HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-01-05, Page 3Y
t.11 Wlli!
7121 o'! 0�11= 77
E3 e ciall Mutes,
as just returned
(".m. 80'"ard, 1% It" 11.
X 4PA 1501TI
trtee of th, 14 si, k
H. -11 R D W -A
la, jpifve t4s, the telit
r.PT"`lA COV0A--aG9.Vr0tL1 AND
.New Yor at thorouall knimledge ofthe
k S -un hii idea of tile Gru,
govern the Nler4tioosbf 41ges- Ulm
rigo witich tigly save us ulany jail 010. U.101
I'tut%krt ew Yo;A or Civil *riqcff 1943--6110 Ilatte.411uply NA.1111,TUN ST -
.1"i follows. it[Gll. camral
Wall (if Chiv 7
ortles aull of JOWISGN & 4�RR
Tile ChilleRe lmve bten .it least two or t" One -1' f. 144cleetedeneom Mr. Els 1
our breakfast tables Witt) a delicate r
three tholts-ditt vells a "ll ldlti1ug I' to LG I
WIN -1 wish I could but spealt C T
to hu,l I the wav's :,f the'elty iLf Poll IYU.'r.or Milk. Hat -h liaclet is 11%tult. America, ospollally those who'llve lit the countq.
be DE 11
ans -9
1.1 Ito
L IladdS, 0 fint 00111, a mod. PliYetel4n, F wonlif jlllc�
-in. Th '1 0
11'ek e (I -eat %VM,1 f Chilla, is the
ah, sf tlij world. It is fOrty ft), 'q Of VI'lls'S MINY 000 (Cogoa and ifthb- cent ' rint althyd
great %V. lerry Davis' PAlt; I[Mr.11,
parili%!s WHO) ins stmiAlieftflitky 0 abutteof
....... X OP'Ti* 11
Zlk�ukl- a buy. I wish I could present thorn with a bottle
thirtV feet i4 of 11001
Iligh Tht
lijr�estonll or grmlit,% Two modern car- MAX UTH 'PROSS OUT SAN I r at four few Indeed but ciould find A (Lunrter of
a, Dollan to Inly it if picy only latow the benefits At -0k: 'r
and omfortit..wpuld, tiffilrd Won. - - - I � QMD URVERAL.'44,ASES A-W.0fl,
'vir lunit its whole 1�ag eumple N LLPit
Ravi their Foill PAr-- pushand.-For citildrin trio - 1�46
ri.ig .141 al ron, IDAU I OF, CAUT ON 11 -ted
It Irvi a, ,3t th,
6hases of 1 0. valuable. Aches and Piillgjtreasiiolliiniwitiitht,.ni
EJ 5 4 oro t li, v, ii'll ConvellicIlt St$i1TaSes,:but- —O -W - 1% ILLEh at build -it LAetq SO -ftier cuies
F If they have the, PAIN. 41 raadb up
tros-'ses aml gftrrison houses, at every TO TET PUBLIC) THE BRIT. 'attly For you It hai been hivalffable, if otvfedt %19tflt PELT' OVERS�OES AXD R 1113 10%8. BY
A a'lniLe, mill it intis, not by IVJVIX�CES Or' NORTH 5S Ni"LLF & HEAVY'RARDOREl 51ollut or Dy.pepsta and for me I cannot exi,reAs -my )r xkts. Praer or 04DI(T 17 t1W YA4
thankfulness.0ifloo myterrible Ithfuluatista has left, -AX9S ANX AW)4DAX 'COW.
t -ll ra-singr Valleys, A HER 101 A ZS.� ;
cuttill- il.,Ull 11,1;3 fT 'jP$P$
�re novi prepared to fill all ard�rs wi 11 -me. a sure and tell - the Pd&sioalff vtf. TMS VM
Nit liver the ulleN ell crosts. of tho moun- RITe.-I must b
what it blessing tilts PAIN-KTLZFn bas prove4 and I
I be� in "T;" cetfully to avqraint th
the a BEY -kc LOGOIN 0 CHA iS 7-
'I, blic Which they may be "favored. Thsy
'the gorgges, a American provine s.that lw,Ma 0.1
.41 of the TAb*S4,1* *&(I
triins tllj tl,)wlA throtigh * �A .
