Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-11-21, Page 1_77- 17� zu tile sloaming, X6 my &A*K ju their do robes tA whitis. -keel Im Bit Dif acona, A -1Y tile m,[,v tim sigm *Ttous kooll us tbivu* ro their little CribI wW*-MrtsiU04 IWhere, the V ILL3N AIL,r nolm Vor.* �1"r Up to it bt, tzz. eiv=� C��Y, %fili visit ill nly unis, I ake 4. A*maa wt- 'Througla. the UT .61 iiouT mr -z nag' g. us SC 1;bE clorrith. Out. Ifty little ikttia whist n, I .'.%I (a 1. 14-, Z%. �N. 'ber. -%,a, hulf in Iftht, Halt ins tho Greatest PossiblO lfum.� T�e Gre ate st P.ossible-GoO to baby tralarl, Q With a mpon '---x-glet; DuDN A 'NOV V0.1 10 iiii RIO- X `4UES, 1) A Y .'21 187 S %V 102 Blel" 2 P E ied Vessed, faithof ellildhoar tfifi some -C. )DER113 "AAA I)Vtir the all o du 11 0�%:f I ell i t T� Ut h% dost s GOPWON 6.119illes-q f. ire do, 13 0: N RIX. MAX I CR ''CA13 rn Inu- c ew- T nd fitit it r-alled tit %73�'.: J. T.GArn0XV. —0— PE TO LEND �ON FA.PROPE MELODEON& AT - �8': PER, CENT INTEREST. tsqmler, so.:,lerwas A.N, n cove toiceep ill, witi, - 110USE 0,)RGANS, tile Gkidencti. 0111. A.t0OR.TJOUSE. --Th#ba SU XPENSES'-R,E CTau R� "DAVISO sq. a �*wst is 41"* fit the $qL-1prk. B.A. ORGANT, NJOHNSTON, 11"679 west ofthePOR, -dent.' Agent. ax lano 6tool­, I GObERICEL . . . . . . -shirt CHARLh S VID TI)e mfi4t -Afliroil frnnf f�f *rat celebrated Pirra or r+0N, July'41 -Ir bV tile FVDINITTIRT 'IsEtill iu-tivehii3ld -table itkirle. SOLICI ESPECTYULIA I\T!MATE,,iTOTHFPU13IA Goaerich 12th Sept. 1. To iiois R6 of Goderich aust %lehilty thathe hea uurchase I t WAR31 0 Z:e7v -Te., WILLIANIS & CO.. A M46 ti tl-;f 6 Of f414411 COMPIOW alers in the Dominion. hir woolditiunourtee 176 11111 Pill-- exquitite asdifileTe 1seli The mostextensive in fig ,ill actl raess & 9-81ery -Busiress i MONEY-TO�L,E, The H, ND - uron. lind Brucei tbathe isnowman - & Ir i MR , ejhrkya 10' urzN n n f! er s i gn e (I It egs to intimate thathe has teen We 'At Greatly ieclucili Ratdi of Interdst ItfAcAtIring ArSt-CIA44 wbere'lut will ill 111ture CA' '011 th 'Un. Stotts. V hesurroundhig hitherto carried on by 31r. hantilatildal r1m P" MOiBlY Tappointed'agent for6oderich andt eighSi morrexteliivi . hFtyli"11 �.Oya wronst c 11FIE unaerflign e Ile 11J)POs by cmintry oftlitr abovejstiv ccleb,ated tiriti,and ispre vpgolls" S1 striet,4tteliti in t0-mol"t $ pol, ises- I-Taving had long experlence.fil tile best workshol GMCAGO LOSSES -J- rri4ges, listrouge, C V isV,, d to disfy all who entrupthirn with PAYME4 NT OF it lift'n -nn`y a' ount'Or mcnGY to Inerrase.vyrMupport- Inredie, sell all arti�!es made by them, at llucearill froll, tw(x to, tirteeir-yea "I -at a low 'Ate 'if I's Filf ovnmg eliarguilit np#rA cl-0111F;l Ile, -X U j.. '30991. 