HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-12-05, Page 4F 7 For 8� bher stolves stove q AND ACAZ LOT. WITH A 13" 1 � Tt 10", CAMAGE L T! Goderlelt �3fth 1071. H $11146lit 71ni; plodsureiii ffitisratin.6 flint'he WEN IIER T# S HE ATTE `FRIENDS-- lias ovene4a, itichirlShol; nt tbe addreiz, E lox OV OtMMER�: "D THE I I -) ; W141TELY -Co. ofineazontailowerprie,otban eIse,wVre1lltowL pi�lblic_ggol:ler�lly to Ili& lax 0 and carq�ful -,to BUlLIjlXG LOTS# OXE,�FIFn lyselected'stook of aello Vault, Ivell-altuated; rannin from the Bay- F, GIVO himan,carl call. field head to _4 'Terms reasonable, Ordem d Ilrered In all parts of the town priteptila, Lie (1, ofotl ay, tApply to ROPERT ITI SON, R013ERT MpLEAN. tl W FALL'- AN :"...,INTER DS9 GA ]ERB. UVO Goderiell 17111 July,'3871.. GodorJoh lifarl, M. is7z. ND J. Will I P-4 FARgFORSALE. J ' COHN &N -OX E:!Ti% gilk Ii31V­NLT ��,: - The'Huron Favorite. a nowninnufaltul-InM OT 10, CON. 10,W D. COLBORNE. loo AcliE f� r cleared,goo (twellilig 1611ge.- ft'llaf 22x8G Buies and TO B kGLD CREAP go with a commodious,st, -et E!c fivillittached.4100 good b NEW LA rare, Gbderieh. 6011 SAVI'NG and she -earlz SplingWaggoils, 001111110dattin, 84 i 1 orchard well a 'Watered wh lipcaranae and 4urabilitycainnotbesur. !Sig, tAvocreeksl-urntiligthl-lie tholarm,and 'ch r uringt] tt , ic ii��, goLodwells One mile InDin gravel soitu miles from separtlenlars apply n the premises to NVENTED A$D PATENTED by ALUX. TJC13 want, a r AILWork Warranted. 1) to -vir.mrorgason,groeer.Goduileli. 4C4 Do. RGUSON9' or' X borne, GodertOh7p. lothi" CARRIAGE TMAIDSI�,G. WART. SAugust 1,5. 1870 RWM. in all its trancites %vell and taAefully mcutV1, Ngiltb has just finhibect e enlargement of his Store to 'd --CaPS9 Ity, and has openedolit in VV30 despatch, under the s­perinter-dence of 31rJohn twice its former has much pi re in offeringotheFarmersof Hurk casu Kvox (Cormony of Hamilton) one of the firm. EvE Tit­l'rllq AD CONDUrTING PIPF, X1cP0ts%xjd %%'hoessr rhe A h �EW CHURN LUMBER WPM, 0-.STCR*? Pr\-.VP�, I IIAD PIPE8, of his own firvention altd for Vv)iicfi Irenas scour Odprs in this line FARMFOR SALE Patent for the,Doininion of ChnAdd. 'Wheroalre esmfully attendcd to. red it e In -T introduced, the purchasers have conside _%] -) N 4UV ! H31. NITUATED OX DAY Mcut-lY WrttY Of Its name. Rlrict arWrition pid to �11 orders entrusted to ms oraaments L.,',Prit' Ladiese epartment Jobbizig amd Repairing. r,rA1N A, <4 roceri fi FMST-OLASSPA. ' 9- A-1 field Road, lot 2. 1 Con Township of Godericli N B. Ingpertion of the work now being turntg ou AN adjoining -the Corporation of the T!)wrrOfGodtrfcli: "THE HURON FAVORITE' . earnestly solicited. 