HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-12-19, Page 2Q 0 � .4, . I , �r ., . . - - . ­_ " "'i , , . - . . - 7 Z. .5 4. y At P_ , R-obt.-44ibbons, Bail,, A I for fie co"U 0 00 t1)ra0t4 .0triloti it of the rjad The origin. trif "Os i'ay or natty It at OtEdW. , Z P., It lutedi -a no" cit vii"L. t At- lie go verit'll.ei imlato of tile epicum; this tvill do-pouil entirely, nVon of 0.. hleors froft AIM As a vtote of want of of the town wors not entatitielul it to the t Deputyltoovoi had ever. into d WLtlltllo�lovernmaiob 0. L. Doyle'.till.; HI)VA00 HQrton, BOq­ 081111" Me ve-t1�1111iiii and alltha-leading inan Ilturevoll i do ary Me fill a W_ �pr�sent and ail regret- 4d Diaz7a 0O.Amation. Gi,ri,134 ,dii;a 0 G his 1,.lirtialny for bones. went, beiiqlIes. hii departure -frutaAheir in! lilt all'i A meinher:' f Congress and a rovolunt2ry 11 overaillellt w 'ILL 0 FOR IXS-P;ECT Rif, It, - -C 19.. 1 LUIS IQV SATUR�DAy-"X.T oidd not 6di Toronto, Dii�.. 14' co,)nfid4hoti, , th very vthiable general, It a' been arrested in San ION" 8011143.1-matu eat tlia -meat, (1,ifprrsent--Hollso, everyone testidudto, his varied, assOrtalt ur. of Ladiesligs And sortie t The. speaker to,jk tilel Gha:t� lit three accept soch It Mel, a capita I t A LARGE Aft pick.kbe htine." the 0,41L it seats were h lalld- servin-as in every il�jsiti,n -lie otsonPia sid is to a brought to thp I or of fhe nosves !i1ty1e0:t?,_ eclot.k. blit wheuthe trial. RLL"Wjt4jfj� rAc.&rricd.:Mr; Blito,-- you-sh,vuld be hearti 'Allif Mf1t 07maid3 The latter c!ass uill he glad to know The H(.n M. C. Canierp"a antivulloaa It Ullee itill ly Mink booties whicii they have so af- lianiod of yui­ conduct all I if you that tht tit 7LL tho goverittileat A ovid tipr,3iia the I the govAornin I would retire frota powur as sh,dl sea. Ermine,,, V�h-ocver ni-ty ha if t-ur (of I f,ction-.tely potished; call be inade tit do, mdutent vf 11f. Wo A, or$ wittli Niu- at once. lie Accusuil nf)t valuable s,r% ice.1ter they ire d,aie with' Mint, I motion wRs,thzLt1V1r. Hilw4meotsyOtt 01, -tile plat - we C. becallse its efft;ov was similar til - The wislit OF brDADLY COMB �T AT 410.1 KONJ)� tht.m. 'Vic hones are hoak-cd it, diltite ; jon�y of ont.. Y-oas, 37. form, and If he -les wit teach yon thit, Alask St J� LVIlIg I t!I_L V� per- port-tty well f. -r the anion -lin III pro;. 6 1 by Ali, Bb,'ke. I carrioa Ivy a III � a 1"PLIS,` t yt-utoasaartions are unfounded, I shall be muratie acid tint-lalt the lildl-, wl.iwi is I RZOOHM0 D, Dec. otile riled at 12.45., grvatly ite-mppoilited- Irivas-1 Yea V r rea �g usui.tol rai, tt'jljc� snustanc!a in thuNit, is dii- hear.), Hu at -i to to �itjltl. nal1r. Prince, Itilti: Hutiso a jj,)u o again excited to Y,ttlle -parmel, ntit held, that a sything-finore to say, I shall�b i1huictral docti ha aen (lay Cover the ou- e the th,r� are left soft, trristly file.titter f.r Eam fiatl to reply. paiijollicaltrige- :hen far,e% _,aAakl by, the ax- Pa- whiC4 illark tile atinala of w an, tile alialm 1.,calitv n, -t to be ben I am yburs trill (A it tmi;� incon y ven fA,r - r S!ill 1 oidel all- a 0 z r. M , 0 Im 2T a z - y" ioI sy6ord the costo-ji of efirl7tag I f the and ttiis is* tho pendituro of public funds, sit GEORGE TABOBIALD' Coney. &e, It expendittire in deay. or to prevomt tit, a i' tolorLtud. S. y 1%,elt,114m 3 u.e tue %.Ikt OCO- its cuu4e hich by lo,,ilnig is re Irl Gents' Furs, CAT6 COLL in otli'er localities. Havjn- trittsed the vorrh lzu n TiatrT 02ica. Ifteeves- Kilard oct event his, Ilmit& tir"CA 0 MLSoNIC CELEBRATIKiN. -Thq_ "ling Of GLCTE -ja;t i a III It% a Itis tiuced �o a .Brdth Cw_1!wn, -a itit r acti--n -I tho4gentlemen ivho had been ecurred wlhl�h! has Sit Stirred the pe pie I fixins"it iall relsarvJ ern of Godcritsh Lodke, no 38, -- F. & i , . . t. to elected to stilipffrt, the and To te Editor of ie Clintoon,Now Era '148 the sholaitai of John P. uallings, in f --r the tt� le As a miLt-ur Oi ei;oAn-1111 le Atuinal F -sti- ,ot�ititiivs in [lie slk.tPe ON, had apoktik 811.1 acted agaillst it, lie Sip,, --As a silbscriber. to your paper I A. H will celebrate ti I it may be interest -lig to know that :he vent ,I, tit ct)nteutl that the prserit hope you will aliow e iii yours; val 1,fSaint John the� Evangiist.-j by aie tfont of the post, office, in the very busi- AIW a large asmortntgnt i booties of it tit - be centi-tit of the city by Andrew R, oil - ir�esand dookays, all 1, do railway. Rot was infinately superitirti, cuilill,lis for tfi[s communicidtlai, in repl.v I oystot Sittioar, oft tho 27th itist .,u';l li-we in Cati.ti"M itt tile nd nien, s wll -its of slit-ep and oxun. tile ache ne proposed bv Ifr� Blake. He to tho tromy oaitar(by attacki watle! given in the romn adjoin i ng the Hall. T4is happone,l about htlf past I Just this iww dt3J.o:Pcy it, ;0-tyllb 'tie! I aoVock,.and vhoaothe'street 1westent ti Lie --1A ti�l for, too. accordbig to thd I)rt3qerkt 'lot apa stabiishea sh-,wed llti tint theR listrary Offlee a rowded witth ox -and "nter C1 Lit it it was necessary that the rail%% ay co' - here, atAd alst Of Fall W1 oth 111 -,fit W. t. kays, Esq.. 0rARZP:o-VD 3)"J= AZZE18 XIT fAOTS i -Y TE M� FIGhT.. 1, FICUUh 1Il;Llluf,,cLijr,�-rs lity . all rue-jo un- Patties applying for aid shmilds sll()vv tho ppointed Registrar. brieff The rec3iv- 'dtr Ili 1�rel.aiitigtho article Thj faOs o thil te:onfre are y that they had he pov--rnd the-. intell- You are aw?ro that 11r. Ray as a ........ el -et, perhlips it is not L1 DRIVING AND SK *,TIYG. Sne-lin-,s and Nionteiro are ed. ... $4.000,0f f -r tho,niar' ti�,n to et")wAratet railways, whereas iinder g6verain -nt of i641 hit n,o right t.;, enter Wbieh willbe sold at -less than city prices inent! alsoititi., mii and hL%d been I ahike to Eo-) c -ri-jusly ouqaire. the clietne pri,poe,l bv Mr. Biake, a a newsp-tpercl arrel, and Alit that ace-lutit Prom Qoiprich, 1,2th Oct. 1871. 16. �ltratuers uji ttj a recent peri. Ad in uitrryl 9 company iotight, secure atid, by flso pro- outake every olliortunity(ofabiting Kip; 8 w The Grand Duke speat the 'I-XI-egloo a abli4hillely . 