Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-12-01, Page 2,
1441Irr 14.4•Mlir
Tho xtom_m_. QuoztL.u.,.
jrzi2pcitzlik ..i,‘,,„. „:e. n itiuns of Cie ltti
lei. li whenneti, y ere a man. rcia ly Dana& • _ .
It. I, gee tt mistake to assert that • The lifew irk of Vht r Emmen.,
="7- the rope bilean element is lel:tete-1 fov del appeare to be completed; anahis
dream of a united Italy realized.- Rome,
•• IOC ever elle:ion- i ha -s hem' i onghle
Ntexice, reel dernonsir :toil t. ia,
y become .the cenital
has heleeill
The Pra Tradl. • faiiiire. Norhilee -ehert of stei rale, ,.
- -- and pou cr beee. it, %, ever Ting. kingdom, end fer the firat three 'Within a
teeter eut af ,tho eheatie matte e hieh periodn-f many centuries a ay. P. rlia-
Tee N sty_ Tribatia sees nothinte
Loner ,th - paliacel fr. a ie A nu-nt is azteally id -session vithin tha
• f 1 ' et
ifnlit leer* an -1 deenr fee Gemit, Beita.ti, as in fusienatiev liele it, a a time, the, great
et' •
Tete Prince el 'Wean\ • Tanlint Means..
•., .
, -
. • -
It will be (natter of regret to our read, - Experiments 1.are progrees• Which
ers to learn thatthera . hes beenno peea.naty 4nd in gre fly iaereasitig the farm
ce Vat& impt‘,evenient in tem health eick of -the IT ited States at sudden
and unexpected Way. It is believed that
Hie Royal IIighaess.the Prince of Wales pie buffalo, or 'fatter the -bison, as natu-
who has been aurieue -perhaps we oueht ralists tell Us the first name is inapplic-
i a say- daegerously ill during the la, t, able tit any anithel found ou the Areeri-
es, oan . continent, cen be. tame,C end ace
week The disease front which lie
, .
,,.._,...„....„...,...._ .
' DIfiteittry with Spurn
1 — 0............._
1 T,.he II, S, Squadron for Dubai ...... , Yaeied assortment of Ladles Furs of the Derived styles in
____e, •MMR/II
a t ie laeinal title Th reception a efferinges.sned to be the same edaylnen
. foesticated. S Mill this ate practicaale. —.0••••••••••mr
t ie rteielt of "her unnatural ettsd
may it% Itlo,iFV1,1; Or .
:0:lori 1 GC' to the Kin, %vat stiffi oentl en- his f th r d' • conse.tnences.may btraf great magi - ee -
.2E 01127.0.2 ELITA.N.A. TO BE AT -
env. to mike her cuttatry the werkeh sit 1), Lttaing the .p. esent race ea.' tit t ro- • e y a e led, with, whieli naturally in- Whethei ' be crossing within:dm:ley
. .
• • • • • • timing a new cement -biit a la -need teueiiistic to slit ev that the Pannin peoe creiteee the femme of alarm. The t&e• .cettle or by be:eding them' pure, .theeta
e. the wor , m vie a ten o t se prem. clango cat, ,
1 Lavine nate° pla are in hearty sympathy -with flier ratitpli am it le twee diet though the fever 1st
animeleaney het aestited to edd' - Prot t
r.4 t of evety na inn. tieele ite own worfle. ' - and contentment upon this hal. rto dis- , ' . .
•1 eempairiots, and that they iterdtally. ace needay
thigh his stetingth keeps um; and on Wed- digiuusly to the Ltgricul turd wealthof the ItInw
It emits in. the neer fulfilment of the traded country. Viorning it was announced that
,, • 1 ceptateregime.Theexcitemeneransohigh he hail had a quiet night.. - These fates country. Thai) numbers ' arc still al- Washing
peopecy of proteeti inist, thether feee- —. _ ...., WO. ... .................
Republicanism in England. on the occesion of the openine of the p.1.- of coarse are enct itemizing, be t at the satire
tre,d p dicy • woula result in "peuper-
is tie imperils:toe, the certaeles. at waring The open enacts of Sir Charles Mike
of la sour upon etpital, and °eery form upon. tho monarchy, and ont-spok en
of "se La:jag diseinetent ; ' gloa,s uttirancee of Eng isle republi ens serve
or 1: the &Heap.? feet, thet "the. workmen , one imp ,rtaet end at last; they afford
t at cannot be dented that they re ye
liament,and so delights,' were the people
anpnerecariens state ef -things, wnich
with the event oftheday,that the King, natuatily create auxiety througheut the -
after his return from the Quit- nal,hed to empire.,
come out teethe balcony of his place
and show himself twice to the enthueiass
' g tion crowds which asseinb.e 1 o expeees
of ehe kinedora are rapidly metalling op i perhaps tele moat s r..i 11.1 1.. us . Ev.
t 3 a general strike far 'uglier wages in ; that. can be g ven of the extent of 13aetish
tha face of a tmeen.line fine -idea ile- 1 freedom. There is. , pet h e far
If sr gs nen!: resulting fame the Franco- • cottietie• in the worl i where persons nitty
-German War, and. tho consequent unset- I leakaa; sach violent 'Ia. t aeks upon the
dement of . he markets. of the werld." goverament with their tongues with such
Nos the state of thing go lagobriougly perfect eepunitie Eeen ia the United
their their feeling. and to present
their cengratuletiens to their Sovereign.
_ In the meantime the +-tamable Pon-
tiff appears tt • have aloptedlio Surren-
der'. for his motto. In reveling to an
address, ou Tuesday', he is eported to
have " expressed hi-, confide ce in the
protested vs. Bereleam Yeung, Hickman, lihnhall
. with the and others for. murder to quash the le -
that he
s soen
nd probe-
po wer
an. end;
;et as well
•here; and
report ;oil
ishad, his
described byqae Menne may
troy States where: libeety s eften degener ,te 3 trineaph uf the church, and
agaipst all ideas of comprones
n eve% its dismal forebading may or i into licentiensaess. It is to be devoted
riders of Italy." The three
rat ty not. be realized; but if the state of whether an orat .r mead With safety
would eithdraw from Route
, delivers ." I ibe aese net republican-
. nee a Lima.
ta igs bolt acteel and prespeettve ali ism and. in favor mona•chy as Sir
t tat has hem, destri ead, mast Per- Chas. Dilke 'is hi the habit of uttering,
seas we Earley b3 at a loss to see hew against the monarchy. It must not be
he excemmun ica t ed King ente
ver, hes not benn executed,
ly it will. not. The temper
• he papacy is moet probably
supposed huwever, that this anises • •
't results fron a policy what allows eir-
ea.' the Pope is likely to be
from env Went of a: tachment on the par:
*e man lin the kingdom to buy it. the
of the Englisa people to the institutions t -eitted in hia ola hones as
We shall tiotbe surprised if in
c teapest, market, aid se.1 in the deirest. of their governtnent; it _anises ra .h er
llew the multiferioes induetries project- from their confidenee in the inherent t's his temporal power is died
hostly patter will be increase
excellence of their government, awl the --gg
e I by the go eas of Gre it Britain, made
rugged go el-selise et their iieeple. They
poseible by the liberid policy of her
do not believe that en'y institenti u
seeteserter, in which the Millians id her worth -preservingwhich will not bear the
neor have four d reentuierative employ- light of smirching criticism and unfettred
discussion; and they believe th the
melte cal, f arly represented as the
flexibiaty . and elasticity ' of the pritish
ananeeefilao pauperism the expatrlatien
constitution is sue!' th it if it does not'
and •flitsconteht of her people may be per- it.
