HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-17, Page 1off GO rit 6 a SAViNd CIE, UFUIN i ". r .. FAVO runvvl- jz, J�ArsDr, in tt�a czeam, cz:iba to, tLa carP oz %Ir Dre=35-:3 VgraioTor: Towusrnlp iigms qenma on I— letl V? G� T.T OM SAM ictoens St. ana stani. Te�ms if- �by 1ottCz1"P-s,0idD .x CAEZICK a 0. 1 m j Eno, a. 0. t1r. B, UBE LAND IN L:22 -:27s. Ar-PlY t(3 D. L, LE FAP M -vv b X r, MU -M frann tLe Wlca 6.6-te0ob S. YATU8. 02 81 to"If"VIAM Lot Sailolni can.cnl�aocr, c1L,=el1 and gaccdle, ,asr) a-, far Vga or.0 thftd aovr til -4— all 7 NIALE. 1111MOL-17 $To -L-71 WC tV70 7 allim f I;- 191t L a arT, tri. R, �v C� carm for Fale art t7-,2 LYanea ft. gc8al-M& A , r ;P3 'V� b'F I I t t � 2"t E 21 P, U.. ow $151BUTH Mr's 10 A MARTINN Z L, E�23 3- tp�a EST" I - L 17z ej W A. _T_ m Lr -d b-, t Li mtVY EARN M­ff. e BLD�l R �11TT ER T XX I z Forte ?S, aSr"S Ajar, a. Pui R- '03 ma balwals Ian, d 311nX barrel at the , - I (DIE �JOTV =i� SQUABE '�"W* , r Oak. t_1qGLT_;1U. Apply to, WSW - FOR SALR 31 TATE 1, lop% GF-10PERY, vc—,y favom- IZY _t nc,71la--f2a ant Q 27M te�ai to, Ci -UA_ _'S fox' SAILIE BAYFOELDS r_:: 0 a ---T tr-'X _,0 1z=0 13 q t CMT-e7cl C:� vp - z L� 224 -P a 1237m, 1S!3z17 '7 CTO CID 7"--n czz!:� to t::�faE�, Z U. C-1 �,7 74, D. C a 2 D --TC, I tu z 54'16� 0 V 7 K� V . cj ik I t r1cla F1__T .1 18ho -Y, e2 eto Rvv�-H� 47�4 7 cultut 83tioty V 1r; IfILZi U B3 A� "O'NSULITiSTION, L-21. lv& . 0a I. 110AE VOU AW .4 Mock,., a. Ta. eve�y day.� 17111 Ai�7 QLt. padenti a- an� tiourafterwards, nignt orday. 4 t7 hMILMOn Ti, DA SICIAN. SURGEON, &a. Office JAMES YOUNG, B-Clit-or, Resideum tatril door east ofUentrat School. V66 tho Qrreat�,St P031Si'b1()NA1nb8r."" The �Greatbis�Nssiblikfibo'd. to: GEO. COX &ADRA:KAMJ� (of McGill College 1PHYSICIAN, SURGEON,&c.. Office, oferbioDrug 17'. [S-71 ESDAY E. Store, Guilerich, Ontario. ERCH., ONTARTI ID 10 I -GOD of -:f-U ID CcLcx--� $2 PER ANN. I A i V01 i 0--NOk 15 701 SIM 11 AD TTORN =-AT-LAW, ANJ el, BSj2;jitor_iu- Chancery. Comity Crown Allorne� A. H;�CQT415* 4"" -ve 0 N I Godorich, CduadalVest. Office in CourtHouse. vl-IJ14i, IF a 117. E THE ISQLATED N_ Pill EX1111- ES OMea, Kingston street, Goderich. a- C- �CAXEW J. T. GAnnow. $12A0 P 0— TO LE" 'BAR TERS AND VrTOr,'NIE-9, SOLICITORS- FARM 21ad L4ac-go KeMQ4 q . X 03 )Doyle az "Uter, PROP91tT ON t;j r Al%E. OFF.:M )YL.7) SW5 IV. SomEn. XA 9 REkSON 14h N T-IMAKE 180 -n LAU - A _'EX &a. Guderich, Ont. DANIF, GORDON, AT 8 PEP. CENT 114TBPXST. D rzioRmTONi. treet, arnn of I-VIgArch, ThnfQ-; -GODERICH. piano stuQls, &Cvi &C.) UPE10. AS OLICI W, s- Btws in ClIbLacary ft., Goderich. 