HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-31, Page 44
F 6
.4 ua
;4' -11111 ua
ft to 1-:� r
r "a"JUtIl'A U PUPAUED jT4> 11JU
111P FIGTORY, T. he Hura F crite
& I- �- 1 -1 -
or a T G4
0 j4y
Made Ilk- Sal 14r.
jew trii for TT
wo E I -'Dalrua
the;efNti I - .00y
A E'_
X0, tT a&- 4K;
ovident tixud�, be -�ovrt nud t1IQ pliblit!
Rett fRIIII Its Vt—
Is d6c 111LUX&Ptift #ar" "aillisg ordrrx by
ttel Ad Lit A *&U sorlivkAft gi IMIs �y ALUXIM04
Davo cond ra
va depth of wba from Vast I 3�
us Term, INVZ1. i D AND PATL
Ca Of k`re1kJ.)rm ith-
-luis GeV Am IL
mary ellolv;. 1111 bar"!
tde,,Ipritch� 'from 7&tz repoll a Offit ea,ef Where. tilt, SyElvla
eabetweenrthd sntuvacd�wl 6
Serious tronbtoillava aris I E SURR. 7"�T ANK6VOCING. 'a
ton motelip1mure
the, purtilettand curod. L%` it.' : , . . -1 ..f
ry,that tlsoy�
Wive boti-dol; 6litilli 11,telest COT SCIIFFLf IRS. b EW 0HURN
sever, �g,-efeell
sad As xT
6 as -es .1 lu D
Viyn acco I ThQy Ila
rr , -11-,o " 11 ave 'on:, Fi y Ho 49 0- All aol* i"A liberal
a? ag- d' and "A"ho'e-S le, A
lVatell by like
gluil jjLt,,,e nentirreti, rofit
RAW 0tTTLrRq. at 11111 bwa, Invicutloin nud for vbiph he. na-a scM, Md is
ous wi-tawhiation ur Ilk Of -uram, and QrAer APImPU) intrOducal, the plorrbawz bpmo vog5litIzed Item -
betwemilbe 5U1CnAef8,6f 1-lk? ID-,tvaT -tll -)g,, have Unm rad!rtil-v Q_
_ST- '-jK' att.,docil tolf
and prnssial1i ke, exxxvil in such -great 1111111bott's fill allugst evex f eii.
The woinoii oil Vlah�. Ilave Plesintefl, tile, itedd tot
ppled byXr, III Doold.
�q Informed'of Its Th -lues or uses 1 J. a. ARMS711LONG.
o- r W swt+tt
06dfto'lo -�xrdh "THE HUMN FAVORITV
U. SUP kj�D.
onintof the orpud-fl. urtleirnines the reas titution. 0 B,
(It 't' D
a fetitit n stxmrtilorts polton is fliteof. the m4t 0. tni ti -
Bin; %wr'blta to, retuaft pokv.; netulln, of our ravo. , 011M. tilts uffseell wal �Iakrf4l
G;aM �ca EA -P- "%JL 4-� T-1, R74 S-4
a$us iciono lost STRUNCT11 AND DURABIffir
itseellastabrectIllifee lonths,01101cut the bady,
thq Wait int: tho fair nailloof tile ITHAS'. n KCT
ff Uz'"WAL. Lv
oiny. Thix i 0Lnvin that 06, tack d-enieeLlinkor thtatdienees.
'A T_ br Sale. -
in v- ton, are Viluahlb Proo V F
apterIninc-ij. jet,- the eiiia�`.Al Of- withoutexeititig r, TeFence. A ra I I'.
theno.on solue I -a I' -I clop T OTS, N
R 958 -;14 D,881 TfMT4D'WN OF jKlipme, OF GrARINot;.
IJ e -Lot sst is;41 tedasenall Bilock BPEW AND LFFICIBNOT
fratilfdwelling Housetwo stories up %V0Rx4-j0
tN orr" till dr- lj,�ve lost tbQir sur,11=6 or amonr-thefl(al. S A O
voltildenly m qr ON. C'IFF 41ES, I .
