HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1872-01-05, Page 3Y 07 TV 7 t.11 Wlli!­ 7121 o'! 0�11= 77 E3 e ciall Mutes, as just returned (".m. 80'"ard, 1% It" 11. X 4PA 1501TI trtee of th, 14 si, k H. -11 R D W -A la, jpifve t4s, the telit r.PT"`lA COV0A--aG9.Vr0tL1 AND .New Yor at thorouall knimledge ofthe k S -un hii idea of tile Gru, govern the Nler4tioosbf 41ges- Ulm rigo witich tigly save us ulany jail 010. U.101 -pt I'tut%krt ew Yo;A or Civil *riqcff 1943--6110 Ilatte.411uply NA.1111,TUN ST - .1"i follows. it[Gll. camral Wall (if Chiv 7 ortles aull of JOWISGN & 4�RR Tile ChilleRe lmve bten .it least two or t" One -1' f. 144cleetedeneom Mr. Els 1 our breakfast tables Witt) a delicate r three tholts-ditt vells a "ll ldlti1ug I' to LG I WIN -1 wish I could but spealt C T to hu,l I the wav's :,f the'elty iLf Poll IYU.'r.or Milk. Hat -h liaclet is 11%tult. America, ospollally those who'llve lit the countq. Ills be DE 11 ans -9 1.1 Ito L IladdS, 0 fint 00111, a mod. PliYetel4n, F wonlif jlllc� -in. Th '1 0 11'ek e (I -eat %VM,1 f Chilla, is the ah, sf tlij world. It is fOrty ft), 'q Of VI'lls'S MINY 000 (Cogoa and ifthb- cent ' rint althyd great %V. lerry Davis' PAlt; I[Mr.11, parili%!s WHO) ins stmiAlieftflitky 0 abutteof ....... X OP'Ti* 11 Zlk�ukl- a buy. I wish I could present thorn with a bottle Is thirtV feet i4 of 11001 Iligh Tht lijr�estonll or grmlit,% Two modern car- MAX UTH 'PROSS OUT SAN I r at four few Indeed but ciould find A (Lunrter of a, Dollan to Inly it if picy only latow the benefits At -0k: 'r and omfortit..wpuld, tiffilrd Won. - - - I � QMD URVERAL.'44,ASES A-W.0fl, 'vir lunit its whole 1�ag eumple N LLPit Ravi their Foill PAr-- pushand.-For citildrin trio - 1�46 ri.ig .141 al ron, IDAU I OF, CAUT ON 11 -ted It Irvi a, ,3t th, 6hases of 1 0. valuable. Aches and Piillgjtreasiiolliiniwitiitht,.ni EJ 5 4 oro t li, v, ii'll ConvellicIlt St$i1TaSes,:but- —O -W - 1% ILLEh at build -it LAetq SO -ftier cuies F If they have the, PAIN. 41 raadb up tros-'ses aml ­gftrrison houses, at every TO TET PUBLIC) THE BRIT. 'attly For you It hai been hivalffable, if otvfedt %19tflt PELT' OVERS�OES AXD R 1113 10%8. BY A a'lniLe, mill it intis, not by IVJVIX�CES Or' NORTH 5S Ni"LLF & HEAVY'RARDOREl 51ollut or Dy.pepsta and for me I cannot exi,reAs -my )r xkts. Praer or 04DI(T 17 t1W YA4 thankfulness.0ifloo myterrible Ithfuluatista has left, -AX9S ANX AW)4DAX 'COW. t -ll ra-singr Valleys, A HER 101 A ZS.� ; cuttill- il.,Ull 11,1;3 fT 'jP$P$ -OF W �re novi prepared to fill all ard�rs wi 11 -me. a sure and tell - the Pd&sioalff vtf. TMS VM L Nit liver the ulleN ell crosts. of tho moun- RITe.-I must b what it blessing tilts PAIN-KTLZFn bas prove4 and I I be� in "T;" cetfully to avqraint th the a BEY -kc LOGOIN 0 CHA iS 7- -1 'I, blic Which they may be "favored. Thsy 'the gorgges, a American provine s.that lw,Ma 0.1 .41 of the TAb*S4,1* *&(I triins tllj tl,)wlA throtigh * �A . Arliat a go0a work -she Js Ailing in- tilhillg,�Iff Intritil Sins uAll."4qnt se'unt cliLano No res. ectfully invite attOntioli to distance If title thousand miles. Adtnipl Gus$ P11MY th H0LLOw4v`APi -AND ' I IcT. a follo On- lines of Goo 13 dar7`110 PAIN-KXLL;TL IS an internal and e%ternal !ih:-,,ib everywhere alto go J)L CfjT WAIL Rogers and I calenhated. that it, wo-ild XVVT. Whie Wel c. 111, to th. prepare MISSES A= CHIM$MNS �VERSIAWS The lgiblycAb g at thito ', 1, -- - le which th Fqr4nt(naIPauf,5 nowtobuilit theGreat Wall Wiliallill i%ru-Jl1)wi Censed,t0beclestd. lrc� ey are prePA11- u (I L! er woula n ,cast in we Cold]? and`Mwel difficulties, 6few dropr in ,of Chin tent of One thou- gr,%t to s-tv ')tilt I have reason -to ku,sw tifut tile "ed to sell water will give Iturrediato relief. As a linduient It A Nh tuanageint 1 t 4 the late business hatl rot Rofflo? bb Ott P'Ort for t.he 111irld V"VWI , ­', T - var% bout all qual; it stopei palu almoost bi;1 Cost to blVild the fifty arld in Mitt 1W;ly4, I'Ven fill'st corrupt, and I ex ant YM�M§fl LOT OF -Ilia i ed-foy"n WNIOAnAlLe.4 TO" or voal -to"f"a at vo-,Cmi rma il, �aetemjwa with tha� P'nre I ha% 0 allways detured. IDW &Tt ut '!olf. M �ifmi iow - tli:it thelPills ail V result hot It#) prurtne umde by Perry uliles t -f railroad in trite IL -1 Alftment were not Prepared Low ro-,%tAS11 ad sold b,!all five thirml.. s lion it Druggists and Grocers. 210W United 18tates. What a commentary it 'rlioe w�o Ilio . ,,-I,,h UiL lie deceived by bitylit." anpuriolui -flmbmeft vU 'At 161iplitei foir M- '.8 . of thii hu- LA61 & H Oppoft &v Ills imetomors --n t!,e ephemeral rat rPo0wilk-PlYtoomanate 7- �­T is .,,orek,wher., b,it to o ses !7j I p the ftepen bit great Tltilitaria,- Ma-an iDteJItct to see this rl nL lic,11oway's NAII 8 u, prise so lleCeSsal�' Pills and Ointment !!:ilTluN1*t -d bv 'tie In Iondon, v anil effective two England, and vearsagrn, not ziow x0erely'usse- will do we tnsce ihat each potand box beaq, tile bf;LU sizes and descriptions, 'v3ty dhel) p. S0000 'LOT OF Rxiti-li Go -erninentstimson which qsca.-aVQhc .1if SAAAM I r PAA.Wft A `4wiff? less bfit - ineu tn)jkance and an obstrile- words --it I:,.wa­. GLED-HILLYS Ul ygpiilsaud (1111tulent,').11114 that & the a4dres s (in flit) lab. -I is 633, UxIoTtl Street. Loit. GLASS NE1W GliOCERY AND- 090CURY den, who only they are mannfautured. anti k no All -sizes from 0 Y 7 to 40 130. 0 406rk Bast of 11. Hort. 1);)rtlof We w4d. Me retall prices are ell let Grow P PIN'- V". the labels Ili lk-aish currency, audnot in dollar a QO&Tkh. F i6h; outs 8 TO, R E. TM, SUBSCRIBERS ad BOILED and RAW 01 ion r a BV4 TO IiiTIMATH TO d XNO represenhAtive of mine will ever travel thraugh! - 1�", ' . any lmrt of theBritish Pro VARNISR- & BROWX JA Ttb-e Whabluirits of Goderich and surrounding -inces, or tile United; E Rev. Elwood, Rector of GOdericb, t teq. either to sell, or to fulte orden for my pills, COAL OIL, of goud qual-t- 'ehi Cbiinty, thstthey have opened a Grocery and Croelcory ktore Ili tbR building formerly od6pled ar7310ilthuent anda-41hasefdrtsonto balieveithat I delivered a letture, toa f-kirzn(lience, in NJ4; O� L by It. T. Ballantyne as 4 Bools Stolre,gnd next door AIA01 WI) OT or the Temperaiwe Ha!], on Frfday -evening, atten ill Vrol;ahly be malle tq deceiva thapub. to Abraliain Sinith's, 451arket Sqt� , Gdderleb,' It, in sway ly pets upon medicine list. He to-,& as his suhiect, "PoliticO ILT� IV I ions calling OOAL OIL LAMPS, yr I "" will he forind a completa