HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-13, Page 2o I
m 31 lnt�ah!s md- 4PATZL
home V0RT=F_1N.
'of all ed mr am. mr, a SAVAGE
and a half of dollars, on the plea that if intended to second A SUM 'ARY Ok -'THE H ORRORS; 'MA 163 than 80
u Irst C e -
11,1f. the act wits brolieu t1lirmigh for others-, tion b tf ty,' cf.� 10� 9., p. th.-The suW. Prepared food and clothina, are urgently
�ag Z7 - a Special -Meating'of thO Zywxt-
to ich-rprevailed rDs, this no, uil ent have - At
th, re zas no reason wby it should not rOn � explain A rul - i tig'bright, aud'waria.on a, needed. Thitifurthesuppliess I . 11th inst. A U�TOB AND
Inthisresptethe -was Vivt he v71s.oftoner abseht froill vot never be' lessened the peril of start ation. - . Councit held on Wednesday, ATUr.PAY NE
desolation not W opu) N F OR INSP -0:N'T
es; scene of rui I �ttd sati,fied h.,d reprcs�_Iitcd tlta�views pf tlan lie should have, en.1 ' (donihiicontinept,a- Ithe following repoit,was submitted
;ra witness nd. for 90 130D* IES. FOVNV� 870 FAJL- M.
h a coDs-,tuentq. On the lndepv�denc - Ir, Cffl�yekOn said he "a alls*er8d the. amount of propky destro0d, and
h , thicsgo,. not'in,, Oit. �erxons 'the Road-andBridge Committee. -
his - or ssms now a
of Parham. tit measure 01so, Ifd did i " hi ofcominission a a wag 3- the, hit nibe erly ruined and
k-zltoanswerforthoadofol�ssi6n. Hehad r f peopleutt were,ghot in, makirrZ arrests last TO the xuld4pal Cound.1 of-T6W26,0V Mink'
b,st to �e Oro the dc.7cat of the goveri,- e s*ipped of verythingr they vosseosedv The station house* is filled. with prioir- -ie
gt t& lj�ve 4-1 out of th& I_v,-ked over tl f the If never eqw9i ed file hisfoiy of the Goda A. Zr�aine,�
erq. The nuinber of bodies 'recove GENTLwmylj
r -e on the arrange.1nent
4id found tlp- jo
it,iht;irl)ity,tlim'.C..Oatur-s iat, -02ftt exceptiLru '00f inT Wove- from fAjW us- iern Gravel
A MPABTY AND.- =TING. Kenzie, zle der of the op- world. He - &%hQ the evew . . ., no,* rea'6h 90.
rui St
Ite the Co whb as of the transfer of the Nortl mka r*
lonel Groys nd tha Aquila �lr M, coun ed the r wealth* hy thousawl-3 and. THA 11-LWMEM ON THE 003MERVIAL SITV- ]Etoa t tothis Tow n -being tompicted, your
eZ090, alid. p 1sition ws bound to. be present, anct a 3ve1j, bv mill ns had to box- their br�ak-. ks met and
M. C.CAMMU'.% AT102t. v ille Public Wor
3,0042 and bccome govvrinent voting f , w members Of the gover4ment, he had: fast fr�)M tj leir ITe fortujiate fellow
Chfeage; Oct. 11.-A meedn"' Of the"deeined it necess6ry - hey sho'uld proLued
Against tliisij,,iqtiity housed benas.regularinh:Lshisl,%ttendanceaz.oLtizol,B. � Alter th�flatnes bad orbased :barikers (of tbucity was. eld this fter- form some Vey . the road in order to
ques- a
Lv other member. T
4e first two -th $I e all attempts to check --he!.noon... at which: all tb:e'liatio�al private wurk require- d to bedone
1 estim ate of -the
the not
of tTle con
Ion was anotheri on which lie would like sessions Wero of very. long duration,
progress 6,-a ed and the- only nestion banks were, represented,lor the linrijPdze 1�olj it.,
of South flnron. tt, say a word or tv,,-). kU soon as Cie Itild as -a faiiiily mitu deshlous of being wus hwv' to 4seape this flame., he fire f consulti ' us to the course to be pur-
11g, CuLv-:ERTa.-0rirUonday morning -last L RS and GLOVES,
-from the home orce in awhile. he 0as a we sta of tfiis- 1 Iu Gentie FuM CAPS5, CO LA
from the L-,;c-tl had been acquired in
raged' with u�nabau6d fury oyerithb noliti'sned by the bitking intere
Bay CoIalmny aireyes were Go'derich oil eachoccalipilk. Last year, Col"mitteettlet, preeentm. Clifford
'OU3 tu, �;rr a Ge.rerd ity uniil city. 31r Cuol Batwh was electedhair- Gib6ons, W. Al. SavagpT . Dancy,
Ifildson's, - div: ion of 41m u- Il.
a gloriousl r he was telegraphed for, bec�uze one of hisi when it exhaus I nian. Ou_takirtir the chair he [iiade iad J, Pasmor,e,, on Passing ove'r the Also a larzo Conn(�'l for the so orgunzed ;ws ia of remarks, in h 0 urse of which he ijaid Irad, we-f-itind the 'are 42 culverts and
turned to it, a. y aitful re tLed its force on th
climate, which boys i7as expected to he at� the po prairies beynnd the city limits.., 1: t e 400
-d kApSf
to over the illtereai�, fo,;ter, wouid yet be the heritage of our chil- deth, wid that caused a ��,,rt absence.. wind blow ron- frDin tile sullt-w6st that there aire.evidenoes that il"O (IjIfaii- bridges. 15oftrho&dyertsar�good
of tlw rarty - TTr.,Parsong a hom3 for the sarplus popu- L tst seasion* he left,* a few Bay& before it ll day, the re. ild * not crosa the canal six Wnter
ter is not so great as- �ititna6ed, and tilat 8 we -etinsider � passable for this �Tiute� Of Fall a'r
lati-al of Great Biftain; alia the tiniewaF lo 3ed, tet, only when theh wast I-Ioth- to the west sittebut every0ing, butwien in the aggregate th6 insurance CVILlpanies I
and 14 are ba&?ujad rzquire rtipaiiing at
lo')4ed forviand to with hope and i i but routine t business_j'eft. the n ort h branch of th Can -11 . awl f he .
heamd nmal inihmutisl liberal v 0 a would Ze 01'a to pay at least 50 per.cent once, bj linvill;,16W timber Lind covering videb win to sold &t less t -ban d+uy -,'as clleil firiii %,. then it would become the lir Dunaum thought Mr bamerou had 4tissinince M sLd ry, Go
Lake shore m the city lifults'.3 6et, y,,l upon the total amount of pat. in 5 w coo er not uecAssa
The',goverii- represented us fairly -in e. and excej� 1jlf3-S(jIitary w,stidell dwe-ling erich, 12th Od. 18n-
9 losses * He exoressed his ludi%'i'llial Ithere teidg not outlet oi- run Air the w-
obect of � the. nir,,eting! Lient brou�,,ht forvarda series of reiiolu would do so in the futnrre, a much house in the very heart of thib but:Zdip.
