Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-13, Page 1CO) P-,4 AV Z N L L'- 9 T C -la T) 0
01� J,,7W Tun
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F P-11- M f �7, Yud lbuv (-Lo tT
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A. D) 11, =1, Lc., C,2.
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A 7. L) C,- ? A
for 3AT F.
Y to
t C U f? L121 A., Pon '00�1SULTATION` a m every. day� Will visit up to t-1 orclop Qt ho CAI n_2 vadeals at any ED= afto7var&i nign orday. �3hnnon BYZ-E� \IfF �3 I PR and t-
�qy, 1hha tube, vw"20 inXC0TCzx. so r I can lit ELf2i, t t,��ipthtt PzL)i Cha ir
third door east of Central School. dz,�Iffq bxi W
00X10&;:&BRAHAR-1 'IT R p' The,Grea'te it Possible Good to tho Greatest Poshible Number. XAMS LY dxmml whzrs ,Q XG.,.Editor. t
--,Eftam, an i!, n (Of McGill College E317102 7 Vol, 0 N. T A FRID -A Y OCT. -131 S 2.1 P 0J _13' ALNN,�, I -N� AD, GODERI%-/' RIO. D. Ci Ito thx&i�
=Muni an Lol. Allalg=,r. AND ATTOR.Nr.Y-AT-LAW, Am), "GODERIVII vvte-f,
40 Qcer(YMCO�uty Crown Alter all h1sur Cameron &a ARRIS as, SOLICITORS IN, CHAXGURT.,&c. NEW HE M .8 tmp�, md, run it !�ip to Ft-e:in B street, Godgrich. THE ISOLATED.RISK 142k TY ff -t, %L
0. a'", mo 5 a IT. 19. GAII -$129voo =L 7 1111URA ARrJS72RSA1q1) ATT 61f, FARXI _PROPERT TO LEND &c. Goderich. Ont. -GORDON Rot B ELO DANIEL AT 8 PER ENT, INTEHEST, CW5 Soulun. B.A. s-, C 'RE HOUSE 0711GA1173 EXPENSES SONAtLE. WAV Hr.A OF-FIOE: NSTOW (3A:131Nr1T11Y1AXVR, CEWPCla 01. DAVISON&JOH 1,913 haarul Q3 cent Na 'PlIano stools, - &C, &C UPHKATERER" �Itreee, Cone). of (Two-ch.rorouto. L lie eyean, ta. ila�Crzmccry &a., eadorict. ?2anufactured bV the Celebrated Firm. ot Goderich 12th Sept. 1871. SW5 A TORO 016 UZln (10%tl 11110 S�
CAPITL SWITRATIEw ' -to keep R. S. WILLIAMS'& CO..,, TORONTO 850(Y.000 AM MSL 2M XX:r �% cl� t C3� X,, -V voke =4L11 tho yqnaE2 f-1acrEl timespare Cos 11(3 most ex DEPOSITED WITH G(P_VF1tN_zq_NT, $50,000, tensivo iiakers in the Dominion. d up tbel'storetwd rim MONEY TO LEN or's west ofthe Post Itut a quay" ilktfy, 0 fteol.Elur4n and Bruce, thathol6nowinan- UONBY TO LEND. fril F undersignedbegs to intimate thathe has Leep, EXANDER WKFi19ZI91 EsQ., W. P. At Greatly reduce -4 lWas of Intore -a make vfficleut urroundi Antedagent, forGoderich andthes uz 21T�Vco bo fifteen years, - at a low T-itte of G6 0AM1='-_A.1LGMU he above justly celeb _E farrliges,- Wag, US, stelgoss .Conn UNITUR rated firm,and isq MANAGER, T1Mun1.erj,,j,,Ted has aniy nfoilut of intin6y 16' AV ACERY AND COTVD try.,Ofdtt. ,,,all articles inade them, at JGHN MAUUHAN'.1un fro 0 Cn able terms of re' ayment, payable 4e-_ what um-41�Cro &() rmyeLe