3M M: contaffillig 154 nerex.80 acres cleared and thelialdrice TE IN EVERY DEPARTAIENT. COATL good bugh. There amilso threg 14' Goderich Ist May 18TI. rgo orchards of and reAly acknowledge that for clialce appleand p6ear trees, allbearing. Farm Is well. L OIL BUSH& 'VIRIETY, OF watered. The buildings are first class and agnsist of SAVING OF TI�E AND'LABOR, Cill and conipare goods '6nd prices, and see that the it ofory-anit balfframehouse,barn and stables.� TLi,;i& SIRENGTH ANI) DURABILITY ,ly lot prcarlag j splendid farm wtic OF CoTiSTRUCTJON, AND RETAIL. - I h E P.- y co."OR. I ummer D ss Goods 'erms liberal. Ap�ly 19 �ma to be.met With, SIMPLICITY OF GEA1, '01,1 Tina Oil"Lamps, 3 3L 3WC)1VV3tM R. WILSON SPZFD AND EFFIC[FkCY On the Prearrises, arto OF WORKING Copper, grass, %Vool Pielz.tigs, and S6eep. GAVINST Wa&croii &td kJarrIlage Bummer rints I LUT.H13 as. S, wWan in exchange: - Goderich 17th July. Ig7l. - Sw94-tf �&=Lcl Xic3),vv3P3?1<-,ej9. FA-CTORY- 1. - J. bTORY , It I-asno supeAtir. er HoslerY j SQX of the-LnrzP Ccaf Oil Barce). summ -IM N. B.—The paddle that works in the ore= can be 8A_ either raised or lowered acco)rding to the depth 0 BATES ELLIOTT G oe E., i0l), A u,6- 1,11, I - 7 0 SWI S Ra . SMITH'49- summer B.00ts and-4hoes, the cream, or ganged to any AdentlL AVE I,,,—re 1n 4uti- 0 aXURN tb HE O IMU1001 AT!BkA-Y-PI.cqLD-c' Goderich, Nov. 3rd, lan. Ov'runudountry thatthey x t C, ILI V e AND NO END OF, OTS NO's. 7i & 72 B L-rF1EI,D �V can be seen -4f I, Store of 51r D Fergusort.Ha-miton have opened a Waggon ard nty or Township rights secured on go --VRL NCESSION St.6oderich. Cc 13-R03N ZE A D G 1A L Township of GOddriefi. ebmllrising,146 atres:of liberal terms. r furilier.pqrticulays Applyperson nrr2a shop tbe bes qudlit� of land, within about .0 miles of the lot 17 6 Con. Goderich Tp orbyletter t old stand,) immediatelyndloining the Wr-stern-, Ro- NE 17 P i I M I S -Ti S 13mviclls st. (Ii 331116tt's Market place OftbQ Town Of- Bayfield, The�ais. =ell P. 0. tel. B. & E. attend personally to all the work plearance of 23.4cros Which could readlly�ba prdpail- 'ALEX. T10HpORN-B. - entrusted to them, and are prepared to tum out CEL Air crop� The. retnlllder�of Ahe.and covered with the b�st ofieceltand. maple Waggousy- Buggies, splendid growth, an exectient roild passes on two aldotof$be�property. ;Ykich is situated In An -old PATRONIZE,HWE MANUFAC TUBE IL and -ell settled neightioig-bood Goderie-h Tit 7th July, 187L- c4ttqrz., sleigb5i Ran= A Townehii SW42-tf and everything in their lline,.of the very best ma. k, c6taining m acres of w6lT reservea timber land teri.0 and workmanship