HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-31, Page 1icy, to ull 1�pd The iftexpe!liel V4L -Wril ilitho fi-tire ot �Ula�y dy. Will visit 1, a -Ili ho�le -4-W jitst bi�&i ilflistktt'a ij� 0 lot.% I%, silcojided �43, allbtft�t �Arrior i6`11ef where- 41lil rt% b, ivlthlor�y inetI; f1bitea - ----------- r Rudiiiiii Bay pst; gaililsil bj Ala and -amea inail, ilind The GieeteISTPos6ibIP-3131-to th.4)-'xr.)tt3St Possiblet aaber.'�_- XATKEs iOUNG, Editbr. ackik. GEO. Cox & AM SkIlLe 1'i?r.)PT,0torS- 2 it C, A �Aj),W, A ter -0apturv; to send a flote t6 the Amf i�t inder bt tile United States 'AL -Who Came &�fi -with thirt Pelubin r ICT men and ni'arched. oraii on I P "ll" � a - I voj�.. 1, 1 irk NCH ONTA 1 31 R N N. N All i 02 PE 1-0. D. bili -NO]" 9 at Iie Fenilih 'Lap liti6e, �na iierei eni6ying iheik9e1i AD t in hearing bf the uj)lfroach 6f t116 -j ail en to nia 9. it too W irecto .,1). 0— ru.Ehed oitt like 1=1 & DAN 1E GORDON, w1k his invincible satire oft 1116 t�bie; noi THE ISOLATED R19K WiT41y Virlds __7 'M A' -a 00 T. GA=ow. III A E; K V. iG derlzh. 1$12'9'0 Izea U 1 INY IOUrPRER, �`v . A nitup7 FIRE IIF- R NOE comp u R I TO LEND ON FARN PROPERTY kiwill ill gaciou XELOD.VOWS, a0d Iled on the'alliftl9l hinipulf II& -Y a H A D T Y-11OUSE ORGANS -T SWITH AT 8 PER CENT INTEREST;. puquilid, by. 0alitAin %7*' F WTORL up witli EXIVENSES REA-;ONABLE CHURcq 0-01GAWF, -birsedit - I rt WAD OFF, DAVISON &JOHNSION United Statii Army, -wh6, re�o�er i Piam Stool-, dooi.% west ofthe Post GOUERIML 00 f 21oronto. and in u high-haifiled and. Ill LAli SOLICI- mej '.Manufactured by the colebiAted Firin o 0111ve as a, captdrellfbottillild"and ONjiiill B lit. WILLIAIII il CO.� Toi., 1, Sash, Doors., Blinds, 'Goderich 12tli Sepj. '1871. sw� -of and tn privaeg, lind CAlITL t5500.9po makers in tilt uominion. DEPOSITED WITH G(IENT, $V0009 lifficers aldxgood inally rifles in'(1 cait: k�. The laost extensive ' I s -,Flooring iwA*1tE'R OU S E ' 'I 'Moulding. g I �E' *.tile ifi�asiirn: ThQ' Me)NEY T ri o len 1141 Vnrl edbegs to intirriale thathe has teen 0 LEND Pit ESIENT, 11 E Subserlber"wotildannourf,e it) �tl,e pill). viii ourretif in tile, Victiian. ariny as at'llOiLted tilMar iorooderich andthesurroviii iding, U Greatly redil Rtl of Int Drest LEXADER 111cKKNUS, Esq., Ill. P. The 4t Rjilrou'und Sruceo inalbe-16now ii)wr- tile legusll of Zhu failurli) are titit! whell will. n fitture carry on the t,,Avove 1111"Ine- !0111163. Oz Lj,ei inlatlyceleb.a" firruiand ispre I . 4 pared to sell all articles made bj tb(�jn, at and all kinds ot more extenAv lytIrtnever.Whi-e iiiankfl ftw HE undersigned Ila.,$.- a;y amoulat of me ney to rdA_qAGER. is that -�he prill6ei it -tattenti in to uterit a Cardages Waggoesit ghs 0111"'0 -d4 Adother opinion. - p-Itroll'um, ill, iop r1oan from two toAfteen years. nit a lev ate tif �JOHIII MAU4HAN,Juu,T A -D CONVEYANCING. 4 A N 1, 011 E n I it I E I ii is stri. L eon �ujl terms aseenain, a,) a--atinuani e ai inerease ofstipport. interest and ravourable ternim (if repayment, Ti tvald'. nfalws. 