Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-20, Page 2low % 'z f % -4 dap"Nomill M n -A OZ3 t1a Mlantie ama a=U33 thok PNin:1 s;W-M-i� 030 W-1aAhVP 461:lven-a;�rlestly ittattein't inr to it,&Itia har. Dry. up; Tao Ouubaz to iU0­%*U2. IVIMULGAN ',AiD.--A far,;�,cp box 1 '0 ralkin- -iny ir, aili got, up: LY _. 1 -' CHI AVA ILA !?jilac"nad Lot V yl�opriotltlr 0� r [Mil GhO becM UlElilaj 3,WkWart i *a Pop 103 1 ise. f f there eapit-U-nivinter�cb,thitig w, U 1 "ontmodora Wyiitt 4nd..Gapt, F= �4rwarded on llat' A C?1=4 8110 %,7,LA* t7maing -as alli tand k3,--0=nt- tie B t I should ltvre been -is any'resls6a,ice (2 all be compelled t ladies of Godedch and- I 4-u - ron by Dr. and tha husband of Sim! cutincti more or cainah loss thalalt,inaa� had cal� for th3 ititerfer laco �)f thaso gentle h% Th prelday. moi ning, -to toort WILL 0PB7,q,F0U r,'qSPEXTION, ON SATURDAY N-FXTp A re morning, hall igafir 91,10 fuzzzz the 'lot 'hor gerave and I -r3 froni' the cal"N Thompson. ladies *hor ex�rtel RESUMPTIOW Of. ]JUSMESS, 'S, Furs cif the e 'd toc" that of all tw loaanty en hill, mom liare Of IadyL new _8t SVICS M 14 ands enough to enable thoul varie A ass Good ' i I town he 'Tag M Vow illipoilso Co aid her. 8 live Wzs a hys' ' M, Sandsin; topod bire. Usther thenisolve4 for Molriggan' deserve great A to go on acrume, t& the'did of the 'r p ly Ms tLic M413t fa-aalival and roathlosi, avid tha, j [Over of oun6ic, and her 70im xilien site ��Gaol blegs Pill both!," credit f6b the 'iastilt, a. V*A f t1d vi Its Ear- .Noz -2,004 814pwreckiod vassals, with which tha -ale dch - for Chicako. . Aid v7as innsie itself. Attie& to all 9,; FAher bide Arewell, not withwat doilroo, so an at. ago With wcg C�lf ttac el.row of 'Ghla there was, somethin seliSh and'sullen bro- II si��wn' the, c6ast of Lal�e Huron, Ptiri Anron- altm ted r 1000 rmi#e,. I, roinantic and ontotitan, tok hor -,e is wan ad ther"Ala wa� still fo-.)­1ntICh'a1mazad.t-y homeless families. In 'thq Det a.417ree B',IrMtLA'ND-FRE-NORSUBSOPAEt.!- f aRt L:Itso tuity, desirkvd� to increase even mysterious about the circumstances I iffl:�ultj,, succeeded in- tl an1l mith d tk iaska Stripesi Lis Press of 19th !list, we flnd t4je fit lowif J,: I A - 2(�zatia)n vrith Iola -4eapluby ta- which ha -1 brou"tht Went -togerher ; the Ic-low Ptlits cicarl.� f hwwas.doidg or TIONS. - - Ali h4r lit , isip govern A y g nian arrivetl he . from wifo, btl5 M19 anliop i9iflnoatce %vrtju­�a on hilat by her voice 3�ying alul. Vitt her into se4rch. 1twouldboacredittothe a' a, li fo a Me inopreosion tllse, U4 wok his Place buside In' uta bbon to the Community and Worth -ff urou Vott"Y�" to day r ass ta Goderich who) stated that -'he LoxIo01q,' 00%. 1S.-Stibscriptions at. Ua vnnng C�nal �Iratt;. in, valu I ducvitl Upon'ber'by the firstacconts of her her; and tha Fadar�i Officara monotad paring hanasquiely forby marineira- p es the Minision Haise tip the re - a thdin safe escort �U..auoa compani burie4,hia parents yestv�ciay seven mil i4gzI p1ca olcd, Logqaj, anti wopt; i t -their horelea. and gaj ea if the PA -A Al od, yv &0j bou. L-nmv tic p�r�, aud',, amm's I The Londoner lind found a for luall 7 lidles; ara-; the 1p�ek front Hudsnu City, 'wb erL- he fmind ljet flind up cis bist. vight Umount to CCA'D _r ARI oad of habig laid up wheii M- vigation .13 6arred t Th ayor had rtt-gived ar 3 -g. w1lord IM P to, air cmight the r�ain - tr. the �aiaares& t Sir fainairsne. I to lie ;e24 50o. aver vy0no;%12 hstit'Ale in, nww surisatiqu. Etc rtished mt once P be mes ifficult and enemies are. n oc"i Vtmh. To b'c n alzva ar.d 'live �vLh a, the office 4 the jud'go,appainted ovo Station, and journe�cil safely �lestivard ypungmu#'s tiine is Hugh 'Wecdonalil a te-legi-wo of thanks fro", Abe 31AV"r 'Of in Go Furs,, CAphj COLLARS and GLOV-2s, lilialyto troublo us,,were marate4i at ­ 15' tor bo inma trea ih,.a thitt liv the U�Iliteik Stitez Gor- to S-,tn Frauci6co �t�d the golden gate. a W he is the *on of Arit,�s kaodonald... Additional -4 this for example, with su,.h a season a __ I III( iv ho Z4 jrmoa zOnsidor,ablio's nintshave Iteen recd - largo 4MSOUAM�Ut ernment. Ag he vrent ailingr he observ-c - -Thns did 'the ino4ern,Ltellinvar Carry stificiaiAt crewto work, her,'fliriiished o M-;� adde-01 to Etta com troill Blarcry o:i with a navr a-tol i3ii-arpenal 'interest off his: the MaTtlai7e thottgh ed frtPin * S. -affillinipton,.' Dnuje�i,� and I t 01 /tow -ropes and life -preservers. and. this Mtea, tile aspects of , tIld hous05, fund people. Made, in haste, wilt not 1mvelibuted at r% i WE'quFa Oct. 'Is- Minister w luDY in, B-sthoe ;1 t dio ri de- Ile had it) little %ay oill; of- the leisure or titherwisal.i. fit Stiff, Like Qjty Q c fautly, recurring storms. 'Thefglis I h C se out to aid those -at the iercy'.of the PARIS, Washbitrno eu,,3- if the officia 'Leslie Smaidon" fouiW amew sauntion 7 ­ 09" roctnYi4 a_,teleg in - from Ala some very st�an-e'traitx 'wIthin1h4 - ra or Of Fall and WiEnte system, in it� dou&rifaag towit to.