Arliat a go0a work -she Js Ailing in- tilhillg,�Iff Intritil Sins
uAll."4qnt se'unt cliLano No res. ectfully invite attOntioli to
distance If title thousand miles. Adtnipl Gus$
th H0LLOw4v`APi -AND ' I IcT. a follo On- lines of Goo 13 dar7`110 PAIN-KXLL;TL IS an internal and e%ternal
!ih:-,,ib everywhere alto go J)L CfjT WAIL
Rogers and I calenhated. that it, wo-ild XVVT. Whie Wel c. 111, to th. prepare MISSES A= CHIM$MNS �VERSIAWS The lgiblycAb
g at thito ', 1, -- -
le which th Fqr4nt(naIPauf,5
nowtobuilit theGreat Wall Wiliallill i%ru-Jl1)wi Censed,t0beclestd. lrc� ey are prePA11- u (I L! er woula
,cast in we Cold]? and`Mwel difficulties, 6few dropr in
,of Chin tent of One thou- gr,%t to s-tv ')tilt I have reason -to ku,sw tifut tile "ed to sell water will give Iturrediato relief. As a linduient It A
Nh tuanageint 1 t 4 the late business hatl rot Rofflo? bb Ott P'Ort for t.he 111irld V"VWI
, ', T -
var% bout all qual; it stopei palu almoost bi;1
Cost to blVild the fifty arld in Mitt 1W;ly4, I'Ven fill'st corrupt, and I
ex ant YM�M§fl LOT OF
-Ilia i ed-foy"n WNIOAnAlLe.4
TO" or voal
-to"f"a at vo-,Cmi rma il, �aetemjwa
with tha� P'nre I ha% 0 allways detured. IDW &Tt ut '!olf. M �ifmi iow
- tli:it thelPills ail V result hot It#) prurtne umde by Perry
uliles t -f railroad in trite IL -1 Alftment were not Prepared Low ro-,%tAS11 ad sold b,!all
five thirml.. s lion it Druggists and Grocers. 210W
United 18tates. What a commentary it 'rlioe w�o Ilio . ,,-I,,h UiL lie deceived by bitylit."
anpuriolui -flmbmeft vU
'At 161iplitei foir M- '.8 .
of thii hu- LA61 & H Oppoft &v Ills imetomors
--n t!,e ephemeral rat rPo0wilk-PlYtoomanate 7- �T
is .,,orek,wher., b,it to o ses !7j
the ftepen bit
great Tltilitaria,-
Ma-an iDteJItct to see this rl nL lic,11oway's NAII 8
prise so lleCeSsal�' Pills and Ointment
!!:ilTluN1*t -d bv 'tie In Iondon,
v anil effective two England,
and vearsagrn, not ziow x0erely'usse- will do we tnsce ihat each potand box beaq, tile bf;LU sizes and descriptions, 'v3ty dhel) p.
S0000 'LOT OF
Rxiti-li Go -erninentstimson which qsca.-aVQhc .1if SAAAM I
r PAA.Wft A `4wiff?
less bfit - ineu tn)jkance and an obstrile- words --it I:,.wa. GLED-HILLYS
Ul ygpiilsaud (1111tulent,').11114 that
the a4dres s (in flit) lab. -I is 633, UxIoTtl Street. Loit. GLASS NE1W GliOCERY AND- 090CURY
den, who only they are mannfautured. anti k no All -sizes from 0 Y 7 to 40 130. 0
406rk Bast of 11. Hort.
1);)rtlof We w4d. Me retall prices are ell let Grow
P PIN'- V".
the labels Ili lk-aish currency, audnot in dollar a QO&Tkh.
F i6h;
outs 8 TO, R E.
ad BOILED and RAW 01 ion r
XNO represenhAtive of mine will ever travel thraugh! - 1�", ' .
any lmrt of theBritish Pro VARNISR- & BROWX JA Ttb-e Whabluirits of Goderich and surrounding
-inces, or tile United; E
Rev. Elwood, Rector of GOdericb, t teq. either to sell, or to fulte orden for my pills, COAL OIL, of goud qual-t- 'ehi Cbiinty, thstthey have opened a Grocery and
Croelcory ktore Ili tbR building formerly od6pled
ar7310ilthuent anda-41hasefdrtsonto balieveithat I
delivered a letture, toa f-kirzn(lience, in NJ4;
O� L
by It. T. Ballantyne as 4 Bools Stolre,gnd next door AIA01 WI) OT or
the Temperaiwe Ha!], on Frfday -evening, atten ill Vrol;ahly be malle tq deceiva thapub. to Abraliain Sinith's, 451arket Sqt� , Gdderleb,'
It, in sway ly pets upon medicine
list. He to-,& as his suhiect, "PoliticO ILT� IV I ions calling OOAL OIL LAMPS,
yr I "" will he forind a completa asitostfugat of every- OR
ai� vent ors it el ter are Ilicting RNS, REFLECTORS -7.
