbirth .of -the more real, hard work -far Jazz Pa1h than te°9° °f L'anilkr-r-feeTiP,g; Ivilica w---- -Refoienation, anashowed how those de- - newspanee men, ana the sereieee the ,shar* from alba,: math the Lrnitied vot (.1 men were. forme by the imperious - • arates, as from Imeingation, and aura: - . - party in pewee receive from the news-. at - A • ' ha of tur.ss of wen EI:zahet n 1 . We hare reCeiiecitheAnnuaf peport et . the S4perin teridentao i the Nctraial dodel GrauneeramrOomitionechepeseoeintario 'fur the yeatt1370-e. Whf thitaleatuatta eitteilit be so Tong deleYoti it IS:. fillPto3. Fttble to sav.--.4gppears. by, its date to. .st o nconrage a feehne ou, 0 - papers which supeort them are watehy - the part 0e:0 -elide .- ittn th- •-f afterWards by the tYranny and intolera have been-presentecl -ta;,. the -Provioefej of her suceessor King james;:either Seereitt4'atelsing ago es -4;tottibeit, 1871, inform to the state religion or sutler -some "ten niontlaseafter theayeer 1 fe tarp exile"... At that time nienh which it reporte the. e.t.a:U*1On of the: &owes were 'unbiinaliig,,,less 'lieu. schoolo, had clOsfi4-4t seemfi Avenge --to' dby expedienCy than they' are nevi- 11, 4%4,46 iniportant-a dOCintient'jcainiet :Kingston- Governineet,-Dr. barker ofthe Kin • „.S'e BleeklAwn of ttee London :her territory, This . tga h t ' g. peth of hottlear. Ali we Heed of Canada ' is' ' hi" t d d freed _grai e , er presto - the resolved to. betake hthemseIfes .:. to ilia 4tO Oat- reuterat.; givn , Is ' f lov &their, native Iand, OACI1 not.veitle pired. ' - - - ve a dishoneedge fife.' . eve offered i brave deaxthethheanahth YS, and theee noble men would- rath- be '..PrA•leeeied._ -ifithite -efiva,,Citle4.3-11.,stishrqee , . . aavye Int:1Year 4fotrieerh itclhaftiteeie"ahAple"ealr. lite7ttile°xf-, Free 4"eete, anointed Registrar of West :. will buiIti our cities, and . her .fititeers' .. . eitehe. leita coolltries nf Rolland where re- thegeneral:--cofitetits Of thit-* l'Weeort it . . fteed ni revailed But thou h at • - Cathertnes Constitutiona4,.. appointed • :Ift,G9nyeenZe : atuher; ami if "7- um!Y Trt i oe,_ _f -they . . Q la 0 , STEtt., 8,093 eeeeeflee of the Ilamilt•on hit/meteor, appointed,t ;I, ;peaee litre *givertrise tci a snore leafed --'Inh-t- .-- --7-- •--t7" ' -- -- ealtor o'f etaigom.'5.7 W. Gillespie; of. are after-yearen of inutUretrnZetinititt ;III f°!!'ita$Ittelie4eta,,dei°tr r.e'hetinc)e.k,tr-eF:.51 . iiv-ellie eeeliei..:.eaattigiliellee.:4Itiiiintaal°-,,e,,71efaiala.,t;, - . , , „ , - it not ti teveial --Milfereeszfel et' .was amios,„0.19-4104,seriss; vo.,etz- •Tif some causeleration whert aoything -anent as well !trope rights of ane tiao ki,n2 of pateensaa going. leeeer nations are es ealred aetheso of yttic - stro eer o e C addition to anamber ogininorond tom- - ntlt 'nada la,„e:ealen,..e417- repubee. her -career th.at ava °ea. re, egn paaret appaintments, we call to mind public and will'ao honour -to the name o -the followkn who have rewived per. whichlas been too often disgraced.. Not ar manent tat:at:ion* at tie kinds of. the will (ler ihteiesie suffer Vir- larrildhg the e! - stoa Whij,.. appointed. llegistrar tral;eseiroler`garinithipr: :An nede si ding the.ir avereion to tha et if* iiot; heiveyer, _ wilt feed oar maratatureri. each vim s p • g inences melt the atatement that the Middiasee ; Seymour -of the St. . rej aethreetenetItodrivethem increise of the Sclieol-Filed,,,breeee ef..