asitostfugat of every- OR ai� vent ors it el ter are Ilicting RNS, REFLECTORS -7. economv," d though it LANTE thing in tlielt Ilse, such as FTI "Any 11 is geAerally -X$1 Igio. orme, nd with n1Yku1)WIe14'c and cousent,ldearn BURNERS, C HUNINEYS & TEAR. 7 considered a dry subjeet� he swieeded i it a-IVI I )a to put tile public on their orard I leceptions. y sue] d WICKS, �IJGARs, treatingit in a popular manner, He ex- ailli.t arnest;yentreatall those who may road COFFEE, plained s=6 of the principles which re- this adve tisement Mat thay be SPICES' Pleased. Ju the pub� SVEIGE1 SHOE STZEL Mot Labour ato thepurport of the slime TEI BETTS gulate the exchange of Capital, lie intere k to coininnuip d kthe feading stzes, MEAT HSHM, sk #nIve holpe Agra tkw­ to their ftienwi that they may not be delftddedL 'DJ a 4131>* - -11 , .1'. and -Natural kqent:!;, and no doobt gave VBGV;TARL6 DIMM I: � U-1 � U, thetr money by pareliftsince worthless tinitations of CAST STEEL, a fdr all --;9Zr i . �.. I p UAIIX9. - !b R ra 'I many of thoiia present an insight Into a. the genuine U0110waY's Pills and 0iftment Mille nieht, All of which I wiltio, 60% chota� ?o'r ou�j. I would ask. asit great favourthat shouldlt -subject of which tlioy perhaps never ly to the kgowledge of ang perou tflat spurious medi- BAR & IROOP IRON a good ASSLOTtlne: Lt, With, a itock of Flues are being made w soltl it my nalue, Ito -ka ST ;STEEL A -XM from a, i1pwar, 8, 0muMT , . ;hought before. CA Goderich, Jani. Udi!V pleased 4o send Tne all qic particulars he -can coMet *8V.6m, � - I. �". , respecting the -.anie, tbAt is to say. the nume and BEST CAST STEEL FILE% f 111 300,04 R'ud -Y '-0 The MesareFairb-mks, —the Celebrated 21himss ofthe vendor who is selling tile spurious, assortment., Tur"-E NOW.,I -MPT or TORIA medletries. and liliov ise the name and addre4`iof 'R8, HOLLO mv t A lie W 'bturers, have secured thL Scale Mannfa 5, - or 0.4owhere House in the United St t t,, 8, ANVI .sole Agenctof Troemners celebrated may have snPlilli-I tbe'li" so its to onaole, me. br the allii AUGER BIT Drug Milli --A hinorther,U1,11c, to institute proceafiligs J. TRA A� Ww"M Coffee it t their Rouse in' = S11011, eril dllk-rs. and I engage to remuner' we VICES, OWL CHAll I . t ES, T lab CHAINS, COW T1 'W PHRISTMASYR JIT. UOVS-VO Buffaloafu ass -h men1son exhiVition- vtry handsalllel� tiny ve", in ulut way give such I I . , I NL 'TEAS AND Sea A CA ition, the infortuttri . ts's unule never being SHEET ZINC and : T4. T lee* divulged. _REA% Wky Ashfield Council for 1872,. George Z5-10ulda-ty e-soult PLATES, CROSS CUT SA 8 ONS ave reason to believe tbatlbe ST! *a It is been dee P and WOODSAV� - Gioaarkh,'December-150, 1871. tiom Armstrong, Reeve, Maurice Dalton, De- eived lky buying agurieus invitations of ift" 04 these. - Ued,.! JIM, VU ym. tie-'. lie will t10 we to send me.' lit a ANb puty Reeve * Ntrick Clare, John F & I - - ".. 1 7.1 - letter, it) the at dressatfoot (which lie Peru do at a EA'SPADM, $HOV S L".&RUS, XOARIS -0se 40 purch d 10"'tho - sol Akidrew ana Andrew Dreany, Council- cnt,)fsi.x and MAN ..7 cents in I FOR xOdificarifts, once tbobooks-ofin. k Which blsc 8 -10 the which to the nine. I promise at. ATWAU:& struction,; long[ and sh 1YAI to examine It and -end a reply. siatin,, whether the Velebmted' Perfedd eaftles - t. A^ IL 17 L le '*"Ati -"VAtZ* Medicines are enuine or not. so that if spurious h, ozy cholice assortra4it ok n �­; :�T.