r opinion that the atiks were,quIverat and 'ter from tl:em, and finly tho water from
cEinceived ill. hiiquity and based in ple"are in secondig biv us 8 1110- tr,et rernaim %ithout a if b; i
lence. W.)uld pay every dollar of their ndebted ' brie si le of the road'to the other cAn pass gj Wh
Associeiorm han(led in t* rov
clxelusivo o� udians, was 12,000, a On being asked his o inion, of the THE SPACE BURNT OVER
Th- populatlan of theTerritory, on., special prov uess, but to accomplish thii.. [III ifortilitv, them. TT IN D R E-RICU
-oh hdf�b of action was nece§sary;' The delio-sits is ina' 3.
lop 101.911, g.-Od HUR N rou
�,)portion Frei reeds, 'Washipa-ton. T aftiount to W.-000,000 or 630,01)0,000, state of"repair. Nb�, 5 bridg i at Birr's,
reaty, 4s far th f t on the north side a-xtedds- three miles in
e made public, '11ir ral d 6rihips-tn the aggregate is.also in a good I stat
w're no mer`on i�4,xid length by 6n �. mile and a' half in width, an (if thui.sji� p Z 5-otch haff-breeds IF401E
occ., jus Tr as 'fewer of timuixed Britibh 51lood. he as -in deadly otppo:iltl�n to it: It which vy'ith -;h and a it 25. 35 or 40 percent is infinediately avail bii�dge' at Phaip's Beaver aliii,
e fine ay, miles (in
traced out a Province waa a dastardly thing to surtender flie'ric uth d =ribeel in a prJious des- aj�
le. litimodiate resumption was good. N,).-4 spat is known as
of OntAj;ri,,, inital; what
o.id right's, and he could a e no.equiv- patch, ma -le ix squarWmiles of the very thou -ht impractiaable, �btit some plai� �Conslsts of twO SP118
t the 9 ifiile river,
u-�e!tidt(l from it t1w only, a�ent that Caada, vAs receive fol heart of the ty laid entirely witste aifd sh,,tird be -adopted b feet ion We fihd there hve
y which.the �)usiuoqs and Is 121
sujects. of lyur�. blood, naillel riv the navigation of ur beautif jr deolate. L ot'eveni wal (if. the
y of thi city and country criuld be protect- Wan two new bents put Under it this ;r HIS 19 A: SPLENDID OPENING FOR A LAR -GU F-6UNDRY Wftve two orieT, #,one *Iffi Ed re -proof rast' AfonRdUn
Nvanl._ss, 84�c., la Fr.r; the French St.i2n,'Prence for ever, an our Canals strongest 'fir) -proof -buildrita is left. od. and fa4liti6s exteuded to. the busitiess summer, and about one half Of it 6ov6r- Machine Shop 52 x 36 leet# 9
a3. , - ,=Lst Jau�es within the The ' ligh�Toints" Thosewho know thi ty w, Ave Woll . ld ic- Shop, 45 x 35 . feet, 9 xtdae, CZ If re Geurg t" and Fisheries. sci iill under- if the futt"Ire. ed. n-ith new planxi �e sfory, Bailey Shcp, 50 190 foet, two stooes gym , 0,
J. 13. Sucorir, a; d JoIll; rhe Indiazis Iarger�servesnd seenled to have look�d af "t] io questions stnd the e3 ont of the los4_from des- "I '29(n A Stxmm Fagino, twe, Lrank lehess,
THE GRAIN LOSS. oommend for the presen � that the.it. khv� -wiih BUcki;m1th Shot) and -other bl li"
thcS,;oSdIi half-breeds nothing; discussed entirjly, from an Imperial cripti6n. giv of the district btfrnt, -but iter Wcal lathes OiraubL- Ssw,,� Wa�d s -The .-total losa of half't)e laid wall tiew'Plank ks it, is! dall- lron Plwer, Vertical Bolt oaf
tray. Fres., I everytlr ill faA to tfiose7 entirely un- point of view, and- ignored. . 1e interests for iffe info ation of tlipse;4bo are ziot Chicago,. Out 11. 1). litt-d to buil4l up a, great nation, -of, nad Itogether. fin A Alac-, acquainted w th the locatJon ot the city finitely as4ertained to be present ttw; the planking &c- A good st,
Z r itin is nisiv de gerous, in its
elier, Alw� 2JcL wil 1,600,000 buhels. , l?6111. vessel§ were to ba of humlock, 12 feet loav, and. tw-, Moulding- Boxes. aff in Voil order. The whole or one luter'Gst�, na el albz�ve
ria of indigtiation v�as aroused iii denald was obnoxious to a s rijus`char�ge r 'a P..� it, as the Ontarip. He desired no %v to pay a publi ex that t4o canal tue je es sold 90
p oaded with urain for the iost �to d4y auid ; I's ;ihlck, thi,, wili last until, we have busbi + _s tvill he to a atj M Who Mn ra, "ag
if he I. t adp the American )fFer to give d vides the ii )rth and iinittl; parti of tile a
Pres., tribatc: to conzervativ6 representative ile._eaalern �iVvotllent will continite, as to. -make, inall probability, a uawri&e. give the time required-
-ree ingrea-to sait, cod aud Iiiimber as a ?ity eXteFids vestabout one milestrailit th "are, is fully 5�UOU,OQO buFhals now in Part of . the hand I rail requies ntial equivalent. Ii wts whisptred in then qtio braue'll 'm�n-
J. wl o united 'almost to a Partt an engagemerLt -was mad orth - ut four,"miles, wide' . t144 a.$) should be. done_ Th�re, is 01:awn, Win. i2an with tio' liberal party in resistin, th More.
a, apart., ning a nifig
om the Treaty, that at a certain date Slightly from the NESS. also an acenamltion of. drift 'C
Pariuns, Jacol) ljoit vnd D,:. f ii unholy ilic-azurei -The coiiseqaenc� fr Lake%bore asit ex- Oct. istk
othese arlicles would be admitted int(>the E other branch rjins sonth Pe,&roiv, Oct 11.-Fkoi!j a gealetuan 66 -upper side of the bridge; th' vre
ends, and tb ared
L-b!jenc.-A. Bishop, Prts, market- free.! That, if naarliparktilel with the Lake Shore f4ii-
A. D. had to their resplutioas and American who loft last Ili -flit at 10- 1). lll.j; woutil recommend to be elt 3% lay Iso
r a,' Tr -as wid druit ed.heret iliso thi's for6nomi. the %sater 'may have free course-
r R. A. introduc, no vill, which was at correct, would be soi�e equiva- about six "miles and has recently been
The t6ie prsAable� cost will bea1)0;1tV15,-
Danean, Gao. Abbott, lta-;t a the old. Intlia" Idilt; but - as at �resent ad- c',tilipleted to the Mississippi rher. Tile 0 1 -
'Uo th,lugTil. h, represented th-- vised, lie v, fire, when he left, was swee1jing, vs i -h re- N�ext surnmer �ru. wouldrecommend that I 'The Best, Store.