0 Neill rathil fultid: Xrf liTin -'allirl-a ,,a,* a (Late Assistant-recretary Westorn Assimrarce Co. itistaitnents rate of expenses w defy 6,7 4 1 �. A. ind lf,ttoriky than flr;itt Gaiter; flrt. ware-wRoOms- west street. ueh a,t Cirele a d HE H �biqpw.wv D which will be sold Ill it Colliretiton. BANKERS -Canadian Bank of Commerce. 1 11111 1 one of the laweststcks of furniture in the Cgill DANLIEL GORDON 'rhelll, think fronitheir-mirerienre- 1?8( 11f; Ubli f6anded. h, A 15 1 Is 7 0 w30 %Vdiic.tiiatth#-vf-an--,ivesiittiqfm(.ti(it ou and is ii i to, ht,rtest witice ill to U. S. HORA 0 E ADVANTAGES drFERED such as &plp' lay.,r tivn. wit h a .all mripply ei-stoni -ri; witireverything ill is filre. cani4if Pill P4SNII )l?PI for tilt, present, iin iVe f6t tte 1 . Ist-Allsolute security to Pollety Holders, ill the et, (3 - BM2.110, V. Y. a q-larteY Drawingro,) an ii-ppor �,etl:3 MIR U111ildlill.- & 'jaxim tprit Vittoria r i)dpr,(:b ofl�elpaA wa; dihniffittud beyoud- the Word Att"maq-at Bi-droom Setts in -will'ut, Of : oronto.- sbai;o ofa very large Ciwli Calro at R 6. lrz �e,3 D -;J, 911010O.".fect of Dry ineb and I �11� r w"o Flooring �ir, fian4. do 410 . in Chestnut, Godertell Fj ly 730 el -0 lit will 1141t file 2lid- IV' import - tit filature introdneell by this en in c lim- (to do ill White, wood. comppill ofinstiring ligaLlia2ardatts property only, 11101i buillanitY tb-tile pilor uipil fra TERMS STRICTLY Afattresses of even- desi-rip0m, INSURAIll CA-Rrl-' on., tire Or giylh�, its Poltey Holders viry h these rascals g,!t tho f TEIE BRADBURY- ther 1166ters. Pillows &c. -&P The inlisorlber4s agent f,,r the tollowirl ;clasr low ;a:es on lictacbed dweVri molley or AS BITC11AI AN T"sttr,illice 40,�mpanies Wretitors and Aggen �p their e0sclitious lts tie- n,3 leave llieln! t 07 coallill pullelualIN Nr 0, A-$ PHORNma Lorl England. ing all r sidevilm in Cannila JohLse, will be qdjtistei tiT'[1) LAW 4L.1 N ON HA, N D:,A L A R G serve 61A their terin m j SuRTMENT OF IARTFORI) of1lartt0rd. *ithutill delay, and iihid in �ash at once ail ;if i py 2;T0, MOVI \ CI A L ef roronto- W it 11K aswe"hop�theviifMlfot allZaln c0i Pletures II ICA, tit Toronto. R. RADOLUP, we wonder that the N011I Illef Pholligrat'll of theQueell Havi t urtill �yr­s gel"Ou Pire An Xllnrine busine P-33% AN -D, SL Rv L i -or, LAN I), if W.3 0 nizinadea:Tin 19 as done W gen for 3o ere ail v c l.. to with Loma-, Ilan riftetiol House ' etu upply I,)west possible rates WHITELY... Co should get 011 the top of houses throw Pieture li u anystyle hand-grena-les into proces-ionll yehed required at Toronto lazy vagabonds Elie oweili aua O'Diono- ties a �witys tin hand a con.pieteasi Office Market Square, GodE rich line at e allow4tij ge by li-ill to fill Sp- ment oll Spirt 26th. 1870. w36-1 v. FRAVELER -IN1qURANf1_)E 030 t a livi ing gan& 4if ro ibel's in makng exleur 11,01fins & Sbrou& in lhef,ateSt Style AGAINST ACOID I KNTS 0AUs;IN I reW T -INSURES NV H EC K. Bodily injur�y or loss of life, guallayteeing th )i thenVrd -enrfril Sqaa- iel -11%0, ,,_to 111re. ofastipulate-I surn pert week, fi t T.SIL 