HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-01-09, Page 24
A on �**Co -tva&aw"
-*or tile SIOXA1,e)
N A V A-71 k- 2. tt In-
J� WUAJA lizi W Q
t, fire in Chi. Ar
leago 11913. fAllod TV
��Awouj thefoandidatea ter tho. Hin 0, Motion. Is3a jWii I
pl bA VAUM
ci&;. xmr Po"'T OF1�111M.—Theoffil0fid GO&Offe Tho 40140=0. TheTe0en
forth * Seudrid dboassion,on the subject
of-satarlhaylast anilolincea Oolii):�oug, bl itlslk V0111111biq* 1� re railway. it) 01114dawits"put illop�ratjou.
a 14
IS= A E A%�w
Dashiv I JU14sor$ Ira Of 0 h v 'thdr kgr9q a" b1gulthirtyy0aw *go,, there were lof.ftiaproof buildift and, - bui ILL OPM FOR INSPSOTIOAT, Oitf SATURDAY
Po t cifice, called 64K 11 W. a, f( ' tor fesid6lt a aT - Sinner and 8616ir toge
JAX. 9fil Da jed, Utffe #Ont 11A SeVAt, i�6ralothd-Althougli we have muchat W variod lowrtzacutof ladieWFurs of the now -cot in
9,187t t ow1ned, iii the Towtwillp of liay,,' 11 -Alt The Mat issas of a'allexi weekly jolt drive our tti
nt times cattle subject 44 eoucrobf
do. List. ko�fj Batth0,0!ibb1d-1avvyur_ha ott,ahp_up� nileg Moro differe-
114(hugg of Huron, onist. D. 1141 In the Gerulall laugilage, 111j, er t I a ace-, ill 1847 -AWAY-4glib I
h favoutable
a -And
J'r-ed ispustut'n'ter. oalrio of I'lie GrerwIll, jj� (hi-MI(Iiii h the soldier, lie jtjlt a defeat. vNrg-adfidd- 'in. 1880 the number !of Wditil 't 6 Pr*44mt Seeing &
MAT UVL fililds Was .-th. . ur eataeri ot-, Kink,
Dr.vrn Op 31p_' X'Vjr� OnV4keffILL V it d otes a I i i licreiiud by � ;twelve; -. and GPDOrtun'ty for guli'UX `0 � f ! .
-pK - beon tit subject,
S. --Mr. V`111. ChIlrolailv..g. Clie'll.this Sim .03.) the praig -th of ti e Ylin
ibors theneoftirw0d, the pgresLt has lowl it are) in , ite of m6ty
5n I a I vp a -i a tov 97,anhwr 11 to t ateadyaxtd�a!4168§ U, M40fruptedy.,11litill low -I
litilioni tog. f,experimputers is
Liq ft -
Stre4t 01 odorich, 61voii1GV,dt Whe, this lawyer hAlt it r o
this- is. i 0
III -Ran througil 11 !a- ittthe tofumen anientof-1:81lWo
to, t -to ia arrk-mrs f6c ekbie -till K.4111-dav la.3ti of Tvph�iltlleover,after -0ol ridiluc until find, i Alaskaffltripes,
quite, 0 trath bee d A
6111 kilrksti 10". tv %vowd in,141 li�)Hgo zt, blief. illa�tss. . His f 11114 -nil Oil sonflay: has been. cansekl fe4f, the -country 11AS uliarlvi if 1101 ficialstona tau do. as',dur4bla as
low lii�deiftt, riition,-with
hu"91'. Persian,
I a b"i payin,".41tv ztt� by the S and wilen his ton. three thoomincl miles: bl'opa: cu�- MCA natumlotonels. There bovebeen
i9is 44! course
I In,
-�rniv the dece' a tear about. as mile!
0 ;%hiuh fra, asud wag suce 41 Ale. H, M. Afl 1PIT, Of t. (i - y. humbags prodflicedi'tut 'these, AStraeha'n.
'so" 0& tho extnt, clhargrp whou, tbo-� 0 X Ingthest man.
ineulbor. drnx(4 4-tld HoA;ffils, ine - . ; 11
t" You rquiamber &Is that q)if hon6ured ibrafitioli ta- prbjeutdd. otic
ilis Foli; ulattis M. li- the*y hav* hindered pro
fa# though
OIL ,Opeatatorsays; ' Prom
i tile Loud V 0
Hb 0116110ed Ilia 11 'ind Oform-,.' vattall': 14 a : 1 1. 4 Coney. *6
zle _QA NNeallesday tl.e 27th chants, widdei. its last seen oi IRS i totally checked it. Thil arlifivi-
t the' Dec, idle festival of St. Jt4llt tile E vall- li'V014'.2211d bf December, And n6. w0i 0 al stones rusWby *the Sprel, Frie&r and.
Nia in mflv�mco. Subscribeta tt And
Xy.�ekly -Rd,t'4�1 %%311 rnul to been hear;16f I As lie c it wm..then that this i�. wyer. to-show.,hio extend d its -bouua*ies to both Oceans; COLLAIRS and GLOVES,
when tilt ir goiJ4, tho Urethern of (11fiderieli Lodu I h, poor $pit few hundred Rausom"Cl proceos,, and those 111844i *i1h lu 16
Pin since. ehtle FUraj, CAlW#.7
e _popdlXtW0'0fW
-ImAkiII& �t i1w. address, Not., 33 G. It �, nio t in their liall ml h., ill, Portland. cement, #ra all good, relb�b*
tiltad in up by tsb I vied consider4blegintu'of niftney. wi vowed �l �R in tile
he'4 drive b ftom� 6,1y thous dbc& wel
1m and' it has.
t4ose, to the S.U11-Weeliv hv jiloliry at Streot,�at tlih Twelve. TboLodge lia hilivitis fearildho h4s boelx foully.'Clea s. Of those howeverl'ouly tile lat-
tall. it -has $ttffte
A. X� fo.%m,1�q1,naMMa a'&
ing daly oponed, of ter tha.rcm1ine, busi. I $Viut. 1 : - - . I I � I tej can be used iu Situ, for concrete o l=go_anorftsnt
rwarfl, to a., I t Pisa Ala
t jAd 0.,hue-1 noss bad been disposeit of, Brtl- Isline, F. Xr.,Gbo. -Brown.own's. in Dow Pa� C strode fo Vommen -of walls, and it is of the loater that -we pro.
g 11, cOmnieicial nstiflnli � :
e:ft4 witIL h9pei. fda, ,,i*,o:_ o great pc#0
Tolus, D. D. G. I aosisted bYP To- acerimplish this. the h to Speak More pArboulary_._ in thit
000 acres, in one bli;ck, and tho'build- ari
Iiine, hi;�h frilk a few i0no
foll0wing noticed one stable 4 114 dairy co-wi ,
;i;=V.1n:L zz 72=1 V izx 0,9 war Mashag, f1ro.1hoinsoa, %Vhite,SvP11sbIl areextr4nielyc6iivetiient for.st*W 50;� her -,irticle.
lghtt6ther. navy as iftereased. %a erection of 4on�crete'buflilin&
7f lily 9 . f �a Winte r Clo
f -Pits. tay dtill istill small , �sai 0 v e
He caught, an ear re, , for qattevkl or vs
and Fergnaori ina-alled the I wffl itmil by un, and aj nd Cal
Brethern, ial-o their vespectiV13 officeS, .41 -La. Anothefof,160 thorough-bredi b -from hero. and 'Unises! we -think, A complete adlutiori
last, Imthembrid!