1 their infarestandfaVourable terms Th, folft),vilig special i ilegram tit the -of r0l)ftTlnent, lial-itble ON I,- W-11 defyL *hleh Will 0 OkISAP -VIL A15 i0f trCaruy A411 CONVUYANCUNG- be so! HAb, NPW HAWr si-1) SV- Eve 'theline kept tltk4iam1_jir�made and 1mkur&ni,.e Clloulole�, has been receiwd.e es. :.-In the (00airt) S2121r, mav,.e seen and term% is, L OM -e nver�Tz Cts-_dY*s Drzlg:S' OZR to artier ol:furnitu Gadez:- a Ont. Ware -Rooms. West StTeet, compotiton. I one.6f Vie targest'stmrks I ellated to .cl end is oil trip Allprtest 1111tice 11 I - - 'EL. GORDON Three dors from the Post Office. -ITI ie Andes promptly �ay1,itjhIGdgQ losses slid RAOE PAMOR-8i" evt DXNI 4 1 " Ho ox rythilig it, hidlakusuch" W103� rein I as perfeetlysolvi'll' alserf�wirlltie Cimn t Dmwirigelmull MAXII od W30 t.Belyfoom Sbtts in Goderich, An 15, 1870 W30 Goderich. 20, Auir Igo 1. . 8 1 kft - Jourlor Comm bm, S.pecial Agint. qa 1per Vic orig 8'�r jet, Goderi4 1*41 U tent- Blilldillij G 'h,'K;lg 15, 1870' f two cli les, r, a L EST AT -T_' A ND EINSU r- AC rAGUN T S. ' O one In 4Df siiiel.ety.� Al q01701190W in White w(io t1--tb re to AR R 'S ifNSURANCIE", C.A R D _ty tha 11101, �Rrill ren Oil) fii furt'll - --------- BrTXN'I-'.FN alAITLAN"VILLE th a, 110oa la 19116witigilrat-c 00 FLGEtAS -Alni-yig4-Frei,di-inipOrtStiTi*. Vie it'I's - gnave! ro to twelcutiw, an Saturday 30th The tinb8glber iW ii�ekt for' the lass Zpi Irv. 'Nmenou=al the'g - Coke's Coninientary. The CoAxiPainies ONHAND A L_ A liallas, 2h4k S11 -wool pet. the 4th Vol of Hartford, Con I-, Oct- "1 1871 PHO E� IIX,,f Loud4.)u'j Eilglaud.. U01Cn% fineer wt]] be suitabiv rewirded'- on. leaving it at gum E1, T OF tial I with dam1tex d milk ifi tiny fisix. a -Nkusi LIM tile New C rin �d n- Parsonage Goderich or *at HLRTFORD OrHarttord. AJth,)RraPhF o 1 0 to XIL 13ROVINCIIl of'rorouto. C pictures Ruch as oll.pilutingo.Chre' thJsj)fr1 'e* I . il(ITISH AMMUCA, wit, Tokinitto. & llotor6 . Queen I HaVIT19111nd,�; M98TVIVrit- �Iaud-mxde': trillifilill9s, I i0f silir, folle tile Goderieh. 3rd Olt 1871. ontil Halluracturing wrios, Allch an AGEN �6DRRVCH- pilsek & llkftti4xie 'Ntsiuess done At the Tift T, rowesk pogsible ratew PIituro Prtrupg .0 ally style Tequired at'70- VIL r-� ad! ir.ficbes, baVerS0116 Put 4 fittift. I,; C06P.1 go a are leiis titan U010 11011.10-14 rj.;. 1je:4 alway* On'timpa it ctclnplete asili(irl lite ai� I.P.av- For very T-outiginiosell, and A two I I th HO Lit do(lars, 8 P i I�ar , blarket Square Qrlderich_ mentof beig III 141itul�r Rego I I I tly. Pd Offiew , . rejgnity illy, c 44ta; and surlAus r ftp I ell 917 ]a' L. HENDI�H, opt 206th. 1870. W3&1V. tilt ind made by JL ragUlar Wler.. d.Q 1 thefteSt StYle -Amcra r-rmu-r uli president Etna Ins.� Co Shrou T1 . . ......... :� I to hIm- ly t� q" spe- A14'o,119ALRA to ll NEW GROCERY . . ............ of Pab�fz -1 F lox tnir, vivid' wfini Ism. or T JOHN RN PC -it faCi' d'4 aL.4 te the crecktalk nm Jae rt D W111TE ". : �a 171HITELYV- E,,,.UT OTT -are now Operd imf1s:ttre slift i6d ili� VlAre TRATJ�LFR I %RURAN0 manufAct'lling- DEA.LERS IN Office. cloth, frifunied with fi:%n-4 of viol -ret, 1wif Usdazlch. A2 -.H 4th. URES %GA1 NST �CrIDENTS CAUNIN �OnS BUg aild'. 'N I of life, glialantecing tit PhOR gieg dily irijury.or OR in EX r4 bluocolorm, sun47mixied fringe. Z9011811 111mayl Cut of as 10iikilill per -vreek, front 83 t r 'ility chnot be xur- T all who. Itiffet drkittly my- Goadines Banking Offic"' j & IiQTT0R igo, qr t e 0 le principal ki'MI, In which �rappearanite and du�Wb Xmbtaiiidered sact tax W 'IN use death w�tb- gthe patronage of rigi the 3-olm 0 1 -ire P Ile Willry Ca pjased. and are securill Fret in tl a outt uts full 'WEST & Cog 0 .-'.Tr.EET,.GQD Corner Kinastrintreet & �Iaric�t; Sq (;odekcl,-TM�MT41 is lass., lolffr (fidly brAK ver end Drfts. W. BELL wani a:first-class article. i Give. its thi r-1- Alt Work warranted. G,,sd Far IN, URANCEI B yotes Mscoulited and IFE w37 All RECEwEll AT KINGITION, ow.qut. reis?" asked a,bys4utiler at Gilderich inne2fith-ISO low Cash'Rates D --r c-nt inte-est Paldt!e on eall ud'icnAowiaents of all 0 st at 0 tall 1�4iranrhes well and taitefullY 6,o�uwvivlti D,_,Sv7 W-* L;DE:LL.'Ag,,-* IT I'l-Ih I?Cli sw 4971 A SIL -%-ER MEDAL, AND ALL call EL DETLOR. Aesliat mY THE 41, under the-s­perintendence.1ir Mr.T61IR lrt�_ That ix('h nt'mfj *-RtWi0* gen'jk��'�vtformeriyof Haml1tuu)0neoftho LODK 01 V W, GA SIN ET JT FOR TIIE FIRST PRIZES. erich Writ MaY, I OMBE . ASON, NE iefally aftentled to. Solna of - tk� Viscansiv papert Am fiv, BIG VVIATO H lind RISK AND tstimsta id A* dathstpo At Weateim Fair. London. Diploma THE - ISO ED ing t, "b:�iug and RVflairing� I by fi ri. 3 iii-thoit Sfitte, , fit 1191iten Artet ktontion paid to $ill oi�jers entrusted V) nil 111PROLSTER IT. har lo it, 6 - now betnic tu-=4 �XB tifft;ifed 114 and First Prizes for Best a-10112011 and "T, oil It is'as 1 -,00 -ms over thLdpo3t office, West Street� Cabinet org-an f any kind. ri N.B.Anspetition0f.ths'w rk - I - - - - "l , dly i IT -of fefilf lily soliattetl. sT, ruilei %-ere bU=fd e w. wt, A lil this trt ' ti* 406 faftis, atid �Ikot mi� _TR1 on any one 4 �At Great Ce' Fair, Hamilton. 40 ev, EL nti-al r AQ�,-zs 14tia IS74 "114', j., buildin DANKOF.MON a laft.standi ig Diploma and all the First Prizts. g -WA theih, litir yet a rivil of f6tic _0 f0d _4,t Central i9xhibitin, Guelph- A -ch, Toronto. dtr. Itihe of r7jul -aimago, to ping L 0. 0- F. Diploma for G�nel;al Excellerce, and 3 ri 11tg Street, Corn 09 Prizes out of 4 for Music. 500.60 1 11 � atd lit &ff a Inilliou'd 111srs- -19 ERIC M cKAYT tha burattraef *ers mlgd fifteen. 34W MENT; - _$50,000 CarriAge D gFOSITED IT IVE aggon z EVTFULIT A3 ills and, tWo fillidred fllon*aima 4400 1)ompffy, IPL of bark mud 'Cord siac?