-�­ I I guicm RAU04 pwwm 'P�Tta OW y mafl The Wheeling, Iistelloigencer m hays liti, tuoney retnirned. 3cf;,s - *,­­,,'"�'­j,� - Chemists and Drugg -its wbe desire to obtEil I Z I . Of Can smallpox be commituicated b nhia.�%fl)ly to the peison front whom lie purchased t e AND EYE GLASSES in the ..,"ABEX&DESSEIRT *�-NIVES TRIUMPHANT' 40A tions a case which seems to imply th. have met tt' 3lelictues can be sairpumatthe lowest wholesaie pwith such eitraordinary svc-� 1�4tlf, Qc%. MI, sli t3o mu jr But 8,. 6&.1221, and 34s. per dozen boxes of PIIN or . .1 fttl T" it can. A young lady in that city recently PriQ­ in clualit- ties of ,(it less than Z-10 worth, -vriz-, ce -and gre �bh in debaphd: received aletter fr-am a sister in -Vitt' in Ivory, Btick-horn, boe6a1 and Bope 1A. Beeatme they d ruitsofoititment, ilett,,%itboutiuscounk forwhich arii-1oun -topossess PEXandPOCKETKN A&tft L4 - W -e 1—— -1 1 111; STYLE -Pox abuaed by the use -of common ghases- ' . L . k, 11 2nd. . Xecause they will reclaim sights 4, With great i eap, ecti. with the small Exactly eleven k have the honour to be. burg, who -writethatshe was then sick reluittance uiubt be sent in advailce. Handles. A complete aglinfrtnibut! of all *10 qualizies'daimed for them, days after the letterarrived the lady who ORS and SCISSOR from the t received it was tal-en with t1to disease. TH03US IfOx"SwY. Brittlish Makers * Q'I - f3 ted 7 -- MAIM CH006 AD IL TS and will often be founa to restoreladilil, V Mli T % She was not exposad to it in any other a, 0-f"" 241- MANUFACTPIlD AT 11 A ATA ana',B - %* - % .h :11hW%I . I .,. . - Z,andbn, W. C., Seweinher P%o Vvkv, and there�aems to ba no doub, the ED TA"BT19 IDD)k r 23."7]. A 8rd' zziness ji contagion was communicated by th and F 7ii 11, iuleatuiI4 *6rlt 161i e let- j . %nd% t mall 8P I wier,:qy b4ing -ter. no 191NIfi. TOPILATED fitte on optical and scientific rules injury to `9 . I ? thby are -guarfllfteed'agamst "'Gar dinkir - be"W" COOLERS, KNMS d PFwoN-a troubled with cold feet in r1lo ws' Fek"Irle Oill frorth 21;a. Times U# JVai.-ht ORUETS; 41410 for ng qo tt? I/nA te is EY6,6igh� ftx'.improipe� j3plec- T 00bi=s A-T� m thi appr tic ing holid s. -.tions. - OYMA-LLIM fmM AIR 11 Mo the winter sliould phan.ge them into c(ld ES V-.Tn T Tarr n rim. a rig, W er tor a low Muititas upon rism, A ri Iry ti then wipe dry, ne4bin.- wously. caunzA stay where it is used. It.'is thn aTl(VfQ-HISELS,SPE`AR&J- CKSO 18, 4th. Bwa4me the system of fitti i9rait t T-OROATOx-101010W, V211THANO, QUF;QJ2'ff­ vig;( At Pain za s it att'" n might hold your feet to the fire for ten TAYLOR'S HANA PANEL nd eliesliest bledicitte ever made. Onedosecur4com d !he true requ 0"W09,41. NNW raw Fifty cents %yorth has cured an OLD to "�ew4u'guf` e u �03E r r 118 One bottle has cured Brion 'RIPSAWS. Acompleteass ent, _our ch Fa hase nts are ca - � Loo -DRARIX 7,4- Sr.%L,;D `G COCGEF this syste _Solely .1 T\ One or two bottles cures bad Of," Z rna�h -AND WHITE, and --ases of Pir.F.4 anti KwNzir Tilormcs. .1 1, .