HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-01-12, Page 3-,Nor-- 0 (A r- -&M a 1%ww M, A L-A Ra, A In( .:R 3M. C-30 OWL QDn O'g. 0 Will gell for IRTY DAYS their,�en ire ad, GLG di� es ing', urs, Dr'y Good' C. .19th -.Fwxb JN1 ..,TEN- IAT 0 W�j t e This s a genuin, pta�e - Goclerielijanuary 9th, 1872. 410. 4kV675d wa Of all women Ahe is most to be PitiEd THn Horu.—"Of th ne real number 3 cont9 xvho has a slow-�aced suitor lie is worse of aninials, under th4 0101 �he CNADIAI'd 'TIN DENT0k. P Special Noticest It V 'No.w. than a retro- —Howadmirable, horse is unquestiona -D W A RE PARISO]fS 4& Cos ating one. lbly the raoit sprvb�o- t at go mailk �Wsfactory able; but is it not strange h —how prompt and bu, 0p; was th uct, ly g 1. LY "DIOD 'a coud. rAml T 'IS TS, legendary who itaotther� owu horses, and; who are depenaen� A 11ARDWAIE ]URCHAN well atid ftydrably- wn, reli v, "Ll), krlo a 'n * 1i ow rode up to the door of the on theirlaborfor a,'livM9, should 3ie- C1jdoA* --Gan Yu�' AND 31ASKET -kQV.ATt, G0D39jRjC.#; housnller"90dwelt the girl of his choice, glect to give them that caTe Ancl attention CONFOXING. III a thoroug.b. the thousands from pain ide, Ba Read, Vouyb trid I Y' ern tl n, O.vti' 1!.ef Odliges- 8 6k and. m -N ARKE TS and having desired her to be called out which their,own interest no 1pn than the nat y. 'EM9 d A we wi gdGv a I caleval ap lication. of aft to him, said without circumlcuton safety and comfort of the horsoao1n34dS, of wen_s having p trehh-ee ft n e Mo Tt)e !4t ti?t eT, elected coco, Mr Liri u "Etachel,the Lordhathsent me to marry The best medicina for ho*s basprovideaoZifbr,-eakfastiablk�s.Witb deu-(ItpeY, Orainpiik 1he No*mk, cOholoFd - a t� the hea d b a T swered with equal Condition Powders and Arabian, Hejjj fl us Marbus, D�sentiry,'Bawe V dule slimpllyy x and otter ffnrp CR014 theal when an e ver W, il mlzy� ga We ta doctoriVbills."-06111 S. Iomplaints; promptatudet: U'lar, devoutness. "The Remedy;" of this there can be no doubt witbBbilingwatekormilk. a pa t is labef- Burns t -UT SAWS.1 311 -LL -SAN% vool), SIGN �4!ig :! 0, O t k Is bonipldte a mu L&WA will be done 1 —it is safe and 9sily giVen. P%�smcjn­ led­hmez Bpps & Co. (Blipa Chemists mwm"R. OLOT1181 SAW, AND B]�ST 31ANES. ber the name, and see that tha�ig�mature LV-11!i�akersf E:pp.Is X31ky0o.., (Vqcoa 01PRANDSAMS crop- -4u4 A FaFsoH chemist asserts that if tea of Hard & Co. is on each package. North- Condensed Milk). AW HEAVY WINTER Tw=bso PINO Airg iwul- &C. XAMMOTa (1003 OUT, S b* ground like coffeebefois-hot water is �op &Lyman Newcastle, Ont' The CaSadlaii Pain Destroyer has no*teezi -be- S&�cila asdatment ofl proprie- potived upon it, it will ori6ld nearly dou- tors for Canada. Sold by all me4 fore the pablial ft a letith. (If time, and wheAve'r- �eted flwir.Fall- pur- HEAVY-WTNT OVER0 -D 44g used-tswell liked, neverfallinginubingle fustanci4'. br'oaAC16ib&*1Pnu!0 OATIX(481� AXDPRTMS. BOY*81.Xj--'8 he rdli lift thuWuseai indiwli ble the amount of Its u*hilerating quali- dealers. �23 chases o red-tosell elther hytlioyr ATX1 9 ANt BROAD AXES. -()%V w1dehhe 1.