64 r the payment of the principal rrin insured. from $501) to 810,000.if the bijilry chaseeath with aaadmc 'B--tnkim� Offic $NOW IN THE: 310ST UNPRECEDENTED in three months,, &I -o grants full R. J -WHITELY. jon 4 KNOX Lf AN APPAiiixe, SuGf;EsT.T0X._ Thl; AF are1bilir juanutit:,tuil it by th L %juldeal 2 f)aors West of Post Oft a -E - INSURXNCE, Indon rall Mail Gazette fears that ill linatil y, admitte e Profession 4� 1"I !jI It A_ WEST "ITEMET, GODERICH, CL P Ulfimgo lias the P,`Iwerto ruinthe a, the Cit�y of N ew Y -excep the Pianos of 11 U� aud Cordoodtaken in Eir ash 'atell Oork to of all forms at low' I , and endowment luoigil B Am rican -liver Irafts. it D -ininiou df Canatin. All that Filill. information eaA be* ir3 of is nDETLOR. to.ell t a Carl di,,Coul at chernge.' SF- ing, W Qg9n t Agpnt a ea (4oderie 623,4. IST0 WTI sfor Ci IN POWECRI PU:JTYj RICHNERS ptr ilbilrb for appearance and �lit�iablbty 4allifl tbesur feet deep tliroii-�,lj of ffine-4014 G psised. and are securing the patmilage of all A':]>— oderleb 23rd 3iay. 19M s-v7S which gi 3F 0 the jitlier y at La�- 14L A& want a first-elass article. tV-!- All Work Warrauted. and then the miters thAt flow -in the G. tuto the Gulf of,St. Italy I nee Ili re teinways, 11misiorl tile wealthy -CARRIAGE TI[N nd is rapidly superlip(lingtle onee farI Mick- L eringsj A 61 E t of the 1'roll bare, luitead, to t1t)w SwAlf Vito' hi d in the Corievit [fall. well and tastefally execlite.-AY111 The inillit-rill poluilarity of the 13TtAl at, V- I I jL N7 0 is acqtiurl d for hu ply AN D dtispatch, unuer 0e pf)i and Gulf of 3figica. tin it., s,rp riar nie-it, being in -very ti tile' ii Life Gazetto thtis A VNT 0 13 Coo. ovez til ;�t Office; 'll -eet, p rft J,, 4"; 8 10? Sti ZDT ASSU ;- of the itiost skilled%% orkinanshill*and till St'1140SLto Ile also, that the-Bli Get): hi -nest ul or li- ai, hs beed awaroled it.,ty W di '0 Ti MOORHOUSE. Orders7in +]its line cMvfully to. They s# the varia, tylitigit the must EST STRERT-' tAq-_3 g -mL L3 a W39tr those bed qu-ililied to judge. in perfect instrument that Is now inade. Agent. tioli,of thill, Ifeight of Elie jakies -n iri Jo bbing a d Retp "ITI: BAN-KO,F MO.\TREA-L. X �- I.: PP0\ Goderich July '-,1 1871, 9trietirtention paid to a 11 ardera nirui until ie �oaie to t1ijK greld pRICEjj RA�qGE FROM $350 TO 8100Q 0. 0. F. �e �d isN B. luspectinikof tile work now beim., t a,,ntd bit accrdinz tit amount of eari-ing and lint GOD'"ERICIR. is eill solicited. ior being 600 feet it, - height, �Lake A "UJI N A t Goderiel Ist May 1871. IN 0 T.J. MOORHOUiE 11tirfin nd Mchitflin 578 feet, and Uko* PQ P4 0 into iW614 ER11 the ciffie' at their 'Wl, AGENT. r 3 E -M A T. ErIO 565 it 1390 Ira], -ill i's bait' K #t Y I T )0 'll r lakes flow, via IN . g.