HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-12-12, Page 47; 5�
niartr vgorehard
1�=um is cut as a ton,
IQ turer..
per a�uce lccw, Stoves istov
Hamilton is to have ck nc%v EpiscOP31 DEAjE1W IN_
[Tio OF; FmNb8, q A� WHITItLY' carefully selected Btook of OWN am been accredited as "ublio generall. I LO ts�-
v �o'his large am
kG toT8,'OX0,FIFT13
to Belgilltv. S&L -9-46 BUILDII
:ST0rj& Wing 9 11 QTTORq
Kafue each, well-nituated, runningfrointhe Bay -
'The Ottawa mercury got clown to 17o
'field !Wait to BrItentilit lizad, Toms reasonable, -ix6ton S6eet &Afarket 84uar
CornerKill e.
4 ol -ff-
telow zeroon WWnescjay night.
TWqQt,=- JLO�NS EASILY A%s%veagly.-.4- G64t, tit
lWhy should maon beards? J�1' . 1871, sw94-
th great in CW00J[30Sq
mtection to the throat AXD
-CH The H=4
ftnd�add.,much to their per- FAaN FOR SALES EAP Favc Phwton� Bugies and
Wily should we use TO BE: 801D
Puilmonic Wafem?" BecollsO
L 6P. ing Waggons.
colds, tick- 90 clep6red,goo, dwelling liputie fruit 22x85 S AV] NG
Wiph a coralmodio ull attached 111110 good ban
Us 81, NEWILABOR. hicb1iirappearsuce and duAtflityewinotbasuir.
psas6d. -and art securingt-lid patronage of all whv
and shedacgommodAtion, gf)c A Vparfrg orchard *.ell
svateredl�ytwo creelca runningua.urlothe farm,and
gin thQ throxt, hoarseness, &c,; thev Ministersand Lmvvers want a first less *Itft
d, 0110 wil from ptavelcay h miles fr9m, %TkD by AJX TICB -
r1r All. Iff,)rk AVsrraritea
h For p ittloularslibly, on be.premises to IN% EN �,,TD PA�131
G d
ol)ded tl;etii, orsto Coe), TIP. CA RR L A GE TR I X I NG.
D ,rjgu
9f 14
��*R ;ua public speakers sy triey F E R ON undersigned r. ongrocer.God4tIch.
In all Itstratirlieswell and tast*lly evented.vith
we: t1ke, very best medicine in, e;istence
of r uf Hamilt4n),01W
under the s"permte
for- the core of such complaints. Sold 11"ts And C�Lpso An-ust 15. ISTO mbr-*U- medWne dealers, at 25 cts per has just finished tlifo-egiairgem has mudhpl�easijr� inof0ringtotheFarmersofHuro
i cut of big Store to !
twice its former eapacjty. and ban opened out in MBER
A% �DVGTIXG PIPg, -coots amd, Shoes, at
Eyr, Ta . D CON IE3' of 11 Orders In tlifs line, ezeefally atteWl'
C;STFRN PrNurs, ]-RAI), PIPFS, &a. is own inven#,fun an4 for which'ite inns seenr
the FARM F OR, S LE, Pateiitfortlit,�DOII&Inioilef('atiada, 'Wherealro: Jobbing and'Oepairing.
Introduced, tho,.Turoioa5ers haVe vow.dered lt�e ,t aid to nil orde
r o xes, rietadention :Pntrnsted ous
nent�ly wortly4#itsame.
all its (trawback-san. rcHents Ladies' De0artment FWT-CLAS.WF ON BAY inspentiou ortho work nowbelag.tazuti; ou
'IlCon 4
i#46 "fest 0 field Roadjot 2' Township of Mly sollefted.
on bf the Town of God,rich. f3oderich Ist-May'1871 IF
_f travelling ever o%anized ndjoining the. Corpoj6afi T RON; fAVOIRITLY 18 'ar'
An :�T VV ZL 3M I
lAmns; injured while welling 30 COMPLETE IN -?X ERY D E P A R TI&I E N f AN
—th L
ance only ratify- enn0hilng.154 acre00 acres cleared,and thebalpnee
b)r this m9de of convey, goodbu4. There4realfw threelargeor �)Mowleilie that fo�
dharde of an
(10 AL 0 T L 'Call To! USUAL' AR111n Appleanil pear trees, allbiaring.