�Pr ri or says:— you CAUT1 rf CAtkT 0 N I'll im� Y'avneytrti�owjnt7i'a sinogf w %)�bwtho ties. Anotfier w 't 12:z made up.me�c tb:p;ltOrteBi notice at directions have -been properly r9ilowedi at an 1he ml4e..up iq Order ot 8 ty the TIES OP OVIERAT, XINI okuM 411 sile,delighted *Ith,its operations, hnd� Od -yard Rut a Piece Of lumP sugar, about t4O Dr- S. J'Acozs, AXAONui bit Loss HE . PU LIU -SHELF 1EAVY -RAI I TO (5F TH! RIT. CHAIN sma of a walnut, Into the tea-pot, you oi? Vvic4.—Orange Street, Si.jou.N X., =tlohlghest lermsofits vlrtuesand�mogl- ISII PRO INCES OF N OF -ALL SIZES ONTS' RU enie` -0hWs callars Ile -S 40., 0 F31 kinds- L-bea Are nqii-prel�a&ed to J21 All RWIlIkINGS era witIf will make the tea infuse in halt B., 1869.—INIR kEiLowsi.—S' am W"peak from -experience in the'matte'r, bavinK GLASS, Pvm, tested itithofoughly which'they inay -be favore4. They othe time."' Pers6i�s iff6 haw txied th4 bound to award the palm of ik-toIhe _;hildtherforeithoss Who"are the'Idiest Styles and 1?hitelti., �CATI AND $XAMMU WF-01jGRT AND 4QUIZ :kA1Is.,&,,. sufferihir. froNany of the cimplilitWor:which it ],#' T e Tattoft Oil to, lut experiment say that the result is preparation of Hypophosp itbi diacove Be naint 71. d Ibegginos-trespe tfullyt e ublic of at in ay. R d. 0 0 in esof. oods And a3sroe woorbunt -of all MMU 41 j the Bri Worth meri 11 T ar- -1 . - his sup diankilinpe- - ' — 'I, edbyjou. I had oceasiontousuitmy- last I d the siness 1110), V U aw T&O Sifigdiibei �*61":1owdil,612 to self in a case of Aphona, which would, York, fu - the sale or HO A-6 INT- ffi6ria' no Sic A UwzF blen were up 0 that time d'by stroyerin Outing the diseases for whith4tUtec4m. age porfkvfor the li Patro -ended notyidld toregular treatmenti.au&Z e. t ant. Brown. now deceased, tor be.'e Be . I re- I in and its wonderful, effectsla subdiing e eictenaNa to him while l' the flourishing r is "O'd of a Ow m s of Rh , ff, ­ nd in--rellIving. 'y T Nn'of Godet:10h. H happy to say, it proved-. to. ba. 18M grattosaythat I have ro.ason to ku that tbQ lor'Vtroi's 2E had gone one Sabbath. to h qf the late business had lUrvotte Apiaeintions O�.et rtt. ltt=�V iiiiikjw thd e b4n ito* iff�rd ten A FS.Esljarpot *20.10thecn,Culros#,V� AtlowpAcesfoiCAM. Oppftfte, in frum NedieW in d it mav TOIL 01 tertnihe �4 Ouse. ear a"n- that you claimed for it, haviligadtedwith navineut me years, WRY didate in one of the ci churches, of . . � =d i ativ tv been mnst corrupt, of Remedibs. Orders are coming r farther , 4 sell at kl' ind, !�- -Ae 4 -to �,Vtiid gtwa lugh tire satisfacti6n. Dealers in all rts of thepountrv, to sup- expedition and en the Pilla3�11 Jinianeut were, u prepared lea titl forWeash or 14f 8600 -one third lown wh* the town co�n i holds the presen- te that eve his cusiomes the tenefit of Ilio Cleartitl to -p4blight1184aclt with that care I have always _Pjies. anaeac testifying -as 0 the taversal satig, I hel called 91, -- T 150t upon destred, s4cces inbusiness. 