'A t Wj talleaR, avId by what wits known a Ifig him. All whdkitow Ali.-Haykare all , f _000' rolling. (Elear,.h.-ar.) He reprolLched aware that lie Dould. 1%nswer y(oly in such qitiet�ly in the St. Lawranco Kah,'hnil at '4isfilved 'their p,tit-tership a -mu, thrde; a �knotithsifiev an -illtl Ella' qt !.bfvw 'rilE MI.NISrRY BR&AXING UP. the t)pptl.qiti()u for liltnidunny immoral- a mariner as w(jujil sjIq]t,,jj you,. c.jn_ ol a a rclouk dri PV6, with [its I fi tiuto the e Thp fir. flan -6 _hbuse sell c[-n81d0la4le il,-feeintr oetwe..,ii ji � c0plefq Inst ity into our polit'ics, becirnse their otgan teiagtible s!a idezi, atid the, public'f0willvitOd 9 IL'sts , Ith to the Nlayot ;�'s Alai b -G R;til proml f!&e Globe. would ropresent Mr. Blake a nkiption as .1 the setvietneiii; -heo atfirin was pen to litin lie 41wd to vin, gr,),k in-, out of f- r ould make T-burf. was a great or eleohl]Y Pliq*4 101111 th ffair�. "Tids. mortjin�, SIr Snell zi-,s tD. W,,,,d I COmilify Cf HIS Highness, a -Oct ho wa's a r one of wafit of confidence, while many You look- as si it as lie dW at last clectioli that Kilte.-so, Witi fini- tinted.poer, i.n.Two 16ri .1k,hg about lb.ii All a very acall- ree fill announced fro it his lace in the inernbers who iiiight* vt,te in its favor when yt u itiet, him in i our own vill.igu. received c6rdiall - v, hilt witimut "as to'd by a friend,. nd - J1111--tra �wfi 61trueil ilia jil'sitilln wt,uld nost voto filr' great danioustr trion, as he�Jdro�e along III ea ti UK10 tM - h over T.h Tntal f -r R 111,1150 C 6ZLt lie itad n: want f eblifidetles Now, what are the fnots -fit relation to eraving of 1FlOVlr,,j*, After tho loncholin, ti7t, -its in �ner. Sri * I usci att king the 11undred F. as the estahlishin ent of thii (office in Blkth? 1,the streets. i-itlir,l th. mo,nl graived! of Provincial reavir i in the g,,% erntijetit. (Hohr, beat in .ut -of r4tl- Tile aaaw-neemeitt took.the H -use by Af er 'riocess, 'Mr. Cimil;eritilid con- You are awre. that Mr. Evalls, M. e.. party drove t the Victt,rbi Bridge, t),;O-V. 1. He a one,- want, It of surpri-,v, f-lio ing c osch as it (I'd on tinu,Xhis ad-Iress. He referred'fo the P., for Middlesex, sesion after sellsi.on'which vas examine -1 with great interest'. t nnd,-fia,ting him ia frinitt rdlro-tl ftwilit,es ut �cif the plis 4,fli. a, at oute ttruch htoi.---� TWO PIA talacilt 1"Idu to the House by manner in which the genrlewiten,wh-1 hrought'befb the Lttislature the ques- i The party returne'Al to the city aboo t., 'every towtisin p in C Cdlu'A havLL14th.1illesta tuat tau, Goy� Liarieare4;eivetibylfoitro'cl4ick. Tun eVelling the t"ran.i The hrst b!o%v did niot, &tt him, hat a 01r. miere n,)we,.gpectedtove-teoiithet;tlter tion of the very Inrge )4eeond one did, will Snedinirs wits about The ra-ist beautiful 'a 09T.A'LOGUE and FLORAL- GUTDE in th wl bosirtuss intvntied tit disr--gArd tu-a deci- �g.atrars of the Ditke wentto the Victoria skating rtuk, and ingrt-4tiv I eigim to rametir side had'bue I treated by the Globs, and several of the Re I . witiett was beautifully ligbied up and to kiok hill. in - hi zacu, Whe hit W;L seize 15;00 of the H-Ause. A h --n the Pretakier illailti,oned the case of Mr. Barbaro inelil- ot Untario, bit� no doubt his a rows w6re %,irid-112 givipKq, C.11'r-Olip 7WWA`n`,� f,,Y theouittIM of FPmers.inill,' pageti, h. % ., Ltic, of Cii�t, !he -b!I'C 111011vv tills statt illent it rolls 811ppost'd ber for H4ton. He co,amented on the aimed at Mr. Fergu:sou. . Rei-istrar of presented a flue wip-itaraiiae. The rLuk �by the by�t.,;Ti4ers.ttidpi-evtntt.-d. Mou- Veretabl, a, %alks, &w. unit )it this dis- ease of Mr. Prince, who, he saiu, had llli�ddlesex, ag itself wits covered with skaters and the teiro replk w;tIi A pistol ball, Monteiro A Christmas present ftir my oftatt,mets, IlWlorwarded - to any vho apply by ;Ii4 Iriiat the. Catituct was a -ainn-t wlitim ii1r. Evans had col on f I cutv-su; bu it sveins that at a personal an ipathy. The government Grand Duke skated for it mhurt tillie. rose to liisi k,wes, having silicca4ded m, title f,,rTF.N CENTS oiil% ouaqpciCrier t)io grace u A.Vill-11 a ISLUA.1 Derringer pistol U-1.2;esi lutercoo-wals, andi least olij inotillier was. si)mewtva tisore Nir. Wood, f Vtotoript, aspresse-1 re-, wure pressed I y NIr. Ev.%ns to) take steps There -as no special carsmoay�' Aown In i� Adress, TA ME S V10.1r, kis sq ia,:k ur,!a 4-n iluagry t;ralld. ilk 111% p-psititin puulic man gret that the Attornev-General's age to either salary the Regil;trators 'or in After skating for sco-ne ti;sie with Nliss fnim hi -11 ;ket, a i A tarned 31.0heSter, I � - ills 1111- lings slid fired He wai act close at the w2-*ls2, Trunk Cith;:tals tor poh i_ -at nd as a 11tvister of Lft-� Cr-)Wtl. a0d otricial. pu§itiA,n had not saved him some *ay too zeditue their pay. 111r. Fairbarrit, slid Misi Bethnno, 15' derich, Decenil]oer'15'th, 1871: ti .. othittt.tepi)wd7ert)ucnedtfiecitatotihe tot!, be if we nu Mr. Wood has at JeASt.-1011t; What, "ll. fr(,m pqrBonal attacks. He then in- llays in his pt Lee iii the Hottse spoke out! purial Highngs was condazted by the latter. Th �) ball took effect on Sneldi go . t are on ofli a Pacific Rallvrav,, his town sbowing, he to have done tuintEe,l that he would noi'withdraw his bmdiv oil tite su,)ject and tuaititailled President, Bir. A. Hathews, t(k the ithat if these ettistrstors received laiga Pr-icH's Gmlery, and acertinpi-iiie,I-by holly entelia,betweentheafth &sixth TO THE ELECTO RE OF 1111mudimtely aftur the g,�ijeral elecli I In tile face -if all this ex rience, all it %as then abundauth- ovideut that.the Mr. Guest alaries they lad"t., dto a corresvoildhig ribs an I lo NJig in thL* lungs. Nlon-e-ziro ST. PATRICK'S AND ST. DAVID78 X, M il P re4q pe (South Perth) Said lie 3 - the Direct. rs, the Mayor, the 0,,rpora started to �eave, when tieflings drewis 1'.t 'Iced atraiust, the w.tild �e unfair to press a motoln of umt,uut -if woi k for their pay tion Reee;ti,in Coulmittee, Al-lerutaw r4llcr nl,!l zi and half -,f ti.wttey wAs 1 coautrY had prow -ii, p,stol, au4, attit-jug a 94g-gering froiii the WARDS. 