- �­7 Six-t9eight ..: ­­ I " -, - - ".1, . - N our own. An exporienced linus-eke. par says that Ipplu�atIMIS care ANY CASEor EXCORIATED VNIPPLES CA s cured LAux nr 6—&-uer, BaEAlry. one bottle Ila the best thin- for cleaning tinware is P-4nas AND'COLORS1 5th. Bee'ause they never tire the ey a alcr, of eightyears standing. Daniel Plank, of _L -Common 601%. she eives the'followirg . 't. th Provindiol-Exhil itiq� Xinptoo Brookfield, Tloga County, Ila., Pays: -k Went and" iast ulam' 'yeaXs came &I q 0 nzrrtvrDA- - ' best qfii— ft-4 a cloth r6w 11 Athibid(sh, directions: "Dampe PA MT,- VARNISH and WEM withoi4 Me, 1hariuslial'itir tile vel!f, and dip thirty mjILq fur a bottle of your OU. wbicitefleetea � y of chi�je� find iaaiiraid WASH-BRU oil- i blplo;4 at' USHE$, 104j)i the follOW1.114 111tv)(. in Bad?, and rub briskly, after which 4%70'-qDERFUt,(:U[tV,,f.,tCP-3oiceD Linubysivap- pilrations. Another who has � had A&Tm" tar Otb.' Betawe beiog the Ust '�ltey &ra� said RUSSIA u9mP ROPE peaL Tholusay& of Pt*ple. whb isw T119'0AR15N )A Operatioli vdpe dry.. Any blackened ware can' ve 4r.% sa -the ch -da be=de tolyollas uell as new. -11 have half of a 50 cent bottl4� left, PACKING, r V 0 8, ikht be here, ons'Ayere a0tuany .VRINI . , - GRI-NbkOIN FI hibiti and 910) woulduot, buvit if 1 -could get no, f4ore." innumerable testimonials m ast i IS One IST S. 41 Rufas RoWilsou. of Y audit, N. Y., wrdes XT stry nall ltntla of 3onr ECLLCTUIC OWDER. SHOT AP ir voiee wittre the person had not r 3eken abe e a, Exens-umsiT.—The old �hipirlfinvEvsths.­ REVOLVERS ',&C belif -prove the ms- "Iek 00* RID( 0 1161110A 11114 w4blen silod'! W 64ow-from. 0 Ok orld'has anather excitement- mom in- alain '� Y. writes; '.Your HCLll=7);1 ' tin!Z to neutral nations tile country SWOU- BARREL Mist; AteCoulleU is erijured to !Do. Brou�irtii in "One Week." D SC lF, I - THE TAIK �W temLsely interest We have never s"1V a "*lie this squon'she re"001 AW&O at the art c than the war. Diamonds have been tliat has given such cmpiete satisfaPtionas �15." GUNS id al� I bialthe iadles$ discovered at the cape (if Good Hope, lb is curuposed of Six of the B&sr 0jus TiAT MUE FS4�y foultd in 8; 11T 'Y _JqOTIJ;E'- TH*qssitf MftF00 xowN. is as zood to taxe a --for external useland 0- where the bad the sailor d ir I . . . . �r J41P T wnuders of irt ;selected st6* of I-JUaING tbtf� lITness*,of-.Mv-.`brA1fdr.' N'llilliAl ANP IS + asureabil) superior V�-nny- is believed to be intinei _4 . itis SO UT XA !Tple Durable,,,, Qq van Is V. S.-, Of bodorO, I Wit p seem to be- celipsed—while every -one in thing ever fa�tde- INI], save you mucIA sa�llg hL and many dollars, of ex�ieiise. sold by vte or 211 this Dominion ours is astonished at, ptwnd to any serious case in Goderich or, naredinalersin every Prloe25ceixts. S. leat ind Easy�Legr4 "Canadian pre-iiared by s. N. Moss Cattle, D I the wenderful effects of the; T11031AS, Prim 4,Arld tntts�i K. Y, 6 Virttrij Polley, RusheX or.8- ce t 1 0 whole of the abov Pain Destroyer" in curing cold&, coughs, NORIUROP �NFNVCASTI�; Oflu� $Die d ell 3:9615. LuA ute TROIA dom eta set' tin 361Y Agrnf�fbrthe Uoultinion. be prOmptlyattegdedtUo.*VrolTimas.-- or uTi�,�Eetcfriz -St lecte4 and Elee d.