Semi Weekly Signal, 1872-02-02, Page 2_
•-.11.••••••••• -
S ..•&•- \i, • -t ..:, 4 e• '; ,,,,*. ,..,:v .,
;,-.- 411.-,...-Itit s;!; 4:11,.t
,. . , . -; ;,,,,,,„
- en' 1 ' af tient Cotatah. credit halo the estimates foe the meant
tc't CO maltose the neeer tlioAcu(it""" wh" "vs l'ec'
Y - There are, bait:alio= that the vast take a Large quantity of iron. Added to
(he T; heel ehesee II ease theenottue were hept itt a very einer wad. setisfactor
4 •r:'
22,01? CAlitae. street railways, which is quite a new
feature in alus country, but which wet
1 tier reccinoiended • manner, Show a hatince ou hand at the
bt)C" ,2,4111 41„th!e, nna n end the txpanditurn for the current yeer A. lerge Innulter of Petitions were Ainericaut captalists, if not of our own, continue, &sail oonntrias appeal -just now
evehe1q1v tee:eV. it &apt recetn.. le not likely to be so heavY att itt the preeenttal after which several law bills and in _all prohability these stores ef to be, comntercially speaking, in a pros-
L'UnsIth-hkh.t. . tea h,:e; tt nrDeroott's pain et pest. Tile Onittrittee recommend thee were anatieed ae stage. On Mee Lau- wealth wdl ere long be worked on •
heroes condition. Taking all duet. things
hen eshh-•..L.'" ca tele e -e act Atte h eteeeei ere-, tileaie greeetee ti,„,1' tail be, pulilielied aline; eich. the littoutes lute the 8 loth Gray electise mutter from A Liverpool paper an article girin
eee. a:ea:Leh aeeeea-es e 4 _A. '17 t.• t), 101 kt3".": dt.)1theiir let/itritig that geotletnan wee blend to an account of the Canadian Titauic iron for some years to come. There ia
Ae. it - ex.! ta.! Mimei by Mr. erc$5well see. 1;)- Mr. th-, kutt the tioltion. drithped, . Finn Company, which has been formed also another most important point in the
h e -e ae. Le. eiv ease f poialtgo 51,1,Videk thAt tW SAM ni The house adj. inrued, aftor *Atha; ahath in England for the purp 14 of working probable future of the iron trade that
"2% -1 rt't`i<.:rrua t;_.1 thd P.t. the above repert attl 6 an hottr. an extensive and veltiable deposit of has carefull a be tak i t id -
it,oe 2 , s7,) itiiiitC11Angos, latter reported Deeming of tile 0o:tient yeaeofitt794.0e,
llosnAa, Jan. 29th, 1872. attract Ptillihet‘atteCinschIntion oar anthd perotall theseis ;tare lo1 trade's gen,ersiwlui7cha insiceliktelPms'y to
t? ee•eee eie , 3 eeeeeee, wee th,„, the Preehteere letter lout teats, doe's &tenon fer Columithe entadr• large *vile. We not long ago oopied into censideration, it is clear that there
f 11. ff • tt d d f
eleLeeeee-s_a:cet eceirre I
eviees, thea, thhe tecen. ji • .'e
13 V‘.1.7,,,,•'
, C723.-r;„e':
C;I:.;=:-.1-..!'„,7 Feet is:en-leer, re.ii
teezel Lyle -ere; teee. flereei ce?
nee., A., LT-fee:12°e, ree. tee
cee tree ree.eceentee!..eni off
Bler„:1-e-eee h. tree iele.C.33 C2 (1:••••=1T
Iti-feeherhe hiehea it L
eenheeetall to hale e:_aes Li €.1'13
alT,11-r_na rg0-+.1'• „
eel= a's aeceeeete fiene belde'e -1‘1"rli'll'ink 1'1-4 l4r"nta
Y en n o owns era
A.lee!eieeeeno kietegeeeauhk s'eartliatre Lest.. Report adepted.
TI:CROAY, Jan. 30th, low Quebec, and we also gave some in- every ton of iron is dependent un a cer
ore at St. Urbain, souse sixty miles be- tion and that is the supply of coal, se
• ..1".11 :Ile 0.",:h 1
il Mnre4 by Mr. Gibson sec. by 7Nir. After routine husinesa Mr. Swat mow. formation respeuting the new Coma -ant tain nantit fur his mail ufact ire, and
e , ..., ee •'...y 3.1e, zee:Tee:eel, seconded by • Dezteetis that= tinecounea ele petite tn the • ed, thet in terms of .a resolution to that, of winch Mr. A. H. Beidein, of Ottawa, some of the ablest men in the country
-.. .3f. e `ra-e'e,.13, tint= neeera, Ilan of the. Airgtriaturk,‘ to distrib,ute, mining tile effect teased on Wednesday, a thiamin- is the head, which has Irately taken the think that the supply of ceal will socn
-,,, eeteet. Tee.e'eel. .7=7 Celt:ton and .I.Caer oi . Mualiele616=Aea Lttl..5Litt.ti, tilAt pertiee of tee be atinoiii
' i
e„, , , i ted to inveetigate the 'full iron mines in hand. The latter became ivadequate to the demand • one
-.2. e ,e e,„,e,,..,a,,,ekateee eeeeeety eeeete cite Land Improvement e thin, uteug ctiiirge3 of wane talemesbeing brought, Company, we believe, at present eel- thing is certain, there is greater difficulty
ee tile peeetent yf.tate-Vertied. , avreare since .1.61, still reaming midis- , to bear hy tkeEPromier to induce eir.. templetes only the exportatinn tlf the every year in getting it,and nt the present ,
. '•!.1 Le' n•-7. tht-teete3 =let:ended lee = traietteel. Caerkti. , Wood to resign his seat -in the late Ca- ere to the States there to be smelted, titne some ef our largest iron -works can .'
lift3"t,ti, tttst Mesere. Idaye,teaeriek, (heentqadjoiteated till 9.30 toemorrow
e.te.,'....e hetheree lichee:a and the. newel., rin-trlinik -- . .
, a, ':, ie.:02,712,e Yee a cemtaittke to itiveateief 411. 2rtit.
._;•::-."-3 L'' t;k:3 ).-'-.°H. MAO 11? seettring al Ceithea met at 9.80 a, tn. . .
i unit:23 CCall-Znti1t-si.1 speed. I teeeekgee fee 1: Minato Of yeaterday read and aps
' Iir_.e Cer.seeet at.el reeeyet at the June:. pletve.-1--.< . prim:n=164d Perharnentary management front the Soethern side of the eet. Lew- f course you *ill naturally wonder
rehe gee.
EC teeete.e.a..e. Fee.
ETIC7.0 t7Q-70 Elea!: CO:J.3
zee -Zee
tan C:217.2:3172:1.,3 ki C13 Vil`:_iiC2'1 S:1:E13
r2L'.0 Ceee.eaCeefleeceeeet, aeie
tereeeeeeee, nese b T.t".;
CZ7, crall En a fareeece
eeeseeeeeee ceeeeeet tattC„3 Et 1,-(..50:2,3?