economv," d though it LANTE thing in tlielt Ilse, such as FTI
11 is geAerally -X$1 Igio.
orme, nd with n1Yku1)WIe14'c and cousent,ldearn BURNERS, C HUNINEYS & TEAR. 7
considered a dry subjeet� he swieeded i it a-IVI I )a to put tile public on their orard
I leceptions.
y sue] d WICKS, �IJGARs,
treatingit in a popular manner, He ex- ailli.t arnest;yentreatall those who may road COFFEE,
plained s=6 of the principles which re- this adve tisement Mat thay be SPICES'
Pleased. Ju the pub� SVEIGE1 SHOE STZEL
Labour ato thepurport of the slime TEI BETTS
gulate the exchange of Capital, lie intere k to coininnuip d
kthe feading stzes, MEAT HSHM, sk #nIve holpe Agra tkw
to their ftienwi that they may not be delftddedL 'DJ a 4131>* - -11 , .1'.
and -Natural kqent:!;, and no doobt gave VBGV;TARL6 DIMM I: � U-1 � U,
thetr money by pareliftsince worthless tinitations of CAST STEEL, a fdr all --;9Zr i . �..
p UAIIX9. -
!b R ra 'I
many of thoiia present an insight Into a. the genuine U0110waY's Pills and 0iftment Mille nieht, All of which I wiltio, 60% chota� ?o'r ou�j.
I would ask. asit great favourthat shouldlt
-subject of which tlioy perhaps never
ly to the kgowledge of ang perou tflat spurious medi- BAR & IROOP IRON a good ASSLOTtlne: Lt, With, a itock of
Flues are being made w soltl it my nalue, Ito -ka
;STEEL A -XM from a, i1pwar, 8,
0muMT , .
;hought before.
CA Goderich, Jani. Udi!V
pleased 4o send Tne all qic particulars he -can coMet *8V.6m, � - I. �". ,
respecting the -.anie, tbAt is to say. the nume and BEST CAST STEEL FILE% f 111 300,04 R'ud -Y
The MesareFairb-mks, —the Celebrated 21himss ofthe vendor who is selling tile spurious, assortment., Tur"-E NOW.,I -MPT or TORIA
medletries. and liliov ise the name and addre4`iof 'R8, HOLLO mv
t A
lie W
'bturers, have secured thL
Scale Mannfa 5, - or 0.4owhere
House in the United St t t,, 8, ANVI
.sole Agenctof Troemners celebrated may have snPlilli-I tbe'li" so its to onaole, me. br the allii AUGER BIT
Drug Milli --A hinorther,U1,11c, to institute proceafiligs J. TRA A� Ww"M
Coffee it t their Rouse in' = S11011, eril dllk-rs. and I engage to remuner' we VICES, OWL CHAll
I . t
Buffaloafu ass -h men1son exhiVition- vtry handsalllel� tiny ve", in ulut way give such I I . , I NL 'TEAS AND Sea
ition, the infortuttri . ts's unule never being SHEET ZINC and : T4. T lee*
divulged. _REA% Wky
Ashfield Council for 1872,. George Z5-10ulda-ty e-soult PLATES, CROSS CUT SA 8 ONS
ave reason to believe tbatlbe
ST! *a It is been dee P and WOODSAV� - Gioaarkh,'December-150, 1871. tiom
Armstrong, Reeve, Maurice Dalton, De- eived lky buying agurieus invitations of ift"
these. -
Ued,.! JIM, VU ym.
tie-'. lie will t10 we to send me.' lit a ANb
puty Reeve * Ntrick Clare, John F & I - - ".. 1 7.1
- letter, it) the at dressatfoot (which lie Peru do at a EA'SPADM, $HOV S L".&RUS, XOARIS -0se 40 purch d 10"'tho - sol
Akidrew ana Andrew Dreany, Council- cnt,)fsi.x and MAN ..7
cents in I FOR xOdificarifts,
once tbobooks-ofin.
k Which blsc 8 -10 the
which to the nine. I promise
at. ATWAU:&
struction,; long[ and sh 1YAI
to examine It and -end a reply. siatin,, whether the Velebmted' Perfedd eaftles - t. A^
IL 17 L le '*"Ati -"VAtZ*
Medicines are enuine or not. so that if spurious h, ozy cholice assortra4it ok n �; :�T.-� I I guicm RAU04
pwwm 'P�Tta OW
mafl The Wheeling, Iistelloigencer m hays liti, tuoney retnirned.