-;-� m. lia. rheumatism, com- en purchased v%7 ;.-)w an has tnze As t1re THOS. JA& 0 93-Wohl m Godeiieft, lir GeG Cattle, F. JorUnu I r & 4�4,, Bayfield, Jug. Brillatun 14;;�;;Ilj TV M, 11 mat :0, ILAWerflfoy, *-1111 Price 25 cents per Gordi Stoo 1hW'e�r1,rsA4 textsimix plaints, &a. For siale by all D urZists Vetecinag Surgeon MT.A'y' 8 all bee' ked ar lowest cash p seanru, jan. 2*4 =,, -At Salo and country dealers. wrlia-w5ij- Call And sea Ah daAner3W l� f wellwiremuch pleasurein �equea a House, Goderich, J. Pie d. txwer�-J, H Combe, Chntnn,�,S- deeord ZRIT JW aw^w. bettle. llet"gifal. Ima 10 22 liuckuQ�Y;& aicksou, &ufurui; and ail mcamm" Call from the inhabitants of Ooderic and WVnXi1t4 7 'FOR W. A farmers OW goo n; - - -1, . 7 :- , I . -t* - - . - 8 A T and traders of the Coun of Ed - M, EDy R' No trouble 40 n L urom to sh ds .0 LOT 5, Con. 4,.,E- �,D., 4ihfiela., E$T A B&AUTIFUL HaM.—Thl-IrS is no- TOGUAT FEMU, REW tue price. Remem'b t�LThe f-AloWint, Ig 'a cep�frofif. 'the tke eakibitiort. ii 91pare 4iifml thinj that can contribut i4", I xiii, a b�a �sa -a so, mulch e 1�oi e viLufage to tainim, 200 tan Ltxb render theh-rse beautiful and elop covered with Maple. -gua, ut, Moses' Peri4deal Pills. 21ANALT -Tholaeii view were m ope�Aon dunng `tha�dayiaud . . A ting3 Auilaprove big couditian and nisko him from GoNrich, whit a naTer i ta. mat nalm�i U . -dirom t -p ;all; CLAtis desirable, as I'Darley's Con- TIHIS [.NVALU-0Lr,'3tr-wcivm ufraiwNG It leaWaud a,Vit of jeigq 'at -vitrbagfia s 1i it m Ac 14ga of the stream'Onning thirmi;h "Ala 0. . . - . atte t box e4 Itq maohinei light biauuf4iii i(W 40 turitig­.woili L fin ruld0110fith lliflieftVO4 Alify ""gth tailog ft, as W611 as. wthe cure of ail those painm and ildwerialls, land diiire is ato'at­ idition Powders, mud Arabian Bleave cluses all that it h, hefront of t4e, tqi, G*Aoli, Dm Tthi ISTL -di. to which the female constitution is s MAMEOTHMOSS Is or., t -Romedy;'* s been used Vy On liod We 19ft Many' It mcderateg all excess and removea-all 0 P . .. . - and - -e'dr cure ma, lit raittd or pp T. to-, low ,Persons who, own Valuable earriao ' -1 me and i spe A c -T Or ther homeswith� decided success, aiwl TO UART1.17W LAJDIFA elor .Sowell pleased arethey with itthat It fit a silo time, bring EngLyqer and t i pa=Y period rt JOHT4$,( N­ik K E Ahey atvmYs k-c-ep-it on hand,in case of at all times nUNP STRA 27 H-01,0N.-Im t)refn a Fg P -?-,M- -ol by K.310 rRS. :fp" ewergeTlcy; it may be (-q eF. U*4 DON-MON A 4rich, Nov. -20t 1 SALTO with pevfazt safpty. Remember the' sure to bringon Af �6"4.tq Go h, 181 a fill wes o Nervous and p a AlrectionitiP=1n, aeon sl ghtexertion,Palpt, ram�e, and see that Lh - e signature of Hurd �lrl If -03 r %ge , odbrop & ! , ai, held at Ite.office of X. dimeron, M CQ, is.02i esclrT�akp he ekand T lei .0 Lyman, Nermstle, Qft., proprietors, atio tifiebeart, s rics.and bites. Lno�vent. Act of p169f ant k0y. "Hil 46r, ito-ut 2 )Valrk d venect a care w -wr all other mealm have ftled-,! to Es%., oil Alouday US inst, at half -past clocL XATT for Canw2a. gold by all Medicitte deaf. will r and allhourh a powerful xmedv, donot contain . 7 1 Nor% 22r . 1� .