-as in open ande4dly hotiliV portion of the city west of these canals g
isclass fary over : dit) North Divisioti, (�ue of tli apans be done aW�y lwith� and
to the 'Treaty. is,dalled the west sid, conlpr)sell ge I number The Chou jr V4 t
iu�ipdly small
The Chairman then put. and all attempts to stay its pi there is a lar. of ced4ir 1pgs, -jig-
tfle 'mntion- Pr iloandoned, the sidety'oftile p"cople be- lose to the bridge- they'could be
it- his tiust on 111"lly OCLaslons. retiil 8110jAs d public parks. This is
K. Y. 2'Lc., John Trt�=. That' the Cotincil having,
,� heard r ini, the onlv conbiderttion. The seeno IIiid -in the eil'ibaukinciii at a stuall. am-
-,�urt� only two questioi, AND LARGESTD
s, as far as the only pat of the city lef Along
Gatneron's 6xDlnations coft6ider them in thiburnt bitsiness-distrier in the sot) 0 � ri e; and coveral with earth an d
e -was aware, on Which lie did n tact pe 3
It � was llh�hly satisfactory and hear�ily approve these canals s ood, all the inimense eleva- no- of . terrible devastarLon. - thu,neqessity;if keep-_ t
i I -�. i idd. In de froin Ids The whole Wrritor is 4 vast switimpA)f xig tip this spau be done a
with th,,- party, wit which b. side is o 10
I of the course taken by him 4s ravrel$eIlt- tors pack ing 'honse:%,1jfotindriee, njAchine el Z7
;ttive of Slltb Huron, during the Vast 110�6 aLd stc)o�eaouses vlri(,h mainly oun- brick, st'oue anct dortak, piled ine.t.,riceiv- '4irt that can be. all after consitleradon ho did not staiid stit--.ite thc g�eatness. of Uhicaoo. The
F -1tr , ears. . Carried unnittio-11sly. �Uleeapsofrain; Hetlittilisthewulis With the Cotiriqil. BrLd: a ue
If - dozen , liberal W. Tvyaft�lni, rt. Guo. swall for so.ao ba sipace betwee th two branches of tht,
-,,ursued the saine cow 8 and U. P P., v�ho was. also c if the Pacide otel, the'. Paliu�rjltise, flua totlly on-t-'af repair -and requires
a sh ained all
Ittial nd thi -lake ore cont
wure d, no n. 1.1 Tribune btfildin�-, roriewing at once; it is so danigerug th;,t
Committee. he large bus ness'llouses Lanks, public , 1. , M
ed in the same wt Tht� pre4ent, bei-im'called lilidn, said he bi the Co' rt the
0(4.,s dry 'Lroods our Coannittee contracted wi
drst the banking 6cheine an, a; halue not mal. e a ipaeolt 4a lie had so Y. til 4 Mr western ontar,
Evory municipality, TueTiersmith I I' I ' tid Field, Leiter
buildinvs au� fine reside lees bf the city.
tore,,are still !staudin i, the buil'ohims -kraiRtrong-to rebuild it, the price to be,
excepted, well reprefi�uted by those to gA rid of Aintricall clir-lel.cy. Hc recently made a tourof tire' riding, an-] t fouti sid, � partictilarly being nea.11 9
ilvi ed in- 1�3rtlte-tijxiber inthework 5
ng been ctmpletely hurn a 104,
Leen, intelligcat� ild an- opposed alan, -,- du�udls but gave his wip- c,tild only ieiterate what he th6r cgvered with, immense marble alaces,
Men, who iFe t;) be port to the g-,-i.eral principles. Ater it Promised-. He thanked his constituents which were ti �e pride �f the idii Most of the' bi�iilditigs burned ajid' for the c�vering if inch hom-
fou,nd in the V -Ta on� su,;h 0 ting him by so handsome a theadmirationof visitors. Thisevening, I�ave fallan in, � tho' walh; Wing precij)i- hick, eight dolWvt a thousaull lsofo
had been in operation a year, tl�e Hkon. for el I
ated inwardly, so that the streLits. Ore the m, tirk. Tim pr1obAble cost of this wil`1 AT. -1100RHOUSE
Tho question an regret, u'ly �ir. 11olton, well-known to ail as an majority and repeared his d0teratinati!m a fe, ling of blank dep iir po ades tb,- I
ry a-isuparatively -free ud travel about the b�- $50. - Bridge No 6 - �t Lxicknow2 Ave
daallci�-r, ann, able debater and an to Lio to the Asse,r bly to act in c,,3,'nf,)rm- vrnoe uoinmimity, and -the NORTH SKIDE 2MIML, T SQUARE -
on 0 fe " no'no'se city not seriously, encumbered. Th e fi�id'the striu rs auh clivertl%v are'rotten
thpt it, was oin 'che lalic JI)r "IIs" -:g liberal, stood u,,,iii his ity with the pI@d1&6 she then imade. or tilmilit'e cept that madi) by the zells 10-v'Vey officra -4
By-law and otlit�ra. wvra or phice ill tl;e lfo't�se and, said that "He On the � motion k1p. MoLean sinulderinu Men lo,)k dazed awi r1jof f the great UAtn. d�pot of the daiigerous-au4 would B. --By 1 pnrtip
drpinian bhat Tual-mrsinith so well kwjvir wild bound in caftdor to say that, though seconded -by Mr. . Bu h Htc�r.igyalx Cetitral. pjad wds burned off-, 'roqib)tiliue.-4dth:ita-,ciilv�rtbasiil)stitx)ted; 41 direct from 0aly, it was
laze in bldn c amazement at the
its own stren2tLz thz�b it did tiot feel the awfl bitt tha solid at. -me were 9tauding, to built insid.6 jand under the rest-rit
'I-) oppo.,ud it in its progress through ttie agreed th�tt the ret in 1�01 should be visitatiori. Immense cr!)wds anrrotin-l' for, organization. - We have no it haJ yove� I t itself to be. the ri eld at Brucefield. .,..LudLtiab4ltov,edarotiiiinjitpetl.. Owing brilge,'as the -zaiouitt of water ssin
the outside i.f the burnt city sigbiog or -BAtIS4, Manufacturers to the timely wariiiqg, all cars and ialua- through it does not require.that tl'
conversing n, 'ADM BEUKULS
donl)& of Tuckermuith ba:,zing banner bust eine ever introductd.(Y I i hiii inuffled tones, whili.. olu ptoperty wt�re got 'out of the dopf,t ghotild b bi, nior�� than folor feet L 48 A-
t__ ever in the of the figits, but if e diolught s'uc b��stiniony from such a w n and children str4w . the sides -of LaDIU& OZLOU DR;11
N en mfore thedwiles reached it, and are in square. This calverto, bazoie'rikil with hapa a local meetin win s. . �11 bo called, mair az Mr Holtyn, after a, year's trial of streets or I FE R ALL
the huddle together in door- L E IS ENABLT43D TO Or
pldesof 4afuty. sp; it cadar or rock elin, u%l the'fill to be sa thcIt 0 71hen the Centma issociation the schenl�,-, v, an powe justhication of the ays seekinii, shelter from ilie, h* 11 lhis line at a- slight advilaco
uGiTiv:EsANDA:wE_sTr OR nia,t up frtia the Wil, distant a!)(111t 30
vi aie benefit of v.-mrseltepursuea. He couldalso appeal has begun to raft. The gas work art; on the gterling price -, iii fact his ctis-
wsf�,my I'm LAD 4-t,& HAT4�
and asiztance of their with confidence" tA) the ex' 0iiente oi: vsh(i were boholditima tue-su
the P a p y destroyed and � - I blinitt spmve r�ds." VVe ouaider this the 4e;ipest toiners, are SlVplied with goo& it retail
'" R TUTIMMn 'CTIT cle presented by the mitac 'of the. dread- atid ulost clumble plaii that can lie adtbpt� t about s -
officorg. trademand nierchants who h�d got'rid ame rates that sinall; dealers AH of the best aualay finca latce"itty"'20c
Mr Squi3r Lit= read, ausby ck%nsa. of the. n*iiis1111(;e fif American silver with THERWARR NO. LIGHTS ON THn,VR mTfj ftit conflagration., Evefything in the ed.