(22 1113
fe? tree Ceeeeere. teceee eleteee t.f.
cereeeeee a•-eer..1. 123 ram -
iheee gi1C112:2,
imuta. .etiter a few words by several bat the nattier Company intends net only get three or four days' rupply per 1
members the motion WAS carried. Hon. only to raise the ore hut to make the week, and there does net appear the i
Mr. Blake then row) to arenose a mese. iron in thetiade. The ore froin the alighest chance of this difficulty being re-
Dfarrnora mine% goes all screws the lake moved, 1111l51511 somethiug is invented to
ure for the ap.prhpriation of the Railway
fund. Ile eat it involved the general ta Charlotte, near Roeheeter, and ore la ely supply its place.
' ''':'---h-en'i:It''ihIcl I.; , Rotted of salaries cennuittee recent- =for which his friends and himself heti ren'tee below Montreal, goes to Albany why the great advance On iron should
., .
17'4 zit• °
• UO W. 401P-- 1.1 -1 that the sal -6 dee of the cemat d T
• t-:1 ,- • tni- l• tt ti• g • i Y eentended for four yeers, upon which an roY, hat we should like to see take place in a few months. In answer
tee te71 Fie teeeeleeitli-' ifigh Seheed. and i ellialab to the same m .4t3t yditr, with they voila to the countre and which was - would be, the stnppage ef this exporta- to flee - we cen only say that fer genie
"2„.q•:',L.2.,:all • Q2 6.1-O 0211tOn ilig4 t41) eSeepticn1 of the eAre taker «Atha it chief cause, they believed, for the thin of ore. and the making. of iron ht years past general business has been dull.
Ceuta. 11:7413e, whose sahere ther reeein change which Ii34, taken pleat hi the Canada ineitead. Of course it Is better The.cnvil war in the United States, the
e_ e
lea (eeleetee, 1:371„ 411a P. Adamean, atenated eetentl be railed from 41.5 tte man,egetneut of the inners ef the coun- that the ore be oxported, than that it Fettaeo-Geritian war, end the commercial,
• relee.e, eeee aeeeletrel en the Beard oth chin's), was read and &dilated.
Z.17.7.,',1,:'., in, t'C211:1•3 d.:•.! t'12,1a late Act. try. :The Melee, by a mak:trite of 48 to ': should, net be-- worked at all, but it oriels in this country, all tended te check
l' ' The Council thou adjuttrued tillthe better still were it not trade. The East. India. and Ausiralien
Moved by keee Ltirenee. secouded by Cut AllentlaY in June' - i 2:3, hied made an express declaration as . w"nid ht ninoll
' to its:opinion with refertmce. tit the nettle , only raised but sive smelted and work- nutrkets were overstocked with geode,
-Ma Vshilheeeta EV: thN OkK11-01 apeoine , . :, by whieh the Railway Fund should be ', ed up at home. We limo unfertunete- owing to It talue speculation, in the w ty .
;:t'',W0C3-i-.:-..3,73 i•73.kt,1-::._,:Ts to axe:nine into ' = - - . ..... , ... „,
of the 11=94 a•litilnisteroid;if Miele a declaration were ly no coal in either Oriterie gliebec, of consignments. But now every thing
' aereneeei eyeeeneei c.rownehEp a3303•
1 .
fullomoil by jegidatiou doe power ea but for all tron depusits- aletie the St. is quite different ; all the tuitions in the
[17r.-3) ae_e eeeeee beefe:Fet tie -triune St1iSSi190,, , tithe eether of fele Hut "u :haste-, acting, accereling to the eaieting hay, Lawrence, below' Moutreat or thitebec world appear et want goods, and there
A azzlAt5T-141'73 tilti &AN Ink; 'Art it net evident to the would be left in the hand of the present. city, coal froth Nuve-Seetie =eight to be (hies not a ppeter anything te spriote up at
en., whereat at. wet casual observer, that, these are Govemment-power whit-101ov theught aveilable at !lithe moderate cost. all likely to cheek a great trade, ea tliere .•
_ eeeee _., _ ....- Arle= aveeele MEWS Of excessive workilinees t Win 1 it woe not peeper that any
• Nieeet•'. L asearealeaent by ' co.eornineoe iThere might be furnaces erected in seems luore prespect of a generel peace
''Y'VD 414:2-1-42.• '-',,F 3-14, atao-t13 that t'll 31_1d, ( are the twe grand itbils of ehould have or retain. Thie measly° Nova Scotia, at the phIce of shipment , het e een ail nateina than there hers heel'
for coal, also on the St. Lewrenee, at ', fer au ae tone put. Auetherthing,stocks '
the pines ef shipment for the iron ore, of W. in here wete very low ; there has i
and try this !areas a fleet of vesicle' been for Ilene few years paet but little -
ceult1 be kept goina, carrying coal one " rros *et of an ail exiles' in rice d. 1 -
ateareehrs aeahhat two Nehieheira te get the ceee. Together they enthr 11 the, was, therefore, proposed for the HOttse
4-1'27'"--i.::__-7,11'--2-',''=„wcm-„,`-'-="3,16r3 t -A Tace,itte as,irb the energiee, and vim. to carry out its declared opinion in re-
rectitr3 ae tee 6.13 num- eland 'e:bei Irealege ef the nealtitutle, ,fereneee to Perliartieritary control and
Q -r‘ 6:2earea 3rd uheeered Everywhere:awn aee Imitate- get !manavineut. fu the al:licit lit which the
2aeefi. at:A the ateteell varas of evil a'so utterly naterapniens Be to the means used ; Bill had been framed, it eve.s proposed
te seeture the hoe% ile.aith is imperil- not to interfere with the legal effect of
3 Va!t_13 C2 P37:333or.
`12-2(,-S:1 aees1 'Mega Pteeee't e
Srs -
situated for this trellie witlt the Neva
inn mince weteli are not convemently ing a large stock, and the be lk of the
Reacenete• ee hchhhet th.asau c„neeketee where it exists, ".Coererninent under the Act, and there- -
'3','„V•3„-L01-irz. ehareeeter awl imputation seeri:= fore only those would be teuelied that Scotia coal mines, cntroced ittneht • tiohisenpoiseuf.tctburtegrrseawtedreeiutitatihidis
Meecel?feetheee iaaexenderteeet by ',gr. •ficee, 3,11(1u:63e of ail to be kflotre.J, the Ittal been issuefl after the 7th of Dueem- 'used, and with greet advantage, too. It is true that in all times of great ad-
led, piteteicel and mental powers are the faders itt Conned paesed by the late
I p , an nan
way and iron tire thh fairer way, ant ufaeturers telly bought from baud to
never g dog without a carp. At these ' num th, net coxing to lose interest ay keep-
Ets.11.7=ID UftVa-2:1.T..? - 51.41, r1.7,DS[b evereeeteng eseeftre, 1,,f the mind tiegeset- ber laet, the day on which Parliament in prices there is considerable ex -
"Rhe Unions Swedeth iron it tonelted "al- vendee
uh-henne-sh-ha reezeih'eiees L13 Leee r„- tee:a:eine:1 theee t
celeat.2 reeete Ceeee'Lp a3
fee tile ceeceeziae e.r.' tree aefeze...e.ey e-
eeeee ce. fei7,:e a ex: .