3cf;,s - *,,,'"�'j,� -
Chemists and Drugg -its wbe desire to obtEil I Z I .
Of Can smallpox be commituicated b nhia.�%fl)ly to the peison front whom lie purchased
in the
tions a case which seems to imply th. have met
tt' 3lelictues can be sairpumatthe lowest wholesaie pwith such eitraordinary svc-� 1�4tlf, Qc%. MI,
sli t3o mu
jr But
8,. 6&.1221, and 34s. per dozen boxes of PIIN or . .1 fttl T"
it can. A young lady in that city recently PriQ in clualit- ties of ,(it less than Z-10 worth, -vriz-, ce -and gre �bh in debaphd:
received aletter fr-am a sister in -Vitt' in Ivory, Btick-horn, boe6a1 and Bope 1A. Beeatme they d
ruitsofoititment, ilett,,%itboutiuscounk forwhich arii-1oun -topossess
L4 - W
1—— -1 1 111; STYLE
-Pox abuaed by the use -of common ghases- ' . L . k,
11 2nd. . Xecause they will reclaim sights 4,
With great i eap, ecti.
with the small Exactly eleven k have the honour to be.
burg, who -writethatshe was then sick reluittance uiubt be sent in advailce. Handles. A complete aglinfrtnibut! of all *10 qualizies'daimed for them,
days after the letterarrived the lady who
ORS and SCISSOR from the t
received it was tal-en with t1to disease. TH03US IfOx"SwY. Brittlish Makers
* Q'I
- f3
ted 7 --
and will often be founa to restoreladilil,
V Mli T
She was not exposad to it in any other a, 0-f"" 241- MANUFACTPIlD AT 11
A ATA ana',B - %* - %
.h :11hW%I . I .,. . -
Z,andbn, W. C., Seweinher P%o
Vvkv, and there�aems to ba no doub, the ED TA"BT19 IDD)k
23."7]. A 8rd' zziness ji
contagion was communicated by th and F 7ii 11, iuleatuiI4 *6rlt 161i
e let- j . %nd% t mall
8P I
wier,:qy b4ing
-ter. no 191NIfi. TOPILATED fitte
on optical and scientific rules
injury to `9
. I ?
thby are -guarfllfteed'agamst "'Gar dinkir - be"W"
PFwoN-a troubled with cold feet in r1lo ws' Fek"Irle Oill frorth 21;a. Times U# JVai.-ht ORUETS; 41410 for
ng qo tt? I/nA te is EY6,6igh� ftx'.improipe� j3plec- T 00bi=s A-T� m
thi appr tic ing holid s. -.tions. - OYMA-LLIM fmM AIR 11 Mo
the winter sliould phan.ge them into c(ld
ES V-.Tn T Tarr n rim.
a rig,
W er tor a low Muititas upon rism, A ri Iry ti
then wipe dry, ne4bin.- wously. caunzA stay where it is used. It.'is thn aTl(VfQ-HISELS,SPE`AR&J- CKSO 18, 4th. Bwa4me the system of fitti i9rait
t T-OROATOx-101010W, V211THANO, QUF;QJ2'ff
vig;( At Pain za s it att'" n
might hold your feet to the fire for ten TAYLOR'S HANA PANEL nd
eliesliest bledicitte ever made. Onedosecur4com d !he true requ
0"W09,41. NNW raw
Fifty cents %yorth has cured an OLD to
"�ew4u'guf` e
�03E r r
118 One bottle has cured Brion 'RIPSAWS. Acompleteass ent, _our
ch Fa hase nts are
ca - � Loo -DRARIX 7,4-
Sr.%L,;D `G COCGEF this syste _Solely .1
T\ One or two bottles cures bad Of," Z rna�h -AND
WHITE, and
--ases of Pir.F.4 anti KwNzir Tilormcs. .1 1, .-
Six-t9eight ..: I " -, - - ".1, . -
our own.