%Vt-gtr_�ja ;Kta�ds'. Into -one or other or its ell ter,or t4e Ood rl
eles, mAy be ed Ili tNe lurf Mail go 858 tborelsal.
livc-s ky r&=t Zatids aud stqVins. henit, oi tumors,forried hV the lifer, or it F �,UGAR. couldbe eq t PUSS
oil Me Aln,.10 Awl utorcrllv Irofolitnt lit Stnd4gly011frarsto BarD lt loas norulserlor.
erlc-%n = on soingnitt of the Lud�-- Ileb e -the 0"a blus Jost flnialfea tho enlargement oflol Sto epilrooltS
a toe qh�' T40tl be solid Allier together, of 6
&1naly Opened at Miagr, tm lea its former rlarat-Ity. a has itoluedolkV lit ho x=6t= md x(irtli M t SY av-p .
was, C ner, ell,: a 0 of ud
hoalthbrtaige arlowerediueording to tho 4epth o
we neask tte
v Amongst 'ot .9, ager.. Persons afflietedmill'i tl tile cmusrorgaii.-ed -to any 401
t Win -ART UR
-Ld GOW. t generll 0V1&RkNTSj Goderlch.'15MIA ceiist, 1371.. oufeTrtintses-o t
hent nt 9..xi Lis.-ar, Imnlefliate slid. the eare, by the tske of
Wilmot w r preamt alld Mada 61 ee;fies. xoderleti b-Ttllv! 1011. can be seen4the fitop eflir D
'AcIewl'. $card x4twoff, Ladibs epa Ment Spic -PA iSt. Go4edcb.'Coauty or Township r4thts smured on.
etter. Salt X . !, ltmns.
lopr. 0 liber,
ACIATP orby letter t
-ra sef#olin niake aii attck with- -x(Able forms- of dieate. Alm in tV
r ore Meta Goderl,�b r. 0.
ant �an& li-f ten I thrown.
00r, and the varibuis Clorerwoes ane CON KUM.-
w feet, ill 'Ourill IVI Wons of the mus"
bed, alid larand nervous W" Vr thre
qtive pills. are'ejIved it, though I loulk tinsle Is required Ins TOIL&T UTS. - Syphill or Fritt*.3-eal,piid.?rcrrt!i-larDisens,-jt OF119A 8tTTS PATRONIZE HUME At T11119
lt -tie `$TONE WIT AL_31jSSj�jjjar.�7, inatretIlfted. SA�VS. subdu;rop
nd tolt pirice, and prs;j Allernmilictile.- It isallarte41 tiola, MOULV.Kor Dips noes, ref Do -ale
.d Wt Mobs arm. 10bor E
reilevetj all imatell, cnred bf lb sumimer r#UU4 aNO%--
pecial th itV"r case a t be' 0
pilert fo-. o. iolt,, ozen. acres,49 clocared'and the hallanee IL gootlhavj.
be!t6 i . killer in'the world.' 14 Slimmer H TA.