2ug the -p nifpilerin 4aimnalinstalmentavithintert F -V atars tation, Next day he was speaking with that sion may avail hose notwishto decei on., s #LoiWi eat per-apinim.- T - who do be decei u falfthl. rain Destroyer never falls to dive -11. PARSONS Co. the profes t�ernselyes , owl$el . a su high commendation.of the se;;;o;,* whe n' id S s purlowmedicinegwhi ;,�.eu el e to at u as the of a remedy in your "Opmpoux rilp from the, States or elsewh'e ImmediateL relief. All Medicine bealirs keep fit a order au4 us it; ipqo",, e TTR some one happened to ask wh -Ipd of Hypophosphites." iolves of lite genuine Honowav's Pills n n I n, P le and noaniffy w114 b .Of Oi sizeii and adwr .2 .".6dah, Nt. A 171. it ifter-tryIngite texi. The merchant, - whose know -a manufactured by me in' Londo Yours, very truly, �otaud bu2 Price, onlyT,wenty-five Cents porbottle. , no - �&`O- idA�j 10thRe . PL, lei 61 'M of Scripture was rather hazy, and who , . : — - - �GLASS Wlier',: wilt'do, well to see that eae)t e th I 994 - 23 S. JACOBS, M, D. Britiall,-Government stams oft"which is t agraved the A!p!- Sold in Gnderlch, by Geo. vatile had probably been dozinga greater part words kWolloway's Pills and- Ointment, f and, that Co B%yflojd! All sixes"froat 9 j, To 40 x 30. door2s East of 1-1. HoitoWs, Groceq.,, a 533. OXtoTd 1 Itnet; jfi F- Jordan; Gardiner & - no -Tc a. B Y' ' . ckar don, where only they me ulptnufactured, and in onthorn, Rogge e; "Tho text?" he said, "the text? What DIRECT MUM. aal of the time, was. taken a little aback. he,address�oiithe label r Act- bf .1869 emmimet my e --,n L- other part of the W)rld. The retail pri = are op BOILED and RAW.'OIL, Sept 21st, 1871, Ainondmants Thertfl.e. IN Fxet5r;. H. Combo, what was it aain I Itbegran, with "Now theli'fiels1iBritish currency, andnotiz dollar *nd VA -9N Lucknow; E. Hickson a t ,-jnd4 IS.H &OPLOWN Bd'Now's <jty & hristollwarW. Butift I'now is the—' ay, that s it -COAL OILI.pigouaqu. - - 4. t Norepresentativoof mine will evertr velthrottgh inedicine aealeri. DIP$ tw A,. -11P. MeX-A 40 A. X the day and now's the hour.' " - wr Z, � G erich, Dec. 2.4, 1871. w,'00 9 - : Part of the British Provinces, or bbe UTdW od (;OA CIAMA No tes, either to sell. or to iake orders I)r my PiM- 'L : 103111am Y—sll erehant.-Srallori 0 011 1AIRS An Z nlish clergyman tells a story il- and Ointment, and as I have revoil to I elleve that the pub- ce in �attqmpts Will trobbly be made to de Ilas Artfted hoillil Rouihe Ru�tratimg the way some persons rad the lie in this way.. ling upo medicine y veisons OHN 3fAUDOALD. that ihe3 are Be DUAVR& tin. bible, lookinj upon it as a kind. of charm L v -,A, �ZSTABZJIS ED 18130i r "!a CO)fFOUND' *frr BRITISH' 31ARKti TS nd with my know e ge an u ent I deem Shm f Huron. drfetich, He wascalledto visit a dying SIGNAL NEWSPAPE ]R' it advisable to put the - blie o I aeir'pard At', r4 woman, and when he went he found her against any such deceptions THITER s-amtnu, husbo�nd, his eyes streamillo, with teav, I -most earnestiyentreat all those who . may read SYRUP OF HYMPH01 1 4 byjh The POWOL,Of arresting