�ra, UP A NPF,'- rOMP'Y if RT 0-- v7er PEVTFUrLY AN- FIRE peql�;. mceptionable 'Vhtinioufals- frorn� 0 -Thet�afil - riltarsaly ev,uing, I HIS r Y wo C) Kill 2 232 feei. street. V isil ing f, wed krvwrt naill bt-th anadian and American, nourl that he has opened a HARI-FORD CONN- -f* Thp trist nue X 1:14 ;A — Waggion, ar d Carr lige Would Omit a short 11ith 4, fall r) c-�a be seen 4t the store ofthe a-ent. .0.4 .a ? I - F JOI]l Se4-retary new ho p in th labove li tie on West Street, opposi t 0 thizteen- feet, into whicit; the wirioii� tilt 11tili or , I jitreal. where lie will keep eonstant I 011 +4 1"ASTI CAPIIAL North S! Is Zarket Z;qizare. 16- W A CT 0 FLY riv(tr,, the --flow of th6 lakes, Would gt;- on hand or ina 1. to order -sw - that SV4,y -instead of to -m ODI 5,782,1635.09 LN I All G Lc.. ch 2si; idili 13 Ir j(jRE LOSSES PAID IN 51 v4.1ts28,000,000.001 Ard Niagara; the7 Z 'it. LaWrenQ@, thL gare. e holsterl VvOuld becoine- very inuch allialler. atirl FURN OF ALL XINDS- BATE-§ Te -L T T 0 it riv 01 ClladII ing -ail I argest CAW - L. on lin ill assortment of Up U a AVE, pleasilli in n I� 33: t- inaterial,liewil be prepared tolill promptly all 6rde 0 loatLing to tile I 011ie -9t tile AissisArld, the great Ame (NEARLY 0PPOSUM, F JQ!1DAN`;' irl that line- orini H -F, LAROES.- A'SSETS owl(I -try that thev �;afrlirer. wf) Id,become.ecorremp4I A. A 0. A. F -A r.-Ul W]P quantity LfGilf�and Rosewood Moula tugs o 0 en a a oul w frol-T AND_ A deeper, &lid all ell bavigablei ar,-Ia!,C Shop 1011 0 the !Lrst Wedri ufi NE 1ARGET Ei _ L IN 1E DhUG STCR-E) hand, Odlivelklefitto the 'Jarket. ANN. el be hAdfroin Lake Supel to o' p. P-citire Frantirp: to Ordor. old strI imittediatelyadiolipingthe ter OF AWY s milly G1llf0fA1CxiC(). , vis�zftrg brethli tel. A E. attend CI: I ie w diy up; and - file grililli and oth;l erd:illv i4vited. -p-He,tviiti by strict a'tertov tobAstill "SUR 8 to thilm, Find ared jNju,.4ic U.,mporiLum FIRE 1-15, -W -ECOATE"y repared n out His I ,bl(J st-� r -s &c% me, a siltre of jublic 02tionage. I ek pioduots of the wrst -til giii to Eurcipi; W. Dt CriS&N. IN AMERICA. ,ee. Gudoich. Art!; 15. ]VIC via. Neiv Orleilins, :ins 13 LARG8 AND CON-gE B:5 -,D' mde Ivith the Dominion Lail tcKd of thle St: li ons, Buggie ri.,der3eh 4th Mav, IS71. ARTIES IN WANT OF ANA'THINd Mj his ep ne�vill save momey by tuspeting Ili* Govarionmd.figr the benefit of �qmadian an-lilverything. in the!], line,of tire veri, hest a. P If block N mise- xt&, v - -wPrp, polic# hoWels excllaivel�,Y. torlat and workmanship nd. at t1le ery re. i,eforclia,djasing e:,tewbere Wa rE UnnarAxy.—Tbure .%van: AND faiturel; show the inipOT- inunerative rates. Kwb,-, OFJjd Wo 1( WLL IL tatiCe (if :E �Mq i the L6 -Ill Houli ill 3b! W i. fO _t T G e1w patronizing A,41 A� WL, SpleA t L ar ail rat ai 0.0 afford v4ie in reliable intleinniky abd Proiiijtly attended to. Ie v, Go W*L, - . i derich, at Jnlv. IS the Valill of ali Am PAicy inustbe ap- 0 _N 'Hax.,V, it lurge assortgient Or !ject P Ill it of AM CHARITY, -xiadbij; r and -tiblic Inil L ..�, ill - 101V Ili it' -.-Ili ititerpeltatiod li� a' 11"Itither LFA I T H I ttention giVeu to the Iusarlince of B.-Espellia I be sold Cheap arry Bro.. Dwellings, Scho4l and Public )Ilull.lings wj�jeh II for Clash dr Ccrcl- (A PP,ities, said that flie State bad at* -e vears. at rates all low as forterms of three limit H 'he cliatigiti eo:di-uiy vv!