4 the this natvire % h at present ooe-tenth,-f, : Mr Dickomand every one %%ho read Itndden, Bernard, and Counceliors -qtfeqs of �tje shot, firod twice at his 1: upthe pcecwicus)f hwin, the Liber- the representatives of Ontarto were &I,- the papers at the time must admit this Stephens, 4ay, 13titonritay, Alexander. ie, Mr. Hays opposed Mr. 'and Hood retired to the DLroc to, be the oil, treating 4wagolust, but. withinift i-BeA. iaa� sus-i.,o oif L;An ally i pamyruprciintud in the Cabinet. sent from thuHmse. I-lowasprovart 1* ;turs room 0 A have been pmpt!st-d for Counelljor in the I %fr. was the lly man %Iio cou.d h-twever, if that mi-tign wd intended E,aus' prilp The kuutkde-I man fell tf) the pavewent A Rfc ruier or C oAti4ni. The government at whresupper was served. aftiresitid Wards. I intent' o stnd for bt. Pile - 'a', and as. 1pi,;ked up &ad hortio 'to lba tic -k's Warils and v -6,i will be t iWfully r- eqv�j ta-_ metubers or the, k1ment c;au on any imnlill to be. a represlita- -itierely to ffirm a principle, to support last took Im in usideratton The President, after stiolier,,p OTO The electors fur �t. David's %k Lord wilt �please, not Now all mm bay tterintotheir co r Z I w Ad Ir.,oms :A or�;at, cr#owd eo.locteil, -did voting for i.e. (,.%,ho ind.vi-; jive 111-111 t..l at 8 it... �Nlr. &-indfiela the amendment, Ivid fonod till t to'salary Registratoirs a toe health of "the Qiieen, fol o , by 0 mt throw their votes avra3 q _,ina :the excl 01tielit 0 nued for severd lour Ocd t s-rvant dua IV su.ttin th'; 0"liolitz.-Il rx..verll- had bacoaia the mere As sciou as Mr. GuAst' resumed his Lirge Stlill. would ttuce3iarhy PaVO to be thit (if "the Grand Ditke," to whi%:h thu ty,aa I wa4 diesubjezt ii 4,0,1 1 h�,jj ,f a T,,ry Admint3trati,111, and seat ke oil Mr. Wood's ie Provinvial revenue to latter briefly rephed, aj d itxpressed the ho r. i I tie vicin Goderich. Dee 18th, IS -Al. I it Ler. iv..l use thi-i ni a diviailm mas ta I , . taken font of I (of geiteral cti-eversati-m throngpotit the 3.ad I.L:r Of L -nay t - iij p - r Mr. It 6iiards had tieen So loug aiijendineur and wits lost. 41r. W -Pod's Day them V hillit fit the sanit; time the gratification his visit had aff.,rde-I hitm. of tiAe eona-ry ! Non. out used -o worc in J,.Iiki A. ited-inala's wast not put; to a vote, but was Itegistrars, were satislied with tim . fe SUNDA,,, Dec 16. CLt� alitke arturn-tisn. Saellingo; iots-ii- sly W-luilde'l, and hilt slight; allpes are nuotiles c -n i,e loludivi-iked'by such tali&, ihat, iie ba,l bec.,we guerguid.in igist oil a division. retwi% ed from the Rvgia�ral io7i of instr ol. 0 :13- To -day His Highosess spef.t quietly ontartaint'd clo his recovery. B,jtii Irort- LA vTO N & BONE M00AHOU"Invia maskvd Otcorgt,on. th r, ­-Inle ..in's ordw�L:rx BI tkt-.'s;­#ivndtikt nt�as carriell—yeas, menta and no lo.is to tile Revuanu of the and leaves t -morr4jw merning at 10 Thu etee ors reim-limt-d ttw, fraud and 4U- 33. Province. The G)vernmeift aftur due p'clock k speo abito families, jy, spocial tra! it for the %est. �ies belting to r; 1. cal.4 iv,thatther�ji were tealtia in adt'city, and the liveliest -he pit is a in lit., w-od i tlit:Lr rel,ies�,rCaTIVe4 this c nriew- e. NIcKetizie, in a IAng --'41,%ration decided . rather than to) s-initathi is manifsted toy t lide in THE LARC-TE,, -Ed.-l- i e�j Elie divisioa. oil il�r the cond46oi, tof ytung Sri It if' ST 1 1 4 the tacteilthug.,vernment. Atthe conolu� it I o be be er too itivida Qua;tor Sessions. GRABBi VIM 1.1 IIALL. Address sho%%edthat the Govextiment iion hattiored the f-ollimin , 5� idint!Tsandby sd vote (if the I arge 4. 9 a - _ 1 gtfrlermiy� conovyled rht 1tonteiro was c�)Uid not uomaiand a majority of the want cotifidence: To a4d to. the itlill., a- I Ilionv, aud this PRESENTMENT OF THE GRAND JUUY- ii 3renE nd pissly -icserved. oive the,pe--p just9fiedin deferdinz himself as ho did. THURSDAY EV -G., DECENS-ER 21st. c uj lie Locai Legisla A CHEAPZ�ST I —L— Hotisel, and thar, they w-,ttl I h4ve top amuni,Unent o' Mr. Make, that we. ivi-' was done by a *ute. �t at !onoo sur-endered te; the PC -lice FL -a. carry to dis Exce,knev, the L:eut -_Gim- f,-rto Your Excellesicy that we have no tilre. N410 did Nlr. flay do I He The -furors of our Ladv the Qaeea bei4. IL' a his speech coriAdvrice it tho Pidniatryj tic durieg ad awatis all investigatoin of the affnir. t- t 1 0 0d mnst varied assoftent.-ot ritor a reply to hat is divtsion, atid when Mr. a leave to presentr that A1110114 V U a an o it theas as Grand JurorJ "Snelaingti mayoutig ittart.4 about twetjtv- we Lave niet with a num- forml wc fArdss;on f w t f C,Ootid- teinp-in to lary out in roft6-enee Blakeailoved halt tfie Riding sh,ruid. re- dev,,Iving upo r, ellee. trl Zf the sald f it i`id of - 'I * i it ited the G- at and 1--ulid "eight yeaTs, %%h,le Alonteirit is ve con __uo and quvsG it; N . Hays v--te,l witli Mr. they have - via Ning I'll P.-S.—As the inembers (if this Tr,oupe Goojs -suftable-lor, 1,er nnare go luss ident. fivel with the la&,- an usurpatii)ri f right Blake nd a-, list. the g.,varnmont which every thing in 3f Orky- fird. Th irii-ther and sist-r, anti is COUJPO.A�d of �,,)Ujjg it was, furthir manifest that on the a hit'.,f dollars. order, the roms - A.