LANUF 4VTURER9c�PRICE04 interest and, faVour, p 17AEXHOUSZ� Tarleh -Ont. Samplqa may ho seen and terms aseermia- G14 (Late sist4nt-,-:eerqtary Western Assurnce t;Q.) by yerly instalments lite of expense -will defy _% I acd competiton. whtch will be,sbld -CHEAR -OR VASE. ixr-za dut7n in the c lDuntyv, 23pt., 1871. 1 Ware�Rooms.Vlest'Street. 13,6tas—Canadian I�anlcor commerce. =749 wbere be will In futam carry im thi above business liu� Rae L -H 0 R1. A il 0 A TOX nmraexteasi�blythanbvek.Wle tbanrar for past DANIEL GORDON" I ' -_ ' it a stromQg samer. I ADVANTAGES OFFPRED., - , patrimagei-holtopes by. strlekattenti)Rtcm�r ORN PASM-ORE,'
Goderich, A 15, 1870 W30 A!ppinilser for lWa C;x0ada,PeiP-, 4G� 1V. U9 4S ��. contluna4ce and increase ofsupporL Goderich DALEIST AT 3 A N D INSU ffANCD AGE NTS, No Ist— Msolute security 0 Polio Holders, in the I 6, Atezdo Buildings, Bmflalo, X. V. shape 6'a very la Soclety. of Toronfoi.` Attomay-at-Law. ff. rge Cash at TO WON HAWD Zmans C. 9 impo I - � - -------- G dedeh, Aui 16, 1870 w30 33: Aug. 20n, IWO. 2ad- rha rtant fe.= I trodueed by this o -1 - I zf;Lt:&-:Ctt Comppay ofinsuring non-Ahazard piaparty,only, ANCE AR IHIS DAY no ONSUR .0 D 9no of'th& 1�rgpt 9tacks. of furniturein thg County being e menitsol'giving its Policy Holders very ancl is am the shortest notice. prep�r&d to - -z � 'E.1, I on-dttaPb6ddwcl'1ngs,&,c. ?upply eusto�qersfth everything in bis!l1ne.shchas low rvl�l The subscriber is agent for the 10Ilo;#11!gIlrst-cIasR
3id—�Fhe.1;tt)ekhndcr% P,.rectors and Agents, he- I:nSllr DAYPIDLD, County ance Companies P.pwingrdm an- Parlor Sctt�
Salas in village or country punctually f jenitlents In Ca land. nada losses�,will be adjuste-I OENIXof London, E"
att lnde�l' to. ing PIT �ORD of Hartford: withoul delay, and paid In ca8h, ad onc& UMOVNNIUK
BAR in �Wali,ut, 'PROV11KIAL ofTbroato. B I o6roonr Betts I CIM Mol) 10 U1, 8 JL -3. 23. Uamlin, I R. RADOM", BlItTISH-ANFIlICA; of Toronto. fro Go -Jn - Chestnut' ido do in white waoj, VM rinOXNBEF. AND SURVD-Ton, LAND I Yr.42w10 Agent for Uoddri�h and -vicinity. Vipe Ar, 74a-riue . busmes.4 done. atithe Mittressei. of every C3.0seription" lq%v!CstposstV1c rates 'Fe9thor golst "E' BRICK EU1" annd Cowevancer, 11mcardirie. ers. Pillow$' &e. if. Co. N VY wilize Qtr a powsl efrar sfe
Office Maiket Square" Goderich, Sept 26th, 1870. BL�RMNTPF DRUG STGRE) bar el Pictures-sudlt v-4 Oil Painting. Cfiromo�;Lltbograpbs Canyeefeutto tLe 14urk-et. the putt flnT1) ed 'a F;ePwrioal to Pe-: r1iotdgraph of the Queen. Having made amangements &:c.,'o a and Private lauildings' THFI CC ,W CC,
ard allo, td superintend the erection at the mme: oil' ,V iatt �_ nth a Toronto Manufacturing House can supply I
'to -any style - required at Toronto W. HICIL TR0ELE1% INS 'ture Frames n Stuaro., ' _k i I . 1, 0gF1c7&--J' CE 0 0. twenty-two I �'
ordanvo prices. His otonu of stoves
Godbct2h. April 4th. IGn. AVVG4. D:r, Ha� alWa on hand a complete twci2ty imble quarit't,
Bodil injury or loss of life, ;uaranto A ent of 48iort in ARGE AXD COMPLEZU eing. the 4% 4a
aymen' ofastipulate ii per * eck? fforn 83 to Ely iRafteal use-2iu Goo#mg1s Banking Mae. JL Eno w2fl savo.
