Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-12-22, Page 247
hi cotiO. He had
ing a yiprdiob upon is
The office. of Secret., or Hosift lk=431=61
t, and held rns WW SAVA
is as h a spoke lie drew half a soverign Vi a TEE 7 00vang IN 1111COQeded in filling
Lnqq4. * maq A It overlook that wbiell the following office$:
from his pockip Itiavitingly; conce -- the whole. 'A, number of im- iiiiy and Registrar by
'A IV .
0 to r tiger Rua thupil; -The. -portantqu President of the Mickouzip, , -the office of ommis- , I t �.. kwowzt
he Lela out Ilis h between his ti HO: LAXE, Q: C., GIB
estiolls will come before tile by A40 1 AU4 lit
Works and Agriculture
-the nione ti Council. Bioner of Palic OPEN FOR CTIP-W, -ON UTUkDA 14B X-Tj A. 1itGE W4
sight of was ton temp ng, so DominioiVarlivia ant, at its- itexi AM "J"'Olng
Be 18.
c.!4, hov, the %nchor I %;zrce(1 to write the songs, which will inatel 4' -,,AD�K -Ci0OX8-j,:Q. C Attorney- Iitor�ntoo Monday Di I lby Mr,'XcKellar; and that Of Attorn - 'W'Led' assortiacutbi L diet' Fuj AND
I I, F [ally. affent, for weal or .9 0 ey varl. a of -the newVstgty10 the contrary I But
but I. on are nt I .:, - I The Speaker having ta6n'the chail7i 'Nego ions 211,
)t lone." 1111ind I have -them. early to-morrolin," woo the. Vdke of our nation. General. eneiil by. Mr. Crooki. tia be calls -e of 0e jotonwq-ill
r fl..w are you, old be said. "If you do uot briti them shall lq� Ron. J. S. Macdonale inia on , he taWO were in prokrejls jor� filling the. other, two
It, Ves; p o0rrei devi---post A. Provincial Trm og ilairsen1eUX effecton tl*,v
. Bunion; Itlut I s iw by his �ibe Pliblio. Accouritgi of the pro drice for, 'ild'follow the example M"*f
down by tell I shall sand for thout- matters, so that t aev may be A.' KqKFLTA-;a, Nblic Works and go-ats but hd�*.di PovvdcT
in a.
dL-111C.Ased atmy last ye for'bornwall- when he
nnner ttlio rese lmombei'
"I harried to punhase 80100f6od tion td judge -x4hether; their rep' of
ew-gaid y
a- Ille exillse, ioillied his Ad� inistratioA in' W7, and twit),: alid also to procure hor tatim are ,Avi TE9Go`w,, Provincial Hon J. 9. WAODONALI I
for my -wife. effocl; to their vie 4or AOska. St es'
r tr1p.
prerarr4, to I bought n, roll unit ate tot' -We -It R-W. SCOTT, Crown Lattila. 1 -in oboolience to tl�e order of t114 H61180t take that tillre'to Co'loplete the Cabinet 44wf au,! =VC -no-:
confidence i , tl thjo� Speech -would it;n'M
saiel Burilon theAddrgsin answer to the public intereatsre-
Persian, -tell liar I dined olit', for ffover�tnent'lit '6bi- niu. ba3 bezu unani-I - that -lie t4()u,-,Ilt j, laid,
d..J ;�t v, prosefifed' to His ionshould
w 0 tuously a oted "its place of id; so that an Adininistrati v�ffi
t n. at 61-st, it. sly that I cou!d wa: Tit ii front t Ali' blit nOW f� A tolia is stifficieixt, Wcoml6ol r AStrachan t-1 lit!t-ii-a ail tile 'witey barber. * Amlingst itli refeveric � to the,Pro�ino w.,uld rather Exoellefiv��', rl lie haszb6en I)] e4sod to q
aw till igs I botightwas soma, brandy, th 06qNicn
Ili, anti Mr. Sco reply N'ifornld viltich, would conimajid the
Y"�a t'll I have alwa3s u3ve ke tile folid8vilig In thd-pre- ka
'a st, Ili's wbicli I now confidence of the country, ho kcavcs --nil
the d0zt(,r rtlered Hilly to drink- we liall use All, to it, I = 1 Le 1
11, . ir ,,,a I inistri, any
thei 1" plide in yo& hands. ate'state of the Admi m7
it. hn their ij d, aji
6elt fril 11 with these poor th-ligs, them reuiov*, ir aoQ supplie vvhich Bent incomPJ L'Con I' to h0TZC3; im.
at tile it favor. Air. SPEAKER rea&$e- rqpli�� tit) -n he thought. ocharin, t itiiiinecessary to say I
I- with bet Or me
-ed hcps of rielle, SE
which t(, me Ii,ol; e UT 1 f urt A rld GLOV ill her than that he conceived I _JU G UtS"�F Sj� CAPH COLL IRS a
hurried li,mieward. -�bphe anyt 0a
do with Local nitter,64hall r ive that atten- The Ni �va geotian coast has been, visit GentUme 1 ests of the House to I
do for L ; -1 _f' _Mad dr) _t�
Nlilly, wh-n freached her boil great qt(-rmj and a nuumu I it f" b� in the inter
ton it our I whi it they'di3serve. ad by anc ther I a n aieqisatl�e Assembly, ---m- possible. He pro - a elcok nn , i
11 " . I u- for youi adjourn as early aq oltFand xv I 1�ieitt love t. We shall 'ell UX11011 o pro -in to as�- a vote of credit as the
showed her what'l had bought, not0' by, all : dutiful E nd1oYal
I can do," said w mrqcoided:�� Five 4 thank yp Posed Also a larger assortrart given to 1 0 e di
met tile -tit a smi its of of 11m � disaitcr�';� an(I, te assuran ffia � the im-� 0Z
le of P't hat the means in 001 W the �iitere, Address ces i ast year, lit
Fieldint sels ai -a rep6itod tQd�wreciks, and ail had done t brolo my heart. Shei tPated I tilt- Itirgo and rapi'(Ily ill ea$illg county ves ubmitt$
cyact port�ut subjects a affairs of the Government
_q to 3,ou will Governmenil by CmIcz C, 0 littl unknown sliip.was.a�wqtioyed by a a order that'dic
o fool -and drank a small 01" of Of Huron ;and sh.till. takc ajivAy inter receive your best attentio�. W1,0 refer wil oz; Atit-ini the holidays.