• zd ot f h *" e thinketite piespectir are geott foe -s. iset and *fielfenillion Po; Minieniiiirplire le* - AU:itettsinet is ter -he initee to impart fe tattle tad !town t $t mgerat • * party, is neeo dating ter the'reneh est of htlietildhfouralry heilditer ,from tire Piereene Bei:iriedge,eopt fare toeYe.- • • , ;Kiricardine 14 deeide .tha 'Ifferchinekteby_the. votes of the ratepay- eta, %heat the _Wilding of a 113.309 scams house,- and a 0, vo. *Pen hail; andetailit eieelegecethe tee Ile- B; R.- an -Ip,00t) _ _ , :214--foliwirtilKia*tholariff of diqueelte cetisee -adapted'. Fatetteli-ealtienlicense, ..i0'df dor- each tettern liatutika 480i'ffiir 44OP nabrate Otei got: iitWttinsfor; '',The,ehoee, teat:Adobe peid:itt 144140n-0- elle :Gov- ernin4ieeetyee ' ... Throhili'the receininetiefetion ',the Wilealene:'.3Ohn Creighton; Neq,.; • e 'Ooeeeterteetalias latol3egrauteclia mister- eatintoewe teasaisteies -of the guaids- eeed ...keepers ettlie•Kiegilton 'Reeitene tierei - !al.-44,one WOMMits•frem eel leithesei.eneeged•. ireete .:atild to value of -$74,415 wes etioriteed it tliceelo.,ketienent • Aisaieeifiee uhf Ohl° 4hTihif. Ale tell.iteleacta: a.1,, 1:1A-Odad .1/1kt Of..M0 AheSorputotrcti- 4eitie •••- :4)::-.4*1:::::::; well,knoyeeconeraater, deeeted the, eleperegatiOW tha Casbans; le. R., Devrherst of the T...ithielerif ,_ nationai seickiiientiii4intereit. , ealiteg., %Z.-trip:wet-were.; wa hod; t4ttleFunelin 1870.1Y 410 013'10 Jo/ •-afort) Welland Teleyrapli, appointed Pay- 3 . '• -" \- '.._- ' - , Was . 10111Dte had been made; tirt thee:of Which petaled,. in''..'inereitsieg the'- saierithc. !of. ' nmstee of___the Welland Canal; 0. Ha -_., Zs Oa Air. NZ Wae .eccesionaleportion hatileratiarked Op-, teach*, --,ThatiOra150:4 ptil)iht iu -the: llackinteet 'cf the Stamm- Dlepatei. LUNDO* Seer -err' - .-- Vircjillave- tu-thawat httitdemelter soae time,- that they*IhessihoLmithrof the -Froilnee 'foe- the year eiteee'arieea eitiateesea atitt" hiet' sch.00lii-wpilmsg. Tii, whobslinztibioi- -' ;2PhIllited Poittniutter. r Where qualiA- :: Mr. Moorehoitse foe ehe JeUuery nuiri- op Atiti vtigame. -4, their T!perieentet,' lalf0 was 442e418 -e -,Tho reoeipla dee, the :',.p: foe th4 positigin they espial te, news; her of thia favortte Magarante It lithe inclimet once More in . gellantl• • ';'The lear ;ver.e,-*1;•.tigtiv,ix.,, -14a,iniut 4,- iiapoi. ma -a areentitkri to every weale., usual replete witlrinteresthig "awl leototer paseedeapidlyi over ttii tbny,"-I.Or . tinned toutthoLegislativefirsat, 14i 0,- . will= itnin the Government. Intoner- e. . - .- - thek-retidence In this neauf whiph .