-Jealillo' cither1reiarioss men of the Te,wn, vi'alEed Suellil-98 this the pe,,jile %ho may favor us with their fe'At_f�"'L f".e at but ollr I o ptsi i,.n side of the 11-itise there. was with danizer to t4o pub-ic libur�y and h-3 waaa up rter )f, t and the vrisofiers isatisiiet-I with theig. we Biii was car - is L ening :and wuro overwiielmed %ith dj. at, Up on tilt). S, Cites oC an u1lI-r­ko+iy phdalix it Ref Prmers,— ctinstiti,iionsd of ,_�oveinment. ried in opposti ion to Mr.' Hay s vote and treatment aVail Lie Ican rest assured that a t in oil] ramf Pgri His wife is ait present in New ,,h- des,'I Lt -.0n, �ud r,iin tjase an ket I ed. OUse declared, thqt whenever t if ig to insure their 9 Mr. Wtj--d, it into a 1..h,r c1cfence of his past PO,itiCcLI '110 eighty, ye 11ther all , York Air a % tAt top her f LinilY, Thi is a A S tho,i-_,i I LLutunerstig tiore, taadt half tile inealuers Hon.J.6titlield -tir-.dorald entered 'the El Th�,y Kildtwovagrats one %%iil be done gol ars o,' ago the fort. 122111V things Partaking C 1�0 marvel Ous J.,,rra) ad ait; imst the Vie Govern.'or i, t, Coutiod saw ig epedient n1mid. D , to divide a Ve atly for Reg �str_tfiols pur- imbocile, 1,110Y "'Ould recommend that il ci_rryinir apile'Ir revolted a.,ainst the conduct. He denied thac hehtil evel jeavolls, agailist officiolls tale M ria -rate 1. aj..titinabM task set oefore hL-91 by Mr. twtraveil th- Liberal party, and ot-ject- f-efuge be proiwrided, foq W -N F, 1. The th,wglit has occured to Its i)oses they had the puwer to do o. Bit& proper place. in tile 3-talidold ti_ld of i t)nco carrYing ad to-titt) bringing fip Ad this matter if' prw. ious tt, th �ij p-,wer being giveu to the v;igntnts aud th,-se dettituve.and whd AT Mle Teach(Ir fr event of wl' ..it. Hov� sch aa A ress. t -Uls hoccellener wid a flouie where on,-- �th of the main- Goveriwr in.( eutich to diviae cotii.tLes, aru noL eharu,-,d with cri.ne. A Kini,,-ss bidding a 8ec,ijid or Tbirdt grati .�ra jyj the jovern.iient ad his Old bers isvisMt, but a aid ;it �! the go, % an (11 11 * that clue � uOunty areatli:y. A Novel asor. Class Lueri iticate of q,ja ideat isin. Ddife;;-, tf)wns, - did tilit W. 1AV, Farran,. F,.,q , Retiva or Wear lald or el,en cities i;, "Ppos, . ..... M-11, would crive'- ton to the -0-inton, and us triends, do all in tbuil adv nee$ in I'llipro% ement and hail witil' to c-immeotee 1,st Jatiutry 1872 Apply Do the Pr�j% inozi o. Oat;u-r) are� prepared to. "es' r ntlili__L A MAN, HAULS A BLT43T JV4_R FIFTSEN KS B I. NI r. vV .,od a seccussion the Govern- vote of to nig-A. flu further, that �power to dtvii a Hilton, and* plaVe Mr. alight the prospect 4 a Railway u ty 4 stating salary ts the Trustee& of said till IN 4.25. Meet tho eintwg-tincy and arrest the Pro) lient; have 1--ar; theIr aolent tuan; for wh,u the House was iali he would have F4rraII as Ruj -istrari-an,1.0intoit a3 the ttiri-tigh the Contra of otir U i t w_ on11 gress ofdestrnetian? So- - far as our in- * hatever Isis fait its inay have been, in no . --bj,-cti:.n to a in,,tion to -turn his location f, office. I will nwre -fully open o.A and evelops, WrLLrAm DAVIISON, )r t o new Registry The AlAbeeling Itegister of Monday Trustees. I A -.4. C.11i A]MY iiev, var-j little e%ery eb-tte it was manifest that fie government out,office. Df our cultilty. %GU3i STFWAR1, fs,ranati,vnex-en-ts, we b.- rcferto Isaac arling, E,q , latitM. P. thre resoarces .4 itdilest wa-*rs`*e have SuPt,lie I the brains tof thu corwern In Tau Aouse adj9iicuo-I at 12 25. P., to state if this was fiot, the caute, also ;r&-uj&ta Youri Lordship oil the a. isen 4 qmys:—O -0 of t'lo a teation has bQen pi�u co- precautt-pns ant ut or a Icing tinjo - % no inaclu',.on Dee. 18thi 1871. t1te, deb4te, oil the Addr-si his speech Toronto Dec. 15. to members ijf tiiQ governinent ; theii 'If crivile nottvithsta.itting the' steady in. hP iii-dit and haudsouseli won igh agninst fire in wir rufal f1tstricts, and in. we ila" ri rldav -.,at to the wind The speaker tio;k the cr'-.ir'at 3.011, v. hat ext 1 ok place ? NNhv, Mr. crease- of our 1)"Pul16111 4hipwe-i a marked usint, Olin rove-' ladruw Hitvs*ilhadu,*.vager I Godek-h, Dec. 12, 1871. ryere't. 11 ki ianra I to&i I a lout uc v.,,pid,demamation, oi Mr. Camerou,'tiie M,. Rykert, prer-ented the firnt iep-irt )oloo.iev haw ad a pejtiiion (quietly) nitich pleasure in ujiticing ' th d weighing staiiii.l. senteitces of I r. Riettards, of the Committee A. aroti tid the Ni rth Riding in favor, of Mr ment in the at unti (if tf.e UctintRomn :�h,,t he 0oul draw a itligg) carr, ,the r:-sult tv,julj oe the almosi. jerl%Ys n Standing Ord,,rs, . I froill 1HE undersi,illed will Sall at lAis 'b, jwo hitndt-Q4 and sixty P.,unds or the ri-lcetv, helter-stietter ragnuati sweethemattinghas -elilaiddnwn. . _. , - -4 1 totnt nain of all con,e-n1!d. asKin., f,.r a reduction4;tf qat,rum to nine Farran's beint appoinced Registrar, aud in thd Town t -f G,� Y'nilig Sz 14i 11"S stable to- Frank Atic,irtit Slart, f r. Mae.disital 1. members. I ask ,,he `aq iied in fvor of Nir. Far- We feel cartait, that all L -ym Uatit-, , I-elill ittiation o.f ' A ,Air in. Tri s0p,tia, and rg- n Tjieid4.y , the 1.6th dy of Jititurr-3 A e1wricailisliltilluexpressit.n of fir. -th din- diaasWid 811111lathis9 W10 oe 2 -12 #,'plock pfwtel .H in. G.* J. Canie resumed the debate ran I Why a ery Reeve iv 'Not -turn in six lil-urs. Tht. distaii i is about, 18T . at noon isadera Godez-wh. We -are mucb, ex.-osed to, 01unersns, atthe close if tile debate, on the want f poilfibence motion. ftra on and DiDpu eeves, Ex-Coustodiors, Qil, eu�ta her deap..nx.ety f ­r h,r soit.the --' Sale c,.ntaint:A in 01-,rtgage suide N, `tfiltvvil 111114 ind i lt,-i.' ; wtil r w# or three of. 1111#&t store of Turnberry, and TNIr Prince of Wulos during his 1,10 �8,1,11t visi. I gales !rom,loff the Lake. anit were any ih -wed tuat die parzin., was not frian'l criticised the speech of ffis Ex,;eilcncy &e. -a Hunter, Lists No$. �f ALN ly. 'rho rest.' ll.AS Carried dismay -i hiai8u �1 $retj toueu h,Ils t - ulittib. Jam( -4 severallne to occ, r t trial it An and argued that it sh--tild have ilkdlctbe� KeLy of %for -r-14, I believe, are the ozilv to fla,ii.,claolto entleare If t- watjy� . r.va oein-, and 129, 2nd raiwe Swithof te Darlia'M I nito the 31inistrrd rnks, as was very some policy with respect to the Munici- exceptions), b,at I &in aware that thtil' bear; a toy his kindaesg and Zability. at lot I 4ritiled-, Andy - ne a Fire broke ut, h7ing tit fea, y 7�aj harneistic Into tfi f_Pen­wp bit-, Y,t,f road Kinhait, a6p Loils'N;vs. the tic. 1 13., 41,14' evident fly the lang faces oil the 311illLS- 1,ai Loan T'sind, the Assyssinert, Law, wovild not hai a signed it, if they " half %iepra tnoav slucerelythat; the Aineigility �t wanden builolings, there is 8 Was t'jL are ;Ihi reqoll-ed weight. Andy's opponen it mid -43 in the firil 0,Aression South.; of no, Eerifl beirches-whdit the announcement Crown Laints. Eitial. Representation and f�itown 31r, be sit applicant. in lots al.wise dispensa-ions tisav six So all 1, h 5 knowing wharethe evil-w...uld -9-OP-- o, as ma, ie. other matters requirizing logjislaticia. severol have so atated'. Mr. Farran's him, an I tb Lt; we u Loy y ti. sue -i- 11.4plitury tile wag..t. the cushions.and. D-irliam roa-i Kiat.