HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-12-08, Page 2a ,
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nearing 4ocujnent�'and criticizes it
adfen!A, o. 'Rollailion- The TI ni"o says t it at- c wero subj eOts on.
it was We -understand, saYst The jal stiolulout upon the. pro,11jetive in avZi
T to ree"), It- tteo.'Movad
Mr. Ne -00, by. Atr. Git iin see. by lte� the p wplis r�%q1vizit.ionof an, for do- ,dustry �of L, liver unda; or si(er, that tor, that hc io,�Ialy O�YaCLO I Dr. XLun I of the Town.. of Go4crich be Specta n -of the joilicy.. & 11 by action t t, � of the w
file t-11 Po4ti In of tile FlixtY ohich has,been
niner in jilaceof ors,havo Completed their lttbfjr��y Civil Service, Re- WILL OPEN FOR TIOPECTION, N SATURDAY NEXT,, 4
41 Star. Appointed County Exal e&_vf1itoyears,-viz
Ilhtitjo, %vilere. it oppo.sition. Wlicther the Eenii -tudies' Fur; of the newest styles in.
canal. feeder frotn'below Dlirlilllo'tOts fovio Revenue and Amnesty
duiy (In tho late -M Piestim, referred to School ;.and, Sas varied assortinjut of
ire )Q%tlle United refers 'to the iQIIIO�al of tile fihoppard f tbo"Jile 1 liter, 'the Presideilt's. iiews. on
bounlary betwt loss to Committei: Niovod -by Mr.. notion with t14'-m4n chan4ol o IN,
St,%tes and the Dominion of Canall-61 is alt or Grain- Wo are is, JOW the see. Hir.rAtoll, that, Mr Matlock -of n ese are, imlireet accord �ith't6VIOW8. Millk.lo
if It& refers to th, X;mili r �t,tllq anl, and fi dthat'uo role ejcavations th of publia; -
act pioitit�d an a 0 . An,, pf,the most liberal. loadera
renewe4. and the early �Lttention 0 vild have efititon bc api it. Er
ratentitall Of these impost II str rtor
or it,- Conitty B(%rd ain Place a6l the late M..! will be 'neunssAry. in delipeniti f 1)�inian
on's of the C,),,,, sq to) the matter is called the in, d
nillion 411 The Son fluds Something tolapprove im
-f 'lie favoritt, to SdIlool C1111111litt" that about a I Alaska
Itly up_ p, ra be sufficivat for
Of o l3l1Xek"r4*t0
Vait !d tttis Is Tiw 11, essage fouches inore lig terests of that lart of the 1),ninuitoin we illtiollA win
d 'and &Iith of ntitt 'less than the Pr.esident�s.rey,mitieu(l:ttit))I oil the I
vil f let, that the on tlL,, relations (if the '1KeP1I')Ii" with are il" 1"s% sue was rea Tilts- will gIvE tqrllal t;mtatioti and amn-
a not, tvAhat one P"i;lt0d foll"ty"a f. water in thc'c�bal, %�Iiich` q1teStilln'.0f in
ta I But perhaps this 1 nimittee. Apulioa-' fourteou feet 4 a1) ig4ier 1 on t it, ir T'iu of the pei haps ref rretl I c, a of the Nesag
oother Montreal colitculpora"Y Of H, 'Ia to be Appointed Coll QtY otherwise bu obtaiixO for less cwly, biA theret'its prais Astrachan,
of tile ive r! all %% ith it-; qtates of the (14,11irch to the KlItZdo1i of lie looked uolln the (111tv "Pon these tion thall a6 ;nt live 11111iions of If et,dll'. ItIld it is-ti-rnl-3dAQ 3 I)WO it CO-oll
reforrild to School coutintite
.11 to 'lit' rX, It.,Iv, jy N%71,icll Rillue has bilcom-3 tho artie ei is mordiv it first inwal niont (if a oxaminer lCurs pos t oil, eltimsy, blundrjig, and puer- Coney. &e,
1111 tllllo %va-j t") becoule Account If the Rev Mr. Eakin �tud bif the v�;port Of the-Pligil fre a ttie viriter, so lot- Ir c.1;j#jrry Ps t� tif the natioa, has been o1I1_-i;%I- tar,tY which iii at 118 following Accounts, referred to Finall6e. these fitdts, and w hav ont. Inersag IF -S, COLLARS and GLOV10.3
o4t- tie worti,y of respaut was seat by lu Gents UI�S. ?
Q (9�
P Protective. L O's
trade. o�jan;z tti�)n of a 111ILVtIrsally t.y,it ouilit tO-31 a
book at tilis a moment. raitte Act.-ount of 11. Gar litter, R. from the bust authori any fo�lner Prcs�d ut.
ve. 0 t"k thrul for th week to pri)tu"t otir Rnriciiall, 0. W. D-lyle,Ro-Mr. -'ones, t1uquestiou f howthelcana, iocobeilu-,
whoat Are we it) I ttinciman, S. Scott and other. prOyed. It is true t1im tile I -The Standard �orms the. message a plin'
A.W4 "a hirge amortment
in Si; rely 6) 1011" S- -8, R it long lien the canala -comprellut'
ii-im, tile claiins if citizens of the manufacturers.' o isive docivuent. And Sa3S tb it M.,ved bj Ali-. K+Aie�,sec. by 51r. Moo, a,, feeder. w t
-tjII che 1p, antl yet' as file United States are'l burdened
JI'llite,l ',;%taLeS agahi,;toSt)ain, ,,row' bt�, alid is heraboy. iixtent, bi t tbo ditan,:e'of 't ronto ineets every qu-,stion presented t., th
ing, tfie Engineer withSlIell Z111 LOV ubt,a4d.her olit
crowill"', 0eir f-orests, i -.f she insiii-rdepi�m ii annilillk- let the Coutity. Toll Gates front tile iiest will, be shorten -10 min Is of the Athericat. pe,,Ple. in a fatir
re, opicare groalfing tinder stich h;l alt4iler- m,+ the feeder wilL-bo shortenell, iikl, As the candtil itiai)ner. His reconimend-iti-,t.
to (level ans W; t It Riwsia it r.- d o6irk And pr-,-
atital, s on s onvenient oid the same ter
'.1 tha visit of thil third . 3 f ` akle weight of" tax, th(ly need no) j Fall and Vinte, Cloth Gang
Ibl-c iaslast; rasnearasprctid:tbly, referr- foodor will be with,but hicks duten- re in ncaxly ail respects wisj
O 17 V to, prutectithein front arativeli triflill.
t.ileir to) ba frien Ity, at, leo,islation Ul! gressivu.,
o pptij bu frpm i, that q,,ar- I oil toFi anct committee. tionivillobe coulp.
to �i_w wtt,te. of the U, iii-2anir is taken ,3 a proof tueiffect, i of ca,ii l4ler he 11,11-411YOU1611t (vrmpo�e&'Ae t
I. "' moved by Mr Oreswoll
ter. An cillialaul"ful of skill 4ild energy k, scold by Mr ni'd I- THE CHINESE DALUGE.-
tirtkiii-, f or t11L' th,t desirci of his lutpe'ria' V entering the canal will be Port� alpt Whicli wiA be sold at less flian eiWpri4eu;.
in any part of tlie Province,iof uebec Dallas iat the Clurk lie iintructud to
t�iat the go sholtl con- I ra. f t a" N, v. instead of Port Colborne. A Ile for- I Goderich, 102th Oct. 1871.'