In- n1fil(L dis- T
Thei waiv Im minister in the vle!d crivkly to it, 41Q ri-to 41-tr
C "1 0
is Qa�:e Perovian Syrup, a or lx�ameor;Boots a ad'SU0691 !Plciiii,;V�ea,O.iLtmeral,C�irribeal; BVWL The firai in'stilment of fl: is eagoll 4ern;,-kbrrj%1 Applyloyletterportwd
'Olt of t hip, a,. .11 . utt. r, 11,, 0, fir
Inat, ene :L3Mt ft fi� 01,4�
tectc�a�Olnti�n 4f the PrO10:�ideof ima. ill it lotalland folr4visional', . e 4 Irliot 17
ic> WA gt�(fjs �treiigth arld vizoor tn' am � 4= b R_
is a 3 513 NWE141) OF I ways id hand 4%, Gdae 0,
-er for (he st -enth irod of 11, GOOD,
stoi A 7871 %U41% SiViteul, restores the di-opstive
oli;'44113 vy perfuct lienith, theretky re- Ne" THE, B I 'A TES, 17 L
-a- or arly of hor Few
d �Zco
ndi to its uatilral igtor tile of will -APD7 -LPAUNS &
LUSTRCS'AND A convincing evidence of its festozativ,
power upon trirl. AS
CHEAEST k -P.R1 -T$ arpentft. Want. lo, cow. lox. 7). COL001IN36 100 4em
_U0 'doe dwelling honse. Irme 22xm
A r=?- 9 istoes Bat "POR OASH 011 PROD X L 90 leared,
P.R E PA R with a eammodiousn site rIQrK OF and shelf accommodation, �goc i Icur:r rr-hWwAl
Whoot h
sahl. of 0114 is P. friend in tked. xl�ls Up , the Markets Ana ii TO
rionilp it sindli in eltring all Dr. 37.,C. A73CMPS 6; CO., Zowell, 1"41*- po , rateredbytivocr
ftts � I , I IVA 1 11- -door W �,Qrdsii)*s Drug Store.'
diseases ot the lungriq drid throats � conglis, Praegral and Analytical Chen; kk
good wells
therKn acks ad.dol- 4th 94y, I�Pl AW784 1 OLLAN'b'Si tund oth
60derlocliXer particulars apply on The preTrAimss to
Colds, Av ptilmonary affectinnR, allot S01I) By AT.T. DPVG -ERTWTIE
Qr3T8 Ely
"last riot least " Ctinttimption? The W C. SUIZAA7.
4 . At theLoweat Prii as. INlb.i 91
thrit the high, st.3ndrrd t,f Ang w30,
woteelence ou which tho�" 411'Pularity (if ust 15. 1810
tkis plaj�zrntitoon is will alruss he DEPAB VMBINT2t Lute j ive.
Zaaiutihkadby tile PTE-Prietars. :113 lefs Chen -V kedtor
3348 of tue2fliroat'and N HE
vor ])Ise
hqopin=g OME Q 0 e
such as)(3oughs, Ccads, 'W TWEEI So
1 An at
in, ters auted
Cough,. Bronchitis, Asthma, MUIELD GrAVU ROAD
-------- 0 e pat tonp The Urge assorurent of Paints. Vils.,
tty, zoeverfaHjug
=d Con ti TYLISH CL01$11N WNGlotA firsteoncess! O&IM)WhAip
the whole hfqtO Zolets CT-asil and -Pu all of the t ity.
creek rarts -throtgh theland. The lot is situalvidrs
is upon the colifidestee of man., t ex CAPS NO]& 'IC. E 116 acres, 50jfwlu 1) Irsolloesfroom the town f)fGo&
Imp R.- B
in t*S Qual
A ANN -CHO It ANE0 Probably never before 3r 01
medicine, list$ anythingwolk so if and XG
SO 11RAIDLri A E 8 8* the �Gjravel ro.,;dabosst
this 11 Ilyt q
as GAN A
remedy for pubufmary comish tb. Th 11
'b clay loam. being Ver -
ftteaMCVS,%%1jI --;VL-Ly 'WoUdIlItSKU series of years, afid a f to 0111, erich.Tlie'land is a sic ysu%
r fefili lot *B11 tie soloij
in ftsid tion, as it, h* beconto'bettea -it its uni0orm' SERVICEABLE Boot, 96es, GR"Z,V139R ORA. PLE. cheapand opedoy terms.Poilsesslon van beg:vetilst:
men it him risen lugher bli3forwheatclr
TO- IND FRO'ST NZW YORK AND (;I.AS- _charOter and power to c he variallis-affeefions mith-8 ailti6d, October forparticularsand terme.gpilly too -,U
d threat# have matte it known as It re- -ch.