an c6mpare goc ds and prices, and see th�t the L 4ered.',Thebnilil1ugR are firtit class aniWonsiolt of
jjae-r ftystent ;it is. pleasing tc know U y 'dr
a stori-ar)(Ilialff�amehollAo,bariiantlstables'TI.Isis 'Ve tojtbl RTICTION,
1%T 203
that -we haver in the "Canadian Pain WHOLEALE AND ItETAIL. unity rot proilarlatc a nplepilld farai wY.Ich tLJ1PLICITYOFQFARINd,
403kX06L3P69!3't�1S-rC0V 133L %ffX`C)PVV33 umm 3) esjs.Joods =to be tojeft with. 71orms liberal. Apply 0 SFELD AND -�FFICIEXCY
Daletroyer" a medicind equally safe and �Carrlaget�,, .
amps OF anmfortLeenraof -coughs, c-ilds, rben- gWeoal Oil L (ld 1i -W-aggion ar-d
Oopper,gra,,s, %Vool Piek.ags, and; Sheep on thepretbinex, or to
watNm sad nummer complaints. For 8- taken in exchange. or PA ts TBEaS. ACTORY.
i7thuiv. isn.
aali by- all Drugists and country dealere. 1. & J. bTORY,�,
pria 25 Wfits, per bottle. 19. *41' Si �n of the Large Ccal 011'Boreel., Z AT E S &'EL-LIOTT'
6r pqdd14 that *orks 06 cream eon be
S. orl6weredac-cord -,g to the depth o AVE pleainre lu M i,-
erfactir gailkedle, any d th,
GodeH0 Aux, 15, I -TO 4WI: Re .. SM :L ND;�, for 9
the mating to !be V01fe 071
Sum riuptry that
-DAIRKS is identfied
MM name Of FAM Goderich, No- 3rd, 1871. mei Boots adahoes. owu an�
weigthing, of th world. In I TME 0 Uft opphed AT'9AyF1 L D-
I cauboseenqttto.otorepf� ardage Shop an St.
was established AND I -TO E:�D b?, unty or-Townsilip rights speared on Mliotl?s
IT.--tensi've FIRIM ',uNCESSION St. Goderfeb. Co. -perpon,
Townshipel, lioderich.,eoTAprislit old stand,) immeflfatoly adMaing the Western lie -
10" NO%' 71]t 72 R&Y
From small be- 146 Beres of. liberal tems- ' For fit
-teir business bs ir.creased ti the bee- quit'ity-oflarid,-within ibout2 � Con. T`p orby letter t t 11 the work
gimlings, �mlles of the ally at lot 17 & 18 6 G)derleb tel. B. & F; ttnd,personally 'o A
RES is g; Goderich P.O.
�ihke of theTown of Bayfleld, . T'here entrusted to tbbm, and arepmlivANd to tuln out
theii factori4�s cover acres of gritund and NTEW PNEMJL� 4 1 1
.1 'eu are constantly em- of 23 aeries w1flehcc;%7dTe&d1l%* be prepir-�
W for orap- !The, remainder cif the itind is telosely Vaggonat Buggies,
pZnyed. At firat their orders were con- 4c>3Lgs, coveredwitli the best offteeh and -maple timber6t.
111h splendid -growth, an excehent road pasxes on two
fijvla t6 this asountry alone, but to -day PAT RONIV HOWMANUFAC TURE -1glis, Ales of tbo priijoerty- widels ie situatd In an, old, -everythirig,in th& line, of the Very
aoaerjc1iTTthJu1V187L j2�tf nand,well nettled beighbourb(iod t�riai and workmanship and At the very I
the, W7101e, %varld is weighed in the FAm-
we rate
Ar,.WX-t-ot14. Range A TownabipStatilev.' !3.
ccNt9lnIng*89 4dresofwell'reserred tunberlini&
BArANC.s. Determined to use Knack notfiin- but, the bet, material; to employ 1p�duue-iJargeattai-titroffir�Bwoodto
Kbio the most expe -The) �rzmstotbe IverBayfieldiw" a at prompily attended to.
