HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-17, Page 3% aspecial[ No laiErPoRT D11GBV 100i Apprentilds,Wardede, rov an Ate rL to war Esq4-_Dzap �jr GaATMEML AVD BaQAmrAsT.. Em's DIE: 12 th Ncmis Your lime n FRT AGII*�: 1869.—JAME19 X. CoUFoftW0.:,%y a tj 'MA TRIUJ M. 097 yeam With aNxer- naturaflws whic �orug,t7 It ivi of the 4!kY--N, I AR 2, AXB 32 goverufte op; wations of diges- Von 1,on andintritir, Ili and q1-yLs Complaing al�d`,Plpitafion of the bf 4 Merl I application of '11" rt, 4so anuch so the finG irropertles ofwel -4elected ,oeoa Uri, Epps inies-1 bee W that at t` alnQ llas Provided our bndlciast'rtableg 'Li itli a delicately -r,7, i 44 13 Of eVeEYti around, n1a; in flavairedbareilge whi non maziou live. 119 Tually 1111 ch may sa he2Vy fact, bills:--igivit 'Amesimply CL H package is label- tngotloi. HL 20' Tg my pulse OttOPPecl 30m0tiMe3­ at lazing, of the goull it affoptled led -J,,,, Eplas Co. Uoi While the stni is oninplette ind selliog Si -St If -- W I pathle Cheqjists UnWEE.V iiiiiiii ta ot hers ; MAC,1`2 in IN %vQ9 -induced I ii;liz r ,io, 'ABLY CHEAP. -=W. CZ1 X a tr yc)nv REMARK U�Aato Ild, Ck fli&- Cdmp ound Syria P of ZYPOPbosphitesil use, and when evor 1. ant trobleif again HA `1 _V164, vh,� jW atldlhatv-_ dorivucl 9-ri benerit.from its 'CAUTIGPC.CP� TIOW! A Splendid assortment of M in'u0acturi at- mi tw Ont - -_ _Tig TO THE PUBLIC! OF 0 8, OF with ti COMPlaillt I shall �lways ISH PROV. HE E'R'T' BrOUd Clot 11 Fani�y e -wi,-edsli IN NORTH oE ob taining relief from its 51E IQA. e a- ffi2l 2 arp 14b ac y have reaotirse to yatir Sy2up, feehnis-lire A doom= (0 (0) nay. &0,3 semade. up to Ord ar or Sold by the yard tL,&V4D thoziiii lr4c sb&z. You are at your libQrty to pt'li this I b mi"�Toqpactrujly to acquai t the- public of 10or family. an4.-H_-ht`_jUit]0iufactufjng work the. tho British North Aamricant provii that in wa7 C=,QF:1:Z2, XLAt r0vs AVO k*cvz lim am d GLL OVEDS, foz. tho bonefit of other -su&reri last t caused the bugint%qs at 8a,,% I en Lane New GEIqTgl FURIPSH-ING Opel T Wir sir, years, York, for, tho sale ot dOLLOWAY &%D iilyr_ of the LatesiStylP4 and "'P Wantitid TS M.-NaT. whien �Vere lip' to_�tbat tit I& prepared by JN1 (-k M A-PRINE, J L to I a clesed. CUE&? These The Subso -17. 'ER William Brownv now deceaseri GA, �Li EAas.b and comfort, perfect ' i Mediqnc� were, I regret, to siy. ii i wK riber would return thanks to V12 on, the at ha� lately hissuppo;rtft for the _liberal t U) "W, vftlt Z4;Ar Come to Y knowledge, madt: Up'of such very ori patronage -over Eyes � pirmserved nat rredients as to Tender,thsan a ino9torthleit, ied off T48ER FLUST PRIZE9 allVtfie-f maChines at the yeazarli,uarante - 't1fe flourishing tiral eight for Many ary ing Carn e�L h C aps, to thimao %% ho -%ise Lazar- and thereforevaLwated to as exteuded to him while in ii it*? FVVF4!&i - , mag good name. Wislito be d eiv eines,wh Iftely to emanate to sell at COST End is deter vilifea, 0152 entarpriging townswn. Ur. itirdAn from the St4tes ortlsex t �. 