e eotually seeuretliat whichis.thehiehest
eeptitlele to the plailosepherof cher/it nue- Punieve neut. of any earth iy eevern ent,
but we imagine tt wilt be a.bove.tha com- the greatest good tothe lareest numbe •,it
arehensinn of ordinary mortals. It is ir ewe .le of beitig so adjested as to dial
=wiriems fact which affords a sit:goner this; and if any toly- has arty seggestion .
illestratinn of the felacy of this doctrine, to make a hi eh leeks toward this improveat
that ever same the inaugaration of the meat they are erepared ta. hear hi a.
fres-trade peliey of Grat Britein, there There are two tilim_s in which the
has been a consteut upward tendency at Eng:ish peaple dater feem the peo,,:e
the wages el workmen. and that, disaiaI this eel. ellen t, Loth ,tf ere. breneht
esi the present- etate of things is to th out prom ;wade th:s ttis,-tis`sien abent
Villi012 of protectionists at home and Dtike ; .v have re, fen.- ef argument en
a woad. they. never eere se well paid as one hetet anti thdy etteti knee
they are to -day. I in abuse en the ethir. '141.ey belie% e (e,
The philo °ether of printing-houle use the words of the Daily News) "T., foiwts, er finds -it minvenien; to deuriciete ample or even hostile criticism,
igieure, the feet, that theoverer pope- still more tii nieut the critics eith gress
laeion a- ceuntry Eke tenet Beitain, personal manse, te instoionely het, at
tn tit either emeloyment in wenn . the cause L% ich we oiaentatimisly de-
inetnring fnr theig neigh.bors, or they fend."Tiey witeay cenclude that it in
mast beeanne ex paeriafed or starve. The far better re nani even talking • e 11
element that the population of any et.iin- ti -n "peaty, than to have them pieteng
N'ortlt Sinicee.
Ths Tilpernion Mutdor ials.
_ . o
'SALT LAKA, Nor. 20. -The Ron. C. B
Rempstead's arginuent in behalf of the
defendants in the cause of the people,
• — , ,
It must Le ?leasing to evert true re-
ormer in Ontario te learn that. the_cain-
aign has been faely opened . in North
'imcoe. At the village ef S iyner Die
;mama and Col. teen. Denis n of To-
rontoetwere peesent at a lar ei ancleen-
ehlisittetie meeting_ of - elect rs. ' The
Globe eemarks, ' The claime Mr Ar-
dagh, the coalitien favorite, el, the snf-
frages 1, of the electors, were severely
eristeised, and his inconeisteneies etfec-
tiy,ely tap .sed. The selfish printeplee
apon which the Patent Ceinhittation has
hit hert.. maintain eil ltse; f. in re t wer were
41eari,y delineatedt aed denonaciel; the
l.u1hence manifested by freetient ape
e telling
mist) Its *Titre:moon of t.
tants made the speakers, and its deter-
anation ti, resist in overall -
'wing the
loerupt syntem of the two cea, itions.-
early cheat's were given at he close
ar Dr Remaly, be wit! receirb a hea.vy
eote at Nut ta asag
The cholera is rapidly iner tasing in
I '7V ort the earth becomes toa large te ba rebellion in th der k. it i$ au 1.1 et.- Umetati t ample.
ceorteabiet ircepported by the peolucts.1 glieh prortab, "To he forewarned is to
• its own soil, it ?mist dither tette meals- be foreeirme.1"; vied belie% ing taie the%
neat,* eel itself of its sexpluspepeletion, ,ar willies! a knew just w I: tit the eeinnes
el? sat therm werk npon sornething :ha, of the C eletiteti•el feet ant think, a 1.1 Stall LegIghttli I ei. i
Alley een exchange- for food with t 0 whet they intend to de. , They h Lee le, _ •Gen. Aureliano, at the head ef a large
nationstwhich have yaore of this aiticte desire to see in Ent.eane, the s ate f Our excluingee state that cold _st eather force is h. tiring near tbe capital. The
Idea rontured; an- just proportion thinge tvl ice; Tat so f,ften been 1 0 hee of unlisted severity prevails iver the reads te the city of Mexico are infested
as the pupulatien increases °eyelet the
!mint it must assume more &eel more ef
the character of a eeerkshop for the
P iiree Bismareknwas so ill Hutt he
amid net attend thseesiou of :he Prus-
(hutment, occupied the attention. of the
.Court the whole of yesterday.
The Mormons aseertetaplietieally that.
Brigham Y. aing will make every effort -to,
he present at the court on. Monday next.
Re is 300 miles away .antatha roads are
bad, bat it is thought he Will be here in
It is. understood that both the Mor -
monis and Geutilea will euspend bueiness
to -morrow for observance of thanksgiv-
_ - - -
Preparing fo Lithe Pint Battle.
oikente e Nov. 21, -via Havana
29.-Purfirio Diez and his brother,. for-
merly a Governor, have proneunced
areanst the Juarez Government and are
mend of the squadron is drrected to de- , . Haw for b' ale
can residentscthere, the officer - rt
these wild roamers of the prairie to h'.11 in coin -
0 -
wiz, Nov. 29.-A Weald's
on special says the intertiatioli-
most unbound:1; and the cows are al diflie ties with Spaine yesterday re -
quaky. As regards tbe meat. Buffalie
declafed to dis .thiur of ex tremely rich edited the attenti en of the Government: In Gents'
inptaverifial as a delicaeye but we
Th fl ti t ddf b t t
Alaska Stripeg,
Coney. Szc„,
2 . 9
Also a large assortment
apprehend inutile of The rest. pr the e ee n en e ri an wa ers • ,
ene protect the Ounsul-Gerreral at, Havana, - '
eeeature is 're her tough. Still,
r .. . oth Caps;
quiet life of don esticationenae be relied, and the life end property ed. other' Atu 3f Fall and Winte CI
on seon to makea change in this respect. ; ericau citizere resident there, -Las been .
na le uphander the supervision -of Ad- -. • .
Continald mov.etnent. tough.etra the flesh.. .
I roiled Lee, commander of the North At -
of tamest all aniteals, and the compattive
lantic Need run, , who as en Washington. . • - 'Which will be sold at less than city prices,
tenderness of 6' r domestic cattle arises
The instrections to the.; commandee of
consequences and go ti31 him with ehe - • Goderich, 12th Oct. 1871.
in a great me ore froal thei indolent
the _fleet are fraught with the gravest
quietude of the. _lives. e. •
The ceeult of the .attetupted cross of , - . .
fullest endorsement of the President and •
the biion • with Jersey, Ayrshire an 1
Durham st- ick- kir this it is to be tried, hie Cabinet, which was: given at their a A $1
meeting yesterday. If the Outran vet- `'"' .
in each instance- -awili be lookedlot with
Baker, id Ridge Hill, Welleiley, Mass. tit Spanish officials, , but -allovied to HA RDWARE MERC HANTS .
a a c oo Mans
deep interest. Mr. Wine Emersun unrers at Havana ale not repressed by
has coittrived to transpOrt several ti NeaRKET SiqUARE, GODE R IC H.' s bb fh s H
commit ontraees on the lives of Ameri-
stock farms, mai
itt once.. This
farmer, we belie
and practical
the success of
t eat he. hopes b
will try the experiment
ntlemen, a grazier and
a of unusual scientific
awledge, is sanguine of
's scheme, and writes
ore long to annot nee
mewl apo_ogy and reparition- at -once, if
teey are refused,' teen he is instructed magic, Fo
to open the guns ofhis fleet upon. the
City of Havana. 'Ile correspondent seys
that there is no doubt whateyer that this
fa.vorable progre s. If the gigantic herd Policy after a long and unsatisfactory
correspondence withSpam has been sot -
ranging over mu Western plains can be
eironly determined upon by the adrnirdee
put to use in tt is way, an element 'of
tration. The tenor of instruction given
wealth may bia ae-ded to the nation more
just a.s true as that the fleet is -on its
valuable than al the silver of Nevada.
way at this very hour, for the harbour -of
We must confeite. to some misgivings,
Havana. For S01110 weeks past thegov-
however on theeubject, fore ifethe plan
ernment snd authorities at Madrid have
is indeed. praeticab ee wby is it that our
„ been in corresponderere 'ever the treat-
ard v farmers and font ersiit en,
trne4 of Alderman citizens in °Ube, and
all their entermse eend esource, ha
th*Conduct of the pursued tolvtieds Cue
net thought of 4 and rut into practice
bans themselves, and the course of the
long before? -N. Y. 'me& '
Spaniards in the matter of the American
The Iasi DtatilLt. i eves! Hemet, which -was menaced by
Spanish uten-of-war at Port au Prince.