'Blanufactured bv the celebrated F irm 61 Godibribli. 12th Si? t5 o To, L0,14TO AS T11A -V D�PO3l1rEDW1TRG(1TUhT0WTk 650000. WI VIk' ep If It MnNEY TO 11, &TTORN�,, SOLICITOR,&C-&c. The most extensive makers in the Uoi on. 0 It 'wit a C;lnton, Ont. ss LEN11). T %VILLIAMS CO., t mes t uTe up t " tu 0 PRESMENT. redtlee4 Raths of Interest P. IWINY TO UND.. At Gre �� . _S -- BE undusignedbegs to intimate thathe lk�. teeh If 8 1, ast ofthe post I Office asa ndthesurrounding t;l T 1, apointedagent fortioderich, i, T I of money celebrat, t IV country of the abo etl firm,a�d lspr d has any llmou 81figlas UBNITURE, HE under4give P much, cw, o�ffi pared to esmade by them at an years, at. a low rate of Tloan from �Wo to fifte TCERY AND CONVEYAXCII�G, AW CIIN interest aild fdvourable terms of rel) nent, Wit Co. RQUSB .11 suraw Office civi Dr Cassady's. Drug Storik ate As sta4t-80&�ptary Westem Co. U P t CWU V]E U, 9 P ILI, S E�. L Whmh wall bealu v.UL?A-P Goderich Out. Sampl-it may ne seen and )[Orms ascertalw srb by yeIrly i�3tahaeuts rata of exp� 68 Canadian IR mmore So '1�arewRooms- West'Street. GodeTI6,19th Sept., ISTI. a ibove business w)iere lie vill in future carry on th HORAOE HORT01 DANIEL GURD N. more extensively thinerer.While-tbankf,11 for past A Es oFF D. - I I .4sr -ztrong &r, 63cAuier. SPS. fdir, t1le'Vil,"Ada Per - 1 7 z Goderich, Aug 16, 1870 V uao, lie hope. -L III striet attentim to merit, a ALppraj _�VAWT�G nuance and inerea: a orsupport. OU114HIffig iavillg% �ist-AbstoktA�secuntvU�-Polic,.vilgider�,,In t6 92wit . , � _ 4_ TA NDIN '24iN.-CDAGENT&NO Ptrtlil gL society. of Iwaranto. 1tal RL"&Utsl ylh 6, A X. Y. sbatis of W;aash Cap P ;Amt,,.;C.4iTr.,),-.GAttovaey-at-Lai7. H.R.Squnm "')nd TfiPA1np6ftirkt fetui�_, firtroducedby tb% Auk;4� 14th 18:0.. 1030 HA Suring 'NOE OAR 1-'N U RA b;Ing the Me4uslfgiving -its PUoy Hola V=. mr, -t S or.. eau ates o4i EMOVED one. of Via lam- 4t Stec S of furniture In ty ,DAY -test notice plep, and is on tne sho, Lber owinglirst-olisit loto r Uarlied ftellng* - &a rID17 �r 0 INT The.4ubser* IS a" t 1 101, -i ,R, RAY FIELD, Count aJ:d-The-$1aeW)lderA,,D!re --an Amuts b& dh 10�iwsesvfll Rupply customers wirh 4 verything. in lwdklui elt - I I Ila -Alor, Sals, m of country pull ln�x 411 rcsidin �Sjn 0alli. att .10td. tn. lJ,,1tRTFORD of Uartford. wiftidif del�y, aiOd paid in cas&`at once. FlroENIXof `fV! Drawingroom an Parlor lietts pR08?1#,CJAL of'rerontb.' in Betts in . Walvut, Bedroo BRITI$H AMPRICA� of Toronto. 