HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-31, Page 20 X A MONO& A Ut-? Oiet," %rimmek Ulizibaarv- `4 roel#ov, allikkii dlille_&4 Mra � 2% I I � ratmiss, TAux harcir.—Mr.N. Kennelly (IstXr, A,— dlions Sir. V�pprmlvx 1. UVA03180x. Frata the uliicl�p '11. U. Wilit i's ftwi) W;4 kiwhy e6mooliPlAt(s mitt U V UA41ttil Zill llzthk� ana tllo�arla�'o f'�'f orl 43. 1 � IB*uA�dq - I wo 31, SA Mmu whwio gt�o&,, 1--estca on GIAN Vines, Which hit$ -AoVevvio, g UE tr oil . r' a, nt Itir theRitron.ssCital and to auth,sri-ed liv us W W thO 0 1 1 up.1%ill knado itts Al+erriinoo atuou., e I Sil= the 4101'0311dark rvstl- Sir rvqldt�viaik Illipev the we ae4eov tho fullowi to take fir tit* paisgr & mrive nrdrrs WILL OpE.N Fon I.NPECT-IONT, ON SATURDAY A L &RGE A-N, P 1"t C, forJoli work tin-ladvertutnig. utd# tiallo (110d. oil oil- isliumill lie proripty � att* ndt4l to, Orderb Ik Rio in 111�WcKt alylekik iteluit: - variea wortiacut of Udiex! Furs cf ilie ni batles in t ir awaddling tha r en t1iftstageoilt 0&03 Ile ykis burn ill Thra- Of all theChinese ptizzI& t 11AVO eotio Wit haye Weil viinbcd 4y anote lovors, il� caell f I I , I ... ... impletlid ind-stontout the,�vuli ewring, f-114 t1le caflined J dale, Suoth lid[, ill Mi-andivits,edualtea -eva boall itivente.1—those whore y,)tt, sishealof Ory heavygales,. whica would, �Iwftyb withuut &H fill file, followil'y' (Jay irlillgwribe� Lit 11111 -hat I klt:1141411 and the Militry, collimonou at a givell . poin�to_ follow tile I perlialix, be bettor 4aracturized lo�.- t to tortileb"t Q tlr gz, sen(t In yonr Jols wor4 to Cat Estaiq,�bmeist reo,4. bceanle 2a 1 aglcn in the- twin1fling 0i till ge. of Nivlow. 'ae served in 141116, alul 11evr Railing y- ir lvay out jaineof,hurricalicai- blowing ;wAhlan lErInine., h 116gilydit tgPAn_`cotmu6ud up- to the lusla f the'forou wid'gualj* -violence. si to 'lu- i4litat the lowi7xt tot, rk ntho 36t itat'lias tile laQka Stripe of aver�thiug of a torrListrial n4turo to toeaj, tit) yts ir lJouin. the Ltill -such per- Abinit vablished iii tho undulate w of clgqrc!�� C 'Th untry. ey -will be, plexell and billowy! iu&iisa is -to Cause --long tho faery streets,- 1822 40 I I nodovete libliffelf - i's tboso sciendila puv' lutts a adult's in to be Iiilivied intit the inuvitbie 4nabrace, a Concert hil the Town Hall tin- Fridav' their bodio!s and hia IeWid, fvrltevpill� of Xonte apqj�hensiouii of otir i)ang i4bou t Tr, GrooD TzxPLARqof Lucknaw gave rt� allirwill, eWil allitis, lie from;the flamcs, This whillh llav� since c"Iderred 411011 me ited I these trying- tiltwa, when # f'wi earthqualie. - on the -ev6nim, of the 27th There were 11twurdo - f Coe. af ill r1to un- vory6ing els (I I t Ot L 13 1131111#. its. r.- t.110 city wb6n iroll, ta, in toil vi h. N U;limozun, lilt 1$00 frol. the n)rl two. Lit,* COLLARS and GLOVES "ati n to. � the ov�rvtb1nAvtbepeiiple4sf Lucknow im-Aw0ents.0 Furs., CAPS, ftr;� uts so thiek as to be a�,atellv4tia okanduatioll- (A the 'rho un itibat, of people, who propose to west, it ble ty, itud riarwl, ;&lid r ved %Vith older rediJueitarY dopogits in, En- land ute dvantago, of the recant unpralieled rigouV,.tuaittig down it isas in all-respectan ctomplete lhuna like over- a L�hsortmcnt 01tv I " - Wer 41unnq, wa dr-AcIf a ales, and, aftor seven yezrs� fire to go juto the Noilittletice 61140834 iipruoung anil oritking ildwit trek,$, dis- success. 'rho Voices off the nd ail wan wild qw1fusion en'Q�Orobt!jt and W via hm,�o the. . ias �Iriiady developed beipilI tile *most motutling houses if. difforeut kiiiksi And cuoinpanitid altotinitely b.V the tones tif in Egyptian when -110 sUcceeUeA in eatmbltshing Avl lie I anA IWI t',=6 te, int,> th-wi 3UPW. tit 7"Urviv- 'terinedth6gffii I sainguintv Tho - alleap. waL-ent.ig up afresh we aiiiiaboritig Wish, the 014,14ill of the W. 31 01141'rolit 'Mr. tlxlotjs ria _vmr I I ? i note iatrat 14L. Xt's, till flacilly flAshraw biaza Xinontys piano- a"d Air' Lvdfoid'& a, pi evi itsiv peddlers, proh-sai0i rap fir �Of Fall -and W Cloth Cap nlalarw_ in -pun tlace, withoutlaine mie 0� zt-li. ng 0, 1 at;J ' ),I' vribiltin (in. 1-indly letit If fiiii the. I of thoitua� linknowiri which, 110� bellity the fill 'rail and 1111pactinwits duLtora- are. till tq Ito , ad, wallo ii i a h*0 110 gavJ the esillt inabided nudor this etierid Class. Tbey -far nbovu, the tops ocastsititi. nail sentimental 'tiozd - Almaa vid wur&�were the sliorts salkIds u the elaborate %�ork begah operations the vory'6% of the $if t1to 14.ftiest� trees; anti were sting in by Aliases Ryan. r y do 02, zhe hourt d-, ath, and desolatioa but of Ills re�eitrdhes i rvillb, 'Mirray still aoiterieh, 14'11, Oct.. Isn' 841UYL411 syst�lu " which When-plundorin was 6f evary Aort, to lovery mantic 61 the �port. entitled, flThe Sillue I AWAIII mmati! I n ilhislinamd substunfo'witviii rungli of fir, aird LV