'riot a
wcak brndy arid, Water, and then'fell h' inight be carz vaat tb nny surt
vst in all that concerns the ielfarti and the 76. en�e to that jiorton of the answP1 said that
ltg. I prosperity of (Aoderie'll. Beingthe only all nd Winte'r C 11biess, Rtthe best iwal by _Hoa. j. S. MACDON."D Of, F loth' C
into a.,ight Speech which expresses a disalift concerit- ap *n
in my friend's faca and Saw i -I terrible, but ulfen we sit T not subsided in far ashe and his friends Were
i f,,urnal published in.the County town,.. , lie rowing favor has the Legislative Assembly to till) a A exteot, would
that Bar --i w;1, courtem To the fulle
a challenge al,,ne We 10VO fading faBtvtIlO we shull give due prominence to County thegailbime Tircriinces as tive under* ilia act passed by! ibe last nment. But- -
dibese aided, by want, to see tho thill, t C court, and other proceedifigs, has been iss.ied by Hobert Fill ton, one Legislature, appropriatin oiio��. millin lie shown to the new Govbr
&VC felt it life to know iii aid nf'fai rrz I
b pale face, so like death ill, is of impoictalloo. fl�e People of �biays, he. musi Bay that tile position taken by �Mch'*ffl be sold at less than 4iyprice.
1 coaltl oftheSt.JuhuParis crew, to'George and'a half of dollare Octj' 1871. If your -1110r.
or [, a even tha sad �leznre of t, the 1dr. Blake was hinblv unconstitutpital. ';6
i that bef-) - a 1 i4- and, in'which I., ain informed on
the County sb,)uIfl4)a'uq:aaintad with. ha ciderich, 12th
Brown, V asked the H ' 80 to G' stP Lt, -1hui5t _; - Thab g -&-tho 17-11TI *Wl cznt
ll ill bo lo -it, and that be- We shail feel 6bligiad if.,,our fr-buds in BOwni - olfampion,scaller of Halifax ry entleman had ac
-Ouse has no a I be- lmh regrot I t3 rules, find adjourn
a 1- a gi gle scull , ce 6t Diaby or H dW, x7ftli
fore we can give pzoper �omfui —this is tho�neiglibouritior towils aid vil;liijos will to ra, 0.11t 'in forego one of i
which as attempted to eacri Fwascumpleted. ThiswasAu ena
ar.,n there.*' nd the ap- fore aMinistq The firrll�don of Two' 1 3 t
" f r po*r little Ca, a' short 612lits Of Ann' reference to tile The country
liavo indeed iwhiL As I sat w sand lu and succientAitot apol� , on the 1st of JulY next, lof the �sai 0,
s- 4 being from a thousand to fifteen proprinitionpan, umirpat Lye upon the House. 411 Wall the 8. Have tfec
ate; my br, which ula ion, frall;hi with Outrag Itip Taous*D col)ies iust Pa. -hivering c.n thinkin- I became desper. iiiii, anything inter6sting stake. St. t , onfirc nd-nivin arch- mibeyortitiou Id �-.Onjtita_ wqnted t(;kno%v on what policy the�new %k isbed. ltil�legantl printed ou Je.r ii"J ALLY 0 a av"Xz,
hs 1 don't hundred dollars. clanger to public liberty at y
outh vras p. ,doo-srep yaseemed midst. serve N.1 inistry had agreeed, and what they were lorhy not? -they mat'he bcm
all tional Government, I have 06,17y fine tinted !u Two.Cojorf4_ -eing the grcnN
ed. -,Seiziti,,t'hebr-titt-lyb�)ttle,Ip(,lLicedtlirlI trf�
th. itt lcealir�e intotgur possession is not to,' ob
-go glassof spirits aild drank itt Aould be, aud� we trust Tlie*Sueiz Canal is in the market, the take� . by my gOing,to do will the surplus, the Muniotp "lit ',I 1;%I oas t that no action has bien, all.,oanFuild, and other subjects. Heheld j%kand *11 t t1:8
a�ud I sat - _' -it is reoorted. - distril)titt�n of ns i over'Three r,,mcdy thez
h to see a tirat class news titan, advisers in re-vard 6 the 10
t steadied my� nerve those It(, ivi- Khedive and the Sf n
and felt Ione v, atid lit-, puor i6reoyer that it was perfectly uncousti-
at rile �1 dowi, to commence my songs. erich. will plaue it within lie said fund, pxcept-in 11 Be thw ,Hund�Ted a of Fliii�ers,
loaalv toer that, paperin haviligolDolined.tolfivest. Other Gov- any portiou of t -Blke to advi an ' vin
little V
0 1 ]For some time I c011 ld 6VIIII no thollght, our pp*er to make'the I such, oy vesi�d in tational for Mr 1abfe
rt Of sv1I%p;&Lby between i ernmenti have, it -is said, been ap- accoidancowith the pofieriv,
a a the o1all silence of the night, broken dn- 'circu 9 th� Rot ref4rred to, Lieutenant Governor to swear n six s, an.d
xtanding- otir ation, and payin them by virtue of t rou.."Ilt lioale. Our sys- proacliel'by tlxe proj,actor,..5t, DO Loss- -that I will give ovarycouWtutional mbers in hit; Cabinet. Mr. Maodon- A WA�
-d y.,u call him -1 Iv by the heavy breathing of my wife�, 4ftej"xibscri�tions promptly. and me nfederation* TWo C 0-1-,OREl P PIIA`I�s. fell tho vnnt
-But Nhy oWearzh d. J - - 0 'It of addressing shows, each subscriber, a" 9,, wit .'a view to &izhasing the un- bq aid titan road from the Oo
low purring sound that rattled, consideration to - any bill tha m,,vy , i
ch -Ir. in I i I p _+1 ter, Actf -for the purpose qf ShOwilig that I i . - lid be depended UP= 267 61
llor chest, proved upon tile; the' with -every iisue, the time to whick lie dertakir Q,; with w1imtraliccess is not stat- presented'to me for my san6tio O'd `1 att�c GUIDE in 1-h spmIns, bTULC-S. IV
.1 there hould emberS in the Tjie most b has paid up, and as a large number of I ell rections fo son of Erebus ga 1 ini;riuctivO CATALOGUE and
Beeausa.he was t, I'wedge-like face, half in Sha_, be only five in irig thoroughdi
repealing, or amending the said � t v Iture of Flowers and
ad. W).have no doubt it will ultimate Ontallo Calinet, namly.-the Attorn�- world -.112 pages, gi' be ot:i_plaints, nd%t hewas foizud ill the I -so still, stretched out on.the cojerflet- current subogiptions aroilow overolue, hands of the English W. P. HOW4AI-4W tary, thetieasdr_ rounile, making Wallis,, night, ana L du t kzioiv rho his parants flow, with -,ve trust they will be sent in at ouce. ly fill iixtO the *, but forward'ed to, who to
Ian st-eliled to crush me. Mr. BLAE eipressad,hig Togr6t that ey_Gefiiigl� the Secie Lands, Vegetabl-s, ornanientillo;
sioner of Crown A Christmas present- for my customer UPFV V niai4 �BjayZ of the M Fain P: -
I guell t11i1rS arCund 1113 COLIRLI write of Matters will go on pretty'much as usual Govern,, no.tat. � I -W
the' 'go'Vernment shotilq s6ill cling to. ' Or, the Comm's 4works. o kv ne-quirter the cost. curde-4107i �r
XTS 11 tyulyz mcst
I-WIvit do VO;1. want us to do) for this mirth, dr.rik and jollity? lit the office till the Ord of -the year, by lict ;4�oii-06naaeuco alid the Con, missioner of Public for TEw CF, I . . , ;A
a's The4ov. Father b�men, S. J. from office after the veri . Adress.' ;A C-9cels an inl�
pressed q handjoyar my0yes,and which time we hope to.huve made ar- He went on to argue that there could 'lull (I'le 112ct "t
selves through rnenients to introd the Jes itt Ilistitlite, Chicago, with.two p _6�uae.-. He, ad sixtill "Minister, unless the
Lint up. PL=e to hand me the hot tv,,,r, forced thenl. Id. thonaht that the Go'vemiden;, ould not 'be -L 'It V
uce some Mich. C,
- affect. He w2-sw2. 11, of hispillphnions,'ll' been ho ing a rdnounced by the4ff fiassod tin Act to that combler 15th, 1871. ochster, X. Yiw cal. I felt as needed improvements in the paper. 't to House Goderich, DO sea
If-repgol � no
nov conten
This is my ill, fin-ers I grew IlYsteri ell,
Titaiiks; 0 haft had uffici�nt se ded th at
-zherc ' ake scre;, have, returnea-to-advi- bis'Er-c a member -'of the
lezivo Citaron property to over I cOuld 11 ned with hu-Jiter. conclusion we wish the readers of the inissiomat theRoman, Catholic Cathe Mr. Blake ought to have
- --- - I � H; buldlytaken his seat as
the azwlant .,11 6ve thousand pounds. I ri a, but tha songs must I 'Signal, ' and all our patrons, A bl"Ray dral, C tta%v%,, fur some time answer -of- this kind. sked the House to
.(Uturix, if I coulf]. not Wshould He to os wzlzar� yol. ft�116�,Vs to, eme d e, at the m,)iioy. viialsTMAS 4.1N =moved the.fAl4wilig 061410n'd- Executive, and have a a Quo'bet Centre MUGU= ij-a that the little imp is ,a opreach(s three or. four times a day to th I he new office.