dike5go disp aye Is li !he leiding 0 lootoh-und uli4h Tweeft thisa(lyeitisament that th3ybe,pleased futhopub- oation Is honorably 4qkmitvjo�r re ril facquy in every 4eptiog. yijiera t ban been reading to her a list of genealogies from lic'interest.to-commueltatetltdpurpor ofthesaine, me cai t I ANO licy in the Book of Chronicles., to their fficnas that t -is r 1-1., - - ! . ar be d frauded oi Introduced - and the rapidly inezeasing sale their money'by purelmsinir woviess 1 nitatloob of best guarantee of the estitnatiou Itt,which. it Isleld BAR XHOOP IRON a sortmeut the genuine Holloway,s Pills hnd Ointm t. wo as as bythe public great favour,that sh uld it p DAST STE 41- wail FOR 1872 A 62AUTIPUY. AsEhera is nc, coiyp The s= Vulmon#ry the I ta Wile go of any peroon that spi rious medl I rs second'stgCs W1 ;reat relic, B19ST CAST a fan tluig that can contrilinte so much to cities are ieing made or sold in my n me, he be P1 edtosendme andprolouglifatael xL 1twtll.curd.A8tbma RID l the -particulars h cancollect Broaching. Varyng1tlA% C61*4 itind jVOlds. � It- tyll render fliahorse beautiful and -elegant, EISTABLi[SHMENT respee - g e iI, Pat is to say. tb, name and cure alldideases originating train Wahl Of AlusCOW, 'A"UGETts, to impgave his condition and make him 9 Of the iendor who is selling I io spurious `�SHMTS# of all do"p. 09j 4etionLand�NavouaPofc)a4such,.as'Elttfteme" 'ANV &� all that is desirable, as . "Dr itD- 4 R "SITS FIL ley's Con- =nesi end I wigs the name and a( aress oftbe - ina, � AUOM ffoUS6 in the Spleen, Dyspepsia, Rickets, lNeebleand Irre-, A" Q19NXRAL'OUTF1TT1b1G$, e United§ States, or elgew e actlonofheleartj Local and'General Partysis, Vlfi qrRA nw� <Edon Powders and Arabian Heave re which -w, -001t, bf*Yr S Remedy;" it has been used by many iiia have, supplied t m.soaStoenabi mo.forthe Aphonia or Logs of Voice. lt*will cure Leuebrrhoea AIWSj COW TIES,'TINI ilMl Nij -%I' Wile be, purchased. to, Qi6 %ut advan1W, of 0. to institute )roceedin.gs OR 'R protection cribs pu M, AE I_jV Chloro Is Anaemirk. zRid-restores the bloodU puirity which hls.�nlitumerjj wIR-have t1w benelit� - persons who own valuable dirriago and 4glunst'such evil -doe*, and I ongage t remuneiiie- SHEET'ZINO and � CANADA S , 'L 'I .1 W"VandW &U 004 AJUI t4W tM offi very handsomely anyLverAon who ifiay ve me such 5tandard ca es er horses with - decided sncce&3, aul Infermlition, the in, Is name ever being OSS �UT SAW -9 are they with it that divulged. Sold Ely A poth 6o Ariep', Prim, so weR pleased . dnd iF6ODSLWS FRATV1- Should auy�person have reason to b leve tharbe EID,,$RADES, IWOVEL- n 'FORKS they always j,-eep if, on hand in case of "61itotf-the tnhabltantR 0107d-ericL an? -ER9 stiff -f, "site Do* rhilreki has W deceived by buying spurious mitations of Pries. 81.5 Mfirj, FARJffAA7XZDf WhQ21- emergency; it may be given at all times ud.' vicinity tIMt BIJ!,kh"opene"ut a large and cow Go these AfedlLines. he -will do well to Be dlme, in a JAVE'S 1. I -Fj OWS, 01JEfA allWeb. 