dford. -. An efficient Chi& t- i , ve geolligival llial 6 cattie, becanseverytigpg1a(i babn coA of %vas gLt, , whail, a ellent 1 aboat Midi) lliusic, doring the intervals be- loy 'fi ne '(!'list $7,50u�), a 1 166 sumed 9nd. burtit,-d to cite ro the un- they tempiest, uuti. fe ftne pieces. Fr,itu all La'��t E* -D zjThia raided upon the dl 6vingbittained'i"cliluix,a W criscip a ilie sevqrid to vae Utmost U nte, ahil'fine wooa-cut SU14AY of liv, burnt, cf the city v1tore shcs� dowz Ill '4t; - m hez. --� , - - Provisions; they ditfranded railroaas— dile t;ara fell frol,14110 �yea pf il -a =1 hung on It.unp posts 1vork at� nce Diaimd, hint iii the toy w0st a sluraf, lklally its, -ial pritfie. Uri�lat , I lid ago fidiied Nature'subiated, iiiii,st'desi-rving ill spea fe"na ontzl-b daTz, In oraer to s.iva the real 0-a- no uk I)? 'enblgiste4� zild, anve a stral hil-, big, ablabodied, tuati, with money en"11911 ddlupti, i�, 0 to pay tboir-way—by oP ittt:ience, 111ille Hest Stoe tim 4U=11, inz F;;i*:, of fh city, hun, e X�iuviHfiutrwas repeatedly JL 111111�n , ait b* In, a�t, Unroliwo any and mikmg itiv, in this nut itsnuo, ilt % ti��tea kVitig r tho rlailris. With Country. tutbed.- M do Narneuit r;il (loutif Key- loug.dtlforred oil. Tito "1*014 watt's (larling," 811119 by loplallso to roquest the The fire has buou Ei, hitumn forl' bills- 4nd tailorn' 134 2nd'Co4i. Hurons Wfl$ 44VLng Tito pr4ceedings *if tile fir8t Part of the 4e began, at th ata - I bileasing, to thli aetvd- - AccibnuTo. —A 1ki kv days' ago, r.- D. Sabbilb Sdod s 6110� TU N 5 -.m 8z e1l bdat3 m, ho lud, lvzva Intelit, to -)lilt ft"laii, a if the ad no *b� the chair sing- ccolilits, and who'now mpiI this it hia, teala. 40,K1 Wioitaof night were woui -hill, Oki goill oe by plint to L. .1; 1 k two wi im, "God aijve th�i After whi-41 ftev=--1 pikolislied, in 18C athos", little gtdo� tfelt all inclineil remained until Just Qpened,, In Zbe hozz There are boarding- P6., Ofli elf z4zs�o The S ininory tablots. , cl�, hicantiout3l stack- ar,"o Tallialus piiif -spite of it an early licur Ili tue-impruri 'proc aunw 11 1- "the ly wa but tho thin k W wbo, are 4tlll:; in d d his h rsus free t allstatel &) -tillu aRlissia i. house 1wepers . e - - 11,CP 'sul) .1he brid4o—a i M ittial lmiv in the ki, iystent, 'drawi nil rt QW' fa -ii aiaui. tile excedout7ftlief , Dir. light ;be1avg(,,1 a -Ila most VaTled wia h--- a t" 06 unburns V1 g age bj� Coll. Osariky. The 0z, indug tis abiur, 419, are to be up- in tit h a t. rts of the city. I Jig- aillot y ay one fwm r6l p1tvs,ittiolided for ilia Visor, u It whialf umstance, which �'11=17 cost 'fliul I th3 d4hez provke,%, !, tat alneutur lika n, liqM1110 f tied plied towaras retiring, the Temvlr�s_ for hil Coming Itil Fmnit� ki� Olt a2a Itinrl (4 ttva! blit; it is -. relit that the greag sort icaai by preserithig him. tjw is tho thae.0-boNva t a!03r lrovonto rates. IV luvilvao't Uitillsolmi shareoftlib debt the Hall. 100troptilia elf tile -'Nvest ilSibu W, est o610 Veethimt ulad. 'a ou'lcm4unin Of por hy r, ; � Tirp, RATLWAV.-- I hnve if, -an ghod ine, InOulita , y gputool, peoplo Wify'draw iti, T - . mulawl by firo uil At wit other 41)(ISU tit who occupied the Was sildden- itt,4ttiority that tile W. 0. a B, Railway iv.11. 69 tile Con- wid bi in him, nd want tit, di, iall 89 of 4acea 14114 Isogus.jelvettery, to keop a ly j4licdt. D e;ith6i.-liall escapeol Ciinipauy b . unctertaken pointing tow�irda 06114 0 . . vor. 4i 'procure, 500 vols. assortel —John W. 1411[a. tho 0 Crf f;iiujily oi sin on Chi Idiall, fro. lit -Atarving. wl, tiout any inj ty, -but Mr. Blue on fripal Cio vill-nalent Miegi-int of 1;200U per 594) et,' npoh his return to E 0, and The Not .09 tile butilliess is,� thit, the ivery 11. lit by the rear wheel- allust wits "4a 11 20e. - 'I - r otince,the road frioni 5oo r is gou, wt Wit unfisrtunatf capt e -led to provisions for thii of tile, wag oil via Lurltzitow. to Kjocardbap, and 49 urdU�iiii reveived the It' o tlaitthy has Ay ran, J)ry 4 53 ftwLtht tiod, and vontiva�d ti's, dike, a poor 4nd antiferin- during the wifatir of v6roll) of bii and the loer iiztte st, � ­ t 46 lie ECUs lowcr ihan, a�hcrs -U kL-ds tr lc� 5 8()0 i in), - 49e. Tile "Redolar niectinLr of. the Council 4eadiv part'in diifilaing flonolo g�re- a word �atilre than, evel' of ilia d, miult. daitiage -to his, t; a as ad Ili survzyink.-,� hell in tl: o Town Hall, on Riday! u din- tile the Carl 3. In 6uliare; that titare will-ber plunty tif %vork ' ils, and,.orfisbing several of his ribs., was till tT i 159 iMl ire -palsfishad, 'a adi iah f- f for th-ise w1io are. o ildoe, to. inirk; au4 alutifill llteaim�i trelttlaunt, howe LADMS' DF ;SN GOOPQ th the giqz3n, for t1lC, p1;;itltiqs althOct- 1rezent brief i Ia dissm, t1latevery aue Jhourd� gTiird himsed lie.