el could pro,luce any aTticle that is ;it 2,11 - Law to confirin B3 -r place
--f th t factured r 1, f the Townsitip of Tuckeritmith tu� there s fire b,!st Wrbor on 20 000 SQVARD D11"s SVBMF'BG D
iwie. Tlie naxt 1) a which. refers capable Of bent�r profitabiy ni�uu 2,1871
o tieir Cheap.y.t1jall it a r ,lot for the! a Of a Portion (it the Side road' L" -e Brie wicti not less than I -eighteen I
to thic coar.;o of the Rus- itt this county more . latt'.1. pla;4 mere is I The Sha'nghw_ Bu.1get of Oct. 4, con-
tlo � no I jilex f cr strikes its a-4 be produced in Sow*Engran�l. So. far betweet lots 15 litl 16,, con 1. H. It. S. f+t -if W
ultiell te� are eartfi-, sin Nliisistor' t NN"aRilln, CifUlparati.vely no I ar i -pr at noa lettur fro which we COPY as
evienri ato W C ovinlock—Oairied.-,
then. a-- Am I
jiropi,rtion,4 t of Water Cali he relied
I., a tirlin ten fee
a seeipg that that uern�d, it does 1144tapper th t any com- Dec". 7th. foliowi On Stinday a colored iiian naniti-d Win.
le ' bottom wtitu- would 'heard of the terrible ot earChm4en, Arliansas,
to the -'ut I �0111an h- ht the ro, lii34 of the lid, (others, refer, A with a roo;ky All who have Bailey, %%aash n
pe�titj, in is to be dri8apil. outher, our Acet S VAustone a ate
n t adillit Of deepening -u= i.o,is in North Oil 1 th� foll6wing cirbuinstances:—
removed froull mpofary wo.ild hve us o dofit `* red to illauce-Connuittee. jl� 'These facts � not, Consequent UPI) under
Exec tiv, coute lie mother, "it's expense. iit, fi overd,ow of the rivers inuift wish Bailey, who had beentr4itninug al-onty
ill Cjtufd;1' liest.jun In the
his lie jiviniol be f.,Iloweki intn pri- protective i)-,IicY as -IgAillst Move by Mir Niusier, eee'd by Mr tolls should settle the . (I bi,.a-e fuliv the road, had sat di-)wn to rest, A%hen
not inforu.'ed 11 1341 Coraye I That the Colincil. do, now 'ad- ler. "We that -it weie p, is-3ible to) itivesl cillintry wo favor ol deepening, the fee�
the overwheltuing c3itsures 'y with a at 10 0'01(!F� t) orrow alid results f John Green, anotber c,4ot.ed rnar, canie �,j
that would be :I. national P lilc jollrli t ineet -111 1 the causes, progfross,
trust ot)r city,inember will-Iiiake hi' havo sd and ra� r ding by aud seeing B iley, without
t I�aso before eailtwhich canot b1l't I
a hited in a 4. policy which cc�llld 114
by fartoo I'%;C' 11 a sabbath School, 1.1bralles,
v "5a faujiluir with *the facts of that
P s -aftil. ethers, ie-�. an v pirlo ocati
'I :,:I c I reaching effects.. - But, unfortunately,- on, raistA Ad ouble-barreled
cn it � .1 E. I --afti,r to 41'ect RObt Currie
Wo C, State P1. er, wich is her "ther elrect than to sever he lit t tle t lie as sual.* the head,
I I the meeting of Parliament o th:t,
its, oted between its [anti, sters furr,d
a part'dr th,) Of the Uni 0-11111litto.0 good de him through
1nay be able to co-olioraio �effectivuly we have tu 9 i Out shoot
all,.y Most with. ad tih-, resp- ins' ibi littes'of it'lleLpend- Pot (�ncf..Jo�elili�kpo�rs&�806th6ra, country. immadiately kiffinghini almost histantly. -just openedg
synt- TownslipAslifield roijuestin!,,to,be,anr, Tie
year, S.ates and 01 tile world,, WP f %with th(,set who fay.0rthis ereab"."t,
o theal in the unt nat.. n ality, without ov4 n ---------- lta� escappd, and tile cropi Fifteen, hundred sheep,' have been
tjj,�-; hel-I (In' t I ilersalls will be at a loss to nildefstand. giliLiit Pa- noxed I the South Rill in% i, or _Rc,riSt I,a_ t b, incir ab011 L the average, -it iff -tid t1kat
it is uiru I Paw lly or f Mull, i8hip - -f'ttle in Ii ' THE LAj;,9 UZZ it, burnei too death* in the TUIOS* in the 'Being the largest and Micst varied -us.;
t_,:, tinic to enit I ' f it ware noos�ar rent that turned its out f dijors, &fd b.d. tincryin )oses. Petition 44Win, 0)bei& friends.in file capital haVe conclud-
to allvide to itlat all, Delta of the Sanjoaquin.1 sortmeut held by any onefirm
others requestingto-be antlexcil ie ifina-lation. is loqataud qnite
calleq or ealtsl. ut, this scate O� NO' it Sol GREATI)ESTRUCTION OF PRO -
t, ilic &it iple nono-ancementof his rd;tit-val usbegono nn -1 do f,.r ourscl%es If at ed that. ti
anno:wxati-,nista (of Mon- to Suut I Rt,lin,,,,, for Registration rur- Fit - sakii"Of the pfityr. i� the f1rialapi
an -1 t!:e a..p�iiitnient of his ntayW tht the III, uattainly p PERTY ON THE COAS r OF unimp� rtant.' r thL Thei-new silver iiiiiie Weast 01r 1jVl07ow03Xt0_,
�l is; -is, every tine h,-pes that it I"U district are Attracting great rush.
prc,strc4 for t "ses. Moved by J. R. Hui�e econde ID 184AND. peasititry,
nrz-1 low, onljr�-Clves s PRINCE EDWAL
to bt�.e-_% sufficient, except- are not. il build the
c III OutarLO. r A -esser that t h is cou no be so.. But I fear the hove is de
ieueve thf�t, if all I h:s -,ridge n the botindary between X -tistwrthy ip TO W12
Accoriling to tho 111"st 4
twre wj,% d�.Iibpr tte intetion to ruin But the ii wlietlier orris NUMrBoUS.VZE5.ZLS AMOAP. AND assorted 12A-.
1, cliango the & -and it-, th,� s,lell vs was khltle it wollid in tteria urnherry known as the Morrishat WAWK ED. urination we a C
(if three rL -500
mr.teter (if the Pr,-%-ince Of 61cb� W) bridge.
that we have ,1,33 testill'OnY
500 20c.
w,-.111* tie tittorly wneath the character sp.--.Lk not ilow of 21Llittreal w Vir A that a creaut of L f, jur E: iglish eye witness
I ich s it, by '- ite m F114 OST as from as w4uY
ii the I t -a na- pitai .200 bs [il-seen, that the +Ile. C11jut M tjstrate of a lore. 500 115 25c,
o re tiity flit; grt-at Enipurcam Made tl c innuicipality of' of Clinton to- TELEGIRAPH (jABtE BROKEN SCHO')N- extreme poin is) it Avon] f Ontario), and t:114'At i 300 11 400.
t,i b0ong to this wartis rebtion (if L,�cknp in town.Hull Zs� is f east extent
gra-1 4 ER LOST WITH AL L.HASDS. di4irle 69
,B tit, i )0 square miles. Ij ZPARTBM T OF ClowN LANDS. 30.0 .500,
Mir remarks to the nd tllI4 aame be paid Oil certificate of probably at lea". 20,01
cm-lalea in -I he in�,Lna --vinc,. Ruea of uiintcia wi e I the same is c)m- a. ch iS Mean-JAVO 11 . ;LVL--Pllly To 1 71 2JO 7W
is n t te cy of tlia relations OF th3 general of me Pr HALIFAX, NOVA SOOti D4 6 ---MU To realis�w what th 103ta, I
f Ilitudli(rca 0 wlfo. bar, ,Iletejl� -s (in the, tij remembur'that ityVpreseno-s'an area 1,150 1.00.