An exporienced linus-eke. par says that Ipplu�atIMIS care ANY CASEor EXCORIATED VNIPPLES CA
s cured LAux
nr 6—&-uer, BaEAlry. one bottle Ila
the best thin- for cleaning tinware is P-4nas AND'COLORS1 5th. Bee'ause they never tire the ey a
alcr, of eightyears standing. Daniel Plank, of _L
-Common 601%. she eives the'followirg . 't. th Provindiol-Exhil itiq� Xinptoo
Brookfield, Tloga County, Ila., Pays: -k Went and" iast ulam' 'yeaXs came &I q 0 nzrrtvrDA- - '
best qfii—
a cloth r6w 11 Athibid(sh,
directions: "Dampe PA MT,- VARNISH and WEM withoi4 Me, 1hariuslial'itir tile vel!f,
and dip thirty mjILq fur a bottle of your OU. wbicitefleetea � y of chi�je� find iaaiiraid
WASH-BRU oil- i blplo;4 at'
USHE$, 104j)i the follOW1.114 111tv)(.
in Bad?, and rub briskly, after which 4%70'-qDERFUt,(:U[tV,,f.,tCP-3oiceD Linubysivap-
pilrations. Another who has � had A&Tm" tar Otb.' Betawe beiog the Ust '�ltey &ra�
peaL Tholusay& of Pt*ple. whb isw T119'0AR15N )A Operatioli
vdpe dry.. Any blackened ware can' ve 4r.% sa -the ch -da
be=de tolyollas uell as new. -11 have half of a 50 cent bottl4� left, PACKING, r V 0 8, ikht be here, ons'Ayere a0tuany
.VRINI . , -
GRI-NbkOIN FI hibiti
and 910) woulduot, buvit if 1 -could get no, f4ore." innumerable testimonials m ast i IS
One IST S. 41
Rufas RoWilsou. of Y audit, N. Y., wrdes XT stry
nall ltntla of 3onr ECLLCTUIC OWDER. SHOT AP ir
voiee wittre the person had not r 3eken abe e a,
Exens-umsiT.—The old �hipirlfinvEvsths. REVOLVERS ',&C belif -prove the ms- "Iek 00*
RID( 0 1161110A 11114 w4blen silod'! W 64ow-from.
0 Ok orld'has anather excitement- mom in- alain '� Y. writes; '.Your HCLll=7);1 ' tin!Z to neutral nations tile country SWOU- BARREL Mist; AteCoulleU is erijured to !Do. Brou�irtii in "One Week." D SC
lF, I - THE
temLsely interest We have never s"1V a "*lie this squon'she re"001
at the art c
than the war. Diamonds have been tliat has given such cmpiete satisfaPtionas �15." GUNS id al�
I bialthe iadles$
discovered at the cape (if Good Hope, lb is curuposed of Six of the B&sr 0jus TiAT MUE FS4�y foultd in 8; 11T 'Y _JqOTIJ;E'- TH*qssitf MftF00 xowN. is as zood to taxe a --for external useland 0- where the bad the sailor d ir I . . . . �r J41P
wnuders of irt ;selected st6* of I-JUaING tbtf� lITness*,of-.Mv-.`brA1fdr.' N'llilliAl ANP IS +
asureabil) superior V�-nny-
is believed to be intinei _4 . itis SO UT XA !Tple Durable,,,, Qq van
Is V. S.-, Of bodorO, I Wit p
seem to be- celipsed—while every -one in thing ever fa�tde- INI], save you mucIA sa�llg hL
and many dollars, of ex�ieiise. sold by vte or
211 this Dominion ours is astonished at, ptwnd to any serious case in Goderich or,
naredinalersin every Prloe25ceixts. S. leat ind Easy�Legr4
"Canadian pre-iiared by s. N. Moss Cattle, D I
the wenderful effects of the; T11031AS, Prim 4,Arld tntts�i
K. Y, 6 Virttrij Polley, RusheX or.8- ce t
1 0
whole of the abov Pain Destroyer" in curing cold&, coughs, NORIUROP �NFNVCASTI�; Oflu� $Die d ell 3:9615. LuA ute TROIA dom eta set' tin 361Y
Agrnf�fbrthe Uoultinion. be prOmptlyattegdedtUo.*VrolTimas.-- or
uTi�,�Eetcfriz -St lecte4 and Elee d.-;-� m. lia. rheumatism, com- en purchased v%7 ;.-)w an has tnze As t1re THOS. JA& 0
93-Wohl m Godeiieft, lir GeG Cattle, F. JorUnu I
r & 4�4,, Bayfield, Jug. Brillatun 14;;�;;Ilj TV M, 11 mat :0, ILAWerflfoy, *-1111
Price 25 cents per Gordi Stoo 1hW'e�r1,rsA4 textsimix plaints, &a. For siale by all D urZists Vetecinag Surgeon MT.A'y' 8
all bee' ked ar lowest cash p seanru, jan. 2*4 =,, -At Salo
and country dealers. wrlia-w5ij- Call And sea Ah daAner3W l� f wellwiremuch pleasurein �equea a House, Goderich,
J. Pie d. txwer�-J, H Combe, Chntnn,�,S- deeord
ZRIT JW aw^w.