DARTIE-8 IN WAN� -OF AN --A qg i_l 1j,-
thiel]principal-sunt insured, C� Of roidS S40, or ie paviiient of lis k Sh 1p. theUAest Style 12unty by �`
f, r) u -to �10,OUO,ir the ii0i ry i a 1TQhn8lMg WEST STREET, GODERICH, use death with- in threeil onths, also rants full AU641�IEAPLAE,s -t,4 wre. X J- W ITELY, ILNQX yffiv C6�1u
: Lt DS OF JOB WORK?l �c
BU72 Oreenbachs, Amprican Oilver and Drafts, were um'l in up kttcrt fa,r itie
GoodVarmers' Notes discounted anti purchased, IFE INSURMCE 1h a DEPEW ez EOHEBTY9! THE SAME AS US Lmon 3yloatle!d ou Chattel Mortgage. Deyosits received Phvetons%. Euggie 't 5 interest PNNI.- .. it. and end' winents of all forms at Dw Cash Rates car
ANDRD77 WADDELL, Agen' Fall I fornlution can bebtaired. of 2DoorSW60f Post0910. thodorl ch, 20th Feb Ir S17 49V.1 Are doing a licavy business in1the sale of 8. H. DETLOR, and durability aurotbaar- Agent Lurabw �wtg 06�rihvood taWi, io, Bi Iisdsed,and are of all who Wt Goder ch 23rd May, 1671. waut 4 first-class article, I hQ114rea, Ths v c ink uscl r % W� BtLL & Cos in t tft4 wfdi, -'r NTIST A RV 1 A TrUMMING..
DE a & I C in �ul Stovesl �Stoves I 'nil "Ott"'T *wl organ a,1PRegodeon a, &a.' 'OV R,*Ms " or thaPost. Office, West Street, deiveNbw Extens Goderich. ` - - I - . V 1720te, , - THE SOTTISH RMIXIAL AND, LUMBER WGON utt HEINTZXN & CO'S PIANOS, ,n] ,attentTa j can a tattev VILA -it Cm thit, irt,
S lelidi(l Iq d* 8toCk. Orders Iii Jobbing a:pd epairing. cc. strret aitontion paid. to. an orders entrusted to us 11. O.O.r 0. L. THO-DIAS'S do. A- BUZ come to be puzutect
A 7.1 0 M3 ispection of the work now beina turnta out T. J, A100R. OUSE. Solicited. uron W 0, Meets at eir 11all, A five years guarantee giYen with each Agent:- 0. _Bre4 G64odeli ut Iffay Isn- Barry t1blou Bloc uly2f 1671, 6very Thursday evenihip 0 ab ,lr. GdAderich, Godei ieb. instrument, ak�rs idertakQrs Wood,_ thitt ihe factiem 6 -t-
ro ixt 7,r o'clopli. Butranceon. Kingston street Visiting W- 30 ifig whzeh, I,." r4ow bemt C'17.0 of t1c
ry- Xt-l'usenitu* g arriarp be ran, oc Faria%y z v, -1 - - ,ozothrea CPO cordially invited: F. JOHNSTON, tecreta' y E-4 Have removed -across tue. street to the store next Show Rooms, .4 The Streit, 13CAT XA (04 .k r4 PT4. do&jo W. Achesou!s Harnegs Shopo7libre will be� FAC T 0 RY- atrcete in Vile fouliid C.O.Np,y Po A GOOD ASOIRTBIENT I 33AVES & ELT4107T NO. 33 CLINTON, 0.7 L :1 p&trallso& u
4 1. L j� ,�ISUR A r ,