Zow, at. Londonderry to- Ian4 Malls aini ofthehipp ani CE1,19GRAPH PRAIMBS PAR., 1 8 or to J. DAVMly, Esq. 6oderi
T-GIRPleet-thdir Supplies of Iforse osits, Iran and Goderich. Aug 16. 1876 irso
ee 'r agitinst thed. While sidapte to 81 0RTING, AWL in which We cim Live tbeur theve* best value
disease allIs.10 yo_11� __s
booked, artJ fconvrd?d to and =31le f r.,"of MEFUL SHIRTS
fratialt ll$ n Great Britairs, Irelard. tillosamotimcf t1lemost cirwhialreniedy Ufa &'in lfo`rks', Str- aw-4,parki
ven for ueren=y, ;%orts*y, �Sweden or bounw.rk aslitL 1:le g! . incipient 11
farous.aZectlobsofthc 0011111- r Amen=, 42a sartl, I>edty. eoza.lortal.v and -throtil-andlutigs. Asa, ro- nd all the other necesgarie Of 31 New- eja
Itacks of it sh Id
an uther 10,lte or V=, -ainst sudden it eed u 11 Acte'untfit. Gents' wit;bii g to Ante Hoy F0 kepTish THE NXI;W D2P-%RTl:RVS. ahanil'in eve V a -,.md hill
aTery Xartinir.
Op osite 1,
so el es sub,ectryt.1�1_1.211 and cotlghs,� Iloney willgive D. 1.$ a cal. bliford bUY r
vFnolni Neir T -r%, oopers Wanted,
cold be vided with ths antidate for Lg. 8, Shovels, Voal.N4 Magic C4
lim- t Rixlkes,�, Spade Ell HAMILT N ST-
s4t.. Vt =4 .... WAV A ........ 314111.0jct. I Altho, Is tI 0q, NOT 0
Ort. =1 gre, Oil Xa4jdn0Oi1sj-n-Wi$ Tar'- Rosii.
lion' J1 N rJVM1E TosuMlipalsoolvellbut o6fagreit vazletypf theTbol, lit
Cztu.. CAMION -a theidir
rabers whe.
Ropes, Nooks, &ci
15- cuilvd, Oakti)n, Qrtheir trade.
Sat., olIzt, ..... Sat., Oet. use see ed setNen 1=3 Veen cordislat, blioneol-a RutpherShop nt,tft above addmse
in bylthe
COLU-3113t.. Sat., * v. d the pallpit-. estored to sound li3a L
Pectoi-al. fqG complete is p6te tbeplefolsestfluality
of the Lung's and T1 roa 1)epadineil abov forsaleu%4pwr gatthme
ro "Of t�e
V "Wa U.", afth River, at u ion. 0111 till disorle.9 that
t-ALVAB em --cy, the most obsti: ...Le of them Y'jell to it. Ailsonmilth
Ird - - . 7 . Ing else c9uld reach them, undlzr tile VISO) Pev r1ite Into A rlFeall-
an+�3, ub-�adef an fusap Usual Ot all NEW 11ARDWAElTOBEy &-f- Order! fiellorcied in eFpq#�� 0 tt.Q t4qWn
forat they s he same fuU assortment *a -,'V. ed I
Qzb,�n, r.,.czArs10;x I tor It asourfi.,, 19ingers atia. UN&C NJ) A -ad great ro- hours Of tile day.
tectionfronlit. -of
inds onte Market.RouseJ Tgiy T167 ISTAO Ift01-11 of the,' BIWr
Artlassia; -is alWays reller2d aiia often To InIope ROBERT IMOMAN.
to friend-.
ve-rim 4z xariiji till, iz,77.
Certff:c�d!!% at LIAV C -T It on 'qe bought, c%caed by it
Pectoral in 1311113 CA. -Par -sons &'Co�
is genex-T31 crorell by taking the
Bronfahitis I dorses. � priertation. TA all are its virtue- k-ali n that we nefli'
�,4pgly at the Company's OMLes to So, ., ier e'"Peon 'laud TOWN LOTSAL.
totpubushtbecertiffc-ateAorthenhlkre,or do' fil- Gqderielv, TuIV 25th.. 187
Xza4 assure Me public that it, SAMI 40 gMiDl, G L T
from flie'Rity.