The man who drake is never in the It appeals by the ollitiial despatehes toe
the :Government -that the more receet
tioubles halve arisen from the eutrageons
eonduct of Cuban yolunteers, which . has
resulted in conaelling American citizens
to -le ire Havena. Thus reached Baca a
point on Monday the Coestil-General ate
peeled to the °oiled Statee for preteetion
anti assistance,. and- anmediate steae
haie aeon taken response to the up -
c s aYy ift)R: Nov. 29. -The Times
" Veiy important intelligence from
eb Lean ki n (If ttoh teh‘e. jeuffneteeteerhs aas
Havana was received here mi Tuesday -
expected and that the Speaush Govern -
:eel': t aot iuitx
nent w,agpowerless„ As the safety alio
intorests of Americans would in this cas.
oe jeopardized, orders were imneedintelt
sent to Key West to despateli the monit
or Terror to llavana. She left Kee
,Vest -yesterdaV morning and withent
loabt arrived dere% the day. The Nei -
,00 was ordered. to proceed -at once fiete
elm:ism:we tu the game port, and teat
eans es at New York, nearly ready t
ail, received orders to preceed
/43, to. the smile destination.
." The Spanish Minister eepreeetits th.
amide as uf an unimportailt charaaer,
- rowing out ef the desectatien of tat
thaovVesoloufnCteaestibuythsoannide oottlietrhelieriLevs4el.
uedieal st telente. The- eaten of tin 1 halm yetir inerai shoidders lack,
mit yotteself With ,firmer bearing,
meet innent is solely 'for Proteetien ehew peer spine has nerve and marrewa
American intereets, alla there is not lust the thinglitiattest lack,
- e
-A eta:ewer word • •
Wan never hotted
seqie or torte
Than this backbone.
Viten you see II POLITICIAN
Verrill'', thee 11,11 eontr oeed 'hetes,
teeeitie"for teem fat remain,
In the ring or ae the polls,
ith no stearling manhood in him,
nte plack or,
4othing atablee broae or found;
S eav vo.enspient lies nerve mid It/arrow--
0°0h e Minded r.atIf around,
k youreelf et,th .tirmer be ., g,
4 ham your inale24,el. maces back,
le thing hillich intlet•lack.
A etre Tea, wort
'Was n. rverhheatd
Than t eis beckbene
In seaee or tone
A modest long _kid plainly told__
;'he text is woreb a mine of geld,
For marry men i,nost. sadly leek
A. noble stiffuese in their beak.
. Thirty 'years ago, Canada lied less
-lien t wenty- mil es of railway: To-daya
the has 'two, t irate -mid nevel hundred.
ani eighty miles- in actual. opeiratien,
ith aboue-as tneny more in -.course of .
eenstreetion, Orpeojectede
atate doctuneetts mei:illy commence,
Knew all. Men ha thew presehts."
This form is very applicable to the
-Jotted Staeas atithe present' time; Reit
is only by "thesd prerieuts"., that Grant
a rer knows any h glee
The/Nevi Work Eiraki gives an mita •
ane of what it calls the 'presidesets
•nessatea reom Le feet that it enntains
nothing • but a /tare it: inniary of' the.
concentrating 6,000 troops near Oaxaca.
end 'the man wild laugh.' He is gener-
. Dim: is at Oaxaca, with five thousand • 11 the mac wh
men y.•=for the first battle whtch others must shed
expecte wain three days. inemher of no, pa
A co4iderale part pf the Government You meet hen ev
forces flave deserted 'to General Diaz.'
Ample powers have been granted to Ju-
arez by Congress, to put down the a:vol-
tam. Sev eral enerale end Colo le s
ce-etefore loyal te the Uovernmeea have
gone over ly Dian
Diaz has issued:a plan- or mariffesto
denouncing the past election as illegal
and ad% cleating reforei and anew election
for presid.eet. Revolts extends from
Soulins to the Rio Grande.
Puebla has likewise risen against tha
r °weeps, or tor white
tears. Ile is, alas a
ticular class of society
rywhere. from theIow-
est te the higheet places of this world,
and always find hip, not only his own
%yeast enemy, b ti uf all who trust in
If among a b
armies you find
deem se:Relent fat
roomy and conifoet
d of hard-workine
oo (note wages other.,
decent clothes, tidy
ble dinner, is alive) b
(meat the elbows, alweys at loggerheads
with, his landlord taid always complain
ing- ef hard times ten . to WM- he is the
man who drinai.
judgels. bench you Meet a
Juarez Uovernment; steatite government
11'1 aInf w°tInotdhentis u 0+4, who judges un
expects teeput dawn the revolution with
,iglituously,- -who' eefacetania ut the pie
the ample forees at its disposal,
sence of .miseey makes crane a jute.
end the seneence te.or 'wattle, ite
imams ; there also
extuse for stiip-d puns and vulgar me.
1 Ay you knew tire ni
who Orinhs—ill ,slown tacie none pe.
imps, bit t all the s tele deutikard.
If you see a e ennui went., pale are
wretched' from so...0 Unknown cause,fee
01 hor eye aud duty in her vo e,
flint!' Lone too eat' newel her died is
moue Fad eurden., ten ce one he, he -
band Is the men
Knew that than
leve, cherish mid
Th beggar elih.
iris offspring. Th
ed in cilia:nein-al ope in cope trios by lletAten, and the leathern pats ef - with benlitti.
to.. stern and he:takes r. -ercesien of po- the ilattetleatates. - Minister Marchail has been attacked
sentanent etehre • -
1.04,44. This a tiitetie ef de ; el Ile 1 ries ,, Thel ladles id. ( who %veal' t ,
e,,eure a Teat tlargains, uoidd do well te
Bat sappusethat it 1Se admit:0d that areat Britain iv:4, doubtless, be inin Duran° is occopied by Borreego.
Great Britain, hy building In,' her ceestruea teal, bv the -A-melee:1ns and eive allissrs. el.:littera) and Sli; In a call
at ehe etere lately oscupied bv itr. John Gen. Cerralles is yetefaittiful, but Gen.
manufacturies on,stich a maennothescale, the remit le ;ma ef Europe. They wile
rupt stack. . Gen. Thena, the Secretary of War,
Vera Crutz is donutful. .
h4 assumed the grave responsiliality ef • peratt% enter.% take the nenchalance e at Robeitseit. See eclyt of tlieie Bauk-
brineiug tegether laree masaes. ot hinnan which tee lealereed public epieien re- .