0 Possess them- C? P6 errulne U Isand 01ratraiGnt give his custom Lers the benefit or ins g C lft�x U) el, to see box beats thc In' busin)ss. is 13010 agent fuu- this place. Givo hint. a or . ill do w that Waotan -0 UVIFARDW"T uga, Morris Thoi who do not. ed.by baying Thwn, of Goderil He can now affbid Spectanles, supirriou medi TTO 0-NIDONAND W' I success.' 6tv *1W,,TW3X 4v*w caGoVerruillent 8 is eugraied-the ' IS Nolloway's Pill I ent," and that Two.Jot rneymen Tailors wanted 18; X: -SA X _U 1- rip A 0 W 101114 UPPOSITE AIAF.er 11119USE. W tav4a �_n V -,e rip 4W ran p3 and painal in the tomach tre the d(ldrmess on tile lab. () immediately, j teady employment ai d I old Street Lon. thoresnIts of imporfect in digestion, and don, where oni�. they die, manali red,,,211d in no good wages give i. Kingston,, and was awarded -ai 0-2 Iraft other part of the %V arld. Tite re Prices are oil It also, came off with h�gh hon qt the Piovincial Exhibition, Dl� ZQW Aritish currenev� a ot in dolkirs and X T, to at th"' liaraton,"EXhibition: Of Joi Aiwdine Littement. - A tea- -util ABRAHAM SMITH. 0` 1H Of THE UIC by airlase the labels in No representative of minewill &k,17 n W-61 &kd sponful in -- little aveatenad water is a any part of the Pro . . ev r travel through "pa -British Prq inces or the Unfted Mir lant Tailor & .Clothier, caa3& Eleavy oath are good for horsas ; State either to gall or to 60ce or rq for my Pil is 2 doors East ol � 11. Hortbril's Grocery- none will deny that; but oats.can't make and Ointment and as I bav6 reaso Ur"M Ottlkl~� Jkkeso to,belleve thai W.Rane *"e ft� attempts will "r be f�ade tn deceive the pab- Thousands of peo le who saw, THE GARDANER in oper�tion at these exhibitions were actually aston- ro tbly Mai cluari Goderich. P a home's coat tuat li4iirlk smooth and gritissy He in this way ty person,-; �,atlin upon medicille 4t 21st,, 187 L. is ed I& its nu UG TosAy whan he is eut of condition - S )heri t� &n's vendors. faubiy repre.seutinr� they are avting h fr tire. and with � tha 1ad ray CaviabT Cbndition Powder,� will do this toy consent.I'deem ic itrivis4bld to put the public )n their guard 490wit, oaver, 2W 111, 0 Its =)i "ICOMPLiETE STOCK Of lilost. earnest yenlret aft those who- may read W. ES L-8 &Wii thiii advertisemetiartbat _,en sel-rivot xyhou. all elss falls. .13 appliut any such decepti t k A r ayswD i-v,X213.D.-Dr. WiWar's Bal- L FAiiL& NTERSTYLI Simplicity th 35 feet, twc� E�_Or!es fr=0 th -A be pie la�;Sd. in the pnb- t7m, Ezon ark of Wild Cherry is icatb"tile'reurport of the saintil 00— Ho interest, to volmaq. a friend in drieed, to their frientis that tile m �4, y 1X I defranded oj ,,y not T' pd Pha nor, Who haa not founp it such in curing. all their money Irk purchnsi IT WILL- SEW FROM, TIM nHARDWARE, nat.17orthl imitations of jilrei ct1 Xk*1weat awnalisow aw the genuine Hollbway's. Pilf� and 0 tment Eows &,-" a -c., witLa, (Ri of the lu3gs and throat, coughs, I wouldasrr as. a great our,th should It come at itTA ren RAO a7crove, Colds, and Pulmonary ciffectillins, aifid to t1he knowledge of any pe7ldn th spurious metfi- VIM" rlro liffilityr*Wfia sx!wd�is_* I Pines are being made.or soFd in i name. hp J)t, can. Dot leai Conqumptitin� The - t "o oa .