- .1 ." - . I - 7.1 - cal elautirtiony,or anything-buxtfultotheetimul-� er oi 10 A* Ii. G�derla, J=64 2na 1872." Ry� ; ." : , ;. 77 in die mdtt, ulliffrotitmus, in thi pamphlet around each pacla6p which shou 14 b a atifeLfUUY SON -6f Goderich, an Insolvent. ireserved. d IS A.SPLtNDID..0PE*fNG P!Olt I -.BUB -Abe ion, GODER16H. TMO FMST and-litial-Divi endshe C�as ured,'subf4c to-, hin e 60j, .- Of t",t" �t6ijds, iktonq ipi,.4rg, I A 'Iff, jCA,.NAJYtAN PAIN 0VST130Y- JOB �IOSES, SIM 'ZOAR, SOLF. PUOPIM=01�;. been prel f,i4w - - Wo a. proo . . ed tallorlbrity until tle TUrd 1�a of 4=4114 feet; atone, one-Ator, , 15ouer Sho., -q0-*36qdat,-tW LOCL-pd.Iq cents forpostage,enclus - - T Lyman, Newcastle. Ont., genera nitntio r e , 6 ej -0 Ili Darairtion,will in--ure a bottle contairtingoec&Q after which JRL *iR be i 0-10nn ffs. (UvickeiA -wil be pai h Sh &ud other building A §t 'un Engine t*o. _pun -or %.Wli #4. -FAURM SIEW NORT. EDWARD, EVA �15 : , PINAOk, . ty-110 qC vu yearlm- 00mr, 'i INE IT 16; URUP 1. P after, -1 ir reAN -�bltCuttbr,�,W.00d Lathes', THE A�nual, Ahe wint ss a eo 0- well -atAd favorab D"c Y11491 A'good s ki .6 S, for E As A FAmLy mF IT ly knb4n, iehev- "kelfe"Wa 611 scits renrug he fhonsamkds, from pain in the Shar Xouldibg Boxe -go' "A 11 a I T" 14e is mao'loh- .Wiewbastiffl, U . Mc��reil, Dec. 15, 1871. 8, a in o*order. TC11%011 trun In A a ritf6rVanadt _t 4 ge Companywill. be heja in th usinesp w e so I, Oa unithoQW.6 icouyrvy, 00 0 fa ..� I l3- Sold in Goderich by Parker % Cattleanc siy970a w48- e b iRb Id I U.-inan wi,�o can" d jDWI# ,SWe, Bad,, an Head, Tow4 11 x0pil ilk t deb n. nd ltj� ]a 111i urther 4 4IM-1 F.Jordan; 0aidint-ir or Co., Bayi,Acl �as give tho ti,mex.eqture f id 414 J001 A P WIP adf, . 4 -eiville; J Pic&-ard,[-ceter 'tow -0ramps in the 'iT Tor aec 44 fferithum, Ro. combe., Glintienii St cord, Lucknovs -k p- A', P. 1" ell 0 jvq tkiwq?7abstq, Birm Dysenfem, Senforth.azil InsOlvent Act Of 1869- d busmesse Ain dmentq-, There*.� it Bel 37 W.' . ; . Co ItT01UD Mcup QC. sw aw Destroyer hag� rovy been. be- X7 Joshua Klialiell, Sy REP VS. fore tTLTe pubhe for a length.pf time, and wherever e ngo. -tepowe otarresting4ke�amdf.R�layed'*b�y" a bingle instance Ilefindat. -0,.r�, Ai va Vem I we is lk;U qnftt relrePwheli V=ely 4sed, an, V wife re tile ar it Lu bee orabl' fielfiia4ledged ivrit #AttaAftlest, has Issued In this On 0r direcdons have, been properly folloek but on the, audsh4raplill-lacreafflugsald iafto� Ep.. Inst a Flat k by the-phlilic. eat Ueet. The Sympt w14 cure 1�-dmomtry consumption in C432b= 'TeIrglife, oc=61ons, and Ust gua;rantea of th , I 91, rover ki ulty irlvery sectii JOUX WV IfEETING OF TIM introduced Sherwo Officel Goderleb, Dee.-Jkli,18n.. alt af(i i T%7!thftg a estimation s laklelt it is hold A4VfJiJt:uraIJ6" 11 S , 1 0ii. -Ort ft wilt -give Swat relief Wasp--ikfrom oT-Terienedfan -the. raA",-'hmvfm, firstnadsecond virtus anti magi - in thq hl�fte t; te- G A tested it thorinighiy ; and ai7a and prolbn,�Vfalnrtlfe. fiv. it will cureAstlinia, Brouehlus.li�ryngltih, Coughs and Colds. It -4111 tbe COMIDLI t.the korig. of 2 p Be e" t cure all diseases originallig front want of A xN the i0atteroftobect Ti Iiallarityna. P;1 X 'Mot. rtheurp Oil ti. Tq Aoti(Y4. and ervous Fdioi. sitch as U:!