rnwrev- ininess I olrank tach a salary to t wits 1k
yun h f ail Iug ayin(f that -ho and his It will be-rem6mbeied how nicely the)�- ovio, 1_`%�
-r thank you; fill ill Glass af ter glass of the large a idiences, and as he If a strong ess be pregented concluded by s
daTe d ft in" ' 'That an b umble addr wish xwlis
re b Y. bcen for lrauy
par, -do tbiugi mlow OW
y� did Rot to hurry the new
a-His'Excelleticythe Liauten�atiGv agementp, -usedJO Qatiada, (n
tho namEs at burning auid I poiireddown my tliro. temper moo licivocafe he .Iias induced P, to
YoTo ADvEaTis,cRs.-TI(3. large circula- inistry in miking their ]Xaua�)
Orer Ills nzmo7Lvh&a I antig-ove, to ally l felt m.I(J- I ws not ipsy, but deliriou.i. in
large n nabor to,sign ilie� plde, WO' ernor; ropresefiting- a th;n� a week for that pur- he Province of, Quebec). TA the arb Of -
the tion oof the "Huron Signal" 'in kes it a His Bud: W - IV
thing Y-1 Yua must take care of I e,juld hear tho tattle Of glasses, a ouse as r6ceive4 En
Arange tunes, ital media in for advertising. -Our wonderif Sir John who ii �ggsia I'lindis- "That this R monufactI91119 mames4n4Jpxlrrying an MCA) b111%
f.�r 11tv merry shouts of ap Excellenoyis gracious reply to!� tile ad- page. NOW alt sel, ptma obtii1tig no rcLk
posed," has heard.him. oral other members expressed thAr election,,,w think,the Alirasteris sup
ries heid in tat Sev Am e fie*, i MI d
jo-t i.; relations I" he whad. such as-woula hivasuited org as are a* follows, - dress of this House, adopted i� Vriday S. MAC- the tt list judateed to
Vj)n h&ve ftan askai, me a
pra-s_- Of B-.1,;chus, r-ing in ii�i head. : I line Pah co!�T Ei4Ecfr_oy.':--We ar ions, after which Hon. &rters were r, with to S:1
"In a _Oli 0, Syrup, Ati
Weekly: edition, -8 cents per ast. O_
'Fielding, and now that I my I�ou and %%rot3 rapidly; somb His L�ALD moved that the niotion bs. most adr Milegs of New, f2ir
fur n3y I House wislaviW �'bY
wstgzy.,, first incser&ion, id.2 -cents per line for earn at Air. Boyd, the member. for , "Thal the, pit' tolitical you shad have it.- fienJ FeLmed Whizpering tile Words to bft regultr. led by Adding the follow ing word t
ion., th6y am_,vary -liard to wa
aws,'�zear iny pud 'lit i6rt" i Hxcellencj's Ministerg to. odsider the ame-10c the and
5.4 fall ()f rwkassness ant, -ach s0seque -in Presec It in the first Par] aineiii ol On- 11that_wbilsb House 'cbce.rf uI1Y York�ctiy,
Id LAIow I know m*,- they were f, His, Eicella A. At one elect mo, c Id, in opposi' gracions speech ol Rug de Ion of 8; 'be mstoiie ifin for Queb�a L -4he fourt-h waB E
gem LaS again taker -e fie aarees to the mat' ' for the issue
i -Weakly eaitlon,-4 cents per tari I th. &ered iitthe opening- of the session, 0 it for the electioil of anlember to re- I MOOR,
totaill-ruch. YouseethlatIam ury candle burned wit, buel contin- line fit -at insertion, and 1 cent per line tion to Mr, 11anlilton, who, was u nile4e rl* city, Napoleon Bonaparte, Gen, GraTtt,
1adf X I and to proceed with the wo i df the Wr t the W-!st Ridini Of Middlesex,
you are, but I the grey, cold light of for each subsecittent'iniertion Fqr 40� embly, notwith at ine 0 othekelebrities duly
f and any amount of
almost -Is 4w&a do&. -)r as Xled,writing b3 on pa ition. We shall be pleas&I to BeiffAss standingth 7 so Preseu ont-
,,,a slanting over the verfisaments w4rtiolsirault tieoasly in it cannot help t
thas 0 reserkted, recorded their votes on-tbo Qo�erriment
fee :as,, _jpother day, and a &,,vbre, tw It - thd constituencies were unrep Mi;
fourth r. I �oyd, who ossesses considgrabl# at of the Alemb &V for�Soutih Bruce to -4'ls baVe
cannot make difference, At last toy k was doni, bo e(litiolls 3 reAuction of oneP side It app�ars.Nlinisterial in THE L T
Few haa house topA Adver- abilit3 ,in his old seat, which only "That -this House was thus.,declared tile �ra . .