for ..e iml Japan )?,very ili--I:i and serioas isast OTICE is berebv lvc 1, that the lin-
I oello!11i I I I ;it 11 Mr. Canipain, Gaolor p - used than line th I
I il A letter fr A' ird of and I 'nLitined Villagrefand Parl� Lots
I Swes with Chin d
%r,,u'�l real 11 Tito Coreart-Wax is .4 rince Edward Isiand have eels ciL W
oY 1 Ere iAerre I to. ales. The mindlisappilled at tile I EXCL71SIVE OF
III y read. and referred to the Gaol. a�nd " hain (addil iona-I, recently slirve
to lyt-c in() e,en 'towra Very litavy. trees,
.V to CnAc-nve. su"juct. ofa, p-tra -r- by tbe� Tate gale tju,rht,,fsrEo;.iacaIAmity. Thoie of Wi
ph, antl the niat� se, e witil the jjen1,l,-, COurt House Committee. fences, barns, 4:.c. I werethnAwn downin bru th vvn:,hip of Turnbe int We
nt I i - I tip,inti-espi)tio,.lk-.Ao%vnupoiI dr,,wnL-.d . ejIl).in ou.- wir;teri-ieeferrod t6the consideratil,n�and III -re accide By lj�w No 6. 1871, Confiriuin!., By- many WH be eved for sale
the.e, oat �h'Lt it ha"I buml th w f the Township of Tucker-' villages an n- tiroin,
1-2r.,! ...; e sett -16(i Tne new kirk and one sidel'of the new at Public A action at the TONVN HALL, 0' ie
ertoesan,l in aff rs are La * No. 2 o" d raii-ol cropit, 'or litan to Co"llty of 11 2 Librar S
t s of desolation which -reaelles
ritlin, U:431eS MMIYS- nd p.tased. Catholic church at not ide wore the talo Mt
but hope is ex� L 2, ear, biown down- At Sparr-ni'l Roa rerir, or , WINU% HA q, At T,VtLVZ4 ,'Clock
p of our -ke ra;111 is to) kepw the s"';ov-'1,13by Mr. Bish,,p and seconded tovo them from the in the crowas of
011MAY as r
that tbe. cr",7erament of that peoelo..%3 I s re wees vourtn wn THURSDAY, the TWENTY, Most of them entirely new, in isetts or
ly as m-ty be as it is anti t ie )y A.1 r; Willis that the Clerk (I raft orgetown honjoiess and Rio -dies ft , r, &IGHT14 of filis GNT0. One'third,
barns, t1io telegra�h line to I ilre r --t sonie 4, 6, 82 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, SO., 50 and 80
emintry will sh-witly by its own acti-oll they are --ti, inake ilIe People ture in- ily Lttv,to C�onfirni By -Lay No. 6. 1871 alid two houses were bl(j%vil Owl" into this city tro;n the conntr3, the urch:tse,tnoney to be paid at the
of 1-ut and con- Of the T)wnship f Ust)onie oil. -jaint ide�L of lie kinit Of Bulfering it is ovols., all of v1dch will beffered on the
0.1 gt! remov.3 the, ewises of gri-irance. Thn itior-3 emerpitsma -0arri The schoonerMary Given is t,.tallyj ve no time (If sale and tte balan,,e in two equal
0 aCatit'-al Aniarien eq,tGutiv ititiredetnoci-atic,itidindepend y-Lt.NF N 7 t confirm By -Law No, 6 ,ae- Iments the
and. atop-sa[lachOonerpartialy wrecked cau ing; but ev6ti they can Ir
f'r th. t,v ba 16-1 ol le low g Le itself
tililit, tl ". T "i-nallip (if Uzihiorne, was ;it WestCpe. The br% 14 rghretta is 'quate coaception ot its allioulits. annual inst� interest,
Coon liti 'I, enr, so fal roni bel -1 . 1 Department reservin, the right rt,c,,iv*e a pls-in- is 1, ove a iythiug el", r �ad arW J�a`383(1, Acct5 of Errick ^ He- bILh -a sclit er wrecked. - I
&�ired is drez led l . and dry, The sto:y go's that befii`ris� the river to make one bid ol) eat;h of.
as a defiviltor in 11in of t lie toy file Finavici�, at -the %V
B,it let zs s3� thera gibitited In 186 1, at thp bug' Kay Others ra est river Two s6h J011ers,welID. activally 1) --oko at Taz-chu -tin, a inessen-. TH S. H JC H NSON, - TO SABBATH SCIE10OLS.
tre ity obli rry few in- Lee keepar of -ockport; , one johooner s
Americ-.eli wa,r; it was felt. �Otnmittee. Letter froln th jLIBI)ect Asita?& Cummisiomr.
ttati4m, anil the nalficadon rlf er wits seiit f voin'the Yameu to
atlExtradation Treaty U'ith-Sicaragu is. terpriis4ag pC�rAo Atli I one at P,j- tile -thr.-atened spot.' He fOu.0
-Ir Has 11 it sm�ll
s in p.Aty of Tiire� tfieCourt Elolise was read referred to .1 a
�tj If 1, th, wrecked at Evinant Bay T. Jow MOOT-1-10USEi
110 little Opp Court House ContmWee. The ovaer aul son. are
.)rtaun for and the ominj dis-
Rivers Ehat � Josephine Street-,Zatt side, Nos. 1,
The c.n.incipfi..n. .-f the ronal Bay. hot,,-, dad every sign of
coniilencinfo, the lix-tufacture of coition Lie Ilse -of fis!j, North sideo
W,tt, dn,wned. usler. But e'nvla was a f Market $Vam
t di I V! yo.vo I Inca, tire it 6LU. Appl�i&,tioll Of Mr. airn for t' 2 al acre uh); 16 to 23 ine. (j acre
a .1 nd a repurf, ,
Braz lian 5 -lave is me;itioned as P. Inatt-r tio vall. colle aI Jnry R,mm in behalf 'If Ali*- The sbeamerLady Heatl returned was dvAare:l to) be a gold, aull the 001.1- each
Informa . ii as
I tit 3V con -,m %tal Ltioll; Cle ex Vfts preparci; bot th uah L was - Illade tinnics, Benevolent SoCiety-referred IN be- I Centre Streot,—West gide, Xos. 8 to Goderiph, Oct. 24th, 1871.
from Sable .1wiland and. r-ep, rts all well usiOn dra,%tj WA3 that It WO.
rgt 'that the -Y witl nin clear enodgh tittiet as thq ph rase is tb are and Court House. COMIllitte., ok lie pmsage of'tha wateis;
5-t - . - there. Onthe first inst.-thp. brig Blaw Pious to s Lo'l) t. 15 iuc. �(j Acre each).