- C JACKUTs V with w U the Deloluty 3�ee e, 11855), ;Against Xq� an eaely ttf1% C -0#S, Me, tributi 9 # ld over tilt% ejirtli q I orao UPS 1) JR, D, U Doelie in 'the ijurint? the' 401ticiitro, fire�*'s!J`U'-a7sd 8311111as 3?a=1DrQ,2 Garaker, lie a hour' WetInOsdiy niornmlil, as sivine aad carrieti, thoir ito ers y. LAM S, F UJI-IS, &Y, cz -thoir-;sriva from a thiril stilry. tit A � SI&rvej of th U4 1sl -Isles father lit , i a the tire Ur.-�dk out qd itoodi4m, Sa4wtordLy and Clifford. The-minates PR ievL ag -General l"If he G 3ologir- 4augliteir wh, h. -passing through the vfl- braries, DayPlq, ginellir, R914011 =Jb Saw e lifficti f Director Esq., of TqL-, stralij.; el, C, - 00 &% Pr l2 tltgy mill no dwabt b* rezirt6 =-:b 13 fx Dr -dl servod Four terius ittlellasti, %V1X Is A Ila w a s exAgen, trian. at (sit ce rus -A file illabitants and ED wxs�r warl'" spye . in a.. Aud, q)edal nlGetinga�were read of tile G3,11,Igi �l 80.,tat , Id Ill a Coma And !lit* 40011 a wialp*or for Some juickly did th ' t3 i�la carry hall a fow bloOts -tint of d W Alot them �,.eutlral new 116 tal - in th from letter. om Mr. presi'lunt of -the: 11114d .,- ly. IL to tile. rJay. htsagd thougWt, it uUtINFflillit, as V&Z few millotes iiearly every e . 4, 6, 8, 10, 12; 16, 20, 23; Sk 50 an All t,,f i7ho beRt iquahty McEt,. afz�kF., W. Woz Ile, con�:rbuted They ter tli� bond Hmeneal place was on thegroundere to donuy- a 60 o titure 111411UJI, to Qarry oll,&ri , 11, -Vols. xl�a, ralerril 'to ptoaa lid Ge a," hical Society., as,ja11clolls, tip an I T Im 111swardl t wid tried t4Wg toaxtinn,,ish orstop. The ry all of wideb, Wffi be offeredn the Bridge R s�of IU paiti.eru lithe, TI: ausaot- had n dayilast awwt uli, togAh 0 to �,. and tnuir fadier, wilts inged th6til to abandou Irogresa. . It -was tWAD Spl=of n a@ titijio hollie I b e;Zm L, %ethetusoltas;b t0lev,akolitt or- Whue p,lrtlk attil. ulatroul'v, Are. clement 11i its or coil- itron -of duril-L, a, number I wl ml- ni%v nui tia 3 'lave-araything of the A111 A4,7::aM5 of t=@, waze Iza'd OW t Salitl�; (IaWof A berly') U1, th itrestaice latte b THE NO 3.4, of at I'ldresias to tile _Gdcf,,i qihical not,, i;Ld %se,e._ovvrtWcen,b� -b. 9 IL1111.3 itne.ss! tents but- by unica exe.-tiobs they So— Ma6m."no to �F�ve Von, it Mass Jtlm, an au rat tither tv part. f the ye4r ltwore it in bi OLS 1.138 1 g aAn le In, ceeded in keeping suads so that TO. -BRATH SOH 7.6very us, projfcrir�g all gt'ock C4 inAle, lit geo�',,raphi al and id n6toverun. thqvillai� reini- tpld trogi ags 'As it has,, it th.0 W ollmok ea'.4. otuveA it alt h5- �.faio ;i�i ck. was lft� Gror.011 J0.4TZleS R?,.V0RX PRO- Allullts' *If becow to others. "The whid Sir R, Mil over until 4 -ba O&ICal-1pial buile,'and flesh .,a' ch as. so recently d4twe 'T. J- 1100PLUOUS1., & jm��,*zazcd my Lrom, all tho BIr GRANKF--air. Get) Poictor, tile ntoitous 9 the arst who Viblicly w;prt' re ge',es, duraig tlti� na- wits b1owiA- enquLratl of Myor 1157a if he h- 4 older- -a ad the at the time! of Are from the Adstralta. I were Aral nov, warilaits aTa Out at 601 writes the Lottiton the Sulits'lliO Ph - f Markot Squaro. U=Umm3. urAF tarot of eill�er or both. t ata to, 'ba��sqxp Xed vith -pin itiiir rives. east and the sparks fzow the nifl, I acl the itlerahm I - Times flu "liollarolty, Republutalusin and t yola- wyan i� . zt fletettvim Diverffig high in the heavours and falHule Thelsim-pla uridiaftts likewise tittzlived a, f, tilltrt (ties, and wasla� usetuber-of ail L6. Dia aracy. . Jlis 4tmes that while. a cd by r me iia Tcv� 1:i faza thD mw;c. M3 Standly'z great uniabor ;ire in f.�:vor if a IR-elpiltdic., tardy in showei-sad oteg thevXage. The loss I Goacrih, Oct. 24t1k, 1871. quaU c �erjn ot t1i prino pal Eurippa. isWid tv.baabout e10,033' with Q�._2035 ift tTao BAik of, Esjland wM wel sievoent for 504elez d- 110 bede) as thl-tt it 7ce"I'tain broad- itiea-' * Hn-W=QK1; , -4Tile lak-6 shork in ichis, I The Rdftd =dUridge Coiiizaait+ reported An ad mirable trAt in his cluvraefer waa sure$ wore.P4,48ed lirf wolifl stave tiff, tile urestolited such Lisraneq -ititho Watertio'Do. ItAs the interest lie felt- ill the � f4te, of %ay su�poavd the fire origmMed I tbttrucaptien o2 t-hreo tealdaa-fl� -in nocessity of a, 01.1alige isf g-ov- WrOckas''at, the- pi4eut- geuer� ovova4anrd I'a, Hie ried eftluluut.� L -)lit a furflace although Mr. AN a.,eforil th azzaas=t IVer lit S 'ifthe veswis which were ab. the of tile main his ftit first is a U I tj�Ne, sqveral I Says that it, was thbrougill 2091"Ator. h%ve-rilue top L Ustj secoridn a, toormigli.reforas r� q GiTorts t(a, lear i t4inks i%wf his distill- the fireman, A�ad triend, an tip the h6st I ad firin. David Rddaim Pit I^ �uud IrIl Cleffing ko bere 01 i1pp I last �R&imd; he lef"'lle rail' W; 0 P"' fidtale-a ill his s4etY.