Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-11-17, Page 1V +% Our r qpto U M M. clay. Will viqkt 4W A9K7 yen to saw T,) I'ad me gvittl n M -a ttl:cd 4soreast of cctlzml Schoof. the hvatf; 1Y The GreatestPossible Good,,, o #LoOrie OOX A.-BRAHAM SHIM Pro etors. GE I had jio* '4* ti a tifflass; Rw tl ?JrV- A,RIOA �Iould 4%, A Y �N ttPER NN.1 N A 1) 17. .1 "C L . 0 4 :�:l ion eI to theut A -14D No beat. At, of had bV811 VTOLL I bad se-ol torloffa 4ownd liuvd-111' i . vi ors it A cb di U, q I DAME GORDON ittal At -JOA13 1, NMT 34AItER ar it;'�ut wit 0, se 3' 0 bI Aida 41ts) yet fire. J exe tha'att Wil"a odd's bt'laug 'at 4-. --Aq-aler, TO LEND 01s. VARX t had wed, 8 PER 0 -XTEP -ins, sommuns- AMIU01MONS) T NT' 1 .9911. Woodbuty. Who* v*­q*r,—r:nry�,%Z. Godertch, ()Ill. -r led HiTS1111 ITAB THATI19W hovro!yx . . k� I ]ROUSE nRCIAXTS, 00416 IL48ES' REMONABLE. Wf R. qajn�. ILA. rat -1 did 1;�p,,,ASSU a.ANO MANS, 4 L to kftpup �*Itb he b J. MOORHOUSUL DAVI-saw &JORNI8,TO I . �3 th ,the timespuret tv at gent. GODP imno StO013, &C.- &C laff. - A uptuoistoretwil fir tadir BA -heP*A 0 Wis.; ttaying with my 1114 t Manufactured b -,r tliecelebratud F3rrn of jof t CTIARLES- VIPJ�ON, Godelich.TullyM 1871. 06dirichl2th e AS & C 0. T o Ye oN -j rzPECITFULIA IXTIMAXTR�-TOPHiilpuybf .,q. 'X]Lmrco=�Son, R. S. WILLIA1 Rof w1iiity that fie- pas Durchase Ths, mostextensive makers in the Vominion. AT 4M M 01Y EY 10 Greflftj�,,�o li4,, - . jW* The Hmeas 4 S- dalery us 11M I .. ­ � '-- F, - I'l 14TO 3 ND. [IF undersignedbegs to intliallip thathe lks Ieen des i uruce C c, m p a q', ]jf�te$ 6f �jnterjj t'� Subserthir wouldannouneiaL 10 jbia. poll) Ire. Tappoilited4grentfordederielt I i - hitherto Parried not by 'Mr. latoitts.' 1`111040t flutcau and Bruce, thathe i4how vidn- souse in flic, Of 1,V; wittro lirva in t1livil! e0hutry of tuo above justly cg!eb,ated:lIriu,and Ispre nfuture carry, on. titia Abolve b pared to sell all arti0es made by the-Wat had long exporlellea undorAignecl IjAs an in tile b N%t w4rklilln y ammore ezcy bitlid-111=9 with Div PAY ilif E NT fro CHICAGO LOW= TlHoann ftQML two ta &.4�W. rate- xisivaly than aver. while.' tb AnktdI for, put. � If V 7 AND (70\Vr CV elatim to Merit a plea"lit pl)*- ACENG. who en irustblill with haterentand fitiourable'telins, of to hsh�apes by drPt att 4-0 Is pruunred to satisfy all id oever Dr Drag Stor� the[ lacrosse wsoappbrt. ir orders. Ifyinint, pivith b with e Mk Samirl.-ganw, - e ceon and terms ascertalu- or; nolus will 40, Rance A16 tit H Gederich Viay. Ware -Rooms. West Street, A�r Everything in the line hept tari'lland or mads�_j Tile following spilcial to! rAm to -the by,yerly fustillmauti; role of taxpe to oider. Tim a WO* ca vild Lilsurar off Clive oler has be ta;ecelye .,,,u jj grottilds sroutid it, WAIN sold VBZA P "OR a. 211117 irhich asn. s%77Af DANIEL GORDON -ce,raii.ifeof the wood Alid till e HOP laid Threa o1norg fr4 'A :ka; of tua�niiura in the ir the Post Office. "The Andes Ny plays its Chicago lasses7and 4oll the the bac Gederich, Aug 115, 1,970 W30 pro 1 4 a, ha 'has 0(,derlch- 0 Aurr 1871. swlol. remalus porlectly NO tonlers with favqrythilig fit liffilliftatinto tit JOHN PAS51011% irit, tlant I shoidd-preaut6y tlary tit D LL D.' N. COA ING94,P, 6ieciai *4e Lt 0. UatTaZo, N. Y. 1900149Ya of Woraffinto, 'Drawingroliam all J1012r 8"t -01, 3 j030 ......... do P gild 111JOrill tio in ven I bad 91"4111 N 8 U'R A Nbt O -A do - do In WhIto.wood, RD' -til "L .. ils ti) Wioysa Ittyllelf The altilawriber Is ,�gffrjt for Vill faillawinglIrfaft-o Of ''every deserlptloaft, xT. orTwi.