24th OeU 2$71. I* Market 9quarej Goderich.' t4� the IF with perfect safety. Remember the ad dres.%at foot (wbich h can do. at a long 4'jihort handles. -More than 250 Digerent. 31bdiftCati011h. iltaterli six cents la p6s; one of th books Orin- ST." JCHN, Aor�choice assortlabut.of Mame2L and see that the signature of Hurd FAII&WINTERSTYLES r�t tothesam - Tpromige -`STCCK'S(T;1LZ8. HAY SCALES- CIML "SCAtZ.-A Co, is -on each package No structions which ari -VI 4th isn. I N Z UT rthrop & toeialhInditand seiida:reoly, slating other,the Godt dept. A11W, SCALES, `PIATF0hM S&US,� =A EnFLog- Z01W Lyman, - Nercastle, Ont roprietoi AStedleineg are genuine or not, so that I spurious he MUTElt ECALES, Ae. P the peT4on from Whom e purchased M & D20011T V 1@; A -XD for Canada. Sold Medicine. deal - to by all Imh8ey"Iff, 'hire hIv moVey returned. In VjD-rn 110k�hOfn, coa,,,, maBolte BENUM OF COUNTUMTS. ),RH07U, S]EYS4 ers. 22 Chemists anti Dxugogts Ailiodesire obtain the 1 . B , , , o edle e4 ban a -Hanilles. A tomplelte asiortment f supplied tit, the lo t wholesale p tfeg oltizot les8-tban anitstalperdoze x worth M. KNIVES, RAZ- BUY ONZXIRI� GENUINE. ftleush will sell rs elieng as the rheapesL ,Al Q.0 P ..: -t. - V made to arder. or Of ent; n without dfico for whi�W ORS pknd from the best in f.is-voyange to the Dead Sea found mustbeNut In advance -Ing1ishAlateis the Lc&4WrFz FcusD.-Lieutenq6ntLynch a huge. pillar- of Salt on the shore, and We %tonio ir to be, dug lf"uses it, promptucm�, and in he latesi �Mf in Tgranto. feels qualified. ..viteent ALBATA.aiia' M09ble Z0&A1.9 styleviders vit) Wi h great I espeet.� ffie.Arabs informed him that, it was LoYs "A fles�, fasb,oflabl, th ap B00K%jM D DESSEI�T,& Zrajrerx. =011AS H( LLO.VA)!. wife ; for our part we are much incling .. -- - . I I Ts WHY SPONS'diid FORKS, ELEC- a2zt el QVE)Z-y fo, do-abt it, though we have no he -51,0e9rdSfr&t(h7t 244, nd) ltusm ITED , 'RO.PLL l3olet thoplace . 3doors w o 4s", W. 00y $qpfamber 2, 187 11 Ci4MP"TXD SA17ji, rget est r 3 1101rh tion in saying that the best to an oldstaml. AL =4 cz Sol f 22 -1871. OL.0, VES 'and coldssore throat, rheum ti neura CAUBTSi very uitable for T" bowelomplaintg, do., Cana 0 -the appr Iin holiUys,' WAMIAO-CS lass, 110magul Pain Destroyer, to be had of all me& -oaal PLj1L.XE9, PL IRONS ff'49 J= RIVIEWRID Id1i,jjGZjt ST'�4rjr rates Ojjj�mental Pouting # . 6te for 25 0'ts per bottlo. * # oably. -1 . -1 audICHISEL a d,�eas ILJL Usti illaualsaftbe very k%t quallity 46. W."t TAYLOW 14wing)juei;- Ca bne I AND VE 01WSES 'S HAND PANEL and etioll, sale 4 Uw SAV Ihave met with such extraordfna�i.�u FS. ked;6iete Aiibrtmizit .A1RBAXRS*CG.,- - Df Siddliv- -Alateeal. BLSi& X T. nRRAN N ft LEAD, US$ southt thoy are found to. possess ist, ecause Gummim, Jan, 12t% 1875- XCQfh$' 01* Wort71177ca 2 dio wort74 FeaAers and Flewem 06U. �.`,Doxou Lm any&jng;O J�notf it JS -an tjje-qU�HttegL Vh--a%-VraH):p tusb ...... $115 0 118 its them., -PAWTS "D-'100Z0)RS--' eldme inst tehittl bY Tpw Rittenbury Sa Because they' viill reb1Chi3.