- neit 6i the stloru! o W in. Ourniost hearty sympathy goan Nov. 8._tiarl� Sto& lot 21, 64,11 ev-IL, Un Unir that -011 -'e. d irga� quantiuvw-of, linbur, to w4l 1 bo fig -.Cu frcm ae lia 0- - I I , . suffeag ep�ad. fisr its night, and i. pqopzrt� 6f tho Lowast b3 mc� 11 L , . eU4 a hisl,as. We GnderW d the-hailot; thou flour,and other thik that it Zould b � right k04 2_rayA�` lot 3, 8th 0IM.r. ff Urp .0anded b Difyie, shures, alt&drLft- awllview uw� floatitig Aboot the ulborne, prDcay War- dowatent'ut the English Churqftw�his -its- b; i, jusz, for the peat4e in the neigrOarilood 0 Roai Nuimtalr7LILU yet, =1 repqt ivL,3� WE% the present abundn lir"eivery 'Weetwit, as The CI -0 ;r to show , ib in the - same mamier as was dit! za ttio Uot Poluza; being fiendelk, th"Jaild wilitl re, 1 �P4 -cz iignea Petition f 06 to 11 y ce'11 VEr ts pTior 1DumTia imnava'-2, the vbEt-. V salt at'the vae .8.)t I of -our Ltr-ners who -Sher 11--rianal for -a B3hdmmr-t3r—t Xzi,d i"Auddi � A�ue when Air, At of Wis placa was Stork ,I P. saulivall., iieh though question and tte olAws of t1loi- livi. ill t.,he inliud!�tiate 11eigilb7orhoo,t off 1 f"LDILa tD county- (10 buratibut. 20t 7, v�e lo. rzolai;�Ig t.k tile Tiawn tif jpott�r Witte are to� Umae, -a tiou.40 oflaCr k,',RC ud* uat t67 Aim-ortcau, he likes t�v foil that th(z Cau3un I I'loved ft Mr. Doyle, see, n ad bY - Air -in* the county aieund sd we say let one -and plort Mhert. the l4egftsz. land), we ought to, a -nioro Rutpaulic--is cheaser' than the oritish, ilarve$ti Se !ill, hav I I !, i ir mite so as to enable land 'sed L�0'of re� -all tIn-ow in, the -Md azaTica ont by th-- i that :h& (if FE Petition exf4timenting trigid s to the v ots for Mutiarcht, awl of the ;rted the goo'l M -r Vaustone 'to zolace te naill, in as a3z, e ur-stu oy a sap -I A harge quantity of cc thwavopz, gr�u a. It% questifill" he true JUSBIOU wilt .01jis its by land.' It asMr. VU133J4020 fi=rcs ur-Wala 11,40 aw0d _yy mul I pattzifill on the guound that 1K, ollpffit lit f, be irectly ever be done nutil. eve lattli is bt ratipti Qvit quikurities-iof,very. to Inake ouT t�,,Wu 11 vathtodin4e wifat he hastipially valtia Ia i:-,perty!Ilavoti1rua.dyb&c . U.;S C011111lencea opai �ons'so that ]to van IOU welillestlay, at Simon polur but witin vs i deliqa cioref pi� d utick- ATLens' thiftings =Cnm maka hCaa mow Wa WQ wad atzraeWa in sugalalar, eu -on d up and,lu: xeplaco the issw1min oon.:;, ele4lents already preEleal in the between his uite and mis. cuil:tii lic livit. 4110to Ulay be thepastwiaeknewcsiulal Oil Thurii4v Nov. 2, at Ova. Graijki 0a ap* the Delld for U'V711 stlit- tat in an. inert state. W, wo"Id -A to t y reca justclaims bf the pollp1w.,wat lieverise the co 4iteox of the weather Ivatyanjish VIVIth ;all due 1 winter" with 'Ids houry hair On Frid-w, _x6v. 3, at Jap. lot o c=nd�_o= YL r abb b �toved uansille -lilt) y' froit b aeu Eo ). - and tha pprk di tividerit064 Itatil in Parliament they nay, did salti:, own broadeast oujall -4, leat - in. DmouenT. _T40*6valence I defumov, la prol 1.1 oppagt 11 - -, . Wits not far bt t ii�� = ral' Irv, we 141 Nov imber in n0dorate quantitba—SAY he exIslained) ativ4iated, and defolfided,, i� ur-r1toliA this 'dLsUtcb stilt- cog Wims, lk tor r0ayer of the viatition f Vr Vari gas awoke tit know tha6 he hai, arrivTaita Err 6 , oinicil had hvot6l fonr It call n pfpxsi� 17011, the assi-stauLd. of rejoresetitatiles We conit rts- 6f man ll I trUst his wiiiingshoot of purityover I A bly dip aiiyliaria, and exod-well tried frolu auloit-g 7thelliseLves. Tito imes �Iuellls 8Py8"`*" U nature. a atelat 0,12 Q 9�ahiun be_= bnudmg out mull y oily that --vatomn- -viheA 9 . r�lve Jf,hn titinkti tile 14ttor, 41'41 the wholej will. �a bata -0-yy dinited suplily tif-a wass of te9tutiony which has Xty1C,5 and rrxev� 14� the con- tT VCj�Tdl V#,,Vy free `.Vhure va( ith eatis!a6tioull as TeAeotig a avall t ell in favill. Dr. wi-sc,.Zes Va?&ZItz John �on, of Gunava,'ji,6 show,mat:mrk- To at-, and the tidrsC ofoitittle c:su IlV XUW IQ1WRW 0=917 SEGUAL by M Unlantion 411 the " drailk to be for. ed.il axe hi both and 0, 314iby is ptant of vi6w widely r.amopte. frusa &iJit of b a 041, by and tudions drivvs to aftisit; th6wallsail4roof ivild Chcrry 4s a 1pfe, efocir-tv, elill rt tiiible reraetky wlawli was noti tsar. is bii:�y.fiidshing tho fspirv.�,, TV tor P4rdhlsts., and 111U,ldy 1)09)igf WiterOlIL' tad- coatrap Ta.c;o &rauated f6r Chitzgu dtc gainek f , OER(Ea, 0 blowim, oofow �oiea wilt scara�;y sustain a co ofortabW Mau of the care. Z;A,2117. 150 Radlef. Audnot�tha fire epartiiieut. in U1110 truly won4owfuL Reffi, &u62 Chisy, a": IA if time. Gr;st- when I xa,-Ace bw ail Ian- Sf- hail w ha attonded to. He woultl not A STORY AMOUT ITMR U&IM. STY, elvea, 0. 1 t) be reck4, wmoz� anal 6nudg "hebusidthe $IGO 0044 Joonxal is, risponiffih for the fol- t�t Vrlilninejif*�tiione; those thin1tla thnt oller"Wiloug-'st t BlAx Kuzom).