Sae'-zseee 6
faceh erle Teeeensee.
Aeozat-eme -A co.v p'223sae_e= • 433:
0770.:n; 7,, 42L1 3 !,
/221.21,,1%.1.1c2 ,r.;;L.;
nee.; aeteeere--717ete Teceee.!e
hehhtla E;;.)7 ceeee nee eer,..t e..=
ce eel Geetateell -se
etee eel'eeretLee-.1 Cee ifee.e. eae 6
At7.'-'eet •e2.13
17207.173 ,E17
a-see:'e ceeet,,Ciee Oteetee 17 •,-;7_,2 it?
tseerefeet ere,
larreisees Leeakeee-treai.---T4
a, ,
Ti cl'hahhectaf2 aze e'er -3
let1.1-.1reet KU:, N1:1 ' t
L7',',7;:f3.7.,:2::_n 0:2:7 anfl the -he the eee, tt
Cifit' =73 F.37 Cr.:\
Le -leo a 'fame acl a deceest Ale -etc= '
Et":7:3? 12
(13.:\ N. a t
tear,' S-e.e_set7 tee`..72. take -2.:aeo at Renee •
bee -fie ELF ee, C.--Teeeere = 21:27, 1271'.',11 .1.
17;1:.-7, Tieee cf, Oa; I' .1
-Seale-ea &Tete; aeseete-,-eeeee: --le le
S ieree
eiese ea..; Ceet-e-a cee. ezetree ...el-, le .1 I
C net.
_ .
ami A
Lir' Ai:12:-. a ',LYS' (2.3:y3z.
Ca' a's. ta3 vcciivia, •
- b
C.a3; TS3.3 7 1
etl, itt bleier teateatEfet a towering &min- met; thus includina -all the orders in together with charcoal tnade from Finnic° t d h
ehe eeetesea aPi eaite of land 3 in tea, or an ineatietele avariee. This
-eteieif'att ceenceire them:eel szdr,,t, 1,7,;ry vi. -4731,e in the unseemly
r teehheh said /'le Lace beel, aeld with a tree-ede for o9iee in tite 41ini
itesteeseeenn are tere 33F111, e -ear, had ' of pewer, hilthe eager pursitit of pleasure,
zhf'-'31:2ehh cakiee Lae- acorn- in `,11.o eresaleace uf estealesi tiDeculation
ta3 eel weaving iota in the ex-
12- e a':i jun' eetieg,-Ohee traveg int expenditure of money en oat -
',a fermi:are. neediesa h. -aorta% and au-
3feve heeifteeh Pa amendment by -•3Tra dreee -la the latter instance
eeswe:11.„ eeetee 312.1,pm3-.K...,,, frit Duty aesp.einet
aeheeess: hreeethhee .63 aeparinted viatt wala3 31-ApaisMty in manta chine
• and scrubby pine timber, such as is f if n , y y
entint-'ill except twit -hone relacina at the otfheanle with the ironmasters at the
North Grey Railway Compeny, and the ll'a use bat to burn; and evervbody present time Seine men declare that
other to the Tormitolimetionth lateau. eknows that oar supply of timber te befere h 1361, bars will he £1 I to £12 per ,
ka. Iteilway Company,-whieh had a hiahe charcoal from is practically •iiii.-' ton ; chid we do net believe, still there 14
COMParatiVeT, s.nall mileage, and the hunted. But further, yanatlian iron no Raying. If either the Won or oat
Mods required for which were not large. ores are preintinced by scloutific men to workmen agitate fer a f u rther itscreese 111
wages-aud it le imp amble to say tlit.
Wilt not -the priors may ge up consider-
ably abitve these figures.
We are rezeivine circulars daily from
ell the manufeettires totting diet they
11 ' - ' ' I
" vanea aseortment of Ladies' Furs of the newest styles ist
Alaska Stripes,
Coney. &c
In Gents' Furs, CAPS, COLLARS and GLOVES
Also a ls.rge aasortanent
f Fait and Winter Cloth Caps
Which will be sold at lees than city prime.
Goderich, 12th Oet. 1871.
Tht Cariadiat Dairnata's claw.
The Fiftit Annual' Cenvention of the
Canadian Dairymeo's Association will
! be held in the To w a Hall, legersoll, en
Wednesday slid Thursday, the 7th and
!Sth of February, 1872. 'the Executive
bare the satudaaion of announcieg that
arrangements hate heen made by which
the among Annual Meetiog will be one
of the inost important and useful t.,
Iniirvinen that has ever been held by
tile. Assialation. X. A. Willard, Esq•,
ef Little Falls, New York, will deliver
the Aieeen Adarees. L. B. Arnold,
Esei , of Ithica, N. Y., haa kindly con-
• sor_ol to favor the Convention with •
care futiv prepared it rticle on "Poisonous
• Cheese,' wail marescopie Illuatt scion
showing the veriiims changes in unik.
Among other subje,As, the following
will be disr.useed:-
let, T.4.0TE 5.) there been
any iniiiroveibent in the cunditiou of the
milk dell, eral et the Factories, as cont
pareti with the irrevietts years, and what
should be used to secure further
:211(1,- DE.T.shiosenoitt 01, CHESS& —
Hon, nine can Fairly Cheese be held with
safety I,efore flavor, and what
does the, e {writ:nee tue ,year, suggest
at* to earlv bales?
CHELSE -teen the tau be man-
ufactured together ith proht, and to
what enteut, d len, can the Crean' be
take', from the nide without injuring
the of the Cheeee?