-of this
'MaY- I may as wd springinu tip, I hzw;fert�ed to my Wife �ihe above rates will be 'made. )nly M at in the Executive 0011110il
I[ prefor dying my owl, to be, as it in fact was nd is,* cumpetert a:Oe y himself in ovea in -this TeSpOdt, �apd they
so, to t,li her my succeSs, and to chaer her tisE meiats withunt sp'icial ins�rnct ions in its present at announced b not i=r wall Lee, vomind employed as not, prevented him'fro ei'*to deal,with all Provinbe, �as do things j at as bandy 4
.-;a wild songs wil � be inserta'd in both - editions and Hatni toes. money, is House without a port- Q APEST.
and haten to what no. with the a�surncc that the brough-tbefore -his 01aci. in th of no matter how
being Aeoted to last spring. ijuestions; which 'Might be 1. . . the number
ones has but v urselves. lit ake my D' am* I felt my bloud charged acc,irolini;ly. folio; -thereby, increasing
Theelection fur Qdebe' ' Centr!P was
y M Jco, that country whera. rebollio it. the siid Council that prescribed %thb iegi-.
-our on each side owl' tI in- through s,.%3 1 leaned ov- 4 tha r posed �frltly.11p f du
NY F3 t k, rwh Special ye irly rates'c:tn be had on ap- -That thd'diss6us'sion of th'a pr .4nd InOst Taiie _01irpent'd
bv the 63rd section of the Fourniep
. . .. . J -Confederation rc, I _,use(! tbeJel-
conch, and Burdon c-im-iff.-noed his his- our iips met, blit I started iarchy are chronic, is in a mo 'to His 9�ce ency a lature, when Mi% . - or tip kiss liar; plicAtion, at the 0' "no Address. io, reply I .. Act; and before su anetion-, of ell increase is 6 'n Ow ion lowing strong langilligo
back with a wild cry of torr6r�she wa! IqGd- state than ever. The adher gracions speech involved the q y as an iufrac- Goodzi�,s e 1 -or
f the
All advettiscingufsat present in either ad by legislative authorit, He first 0
'IS' and twenty veats ago 1 was a Jealf a' bein approvalor condemnation alled attent' t he far
of Juar z are described as tion a d a violation taken bdf�re 1,40 conx-
1114 tic's I can't say As lie spoke, BurJon 2stret-;hed forth editions will be-Vtitinued as they -.ire. I�lera [elves, of th constitntiozi, an
in )licy of Mlnis?ers, and they t of the people of this rrov- that tile ovi.
I hake d his thin halid% and closed his eyes, as if Our friends will no if they uodent of success owing to tilt P1 a rghts initive had not yet'been fillate!
,I the baisiness, but sttick to it an 1 1 14- 4 21P the caurse of the dAbatej 'cell I enged of th
f..r I loved Tuy p, ter's daughter, to shut out the painfitt tuq�aury, bat the desivo any a .6ir orals were
on s gren the feeling A the '1108 -
.got on, an expression of
ork line do� to be tears th� .1 'i4a his hoilow
choge to be _iiia a. T Ron Mr. RICHARDS seconded the tc lish,jauil that the EngliBb
and hoped by hard i at to' ad slowly do Thilo a getting.. stronger Efouse towards them. in the position of judges, ialle a ran
0 - 1 W g the
malfXher m siEy of his* U "ThOt Nlinisters have beelk oldfeated am � I
ine. I was an cheeks showed the hall, e for,06 honours o d that the addition of a'. ader judgment
it kith nor ,-; to) He eontencle ThenAdv6rting to Ole estion,.
h 6"th four divisioi�. hwith prqof
er ineaoh of tile
endmaitf. thout 4lftO'v
raineialier anvtfiinz, after Mat Success of tTlj IT* one nas'opon,13 itive Council
the I,,ve I bore Miltv r appeared i member to the Exect
tallcep place, anI have ue% er Ili, he said M. -Pelletier hid a-4 AT
�ita tile, "I lo n, of ih� V 'an. Lerda. The Juariati out% portfolio, was , viqiatioi� of the f
I A for some weeks. ziod brain fevdr defeat, which th&Vjri �f the Howie. A act, it
kept tne quiet nil industrious. rose th. I It tot, to be put in nonlawtion, as, lit, The crushing ng Vo Aht the
-the offica,and Mr. Brtiee, it' coutinu.ed after a nause. "When. I "That thoNlinisteral policyonja most Constitution- as no timal undeitaki stell, by st cp in a factlof -$ties$ displayed by Go*emL 'was manifested to give th6 GoV.86uient M
Ir was doinald,andafewofhisf ved n ilia Arlriqnds Great i�eslth
j4� my prals�., agun kissed her dear dead lips- reyers!A by- a decisiv and tilt S
metclaait, Was never tirei of sound -yered she was 9-1110. 1 had never u has been ebfidentued A disp(jsition city of Quebec againW
reco ni at oatlive:thepiilient month. important questio a vdte !of 'his the newMLaistryfair playj and whe was re- 00fim -F.