and at the ter lowast Te 8'r -Oth6r nick Knitu, D wliieli,.vouldproduLeal.wge�lini.tityQfflreivooilto. munerativo ratcs., theacr TheJotrnust6tte, erl IverBaylield with a. - T 7 T- A, S LE God Xaiblework-& v tiie Lowest Prices, considerable water fall which con be -wilp Avail. Z C11 33 33 X MT_ 4qx. able Tor nillillig.ni'tuanufacturingl(lpurlitiFres. RromXtly -attended to. For terms appl�JO. JAMES ff 'ALLU N." Pluelpll ON 'g-AISTD, a large swortmellit-of Esq. br W. Uayfleld; r EB GBY78'VEPARTMENT tS S PPLIED WTI f 'O Guelph, Aug.15th, 1870 W:, which will be Bold Cheap for C LLED WITH VVC%0d. F�T aotterich, Aug 15 ISTO. UANDSOME TWEEDS, a Farm for Sale III of Godgria 9ILIVES FOP STYLISH' dLOTHING1 57 acrem,40 06ared and the balance it. good hard- w( VfthinA I miles Of Clinton -and 9 tulips )od thribbr. of Goderich A never -failing crack -rdns through the _LJ_1VT0GRA:PR8 FASHIONA LE`HAV9&eA,PS premises. TormsLibeiral -.Apply byletter post paid to Mrs. fibbutt, Br"tford.P. O. or f) sGAVIN S`fRVT1iZRS So tt. Vanftone & Co $14,00 _,hr oeia.- 'Godellell P_ 0. EG TO -INTIMATE THAT WITHIN 10 DAY E . RVICEA13LE Bobts Sh Bthey will Dpeft'a branch of their Ki ardine Job Printfig, FA AILY S W I G MACHINE thesimpleA,will In the greatest vari ty of wc rk, is more"easily managedi less litible to get OeS7 August Ist, ISTI. lie lla�idruw; lighter.. han an other Shut 16 ewi g, achine. AL M Carries a beavier.thr id with flaerNuie e than t uy rjachine man ufact tired on the continct.t. Ailefficlent perator.will I -e forin (at ourvare-r6oins who wil behati) y to exhibit machines and.secimens of work, and U SEMI., S I H73 PAY PT 743VED (t receive. orders fromtheLadics-�,)� all 5ortsof P 11!IRTS&SHIRTING FARM FOR SALF3' in the old-tand of Mr. A.M. Johngton, Victorfaft, -To 1_1 I S. FATJGY STI ING, EMBROIDERY9 And -all the oth, �r necessaries of a com- Goderich. They have now gone to th6 States for a PING LOT 18. 9 CON. GODURICHTOWNSHIP, supply ofthe best quality of stoni, and will be aWe Plain rk. .911 machines warranted plete ontfit. erits witibing to save 4J infleis fromClinton. 1vitli. a goo& gr4yel, roal to all IV, B -pp 111VIODIOUS . B. -All s.,t of A achines repaired on &iortest tLotice. Threads and necessaries for Machines kept con 1110110Y willgiVe F,, a call before -buy- all the way,. -.and 9 miles from Goderieb. contaiiame ,stantly on hand. 80 acres of excellent armin rticularly Iing. g land� pit adapted for dairy purposesi with 4-sulall 04eese lae- tory erected theeon and alltbe c"satyapplla T9mbstorfes, FIX. for ch Virethn liouse, frame Barn L A Z EP & 00, I - I eese ma Ing,' �M- Silow-Room ne-tt, door to the qnaZ Offi Mqhtlepieees, good orchard. To a ;asV or further particu ]ffAL1? '�;EARLY OPPOSITE F JOHDA�FS Goderich, Aug. 7th 18it. larns apply to L wig. mont on the premises, or to, Window, Sills, 51 cents"'Postage . free. One doxes from, FIRST, CLASS STYLE,* Gro' ery, Repartnient, JOHN LAMONT, &C., &C o84' 5th sent. i8n.