-Z variety. fie 134tennist Read, Tctm_5nawuab1#,
S Nable-work OX Alb BTRE ST -GODERICH,.. KE
iiw- DOozq W:Esor 4IF THE:
Ayer;l Omre, G4orich I iy, IFL TH Apply to
�,rz tj son
Goderich f HT Frer Ott �Low
'For FeTer AnA Agite. lnigri�,_Want 7--ver-
ohm , Faver, Fever, Dul Wr.11esnng Goal; ofWall Paper, BOO 1"baltierI t6 miareyanin fo-New. Dondg. Tltose�
A or 3300,0-st rever, rt and Winflow
noittiept cheq,er %1,ULTY 130E X NTuRR -than smyether jloEe.,
mdeed dU the which nri,,f JR6 X-DUMR -Is
Fdr Sale.
�%Tj f�am M23L 51 a rki t �9, d
P-01S=sI , .. 1: -top V* d-wi6rery or d Fr"lle, tf� 30 4LBntbK? qTT&Gqr,&?VD At'
r Isthe Be t tee loyek. #I lo, iligiblyVAtuated on
gotm V fail. c1l'Adt Afar MI
Thbig d ill tT4e7'1&'h OrSePt- -.-A�its name implieR, it dne4 Orgrv. and does no
t.'% jolol 1, p'll js 4' oderleb,entbadiree
aur lit]
or ne.,
tcr QUa ir= p� Zm%,violrr mh orpolizooussubst. y od. tsifte and J la -k, everitbing yet% wan't on. the.1taticnery line, �Oid[ of-Leni atthe. lito to t
tiatlngfpu 3 afft lrov�o._ as ha 13 solely -Y p? wtha&ver� it in nowls-a hilures mny patent, Tls�
unit; V
L., r Y' I
er and imisortuce, of in thcagrta dls�
Day llorse, h6d. V.
Mel, Iiil ei 1119
to�wnkc.epyosllrm' ei I suctill aid
sfour whitefeeq�lovi breorl M r. W. 0XIMPEMLL
wMH thradl 14odorich -lit _v,25tb, 18'1. xvpol-t
47. tion ylat gocio in slomt. NOVZLTY Bof Q
is grnfille!j by th-, All. -444 efft-zted Ili nbs-tinatt' NEW HARDWA42 PTORE
k sTAFAT- dODE&CH. tbo -rown .0 Reeirs *-urvv
241:7cha t, Taffar. cases,an-. villere otberremedle�t bad thollv fat RUAONHOT.OI4 AvICIK 1KINo; z Sbott- Vaiist6n' e & Vo ' - : '- ' FIT, Octotlsr. ISM either rosi4puf in, ID 16 187L lite very ly situatedfi-r ladid. EXIOT-UNT LAND.
travellin-throughn1j, air be pr4 In io 14, EG TO 115ITIVATS THAT WIIHIN ID..DAY taey will opert a branch of their Rhinardluss B ij)gjjurp4e i for 3leflumim gad agtliers� Alt b
wiclnz fr6m, t6rroid!13 withMaIle and Ileeeh. 71D miles
ror lirei- Nor terj�s a -I parricniars, to CIVARI from
j13rderleh. Xsq. or I eope. H ly us
In YKET 1, Mlg.- , .- - 4
of the Uverit isAii excellent remedy, st; alin, OPPOSITE Mk !pEllous.