1-0 -OU S_ x,. F3. film=ltn, tie Chestnut, D1 -Apat I 'A - - 1 7 1 i�klnriue b0iness Oro* , do in Vire SD done at Itha YT. nAXD LAXD do do Vnlite -wo6d, WfITELY & Ageal,and Conveyancer, Knicardine. lowestpossible rates Mattre.sses of eve -description, Feaher Holstvs. PM611S ko. &e. k Office Market SqUire t IiEP.. 9 1ON HAND ALA.R.GEAS rre-.1inderiigited is prepared to furnish Plan 1pe- Sept 20th. 1870. ws T 6F -0., of Pubdi and Private Bus' EEG I V, Drkuin G RFE) c5fica UR - G 1 1 '' , L" Photogruph of th lea Ie' as) I,d Pictures such as oil flai it!13,-, grapbs ANCE UO poren- t to th, Eui:l also to, -.tmntond the erection, of the same. e Quee I Having made arrangeinent% R IN� e liirket. 7, -1 ivitit a Toronto Man acturing -Holl§e ORII supply W. HICIL ;Cy n dA to 'IDUS taa.lq Blocls,)Tarket Square. Picture Fraines u a. style, required at.To nto, SUESS AIGAR%T ACG TS� 0AUSIN -o A:iril 4th. ISIL axv64 [q a or fogs of Illg� Oatantoelpg th' 11jr-4 a prices. 3 t Has filways o j)aykilit of vptipulted sum. J)el:� weel; rrjra� 6k of tov6s' hand a comoleieaskiort I -ad, 'u"he lavitientofthe Principal Nutu, Jilzu ment of 13 L ARGF1 "D DOMPLTE $1%coo,if the jW-"r7.g;iuse 14X Goodingya .salaking Offi) 0 in Wal Z a-, o 2wa ut, v 71 h- f E Ahs, "' , & L, ­ � �b 1 ee..tj hM je�, Coffirs Fluoud iD theliatestStyle.. 'I;t Ze7ym alsozralits full IN 'S IN 'WA�qT OF .4.NKTHING i 'ET, GODER[Off, WEST STItD before Ili= tiliasing MIver and Drafts, Y8 Greenbaclk%, Ain ri,�An' to ORK WILL'T'C an bs L 1066 ton Ruggie Gqoil Farmers' Note di.4counted an,tpurehawd, aAclandowments bfUlt forms at P W Veposits received ­4z,�M]ZL S MoIJ��y loaned on Chattel 311 i910*3 tion 4 PI'S AME At USUAL Godoll In& WR ggam'. %t 5 per carit itttdre,,t on call &.N J)lt �,%V WA UDELL. Agon' 2,DoorsWe, tof Post Offlee, �Giaderleh 28VI Mar.187-t SV74 11 L141 Tp sm- 211d Rlcibclt o le�.-i ch� 101h Feb.. Leo I sw 49vI ng Are do. a hel/vy busineS4 injIle said Of k -and 0 Bx Lumba �divood taken in W.' BELL 4-; C11 0 8 change. ooderick TW23rd, If TOL ff7l is ove t 1. �1 crrl kc- -0 G? la Orgitins Mei odeon's, Roo in, s over tho Post Officel West Street, TI OT -11 ROVINDAL 12 n�, I aw;-, C u e ril f vdw LUMBER WAGON7 Augus 14th 137 0 �Ad 40- R, Jobbiriv i N T HEINTZMAN &WIS IhAN3�, N W ASSU4 U. 0. oil PC C. L.. THOMAS'S do.! 14 D