`4ghts FAIROAVU, BRON& 00. & sell by J&blie inotion, on 2nd. A -n VAIIMSH's wdWRITZ 118 Tools And W097ep S(iods to elloose,ft"M!, .......... a (10 0 690 rain esimot stay �vhere it im u id. it is the abused by -the Use.'of �aommonglas A Aayof I'Val. I 8 7 0,89, Ses C r25 9D 0 cheapest Medicine By rmade. One use curespom and will ofteri be-. found tO t -fail M4 JU dfl(Illy 49WIClIX A, 4noli SoaW.TiraoAr. ne- bottle It �ng sig4t t6 its hatufal State -L trom the ladis4oWw Wt ukake tWeir Waud 0 52 cured Bson bush; ......... 006 0 0-50, ORIM Fifty cents worth has - 'red -an Orm, PA4C)KM4G,, G -1 T6 -0 hj L III , ter rurchas�s; ss4 u,vw 11orT., 4 4 '90 0 P5 00 STANDV6 UO came no g mine jjjAI ""' - or t 6'ba tlis 6ures bad, gra. , 11 NJ Ulf ae iingoi 0113rittsb -gages ()t11*zs du4 or. TuorBL . 8 11,",el .-MINDSTONE URES. li�id. is Hay part= ............... It W X 00 E i "'glit. VAPS I - DAil tOSTS Ali CASE OF Mao I IMAST. Onwbottle b ' cured W "j R�VOL Vmllt% N L '17, Tr fit�A on optical and cientifio vill' I ........ V 2,1ir 000 aviihatious cure is experienced in their Od b6ing POWDER. SRO, 0 17 .40 6 W or-INkL&MMI) UREAST. 6 , .. �rz .X.8 op satia Mllkl'M -D t- to FOR SALE 0 it V 012 -aars standing. lel Plank' BAcz of eight years eyarb guafanteed lk V RAILS RID GE S, ID) 01 'heM -h 4,20t:Tho q of your w I Bile the Eye sigams IDjury 'SINGLE BARREL ille puzolla IRL W piiiibt Aftel -h Broolm 7 uty, ra., f .81 111 w Sigh� froin' mprepe,r'sdlec. Ser as SM I"-*EPffEN YAT 0.1 r0-1 &10-1 iywi�mito, the S!kffa Cues 4 CV.010 �Eo_ thirty thd Sal a WOND I thlitudorsignicd) Tlkosi is '- It iia a betwen 'CLINTON, Jaiu 8, Ism A OU99 and alllthj� articlils pUcajU0na,. ,minother V ho 1wer arA John Payne As Several Cro4m is 116 yejmaiys� 1'r bave* fora 50 nt,J)UM, lafk 4th. eca4se, the systbin, of fitting isin 11811 ja. isth, isn any follj�a Ile a well V=2 ofsilderleb. in tbeebunty ofkuros.ukor ;Ing W 1.16 and 4106 Idggujdet6the..traerequ*lhe -seleL44 fs`124 w-culd not it ifl con aft,110 nt iro6k 4 Vard- #.X40 -FL7Y Wr)l.&. (per, br)) ............ 660 0 6 OD unern]. the name otlabholn a NyneWA4I* tile twe"V* I I I .. - _EL _)It a Ro 10 E -16soll of da, N.,Y writes: are, 'Ware. Goded4h 29th May 9. 6 sevUlthdAy WJNovelnWhist., dJoldred by tautit.; amall bottle 4)f l'our aW 0 08S Bufas ItobIA9011, of —our. ....... 058 restored the of each Parchaser gents Lt co"It" *0 for Pease, pertusTi.. 00"Saws 11?e ialhe r"llias labs bad 0 oken above'a itim who has tUrtd fr�)m the fini-, And thik G .50 a 054 voice whjre'�ha. Pe with this system-801ely I7, per br.O... YEA a Market Squam; rota I tceb,- imr bush� ...... 0 40, a- 045 4 P. III debts due siAowi%; to orliy the Uto jir* vg wbi y.writes Your 4e reptirs4 *W paid by the -ald Jum ftmit. spsr1n)?IV8'yzA our a 015 meof III never- gBr sk.wd have never old -a e lefue Park ..... .............. 480 4V 5 2a oming, N. reachitiStn' Due e al over ......... ... 02 5th ffecawd thOy �31rli 11jO Wit.11"It OW UtKIS thia T%fjIt -Xytntb 427 6 the country, 401e, A. 1). 