--4 w pd. Maitland ville b4cTruegative 87cenis, p tage fripeo Corweniekit to.Ahe arkdt- MaMEEMMONROMEW EwaQ=Wcnam� Ili tbe'best stj le of workmanship address. The same full'a isortment 'as usual oi al' and on re nsonab kinds Of 0AVIN STUTEMS, V3- favicularAtteEffou WldtoVopy- Arent. Ng Hig S"fock of stnv6s old Ambfot so 'IS LARGE AND COMPUTE Goerich 11th Jul �ITI -T' OF ANYTIJING bi It Forlfber largge ur sinal The I ill 161141111 I H23 I B 'Vailvable Property'. For ale. ES IN WA ON 1 0 U-TNDR' -subscriber in returningthorths forthe liberal P 11116 illSaVe rlblney'.by itISPeLtiDg big StOe'lk OTIS NUMBER 1158AND 8 . 81 . IN THE TOWN OF alrbliage heretoford-ettendeii to LIMP- Insclectioh Inv"Ited. LGod6r1ch. would just saylthut 'he U0 inch 1-m- OhTY P AR KINDS OF JOB WORK WILL 1-C gn Lot 881 is situated small'Brick AT RICE% Cottage and a largo framedwe0ing 11ous6twostories provementgin his gallery la SWIll merit"On- GONEPTHE SAME AS USAL. high, ano on iot.8.58 therels alftrgetwo atorer frame 11% -1 - Goderich I MY. 187J. -house whicheouldbe converted into a first �Iass ANCI R LINE, �puance 0 Godericti, Ist,,JTnIv. 7870 w ',9 d ware cosit and also u frame Barn. f the same. D3P I Hotel at littl at Re The Lots will bg soid'Either together or separat btemnersSail IT MveryWedn"day mit purchasers. Godazich Au. 23, 1871. Terms made known ation to and �Qattirday. 00 a Wm.A "Pelltie TO AN YORK -AND GLA5- on the premises, Otto gow, Calling at Londonderry toJand Walla .and 'Goderich. ke,sr DAVISON &JOHNSTON Passenger Passeni, v Germany, Norway, j3weden or Denmark and .11 'I 'fit Goderich 15 July, 1971: BW93t boite and forwarded to and 1300KO from all RallwayStata _ . in Great Britain, Ireland, %STEA 11 --'N America, as ly,��sp(edily. comfortably and cheaply, a� by a yntlier Route or L!" FURP FICTORY V W, 1117`17RES. UB SRIBM :18 'PM, PARED TO 311iL &C. ALL vrder.9 for, -din L FroT W. H11C Bull g ots f6r i. at.. ept. '23d.. 1OAVA ......... Alan., A)cb, luth JOPM-I'S BLICIE. Pat,, Sept. 30th.. . CALE DONIA.. Nat., Oct. 218 A M,' H I T FCT- WHOLE-SALE&RETAIL Oct. 7th..� .1NGLTa ..... Sat., Get. 28t and give satisfaction. L IE Sat., Oc4- -14th. _COLUMBIA ... Sat.. Nov r" Parties sdildting orders by -mail will 1= 1sr,eepth of well from platform, And every -t' creafter. Uoderich 1 Portab e 13offer 6 Hors�e '.V-.o'wer, AT BUTLER'S. Froill Pier 20, orth Rlver4 at- no6p. 4VZon hazd.