me before I wava able to' lay, Thc% the7United States govietnatent and of vate was taken on the amendment it a co�ruptjkactices-
crawl out in tileOntariti legislaturlaoli:Vedne4i: 3 Want quired to Aedtralize tb
"All urent 4 happily until lie dis- smile ti has llarg# a territory, as it," can well House; which has declared it,�
'k, is 12 Nays 50. Ain f Ministerial agents, to straggte sue -
covered that I his daught.-r, and bat"or 1 :rs� for son�. poure it thick and will we. ft"t, teaoh them a salutary, I as- confidence in Ministerti. W):)d as folltjws, Yea
no bounds. I favit. r1ast songs hail been a succ m ge, we Are no'. sure but that: the motioh was tben'carried unani- essfully 4-gainst-the handed and u- CALL -AND KXINFA. INN EVERY C011011,
3F11 s -on. it is usual tbaccor an incoming That the Provincial Treasurie� ban, in Blake's
then hL- passion kne
I their wild, dissoluto to6a had suited the best !tin that could happen.lor Mexico consequencejol the hijstile.61�titllde of 11101181y, al3was also a further 'Ination scrupulous orgarlikation by the Govern
need notenterinto thepartiwlars- and ha acittiimsti-Atione-v�-.ryoppo'i-ttinitytoconi- or 13oth-Well and West I iaSion lr�quired,which,
was tnenel from his honse,but nor, alone, young fo,-Is with money, d becolue, woullbotiii'lkaveit.,pinnexed, whenthe, the House, resigned his office. thAt-writ3-43tto I ment whenevbr oce North Aide Of a um,
0 sand decide tip- h.r Maly and I had beeh senretly mar- am ill mine i f Wealth to the publisher., p�ete their.arrapoement 1;Th it the onainunce in office of the T for th is bad dolninebi�-
oronto, a last twenty 319,
ovq Quebec. orruptiun and ViO� Godribli Deo, 12., IS
lives arid arty 'of flie inhabitants -Mr. SPEAKER read a Tnessage fro' e4 r
zied thr6L- moaths; before. "Years hive pX45.4 since then, but on their -policy, before calling for a vote, , Prop remaining Miniatters is,undier oxisting
;woull be -ab,least O.raparatively safe. bmitting to ihe House fiip.4estandlow arters,
from Circumstances at variance witliil�e spirit His Excellency su eritqu -that time, I hae never written a. and: thou. -Ii gi-13tnke,,Was� so accoula ad for lenep, in the:
"We took quiet little lodging in the estimates of certain sums requir . -the
rgo" 371im's' The idherariti of the Monroe doctrine of the constitutivion. had beon oZolerof tile sam, of that kind, although IA
-ant every day into the dating as to annaiielhe members of the ervices of the Province until tilt. vue could rise in his seat and lioneitly
anbarbs, and I v. . I- . I J'That thes�ipplies %rutea by tbiallousda the -a
liave been fft:ree.J., me. I hate theni
It. otiox-, Bu
won ne 'L Z_�
a of gettin-r, another situa- new golpiarnm6lit so -far -'as -it was 0orn- al estimates for the yearre passed. say oLat anyelectign. could be -carried in. E A city in hope ay and night I !bear them, Inizzing in eiI I will lapse on the 31st- day- of December fill iz
ad little inoney tat I had Mr. 'BLIKE movd that w ho haI h rs. Scarcelli a week 'passes but I plated, fhd Wer PierhWl, vexed at beine Qn6beb GovemTa' 6 recent y 10.4tant, a4d I io would. b: - want- hen tile Qae�c� ticia. my e� -- I miora- . 14 Hod' P w
wived. on ohich we lived, lived, all I SQ hear one of them 4honted out by some drivelP from. that pbSition which he Bake I for & vote (if "2 60a for ith a o-nuorrow it take int� -andbullies of 0,
Ing in -*S--duty -it it dhotild not before Hoe in ets t ,disht)uet, ilia uffiatiis, d- by
happily, that even -at thiz distance, i- suppurt tio
drunkard, as he stai liome,� and then claimed.- hi coula purchase, -a 0 0 : when a me-niber inoved that tirno - (as was done un&6r lika. cir- consideration the.elleech delivere city on their -side. H�re -Fourter,
ry enough: in prop. 3. 3, 5 Excellency at t,
terribl dition, -to i `�fvana�: cllzlistances�.Iast yekr) mal who Bpoke'va ESTABL -course of f� ill," stated 'a with load cheeri ra: the
Ilv w4s always, trustful that naidi: od. Mr; Blake ro "tore
the House� to retAn, must a lie opening of the -vehemently -was _rr
seems' a hqavenly dream too bright for the whole of that a nigh6f mise let prcivis6n for Hi rmly and
come,4. back to me. They are deviLq that to add$5,0Wad, 'e expenditura,under Ministers prk3sess- Be e earth- M: siou. Car; moment �Te�t�
her f��ther ws;tfld re!ent,apd I al-,mys be- with hich � lid has'dlwap. beJ4 in the* than emigrants to rattan from i
havatiianteil-me night and daj;'they &its conljdien�'e, of the molijes neces- that at the earliest racdcable cro*dedgalleriwq;
Eared taat I shonld s' ths-Y habit of chai-gint, � the last - 6p position.. United States. It seehis absurd for' IF0 ab namesof t Iy -fellow mon; ar on the public se�rvice im il he wonlit - iblait th 11,3Wz Hun. -m. CHAui-FAu calle&atten t'i 3a to
oon obtain m,3ther hvem,,de me shun n
appmntuient ; but e were both dece' Ther the�Godo wish to 11 _y to carry i. for the e'utuing year Cabinet t6the House and count tr4figers in he.
have Ande mar live Jn this seclusion. the I overnment of a no-� couittry, to ber t6e "ail estimates ry- He the fact there ivera s
hey-Arstdrive. mad,7 seatils to
ight, I livain terrcr of hear- dbhl'e
etL Ili orolledon; oarlitti; capital destroy� -a td'ilite "cr ey to bring itt' QWn. cJ',n-be-vi)ted._, had a ..,confident hope 14 b6tug, Able -to was 'almost ogr hopes almost ex- iiihij casq, for ceitainly he is 0 1 (hoar,
complete arran, -niorrou to
Sometimes1n,,my dretknw I somedting mustbe ThLL;t Iis House rogrefs-. that the �Te- gem6nts to The SPFAXFa Ordered the galler' s to.
purstittigs an t give A decidett be cleared, and in the meantime all Aie
haugied, bilt -our Itive bloomed aa'h-esh -.0ourse which is'most suici�al, peol le back,
a3mqll�y sin-lng tu Alit Sont-1 g"a;ie Minislors--ificitild hiCv6'i4'iBed hear), but he could u6
re and can on] 17 radii ally wrong. Thp LeaJerfounds an I m , ,
�r. =(Lt n1ade a her, and in 7 1 L ly -have the effect oi alienatill min . I I -dings-were stayed.
-11a eve tr't:el the miftst of this balViness Rig ExcoEancy to conelilue tlia-n-in office promise (in the s procet ali. L -
ic bdA Id! U -Arm few rinlm,14, bui my alanuswipt but, to,, from hinr the f(illowing he possesses. Wze' li,iq NALD said that s ana vis -ts,
some, devil seems to chant to those pirs `when the policy ' of the gument for p,*Totecti The Serge t -at
aud,liunribly. prays that y 'is A)O�t the
often milie, back .ithont being read ; ed soligg, in praise of wine axe s2jt6fi,3d free tradej as it exists iinialIg S, siill. be - iusly pleased ! 6--bonsider. of now as the House had.' 4dided 'thitt atrift, -first addressed them, elves to
new griverament- is submitted, to, the a in the
oea on, and- wrote -aeveral be an increas W
representations cointailaod in this aring of the men's galleries, but- this
there should so'na Ullich had. a cartairl amount c4sne- 'Hush i I hear her voice; she sings the bouse, it will, as will lu�eet with respmsible for this state 4f thinos. W6 �be he�Au&h Cabinetj helloped there would be no -as carried
!onj I gavc, her ill. those hapy days; site `Ad4fess�" "' - I was 66 rk of time, and ral;'. and best qv a cate_� j& Cal?inet, -andhis
an(lance more hope seemed to beam e� to do- have hada terrible-wariting in th 4 y ia formin out -not withodt-much. coiifil�ioiianadis-
is going. xv�ay; I must follow her. Hush! hearty approll wing pro- ''United State 173-6fdre g6vernment ',de- 'de
elt�p the resources of our gro as �f thj�,iliofprow The menibe f the Rouse would giye,A ll
upou Its- of rob&tion,orl tile part Of thecrowa, afta
alle is singing me to ftp, blillY! my imew 6f Blake, 10dedtheir actioupbutiIieeing �th6f6el-.
vinca� The no, McKenzie, te. 'measure of ai&.*
ble3s ber�-fa�cied �ovtu diarAldly! toe on:i Lot bs never fa Ako, the seiDffieers that a imt-of the House wx "Hon. Mr. 6�kFRON said that if Mr., -Picivitadm1police
had to receive the aid,6f.
that I should son tainrills, arrantee for this -and thi two remain satim mistake. 6iiney-Generili Slakeh. ted'at the �utset tbA his before they got them all citit- It fob, Printm
-Att novelan adj6urnment Ad 'sta; Was.4
Cooks lirta alrei&�, till-.Tuesdav, 9th Janua 0ibinerwou d bq filled to
all England ring with my name, - It was broad daylijilt when we regaiii- otr no �e'f -led by Wi �ir Tor01;TO --- An' ry rla�t, 4nider -morrow., therte however, when. the officera procoaded to 3E3
as In-" btreexas dp4bt il
and th--3n her wsiald ba able to edFielding's house. Little Charonw in the'vi
tittif a' 't ' ive- linie for tliece. dies from the STewker's -a!