T. QRT� WCT-2:12uw C L_, t= [OUW �T W lblou Block� Goderich, PTA A five years uarantee giyen with e ch Moors actneir lia . _11 1; . , , 4 _j Tali la I evqry Thuriday evening, instru mdut. �A a co intranceoullingstonstreet. Visiting at, o'elGt.L- D E BAP'KQF.MWNT Drethren are Cordially invited: 7 OPPOSIT REAL, P4. F. JUIINSTO.1, Secretary. Goderich, Feb. ' .11, 1S7 0-ly- N.A. arri e 2tiUA WEi4h 0%41� 1)UIl%Aftt FACTO Ry. lag IRSURA-F 0rA ard, C 33 wa W DRRsrrc.TFULLYA'S- G. 0. (D.A. A. K. k4, 81U W ouncethat he has opened a *lid OLINTON) �'V!1' _1� HATIT th4 glitive a, on West Htreo� o osif ZATZS ELLIOTT now sholt 1 �APJ%A.L ... "A 'V fj�i000,boo, uniedlion is he!d on Piw, Jallm Svgg� 2iiid J. XtLk- 80-8 in thi Bank I tre 1. ant] F RFGULARCO&M T101. p elk nionth at. .30 p. d f V - driesday of f ershe will keep cowt the firt life Clinton, Angastl4th. Illcmf'r* 2nd 84wlel WtrLoe T It ba id a to ord on hand ASH 6SET �Wrdfally invited. el ;(,n Visiting brethren -FURNITUID OF ALL YCINDS- 17. DICKSON. Having -on Ila d an asadment, of Upholsterl 'TA T p red Up 1111 prom ptlyall onle, LrgeSt C p1tali ee, be.pre 66 - # I Iolddliladj Immeffla Sololl -. J:J irkrill Lt e c i In tha� line. -OFEST ASSETS i S THE BRADtURY L TROUGH PIP 3 3. &, p a dRos oodMoulaingso HE --AR It e andarleh 4th 31ay, 1871. to 0 t SW73-ly INT 0 ..,��q autityofGilt at #W AND 0l8T.U1W1k_v80Si 'R EST INCOAIE ',�HE 1A R ANNUAL Waggont� Ruggiess a But 020 5A Pie't h4inlrfr to 01'dff. - i I tire, ON ANY' -pz EN,,,&- " Outtors, Sleigbiv, N 0. -OF e. To 1:3 -e -trusts I by stri6t alientlon t&buslness Add -*Y, Me-' I marashareofliatilloptronage, ..... 2d xtl� tcriO V12,3 wo�. filua at VA vitry ri�- uughw t!LJ Gcc,-, Fromor 30-tr IN" A MEBIr HOPE AlqD 0, EYAITY. Gode. Job, At,,., ?-Defiosit Iliade. with, the Dmniqfo OIL, *T Ick :0 M X W ar �r*qW7 lubdt�) heir rfttingin thv3 Temperanee Hall. West St. everyjUonda� erg. OtS WOuckshArli- Potioll holfzeiio evIusively., WHIOLUSAIIN AfMllfl TATL. Visiting brethren cordia.ly invited. 01f HANIV, a. l3rge awrtment of. 0:2-Reodtit. faitilres 'ShOW At RX -(p.)RREI& �7 binceo- P 1hat pqrroffl Oil -t4o atronizhig'66 Ut�mpaikiesr i, Old X�a JM- 4VW 3�'L ghi!, appetoviss, W001 a 6NVrA 1 �'mc M 13D 86.1d Cheip fi-,rCA*h or Cerdw 211difar, ad Sheip iat reliable indemnity ud CA a0bird. the mc tile valuo Qfah Atftl'olioyllstba�� ap- AND� 11C 'ell . Qdvrlotl�,Au N THD ffO.%T- UNPImcnbl, k 1 1 w1i on:013plel aw. HMO is. 1 -r IW-. iitl'lif t6_ur. -,e Idea 0! 