� Concessioll nu Lot' no P 0. of kspiziumb, PRO. NVESTMENT., O.N . 46' GOOD I D 1 Tubul Boller 5 1t:Vz1tS1BLE SPen00r's XXX A te-S & Portelp 6 991- FillsT GABMS $ alla $75, according to locattr)n EXQUr� -1 `Tubu-1 r II 0eeauti ent Cabin ton Tickets �gno,t fdr la ELCIN ST., NO. .326 itonths) Securing bestcco- odation, $130, 91)6A06'k!8 Bottled Ale n I steia�im ngine, 4, Literate AODT SWMRS. Fhe myfftion, cates at I= OF C -run : W T RATES can lie bough ' t tHURNS AND STRA CUTM& Secon hand Se]Dar tor Horg' Pow. e hereby those �1)sh n;; 1) gelid for their ftle D�-W- All B014 on liberalterrap, and ,order sprsalptly e Praf )ssued.ba aht nds. on pr serttion, Ales -in P -un- ew-S ator H�rs'e. Power.,' JEWELLEM-4PALL.KWIDS ,Nos -.,556,633,,5U,,62.9. 'P.pifly at 016 Cl mp4itys Offices to to., &eon,`,barrels and f3tand previously necupled byMr. -9- Dodd. 94S WA:UXOCX THE CA N2113n1_4 16 GodeA ,,Out. iHalf barrels, at the AGOODSTOCKOF R6T*:&W09DENPL0UG118, JUST RECEIVED G I I . . 1. WC30-43. 703L. 770. oderlebOo Wanted WITH STE L AXlY- G JO -`dAST BO 1, ARDS VIMARKET SQUAVL oHE SUBSCRIIIE111 -OFFM'84011 SALP THE Straw Outt -s, Agrieullulr4 Furnace% ftltiVators,. Gang. OFIEAP AP 13UTEE�R;1� Tabove eligible Imilding lots in the Tow f GEO.GRANT. -Gtk 187L sw4l-ly- Pialgh� &c., 4., Goderich at rwonable pi&s, no Guel h Mac isw�� A., WIP ,]A- r IRA! NEW HARDWARE STORE ENG'N-S�j 130tLE 13 SALT,. -PIANS F ALL KINDS. I-ONSISTING Or REELS, VIE PER IN XRT, made and. all kit As of X ill %VoA and I topairi Goderigh 26Atik, i.97. -_ _JF ]E n946,ie wii� ne�bneaianid'dekpat& tiddo StoOkOwiler-8 Issuer BAITS _:T1 �� L ur SB 110 =S, NO ant iitd LINEfs 'E. or ZMARKET HOU3E.. POSIT � ��- I z I , . . - ,EWING MACRIN Ro Kuncima )VI - .. -' " = - " , -, I , - - 'WX11 'CRUROMLL, - - - i�� ozkin4 --,Let AVT139DED TH�)RtQU ' WM� a3.-­-TGAG Der! KrAVING JLL ;�er of 8essions at the N' AT 8- ONTT. VMBOARY Q + SELL04 At FOU DARY?�1100DERLICN_.` 'i - MoNty TO LON ; ­ " -L '7� 1 H % "URO iit4 to pq GA' S3 - . 2 Officei, 0)dericb, 4th' ept. 1871 ed inlexdminatio, iiii p staiii. Apply tW pass tbefli d obtained dip!o 41�> AT �BUTLER% is now rvady to attend to the -diseases andaccidents SwIO4 DAIML dORVFUN. of all domesticated anitants.talls proniV110 atteaft tioderieb.19th Aug flS ,G�cderleh July24th, un. aw95;tr b) References, Prof Eaultli'V. UM i 4PIT13 STIBSCRIBF118 BEG TbSAT TUAT TEIXY Prof Barret, Prof Rockland, all of Te oxito AMERICAN have just completed-opeiiing out an. Entire N ew AQFrics Residenceand Stables on and 4ffq Ist aip And, Montreal St. nost 1310ck�_tf) tillfO W# 064 OP JDA A 13ARGAIN. dirctlopposits