0114 menced help; to send GodeiichIff',"bl
considerable, wAter fall wbieh f-ou biF madevall
At the Loweit Pri es. able for milding iii �iminufaeturingld purposes, a larpre assor of -
-nothing from the factory which has not Ment
-6jected tco, the. most severe tests
For terms appl� to JA316.4 D. ALLEN,
-*.7 ms
mawander that the FAIRrAINKS' 0,
"or W.
it 2JU G91VPq" J�BFARTXEIVT CONMOR."Esil Hayfield.
is Wentiffed with the Seat& wbioh is which win be sold Cheap for lltwsh 10i PCX&-
Guelph, A 15ths 1870 WSO,
the etaitdrd. -Wri-h. A -ug 113 V870. WITH
'Me rapid incv�ase of their bsines3 in t'he rtovince of Ontario has induced the
S Thrin foL S!, fRANDSOME TWEED Ohday.
to open a branch
flouse at DPIT1310, N. Y., and a full asscort,
T ot is, 13uran ]Moad. Township otGoilerich
JLJ 57 acres,40 oll eared and the-balauce- iL Reed hard- 1110-TOGRAPH6
ffi-eir, celebrated Scali -3 will be % I
uiept of TYL191i CL6111IN X �Ll ILTJLA)
WELU wood thfiber. Mlibiti 2 i'miles.of Clmfoniiif 9miles'
Tt5& At;S rer
tVXr VehusiVerg Apply byletter postpaid
FASH110114fABL, 'L 1 Z11,010 Dogellso
alway! found at this poin t. This art of Godirieh A never -failing creek runs through the�
HA Matt, Bro.tfrd P. IQ: so vu*nst6t 6' & 0.
hose who have heretofore bad oeen A MI Ly- -G 'MACRIN-E
raeut,WM- prove of great convenience vo F GA:VIN krL*Rt:21jxR8
Ts the silliPlest,will do the greatest variety f w Gi)aerf6hT. 0 INT131ATP
614igicd to vrai?, fur their orders to be fill ft ged, leis llibli to get outiof order, BW97 B t141GLYTOW311 opelt a 1�4neb of their Riticardlue
a 11wro eas y 117111111
el from the warehouses in New Yorkand- 4G� VIES d ru- lighter thiii an3, other, Sllilttl� wl I %Ianhine. S E R- I E A BU, Boots Shoes August'Ist, 1.80.-
ca�T.es a heavier thread with a finer Ne,dle
20- operate laijit,aalihe manufa4turedon the continot.1; Anefficlent
r " be found at our warerooms, wl I e
appy to exhibit mdoldues avid speqimens of work, and ciarl Elf a XX to receivele.5ers from the Ladies for all sol 0 URFULSHIRTS &SHIR7
powEa qY SPFAKZvG REST0=3D. NEW- ANGY STI- HI FARM FOR.SALE- hitbeol utandof Mr. A.31.4olinstim,VictoriaSt.,
1m, 0--iTArzoo, 11- C., Mrh 30, 1871. �ro 1-11 S 01 Plain w i k. All triRchinew warranted - Goderleb.. Thehavevlowgpue totbaZtatet for IL
An&all the i6ffier meoemarigs' of a cam- D 9ING U iT 28.,9 CON. GOJ)ERICffXOW$SHIF, supply of the best qValfty atintone, and *111 be aVe
S-11110 t%70 U1011ths, B &ll sorts of rdaQbineD repal*on slibrtest-tiotico, Threadiraild neressarlet; for Machines kept con I n -in - I ;
aga, my son lost his voice. I became plete �outfij' - Ge tj save " 4J toollea from Clinton. %yith agoud gravel real; tesuply
stantly lumd- all the w -contalumv:
ALY, and 9 mile�'frcoiii Goderich.