. We are informed that the ecum-tica, hes the chiee c ,nimend of ail the gevern-
ment forces agains. the Goveraor ane
heinge, a large preportion of whom, in gard the agtations wheel are geing 1,11, L '
the very nature of thaeas, will ;lever be as. an indicetien thet the .4.,tin tr.- is r 1 I -ea
in congressional speeches ior =del -taking
a lifeetican loan in the United States.,
vie'ry far from- "tha narrow line that di- for revolinton, but they will certain] v , beh ngiog to Mestrs Seymour a el Hee_ Gen. Dir z.
r heilLi: - °Att.& am.d. i73.132,:l.
— .
',tinder- _
riain'_eil I SAN FaiNcesco, Nor. 29. --Ad vices b3
steamer -nom Yekolialita te Nev.23, stat v
- and „who underthe inampulatzon of wiley are gulag to get ez ex.;nauge for ite_, . . .
eiders safficieneyof focel from starvetien,'' in comme to this conelteiten reckon ''", ar"'-ta (a. "I"Y 4
vrtthout their host. The Enetlieit pee- Cleveleed with a load of coal.
srlistever their wages may be; who in
tanesof entuaterciel deprasSiOn are ake. pm are not prep ated tt. part wah the Pee in -0 winter eptattere and w
itionar.hv With. .Ut .ktplA 11)4' What -71.11'.'r. B :ma slie"will ov
lv Le030104 meetly aad discontented,
that tliere oos lunch mmenent by for-
a at verengefeaded leaders, may becorne They have sufficient, in telli•4ence 8( e'l PUICKI, -As Capt A. 13 igiets eldest eigners and Jip,inese id, Yokohama at
clang:retie to the state, dees 01.1 tee Tel- that the giralrenniel agitanen in the sale a lad abobt 1 1 yearia of aan e as the ectien of the American . eleven:talent
orate see that the very that .he a 1- United States, incelent upah the e:ee- r thrmieh the bush in tl e in abandoning the intercourse with Corea,
votattes in hie owtt country is produzine tior id the Chief Magastretate is really slap ..f • Cialcorp .1 last week de e , wthieh is comeneded detrimental to me
national honor and highly prejudicial 0,
We interest of f trel.;tiers both in Chins
a id 'Japan. Arnhassador3 in China re-
turned te Yedde e 0.1100 senceeaing
getting a treaty. China wanted a treat.,
of indium, detensive and otlaneve,which
Japan Ali.: hardly in' a coudit ion to ecced.
the weak rutt 111 the eleierican sy,tetu t g
precieely tflie same results? Under the p . , •
i treed," two laege wil.1-cats, t he b y
e.noteution pelicy in the 'United States, nue g , _
the constanttenclency of the popdlation of the country, Britain is far bet'er
1 time h °wine to the compa :tnesa I went fur a neiehbor mid had theni shoe
adapted te a pitrety repeltbean system
is from the soentineto the bawl' and city.
. ofgoveenineet than the, United States. We weald drect attto tion to he ne v
While the immense and magnificent pub
i ae. and ivould feel the terain ef a presiden- la v teen 4 tf le:: e air and S. ate -. See
he domain. teith ite almost unlimitet •
[seminal for feeding the starving millions tial electien fuse; they are not prepared ead.
to barter early their systein of respene-
ef the eareh. remains unselet led and de ; The 'attention of the ratepaeers to. Serteus trimble has taken piece in ,
ibleigeve: n meet, merely for the seke Of
the . please re ef eleeting an alit.)crat to I
1 rho 'awe of Gullet -rich ie te the.' the southern districts uf Japan, incense-.
viroped, ik which are be -
leg ininaterany stimulated by protection
i•ver th ern enee in four yeare. Cullecties netice is this i - cpience id it glee:mint:in edict abrolaaqiig
ara gathering them together in immense reign the' rank of Demioe alai absorlrtieg ,t heti.
. territi ies and giving nothing in return.
Rice was iiever _plentiful than in
the present year, ittel the Government is
called upon:et., export -the shrplus and
supply the Taigeu market, where the
crops have enttrely failed. The xailn.onia.
•to Yeddiefeein Yokohama will pr, bald3
ae finished arming the present 3 er r, but
it is go primly badasted that it ..ave
to be rebuilt Within another year. Tele -
.graphic coniniunicetion between • Naga --
saki amd.Osalri Will goon be cempletecl,
-mat (lima .cinumunication with Etteope
• and Americis wili beIns"ttred. -
massee, *hide even at thie molter'', are _
regarded se the plegue-spots of the na- 593ok of War;
ton. Are thereat° trades -mama ni the To t!,e Editor of the trur-,a
S stes? Are 'strikes among tlie the,Unitel States w ;re got buena ,tein:- I notice -your "Cer" uotorite
operatives La their ow -a factories alto- over in the good reund sum Of a omple reel Zerich, resents the presumetion
gather unknewrel Are there no manifest- of, billions of dollars, more or lege,. to any one "passing remaeks," but irimeeif.
tuitions uf "menscing discontent and re -
keep the peac'e we lina-rit look 'fa abrash I had not the elightest idea of 'annilli-
sis ance to the social arrangement?" Is • • -. lating".h.linaas that would be inwolving
• between them and ea.n. If :re can bu-'
them rite danger ta be apprehended, from the old SIGNAL, and Zurich in- a e•rrible
theseseething masses of corrupt human- heves a someweat sensational paragraph c:itatitecipbe, if it was net for his pat-
ityl If the phausepher of the T ribune in the Washington correspenaeree of the, ductions, theformee might be eMaing
does rint wait. doubtless he does not re- New 'York World.1 everything is ripe for a paet, • and the people,. tht latter
quire to be told thattkoe areas thouk,h - .T 111(1.1XarVe paniof their own ntfiTtsil
d noe leaving any pretensions in the
• crater' line; I must thank.- yoar Cor.
hink it
lf, aad
s your
i lenge.
• tr, r et as e.n
etel. men as hie:wolf who do.
Ordered into Cubed waters to protect the 4
There eleat does ail this talk- &mut
"the supreeme rightof every nation to de Interests of American citzens, which are f his petite etnaplimeet, but
its, own work meant" Whe doubts the llama. ally considered unsafe in the, Kee- nether misplaced. The proper ere.'
abseract rieht of a nation. to adept a pee ent unsettled state .-f things, especially be for Itim,to appropriate to hinas
tnewhif the mend suppert given by net let his inochaty wrong him;
icyof total neniehrentourse with all other
nations; to ha, te shipe' an 1 peellitat the Muted Stales to the- rebel:ion which readers,: Well knew that he is the
those of every ether- nation to enter Its has led to such disastrous resints; and if "Literaey wonder," of the a
perte; to -neither visit ner reeeiveaisi- ehe Cuban volunteers are liot, _repressed aobly threatena :ete with his yeng
tore, but hermetitally seal itself in its by -the officials, ap 'logy an 1 rep teat ion t fuenee, dred,a,he only way of p
ownsfell; buttheugh Mr Greely's dee- are to be .demanded at once; and in the i his "charity " is bY keeping s
is too bad, thet I have not been
precieted it he the past, which must
1: ve been great indeed, there ate Very
:The New York Tvnes- gives ,a very f , ifleyeured as -to have escaped his
muchnuilder v r i in of the alien.. and as- ", assing Remarks,' not eventhe clergy
sures ne that here is no" a word of tattle being eeternpt from u ; ler the
trines if paehed to their togietal concln-• event of refusal, the o
Mon would underahterily lead to this, we tlee squadron ie comma
wit esti hertty think "he Would like togo guile upon the city of
so far.
cer in charge of I
ded to open his a
The Maim. Problem. in tire sensatienal etories tetegrepheit tient, of his mighty pen. Hopi .g the
that there gee seri° is -etemplicatieas weePotentate will accept this etiology,-
Perhavettere is nospot en the Ameii- weth the Spanish Give nnent. We are foa my not keeping silence, as I veas not,
uericoniinentthatpresents mere of aptiz- inclined to rec. ive the latter rather than tatfore-aWake that we had a king fur Hay.
al.. to the reffectivethan Mexico. There- is the forlimeas thecerrectrepresentation of '
rFe Tai 11F uYLal, Yi r SI T E STED
7th Nov 1871
the existing state of affairs; not amens,.
nathing /acking la resources -its. bonn-
the Milted States are not anxious te get
'lades, stretching' from the AttrIontic Ontra, whether bY conquest or peaceful
the Pacific, afford' abundant scapeand aunexation, noebeerilise the present con-
io %tanks, fur wheelie_
a keep his vow, ate
retect, his. wile? - .
nen in tleneu or ra e
tail' opeirs to 1,.t aet.
in. The le tme 'sometimes . utlils li.