# reeb tho ru*id 1; 4 n I un 'ng we believe that would mora re-, CS wt;ll (Is' in ba lOU14 fand he noticed in niamay in-Aandes the savorl Plits slid n4ble life, 6(im wreck ?aga of -the paat wepir. -On Mason, 8ckn6*1.,-dgiug the, Paris- auh- a thos; in. command-7of her than,such Which wM be sold at Icss than QUY Py! c1cs- hw- afolit 'Coll ting, the,.6th, ozilber w* he Warmest wo tic-ith mthoe than atxopr, of 'Djorot suet! to d-) in the, nd rliwardeil hinise f. Zrith, 11 - . Scriptiol's and' resign commission. From -this central point vaporous 2 Pletely'-filled with a -den4e thailks iberefor. Godelicb, 154 Oot 1871. q1thcr. 6a� tite P-ItTeo Of rnient, world h-t(I growu -tip by d- and loying v1fe. pv�r 200 miles of coast could, be, -readily -kich - noti4ithstanding tb yell6w iiiisb,. iv Monaco -the met,- clitions and owiter . I - j I CHICAGQ, OLQt.� 15.---4he Bolles made I patrolled, and who can estimate how tst wiliti. I.Y. % , I I Tile leader, 1. squep of a stroncr sont, e: its apoeuruitee tni nitartan",_ am evon of vagnto and dangers tritv wid11;; awinglin thij Side, and miy lives would, be saved, how :MUDh oplasoly.ar,,und tbe'vicodsif and fie ML ointerestedpr e tA tlow pt U IN W% C p - ch3n a Wing (sit th:tt, aill then building a pre�ented or shclkfen- brought, c ous 0 8 tring far in the hfjQmoiln, a fieh- it partially jius Ej take blisiness, bildW -, rz k Via rear, and clap HUR-ON �FO RIV r'O D E 11% 1 C I R tajjtj'7 -40 t 'I V, t �M.Zr t:13 jj)agj� Of aneell ad and how mudh property eleaAd off and ever.shi8ethringitoll't street in ke-southUtrAiLin in, o?dnr t, fi=a 1wr into Bl-jr- ping on afkin-l'of Sited solliewhe're cuL from destractiorij: if, the gunboAt the remaining, portion 'of' the week, a �' The Lo ' r-Houge of Gen�rzll Assafn1p. I;ha ws aIuze, thoinands , f until the C -,o 00r IN Led and eq(tippdd for the -tvj)rlr, 10 ,20, �S, re mam. ha�a had every qfj' tepiperature ly atr8pringfield usterd-ty passed a bill Id of lour birth. long inly clustured build'- a shortesl no - away froat the In,, 90D.21 a ready ta start on tit' in limited alte&ations,' blO on the jusill. to refui a i aitiourtV paid for in 1�ytjlar, of San4oll, kliew nov, wImt -that ti I The cost wofikld be very trifling ud hicago the very favorabl sther for� all sorts of 4cepenin - the 111inois and Michigan a we I 0 Meant Each atidition to trio house tazza pva�ss, ttaymol t7hioh laq tho cioiert in ced, � while the beneficence of -he outdo'cir operations. On -18aturday .in providing thi L It '70MU 70t 0 .401LO wunim 2 work Could not be atiniate4, We'be- a %. tiew o.%,,e Cor cad -set - in�tl a il�: eutire ch-incre sky be&iit solid he exTended in. re�uilditig the M In or W. it Y1`11IS, 19 A unn. but is %9,%Iou!5 j uo,,t oard. R-aho;!, ptarliags, in mo�t lie a the American I�evenua Catters � are SPLIMID OVE XIXG FOR A: LAIZGIj FOUND -12,Y B USP',q1:S& thc= Who to ctises, tile aad bust ca -_,0 -for th'a some are �iying- otrace, the, Origin of t: tor"kitl the dis- of wind S. - C,� jitrid arld 76r�atentqg, it4d occsional beid-0sand public: ed UR 01n - 'It) r- pared- and-sont oil showei-a and rjoister"lls L'osti I MavIline Shop, 52 x 36 feet, twostorles. s+xo with srl'v vrou- I Siviue'theUhicago fire the ucpa,ber of. and half-dis- the� Chicao' ra. the jud,_,ment of - q 0 fcst!, two ,-Zzc 8 tr;god nil e think the attar only idtimat . ely unhered iti? . p �ht of terrific sent froln I 'P�t 0 private and Heaven aginist a -ad city. In a cl a 0 .0 1* ClUr EL inexontble to hov, mrlb�tl fvorites reloxited to the two liza La' stead III proo�-rly' laid before , out- tentpesit so menoot-Inglyr f 04s in its this city to every part of the elTiltry and' d F;Ea gazaa, acs-pairingly liewer 4nd ruder 'As he pa3se I ye a alio- G, verninent.,to tueat with their prompt all many Of aftempting�to -4a 1 myaterie character, s to prevent all hiliking taor- Eurpe has-been greater for the 'Ealoto' MOWS, izt,, ther )f th,_,, gloriouq Sk, zion tmi oiir Brit -,n 6.1%7 IpIrovalandbacartied into iminedite V 'I - -the 6njoymettt�of sleep, j.ijae than to ith get� beyon(I ham4n ken, itiwould hot- tals from V Last week 4 er hmt or. .1anee no WeAry, SIM&Co.-Illy woniall, IT o - aLvULUAug ux� a, ".I g UZI vx,�4 JLUW w intsTost lia tL oe ff, t of the hoipe '61r iii; IS of hA eit I; said to have b Every -oNa ter become Qaeopi!j us to heed the prac- een the l4aviest week for Mau who can it. eyos and wall shapel( Or property wherevr solipb ell'to its.v.lc)- d a o2 - te, a gonai gat -estiatches sin e' heir I, ell, tical warnitg uo, ,nve Us We are c The atuuavz prcDju�) or throm wid atmsion, cover t givv the time rqqtdred� Uor f ather p=tdodarg app ly to ,v ImItcy %7enpun of mominess h.io sittinge, idly in the -stinlilit, per 7 lefice On y morttiji�, however, Cojilparay ivai, establi-ibed. t*vo?y the storin gi diially began CHIAgo wiclod enough goodnes the ii Oct, 19. Sunattir Yerry, Vf C1 f. =i&1i V701-8 ntiming their Tielting 12= x1ohis;U knows,.:to deisi7u r1auch worse than we ro Sllbgile, ftlld on strollin around and Michigan, hil'is t the I ead. of a great (C 7 - the of I v, afike dupressod, dugrad- . 