-iq RIAITTAN11V WIN No x4ttrollex A County 0* juplater t�roA D-ILVRIDLD. Ito graval road to no � U r ityll0th colpaPy, jr4,MPOrIL17L et. tile Vol or Colt9la Ciwtiw attr . Thn Lod-rfli, Enktand; ,a:z. 9110si val::lgo or country purielually IIATITItORD. of Itirtford; ONAANDALARlGE A wit aftor a long ilivrnlyllg� 7 act C.1jed Ca. W9.1yes MU M fluderwill bottiltably retial-Ated onlea 14 it at Hartfolid, Conn., Oct. 11, 1871, do theNew Conitor4on 11arxfaungo'�Go#ljvri It or at TROVINUIAL ofTopotatea, 'boRTMENT OFL ramblo, ill tile'eftsy chair in "RIT1811 AMERICA, of" Toro 1: r U. nto. falloillialao "failialneatat liQl1ta F&t it Platures It Paintings chroamall UliogrAphil family, with- rVM OnUNBCa AND SUE.-VBir0n, LAND Oullorlell 3rd Cot 1871. ARA= lowest. p4suble ratos M AGn, XT, GODER10H. ter 1;04'blue a -with, a orlifato Ranardotirlag 110hoe-cm supply Platifis Framas spy iftyls requopii if, Toronto HITEMY & millgelt in Agatha ItRyMond.' y pill 0 'Aall Tot Lomon of MIR Cf irpany at Qhlcago are losti than Office Markot $111115re, Gndorl twit nji!,11nnj of dol ;arm, will be proiniltl Sept 20h, 1870. alwayjk on kand a acta'a 'late assorb P Joe tllxt strong iov a it, and ou Viola ov*r four ilia flou d6l'ra. me liose great, block to furnW4 Ir i lie forelleAd ij1h, vlors, prains than J. prefild t \TEWGft00E11iY8 ORE it t 1 no IQ#. 0. GAns Shro'doill thditest tylo ard a%-3 (3 oi t[av, same. y -tile dark -fate withiltist 4rupaon W. 111CIC. -- - I I t I . . i ril FT 11"i its silivef Kit' TOTT gnd forta, 4 G�XW' 41ri. 10% VHITELY& Aj TRAVE 03aean olrol&C�^WbL- 0 you 114 the ION Milk I)ruAtElj*4 IN 113ti,to be.colitented with. cunfluenionto r j r 00 din 4". At 2 -Doors Westof Nst 091ce. ion$ IN6 and alotlip slid fAshionr I laughed. - a TN8UIjF0 AGA " ST ACrID];V3, CAURIN G gla Banking Offic, lolikk of life, filldianteeing, th -v mAnur I Bodily liajur fir ire no tictilrluirt. Ill nevr had.t10 iiji�ux to bia i"14011 - W D. Sri,, %T E T, G 0 D E! a to Ft. paytlientorgiti, poll or 0:3i Umbel and ordwoodfak.en in Zx. i4 , ito,l sit fit j -week, from $3 t 1 '11' tile pavinell of tit(! )rInelpal giant Infull'ad, abla, Lizzi-j. . Xy poijr five litinilred is, Gr fb; $46o to $10,0 if tile ii�ltiry cause death with- ;nt=Lq, Arn-r-lean 1491vor a6tl j a -Ph-iotons Buggies 7-=d Noles dbrount2d and rjurehaitcd. W. BELL & C01 han #L . .1�412 yalinr 1j*S Ufa find 111111f0f)d And All'ttr, Cotner lKiligatonStrecit &H�tr et, Sq u at e all three months. al a grants full - . I I I SPA4. Waggonsif (j0dsrI4,D*ii23r& 1871� RUGnIVED AT RINGSTONi plant bo Aur, bOlid I 91tyll'atiftia- Z'"ll if I '.hlkll '� 4 11 ecmb intcr,.5t ouvoll whk-hf6rkppeaTAllA6 slid durAblIltYcai­,,, *11, to $k1cl I IFE- NSURANCE11 rAmed. and arp securflif the Tatronago ad in persollsal adorninellfils anderich June 213thl.970 -�wfil-tf 04C.