-ardi to, County of 13, -ace and a.s., 1--t Tais is another proof that the finstry After suz;h aneven, a-1woulti re.d-ily Mr Blakead-ressedthe House, H,- ppt16inwitas-at-lorthe'Hall. John S. ding lustre oil the Crojwti of tn;s vAerA,- put, tit, makin allows . r. -eet in th,-,Viil.i QDuccir in of hays�,, done A.T. blofTGONELLY WyAcis f-mud.the t-tal ivoi,,ht 2 9 poikivis, west aile of 9,le-en-Sti 9t is in the throes of diss. ilutitin all quot�d %,­Ar-ral instatices from our lia t blcd nalX wit I hointfireds of othi.ra, apart F 0 %'rhgt ;iat waacevur dis Ex,:aHaticy m -&y do'-, pi)htical'histofy to ,;Iiikw tijat tht-goviiirti- -fr,pm Reeves, artil De,)u�y Re�vas, ex- 4-istat t-vuvo o'c. cK Sat;ur(my ugon lie -if Kincarditte. All thti aforesaid. jsr-,e, sion gainst. thu, c_-zI,tmitv of firo. rted, oc o ii-arlied .-y tire judges ap.; purty is wall sittuttl 1. The' land ex- the.end is near. ' r. Wood's refusal to merit road resigned %i tien the considerable �:-luuciiltlrs a] (I mitre by Rio, art L.Yon, Grand Jury Room 15 Dec. 1871. It is not our dessire to undivy &Nnn - ;)a any It,n,e'r led thr- ough the mire is all P , (of a-Lattia and kover'l to a taiL h a r x -f ttt0i w.,gtr. celient. . On lots 11, 41, 42 and 43 thaea -iaow th p,-1portton of the members w, re absent M. -P �1.e o fairly onpilo-1, wah. Fnew the is a c.,xisidejalAe aimsunt 4 (�Jeprarl..;ej _.7 and we 1, Mtlnicipal Fathers ­re� ildicati,_,II of riht feeling that allowi, fr .... I their beats. He called upon Vie er in"ibers' iir the east portion if the an -tions enerally to, kee;i- down fi;X?33 rvell, when. contrasted with the clegrad- i iie-k.,�eper 8 LIOW-0 -,it e eztra6t� the Tur-tiawsh doWD. Deed: vinder ifie -government, luview (if the advLrw , otes province. T1 ere was alad a stri on4 ef- It tivo IV. th 4 ;& 7, here the-, are he- ust dn4l f ith- wing:�L,-,avitw the stables power -if sa is, ill the Mosr-,g goW ing . PI-siti011 Oc"Pied by Ills I -Lt cO'- that IkRd been -,flvan this week to%&7ate ff Art �ut f urt& to titke the office. to Olin- TEL MEXICAN &Q BZLLION fo,il—but still, we dit ri,ot be.ieve auy enguvaazi-1 in thar, sense will cquimand 0.001, In. prevism lie arrive- i bauk B9N liAZ1EabRST t.,e,r seats. t--cbv'$--tidF-irrauaiiihigfi-totids. Thu 1 .1 ratepnyar who, vallies, his ito terests in the I,,`respuct� Alf the coutitrV. Attorne-general Mac-lon tItI declined ppoph- of this village naturally suppose'l OPENING, (IF OONGRESS iiita'AttiutiU4 poi itat twenty -Ave imili; 0 1 Auctionezr. calalmunitv would -k.- r idge e6 ilittie utiare to Porter fou i . It Lying VVI 'a tup'WaOt r with adl Dec. 18th, 1871. to foilow the id Atice of'Mr. Blako a., Imig that,ai,diviazi n wonhl take place and in ordr to be us-ra-ed Catalogneand Floor- -as eivht seats were nriffiled.- -. Wiien t6 they Cir-c-1ae tj tion in fayor of thi- ADDRES OF JUAREZ. 4"ur Awl tilitcy-tive Illitilitea to. Pare. L a Pe t 1r, 40 A, Vick is 11, -d n t fi—_n7a Inss wich an sinonercifu, l Gavle i -as tweit receivea and is v, ell oppisitio6 bad.carried Air. Mackenzie's ivision ls') a nt a d6lLgh'tiori -to Toroo- a s of w rto cpae r 1.'at -he t cot feaas;Ora. *,).iipffiu the fe,Lt _W6 0 fr4d;y -10,21ud M lilt)tIonofivaidof confidence, it sould to, not 00113i.1; lig-ilf friends if the gov- SPREAD OF TAE INSUKREc a6ik, worthdoub.eitAtoricie, St-ea-tv. Oirti it*. starte-I .1 9-tod ug'tily i1i 27t h inst the I Of everywhere; an -I if any vere dks 0 for the g,ivernment to say what urnm�:nt. wit A f frierid-i'and opponeilts He selIs lowor than others all kinN,vr &ass w be tim. "i 8 Oil the I in aft prA,bzb.1ity it wou d Ft '10 -th the lowttion. Th. (By Taleqraph the Globe.) ange i hand Gi,-I�rioh Lodge No, 3A A. -j an instivoti,ni and a Tows have initch coarzie, thaV wbuld pf�rsue, asking for Bk, as An iffiLaunse ortoo , eet; -lebratu Tuo Mer I aftandise, inch as rer 0. ernnient E M d t A Hires wt . bl. vvill. et all oucasiOn. W d said that the votes g, -v 11 vit a t ceivekt(go'hastront. I'llis revirit, anti he w.i,, the hero f the of Saitit. Jithn the Evixi,gela by isLasure instating that Hinat-a Tre&su ' 0 1 a h1i Esq., was 'by acelizin-ttion, a, -Which had been -giventh a week sho�ve,l lIetitioti from' Vin. T-,rrenoe's friead and CITY OPMEXICO, Det:- 9, via*Ha a LADIES' -DRESS G()ODS, * ur. Otieer after -cheer % 6itt up as 11; Oyster S.tpljer. to, TAe %J4,pil in the Rt'C t1' House. was not: sitistied froin 13Jyt 1, Ut-id its i icinityef onulud- Due. M—The rovwtitioll c6ritlail's t, -ivhich the � t JA_DM8' JACKETS, ,Nt ty. -r, for the yuar .1872, Robt:rt Gib- him that 0 111741101111f 11101, LoU St tl)iq ajapint, as Adj-drim"g Ove Hall, tit 0 ;9zoatim, sloread. The States %of Oaxacn Neuva I` LADIES' SHAWLS, it siti,,n,,f the gov- ad to divide' Htiron for Regi. -i'Ll Ci, AL 270V niza. of 7iZa. bolus, Essl , 31. P. P., was rettirned its with thi,presnt. t)w d, e3pec y t I -1 S. H. Dat -or as Depitty ernment- ln�view of thi A fact ani of the pFitposes. Bit where dove 7 the illo), L -, it, 'Stinora, I.Dnratigo, aml Zipo .4ffNith as %hell 4e S;Art ed, Is 140st CorC;i-Ay 'Invite LOUDS, an noJIM; LADIE14 Necessity, is S d to be the infither ctf e,.eve, by w ditor, Mr. Eli re in the "powerf the Rt)volatllo I t LADIES' FURS, ,ulaiiiad.,n4 ' The foil-win4 fact that he had heen un tbie to brin.-, pluch I Ivir. E Lys reweivcd a a -i Tickets for Lady and 8, inven ian. Onri-,s;ty may be sufficink wo ther for councillors :— froin ille, Reforax Sidtz of the 1onse any h appuintment, an -Blyth receired- th,­ anu proll lacia nentos prev oil in, da, D1sTA;s or TH& HzA,%T CURED. fio;ii he r4AbjES"1EIOOD8, ij LADIES' RAW,' W tlx ,i, -;-y 0-u gle tjokt-ts'37� as to be had St Patrick's,Hugh (13rdiner, Jo,in P.as- support to di good,; ad in vie;v of ffice, This'is the grant, iticker. 