4t1i. Foot) or DAILY STICK. -To what
extent Les noiling bete practiced, amen
tlie best system of WiS ter Feeding/
.5:h. llas the Quslity of our Cheese
durnig tbe•past year met the reqvire-
menu, of the fore7g-i; market; if not, *
%hat has it been dunk:tent, mid hat
steps are ne::ossary tv take tu retuutie
'rim did got wish, as these railways be eattah if tier evertor, ni the best
had teiceivell the formal aathenticatien ; Sledieli erre /eel have by trial been
of orders in Coancil, to interfere with feand adintrishlyadepted formaking car
wheelie and axles, er anything for which
any legal rights of status they might
f.ereht et:Le-Nth is required. Centulian
have oetained, tliOUilli without referring
te the merits of the sehemee or centlenins
and aseertahe whether oatragipe ali preeriety geed iaAtt! Ore IS spatially sought =dter at Pats- 0 p ces
- 3' 3.: il,t13-v- le and dopieying coif/pieta dieregard rag the partictiler grants mode to them, berg foe the 111,:slynf,t trf the very finest time =d execution, They are not tad/dal
ettlaree ei" tie, assess; teee teeeltra arid comfort, 13.9 that 110313gO may ife aesemed that the principle of the ald purest eteel, and the hfoisie iron is caelee, but a general
..h,„ „he: ahee , aeeeaer be =Leered at ew shrine of fashion,_. and eleasare had been agreed to by the of alien tinelitv that a bar tif it nia,v be the hardware aade." clung titre iighteta
'3•3-!a veikleei at tree hoinee e=f theusande, that sheillti flonseetletiate hear,) undereireninstances teisted into tit ttlySlitpe, bet can- Anieng, ail tee ways earl means that
1 a iee reeti vele:heal eaheet, herhey, Luta eeeeke kiplize, omit loaaar. widest rendered that agreeineet of a not be brokett. There is reafiy to are diecuseed aluunget us fur ad% ancing
3-107'3.] cn' aecen:/ed by Very f4Ban 1 ttitins' stedety. and on the proposal of an amendment to the shonel not preince heat while S'se- titakiiis it 8, th)tintry, w knovr of none ;
ex-Ntlia,,g seatlean't satelora the, dearest and t teelereet ties, form of confidenee m the Administra- melte their tient with; they told in their capital eitterpriae than the develep-
ablo and aeao1,ate. This evil neve .tbe must deeieivo eheracter, becanse it wee 1.0 0 n folly, why Canes the proeperity. of the= D uninion anci •
l%1-7* F23:::=7-e3e '---11.3•11he'll al Caere le aava!Zenasaepielon and distrust. ft often Attires; when the thiestion was in tile &en d'Iee. S.etelett want no coal netre werthe the ate enteau of our men of
aeon exee tr w
D.1 L7.3 rareiehed, aseeestabg Rae
eual Lee t: the Legielleenre be vale
3,;:_•;32:M areseed bee force yeare ago, in tins, °fir noble
21-.6 a:t se as hs aesehe Pereenal Peeper- coatitre, Canal -A, YOU CORM Ivy a pea
ee war-- e:occliozeigkt attate-ndellare.1119 Y
Tee eteeh Link etre:earned till 2 lering twenty-five =arta thirty, a, good
4%.7.:3C;;;, P. el.
aete:-.1U7-tg, tertian fee th3 CO -31.51,y
Pe-int-le:4 wee, received enii refere,,e1
wiaila perverte and degrahes the nobi•
cet giths, 'Why,. 31r, E iitor, I remote -
tenets ample mate/did, and both for iron t "
Iloilo': the day, and many who expreseed • k' -` .
ore and for feresta of timber Chneda can this subject we copy elselihiere two '
beet leaden "outuf teethe." Along, the, ertiClet, (Ma fowl the Montreal Daily
Like Superior eluere, en the Antsricen News, wet &nether fro it the Hamilton 1,
side, the ereduetion of irones increatieg Spect_14-4: and we tire ,ftti I to see that it
serted, yet thortgliti enellinher.t upint
ae a rate of whein Lew here are aware
them, 'under the eircumstances wittelt
here° fer fifty or sixty deilars, 110W they were plazed, to vote fOr •the thee ell t 'ds ir=ot ta Lie with claire:tee. new the right atrei
• ie ttttrticting se retch tee lee lei,' its
worthaul whei-it dear then at fifty iGoverument. Now those hon. wink -
Tel asel1liviuelitte tint Make it as well as buy it
centsper bushel, now worth $1.2a, per Item' were feetal from their dittlealtr stini
beaitela oets then at 10 and per entlil vote in accerdance with their etTiltuie of, why Sw•eles and Ampteeens is behind the :tee and lacking in one
pregress, and the ceuntry
now worth foal:dues that; fled timents and the wishes of their etheeitu. ,seould be inakitig chareord frau hi int- • the tiest ileli.enta of testi 'nal strength.
1 ebuild, e,,etow tbo end ef the chapter, cats. Ili ther,lern antler, Ittd; ,;„zr..,,et. aMn4TeSzeqtilireenat:iittlietatmwblieirletwoegiltwhietrli ainleittknel- rLjeat liori:c that Caned will not leng
t9 AV that ilitable ;lad treble is real- It trojerity in favorof than feet oa taut opeis t., this reproacli. Telejroph,
ate at that ten.; theea•wee let Fide.
iyeit oa, eNoale: at heath ',meet even this is n a 311, for. as we mann
themselves in ftevor of tne tart lap e of
the Bill, awl thought Parliament ehotild
have the right; whie,h the resellation aa -
The Celiac -a, caltheuroed thi 7 oPelech:
o ars: av EIS vS2t•,:5,13
Tee •C•eaneif; eseeaceed at 7 centeza.
A re-.-0a-t., waa reeeived fr oat taa cam*
wetee Regeee y rehiteee, in tile, feilewe bete everstelettet • fer eeetf6ri, tIr ift"Mtle4i)f whet la" c.',ttasiticri-A the •uh„rt C of Nova Seale. ael the iron .ore t
.:eady beensent from the tieutetyeeem- 1 freer al file hseuesteei teeleka, ;;; e;„: -,14e, ee,i I refer'f:irc t the eetetete s,r,„. ethce c st; while there are iron deposits tit . "%Viten R yoting farmer perftsea tea at
- • t
feed new a clays fee the name artiellee. the ;termer &Tette. • wily A little at tine er te 0 pese.$) Bat =
lieme ateeetheety, gayities 04' th.2., liprilleiple Of tin) titit, Eiml to paint frit it In perfectly prahiceble tft bring the line Com'arattro Valle of StraW kr
1„Lit at a petlilail nee tpasee reeved ate iesne; yyz tat" rtil* f)f the late g 11;' !L the itlear Learenee eigether 1 tw Pold.3r.
ig c't were vete -,;==
. -•-ri•E'r2 4.iTer:21? (7):
ihehhea 7.13.a.zie Ceist-2:1 L3 be he e
iT.33. a
de-Se177,23 :?-.7•1* .2.13 F.:11127 --,1-!:s 11 ;
oe: en: e 6e„I_,
et_1-1 te‘:Teea up lei
-1* Siti- neeret to , f
1?3..V-1 1. A !Mine
TIT 71-1,";111 tlt.)
! rfi dee:rehab Tne fol-
aou'ee aie ahhaelahle
ibaes !evri etreet encepie,1 by -
;he Rerhee ,,r.21:tn John•
_ , .