Life. .
The men uthe d -ales ii net always .-
idler; as 0110 nave nettle% e. Thegre t
est statesmen lie% e ciente I to be ar t
.A0 be:st °w item if tee emit'. deup •
areir pens_ it hen ten:ar were 'nest er.i.i., 4,
splendid feileve wi hin emu adadred nd
%soma., toyed, haeetfielo 1 in their -
,ay eeeense i.f e el . In on:: w,,rd, . af
).10. ,vcirai. i a fail ,ve. its ii el. e o -teem:. -
. el, its eeve au eaernee oe a -erre:et eine ,
it .'scheines dead eerie es, is :miles - The Guelph TOwaship Ontrage
gi 1:.L, its 4.irlsttliS oh: II '14 1 aarnel 1,o. ES
..s..o.,,y.h. ciedaugseer of 1 e man who drink.,
. i .
. / : ' ' 1
' iDortiaill N IU 3
_ . -it. - --- -------
A Hamilton heel While fooling with . a
pears in Ilamilten ills Wedneaday eve-
-.0aaed pistol, had ip nose blown off.
The bay caches ra from. :3Tiennealite
. .- ne -
ihig. ' . i • . ' .- ".
,A armor of Eildn' Mille, banged, hilt e•
self on Tuesday, 'leaving a wife and ee:
cleldren. ! • I
Mr. Matches iis elie name of a Bemiltop
merclient tader. _Ernis of c .,averee
Inelother traps, CROSS
Being the largest and inost varied as-
sortment held by any one firna
• . 'AKERS •
G G CHAINS e 500
West of Torionto,
F OF itit SIZES, 500
.WROuGrIIT 41„ CUT NAILS. Jo 500
t .
_And a large assortment of all hinds of 300
11-4. W :To
t 150
At low prieee fee CASIL Opposite
d. H. PARSONS & Co.'
Guderich, Nde. 28, '71.
P.A.ozzipra. .
When you see s fellow mortal,
Without fixed or fearless views,
-Hanging th skirts of -others,
Walking on th 3ir cast -oft shoes,
.Buwing down et, wealth or faeor,
With abject, uncovered head, _
Ready et. retraet or waver,
Willing to be ("rove or led,
Walli yourself lid* firmer bearing,
11.hrow %our moral shoulders back,
'how your spine has nerve -mid marrow --
List the 'thing le roust lack,
A stronger word
• - •Was ieever heard
tertee or tone
Than this baekbone.
When you seo TIIC4OGLAN
`langging'close seme u-g.y ereed,
elearing rejeet orepiestion,
amenntsayhica Ilia priest may read,
le -ding back edl noble: feeling,
Making back each Man: ya ew,
Oaratg 'nue e fOr h‘rir s raid eynibols
Than toknow the geod and true.
cord of trail, in sensational, shah tee -
eaplaitl that there are serrues p -
et %vita the apaarsh Govertimenh
'Mister came home in pulse el- e -
'of laive of absence ranted - bun th
eks ogo at his mem request, for e
omen t palette reaeons, as he lit t
aced 'when mating the epplication
marveage explains the reason,
- - -
WHISTEY.—There are perhaps no men
better 'qualified to 'pronetiecti upon th.e
bffrets .whiAkey than those . eminected
with our eourte of justice. , Accuitented
to hear ana examine the circenerstances
connected with crime, they are ilea posi-
tion most faverable fee discovering iti
-Cause. 1 the Leath -irony Jfall such
persons that intoxicating liquees are
althea directly or indirectly respoasibie
fee- nee e than half the crimes whiela,ao-,
grew our land, -An addit lanai statement
inhof of thie fact was made the'Cie.
beurg assizea last week. Tile Worldsayet
"The terand Jury called attentiere te -the
feet that, in the majority Of Oasee, , the
crimes brought under their 'iiiitOhe had:
their. origin ia the 'use of inreeicatitig
liquar ; and Soletualy urged Open the au-
teornies, beth provincral and muilietaide
the necee:sity for a Mere rigid eafarce-
ment tht laws relatiag to. the tratlie
strong drink." , 1
M. . 7 —. - . •
diiersity fon the enterprise and intlash y deafen of Spam es net fieee to afford as i tia !for o . the ill% cif ,4:gtalect by Soine geniusehate invented the foilove a
euath Pole: .
. f e progreiiiivapeople. The soitie both -av e
o f .nealde an e pertionity to belly her • ''.- eh. -
P . . . the eholara as beep rather undereatedt i -g meaner of stating a fataloc.euereffee. - ' . -
t of her oeeessions as an °tiler lett
, P „ „ Y , i net tiverreted, if the L eiden Lanai 4; t., a delicate Wiry , of putting it, •ard • T • .!. -.t.sUOK
rich an. . i . a - •
1 ferrite rain enemy respects ou ,•
became with their immense debt and ' -
. . er • a . , % lice
lite I ' E •er si 1867 thn choleta r &Is %uncle better than to any, "Hu died , '. - e '
lase &lithe auvantagesofistropicif region with the prinfitily unstitil: d state of af- il preilailed :as* an. epilletu ic i ; that :Let ee most horrible- agehies:" • ',We • get Our little Toen ha
ARCH OF 71U. cifoLoitA.-TEs
te "strikes." •
• The bell at St. Michael's Church, Ty-
e -onto, while being ng fur serrece lett
Sunday, broke p .eces.' Less *2,00,0,
left l'oronto,laze.yeee to study ninsic•
Europe, dimi m 1(tu en the 27th 06
Nelson, the Popular ,eingiee, who
- ,
' George 'Edwards htus 'been arrested in
Toronto. en a chaege of -stealing e2e,
from thetrunk of le1a. Walker, a gime.
.aa the Reasta floite • -
A trigorieus inenib -r al a French flel.a
ing seciety, while in a tit of delirium tn.
!tens, lathered . his. t ague:and:cut off f r
Inches of it with a r or. •
,explosioh of Jain the British Lieu
Hotel,- Ottawa oa Vettnesdey axe tie
;the „halt flooring an 1: sent a, .600 poun
stove to, the ceiling, NO one injured.