-IC14 A SILVER 1113DAL AND ALL THE find endowments 6f It forms tit low Cash nateit want's flrltt�plass little a. oil 1, 4inly Viiujd in the yvatibmla' tit All WrkAVarriatiteill. CARRIAG19 TAIMMING- ad five thousitnil * 'yogr FIRST PRIZES. Full infor . mation an be obtairedof 'T - S. DETLOA, Agent NEW A1.8 Im E LOOK -OUT, 0 R THE, Goderich 23rd 1871. mX78 evelfuteill liftl . in#t6.td;Df-flVQ 11,1111 innAND 'deApiatcla, 'under the Slip -ace of Mr ht. MIG W A T M orintende -tar leart* 'SUF&G, 'j LDP ILIjux(foigiserlytif Ifamliton)oatietarthe firm. frivolity, wiluld liever,'fill 7( j 141�T At westem r� ar, London. 'Diploma ­ � k* It is a goad limnest v and First Prizes for Beat Melodeon, and D RISK LUMBER W owlit, Weill'. THE I OLATE UPROLNERINGS , trui benrt; althfill I ms overth oPost Mee, West Street, Cabinet Organ f any End. 0 . rdf,," lit thl I a Un 4jefull!V X&fe prioud aud iisywim! I 1kn ST S to. just what 1*11PAfff 1 . , �e -jad !of future 70-e alring�! g1l6uld nj Au., --s Tlta 25n Ty, obWng and Rep �A At Great Central Fair, Hamilton. OPPOSITR 13AI OF MOIREAL gbt to Diploma and afl the First Prizes. 'anbLdn- atival palifttoa, A! rders -entrusted, to 113 mAn vilip is wpiker iii the strife of life, P orknowbelacturutd OR could be pruld of and P t f 4 2st L 0. F. t Central ExTAbition, Guelph. A H D loiliup tn;.one whip) �jyfju could siliintly 0., Diptoma-for General Eicellerce, and 3 Kb4y Street, Co of Church, ToranO. Prizes out oi 4 for Music. ee thea Failing 151143111`1111 SUCA A Efflcwicx tO 1rur-all No. 62i OAPIT,%L $506.0f1f) 0 40 OULD UPSPECTFarll apii will'have to 11114ke A "rssr InEpi�W&DOHEFITY. ?--t m worl(I Anust VEtiNUBNT, $50,000 M mealactathat he has opened a Some way the, DEN)SITED WIT6 �G(, 'be bettir for Tonar living hi i or :rpur uvery Thnr�;day -3 vening, Street oplialte 0 . 1 P4 shop faille abov!kUlle, onwest. W 333 'Vir t- XL-ustoa s!reet. Visiting Sole aents for Huronqany other pl=e. iLE Wiankpf".51ontreal. -wherahe *iI1 k0p goanstantIV order r - I I w no) eaft., Jua. carria nil -,nq answer; but her -"Words 9acretar7. X % NDER SUKHNZIE, ENQ.p X P. on. h4ud or makato Waggion -ard e? e Clinton ov. 9tta. 1.3n. . 0 9i ocz�. ad, Isn' ws-ly- 0. touclied-st,respoitairecholid. I felt 11sat MANAGER, FURNITURE WELL KINDS - I pl�q 0 ou OHN AU011An.itin' 0 W. F whad aitited the 0 all hand itit asfifarbl�eat`oaf Uplaolifterite A.CTO.RY. flittire wbi0b I I Late Assistant-zieci �tsry Western Assurance Co. CD =I,hewgtbeTrep"tofillpromptly&Uorders heedi:d; but lock 'BATES ELLIOTT nevit 4,'et Awl iv =an 'WhOM I eurild THI� "`SRXDB1UR Y" -AqtiAntityofGittandRotewoodl[oulabgitpit BimitEni-Call,dian Rank of Conam6rce. 09 Ply, fertrinj iolhing hand. -Matin-ti) the pulille of 14 #4 V8 ItIvasurp in' up to a4d'trilat itintiP LOGar 33 .4 ­wawmin 1111 - eurtIlly 0. Mud ADVAN! OFFERED. 0.4 nand iotifitry hattho oi;. IL C. A.L F. A. w. Picture. FlittgE ist" AbsAute dem Ity to Pollqy-ffoldeirs, in the I g. tq.9rder. baveopeneda Wnggqu ard f-4 arqare, Shop on liel at 0' Id bave niarriedlinit. I bad SbatIA Ofk %,cry large lash-Capit I by stildt at.tention to buitifittas to VLARCO, Z� I . . . ­ . 