*In vinetx-, -a .t har-
itAt heetreytel ',e tire
43 OOrlk .14, tes.,e's G
- D J
loeilit&s.), lonn.-_otnt. T'a • rlens of
C ecloor of ..;titt• 14gP,T, iu- r
sts tweet, a nail.
lee-seh4 ii,3"giri•laWilf; tc--) tEee to gratify a pronel et-gig:vier aerei ''deet ett's enetlerelh 0,i fy hoof euee titles la made qinte coevaili has 'Wee ritten ht tor trf onr agr,col-
ase Le-L....J:1 COI (a0-3 Imwety wife. zees very ieede epeek ele3keti tee niteiett severteh
far the exchange of ore one way tin./ titrat plithicatioas with reference te the •
"r• • - -
reeerrine to the met- nal welfare, ve;ry essee es es to, iv, tu etheinatte of ihe itto fi r 8 u'cl whIc.' vait ctn." 4r"i" `LS 3t°•:"C' If hc
3111 ee there le alree4 3 bin o7, is fraught witla perii Lien's witliout wad the Ili!' r'fer. c )41 r:'e "tiler erti'Y eel vellie of tare* tli,! (lilt:rent kinds oi
wish tha 1.1“
fo"th t-
_ aken bY the faItiess Gilled, eel the fettle., g'cary nest dee. A. ineaeure fir fernier uleattzh1., thh 1"1.01 eend,,ele the nee I had 11"! le or '-bh nhl'sheuen fee
`,11-ACIL fit present." teieltee, fer tsy reeenre•lea. se:euritee indae 0 f n telt tne c eitary. heemetime Nova t straw, he will not kno positi veiy
Vg3ung, aeconfled hy curae3 seeenea wicii„ut olittes t was, atter en animate I dehate, read a
f torhee, that, th.erepere bertet acheteet.
pritteiele, hie:thetas althea,: ,e66. Is-ace:ad fie le wh en. the, henae sit ornett h'cu
§cotia heyself, is dein; seitethilig in ri whether there is or is ne eity 5=6'66st:thee
making, 71, m eh; from a in the straw tit:a will rashly tear hit aral
'0:11; tele eitancil petiteen tee derlee, lite/were teathaat wodoeiaae, 3/et Jam y far malt artele tue tielou f.itteli XI ae tepid atelier
Lenilitiire abolieh tee Itegletry eediee Times, is exporting ear wheel* te lE,te. It will state that straw is werthlese r
tet.etiasaretitillatuittpinray sh-rt m most of tre.flays sittinge w,is taken np
The superiority of N,,,tre Scotian fotel, wet thet he never pretetels
t Br vi a h. en ineeinverneuee te dr. , g att
_ ,„ , Wt isu u nvetlee even elle elec. MTh diSollaSitoll tlio S011th Grey Ow"'
-10 1 5. .11t tity of the telinet It t t lit tt- bt
taate lure e ere 3 ma er, irotrei up it- •a tett on r.
ti f I iron ie knew!' there, aed we reoltef t•he ntake Roy use of it except for teething
ivernment he rapeseed to re-iastearate its plaity anti impels. `its streimOti. Li; Lauder's, he being ill !liS place te.44y. f renetit hot of au order fr en ith•nettheesi aaiw.ds and incretteing the rnatture heap.
a e Itlin-aiAllt €:.4.s.aii. elliee La any 1=i33 peo-Iiiees among professin a Christiane a t Ile repeated the darges brought before, • tc* thc A"lia Iron C.!)
, wheels,. up iny fo.' .1.00er On thst contrary, another farmer, *hese
e may Jaaye sustained, Carried en the, regerd for talent, rather than piety; for but wee ably answered by Mr. Blake,
e'..=eine die=eien,-) We have said that there are inhicA• f atiyait,h0rity is ovally as good, will aseere
&hitt strew iu'tket valuable fodder,
coetly ehurch ednieee, wealthy congrega- who prisdueed a ninober of letters and
Yale- --Massa. ert,wreii, Sneu,moon, tjuia, alia ernes feeele, rather than the i telegrains to disprove the cleaves. The thins that the attenti .it of caeltaliits at 1 that he always ecnnenuizes all hiestrew.
Gaunt, Sim-pee:Ile, Brefwn, Demon, Girs - aeapneity of carat, tee spieseueeity er matter was still undispesed of when the a distance is heine att leral t,r the v slue ' and it chatitutos a very importioit item
in, le:: e-ce, Walfate WiLie.1._ Deleel.63, ehe 'nen , of the Canadian Wen depoeits, and there as fodder in wintering hs stock. Now
ever, and tee res2ite of sinnera 1 house rose at-60%40cl, and the evening
Mepelle (= Carrick. Yoilligt Yearhi alat froal future perditien, To a Ohrietian was spent on private bille. In answer . aregcied reasons, tore why thisslambl be he turns to the analysis of tlistingnishett
b.:0c.; a m-_-,q.r....i. 14,
. ii multi such a spectacle is telly i to Mr, Patterson, 4r. Blake said the the case. Chief among them juet now chemists, and there learns thst there is a
N lYi ---...N1Atrs. etstle, eirnieirone, , painful, Tit note, its , Minietry did net iutenti liming the .
, ie, perhaps, the fact that in the metal much larg.-a proportion of material to
market, but espee
Dalteo, tlottnes, alehluire, Eerier, Pat- , character and effects, and apply its 'pie:tient session to introduce measeres to laity in iron, copper, nourish animals than he had ever
in, IA iliaw; , peeeies, ,Sheppea ki *y4, :, remedy,- sliould be the aint of ail whet, resise and atnend the LEVI iticipai law.
reel:144y]. Se' 'II a :i.' I ., Ana tin, a gnat advance iu prices set in thought of. At this important juncto re
: h .
&short time ago, and it. is beginning to common sense and common observation 1
ti• aAlin '
la a annon en n -ran, • enre the crue. prosperity of our grand
!country, and the lettere well being of its
Report of Road end Bridge Committee inhabit:Anti, Are not tflOSS also tinaes
wont:new:dm; that the bridi;es at Ben- ot wide spread inunoraitty I This may "
Wig', on Ilse Beytield river and at 'ter- , he inferred fecne ahat we have already
ser's mill be repaired, 4180 recoil -mend- observed. For Wheee there is excess in
3oard at Seltaol Trustage. court, urav, end further Viet ,i, laxity in /nitride. If, instead of ithh rather grim talk wm relaxed. by ari &nee- futere. lt is certain at all eyente, that ley strew, our ideas are no more definite
AZ:01004ga clinker. be thought that the raise will be permute assure us that the value or worthless-
ent. In certain particular kinds of ore neas of straw depend? entirely on cir-
Mania et Christi:Pr* by Hillt 3filter at the English supply is actually failing, cutustances. When we talk about wheat
Rankeillour .HOuse, Fifa and it &paean as if the inuch-dresuled or oata, er Indian corn or rye, ee know
falling off in the coal supply was already what we are talking aliout; but when we
iing taat. SI; ail! y reastirs he made -ori the ', worrellioeu there will inveriabiy be Before we parted for the night the making itself felt in calculations for the mentien wheat straw, oat straw, or bar -
The R-ari 'nes on Th ; no acti ,n be Liken Lie the .UW11101'1;51, from i mutable mile high-toned prineiple at
wm reed and • a regard fee the gen ral r 1 -• t ''t (tete about the reaistence, somewhat the recent rise in wages in the nutmeg than they are when we simply speak of
. - urwlev evening, : the Comity' of liA,I1CrtC)11, . It
III okstaot Preoent, the 1Thortnan, ea° pted. a 4 ee , soile y 3 , more than paasive, which a Queler once and iron -making districts is having its the soil, without any reference to its
'efftred to an assault ; and the face, more effect, and it does not appear Likely that quality ter kind. Let ns takes practical
governed ley time serving, expending '
Paamore. erguson,
selhiatereet and sensual gratification, tit et the laugh, of Mr. Miller indicated England will ever again export iron at view of the subject, and examine the
Setetain wi t1;',.ost, I Report of Sc.thool and Prinlinv Coin.