-Ua inte fa�Uour,th 0 h , t 1-oth d , 2 p!esed to send me alit -tioul Th-Inest Muslin to vies- Ue he J.'ii he can collect a virtker piif, Akip 0" cr t ick are assured tht the high'standrird if respecting the.qanjt, that i�l to sa� the name atilt] "i 4ALF6 *W wmvw� qzbelenco on which the t�npblartty cof address of tire vendor wholls selli - the spurfou - Ax sUmuiiii ow *mobs* -'We' '15, U this pieparation is based, will. at r. ass be It is handsometv. made and is L_ 11D W'D medicine. and likewise thename. d address of th HAPARS044"s &M A U, UlQuse in the. Uisited Stat(-�, or Rewliare. whilrb irrit4-kWili Ww V_T403� X0660 itim maintained by the t Wopgietors. 13 ramy halve supplied them, s lasto e iable me. for th, �Jppaeitla The Iffark*t HOURis te �t,instft tte'brori 0— Tkecqrqa of almost'e�vavyAmari ­!- gainst such evil -doe I enpaj,el to remunerat mid ��Leah, pro ntion of the public, t Cotiv t, j6d' 2.11,4 W% twr�v c'? cancity very handsomift an ri who paygive me sueb(� Simple, ]DUT e UJUL c the I ai tills im Ing 'MISS CC ONNELL 26 fro Clo AdYNX cq�.q 2�0`iiii~' cliawwkp soe= to bQ P. ring of - muni ipaL jobboxe 1 me,liever be who plundartho Trussury. Shnilild pers6h hdveT�'iasiim tit bellevathati abd has the, Complete Set of/iftaOhmentS Any machine jxo* inauufaieturdC. t The city printing, in NewOrleans c43ts, h 2 Yived by buyin us� imi AS JUST REC IVFD A I-ARGER" ST�CX X_GVXXX_a X491a, ra so 41L, be.. d itationat Of ft t veli quaUt o - 1ADAA1 tPese M-alh ines. be will do ti r send me, in 'a H than ustrall, o y and West Call anA See the Giiiiine Maehine.at salesrooinii,next door to,John Robertson!s Millinery Store,. iin, 10, 819.009 p*r year, and tone of ttia piptra letter, to the ne dress at f04 (011ef he earn do at a styles in the following lines directly opposite -the Maik3t llbuse,'Godrleh� DJ UX) one 0 the books of in- fferea to do it for- $4,0W. cost of six cents lit lij P_�: a tn C Z structionswIllell are affiged�toth(fsame. ipromist- Hats,, Bonnet.- iq � Ribbons, Laces, fcturing establishuleut ausl 681 tnU$ (if Uedivine-jere genutfie or laWso1b at if spurious ht ers and'Fl-dwers. cl 1-0 1[, aheaeld,,E ugland, a sinile mania_ I <Fhrenool to exaniine it and Rend a rd�y, sidt ng whether the W. S, IMAIRNST to the pei,�on fro , a who rh he purchased Feath' 10, Elfileco st-eel annually in malting pens, hit. o1ol1ley retlirned. A-spleTillidsto of Cloalra , Scarves, Clouds AGENT FOR 4 COViNTY, t U &6� &,VOTaging 1,00a,000 pens to the toi nistsand Drug -hc desire to obtain, tht Eloods and Woolen goi; ids to choose fromr. -Qel gi-tiih ML(liciiies can f)p supplied at tire. lowest wholesale TirAs ARRIVED IN Go, DER�Cff, �Ll%u Vd7jLL prii-ii in quant.ries of nist. less thrlir.�A20 wonli (fo� y.B. -As -Miss ivkiiCola ellispreparedtogiv;e�pecial X. 11 -The following is a* copk from-,,ther Globe,' during the exhibition week at Kingston:- -"The Gar&Lsr 84�9 tt imawh fGr .Iftieh re-wittarive mu�t be -�,eut advance) -vis �ood value this sea- u.sher respectfulTi solicits a ffachine Co. exhibit ever fa ily m4chirles.' I Those on vidw were in _operation during the 4y and itewed f oom the U �htelst er oz irl x eu�ln 0j: es of Pills or miL froin the ladies. b luie they makis their' all an i to a piece of a I bit eigai b imiled. 