41r.. L 1 a. Veka Cl-itz'Land Paublo, prii 4. 131j. to stimu;ate to merely speculative Studies M 9 t)i Ptt�ilicjeafJuarez opesio the sess61j —J.,med I Fe I oi4s, .04 q.—D,ar Sir: I Lie ,ation- -if conseitutiotsill� joriew nevor,"'ked, --illedi h Beek awre, Jas. Sinaiii, I-eo McKenzie, V;tn. examii Mv If.-% e Peun f -is a*,o'im t-1 13r(,s,l 'Sohn, P, NAler; O A`P1 McLean, M. D. --SL. r jj t ti'� stience rolitilc3ov,�hy and ifteratizee may be Camphell. T. F. and usae. hitlicilight. t his bounden duty vision but' opposed it its tll�- (it fin the JOU itl8ta, It With 4 re. ll f the best quality and Iategt AVIOL 4tudied, for thefr azVh sake; birt alsnosr George7s, %V G. Sadui, B. L. Dilyle, Et, to resign his'seat. (L lta apl)laitse aud jioiirnals of the etrt thdo.-Asoand Froirration. t) - 8tt-phen Hifu�e will - m-_VR_Rbl6 spae�h on ti,�e si u.tioji He .11 It" it 7 30 1). ni. I * ge ter. loy., L1A%iIqLrL1'kLPtIL�`i Haullla� U. Chairtakell. sveV step tpka�u in the impr,Dvement fir 1DK-6v, W. M. S.lvaqu —3&.�DAvid's aid. tho t, in opposition. cheers) He was bound to, Anti sti,l Ym I athe him; theogy trouble I oantry al)pears t. - be -isitan it 9 [LLIAM. the urt-fA arts has been taken tinder lit: T. W. aincy, R-,bt. Gordon, 0. Crabb, add tl3.*"&t the Premitotr did nut t o;n, i'ie is Ahat Mr. IF;& -Can and -others. have V . cl! teso f in unfriyttful trugjes, an,[ thw aud W X.oerio it &a. I obfuning lid- redef, I 161'as Dpc.. 18th, 187�' 3t,� E. f,afford, J. R. Rituciman.— a.t;i the c.-ifellisilm at whicb1he had ar the Cqiinty and Mi. Hays (wh., ittilitaryisrah-ain opposea tile t;Llidar,. JR IF, tc-,* I � it ad pre3_4ura"of some felt necessity. ts got the situation; sour of iegaity, bringing imok the, time wtieti fS,rup, all, a I P y to wt oAnstrew"-­.John AiIrjI,,,n, rl-. ed . Thep.ren.ter thought. it con- deservedl it), I ir Lhe tri -,re is n-, Ysind (if want- that is felt so Smith,'F. A. Ito . risqn, Alex. Watstut stittitional alidprApei tbat he"AlnWood) grapes It is .4 -all for you tit pret-Ind reVoluti:4"I Rigaitietl the c4an ge 16ast results. Oil U-Aiatl .1 Public wil! PI0398 tak- X -ti'- tbftt Arlib'" His stock of If 0 .. keamly as; thei there 6 no George Cox, G� H. Pad%plls. sht uld, defiir t1lie, flititter tilt te eight vx- to be In favtw .Blyth, -hitt -if Mr. Fa:-- itividuals in, pooer. . He c,,uitts uptia. _ddelistiolvI1401"L96"t of Goudiii�es Battkilig y a laitif was b Itter, ind. metk - - stimulent wh!ch can, teappliedtothe seats had been filled. bitt he(K. ran had, race' ed..the office, and You tue aid of Collgress tit sapfteas ih" tho fourth was fimalked 1. wts.vomi-h-te D. 8, GOOI)ING. Wood)was`0T)fij&l to thInk other'wise. Deputy, anil ( titit-in- the- location, not a 8 o'ker id the dongreab _S n 0M. inventivo faculty perhay�n q%itei so power- Godorich To mwbip ly. cured I%giytija his resigntion he must tell the I v!o d woulil - h kve bee'n' heard fr,),o ysm ruplied that 7' -Eul as the gw&wiz A- (if hunger. Fe do H use v or your fi,pot Nosw Eitor, Elie oilt-s"On. Ile r'o-e"st- 00 j7ha -that the Dmohition of learn, a,,. 41le We were much pleased to illat abdahed, �aritd Tad ChIca,ft.ne*sroaperi are. -fore, - that the sieze of at - III c -riulotion of Is taqu Or noue1n Town,-' not wondez, there mi itt hd zhiays Wen most coiil.aI. -fortiv thing left for volr1,, 40, is to'abttse 1t4tibliq is sati1fittl with the Te-eleuti ... i the* Notaiinari-in oil Monclay, the it�.axt ymir paper of tri o . f Neilya jser4rat unlAnd -g tr Paris h� =Gdoco1 some curious, and, as 18 ihst., the Titure I #;.I betta. w, i � ertial Jorei, excepting I, le st?" members ' coulpt,sing the . . . t 1,diFPranoes;o Ur. Have, ant, wheli , , � CIA Lpiea iven. who, nsvt! callst'lli4resigmatioll.., He worildfeei it of the 7zh inst j chat -ging Mr, Hays, witi, Leon 0axitca, alid the bansdits ahto are been elected to Abu se.11 their OTICK Is I *Mby. given, that tha; partrimbip, pa, So= us3fni results in thii; (,Council for this year, were unartimolisly r.-tbin . AF " the conduaths' arez - has jitcfluenooto zssist A ll,�.higlieoti bidder � V JiLh Ar. Jb144101 Frjt4 -und maq h, o- - . 'IV , f n 'A ,,is illity,to, supoll ft�Ay ineasure that the t :conrits vVitb pridessiona, Ju has SIMU119,beti (,,,pe in way- Dunbtlm inauy a family that xcitted-in to serve in the ensuing year. It ven,lient might britig 41owni-whibli, in no 1� .. ng rii4both ortbe em action &like commendable. to both ge, flat, al tith�ri, 41a. -4-gain. y,,tar citizett-the P,,rtjs,.#. Rai Ajigtsl and Santa got till); a lucrative berta thaToimshii. of.-ay,itrijerthe J1jV9f-,; Frie&& 10 the horrors of thatperiod ld bitnefitthe inter- It irl . st." atts4ing him uz. � -.He inainiabis aleafteis &tLitllO 0 a' 1110.111i iielst I pill anit saw Mill Visinjos,' Was Council and people.' wou o0ed this fIrla day f Deettimber 7871�- b 11 tj I g pasper of the a Ili's ju e I calleld' r­'Vayaj. iNlit'l. stated st,il ipeaks, tiolifidaati, of- has learmed lesson f do,=estio eccon-ontV ests of the try. (Hear, 'hear.) H upf) K al4l 130, it' III' t[kr NadV--m hdo ClIcithib he -beats 0, I . f.jin�ent. All debts -,wing tit -the Aharate false. a Oil Lnems , ri t(o, I d b $all wocild Vote AgRins, the want of confidence that every oil Are wa *Itlitli r IlAhtq! -i Nofh.`Fr1e&au list Y4172, and all +-.uia r, aae Jo4,-i Quick il�yetl 29 I..'Id 1, in whick vRi be irnmendy uqeful in all �`) as ill-16.1ieen front, the followina 0210 of Ton rastes. fli tin rfMr. McKenzie, and*011111int'l-I hood, an he '11. Haie�, G-svelituniant troops to the a sstilti thrners be pii�twl. tollial esaing for-,Firw Diaz, who rs 1 time, to come. Nut only have they The- sale ef Toil Gtes. took place at tain the goveraillent in ev ery proper'wa S-, i4al in of -4 Clinton, 14.0�O are pi t�ialent, ittieAsedby od.Suitz from an's Wintbr Twe Make the "s b of those 6he time appointed, and wer6 rented to in getting thp-ir tidd% throuafi�- tl;e I %leisrn. Cat :�A; G,%I:ijvv,, liftisars. hiss 3,000 or 4� 00 me ad rned jaDW ejsrn. cjs Am it. -4t, is stipp63 rich. fm L(l. 2.60, 9 - � I - I . - ljoll-- do -do Treasurex fior Doyle- & Sq r thar,-Civneral -,s retriiti' 'had been :hllvid.