1871., ijf -,flid above stock Us A. E .0 eivb. sur -h ion ils"'. mil 1664 -years. -he�wl 15, q ala, that has &!yen such 0 , -Ba el without the A beon purahi�se very ow slid itas It is composea of Six of the BEsr ips TiLiT, Alm tecessitjrof chi4ig�- r=4 W. Jaka". j J011N rYWE. a at lowst �avh ptices, Mr. Tale, Pat, all been-marke to tare as for- use and Eltyj is believed jmmeansureably nor to-'a-ny- being'the'14est We IWill Save Yon, aell Alifferlag ave nitch 01L-asute L JIA R VOW the-cheapast. ....... .... KET 'GRO thing ever 0- by . one or Illf -a' the 1ahabitants ofGi�derieh and T11 C MieInximesq Tjltelpmrried vii tinger the Owtj and -any dollan Of'exPBas4-, Is' -iogtimohials in 04 ot e4j!vn I;o 4, BI 40 J , E- !Irm;*ilt Wnture Ise varried Am I& 4olin rayno an -bugh­ 72 " I Ir �QNZE A D Innumerable, iahtb6 here ........ goo " '550 atorededmitleveryPlaiB. Price cents. 71rIvaiva 61' thel'� CounV of Ora.-, ion Ki 1ptati,bircet.in til 'S. W� THOMA X. Y., And gjvon�bilttheLuge &.�tjjeSeSpjetacleiand- 037 Huor i1ey, j*r lidsh...... ....... ow 053 Prepaiedby, tkoijble.to sh6toodg On-� JOHN PAYNEA AR0. 0", Sole o any Ocoupiml) Ms& a 0 0 OT It 1611 best I_ C., .'Rei66rab ' I I I - ye-Glasseff -tfQV8 0270* ill�� per bash or thi ,bush, ............ 0.00 Do didon. -, 0 Sold in. itable Value. IRA 19T,s L A'S 1 -LIST OF LETTPUB e per buEft .......... a W G OFF ..-500 525 I 'e'C'L eIT.4ordaTf; MLWON 0 O.. U . ......... by 0 W , rark�,... 1. ry 'G IN In raq 017 mile all _2 lb .......... 0 , � ardinerA C9,, ; -1111. F9;;&per,d67. Cimpa").:­ a is 415 Comb intonol, Ijeiard .5th jawajay. WX i, rtekaf& FAet 11; v- d 411 medicine v -r A ,oP=ED' THE ABOVS .GR00=V IWITH A FUU4 $1001C OF LacIcnew;Rp Ric atepary Min %mc-poviam erTl 10411ilSob 'QT j[A= lexaml rAwerwri"%, .16, Ian MI& ASK& XeDcuald Musid X17TE EXTEXS,1VE iroiMMAZ, 2, - a8. -310UL llartUn ElijAh Alef,aren 'Wheat, I 80 a 130 bz ) . ....... 585 (2� j -P.f MIS C. Rugh 14(xl J(Ah nIff "U110--kjan. New, nsid V. Jaw OHNSON ...... ;..., 0,89 0 a. - I : - & Rt - - : - - . logs .ER P ............ TEW THE GREAT.: F19191 ly ITO Bmit-r John ..v4s a a Ts , , ;i ., I- , , - FLOURS .10,80 q1 0.80 Big I -. 2 0 MeIrtlitirJobs! ....... L. PLATED' WA Godefjch,,,Wm. 2QthL Will Roger ReAutfilKentioth, Fork,* IN .... . . ... : 0 is job 116fieg' P'er Cobble J. Will fam Weroplinn A. h1hir ... ...... CROCKERY, 0oanly Xarthia fir. tag, V d= '...020 UIN-OAni Martin .3%,04 I'llsvii A L WARE;, &C. -"Is jXVALtA1jjFXEDfC .. ........ and; d 4 - ang GL Ss 1161.3er Wolile Wry gre. e of All the" Urs ps TS a to W�iilqbtho feln a 6 [Pation,is,subject. Wor' ludoe Aaron 'Po we-!$ FA I W i n X& AC:3 A& MW WV jj."t �IWWS TNW 31a* Cat 1. It in S All I'mrCess, a abstrActloilk : I bush ....... 1124 t STOY, THAT C Wh0A.(8prjng)Wbu,h.-­ I 18 Ila slid s s e e4to bt. rolig lArkift jAm" PrIft 4% Ariustrong sas -'a ca a 063 To, ]DONTADMICAY11 FlomperloiW); ......... 535 vM]* offeted for sale bypub, ill state jtw�ij; short Imej a 43 0 01011 state t brin T cw� tt*o WS: f Bil Gpderlch, 22ACI Iore!and Hudt btewart ft-sexii ill.0 In - 6 We 71men Oil nm be wo fatemsuiv- Flift t e ........ 