Qx-i�enlollt AV.= &Q%tv-1 in. ll.o. Joseph Beck, W� Ui Bra. John R. sifles-vangevof jwnsfor'pigs aiildLshec ilia' lost in :of tu ��oblam of -cheap'building for
an bai- its con�
1 on S%dar lav ovenin, r last., byL iuld Seemed to be all ocaupi0a, All IV factories - bave w -Vhi&:wM be sold at lea than ci
Hiller S. W. Drn'Udcohn brePliall J. Qnoth the, pdml:ious Qld In Of there'& mill; o�kiuglndn. Of all maferialowe know
'Bro. James 4pp,%velltly iti.goo,l conAitioll 1, %i
tery, atrucuon her � ihimu
W. Uto, Alex. Kinnear S. D. Rro.,James of,,none-,-tompares withgood, Portland
flI;.,t!JAa`t-_1S Jr, on eyhry,'haad, slid frora'aft
Cro4" J IX Bro. Rabort flenderatin T. told there is a scircity of water -in th -squired ceMeu t. lot thii �uipove-. It has proved
to -a Mrio." mi a SrQ. Win. go it was Settled afia sait Web, importet-ofnoatly.,ever�Arbialet.
art -twiv- -'P�_bl id foarme oils the storV foi use-iii'thec intry, she -has turned
pop it y nea Diokstsu Sef?v., Dr;k. Itenry JParlt, and that two't�mms ittilvalue. In extensive warksinEurope, God
As the fi�rat of the month t GD0194CII, UthOdt 1871.
e. in-ot of his conae-eltion, with thatt 11vulway, Oaltm 1. Q., Dro.'John bonoA, Tyler, I iverek-ept daili &,awiag waterfrozil th,, Our -Jtee�e, with- his forty atid fo � .941� qkp6rte:r, sending._,-4roafl!
tD - ur large. quanti- wliera,.in 04ition to the ii0fial Oftdtf Of
had hu -m -Jl,)t by Z�f_ Rro. & S;,iids 'D. of 0. 'Bros. Stedholl I Orand River, for th6 supply t. father; it lias had t6 akduro *6 'cou.;
Xn.58-issiu. It appe. of th -of J16j.Lgrldiwork to W(l
Yale& james.H43, �bowarts, Bro. animals. The dry Season may, llowet leg 61 tile prq(106 t atiolt of 'sea wstle' It harflons
th d n1b ut 4 oVo,:k in the afterntion he. zas'stlippoll the vanx pair of -their glo"'rY.- Andpurehaseriin- the�*46ti f. Clio 0;�li_ a I r,
hourai S;Q.d forms with
Heavy R. Sinith,46anist, Bro. William account for 11hiat.—Gor. Braidford Cout perfectly -id alfew
world; L
vew 0!, tile poi -lb -if enter-ag the Gr.4u-I A a concrate,"rivaling lubsirdlaess And
The soldier.'Vefirefi. ftoin,Ahis�worWef
-con p
sts of 060k aetnfess,� the besb'buildw4 stbries n
Tita "Elvao.-T are ir,_� r. lie We�kiyaii Aeihodi st6fe, .-Old. SteOlieu.Girura madalbispbser- To 1"-"
t I . _. . - I I uae� lt�an, by the addition of. colo�hlq..
S ta.ttel, ul.iea lie, was, inet'on !ho stolu jebtd to, tile Malit of the Almolfte town eirotfit',rocerttly. prese�rted To, dizaw:onliis shilling d vatirin, -whigh -may 'be ' 0onAciied- by nere iiva
ia4eis, be giVeli Untaresenilliagbr6will tr;ons Ir:d
70, ' - i, Ill
ut,-r:4 ,;.v "a ax� notice _h OrA X=, who,,
ne w- irw ur-ainting ad, g, . no', -durable thba either. Xkii
g hatr "OWI)t J. J, 94 8 DR Of Robert Bellii TanEr Rivm8, J�u, A__Soarlob fevc r Oil ;6er shalilhou-pass aw,02. h6itlyantag0i.-�rdsolfbom 01110 is a e0w kine
bV.%111,16n =1113.1 Rtol_ta, Who, hming Gmetle for tho foilowi ill,, comylimentary, pustor� the R.ev, Wai. flhy"and his lvifl The Registry- Office ln� Wytli 811AU �O W.Milougeom.
eaah wit a boa -qt fill goldwatch Alint allostone or Wors, sootiastonal , i
ial eiperlahce, I havFi noti�vd thAt
drov;a re7i4ver an -I daml tiqr4e thots, rl Laos 0' mdoh eheaperAhW b 1H 'U.1h.0-N F-0 NDRY
-rickii And mortar,
Rul., of C.trlet carrying 0 bus libre, �'Oxcept to 1creatal all
on Plme, had purcliasb&
is raging in this district, 4 � ni r., Co h. *46, ar6 anc -easily m, d6d iii ornamental. way in
.1'ean be d
andl�t j , tv &r
you�g tizid old, but particularly children. 1beIdW1toour'Rofi*ath*trie4 Dal mpetitionw.o_
true Iforrhq. 1b,possessesfargreaterstwerith'
t,1 gorty childxen-6f the Ohri.� foil unsia; And to gratify our ijneinios kow produ
alitIM,00-4-t'l. P.,tv lit), 1110-lic-4 asSist- the editt;rship 'Utiderhia mun-ig4illen trother 0 A Fick work, and Ioolmhei-
1161WAS never
-t ave no doubt the paper wililobt- c ant of thn blay lie live long to Tomemb6t1l.xisocene, wl _kaoTm_thaftvrdhu�b
V. ee waarewlere-1,11lub the woulidsp'r.-Yea kre h. are abdelit oil ac'o
lint . hwider ch-culthtiou'aud exeit a more t1tit ihvoiy r�benhiiihea, Itisaswelladapted
fat -A, anit �Lr. Fisk exAmstt on, Suitlay �to An d when he is done! - Wilth-.11iii world Of to i 4uther day i
t6insIdIi as outside work, =4 Mw be
14o=.rJlI 4 maae atftnlre� I
CA NVO welumneiriand I strife �dilmorehax
morniag ist, W.45 AM extunsive-seizure of veln, ",7 A Dag11tiu;O-Uoors%ndf9z4uOns. itis
Belliatothe brotherboadof thefdinth May his ana 406frimptod wr`
been in
nients. with the Ameican— azubfistible And as impervious to
The Murderer it appe-tra was ;Qhipkerik PiAtios -has i
ntat laid wish hii eitery success in his 'Cl - Quebec Custom flous6�- an le F the coliseum.