I)TC19, ras mone o that
be ed carr in it, and t1i ough at Wast R,,,,,,rt of the Eugine3r dir a]
find it it3 as well Duck, (if andi�,frotn.Qnehuc, 11 I-niub as it was pi - nly the- vviA of heaven I Centr�e Bile
t l.t if III pCr ceat �y time themwere fatnili-,s, 11wwt a few, r -ferretito Fin. Committee. away '5 inc
is intrin-iicaily to hasten this vel, for Bermuda, went ashore fo e Fru, the bark should Lav- - 72to, acre each).
veirga ofs-z�rvatii-n, hare was It)' Maved by Mtr. Kelley, see by NIr. Scott, tile princilyal station 4 -in the tiorth Bi -le of NV lien the catstrophe has antliallY Oc-
f,,r :.&air lays 1v �r` t1r!V %-� 1., 1. have Uri ilia i Street,,_�ou:h, side, Nos. 1, 2
a.odwork iiior,, ri id;y thin is contem- attempts to fill 1
t tv * E lze a-; - l,lit'l f -tom tll--.r lo,-ard P irifiliential Frenchm ho gave it t it: Witt the time. for Paying the County The crevi au4 half of the urr,d, and. stlecessi Re . re e6ch)..
rwa forlever-- Act now in 91,1-illhtest elcouraggeinent; c the c orgy Rate be extended to the Febrnar' ,hal failed—flie rusdl:ng Nos, 1.2
12:,s� ..:ia eatni, u olin Sti
p..%ted by the E Y c!xrro and part 1A the ri�Aij)9411(1 the tha- breach
ifTiii: f:t,.:t i t-',- we are Story too Sfty, lojokvil 1poll it, with he Clerk notify the Weasuier d TI s' )k-1 oil the istream , hav iiia swept piles nd r -. da
3k -w. matter of :1'tf*1.tiS effect. Chains were 9,Tve - &1 0 ,
It ii Ill-ni, 17 titen said,
�-.-d tar-s than any other clazIs. Carried: fromLi akvy�_tl It uas
ia t7t Unit Inore-disfavour CL Is talt: grow. I ohn -straelt -.,South Bills. Nus. 12
nr_,gret V "it 11.4 movin in the 9 ;,, I
lame these uentlemen, wit 'if which, 'hall, 01.
is a dutu W a donor b. . LEtt.r from McL3m and Bro lie wils -a were two) tishus, One to tw I The C A Store
ttxl Voti I i h tbets of erpool, Lootind 0 St. Steplidu. 8, thei (2 -5th. aci -el
The di3tarbed cnd- n1d do 111) t',c ... 'ClIfurth Bxpns. I other re- Rn6il -1
theirviewi, of dUtV they co t,r was read Keferre-Cl. short' of provisioin and sdpjilies, but oth Lone up tae tiountry hile the N'Os.
lid th
ate it was .1 OoIyooln�,, Inen 'I t: --n if C -Ort i-; r.-fer-l! I tom soune of. thing, else. , We sitil-ply l t-) t1i a Pririting Committee. Orw-se was all well. maitlea about the Opening, a —IS_
IS I I_ 1w - - -Jicrin'07, 4rom. Bo8ti I I). C,)urse it wo. Id b-, 11 ne5th aere), 3 (It I 4(?jr&.) Tnay othat if they have Ai c4�. of Messrs. D,,nagliy &Slmi itions lie sciloolier CA suless,to any- k-OLII. i
fr will c- anxiety; but the h -pa i T
Id -A Itp 11 questi f,.tuturens slarted o.lany zo siderabl sea reumod. A
Was to Finance Com. i si-le, Nbs. 1, 2
liet to Xlete-han, 'wm wreckoad! oil Tuesday thing until the wanclorer Stro, , -
jjla-i,"e!c pl thit all putidin, i,,ns amoi.�, :honi, the very firsdeffect, will b_- -vas real I)w'A (t- ny R� P' t f the Sch-�tll Com. ,ff'yariUoii!h. All hands W'ere loit. few rday s af terwards I learned that the 3 eacl -
with Slwai", f r m this can3e, in !Z11's
and. _ZZ11,
Iopted. aips of riiir at Halifax Tau -tai of Tientzsin, in his 231404Y Of I P.Ark ,res a tCh, No*'. 1 to, TO
hctter tha:l w n- 1 Yv,3e wh I,,Fbru Of. fOreign priptilatitill, aud I OX 9
it of pe I) of jal-ge nuinuers of detoor There are no a' hid, g ine -to I
Ila i 01- to, b�L,-nie -.to a in the spi ri ce 11,1111 the reta,.- R1 �p rt of Finance -Coni. wf;,s read. at present. conservator ;jfrivers, ete., td.
�P, . . , 'en. %v -west of nolit4ve..
ian' ite Artiencur jo, vit the
i: iOnuej o�l ttj. a kno - s from t M ?;, all by Aix. Gre y, see. by iMir.
of the Ines- lized Cnad the brea-k- in the Eel
fautOries, which wmilct ba likely hl tilu'V Jres giVell tile, the - report of the F the city td to Yllen Shun, -it, fa
)w e; I be I
He 1%.
off li'� 'In 110 Is -se people. This i. tiltX-torrw"fo, further considurvion a. 'is in gre,
Vi at t -Ii.ng to foreign ffair3 closes rveness Cjm CAT10AZT! C, is suppolzed
...ga rofei aid on -the table nn- wh
rta w atat a fitfuilv Ile i -i vlu� Arith the roc-ainienitioll that four Am to destroy the iiiii �tuess, -_- iblins nulousAtirtoise or lish,
ei t1l itf tht 0 BCTWr.E�N F_ -SH AN D to colitirtil the wates and Obedience -4 " , 'y
,,�_ I
labourcr, (-r -,Icin yonith-; be ke.p�at te pitblie ex- t le,,,ralid obstalcle it-, the way (if the _C; Fio-.d. Moved in . amei!d nieut by cointssroyDrn; E -d by othero
aTile -j f I
tl, , �atc, alid! Was a,3ctimpanio,
i., oft,ie v,.% U3 Or Quebe, beconjin,,, an Gibson. that CURTIN WrT TO THE
Inee'lanic pen3L- in C ina and an equal ninuber ill P.-ople of wti- Dr. Elblmes,acc by Mr. �g I. SPECI Homls. T,7ableowt�rol�l,%t:tdul)ontijany- DnAu S11",
f t: f thev hav; fam- f Lettliu- CoIjt-,IuI,itj-; an(t vury t : - Q -its, candle -
V's his c(�uncil resolve itself into a commit- BU8SEA MINISTI r bank, a tablet, iileense u
Japan t f a pal t (if tile offilial ` t,
11, 19
pv.da t1will Ivids ates to prevent,, imnvggr.� , el
fami.tes, Can buaiy pit. saile cause )per . ,I, (f ihj tvholo to ch8cuss th.- Fina'lice ti, -k.3, and all other n
if their f this county tOrt EXTILAOR,DIVATRY R V �LATIOXS. Z he TOW liurdby re-
ily.of the Imerican Nfinister, in each of
the of ;i -Le, tion and tho opouirl'u, tit? 0 --lost On divisiun by a l-wojority nali-L P_a�;ed ja Lhetr plopt:r PI-eltz 41'14 tor�twf It
ies, who sh-ill learn the lan- for setiluml Na quest , a b
be I tie 4 earniu!,' tliese clinn'r lelit., or,) chige it, upon thL welven. Account of Mr, Mathuson, A. then this stri-nua carelluniv be�;an- om to a.j(sw yoor j it � into to v piac-
I Th-, C Q na : In to I- tho offica ht -D. PZ�
Of the Country s" as to be Able want f Protectiva, or to ar.y othei Smi �h and others. Refellred. to Finan- WASHISGTON, Deg. orref;- ving been present, I agive tl1V ed it, 110111 1,11
to Ir the. c UN kin& of
lati�n is eiitirul% �:ndeitce between the Keeik-tary of Scale Aeuve uL t i, Lo�w�r for (he etisidug y,.-airl He sells lo It hall otheri
evtrenia. t as ill tepte: or.3, and give such oth- f-irin if defetAive le -is ce C om. It .,are Facts.
aialyhas 1 d Mi-tistur'Curtin wa- oihist6neetl by uy � liteuge olirsulveg to) use Euchas,
cred, iteue, beside the a tile prin sine33 Was it i praver, -%w Ifre
o has c,,nfe ec, as MAY be- required, n the tile hif 3unelast. - , 'xi . to tha 141 icalt.ra &to IOp*v'er& ev, �Sslste 11 w Secure your Ice
il.w, I lie that libers � measures be dopted for tha We have receivel utimber of the A 111) inforin ME I LADIEV DRESS'GOODSV
al not inureiy ativ, Fat, iily'Herabl, a neat eight %veek- He said hems di Used by the flood, the frui t- Fion.