- ing effieacy. of the the, 11.p!�tn I e az �q we Dyspepsia, Itickefl, V' a Hvart, -Local and Gent HE Xi-sAvent has made art;U4 stroyer !a qdting for whichEisrecom- antid " � it =jn. "or it e' c Au 'e, fic rJoul ning tile, Apboaft or Loss -of Voice. itwilre roLe at-ottardart 0"111 luro% c of Ithetimatismi, riud.JUL roUlving emia Azov GAOUERY)l W1T. A FULLI 01 county 90 Ifour up Cblorosrg. Ana andostWornes (I to Deeemuar'MA,eli vlle on In 't . 0i 19.tions entitle itto high, rank in the list and h0altb ads upoitor bull #JUA4*7 Toridelli, to recelTel'-stutermi aot*. ift fton Medicine, to oppoint 40 440—w -'e ll-,forfurther guy- WATS IDe3lars fa a of the cattatr �41d By ApOheqerle 1>11m and, eaeli twtifyinr; 4T;o t1ke =varoa sa.tis. 0. -Wier' ft"' i k'j U 7 440MOU it give?. Dat iDeStMer-M= faft gfvs� J"Z,4 T -sap ifitAke A 11D 11144,01 #PIV61li FF.LLOtVS, CIEMMIST" D, 22 L zollof- All met0dr-4 licalars 4-eop it-, UY FM De, 44T. Utritlia and c9diar and It-), if, =1 jiQ �htn A$* -.o qiet babits: wisix-. Y VL fif, 101W 4i a colu or . t*01)*ylollq tati of 4ft "fizich i5opt� 4th 2671. 141"WeIv intille limillfth -RAfad mad 1-Y 1voil in *vOr 16T IiXtl �Wil' ju*1 AV. TU �the Matti A OW �AG0V fi, d; S F. TOP, THAT COUGM. IVIWAX Doxf. mdriii adu fulie baid 0 ago Gardiner & IORO04 1111 irk "VAL 13=thGr-*, and EXAN VIt. xeter, H. as *ell'AfidiviR .01' t ec 4 0 an a I ithp, Arpq 'arm 7 0910mich, Dec,. 2as W-50, g sftrz to a-, zoug &DO-loolas 1"My A'V 'd 'WilliamI)r6na 22a& oSit ons,-Fdnters aud--!�ibhAh r and Alledicina os uve* ony; aprod it may lie tovLkta cd�$&4 ho 4-paitr AW all 0 ei. . sip ven HOW, 0211 y0a stop, It Where� Ike bf artarla 4, -7 n, jit, 3a�!L cot New Photograph 'feme- 'T' �ru o -ban 160-� —"D . PAlt X0V FA 11108 161 aim Gr . . I 6j�& `e3d#tfi4 h&At1% the, 41idilit, art ccqu!jtW!ti 4W *fop** article for ther pur It _Jdloirery -one "nfh, oet- W.;. tip .1 Jae! Ilallllay� 4111 Unlit* where by JDxaggis mWill-efilliff *I:k MFW* Af ildlung;;*1 fw in soidenee of reAl Inerit. thalk a orgr are reqpestectiWIJ44h it 4' roditors will, be hold iu xity, !he Uu"tt "Af4l OM bl office. - in d 6, said-Tiritn'Of - Gode 4W. to 1,110 as, thim i'vw 11) 11;0 bUtit 132014 v by React the following Tifisuy, the twbotY4410(in ALGild bf to' Sfilit14 to or d -10twi =1 $catch coft ne��t, at ten O'clock. OF7 -I ORR ce tv4a fr n wall know�merehi ant.of.*OutatiO, lOwni4or TA 4L Hofwl -r ering r 4030M pErmy & sox an([ for .0 4 Its 81A5C.111*r- -`VC40f4i�:4efi+ 0f*0Xitd6 getteraIV. otelin firom aseyere cold w goM Roo.. IN -39 R a orwllereby -90tifled t6,P iny lungfs'�' WL iifiii!: dirt IDT� , " . - , - . -L 111OU2,;C, Vt�j t6 trial AND tuawia a�:a --s war* the MQgt d oil dichit)f buV -w t .0 3% f4 I at 4ast wed �n AMOT A OARGAM 1befirst. WELLERY made to onter. tabeibletio, atategave gwoxt -0 U Or T LYR 8; 161ding a §h�o 'W4 anti -,71 1,00g; full I". to tula r0 Grtfi-eavt Arrt leemlifes fthosit time, &.6, flit, 01,64hir'4 Nictit-4 Abe 9 -j -d =16-:5a; Ap'-.13141 Coll. DrivolibQ911% Ab ii vial of josj all, Thi *t. o ralr. I wAThiGivi a.. A woriawhimare wit 3�11, is 41C.71X dwirm! iqilt V:Oys pr payex sq,,aud; qf jxartb TWEE- tak4ber-away -�.J;HOPIIA oparlv Volet rolzqt .1thiplace 3 Aj)p;.v to nt, 4 L �AbL