1,3"VWCV 1110 t!s on, is he of oit 102RAD U import -i t feature I b rte,%*vtji4*n the man I coold have niswried, 2nd- Th- ntrodneed -by flits f public patroalow. -stand,) Immed Conipany of insuring non-hazardeffs. proparjy�only. old. ilatelyadiallaind the Wes is 5. I)tlikely, J thf,11111ti t�&t I BVar Goidetch, Aug.'l It W44,lf Ul�: -B� & B. attend pen Rally fil being the nicuu. Policy Hold to very off vitig Its e entrusted to -them, Ad are terareolto t! FNZIE retuns' Ill fihnula"4e one, if not, J 'litut o OUGLASS MCK ineere low rale3 on dttanlie AweP a C. tto -tile pulilip fitj the Les,erow tronage 3 rd -The - t. elchol ler%. D!reetorg and Agepts, be- hPath wanli, jif0j me what and, whoret 'i look - T) t Nvaggous, Bn 8 111011neiliffig extend0dhion, sinel- be commenced b -i bies-i la.qt r si(len%s in ( tanda'Imseswill be adjustirl fall. and ik deVrndnF& tr des�rve it More nd more.. =t delay, and p Id in cpk at onm itl-ligtiexslyotiti;fthowiadow. 'Atiall s, B eig s; Ile �onld call special.attention to3be R. I�ADCLU`Ft AND atid e�eyything Ili thOr line, of the V torial and warkmatifildip and at thfl-ver)r loi�saiti was cbmin lip the a and I 1V I yy-swl(l tit for Goderich aird v _g dusty 4PIp4did -:-Now Std v -.lnerative rates. stained with ravel, -carrying a hoilry forthe site of whichbe I- Sole -agent ling, - eb. Ire has on band a vprvlarfe sta6l;- of this rell lie titne- a' C)� 33,. tirimtenti; a man not handsome NOW. IN TEMi MOST UNPRECEDENTED -toselleh an4to mor gracefill tj heeper which lie;si a position [ficity" but witl� T, namini.y. admitted by the 31 usizal Professiqu 9113r."'Itee satifaction to the pqrchnser. There 1R lr� 0.. 01B _Cei QOL&LON 7- G. T. bad xv fitce, a face expriging: oftlzeci OfN�Wyozktoe_ the pianoj all unthin more tantalising than iR tPh ana r1E LIVF DOW ON HAND, 'a lam-&-Assortnt6t, of or rxcnsp for being an --Od with, I . - I . - - . ass mind much power; the At#ty, joy N C. Barry Gro. thete is no t h, when -1M 'RIP-4iQ ECTff, i�toi ba li-1 cheap. AN 31.m'M- to -4,-ff ARITY. 37-4L complete assorimei ted ViVinet Makers, Uji er "h *;r Ocx4 -.-Who is it," I asked, beconital; Liallo ODnnrcla f� or ILIF T H ]IS OR VER IN POW -R, PURITY, CHNEM Jewelery. Watche- and Vlo-1,4,repatred 1 U RA VV.00ffPA MY. e -h will be sold CheajaijorC RAITH, E10M AND 2t of goW at pt d ftbrS W d wbl hn!�l tt�p Tepre-4-arlCo, Hall. West AND— Call and Spi., manlike,manner nee Thirty-two vaers,jit, fo the wilayor. k upen in oxisli h U70i _V eV_ 1; A -qq Off lafts paid bowes exceeding 3diric Aujr 215 w"I DOU6 "No other than ffirXiii Woodbtl Af4V it pounds sterlfii 0W. itlie 'Doitor's friend, 4m,d certainly andois rapidly snper-seilin.wtke once famova r-Chlek- Godinich. - iirch 28til. 187 Five 91, erings im tile, Mansions of -the wealthy Thi-disbur . pejn�a of tfIjs enorinotassum,over aae reinovid across tuo street to the. storamext tbw 6 " et*d t,& see, to -day. 'Hast SeMt-Y- amilin t�-, ceizlwa-yzi�ialls of the llrofesL4otials. -labirto W. Aelfasaw's Homes WILL be lrt man I expe M-t3i The lmjnen-�a popularity of Vie nYZA111- a. wide area, thajit dipitht contribititei fe s 78hop, where 13UnV' lFxl accounted for nr�ily T, y - It f the - e4tiijbitiahment, fthis IntAltutiott, in tht is always welcome tb DUkhougli, and #4 cot bli Ct��cirati, ASSOR TMENT .1 on it� supfqlar merits, beingia every the cansiANIerchents AL GOOD con -se that itket'him so -to me," confidence of perfecticia of tkainostskilled