1 B are BI %N& K Plilds, Tiy,*A4mItted- 6y the M usleal Pril'ossl Alork giveno ibe b1sitiance:e igpecla atti ark, at xates 3m- low as ,f the Cu of�klew York to excel tlk�,Plauoa 'bf ali iehes, School and Public Btillitlings. M lend live ve ;Acy can be �aaft with safety tothaVoinpally. L -forternis ofthrac Li FA 4 t rg, 'OF TEMPERAIJOE. other m e I I ., DIX!g' T G OF TUR 110GULAR WEEKLY W POWER TURI Yj Ess WATalb' Cabinet M Jan. 28thi; tile Postofflee Visiting brethreneordfallyinvited 'N andis rapLily anperw -a quee famou Chich, 0. �9Y TO END V h. amuel Curran II OP doores leet,lelg in elleir 11. 703t st. fin, U, dertakers W09A. ly. !dingtl OW W P. ering -Steinwayw'inthe Mansionarifthe V ealthy opy L T- GARR s& -T irtiers, 0 2, "1 tf NC r4 B AbY T E iMil Sw go- and in the Coucert; 11019 Of the C;odorieh 4 July 1971. -The immenac F 1- 1 pularity of the X?-EtAk IM&T. i4vater ORro .uol A. - D. 1864 &-NO is Decimated f6r zini�lj LOU11, A601PED i PATENT'S removpdacross bue street to the store next avoi riar1jilerits, beingin Averk - b tile 9 oil W -W. Lebeouxes: rarness Shoi IvIlero will be, d Workmanshily nathe door to Ila C. w.7 tb 1, F; 6 n� C F,7v, WurU41' Ali irtw t Shiba -found Iso CIE FOR ,,.=of ad of' waille I'm$ beell. t, by RAVIN fled toiftilge, fr(l6tylitidit most L I , .; -N$701) 4100 ad J those best qwtll AGSOMMKB�IT _- A` VW-t�urkla *'treotlp 11�NIIY 0�14 1_&L0NQ0:N DIT10 UST _O.P.ERLY parlect, inst.nieut tb . at I,, n0W inada. -of MtAen. Be roorZ vl�lngroom, and 'edi Ok Fu ;13H 1 `S00lgTfAlXANC rins very 1W6111d1n'g9,, Floor!ng ae�'iindloli To japallada, the United States and Europe, To finish. TA11LIffi Fialed) 'ITguaranteedortia diarge. Send for print PITEZ ipLratlou ton yemrs ud T9;AQi014XRGtD -S.D. RA Me E, A'* yll -accOidinX to amount oecariiiu. pxb4iri olid a 0 LdIu:?t=tiOus Ag(1I1cYInI CtTPnPA9Dff�, lly rumitil, - 0C r 'P JSF XIiJteIIQe.Thirty4Wo Vaers,Ahl' 4 3rdL An.dt** J;& and 4114tinda of H0114BY GRIST., plW Wf M 4 iJ A Vaafg ymmone to fleteen. Miley maybe 61italolied at �J iking that p ri Ottawa, Cannda,-- ot -is 0 I �i -;DS e ll_.aldhoxi�s r, So531tagof Patent% and V,&f -' rlo�wftfi little or a 41 1 y b yond the time oc- C �K- Of (10ice fanAIV G werips Vaehz, l E T.HE$8b�'S, nytu it153 Q 46 -&j iui , , 0 3d Will, r � 1 -7 lialft. onpoun..Alitte�rft9i luau. paritig the ID title and pie The rost un alo! Trom OP A& paId'bj�4thctd6l0IY. tit IS -11 V4-IY- 3rurtgagj bxceptionable- 47istlivonli *ide Areq, fins Witout