I have �o buyat wholesale.
shape of and horses iwsaresse4 , We find the toad i3e_�%y e Smith!sUill
th3 t%�) by Calntra' they itsect tobe pes-erol. Thera was but there need'for theim, the e n
)my ne other question oil wilicil tia was APPALTJ1KG LO.,3S OR �,TFH 5 U90 Rolle o( lVaU Paper to
smould= to service in � the Work of rumm in,_, arid--Britiley's farat r4qiures botit 6 1_3 eAsioalation of Onta A NID a Tiins of Ax square ini es oi.
to ther eff�;ct that, 114 at nQ % ith his political associates, DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, the cloonted , ity send up a re 'glare goods and vAluabriek, 11he aiiint, in�-hes of grool, Also . sh, orb, distance beingthe
instend " of havin- two -stated meetill"s diat % hich has bet -it cdied the mationai which is re4oted. back'b-- e clouds -strong in.death" exhibiting ll. its --force b6kvntl e H L LAR�-IEST AND CHEAPE
y arly, one La lid th-3 other 711 e frnkly confepsed that lie S oyerhanging liko a huge pall in IwId in the most exCertimiatecharjesforsph A(so beyona 'Dougintion -and beyouil ST SfoulK
'It fl, I rvices, 'as- high ai 40 per load being HiI4 th�, w4J6lo disiatice 6f' - I
-a-mal Mesting s -m ground ou tiiis qtie�;tion. Q- OVER 100 CORPSE HU -NEI) hues. Over qne hundred tho say dgck of
-June, tha 1 hould bu tia usand qouls' "7�hat a - E�in ' :1
in Jvuau_�ry of aach Te'ly, 18712 ur nadz a iiew couittry has native indus- are e4osed to a pelting ain to -night- demanded lor gle 4.iors6 and tv�o and a hulf or 11tree miles -this held by'any Die house in ont-arlio.
for tize, -Qlectioll. of ofl;am, and tlie3 which require the fosterin- care t f At least one b iindred and fi4j -thousand wag iii cQuId, take away. ' eield, Ldter be dufiq this fall*or as much there- -ir 'persons have b -1o. kept iiil. ttieir 4) Ati delivery teams,' of: as prizi3ticijbIe. XIV U JyB HANDS- 112
lrltll_'�r noi-ess-ary ass�m4la at, ttie Ecovernincht, eapecially-asot ei�n barnt out atid lost YEARS, BoOTS
Oalii nei,,hbors surrounded Now York -Ock i-O.-Thei'll-rald's rem everyWthirg; t thousand business men, -9,id all they cc. .dd hire, busy for- hours Upgarding tjie culverts which require,
froni - Chi in removing, the most va itiable their ,
porter f oirnighes th4 felIntvin,�p, of taiiiiailtato ttentiou ive would recom- Wz3o 401Xmt3r_LjX45.
wail, bv many of then 'with a world-wide iepu- .- 11. .
iChinese I Is e qu a U62 by c o7'i u 'A Town
The hro, offico to, be filled was that of . ca,,nd-NVOmen an4- ellildre� ar� gaiink tation. for wea tl. a -ad enterprise. are tndiise' L�;dC'of 1dry gotdii, whicii, our Illeod clie Inspbetor to. proceedt onea V)
around the huint d1stri t ly iseekino, infralili; sta't'vs, were neverthele!!s stib. add jvbt up for
Atthia point, Mx. Macdonald, of give sdau", fill thunityantages of Pr LL0� solutely bank-upt, and'forty 'thou�alld,
ri Mi �v Set. aff their, I oaq iontiv overtaken by the reawraciess tho
clerics -and em, ees are t and that tend. -m be'aek
,Ulojzed Zor tha absence (,!I: their sale of the ane i�lld feee t19 I I - , wn- out, oil
RqL- rlief, bnOtbere is one. to t -ave and fell a 6# their tile =tton of the %York, tu be -Io was nut. inployment at -be--mm-n- -of winter
traae ioto mir terrttoq. I e e - - key afti�; .them. No one haff�provisv�o� ortmon?v. - dwouring fer�city. . Otio arnoii6s the ad i wi t4i it enco and collijAeted . 011. all
re.orusers in hi 11 t6thout any
who�, he mid, v.-cs. kc -pt way by eircum- whatever 'of ob
What prorisions there wen in e city taininjemployment here.. Every bauL t l"usalld roku'urs that were flyini Wickly 'qa�lydy, andwould rchmimend 8taneee, over he had nct zhQ this 111ally of t1le old-fo6e" are now buttied Or eavell, all a $nine 'few the ildest, it. 1yould seem it th6 wark be let jat the village f DI111-
shghtet f121trol-_ of Ti,ries wer-3 freo-trdera. - Another and eopoi&tio a ` -the city is iiretriev- Fey
twople hve enough trA last them for a rblyruined, andInnot only evety'-Insur, in st ba -was of the stvdd�u �venweaneu the probable cost of the calvrts a win. - to vccn fta rv;4non wlitull shula jastif hiai be- cl,
,,V, AmBEIRLY, Oet, Ii.-TI)e flreS all
letterd th r."befel hothiof.- Siem, ttita With all. ito, spemd,up,wn the road this
FroyWons bave ance, Domp4-n- � of this'citv but, 6very Aces,.-
f-ZoIn 31r. -Sinlair, 1to was fure a sansable coustituency was the Along
3P n Prrivedfrom Detrnit 0111 en"ati. Mil- coLnpaay� n -he Unit Sates doine sli �er of one of 1fie, baliks riish 'itiTto Ills fdl� protitably wLIL be ablint seven liirn- av,7 nted by front being preseut ? - 6 1
receipt by hila of-- a unauimol- s p6titioa j
and St Loilt's,'ani it a it a bein b isine3s h t ilies 130yie
-nd Mrl -c.L �,- f fronithe0o. Co"'of Huron. a a 'is- abeol 'he A were beating alaost dr d doli4rs, gale S'prinig .11241 it Ws ferell gre 53 E Shmtz moved %1 re n o a P3t1tlon in triboted as fast as pnssit0e�. s on the roa_4 Zill , t 64
1, There are four toll house *1 , TAIC-11s, ovorcc, at's the thtt Mr. P.. pdidition signied by eve. -y meMber of the .1t is not expe. ed that the' entire insur- P,,l the butldirit;'fie ttatched his exit. dem.lue ould result, bt the rain of It, W.'s II& lotig�tefore the OffiefaL app�ar- in not vary go6d state of repair, the
Brown, of Z-.Rmy, si.outtd ba appointed. Comity C:ouucil, petiti6iis from ev'er%l T'1T2NTY-THRfl0 DUAID BIJ&B& &nee capitd m-preseitte here 6aii, pay " " D, ays' oveeamts
lilave beenakea te) the station an the, ive per ceut'.olf the lbss.- The10 t3d _11ith Ms araii full of money p4cKaues si& beia'pl rorten, aad thv pastering prat, put.ibemdown, s -.i oil tile pro- Townsliip Uouncil, and petitions frpzij. ss is , Or' U-31 othC2 khals Gra spo!w zt, Opsoorler d heppbar- ty much broken. The Silaths Hui gate the leaaing businoss men in hisriding, north side. ',At 'prdgerit it IF impol3ible tainly. over for i-aths, of, the entire. city, Enfl; ha cheap.