-26d, 18". rld's Owe
of Miss ansfi4a ill her- adt ix�insl waw lie abor." It app that, for -SoMa Januaiy at Boston in whi�h -4hd. wo er. s� spd stone in uisoo
t nextJundaiia iy-
rvc-utl - botom Tus sT6-v Trmu*-TE."— Mr. they hww Suspected that these pian, 5 isbaheTd,
maiigg progr�ii a&piih t di and
i s cat
ed Jas you mn a pa�lusnenb structure Ana A htel
:a.. 11 waastrcingl�y %aspect fqlrl rlyEdhdrOftheSLG'.?_fLL, were being outdred, ell -under the r $van -We liave not the oli st dolubtthat it
I . . 'baflin OIAP�Mense proportiOns., 26
has coluillenc- the publicatioie, of a value. e far' greater popularityin.
that lun, -.-a br uchtforthe Pur-, stined
nowspaper with the abo v a name, at Har- Great usually SOMe
M �ry farr in Poi.1h country hi o -mor. The New Itor , OW' AyS:—V8_ thq future than it ipjgys -at presenk
p -so It-ving b'ack m,,.il uon. Fisk,and figton Grey era y whi& gmaing wisdom May be
nation a
ristnion the line tif the Welli igathering ill regard to t] e h ' Tedoivetf from AeUt QOn1p any. of . Tirli -odment unites readily with Sharp
'hitidne is one We rEANAENQ1hr6!W
lid hwl taken. steps torconspir-tay itut an! Bclee R%ilway, first numher inumerous br riches of the potatolainil gathered. ... -The Persian
011ondagoa letfeiinrplyo our re- cleaO,sand, #061; brakelibricks,poWes,
warrant fer his apprehension Of Which Iras ruachad AS, of these., Aria it isuggests I
to , cot nati POK
It is. very �So as to be in a position to form 11 q,% mirka-urguig a r9peal �of the' dbtybn ofn a. ;iaduyaraniichmeomzy14
-111 irro a ably j be uiletut. . in Ons.
and v be O*ion with reference to the vilo 1118' 1 � L fall, be eftiomic
bvin- in Cho hands, of the police at th neativ got up, salt.- -It.iad4et6.the',Sa1tCo allyto 06M 0 IL . Ay used in
ears. likoly-to IgeseatAspectable the con cc ton vith it
vyi-3h, it -ovqy success.' ;in lony,our lormeras or --
I Gest 4, Vouriliff m1k,
Urna fhe tw&s co -11 u; orits of. each wheff the spripg opens. stilts that thdr s t' w
itted. i3peof 5 11
;uz of Ivlliam bli Saturday, -it C.obourr, a fire brol 0 hiiitoetd 'times A all events —the ex� 0013 i)biht, jfrh�yailego that the arect
OBITuAry.—The rem,%, blioni Id*gsof this
aw. Iffiffs, Steam ng'o
Stokes was P.-O.uptiv al mall E h son of tile ltz Hen. Goderich Wt weiks "'of dAaaa li I I . I init, at the resiaence of Alm- n, b starvation' eve 4uir s onlythe skillealibor necesssly
g,3 0 1VM_,StreeEL Unction Of ra PTP a ., y
cominitted to prisoit.- F6ka depos; i"n Jud o all of Lt)iido%, late, A f to place properly, the fismes, in whicli
and reshilted in the destr This dri/ven - thOnt out. of thq was t-fifi, fate. of the great States Pans,
lased 'tion of the three ' brick resadencesi ode i- w1deli ou.�b_fiuea the valley- of �tiie Efl- e crate. is molded, And the frame
takelL in whicil. - he- fully iaeni _aed., the,, erchnts Bank, Kineardine, market,- iiiitead -of -the reverse. In th
turougli tilt to,.ya on i
I ay, , in, in justice we rebiixathd c&TbetiOlf on tile (of
Stokegas thsaas=;n. pied respeeti-iely by.Mrs. ..0,ardf -Rev ?hrat6., The tion ori1nd Vimao*6 achites
termentinToroirt.). r. Sinalld.ed-of Of p
Fisk !Its knit a inuat eventful carcer, Prof. Reyner, aaa Xli�s Latinard. . TJ 'a them Strip edlthts Soil hstrength of fl,ieir assertion.' Add @ttefthe use o4iroftfor fillarsaud, Thrashing.X
in his 31st ye tr. origin of thA_ flie igniknowh to us. Mw I is the style now-a-dayp when an on- brac il�, vhilo eveiything else; Aflioili parsw
puerimonia ce 0? deprivdd the gropud. of -plouths,
anil has in m.mimm ii,;37,usid- Absea trees brok Stoveo
a go., e_., aybe of oductate.
eM a &quths gagement is on off f6rilielady--li
�;tnloj, . , CHICICE-7 & so_v'.� ATT Wdiikc ffects of 'Iffra. otto titib ii� e ifin to 'in
b, trit of eelth. lie saanm to I if not A of tile a Cal d m4mitnre.and'sholter, an greA
el -bar by her It �J(* Cubf
have p,)sze-_sea t -lie falulty of turn� 'Elie Messrs dallIckLu. cotanienced hub were coustuned. destroyed -its productive power, a -ad the ie turn. the pr ents given is�estimated by im export -of thisity Straw, Cutters and
deba iokt in afflanc6a, of iven the engagement r hat c fietof Fortland,dement
W Ing,
ing w4ekl� Thord is ho and recriminative ie pqulation, iii th t alin-ist anything into 6 -old, which 0 same rA io,
ho inMaitlandv:Me. It is tha only well no',7 in, Lnudou, rged "'ritualistic i I- numbers And. vitality. _coijjrse� the whi& t y -6 p _9S -_an Indian eeps. _q concrete 'wall -van be., colisfructed for ne ,f thez oirei Of
the sc mar *idtories. $22.