'The maubineso light -=amufa&tarmgw 6d., 12-, and 34S. i; f 'd et l6a jil ork as weU an QU &at Z Im-LIS11 EXCRANG DotS(YfOintnient, nett, viithoutdis unl, viiiter purebases. I have the ho,,our t be, I87L required in any e. rMUr&V(!e&-RtH1 Est AftEt Goderich Eelp. 22nd. M MARKETS lVith gLt t. Goderich, Oct. lob i). L 12 Whl= -I'hV M t -i 1C.-M&W in tO k1kti) Ti OLLOIVAY. vents. rustive Place III fan, NIXI�Zn W. Oxford S Inat (7age %4 5trand), rip r etDanica, oc. w,isn.. t, 12 Ulfe C, f th 6 4.'au-6 lid w3bil London, W, C., Sepirinnbe 1, 18111t KEW.GR OCER.VS M'. 60rj,. i 1 20 4nd WIH Raswer &UFqttK1jr0 gWerl iltr QU *ny FjUb- V7[iriit. (SA�ring)__o 1 12 ept. 22 1871. 0. ME sw Go. Ry Whitt muv�s f1f) ii do C -S HMMY TO LQ-kk N AT, F, per wt, ........ 450 0 6 co fierl I I . MOW- CM2 UQ' limsil ............. . ( 56 0 0 58 the I lie is &K--uded ftm a Zour U Trife to H71S nd� ribbing I$, no 0 yNtic"a U- Z13r, W bask ............. 0 43 0) 0 43 =ET -i ELLTO I X the U10 IOU, jr� cvj� P .01 R U 3Z, 11 ............ 1. O 30 0 032 .4p W atat�aae 0 40 040 tile palv�xltl B on its bell T and C*U SUD te"I "O LL T a. q bush .......... all Idn& o -f iativ, shouldt brisk1gy.. X., IN. Wd 411�d vfEek. .......... ..... 5.10 6 CO W�ij uch a great pity st h agolialmed! Th,w'whowisbfo OR , fall it 00 G.ROCER19-1. 't per t calls lis Parr Davis' PAIN- --AND- x4ritli Xarsu 025 0 00 cz 41le wbr 0? Ue 1?:, 'r?, Ciu&koug per pair .......... Ifetel, U.Mit is not nore extensive Li if I1b ................ used. just i e what a "a, jr doz. (unp. of good it has 1--ne eve-, 411 Z) S G OD 2z wkell-- 0 11 a 0-0 W1 TER), C.,"'MING' ick-, 1. � N resonor, #A ii lig fii�, _/1 we liave'ha -t George don't Corner Kingston Street,&mrlot //1 At� // �_, I h4vetheto achearriv-more.. t4D j BY Weara0 to the Slgadl.. it bas; saved redy a Aevere I%T T 1,13 S IMI intim ite to th ciiiNToi oct, ia, isn. El�e�q to a in A 07 it has e of G,deiil. 4ud GoderldhJune2lithJ879, .1marict nh&,ri ///4 171--p //r4�� W , Whoat, (Fall)lrsr busli.. ... 31 2� 0 I2 if o -V i ured m. of a e sia, and vlclsrIt7 that she hass 6i ened out'& tuige and i 4aium. Meat, per bush-, I IS 0 1 20 o -it LIADIE�' ]ZOODS, v irelieve yo -i of Rheum s �e HL14=A. -1bu are right Mars, th PALN-KILLM, ab -ek of f Utters 6 00 0 600 List Flour, (par t, _AT, eat.F­ V?X buaft ........ :.:.. 03) (a) 0 3:, 9ceins' t-1 fire Ilp tile coldeornersofn shoutdei�-avd U litStall 941r43 11(f W -1i"7 /1� Fca-e, po7bush ...... 0 53 0 0 6v I 0� ; -�' *1 - iiiinklAINING IN THX Gf)Pr,'RjCH P. 0, tit ptit flow liticititiii it certainly d rj0h., t** tsine- pzr bubh ........... Or 46 0 8 I flo,think, my 4ear. I hall -ur6d alread3.- Phe subsekiber bising about �p 0 P .......... ........... 7 O�. 0 -7 25 is title, mV shouldii is free fri pai P31; b=h ......... a 35 .0 0 43 weil, well, all I have iear aid or P, 0 Z MIL -L I N ER T, the fir -t thlat Y4rmingofreri privat* salr6,T4es -S) 13atter L33Z _b .............. 