1 .1 I I A; I g V) inf so fixed it tl*t Oet_Uth, bc-tt of t4at ona poir clidd. Vv'[*sLb eJ, misemble, Ittoliele*3, onii The impq vie*illg�the results, one isl ad at e s Elo gbt rtan�. questioh is not as (in 3 Inuibar firm, 11alE 8 W. n open boat,-, with two 'families itv, I -Da t ki-hrin(r from the otilaua offailin traeso; 060 foot of iunibertball be sold -to this V,7 ictf tba Rindly off had been in the Credit villagres Of SWit the Star Would OOrve boird, rifted into Kilicard'ne f !?,Py d rom difai4da-rPil tha � serious news _r alle j ED traveller, tipliabact It 1z.rIztu.I, and ,),, tile whtile, ne thouglit 111. but, -are �i�epr �para we ' i .11T at nce, atesp all d to resiA the Aliblaiggan, on dilesday last, and !ver a to yshOrtIv be expected � roin'the te disappoirotwent of the lutitborallen Sind, tlatltstl�o 'waited, mild thu. 0,,;peut of wa-11mikind theve s gat- v8rl 8 'ro eeroachmant'Si fire, should we ourselves Cho ritabl provided for.' , M-, f-Ilixtable oils localities w ich Isy ini s; ekilosed, tu p7amil fau,Zha chnco of a word 1, m! tr..,I:s 'itdob6redand ii., h eseape,l the drip. hun; 2wrie lutiked W his as � welliths tit 6ho air anJ the be,'CtMed upoz�,to meet and fight the giv,�t� thofo'll'towinehirrowicig acclount-of it,, devastattu�r carear. The.joss apprefightled by The chapen Thu aest Stom- 0�;r tZto. of 620 heavelt-4 Mgaillstl III debasecl dep;ilionathomeT lievery directioifthe .7 "SCHOOL EXA5j1NATLON.--;-;&lt Mllaia- iq�j of the forwardibiwLtrade tvia j�oz be The C -116i. -Pest rather lesEs. dishoartained ',it r stiffering g at I In of the pupil so mitch as, was first T6 of Scian I See iou 12 61 a of Sciall ur ! T:D0 vevy day 'If, Ilis­ arri"I S' 0 than that of %voillailkind i SAt Lake delvastation. baffie deEcriptiqn, "I reside in the'township of.gand;- 1 Iry y was held on trade is now un4ldr tqio, hor utinA to It all horse[W Citv. Mia giory of the suilset and the dud'we iire sufforing from -the effects of be, th,- (in the shi;rer of litko Hi4ron, Fridsy, 2.9to it t., whidh iras a prattv -909) 7' -r3 bour q!z al!-Itllhor thman6onldnot �o�t'uty of tho mountains, the lustrous attended bYnnittrotm Of tho parant3 an I ayattil evc. ttiortiLes its strellgth , Saill whare I fpltt)%i the ocenipation t itwil 4opru, are wond I at, atidtlIM latrity (If the blae heavens were lost on too a, suminor drought,- which has uardtatosll- and .'alst) by'$everal School 'Whea joatitna for Buffim, z1aw I I ho'7, t1i t I t ly bouse d1oat-builder -and carpen ter: GED Lzall n te, 0a I the, agIMISr Of t,10 hi MpMated to hiz sladdone,1 eyes in -wale fires 610whepr so unusuallydes- iyfrotti thi 41id the ctiin of the batiks has unt the is 4 [Uite C16,fe to the Qe. the Shaul.) of tlaj fit- 1�0 StiW nothing The children* � who werejor the. most seal oj absolute success -to. the revivilig before hir�, tmcti�e. Our buffi ings, like those A95- 60, sig ts f nivelelf, MV -wife and five allmli­ a but hunjan r otehedilass 'foartivitry young, evinceitj cuun4erubla ndustry.- Al4rkets this* year will bo troyodr -1r� 6y as, i iniler and invite the drt no besides my b ired tuaw. We lo.�& I - - inore prusper4us and thai 0%awgorated tact in tbe. various branAes iit� which a ev- to:clL Our w4ter-i apply is totally dow ei y serions fires all round its, bot Aid Lt him- they are being tritined_',ana refted much cred f ourj�rs�e,lgiflelatiiid iozeareoutof ordel. weit to' bad od Sanday night as`uatta stern Antar" volved ficient. Eveni tie had a wator suppl, nvtf; culosider Ourselves !it diinger, P;ntl' - fa 9_-ttLTko City. No one knmva'self, it on the talent -,ind vil;ilaticeof their titu iiiii of It )Aea hitheit, lackingt- t teacher Mr I oi- th� laudable -is the.opLuioLi\t,n 4til stiles that the we of that l Placo, ad is firopareil naver a life Of such �ccursCd 1310,verY7- So tile, a o i t1l, thu trott:1, - will venttire tv deny -o never?" AM tuee reported at a r.e- Al� ou4. -1 (;a] oak in ihe momingr, I was, amotantof pro.;,resstheylviveniade du-, atut iujut Of kra' ri shipped !,y lake and rail cent zheating. 'of bouticil. , but it was ri I zed by a knork at the door, On open-. 1. - rinu the short time Mey have bpen'tialer this year %ill be.vastly in 6Xcess of any- T li­vo are vzonien thero who Pra i The Federal Tli d o heard the impas- IleMily 10 p. �L, tl�le -Fathers" longed in the door, I found that five Chit- a neighbor (if mine his charge. thing tiefore jimown. The supply front who havo little hope or mild energetic, stateitiont -the Wao4 of their families, and dr n' b6longincy 'to� Nho r;fv Wis,;olisntandlosv�is pourhig f�rwpd AT 'IN10OR in, blzu jzzarb of Siberia. At nothitig. Ua f -the 86holara- of the- ablove B%*' io.o,, in Lit.greatly inereased. quantities. freedom. ts a of our 143tiglisnian; but he could do no- they. FI aa it for th-itight theris was time enough to n 6d ba,l beeriAent to. my place . PIC -NIC. -A OUSE's. ry. a - On or consider the kigges. ioas a, somefiltilre by. thoir f4ther to eseape the Afe whitoh v, as sak b -a pro the Cross- tho girl was under the logitilliate gliard- tinctioll, -% ith, those of I Ur I of NEW YOMt 19. -The T)ibnfie� NqRTH SIDE =F.KET meetin,-. If a:Qre wl to �iar i in Goderil-11 th eati.,ed. to, destroy their plaw, he ifir ,'0- -1 P , -1 . I.. c,� �Lzc latL its hopa at tha Sunni! iansttip')i hor 6rother. No. 3, withj a 'not Labor of No State OaCW dring�ne ol agging gale we have tendin t6 follow as soon as. P03sible syLth ther vorrespundent-telegraplig in, for w the rotivain irl PL the toi ies of c3f tL-,o meam ont�irio'6 &Fh i I trunwat-, the colittl inter[ere; and it would bel a inore ,ad liily2 a The, ID, theirulativag and frieudil was )eld tin estimate of the iiiinrance iamPaIll. B. --13y kuloarflog �ircq�" DIU: I I der of *his'family I W�Zns 62thata dotuated Jericho'= destined 'waotu of tinie to apply td the Federal babvi Saturday at a Aittle greett 1�lateail by the chi could nobhel�itou'selves. Refusingto tifa 3 twelve, years tild, -and carried s GOODS gpend moliely. -in a � raper fire -system is in her arin's. I had barely ucertaiiiiia. payside batmAn the t. 