*7glra fly for the kind equagy wort;671iien. Mau d his address to his cons nix. 0 gi -%yebe6n1loAwjussibn. clear the. la
Nvhat t have Lappene�l with its, weeping bitte antonstituencieB -in hopaAhatthede- -lie
a % I A give a
We ho�e to hear -of his re-eliAioli 'by,, Mr. -BLAKE said n, ler 'that the s4ne reached its, greatest
shad I not =t� wat-h sn& misfortunes friend he had hijuse� iWreferaniie to tbe'
ise ihabjho Cab Hnt�pioai Inot-would )itohbfLexcitement� a -ad c6as of �shallie lower-thall vilh6r
Heaven- knovii-I bat in accelmation. gov6i�&64i,: might
�shoib 0oW60-44 thd,1 I - - - I -. from.all parts of the Merioaudi
t212 'Mter iome -morrowe,Negotiatious bald lillaine,' resb-tivided so
-the of th7i �b�y be formed to C
lmppiAess my digO I iow �bben going on ar-that purpose een ODP6'-
b-TevarBea, E -tw� ALL
N re' have received- a; ciminilmication, vdte as ta Jou C. -Some qg -the ladies
-i taken ill -it was CO;1samption. his inoki6n---with th aujing Q Course of the d - abate. liut [ouse, butpartioular y from the
Idit ft procuro, the 26 43' sition berichm'.. GOOD�
I wor2:efl day ;4 vith8ut 'name: f4owl�,g-iitillat.-Yeas , qs, .. Uri, LADTLESI DI
wife Wa il ni. 'tolia-ve. fair playi and evi., LADLES' JACE3M
jjo=%�bt will rejoice10 heat Lnoed. no, great Auxiet$ to'move.-
-Tia. food fo ea., an take `bO Plake'ginbi i6p. �ras then. r
mediolaela r her f ate attach As 4wb, giveii neithe Membeksof thePxe4xWar0 laat'to be xe-
ltiiitfa a6waluscence ofithe fter t.he vot LADIES' SHAWLS,
of the got uot.ce, of atiotlYritons '44y, ;0'. 2
wr Ibiltre-Zei'76d 110 re- -for CofiWidl lid -i the member for Rouse. then pro�eedod
moyca, ,and the
adj t�Bt'TOTOUt0- Bit- -closed- A00ra., Tli-. crowd
Vly, i[ went from publisher to publ bee. 0, f8ii has beenIaW "ide. ourne hurry him. r "'B8 -0
isher - � .1 ' to wikin� my 3211ing thoui 41- latest bu act 'he- adjournment of
�-Frgress of Blikethea.,mov4t time,411 out of the buil in1`1 L S T0rXJ F
were by th
Boise, the��Aoiiriied. Inuatry address-
W-ast to- hny broad. Oh Grant's faith "a, 44 post h front, -of i4 PtTRV;A AND *L
T* tho SuIlzoribarsof tho "'muran er,-, but remainedc4octed in
10-,7 ti -,by grnnd me down w o thc,prinde toward[s convales. ho"Nad -� Dz -49i�. -D�*
M1121MLI, JILBatistact.6i 'and it in a 4ter at, Covin- 43X
"hail succesaftil songa from me,. now is pronodi,00 y, -.tou;. y., wheraz number of infial
umber of mment, slid Premier
Uri- �A as agiinst:the iD the beat quality and
illsthat th�.y s�w vae in pavert� th�ti-be will -'probably be a tr)ke of paalysis, �but i. OQOV�A 43i poting1een intiv
cut down is Annotin 0 ilad rticulariwere daliverell
7he sul?3cribera beg to atinciunce that , I Ht)n.;;'Jri &
t, 1161buse, q. three or 1 11. . ! I -, Ch� in
the Xices ntgtil Starvation was up- able I to, go Oul, Of t dolaftil. tqVIliclithey 'Wd0 colltiAL1144y iespqp(led.with
h4d lefaoe' ej r1i. Io witis Ja usat
they have di5posed of the material of the
Mo. re, TjtVrqpA-szysthA.'�aV� red votow f
Taw 11�kw Y6RiK FAAx —Poor rular -the
iiiated that relel-VAB no 4 art 4,
110neafternoon-I shallnever forget "Artron, Sigmal!"Office, t ot with the L yesign�tiinxs' whi�li 14HOn6i-* in, bed -she could - ll' W IR j�-r, left poor milly ood wM of the business; to Mr. . J. W coaiin.�aes �-to id-ake satisfadtorY sday,Ann, 46�i, he fq'�ikht long "tiw f0f I
,ales tAti6n -of Raintititgh;Oho, Wotils from Ws'av iaA o.blige submit is
i will' henceforth carry -,on the prilggresi.- -ffl-ho 110 After's few was
n1pt rjsa�an(l went to for W"& Bell, who tit sly nomma odf4t Messrs. 'grematiced onthefrbritier turned '2 a is, f or -Y -In.'44�,� nb%tL, to -of to lucarcoration. lt� the Touills. i'muggiiiig of g� Ilia Xbooka,*
hfisther's, bat was lefj th, lork, It I thatthe �oilsfrom.Canads
called a;,. iast�,Weekss�gaon as'th , Prindb w. �aud gaockenziii *6 house -own name and onhis own -anger, wJill Ova i a nm a
busingss in his Iii:1116litly Toleas.ed. on bal s-lagfelen:of very
from the door. I wanlorad about from D b, rat 0" ons., Over to,4he State
declarid,:! 0
aZeanot;L In
MU My qfe_jrt& _takia
leave. of their patrolls, thinking the 8 �p
latei pricis nthe two ai4ba
ather &r ille. ve"O rhai left 14 parts no Jvoly being in pourO -of �TapJjdp-
19..'�The Quteeit will re IDto 1 7tlf. B
wore fralitle33; I conid nab gain a p3any. and-thf&�king hem for the �oryjiber 01
,ea ana weary, I turne home- ast,fe asys�has. been. *ejy c6l(land White frices are going. up
'too it
Aft& the 0.�,eaker
p4rquage ther have�reoaived at their af -:Wpids�w during thi holiai Libbair 'a
Heartbrok ys
Ward,% ; J."-cl not money to bay even a !my,. which hss e�ffect of invikilig they are giling,Awila in t1mi
149" beg
di 'iocofu Acene oc _�quala _0
handi, they would solicit for their sue- iiiste,%,d,,45f . joing toOsbo'rne. as �was at s ol I `_ �' �` nired -Tdr nono,in -
The progrees -of the.. the: Christmas trade 1TPF_y4UIL' Ba"g slid' copp,or are Asia to exert s,'whieh. to
SC�Veral tiMasLI paused as first - -organ of the late, Administpotion-had au- 4 q#
C a, continuance 'of thasame. vropox - _. - -_ - I � I I , I .- n141100 IAJ*M
min approacheil ma, and COMO romarkable influence.,against choleri.. 44, the seri6lai.,consideraiiQla, 0
r0co"Very s i3titfiotory-. hagnvernmen eoifdly� manufactures -.and*
ag ;but- the words ehuk- & &XIT11. �allerd (in Gorman, iewing- the
deteriniued to % 0 Al for- Mi.- Bliko, *ho 'had, blen jJyS'ciau -in' TorVi . Cauadi4w$so
01 of n6on.-Tbe bulletin Ron, Alfred' cholera, on
aths from imper e�s. It Up
In astumin- contr the- "Huran Vor)cs, and Owl- lo forin a now government),
w that, the Prince a who had stat
ed, rqa, a�Jfl t1JP_y p. gsudon without notie- istics ',of -do will J)ear refieo�irig
from gandring I ',out of 4botit'32,1" wtisans i Bola 'iay.