_ GoAderich PP IDF_ P .0 R *;*d. besidW 1b; er T. Y worth F �Q -DER M -KI­'NZlE. 1380--- M- P- 1514 inthe above line. on West S 1 lumbermelle* Sole a, gent�l for Iluron or ny other place. t j 0�&5rk. Kirgeca stmet- visiling 0-4 vorrespondout -rods Sn 40n# -a--,l:2UY M MAGER, , 0 A I _. LLIOTT etclordef ' am L *-ATE-S' on lisud'or mak Id&*'jaLthe bilra6d resdon, Iffid saw -but JOHN 1dAUuHjN,:Jun Q 01 r�.JUHYSTMN,Seerctary� Clintcallov.9th1m. IlAvis pleasn DO Feb. Z4. IS --I, WG-ly- msttUg.t.il tile pliblic -of rU TURig OF ALfi KIR. 8* but tbree lions and a -Z�ceret Lry Western ssurance Co �PF - A (1,3.te.Assistant 0 14 _tTpiltilaterees -43 faiin stock, everythin iing - ---------- �Z_ :!E�� D__ .0 own and iplartry that they linaasottruCit01 be' sweptsway ptlyallorders baveopeneda WaghOn 4d BAxKF;as-Qamk !an flank Or COralne 1:4 7 py A im torundo. The holl trA on St. UR Y" iarrjage ShqP rce. _I g -tolill-litaill -6 BRA -DB ..I itil, lie wilibe-preared T lit l"'Vidyg f4t, (L falliotvs ofitiuldRosawoOduoulloiligsou and stock icalmot be, ADVANTAGES OFFERED' ate Ho- quantitylif t the hit old a nd-,) Immediately allicki sirifig Atli or lt-Abst,lute se let - �13,-. & R. attend PC NO. 33 to Zlicy lidIders the rMs cur ontr sted to.them, k"Jre, L Out teZ picture, FyRmIgg -rd'Order, Alis,lfla Itiso of life. No 0W A.F.-t. A.M. aris oruvery tar feature ntrodneod''llY thif, th � 1. . � po (IF 711't 2ud- The imPort-I . operty 'Muggl0st He,tuat . . % 9 on-Wzardolts Ft rtiggows, that, 700. SM4 ikk Yo G Conipary 6finsurin L I % bytrIcteierVou t#Tbusin-,ev t�, place* i�4 lea 1. 1 -1. 1 Ing its policy jiloidersery . rahaza. there aTO Offid81 9=01111[till -the b tq_� Enn i -I rzz,d Olt Ig ;h qlmncau I A ! ineltx0haro'ciffiablic pst of U021 ZIE hiq neere I ell to on &A the amn lv�dnesAay, of 3ICtEi , returns, hiq D Ih- for Tile g inda, and worlimAll.811111 IF P ekbt and 6 vor�jliingg Ili theli Una, of.the MY-I"t Pz' GoUlch, Aug. 10. IM, Maul,,; to file Pull ortag ill bb adjusTVI All ry eiie It. I and at the ve lo*ost re M. brethrea xfencled hirn, since be coolult'lle I bl"Ill jr1g..'Irk en'slu IoBsvi w terial corffia;ly an et -rve 1 ulore more- ut a Pa muntrative rates. Mie ConserVI-flTP-C Of f9"t ARIM AiA lieternfluil tir dou t He would'eall tecial attention to the' Ii. RADC [FIF c); :n. :0 3: W Y T. DICKSON. 11; tj mucu"diffe, rL a A L for Goderich and vicinry tteuded to. promptly aL otmitiOns aii-thoso at f6r the 11ptin of C He -ass iveNawp 4th W D ort e -ht 4 ItenS jKXii. Middlesex. Tile St. TholinasHON4 for tile sa!e of 1dell Ike is 80le-all a larg jr. ),uvention Uld atr- itsIll., 11 1 le 014 ;ITAN has on Tiand a vc�r'v large st0hk Of tl 1J _! L jM - 3 AND ill r1ollea i3nd j- 10=_X� ;Et: L f;;� r keeper which ba t position tosel T_J VeW �, �.Stoek %mrnaj SAYS; did Aylmer n.Thursdan to, P %'al-tirill to the purchaser. tere is CWd- two 4 &W- -pRECLDr -1% D gn.1rintee still. THF, 3fOST. Uj\ _N Now. I b 11E, LIVERI 00 ivemtdidatel in the fiel. fismif g It ell ONI)ON �ieh will be sold -Cheap for beoill, C druitted by tite I usle4l; ProfessIOUL not' ting Innrc talk when d Irvat ;n,L %vith st 712113moy a 'LtyofNewYorktO,e7 e pianos of all there I no exclIS lie natt eap. T? -U lit, To Ofthe C, CI th 4ja rich,Aut 15 "-A COW te 90 men Of Id ;Tweivea.a unanimous nominstionj b and I s Irdre I a work- CO&IPA-NY.