'o ­Mle therein. Their ICE w r Dianu,?Act d very favorable; 0 n recir itish From Efeavet, Camp There was notbing to parsimony add -no economy ; for the th'se fucts, when (on loakitrg out I savi the careftillY BUT ated TJA d things ore eattin, anO. some 62.5,00,009, and -the agile's will hrdl-f palar Esttior t�i heraoT, n be dono. --DI ither a sto ry was the, 2torV :bitizens would in -'a. ry short time gain fir on all dides,louroul�,zbance yd'wgo, vetyinterdsting addru's$es.deiIv4ed sui- ie%ch:$iDi)00,000 all told, Tho Chic-ogf; LADIES hap- towaM 0 is EXABLE D TO OFFER ALL s we lak a - 20 in, -a offiz of 'S ;md;jn*z awival "I will. of,njauy other girls; Stich thing, 4M uwtzU Fez eit ill Salt Lake City every day. ' by- iowerinsurancep) diniums much more of safety boin jyly table to ti tlil .5-118 assetis than,the protection would cost -not to The Ore was approauhin.- riip Pieues vocal Firemellal e"oods ill his lanel at a wofmindanduin- -In I I. had bwly _61inice on the sterling pzice�; in ftz!ai, his ctg- H 60, EL, S, 27. Sanilon, and he., -Will Uiese scoundrel be nllowed speakcif theoinInew -efine to Mugtf n1v ally to force this ,irl X.traCj Pr6porhk lisle hel pect to,youder the a -Mr. ory ItitjA rittis and the, folint- with impunity actil savk fxom'aestruc I.. faAily and escipa to the bo t, bofore ? 11 , I a plousant aild interesting. !�'� o fonz. ha:irt wera unsuafe&_ Th;tb childreiv iy 1444805 betwven tv Not only ha4 ths &.a devastated Eii ihi � h)%,,se was n flames. rhe zzi­ht s'ato be0kh9ber bed ,.nd far- "Thoy will noot prolp:tbly chain loo pro'ceedings wits AU of illao but uality and McEt, Ei /I or or client of , the MUJLOII�; nssets 262 Tly, tr2 forli-tvUL4 sent ani 511chiplR,ther is ha not time to aress-theinsoltes, and adly. marred lij 4f' line 03- 31, 'have vont hat, It' ad WU all a as not had V w 0 consequentl half ak to judge,,"tont sho lile the Unio hic] wazaa prayed to be is vie"lially a prisoiter, ind W6 'will . of the rdpe-switjg4,,n which ifive. IIA pa�io cionts Ion tito he Uhiaago,'�, catattr plie, would: -go into the boat, which we lashed tof 00--ugoNeof Wall I _r t rL-Icot public Assetfi c,1 gar her ovil, rwstdye, awl to bo ondow breala d,.o n hor spirit by inental ati� -have been.c6i at calzutaity.' th lioafholise.,ready Vor any emorgrettey 'by I and frlu, I -lei Dortg;le toilet! were divi-iling -Otjuge�;' es�� -ea- Cash, 0,11 b, hopor,'z1vt ctiuragr -al torturQ, - -jr, tilso, London T fire q(fidkly no till Lili'll 1-64 gi,oc!ts, Ivith a VAnch she cihnot long re pread. to the son f wiliell d fle apitila�s, be- ho isa� and we were compel it &'Llitall, r #Uived U Ijal Ing nL�al I Tpc�,e weva a totally 1�orsons atav- sist. Thu po"Ple, Sir, I to u1Vnfull; me.clmuta, assets LARGMST'i ND OfItAPEST TOCK Ge6tapto 'n and Strietsville h pound Itactiore of �otoe cif fi� 1thigh, 0w),voo,,im,stly iuvesttd in the Opt. ZS2-;, in the 114,tol but thoy Daily anil'they think have all-fillfrored g6verely. If theael adif t na o furdidr. Dili inso tho - -7 � � $1 1 M ROYAL a�'m,e3R lit thz� _vagular American thev re &itigr bones. This' system of -ainuseoient at I ulditigs, will risks of &o� liamwes, -ivy' stone bverboar(t to, Plly a 0 1% n it %V -V -131110 .1nove"a's t hey'seem to do in W I throw a he, pic-nics is carri* d un tep a itiost �andfttjtis, with 110 hope-- of payiner atckre in u ctira next,, f--nci we ivl iah a rope w.%s fastaiii p�)ssiblv chanco of- haluefla is th&ll tO cent; � Equifable, . assv 'Can she not. dirclets it 'ay be o' Dd) as all anchor. the interval tlie P9* are not ra�dy to do nythlin� eflicioat to It was bloveirog -a hurricane, and'wo hiGwivoc, zad aili attouJants "I see it, ho as well . as 'a IX 10. c, A It 8 oxii 41aligel older its z IV6 have _r fted farthe woro clone Ono dav our Ell- She villbe justaittlyqwattelied.." moderate th�- ordeal., ll�Wrcl a rand farther out. At day- fraugho; wit. e321,000, lt)sgies; 0,0U0U09; Fire, Aswi;� "Blot she is a )111 ctimez. allowed .0 ty" 'ann"tion mooted-,iwhich to uls hr ic, the ariloke and Ashes wiIfe so thick� exiiience! highly re1judi I d ought jq�j 000, 1j).5ses �j,ouq o, 0; ja-eeU ERE A �o n al :to be prubibitel altagether. the doilar; C aanca b, y a t7vtao QUX-40 letters and %v,.s ont;', Thare isquite a- th ' wb,Ctuld not seethe land, nor che hinasslf oli the quiet of 'Yeg, bec.%uso they --ro gati.sfied that ooliv ta lib, wa #tinted in her source.4 attlusc� �UdU, and go badly r;sketl tb;�f-hardl 141, a Giv running in the su ny had rin, in ab )uti. mra a rooin b3low, he, She Cannot geh away. That ratnp�l`t of MtjIta Sewer. - (30��j not the d ment, anu has given enough (if space oil Can Lamar; this 10,1411ja Goilerieb, 56, 1,871. awC-4 TEMPOILA when, ft we lay to' tinta wadne.4am, j� . . thi s,ih v�hich it distitrbaA mouninin, sir, has not inittly out a na, ratill, Corooper of jbj Stich dry 3easch �s 6hii; when ther C, When, At au;1rise, :we atecib t Ps a dn a bst f"rr a it , was the and Utah is fl�, territory. No;, for foeujoytllejllselves� in ilie'rry e�,e g �th th Cajillida shure -and ar- Ill"04. Th' b receipts Anol 441;nlents 4 1 ip d ba no. -Ala r cif bhekin' udea­th%tL human being" illosight will- bek1ulii