14,otw,s ;an nineon r Judge Brough, J, R, Jolla Per- , eV4I uf eyerY grade 111110 tieuresh and !Pc'hc..Y. The Quaker, just sitting down these twenty yeare back. On this point, shall be preiaared to understand fully
Lho',or end b:sy. mittee wa4, It ream -mended that,' then it meet heawne eatentiallycorrunt; fell appreciaeion of Frihnd Broadbrirn's &slow prices as those which have ruled facts as we find them, and then we
3... .8 11 57,11 so in' our midst yr do t'.9 ("her> was surprised by the intru- owever, we cannat dn better than to why one man says straw is good and
i sons, Robt 13 r,ixn Aril 'W. ,L Shennert I prey 11 I
au! itein.,..,,i.
der see. th, esp. 33 i '
f exagee
, ratel I appeal to the state of urn hif a violent neightieur, who called quote a letter which appeared lately in another says it is good for nothing but
The f.ii lowing onoInts wets r,„„i mil I be ben-wow:cowl ea
things eroutel es fur proof. hehat do we
planted - li ate:nee ,?,; Law -, 4- land 34, Vic. ot 1870. 14 investigate 1114tr '
a n. , 41, : seen 'Wickedness in logn places and low on hen to annsinister a "thrashing" for the Montreal Herald, having beenhe- manure. li we cut a.crop of wheat, or
some recent insult. Obadiah calmly calmed, be one ,of the largest importing barley, or oats when it should be cut --
J not Nairn, ltd.75, 1...itko Ei,,nn. s., 44, tars of differences iu S, n, N e le, Cs.
said "Friend tf thou wilt not be. pacified firras in that city from their correspond- before the grain is fully ripe -the straw
by.the assurance that I. never intended enta in Birmingham, who it is mention- is somewhat green and there are sub -
o, insult thee,perhaps thou wilt strength ed are not engaged in the manufacture stances in it that will nourish animals
en thyself for the work of chastening me of iron, but only in its sale as brokers much more than some kind of hay, pro -
by taking some dinner. Lo ! thou has and oranniission merehania. The latter Tided the straw is properly cured and
nearehee %breast of lain', and Sarah 011 is rather long foe a qiiotation, but the prutected (min the influences of the
help thee to some slices Of what is called subject it refers to is so important that weather. Stock of all kinds will eat
ham ; or peradventure, thou wilt take we deem ourselves amply j notified in such fodder with avidity, Aid it will
from this roast beef which I am cervi..g, flying it all the prominence that we can keep them well. This is particularly
and which has bloody juicea to increase in our columns: -
thy savage paspensities. Sic down,
Bimini/Han, Dec. 9. 1871. cnt at the proper time for obtaining tha
true of barley straw and oat show, when
friend • the dinner will do thee good largest amount and finest gnalay of
either ier fighting or fur peace -making." dentlemen ; In accradance with our gram. If the straw can be protected
a. Committee onunating of the Chair- tem tampering with dithonesty, and promise made in ours of Dec- 7, we now from wet, until the crops are fit to be
erg catering to theft ; the public purse ' The intruder complied, beginning to
y, d eg e. ng the ale y sPectial letter ing the stored in the barn, more than half of it
men, Wooers. Kan, Crabb and Swaninn reports uf Scheta leepteccors Miller and
write on a
wee app mood to Mon the t . t
, - Dewar, and this'll, recommended that bnl'
. eat heard' an net n 1 qi
and the wine whioh his host pressed Present and future state of th n trade, will be good fodder for sheep, cattle or
upon him. After gorging himself, he and in doing so we are embodying the horses, and animals will eat it much
roes up and said, al mist now give you opinions of most of the thinking men of sooner than hay of &second quality, and
the thrashitg r the trade. We have during the beet three will thrive- tolerably well on it. On the
"Friend, replied Obadiah, "Before or four months passed through a period contrary, if is allowed to stsnd
thou procieedest to thy work of chaetis- of great excitementeend various advances uncut -until it is dead ripe, or till the
have taken plane, making iron from 40s. leavesof the straw have dried up, or if
toddy which I am about to make from
ing me, wilt thou take a little - ef the
to 50e. a ton dearer than it was and we the straw be allowed to re ni in the
damsel, my maill.werwaiit, is bringing he? lower, but on the contrery, there is every be exposed ui the gravel. or in the
the whisky and the hot water which the cannot tht" ewr ProbehilitY of 111I being swath, bleaching for many days, or if it
It will refgesh thee " prespeot of ite being higher. The fact is, shooks to drenching rains and 'awl:tine,'
refreshed himself with more tutuders
The aggressor again sat down and the demand for iron is ginater than the • •
of sooty, aid it does not appear that in
toddy than his host had curiosity to the present exteptienslly proaperous
elbtint. At length he rem up stagpring, state of trade the supply can be got up
to the demand. It is the opinion of some
and said in broken words which hiocup-
tag divided still more, "I'll now lkk- of the able men of thm country that the
lick ye !" make of iron cannot be much increased
" Peradrenture„" retotted Obadiah, here, ordess new fields.of coal mines a
,,thou msyst first think of taking a ore are discovered, which cannot be arti-
culated upc.n. This present peculiar
The auggeetioe wee adopted. am the state of the win trade monkl haws hat -
Lot t innth, Se no, it A Trainer,
$12 W A. Xircui, 2.3, R. Dyett.
Si oo
p?.icatien from Hie' McLonnan for
borne, referred to the petition of John Phm?tnic iit the legislative hells toll in
eanwbray end others, It further re- fudich" cuurt'3' "clY chlusicas And
hovels, in educated and re -
cote imuded chit in reeeordance with the ;
petition of T. T. thelennin and tla ethers Oned society, anion ignotant and
eeaden. Ann whet do wesee and hearl
a• -r future eonaidaration.
sn ittereese if salary wee reeetved arid .f,"trsaaitinh'ishht4h,bitithInnhth:fh: beiligaebtSackVi Sine -hie trertaing ie the steps of marder.
of Stealing, drunkenessatal what notiostling
Cerninuncation of Janies tt cotn- as High _School Districta; Tetra
loderien and Township of eeeeoriu, f,,r, gull other, the innecent and unwary
platriing of the state of rho in
rhe Scliotd Home, referred to (2outin-
gent .trim aces.