Warkmansh; dhe Register of Finprolved Farms. and Wildi Land, 'House bolder an men gonerally -ran up stairs to coiuk--Aiv filatItTed Of 1%liclen.Bedroom, Diningro, k4kr- oari, Fu- talThe piaisn bAs been'awarolea b for swe. s OU16 and _it Mepd QFL U M It wherever t r fir ulture, such &K down Xr. Wo,7d. these best otirdifled tojailgii. in stylingit theracs� hailr,, and when I tatne din-. bii� was elfiagett in AD'Atlimated 'i f X9,97f CHAIRS hair, caneisnAwood soated) perfee iastru=ent tb4t7js now matle. AtlilVI In tl.' lut yie thetirePrermitrus- AU S� oumou -with tne, Dr. e, -41 UZZifi. go ron W sion No. 120 or m 100 -a c. Hu ,vi PMegA R&N FROU $350 lio $1000. , ye. r., DSTE 20tb Vear, 114 RUSTE 9 rfulh =aAe maiih of WA 8 SON$ OF TEMPERANCE. .8 iAll-DS, 30tis vear. 1 14 35j, ecordin;rtoamountofearving alldfinfsb�. tbirty-fivewith IV f ita- brown hair.bnld o!.c yrear later, ISE ond at m stivoleatinw, andayto OF THE somewh r"—ULAM J. MOORHOUSE Lualt ou PAitis or TowN prope SO]PAI& � I t- . � -rt-yolLtbelo of Saxon 41 *a le. I learn afterwards. AGE.NP7T. CABLeA10-N Sell. MHATNOT& 00XING' GLASUS or, West St. firf wes fire Re,4ery 176fid is, now 4 T ApplY to markabl fie tire ReAervt Fund fr now 4E elto.r. �c. R that he was a i lit N 1) Al) ettima cordiaky Go s Tinexcepti0amble ic.=a% its representi;d th-Ginho and Awarl, L G eb G.' R f B are pkepared.tv %je'4 AverY.thing In The Mi 111sistluirials" from - "r -jcL 3 ;JILT, RAMIN&. 31 and had r, jilized a handsome for - J. T- GA POW W. F well kno na'Te, 6th, Canadian cafi, 0 T 11 ontlarlia yninfluentjat Ag.,ilfl 1 .11. - bEq I tuue�by some;caf h,x hi-verdions'. Also that ties their 1111141 il= AV eel: at the Stara ofthe veolt� C, PAJ; y. w-ioan,-ipptieation�f, Winsurance-maybeinalf.... 0 he was a =alnuii refornier, Wtug the na (k.k.c.sMiII4,'"side.018acretar* mo -N ey To- LE i evory mohle work. MONTZdAl, sw L011 Tl(,t:F�T;3toand-trc)mLiverpoo]Lon i dpr * I . . . I - q. B rl U.0 3alasgo-wyy the abt�veSteadl ty to A . M.'110q Iw�&VsoflbAad-&ud& Hearaii -to hire; *1 oaxelisoit- ship Co'y i Kent f0i Colderich ; B N ON BABY - TERXO�- I felt in mj heart that he �r*j p 3 W�FJIM A.'bw 1804 to terms, before; Elliott, for Eretep, Mr.N. kViktsa tb. U fell. Au SOLICITEPial BRT16Sr FOrk6a; StraW - FOT4 I could viatirely love. Still f wAis g ACALL Agen;'Ok GodeF oand I Strove to retain 1mY Affic- Fork$. 'I did iletfiFek FGR tNVEN.TIONS o viv own keep Goderieb,Xtag][5,1870 11i lacrks.Tisli I tshre 0at -be 'was int a it, me. but 'k sometimes there seeinta a langirso i* & Spdes, Shovgb, Coalbil; 'Blao e%ti- R ADVANCES Al-ONEY ON SECI� 'Rakes T fijery'favo - tit, of Real- Estide, Anit on Term Tsr, wx- biarrowars- Pbol oa ry W h- G fie. -1 P�Cadnait h -a eVre iareamot trust inza, if WE;11; ISFURVU44 is- ap !a t7oa tea yeatx . j tar it Char ge& 'Anr-oula W ire, a 16rf- A n to tile Teleiraik By -that timebe W been t1a ',tit Ohrocieo par' its. "oliel Qki d or All ofthe ala�veifbr sal0aflowratts at M,uoy, fr�ian 4200 night, wokhe*�safach oillfpi bettertiano -1wr or Pat- �.jra Romone ats, -and to fif;;�en.. 3kneympLybdobtatonetlAt HART D C j si tiffie, with liftle orRa delay beyond the tillilikoe- cauldhavt�,donexyetr, 11104'WrMetillOw- preparipg j CAPITAL STOCK.