015.0 0 16 fort�es,etwrr months. .New _GoQ0s rrivina Y 'A Dail ,BT,,s, Liar doz. (unjpvcR 012 (V 0 12 .-Ft is strang-i. never hav been Induceif IF nne�, G�41'ocpds, y. icaii Ravid Kontgamr7 Ui V iniab ind Pi,&, with uR- neceisary ifs to try it 17ii I should -bAve thou lit ybu would firmu R Goo 316,;itax iii L. -I havet een 'farm., A boniideiible qu aen ni to tij, it. secl ushand*_l have h4d the eArzir- iLLrx. recom- Which she will iell as cheap as the e6apest. All ZZAVOMTH, Oct. 13.1971. -' ZBRY made to older. of Foddei will also be,4is d fi- -led in, kins of.HAIR JEWI Pose nien my times, Im list ell Do, -t,,, ,O -Having learnti her busluess-in oneof tbefirst AL 9" RieffmE ........ ... i. ..1,1 20 1 23 DruggishitlWylawas d in heeping N. B. --PgA-or Short Gredit. I Ells et:k of' 'tz . TOMS rawfaral Me %Ma3t. (z;pdrag) pa� 1 15 1 16 me front ur.InZ Why sugge other h that hits -lass hv,uses in Toroi feels qHallfied' ria rl 0 tQ execute TAB. filnslvv.j�b #]; Flamr.i(parbirl) ............... 6 00 6 00 done m&'rogrand ah orders it pr4 il�lpi and in tli7e' latest 131OLLA262 litirrass Ne.i WCU:fim Onrlay, per bm.412 .......... . I b 6, 2ild CoW.L Ur 0 32 five to tell Dollars every an v and t ten emeil 11101-6-T-Allu R00141C -0 OQ - _%T1fa:- People seem to e oy pay! ig t e I*oet,)r ityle. -Lot or Sale,, 0 30 Cats. par bash� ........ ..... 0 32 to it e FAa jeft bo , of I)ou't '1a SdoorsWest.of Jlffatrls*� FA3pUWiU1f*jV. , , WeL At; 5 ACXX ikll, *?T_Jfi OWES - C" I i 1­�_ Bayflitild Re �#'. Beaso, perbush ............ 0 62 0 62 ment ont them. when a twe6t; -five ent for tket the pla 0 0 35 FAIN-KILLFR would, give them Goder" 0a 4 1871 Poi p.x bush .......... 0 85 fair in )re, relief, and Fet,g inn Tjjjnrfg ot"ay, Ifujill then the so obliging it i very hard to "Id stand. -4 --ork ........................ 6 63 6 03 sh. COZI Datter, per .Ib...'! .......... 0 15 0 16 ssay !1. Wan: Teriv Davis' na -land nothing! Goderich. 19tk Septi,JI871. sat7gb NN G Ln swittri J111 jak 4107 -J) uy bliir tras HUUi 6 G else -ill do,i'aud thus,reflie to h Fg,r r (UUpa0kC .... 012 0 15 (2b be. cwtUppled..) U Go@ L�V-n,sr W Uo_,q-Tr.ZAL, Oct. 11, ISTI. 0 W�,aat. (Fall) Vj bus;4_. 81 40 Q 1 59 uffloekfA�imal: TIL LOT DF A:0 SS @ 1 7 ; 01 ....... f WAU61111 Jill;tx 60 @ 6 70 X 0 �to @0 0 55 Po- F U-�* o Go @ 0 38 In all art3 anufactux'69. imProi 41 M I I y4v2so John UdiflawwUa I, seen fro 0 9D @ 0,00 ment is now the 'r' er of the filay ano 4440041w. , m tLo fbUDv,=g 0 I_M-� he Baa4z- C4, .. ........ 0 Go 0,00: By P OF BYPUTHRIPI-ITEr .. ........ rr-U - ` ATT none have more f, y 000 @ 0 ilowel. i3f a - rre�tiug dispas di I d by this acknowledge� ani NOW "K4�pr ph Gill�r _ei� wee suft� fiom Q3.0V1 Ezatter. V 1b ....... ....... 0 15 @ O�, loer; hollori i tickno! da-!,edo b, - the follow6d this prb(' than XesiisC Laz- 7 0 doz- (unpaeltiid).. .. 0,00 0 M pre-laration (Nat tfjor 9 f4l mailical faculty in eVer siectitan whe. 1i ha beon arus, Atorris & o., manufacturers vi iew uvreasp sale in the I I introduced ; and the ra * I 1* thir Uelel�rated Perfected. Lenses -al Talr�o-no, Oct. best genaraintee of t1mm 9stitua iola in ich it is held C), eviate the diii NO= TO UB" I Meat, (Fall) V basll ... 