ld rt�
Cuitin that LADIES? JACKETS,
ioa rappoltufAineric-mi lines of steamers, the couditc:4 Of CILtaeaZV. iijui breaks iii Gudeiich, Wov.,30jth, �87
jj�e jLjId:taa y, I vibIlish 3d i it the city - of Montreal.- eLf( r�s to st, op tile var
L, 3. ars,,hally hail fill the rivers, And bes-,ught, LADIES' SHAWLS,
anti -iina, and Australia, ieerIylsul)scriptin$i.2, booth officially and P a ban of Geo Swans LADIE S' CLOUDS,
batween J; LP3117 Ci C( Ito III fish gOd to allow them to Sinclail on'
uncil It abille tini.- .ast been suC � its IT hi be repaired LAIDIEWFURS
Taero ara and San I rAIICiSCO- Goderick-, Dec. itil, IS71. to impair fivs useful�e�_., to 1 11 W it ) LIU L)r W 9eiielizie
!lwl� Delth of 0" at, The works at this Spot were then TaOO111- Hjjg�j British Votar i �0'urs'- 16ADIES'ibbm
th-m3aniklin,111til. t.,r- thet iu riwsas in An enco iragii greprosentation isgiven The Conacil met purisuant to adjou-irn- Government hrid-to I er ad atonee. j"Aftua I - for,e . ttll j"or nione - JoilL, 'khonlys-m LAMM,' 1ULT4
stanv, s h c!i utry. I ment from last with him or ii or socia 'Shen, does ilOb IVijjijIjI McLean tcne:ne-it, h-rinca in doculn of the int .4nal affair's of the con fineetin. Pm-sairt-01" Ther., died irt Detroit n"I;�iesday t67 le. 'Undo,r Ualortituately, Yuen
'111.1c cof-,it bat L%n:ch pnrp Illy disa eab have i.enri satisfie'l for be�
no) OnIV pree The natio, al debt bV. been reduced to Warden i -it the� chair. Hussrs. Arnt- (cn theBrItih side �� I %vas.of seem to Or w1alaill Cox V It Mann kll f the best gudlitT uud latest ityles,
thesocircurnsta es
td the C-:)#"uou assivall their�pi)
t the exten of $186,69,121 during the strong, V'nitoni, Young, ton, Shell- ecountries long the waters E i-to4ker Witietly
kif :ud ye of the war of 1812), Col. B9,15 Brewster Opinion thattlitol, rests fth Ar
iL t I era, an I swept away. all the ivateli;tl 1:10-ige jolin ,,teliafl.
Ar tv 'eel lie -interest is diminished to pard, Pattrin, Leckie; Perkins? Girisin,� Bri:,,h;im. Anionet the great. liworical be find' home relatit,us -tai
they iL�qlwly an year, and would
ith the overnment - of g ktherad tCt resist them, Then Tali jawos Hays 'the exten ea mil Hoore, Stiell, Shannon, 11 1
of savant n hons s com- viya, Kelly- eve its in which be participatc4 was the CIM no Placed pon a much treW iingr Ald an-ithccr visit to the I
iAegri; tiouitheyCs no and P Uiticas ill 10BI%%ards
Ulu th or t -lit day of rch last. Yearly. -tecupation f Detroit at the tilne Ot there was no worsli,p 4 tn t.'s mckarlau,
fr0:11 it f or it tll,3 fit Simpson, Castle, Greenway, breach Harily BotIn
aus. if no, ing, pared Av . it -a oa 'if the head of the Rusm-til. But tiva theyhvefiottha ine M, Hulli; surrender, and the cc on.- No) inc:nS6, Flo joint, Beit
25 C BhhOp1 ,
Tile. mis neviOna -constqueucte of the Cresswell, DAII . Y here' ould-be �hauged. Thv, this 0 is
and for thenil to �eaze to, work, evtat fr in the pri,�e - of gold are Willis, 3 own, Carrick,- celt bration of the so.rreu,ler of Giiii. Le let r 4 ds, it is hoped t his in' imatiou C-L.allops tOok their pi.tce, nit the illagLS- joall PLowart ilecussity n 4'pril, 18 45 At the tiaTe, of. th �e rAittily rated the ,old f-jr-litts Inoil-
ffactuatio I A. Alug'-Oliald
si a to caliI 6 this chang t Harw Y R 3 -ad
of then to 0�4t_ ju?juted o t but no Cure for it specified. Messer. dr of Detroit Col.. Bri! s a will be stoffici011� with his vosishes -j co.. n 14DI-4
,I, to secare� the rest.ol ation I And Coil- Co JAB Wa 'a
fact's. were n10r3 The matt r is simply, referr�d tio Con- The Of last d115 'of June meet- car tin. in the British liorthylo. torikj ai I tell you So nd sit, and ) oil paid no At" un Butler BoOTS sluloir"
of their f free
Oppor inirps 6
de- w 1), You j) 'trachan
kao- &tve RIMY urifortrt- tm)ll Oer Aweriba tiulialice ial, . don't fOr tile trou tile ' Will writ lbeg, V ina were reAft nd aF nroved. The I other iater- t, ntion. C b
lanadian fr -'st -,itnount of dia- Tie referande to thevariouz Frank"aiid Cle ra fapt:k and' c6rd e IoVOctl 0
ate 4, -jai v-,- 10 th ause i too at, many thouso-nd peop 1; ck Geo iflit"All
Un if (if the -overnment are uutm- Warden addressed the. Cc ilucit upon t, jailles j C' ` tt c�)ursc w�ith rl�prasejfttati. es of the Eni. Is equalled by noxie in Town.
appoin,ment n-1 Illisery. It is tr an, s to() nt c. Bang ! bai:g ! bang 1. tile cannup John ffaa U B Jqauston
mall tvilt pugii oil' into the Vortant. The action -of theo ,vernment V41owin subjects, viz:- Im'pr'ovem B'igh-in which, the Presi is oarnAl)
11 n ell 130 r a v -ii in Aanivur,' Now peror, wh ch hit% a always vere lut fly at hini, and I suppose t4e W U;34111tu F faw years of inifJ -,seil new Hi I I) p h I re, rintry '4tb, 178.4, , and de rQS to meet, And ristratt, v.ent hOLje ftemig
of tho 17 eff r;i toxuppre3s the notoiriods Ku the CatirkRumn; file pr #. i
pmll in OP worthy film
h tire esteem d predeeesson, IN Biackenridge John M61ntosh JV -
h existed wit r he had' tiono his duty,' There cv4ji , 1%;
as in the No h Ridin"; the a t �L Stolill-til YAWS William D Kf$011
hardshu), if lie dous n, -t f &I" victim t If Xinx Kh ns is advocated, and jpgtified. Ragistry Offi wa I CO ently nearly oighty;eig 1-ut which
lywr'lin-t o at the time Of his deceaso. th:; mi"Wina. he in Irlis govAnnient has evidently a forillifl- appoilittizeirif oE County Exatqinari &c. a. ra the present minis*f.. ba little donl)t whethur Ito wn mada itil Jolla D Ferustill 1E1 U40A.
of coinfort, -Md inupen ZY's call-mlias. to o
Af le grew lap lie was a clerk for two Cataua Yuen Shen o- not, that . bt Uarna oil 0 Sri far to, seure able tasIs before it to starrip out this Sys— Hoved by Mr Shannon, seconded b'� amtam,704 with,111111. iuliression an R"
a1116 in the store of Whitney Of blW-111 tain extent succeeded in to.