�� I artietea of fdolt, Whie4 they haj pre- the following perstsus;— HHe� 18.1. rt.�ata osen use to t,in, Esq., a te No 1, 51ark Wh6ly $2113.00 �omro- YO40, �with-hat -ti-telity to his itessrs. Da it, 'Wstk� Leys a 4.T�,r,VOj1ajjIVIj rovel. t ses &, 42 3.50 . T vlons!y b,_ -on �Msttamej toinse'lonay vI JL]InS-- f ro 1 it - Tektiactili ii 1, . s f, - - i4l:Lo"V t Amt 11 If Goderioll, "tb tiye P HOUSE, col't equally gOO4 t,%OW, 2, John Br-juka 80000 Ila e left., thti ho .CV UIL10 �core, but cc Ifilly, Shy -Bro.', of. Turon- b�8t veneM 3, James Glen to RENT:' 557.00 jud-e. I& could berta that it OBEIrrick, a Id JOae3 the jaAwr or ttob �it T, Ballantyli.e.1 in's frittile 11pise with Stable and1go)(1 parilp, ,y :ala: _91vent and a' j Y!Gn jAnri, $L' Q a ealsul�,arned whizainady 4; h C The, Cabinvt iaiigd; th- lately -pecupie by Mr. Danot0i 4, Mark Whitely 480.00 bayiieen his hi -�-st nion to 'leave a re- t i; �rer, -Eiq.; BuTister, of . +.,,' I thd creditors Vi diapdain.-thit "tile -.and to top thinp whicla djay hiad fn;en accu3tomed -behintr him jhlt� iyonfd be more t a ity o T. 'SmAt, Z94, Pemplti,� ine; coid inditon. Q t)tfie.e 'In t(1@�towjj,,jf. (40�jd i6h, in tile ly too 1,�Lrp quantitV of 'e undergand the Town Council lasting th3nAlio,pop,ilitt applaitse� of the'l a' Wilighaill. dirii6tM r I-ARV�EY Thiviatti Day if - - d spzele3 o I'd J. 1. L iety aare&�L. Jon,L,Eilfurday the, .4thCvzL ODderiftit Townslio, 1 gelatin ln�''Holljfa, (Load These *aij the J-6st important �efrttliiln in at - the Hour or'i'ey jlciock, fit the 1jr.# thi4 Office. it fra that fell tend the hin Siticha, the P�isi to iv.,eive stiltep--titi' coUlits alraiLK4 en ,.Sh1rtXA93 wh, bilildilig a now bridgms�ovisr P'lrdea followi4d iKith'a speech for whoal X Hayi regist6n, al;4 if yet, DO10 h -z b-Qej fWujP,, as oell as to, Attiutto River as soon as possible. id to, appoint --the got -Iltne �ilf autelleed to -pay it -Ialv, has been Bi&t the �pollcy of -dr nt. desire tu stani tke i ill - E ft. o ,,in E3 to ber kn own bythe t, Hs,je`_4jyofir 82 --be iniprisoned line y juleflut AssIgne.a. S. Macdonald (So)Itth 1ee �aak 500,ur 11_1r� ezell�ber, � of. all kinds. 11 is de3- Tito cm-Imillatioa of Techkir f -Ar the Illovecl int. itmejittlien t. to the affeetthatit 14ge, or the o ar 66vo �raferred tit, as cl�ontai�ptof.tlte j111110vry! G114jewl;, itifirl2tidlY a 1871. ty; ajjL soon tra ob was jitax Fbire. hootiolling *hijeLetjjIt1jjeajjf� are ab%a'jOr� �aa I l9ap a and , GVrm i I know -tf, thtalairet 6ndless �fistej taill ceiftficatim, -their ntmes Jo,hiia in you Its tensive -itt Westeris' 1 will appe 6-�rolliilt 0t States Hscob i tiunel txx aa ri-al to, qnl s,410--gMy zediont to eonsidor,',a, �vots_. ijf tq. Q1 fit, C*anty eomoieuce4 yestrd t4g (Turb ci btt, 'rite P 44iii-of jr.y6iiiiii).nists und par; as we�oan, tobtain- a lit. of th X9 who Wald f,C Then; w"t, ob 066#t in -kill-It ar- o ­ 4 hil arzi,lcs i?. fed it � " I . � 4= 3 A The, SM�er saw thil amendmeint ftt xaid �4wbfkice ov.,r w� 441t, hwis h4siriasi nedbisgove t anot our 0 skilau Au fie, -jitfdbbri�,topl,er W. tinting We - � 'd s*;"a placeir,4- �fts� i - '_ ­ ' & Ample fabiiide-. equivaleu , flead 01 or:iiesto, 01111iftait.- Thag A O.Ye ro w. may be ovnc�io: iti.fituts rices.� ,ad having been propris.' 'If 0Td1r1 -All styles ana ea , 4m, afjoilfl1iij diLptat" hipx '&ve lt�tln granted J a;, dy goVe ft, is all tho . - - I v Th -1 VN� JIVEN, T -HT - TH131 .it- eawitN6itt hm w tl as a cn4idme yoll Mild t 'r- usurf to'a, atotion-alr fooling Of.patty rjVenjj6L for OD1111cillriti St. Aii(Ir"Wit '%ard- rejectird. has'entettedyij ir fa-a'd -NOBTIZEil jif wde a call OfTep Pl!r SUS any suaizon espotiam bit* lie" Or clijal"a he. gov;bria com t aptli 0 would re_3�eetfutlly request the voters hellousatheirros -for ceb are nw4ctiut A th -Citlittill ztock Sir the Provincial Iii - _b 410 ru to 0 'o hl[$4364 It' this a0e. After'racusi,: Iron Mri, CanterOlLad- P011640411t, 4 Ad till morgrice i itill, laity of CAuuta to wit: t10 9170 their salip(at tix the Aitheir candi- fff raterChTen Pounds uponmve.,v alit.. ,unarZd'v,)iirRs dresse d,thenoute.. flil4,44 he never Farrait'.10 if .�jj. no;-arlLi-le AS fm not wish to run. I . .4 - - eg,.eriff� IF Huron. -ottliegitotInt ofsajdstCook,,pty;b`.4i uleAS fim P itr � f. ri - 0 4, as hO d433 of s4ch la, 41 1; are cliff thirtieth d - .-i rose jiniler circumstances M Ur(nitu, fill. tile rslid tj %-A-Iiiorits the t t._. TIle g0V0ruMbIIt,,%ero.j' Z tea Tiousand, hignt jilundred it aii &a to r, or. KC f;a p,3_r bo to -tile hi �*fmra 'o 6ttallobir. osi"Lloi Tiaper �l vrtio- the a Alm� PAOM p6sititerf through' a resigna, uth _VJ6 -ft But NO been low , er 4,00d.,T W t heI'Vole 4 111U, tjjpn of Treastiz th" teutlu- UIT14,111M I -tt Roomy the'sold -Alt d th Itgo, till the t,jnv(!nth Alay or FeloruxrY, w eat: ob"W. 1114iorat'le, Noy be virtue nd4 LIMIantion; in rowd to this to I oil, 84 rus, ne ro iq - County of Ty"win J� tt _. b I E A vda Fm -for il-,Ajs4y1iJ ourt 2 to' d MIA. Glens Hill, wbjeh after'the b 4 oxecyttod 1161111 . 'I'll'boil be tken'aiway froat 41 he It" don vittitin ftor ib* 010"llity. e- irecttd tigminlit *hel ".r tea the fitet arid a now jj,"j" of a -at (Etys 4 ,[6 t e Men ?foceatflisd iti 41A,1111imhe I bb ISMOrs lil-iiii the, the Inj bl� aawla 4astllio wil: ka the gapal le !)e. as SVOI mixWop, hold-dtfs ition nonfio%LA W tit P and Ld4 sn4 w1eire few, if n... ' A"; . , Ise! gate near Balf&36, whq del; 41t ev tX Am A 117, tag 44 AU- 431ways tj3en, I porulu amirtment --of the - �Lujvot 43-Y.Could can complaimlieb oieift oto ini ts anuibers seven, 'Pa 'gas notgr �dtftojo"tjjn fit). cwwyearif *10n tit bile-ullito. Statiii not 'm L W4011111 0 g4tes charitable l 'All lite T.vyrf- dX !wUlK.11T He maid thakthq_f duatiieit_ ar tj 6 q and 01M �,reirjAp h,41u --In Ifurt;n 6int0drog _j iind #,(I th I XATLS, FAINT, irlot -i .11111ty 904 JO, The OintrA4 feir ItIrfiji t jilillit) lioicK. ItAtiv D ikr41YiQC. vies cowmcl�,'.