33 0 1 29 by the publib. that science can do'to all kfads wl equaT The.Syrup Vil�blire Fulj�onary Aly W�Zat, (833r!ag) 11. bash, 1 19 (?l 121 InTi in tr6ss caused by Viiiik or failing vision 4 at the first and see-oad stagef# reller TAQ, B06ke $ad notes (if iho astatv CIA, rjoar, (p -r 5 55 O 5 15 , ; wlit gre IFAI rJ'_qW0_ Nfr ohij H%nill, UWve,i u* left wj�L, i=,(I ... ...... 0 50 andprolongl,*Terin-thatialiA Itwil cure Asthma. ha's been carefu studied by them a3ic Barley. ta busla_ na re eir O' 60 ivitlis, Cold,dis "and Q' ds. It 'Vill adapted Uou b. Oats, U bili. . ...... 0137 0 oss cart all diseases origin,, Mr George 3fvXeuxW for cohlect y Lnwgo (j-,.tMntit7 ...... 0 58 @ 0 GD ktin�from want (if Riuscular ^etion and Nervous such as 3 ilar-ementof a rated 0 e have they sue-- .................. 0 85 @ O Do �Pori QIb ......... f. 0 go (t) 0 Co. tlieSpledn.D�sp3psla.,Ricletsreebl�a�nd -egular e6eded that all co ife s, after tryingthest, Buttar. q 11a ........... 0 2 0 0 2a celebiatd Glass?�. that�iuconveuienc, d7l Vu S. I Ao*uft actl6nof the Heart� Local and Genfi-al Paralysis, Aphoula. o rrhoea ALSOA LOT OF KID: G1.0- E 7 PARTIAL LIST` Nggs, V doz, 0 29 0 020 Chi rLosso2i'Velce. #17111cureLeuco rSi, and restores the �loi to purity -jig at once removed. f6m badness of. s, ght &PL9 & at 1116-rw - -!, iiii, (327 and health. F_�JORDAN, Agent, Goaerich.' JL -Sold By A�Othe( ariest - vacher Wantut in. If I OATT 31ARKE T. Goderich, ept 22nd. ric-0. $I. 50 . �ix for $7 0 Daffalo, 4 let. lath, U ELAW, CILERE: Stibserlbe2 having coulmenced busfilai in hand, wanted 11rae Buffalo marliet, la re-,,prted for yestarday by ST. VHX, N. E. THAt clite.son'i 13locir. eorlter of the Market &1y:2T aTnl:2 D�14=3. au follows: Q! rj SW3.4mos Who wiltes a' f and %%Iot- Street, in the Ttli of GwIttich. i GOdOrl I TL3 reclpta ot cattle fo.7 the T2 hqhra endtfio at �,Iivatrhe store foraiterl-laccupledbyX00IM11 11., 105 cars by tho-Lake A�ply to tao,uxto-day. wom vg Ulowr -114. would. respectfully trilrqlt. a jilinie of pa Uc 40s-'- DETLOR & It A A, BLora 03 =3 -psitcd to arrive by the J.- .B. GORDON, 'ItTonage. Visitin.4 Will fina,lbe rodras Atted;: r t. lath. Gea d TrunkidUca-j) b zhe 6uspension Uricge 10 i the most niodern style. He Is.preintred to d6. a BrZaJilretum oaf! .19, c=,q hold ov.r; wakin kinds ofwork in tba Pikotini liae,, isurelt'M FMALE REMEDY a far, fop te weelz of 211 qa�is. HE GIMIT 00W IN �THR 4LOOO& AMBRdT'rF08,, 01.r"cara r canna time r2st we jo �= wgra thronglt cozalgaments. Godw!khj�Tuly. 25th, fo, GIr. Of the ali , Job gow- Pills N LZATHXU� AXAjWWq ;� faeiiodlei PORCE1,11N PIOTTUR148 &c.. Tt 1�!) markot opens dU14 with na dezn�d a, ping oL lwl purpmQn. Tho-ralea eT&bted are no, R. F. AR I F, 5 11, P A 0 N I A- B L F, critnl.ca au to price. -I. INVALIF.&RLE g�MICINEb UNFAIIiING co�,ered froll, his reee-11' Aevere it.. Stret-latatti paid toeopyina,014 Ambt4y S. I od dangerotrat cure of ail. 000 palur"I ion is e5bject. 