to Pa ill fill I - - est- sh t offinto see- rived ;It Kineardine at no -in; Little t ka 4n4er a guardian�h hall she intal singing, nd the first a irl tit - her, w�zt6r i ellars, u grai� are viry -C&'Lin his chair. paready legidtokte, thera is: pracdcally -Ato 0 No IVIiiin died abaiit-7 o'clock, in t xtd'ntln vatialfrin, ell; IISSut$ $271, 000, -losses nuta sprin", tions 'by moveat;14 loices, so thati if], .1 thti�shnftldraveltoatj e 'I c she would not, 0,5 their bit -tit, have 1vith- Qujoj�ai nti will im able to raise "k Pair- 'dav fiv rellij C�-ts wl:(5 i�- Zfe shnnRa 1nolv thnt voicro attiong ten no escape eave�bf firo h6se o aid be, tutroduce(j. (at Ming, a-4king for , f0d. 111340 heldtrje Iibe&jLCUIIj) -1 Went Of Will"S. It nielas im the doliar$- Hipaic, s- hL It is tlla,"vwca I Sandorz tvent awim. in grief nd r seeilli. adina I Y J, rm i d. 1�iui feasible int-thia I dreaded another iolit oil the jlart'tho w4l; ato�l 4mol,,t 41 tlw Pl�ccs'-- out tic 2flo es it' '%I Yoli,,iP it. liai,d tho 7'��b2rnazlo-ool 8iiii-I n Contrived to hare severl iftl6h- we thinic pri.04cal Ilion ehildrati'liZold have is til) e hoped eltatsoine I s tr. 25�,gOodo, tind v icami -be te". Twcea #h coidd work The younger "LeIst-, L L 0 pen tban.that of Aniberly .11 will flaid out V71 a tho Se'llen interviews. with Esth6r. out.) I a w"Ill always.btt from tho cold and want of food . Their Cea�; Geilliallia, Al it for 0.bat 0 aThe fixt. FIRE LE sznga� j3 Ppy hezven sho be not i -at hor health ellould broafr4own her broth certain of stjnier'iva6��-supply all throngh. place of sheltor 1;6nj beneath a lit-_ corrdspondent, -will undert-ake ill 1038�s two 11111nous,, fay 4 per Coat.' a*_2 of tldS nglitring.and- ivdefensiblv� 'k, in the, ohles;4O ntlive haSt,'13. WiVOG. or stnntitime6 allowed h6tItti go oat,'and thetown.-.. at ally' rato,j that ej doe orwar(l PaA of the, boati __ 0 HU f. ty. as, and they lost. iargel -by fire kh'as re PtZm7ca the voicodt.e7n stim and our hero to 'Meetfl the -ton little -0ties litiddled t6w Che those In P Fare deparolient wNere hat�a ofIhto I "Indio3 parlour," -He broa--hed to her mAny ftitilp plans for ' plea of modistvi- as well� as. front 'other him ta to take go her f(i wArmth. They were all ex- initattuhlong 1.%o End clickr). ILI Fi on t�lo thymhalcl Ei tololneut 6d her esq�,pe. Ile thus alys nd boma steps to put It "I�Utap efficient order, tri mely wet froin the' water, �rbich con- LlYk Dt IAia.-Thd the feverishondi- Tjiz p.AILWAy -j3u� V snCity, whi0khad noi� o iliat, if we ShMild be 'Called upon, tion of tho markei" ii is w0ithY Of uOt6 �aw jrnfing.�159 A liargf) -stk ittly washed-,ov6r th�4ide of the to, il e L. H D. R,,v �, 1, i. in an,, Ilke:otIIQj.X 'o irh a fiery Or"al, W. # had nothing to eaXfro6ku L.IIIUML'. t rest' 10fil, IvaS mit.'very'poorly atten- that little%or nll;rent, air was aiTied to-o7sy b a m�� nDfMv and lur;Led in, Tuura %, as become it> him ther most tis of the Pauic , 1 2' t6 o) thr(iii, n�day ve ' jority of 74, ozl2v CDE�o �=son in tile ruam-a girlFtiho PIZZ00 in. -all tile no %7, tied; and th few aftle -amd othel tve�:Might be 66blaq -ht;it with abute ni ig'to We4ner-day at iiqoll." feelin-of lag woek arato-be seen rho-dayras'edof vary (twetly only& ir :)f tk -become saine Ion yery iffe abiti o sathation had stock there exhibitedm6m.mcled. pst, Xens Zh* tings 0:1� ll.6 place; tilsj,7osition fome;�t the crisis with 11.0 Plivilasurs, slid- evelllveiy few Qx- few tif the *. �poneats of the scheme Coln- Iloir. wo irg: d aly obstacle to j ing forwardind no one faking an active kiridz� cor 13ho tntmcd r6tind. aba �lr. unuxpo-.tedindead, ana the I . i to made. 2'he courageandirope, Them Li4noonor had actually fallen. in Tw Tho Loto 0 1 Mo. an imm6diate improvement in stoeL part. hgainjit it. The 'Enghteers' Rud altse of such fairs bviog poorly attendLd nUu.n, and from Starray. Do3pit 'Values isei�id np tha ghXs eyeo lieu, poverty, har lanluble. pozjition 13 011ring to theil b6ig hold a�: littiq too 1�utly watin the satisfactory ;Conductor,4' from LAidon were present., ; des-:� _Th;rsd6y after�oun 1, the znmkatp whic7a) under a and *i usual tho common. wilount ASTERS ON LAX8. HURON, MSELS ac e0i o.1 of ev �ri�3o­ froin We norbhwos� lishing tha� D ly in thelali,'itnd jwit at, a titne who in L. -z- Vito a!1 tho natural prejudice% of' � caste, ' h call for cuiTenc created by th6 Chicago Exet4r train boys aud track-mon were leu riabit, s ilear to even the thuSarming, a 18 tiouar,, the' J. S. loty trork at houle, and niont liatupered in like at a time when our banks were con- �ooge �nd:floe]Led from j.heir kenne, at Ali at ititolurq and doubtless strewing ' nIAnioricati schil into tha, ouln and alla rail E111 -a I -i Flea cmil pricep. independent Briton-tho bomity, tracting, has ustotmed a hand and unna. the lievIs of the L �ijldoaers, until the vil- Gino the"Quast. vilth wpooks, About 7 p. i.. Mor'frout. Detroitj bQiind for A !e Mary Supplies. 