tbe Liver into, heall1wr -I octiv, tv, de res 01110t-5ron 4, Vas!crn Divis-on. Amilie'llIql
For Milan- Diew.dima and i ire'rCOuffil-flint-, it jc be
obaj ill- tiie 6111 Qtand of Mr. A.31,Jobsiston Victoria lit
=arl-mbIs CM03, WIldre Other TRId
Godertels. The haenowgone tb tbi$tatei fol
Fe 4 Xtb. 1870
Prpared bA Da. T. U. AYM. & GO., Pr3fth'31 UF THE t
1, RL SAW supply of the4..%� quality. of stone, and 1LAUL sOk
and AMMC k:r1enuz-V5,.IQweLI,
Ui OR ��'Al*g
W 'gel, go- P11%, 1111 L, ll St. -in
illoofli i ilig WlAs plil stan Terms
Frwe -and
17. Glut- Ali Entire Now y 3f'*RTA lit *AD A Neat RRI0KrojT jrA64
_"WU if f),�4
Od rmsWindow -S! I U
Off IN T' OOD. TE ST X,0
IR in the best st�le of workiftangbip indn. rt!aAoi,-;iI
k(j ai 0frii.
A� t
*OMIT� I. .
09geriell 17th Till
i fallkinasrldelt ill; be solid, at pri eS that defy j�,EIN ICUTOWNtsoli,
alsew ' ' Pltaft mIl9:t igotd gravel r,*%
'All thalway, a, ei -1 ulles from Goer
call. leb. contalimsoL
I R.0 acaeseel
of Goods told,, next weelt. particularly
U"16T OW UPIED JT D `CK- H -21N.10 "If I LNV oollit". Torayllour to 11
'y -w Photoqraph, Gall 1! yoollaxaged.le4allableto got asit of le, ery Is the 'll"Plest up talm.,
andranS 11 to,
door to the Tele�rqolt pfflee.) CntiM"s a. heal a Isread olv:
PPnff�te 'Vhe Virket T-Touse
-mao hlsscs. Thvy Itive toren -T-i-rERUWA'99YRWM&kegtbeWPOkifton itlia linlor NL4:dle than-ailly. lit lithe ofintincut AxieffiAent NIET, tORDt'N. nfar.,Jth�� faM44to -ebykP0Pxjhe7)1ocdM Gooderfell.1nuer23rd'isn InCIt
Jul 5th$elit, 187jr-4W 14
i itoolt in hinestind I tis of work, gi E
lit. al. I are pe, jnanm�d Set- to re0cive orde the -ar
-Qa� -all t!ta pabliv. V
L LeaIny and exee- Sy f E
N. ll, A I so' iMvA6..ipii.�&'Blii3iortestpotice. Tl�,eads and,neregsarles for Machloi 'k j
iitrepgth aftot ;P=pbletsfree. J. P-MiSMORE, r1of Plibi ivork.'_Alt -it P
es ep eors 'his P FIRST FARN. 9-*ITZ,#AThD ON DAY
Madina 11CLU, U0411, lolt:2, 1TollwillsIft eModoftleb,
11W A COntaluilig 154 4i�reg 80 aems tteared,juld t beWsuft
si-00.o Per -,Do no
�NEVBOO Sljo J10# Abf)�fo- theL "'Siq1tal of4Qe,
Th"713 am AlrQ three-largeorchuxis L do all Ing cornmeop;
UUTOA 4Df,.% 3I=4jnqs- Will 91tilioseribes., bni d business lit' -mrtrPes�911bearl%, Far iawt
A46hesoix's 14 f watered. The bulloloulgo are Fir.4
T7 locir, coo�ngrvjf the Marks Square and %Vast,StrM, in tie Tawnaf jjderlcgj�, ThUig