�... .,j. *00,OPO- G j,jeolin tnMti9atiUj;th6'titIe afid t* NE'ff HARDWARE ly in oociety. It was, vn the fifteenth 43,000000. & e, otloos the; *solely., W Kirts, I I EtURD&ROBERTS 17ASH 0AP11 ; ofwhldh is pAid dedae if I,y afteraisoandraf .2 iURPLU4 FUNDS,. -I.. �iv fulf ftho load Is udyanceet-40 tc If t 0XV he t4ild MO hW' CASH ASSETS 782�635.09 amountof reolumbislowerotber-clutrge.4� - 111FALSIZ-4 nr 3fA=kT,&lX?(Wr=S 03r RIMEIPTSFORUM 5f iVt I . ­ . . 1(;Ved tipe, and a8l,aliel me to 76tais *ife, .,u being wide to oppoili LOSSES PAID 51 �V. An, 8,009,009'00 iieh 6tten add so materially tq the test of, 104D, FEMDERICK AMISTILON TXE 30th I r62 deris califflor G" FUND ING J L Li 35118k% -The Itor-; We were Itlane. sittingn 81,0TV11 GliANITE MUNUXENTS fr. or thiarSucleties ear from individuals. C.,H..'Par.S'0n8-.& ea rPhgi flox. �T� lokfdm6i, - e I jjjj tit pin at the WGL Slid of the 110111811� L&ND AGZNTt VILURUt M0 ^--4w *ar aft.lithly Tfaymoutc. Tile, periodical instalment�-j. the Jul;r sun- eresident, where we had gone tu gas -ASSET$- God �JWV 2601, 1971. Ayinent mfrich, Yirk Stret 11imittonja eLAR ES -ribiar, having -Vvjcs�r sw., B.' TIALDAN MAnaging Xrectori, t I blde' it LvUedthat 7ty th-cirp set, We had ivittabed tit* clou �ssihanttja, e,vt they arq sks di corner,of the Market gespeonstaritly-onband, and will fatsiIiihta, 0 P Aeheso;i hey ahangial fr)ttl gir-ld and crim%mr, rder d iji; Is elatfrery,6xtinguloted, and themortgage, dik iq"re and AVist Street d or in, the'Town � (if Godirich. arble E'L & INE WS JHANU5 AT T ol-r the end -atho titne, stipulated, slwrt rintveeall kilidi, of lifiellumentalil FIR ftri HE L1`RG99"A7NNTjikL71N(;OME -:0 1 500 10V iver the store forjaofly�ceilpied by Xr,3011N to Vie acifter shades of rose awd azure,, Ole ANY, he piy8*466.10sadu yeAri,and at the tudof�� fiblic. 1111til thei weie gani), The I-Inqked uts Af pittionotgo. Tisitors�witlflndalic Tocions-fitted ry Ca n A, �1 ro led 1 C r e d t C a., a -- 4 t h r ra - Ves, both Marble, d Nlarw-e� I th) time his Mortg1c ispaild off. Thaxillaidlyin-,' %w illat Ilia eyes were, looking sat mr Y . IKLN JD, Vitrks m. tracing.)(dualuentsTiamb-Tables NJ e, " I M. - ii'g f) r r a iiie rn It ta i to s V mpebtfuaW 'solicit a idaire of Lowest OtaTeAt QPECrALLOW TARI"()-FRkTESCOv1 ING rat st slid a FIRE I CECOM of his'sociefy 131 earneStly, wit -littleraven fir Iniveitment Co. ized. Slate, oad clac4d Pay �,�,tqflujtbuilness bet'lndIc4-; yle. I fles Prepared to doli DwaIU69-4.'ChtircheF-3iid'SchOO14 wit �c U Insurance for one or three yCartl liefavot with whichit Isreg . arded by tile! kInd!t4f warl, in that Photograph this, such iA h a strange tt X. MORAN A--tertt, tfiiOu Oft .4 1 FIV EEP I tts�-poptjlarity willeettin �PHOTO`GRkPff9 - --AMB10TYPES their depths. As he met Vlance, bto Cities, Townq andCountry pUws. e a and Dia�i -4, -ton St. hev paiticularly Deposit hateovie,, termio(pol lavotablo to tho Faral AIN POT eravn Lan .1 Patenta; taken out. Debta ;�ntlqrktiown kad. understood Bythe. Jonall, P�lyq 41 lifor, nuly known you a short tbifillia gedeeCh. 