elle !It lie need not,_ .,a has to a Cer Uicit Lisitaiii For Ready-maile-Clothing he best18 AH,
tids. WLth, not o:ae whitgreater offort, but the Presi-lent speaks Mr. Ellortoth that at file t June meet iton. In 11,403 hs reinoved to &11-, ilr-
tom of vi liany; C people that LrE is not re- Pidliap R 3 Whitely as will be seqn. from the following
Inigin re a lorg" I iettor frolu ish, circum- -n;illclng 1118 John
ha mt have even �asjf it mist bla' don-_ A16 in III I and bucAnie a subject of Great C y.jfjraAll
in Just Q3 short r incrf this 01cancil, the. ain of S100jOL, I j�ttjy stating the rha in Why Cate- 6 )"Ilsiblefor the floodnd in , oadrittlug G Sirulhers prices--
'tioi i is o.irit c.-untry, rt�! Here he was called intu ser- At, t:! - suits from ",w
pi;a_- Ih calves; Apropriate mention, and Poly- i endcd to be zrnted, to Ale -ended .0 pOpula superstition. Men7s-Wmter Tweea
tbeter e W Ruliertson
"Tis iCiltmic.) Ian& euchvi tui -n' to the VIC -, ;%nd in lb 1- e was giv6n. dbilomAud, azy rendered, ifienself. eptatil. A Wiley 11
inatised as "ielic, of htibar- -b. 4, 1 ;! janies collacly Bo�� do do 2X0
Ia is j�oyprnuioj T N aucy
ion the town litto between MeKtilop an. 't '3114to, -
aut to civilisation, to decency "t jifte c(impaiiij in the 'Ifirst; III,, I I I at DU.'4GAiXN0N- A0&ay jaz, Y 31eng'Overcoata' *. I . . &# 5.00
tli�\40 I'tor co.-enr4 ilia tollouilig 01
n, which by �an error made in motion nt nt f-Okfurd militia. 111 1807;. Zitmt- 3.50
Vga aragm �!-8n-his-arriW at Waslliug- Robt A,&cViy joilia Wtittlock 13oys',Overcoats
laws, of the United States." No). 15 in the printed ini nutes was over- III the Canadian P t EcTioN No. S.—This sellool A jior�;y David -Adams Vijile all -other kWK are equ&AY 9004
laixg wreques thatthisSlot, ad the regiment to which -he had beer, toin live, a
Tho 2051dL502 WeS2290ow pumired toward the Ind' , I!,oked. Wo-oo L i mise of b -In SCHOOL S 'G Id Martin
a, cheddillitio, thoe warof 1812;4i d was tisetu &very Accelp -the and c4eap.
aaille minister. and -was visited On Friday,. 26th inst., by VV Tj1KY9
-nt CRoonld P -Te* ave resulted favoral5ly. gral Carried. 86on, County Inspector, the Trustees, and it Henry 1.1ortou H J Martin
%Vr.farcy Pwe$id lit Gm w o.- the rateliasers were present. r AjOorhou . Pvjudfoot A Larga quantitV of
4niled-thatibe, ptiblie linds be by Mr. Castle, seeqn4led by dit rly c4u�Ati&S.—,pree hUWev- h e,�b a n to 11+k& blinself ver3 fe so
It is be ited. li, u -nation was in no way satlsfaV- Witt riliur
always distinguished -for
fer to ujjjerW�e t' raduc,� a, fort'. flud citri MoveJ
quetions not "liho exa G N Davis
for actual settlers an4 that a -ouncil do now a(Ijour, -officios, interfering W
Bishop, thatthis G thnn to pioducat a St:tf I I ith his legation. tory. a fonnd ih�t the puplis, Were e H Carter -Geu Cox
a7er. lie lu i d an"Itu-morrommorninj atteno'eiocl;, IMondayi,thesch6onor 41`01iflatO Y. aWens hirtings I
carnett f1iT mulself a ra- part of a proceeds of their S-kle be e-, efr,e Co"Ilgres;s; far zhort, of witat thty'vere, 15. kilonths tT
Ali& in those
gilt voted to, th-, support of edtication. Carried. tai 0,bound'fortiffispotflilih,"
ago, ospecially in Artthivane� anct G" A
ra 0 F,,epreiienta Of 011kinds.
�.,CojjiCod impol-taping,
as a, luilitary combutilder; iMir I 1 .1 � -, UpOleam,
all the diinbi i�nel�,mberlorl .-Ilauey �orino 16 personal inter.;- rgall
h an morica a and 110110i . a hollars could wit tell What to%vn' Wm, Piper
W ither as, p�. removai!of litieft iMPO3041 Dec. 6th �v mol at,theapperead 11AAF194 jphv:' Those w4oin On' teachery GeO.Kieue
the fourteenth admoindmont F the The Coundil. met purahm�t to Aj-'urto ji : the. -St,, . CIW, plit via 7 H His hit4i"mut A4:- 0 , -_ - � 4 - Csuikl—bof k � , - , al'on the glood
Present Armsttong, I ialto, jo Pat Of i6s, otother powers. tix mOTO
perbons Can- ment.. I LOoners being conisiderably: injuied. 'thiair own Comity. X&e*,Vj3tczlStotn tij'b.y which. all 'Patton;. ter'jib-bootij, b� it, -Iteered S-Gotvjrnmeut,, annoy, in, nor thocapital of.
ateSoutherft rebelljou e (a osoul not r
'youni, aoit�ou, Shop 3ard,- toll bow jhn ReitL,
a lips a one.illoy lived 3xillivo
were adjoining
repro Joiln Pass uleir
mirdri re ihii t
tj,leI,neCte& iulithol; It T le best An hinatitio- 1, 0
, Parriek,'Porkins Glb- many feet ibere wasju -one. acre o
3sary tVr4oxj�Wition of -Brown du her wi I otil.
nece Leekia, Legislatures, thels iditdo ously 41, t Eagle 1 to all the Inlitta of citz, re.-Siiell, Shal�ll: 'za )aikatl bere, aiidi'iv is,%uite, likel 411od and, tofid Aiezander
er will be te3torec ( , � &II ityle and prices.
waskqat side, 0 n.; Hayaf, Kelly, Proa
�eushipisrecomnsended. � tilt the COn_ Simpson"Castle Groe Yearly t" - t At �4is free Course bf li�giala�ion:� 'on suibiiets Toile-Ifilspectorinfurated listuat we tuast 0,0 mullitush
i in I. will or quarters
ory Y4501, 41�11_63t the cinifilclat paithin. -is described not Cress*ell,-� DAIIas K. Bsew, Cornypnil". Witli respect to"Ift'hich gr�t. aiiothar taachir-or upport our school as Reid Lea.
dition 4qf tile Sti-All, oathem.. J�pmtvro. id orace Horton
the ul-.juf mastrta Wsj - obfitcled he�itate to, todependaul. of govern-lient a7 W6
Bishop, WtUsil- -Seatt, -Girvin, Grant, Are -now giving a teacher - V19 -D per quen LVid 10311telOu
of ehe nation render it In= Hooulo-,, 966% Fari-Ant'landAqUi4jighey. use the - newspapers , df -the country.to JvLin Boillilaa
Appropriations tieasst* Mr.- 15'eciiiiattl pirignifiOn qu" 11un, -to do worse.thait w*'l
fntrns� hii; pr.tifInt-tioa KI'Ved 4Y by hoVad4ove influence public testions Mark Wade Jr.:
"'Otid teacher i -p! You to6k Fresh apa Cheap,
for n overnmitit, Auk Ate int ovcmewts going 4a in th g_ Mr. S It not, be I%ttej to get a, lig A Complete
crTaction, or all, -that Will. Young WM NVICAY
endinolo befoito the indepeudentotgOviinimeAt
q)p -s a In m 6 al
the. ib- 1, and for the, of the public of Colborne - be I riiiatt in liondou' L ent Grane inliti-i W Dona, ly
to be m -forty, it is gven to it XLro, -Fidito)?