pzietybf thc- rotatory-pritial-le, in it is-eatim al titan thetbief prostatedlibn -%viiha is upt let byeontiacr, but. we found iliat Oct. It -The ruin of
widonerous all wlii�,-h vrure. in favor of probection to to toll who thikare and will) ated, exceed five of good in, ()X-
indastries, and which he wais ask-' the want of gn , ,ill en�v fe't.- hundred millio as. I)i0tv upoll, t side' of the Yra. R-sihad li of collecting the A gf
of -U__yEajd, jjiovc�� When ; all There are but few caudleiijn tba cit 917 iboed -a port in of the' treasure, A tolls, for which -the �(empany weye pay- tills vinmitv,
ed V�pn;sont mid enforce., W-ESTSRDAY MOI WING LT THE ltur&nD bm p-ifieeiiian in aw instnt mo altbong-li they-m3yget ba4 gcdn at any
wj ing i$12 an as, the Aeases of the. tittle !Fwa bave M)rle dry wether, This
f,7Lr- GC_ orga Swarmon seuo,�dod the heso Wert" in addition, in m9pordanco and no water j5xcept w4at i tken fr re saw what a:6onih,
his o-�%ncoijvietioils, what � he I' k��. X_ens� =10hi of Zva ghich%ir. buld, he 11 Very ar,of outrages rl�, who ot r aim
sc'qne,3 pre- ai done,-wid ablmd the villux 4er gates- expire in Jani�ary we made
drewa 8hot7die' : Mr. Dencan, of Usborne, ritoved and (10, faith
an lie ? Ile iias chair by thieves'on the are'falk
ot' th� sented io d re appalling. The- h igt ful:qfiluer 4&rkan,1,,eiaeWfs with her ta, cntitme on 214 the to'lvil but it is uicarhtg.aWhy nraw..
I fortroop. -can peno- D --v,,; Elie vppoiil�meint of 11111a 'of t- committee of leadina manufac- (2ren 0heridan i� still 11' s s i that pvrsons t irough. tue Wart, and tiivii -spratig under the same terms Of ala kfiqds�
,t3 k, fate Men, women v,nd the exvi Ceti ort %vd VV'a Jvould No inoic celdent
31r. .41. D� 2 r3en, Ian, of n, ieter. �ureru, ranres?=tiag tho Boards of Trad- or. triate also - recoinuland that T.11
froni'di-ift-rent lioints cill. ol ) , brand;silitlo h' t
r and of Toron�o, Kin-aton, 11 Bushiess is supended and e or body is childie 0; 01ping in theash@& of their s P,SLOI, Wid Ot 0 W -situated -12 Imil0sucrth
It r r'qt ghop� an ouk es aeeking the cinde h a osc4e. � But the siggh , with sit the. of 1 Duugn�tmon, . be rismovecl if ' found
Cad th�-� BIGT�e gate No. 4 no
0 W1 LaTC4= his uolqitnation, az treal, Quebee and Halifax, �inposed of
titen.t uori,securit;g-an. fik
Is au
he woull not ccopt the appogitinent. -�ib. rls and who vaited on ETZING- To i�ml remain of,lo's- treasures, Safes an& surr4adi-id uir; had thadden. j�etwable 'or'. a . new one. 'eriktod
d then.-, Dlace of shaltb Y,5uits -are beng broken Opim. , Th, "d tue . bystaadtrs to fr6nzy, &nil they hislead thereof and placed say within gout% Zuron 2AZ4 Wt. All styler find c, vota bain t. -F -en Ur. �ir Franei 14itichs, and demaned 86me r. suffer-
III- on the side is litiaitren lihg to wit. liarred 'relaiii �a of hilman, being re fell up -rt th �,,Avretah , like so 1, many u.4rter of a mile soutliaf Belfastj by' 66
vrott:(�tioa to lionle indu;tries, and in-
_jmnv il loads of charre I and. burrit kpaies.h6ve TEARING 113 N Lima FROM L-1:5113 tr��Ulliilg conindnity,anda Satire 'i IPA of the t1hey, Would pa -co, men n pover who ther like ao W P �,6Wanee retiloval tl;ai we fear i� The, ]P4it*r $xc,,;AT .-DeAr Sir in rii- 71C VIE, oeen caried aw aul literally
he Viczt P are the forilled, him that it he did not give it, uviu% 50,000 Men, women and chilren bealg eshumed &o 'in the ruins. '6�oeveri (L49 ju-iicewould- be (lone to, t1i Hirgs G
are httdd;ottt _0 BEEN, 00t. 2, 4V
of Goderich, 1.7-13 7ould. an im.IJS' ) and in O'thet nlaces a7,000 Ger Tivo reinains' of f,. u vauszd gard to �he above Iiit, I have, to s�ay,
-1 tfte%iitld� (if a'tiy slic"A Ze laie -burnitig aad, de3tradtiou of two fliat r:s so n p:)N
Secr, ot;W Tk�!a- he nd f6ar rch:Lr libartla,voted, -th iK for r4ief d -i not vouch 101 le Complete Stock Fresh gna QJea
m e. ns and Irish ptsyin; wmen were fo in the ruins of ti� 0 Able, after t-1
Could he help;, and the ehildriaii for braA. �Areade-buildin on - Clark Str6et. The. ly On the I carefully exatoinel 411 the Judges'
sl�cei i,.butq Was -,auberiy told its chook gates recent destrpyed
as an honest man and' fu fly - belieted, 'and,, is but a Spect, OXA.