TIMMOD 10 L qLkl Inoney willeie D. F1 a call before. buy- 80 acres of excelletit �arinbqg j4nd� partit.-ularly'
very vinxions about him. None. of the I - � -
1-� 1. 1 1 1 adapted for dairy pu with a am&! 6iese tac-: es"
mlirsiciars could do him arky g"Od.- P.� v WAPOZER- tory erected the -eon thenepceskary'Appliatiew: ToMbSton
R�,j�inm'heard of YOT& Compound Sprup ext d6or e 'Siq?tal 0f1qq. I? fhr�cbeese making. _ I welling house, -frame., G K E MI. L G -Avr-, show-1toom It to MAntl
NEW BRa I obtained a bottle; Goderich,liug. Tth. Is7t. good, orchard.' Teilas ca5ir Vor further. particu -"Sltents palstaiger fr". Ono -dovela frolim
]ars apply to Lewis 14monton the lootalses, or to Window Sills,
lttramLtt)� to say, my sons voice was re-' (NEARLY 0PPOSITE F JOnDAX'S paztage fricer, tpoy
e,,erV -Ike JOHN L-&MO_WT,
abnatf, two hours after tskill 1 the ro oth Sent. 187%.-4w- pd.
DhU1C%78TGRE) des aecond.dnze. .1 1. - We manship'sRa-en stagonab, Yinuare. atliberty to publish this for Convenient to the Nlarhet. in the bests of WO� Fardcularkekn W&W
The same full assortme tartan.
nt 8i nallil Ot all
tbcbenefit of othersnfferers. 4VVibi STUTRER�,
kinds Of ing old A-mlinlype.s.
ONAS POTHER] NG 11L. His vtn�k of st-vas ft Goderiiih-ffthre SW93-tf For 44herlargi, -or slawil phatograplix. Tho
*ul*0Abe_r in returningthanliiifQrthe Jiberal
N! Fou RA I
Vjable, Prop R-aftm Qbapman of Libertr, Maine ATITIF9 IN4 WANT OF ANYTHING In big- patrowkfw lif-retofore extended to bilTr,
line will sar black
at the knee, hinbared P OT$NUMBER'858A 881 Is Tit C,Tovw�oy! Nould just sar fha� e jaw miack such int
TiGoderich On Lot 898- is, iltuaied asmair BrIW
-J�efbrc piavchasing elsewbere,
and stringteliened. toy the utm, of J()h?&- Cottageanda, lariteframedwelling Hou4stwostolift
T rtipriu- storev
h1eh. and tin Lot 858 t
zo2s A"nodyne imiumnt. The p A
DONEUE SAME AS 61JAL, wan-houge WhILIbcouldbe 0ouvetfol I a H G 'it Ifidualitz 41a
tiara of Anodym Linimul,
Hotel Ht littlienr
God"Jan, ist JuIV. 1870 w'9 -PderJh I May, 1871. tandalzoatimmo
Fan)a.Purgat�re FiIA, and eilaeridai�', The Lots will be sotd. f Ither tegetlipr or vpftab ib5team v
aawrrm qbudEtion Pozcl�rs�ave publish -
nit 1) 11
Ter=a= iuown 6n avIleatiou to a re`,4bla -and instructive pamphlet. ----------------- Win RT 1 R 'TO r 'No I FW -X f4EW TORK AIM Godelikell'A''Pa. 0. 1870. -14
3 &e, ' had froe at the stores 19. giow, CAftX%:t %endondepf$
wh!clr miy be CrJ to4and Malls nd,
range rg.
TRE bo*ed and- forwarded to,ltud
ce Ll r7oderieb .16.July, IRTI; swolit *aseu,6.rs,
OOK, 'nsift Great Britain, Ireland
Itom all. RallwayBtatif
-orway, Sweden or Denmark
Very Thilig Wantd P4 �NEW
ncltesp)y, as bysu other Route nor-lalue.