21 swlo:�.Gmog 113;: Comuiunft3r ent I Curran . tbb�,earlylustaltfifnt,4 df,;r n Poliao- kolde, E8-RPAS0X-AB1LU: First Class man waub pou"y Ittildew thoti6rroikergrailliatly, andwithotat trouble, PaYg,. -that'lls. A-9&04, btyou arenlready donfror t,* walaild. o to the public for the lowiship outlying ISS, Ti*'A it. 41. P, Im, 111*1(111111�4111111 avoiding the risk' ordoising hisi Sperfitil atteati6l; -paid. to c5pyiip!-old Ambrietypes oip�ued a' Gode� Aug .5 ts" 93-Ra�cent'Uil res Abow Which to o tkan I call a writing. with referpateeto tfi� undelvigntad, t no �tiftfatih pe113,wileatholirme Dej you fhink yott mission to the Head Office a e, -AL. theelid bittlaster lio pleturei allowed to leave the Gulleryauleass o1w STUB* wall etiough to'be I MPOIRTANTMOTICE . � 7 Vill le tus a ap* avorallie, teria(whIah,*A betottledstail man 9 Ing D. WAT60if. afflord the 106A� tit ved of. A 6ALL SOLICITED. pro INE HOTEI "lAge tit. Alle`6`411160fu Itoil o M is;wered. sirai Wit COLBOr W, 1. WIXITLT-, 3%.XAb%TX. 187,1. L - , ' .5 parditt. litter�ti�-jkt -dx' asodouffelt. 1"It eojat. the r Soilt "tf4 Ir. 1� Arargo falnesit at Mir k4part, Wkicill &"IW - ton given ta the Insurance of fired oan�*11,paylacn, d 1tilittalit to ii:�Oke iny litt(OAS" tODERICH. SigflL & j; e arriacre, 3choot iandl:Fpblie Hit 1, ingi; and loan table m fit a M Fait partioulars F51RES Ta ACQU tl.%T THRFlJBL1CtnXV ve years. :at'rlata as AJI fiegoeletysoftile;orlayi lotterpast Id �0!1.. ,&j.Ltha, Toll am rl -to the is 8 lot Dbefulfitted ho rth; streetne:l:fto th socrauty �arrcaln any 4f w1lt my 89111 needs, uAtorjl aid, jogetlie, .' His worils vrere strong it werared to fill allordemprornp- 01XiFr WATS!�O� CHABLIS, Viol -r st-- e on hall Ltaelhawi4erabeifl atthipatron 'RAI nil splendid Atock nd hegotthered m 0o6dAr,,-9mmod3t1on,3. Awple� Stable tlynlatrea% ):a pr!cc.,;Th.,llkfuIfc *v wllh a neiv C a acl"sb in his Arms tit thamil"ea of the L TR. D. -WAT8011 trAg. dEtN'AVM1j4TND Lasat trao Al. Agent1bi the' 91.1asurajift C0.101, Golderichjall� Ngffoultur en the 1) Ace of his #k and realizing Uf)*, kir skid vicinity, and Choice r-, wily Grocerie� ' Goaderich, I e3t. recollm. -Y -was formerly the U.-lat of TO, Ljj:ttD AWWJJST R&TES. E ja I jXow ij; tbe time to kint your 94itters X HuVj.� who herelay givet L A the first time. what it was to be bittinslio Ile will he solds very CHEAr- - - maid Ctimpsay.. . k.r. Hirdy, no. 16*er sets As gue"t t1ton will be, mide to t jastorrividancl ' loved' b- Iromw kept in Gaul stylo, siorz-&I Co.,andanysctsof his (�atilys)lial hf elivertil anyarivre n to.v n. AVAU& 15nZW for the, ill' not Ui5t), and d anj hofflin, being. W -W All and Varriag6.. 111111 tile C tit the ?J%V608 of Ontario, At t I rltu6 aly)III; aur allicatrans ;'T io e $�issidtt there for a thinr ­­ tonl1i j;kPrj litaist to there hatlud, attended Want d. tLy nIhO 1" VALUE I., TE1 sleighs, -BARNIST]IR ANP AT*TOWU1f AT LA� of At Tujontd,' rdr orders from counityeArriveshoI)s -Ap 4 1 ND 0 di: to with divateb- HENRY a verb ccatirlae"of the '"R'Ver- UX ger. feeling how latter WAV lie hapilitiess at -4 fthe *tile 's re-, Paper- Iread Office, sablell " in the To.1 nq in ZLPJCIEE HOTEL. q 1�&D T-70 LSARN -60DRI., witihio of Ilona nat, -salisfaction. of each r Sip paiintitig, GUM& Grailaws (ftZilig. UT to 3111, . I I SOLE ITB Al WIW— , j. CALL f6r the purpm of drainiag oertain Atlengthhes4d: If,, 'DIOR I)EY- ppe?� !a the Township Sat-! 