in in Opsiatioly. ifrivat' 'as" in St. Paulo Ckarch. 8� hap'no4 py hand aood Stock of Iron alifil Wdod J,10aq1Jsn&6 I XlaaBd"
keenest W. -dl Street Speculators to it rocess is,66 glo*,one, but,it'111L not alp asliopWYef for lf.plMterlug is. us
gold He lived in a style of go' H06LTRUsTuaELzarix —The side- dto'theTeu0om-,na,-n1_ asked, whieJi f. two ed on interior walls;
th't the response leas visible..' Spain, ..wh1ohmay be sited Vw6 women were both3jew 4ifSecouit Hand, which, 1 yvill.sell 40hesp. Call sud oxianine Iny ot#ox ire nowchant6d by the ellot, aired, so ths
A Trustee -tell of the 'in ais a �Or fili; otte beat is. req'
the grentest magnificence, and spei hi tiol of a ents a moilaniekataile, had f0AY oach: woafd choose we re she cam-
XG, IS . " men ite4 bf -boot ii,consifleirably mollev A as he maile ic. ' lie. vrards.: takes place on Wednesday; 10th f instead of pbrmitting,a4,provicTed for in 14illins, ipf inhabitants inhe timeof elled to inaiiiy one of -themi One re- FiDr gi thi L 0
I - . -' L laeivalko S . err;�n, also.fur-,
plied:_f fTh4 that I mJKr11t'b8
v. as all -I dishonust, &3 the Sam, ;t 900 . in. the Book of Pra, yer, tile dongregation. to -t4e. Rmans, -and � haii now :somewhere
isMsz cheapcaricl "beautiful material, R 4 RUNCIMA
ol thab celcbr�itetl 'day' T.HA-z CA_w_xox!-:wLGoderiC;li was'mcre 'join ill t4e'duty. about Slx'teen millions. Thah It was, soonel, A.d the Willi I h b .-a formed, in blo ou,the
nn nd -noir Imona as abilud,14fly fortunate thau most of the towns in 10ana- During the pollin,oll S a rich' i , procluctiv�itess, A." ' it is roungest, that, I inight make hi I h 'If �Of its the'lon )��_ S res5ntirig a perfectlymniform4ur
dais securincr two (if the Rua-iiau cannon �the SG. QathrinesTimes, it call id, te comparatively arid, W1 1 OIJAY a
'rad life 411cl fle-.6X of Sadh ie Crimea. If they are Avaled.only byLaut Stone.:
a 142,11 captured in tl 'forte Rqeveship being afraid o,, e area under culti.-y-ation. The
' this� h 1i Areadf�lly 'bit
I e re ilding � of Chidago furnishes
th brib
teauh izap-)rtant lessuns which all wo-21d worth having' oy worth t --L U,, care parity of voter, tendered, the trees is ilia reason for. A similar Anoll man., w 9, ad been -the ?Iqyment
do wf11 to youder. Tile inardinte love, d ft-oln abli field for am]
of, yet we observe one of theill, lyinar, in nd Asked liodge. whether he ot helipecked. ull Via hfe, *as visiOd on.lis
0 1Fr of zoncrete; and vf�e trust that as
of and tlkz lvaste to make rich, which the glitter near the Drill Shed, wili its raceived Ay cash for * vote. &0 �q wall cultivated region, with arge death-be4biaolergyman. Theoldinan ee
un 'In 0 A AD Ciiaoloy must be perforce consulted, war sn'A a life, inateAd of bring- muzzle cooked up in th� air. W.o-dld'nt red, "No, Jesms; I-rei�- f1stipli; had S* k' it -t eared-�ery;id 1;-0 V to Lend
gnavely ans we popt diflmnt;!, andtlie-cleray-L
an trieatosroifseliiln!�, talkin
setid-wi lekiiess 1�hdbitod bysome two in Western fiends: will be induced LW turn
ing, "'an3rallYproduce the, et. look bettei on tl%e Court House siluar 611 the $3 bill you sent me. 'man i a -
their attention to the systemi ss, it offers 1872.
Very (ToPo4ite a&'Ot;, nad the result f besidelts fellbw olope. The orowil langbed qj� liZof jiople, half f whour.are the Kiig of Terrors. -I 'Hout, tout man
0 al -vantages posseased' aswebelieve,by
Eli =W 'had WARdiiizers. . lathis ase. .1,M, v6scar'f. The King. of Te=or� t -IN Mottgage. Where Aiaegaoil 9
4�h sp�, tions as Fisk wca ell. NVEEW, or, being the J�eemslosed his Cross-examination. . -mere reto
*.6'tlleL desttqction of the rees Vve been livibi six and thirty years'lwi othei,—Adisutifw 1��-'pei aentfree, of charge, 74 sud -8 at POWT AND OFFICE DIARIES
Invisr, iiiirtain to mke a t' is con th
in, is..d weal- of pyayer through th& woAd, meet- Water is so acatwe in W-11MOtlov il-
iifar�st payable annual-
sorapulol.is an I �d CA d th Zino ca-inot'
A life, of n alTan"'Yed RE! faltolys'- ishiptliat lnarl� farmers have to. h�, -ill. the deepy. The be Queen 6f themi all moderate iopts,
sure to bring a ins h e bee is -at 71wm& would, be sizat-
aseady indus' rzy i3 Monda y, StL Andre- -dav, via er f(ir-their cattle, or, else dr ie, atithich-the'lCitesig ba'th"-06n��'beiftu��ewiu'r.�-
?'& 0hureh; Tue;,
competencei a� - A -it is much more cr- Minx Chnrch; Wednesday � NVesleyan theiR to creeks froux. oue to to mi. e t ent:are' being swept Away, lids often
.$ 1 1 1 ]to vow ==dustor-
aeii- spokeA of- within receitt years, 'but 'AT 1q0
-d- Thursdav ow, Counexion distant. 'eldtf the r"ite coal. district, tMill to; JW7 eL a parson happy And ra- Chu, �Spsctj�d tha—m entyaging ia those'vrild chiefly witli referen&eto climatic gea,
chang Blo4
w Ia.
ilurel Meetings to cornmencui each cHr"AR AND 3119nFIR 11GUT TIF" OUT.
veldch Inity M-%ke a Maa a calarly impor- I, tons.. h GAS--:-BUFFAL OPTS TO speculatio Cl 0 " r1V__.L WAY
A local paper days that a !)"-a w 10 S6pPOii1dfQ_be-iiob parti
evemil; resides neir atham, this year realis -.4 1pli. L If. Of '.�he p
cr at 7-30 o*e ro
,laclr.. thlit will, xeApecti ta food, 4u,
millionaire to -day an a bqg.,mv to-nior- . i T produce is set down At ninoteen It ns MSCAPZ THE 4ASUID-140PLY;
e- ha:fdsome ail of $700. from e .