Pol y i 'Very 50'.JLRESL East C X.B. tTJatfl, be gets possession o1h1so#n'prLmfM MANINE atae"elues saways un "and' -TORY GODERICR. ''OMEN FA -C LOCK -STI" 0 �POMPL-F—Tr F,�,$Tditl< 0 oi Lot'49 10th �GnXulross,4.0. Brucam I- 4criai- vleaiW and PLirticlsx-!Ccluirlug4Qhrrabill'ssemees, -STERLMG-vs. ALLSWORTH. good logliouge hoUSANDS VIROUGHOUT C.AtVADA,.Allt �aflatMarthals ColborzieHotel. nderinfittifit: �now r_sW the '6600-*ne thfird-low- T $a Dfachifles. They have,T Gotle oil 21st April,128tI. Cie r title fhr'11500'a�ash or Iii H testedbeyodalI 'a avorite' lock- I .4bstf .41m the AR. DW Ali' F. a,6'pfr,4or, Notice to prqditors. stitebalfice.oxib J�bles, nui. !are -p'r to nounceEl. Sul ABRAH er naiachine oflbrd,thepubllo,; For of, hk itch% w6i irt pricesihat d*. KS AM bMITH oriorto e varki uty ud'o)wbl. 11 ipetitiou. rX U, e� Re�t�187o wp Vellection. lle� , P PO It 'A ST PATR ONAGE, ZXG Me rang r 'STAT 1hat�Atur4yplh erclani-Taol I 9 _0 pa A=-0FL'AXDS' P pas. lenee f in m� 9daptabilit S herebygiven be made to Ill 6 Is 8 i th, Oban- _y. -BtrVaZtJ1 ault Mt appikationS eall. - - - - 41;' duralaility. eery, made in thelluatter oLte estate of Gen. -the. I t '111 the TOivnshlb of Goderich. Its lie*t1ensulagsessionto W. B—M."t of Goods _�ld, next week. AE 1) ly kot Tho .0 the act Qfthol?arliament�pftheiate ftbvince of Atseastd! audATL 4­04w,� Z Irac ShMme', -96*1nw. XAD'hinphas sncz out C1 Ed: tthe-Stratwiaitiad " 11ailway And all In 7 wif4during-Nanblae.s., Stirling '%gitinst Ails oifb, the cred 'U.3r-n a2d to. 13 ' Sai4late 6ear-.eAllor th wko died in or aliont the ving b cnfpntlftlj�r�ftte Company, or forailuct to in, olporate a Com jni)nthof-,Decerabot,14.6s�'�are.-on�or eforeillesee paur I =4' Teri-_=Ql5ts of Jameg I- now Prep irec tat Execute OrderAL BB1C1KCdTT`AG&,AND-J ACRE, AWImprovementli have lately been n-' forhpaiiiistrilution. cra Ilailway from the IC*AO Lade. ell. -isite' The Djarkef House e 64122 jut,inost clijibly situated. on Easil ablinglItt--martufadfurers to ,claim -.It As ;tIlj Nt -Stratford :M-4110 1COnlit7ofFerttz 140,tht.town tr Y� ' ' ond Day ttobblid of December, 871,� J �,Ier, of the T In =�, cl� $at r In Ttrqeds, Fall Satinetts, Flannels, Wincey , Bii�ilkets, Horse Covers,'StockIng TAVis, he.., &c. )1ealro. Doyle & F lie ei- t.To*ft6fuoder!db on-theilirect' 'PLUS ULTRA of.Seiving Vachin is, 15but-11 11110 23rd. 1871 tell, *$olictorAefthie.)[) ant.,Catherl Stree e W J41:40 �Pgnty-of 33race'or town ne, - 41 do L �Va u:Xn,e_dL - ' d I the Ritiwaystatiol. kinds of domestic s6wiug� frout -tue finest cambric 1-11 InV47-tr - ' - k Roruto.auaftolft other atoint; On L2kOJJ1 wort1 tlie-Aihilluistihtrix"O -the ldeoft"ge a 4woli. .