'Largen4smallitimurei the. tret style aTtbe 2LO valestkb Enoraing wom4iix folloi TE! t h L Lt 01C.IlleA to- WhiCh the felkAla coust ness, virift be IoUnd at steers, ay. 03-41boat .......... 0,3 75 it � ffi '%is pl-tures allowed td learvo the 0j1lery ullltsv�jtp- BLACK 46 1503 'I .......... 0 46 $5 16 andaupeedyettrema bexclit.al .......... P. M."or at his Room No. 4,5. is 46 1&n .. .......... P. To zmnriZ LAMBS Itispecaltarlystitted. jl�wljr, tit d si�qrt time, bring Exchange Rotel. Goderiell. Sept l4th,-1071v - isirvy'. It moderates all excer�&, st t. each day from TO a. in* to 4 provedot 10A.I.Ig SOLICITED. I so W. WHIM t lamt�s for, the; C4 ho= e4dipgsit noon tu.d-iv vi t UnOmIrkatig These P4110 SAOI,es nol.pe I 0aby &Co.. les durinr 9P. So dull, with no domaniL' TH1122 MON� f Preg nall,a0i '4112 831cs thiamorclula WOM3 a follows:- Suva co bfingoa but at a On 04 113d N. Y., 91 lb3. at .......... 0 i= tafe. 0XV10 Man" 44"Yft ft OL itwor two, M"F, zill [LIS, PAZLN;S-and(Mg� fit all Cases of Nervous SpIlla euonl_ HE IES T 'RE# aS 0 ftS Uq0h sligh exertion, Falial -06 �ei a y: sel'Ills the _tllL have failed;,. 0 R lot uo� I A T E I T E' 'h Itotheconsil, *A an.1 ing a t 1 V Va- nealquk�l, anumany, 07 I oliturecul-uEt in the jLina�hlet qro= each p4ciciigi ppDIG-prby of Donalc low (Jip"lit# 44, x6f w�noh skoald becareffillyr vreservedi . ff. - . i .. T4kes great ple staaa' lot T, Oth con'. , A,� Watpie the 4i a of Godeich-.i vWnity tui. lie V01i'MOSESil. =, W V , Zwn. ';- I . - - - : Ong, SOLE P �4?m qPqnedh1S FilStock.of 01232W. 81 eq qnd 1�j cents.. for psi�iagc,encic ied to b ort rup I 4a ents or Xle I U" _,-M�ng L�Md3, at 3137t,J5t oad lot, ILI, 10t4 cn. Noniii 4 �] YNAN A N, I em P out 0 JUJ)� jolffA cn,4., and lot 1.4-, 1 21 PY -AND VANUCY-0008- - .;- - r , -, , ;� , F LE TWO "OBORIE 7 His H6r8e rowlar, a *AVLtSq 6f Ala Emu N 4castle, U W.,general SEWING-- MACHENEiii, ag�,WoWaijadt I StQck, lot 8, Kb: 00a, 466 AND' "-sold 13 t4adeneh 6V Pjrk�j, V Catlti 1 # XDERTO TO TUt" yl-ld- Jas ubuju Boger, le Z TWICE A WEEK., ther Q9 Mrs 3 adgi. I &Utiluyii Rdxelvalle;',,�j Plekard,li J H fUld IFelEL I � . I TnbulaX BMW- st-66c, lot 21, 6% coU.l, it t . . , I I 6* -did, Litic"4*; : W,: 0 aftforth. mild III AU 14 on. mvdia� JLvertilarst-w'38 ssexiiiiiinything ever sh6wn *Oodei bef?re., ZspecilsU y th 9 aud. f5so, Alurse IE owert Second hand SOW Or TRI Eft HATS at HOM FoWer, ow ompallj' OfIt . ii Oi-VU Ili hatUre, that arO ilUned . ........ Atia Insuia La,,. A'r A"ERICAN 'OODEN C- 10.0 ara an ? firsti h6use in the Domilao ea,toAs, HS KING A I "'n A" TO sigWil(QUA-MIN". onn. 111,18711 oi of R�bertji&nij EXt&bfia=en ICKOFIRON&W ShoW -open ODS Th�g,, Splep"I ZWOODCOM rari 0 I lats aj3onnets. on e3thibItion, fle"e IZ&ea WITH W=14 AND CAST i0ARDiffl, 0VW .... AT W A9V09 caR ailid, Inspect our X06iii, toet-STICH SEWWG 14AGNINE THE ANDSAFEST STEMM- 1:70LIM �, "Ni, IMiERY PBP2 RTMENT, you wM$ud hfii anc? Al.