of tons of �the jaoreaSed,�
in Ia- -'b I row, ana v, hich vre can. never look upon tLere a any lessun, however, to proAurtio i of, s,%Ieof thqhay %nd clover seed rab �d I� - d -from w1j%i. Au kivas of
but ad tunding to prouce frWadulonce Arlie Actually happen- three And. g; half millions 43f tons i. * is Me newly discovered Oxy-flydrogen Full
rom fourteen a6res of land., t t1it -*I the C 'on of thek Towniihily
.1ishonaeby, even though in thoeye. in-Buidpo' and Asia, itis th-a e stir -
tile : - 11 - preE�umedfliit the'MqAttican ing L1,c,,'lI1 is Apparently d0stined its stlp�rgeae tM C6filijil orporilti
Some mer6hants of Ainlevville e� 5 f4GWage willialldit* Al
- ! f4a'of the earth Clarinet be. Aeunaid of 18 T Cal- jiv th�j 9ijV ba legitimate. )rMS
Of the L of the Wesevan'01rurch in Cana 72, ta(yff two)mMond of 1 av-_ the coal gas whicir at presdat
A no dities And towns; 'Ile - human. race. T e da, commences the Now Year enlarg�( i( EF , I witUdut daul ing a gI4 -the'i
iadopted vel method of s I ha 'coydring a-00 to' kin, -Market -of a -it ion pi�mcjple illaminatorm
w.th the scarcityoftmall. Ore. . . I -te U11azlia i;oUiug low
arl e' lit r la&o, and priated from he moral Of i ffi T, B. STORES
a - �g page And a half. ana-if report speaks true V611 as
-6exper aiia more z re -
e fractional c"renev . th clerx
urrency eir'own Persian famins is that the tkoes, aduld
TV W type. beltl*r� bealthisi, a. AT 1100RHOUSWS.
4 cent, 10 cent and 25 cei# piene8. T b4 preserved, OrLif hey' TaNst be cut 265 pholl se.r6,; I ligla Vmit Any. - Yet -offered to the
in oarpowtf to The 44--ath of Soseph GAI'At,- the col - -fo I wing is copy of thom:�11 n, OoNini. otherah-ould- bwplaOad to,r.e-. The Oxy�,Hydragen Light wax
hm annonneetthat Mr. Bathuna* has tbee bratei --el. pan m-an"faOLurer, `vh' idediand, forvalne, receivedJ pro e the
ot finely pmXr, "a mix I,*-
rM iverea hir Mr.
consideralble. fortune .-at his in lawful 0* ea slum oby a in-ijority of to.p4y twenty-fl*e, cents yutihly witli the -white of aggs' Trarlce, andas been put to a
bUsineks, is Announced. Ina - ivtotay in I "_i5est Ahe Si
n, Vu uglandand J 113 -14th"to [,about two-monthsago,
irency of Canada. (Sig Tn-h Ubs"llier, Ut
In c4usequence of atIverse irl .)lie teaspoonfulr)f --fresh lftd;" *3p:fdd( On VPrYt`ryifl'-WStinLOna0 BLANK SbOKSO.
efoisioils ihave, entered into an agreenient; to #6 a 9 - t
6 stwner will please Infive
701mg ULM of And wX nj d,,i;bb a cloth, Pod Apply tolhe parts Umt. with eminently a
ordirja�V pro nd take them sway.
1) tin dotnpau ANGU
given on p"g of and the hopeless- "the currency of each othe ..qc . ash f0FF A ver faccentrie'afid famous Man died y -with ihe A general assortment of evwy 6mr,
ps, Imo tatip telief from -was a I
y1a ir. the house. mv� 31ac- il�3sailm consequencei of upseating the ilinyments. 1h'aliovelintba. St, Gilesquarter- W. 4T
f;&SL- i0i liottIlla the Syddhhi Uryit.-1 A
tht in a �tho MR prevents aes. "D QUALM of
donald all,lim in.f h em,-aagimt him. P-esent ntem' In' 184-1 the.1,611eivive, ad7ortisem the'atliar, day. 1. Thirty years fla aptiCiii. i- P�%jace, and its gnperiority, was Innot
n A- he
� celebrated -mirkea. -,The iight was more
th- 13rockvill, and w_w0 : , AT'THE
ad tha �k Victory whioli vras. won waif. lapr& 0 should:: chan &WDU4 a- a pable 011 13 T, A, 19
Is Eideton. g� h4 W�s 61W of the raost.
-ra i tred in the New Qd7eans �Ticayn l, It 134D4:)KS
c.4se bate been withdrawn. '15 Rewaid.—Run a e i�en:ju Eaglarill. matv from th
chimney d ileadyis wellm purerandbr4 DRY, Goaericii, sua
by Ei gr=d d.amons�,ratioa lit Ibb 9'y'; just apenea and affered at Iowe* ntes
Verr rich Silver min.ei -linVe been dig-- �sariborlx, on. -the. 22nd Wovember Ia reep, - and lie, -like Fietcher i gisolinea lighted at- -the fbot Of .,he get olio df '$a A. 1. str4w Cutbas
in the South we napprent Olay. 111�.ved th4 lie becoe, *4
at cortior of, ' teady'and Its&
�thenagroboyOscarDnrni aiter t1l tile BAKum P have ieii dn-� or0U$trj emitted a light re ili
Gifl-ora hzET b3an, return-ul for 11tho, 109 miles from the' entral �to t ' 31 . . I .. !, . in t n young and ONO
he plastering trade. Ha is attlati an.
llapifie Railway. All Enshsh 0-)rnpan formied -that the v owfle r s boiant that persons over undred LWO, ioh iT
till yal. lath�t he alifnbed, t, IDT
Y �color, bofw6bn t0enty ink twenty- 0, Solna g�ro ATUX)ORT! West major- OWn th mado of, bicarbbnal;e�,of 9 �ure tile b
11,niatingfor,the-pufollasa of Palace' 'A theli
a one of And about five at ten of St. Jameal is
Xvus, of age, ff�lilt ten r . 136oks of ifte : times, but eacaped whiin ardam. of tartilt. Iti
Fi8lwr� T11-0 possession
-es hilih, prersons f re P.A
,eleren inA All Wo*
the lovs number.of riolfghfor one quArt of flotir, in oid( to werelso read at. the Sulto atanee
-X:en7 - ii a] alit.
lac)n. Mesws Blake, Me iq, The Priui;e of Wales cont. inn -o im- icautioned. n boy, nil er fihebrtiners. the great merlit of t1lis
P-3 t ot to WAAOrsald, chas�d 'save on one.fioasiton, . hei 4e 'blive it thoroughly aol in DIYB
r a re- 1penn *as taieii iW ie, was hb.o4 to enter the' pf B49(ung, Xatorial.
XeHajo;ufJaatf lzz�va bean ratfirned k n,. light is itsomparatie in"ificance
.prnve,,and will we trst alitiedil b y of th, a Iz%v. , "Mils6ir & WKS.