R. (0. A. F. -A. A ra' 'of 41foltmBedroont, Diaing-room, and rar or Fu W* haUr by strol)g bodiet, of eorioUblim -FORP. 00 W - DRUM, such as .,HAV12 pleasnre in flat HART �j4 I - - L, Ingto tho ubUc MED, REGULARCO 0%tm r:
TABI4S, (Mountry bat widlie detoet!YAW, 6 6d * ordrfory .L Inuitication hibeld on CHUIQ�, -August 14th. sois in C , 5. ` CHAIBS hair, o "ted) havepm a wgggon, Air the arst Wednesday of 10 00 ._ L: li&U Ktfirf, VINed fliti4*1Y abo%IC That
AS1q CAPIIAL 3,000000 . . z �. "f,- each mouth at 7.30 P. op on PraC1JUt11Jn§ 11&d jj� C CASLIJ ASSETS '935.09 m- Visiting brethren 5,782, ADS cor"y iav!W. LOSSES PAID IN 51 years 8,000,000 00 old stautl,) initilefliatel alo&uing t ze NVestein Be- memberc tA i�v ivr,) bodiot frow,
teL ;D. & U;,Attend p2movally to all.the Work 17. DICZSON. geqtL.C, LOURE& 4djAmste(l. to.them, azd 40o prClIared to tuin cut r "Creatiou, and ille rdolit pw.
ml r See. THE BRkDBURV anderich 4th May, 187f. RGEST-) viragohs Buggies, TkorG' 1nC THE LA 'A�HPQTS' MOM* GLASSES EVE us )L= 2:.&�MT 0� FRAMtge AND _Cuttois, sleighs 0315TN41�,T FUgAirs, LTIAD rip"" ko. ar, S U a a 4 con.
Rji--G. 13 Il are, sell everything in. iand verything in Vicir lise,of the very lost vs- sqitt-,10) 'Whir flitly Owned go, #of r#1 Jr
THE 1AEST ANNU.1' f,lpeif line'. 10 End wor'riaiisbip uni at the -very Iowostxe- L INCOMR tee )at lie had to be iaiken to Ow lico ki#A,�
mtmerativii� rates.. F ANY Cheap for Dash.
0 To 0. '(DF G. �CT t3 :r iv ca- w X XT 'VV.& XX
a A x colviply - X. B,, A. complete assortment ofCoffins and Shrow 'Is i - -
16' Prenqftly-atteudea-te� . I rso $o lift, al -oazeasow.: VA. P1 L E 1, HOPE AND CEIAXITY� Am,-, ilways ouliatul and a He, Vkpk! P 'ilk a Plow. able t&)Ras, P G 3P.TeRT21ULM NO. 223. OrZ TE119 OfiRER -isit made wih t1i a Domiui' A C ELL 0 H"D' hrge a8!43DTtMCAt f ODE COAZ'OlLs ho!d t1airmeatiagin the Temperance I -Tall, West t. overyNoridaye7g. commencing ats 0,01001t sh-up, foi- the benefit of Gana -at Ttuitbg brethren cordWl Invited. 'rellrt -I'S 3r -m 30 'r C&' 3�� —'6* WHOLESAht A30 RETAIL. a vory whor,
IwIder a exchi 8 whicb. will Ie sold Cheap for Vash *r Card- _nni ALSX; GORREL4. 0::jpn�,Recent faftures'sboir ;he f WOO& Out ducv,
mpor Old tan�VV pptroniziilgztlie,(itltyipltiiiesthat l3,V187&-6WQ; - Copper.Hrass, Wool i k -j g. and .14fteop tll* 2��,Fer wax risen 0 f-,trit, ths Iws'#
- %, ' r W- CABINET S_fX taken in eehange. raliel'blim it-), PIqt voixL't iW 4d,wnb*4
Seahary SWC00 Oil Lam NJ &e,.