� I� �ko all il thilD 0ghb to Mak toves V they call �t inade, with s;ifelty to tile equIpany a i t 11 i's, U d, r ill kitirs W(ol Goderich, Avg 16 140. /4 rehiting Lo thi Obirlib: Vill !Se- ii urnasli iltWunil Church havilm declar I)E-PEW & DOEMRTYP ITI-inciple-3. and Wallibilitj bill rqod 1jeh Jan. Uth, Ill V�2 ly Have removed across toe street to, the storti next Afj,trine dang 6 lil be do,)rl. arneis Shot), where w, %V..Aci eq '20 found 87muial,.Cur raii Gov �i til gd res(,IVed to. pj;,t lize doing a heav7 busifiesit in the sale of E LIVE9PO-11 &LONDON 'wout4 respectfully announce to_tile pabil a that lie ajidlulefibiitVens wit" c,111diarit T) -ce lit tile- ill fall"ibilty of the po,��e al� All" AND- 1413E Ill openeda w "li, NG OF THE 1, XV. BELL I (if hito;wjj. in4rigrown, art.[ ear or FU 9 U R K-1 considu 7.E-.l[7LAa WEEN.Ly 32; - CTI 'Initure, sueh as N C k C O'M P A N Y.�� FLOUlt 4 L ::a: 0 e r F. -L,',� "a I e very rri'l *y v V -ni 1:4 'it r ubb yi6mll -ai� flonl4fli!" MONEY TO LEN' IADLES . I a I s Deen in patsteuce Thirty-two.vaerb, at, t Writ la snated) r . . I I . opposs organs.,lTielodeons &c. j, -exceeding In c9nmictiou With lit$ 17;roner3l Viinis,; bretawer ON EASY THIM Lilig III period CUPf0 1,D.4 . I r-atiliment by thA R�jijL-ln B STEA DS, , , , � I INCOItP()R.4,TED]- : 'rU0 A. I).1S64 Five & a half million pounds sterlml c4ut-cll, up,juthe lainbij)le� if ftli� cirij- J T- GARVViT, W P, W.1 6H STA' DS. Thp(lisbursetill of this tiiformonsill uVer -9 sia 99,tf "TZMAN CO'S PIAN IeI i E 12% (Oppill i8omerVille's Grist 13 & LOAN SOCIE'11y­ [lie "t,ilAishineal� ot this In.,111ALfroll, ili Lhe T F, T a SAVINll 0otincit 4 Still fara-retl do, 1 0 (too. Full Supplie kept -constantly -on hand io.-CM111, C, THOMASS '49A' GLASK- 'API I'AL, ON413cu- confidenew ol�7 ublic Corporationit11erchill tock braull %3FCU HouKe holdelm and lyusi-oss men generally n U new &lid Eplefid ldi -.8 I I V E, N T j N 8 S0CfW1TADV,,NC1l -Y FOP GIL. FRA511 nd' thill coniplete ihd of Real E stute atisl oil Tpinti'very la�or­ 1 4 re ared t(- rell everything In able r0rrOwM- In ablit v ar. 1N;the Fire Premitutis gXPEDIT, 10 9 3LY & F'ROPERL 4 6,0 ­eaws marantee giVen With each are �40LA' Y KMI COSTS ALI& C HARGE R alone all.0111ilej tu ...... 4 X9.970 t�4&11;ioired Svafu alldEtil 46 C, 17,Vi: III sovieti its ,iolieltors chal-f3es ADIV F11111 Of tr ts 10th' year, 1 46, AN-1doll is just arr! ved unit will beg-' HE. %ash, Sendrilirprict chear ft%r jnouey, from &U0 upwards, is lent I rally nalluber o. 20th vill 1166, ITOR jASH, and ZIverLdir-ywhitiel. tL,,,i FLRLV-G ITP TJIE Buxmm)* C ltafe�rffiusanfl Slfro,ydi.i ye=a fioluone to jiftzell. Miley irl bbta�oned at IF B A v- rt!llel y fil "Irei tert yozrs ays on hall lerse to li re al oil pnsou- aty time with littl I a or no delay bayoud tile line oc- 90thear. iSW, the rece AV. EI r, N R. Y f; 1111 %T. 'veur lifter.,Bu7. 