- aclined I& Jewelery- N! lie respebtfully and wiulyid HOPS PURITY, RICHNESS, ner. - See. ueett in 0xilitt "1 81`0 - FAIT, ff, POWCF1 manlike, n Thirty-tWO Vners, nib, unminated, im(l OF= r� xccedlu mcXr� Plice - was _AND_ hitspaid Elan, we -qt 1)OU49 urrug that period 'net ake-1 dertaers &Wood lie ILI declined: Xasxrx. Lut=tEm*1%# atsoVck st=p- ive & a half M ou tlqbbl� wil Aikell wete ropoomid, 'but -Chirk- neul "hem, &ad W aud is rallMY snpersulnig-do Onea famova I Ths.-disburper 0 th2rfori invt-�t� ic wealthy doubt cofifributeo' to no in, to me, for t In§Ionq of t, lirea,kilinSLIA thout Md --th see V.jbi L KOK. N Gosses e 3t dodelich, arch 2Stb IF7 ounds stirliUgl, of the iProrcssioaials. it) secretqT.T. and in t:le, con-ert HaM . I)IIebtrient Ofthi% 1`11ititu tn eavy heart the. Comentil r tile 33nATI- Land OjEC61, tile e4ir t of l'utilt - CorlkoratI0R1%iW1erch1nt3; imoved across eet �ck the store not The Iminen- 0ii.counted for 4i,l,PIY RegI34r or improved' L FarmLaud wt Lands eonfidene, Shop, where will be 4d10JIT0aSi.j,#CJi. e. nc* a , z i - . Acbesork!x gx .F419 I. it e Acbesork!x Ha every respect theL House bolilerAl, 111 brl�-Oss mek g!n I irally Aoor to W per -Atd� of t1wiflost s4ilmd T a;wariled It, by A, G0013 A6S0'STX13xT 1, ne-ca Rg alse, 1!as bcon� the -Fire rem"I'll) Nfixtitojudge.iasilingit thsmOst cxtoieriicb, Ana 1-?- .470 in, afta rair r.rw UrV alone.aff.ounte 4f Dialligrop that is itow mado. cc 4.6 miture, such )r-7manship and tilt- kfor wd e. P;tl AN q G K wherever it Is rc'Pr Co (1146111 -tg 10th yeirp r4w �or I toth veRr, I FRON8350 T08100 iss, ;W-9.33 property outlig low- w6t -ated) 6e, 0, Loan on or Tows TABLES, 30th year, 1. ADL.ZJ5, an .6 , 49 ;e4)8,0&l - . ! est teruls.* Apply -to - TA - 9r, Md or.e year titterl,18 o T I �04G A N 1, :CUPBOARDS 9=9 , . , t;. Solicitor. &a., BRUSTEADS, iScm�Wltf $1114AAar %1W T.J. MOORHOUSE -727,464 du6rleh. WASH WrAND.q. hout fber 0* The Fire tese tunU is now $A� 'GRAP. AV Jrj�) ' ' J*V.'F,Tj��4G O_V TOO 9-. VINE OP. ]UTTRUSn'S bmniing. genubd throurl 3ftAT-- Frrl,nd s now '69r -292,46F, T �1? 'I he D116 Reiter TA)UNFS- -ye , at roughont 4d h F, 0, -flief iond.id dtf ecr, repireltentL rem W[okTRhAL A:g:lnt f 'The nist onitatio 8-1 EN 0� JMON E'.Y--T9 GLASS" Council inland to-vsit-Tackwit It" iell kuopw both Cana4lau and Aivor!Q, I n may be mac, J., L0 r jilllurance 10 'ka Stra ffater Wr e= be seen IP COM I el", STEANISR k )L D. CAM GARROW W -P- sarecirthe 1J t"Sactetl1XV) D(ICASYT9 318,, rks "'T_ Re _not -Moi,r&EAE, INCoap0RAT A. Lt. 1061 ll . 