Anything elae.' Ussolvothel
Mr. S.-otf mada capital -stored 6bis6utod health and �coiner St. Jobit And Comm stree �shllt ot
little b4ilini water,.aaa"aad it the i as in ostf .,production, In London, i
The aegro, Nay Osaar Ditim is n )w Totl4llprison. A aahiStinia WAS'lip TAUEU AIN
qpeau�l abtlha Qa&irely ra- togee, the thing. costsnly three ahilling4 per one thoul' #
'ZUPnAZ. U&4enaiit Govener of-Lduisiana. lietnea,ripeateflij Queen, and sand cubic feeti Of ctitiiiio it could not' ructed by
Is inst loa "'RattenbUry b7m "OK
cz�awdnie3 - - -11 — � - 8
t1te pblicabuk-th4iriatterialumd.. He
ow-LienteliautL3 rich be afforded W at that pri
MOT'S WIFE, F4D_Q,N ce, to sell. by P4611c Aictivn, -on
07 L the,'Daild Boa fol ind
—Tile Elec-f lons for a .*as atregted' taken Gravesend; 1)7 f I POOKXT )DhD'N`4PzAP THn-P sutit�cculd-Usupplileant figures math
&-masi—orle of� nit j0y&&d
(Imbir -ad on board the DtainoJI&P and
Depigy Reeve and three -Coitnefflora, fthe ul- � I . I - f ftlt44 shore�aiifl h�low those now paid for gas. if itshill 1.2th daY of Jws 1872A
pairif rsults.' of 110t. keading-i he .0
gama off on Monday, Jan. -lat. "The. mfifto.Austriilia. -M lived 'felt 'many prove to be All that it now pioinisesi it ii g&k p. the Bui,1lPg*Mtb,,qL (mei
newspapers in: Sam, tc rf� . the Arabs'informed him that it Wail I ot'%_ I
t.lay,was oTta of of the selsOrt And It. appears that t ' '' r: ". Sears At. Sydney�., but was illowed to, It Thaber) now
, 4 P. roof nt. are re 6 � Belot etone FqyntUtlon- And �ea i t)tUM to _Bill wife-; foiiiur parb-wo� much incli ned' *ill ID at; er�volution in *lie lrlanier,,of At on
w,.- Tmya T�2en iuformqd, that if prop the crowd who, Visit .1 g1sud bout- U&he contaned1afteSf4ddlifir known as
er being I ef �46, oil. w 10 va yesTs -%go) ti uorhe n-Awell'ogs 3nJ1t*e_ts' Bar. V" 4n" I&LUllted lighthouse stree-ti Ofideriell
Ways * dealierately .6ainonked of -the .at loext, J111OUVW01
y o d6ubb hotgh we have
V9 500, T tion M' that the best thwg. to
tii bv of V11% was'larger thati it'Wonld 4he-rd wau an' insuralice of be. ;,6ady orkanizod'A company P041
0 spent TS t. XS OF SALS nASEt.
ba cim;trautel, to- Townfir iriO - lightly into- tisd o oo a thl -r-Hydrngen - Gas kT M0011HOVOEMs
We beW� The Couu4 for ped 0 c
o1jay WAs drawn and or- hig
ln,�eurjil, nf i aliserablopCl4eirty.. Af, _91(h;,sore thro
th* d )cAj It
NAWWto bi removeit by
is, the anam
3� q4A-ria 0 bow -41 complaints it an
!-yacattnaii ark, W.Q%rzi&Depu!y1teeva, said he guessed he one, day- ithr -in Destroyer to 10"bitl of aIL: al >ai. Dinpladdho and the punhatier as ossible, ;Rfter Torth Side f 3�arket Spm.
iiduci�- the document, WAS ted in lion- -areiapidly approaclizig cc soon ia p
the Goanq:lltor, Mersrs. .7. B. Giegier, .11"oter *�vvoulX take 4hOL Mo Jon that Queen-VictoriaWas- dead. He k-- rati to rest� Clue dealeiA for 25 -Try wi iiotmbereadrfor-use� Thefounda- the eno�- hdagent'lot *r' -bottle, nus I
e §t as W&W rng rem-
it wo. U givte� U4 q, naw rotita tov the east, S. Giagernd S. Rannie. at it, expectloiated quantitr (if iq� 2S tionit. for the furnaces sixe stre ly exca- Godtich,, JW. 8�h, 1871. �y
ya ST w for Ille-retorts ",Or SeZV6a Tr bo, Vated., andtho fiblatracl;
be 4nqji
her" unUrtunate bein-'s name *M
tdcqr- juice Oil th nij 1 �ered au aii, au&7died instantl
"Why in thunder ON !�AxHgz en let, - The masoilry of
i tll�� TowilUall, under the aupices' of Lawi then : exdIr4ned 1 - - have be ne%%ilav-thar. With one, % a 2 OSS) 0th two, Aawara 7-1ioston IOU) %41,
Flopa It R. A. 0. Gr. T.5 oil. Aoult yo"n ieAd the papers 1 1jazonIoteriseompletsai ailatut-U1110
gavfAlot elf voiop"m�or. treet, Sl
simply dkezt a to the matter,, prtived' a fortnight gin 4her Is well under ay. - The Ekpro" ee in t1ka publiopreis il at rciilo� SX8., led is- an unportaut
=4 ST -13n, kavamora tn SZ -Y sTitit A large numboi of tha� fti,-nds'� ��hpr Q910pullir bound to award th� palm. of matil*to the that owing. to the frosty weather
aricas orms"ofilizea �f _teml�
-went ui� yr1lic On -the g4silmotelts has bean
raperanct- ivcre preseat. Alter *hen� Ohicilgq Had y rer
Oil ypo6sphitcs di e e 1 of areatyal- in 13111130i as.s, Means 'prap4rition:c: ' ' L 6nual Xealfigb(t1lieGoderieb irttlieldtfl.