bettle. llet"gifal. Ima 10
22 liuckuQ�Y;& aicksou, &ufurui; and ail mcamm" Call from the inhabitants of Ooderic and WVnXi1t4
7 'FOR
A farmers OW goo n; - - -1, . 7 :- , I . -t* - - . -
8 A T
and traders of the Coun of Ed - M,
EDy R' No trouble 40 n L
urom to sh ds .0 LOT 5, Con. 4,.,E- �,D., 4ihfiela., E$T A B&AUTIFUL HaM.—Thl-IrS is no- TOGUAT FEMU, REW
tue price. Remem'b t�LThe f-AloWint, Ig 'a cep�frofif. 'the tke eakibitiort.
ii 91pare
thinj that can contribut i4", I xiii, a b�a �sa
-a so, mulch e 1�oi e viLufage
to tainim, 200 tan Ltxb render theh-rse beautiful and elop covered with Maple. -gua,
ut, Moses' Peri4deal Pills. 21ANALT -Tholaeii view were m ope�Aon dunng `tha�dayiaud
. . A
ting3 Auilaprove big couditian and nisko him from GoNrich, whit a naTer i ta. mat nalm�i
U . -dirom t -p
;all; CLAtis desirable, as I'Darley's Con- TIHIS [.NVALU-0Lr,'3tr-wcivm ufraiwNG It leaWaud a,Vit of jeigq 'at -vitrbagfia s
1i it m Ac
14ga of the stream'Onning thirmi;h "Ala 0. . . - . atte t box e4 Itq maohinei light biauuf4iii i(W 40
turitig.woili L fin ruld0110fith lliflieftVO4 Alify ""gth tailog ft,
as W611 as. wthe cure of ail those painm and ildwerialls, land diiire is ato'at
idition Powders, mud Arabian Bleave cluses all that it h, hefront of t4e, tqi, G*Aoli, Dm Tthi ISTL
-di. to which the female constitution is s MAMEOTHMOSS Is or., t -Romedy;'* s been used Vy On liod We 19ft
Many' It mcderateg all excess and removea-all 0 P . .. . - and - -e'dr cure ma, lit raittd or pp T. to-, low
,Persons who, own Valuable earriao ' -1
me and i spe A
c -T Or
ther homeswith� decided success, aiwl TO UART1.17W
.Sowell pleased arethey with itthat It fit a silo time, bring EngLyqer and t
i pa=Y period rt JOHT4$,( Nik K E Ahey atvmYs k-c-ep-it on hand,in case of
at all times nUNP STRA
27 H-01,0N.-Im t)refn a
Fg P -?-,M- -ol by
K.310 rRS.
ewergeTlcy; it may be (-q
eF. U*4
4rich, Nov. -20t 1 SALTO
with pevfazt safpty. Remember the' sure to bringon Af �6"4.tq Go h, 181
a fill wes o Nervous and p a AlrectionitiP=1n,
aeon sl ghtexertion,Palpt,
ram�e, and see that Lh - e signature of Hurd �lrl If -03 r
%ge , odbrop & ! , ai, held at Ite.office of X. dimeron, M
CQ, is.02i esclrT�akp he ekand T lei .0
Lyman, Nermstle, Qft., proprietors, atio tifiebeart, s rics.and bites. Lno�vent. Act of p169f ant k0y. "Hil 46r, ito-ut 2 )Valrk d
venect a care w -wr all other mealm have ftled-,! to
Es%., oil Alouday US inst, at half -past clocL XATT
for Canw2a. gold by all Medicitte deaf. will r
and allhourh a powerful xmedv, donot contain . 7 1 Nor%
22r . 1� .- .1 ." - . I - 7.1 - cal elautirtiony,or anything-buxtfultotheetimul-� er oi 10 A* Ii. G�derla, J=64 2na 1872."
Ry� ; ." : , ;. 77
in die mdtt,
ulliffrotitmus, in thi pamphlet around each pacla6p
which shou 14 b a atifeLfUUY SON -6f Goderich, an Insolvent.