*,i2.;,frpmlhow0:*mig 4444 Aiiiics• - eitendat over, ai- period. Of ;AL rapt, Twit Gobi:aro* Sees:--Thia hie -unary h -mi • -,-pre. - which disappeared blaze of ' h • light They -er nmoY -t•••-: nt, -051,0 0; from, %ewe. *eery awes Wother **tees 10100 leireosee,,33.50,4,effeeted rweiptefot all theitneonSeliocie puree for tbe YeWlattiaitinJUntai* stta, neereetWeinillione of dellaree *let iiierame otrer the Preeieding Irear:o .01.ta938; 11411IPI110-4$44004r .11441!,0.4..it 449; 'nit mania paid foe eahleiee teltah ere Wes 8.14122e#8.1e htt hipr expended for- 1414 :46* rAct haildiligOloothouifist, 007;500; fer renteettel--repaeiri tit school hinittea'' -800; fot school -beotrai eese and ether ill,ohlantil expenses,- taffil2ri Shoiting a total "wipenditilre fOr alitioni- maisohhol eitirpoemi $1.042,- 061, „be,. ing ex increase 4411%164 over the pee- . - 81121111)111743217/. abn t th h risene-vatione,but were aPPY-1,a a t rrin;tinl nuagee17:heatal eilet ***-1**/ 'teeb-d-°1*- The tli.lentty wheah tint afitesibetweere e ge .1/4.4„ 00(1. in tee nutmeat they garret, • Mneland the United State* auew U414 ‘'Y 4'7'5 Puse"' ""*"-a. d Tetarpositione hotiOver,ante intent:erase the Alabama ciaim7i.. ivis given rise ee Ileth a mew dress it prisents text te peets weber tineomfortablee-Suid. nnecr.: memo patriotic effestons ameng Yankee °lean aill*anince. We Wish 4Mir et.) , 111* and the geestiOnOf tn Am- darleleeeo,eaw,,lui „earl thirsting for a wai e"17 alle4elff' - _ mooted.- Several Whemes vilta Angortaf 'Ahem eroduetietut, 141exra lidDrqa Aoetotreeffeee which mono! tar !few York iferafee ee Alteree Dmiss.--The *ALMA din- we tgake-a everehnt Wee 41e- ateemp delight, generally emanate frees: net. of the N. b. Agricultural Society' el.cled thit en!" Pertien 41°1114 1r); the' the peat of these who bey. no, stake le took place- wt. Clinton- last even*/ threeirlitlitongrir Tlitendlettur° oletgabres the tboinnernitte *118- who might gaie!,(Thursdity), aed was wary numerously. istoechhaa Atea e it' of the I:week and: eoniething by fat centncte orauch likee-atteneed. Ad able and nitereating se of tee sago cootie& Ali& the woethe to theerent of war. It is thereforea dress was delivered by Rev. -W. F. tea.tor, a man far in advent° of his .aos qui...refreshing tocomeacrose seasiblei Olarhes Edifier of the, Ontario igesier. filk7Ve tf th-so who were *belie to leave Notion each th Anima appeared A tali report of the proceedinp wil ate et a veteran ef 1812-15 a few days pear in next Timaday's issue. - -'-thek'Irienas te' blind- a new: "'Pi" in, ago: Re, elehes to have had Immo ex_ AomeoNt___An om Thwhie _thheeel4woctireiAetell4thtladtionthgemiliassitt fisarbeitwevit eiteofthe way theedathed Kimuche 'Lewes met with anaccident• Athent'll- *ken, the -Speedwell, versel of 430 led:biro( ewe American General (Mull) last. While attendieg e circular saw • ith area a ' jo'n Mould stit tilt% thiehnitof the we e• -re.Tha yiekt of the tieeeethe vetoes:4011e of ettni t Biont aro about- ereettig two Or tkniates„ ea& costing itierhaps 49,000 to V13/00ile ffh,j1.0server bee beeii suggested that, tlie :two congregations.. prise bookt, librariesi,433,80 e for sites erect-, one, fineolfoliileing eeeitiet:g :_fectin hisltitarrIte "gartataa-,States that :the- . .eitso.rteeeeBrotherae --formerly :ef crebeeht decide:lee Stare:* rabble faetoryeie,Xae,aheei arld, ateeet 1480:100 tO 100e •- . - „ • . law Mill" it* h** a thati". "lawn factor: at Sesfortiz ow Se4h.raaf tons burden, milled from -Doff . given, eeme year. . e"Elzirbalerwe /if .the ash* beheently gpx. buisineef..br tbp 1st 31-441.