doullit,conInb0tv o Thefu �;amuflntu,rtlte loan Is TOW11i wail tindtvnnawes,latli'CanadiaaapA Allinkall -Inblitaftell, --in 1he fhey. tbak otcommission: fir tither ehar es. ie *vIdDhishigeot -of this can bosdok at the WHATIOTS, MOM' GLASS7, tion ran giVeffittefftlift wall Whu bichbMall"Adt! Ji0 nuiterlalikt0tile latist"Of RIO- fidea4e of "ablia Uorporationtlj TEA 171�-,E DERION. ARMSTRONG, olli; SPHIDIAL VALUE IN D,!& 4 ift -1 tl� G- B, ifB are p:aparad to ell ie,boldefx, anct b "14 gas men !20 bMJE_ygarIy`.L or -of DO inch and a q-;Irter Wilt; **it ti ieir Vine Ittereveett Godil"11'21$t 8'apt montlily, pafilouts. The periodical justalments 005 Vheap� for ring 02� Wrid, ELM ItirTrIncipat. I its Isf veart In6othe Fire 90MIums A CALL SOLICITED. -Wmz�w Sir.. ft-uliedthat by thiJirpsyment the 2r Cr*0 4A - ld a, k31iqua, '1 0 A7,1�� Vith, 11V. jF. W. 204 M tiot t t.fthlk time stipulated. : , 9, 'AeomPleto, ass )rtmentn fflugand Shrouds afttlyely gtingolshedi andth4mart."age iffivaysimhand and a Elparse, toithe eAl bareason, TXRXS STI?IqLy a[Ahe it .20th-vellf 'able terms, , TA311 tirer 30t1i yeat 1W 's of API lot - he artil. at the end of; Agont f6i the Canda Landed Creoltft,and the Im- LOOK:OUT, TOR THE SPLIGIVEID,- tdaga is pald'off. The tapidl In- OO ioar liter, LAWSGN, ,Qoderich, 16 Agg 87 ok ills.titpi and Investment Co. 'J;s Boolety is the best ludiga- At" bd �vt P,4.12 46.4 -331GL vreaft�,' ftafay.61 it Is raWded by t1w Fund is )k PlUibf., J L McTavish bad is n6w $9620,4% eonflillifilty.and its:populal 11k eiterie FM GD39riall Augg 164' ISTO 211i,, C(: becolde The 00mPall", 3 rvoreftnted, tfirdughoat ad WMerstilad, 130he piftlill 114- OT F 'nents 60rive pal III M lint, Pli ti ' Audodlutbeywl a PU Orbim Lwad Fatats kaken out. Debts dually, and'witficlut us avoiding the r1sl is liereb.Nl given 01*4 C. of 19sing big NOTIC 6 principaT Aug %SISTO idlib often happen. M—Ift . . , $1 00 D.6--' ty. will L iliac t'llhe +hii te alls dilebi2fltu%esuat at,theend ofithiite ROSb# Aginl rlvb fort:ode TJWINARY� Jkf tile Pf_0V'jnC9 Of= I Jilt lie n-st 41e Oda. at paT off W loan =Advau W.N. we vorabliiI,teklifis wbiolteguesettle latiLity-in 2aa S&&L. M lidii dc tr Aux -V I S" h,,r" egting 1)y 1: ii� DireatOrg, 04 tDOPPYIefttl Atig tilt, bittrawin;y au Ver,effla.. r Notiodo �StWkftler$ to divert the oinsm 44 t� d intereit at 'six bles" bi th� Towhshi (if Lfjiltf, Jl., E Hft NJ 4nJjV='*j [owed � ou all p0m T 'A fs ana Huij Sei dtruble� H*rhr" N� L ftlItyartioul, E for the purpuw,h th 'litter iw Owe, or bv xv rBURCHIU, III tile 14fallslillm crotar, or frb a, ay of 16 ATTF DV0*1fiVUEQuJnD 1.4 nrAviN. -rolivill Uill une, 1,41-kint C. lomitoff modZtjonS. Stable W -EQ: %liller. Art Sinalio, IT . N 1 %IR T" 11 knT199 Qwper,�Worj, A.r2 ftildi- Z,-�b 1241:0, ig Admittea to beL a__'F1E!St 01.