;K .1, fly suspended, " the
-enjoy g thesedibleg pthiob were pro- ]I' f could hav6� rein r pran
in eNre a, ping'fou'd. And fruits 'friesh, nutilL I h4d-oc0ai4on, to hge it uy- Pbq bd Maid in waigmtety forthe -election flf 'OSOM �fnj J* igLLIN
p k J� fro"t would Tau. -tit volking- policy in a coin it hadn?.. ex which lijit
A=204%C=t*2=U%W= o.* V self 24 a case of A0h4ni$,- WOM14 to I re 'tile cen"Ut hrla ft *e Gr*Ad;.ury. Rdiia, ii0i
t ous; slid It hatic *Oty1e1AL �io ilu( pany th. ealthfuL osverywell te� Tfio iibn for the ga-
bottrall toQPL- file Clv%ir, And musc; aff Od� alid beelt s6 m
liell Ao if -i-,) on
41111, its homestead, roxuW' treatu
Watust, th(sewho to' 14,proriad to be r inst-2
furniZA from Piano zud Blelodeoh, b h" a veg, xna is b4ng�repar- 10
t*6. hr thzoa- neighbi 9 fh
0911) this' 0 OrIng famillel, Aire PUA Ong
0� The- ow bi
willbom-k **f*FAr wh r ft, likyl -iii,
otta t�� tq 'in exa 0- well ad for use. . I a0s "Ve Will i ke old d TArigemint thatyaIvelginedlo aggeted 'h i -forwar&-as vigorously as !he Sea -
A couple, Ofgijqd� �rarping, *0 M1416i an oil - /, To It for aiiabdndar his; siummer 4 � ;'
-a I fool-callod uporl q. pit ish tile I __Wt
4ial,s,rqe3- v� re by, W�s bloLood bn wiu ibrrait, and, wethilii Wt* modyt
V,)r Ao# to!uqpi:pora;te t1to North- luxur�f, as it
ist. aft an An. a ela�aors We will be Cable wid Telegraph alldjIrw, friiin f1iIJsgrc V1�41 C=0 for by builain'-so �r svail. thems R,monflis wil no MT*11-� IS, Sj OWMA
eathe 0tevens lgralulate our readers. upon
read by 13to'.4, Carrick and Ofs i-Compolma oliablei to 4001
I ai h _yL in Syi th. beessfuL Ing U
fly nonse Completion r ed. opera b W= SELT, THE Company of ai reding g�iven lJrL J31.Q U 0 U the taff
$610 Q.XfHT&�o
Wsqn.� A . spepild once read that by iparl ng twelve feet each wav7,,by tWelvo. Of HJyPOp OsPlAt
ad am- =-=ilia CZ10 J. W h ON. of 1, ds.stost, sud
�*3ccc� es. ivere del 4br 'ddliar't 4 parse TaryiTjaly�,
%V. J'jm, reaejV'ea care rYA00S
lins- from Solna poin . W"zn in in 'XaWr.,york he posts in the grQuuxl,.- thris on, s aid r
Gran,11y, Grandy; R.',- Id _in_L_ 1 -8. X 3). �qn Cog4iiny -gsf)f tT- and Uka ayA" It it; up, ii94feet:1igl1)
Via sho boaril eit, the 23
Son,-, were, sung �finaijig, thb inoneylii was sent,& -at the *eigh the ice shall
Huron to side, q 6. th
Mui lffoxas,--!�Of tug great n
thra"Z11 ler thp. ivatc-r of Lahe 47 op. not pr4as -the OUtWVXd;- ig but
and uni Pealackets
D. V11ock. 011 1100� in -the 01
4 audqhuiider .96rtlen.11 The 113�111 4' the 1dirtinSi4b,LSjX inches' -da Animiis under -the otintrol if man, Ilia:
at jar t�( -tuhefl-* Ily own- tingu6stiniiolythomoit.seri?ice-;
ke h aArst,tiien I vveWo, inehei of --_,,-but tseLmany. . Blankets &
01- tha
-tu at n the 40g. lil ar W. a drinking and "'hoed inthe is it not Sti4lig8 Jim, Oe to LD FORNITURE,
tltan(16 via tho L31L "J;
'ise, to Frt in ine, feetoach way, fillit1g; J* sn(J�Who L
r Aependent t
W�adb or otheiT, 'Whei ,
fjz' _X�eir Year so groeeklily atil den."� The t6ault-w as in A, short t, he *he 4wn. thes, oeof�eiglxte*eniucheqbdtweoxi-tJie
on- thijilaijor'ok, 117img,' 'should me- Vbeat.( Fbbg)VbUh_ 1 10 0 1.14 GLASSWARE,
as to any pallits ............. 6-00 a 6159 bwfts 4 Shuitingst
i( PnVer to Thei!e -ta ill 0 ill a at nuou
2$ 41L'_1 Ia PLA'1%V 'W
as as well as ever.
.ut brau6 Un 011. glact to�kiVertliein that care and attention
a that Would "r this, 941lie Welmess'. ort I its. 0 ........ ... 0 ST V 0 Snperi(ir, and to votthect I!Ip Pem, V
x0ell va=lzzi OP; 'haarthet
-b �Oof hichthOirowni4terestnoleist
w1ththe C;inojr Am6r1MW8Y3t0',nA - 2 41141 nea leav detr alaA colaffirt'of thahoirse �ema�as. 052 BPAOKZTf3
above the --ice open fir,
;rqu VOTING— IL FA or, WWI an Rark,;p 100 jb.. 0tv
norao a von;plu all, 4150 (0 fm ant: er wrim,
'ho�s sATA"Ap
From A. fai
fair ofilerlpirIVS110%. the, P044"sAP bush...,� .... . 0 -W -160
recent 24 aglis] A xoyxr eb
,Car . kwo,_f ation, Th tmOW06
or ill is tlia*inost vbputar na the nort1k Side'_ Of Small 0olidition Povraerstud- Av4 jan. otys, w pprtoit.� ............ 4tl*,w s W,
--A free. indepandent.-elector Small
mall. ....... 1-426 ID all
intioaaced Slowly be oinerea for =Ia by pu
WMY FA' r gr ................. 017, llp b
IlUder thE) 111311tJ of Iname, Williain raziwQ, f Mi th6re'oAn'be o 4414% Butter. 6
with "-wQr to.suotlibrhis tostra of wate n. M -w: Ezgs, 4PI doz! 'keil.. 0 21, he mde ropi" id B
v IL 11 lialf 'boxg anii lai nna'of -the successful cai i- _,,cola -'a
e -ote lor - 0 012 jUationr at t
il throuili fha,rocf� G�a S'r jlqy, So
UfActilre =a bliv, =4 imll o 1q38- bar�tibanme, and �Q& Weigna*r$ �81� fliore he rl.�Me tj AJ_JVY� 6"t) Half
d a%ked.hisireason -fors TL leces Oa.dohurst� Cr#1b`zB1nck,
eirl-ag obe$� wholi-m lr�a 'pr As to make'its *Ayl bet#io
to, r John, 4, :of �h to the Signul,
MR33 'would frebie bush 41 16 4, 1872
of RM�kiu&- I Ont.j proprit- vbet, FMI)Per d -w Jan.
an- Mitipathy. 418� to r- -a pile of anovr cod1d; tbo be ?p yman, 116 -pata 0.7
ra for Canada. $614!by all moftine, Val
one �'*winter to -Wroda, 1,170 Vll� matil; fh'p others," *�Sala ilia I'l in, lita a intsoudica,-Za wiltita last from, Sprizo per bush.. 113 0 116, d liale lot of 11buaghold
in r. dealerrs, 2a ....... 0 —'To 'of
IV, li. in Qats.pbrbushi ....... 4, 030 0 6'38
H 'If a reaso, a 50
saia tile intailial Iry VtJ er; to keep a dead a
_Vatflrgy� 'Vork_ fz�g in Part of
Barley,, per bill& ........... 0 60� 0 064 045
tho Wihoir to ior him !ft _t to Z�e
to ior 0 t lb :tile: Ul St'y lv;
c live mf4.ft Totatoej6 ' per bush.-,. 4 40 4 -bit of ......... .4
put t6 whilikeyinto him. IA The fr�xVdfld a ourions we rork,. ...,460 Or, Soo
by ra �1, - _ z? 0 r ' ' - - . f Butte
beeflin r1efor lately on �iwind OW*iJiDetroit. A lady in f L � PgPjPerdoZ.(U4P8Cf_. )"' -IS V lia mar A tobac- bi* city W4S Complaining to r pr 1b .. ............ 015 05 -VA CATap chairx, Book rV.U"
thar Act 114 joln h6if -call g4 o -Case., W*A Xbtg DI& 'Covers
F;j A,4�t, 'in conisess inatan, stAndinglust in front of,
good, or I _nApf her inbility to fmdaeusGin-
t Y is War# told Coto, and& vistuabl000llection'
AORM, 'thographs and Sterol Ell-
spectin- TelegraAl Com- ITelegmph
. he �Aiolefj about the Bisllo d. -the wifidoW, er foro. rAthersuoifont piano, she By
el.; was ioi,�coinpjetely photo 1g.