The monthly Report of the Pcincipal
was read and f
uuderLen iiikb sent,01; c tin wn, t;,,de. Li auto yeti from the path of virtue end
rich Township and Hullett f"r Clinton ! honor to &coarse of infamy and shame,
High School; and Seaforth, Tockers loth ltfe and property constantly imperilled,
nod Slv,Iiillop for a High Scheel at aett- and crone following crime in quick
forth They stoke approviaglv of ate succession. What do we see/ SPectile.
nflee for pnvate or perty, ends yes, and
the tender of Messrs. Donegby & Sue.
laughed at. That mighty engine, the
Legialature for a ropt rty
for Publie School Trustees. mons be abcepted for the County Print -
The app ,unineut of &Iwo! hepeot,,,. ing, provided proper security be hate, Preece, designed to be thefount of know-
( Jr its doe folfillieent, it being tile low. ledge,. the exponent of truth. and the,
for the Town was postponed tht next
The Board theft ad interned.
Moved by Mr. Patton, seconded by
Itr. Moult, that uu Towitalups be annex- '
t3 any of the HO School Duitricts
Omar 09tholl. 'without th. consent of the ReaY011 of
(Reported for Ad Signet. said townships.
Moved further in amendment by Mr.
Coveter. Room, Jan, 26th. t Fatima sec. by Mr. Detlor that the re -
The Ceuricil met ',frame% to selionna.2 port be emended ey recommending a di -
meet. the Warden in the chair. vision. of the County into three Hirh
Manatee of yesterday res4 and appree. school District& for Goderich, Clinton and
ed. Sesierth, aed that aeosemittor be ballot -
A Iss-law repealing the by-law of 1869, ed for to rePors Wee such d'yisi"u•
impeding a tax on dogs was read sad Lest. Mr. Pattou's motion was carried
tf.,,,,e,1 by mr. porkii„, see,mvied by,Lil_d the report se &wended
Leek* that dui Clerk be instruct- Mend b7 Jar. Beal" bY Mr'
ed to* Pw,rehase 103 copies of the Ames& Holmes that the petition of T. T. Cole -
guar tan of virtue, too often used ten
gratify a vitiated mate, or disseminate
a roe and godless literature. En view of
such scenes the patriot will mourn? and
the chnstian will take shelter in the
pavilion of divine sympathy cured care.
'blow to grapple witb. these arils and if
Irossibte elasticate them lea great and
grave qtiestion well deserving ihe at-
° tention of every christian tniuker and
true philantrophist. Have I said too
much -or have I said enough? Did. I
offend any in what I have said -if so I
have hope. Mr. Editor yon for .one if
offended pardoe me -Adieu.
meet Act in pansphlet forin noel ferward titan sad Amin r•-"elltdered at the Making dwarfs and is a corn -
three copies to each aaaeteipality ia the June ag•I*4•441- tlarrmu" - - neon thing in China. lirrnthe first, s,
Cenety. -Carried. Rovort ot tin rFala" uvwu,"1°* 11118 Child of three or four years is taken and
recoemeen :paY la hoary porcelain vain is put over him,
member of seems* the Cl*tin" SO tag.* the head shine is This is
• with the Cleameil of Muldlesex taro. of ern7 eeeeitig me that he low
the Froirtaos The child thas advance; sin age in this is: -
ba 11 1.116161011: MA be
ww.4 by Mr. Deelor, senoncied by
Beisensk that the Wardeu sad I
Oka* be authorised to repreet and !di
sign ea WWI of the amend a awn in
kb*. rkensisii•se Fadiatneed, then
exe to divide siHr int is paten aphrin the moraine,.
a sabstily thealsawas granted. tothe line th=er„..._bee nets; thin the broken The
fu he ft:tibia nsauld maid eon no loompr
el eineeeenerimeinworeet10.41m, • mbie
Tart Winfross„, he to a ' 1010.30.1:2ramitill
aims toms Sang* awl 00611141111 to the a "I. .8 snood itithialrettett
ono perst-tientied.
_ Antd00. ug by**
al Xi/ram Met atinutteare. -ow
inins_real whir ito• 01 1404110.4 wow
loaal bade themalbaL
those (10k:on:lest '
btli: How does the experience iif the
paet few N all al t making dair\
a Sp c:8:1I)* Lu Uo; of grain
Amole time w.11 be slowed for the
;ill! discussion of each. of these subjects
mid members ;11a requested e. eater
freely heti tee ilacinction of them. As
heretefere, tILIC V.411 oe seveu for the
discussion of such other pertinent silb-
jects one eeiher may wish to prt•serit
for the e•nisideration of the Con vention
The Bolt George Brewn, Pr a Buck -
laird, Rev. \V. F Clarke and others have
been nit.ted to titttmd, and it is expect-
eo that an anioati•: sit knowledge and
exptrience Yiili be bi ought to bear upon
sauleets n..iforu the Convendon, as
ill be of great value to the important
interests represented.
Owing to the difliculty m herstottre
4,btalning full Reporta from du' Factor-
ies, it ia urgently requ s ad that 'nem -
berg attending %ell be prepared to hand
them tu the Secretary at the Convention
or send them by mail, that he may re-
ceive them very shortly thereafter.
Tickets of Admission to all tte Ses-
sions of this Convention, 81 eech, which
will constitute the person a Member of
the Association until Febrtary, 1873,
and entitle him to the Annual .Report
and to such other documents as may be
sent out by the Officers of the Atomise
tifreeon. during the year. Ladies admitted
Arrangement*, as preriously, will bs
made with the different railway com-
panies to pass members of the Associa-
tion over thsir roads at a reduced fare.
R. A. JsecroaryAlifilil,
Ingersoll, January 16th, 1872.
Zoir Atunlyt Good atiosery.