—Ifr Dazicin 0JA I ";: and lowing, Acurrousaadmost'w4raxiing - . ti which erablo sit esseu7e, valJor, wA hu was ptay re�;14 bonia deliglafal are thd ave, -ili*ilictir, I~ t)v the Public, of th Bylield A�Ad; TOWnWaip 01 smu- V7=C3 02 view the 8-=L-, scene it o'k P.ace in a Bush:4, lla It a Invao 0 a Dmethina wMch call - Nil 'Gild Pradt a 'of music, alofit-,tile TQA�ects). ii Uqz hkply leyl`& tualt. aged not -tie pras iedi felt lip EPA as, awdmtly %Tvla but Ili' wr Gaf d imal staid Park- - thd day preiious to Rer AUjasty"W' 56, get Wed suddenly &'toil, ail rep . `1 wee ii ays effort 'All lou-, to I I tbe� tha Ba�Rd was wit; so - re-tily. 3 - dep xture fox, B.mmoralt;- Th a coitage is r night of'iho 25'�h or tile. t. .6, �WAC13, irweUts, u'res tile braill tha a all Did friena of Aer POLTIVAL.--T. u$t. Tito fact of boverworks k-nd loses his reason ;rest" PGtatiD Digger -E, nututas scrVicas till P'llille in.hWited by cor-'mor�w1;ufthe26th i hand all deyt)Iops,,peecu1)t-,on. of 'the a int4alvet, &vowes Calm, uses restora in, 0"o ]ire, as w6l, W a NA., fact. riott'd mova - that aiethiug be lidently aJeAy when she was Ilkincess Viobiria, responden r, ftie coa isra iia f011owil.—It b" I iful, is 8-a 013 hIfirton susfained Mr. aud its itimato, groy, r. too. iaflrm to Ww& a' tilly 11111610 CoIllpillwit to, apille tj� his h Ma harka, o8vaed by tlecea&-d, goi, sick ujilo-z fi*tg, ndagain thinks. When _ we,, re- uEorkluenc cif delight in solitudef Mich ad .Lilt to van 8114 Wost'lftal�- -ti fleet that a p0wer of c"fidnirauce Can be ; Uiraba. Dir. douWei -the I ii ly and solenin thistights yet so tile house, z is Crequeoly viiiied by the bv*lvlr. J. Dye' Fitinie - E -- -Pn -he night iti. and, lie was a-3veral C,_ '!will) has soioitod d that wea G-L&IFSo NAMS9 FAINTS cif the coutrud to 6tra Queau withoutforaivarninti or iwreihoay. tial off 3 hours �atteudiug to 4l, I along With his 1"Illailted to file * i f for, our- g,-vyer mosods, 14111; � 11141s have liku restored tdstrength b, a reaby th fitte On the -day r4derred to, &e, tady of. the anti pu�-tiwsioa fripucM asy to-ablAw . . r. fdlier,ildr A121. UcEwcv, a aged geu- d We space� vt wiuidba�o iiand -of her oWn Two Fill ing Wi4 tlula,�,aud a li�4ti boy brothZ ,of dia. r0b"Uss 8,� rup of flypasphloi- g7aza tha ra a howl M In, utiot a. Whe Coucil hail qurzisun t cottage. had invited a f Then alWays go to the� hat �Vwft ulors thau tids b onges to� 1� - Wit Conclude that illt, 0 lull,.h, .- 9 . . . . and ho g4est had just,sat barah, 8i;atland Ailuch altv Ah. Filk" towards 10 4�,clock, deccas,--d Philes, WiD cAllu"'t TULL-, 0 pownt, ii reiliv pon&,r&Ue h -_5A lsa3a. I Dinds, but- in Ire. Mr; downto tabla when the Qa4eii was hu. nits la'a posed to riclo the I' ubtle V .0 eqz�luns irQaa tLo 1114. by the lhari.t Act toaW UAtalion llaip., 1pro tone out in the P_2�3 Of WL -2,2, Lim M- t'le bagy al t"� st atia 113 tisti ninchof from the faeb that tile Th lients an nounced. , of.-Coursit, great twPidat4011. 'T e. - f, t tiiicta ;vvre - Xtura -tub t ugs in the iiells, hoping that this mighthaveagood were nwls�o,4 C"30 0 H.r-Maje-jv caulot'by etiqtlevte itivet a Tbinu vitry irodt Upost Jual., Ile loft, for the It -a slillp�ied which rentler it*su dy bard 16uls arraligmeut, your r rf4;;f tile prusout 'Ly tu brejuliles, too 11111011 fliang tif dva, it Persous whospPort Gnderlch,, Srd Oct,, 18' 41 eatrau�,,er without, preii leaing the horse by -.he halter, and this n o I 2111e, is 00nt to p1j, tur Mr. Doyle te V -If wfve ile lasf that Seen of azea! %e audihe ladyvisitor *di eimpolled to -him unt11 should pke. powet tb of t will have amn it -is to. retire. After a his body was h iuut� aftr (Uyl.ght Upon 1tv 184 '1 V-1iiie*t1teQuasa, in the the 104,Vo OR tu;'. r=- 'naer f1iii WIN M CLOMIN"' store- bM aml for vids is = thi�- s! §�10 dwo that tyshs I; t4ra Inuch I lei 1-ga I industrim 1,008 most kind alfil. famid&r mmill-ar, pal!- the itiorning of the- %;th. Search As Tile x,,av Sue- rig"E6 to eivW, -perhaps, the natural eutbailu broke., btit r1pillIV iO3 Of made for hial, before daylighl. approaching, and every one, geneTa IV. ie� getiazil low Ago. I -r. wiih'nut zh-.* sment- of hit- toste�s,, ob&vid. that,, ]to could not be f, inid. I& horse slioiild be propari'd to ehi?k cl-�p powerful ntidotul't was if � her own visit bouts of i tr-119 wLa0n-­- c ­3i104 On- A it must be iihortonedasshe -11 ct-intractid h - Hs now rctu=_ed from ilke would, prom TOnx Agi __iUo3j 4re tile words th4t in grazli gin the 11"ture. tho Wter lying lyulptc),11s, jix a o:dy aI I tween now 13 �Onag noun coall-I to 163,; do6r, aii-I was grouna a, ar th3 lifilas body. 4 W ' ?0 - frequelitil t o fro-, tLeLT4 a,; c on thou fi:C�L-df Giza, ffelvsal a U Ile- tgza�r thnuat tho tntrAic, %hen ail the and tile gentle iltiludi dola 0 sollutla thref9re led to stippvse the Arrival The awanesti )r saildwit Tolooniberahol; i wound was -siscovered upon the right Iairts 611 winter. There is not befter EASTERN MARET ralne1 1X30 a year, He a praviwia gutilt. 