-in illip nir two li6i won it I, fogr work in the Goidition of 1867' was'the, atain pit ha- notwith- "A's n -W toll ArAS lot trio LMr S. - I -, 1. - .. - I,c,l I'arlds and Tell1% isell" "Air u4 jets, in all�t_hts - towns -, w. bego m,.r 2. - $,,),esfk0 bwl ever pp 31earsi And -1464 -a or ts*-r. W�j 141iiieet: in'. tits votirt flouse,: v 'Th(Yn 81WITS 90 to dif t1le jlf=0, to,66 COMLjew 414114 n -116cle- '1jui6ii ro sL ( rc _W; 00�,Ir ror. t5a:e ifnjyA - M IcAlL'Ve�'11.1 friend I -,of aW e3t'031i" Mil ourXent com. the OPP,mltiOutDLIlIX949"ii�,t-bbfl"ance6a�d X0 slil� 4 his it nod --bbdied,nivri thifAL ttli rowc Val ol hiu sint f sieWrted tha da _00 i ftowonr-. (jA1KFjfttA46 lopi'lMillwor Et SON to L j r_ w aLVT0317 At BOICICS 311jittXMICroff ;Will, 210ZOMIIIAtiat i 41twit a A CD f IN AL 3 'tax, A evi rooquits" to its I stAff of the poor aft(l a0ote4; bad 0 talilwar in Crabb's V*,t - qr&� t a. W. 40'st "7xit, jj le tort Hall O 1 10" -Itication of meab�aI -Gammar -4n4- 'diol 1he citizen dot IT. he st vertiny, d for the,e 'A 0 31� i add "s ihewAi Imil, Go 'y elf olos HtftaeWsd� ai &C�oa_'grarid d Midi tile' P Olt a, vot, a ba Ar a Z= OUT 1jZlz4U1TC_"_1 jaZ!)1E1;A D-Jnr.D -1-1 Gn M 1,TP,3T7 AND ILOVA L VA=LT LISAVIt G �A 2ANIDBINGRAM. Nrw Tonz, De -1 ID zr� D, -,a Ltbn4 on, to it son Bhow that i&,� ­svpiler- C"nfinueD to lialpri4w. coiiv Vj -Elc n) of gh 3 7 -C-0 1aj, com- 0; Illeaccv(4 and no protraiA.d S11P,7;.y I ut� -ntealPy. , T7 1 - LON-Do-i, Dec, I -A. —Thera iq�evcvz, in,' at Sandrill"'11m M -It "he Ils-ger, A is Over. The moinh-sm of tho py4 9�m. I fly are pmparin_i, to lt,-ave. I -Lo Qae wili r.-Filra to %V iltdoo'. to-day,1172111 Op al CA i6p by th(' Princess lewais Dnw 0jf 0ainwi-If're hw alrilalv IoL,indon. At niontheb*10oz�n frcn 'bandringliarn aibpeara to 4av, rad f2 j. an'"Ondbedt'hat it Well J oxaol-q, Dee. 16,4 lio. �T�w kim " n neennip-4ni,il hv t110 A ,ed --,t Windsor caitle thiq Rf,,ic=aa� �by T -ispecial Imill frolit �3. .. . lo--TDON, Dec. 16, C p, m �T4 lo Roti- I lug is the Lttest 5 p. tit. -T-klav His R-T�,-kj. �Uqmgme­ 'ban been more traiaqnil ttian ritanv tana. since thefever Acelaxell Ilaq Em'. I ,—zcss in all partioulazia is NiD6_n, Dan. ktestento 2noutprestayed by t6 qDC12,11 vLz,_,n "1 10.5, of -tie pilni:e of Vvn�--s 1 otholover zi,f? ered is at Tut end. It ig, howBviz-, eert,cd oil -nithontY I.bat to reani the rtzce;�Isivz pzh��-tsdon and naryon3l, prosj-)4tin�� into vihich ;11� Z.,yall ".;pj- to' tho physciacs wcv�oeum­ t,� "11�21- to rewrt to nials' , viDlcitt romedies. whie happily provo4 *uc2aisIni, th tu�!h l3cmetmm of the Pritaco.. -Thia hlj=71 a," b:j thb liartof the par_Mt, to rpmveat zi *Mn'rMneo ol the daugermas uttAiks o1l dc*.S. lu RtT' Majesty Queen vietell-a han nn U.b1m;6Z �aer intolitiou od entaling to L n ILti tormo,", Dn. 27, 7 p. CDC! -.1al i "74 �bnllctm fr'stal San ITIng1rann It 81 a 0,duckthi3 lfiornlr�41 alikent2ced thas th 1 we krinad of Wn' les paii�d tiq-41ivt m4nt and 1 Ee 'aft= th'A zj�p .11silace bma 41 A! lzaui:imn, Dee 26. -The 11n Ogis?a mov Ailillw boavy ptirelhasen 4 ;00.tz1r.a ift patist in auti-jiv ttion I to i t -he Funce 44 lvnle�. wilen Ili-` Vncs� b a - t t -a ipv am n -he, F Au �,rotwla r ' tnddv whiotitboyiiezuredthe cnliw,�ptl itf bl,�Ich lvlove:l, W101 rll itlailz ;1eHC1(em7,. wideh svm held ia j�t-tvk ;-.v Tbe -Ptiac, , LvqD.)v.. Dca, 113 31 n. m. So weil icw�vllg Tiz-f-wt:tv tbaa I I it 10 zlrea ly p7apati-od thatP911tplis B,'Qr- 1 xlue iec�ve Shnann""Inni to-dav 16r wtma- .sor -Pa3tle. V�IMcu Afted VM 13-TE11 folloW. Theee ne-wyegmilnrior offlovE3 app= t" '730 ilnvim- a hard lim-, '19f �t. T�wv please mop body but tho call, a few �af 41i5ze,mahhorb, vjho aremntma"y jleago,l to sev an otheo OT rj1,zS ==Wtv, 1junted in llimr vflaqha The <,1o,,ndij ol Hoaron qw 0�nc-5t a zaca,z�, zt, Xot -Atogathor ED, J�a Fe n;zoalup th Ee- poal thelaw creating, it. . Tile _Co -'20 Votmeft of Brilm, have dano tLe- SA'ue� HUCA WV vcav-1 Lth ijill f -2110W -18 Alt. ZO t�lal Tho vnuts auh itthox wat�1,31 -thein -over tit ZQat EC054un, Ti,.Cso il"t;_4i 4coviateaTea ont, 12 Mr. RZIP'l 'Ll'AtImOt-nny er-�� j ,Own- izana.:writin,, LL -1 ar4t.120 W.C� , -mag not, et aollhdrizez4ir aTjOrf, "y z't. 10 co-ducii. The chan'tus 4tl 99anto C-6 �5 21 knonuou'R, fmch I -S Q14 fat, hnuttlibl Ottl 0( fL 'C�amg,� Lf t�he b801;s to jZyib, 4 - a dayan4a gel beawded 91 9 1t TUC' Council lijuA sim INfoTO ibt'y Ply t.,aepo 2" V vollachco for I whethfir, XT. Hays, aliko thatol 'Clu - is Mistere, is Rot wvvi(101. coa- nt ,wf vil 'd W-5 t'.1MO -t j U �1 figmb) repent1lat Wo are iVoaad -11 alod- of tt2t; 1 !a m4islry to no ir'duane"ll, 'Atti ill 1""tiala in Myth is thulb�nqt �turt -awti to i It t6j,], bld W. zfi=Otj_11210- th() to sLalad in t:lu! pnijHc Inter,22t. _B40ro ft-lal '0ffi(!0 wi�B jo��frcd_ -Z a7gTO 41 _019011fit, its 0 lu Qatt 11.1 it 'is 410110 _A�zv Bra, A -NJ) �oaj 4W&D ';jjj3n"-' a om, *QiAnd.b:g boa i it JJ3 Wgatt; JAi 1 fauit; btt% z; is t4D 9,eWiRd Yo'47 0171a (1 - ]lot Wr;Q4 aftcr t11 zlig tne "Canacuaa., Fain Diatrayel?" RL11 f0el-la " a - tz �74m,ter- 11 --ff ii wtif, to Tel;,mimead , to ropulc oZ Tawnnatism,'. 3 ,let, -L3 Ito �r4igja, cyamys, ti r, X RI. F3-j3j, s and V2 bottle. kn .21 1 Antl whynotVand JWI-C-S U'rO . _r4P_S11 -jjt'gU -wel-0 wbo c,&,z �i y a �Ut"nc '. , , V';e z-8Z1,0t810jt1,g and, 1 SMMOO 1;�PFI W1,131(l devoo,2r rZIT131antl1a Y, Y-1 ,derive utobeneft f!Eom uq_Nunau wvu-#.� ,kide-fpund� Ai'vitt �90121`b Wid ?.')!) 1 -hair; others Lad idevo-re Zicl� aud qong.us; wanyllivlf,ho llchlvk�s nadr p- pecultar to uor-cs; 4101[� Ala At Tyr C wod v1pie, nea, aua a VVCja­tjD the ell, 3t, aU W4811 su, pmv�mtlai_tlta hmz ; I J.U6 nalir-W. '9311 & G3. to Lywau in tlXfj twcn�y that t%ey have bcM tnor1114bl' 13iic, rrI �Gn the utth�ar- five au'l ne� iT al Wil, a v,:*,, 1&-etvltivd� So -12 by 406jerL, It '25 C-tg. Per L ­Ix. ediene .Tuilga Djakin still jerid4a7ximuje, OCT