`ApplyW. ­ - .- __ - - '__ , - liW-11TH- GRE 7ITZR DESI'AT Hi -coat oruppqr.1.9 zu�zir;,lor or. UUWAaAL to the coars�at ory� 6;1k,X9 Christian ait6 But nanl6h, udareiisitraftX �A6 UAXAXI!EEI�jo Do is Perth this 22nd day of Novettiber A. ID4 lViL the�tidl. pgrtloulari; % ' KPAEBE t5ith.it cl..., A. st4tesnout-O NTEP. _ OU at& �SkLr_ ! - - T9F-W,4*A � . -1 ;_ � - -1 :Err zl;n,- '�Wc y, thel �.uatutf.614 --serbritles,,If, AMPB AS -in Pa trn,Than Fohnerl the OrWr, W.)C 01R. IFN and, leatOr r J, V. D9TL readilytonf- 717-17""—, A '25th otlifil dtsf1&UiVAhbr6of� "mtTla JEUROP- -, - -'a6zhNem and 40=109._ Tul- , k tinosinAw"!, 7 :�- 7� � . u�, held by.thel, io� IL UTI so it ill "Afterm6fito, '�.: - t heg: 'awy belirplripto �'exei d.:ffour the b6n6fit Of tue prohended. s one4mif the P RT tul b ba to prdilul,61he same Leg ON I iforams'Ittl JE VINQU erg a xleterintuedto 'piace it wi+hln Lit the T0Wn_Of`GOderiC ,00rt,Tue y Twe -every Ly In the ccuntry. J4 thereach of Vi k IL si, � I �, , ­ 1. I. ­ - � , t _"; -� �; � 4iridorder 'EV&rkM &Floldln T`W`1,GE pharged,forulacla doiliga;llkirAngb'-f k rn bardi CU& 94 DING'"t, ada -?7TA Ton,oftlibeloq ilthe Fore yard, r.t Fqr Day iif,'De66ldbei, sp COMIngfrolhAdl!. nte,*tk-,wO(04 Isla, E W211,404VNIC901 th;L, 'fej7 fix, e orL,3f6r 41it.40 leh,cawrefy on getting their rolls 'home; *Jtht­ tliq,tilite# Plated ff)rl. _& it' our it m_Xpq are eqpaued.� licin Abell, being a-, It Ig to, th 6 e C n tb* Ctj, tleaving tlie"SainiAwltil D C ffameday.,` ,all domees 'Past - %. � ;; � eir j�erea 6vant )Ay� ovem Ire thstA Cot, 13' ices,! )W. -tiOn lip Lesisli%tw* -for et Mralle I y !� - L s IVOTI Pa --tof Colboirt e- -in, Ali, TUe Ou *iUbema4Q to sReversible Anion Nortli I gI9 d ix 14 00acres GacleATpd and under good fence, a114 in vello success. Sailsion -thereof at Toronto, foi! atithori 011. file WC1,41c r7y Clio ee I 'touneen, Jc�, f2v4q; Two e .ty -.Mat op& lirpber. do s0 domestio so 6 acreal good qual il rinff 1.o o an c. Godeqatt Woollen as orr Alar Pure= to 4�verb rST & 'to r Rhick'R., oCoigprlst PrOYIU61 01 �04*10, at 4119 Aelt p1l 13 .;;;.7 t �y, -good Log Hon -the callr8e-oMe ."River Aux. tit'! C�� r I;rrl of', It: ile X-� in the Towaship - �pf Ho�an'qi t $mail bearing-.0retard,71thin I Hand MAehine;�w th'Idavatfit, 412---TreadleAD., SAtes qe gw and GHO MJIF ichitte valtrit nfeed., for the, r se d no 00 .4"n Uiidii n4hi 3: ..f I .- L et, 777 D O�Aaqul Cea r li INEST AND SAFEST STEA?ffft _AGPNTo ,w,&4TrD pzmp in.0 jXQ7 DW -(;UF �aud best accoirodatlon. Co.,� no, t une 1871. *23H cba� slid GU f"I'lunn HaVING be.. Arroligi God Nov;, .