'A tailuth, latei- in &ttttt of ]age Air becam 3 Parfectly C-011taminated. tile and intollig(4:400, tho goOdUkIS4 I Peen tural tone. tho 84-kooller 6nd ladon ql� a -ludst pur- . f%) 9:)matbnq3-to of t I fitfl unwittingly.conquorad at p as drii. It the year., would prob, bly alirve -lie Pil9wing id a f-fateraent of the vote ry bw r, It. va his air in tem lincr to ter. Nzw ItOnx, Oct. 18. -The fallhiro of T lawe Of it�te. Pr. ]$Sthor Oms All fishermates sttires,- poses bet *1 t E LyInDo, who arthy inalia a derlCh, lmrbu� was driven on the as4ore last Sunday suorniiig, during tho the Atlantic Fire lusurance Company 6f at tt.ke eloee 46f fhe 1,011 . U Tn@'C pt, f of our IttlirboK. Brooklyn is antiounced to -day. Baduess ror the By-law b a snndttLy ?", a6t CIAUTA Micts Zia X012ax yon who 13"Itingf in the: dao�ad to hou o*n �10301?et a. 1w the 8 lath Pter. v rods 'north 15 art old Wad 6rporiqnce4 mariner wl.0' w4ts partially saved, though luoruing ineouse- ...... F *0' 016forl'1 010[-,, V nd I -am on mitch ashalla, was one day startled, ta hoar fra�mhi% quence of jojjv_�a by cazaZd nat holp I awn lips tl;�,leclaradon thatho kno%3 17011�and cjiulduot hays th greater part of it, wau damaged W1. The other -nia-ht York reporter � flij Ouicago lire, th ivet.. . The, oats vrere disposed �t a & - which, are said by its officers' to havlo A. Ptk* OI)ped Zr I 31djority fo ille B�-Iaw 74-CIUM, san, in anr IM10 chilr4 11� k -loo; how. afreshment saloon in, s, $"4 �Oen put otl�x f his r on n- but for at- all ap rate', niny stipplying them,"Iyo Sixty-fifth-sireet, nex� Seewid, ayeane, proved fargreater thaa.was at 3rob PI,LP Then thaza w3so=e quiet conflolon- an'l, Iny inifat �poved,' Liabilities, as nearly ascanilow .111011 ought t@ 6burn hokling tozzapting to fii� tholzghts WL It it file fodder. The'.yesse is going where he -found Joe 0 r b4 a v,-,ko F, beou ViAbl - be exthnated, aggregate to about Swter.] to - I 1hig wife, orr't%vo� rbh pier, to q.oitaces. -4 , l4t!iy le3t an, other, the No I f.)rzh to all'awo-strack audl6nco� It, is . or lidd'alevar ondaY Sfternoon sbolut f*0 i seems � that Air. Coburn had infringed 000, oThe arjets d the ccoinpany are ii 0=1i'6T Potato Pig rd by obs. nfl thon I trio Gf Ai and a IL a m bu t a-� I o ng It in_t )9 "14antiles" of the plage; mi,61 Bather was btat eith0z? haA -,((10 luf 7jorZ$rj I of joll'So tilifig 001,ock 'the scii aboilt $575,M. % ghw 4 OMPA �ouor DMd Ftrjtwou,'on the order d: in IT�e at t. y -io accordiugl� stiranc X(invnton d, cat? aM hoone, 7V hero I mm an h. -P -Y, l36 tinia absent-ona dav when on t1lat Tho \,ztrzi of utfido,haVingott board a day and bet ratherXeavilyr on Fitz-, Tiiaxational in a E nevor; novav mo any brother parmitted liar to go out that she P. 1 0 1 1 1 . I vi�ant -too far fojeewdV4 and is how high" 1,4rWO bushels 6f wheat hipped froat gerala as the winner of the "long race, i ihet this mornhig at the offica -of th6 , I p weit tire Imirn grate, aten git p nhd d1most di�y an the: th, for Bali Boarc - Uuderwiiferz. uperhittlideat A LF L j# E kzoko do,�6. - And ah, I ana rccclived stom i-abithe an hPr robtrill , -4 N The -tug, 10A a bevame wtitse-log- lb�,,zga�mid -had bout two years ago 3 1 of and, OILK and told that �ho inus� not leave tho rate ftvr t4ey STli, 10m), and Saw Well hL of go CAr ie jilee.jil Q!jjjyjg tile Ineeting to orcler' 30 alone any llii dwas driven on dw reef. &bnut, a oir.tho int J)IT�Iza at flu 1 .4 laz� alL otntrol 6v6v h9racIM hout Ore.- GYMO (in 1'geitral M183M.S, race, -lew York' havegr4eness hovo u1ma jiluni. 4 1 4 tuilo above the harbor. Sao ra- i le W40;Cl- the dele ates to 1 f300 401120? an& Mr. 8�hdon;couldlnot romain "all Tals va�sola tip the lako) thich\ws.'coming but has on the loot tvio cecaatoAl� been. It' 40e)IIX tow njUrthilit I&II11111 alo! C :j 'Pe that the lPjj$j This was -too. ko i�t followed be t®tal Iiias, tbough. the Ca'ptain tatight by the late evqnts, and espe�ially t1wab luell hove ilito uni , City. Already the Up jjf'C U in ns f;ltst ou b6tolders and will donbtless.�, ed by others, ind- exprissei a il oThenalways go to the mueft lor Joe, who felt very !rate- a pAyj�MT OF aUd jOaROTAB Vder!l (Of the Place I ;ur track and shared 1ar falta* but the te ainshopes of getting heroff. Hai thel whole by the i0hicago, disaxter, wOula nut bO *it a viass ineeting lately hall in Por. 114 tolp 40 1 t J& Vzovi Gold h1i stay, mad lookin rao i Scots.' A brawny- and,, ea.' Ile re, I viliag wi the crew, %as taken ofrin a fishing staiwart ;Scot, ill fligillaid costusue lost Oniasurance winpam donk com ty (ati nativ C) the In. avo�(l dma CPE lie? Ditt"Ptao qpntly P11 him cs he latfligred Qrongh tho' 13',�-w the Ontrarrea of thk harbor forrad particularly to the- calaulitY ut babitalfttfj likAt iL'* fOjj.�Wjjj_ 3rd Oct;, I$ find to ��,Lcr nal j'! tIMe ta Change his Course o t- by Captain Thoriwin ott;ppea upon the sc6ie,' IfiniJoseph to . .#* also I t No Now— L'4 OV P lookell.1 in rain for� tits livht� on (in 0, alld a crew, w 01doagoo spoik�, of its effect's UP011 Sind raltiotex ta ranmo- 183 waitwl7d% in insuraj4 coulpainwi, and expremod H -rho as" T oi� slid batv Eah UO3oat few hav I,, &autly at-ized as arnoaffli object on We t through 'the urgaig breaker.4 to wliut tapye�t his wrath toward the it is hPly gQ04 dw a Farm- V11--onn'JiMnol, - bmr her bazntv. npst morning. He, hA 1dred � ills N"311 PlOr- If is th ditty tai ML frant Plac Can- their reiioue, and brjught hain safe toi�j whole Scoitigh faction. He ru eyf Gand Railway to V.00P d I belief tilat those of -"'aw York' W"Uld alloes Aii"ilainax &4 �nld be barn for the v- s to convey Min'over _t1i hou wt'4t" sjm2 &:wqin � 4pplauding sho r bitraing, Lan� . Ut& Of L the seized $,iwney by tha arms and told Man var Olt WMIA"a so of. Mount-atu 4 amid th t1timately pay 90 per cent, of their lat a crowd of sPectato -that had gath.