SEM. Anvillsoitimity Fos Isroseurlae, a oradjollartawtick
Over1116 sfore�for�ii6riyo6eiipled.byXrJOUN HAR. I I
Islield0mlaboUlluetsivitli. "oernis beral. ApillyjQ
qm' pftp XC
WA1kAAs1%VlF�,R Tq3==M liore. of
F12 -- ffAl JR11S, would, ri!speatfully, afgicij
"Um TO *& Aa U nsl_.Tan. am 36 y
0 F Ry.
inAhe most modem sty
ared to do all TO
Ph IiIjois, an(..is
is sod A crelAaX Vm fzlird hillmon
lifilds of to 2111
jp f.VP-
'Ve it; wit 'Puffoo6p.. !%jCUXC3 CIO' =5 a Ilge rdDge 4.fW.0jL t e W14 a
At BR6T".081
Irods 6 721AL WWAZ pramisti wM onviace, all ft al,
ir P ES R�f A R N:AIBL 13UHdijqg Uts for Sole
WA0,40 xi� uuftvalw.. AT 1PjU.TLEP K NEG ATJVZ,.
t omfBAC
fsl ild'irlt rge and'i't"Idt pletures In P 4 it 4otle. One 4ox I from'
aid 1, ed to leaVe �tlp AUTE that#a th The GUiPIP42eversible 1 ring e past htkvo
Ilp 81muts, postage fya*4 to any
A of.: A A. -M, 010LIPITEO"L
e, Utif I 61Y t0,&1_:
JUfAae-, Ur
putdoic-4heam its U
ELCIN. 61Y. NO- 326
Sepor 1Ajj Xa.�Ww, Wulf full olita4IJ12. rreadre deL, .7 law old Ambrotype.k.
t -i' mzcj'eUte C .. 1- 1 M
er or ims .11 phot 'graphs,
L OFALL, KILNK 'loth, Sattitiottai Plants -Tinteom-S
f.. Pr are4
For ejifi The opposito 1way �Ftltlxx, -
8104109 'TakIts, JIAA&j�eriia r,,-tp tilt f rtl e T
x"GexxsS,7jP@ mass "ollcy —0my zo,
PSrAT1G9-_-X3f MORP, DVU .11Y9 Patf
JUT RECEIV that be rM
-Neater n PAW, irn -7'hain F a -1"U-TA
-to bekold 'OF D
extend, -d to him, Mi- 550, 633 '558, 629.
ar �d
tisinhis gallery,
They �Cafl miller a
R1 JJ t�j�
f U87 O" Tabove tligiblis blillifixt lots in the Toom
Taikl encer's'X X Ates&P(
)rtej ad.ipted.F&Aiof4e4lilhlgttomlLilistavice wifilwat'l to.
x lot tffe�oswu le ju 'JiL ff a . -61119 hotholoritli Were y AB11
nn-ruitiNtbeiri JR. full i081(so,
I z p� ALt REE:LS" -for gG64 wilt, 11 . ,
th ' aus,ld Os'Svieshing4o exi hange their Wool r, it to their jutp
-wf - L glye tile
0440 iBottled- A
j�� am (IQ Onderilik 26 US. 1871. wi.-tf,
RAFT a 14W. -Y ks�c "a. Work cutratiteeU,
'tt rilm 16011dit iqr . - 7-.
qr firl it hjo�tf d
Inc er A �SARGMN.
d 2
b. . f - .' - -�:L � __
= ( -01too b tGoilerion WIWI M teetory 71 t j of Lot 20,10th ocn.c�drow C;
MILL V. WA"Ljf4 I,** BMW =610 and 1�av lit 19
� fig raroft CA. A) r Bruce 7 se.ress tiogredaud SoodloogjIlou"
12oont for tke, 4 trole"iturst If% E Mov- I
cash or for 00 else third dow,
t;odwej# AW Vf mi low jokost lboff Ti V!e or har ultli.% St"t I)ST6 8, at the
Xr. A. X I Igen Qr Ilent. it will jOilear litte for WN i
g4olthereras'noltrinotali lludy was forwMir Ow r G60ftlpH Itualiallialm withill4tot
it. . V - -ALEX WkUhp
sto wul per tusums.