11-i that are on' every "A respqdf aliyZ R mitted. reefed prize listand sent it to the editor
MTr. MaEnt,33N of Dzyflald, rgges6il Vhe,heairt-broken p�rentslknow noi- biu�atremains of horses_ aud wagO.Us, fit -ti of the ta do bogirsaud paliers aild m0a out a c. or.
tllmt �.z Cameron, M. P. being preuont, 0 belij his stand and -vote -against the vay, to turn or 4liat t'o - Gay, and whioll. we're do tl , used to -move the is
ess ' , Cum" C
1;!Lould tor tr"a. nweting ftkll em- gove --at for party purposes. have nothing,to (10 bIlt a Wal � -the distri- eff�Ctsbof pers? fleeing from the fire, J'ahrul:311 of Ej�poszfor in time for his
if� - 2he, Reporb of the ComAb.',,e, -w t aill the
-stq)plies, which, at E -many of the -streets. A U -ties from-A101146i the bornaig.bduddigs bution of iare to a Seen
p rlinmentary course, the government that 4ppmaeli it, . aa,,,pte , with -11" exu VA issub, of last veak; intending t1t,
& error th y they call d I d hayst coiAuty psipers might have an ppporfunity
t4e Vq,,��t four yo=a=� him had cost hiin hiG soat next )e Proceiij as there are pijrt� of thv 'raig'L Of terror ts on account of :,th le W
dis�rict Over- which it is al' ( pf 1` . nuilieroos, atte i e b: -a rnpossl- cendiari�� I th pts mal
sAd Ito Was Very day, lie wonld -iot e betrayed hem. in y Clause, consi ierAdou of which ws de- of coying the corrections in iheir i4sues
blo twtravel ranerl wh h the tire ba4l, ferr�ed till next me. tiam 'Rho worl-4 are Of thii week, I thin the sai the as well at a ffAd
tu wco,�', auoh. aa ft4tollient and i- k'z4y 7-- ought to have, but honesty ii in' Ple'vaills of to firt the re ing portiojil of the 'city,
d list Will
of his com3titu- p-mv. Protection to home th, an* d pztjents--, Two men- were 'Vile firly Inspe-dor, 'Ly be found nearly orrect in every� par -
have beell h n again thw wind.'- sm"tirtitut f
to be carried out I:
in -bu ss- porhou of
night on the we if,'dnd hung -to. a lam ma: ec -he �one exception of
o_irg. AF, ho no� met thum for.'Zon, neafled- his constit af,er iea�lhug t a day?s work or tendek,, qs I%e d' n, ticular, with t
aents outif- L FROU BJM post. jj,,v the infu jatod people, and thelk Cameron!s e"cial prize for H. D. 2 year-,
c37 DS OF SfcxNPSS edlient.
c:�o to V0 fuH la cttytn askizd lifill to work for ib; he coula only
le-ind 'acroas he'river to the Npith
old lilly, which you regret, s I do, that
69 w1v4t lie uae md lef r, undono. o co'by supporbiag tl,:e government; rind to ailrdtheir -live 'which * a� best were 'y i dth bullets.- Jochea riddled , One man n,) not
was caught firin r the Tesuits! church by vdil; short spatee of e of such wAs wode in the,� Then
were till ex�o�ad to tile alWays ra- to the
311 tac�fl t=:). tha dZy On that, ocwniog ll� dia. not naarIv spent, V
th 14 =q 02 ZVAON of hortee book. I- am sorry to (ay tllkt
sthecold' c e atrol and shot on the j)ot tittle, lint], thet' FA .4
Xi, his party, and in-Aoin, so w Aa It - nig& p ,
not ba 'for vote � raw %vin L b0idiii-s on thai reached the lak-e of r andhis body -ch ad 1p -pieces- with au I cau give no liaore light on the isubject, 13 IF4.%A 90 $4 -jrC>
a p of aingimt to bra ju.dg?d by Comm n-sose �averaf deaths haTe occtirretq the Jitq taj4-je the foll
ro, Wool; after biock.
LIDV7_,!�l n0tVMM 11mgood. -friend Alaxiiii- Park, - ard thr4e axe. 'Another an was Shot by -the nigh, 19 am under the' uiiresion that there
patrolron. �Vab4s attempt- As f atore Oqwerleis effl-at tu dilit, presentinent.;z-,
-avenue, whife tcl, dz the able leader of thie urought ( hildr,on, inlux wo�ld only 10 411, euelay was J�Ov4r prosen rbn, I The lit could We li�en nocowlietitor for Stich
a 0611119V Of -Hu rors. for our prize
In to :fire,
c�varybady. In- r -,form p,-,.- ty, v-, lirrapresents tho oil r die. Another night nlust'lje SI]ent 11, 9 Tit
pellple, were tri ilig tg aoitibatr the lire T, AVU Lady the QueetA,
n am your 9l!41t seryant,
Kno oveuy pubHg =6r, ho 1�td beon riuizo, of, Lwnbton, in 186t.. d the bricli Holds at �A W0ff"SVTFI1ET(YADWZZLING hm t,:; 7bitt the 40meat waa -not �-j iong
Li cube Partt. &ii
and I= =fAives otor havea �uty Divisk4n str6�si,` anti yet. ai�iother doid on: the south Sid 3 The house was torn for pb,4%ved the - ir" 'That we AQ.Sire to exproudur thagk-
=IdUL 3eur., Sacy
votf�n A Z 15 catts per lorlimposed onimport- Gh tra extras- are -&jwii byhe-St. Louis firetu6n, who ar S. H Au. S.
2a, in nd spirit andauXured fil4i ss to I)ivinu ?myideump
for orda,-b d, CIO Pua53 11.al hold him up the AIN3t capicity, � taking here, beforth :da ated. the Aundant,
ed crafie, oil. The e0ect of mes spra:i aad tne th tire tu'liavo 4araittraitied a*
p�inciplua. Titrou iii inlrost VMS to, Ona�le Fetrolea to PzuPle av-1Y, WhO,, in lei Jift ban es, womaa was Ice d 'up. A peiroeurn nit
an a a with t!le Worid. jVa3 he 90KNES. arvest -witil tylliallur cAmutry bas been
To Go. At' RL
a, oppeclowas. thr wn. on the bALo4y of" blessed, tog-Aberwith theitially and in- 3L T=I�n%ws SAU x4gisisf,
I a While t4em &�o a great uiauy in -
and to b3 tw(itted with beifi,, fly.
M3=92 Qr 59 yet gh8k stity heni. E�aty. train housd �tthe earer -of -state an'Titaiieh staut4i 5fiiitabie blessifi-als. which via en Hartford, 0DAU.,
of gelieroustlevs-ttullon tile part eo
It `*as thiowiA Accordance wizh our dutiva, as, Oct. 19 -Firm. Otock, lo 31. lilt con.
%rq to ave thne4 -as I
YC, tried )b0g(ld to�'Ilezlvf$ . inany street& at nool -d4y. i4nit �Lestio I Ize, t.141 the I r I t
i�y lip hia couvzlz.- to tho era a,; it tdkesawy, - ITne gelle. off the balcony -the housa ed. of tile rich and- j+ . mad Jurars NIV the wlssuit6 im patlifui -111stalwes of , !We have exanimadthe Stanley, property f Donald 31c.
Ui ho*r AT�Tlo lay in thez"y tco o., gif A maiii fo ji and plavii4olind it kein ill a A%Iaati-
ts ®il all 01 Ma 1w4urai' Idn d
B,7 tic emzs' tL ar, was arrested and it DoiWd. AIKT�,
ale-Anneell au MAII Na GoDp
Wa3 thv� R,,riford, 311110iln0cs that th -compau doz; RICH,.
with oro or t7ra exc_,Ptiona lveotera wil�& His op=014 y U111 revoivera .'evelLd at him, but - a Iva$ trying go roluove VaiuiAble PAPers I lyafid, tirderl . ef ptiditioll; the prisollbrit 90-Fwffn Stock, lot 7. ta C�n.
110 if our wa_4 vr)rh atru-i-lin- and will
no one hai seen ommit theaut be -fr, ierl classified, thei heatth, ' �s Colbome, property of J. C�usj
Ontaia. hu iightinr- i a - 0 i lcg, FO -1- onj I -AV D 1 .1 . iij. all Offi40 Aj.111d Wke�jl ZWO fireillen tl� I , VZZL-Z t014LA-r .