,When they ha:pas3od X, istei-( ewbAt; we oul
' asratlre'L sing a 0
ing my distress, we deem it riggjit briefly tq aefine. of Vvdes_fnkd -a :very quiet nigJit._-- nib finds that, seen -jis support ' bjy--,pr ubv
a' and in Paris. an
f aougkti.. (if be�- X T. r,;,'rbr stantiai %I way which., IDiving tT line of policy, we intojid t6 pt� alt, 401riditift-_�* _411ae satisfacto�& to � his these metah,
with rayself thai"l, the Ir i n- by%,J.Tohn -Nqrquay� 8 ' ker 0 rifig the tqutb;eA f
anti yet angry bhe morning was int6rekt6d�- Ten thaa� citiosd,., For UeSAY-Xn
physiciall0i 'Aftor tq-d,%y I out =at,
Brotightupintheliberul solloolof pt)litics Blur*. a propinin, Sco'bAd- aet done 110 member of :6liqleia, oul) will 'be i0en
PHU0818 claimea,'the
Di1r.IIJU116tilig of the'. I - - - I . privilege, . '19 SxGxA.L to be,.as it F past. froi4thif disease Another. intorestitig coa,
46][ ir and oul,
,as st-andimg ati the =ner of a always n 4"
-jift i1e, dlicorithined, the house to "refer t4 -the �niatterl. bui irom, 06
fav its
l.b 5 atiol was',,�Antetfapte', -t the
wil o:4 each -d 'b' A )esidexos at the bri&s fa ril do -do I Will
st,mat tbinking what I B110111d'd0i, for I h* oebeiriog,on t��-queijtii;ii is ihatthip! in�mtweba su Q
I as been, iL Reform -�Yournal, and while blished lo� z1flirilunded as it is Inde
psior. c�tyof Mio Tin I . Y ratfora,,. on tho 1$64 iRst4 by - the V. Aucton mart,
CAMU'Lunt ga homa to, 51illy-my his V011 Would. St TAP
we do not 'profas$ to Via our; political noon. 1pg-, t, stop in 0 rs, ifies, hs;s n6ver boeu, visited'by ihe
copper in Frade X
TV 'to behd It" dk.YV
faithfiathe SICirtS in, Nfr.
Lung _OfLany e eq�ii4tin -emb "air on not- allow., Iticc Me - an Ta"daT the Ift
alder one, bat hold pro 045.1 1. , , ". L _� I I .1� _. . Xnog, MA4W erac Boys- Overcoats
hopivy, slap, an the sho. Oe - -k "h(pvt �;orj time. cou usion, rei, s re a. Tile this vyidemie�
nn, gn is
talan Gr= DIU. -Xffie, third 4ougaliter
un 151iiii Van r Undo we squall at DOM U
ronna, sw Glidden, the onrselvrm 1ree t6iup�orf thwe measure While All Qt4lo
Tue. -he Mi 16L 'speaker tqgiva t bert
arto 11 FA aheriff, of thl
alculat ed to lvari6r4L a
which- we bel-ove to ber c y whqle attwk ested to state *at -the adr, Ne4erwo Hatter,
it� i6 tor open: 'it -, the a $ertor4 Wk-areteqii
";V;( N Burdon." lie cried, "YOT1 do.1% proaperit Duke ilaxis is at prestni. on lurtied, incitiny,- 9f deloat6t 40 A Imlis quantitV of
promote the fon: if Any fOnce t6-Ae� In ors,of .' I � 21111 Caw Soutia f
�'qf the country, The' lop
* t Jc loc;'* as plemaut as if -Nrough Chriad the houlie he,
r6artytheymay originate, In, firl unitad7reqtiaal; for tbii sho5iiild bwiade. -c Be to isL tlx,� Lots
fromAhe. difrer-enC.Salt*Work". vill,�be fimt yO3 hall 2-33t ImIf a cr(jwa ana faima six. with, whiclie7ei d 'Ont It" 'papers� oard Room Ttiesasy'eion. 4he
and to.,condeturi. what we -consider to be �kotireal -last" wee1c) -an 83 ihii 6nibisey, is Atof-And "ila his 40 oil" held iii the -R
,i - NX, - a d at'a WH6
inimical to our true interests, we g_j 'toje�e' e
-exelaimed, fio �Oe6d tQ bftiwa, where her Of �hd Tuliog Clsss, t&4nabl ing, the 211hirf$'t., at '[ oclock. A full
h itation.incastingin ourlot-hind a er sitrid judge, W
of cozTmption HE �sv'of J�ordtiskar '.,L, a 4y eve d1the !a
L :enta_tio
12 DW
nj e3 ' -8 if a It of
workin, U ori arty. of Oil- was the iij Vest3fiddlisex, in the tolution I(Raftner-
whfoh R f p lea. fdr their Xcu r. as A
focOtibm, foT 2 ted an office V ;7 , e
I -U 04oriztlej - -who lbid acce q7av�
%ticitt',abo- iter shl- � I I - A ut wei p,d po% , 4W
ation u o See-, PAP
2.:e very or issued. . f
-:! nd by the yerdi&of the peopf �6iderih% otoominj alme 94
g6,n*ihb0'i6f wer
aTQU wa�rtk, ollt,,fdr th 'J46iy sh(I Re
0 AT89
noar; cotii6 in' the Senate Chxnl_�
it fhra4,
tile �ouncil p-resefited. til
tried flia "laoi, party" gdv-eroi t��F , AARTNERSHIP
W4 ilur years, and foutiA it Wai dAr;5S-Of ;01 :Tn niskijoji m6tfcix� e4iidli XT
lifing. BFAN'S WAft�
'4 'a
tr�JW d61
d tlt u
of J71
n CW
W�dziead4y he Pro.cieddd to,� a Yes. Xy TiorepoxistiuZ betweeii the uillde:rm
but witlicius s1- Mr. Blaka has succeeded in fortiting a 89. ublislida"L 11*grg'9 by --H' Zxzce 01 va, boon In too oyer twenty
,�Chtbaa -affairs in -P` lis'llen of -the H