GcE0710T2 June zlth. 1872. ffordl the- moit.r4W-�hle inilemnity and 17, OW. IN THE 3108T ItYPUr(MENTED It tUrood letit
- . . - I . , - rV J - the #;i1llc_of an ,Etna mu,*ba ap- AND aminity, dmitted by the �1 tisleal i, Froftsion pare!'It., iW Sign ofthe Urge Cciiil W Bar ifiat ihe fstler of 'Huron Division 90'a 40 1SuNn it &d ir h&,A
propowd 10P XIVIG-RAP1415 Godaiall, Au 15, ls70 awl oftbe City of Now Yorlztt�exqcl los ot all . 13_1L'special attention given to the Insurance of k, F
__�hori4 , PlElonn"XXV obtolov TFmFrg?_-AxcF, other makers, Dwell, Ch I bp School and V,Ikiblie Buildings UMOLST3 tNGIS rartp,an.-of and fl ILTI ve vears. atl low as WE
ST ==
be intulij with safety to th (be Ppir' Coldpany. Tnr -C -G Or )to .0vorroftarkw
OPPOSIT AL W-00 Per Dozen—, "It is n(A my purp,
G!ctca�:Ja cboly Hall Ca West St. first 40or ties f When f desire to pumh%", I sliall #,b,
and 18 rapidly snk6rsc4Ingtl-e once fX116-10 Vollick- 00116rich,,Tan. 28th, 1871- VF2 ly to 'b* eh$4PC*t Iril1kri
A, ID. B. S. J. T - GAR R017' W. P. ey)ings&- stehiwny4l' inthe Uansiom ofthaeltby M o Nl Y T 0 LEND Atripai" "' ibithe Jeft tho tioust
and in the Con&rt l3alls of tho'Professionals. 'The immene popularity of the 33n O$ EABY 'PEUM "tit io wham his fiorw was ti6d out
_4.T1 r - IBTJ17�%r is accounted'for 4iniply ERIC McKAY9 SISH AND OUR the rciui, and PATENTS on Its auVerfor merits, beimi in wery re-spect the WC.O."ORATrb]. - Xra1M, A. D. 18" OULD AESPEMTULLYA1(. FCTORL perf ection of the west sli'lleg %vorlTrianship and the HUr-ON- .& wonouncethat 110 intspened a has been aarclekl it,;, by, FOR INVENTIONS bivnisb meet, of inaisc 0 amom—
those best qualified to Yadgej in stylingit themost SAVINGS & LOAN MOIETY. ewshopinthe aboveline, on West Strect;*o pposit
-nt that Is now in STiA 11POO-L&LONPON al.,&hdroliewilikeepco the Bank of Slont& nstantIv a t'LY perfect instramG ado. ANIALf e9l(tMW
AIVD Q ru6 A E. His S00lETY ADVANCE$31 ONEY 01�441ECU- Sash., Doom, Blinds, isikryAme w" wittkessiod,,utasde kams.,
aonvoll camb, tlao unit,23 S�atm auctrmpq. &F_ opmonq MAWGU F Rom $350 ToV01000 JF_rjty of Real Estafe, and on Terms ver� favor- GAfY—Vh *oil.