0 't ITS .1K- was byth oliceAudsh itup. The. Ile 21"-F at 31ALit 10i tW illill ion$ ot'd loqo ift on tun
�3v aL:ald ta mncot tLo psaplai nor' own itidepundently The Comn' Nationdl will 66 Vrmflirtiy paid kirr.
Isith JUR"Cri Ap hun, wbiii�-ji _tae reitmed nuiest 9114 even almifstrts properly attended t.. CAPA4
to peo frcku the city at ere2y' T11, Urpl" ov#r f4ur ruil 1101k d
pauk will ple are fleei lie paid them- �$50. , Tau pipara swe enumbor of prisonerx-Is smalignd- ot:14, 11 von and 4
W I- H ItN r)
ram, ioffering"istance from ds tr6yed.' urvors of 'express thii ffvijees of a triv.al character xf)rl- thon, at lie 0;3m�ilquce rebaddiiigon their (181te'to- 6rai. Tele
Thes� wcre� t.110 only W lear-white tile law, co�
0 molrotv� a f..r �UwAukeq. St. )nj hive tjLk�jj $19U und eve,, Mj ing, wts trust, an evidence of t1ju getle R. D. Aslifield,
T4 land and Buffial), NewXork wua -veiyl ni out ;�se �4 thew v4iiciex, in c7luuty. T�je
hehad Oil die West, side. ey oI. 26 --Farm Stck, lot Sth con,,
a ,x mordity provghiftit in this
e I tuoir vautt this afterno Om"I Road - Colborne, property
Qon Ito vi= l, the P_�rty, aadl he Ws no" and all city' and town it this State are Tecei tZiAV, aistresseo 06upAs away., Alliong cas o0ailin Gilt, old inan'tipw dn I
I nz� a b!dau3 r to ga to tho indeponlont olectora �molrtent. ved 9-1 an 5 a aact seanri- 1101e, Hav All ihe so e of . the pf til,6 (if 8.0 years -4 age wi t of Mrs Judge.
pipers. money or In ka(b friendi 1),
perfc6 ordQr. Tkere i% a railroads are g thp ilestitate 40 ad- th llt.jk- niter- him, ;.hZp was cositinittQ can PANIXE1W
of ja!�3, ljonew La aa�t' cw$ �ere
calamity Was- ingq. qt himtrods of oil Nov. S.-teom Stock, t 6ih
Alto mualurc,3 in the ca joiiiingg cites UU.
se by r -a wor tha t in a burnt blackamittihop, toiins free of ohiirge of yugLimey.,, arld willige Goderi* property of J)ayid OF CHICALGO LOSSZ
en 4nd , Lwyj) Cox,
Rmsh streetthiti hadies-of lr> alatho a distrib id and tr,,jjjjd the stvbu s of Ihe.Norta 0mvifou, ;is Tht folloving
of ninez- Ivere m-utence - exeiroa an the 4th inat; ts
a ka '00 T-1 e toy Cam ght thoy had a titzrneEl to a crisp, e %I clothing all 1 their, utmo t4g Wousu
th A to allevi- whera tile jock ftile, X �fijrx cial atteutton" 4
na to nil -for, Alooll pe wou14 r000m. Timm 4" Ju4nmu'.0 4A rlpked into the Shop to escape iIn tflLe- ate.their - fferl triechurefaesschoois beig -tariied ititii tho NN]IoneY to T-Ae-nd.
0.4 117C re C, 0T tbA- souto tither provision be Iiiitie
itmel .0 ii�ea,' &and o bid1dingi inti,s, uab for hitu; - the
susfain 14Th# Am"
trAd s1krraflildud Itheak be- 11 urn "Oporliustity for sim gratitica- Gafd in -our, upiniou being Pay psyl It* chi"40 10"" AU4,
i misiuii onuv -Qly�"L
TLC:�Q V'p- hall discovered their pierij. saburb a are thro Fn open to the unfor- tiollof iponsities, audme' no lwlace for pers jug, In
"rX VA. X WOODOW'K K"O0X11fGORE, 11�&Ytlfly 5AXQZ IZUMOZjj� or pEopLa tunae Victinis-and every private house, vau 1wrdty bv'� doutit tit" in-alky of connection, witil the-feragoilig we wohid
tzo ljc�had hold to d6 andfor the parpnse -of Aiding In the �i' is ftdl.
tspoor wrat4hes found their idwtt earn,'30V XtioolitmeAd to the notice f nd an Oetwral Aj
QPL"l hngs &am h,s carery of -me, _P400kLmm. An thod4utell, fr4L# wilich they'wora too, thOlUountv Council thopropriety-iftiot IqlKitws Block, 940
U1182144, t centrl, intelfi- MARTUL 11A -W TO TH P rill de
r"C11 i al�d t0i 6 B9 to t116 emd. , geu
al", wcuo ca viffica has been 04tablishea, whj�ra Oct, U. -Private advice. 6ipiess to 44CApO. One poor. iu&4 had tile 11se"ity of pwividing a ff�luxq of Ma*t 6q I itare, Gider".
0 di 0 aohectt�k the ri"Inies ot aW missing, 3tatwthat Chicago is under iiiartisl lawt crawlait for, refuge into , a watar rvimn,, Reft10 witt'rb the wants of dooerving
to� ba, pursue� "re NOTT"K 1-4 "leatay r,,YzK THAT A., N,
ij4mr, of %1*4nk th, flormi-ri)v w W, as
n3 a C 0 C Zz - C-111 Atraf "Jif ormard onom, alld,thav Am given ti 11sot of Vie Adrioult""a; in..
thtk Pollee. The aoldieraara mtking noarre3ts, bu. lying in the stroat near the wtter warkaj pwr wisid i tjis reltevq4. DEMNS DZqR1_XG Us VKX RT X0pj.AgX Www, N. Y, j, r"es CO. ipr Wator.-
hatel ul the wesi I Aa 4- 1 'OuPr 14wt 119M. ft.d C4,�a_
'A'awAw Will
killing turbulent chaiitera'ou the, Vot but the, fire -fiend lowilick .41U1 v%10'4 Wore 004 ftm Prnp(rty rn ammit any loom ro. 00 '
your Icirlshin tin 10 suit "W rob Me COMPAr
ho gain caalp!etfld. IIA3 heall tfilk-an'by GageBros, Seven porgon4. &to re 116,uouid get -,,is � bply jn.s&fvty, your elavatipu tim t
or i4ulbi
Aported shot 'ind beto he Beach'. luid,tru-4 you
�1 L7�0 tr E, Dua a D�l Ne wonT d in- ow uo the lDt� of t4e Sherjawt I jo�ise, batT-wer. hy *W-ving to V. Wwdwk, 18"C WU14 bo. So0y.
who hungf6rattexapt-ingOietfir*obuRcUngs. And robbed himf his 4ife. 4 wav long it-ve, to iiii-ow jvjSj_ lattred. the laort rstsit,
-to may cuxx� m6ww,
wdloijenitintentlays. Thenorthdivi. "Cis, Mr 1. Wimfwk tig P"pwd taorwatit copyty., UX*
-from Yon hiLve,
tion you UA)w hold lRftd 0460.