-Abe ion, GODER16H. TMO
FMST and-litial-Divi endshe C�as ured,'subf4c to-, hin e 60j, .- Of t",t" �t6ijds, iktonq ipi,.4rg, I
A 'Iff,
jCA,.NAJYtAN PAIN 0VST130Y- JOB �IOSES, SIM 'ZOAR, SOLF. PUOPIM=01�;. been prel f,i4w - -
Wo a. proo . . ed tallorlbrity until tle TUrd 1�a of 4=4114 feet; atone, one-Ator, , 15ouer Sho., -q0-*36qdat,-tW
LOCL-pd.Iq cents forpostage,enclus - - T
Lyman, Newcastle. Ont., genera nitntio r e , 6 ej
-0 Ili
Darairtion,will in--ure a bottle contairtingoec&Q after which JRL *iR be i 0-10nn ffs.
(UvickeiA -wil be pai h Sh &ud other building A §t 'un Engine t*o. _pun -or %.Wli #4. -FAURM SIEW
NORT. EDWARD, EVA �15 : , PINAOk, . ty-110 qC vu yearlm- 00mr, 'i INE IT 16; URUP 1. P after, -1 ir
reAN -�bltCuttbr,�,W.00d Lathes',
THE A�nual, Ahe wint
ss a eo 0- well -atAd favorab D"c Y11491 A'good s ki .6 S, for E
As A FAmLy mF IT
ly knb4n, iehev- "kelfe"Wa
611 scits renrug he
fhonsamkds, from pain in the Shar Xouldibg Boxe -go' "A 11 a I T" 14e is mao'loh-
.Wiewbastiffl, U . Mc��reil, Dec. 15, 1871. 8, a in o*order. TC11%011 trun In A
a ritf6rVanadt _t 4
ge Companywill. be heja in th usinesp w e so I, Oa unithoQW.6 icouyrvy, 00 0 fa ..� I
l3- Sold in Goderich by Parker % Cattleanc siy970a w48- e b iRb Id I U.-inan wi,�o can" d jDWI#
,SWe, Bad,, an Head, Tow4 11 x0pil ilk t deb n. nd ltj� ]a 111i
urther 4 4IM-1
F.Jordan; 0aidint-ir or Co., Bayi,Acl �as give tho ti,mex.eqture f id 414 J001 A
P WIP adf, . 4
-eiville; J Pic&-ard,[-ceter
-0ramps in the 'iT Tor aec 44 fferithum, Ro.
combe., Glintienii St cord, Lucknovs -k p- A', P. 1"
0 jvq
tkiwq?7abstq, Birm
Dysenfem, Senforth.azil InsOlvent Act Of 1869- d busmesse
Ain dmentq-, There*.�
Bel 37 W.'
. ; . Co ItT01UD Mcup QC. sw aw Destroyer hag� rovy been. be- X7
Joshua Klialiell, Sy
fore tTLTe pubhe for a length.pf time, and wherever e ngo.
-tepowe otarresting4ke�amdf.R�layed'*b�y" a bingle instance Ilefindat. -0,.r�,
va Vem I we is lk;U
qnftt relrePwheli V=ely 4sed, an, V
wife re tile ar it Lu bee orabl' fielfiia4ledged ivrit #AttaAftlest, has Issued In this On 0r
direcdons have, been properly folloek but on the, audsh4raplill-lacreafflugsald iafto�
Ep.. Inst a Flat k
by the-phlilic.
eat Ueet. The Sympt w14 cure 1�-dmomtry consumption in
C432b= 'TeIrglife, oc=61ons, and Ust gua;rantea of th , I 91, rover ki ulty irlvery sectii JOUX WV IfEETING OF TIM
Sherwo Officel Goderleb, Dee.-Jkli,18n..
alt af(i i T%7!thftg a estimation s laklelt it is hold A4VfJiJt:uraIJ6" 11 S
, 1
0ii. -Ort
ft wilt -give Swat relief Wasp--ikfrom oT-Terienedfan -the. raA",-'hmvfm, firstnadsecond
virtus anti magi -
in thq hl�fte t; te- G A tested it thorinighiy ; and ai7a and prolbn,�Vfalnrtlfe. fiv. it will cureAstlinia,
Brouehlus.li�ryngltih, Coughs and Colds. It -4111
t.the korig. of 2 p Be e" t
cure all diseases originallig front want of A xN the i0atteroftobect Ti Iiallarityna. P;1 X 'Mot. rtheurp
Oil ti.