-* They*M" employ front. rgtoNt to. 1;0044 hands,-Avact bo44100,iria he a giirettiterausitia tethateuterpreihe • . eurreieleritis with khr• weokt force at lea hone was caught nee badly leeceetert Nevem/ter at Soitthamptcm, which port when, the returea were lade wan a,- Dutra:reed of another American Gene- Persons leaflet be toe `careful *hen both eased; left for their lone VOYa8011 301k ., *- . ---:" ___ ' - ' e • , ref (Winitrid Seote,,thierfoonieg a senile; working *bent suohmathinery., . -,gesolerhor Auglue , The Seee8Well haot Theelamorti Matto/11 of the gretilellei elitterstim ow___t_ _ ,hli ou'elhrt fran. !leir• go • Duriozroete-While the driver of Mr. . with a series of-disseters, . and Wing tit,' including otilyetilklren between the ages' Mat& vaguissaasolososaase7bamipasgag,-. eolinstoiee itege, which runs between laet pronounced neseawerthy both vete 01.0et Iola eixteee years, wee eekeee.,, lid in Iner. this ale j:WIti. W"ete ' 'Clinton and whntham, Was hi a talrerns *els put back, farther sieparatIew took Whig.= incrpse overehitt of tie ttra• Auserinsa troftpt oampod for the eight 'worminghimeeleat Belgrave,on Teesday plow, and finally the Mayflower,- it via- : yietes,;'year of1.8,58g. The nombee - Of several wiles to rear of where the eow,t night last. some fiend -ia human shale set 0160 top, took liereleeerture *Ito pope; attending tier schools between the wise. At this time their eppenener were severed the twohind feet of one Of t $ with 100pilgritne on board, 40 of when age! of Sandsebyesas was 420,ette poorly ertaste, re, with:int the least did CialaPliaa P"I.7 thld hones abov* She fEtiocka The driver were mein; to be in the providence' Of 'an Inerease over th • . . 1 1 t The eldiartiser mantises as tali% hfleimmecitalialon by tree turnsioenarenfiediathetigte: iirmstaltit thetingthe ntentivof dinitary Mr. W. feeLean, agent for Beglehart itfo the! lito:nrinicloPu,P,4onthe elturendredfin:Y;tri‘df fifty** Ode, 500beteals crude oeleopesieu;pleiwok Oewtrionstcuctionfesand-ffava- e taks :toren - , e04,e. inhaymiaisomtbat the haikeieh- f-a IBM metier- Ode be of. ;rut aerre.. ewe, . 1311°°11 at itiah peri.ocolumette, bit 4106. aX1,-WP .bs4 st 06800,80110 and render the establialnesett a while_ Alto, that e s - 4144* 4441141:14)#F FP441C. er aanstroo4es, Aavorshitralas., resemedWingliam. God the founders of :the new enepire. /The amber oil:tepee of otieste eskee' see too week eniteged with negeoll to miscreant wile dal soch en act deserves men had time to talk over their plasm deerease, as cempared wall ifeee . preteisiae to dierielime Trod been The horse was valued et 000.. Thet Dories si, raw title , days these Drier_ e einchng fife witeble wee 2221100; being; devote the* a _____ _ .ettentma teteee.halerie, a th lt, the most °wean punielsawnte mid &insider their impede Let tut /Mk The number of boys etteneling tilt imbiNIS "fila-lwa •11.11 I. (rite Itosiseav.