vecordingto,aXaoliatof car�lngg, and flulsli. able G� torrowem' we Vaers�atk%, 51 cents, Postage free. ()ne t1ozen from mtc_-1Grnoohw8o, Coadforprint RArh CE C Q-"' -PA P r A N Y; FURWITURE OF ALL KINDS' ALF DOZEN.f. o in BACK NE known dmpom midi vvshoussmen, ite
h. gibeem,in existence Thirty1t io LI'O'YEIR-91 COST9.tRn0H.RGHD Ahvingn hand'su. assortment of Upbolster�' MouldinpFlooeing,
U113=7 13=2,2. T.J. MOORHOUSE aes exec ts, Postage free Wavy lit'g,that d Uas paid lies eding phe,3601ety pays its SolicitoVs charges, uy Funt of mat4orialho*glboTreparedtoiGlIpromp�lyallards backv 4t I-perio ranvantaber of In tbat'llike. AU=6� Canadn" $20p up%vards, is tout f, At figif-Pat, twolre, ort TtoiMaiv,, tpgm
AGENT. r- ii� & a half IniRion poitads Wrling� 1noitay, fro nddress. og Patont and ears, fromone,ta fifteezi. Aucymaybe6btaloned'At V-'4-Aqtiant.lty,*fGiltandltose-WoodMoulOinl;so 2W handii e tip" wwo
III,$ onoiluous sum over LY-LtiDley,,iti%liftle.orixo,dolay�bgyondtlietimBOO� band. D:k PardenlarAtle.nllon lfaldfoRopy- and th kinds of
a wl4e area, hai W ttpied In investigating the. title ind Inii;Lriog the I I �>,
`Tho�nqgt j�creeptfoncbjS 61ToattwLonlab" from ithout douli.t contributei, to cong"Xxtod fr(PID( Of th# LMilifJOIC,
Vell ftnown naw�o, both CaRsdlan apd Aniari=6, tile e0qlablishtneat of lonj in 4110 V ortglge, the 00' -it Of whiell is, paill bV5;t1ie;9oCfe1y. ing old -Anibrotype's. U it C YA U Nvt-xn H C"WPWU1'HY thftt, havitkg b"n ompl,,7.
Picture Flamt-9. V�Orft. ?Tt en�.e of Corpor1jions,Merchants. The4ulLamountoftI1010an-is advafic&:-nodeduc., *a from f16,?#N 1q,ti priff �otberebhrges' ]Folt either large & quiall photagraphs. The sueY4% Cirile aad Gu(ble',wash and Fr* m" t) mid -
O& Bid- ally to tll( or so Inrob W, 00
2,1V subscriber in returni%�thcnkR ( " the fibersd Inight, they h6d not qq1&arg. Hou e holdets� an4. bux�
RED, DB P01101K A1U16TR9Xq tluo Z eis men gnerally tion -being made forcommissiou oi "Y "tect to busin
wheq' Ver -t isrepresersted. often add so, materi: r' a patrou2ge- rhey thick from or front individu r4kit
e I ffom otherSoo, alm The bor- *'5o!re9fpiibI i cost of a loan h
-Fjre� F..remlutus �rower Can rep�,Iy lils loaRbY Y9ftr%Y, -yearly. or patronart- lteretofbr,� extended to biM. F40PPOt' had btftWe
1AND Affi,ATJ� VALUERt in 6 Ist yeai, Ina, tile- half qrouldjti�st say fhat 6 haa made such im rw.vidod U. Wf-pw sovati is th# oreo..
`91,970 �mouthly, paynjentg, Th,o periodical installueuts atAytemortheraw�tli-st eofl. '447 7P,' linelnde, besides it pro h g*leryaswill merits cou- '"dil, having be"
y,asw sw., (Golmnxow. lei t� 10tb-ye�r 1%,46 cc itereiVasmaltsum hi )UK, tht first-clw,, )
- -;G922' iand'ttiev gre so divileatbat by theirpayment the, 0,000 fectof Dr ineb and a q-4-Ifter 1)"n prfivided with uww, but it w#o
0�XXNJON 'nuance of flie same. 'bsd, and the martgage dis- D on
debt is enJWlYeXti11g111S Flooring hand, mo 1JF10 it 01N, i3 80thydar,1866 64 M�9�43 charged jr, tho end 4.1the time stipulated. tl:R! A Great Redueftex On "iti4frod ilim ncarlr Awe h"101% h&TIP
Gn6 'Year later, I' i TRICTLY CASH, w LOOK, T- F O It THE Timms 6 Tid til Im- .15 vear�; lie pa -WeAch t, and n't the end of -arge Photogra All* Wa Y8 166 f, Tfis zapidly in- BN INS ITUT3. 1,11 th bofor*
"a U paiMl of,ir , 33IG UT A'TO T�e* Fire Iteservc, Fund is �ovv S4,7971014 tife, time.bis Uortga, Society % the best Indift- jAS BVCf1ANAX9 T14 not heinv, forthcomi le empifty.