Those w ho are ont late notretetlays • n
sweietitihhei; iteea,ri iii.sfiebeenitt Jet 1..iipsitiehlItiavtii, Tilde f tieeli
norizon. It is the cist brilliap nf tee
nerthern heaveus, a il revile t esplete
dors of those thatria add set ward the
without its enntingenctes, iint the rac.3 fairs in the &milt, they are Pot ptepared
hervvily-t. real regton of tile vorld • Ei.e whole story an' our seriiibiliteele or two been unsealle'
toeagage in ah etxpensive and hez trouts ,
‘1.1 4 •
thSt Cter1447. $5.11 maws arta the moet . . Peralia tTirimee during the last so minee age not nrinecess#ilyshitelteel:= iticoteuts.
i Amite and vicious ia character, gentle, _crib '" etc:17;1i' e intstef.:wr ; d 71`Y it follita. OS waV elite &trope and eavee. at Item Hampshire the other day ate fife
lieu biting the aboorbiog paseitat %Which tfrt'ilte' liacinitr, • - ,
threateniug ind fait iieis. edi Ruesta ned . POlehd. The Ai de! a teen dozen rew oysters on se wagon The. wonted •tiotivity; a, id there ie every. in-;
t:'''' ' now in oro• ress in Arebia is thr a,' len Eli` ver trilaMilWA alone On hie coffin cost; dication of a good :.ini. tei s brad 3.
eentrole Li it ".. F.irthelstit twenty Years t velltUre Ito liaise there win be newer be- eE - ''' • ` • 6 -1"--- en `
atul throtigh Egype Soh here
reeat Republic and .Sitiain all gvilt, ing fellow townsman,
1.0, Tale= have bait: subject to all elie 1 tween the a Eimyee. Starting fraiii the peeha ik ce
4,,,,...________,_ , „,BegdatI a few weeks ago, the caseate hae art p inhaled ea' bat et
iantatiOns ee" a4sing fzent contending LY"1.4')P"
, reached new aies far as Thaybert only hi, grodli. ch,j,vhich. I any
.. Piiel.b7 Tavara 1 t • thaevellay's Penney from Medina, an I. dertakdr W. demand'. ug pay-, in -advance, rn is liketly to reelistehim a
.-.fectione. And no sooner beadle selection . '•
of *Preslierst been made, who appexred , . . ro fit.. -
late- has 6: en veryj
o thepast week
barren on reek,
atilt 5, which ta.
fle. is re/meat, tt
tbalaea, end thirty-fiire cents.-
JohnSmitie ia Nebeeeka, snid he! could
aiendle rattlearake the same as aPe,ake-
eh, ineeir. The: clanlisleness....of e the unt
OUR. enterpf
Mr. McIntyre
Bankrupt Ste
happy to le-
mi. tho leading routes to the _delayed the faltered four daye--4A , -
to mite *shills- of the people, than a A cot -merle inquest which at our last._ town 'rite tiine tire: DI
ises aspirant for leaderslip stall. facile advices. was stilt
1- ce,ti
. 1,
gineers ., • of ;the IR lg.'. St B,
tni seSsion ore teltie:biitly age for this year is 11,...1V 'close at, anit,.. :annauterSiOutis on liorgehr3ok_ ill!) , other
ecea-pa /rim- ,, ava Wier in Teems Atied. to Awn- three
r) die route Ott tic. road tarineeh
retie of plunder of the multitude, this 6ctifull.76‘T'a:' rittaent- engaged 1,.
IteS" matgaa forth to excite the people to Of alitile negro girl, who reeently wae and Inucharithety irren•rnifestell h. -hli . tra.,: eTaee manager ,sent-.-.beek.tte Neer
' thee: Ordering tleat .folleeveng dten.foie ithother tra ctoity reportsearefini; t. r. :08nridt:Inty el:P.I.
' It.' istility. Thies the peace. of the nation -"..lone to. death" ty a fAmity 4 kyr ee:tra "r•73vhflithin ettxt?1,ewitttee in : vie eh o
feasebeen constantly. sec/Aced to the ant- - coler who ilea charge of her, rereale--11;17:011"' el ill-tf 'clue juiV4 'the all !'"):( 8•1411'1°'!°Iiik' 1,4-a•-. ilhar4ztle 41? di,etettiwonlitihne,,y4evyiolluteahkr *It ...thle con. all:::
g, t us, en grans, bout the , tt ete nAftey cp-alein t w.aet tor taeearsto reaen , e . • ha. hell!' ,ra
of theta . Otiq istateri that
bikioaor . anweeoiror ehimoiens itaul. Hie a st4eatt the -most rtevelting &eta which 'ehat this exteneicereof the choldlet • 1,o e •elite;depteh; and jamped .off. Hie '.%vidove
fa_ r? remember te have ' et -with iri, the itegclad'• heoan its difftition in A iii.; ill ilitioile‘.1 ilie-insu ranee company. ---;---•Pew vif a"
The prepetrator of tbe outrage, epee
Irs. Persons, of Guelph Townshtp, 44.
A 1 lst inst., Which has caused so mud
• iluitenient and indignatien in eh:.
- eideity, has at . length, we areglareeeee
ety, been arrested. e, Obienlonslate,.
KeIle hea beeri pthilling- Iis impede
vigor, , tt sly. and filial rafrietuationgteenee
-a rcrofito and etiewbere, Cocaine SAO-
ied tli;,1.411,--Ord pensioner who maw;
'''tithitgelf "01.1.Bdiy," was the prepetrute
-f the foul eutrege. He was atientiatie
e-id)he scirundrel- had made hieeway h
tate dirrection front -Termite by Brestie
at was utieble to &see% er the direetens
hich he had takeii after Mninnittiog
eie effeuce. .0ii ThttesdayAast inform-
ai, ile waseteceivetathet 'a jibe ray iraine
ne eri.' inal. had • beet arrested , in the
eswerieg the - pliblishe does iption uf
;ohne-ton settlement/ ewer Brantfor ..
' le wits begeiteg in the neighberhoiei
layta of /era/ideate
aid feenty Link•ene,,,Riloeit 1Suider aue
'ghe hint before Wm,
melte-he. wee yeryineid-
s frienes were ton poor a I
?Walter Sage bro
le -thews, the
When asked hi.
%five how.on . Ile s.ubsequently ga t
ale name u Jahn Wilson; said ne served
Her ,Alir ty in. the 16ili -Reagi.61,11enitt, abnid;
iok ti. - discharge' theret
Jatha es atter ehe .Fmnan, rtud , in
t'.866,e' He ,was held in custedy, eutat
di. -Kelly arrayed it Brantford, sant
twin seeing the prisoner and leaeniue
ei fa,eis el his arrest, at eoice declerea
.i.mself matisfieddie was the man. . The
eisoner wee bretight to Guelph apd
Ars, Parsons at once ideptitied , him as
aer a4sulaui. At the *lamination bc-
,:loru the, magistrates Wt.iell foil i wed the
etisoner. wae identified _pesigively , by
,arties whasaw hap -Were he entered-
?arsons'.1.ionse and.afteehe left.
Tile prisoner, who evidentey lie a heal
case, and who behaved hixiiselfyinavety
Aida way to ibe Court, frequently sweer-
,ng was, then ettinmitted to tand- his-
mai.- , , . ' i
Itt excatratiiig the cellatacif ahetel
Point Levi tile viorkinen diseovered
, .
iot or hunian retnairie atieposerd tie he
thole; of Indian., 1 .•
, .
- The --manufactures •i&siteet iren has
been-'brotight to greeter pertegtien in
cite Muted - States • than in any .. other.
eopeetty excepe &testa. The sneet Irma
ot Rosie is ceiebratea the world, over.,
and is rentarkaale for ins attioaeh, gles_sy,
eurface, »Etch- -ie a 'dark Metallic gray;
and. . not --bitnsh.gray like the centmon
-,,ertecle.. . The 'American ethaet. iron. is'
pielidipallyetualle in Pennsyivaniai Thp.
eterequisits foe this niaitufacture are
eararcoa.l. for tuei,eleer Iron fur stack, A
,hey reCeived' instal' tioni
. to coittion53 ,,ni:ort -oliv:tiloir Iareniiln:it:::81; dio4reinl:, .1 ii si ni rt:
eerongepewer. The - machinery used iie
the. survey to Kiticard4i.e,--a spbSeqtrelit -
except that tit some pat met)/ • te .greater
ea't one that- i.ileYaretelireetell to discontinue streeete is reeineeee. . ,
a" ele eurvey,on arriein'e:iikbuckziost,.an.1:: _„„ 7. I . . - '.. - .