11011; year 9' aide of the foreitead,- Wt no fracturi of rentedy than tfi;hnsou7s Afuld1ple TV74- �f do] 16fit, pr t1i., olond of dejeatIdn file skU ��nanp Lis nnud-pu at zimie pytothent, v-, wutall rJa lie For at I tijilwases off tite t-hroat an�j having purclinea if) ihe brust no-, As # itisordy a ladyfram Piris w4of The IL Dr. Campbell of 16eaforth, g coma to tell do of the laut doinp WICt t1i tbalemotont Molt silft, ta the Ooroiier, was telegraphied.b,r, whc sum- linias it should lie usecl internKily ani -where brouLit inroport said thahos ass, in reply. !,Wii-s moh,d a jury au4 held ail inquest. The Linig fever, conlilin 0 d A NE'LLTRSTOCK OF, thaticandioral -a na -z-30 of lei; feet newtiry, -tfi I erlait doviiellin retmee's worn eh and nasal dis�-�Largre 4 a Udy from E�Irilt:! Just ittiv 1! 1 iapold yne Wing It —XieX. fe _E�sVyOWIN -ERCLt a, n it" - -)T.H,,_, would not:ba. like luuAl to he-tr her Account itfiho Tile inf1w father. of �,decaased, D. Me- fiviwaiiiii, coltir in horsel, m&V be dieck. trads n lifelsillsumey be ,tf) sbo�iti% influence on phys"Cai state of the eity, said Pi'Qneen. 'Prqy a. Thompson, Penwick Hhuteir5 ed at nee I, ER TWEED,�, WO Fr ven, Ja liberal use of SheridaX, HEAVY WINT teir TL Wits the heait andstat- ilmtq- har, :bp entor. Tuarealwin'the 01t nllt 'only 1*- and I)r. Stewart;l of Brucefield, After V(L11rL11q t;6il-litiol� Pwler. been x3ved itilieLifito mAed fro, _U eve -.7 ul ice k%llisat cue bela �ro",,f sing, 4 Le nerved 13dyaslixt as--adinto-the Roy which ffia jury rirned a verdict Vothe The lat,6,stA,�-onyamongthefasbionable JJEAVY WINUER OVERCOATINGS, no,; many irriii a wipwan ifeut- IN111111 rats, th"orl. -Lou.- V-"?' lbdfoi�rinw effect, ling -t Ila% b ell wtheii, llatl'fl eve -bedit awkbaing, of the wor d, was youthof New York its the weazing of a 0imblie UpuparciltoaEll leliber bytheyiidor am, oaad a Erap,; U -S Pitt �qice at hor ea:s3. told her ar5ori a 4asod died1rom, concussion of the brain, Itintsi.. In anti Qntrak the home; a ill many soon ago wls0e tillie W.IFT affeetifin, C azatte Up ou 4 he liholiat Luvv. at iv, t2l. At, Mle Uuiilioil then. lie much wit aud gllst( nbelieved to be caused IT a fall f ,fra his sidef the hat. our ii�vtqrs so it ot love Ilavu"pami'l 911.1104,-,rh lice It it- lillp Firt in ill d' - A R.Cale jirl wanted her lover tt The fatherof dee2ased is,,bowed r-31 iva hStif int"s, q! �hc- auniiVdil by the Acy of wth such vivacity th,3 'ftneeiscii' f -when ivith virtues r4wards or With VICV4 cor the � Ill ibjt� that she Well lilt tI.4e -CHI t1C.j aa Ian worltY tit idiu, and when lit woulli C,, C! thatlearly * biamo pranduo the Commuile, that th,3 Qtr. * lgr S:4 eye iind liild i alit of that ill e Yeetion down with a ireight of sorrow, aiia'a pall. zw'ear "n For g loom seeing to rest oft ilia 412' -hml-niDt bi5ep pot itna heartilys. aul on tl*U� laye dja� all Inter- of go. neighbor ICALL A?(D kXA3AiKX,, "m - WOULd havolit4volped. knockt4l. hilu'down with the sacrea ve uOiN hai�d +oldikaa a gultilre of, orindifferemw to, n mic. 'tit. thii;sue hadpass,-d- the ui-Abp,*zs&A hood, dec"ved being a highly rexpectA ad,lin, 31- or 1 141,40 eighbor., Thetuner- lip WaRN 1101V b:114 as a illifitfiers girtile, laild aria till fit be as citizati, and a good n niuvelly taa pslicb-fiso f a Ito first that Itaujiliter had xof loa- 60NI t V soltook place on 24 th i"t., the mov- �'Ley r,:�UW U$ Zle p9iIied or blamed. It icthey- to her th*t it a UJW dre Va,- U,,lo and W8 unfortunate man being, tti the Olt lid or fail to lit si peavo. ;U'le. ptX, untainted 1)y tai ralua U4 91 the I - follow, d to Ulr "al, resialig At lighti W& dr- woo.' place by a (99-tankftst they.`wbo Ii;,zon svith, tic, I COCERNIN(w' W. C, RUTCltr.%- tV llourie of a zrowing Mewls ind fty Rev. 8, T4-rWtTIigw ai the ; E. Parstnits-re, soR,supposeatobe lost ou the R., 0'. Lie fullawfi-14 streets— wavelets eireer-, 'e.san and Recently tile Dr. 4, C()bUrn. He W&q. 2nd Engirjerr- (If we havoshared topos in dQWth. E -33b an(A Victoria ig they W110 the fallift 1I * lu the uAdst of We. we.are -4 lt-omre. in the Qateell fisAitr UAuidy, bolls of iheroslis. Uf (w1joaR isaughty, it is thov. wilft Call :he Cohurn, 21 yeam of ago, b fect, Wj; tn-3 Khi33 1. 