-Thres lads aged aboirf 12 peep bete the aable and lora at there, the 'ohm& Tut 223Ael; 11114i of4 gills" *"01:4Liontsr7 ti" ;Po lawiti„, hi, ,'''' it '/°"„ years, eltedaddled front torn a few day* There see, wire zed predent Carveie 10%104 teseiveretee tile front a* aweremes lead ig IT ___•44 " Ire° ago with o'er $1,00 wluek 0130 -of them i Os elder et the company and regarded the former-0er the ' th°0 Irnw trl'aft: at 1"16 umr e limn We h"6 • ..t,,riat' • ed front his &dowse till. h cowmen ewe:sent aer the governor of 3,146 and' of the I 7 ts well difflee, well *ripped eaki4tie. Yho ereey --a004.41 it to ,c and were theeelon gise woof& b* Oohs IS* era libthaer 1000,114 of _ Briorsterupon whom number af letligiali eepibeefestheral Alai i elisimsdises ties eve& We dee Ilwarfeatall awe wliert they wars detested -wed lb whom hi ender a pew boat eit the 1 the *an . of_ ,, df the felkbe reportemleaa noCateswe4mg ealweleeseir k showine sk olootteatf in iiiir *ow se do $P. it sem le sal breiseht bot.k. it is Is be bops& they tan stain*/ el the solemi; tlel 400 I. dazes, el ihe toe. ii the ""*. lilk"kt will be bother boyeka elm Mete, l Brateford.„ for Si, Yeses Stivatowslitt - t , 'deeethe 'review- etetit eof• 14f . ., . . ease wellek witilWaall°12 see weereteseeteeiew reeetvere Midovias• et ike eatery; Wioalow, 588 achreile Ilree es sowstate we we ditaset hes • . talaa We odd held areas es 42beeitleir. 14,1i' • liag ease till 1111° hwhiewl; Aide; till *nit 1" 1 and the lase elearsrvere 4,111 ea ..0,i00 itttb 01140d the Sabha het the ' Iota tits ewe suwwwg ter 11 I.= tiotawa:ItZt lut =1.41iirwin SP VON eiehlegrialideli seieeet iiw sne's. sum Nisi* Irevollimrville Po* Awe bees 111 new earvisaKt. swat the le 011111.1111110. . 11tha iiratorlortic)/ • • witer 0 $ f34002 mer vid)!Ie geaereur.' ▪ . • MUMS • lid 2. FOC, LET kW WPM WARIM sALL T1314 f:'1Z4S AT MOO ,tt 1 -10y$1,7.71 -.SZ . P-It'a rogatodPhe ae•called- 'Itemproe thereare eo city Treety," Mider whieh Canadian evgrY Mall graio,-tiMber;'-dsk- nOat, tattle, and in for it. - , . - aget..*11 the aathral- producta of Cena- - dine fielder, -Mines.. fine giverk pawed. oeirtoriittiry laty free. - What :'.a.tea the_ -aged? Did they smite Oteada ye-ith cometerchr-earalyaise ;.. *Foe from it It Wee founie as a matter bf lact, that' .inetteeeel• the; .',,artielee , upou Whtell :day; had been placed atelia froatier conanged to,, be demanded in-yery 2115ch the tiZnie . eerietities tie feeiiiiirle*. Tide was Ary-noticeibly thiriaid with re- gard tie. Canadian thither. For this and other produce the Canailianrople,withe Out e moment's low ef time set about ending ether Markets; Ind 'so miccessfu1 were they thet the Custom ?attires of the - Oar 412, which the ohaiige tenured showee , Ally any perceptible cheek to ths cora- . teems of the ' eonutry. Tim' yes" that elapsed since then, UM,. 