:1"; ild -1. .1047:hitynh..:_litlris.1 nt a ,0 lathtetv:511 ;,?0,,,ti itss t,, __ ,441,7; ,h: a 91:4471,,re 1. .4. a, , . ;g: . ,i' s: a; , , ae,tsetitillitsloautte3rutigha.tth•te.b:rvI4t1141aii jyiatyuthoofrirtuipcs.', .. ee •• •
eat _ , . _ . /see shipments of California wbeat
' —
l'og th'e'liti: f-ronie Leekti'-' ow throuith the
idd a' ilagi- thEZ,tiaCkii1 ., broad this Seaseninichiat to97d,00,1cen-.
i A. .:iiii'aiice hf a;;;ItiPagt(Stii'w!)3^.. arittrtfritic'es Township- et:Uhl-101k r to- t tire pouit -on, , - - -,
:--A - . traLs.. The available stireitis en the'• Slate.
im - et. die •geave Were eery impressive,----
Ettitai, ainiuis furnishes i comple..4 ets_ tery 01 &eine in thi ceontry.. , Tee .2.-ert es.Jecially in. lus portion -I- aroonr,: h -
narrattan of her illersage n.ven bv seVer- 13 litre and BladeSeas, ttee-f i Wide d
, ste,3 of thinki to beetroionoted. •Tbet. 414 thqtnettliliorsee ult. tterteie like aa ‘langterons, Intl; tliis wq 1 ecti 4 411 -
g „ , ii Iii
eitne4tt atry wants food. end slgorors ugly dream than a reality. Wee appeare Russia, the ellidera-wria,steasdiIyneri
g4verueleitt istoo "'dent t ', dstiY7that to lltreb;lennlirezil in ,cha 3 ed thie nea' - en the Otter:tan preen
„ etee empurce. and mineral rata* ai retlhaed family: by rier-leth • ,, aryl fettle With -the cholera therefortrqn Ar
w maw of illintorma is etrituy atip,..4„, pa ttc: sho-ta ii,.! to evirs sae eaenter tilt fllergal. Chkirian -0.
y and Reessiaa an
'-- HSI., bzeti eaustane y•witipenal atot cirri- [ ileseint, iilimibootlicrn Earepe -se
'' 1" "t . i
iii vc,,,t-ii3,t 00 lilts. gim siggfilation. Wit'', hi* b" boys, !Intel ileatle Met ,be rendered, Bloch more diffirsiv
feet. Yet, the ConfliCtInieCt Ili eres,s treated, eieeon y hy the man and hist lenient, theseuerge morcovernalike
A.9.1 wane *.r•pedican fora of govern. " end :to lier 161124444 'Wu C16 nt't reeeent of -the vast and irrepres
*34 owing to Unica bilis goatigno•to g Matael. pelarermee, t wonla seem
BM ale:lett itate
- growler tflett- the ni.• taborhood: rirrewo "
Li fp exeitement, and tAealaras whieh the Lancet an ead
that, the beartleeitaxer /eters ef the hit pritetie:41 ana nintenSti,titfniai je-'111
$-) 1'1/4) V sited BMW, weld& appear most
teeter still it s fa3t hevcrz.1 ii•mht• *rain damcer of viohoicee.: hut .we erinnote exeressere were not whalty unfenn
, Ord et. vne oramitsut to vein Ingeerstend how Such Coar3is of t;.1 tereetatit ihietheterteititaeyettaquaean
4 *um* 1st II, is ingi oonf:rted bY trest went WA& eihtlyed in It "eali 113rit' y Weaken
0q ta ite-;Zellt Cde CA701.-Crowaod, c
d • (etteete Bei atinafro ea a. scourge
lai'T‘-igettge":tiletivvrts•()iti. etne"-efit44‘a. :tato. aze
sear aloft githinnt at co- noperoant wipvtiv.r. * 041.1cee
stiminow,61.0104. .10"enVIII a Tiger ink; tittaltv, GO a ivy.' il&V fiat' t
lOW111111/46 Om* elettrale: ipirer mai& Fehlrit,d snch xi ine;anetioltissue. 11'w
mg 11,44) *A S. Olikirel appe trs to here b len & imarder
ista.,retea le Ilk we ate, wisuitiarri ‘i inertias citified int for weeks withed a
"mett attehopt to fig 1
tne kitchen. iirteateA Man', , in Can
grf. li:s afflicted family woitid frti.
eete- Meat Wateted-hie wife in'New Orleansenot .
by Ito= light I} tire with kkirokeire..; Her
ible clo ha fielieereconce wife' remarka tY
if- erethea-4, bOy itt Detroit disregarded
itt- ate entitheraiearning not te skate on the
nal, -rivein at the 'the. wail thin: His- inether
ea.. •1 don% lieva conk -tor Et Itiany. iihe
ine:' dui fey one:" '
. eropriett tearing- ithee rhureh in
the Lase -near reintl-thus securieg efftunated 9°''''m °as' t
enethee Beaus; freitt„A. hfi*Pleit„ lishorter ,; --taaltteat •
ronte,to Lake Brant), Mid teeelehing the - '
peotile efainetailine for theii,slitibb% A Winter named. Jollieona- hid 'two of
tre akpl tyt•-"..9! the priaje)tri,
his ribs by a wotheaed tnickenin
A nteetingof theltresbyterianiong - ZintsQusertesrilitiast: ..,1,64riu:nd4h4de`4t11,11:
%Hort of Kit lost is-_ announced. for 'IA', Liu his met t,,ene ite thros%
tth Dic,e take into Consi&ratiOn 'ite dievr Olt knife sharply. aeroire tea
\artery Paiute that aninialte ears, and tei
Vobi. assorted
if to
it 4.
46 46
lxclaysavz or
@, la.
® _ 20a.
(4 25e,
• 75e,
® 1.00.
200 Libraries,
Most of them entirely new, in setts of
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30, 50 and 80
Vols., all of which willte offered on the
North side of Market Square.
Goderich, Oct. 24the 1871.
The Best Store
010. mcKERZIE'S !
H ?
a sells lower than -others ell kinds et
Merchatalite, such as
All of the best quality and latest styles.
Furrz Z13.2. CAI
"A /aliment
elrew two cay&
,itlyuwrittiek ouglitidati ca,b:lifersag xtep
:dealer of mtlir
PanwhickaiseY ore
"Your ratoqe3
Arid in each c
h spec-,
lown:elaoc t2ty-,e7;;
i`j tvgiet:fgfictruf,Thihribc,":„.1.1::111::'
clenched handl
'"gclrgYcollrut. cal:41;1:2612'1.
versed in the law
awful nerve. Whoe
el to the crauk„
ta:GothztenattI.woemora,en,°' :
viainly say, 4e14s.
elute their Ireitas
remittals up two:
•Cleth, Getimpetenta
three minutes,
fie*gligethre areeart;tsasasisea-
and framing them
lingtof a ben or th
ation of a death se
there has been no!
taneous '
Mistakes will hap
lal, rzentlemsn.51
From that ,decisi.
Hie linger en the
weuldhaVe cost I
faxi. ea en s:S.4411%,ops. nliek sc:t Sefarg(:0eol
atandirea, .