00 Q Mariew 4.4. W. @,� 1� Q5 - - L " I X111011i p6tijoeg, per bat.'k I 00 w0antfito to od"T 1W )w mokill xam�*,as tky are W, 1 ........ V ... .... 0 00� 75 Fjg$,T!mRE.9M.0"RS oj . $ft to, tL MAO Orifs a tatter. Ir lb .... .......... 0 Sjtr4j10WXg- 43fiSM 1's of -Zjp.f d0Z, (W ar�, " 6 20 022 tie in# of ger-YOUS aIld $plil Afoctions, 10, 1W srge�nj valuablO lot of '116poehld, HOW ir$ MWRJUIED TId eg yo Stop it?,, Whero Is ? coils exertion effecLt4',Df 4101atO tation ot thelleart,Hysteries, an bites, e it i rmo of, enotsarehifiallo - I OW PhotogrSpli Gallery I ff,#.t owerful runid Wssl�oart produes more and althouslia p onote Ron consistluen I ]PA19010N A B T Ak H "RING. Searotir�, Sideboard, So* AUW$11un91 Price cdomej, Riamday, QiF any Ito Wardrobe,. 1 Ir CSlup I hot (jtezj,�vf iW & 2!efqfap7& OffiX.) anC G%av*s, Book evid6vice Of tial- merit- than U011, Chain, lets end a kr"%� XcUl D,& Cog 130diredtiour in the mm Ora, ar",fQrAietuV4e,­- t'$ D A:- SIPOP. PXa=UT1X4' 'W10"llouldbecaft rally e Silver I to and gonend store- CANA matiosmv Got*,' AU49,valuablevOMOtioll, wheiiby Dru�& . Steel Bit- koper4; INCXA OAket TSION", 0 "W Terx"00 TROPRIVow, Of Ohi-6 '14th &s. and stare . . ings;-, Su 0 '4 ' I . , Read the following Qiii&A 490'a elosed to Nodhimi r"o ='Oxpd W&� Bib letter re�,eive& frq= Xre S,. 3. Ba"A -ATOTICZ is giRny 411jar, TEAT Taw Lylialkht. ­ �T�i++ Inintre, rou 4ou"g. or Domw",VA .. L . "I ., - ; 1 a vrell know.perchint bf onitllml, F' Mull. a large. I ROM UT R C"ton taccq" W by retu 4*&' AR YKAN rgw� Dznif &&NJ, I surnsee C-on-Issy of C"" to Wit, Abe $ain or, of 'Othdr. iri AUENGAGEDA Job 1"nm, US -to inerk- I VW Sul- ratest Tat Posit& upon #w rT mw kuadftd p3as" jDear &rs.—TAst aututayx` dtoeaeWnt ILI(MMAWk, ""W #A tbk Owe 30ttled AND A= PUP.&EIBI) TO MAKE SUIT& TO'ONUR ATCJ11&PfST RAM WrW& 4sy of �aosoldi% Godenab hy Pa at 1101 January. t4w Thoussig. us" 31sa&4d ast IN ro coraff of fering frora si severe �61 vr oa t4e. day 4- ),,I My oftd ze to uumbar J Lt2j1tjd R 01* In the To" ef Godulo, 'O * ZkW by Xrjolllr HA-% *y d) Jap 6 Via ter =ct the f rw itli 11 tao "b" I" tau$ A Oat tb (1013�bv� IllItWj Vn � = I re"M , J W NE whichum 41?pv Ajam% LuG B rArm, -giiv 9"*& to do ain - 'thout any led Bentill) f t F jord"; Gal sba* of pubilit Rogervill1% 4 _ - r I T& W L k IL P. ;sr t1is otom ft"w1yos" r ALA raylous"o, the a 11 Woodo and SM r*om jitted to get f 13ough Mod to M of 5 3. Partise 06dors, At -611 to Ylh =1415 11 suck W w belkeft,J At l"t 444U ORO*bottle of TWO. klads O(w9fL I& V" I HEY HAVE-AvEACiE E ftes""M 10 P ? &1mogt immediM.0 e VON WomMou at #" 14 Aw a pays iu a '011" lap &"tin CA -LL AT TI -M a 'YPIW bT k AXBR POUMAIN PCTTU U16 at 1(y Qrf,16�ck pjmlf�% rfawta PRICURRAS 0 PAAIRRVL�' shortfAme W=DS &COMnWs IM AF AIXAt-A3431M A6 BPNW ±2N rou"Im. OodWwb, Sa ffityloorAsat 111T wa* uLarp $ad on" " �Wool 0"PlA of in= Buz n= *Vow *of Woe A AwAoneor $04 I yk mod 94 A CALL WLICnW- WCIMD X&T-, $W,*, W S W b0om Owy &U so. X%Y6 4 18M INS. 6048d*. a SO& Ism OxWi* jW ,w Pill WIA rly to r pi jii�..t sor 11-LOWAT's I J P r Clinton 9 Se for h 11, t PV