108, 1869; 1670; and lea; have hem SMOng the inett- roxperous Canada haw Over known. mtp All "Mediae tradirelations- Po Wel. i heathy oo.ntlitiow,bot tlte beside's,- .wiiichetiinneColifederatidle•- het *Prang ep ;between the dilretent _Provinces is eal/e011Y licratifYieg. Take *few figures, eineeare:4403'estr tinded3Oth.lene,, 1869S adecidedly Tome -Woes_ year with that tinded.30th Amp, ,1870e - Thevelne ,of ito0411 entered for- 'consumption in the former tear ifilitil67•402;i7e; and la the latter year tlearly t4,cfoo,000 triereeoito be prechie 01,2317;603. And if irtdook at the expertel in the 'Year ended 30th '400869, they amounted to te6,,474,.- 78Ie het in the -year following they TO00 tiiArak 0731..440. an Immo of over 03,- 000,000. . The figures for the year weed 30th June east have*not 'retina given-, but it * khowe that septic theee,hav been, *very importatit „inarease in the trade of the eountry. - There h er, Ito surer sign of mint og ite internal ""bonstennetatiotes. preeporitrin a ntrythan the iMeperte 10 _Twenty years ego there were scatmely 100 miles oerailwey Cretedati how them are -era 8,W antes ixi operation, and aritbia .ti-zWee thee* will be 4110 sieve. With* lirt :ears the Dominica' of aduniuMlim 011tzte Niationtry.: • 7 -all suppligeoi all kindlof" failtr$ BUR-DiFelt,, now to band, and selling lOw A.T .*t00/11-1011S0th • BLANK 130QICS. i A general aseortment of every' STYIX AND QUALITY of - 1314.A.NX 1300KS - jut opened anti opted at lowest =lei for with 114430RHOUSW .8? • •.• DAYBOOKS, JO LICD61118, CA1311 BOOKS; 11/NUTE BOOK141 KS, r wit:ultra. PUB Boace, *a, &C., ad, et lowest possible 'pot:time Toti.oxeri hionday 12tetleeb. A hiareelmber'eif ere pawl MOORHOUSEPS through committee, most of wiheas of * N rth Sidi) of 7e.a, k t private or -local character An le, ° r e quer. amendieg the Agriculture and Arts Act Godirich, Jemmy 9th, Itrfle bad a elause inserteii•prohibiting horse racing within. five miles ef any ' tion, upon: pain of a fire:eta* , .50, and- tn. default et jelled, re, Soninent forme lower SO days: solntione--"That in the opinion of this . Booltbeliaossid the following re- St Fletutee /leer of the entatenae and rapidly increasingetievialopenteet a the Peewees of the North and West, -it is ef. imperative necessity that means of POCKET 41,411143OrtidiOn 13Y **3r %alma el connecting leakes Huron sie taTio, Alier OonSiderable &sung= 'in witiell WILL BELL TEE "r41"firia O. .110KENZI1 should be ptovided, if practicable, wtth- out ferther deleyel . • Et OFF ! seVerai members expeessed their prefer- goods at owe and under eneefof the Ottawa river-l'buta iron the] ri West to flue West! .