A Men Mar
Louisville, Ky.,
ATetvata; to-Inorrov7
ling letter from the
ihat tockty
wealth has been c
its object the ILE
rffauns intO the No
letter in cues-tie:rap a
and *petite, says,
such ne;pmes, inevc
tho MelitaS 0! gat1145,
them to go tort
Tue sneisty is rEP
The Quiler :Team
movement es rovene,
and advises, in its at
kindness to the
_ _
Winter, taking tie
beginning, i21111 set
1163VEray. The sae
Seven or eight inches
log -excellent. We
' 'His stock of
Is squalled by none in Town.
For Ready:4nadetclothing he beats all,
at will be, Ifeen""from the' following
MentsWintee TweedSuits from $8.00
Hoyle' do • 'do " 2.60
Mens' Overeoati 6' 5000
Boyis' Overcoats " 8e50
While all other 'kinde are equally good
antLeheliP. • ;i,•;
eading events of the yea , e infer that A Large quan4tv .)
it' wirsoomposed the berakt •
Men? Shirtings
The Italian' par [lament was opened ire
Of all In•ndse
Rome on Monday. Victoria Einnutnitel
eelivered the ape cb hope the thrall° iti
Nrc)r.riu E
'110 TETE nsistERS. . TEE. ItilINF.Y te
I_ wanted, hessure gay .ep st once to Exe oz.
2 A. 31AOKA.Y,
It&ir _CAPB,
All styles -anti- prices.
Peeierich, nee. eta 101. • 1 2%1".
1 Coilect°r• A Complete Stock •Presh era Cheep,
.F.Itrair, Cattle ,,_
riAltE into the foulasure,of Gen. id-anion/Toy/w-
k.) ship of floderieli, about theinenth of Ottowv.
'Maitland eon. Glebe Loll, litiron Roy& 1 eteerane
estriere, riring two y ars old.- The onmer is re.
rintsted Orove. prop riy, pay charges, and take
theta away,
• . sT7Nsow.
Clnile fit. SOt110.87).
idO Scgar
4It admit
(lode- ell, Dec. 1st, nil
••• 4 Y•
insolvent:4d of 1869:
-.4' 7
IR the matterof -Dpierzby an▪ d Idexanild
firm of Donaghy' ifs 'Hiapoons, PrIatets and -' ^
palimony, „,
Goderich, Srd Oct., 1871.
wellindbidnally members 1,1 tie
"Publisliers, sod thA mod nonagbk allo -
Pbtato Diggers, Oral ri-Scoops, and every
thing else in the line, as well as a fall
assortment of
Then always go to the
IB Sal S
having beetta copartnet wit ;Hobert Ballautyns
Ineotrents. Toe laselvinte bete mid* all
went of their Nstate ta le, *ad the cred,tora Ire
notified to rutin et ply° ec, er. tee town et le/Or-
iente tbe collide -Of Ittlion. on Tuesday the I's int-
tsenth D.y 3)etseiniter,..A. D 187 , lathe hour of
len o'clock, in the forenoon, tO nicely.. statements
of their atalrs, and le appoinssn Assignee. ',-
Daudet °woo, th1O2ftbflaYel November, 4.
,Ptovineat Itsuranc6 bitpans of
. ' BRAD Mfrs, Teeserso , See. II lam
11,T, OTIel is Isersby give. a cell 4 up per
LI neat. tit **Pal et ihs PrortaMai
Ins of wit ;...Ths aunt or
rani a fhts Hundred
roan* bee loes nada
at tho Compeers
day et istossiy
tta '•;tie Village; - linPeil that i t •it le d DireetAra. Pa
.!‘g -; The pOijo;atithi ftICF:" ,inaytpo .0ittitts stiouttlipet andlat'dea 1)(itnilfele.lemeaPtrial thialiithluncirve°64 144
tailicd to -be abent _ 1/40 rOM ie W ago, t
by the
abaiee Langer etteamer. • Cox ... • Seeretatt and itleateler,
Pee Kingetim Prie g getting arizarn3 grie.VVICIF lief:044
' •
• ,
181kerabysiven 'that teepertnersetpletely exist's,
= between= tlot undersigned, Thomm Johnattm
the yonpger snd John Payne as i.encral Grocer* fr,
the Town ol G in the Conty of Unton.under
the name tit Johnston & Payne was on the twenty,
sere • ta day V Vovember inst., 4.poited by inutu.
at consent, so far as regards the Mlle ThUlltit Tare
• sum who bat cettred from the USW Are, esd tilat
_ slielohts -due anti owins test by theists Snit wil
be rawly's' ena peteley the Pidd Jona Piel as,
Witness oar hands. thikTeents.mwsitra day ef
Novezabir, 4.1) 1871,
Fed. W. jigkedsse. 5 JOHN PATISIL
The landaus latolsausiei us *sear lb. alsors
firm, will Is raters los earned, ea br Jim Payee se4
drug Xlsisiesi ettest.ts Us Stem Pie 11..
- SU' y Sow.
riANnto ths premise . of nee nedertigsed, lot es
la mat. 7 w. D. ol shoat tie *rat tor
eeptatt bar, a roaw.Pig,. The es wet ts mosolost
"41PrePtteT4IP*TeePtwelesliT eladialueeareero.u.e 117.
Asbasid, Noy. Nth, INTL
33y the
Thritni Hotel, Gad
• Richard arichhurtl,.
Ellett of Getleriet
On the 30th ult.,
-Ames Done?ly,
the Rev. A. UsK.
Caroline, younges
J. Campbell, Rine
the the 31th 41%3 iiy• -
Eta, at the reside'
father, Colborne,
Elea, of Krinteraelit
-4seghtere of Aim
AtGoderich, eat the
aged fit years,
33hiett, WO First
Majesty's Royal
etr,n olpie late Re
131tactt, Waialingtq_
ted, OW) fl 4
'Whet, 48;criBi) * Leah
Maar (per
, Oats * beab.....•••••
Xsas, basb
Patens/J. it
Xork, .,•
Bay pet
4.1nteltaaa par paw' ,
dot. (kePePoli
MyTakerailito the till
Wiest, 0:1 -TP" balal
AV** (11,1",ui), Pr*"
4 nee. (Pe?
?ea pwtasb.,„„,,
lartey. per
Yotatessi, per bash..., 0
Pork --
New rocs
' Per 410z=4:
ay Trisewstite th.
Wisest, (PAW -
Marley, row
eats, per Web.... a
DM., Per aut""*"
,rotetots, iser
Fork,.•.• ----------
33attsz, per lb .....
.45(1,1par yloL, Nip
t, ar)
WheatlitiSPtin,j-Ati base:
trionr,tiber **".`
Verity,. .....
Oats, emPilt• • • •• ° ° • •
DOW, alu", -"*.•
Ntitose , beet -
kr., I cies
*mat4saIDie bash.
—„ Rarity. • balk- . .,
• oats,' balks, c, • •Oglo
1 pus., it ease, o • a• .....
Padefal PO tie-.
?arc" ads>
sag,* 443 fiPTIAKS)
Silt& Ws
Zniain, Novo tt
ply teaday is 1,102 k
,deseeassoof 106 eve fr
isat "ask, The VA
kva mid price" .114
*ming deli 4roopilik.
stains, rang.
1,00 ilyg, at 113,8i
155 llama Ohvos ratia
1,4371* at VA" t
likeep—Th• sepp4
liea4. The samba
mid sachaapil,
ip,to g 4.3)flr siff lie _
-..a.r...-‘..1011 I fill]
a.. • ee "
• New •
r • s
• I