Tq Aoti(Y4. and ervous Fdioi. sitch as U:!-
ing effieacy. of the the, 11.p!�tn I e az �q we
Dyspepsia, Itickefl, V' a Hvart, -Local and Gent HE Xi-sAvent has made art;U4
stroyer !a qdting for whichEisrecom-
antid " � it =jn. "or it e' c Au 'e, fic rJoul
ning tile, Apboaft or Loss -of Voice. itwilre roLe at-ottardart 0"111
luro% c
of Ithetimatismi, riud.JUL roUlving emia Azov GAOUERY)l W1T. A FULLI 01
county 90
Ifour up
Cblorosrg. Ana andostWornes (I to Deeemuar'MA,eli vlle on In 't . 0i 19.tions entitle itto high, rank in the list and h0altb ads upoitor bull #JUA4*7
Toridelli, to recelTel'-stutermi aot*.
ift fton Medicine, to oppoint 40 440—w -'e ll-,forfurther guy-
IDe3lars fa a of the cattatr �41d By ApOheqerle 1>11m and, eaeli twtifyinr; 4T;o t1ke =varoa sa.tis.
0. -Wier' ft"' i k'j
7 440MOU it give?.
iDeStMer-M= faft gfvs� J"Z,4
T -sap ifitAke A 11D 11144,01 #PIV61li FF.LLOtVS, CIEMMIST" D, 22 L zollof- All met0dr-4 licalars 4-eop it-, UY FM De,
Utritlia and
c9diar and It-), if, =1 jiQ �htn A$* -.o qiet babits: wisix-. Y
VL fif,
101W 4i a colu or . t*01)*ylollq tati of 4ft
"fizich i5opt� 4th 2671. 141"WeIv intille limillfth
-RAfad mad 1-Y 1voil in *vOr 16T
IiXtl �Wil' ju*1 AV.
TU �the Matti
fi, d; S
F. TOP, THAT COUGM. IVIWAX Doxf. mdriii adu fulie
Gardiner & IORO04 1111
"VAL 13=thGr-*, and EXAN VIt.
xeter, H. as *ell'AfidiviR .01' t ec 4
0 an a I ithp, Arpq 'arm 7
0910mich, Dec,. 2as W-50, g sftrz to a-, zoug &DO-loolas 1"My A'V 'd 'WilliamI)r6na 22a&
oSit ons,-Fdnters aud--!�ibhAh r and
Alledicina os uve* ony; aprod it may lie tovLkta cd�$&4
ho 4-paitr AW
ei. . sip ven
HOW, 0211 y0a stop, It Where� Ike bf artarla
4, -7
n, jit, 3a�!L
New Photograph 'feme-
�ru o -ban 160-� —"D .
PAlt X0V
FA 11108
161 aim Gr . . I 6j�& `e3d#tfi4 h&At1% the, 41idilit, art ccqu!jtW!ti 4W *fop**
article for ther pur It _Jdloirery -one "nfh, oet-
W.;. tip .1 Jae! Ilallllay� 4111 Unlit*
where by JDxaggis mWill-efilliff *I:k MFW*
Af ildlung;;*1 fw in soidenee of reAl Inerit. thalk a orgr are reqpestectiWIJ44h
it 4'
roditors will, be hold iu xity, !he
"Af4l OM bl
office. - in d 6, said-Tiritn'Of - Gode 4W. to 1,110 as, thim i'vw 11) 11;0 bUtit 132014 v by
React the following Tifisuy, the twbotY4410(in ALGild
bf to' Sfilit14 to
or d -10twi =1 $catch coft
ne��t, at ten O'clock.
ce tv4a fr n
wall know�merehi ant.of.*OutatiO, lOwni4or TA 4L
-r ering r 4030M pErmy & sox an([ for .0 4
81A5C.111*r- -`VC40f4i�:4efi+ 0f*0Xitd6 getteraIV. otelin firom aseyere cold w goM Roo.. IN -39 R
a orwllereby -90tifled t6,P
iny lungfs'�' WL iifiii!:
dirt IDT� , " . - , - . -L
111OU2,;C, Vt�j t6 trial AND tuawia
a�:a --s war* the MQgt d
oil dichit)f buV -w t .0 3%
I at 4ast wed �n
WELLERY made to onter. tabeibletio, atategave gwoxt
-0 U Or T LYR 8; 161ding a
'W4 anti -,71 1,00g; full I".
to tula
r0 Grtfi-eavt Arrt leemlifes fthosit
time, &.6, flit, 01,64hir'4
Nictit-4 Abe 9 -j -d =16-:5a; Ap'-.13141 Coll. DrivolibQ911% Ab ii vial of josj all,
Thi *t. o
ralr. I
a.. A woriawhimare wit 3�11, is 41C.71X dwirm! iqilt V:Oys pr payex sq,,aud; qf jxartb TWEE- tak4ber-away -�.J;HOPIIA oparlv Volet rolzqt .1thiplace 3 Aj)p;.v to
nt, 4 L