Jpltp 0. 3r vazA -DEPARTURE
ALL orders for,
BU11 �b T ots for Sr I e.. brouto., Grgy, & Erueb nEw HApWAn at. ;1ep vvA ........ Non., Oct.. 20th
STORE Put., Opt 2M. 10' !Us and give satisfaction. sending ordersby .,&K(jrtA ..... SRti 'Oct. 28t mail will 0 ell from
-0 Soth.�,CALEDONIA..Sat., Oct,� ese give doloth of W -Vtktfam�
-owsbip, No. AlColibessfou and -16t. , JEft
VaIlRoado CX' C> U, 11 C 1E1 F A E Oct. I4th.�C0LUNB,I,A Nov - 41; Aaming V
WHOLES A LE4019TAIL WeduesdayanAf5itturda3 thereafter. -has also. on hand.
e And e
RAL MEETING. 1 Portable Boil r, 16, Horse Power, Fro%'Pier 20, Is orth River. at luin.
ar oifOr 25 Tq-'! iiis0oo,44 Gt�Ab"wo* Rjm#y.
tirss,,W5 and $7,5, according to location
lig!E10.9-4 hi§f*UV adWift ta� tba Share- 10 I � - I . � I -
is , 4 and 1
Cabin Excursion: ickets (goo4 Ice le m. uths)
lioldftwofth�farduto, Grey. 1 Tubular Boiler.' 1ELdIN 3,26 Fner C'k ROOT SCUFF09o'
Wnw-, JUilay Com�.any. that a Special aecurlug�bst acco�uinlailon, JIM'
ta.M.Engiue, 14 litterniediate,1414 Steprage,W&' 10HURN-9- AND 8-TiP.&W
(;eidrX1 Neetinit athasaid Sharehold- 11ALAH SA 11 -S, I Beautifu��,Assortment.�... #.pp' �,taflqn at LOWER R "FPS an he bought, -M A . 33 sold an IlberAl terms, sid4brAer-
will Too, held 'at the office of the taid Second h a d119e arator 111; HOrse7 Power,, bere�hv th,osewislung.to- senit-foortheir-friendo,. Dmftqiisai�13ayable4un,prsertatioui
Gtrw 04 of Tororita. i0i 556,633'558-,629. . puylga byMr, U. Doda.
atl HO Nos' pply atthe Cout any's Offic td
N e.W xlq-,e P*Ar� )r rse Power,', Previously Ti(#Wxy, thelF Nin�-tekh, Oxv of
Goderieli V,-Tcll4th, �'w swC4.-V
Twelve tftod6delt Ont,
Iii �iirprsa Of and e H,
Thua�-' -OUG. St �-L KINDS
O'Clock, n6ort. for 6 just cowpleted opening out an'Entir ew AGOODSTOCKOF R01"&.WQrQDENPL Goderieb Oct. 23 1871.
td *0 liredilr;or the safa fiunpalty. WITH STEEL AND CA19-T.-BO.ARDS.
�tl�i safi�flon of tTae Shiireholders, to. tl-,� COMPLETESTO'K OF ST E HE sUBROMER OFFERS 70111 SALF TB4J
Utt -above eligible, bt.ilding lots in the ToWA of
Pmar by te, wdd Direefora of the Boards ers, Agi-iculftra.l Furnb�qbsj Ulilti.vator.s, Gang T (;oderleb it reasaiiable
rioughs &C., .&C., -,Pund to,,be.sold'
-of the Company sinder.,, In, pursuane Guelph. 0
of and forthe purpr8a declared in the HARDWARE. VETEIR I MARY
-_I 'West Soctiou of thi Act -of he 1;egj8lA- E NJ NEI$ BOILERS L F� H t�,- SMIT11"
neaftibab d de0it4
prices that defy. "I loeto
Jura of the Provin-ce of . Ontario, incor-- made qnd All kindd of Mill Work And Rep-iiringidonoith: h lult 26 Aug.. 1871. -zwl-t rA
f allkinds which will be solil, at Fiahing:Tackles: qoAerl Not" ckftaieit
�3 : -- 4ilft �418BORNE
Twaiingtha said Company. Pompetition. Before pumbasing ebewhere. Plepse
'give us a call. F ALL KINDS.- �"OlqsiiuNc; or
N. R -List of Goods told, next wee;.r SEWIN X.&C HINE. w -M. muRcHim
7 1 an,,.