61; to inspect thr aw-90-tt wSon" . PP11 I I TS. MR ­�V-vc, to au theit raturn. will reedminthd at th. ;&v lan. North Sa Mdrtd 9904r8- onTICKE -riah ; B V. hIPC4YaP1"Y-Il Rosbil t for Code 2' luwaow 1 .1 � 1. ;� Iraly.. lij by tile atitive Steamr F ibrks'Flsh H. CARTUR. for Exeter V N . Watsq AN .-Cheap 16r - LO, 300IETT.. SAM Okideri0h,- -16, 18 -Coal oill Black. jr�t Acomplet6l- $700,000 hi;�els a Al. alwava oulaudiad Holtru Spad 4 F.ATEYTS PIXAL, PS iiloggyONSE es, all Goderich,AU916,187T i0f 18ftr andu Te HiSSOCiETTADVANCI A&e NTIONS later, fine Y&T ravot- il, Repes Blockq, _&C, CALl.goLIf Ttif'Of Real Es I ..J . �,ITZD�, .* 04 1672 ; F0R dmelfttv Tbertftt AGED V ifi 6 10 4%le Y&O COSTS Aw-WHA. e CE u W 01,bfthe 0 theIllidersigned FAward 19yaliks, $T01fil rN tile 7hattor afJohn lt~bm pwarcL41alekit.ftzauV'Uumbsr,,Of of ts Solicitor$ pljsrgei­!�Y Film 111oll Y1 u.- MutlymaybelobtalorOdAt 1L lltxolyetiL a Se7zdfa AN yeara froftione to liftet [:tile tip -11 23, with littlS or no delay bsYOu(J t- 7 eurtimal prepring the P;uviurilarqirebra, lisve I p_N?_1t (.P.5T.' T" T -T cuplea in tuvask,'31 Ag n-, Ltlngtlia titla And ccHEAD OFFICE: 0 Dy.*tiie Issoltsky. .$&rket Housej g F I RK .1 N Siff _2"im tills m4tter. Crolt?" Ars'T" Mortgage, Tue Gust, OF which is *o*Alkin ft* Iq= -n_lwa. ORD CONN- ; -110 dedud--,, GIIHOry to,%.14 theirclallux before The full 4 91 tul, loft;� Is �(%vguw ZW Affli F Lmonnt New. vhdto_ dAPIT& Iolij bebg luaft -for commission Or other charges Soj _AL STOCK t, sU1Rj�i1Q14' FUNDS.... -which ofterr add so inAtervali wthe cost:o a loan Tile rroftivtharSoaleth�torftom tudivid, rawer ctay6pay The period C h RECEIPTSFORTH ROB YkEAR CASH GAP11 %00 _1pOSKF Include monthly fxynkeik 782 ' 635.bg s join by y ENDLGJL Mot;111871 3 7858- 6 OAS R ASS] _OTV "IT 11;T.S PAI -FD UIT-51'vear82 r r Xnr 110N. J. 111CRIVI erit the' 60=0110H SICA mud they aft so diviledthat y The Largdst _ital,- Ili entirely extingUlsh8d, And the"ka TO LIRANE, th J..fthr ded. meX:A&L-fW,--A J Xada&g D A, 'Cargt'd ar. e Lut arrowerobtAins0oo for LAN# AG01V THFE-LAWGIES" ii& will ftlujsIlto, order INE' IN9UqANLJ;E,, AT Irears., he FIT S"Jouch ear. And 4 thd in& Of - Ireep eoustantly ou aj, Ille,lepidly, lit, - 1) Z , oW 19 -4 r wonumental5larble MAK tetiole the Jtri;& A Do"xiber *4 'his rtMe is pa d Olr short tratippolikfifilprOf Is the best millet . , All INCOME.. ink bukshlells�Ot tilt* Society. the ere& vest Ourreiit� 9aftil- orka embnefp�-X( Loi THE.IAIL0 rItlX Which it', In togarciell by �Oj� tIon 1of'thefaVGr V JF. UWDAria. -0AIUFF410 I.Xild its Qpulst Urb's- IRUATTE will become ics-t Inaura"CA for one or threaYgars a "Otle inthig 06milillait toorit1ssLux0flending beecil,10 OrtjOB is.. herebY given 18th,1871. the 40- Slat oil and Schools Wital atents. !I, Z Mxter As the- lisvingCoulturriced lius ress I Ike I Jg rnad6d0reiiiU