b" 11111d'119 ift IN 10 t1ft"44w, 1"4 t* 111�043pfe tho 11foks, (),Dk 1$",
4P Q, �% =I* or rntifig d F in"s jM4 towr mute ins the S�"u "A Swept eteLt" trt%m C1e"'44 r'vet tr, Chicago this' morhing "ya 'the wind is 740 Pat Alsta- U IF -1118 titno i% y4turju licuLI capiwity, 14 -pg
5 orava, a distaII03 of 1nor# than wi ve swoo. and lie fooU "naftl"t- if blowing a gale. Thio fitv is 4ppikreatly this is the first opportnuttv wo, hale had j*0.qtr"4" P rk"s In- Vie c4fmty
Rat one housv� that Ot X I oulAtied. The city ja pxtroiW by. the -Th- tho 9 (if wetwug r
anti Racwt,"os"
hgl L,Mxhip on -t id 4sucit. will ent"t- him Z *hm orthopubliepourfmag
'[ley_8__Lt doWa,: t1jeft J10 ",q. Og(joil, ramaim standing i" Ali IL 0. wA
_a ; ty 4004"dre
it, the On- military. - The bank vaults appear in respoetfuLy im itairtw, o0deriall, 00L lom. to -44
4a3 ZVDt tile Mau' I �., ",:w - —_ 11" BMW onlit"
ti agad. uro larg* jmrtiQu, of the number rwItorted aininlung
irmd c,milition. The nu e:vd Forminjul. 4"""tarw Inalls"Ce C-0- :or
A FAhM FOR SA�F, Xr� A. X, IW4 Of
C�)n C -Population drivell froill this 4"olit" tbur of Feuibin,. T ra 0�1t- 5th 1871. iow b" U,
found up to this tiuis is mt forty. A
Coao'nt�y tv 1113 amildt W -are on the prairio to
A C La neuta *a* f
portion of the, city will 'be suppliod to- arivad to tho t6othr Aud OW sweep Mum _APW. k;. t64 &few of
for, thii C%L Id ad&, U *Keut-
1tE, jaurth, where they have'nothing but I A rAitst or lie Acitte. wirwim Yt% K
_3 Morrow rais. IF 6061 44 hk Val
33-- fral -nil"of the lowit 4tQod*Arh. T, -, of whit'j, an cooirsay.
. C. rev) -ea the thAnks tile - in thi *&Ah, it t6y luiurd *a orn. Awt
C_ imder f'aft;v&Uw " 15 good oidat I w" 4.1w of
r ct' 6,e� ir. GouetiA WNsifl, Iq wou putt. 13o"a L&AAC Kuws()N
KZTa ;Z Lau Bayou am 13f, T91 Low ZZYMM Cou
AX. TON, -Pirolli AM r4g- "tamps. Tbit wo is 10Mwol I
1^4 uigTt banift'ly sit F3� C,Plikluet'and semely sufficient fooil ttj "tig oil stAnds of arins am repor" Vie laush round hore,
-�-7 11 Vill ati, Out I I.-Despitches from 2W "Ptured Ing w ow
) .1
yu ordW4 ON tm to W7L
coijue t1tir- theirbunger. 'hicago state that 64 W by the Atftrl"M yj ebr4ft fruit I
tfiere woore two h-tu sw and t4m statplit#
ies have, been *aim*
the bush burut do%u,
year.4. Alt ;hopuki-igliouasittohi(iLgoand'takeu from tbeinitts.
=:�11 K R M.9.
ullinjured, and Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. U. -Boy Dr w7o* Oct. ii. -rhe boolt
W- been very rnnc'h 3atit. LAW
tuany elaNalors remain
CLotag AmD OLmstwo.-Mr. A. P. hxve Lowi bnrcing very tnely xbuat� a byloyloginum"every WX mos"K at G per Coot
C� atiotts.-Itho"two branches Of Chicftl;tbod RkIdy, who has ju.4t artived from Chim-
t _3C L"m hPA returs"d fruju Gr"t Urmswii;
r whIli-agnam to aur'part the I prosority will be slijb1ly intomiptea go, roporti; the low botit 41f life *jnot pro- me ruile auuthf here this Lou few dam but rat follwr P-Skolam ALPft P"t "M to Who' Wntef fAir hand, weatted,
wl at A MAC 4T
=toboyoao9nftption. Peopleare aump is lep(X14W 30 y6t, t this A pyly to
party, whoevertLat might 'The Vhiiiber of 'doinwerce wiU. b4 re- a sitkndhL qwk xu the tolionna no d
P- 0, DM?te
.14 om
in Ithi favor. He'buiit at lifte ng by Qiowan4p.. thore we; line. levok oat fur his rAvL -next wi . buming of fW19co ma 0 U* ifte, 11171 left
'0 seco
ad hp
I Ij Int
i I Ir
t e,
41 40
PrRI'MI Egro
F, 00 DR, IS Z", !I A
L "g
W40 Lr -_Vo C�,' "CZ1
c,, -,-e
'01gy-so cr,�l C -al CZ2
6CE0 VLD 0t70 1",:3 T,
Cot r--am"luT '_T a!ny.
0 kc-�v C, -41L, n 1EOZlac-�J�j
W 0 Vz C 0 U.� v OL, I
to B zcczzl,��y
f2r,0 111 C(L-ZCi� C�1,1 P -,c
-1: 10 ^C
Rfpofc�,,C, n tie
tovim, 6 en �U czff C
fav uZ60Uzg �1.6:z
sAum-'�T - _,m7T.—no
'Co - --
peal upt'Luo
CU wo) fzc, erc-k, _"-0 ?F-C",-
ET,-- _L
Art) C'n ftw'
Cue A64--aiiat 'V;__
t�, ",( ran,
C�50, 0 T'
TA'Ark, F-RIV. 0"n
iK V�
u':c Rtvf, J 3
Q Lx r!
"W JE;--
Tlif Z,
1_�rAt �Jfl) Ty,, --V KOT
Sour- Tfy� t r �ib, c,�
-pri-e iiiiii, ri, iii1i'(1i A
1nd pr*Af
.- - I � 4 L.
,nc V4*t, ViO:
TnihcS*1Wt row w)-c-clulDta i
k 41�0 W&V
#A 6
f" LN
4,rl a,
A 4,
X�574iwxj* to tal. "Left&.
Ykii4i(®rtt IR-)
4_4" P., I'm6l:
J'Aj 4 WJI t,4.L
I"-- *.�*4j
J�p I L%kxt, b4
AhARo pet ik j
tA IL #P,,Prw Oct i
Y4, bust if
but ;W *as _(W&Wb,.j (I U,
bo"akjA' 66� I
1. (Po W f
Aki� W,
'-A ki
Wu W_
rkftr, tpwt
]kW* 0- JA41,
1cA TTU m,4 RK rT
P* AA LAUAV 10it t4b-
TKLU z 40, t4ft) Nt LW
us W i i
tU f A6t "Ok 9f L I
46ft wet, t1hr*w- &A,W*"M,L8
joork^ &P"j fUfr . 4-14. S. numifi.'
W. 0.6ft. a, 1*4 1116
4qk r4rt 10--#"
The 0ab" tbl* 4.,ro;4 v --*j S.- fc�-