%5 Q;APANY E��On;� kept iu GOO& 89y1d... Uffrl b0z5f J's uaw ri,xly tqa1fj�,I,,1 tq -the Hu.a�s awl w:cidents to 51'eaws, P free.. 'n TOLVND Mint 'r hislif-It sitth? y4th". I NO" 2W $69.6 Omus Reldilen"b"d i3tahl"* ON Alkittift" WTAY i- At ST 't ...... ;�W,000 , _# 10APIT 30kland, _lI0!Tijrojto C 311t %4o 44Y ot Harkiet, Prot I on Nontr4alStfiext Blo�,k to this aigW CAwmiil If lbag ZURICH HOTEL a4dre ,mpm F Ig nERvlm, r.ivrp;, TuAT iitr Es, frLtII4W0 be N 'HAN 3,- Par �Aifeiffon pit 0 ISOLICIT011 i701Sttk I directl IoppoAiteliolle�A Llvcry bt&We Kolffor. 10ydA b -nm sp ih of the'. prbi-jure tf IOMAW) Jilt tvif, 10 -KV I� W07. ; . them"r, I't T'.re*t6, for An Art to .4h, 21pi J, McLacwhILM. 111a, X.B. until Jim W18 pikiism0io- PI'laisovi prvitill"s TIO. r -ort Corun W 1671, W24— Alex OPP rov'eicher Wrge 4 living rot BMV01W. C, DD small phdbgruphs�- Tho, 4 fort' 41 F", C"t 14ft -% 4&s you GoIOT . nrl, Fo , sulneriber ili re e J OWN NAIR' B. HALDAN Uanagwg I eetor, ioI 0, r I_d ic,patrotinge herdt ffire,.eXtendr L to ni, znele% G.&S W71. OVOLLSS McXr.=M1 F�oanonilqaiZstatej 0*r*4. IJ(urts. Jamie lovirk us. V114 VoUldjust say fil he hw, mude sil. iat- 10116VIO) f1RE or. D rn*lv4dLo*0UQMPa A -INE INSUANGE AT provedientsin, bis 118,011 me Col. 4vreat current Batts 00XINI N ,rd iSQ =010. 1 - i nuanee"Of the 8: In J%1T1KMAA y;lq el�t�ll tica,ft Cutmow at 'Veil' for ofie or- Van yefkr� AlAdinK-Ji. 11 U R 01N OTELI e N -10V A Lik C�auu pb-�es. IrlearkwilAn 3rd Mr* Jab. of her r 0& 'I I '101�1 W111611 lie Is -aphs ticul YfAvonbiep th6raulk fOL!tTlora p ati 'G, th ALEXXULAC che "Veled ng am tinity. nto whic m to tho 1311wWo I JJ ft Fast Toronto f gnaimtca rtisfactIf Goderiell. 4ug 15. 1870: -36 ;an watit6d for 4 traTtlift Apnu IW* r VI'viliflIft .4040"p, up Ittel t; ,h, wit Apty In to — - tantalir Tj""l Waff EWELER log th"In -a for the VIA bipntIS109-11IN TO A�ND J V�is Aix,%. bobbili" zMn*Ir Ire a no c% A%fth reforeace tothe ItUdInia-II&II01' 011111 ute in On I �thoralz lie only 1LUAit whelf. wcw-�&; 2d aft, iT ullSitiou lo t1is3aeALd i0mee. y is n4do Seud Mn Melt. 0001"ri 2J eanplot5 a3�3mnnnt Tat gold R& Plated <wo"imnicu. Telom n Wat?,tar-3 ai. & straebsn"C up f0t gifts Oka-, All" momancr. LMP szos ac tW RoteL xifihell, 01111 rumb mittooprioJi0ok I W Um AY11111111FIll""b" "tC,404 OeA _ORTI NNT NOTICE 20 T0*1'4 Or'BRIN T"t "'b"c"t"r "w'"t re"we" 1* " fo ag* OLOWIC,or 04 liblimItkilpikon Wilkwitock thitIr DOUGLAFS 3fWAYMB- Goavick 12th �ejc 16" .1. W34 L. TROY, viiwed htm fur the 111A A OW otr L C4 L�st 0=47Y 311111apf Toros, o Are Ig"" XrOfffirl, ; L I . rowun; them AMI so 05iK will to "Wrell to Writ 14 r i Prk 31 X4&NN, of lipmrWo"It i" "XA&40 01*117 2d aw 3d AWS Ay6w000mb; w%elset Will be loom" I Ito, Sign & Carriage IMuter 8e][1 2�7 -ase TO ACQUAIN! 0hej,,,, for"Caho r THuMLICTUX awl OR $1 :-Staderlebil 41EI, _!�E wlu�ex clocim ana Jewslary CHI Due 113*11tte(i x 5hop on Nortli 15twi 11ext to itMIi.&CJNW to Ike Pwildlifts, ibid as M1ftA)!,h6Wt:Wt6 i Ild un Gowwo Ullim. 41) Auction (Commis V dist Vhttreh.Wlth V=Aiah ="W $10 u1i L be"dout lat MrWK cotoone's MY thz1valeyalt .#0T10F4 or r; sw4m, Oft Joba N 4rd dopliml boliviong a Wll execs" Tbzlictul for 0111 a Shtphara at-racbAin, OF PAWJrNE=HW- F4d00 1AW401 M. 9d N to Wo on Gibow; "iinab--W ago of 140 UA 7 pi MASONIC A P KOWN 149 ery, Kw 06go, ift-rha W,.W4 wilok itzi OR SALs AT Is UJAWr Gfvz?J sh" Tho patliblil" ALNX WALL.AOZ. Mrs C. R. C L*IvWl� W 4 the ti lit Iola besil ,srDr#"oW*g Wwt*a FA#Kk-R 11' Q0&JkJJ* Am. IM U. GARDINEX k. 4 "? CA ajd Urq&Vw" &a Owen (011' %W01kh 111101011* 4011iiillbr"W 'Ust;ablished 0)0 AV9 Is"a rv.^IPM1W*6tV beTWI 94sol viek A-11 Vt Worge I ONTREV Oct 4� 4ay - leveft i X - 2J Mrs C.R.. her.i.. P -A dawain, S Godelieb. UulyI870. souilid, Durban #&4 G -derioiib, b" bm r.xtier Fivelmytilil"O. I -and Q. TrIaes. disjW"d by ast.00 cowliftE Mrs Jt4iv Wa4hilim; W Are Jno Crew! -'sal STF"Sm A L06 P,61iCY fOr Will- 'OeAa wax fkPosm or fro. M tirlk A % kao - mt.; COMPANY! grorders from Ali debts aw'49 to uw "i4 Petill' on to with diipatch, - I T;*nd 9ffiee,, 'VWUM, Jim bo mW to GW10Z 4CAI LX (who lose V019 TICKETS v paper- st"" W 44 jufupw 4y tile above to will toatai, Ove 'llostikew In fm Ow %Ww,* JIM A Altv PRrtY 111*1110 eft son Rqlaff st baprotm roqas am wig Idah U UM liglillfust mid P&rUWrsh* - (k 24 M"Ji A)- less tsrtb, &&if -wit. 4-40 i W4 ki~ CSUW by villkwu hiilowill Osiasurlv& Forolwucwm, Ab. 111011, ago. tabe go -,!Ud is saw VW I &W, WWW, 494*#,& $A Nov,, 1671, dodet4cb. AOSI 5 Mr 1 0 0*14" 60 tiobt [chi AL Owl Wkwkit, ActAk-W76 awl a" W30 �ci AW Him AV ­ Odom