- I r3 liabititiox. Several letters fron twie LOU. RU&jUkd. ThAt JFAh B41inp sh,,uld o26� ved thectmip-an y in se6t he could "lick any -8cotchman on the (;,Jvexuorl of St&t;e& Ta- - (�the_ art Ion the be were read, Go , _A, tilsaya yan -to 03ilftta fZOM VaO neWXIC3� 13W10a V� respocnisibi,ity. It is r sb�ai a c fi. ground. The ScotejAman 000y told - b:- got apait, (and loroby U fixprellmly On Thursdx;, 61 not have twon in proper to -fin oil `- The b3rge.;; Gelohiart, 6aytox, IM1101A jjimh,;re was.4oullot on the suliject, slid nor Smith, of Xentucky, presented a' AU(Ireop Mul. t1za Von fr.1 m tNg ?),i�ty;ug Univa n7utvky. Thb iglm The *6 Slooiherfril.11110 MLIt aloArt) to* tjogtit the ji)!), Iin* iip,%r Bolif"t, Slao lim i31HY. t,;L_3tojea-r6 a6,�& VoTy earjy aiu; barg- ordered him to remove his handa, feport of the counuittee on valuadoa, i e- I'lusurawe, mortality tables# etc, Tije Rmluted, Toast dois Allwinax shall 27, t J. rialavatin's. after gettilltg tip ait far as. p4mul I' till' nown, were� all jying, at anchor lut 4* Do you know *he I am? roared 14, * ba dona. jq0 mu'a-E hone in gin t 13. K kilt, tallo, ran tage -, WAtich Ainorican experience tables of maturity be begotWil loll tlm fust uv Utax tatubelf on .k _11djulay aftbrituon' within four 1111les Of Joe. , I t4 �Uic Innar e3i)no; the is at th" were racoiatumdeaf sradop ion,ana h tt, wet or dry. 21 r4iq, 28, at, JL)[XtE co no w, haydly d�iwn; the town tvithon� Tike propeller. Ade. tile harbor. 112�o " bellowed the otlteri 7 "nor do erA2-,ir, 79 1 . - I . I the I ate of interest W caictilated at4j- per Rauluteol, Thrt this Alhoinaz shall E[e2g*30d dar��. ECaajo� in tile loavi& Kinclardine It lie Ucy _Orelkardr of Algoniaqo icki- I eta "In Z�Zvc Ul longov anv t Was G aCint. The report wa* * ritoot elaborato &OMT 'k eta ldon with. talcirapti, jjole� and We I intion juilk foir titbeit, meat for idJum, bunk Ili k, hiz strupk gainat the South Pior, In P e one, and tha readiag of it occupied tee atka cranolis Gor oil *I Ifn 4, t. In Wiron., attumptan to bcl ha�, tba engine iv6nt jjj,y P4ason,,of Uhicago, with earn, Mao, Tama 'bunp t�a3 visibla. Tilere , lu BoforeJoo coilld-finish th entence renwalder of the smion. IF01, Tilitrhilty Nov., at 0olon, Urantlol Q( stolecarapa WQVO to at the door; t)JIt eat'ly ont of gar ant I slie sa4k, amf is iftow re- for�-Uulfalo, war* 0ifted ashoro liwcfhe',found Iliumif iacaull RejoluW, That Knowor b It tho ark-, 4PLAr. wardx upon the, two am- of 'floor. oace, twice, t1irice Joe tried to" W-11 welit 4 va'Trz fa -y zy The Chiiaber of Vo.uineroeReliefCopa- slid jonar w*ztj.e flist 414an , _;W in thii eighborhood df - to G:z as it wa'3 tDia lunitea SWOs jn4ga, and PO Bjit Albert. ,, e Tho refiogees here, 92p� ittgrediwas for a FArujoW Al�nia*x. 'fit TIL latter wals out 13 d4va, mitte appropriated *5,000 for the rulief ( at JAS, all'itb"s, jet, jC CDQIY ZnQ tVCD "7 flAV813 01 th(3 OffiCM3 frOallj t110 RQ510'31 a Geoi- TJ- ground, but in &in. Baffled in but, Jomi'i Bllllllg� has tholl rite ko IaAva.of Grant saw liar, but d " A ut vproaoh, dri�ett about bv adverse winds and, all- of Uhicajo. indingamoke'froult0efli greAtenergy,'joelhoughtit was high Ir dhough. to njudoi u4stnce. Tito * d in the M timeto resotrtes--mi other *a --moo nuFurtuliata H-nXt,b'e farail- front tertple fire�s that, hid been rging-1hro? "jo jty in 11, The contribution of Sheffield, Eng. 10w1tikd1 That Faith %in& tho ;s*t.' PitlyTiso owetull T��o 1!MVt;U0W his MIRS, saicl fare- 4ecide tile fstvoar ; but ' tle# (of life. Holot bowltifys L114111, &III S,�,3 in Brichigan. Ad ihe foro�.)tnz are Aineri- i land, was paid oyer to the manittea to� an see"Ll"d in- 1 da. 0writy niukes thein itmusurtal. "Ped"t'"S4 col""ted &t t WCU to It' Monds 3ad tu lta' MRIlen the coal and wiry Wadoni thero came dolf-ii, had to be dall VC-11selk It 4 rumorad that the st4ticravely tu know S*e* inian 61U tb Tney CaJoadm-aCanwhan vex3el, is ashore tion-` &metatingof theBe4�bm citizensta- That jitillorv- doge -hall nalom stick and uran t�u seanary CAMOd' Taking hol of 4pe's. groping, dezfer,! ni thAU h* POSTIM AND 19X�kt,L 1311,1A p6*W in -,4R excl opur in� and ROL jZ jMI$jjjV@y loop I(**. off 0apo Hwd. - A bi from Saginaw, I he ilobook his tievA .4ht inxtitated me"ures for the im- alita aro a utusance, suil he 4 ana Q--%nie to GAtivch b� stage and. were - to 610 vacy Am i with 150,00 fo of lut bur on bo e t8e beat style at a with deepauh at tim mid': n;�,, Mott y6 itialitas do -,. men near Green 13hy. Reulukil Tiloit Wt ifilly behilov* that 1116PIAL office. I lnedi4te relief of their sufftring ato p�jrt 11t1ron by,tho Uj&r4_ fr.jinflm asb�re 5 inilessouth of Killeardiliso. i;Q IMPI ooita vor, traveUinq. (Friday) that. Be o I dains mind a fig for Cnimm. (M. IS.-Evoliry dity brings c1lill 1. 