-the •essoinfion wee uverepatat voted dbaltion drIraiort of a to 48. A bill rell;ting fo the Division (feuds • rea-jaexense then. palsed through oceentittee ' , _ Tuesday, leth Felt Blankets et Flannel* - 7404 of teedayes sitting -wee taken up • • , with a debate °wan sjoKsilar's Bill to `gherfele Ak shirthigst :render imatithers 4sf tha House of Oats- ° w mons ineligible &VI:members of tee - ielatiya Assemblyie:•f Onterit, Tire Bel - 'wes finally read 4 weond, time co. a vote 454 tri e, Ladies' Fars, ; lrnx W007;1'. SillINDAA -Th43 8Pssia141, 001515ittsb 110014ted to invelgtig44 4"6 At Half price! bargee rouge inst the Government ition, met .easetbnideeintomtwied: oamerouitne:haz1!.;:„ f usieg en e Wood he nuto refuse: aseliisbutera tithe chime' eeeould he &Pk amasso do:001;:tir: leauredity Sala a latiaind asfrnIntliove joraarth_shw ye: vflore sloe 100 10801 41616611=11.'11411.111.,' imora .1113694$ eartetteet palms not lees thee & miles of ratiwity, ittommotare t-44 great Ppoaie leas wbich the De, ,atreelweisent luteleadaed iteeef to oonewoete sad the s tor w wet 4Wood Mak°, elliVe&INTrili) theca Zas; obo Corals of Med) TO fee theretposke ip et Ids/aide, Ives GEO. NoiLENZlit itpr all amen* . theirGiteueeruso'swateraisaliool Deo. 33.1 1,871, te tit laohormse. In fore, ill Ives w trisioieka,taz iteetwbraleioll raw opiated up, *pet bailee of pope.. hoes. ; Wean •••7' • • • e- hew. ee It is w tzr:o h?..41;) • kzcz....:5 if, Pi) ,127.277 'Li 3 :t 17.27.,..-7, 1% 17: LI- Izrt:ilsA 7:6 C - ) (k (WA Ttere fhe '• fent eie: te.ti it, tee ea ea nalcrstan tow taar take it, lee - it hy the cre Deiger wk tail *het MA4' Ottawa. Tea make it :epee have f; irraal fere rieb7Ang-r ef castle settle Como Twee catholic' i *nu:mimed, the te; u sewn lea ainee clime echtle es op which cerriet 7bef3ria few Cons ire ism they switiredle . _ 4.:0414/14011 is a ceive the Iwo • "to call i the sense ie, Oa 4 vow Rene al am lilted, "Oh. a sect ;.inu aze 7 Ste Diva jute spinner, thirty maintain an is indeed tee -Fete •• ?he Geld it ter thet thew 'cure sadaitzts1 thall• When Eke Felnre will 1 debt of say mounting us ,OJeeten, m • amount 01 the Ciates. A SLUITIAX C0t1gress altiTigaished Garfitid,4 0 the vernal issie that vaiefon Cah)ut 435,0" ere geas pe .uanies epee end, oho havc eepeaws tea ,rrlug fict LP) •C:11:111 agent& ,1:1117.1111.11 08 treasurv a eteelee.,0* for A Noes:. C Grata New 0 ,of copper, eie elates semeea beina siey t lug v:i',41,3 me of t:ie th r1,-; Sure. „. • 51 parte, i4Quat at Bi 414-31“ V.te 11eAsps .uvaiieet ith a iqt• *tow:Si:0n I) • 0 I ir !*11, 7 d T. ere se Fe the OW, t • ei.a'at; ae I lee?. r "tell E -i-ei2.4:opie 'eke Mess, Dec 0. was a writpairse on test ear aaU 010001 tk Oreit.el g eeeenig, Prrsawo tabit of seer Jelly gee foe he Ae4111 ehr7oughtbm clergyman ed him oath! and the re that weeki "Ay, ay ," very husk Armlike and no to te *rye hall feu "maw." ' - InTiAlriti;t7Olaz totplia.detesPanyssideseoho 41falettwiltorhensottente yttioauelnifii4orimasi McKeen' in stihoziluisikigsselat:51 and wall. t and it ...last tPilitThwilthingantt""rialliglAgsitievhe'e" itoee'gul'edielniciaeleill%bu We undo cough is qui aroma us; b Wel So Jo/wipes tor, howeve duce vomit' There are different ki States. jultiriove, Old Dr. P bilious pill are now sold leirgetiec r Two or with many Leh 'dill Spoon, thus any *SIM generally therefore elie to take rid al. 70 Widest" are stove 111111 *cal rem 41. • •