lingg. Church, Uttgrknowli Ind understod. By ille, 2iiia!17 PRY- tion ill be 1119ad, til t1l6 et s"Wt fowng and Couri ryv p Ie ,*der1cb.f -paw tent, piovince of,Oiritario� At it, MORA rtiolarl favorable. oo IdentsofprikICIP1114 fruable, L PJ_l`y$. tile . Ity 01 Altl)ib* the-borrowergr4duallyj -and Without -borl 811ilitrealid ff's" Kingaton st termwOfF ley VaJ nl,,,de_wjtJi thef D,6r liikv�iding'the risk- of losing,bla o, T r�,nto, for afi� pled b. of off bJ%lOSU-tirkci theo01 'It - 0 ovir the store formeftne V, S Salf Of Laudt Sheriff, happeL unity- f "'River Anx Alare of publici IWUMMOV Ing Agel Oy 9� I tho principal, dive would fiallcit tilt 4 1 'eh yfi-st Class man Wanted, for a- tra Goviik.rt . . rt the CU,) s will. Vila the. TOI)IIA !I: -Godqri 1, �, propartY the tdul,� opitrortilgo, Visitor Grown land pateuts, MR TO , Apply:10 silt ananW"e0um Xf,thoGu4;ckf, r Virtue of a WAt for JMM4 ii,thle,ititaidersig odIcir tra iti koliJ,-Y can, A� Any time. pay gfrilislogn,,in advAlloo Oil -Jes" ---------- writing With Te erelicat lure, 5 kinaporworllittilivPholtograph IlikC, suCh As 1170 Avit'. eit, f, K-liIf,-h- call be attledat Wilmlith' -Land' for the tOwnsbp 0litlyinj4his To Towasli _qllet ha F-1kcias Woo Our ar Tiff MIX 3westy f"'Couit Pkl $IOU to tholleA 91116- that avorable term Fthepurposu or 4 X 4k)JrA,W4h i*d L t tile JAnds and Tell$ NT NOTI If, in" Ing- Y1. 'TownshiF AMBICOTYPRS L AX InIll p guieg t* b _Uf Bojauqllet ate 0 Narlit G ae- __0FTA -AT90N. relaeindemnitY'Arld. thaborrowar4l and. Interest. At sit per zeuL per, rHOT0GR.kPF1-% I . 'the A Wilf D. W It the 4s 4verthit sivit, fn W111rh L� ell A' a ived advance.' Uyri, a12(1.6teph, platntiff", am', usmirso fttw ow'' 'to ul otalnedLet, a 0 jud-Juallt;tble may I od at, to, 16th June, I Its" "I"d A" th i t1leyAlue. Of' tna toy roUOELAIX POTTURES, &0- gilrot Jk4w Irer pe Lre narke, In and t r4litt, Utle. A" in, n AS fitiot, an fIglifaritiO64- t I ry, tit, tolt I OA britillred smil aWlitY-WTOR xR4 MW taken In 'Ux*eut`*"I ilia BORN of the Shove vs -o" )"tria I C -00DER :NTT_9Rr1JJ3LICT099, 'IX -ad TA" ed in thn'I111ags at a let D==9 TO AMUM 'Zloty to the- CO in sinall 1AMnIN 17 rtqrnllt or three he M 1111roll. WhiCh 1,4111, , rfli.jittect neirtto NOT194w, 004 1* in tit rill In,pe-b"t stfIL of thea luental "Inlrer for Wo at sky etor. he Jus fitted UP, IL shop On. thq Ift Ulf, 004614 h.* 11 T06 ;kT v, tile W11TVAIJIMA); ffrtlillkl, JU Ili* TDIWA 10011drViC-111, 4% T*Md@y SW t1WWeSJay= Net5odist (Attrc')k.wIth-*arIlL4h T66 his fletares allowed to I- DIX W t6tillallorder. AMIN D oiAOITED.- F proyed ot,� ACALL* thirtieth ILY 01 JrgitAttry, I at V- brAr ot table gbI6 price% Thauk0iIfc1rtbA1�ftr11e" Jrg�n)jjoVf-tho Agricultirral Ins 1,Ca Va fo 'WHITLryl H wel" at tho'clo-Ag so th IXZ 144tk.3r.l. 'JUN 'A W. 