We read too much and think about
lehat we read too little; the consequ-
ence is that moat of the people we meet
know something, in a superficial way,
about almost everything. Not a tenth
part of what is read is renlembered for a
month after the book or newspaper is
laid aside. Daniel Webster, who had a
rich store cif information on almost
every subjegt of general intermit,' said
that it had beau his habit for,. years to
reflect for a short ttme on whatever he
read, and to fix the thought and idea
worth remembering in his mind. Any
Ana who does this will be sarprised to
00finaled h,00sir zoirtorniotinave hafistermemoreadryingwillan
wresting entitle the best portion of it
i w I soon lose ite sweetness, its i will remain -WWI him -
nourishing powers, palatibility, and be -- ‘.
as worthless for fodder, for any kind cf ' An English contemporary evil that
stook, as theinstnetsaves of the forint. much curiosity haa been felt to learn
Bnt i° b(gb - 11 will bestrew- the date of the tirst English newspaper,
wheat, barley or oat straw.
and the circumstances under which it
_ made its appearance. This is natural,
Nelms Mannee,.....There s needle when we contemplate the mighty- we
factory in New linen where the whole had almost said oninipotent--nsoral in -
Mons is done a e machine, flumes which the journalism id the
smoker was at the same time helped CLool soma' Yo.ire SUS* if it had itot without tho mu labor any person. present day exorcises on the salads of
liberally to teddy. &An up hi. attar for the up of the . A mil of 111441WISI Is; the machine mankind. But tile- origin of whet stay
impotence he annonnoed thee his 'bon district, wad& atimillod over a cuts it'ar 414 tim requioad lengths ; it be zalled ths Bnglish . , , the
..thrishinin dodge mew eo loom he nz:Iiimommegur avoid ripen adellbieragell4seatooneeentiwoly,isineb- phraas is underetood,4 'ebretilided
dthrod ; wbereepon Obadiah leading . , .htei thip supply emaal. sea iu es the oetintertfinks the *yea mystery which roar rof , many *Warta
him to the epea blek ,wbadow tbee egiosiliese fa postai ..4 she 4, /au' grinds -Shelieitite-aa& bg Net Aops made with that rum hOn been aisle to
epokir : . teedeut -Woks **gen yaw !on. eTerYtiling WWI UM MOWN drop ou,t ettipiain. There can 10?•nie doubt then
11110 14 ins_tpisOlairlaratIL - , Amiller
.Ibbill Wiry year; and AO* rill IV aillt NMI* WM&
41014/1/0th&lk/dikt 010 WS *IOW 1114.111110d
Atatt:the imMy. and the it*, . .
i- 1.a. ri hill hilt
iirtsm41, thasorampatbsb•rlosowof
ihtio - .:1!iireguwar- -
were tat 10
the Bret printed. intsilip4as of lbspost-
hitie traaordttod by Tilevaramant ta
One etwatterintweembiing the IbeWarefen of
all various parte el the ovoid* ia • forma
bola attsrwards, was semi by
a Lard thee Priam libtieter el ,
to ia the sun 1188.
ir salaam' to*. la* ei
ilia=bowies abatis a
1 . .
talgZir Zralli. ligilieb a
_ 01110400 sillse`
')/117iseriaa ha aeogioatirit
tau he int.
digerati esnmea.
DIARIES F03 ld. 2.
Unice St ationery,
Full &ninnies of all kinds of
l'ipe-rs and Envelopet
niter to hand, and selling low
AT It100.1-tHOUSE'S.
A general aseortment of every STYLI
BLANK 130(..)K_S
just opened and offered at Iowan rata,
for malt
AT MooltHOUSI...'S
&C., &C., &C.,
at lowest popeible quotations
North Side of Marks. Square
Goderieb, January 9th, 2871
..-Tenders Wanted.
?renders will be received by the un-
dersi,gned up to Tuesday the Ink
dela February next, for the erection
of a Benign over the nine mile river ma
- the Notthern Gravel Road. Plans sad
s loos can be seen at the office et
&um Swain Esq., A /canes*, kiederisit.
Town Clerk a Gederieh.
Saatiary 30th 1872. w 2 a.
"e cook, wash sad iron ell. Good
references required- Hama ware Paid -
Apply by letter stating quantitative.
and. references, tce
Bank Montreal,
avr96213w2b Chicajo, I ll.
GEO. liciaNZIE
WILL iiiCatLoost,Titgi rOLLOWING
Over -costs,
Pea -Jackets.
Blankets & Flannels
Shirts & Skirtings
Ladies' Furs.
At Half Price !
:0:— -
1,000 Cords of wood;
gokrisb. Dna 10, 1871. .
Tticyr t CO-
rosimiihwr ,a„ ,,,owis'Zierrjre =sit=
D. &46000111
thentstreacilung. otak:
dy risins, wet
tt rue- ars
it Owl.- wart
Frank Hack!
the estraceatti
are etal steal
There is a pee,
kuo•, agnuko
(1,8, hoibeiessupti
tiarealiese. obc.isiesienita
acme sorts. 1
not !teal ui
triastabishe Wheasta. Thi
to So found fit
they can be be
sound sad Ike
0:ester trade ha
of nom sere.
realm to hope
ne noinpimatui
IPliliCt"Oli of %moth's
easy reach of e
augment these
boas repose ..
poul anti ?ie.
mann alma.
tilimiclieeto bag bas7
*yr "fork leari
the nasal tea
ftli?Trellihalkoraretasill, ataelb..ctbettial.Prt4
eat eneadersaa.
Immesh* wadi.; ;
than &as thin
disposed ie
sent is a cruel
•-. -
At Godericii,
et the temp,
Harriet B. C
of Wm. Ilmite.
Plow (per
Oat& ft beak
Pre& r ,
Nei* o woe,
Peewees. ba
Pa& e lee a
?ittneer Sot
Wheat CrAn)r*.
Plow, (per br
oess par beet
rebas. Iry bur
1111444. per b -•'
riltilitaift, Per 1.
Sago pot 55
%IP. Pot '
Wrag eig;
(pot a4r,
Serie) per
Geht, per bum.
Nee& per be..
Pewees. te
Pirt ,
&dist. OW 1
leprer,per des it
whew (ran •
Meat f.risor
Plow. umr 6E;
111 busk.
Oina. *wt.
Pewit hui4
Potatass, Ilk ek.,
Pat .
Baum t
111 tie& (51
Inset -(111/411) •
'Wisest (eerie& k
Plow. (1)44 br."
Baxley kp brit
net* bsA
Pees,. 111 beak
Pouttio... pe,
Perk. • it
Setter • t
Spip. dee. i um
20 Tons Brt
Sell Chl
Godeneh, Ail
Theme/ Sehreke
re Ikea Dc
tar Iwo dot
mail lentil& et 701
lebeeper fa 1 k vs &
7011:amall ..L7w, rite
ree giver ere •
sasairw. 1, as good
hbotorbi 4"111""ivatt loe°'1o7
Skits ever leads
imented zoayemrtoltmle"wir.
at' 1.8Y
Ihret4W-Sobrailit kimalrb
Awl/ imv
reeisa.d Stoke,
Leelkesee litek..04
Job Moles'
. Ilbe Olin co ea
tememes I. ere or 10
it santheroupl 16.11 pv.4
rug • weedy erre am
14 II
ani14 slovcpeerelartr &wird
peer or brethren el.eso
tee: tler 1101101 1:1;
asiageol. sarrows
willelles • earl 117
IrSillihreletro•IW 1111
Weir& Arai la be earl
/OS /11/014114, 1.11
1.1011 Ulieciats
S. Lreman. K•Weeel 4
th...161101, lown
If COMM awe.
no. Sold lo thido
V. Joramis
awes. taw vi
(Nimbi, blabs..
ore Nblinak.