(wvdpe) will u9t tim'. rim tbo Co., -Aloold W son of bu Cv: AT Apply to
AND AlxbmAtTalla,
'AT` B E
EWS;'- G A
Xb"Q4 sfit,
bW -ftftmarediailse 1IOlss IV
polsorhe the rloos 'NA40 10,111 0 1
ed �t City Rides
iujitritias to tim lix*,r, file Vigor d,� PL
Ink his filiond oind ill* jwh14,oz 1 10
IXT US. � " - . _ " 1' .1. A LE
Tnm� 3W ) .0. 4 LANDS
151"'Idu -liam, y- ty "n4 W sq %be IW jp'vearm, fand bW
a Ila
a I&A anxiduSAWY
The 13tlolra,wlid ijof�4-4 tfie ostaill, �f , -, , " ;
for J11106, AT RAFIELDIs
will im Igowul*r,
4glt, 1316 4W1 Mr GeWff:Wjje0;Te V "I& T2 RMIEW ,UNrzWT0x
louse" o'4 U TRU; 3MM4, 10r 0611"M b' Watches thebes q1talityarimad;wIt
j'T N 7 (,;- rWjrentj-Vej6%W
alry *tr ana liewelery LToloormahloof 4;odai
bin about$ in"" Of tbb
wtoift wiliffi" lib"XIII to 111114 Purch'"or's and sto jV&rkgtot&co ofthe Town',of Baorlloeid. Theft Is $Lit woork IlI4 joefollot I kooWylose prowt
!lit IjqWw-r (oil PL*Y, —IG -900"18 smosy, olearati", or "mem whiek 0041a IN
cloo— IW so�
dtmnd ion bolsoiolli n toreg i*ecsoted.
_N4i3ii1*0n' 26th SV�jl 1861. AW A St. , obillitnoo aer. 1. f GoAja#d PISW I"WeIry
01 1-�021 While nd Yet I- -AB1j01fttMe1Rt of nd is closely
IM of ne roonoswilder of tb
hoil Op- PARRSP-10 JU K� . � - 9 the best of beock W WA* tilabilrif
awttobool or# AWA..18 IL ? I - I . . - I wilticiles 1cotlan A!%olowsoollba"d splendl oottil, folm exoe-4ent road polow on twa
V.V.� . 10 film
"I'Attvilil Isel-foutic [IVEN 11*t raftneor. 4 prooerty whipl, in mulaud it am OX
r* 0"." 1 11� ALUX WALLA%JXN miles or tv,
0 =d wqlI-*qUW nejKlIhourlinod
ji- shit beret Ay,#30 _14t 14. Rallive A Township quier
NO` to Tin Owft ath. "Of #40411th ph" 4)119
VATTIA as Cbmtoota aiilf'l
!"repired 1. C, Ayer a of well reserved Aimber
.1 V, 110A Wjnted., containing 39 Iter
Gy PIOW Dwto" oind 0-derialb, Awancole whie-is would produotealarlIe-quantity offirsov
#Awl loy matual Con
obta owl" t* raptn"Ill In one gale, awacre ollboallotrunittothi
tbe= convidi 1maxoters LISTS LM Poffrypr 0"admossw water fall whiell rould be mooft avaU.
&,%I* A-..'LYTICAL (:jjF, All d i 'River Raylleld v4W'a
rt* xxv, fo OW10).9 CA ZOUT IAD ro" L RX404MV011100
A P1100, UM l)s, A qal�jo for fulbill as aspoulaosturlug purlootion.
IL *At triolot we ItiftVloorlowt hr say party who Gould 111094"t For torm apply la. -TAXEI% A A=ff-
w qorsoosoiiilood to mad Uoorp wheat a IT to
all solam saimmot sald Par mbi in
SAWK49 bof "Wool Ilk 'WP. ARNO NO #rW.W-00XK0R,rAq, Raya"
T 'H11RON SIONAL, OFFICR PrAod, )a swis, h tbo alth july. 1170 1 soodo" at x4l UIL GWAS Avg 16, 1870 WSP
v4n Ct
41211 � 11
no was