1161 as 4noard. fro it tho wookoor, tnt -Ahvi CIP 6-3 C"Dr yma. Vo Styin$ wd;Ak, h4 Sae Jo -s hiptid a Dissolutio Ve Adet, orton arrived in porbi a M tb* UtOlikuy cuilt frailal QIPJI't jotto to uf PartnershLp her han city ta sortleny auid ruitef for tho pior ktoo. ot� a3liove losve no npec�i ide'H :DIV I up. iie (leis. Or4ilf jj tilli morning abomt 10 holoving On;' wrench and a squefift , Joe st4ted to I f wE)VF8D1 ti y and: lot Ale entirely broket hils feut, and aftdr a ii%Ue duaing awd rV110 Public. ANP ALL Mir bi�eher, onci mara ; ( - - atteini4t top.111 off the'bj4r4.frutu Saugeen Ohio Lostrium, UOH181111 Ilt UblIfl-lillitly. B11111111U108 IS PARTIze i**zjj. Voll t-,, t ha cAvrlav! to maker Alto U I Prehminwry explallation offered W mat Rw)luW, Tb" tho t4nks ow this IL oo"4 &" r-coillred to t4im hog" th" tb, Ike. o -*A& forularly a seanisin XMI111114 and rulatitning is giving #In ill Itotrartaefthip, fanmw -v4w meeting be mat to Darwia (-.,r t4w the kaloutft of caft" M3,01 th �hii afteraoin, andifshobdis;,.Vto e , wh (�et Is S&y) iiUl Out the whole party. 47 C tho che wili try heritrength. iollUv P40elfUr,.tnd,**Apickedul;A;)xt- every di ation. A- tittich mi -re, h**Athj- Ua- of Shouted the woukey) wis don't kiwo whi 111trito toodnimoo if 1.11svieN Pke r olin-r Prorslls then the noost "it " ' 4h, C�l ingL loil. apart of her cabut, xtoout`74) 111ths gulue W- nd ye"i nid siotialiate. R-olvW. That &U the rjeaupapm ito beft d"Imed by oft of 1M y Island, He states that t " I Lunt A-ixociA,. G. X TMOMWA 396 color beitived isild (,* ithwipt d �WUQUQn *IV aologo T nil aw,*ar Til froia Chautr Reports ft, =*If th* bank-li an :aaa.3 cof tic jjjk�ge end the Tio_-i.-This (Milel1low, A. Al tlD Out 6 1 from Milwaulcee 1110- btW yeso"lol, whIc" '-A O)I(or) t* autowed to Print Aves, Reau. purely Czuidi ( it th't Mau* as atid,?intendsi.&!tdl�d4itwitltlkb,03D oilsheltiolf wheat, 25-Folinaing IsmA4. 'at Hat, lot'StAittlAll) < 0 1TI ri i. tL SINCLAIR, betweeu Middle jIlEtIOMODOY mewLed for while thodoi. ri 'Leftilt caro 5�, m IslAnd aud Thunder B ty; that the cabin W&WAnob, &a k4 14 1jjh con. p,4,,g iltrtj� quiloo �,3t Fit 'Ll MT - 6 Ptiblic I ki`w"y fot Mvi- mad Who. jubs uwr* a"177 means before th 15, lotti 601l., A4d lot I to, 11 00a. larow. lusuratwo vow. &*aWd, Thilot, ais jae"g SOW Usk. ltw,� I"Mbord *I poald poot-jew9j1p. ;; tit, VWzT -it she was distatilf;ihe finsucial &us icei" P=lf$ thAt AM SUIT013t MV Pat llig 11116060 brokoh iti two aud ho tried, an the M D. AvIL&M. ilowlUmly buivisquiedw, lutouti di. an I prep-tral to ild ousinem on an vin W-0 to lue mitt -oat requiring the 1whey hi-idere to jo; I wit taidw, her Away froin your able to rais " juty any sound ir"el waz 90i'12 down, vio got hold of a 19 21-frorlit Stm.* of PAa Dono "I p,.)hion of her, but, at she simk he wks #0 thwagh tho towuAl. forwalit4es-01 ad. And fram the t)la brut* ym C311. 'We u,)uld adviatta intending as- hue, Doituy Bnwk. Souta Had X RX""T OITZN TSAI APFUCATION T�= Wh -1 t !A It 11 W VA W ri-, isuro". tottli I slatikedi in, and uptin rising so'ths surfaos justallwat, A& The Ans"uma tmotnil L", be as" at tin aort "so" 2 I t-) farclo uwri haru a husband; idy the tabits in tho pnill � lot 27, 7tu am. - WaWs"04 - co" dr. Lot is. (ViDIM000M) IXKYMK to. Pri I it -r 0t r1l I I A ki n z Wll U4 in ro"hilw A P. S. It* M*@WV 64 burst tjuliolt­ *( 081LwW for alli Ac$ 9* ocad -piece of tlI* is 23 Farm Stift*, 1� iot 32, 7th MAW 64 04 Airt tworpopm"06 0 onowhi d.tre# toinwr-ilieetti wbichumbehai from th6Agout, The ozecutivo lxpoonfof the Reputp. j. orep &04, rr wich 1 einj- na -itat V&S Jft,r,;j;Inj, Witft WhtUh fie; $ILI. r rM sea W 44 t� -ar triea t.),prdyent iiie fro�o takilij, �1­ m"M*42, - "AnI Vl� keit hiniseif aboys waur for 54 hours, �;4o. -if this oity. at is.00L.. moat Uo% -E, U. IW 111111111111101v am to =load LAW twooft No.. out cif this p'a,,tt is pretty sure 4-0-P-1 AW kv 9" pu� Imlijt front ihis rovillyer. Lwmx SoeMy, forr Octnbert isnow to it Stu* J. To w I Tvi r;. m c, t t L atti, ocked. up by a ",jrici dooran, WILY, S. rug t, -say rew loved to -Aio; tip. TIwir The number "Thi rwitat'llitioll; ailght hands wt perished lot 31, 24 1 "OU., WA *Alt"U. 44,6w, W, Un j"h The 40hoovow Ex0bim of Tkie w" ww� pATUr I),, it lat i;s talk aout rolivolveri., to hani at Mow) W11 I The o .. Ilopany olow pay kot on Uke t1uroa on sanday. With 0"44 .j Nov. a.-irarm ***. lot 21, " com, "'MM, 01 0 18,WU N11111644 Of Wkill6g. Only there -a It(* it a liVilly J%ndlo_11rft%b* 11011110p WLth VAnQ 41 Ut"llow A.. U. CL hMW 'of tho �ilrl It's all' ad ;nteraitingcolloWoU wW woil-3rhaut- "wftL jxopw9ydf oloviill Cox. 125 per evot. OIL demand. ovenr i A o-intribimi-at top tiie Relief Fun4 of �j 4 -It Oil' Illgh M billodwo I . L,0480", rilo-r-w" let ­ �­ "&M dtodl� "A 3' *b am ' $41,OOJ wa4 rewived frow "spka to. in &ML V" 02- -W A bwk for t1w Q-tn& is twks& BOARDIN J. ar"61 Raw 0olborm, pvopa%y IVA1111 h:, Ow"UrNit $4.00 bille of the Seaof London the low. U, k W, that. Ylilot c4n'tdn any- 1�� V "UvArt r4vity. orth Arnerics &"in circul&tjou. of Mrs Judo& 119 A hi*r WIX The By- I&W, t Aid tk* LOEWionl ran, The TjAM Affiorft Up the j0t%l 6M hy 7%q SO& it -Farm buwk of P. 8111H, BOVOrW jWWb" sob. of a bowit, lopy 4 4*0*604, %Ma� ." LT a inatcern,)w, even if 3 ai."; -h*A thoalll t. Mr. MeMicken b#1 a namw Huron and Bruoe RailWaY3, WA4 101111t If lot 7, Uke *bur*; Ashfieklp MMi A -* at #1AQW,vW. The bosineels lot nowWW from O"bwibea, feel I to.01itted to try and appeal W, sow* from -aptum b7 the Venianot ft this Tllimkir by an s4rom najority of 'tho Boart of Tnide ho boon fairiv m awMton VM7 0 the Wem 4 vs�qw. 9-t 'Vtb, 11 Wk.% tfrn with VI-nipas- ow_�v + at warm-ral. yon I v,,,. Pelt Aliwrt.. f r wilh I t 4.s $r � r h r 11 t iblthc 'lit