1*1dinburigh, on "Tile Do I;�211'tdrAiube itight 64 -hi build, small mout- cont,.,44 and dim -et tho .9 ioial lleolings lchen in I i,i f1clal Evil's lif 8 0 L1101, and Maw- tes tlin love,- AU4 woodland or GODD FZVZR AT Fop.T 41111hra, .110 0 thom rg Ing ache thin, whiskerts, a deep war on it (U��pe3i an' Y0411,; so PWjiv(Vthei,,." lle4 fur C'Utste $I Ili W�lk t� tfiti evi-0 w4nud be 5.1to9k ot art. Mild iltumb, luitilds W� R, 911110 & fifw . , 67,- I_%a otowd oa. ra-cd by in the ellitir. Dr. Beg,- rufarreit to toil 1241laig Irail wokli-A do this 1d, 0113 sitothor te'l tile sFi1tfIi;2.t 40r- fres.11, Forti'Uarr,, and reliortei imiliatise India Ink on one arm, p6in gvld at 24 yeats. Ur Sinc-air thw- 110 Pau, 0 - -g ('11 acolillit -it it ire m 'tar native vXcite it, Ito $ill i" In 0 0 h use. Illent "t Win vp, i'llt -IV orstr led by toot I Aniat lot iia"110 C, ing on ibird finger of left, hiiond, filark Any infomation 11(ild by UL-0:se tllavt know -0 rveant z-ild lisc,avury Rt Like rown hair Cut 41tort M'*au r "in 1 1121, the Ura�n 410-ffitll. tmohere to would but prot lr. sheill.4 we 6. Weil, it wollid no, lon Ile -hre eve, y leafted He iWoca- cd the 19 ta is ment tilW-ilis 4 duRt rectived Phroll" .11 quartz tieen tit* Lark tist tile C)ua-lets se,�- totho nuw 9(�.4 ul, ther son and dan, liter li� prowtlile, and rusliy last plRefure th3t C�lu�d' ba dec"'I �inlost � 9 , . e(t. sio-iie practivai, meit be sent ttiontlif tis inerthrow to sarm;t, fir 406��Wi�ei 0 to'get L-1 n uvotr4gt. UIC contillfte'lp (Ili lifit, get justico flotle t it With file -iolis MRii, WIT, 11,CTMlywir, ia b 4 ing M witli, va r th I chidosa t" sing what Ulllrht 4.01111 IlWalid:-1 oifislll kvinw tim m betti-sr liermstif,tt 246 main Street ftirat4ti,m, .Zr, urAbt ii-ai'l lie. "I a 1, yo S �r itt Parlianiviit. �'Alnlost tile ituir lilco'ell in,-. r t.bat swun-A us did 1 9 the"131 If 3 oil teZell t Ike hif al of Zito 119-yers DrtigUkti, awl i5foropkAff, � ei V. ar. dofiltz n -t tin 1i ifirm RiocitestAr, 11144" 11A_L�a %et ipf Ltat semion wits the enforeenit it-, blow It Thestory of the cpw and the kerosene Isel, t a g, c,lt dtis) ot 1-sivit: hit thisir -jr ES -R WARD, Detroit, IsUffer.ors, b�_Ptixi_lg ;4"L!� alwiLy Mduvingt4datii) boxansirtwie unkn,wii fit sii &,;d bestty. (ill Wendful(. famp hs-vingbeen the origin of the Chi- wit.l.wit wow- rnr DAVioll PAPI-KILUR hit- Jf;tf,-r schlools; it will lilit be Ion, fare a ilt tho !bank* if thn Christimis und Glo d in Itiria -Ai Of Irrist ear,,iw t Fri4lav lit Itiolys, whiv11 their 'late r. tire. cago ffire is sqelched by the &&davits P it Eugiiii, He widui ciliture wid be - de . aud is Anil a otielis I 0A Lawr ulan on.$ foug d4o. f tinkS 11 i I a finding x Wy to anawer Wad -ith pwivas to Pr,)po,.,;i-,v irtvrof tiecitilit, rold by artri perisi, 4) t�o FAII'lo e thionaht titat of, theowliers of th 3 propertv, who swear kim-wledge of tile suievce lit. f litu d. Thi; tarelropeig anti grof Age the followIcK adwript6lit rivid _b04ta AUkI bJil V411eelli Worog.l lthinif. shoutil be d'.110 to overtake I "' tat there was rld fire in their stable thaf 4 vilull-est it* To` body havinir boett loet all. flue attawer all enveloped in fir# dire wip k—! WIAt !44110 witi taku tilo plexa of Ia atolre" WAter coulti, be.44—which irlile, bitintrd tabie, Stissip Nift ve It lie legislative 1111411tift (if tne Country. tion night, and that their cows were ntilkd wit -ti all- napstrel,ed Jointsu,pri"d tWwei No wterastive ws lui& Wit s;p A&* up be, f 1141 WAIl at futt. Mr. Ciiitt,e% Tko Lord 1vue:tte b-411, 01) nuoll to Ill. tile todd briut in love's first 114%e Ilvelt scip-whhout it. I it, U. Coturn, OWiber tlio Ibith, 1"71, If ite, safli*Atll before dark. Thii is, unfortunate, for if4.--4 lat: slit. rem. -it 1A %,on have been tlt� *il, be libemlly rtuardiia by noiiftott vi�ith powdcr wu,Vle f pfatsi Va: 111laWtO30114, I)Yillnv wl and the leutitrier angg,.%tt-Li the establisli. I Ito% inif 1,6i I well V%Ad ililit tils Aaiun depth airl he samiry, preventing listless 11 itriness, a tauglit by the jiup�ilajka k,4 Jameit Bl*ck of NtrAt, ldlc�- 'NUA con,:isidii(I w c.-Idd be WHI atent of *,it conv�iitioa "Ji intalligo it Ad tionpresseti to lieart.. In it4 Arilent devotion he lesoi or4,M IsAwhIttrVr,� the pit-irakeeper woold Wr mg' ywhre D cue witt of the cotillagr,tion in enriteetion with wo it ve itiwap hat.] a tw4tie of Pain curt isi 9,-bt W H utahiag%, about 5 feet 6 w0heo t!A8. Haildt 111C bu,141i Wen, witile cite h-trut'lily of swol7t by iti; tiltoblu016. ta;r- #f i's iot,jr for ao;iits lltwoodv eq aftitia much tritsh in t4e vilsoolIwito a '1111,11se likup py tie a "4clItChnien 3 unit *?. % .-A' tile Nkl &M Vit mattleptli. Tho ItNifeet hxni,4h tilti 1,arazi diacorjs LMM 0 1 of fiar tile blivil. _ keromne might have Leen ille meting of high, heqvy subum bair and, whillks"llis prtserit nec, ni. Aelp yurkee. so, tl�c A, sr sm saving niany it humall, life by —A 114 thit I- itlot tht lilisillorin I ,t4— of W %o w. re, 6V itatvil 1,,i But tod lot V,� I he PAIN KILI.LR (M jusomtents, bricks, stones anA frza. .fpresit�uti.,usks, which cui d"cle no, Lat(isixture Cut and dry, and requiris hiall 1114(literl, thimiatift itw" lat those ,'.,Vthrr things a buisillow. heavy tweed "t and veat, dark ternic p"Is of thuiuleri" Their prwoai. Uiblwiilt orged all ex6una iou t hey might be 3eur, tip to the Linpirt I Tho lud foil broult of fAbeho 4 Ito. more care to be used in bandln;g had it large dark splift aikder loft b rfients of tiiaLgr mingled wita 6 IL Add Wr"thel'in its stewl As dak rypli4it mable milWrisll. The origin 0 tt�:OL= (n be *Aased) with wtite &pill&; dark. of,rd %-t, lupwrV4 also it tiveviiiiaw low(crA to rho fire in Chicago bittl C c 'I I , I *a t c sod urions lithe further debate. of will- th-azirfore, still reinsilils a mystAry. 