Spere!arv- nfi-
JL aer of $ck6J0= at ft
1)ztea# Toronto, ffi% 8th dxy of No- *0 S L& T
so NSPAP, -
F D A RYp, C-7-IDER10H,
0 11 " vwtber. let H UR 0-7 �L $FA A Y OCCUPIED UY- A. S. 117 10 1;2� Z OPP:)sitO Narket Iffouse G +
Godericb,44ths6pt: 1 1 INW5L&wofffoei 411X1dQ0r1t0-th6P16bt Ofil; 11 dtlisbuslexamin4ficui. and. obtaint-da-d%Q11016
(soderich Juno 23rd 1811 sw87-tF ilrioi kln� up stairs. 'Attend to the -VwA8es&0d1Le
ND ofV1
Nq to Reforeuees.'1�rqf,18mIth V;.-N.Fio sburp,,
(Joderich ;Yuty-24th, 1871.1 - SW95-tt Prof Bar Urofe rick nadal! -of Tr 43mv
OF9! re
, : 1, '! - .., c, - CER denB
P eaud1t e
KING OF: AMERICAR mtaloDk- to the -ilsiow afteav,
X.B. -Until b�&etspossesMonothigownTiremi4k �'�A B 1AG AM" AV Vetericow Aledlo! e slwayv on listaf:13
7 h.reas t-leared alad J06d Io4 house
W. 1#AQUGWUT',.0 0 9 Clear titlqTlor *500,;c"hbr1bf--$609 one third low! -WIN
L uowl,sing these HaRanes. 'They
J"VA have beeti
tswi duteres:
+'qsted ba
%Ond allg�d9n,mako the jayorJI4
slitipaer' per annunt, lock,
ARO a viv 1c P]Ply toL
s oppbo sides
, -j 44 z perior to arly i-ther. no4ehme offered the public. For
wide range of work,l*rfeetloti. teatity a4d excel- herebygivelifttspplitations will bomaidelothe
Tailor.' S
L CTA'Tp� lenve f meeJ1%u1s;p�sdqptability. stiength *ad liegn$
ierlalkf 10th Soptj, 11 ittlytxsembly-4of the Provinceefntaricoat
Its nextemuingafteigiatorainaettoreviewjmd&TaeiR%
$HBRiFFS SALE, OF the a6taft-he?iruamentofthoiLi*ftovme4b'D ale. The 108hom(§ 8, daincorporatiy*-4beStmtfordand.Utiroi3
Addip'djargelytothl Xaniifad4urmg aOUNTY OF HURON-, By v ex Andall avingle6ceentirely refitted; XG Va- 4 -PAuy� or for aujitt to In, Dipoute a Compoinp
of's, Plurf
forl-lieconeructioti 'To Wit
ZrItapro,ementi bave Jatelj been made, eii. Stratford sn'the CountyefFerth Uthe
suo-d out of Her Majesty's County fourt, of thq I -'Arai now Prepared, +.zeduteo,.Orderm
Count of Hurou, and io me directed agaimit the Notice UvCred iLblingibelitaulibict rq.to claim It as the NE 20attamVton in tho vounty of Bruce, at tojorue
104 iflatttligibly sitnat�d l,
Landis7ard Tenements of Jariies L R:oblson and ttect, Tdwd Or. PLU
In Tweeds, Full,01oth. Satinetts, Momelf, Winceyif Blankets, Horse Covers Stockling. 7=4 &a.. &C� j� - , §,,ULTRA, of Wing- Xach"e ido vJ1 otherkocointon Xake Moron.