ea . (Fall
IQ4�holii; -04urch nd VA"t Stalaftrd Histaiiod and
A., Suppose, wman w" to grAPW thil Of Ch U 1 1000 Cords of W001'
PRAY to illeresse the stsvic- (if * to Aislitise Of., -,The tiw
1 - is s44 that-wlien th4 ws
Wit U(A exceedi le-wo ie11,41.1lull large.pino I Whefit;
- ling cstivurdg� toz It Spria perush. 12
t-:) an =0 -09 b-cognia the Weiloyan;XDth t6hil-the church, o Ut Scores olpepple o6pppoi1l -,gestga if thiinil�ajcato ol
it , t *,10 piano 0 thrown 113 Ylour,� bri ............. 4.000 .3 SD *on* Works, Browa,
WorWie%, JIK
A lady F
doll;lrl, to a loolt st the Ia ipliit, moid he be ollied it 0116lie -or grass fit enal,10*6 C ittill, ),PC ;I a with 9pr [r] ATOM i � . J'A Ss#q, per btfsh;. A 0 53 Brackets. And 0, boa lat
to oxtend itsoperations to awr affei�g firm! 'on chaser Uglit prolotbty be--ifoulalt ..........
d 11 014k;thoiiist G him, commented. il� ft. 0 b .7
IMMg , - I I . , , (0 t
the 1),ilai"i4 pu;. tw, altor the scil Yr_ PW1_ 8 .......... a PA Idis -be the eloqttence. 4n(l -Ail4y of tho.g -sat fit4
n of March uti4oir 81101 ...... . a W 665 2Wmeronx
lsboi.W a# Wa*,aW04Ud 311M, Mori than 0^ 00W of xtee1. r k
of Voting by tliv samholders, 14114 tO Ite, �uuconsc oult anBi r 23 $a ."t l. ........... .
-tons Om 'SOL y ra einitnufactured iurftefiliield, Soo th% was addressing 193ut 0 11 V
elm agat tho tiale, of h"I"Is tho sunu d a reh, 33 iso
Anglican divinoi� qui thuW. S u
put him. f attempoll; re r M tous � of
.1 that. W allout the W1 t isnot Wellaarle, rd94 (6 be VA view on the day iGoasexch, i)w.. ion.
Jusetin"t, and for other wh., she added, do people calllim.
ich, N. Y., hs , to aui'wer, tha,inxina ;1iy sach year,' for Tas
R.G. Perry, tf _Norw re ! iL is 14"s -In that previous to the We- mass tho
toll, yort of*, 0 go
l lia. 'Palm wishing t
hai j"at been rhtefl With a patent Wax e"I suppose ft is b s; � he more Purp T& sale is P*tiv
The lra,if, a new punmy PAI Or, d 4 hot .11)X UL, fi=t -$NX trvtciaa will do. wen to silail
cn hrdly ba diiiin-aiihea fro�ft VU lkam* in. our , covP4
xpiteart;(l in Pitti4r,, i. J a st ifulk' U3 As stiWays been in a good 4
013:55 4 : A 8anday-school. teacher wastrying to Vbeot, (!?ail) V Illusb 1,
, nat,16 la as 19 138
one. r. Perry thrie, *ud lit got V61 rich; ali& do yo theowyes Of this OpRortunity.
k8prlar?V VN
of tue W Vic, make his. slaseunderstand the- depend- - I ... 1
ant, a _f:11I &ter, slid Always psu.Weo to Illd out Wkut I
vrX, With froA atalin, tbent in t1le face Tars als� a eye, , -& know replied the Vootoi.' Flour,'j'gr
�e elc4n hands. I bi ) ........... 585 La 600
set #), fals�) tf:t, by once 'of the branches on. tlie T, no, so j, 0
48416 4t IQ VdAL Mr PML%1Ts "Then "nid Barnay� L "it Was Illilt
0 - tie aul I $ - 41Je - istbe vine; were t.li* ranoues. ip 045 4VL Iself Inailc. In. oftho fact. thaf the rvig# of mindinghlilown bulike"." Sao
Tifs "&Llrx or -k- derive aildur-lifor and happi cgs Page, V bliall ........... as. 0 4,80 j4CUr, �m to wiled aW. Apply a S
"latter dy liftint t 4 W11 SP
or durAV lie I 1w the V ih! 085 k) 084 B&AZLEHMST,
-1; . ............ 00 (if an Z , CIO it ra WWII& Zow women and girls from Himf Ye," said A littric. ow� 1rk M.%T.
iA + pio, d 018
s of tray L 0a l,l, has oTiiA a rf-ward of one thisu., wark at dgar insking at w "Jesus ii thovineq- grown Alp are 41 Xw_v W2 2?
Jan, w0'
I10 f
hat they n(Aw Viloz (i- Q 0020 Godorleb, 3 pire Play as bigh as t anglies; .1 si me lines this 111�. day. br. "and N, aq the 7) Itis
ado b
me 01
A 5
T in
lyin a fie
Ito the Ste
tke throe i
the bluO
v4st was I
110mef 3'
NY that it I
tram Amy A
her dQT440T
Paso ft
of - the 143
With A
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ly, And an
jW6ra J0 ]K�
loullit. Alaii I
Thilik to
1'"t "a 1*
A =44b
latur*, sn
p,rit ; He
Emus, at
Uve beeu'�.
ywzs IT 'm
* Whi
A Una
-a tree wil
Wee, kov,
—four ye
TwIllik - �
Mary: 19,
A Villb
wouid rel:
heard from
who was lift
upon the
=suds of I
Way, 0whi
t1D 40, ill N
the fssaie L
If I we i
Au" wal
fA'olug fr&c
On Qe
llriswl� J�
bri&,$ fat
�01[ Ike TQ
V40ri' lb
33. A., ol
cuffeRe, F,
At Goal
William C
aged 33 3 ft
As A F
4&� B46
&m T
(:`row �,
dimb-3*1 1W
*010rlfry, &JI, 1
01"t, i a t1w I
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twtureft PW
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=1M, t V
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ourf su"
t1w J500",