134 "llis grA "t tilt- gwi'pine Pats-KrLmLaisly 2b 41 vct,oum tivol I pants; chockere Uvitiol lindilmllirC &n ing " 111.7ing i it all dir I A auxwer thlir porp sv, IL effvgtisfW)illngtl,9 "outaidta'of llusir.yi that too Mill) Writ ro, - t r toil I 1P. m "IF tka air prke ad a fearful fight. 00- is As we nivilm (Ftw "Wil white top phirt, calf4gin bIK4* 0011TY IIa ud %:wr 6,tl t 6st t �ho e, i t .,, h u odred w ev k ly ORDZZ �Al D SYSTUX In every branen Tlr low, lioad Kmses Cllttdra, 6,vage :,ad tAral 'tioloation—whetherin the field the knit woollen isuc,", silver w4wh PAIM1144 htluli-= .f ilea firmit at ca, t 61.3irik--Is" for * diinioution #of the e 06)a t they Ot I bltsdourmu�x to the fiville ularbl,e, trou on iron, gLaiss i -n glaeo;l C-119111141ttive W Pitt t1ilt Firtio Npart -iont I that city in liltnuis, Iowa, Wis- livill &Ud orch4rd, the viow ardor the xarden there bing asto 1' hourm of 14ily labor it -e epreadi"g, -a th q"D AM gold chaiiin., JOHN TUTVX Jr, awyl'm WinU,r, ciet. 25, 187L a Ia" WWI dust to -as 1=1019 T T"t U stis athaellL lit"t" f.,r pre"at.,puril�"s. I Alivalk"'Its. Ot"of the )VA(111111illute a itiust be order and system to insure ila- Cowizient as well &4 in EnAlind. The "I rasa" cc 4mlpiw, :L md I&Wr the rho Kilso ve thm t5s, C;utir, if Cbicwga did * laricu butiavu � in priu - cusitful ri-aitits, and the truth is fir lu j. you utw_thai the br"st fit the tat[# of on. pw4ljvtx.J toenty mititinUctories at ILowdine PaPere Ili"" opy:.� thoumaj Kipatig; koriauem, tw NfiAn's li-le it"I'm if the colliwittee arthe W114,101 illg thoGe "toutalilts" ill 4141P11:61to slid witAblishad by the anute 1111"ins, whi wwd luid relilrod, UeMw ot wasaintaxiod atul th C,,wacil adjmiru- senditig thesis tit diff4rent sv lieto is: That " a preventative by, the 3111,1116 ilay; out for' talis Juturs-4cs silts, or Ils JWthqd,,f,.l.W.lng i,ilt,d tlko� nbns in r jr#R3, or Toop pro"ny On dbQa&*a& off foundaulow. of fortuam, 4ML tnedioiam tur the curli of colds, c-tighs, iprsls�. -th", Ll il"AgizWim rvur;)d theilim1wom tho 14"1 p4ii0plistsift"Pr 4 isinailiterviissed p -,y for o-arti-tio witrok. )del*na� rhouiiia4m sud outilustr complaints, 14is we wok hvist our cam a brief in ralsoVs tti other suie. Tkie iartswre Timm vut* of aff4in is fortimm and tin iwywod Ula rumh od dalstrQ-tioim bf wbao_ ed ttp,n t1levi d1b"to ftir tit: . week iy thO "CMUKUSU N111 Drftroyorlt Ji, the pivagmat sud iNhottes a wiat arrauge, Oct. r4h, lon. niff" xvvpt froua lihis hwo W6 aft told tW no i6se stilventv - at ab by ;tu DruggiAtg Hutto rim ititr04pliction bar cartails. must ow do dalu on I 'For swe Invotell)"ag I:* working won in tLis 'r "WDcy' eight woumn I 140 lame" uu) rrb ioucassit Iy the bot we ynchuig in thb Us 1k&S,,4- WitINWtbviuVejth"c1li*in*u- w know ho*.the Chicagi., firy 0-idd bavio ana 00untry dogep. Price 25 cant4l per ST W"'A IMA wavAiA bw UWA . yis w1in I ethit'st dark watm poWe"tig Istniggie wit h sapital. danverowneavt4r. Tbot f,,WW6tkMs of WY or 4ruwurteria% 'we cm. onily s3yj d prived tiWist if their YLLa4e news- bottle. our rii:w is shadol- or obi, vi -in wood tit , ow. (1AUg IM TIFIN PRIF111114is'.4 OF THR SVW tbay Almot Navel= W . 1118111 Thevoeilma* s"ginst Lathe Ban ftlu 4w prosm4wo -of tislo 8flit4witser SMOO706 MIA lnJ& W4*9 " to", lipwaile hoiyeo Tery ok, iplots one reinemberanA*, thy lifmatiolls, Un.- Ift J " 111� a I iart H ri .di;a wri6r. istaist Lilt hept- ).it Is &A to* kf& in the L7nft*i Stalike if they, am do the JoKum'' V#Aky, ia Uxilifornia, where ap l6itz 4 o-i&ip, isistintisit I ymn fWd. YA4 oilem abownt I; C.Abor"s a sprov-04 h4lf rved.red stad W111's elf lbesives weft eam lkw weer Ito molu,stad w pro" 1110PIny $or Work the crolls Uwe fail d 7for two Y TM bliflos-Wi0fired walow of tM awelit, long PoMVA A" ftAU RJUSL prinW k'"N 'we bay"" no"d- lolike it away. bbxft& Wd Jew 41 Asiesse, to Ono thousand imwus are i teding food. c barges sad ejxllea�.. bulne cxsmbled, A, geSK141mist ellitight Of4d WON ago. tho by Ajosaa, W"d Au6ted, oft Ia, 10L of Ia Jdar ho Tha etUtmA an MwW filuds for Utair kbw "a"vwx wul us th= U� ofsMwat. is Ott IWL L 1. kilisiq I th beA zqlal md with &wpat& at it is a WK. BAYAT"F, WeirAL *IBM 1 eto dw ukii *4' L��X=w dz staft 49, aka rd go a this As by virater d t ng a a at , A ,KC­��_C�' L tr-------- 7 t --T J Z:: -'A 3 or. - 7, _4J y2_ _Ji Tf,c T 4 .-fi L CLA_ f - A io- . I'M rift, it t.w 1.0-ALI t -&I, k - F P *Will, r IF 1,%-. it ROD