Route to and fmin Cho kituhrofildine4jan4win from tUe 11rielitt timblic DstedittthoTiovni ofStratford ln'theCounty'al
7olmtTaber, at the suit of Richaid, 'Hunter, I have
rt 't P-4 to lfie.cijarsest oveftw brupper -16ittkar. Pertji this M4!dayofXcovember A D.'kl*l. 4�'
EKTim. Olt 3
VAIRA'MU) TOIZE �4 30:8,
aftwte, lyin 4AI W. UASIPAELt�
and sea !y o Huron, dee*aseii:
n parcel or r -I Patte ft-,".rhARPbrt"er y,-� oWnel
find to all, and singularthat coo I and Weate TIA
To f F ielzed, and taken in exeLution, all the le and IR- �'XORF* PUHIMANT.to'i�b, rder:11, inteiesto the abovi I I , q. -f- -6# f)ef-nd M
Q� Vap Tab JL 411,!"
er, In
tract o
f lond and P and being filtu'Townslif of Turke,smithin th Grunty-of 256. 18;:L
THP pretexcled. -is ot -haif the price 'Intherto
&a drontAllo. entiou! to' late C
9 0-fliodse, q aid. orgeAllsw,40. who diett in or)Libut *nb
of Let numbs -14
art r ifteen,. urrth,of I eietuo, 1609 liocra ih6.g
in tpe Fire conceeilon.
Pood 114y-ofbei�e ihn; thit-eltd, by,;ioyqlte,1y;1 111aupoutwerb iienigitic a to place it WPhin
[OF- A -pnrl�ty& and ma bi Xestirs�"Ddy�e lic of the reaph of 4avery a ec�u t
in lie ourcusell A:*- Will
0 ConiffigibM LA1*1108 with Wool to get carded, by Lethe.13 v MaqbfAAfyis tpekiilly.ad, ted*1a ak�ciai alling
Per winittheir ;r In ,;hAsinrely on getting 8A6we. with them", ikn6*n ar At leavingthe samewktb.Xr D.Fergu�qro.). erchatit.0 ntrix ot the d& n4d' d. NOT1C8js,1liereby�g1vvn tbatApplifill
id de pve tloo. 0.0'Ailministr
3 Wihing to ext hang 'theii woe for i �*Ill find It
chrlitlad hfici Bui q6twe to 9
where Spost 11944411t01 -11t th4o'�Outh 693ter, gle the. sititioday.1 U081 s, addreswew'd ft, b,,fd tion,will be made to the 14gisrAturiiii
sinbsZqjW1rx a call las$w Irk ganrituteoed it Tolm-Lb 1- lbh ReVersil
11-iti . rt Mllock V. -isture vf, urip I We owity tr h g c theft odi.buntv�on4 io 6U.
1"Tow, t f the -. Proiv*o� of, Out$
le tije, Tv rioi, at t1le AqZt
-oreig I cbnino and vilventy.rig�t Hong d7orr 'in U -the tt will
iirlesromact;ursii go.tif 4& tolitv- -e�emlneutly I Single llaehic�o Sessitan thereof iat Toronto,forxntlioritT
nbe remptOr ly 6 -ITirX Wood 7imber. Twd Aforltic,
a' ff
from the ptoir Is I and good fence, anA lxl�i 11 aeres-, 6urpareili
Iterpretiol'ttride I T, The tMvelled till 0 5
Is 'House mill
domestic NeWing. w 11)
-!1bp#�al!o-orjTt4* fhr� A se eci, pi,, public ert the courJiief the "River Aux
00;0ijou wookof a6to-A, rmv lot.. i;� uce in a (Irapka. Soil 11"St'llbalitvi, unod Log- SAXATI.Y
to firleenoftealixteenjit the to pioduce thv- We I Ubles In tbia Township of Hosanquet.
1A. bearfn� 0rcbxrdi�wJtbln'.,V
thrTownsbil*offackem d elftli Haul Aithitte, wl full �utfit. 111.2 doi,
if esino within
the�T6iiil, Of �q
�vx a en of for1he tirpoaeof4rainingoertalifUnd
7ai(f lot umber lifter, I i�ay of Depiklu $17. 13�pl EAki mact-d tie suaaUttel.- lleso lie s oil Aaz\Ts Xvkaywniz*z� in the owajoihipsf Bosafsquet� NeGil.