64 X810.11 SPF4 bTERU13l alike li cupled in investigating the title ;tllq prepj hig the ul-ill AL: VALtjE1X,TEA' xiv&l rofilgil froin pdil by tire oalisl 31ortgage, tile cost oi whic i is f 11all and tALL%9f)L1CITED-.. giavanceu-tio dellil Tile Vim- Heaerv�-Ftnl n SA.1127,46i Show Roome, A lbert 9treet, Tire I amount ofthe loan is Ill Gottell 1 AuX P70 tion beilig arade f1j)rcoutril ol r,, virgds be Lilb Ileserie Foind I- now 89,2,-;2,458 ce:4 W4-ly- v, tile CO 'A loan rhe'voilpoilay pq represented throughout A CALL. SOLICITED which vital& slid sai. Inatervilly fromindividtia ..' lie bGr- Will EvE TP-wriffil _A%l; CoNflrr,;TIXG� PIPE.' fr,m other docietlesor is Qjitiarjo and- uvk�t, 1 7 ijifluelitia., Ag--nts Goden-1,Au Ustl(ith.11l Wit` air Tan yvas ago he III 9 CUTNTON, ONT. -ye ro%vpl' can rep-ty tile loan by yearly. If e ly, 01, pe I ins Iminifs, w,rom. a ptiell to �l The Aica litwarli Ale�y Illoatilly payments P vt include, beWhIell interest. it or elpi - u.- i SAIII H, Riesiden I Sacretal 096" wit t -the JIN 4, )k I 4P 1�-1-4 tile an, ixiteeltion they are st divile t -at y ei tit Of orl- V m A Ry*a Clio o dis least aconifot"Ibl(i livilig: By linton, Angusit 14th. 010-73 in debt iA entirely extinguished, an ILAN AG�.*Vif A. �1' ROSb, ig4-n?-fbi-Coderi&h; B V* chargt d aD at fjr8t_.- tj the eud.-,�l time stipala slow -forE3 ploria rill (ill I Lcierl Watso , Seafijrh. sw�, 500 for- Ellf Piro ears )each yqar. and at it, e4d of Goderich. Awr 15, 187M W30 t :611fecasscrost nea ll his %st year his Mort. -I is paid off. The i al dly in - be emefed bndsolpe �funr ii _ btij I d--' Society is the bes ndica- '9d it eal­of Warded 110063. to �-lltluvk vuers iii, lief Phys $66.71 the me busillelis ot-this 0 COAL OT deasing NOTICE is herelli fo-� tL7,_ L2ii CrealtCi).,and the tin- farming Coln pularitywill j 1 0 groar Was consum. �oftendlng ri C greater iia die irl tit th"'in"u0a"'th it is' th E WHOLESALE AMOETAm, ity. &air its' po ke tomp �nj. 'I, tionAt-ill be tuade 6 file vsbee of 6114krio, at t Ila- 1161t Altbutigh hil�tjred, tlia pil ey uettri-known and LOOK OUT VOR TH -NU By tile L11 -the Prov . I , AVIN(j L.TTENDED1 HE R13QUIRED Sl '�d P , Poal`Oil Lmps, 46, -Old It H �Pur of.�4 silions at the Ili theyearly insalineilf, &gil thereof *fTor kito, f,,r 4; Ilivilicli. RY (jc 11r(w E edually, andlivichout troub e. pays. QK r V&TERINA tile burrower 9V OF oufCAGO LOSSES. ill ditriprit the- the ."Rher 1i vit b &I it� per, 4l. NA, P and 11heep PAYMERT 1. Oro -".-n S takenin exchanuil t)ff his li)au -thus avoiding the -risk of to ing, his U tile 'TcWI#;lAp of 4ay. . be arli�ed ili. iiiis citv f' WIleft tili happaluts Sables b wn a rine a v re and obtain -A a illpilorna, property 8 tile I -#a 113foretary J. 1.4 no' ails, duein A large Himi at ihe end; Of the term.