441 tAodwich, Asi, 1-15, 1870 awl -_s of Bbmaqijet, 3jeGill ooden. Atig'astioth'I$71. knowthat Ishalt belgivin 1161 W exi, in ilte-liaid Province. -a I ff SOD ACCOMMODATIUN FOR CONNER131A L 400:9,000. td, x4eiia, l�;, I otber to my little Lands., � 1 1110111 423 iVI41, "Ll"Vtotp, Toroitv I's], ISTJ cruel were Ito forget her in mv joar. 2WbarfA wa:; s3ppUod w. -i if V I rould not at11ritt divine hin mostiV Gwd, L W1 DID a VBTFERINARY quirin*. ;ana ovwelii­ saga" Aalu �Yorrr littlo L-torin I' it lreii, my child, tur little ffirl. ft wOT XT GIF(Arkh, I RAM Notioeto uOlt'001pors AU -rues 0 --ho 0 P know f her existerm, sureiii, r an I noiWil of.the obtate of jXW D19-81RING LOANS RT Hur-11RON HOTELI THOSS 10SIBNOEX PRO. . . . . . . . . MORT-UGS W, "L jolta Harm; boolvent; are l6ftw4 ft necid, rft and Town Pwlxrv' em o azurluum. WIWI, C for collection tilita an* sum riatiqlabovid, 41; the slaniteitt' no-': I hq,l muppi,ited, 60. 6-tir ITe-khotwas tI00 I ca, tam to, sitit the - brmer, by ffaud. County thatlit'. has Itnrcliasof I Ma Harlilm oi3p*wr'*XXXA1e &Porter, Ik Geofg� MCI el�zw 114iy, nil lip It any Mstity, 111141 ywo PPILragu F- Ja4l: J. F. FUDLAY Affelt, 11tivalig 110frftl kW -prentlesoiWil wit us at thai, h oa'-na­ "a, T 1,34 ffeen, inskitrij&J' ]Kv . 1 -2 has Ale n CrMNW Spimr1a BoWed ONT VZTZ&1NARY4�'T'w�CdZ 4 - I.", I '"Aid teezoactits couvay,:, Will b"14111 is 4ttea UP Witla, GTOLT g pro foj tlWli*4 three $esft an ilia best Haornems bkVs ali ftebnwb*� aud to in Chicago mud is vow Per0od to lnabd'lltp� 1% Fine eoudiUms =Ir dia, dio Hom 251 Ill Sopt., 1861.L - 4 1 $MVWAWPUNW WW =r"MIA&AM, and a poina id my little LoWie fs itiste fiv* 7ftro a to lit d Solistor rtW OCIPAMA ArA AtIsciato the it andiftAdonu . - : Aug 4. 11619 onewer"S Ale* JIL ftnii, footed alanded LIGHT AND. HEAY tootuag arA lie toWs W2111 -ft *fall domostl ""t = oosiiaftdaijw� th4 ti) Roftew w. Prof ftd* V. $.?to rftx 11114111111111 lit this Count . - I Whitt conld I say, who W assaid 00 of. W"114139 oft Itorm-CoWng'and SWt& OOLM ,aft thxt I would wrting tit a SpA iv.3atp ehwn, bwels and �f Irr 0WO Was a slareis of Wit LVEN, TtIAT APW- Prot wrw., Ynt Baeklovid, #If 1 AEREDY q -31W Wrela, A the O-vnoxRW(:W$ud)Jtablom4wxsorst j_j t*tfmwiltbeftaadetotlWTASUWYCAWNLWy It. Afati-eltuaiixtyleand with 414uptate.b. ',Sy tttking from her love t j It Uth, I at Black to tb* of the Province 'of Oixtarlo. at the' 7)"t Orders pro)mptly atteistled to, COMMU1111101 lotd. on maittiuvall 5L vic aiuld give up Hiras"I GODERRAL DEPOZ 4b** orpsiostal rolley-iff urafy KON tat Tmostm for -on lict"to Into t. MASON, 0 S " A p,-Ttv Susior; constalattf 4ors bazad thriatoglaut JIAX HICIM rms, 0 S IX' AT Money to r4oanoafW&ASetatef bA*, bnt 1,cmild gfnj Up w Mr v4swissirysbWasts Truo" W01paq Vurrl-Collatiffs Wall I 111 0114 at of W11, 're 10 "0_11111" SM bW Coassatry A, the halunsw. A, larp stock of 80d st &Wohw Bainfavoileutpurp"' 11111114 06 WASOMMO M may beaft is *M&A. Woes ffift. scistit pefiels" Jo� IWO, N'T G04671A - MARKET SQUARP" gota; off 'OPRA GARDINRI; atu"aft)"A"s I � I I olisir, Ue" stsalmlifig (.w U* jiftles; jwmw 0A WN ll�rat a" X ca". In a � 4*Ud Y" lay* *ife r 'Gr -O. GR A 211111 - �v M flUIX1111"10 w2l. =Z twxx% A . � - - - I -. - . I - oo*,k �214 A#& Un > IL A