%uB3 `1`�&ent for the r i AlirhfiamSngtb,AgentGoderiph.WilliamT�clap Aor 14 Tor6jito, B11 0 qllnto�L th POOL- 'A Sept. gn -AWD- 0 Issue of' 1&� reparri is M TE[,&T "TL1C.4TZO1f qu=NToN c rr,,s,$aaw0R,Lj ;wIll be made at the nbxt sessioll wy LTX 9 -OY W the L 7 )NDONDERRY L A�METIXG. Ing low r4tes;- es.5tetil, Ill I Act 'to 37.60 gold - -;T)iVlx1bn,A8bfte1d., ct Itic QTNMWZ the Toronto, fx;v -uy.' lt�d t�t SeVeja 4CtA at Cabin rh Tip s it , F mt Tlel chea1�t 0,- Via Now Xorf. -at the follovi i turs of t116 Provinoti -Gr onta OTt iCE 1 Tlt= raw 4iiY6.!MO -given t64he" -ha -WE Aaftlyay iel3l�pa Stmrago 33.0 ierai:ly k 1MY..'Rates. Gre: 4nd. Angineer ik Survevor Goderjuh, you w4_ Ar 1,6M Lirekpool, Qizemwm - Fancy,, P. tut a, d at arpending th6 same, aild to,extgrid the I)Dweri% ooll� upon the waldCo au�, 4wd.farotim Vars erg ?fi F mt;16 �do 7A L 2WZOW or L=4 irgf C b -that a T) C 2 Y46bil6th; onerof the W. "AND TATWA meetinA 'Of the said Sh 3859 11 atabold- DAW ot Toronto th4 27th &. J.J., 0ab fortbe Bound Trip issued at,& rt� of the said J My of TorahtO. on PAT=r�­OICOOV�D 'IRON �da of Opbober r Compan y, in thO 01111T (JEW 4 8111 i 1),6r A D.,. 1871,iat the hour u t;7 -T01, 16,t I .., ' - - '. I - . HASONib A 1%, NeirTolleAtignst 3- S, - IL ra -,- 11 111--ilf, * , I - WOO ' ' - L T I -�TO .9 rcoxf FOR 8, -ihg azidub"post ever olTered -in Cat - Only gda. _F,7 TORK 10 K'Vln V 1. y t Ily Tivinc, of a rrit of V BRUS�LLS-1� il, noLoIi, f;ir pi,y osia of _g L 17 CIL Poo A I and to tal: mfy or, Loxmv 2,7Xr f all MpAnyp Int t i I sanctio 'A to the Directors 19, the 0��f_CAVRRTA ROAD A­Xestt PRIC, Ood whi`,.ZJ��y:1,870. CIVY OF ANT,WF �4 the toards 21i 1117 Issue by thii said Viia��rz lKrOTfAGjf lit shw. CITY - - - v--, , , - 4; -.114:- MR430ili. A il to �!ITY OF I-INERIM ()69i f9rthe a in the oil time, tfiprse- deolaie fit-, respectf�ijz 'it 0, - t"toaaslonyid4o, Wi E 4 t.18 n of the T I *�_s P, lftallficaflon� - , . lr� I i riboding, to visit Lurone flifs; siejc, "UX'Llp WbieltalwaVs fan% Act of the L We .4. 4i Optario W&fte:ftf PObt-o' 4 1,�: AID RAILS,FO A Wout the 4TS pl?rifi 04CA11 titt -a ti t_la at Live M M9, I. ARMSTRONe.;H a RIALIK to pztwwvh�, -Tbo you BV ordei,.' - f slithd4d the. liud.erlIgnedi whtitio 4. 'covered-fifoin his rQMUt-481fere ill. cz Ta , 1"riess, ,�M - be TITEV A gow or l,o.1idPm?er;y And Wai W47:11 e:;IIPV the on Glu f441tldi-' Do a187. Vr All -fthfA tat ftol;,unp&ld*1Lft_sr I NDREW rADMt, A d e`st)$t.',ettch dty fraii 16 a.' Iin., to 4. given tdi liiiryif for rolledflolr�- h',EX0EL-S.40RGR00ERY-.k 4% BUCHANAN- DWSON m.�or,�SEt, Met Ru�,m W64 -1 KW AT TH V I�W_ $10NAL, 4P)IFIC4 tNo 10, t=, Qo4prU Nov, 241is 1071 4t, NZ