-tire. recom ciule'd esWhit' _$hilik-
fly were r I, ia pmasion eta a even , in _ ore Pleas;?.,give,this spabain-yo ]Ea.
buildid.'s in Chica f thoVar ler. makevan excell 0 Mtioll of
glo is _, " ;ti,
In 'ZI
-afinittes ofyestdd faVOrAt r IKV�M_� Lin-aij 1: his Conti, a was in reference
t2 L__ 81 ion for tbo: Orotectiou., of emi- ec e to the
-vraa no. hja1tirte, far ruishes that a alAre oyed teeinea c tlion;�i wiftin, -Potitio of Mr. Mu�, bi the preir. It fill i leadino% 6' re trally-A will affu I me I
ancl. �I�pprovod� c? Be. 'Mpl ojav t[lat it PADES, SHI
OjjIj ab"Ve
ur- antl for th� ptirtilose of fiscuirin, Para ive'language to- AAd your te-
9 Mahon and bthemfd,-k ihoQ1 See. NO. 0 wurulugjo r hey abusive great pleaAare to
thilk abilty I ' I" t fine And vitu including
refurre( ,reas eittisfavtl il- -Potato Diggers.Grain-Scoop
in the'divil servico, � a Li� h. 11 endioavor at,'and-tyer5
graate lid wililia read And tor the� Schet,,]i e r I 1.yz atiards very many pe rsolls, ea qtleit and if electeil *1
--me1v d enjoying puUkannon,J), _-VA �u t I - tt rit a wh1oh'the relaiioiIs iiaveral'ifi public 'flosit ons an jisCjj*-_*'th0 alltii-s ouf the vittice. thitIcr lse in the lo,
a e sts, is Lette rrt Great line as MVII as -a fall
ere % 11t; And be,: geul;16=4, on
th a4ed for, of o i�" U t -thd respect an I h
A to. p0lia interp a, 0, Ide' d confitl -uce Of the cot luily to
gh Afniai at i "aire- deli -With Ity the,' to assortm b Of
ovigina and dt�p
-North Huron mfist,.unaniq ps,, that any tnunity,, Tlielimpi -the ForeLm se0'aut,
to) erecta-wgists b ic a P1111011.1s; a[ ropr�, �ty of
ito Reove h1ti pAINTS ZZI&OILS,
all a tone -to, thb Fii4ance lun46 t I - 1111ITLOR-�. 0 &S S, NATI
read and n _;.�Ou'r ptesqu SAMUEL R 7
III Mr. R mid, of tLe'r.ondidiiin ofilteounity., ap. publi OPIUIQA
tom: , ell ILI miadireck
prot-raint U�6ralitj' I will. b4 becolft6 rather upo�u- Goderich, bbv, Will Idyl
;read accompunie byA aiiiiabak 4f, slifficiefit I .
AM . -hon
groull folr� is c6a$'l per
tha on-pragrew George,
boon raquol
was at $ti� Vernmont whicl: h16
Wait we belieye will be T alway go tlDthe,--:
d ireforred to Filla, I�e 0onl_ v � to bear'-prij jar of late" a 140 hit&
s'dibs-n, E% '
ti=ea rzj3_. tha Tholn ibra cliveor 6d byL Simpson seCond. *%gent. PtWe by T� d by iArga patitiOUS to con epoll A44ab *Iii�hl od�yMr perkins; Litt. all additi-nal, 6t-bOwhich heisAc- to� beplaced b9- 0
fReft_* reproseu . jit t6'jllo hi n ABB vow.
re 15e
'ydV � credited,' f o. ra
lafaked foirio is - Mplif of $100 be paid .1 y thar3ressit tsi, there, CR
flowe er itgratulk hin to telect"
pi, CIA in W
0 a his'-ilovition: ta.th"renjilers The i�okrosnuaen Gderich, Z
-he a bt but ho will,'bo elected by-
riailt neith to be gaf�0,701 or oulies of t h n �.0 Lxa3athg t*xtV snotiteol with G blaWk list fil jifijah suin was t e. iis-trimu0civerwmetiti.'�,-Countuatu. ti to, 0 atary I ot A.0t (0),
jt? in
g tie dds, I
'a stir
ild to seo'.
r ant
.wall 10 1
The Poi Y
f 0) uect d
p3na ;g
Y, wil
oreq e;�iu
ytfu in
0 0
'Brit -an; anll t 'to- �os vid, rvr- elley's so teltor, Of . +1 AA b THE 'AbOVO
The on. 51r� the 'Lu thp t 6) A I letterlrbm� t1W $611 �e olargo I, - i , ajorifty.
provitflott(forl was sont to be relations bettleen: Uni ed VRE A�PJAV JoN OP
tha is of� faOtt'Teve4ladwIlythocensul, just tak4ftfitinked by -thql Fill, aobjnio]q�o kuits:agailist ji'LlIndbit i to o be t -TTPO-1 1,old 'on hearlti; read III-- adi- P
nee .- 1-1. 0_ STEM
e�, 14 aiderell 1hat tile
7,_�YA4t cieditable.i* that, V. Mr. jo, ft'arwar, ore R:)N. tile Tretrusies 0 irt #,I thoDA�- 011arried.- Letter 1fr9f i the Re als foilibellQgif artj -65 lig4imit, printed;.but a -reco daifit nf tbe,sol,W Appile foro, tue, istU day f the
,rtlz -its till 1. 0 iianai,spaul,,- ui aiwturbe
U rring trit i; paor 01ituXA4 fit. the fm6jecii Of specula- d ur to the bill of steerot.hrj�eSeFtriiioiold, wttsyrwgv Anylle
filinW. "'na nonttre4t, 9=42411y Sfar Y -Gun- 'roto F to AffrWor4iry
oil &thirs, are again, February lieXt, eul lail
Ce 601 Of t be ii
WITAratfiln, of dip r' -Ai and,reftred to, �jjj* j;1vijir"silVh Infirinatiollins
am soft Impa.1chment, UatitcWtor, as in thiscause- t
4-4 compnii The
;eliuy IQ tion Cu 'T, IV. TAYLOR, igillbosliltulYftwardlid- t 4 ear
LMar ja w5icli n-itio.nal fonds Ira e truthof 1ho stlid leat time. has elapsed for;§pain lit to Vii iStry, bwn that suffici ;Fee bl, ChillOnrof- tto b�,
of le ority M
to iPriticipalofthilDeaf aiidDumbAi - ir to establish her all th the islaud tlatif �oa do riu� an.,ver
b3 arillici *AK 4. ttor Al vin, take 1
)on the Hon6tirldo'crontle. d -And, erdert 6 he totki con ri 1 the 'riolits Of Ali lit the Above
*S�A I ibtit,6isi hou t the, . lie ierican jolmin ter, GoderWb-De%fath, lsro_
;I -a*14 tilQ TaU0183111 % Y -or deintir to tue, billpars ijil
V�,Izeya anA a M%e !the --------
try foe-ilie ban ognised, i the FlAn iffintly olittlill jjj oljo,er to
b'L.-Vin; arma Grp ta beiwht ly.wk to tfjL� . 1114111 4�Ild- tll0q19 W10 witbL Idin opposed. elltof Chiellig At& audise Courr, way Vaut
-ciftettabe, *t, once f6c
0v64;o,. �- I I - . -xgaiu�t J_ ". Str y3.