- Li Turnacess CrAltivatm - 011's VV 1x4rat-clux-Milli er in attendance, S- Wursit hglimltv ^ 0 sr�w "d W" ile-"-Assi A.GENT, 6101DERIPH, muouju0cr cAkADA Piougbx T'now tiiiiing Uwe X& 7,10" "we b-il wdwn "tift _3!1L-,2r.y 3 Company at cbsdals� fra Im than 6AILT' PAN% �'A olido, X1,; -4 . , & 1` c .140,111N 131 N EIS luti _n Ily i Go or vii4mil" owri tirt Pu f0i Matti any 8�lm ra- 13 ean 0 yj, - R1.50, Y, S. MMINC, 1,9AN iletich, Sq�,L 96%,18n. F_ P4 A BY X01?i VAd ReP111ii IdOnS With and 4sqatch *i4a T%W d' W`* E N�D J41 Mub of 3r man . I __1 t an, R. a3 atvi% C:j -hit nam, 'N tI f FaIM3 3�0 Cther 40i OU thar at, 14 t n L. ",4 HURON -04 W tip 61-" *0 "M N I -.4N G FOUN-DARY7 CODERIC Ai La f�i3s Confleet tbiO AS Wffewaffitq im" 1")r *ff, ft"lit, lil yof, I �_s 10=rtty RO'KiAtry Offtza sw&tf twas Iii wo"Moi to rwa it to, hdes,, Insuirancie M 80 1. _F tw CAW% '�jnaft�Urj JLUjs $0W Uft*fW V lit 46 01 iw, tri V* A"a ftoNk kJaiii 10"WO dw PAY"NT. OF owe" WrIll gloom., it 1006ASNAM? to 0 LOSSI&S. 1WRY, TIRE -NA RKJDJL GROAr TO Tn' 1SUBUO, vAX"pT= �J* #"W IM IL The "Wlog spm!al t�rj,Vara to, tho "WIletATT In==Ut b" liftin MelTed- 4% JUNY I in ifivii At 0.01-�04 &" '"40100- IS 119REDY GIV921 THAT -A. M. Tftes aut W311CP-L,MCUPMD Rif rVOWNmy a . I] 0- A - I I t I XG pftb6iiiiiiiii I& 00 4 at .011L-01111 I " 11011i lifthotw Tw0", fm IM As"d ?Ap I ft&; e i b, OT n t., w halto r i & w r �y a r t e. a -a I W,&Wd fW sod JSW &4ft a JUML 0 L"L PO apni of thti� jr,39AUaa (-IQ. of Water- -* legal, M" UGL of It OW I ndl Z "Vitt We* pTi Pan its Wo 0 iper!eitiv sol­Lt� L.'A _t- *01W umliIiiii no V_U of 143 as bw. U 2 C ITT Mr p* I ji, I W"ft OW I dir a AAWW L --I y,7,L_ 'COMING -Agent, Special ORE, AS orENZ) TH31 ABGM-OROMY WITu A litU141, 'W ir ~"mawiiii. Sim "ft"at- -r" or Neff T1111111115 bo Ct cli i5t, UViiiiiiiii2li 'A FARK, FOR SALE. 14, I au U-114 fxlwcE JIF The Guelph ReverSible; 3,911" cl I of is"iiii Urt 00 UK bwww 41we" *&*§#; t-1 rT Of A r, TW It, NY F I I �_, IMT -CLASS UWE OVISIONS HAiii QfGAGED W sftwk_� 14 aw"al"W *0 ct rr 4 tv biwt oil PARK OF 21S�ACM. WITHIN W Will 404U verist"a ae 4000tic 801iii rWW Cift OV Lilpfirallex Inilesorthe Town ofCoderieb. 7(v of which Ml N j9jkj?XW "tau iiiiii *it, rmbdiiilAo.. A FLOUR) s To ORPER &T Off W6 'r" Ka no SWAM. f- V br am A3 BM APPOINTM Stu*o.. ThU taria im lk1j;qdsd Vy JAU HU"u 4141 IAUPBSPAIVWTOX4 1,je �n-r,41 Intru the waytandil -AND am W -, boo ftaft litfor the AgficnIC rnea 0. for beaiffifuly situted� GrAkielR04011 lAwaa I�M. WfwN 6weto MM 66 W aMTicibitV, aAd has tai the pUL* of ua T411to paj) aLd there it a Larit OrCbUd QU 14, WA"" a i 646 an~ aw NNW* ; To NASA "Iff-4my TO *�liiiiiiiiii�tlaswft W 1*113 ­AVED INS 00"i Xr. A. X, Uady. *bo Will f��rly the &Vr i4ea PeArillz Chilies Fruit ' I 'NEW, 1. ly, Lit-Awla no At aTj ftelgi HAUE AL -V V ;XJE (AUXLpki bxwlytj XA(;H 1111114 04w* THE, GLASSWARE. 4fL,,j0ffi"VAji "N iiiiiiii Y& lbll)Wl*irltmstevery4lcmonth$�it tipercent.- ALPAPA&M-90, PAUrtow rturuwParticilloinapp 40.11W1111 A Kan4ger. *4000=41 V1111111116111111. 04dw I- - - &"Vt 0 1 -A A 3"C Godorkh P1. 0. Dawer,14 XU* Ott A 117P�j lh� W*9 41 Toy 4 d 'ILLS pa AT e ti tail! + dd b dp t A &V rs an y Deal,* nfor a C I" r Tt. c ishe d family Pirel t 1,81 7 % d