� Thli lollowl, 'for the purtiose of-driii 1313elle Of de8t)jalbion,'his clo-th lehily 11 10111 to. iiie lisuaill al ag special telegram t� Ititi6mirtam -a] 5 I vil. ellig lnt. Aug 15 ISTa -uded -lit a#A on TiVies and lusarill Chroniclal hall been re ceived. doluest iW Sign ofths, L r I Of:' npreel­. cated anhilars 4 allsliviniptly attt tiozean. at arty tifirl pay off liloal) in inonth- ili�be Towoships Of Ifut", I.', pragnated witli Pr4r Silifth V. 4, Prot Thorburn, e ad at lavorable, tCr)I"L(Wl1'Ch Call he s ttl Goir"� b A.,:r I'l ieProf 1'rof Buaklini 01 ol"Toll y meeting bv the Directrs, ou tire.al LLL I' k4OR Of' "Tile lirray and-Stelibell, iii tbe-ii F, rov, Ecorched fj olij the ItIoSt v it; Andes plemptly pays its Chi6golosses7and Orpics lief i(jvW-eand St;LbIM 41:1 andafter IFt,%Iay the borrower,) and loterilst t six �Ver C L per remains pail ectIV So Went, Tfirontil, 16th J'�&, 1871. lv- t Re pioceeded. to ot& Ala d on volltredl 1 it, next Block to the �,ignal Office an aunum-Allb6lallomed anall.payin. ts I varij:q. D fj COMN�GORE,, Special Agent. cilia I . firms that� lie L�s Jill iy j;pLy 9!Le Pollo iver tktaj)ie.- beo airl I oil in' aill hblAt Full partlGil3ril And 1044 TabI61 aid, CIL tileStivietys oilice, or bV letter post a Idri� 7— P111 V jfW1 Vetiri iary .41odiliutill; always oil bond. ch. I ip ;A I a 1� I ilave lost all'thar.-i A'rit W..) Peet. I uators "TICE IS HERDUT, TTIA AFFLI- �Ivrtie­p requi wg X services will I -lea L_ M ll l ­ -r_ % ". , -ne-flotel. . . r tiit derf catiou will be luaijIl v sell) ly y. batfrauce. N.B., uptl lie gets Poirsession. Of Ill owu premises to the Secretaryot frota,11i Of the oo 0 �ul- 6. IN vall il Mart! i's ColVoi _CTIARLE4 TCHM. Valuato haven't�v�en M 'o ai1oderl -h 2.4 April 1871- 'w)4 of the Frovinae cf,ofitall ".it tile , It lit 8,41110 morg gfI6(k I it101i the Saeorday.-aad in Cl:nto6every Wed- IffIlIttf6rd, COTIA-I Od. 11li - thereof. afffitrullto, for a till locrich 'd RONLBY Wire Rulney now Maii,6lirill f, aneil oW Pro&r;v If, r mme;jiale ST Rkil W "LN 5, bein& for Benevolent lipip6ses. WA 1IN 0.0-E, F0. TO" Eva 4; TO ACQU I �T TH PUBLICTHAT Itho heart ail plijet- ilij, LEND AT 140 'll 19 ina o l P�-Ompz Mumf4s, Ile has fitted u-ty a.41op oji o a streef. ji-xt to J. N, Cp 41 It D .,IV, O11N NAERNP 9W -AGENT,7GODER1011. The i0jillolise wrag ProlaIIA. A grail nf^ the %Veslsyan liluthli AND AiTT01VNEY AT ti Go 0 juvita#441 tie b1tv all 116 liII I�d till, 4' ItItil order., pi itenitter, 01 r?, iullortheliat -it ND mi 1I CHAN09V tlaild at r�astjaab�& prices l4a tChleago are legs than oDtR otthis Corniqlly 96 _Pauki-t-bpok witl ge vt the lasi years, 8011(its a 94J0411411104, Of the aim H. will 1. .. 1 . . . I �O Mjq-MANP Ail' tonAlart. 18.71,: w9l 90 -hi's j\oiv is the time tofain 'yourtatwh sjdj�jft Xtua Ia4. Co 1 ftno' S1 j& ant 'a riaps. olie 91C. coull li�yarri ge sh IM9 Or4ers fr olisattended 6 E R ruslandbilaillb iinparry ISFUILATICE -it'd t --rMats foudilli for �`k. Vast To HU D.&R.01BERVE3 oft), ll (hiriat d. 41111100inintable. Q TO 111119 POST op'75 VE "Olt & IMPORTIERS I 'AS M Sign PaiAtfug, tldi r4jui i; Glazing, Paper- G ral, �VTIA �jl �1111A. �Vti -fact nil tast of an -1 fo U48 le attributpi.1, tile (if Itillin 7RA\ITE MONNUM9NTS11 IN Proprietor. reliflare lerlCh ne retftte, in Quill in =06atiOns. AMple Stable' D 21 T61% AD OFFICS., terions firell ' 311IL"se rgdento I)IMA, t�ljlr es iiests of inanji11blit, tn:ttej-jep,, anj ttl be conilpliced. bashielill last for Oro Mollig, Xt b4PTTAt