'T leara solicits a goutinalk4lica SWAY MACDO! LID, (loderichanAVICIUMI, and h" Uke AIL. A t ZA Mr. Hardy Who, was jormerly, the j1w_1L, f V -00000K ;tt� Ties, Irits"I" kots as, a 'Mit k ­ lout, catleTS ocj�r 041 -hi 1,11 no ;fAmAw for 014 iithe tip 14- paint and any Ft�r� wL4 e A the CFO fientEu dw-d stylie. bind -gig [b.XS0$, Sec. W flier x4loo" t lot, im V Jioted' a Appo Calene �Ilojlp a Sworders frialm 4011AW _ttoded �JUNG 14ANS Br -9. M all .10, Ira. Olt flow, Irar A,=17 lo lo'RA811 BL W Towit PrOIX y P10 to t4k. Any 413131 suit the Wer, Z7F_ P 7RIAGH Lufrodi at As:�Wxtest On ­ erW OTICRIS'ARKBET GIM el: CurraA A. Cation willbe made to tbwfq ffotice zo ying t -AuburulP. NW, oftho prOviuce of Ontario. lit the to the 'Paw *kat)w knusrr,-,s to I rat vpoued *t ItzPq0to. forArk Act -A "Ito L P.STJA 0 ST Pu D ST P "'A mkXllon6vol P Id Ioty.: t* order Of t1kit CCI(e Of CbW 5 AIC; "AtsmPlaroora in all its, U%whiplik ard to isegotatA t1W g f0i Bojiff cary. ltJ**,emttcrswfl1w va!Atrtf�(rllne proprift", t, above. samu Creditorsit eh,�Asg, awl N 9,bavii4t3*1 with *aoirs Ot the best ostatia on tba� wa FLOUR AWD 'V$T-r&RI[4ARY*. xxia or rcistil AtIlrWorth,'441ift Of fM TOW iAW of Gad^* a ! - -, I . A "r. L& mX,audbA'fe6IA Confident that' ricist re"091 t6l 'Registry 0 e4' V_Zly litleng *W66006 In this Coun 111 1 UeAnse 2itirlint igaitia Allowaft fbe *100111% 94 1W w Lorjh&,pu&1-1rO1AV- i ;r li'll ­ � : a4bVill =b uu *;t1&4eH&t# YW f_.un lJotleeto NOTI id lk by p"" t bil -Iti� tit the It'*& of RURCIRT no JL t& of ey tt) TOano E FRON -Nou n -k-L qJ60T eu T110L SPENOM WX ft *�& - a* 111J R-0 N tit, wro Awrim lawin. A"i&Vk*AdAw� tbfir 1441lol4 a JJALV I ATTENDICD THA UQUIUND *UM- ur Jolm f0i 00 f-spencees XXX Alft FOrter $0wons at 06 Gewoft* its like usigart of CW I* wfh"- 0W wall We;* by *AW, *V IW &t"Il, It~ 'CLO or-- Cflojce 014T. V.STURWAR 0 r 11111) 13 � Y, 1ptswwy F*t-I*AHl ffto the ~t Of t" -Batued "Tomf r.BANGI &Q 313, rd,r V,T*ft0*4tt4r IKI mum 4.t= Affir toy a. *"ry a"T#A16840 001241tlomt� raw"01=y to att"d to� tble dil"aft Avid H=RtOtlf, Will SOR-11, Wid, VeAnpoiatod sele, ugeritt *it toopr"'WAlke X-tift IN*" 41, 24 kon" if ft" up' iW,'I4jkWtXrTIvodaudwIIl-b* sold Vert coy.-lk? 11�uw otall4om NO- TiiVbWWru41 tt;� Sale of 114 c*lebrated wh� re4a;qwbereiti Ufoh L"rtb,.� F, SIA' 000 3jay *f Domw1w, 7-7 , 77_�7 G(ld0riChfOr FOR 4645 . -1 � L'S" A,-fLOWHSTRATEK �gxeter YsetoU Cheese- _ccu de AIX iwos, b=619 A" Orma 2"Wevivilmd 841abla 9ft%4&AtW 9Ww1siI. it Oft Factorl" VA"E IN T Ow Bill= wook,to, tw VaM tbW 11116 at the N114 dttww eop*" ?*Bay% IATKY INK I?riCW y;Ax%wxlL Axiy A1101t W" Mr YO&Misaity ge& Isla all" 'MASON W, A- 1, WiN it ow id G*D1rAAicH-D9P0Tv SOLICIroa 11 am, mum V0086"i; V1 SOLIC17 4"tioacois"al MARKST OQUARAl, UAW i�q rtgn'n"hou "rx: 11. G Vt" aidft J I. 11'roquif ut 00-!� W30 b 4 rt AUptt- If th, MI 29 = 1"Nes, wimm Rows. I W 7 oto. GRAN lnk� 167h tk-- Row T. Vs 0$ 0$60ftilillf 4111 prkt t