04 a s on 89'414- Vass On. I 'h bringn at ;oil, lititotoortil A Zialitils markel!LA5k
-Applicatien froft-31r. stron ��o '1164 -Tark I vither Ioug' ti
Arm "iteessw, sowustlow- fouowk _tolp,o
-,F!� tile so) called natio poll ty, n e L - . v� -xititt 1.0 VW -F Allch relief all lit way Ale ornutkot 0j. 1'. t., jilla. ]piece take 1,
Save_r-,oi,, Deaf and Da nb, off Ig"I 90' v I pot ro;Leiq AloyALtIll
W,3,lits - - nicli4o, I mes sald to It ing and you iril
children riiih o bee i j lit ear 9T'Aa1,FVlt`t1U
fr430fr3d(-. 'Proic6timt,in1he i. Xed,.R, 1I16`:iilo�rJfAy6v ilf- the offe
e_(f�oot t t it V, nection =it &i.nity -ttie rature s rlwetiedings-141
"J 'Asillield-seut tothoBal eVil13 It's4tution editi�*11 V -helel"bol'
I , � - , " i the Tri�- to lains- ttlepatiZID, be De- nit. undemeath t ar"
r of that joitirnrdt was, raild I Finsuge roo� govm of6i
l0i3%ti0MtO- Vath IX ere witildrawn'! *64, a hortorec at the A3;1.co of I 11telslItite AVUllic
,f the 1. t w DU filed der -
out of the Uilvo an rekir6 to the is TribU21 which. ma.,coltilloo; n -to
w 'Sol puyty'ju1fe'z%'rP`ter'v t" by addressi b
I 1 6, , , AtiVelilean nXtiou bY t40 Russia ward ,US -KEV. I'll
brine bas su,06 W
is wfiat� is wanted .4o put life a lie, Cninulitteei'' st to bffer on th icbinthecoll �d
diatha-PI I . if 1)0%:eU1bV1 A.
wideh tA nd f Virctilai 'from thcr-1 Warden - 'of *e on the *hole Xfoister., Unty of fluroll.
41 Voli-sixtuflay-
into 'ther Com'. Kilto, sh hirio,"Nal 0-6-Mco refortill, MIS reaten*to V
truAyj, - n of thq 11101tnot tbr r cc -an'. ISM
,ts of progr es.* 01M. C1.1catto ast-1
rafermw . - 7 �N to condemn The. t0,;4GA;*tR0W
I !un Out, Daudas a td ie�r iorger.husbilip I. ignitied we fill lorivi toso - 7. . t 'I
a t, # 4, ifeddoulitiers��rn -su amorovi,toapp : Solit
I - We do,not rimeltibet at. t1lifs ore nairing. S, .. 0. - � I-., I blow her jip, rather than surrender her
z*tmt U-1-- I ill d
refcreRC34 mZ10 -,-Giongafrr respecting-- lire hisarinco sip.; To Tin
bpi, clothin4 while near the ito' - Was An
eaa flud rojeii!��a to too. Sh fatek catee. ona"'re an An
whatthere wasin that '01T T Fi iiincsi Conilmt Ol- tothe oaiai� thorities.
-aild 4wro, zafo.3�-I. `0 fed _p -,V;o 0 VtjjM of bui :nfllrl to a crisp. 0 was Tke WOT14 torms e
uld b,-tVP."1Vte(j m a Very Tw.."r- ViV041ar M th 1 6 4
moll I"N
ji�mIWQ�A j
006's 21--teA
a ntrangor
tli!D J, aCi,-8fP3 7
Tin C.
fropa V,�s el 'c'd wa'sl
otood Iona 0 riQ
mid Joe, Ms
in the a%,+,
-wain his
x7hich hP VY13 lblCM1 IyC,�
mattl n, 1-vasuye. 11 W� ilm�-
ggarly ,enqu t�otl tlic c!
iw -Al right" -Gndd 3U2, r�att .
line bck in hin noc,'S�l . A
five feet nine by ttyo 21,;�,`,_l
teen. I'li bf, rcn�ly fm- Vc:1
*ivh un, Mensnremx
be re -ally by Minu ec"PZk la
Wh ',, Yfl 'VL'
-Gir ? nat ar, -,-a elyj
quh-ed t1ae eounaltvyrnan.
tile (4ty Unflertchcr. --a t�
ls�kiuin�tLeutmmcn "91
I kave U gbt ILI �frlqlqi
come inti) tLe dty. H I o:
air, the d--nd hzffic's Vmv-11-1
iny htmils.' At tl2s an V"
came ,I
MOU I his _Wh(D!0 L13�17 V�,i
and trurni'ag to tLo *`Zzai
6;dd; hem"r3sn
ba" - azc bau- It np t 12o T,) a J,:
'bj the nezt t�ain.*
"Mut =.icfrall�,
CITClez in Vienna"', C;wa n
ft6t tO0iVg* Of tkCi -.711410 h1A
to . hisv,�inucauht�, 4,%G =I
bL,�.th, hal lboon 3
CaTn4ed On-brigani—la7z) <M:
Sevien yca-ns -ago Zxr—and i4
_3 by
-10 �, j
To ere taiwn ins
tribcs 4;f A -em. TE44m al',
t -G 02) eano, tnt Z:blsman, V i
074r 1�16 �Cnth-e LCuy. j
�by sin nmg�,, i7l;o eacb d
eampanlonz� dZed
U. sed �or ZhZ,) og=:l nZw--
about.'a line'a 47ca'], �jh CT
,�,be ables onllh, icr-t
ar I mr, "", ic_4�3
, a Moh
m -n a focy <2,n�,-:,
z2j�, Aln'tamnT F,!!� C-2 T-.0
�tlid .9catiDl t � Enyl el V\7
vann�gell.by thm C-21 _',7=f"6
i0f the hm rn"
�_ITO Masi Q:ncll nive nnI
-M-nnd bzao 11m:2 81
0 CD ,
� Z, I - a,
h3vo &�L�nu Z)",Yac
ene 02 the M�35 tn,-P_�Z
jac on�7�
lbar,014,al n 2"
'ent t.
'CO VnIz. rt -'s 117 YC
ing 17as tL2111
lvf -=1 -,o P,3T, -T ��
a nl.,�_Qp L�ch7vfy, "a-1
tion and
wns �Ctzmcicll by
of M-ing,-AldoczI. A',,
'iLho znvL,
m:s fon;-� d
,�Yas on Ilke cn,-_�Y
4 Zlmvlc,,�;nd
tho Amm, with,,vc�!t
VCTY L117-0- '�"y C"�C'
con, tnbac�l, r6�2no cz1.1.-T_
nime u7tL1jn1VC"-kk,=Tr-
(D =2 C, 2 tnimy t
.r3CCU aTOM-2d
A -ml, e�', tl)cso CcalLs CIS
ion ��7
t�!:o cnn�l
Tho 217 _ !Q
kno tc'ai �11 'r.r
un'l 'F, I
Atwimstea by Z gow4b,;a
7DCumtc?.les frcm T
lyz�ecril rhfMr
jrub�i,ya o ca -'a
Vusition inre�at'cm I
The eia
U. 8. min-rktcr t-) S,'t� -
by Chig �14,
;R0 h 4Lo E'lace it
A 4etcCtivoln Gic m
b2a;ppEti-oura C,� Ea
and "�ew4ry iha -New
1)y WTZ01 &-I�Vy E=, -_3y
to wlihiu tho mxt ill
A fIrIcga�.on al
fe-2 W.�18%*2n;;�"n'sn 'S -a
it 1� E.rl, 02 --c2a"nug,
tp tc-c'-,
- A Inn".0 eca7L!i T
110'OU-M3 iM big WM.'�CW
A own Ca Nl�st Love 1 -40,
haw not I'mm vblo to
Tho el
t:L)O UO'12i9:2
Las bpm
foa? Ncw
vntncr f31CZ1TZv
flu WnkodbAzx�k
to, I
-IV fK
� a