fie obje( �with' -hence �q said that the is day- beon'dipolvid 11
QtM. cabinet, tile persualel of whicu - WAS TurontAiilgwoe aftqfvisitink the points cerning�, lftiw, twitai ant iedy') Its, - a _k VROIJ - SXG- All sty1w, tr,2,da ix W, ani no attenaing &"reception by; oIt of the visit ii to AO -1 Af ears; me
�NrAT,, has th;
found, elsewhere, and they of intoros, -the. Art, -on trial. b1tive been thorougi- Au"outstaladingaccounts
tzaiak honnettalig mil'.1it vqutiou or, annoX4 Io, a car-,
m3intaint.he. principles for'which tJL' proceiul, 6. curoirltbr _f illy to nouncoa (on., inif I to
'lie west through thik. iy&l
the' i4tho utllalgormut�
- r- ra )y Abraham h
gQ 31KO" idw,$ys deleption ose villose ilves arid li*ath i%y. w. )a .1 Libaral party f Ontarior h* tiJ, the orlo
.a):jo J# WO W t ught it was' �, A 0 are re -
whom those,indebted
Wraa* U;J it ta;C% YOU
0 0 preserve ps
striea, thay wilthave our support. We N*w M klie immediate Filiqlat
questeato me
hv!d t1ut it is �a: W.180�Qlioy to throw and wainefitly i�14t&i*Vepvjratiioru, and;
bp� moft reapec GEORGE COX.
Que,ba Tinfin w1lt, sort; 1volt �7 � _: nV mg.Qato Iftock roh
1 6 fa -ii6inbers -111kn-
�v - - --- . .. . this afternoon by-ApPolla Metip, 001 IV - I if taken in, sewn witt = , L "RA]Uff S.X Ji.
a a line waS AltuS ortim, irrovince to I rlymn V- - uly'. Mir I ,
-P i - IT
Null,% of M
settlers, who may ttke then swiree _r 00�fi coughs, soro thrpat'-* -anti All
I UP L h' hint 20thDec.. 18
Wr�� - 1�nust ria slllrawlgly b�,tcal 'Ation itlay. —The, Reove And Deputy I Was 'Goderieb
t n I think iumaijr bams,40,,49� "I W Alm
an 5'.4 ( we w4lected by acela, on Cubatt: shl)'WAI Bronclib piff6etions. One fair trial will SX
k _W � ,
611 of Wo—yoa Understand. Wo'weire it an
—fa I fe promotedbyaLmOre)iber were, all it, �Vtwativ4sbla to -10m 9 - skeptical, Bola by
m. h" - old Cot ra rs� suctuo Ieft,, the the most
ipy than that und& -which, the dation. -,Th* Ancillo ggil4d tbst.tha� object of ;*Us�, His: 19xW16no- .11kO
sa Aege*at 20. ots., perbox.
an . I I I - I lVent.- Aat'L Of' J8(Jq_' UU4 S DERtIKOV�LS;
% tua first of the 14 1 4n(L zbe following in addition Msn,111.10 U a., 21
I -:id, I lotts" aro, U4 departmew - te'sur. uomi#ao - J lie, ixacorlipris 116 agree thqt, he
thin.- hitila. rAO:!*!i1g," IL - , I 1 1, Govifilock slid Alex. thsir visit will to, U"
- I I W., ** moil theratob -Scoqw, 040
"'Flu s�ibrt timis." 1W sid th� 9""Oil to Goo, elidmel", Votato *19ge'ra, Grain
Ir"VA a ii I Kerr, Offi ka h Is AM tlAnualse in the line, as moll -us,
r �of -JOHN
"Itis, Lut midy M(4m n IL ROBERT.
-&iihfisld.1` rf, ,St*
H* t % in the viatter assortmerib of
rM Deputy
llourkd,te tlioiw r .4p SON of dodevich, sin ras0l"mt-
'evills go WIN`
amn ryf, oiild be &
"VOTY Well; *AJ tho PASO" t. a a it take Firday.
lin or Balk the gmt,14 Of the GIMS NAILS P.UNTS ana OIL
%r tat is Tay lisd at our Ut I w hich - xamod, subject to objectiom!
yall k-19 W 66 ploicii which nati Andrew' V* at foo A FIRSTand fir4 Dividend sheet W
Crotak 61+10IMS0110 tO ids $Syr beqn, prel
hh a L
%8d$;oVeTi0r UxTy next,
W111rM1 of fifte", gave
lrullo, "T slWO(Toccupy. , '. . , a. - r6 a pnurprAm Ay of Jxu "d with 9d
r - Y, tta the Thiri 4wiayil
twq p�nad*fb W. tfwidtk',# 'U*O - - * v - _T1h prompUY
i - tn I totbo
011wick UZ Zz4er- of . t Red Ill be, paid. elm
I B111I irbile tho eyes of An miles. in. lenOlt by six, Pon 8� siter which dtvibua w
I -sililed "only tw&)� the" =019 -ii wzuy OL
it prex;la torne4t fo Tftonto AR41 tho AffAmosa.—Riieve, dh6les It'was noyo�,befom WOO vairs, Gift. It is * copy of RDWARD flo"T6 0"!
W -by yvit, tharefo..
ponwu for il so�_.Sl =- jUL wAtet V -u and t., flunfl� celebrated piguro, and
.1 Itrignifitroatims thorellking plomi, we by, ;ieclz4%ti64- Deputy kkes'eciAAlz*4 i4t,
et that , : - fresh vat im Or* by thclioggo W lum
No fortar put bt in ;Goutit electilit by acoloi. alwSy& considered, clear, hographed aws
ninat 210t, forl lit' Die&. 16, 1
With some SUAli MLit ag:
iIost -of-the 'it ign t; th
S.-rorst then- two payla moLlwain, 70A W48 -J. la0aerich a o c t,, irt. L,
q6t.Domit&a, extending ai,-rosa ths ill UouncillMs -04n, 0 r is sJuleand li=dxom W ,3,
Aila that whilt wit us Clim i"ft, Win- lKiiinabsn, Goo.
Milled in. our owtt pro. Wgbg I McphdoQn,
jilt uum.
J� .