FirAt to
lhence� north. fourteen de- tail., aces.
two mutth *liiv de -roes axt along the said .T0
livray and Stephen, in the niiiiii Provin6e,
trtb nil# Tqrpn0,,.,16tI1 U 871. V2
4D tiIftf lhjo�gmld coneespjen three, and 'isfinkir Ui
H, XAC R 0
V ve - , a durich Nov.,*. Ian.,
een ffolk?, thence souilt Conn W;
. O%to Al Tabstat'Son!
degreog rciot ifiv Ift A—
01F STEAXLPPA eight 1111ka molevy less; Ia' the Placi or beg uriellf and It
continnial Elly, 61YXN BAT
r four acreif. three irmls
-sidimin fled Hama Rood, thence.
pV119-ko*ioCl43�d, eXecrAint fift (rot ftoni frem.-Ilbe Lvill'be mde at the %ext oemalon of the Ug4n,
tura - tllr� Pforlace vf OAUA616rau A4 U
'll M,wit �;la eitnd -WeA
t r"er 6
'�Oederleb. For on e tliesp."lorlat eaxtiiily Ill 'aujindthe AAt lucorporatim.- the 1!�"to, GM An*
to VIRP00y tSo*6&ft0trTl
6th;ccon4. V&q!irn ffivielon.Aphlield."
Bince Itkilway. Company and ta^ sevend A�U
mod Te"emenig I shall oftr for oale at v, y office its ., . 1 &Y. f=dinggutlioggrat, and to extead the po*er*
J��t-buodroif'feel-in (teptlit, which Un a &C 1�,11
e *&W iQo%k"W, Awt, far Other
'oiferkb. an Tam Goderlelt
Fanoy and' PriU4 ,inite7oinoM
day the`Fllib 1872. at thehouror F you want to 4o twodaysork in one day,.get posca.,
19 rk W. $UTRER14&!
t6 Qoilquh�* Twelyz 01 a of
nevery Wd
JOHN MACDON ayaad An Cl:nto day of Octrber A. 1). IM. i
Xhelifrof Ff _U#0VX
42 e tin
t prpnaptretif�i4niside,
11t1dil :�qj Issued at ALra:, o�-, Proptriv e r i no
oface, i6biladch Xw 20th. 1371,
r -S -
lit, 4 --OR SALI AT
r yoft Aloof broughbutt
'to 664d in cam* Aonl'
't 7, 0 &%ak
40t'k, e-` ;<LAP,,
X CA: -RI4L To Wit. JD,-Faefax fxxwd ouv'of Ifer
A tk
30iiesty's Court ajiable
.0 W
#A at trifuts of, Vaffn. -4 A. A� PROUD OT
-limit tits TAudit and Tene
!n X tarialn saft in. whiely the- #01 Marlit 31 90-tt.
srutes Wk* &.4ants, -1-bive, and T!
vica 1hy thi
IDe The BDOU AU4 nOtft Of
vt ce,16 Mors
tlle. In owntfou 411 tbo Id tt,title. low of,tbe glotive inizard WKrk . Wket Ito nd 611olckintimbers o" buto0mil &x4 tfiz 0. Iniolvent" an
as flner Convied ns n 4 L -L A oturl"t *fiater. are V
and AXl1tyIm*fJ*t, In thovil ft r W, sP* enal nppIytc14hoTru0WaX`PWtAl
t*4 0 - ftd lie Mr Oeow MCKVIMA16
onts In U er I it-Aftsr that (late waLbe. FlNDLLY,
in tbo court i I '" 'b :V11'nd ffice
eirj� I A til t 14(it 7340d eakh fty from 10 a. In. to 4. 1
given to a law),ftfor rouatior.
T. Jtovm� Q. 20 13icitish
at, 04 hour *f 4., -
I P. M., or at his
TW41yonft l nolin SIGNAL 'OFFTICR
T TkE HURON goderleb F#T. Ut pwia-ir- Zzebange fdotel.. 4
Por 41bert0ct08,1$n-* 11"Zton, 25th &Vt-
Bat btrew 11 *1811;r "A T 11.
MAWWsolks, f"Ode-0, oft, "tl4 is". 4,
4: t -e '0