STOOX. .6400, 000 - Addxers falltand is str am' in d tA deserve, it filarS, aind'itiv 0 ae weiiii calf aliecial attention. tio the, tl j�n han't. ard er L. Tl 7-.U51SZtL WATCV44 Ice. all killill, of XfO t "leep Con"te, RTHEYEAR, TM, i% alniftea to ba a First alas will fi6siish fill jhj?L r V E: they 1111derWI-eto, �p-atify their P.I)p u r 1. b aidentxTomb-TAIlles 44 2-5tLT. 111�"Ari SWI -of fa:,ttc sAil of lie ii &11�aaellt lacl&derleb. He raping E.NptXGJU1NE30th11 3,57,859.26 I 1j, qR Hill it inn T-tbleJY0P9I,Mkn­ , % niLhilli, 0;�Tland a vevnr 13 ga stol of till% rp 'L�ni A, eut lable q nif ri cull I of t III RO chlia 11to' L I itnil lurle'e. P.RTO 11 keeper a Position tomeH _p, an EW n 0(jER a J, 0 '40., '41M n1at'i FhQhlare at -once igaited, whim saI antlim to the purchase il 11i 61(j6k; , E. r. There Ill at C14 E ZUT71I watch anot, ly +or.' is set in a binzo, wid AV ll El L fint!ii1m; rrare tantaBsing titi a, bad Maj*t 6pare, .01 MORAN A_ -e t RICH HOT, 0 91 eh when ati e or per] far lie!ii; alloyed with Ir r -71 B. ti, Frm.1'raltir�.y can obtgni ft f0ows. ori -,msorinlent, of giald al,d pl#illt FURE NE INWIARE, U I)kA I Kingatellil st, Sh to be - hVI Chiliall. WAITEL Y PL., A 0 'a alw.lys be takem Willi' biMIL . . L I : Jatqtery. W.atoe3 and Clill Tolialred in a work- qrijted� at the onL Its, tell tSiOuit, pjTvtV FOE,, CK)HRERM 41; 1 IL maWke-rionrI Pali and *6. -ng to Woullcolikl-4 abdiiii. fitirrower, by al)l)fY' vents a tilDOUGLAM HOKENZfg, vlji�olvil it; Life V, J org and Sebools'*A coiCtent& uelich"for the waif of th'a elelfrate, anglitiffed ill 111allinfill ortlill WKII gittra.4a of Vt& Uilt 28tb. 07 B."AWildcock, Oared - to exacutei, �a r iikneja&j* sit its brallebes, ai�d'to Churcht' t, . - ! . _d Cities, Ifiker PAbltort- affill lill frain: ltr Oto t 4arket.Squate Ill (ii -I'li lit Faring utlicl*,other cabath Is. Tiiege I o"i - tfr mosterwallaplotermar and tie lel 'ConAdIm li f -I Fa0r� RTI, s­�, 3 4t tt, li _jooaf idealors'suprili d' Cill bill ldnX experience. in this i Office. SW87-tf will eji;luj�,� biratislifliivofthe�ptibtiapa or or trar I *ulna iti 8111-1 i Godell 011 23tIll towlel oittlying fids,.To !,A IT' P for I ART) ii I writirii; witliteramli tti.tha unders :ILIF1 V )N (yrit, inat tttodaii6bi Au IF-eed; IF e- d, _L66 I A e or a gen 10, , , I . , . - . 1. !T MOT UN 11 Ms. L,fliabi to- the �tqderlilgrl whose lje�bxk Rlo;sf Goile ill and vf Can, xc&ujits were renitered I&P will ter, ar6 hersh, lie,. E' jil7tiflad to My r, on r ill . I 'A AL L_ 01 AW beputiiitO4t.O;dLftji(!tjileotit)u. Thej STEAK -41- IP COXPA". DUCHAINAN. RA l8INSON. 10 -,TON, 4172, sluN, 1 It Pli lVal r Von TIMM torl frown tive"! roil der V inglill � LL I I , , . .. - . " Ok -off'Coket Romincili The 141di 0 IGIAWW bV thwalitive a to silitisly th ilic AIL V110'entrIllitIllift lill ! - I . Gti$& AW to PINX rAr nVallthilig 11I 111W kill ral 1111i 11. CARTZR. , 1 '111 -ded' -ft i ill P'JL (fift& (jW r lok their 1 eiril Or W f 11-;te; f3 wtsteraill P ad or t,4rdl illielit-Itr.), -P b -7. 10"q, Thm'doors. from the Pbitl L OR Gft7p .1 4 4 t4. Mir