S2,46 �,buslnegs of this no
..pp Life Heserve Fund is now $94 US ortiasin, 6gtrded by the LAVtoSus, to retir#, MTV - M thefavorwith which it UP Goderieh.Auz. 15. 1870. V#30 refU#6, windLIS :rc3l, X 010 throtibout tion of and its porAdarity Will become Ing St. E t Toronto he company is represenied rLingeommuni ROH11803d. tihu*d utifif Ir t" rest. mid &M.
iiebe�, by infi4enhat Agants tau
Patenta t3ken out. Dabts Ontihrio and lending becoltift rmidni%vhteut�
�Jieation 11dr, iq.Wrau* tna� be Mac yletterknown and underAipd. BYthe sr"ll tay- GoNrieh, Ali; 16, 1bT0 w3e 641 WAI`061160 bouting. Y6114%,
WNIm RPF TeSidintSecretairy, V*IYinst&Imeut,, 0 in Ontario, in whch Included in the,
613a orying loot for airmny"
i[out troUble, pays Telelip i speeWity. 'Seud WU -rower gradvAll, and Witl -the risk MONTANAL th6b01 r 10fr hislgau�fbug "biding' of losing his IMPORTANT NOTICE kx�nt for U oderich ; B V
!n the principal ften Th Property,wilich t4,15 WhY ltf*, old in" th* mfol amwingr
t, for Exeter;!W. N Xvittsa Seltiti gnit duein a UTge suia at the end of the term.- Address
L. of *11 I D&WWO tiny or* mawh-
XTO-jabie terms(wilieli ,ean. be pettledat Any month- Z, 15, 187Q.; W34 lie can, at any time. p,%y off his loan in advnce on .4- 11100yrlonto. Rotse Sign i4rriage Pointer OL00111 R H oderiih. Au. To Re, MANN, CODERICHN ly meeting b tho-Urgetort. on the tipplicatlon ot ina interest at six per teut.- per
th6borrower,� o on all paViacrits in advance. VIRS8 TO ACQUALNT THEPUBLICTIIAT
annum-willboallowed &11�may 1* olt VETERINARY11
An ........ t t tile Y;a1sy= Xethodixt Churck.wIth varniah room
Prowletor. inedelt D he bas iftttwlrp a shop on orth street ftextt4l
p it" theSociet t , cref4 attAchad wherebeis preptired to hit nllor4en pra4ul'
LnY � 0
Ir ftvl I tly,smd at romonable. phees ThAftkfhI for tbo Pam CHALBS,FL-8'r40HrJJ. Viattitor t 10oderfeb, 'J.L-L E 'to kjjEl xp of the Lut T yms solicite, a agatiamwe 0 SM E' EJ ESE. Notioeto:Aodkftners 1�;CLO,tjla V106J4 &,Yje� FICETOR NX, CELURCMLL
riow Is the do to hint you clittm Aucnoiv MART..
aAD OF 'ONTO Shephara Strach-an,
Sleighs, and C&ntWs-
TO LEND AT LONVEST RATES.- Mr Orders from owAntry Curipse obw Atids&d Eft it kX=(;)g zVoinuid sale agents at ONT. VET, i INA Y .74URICH HOTEL. J.8.1 00RDOX) AVE �been re- � FORTHEYEAR - 41, ea
h BARRISTER AsD ATToRvzy AT-LAw Gode'rich fOr tb�i $414 Of thO Celel)Mt siopwatle&OUN& Grualug GUBMS-p"W W fisdexAmwalw, WA obtabr4 a tipwo
r=*" 1000 . I 30USIROLD IT"rmu,
01) SOLICITOR IN 03ANOZI(Y. Exeter Factory Chefte. aia", *4,. suad 19M* .11%mea &%d uz*4m
J. blouRRTOR -lo"I deslem supolind at".tbeFactory F. 4. 3UNN. of al! GODISRICH! 611%� ==011W Fx!rpsident. uodslicb, Asir, 15, 18?0 swt Tobift. C%gals. bed4fie".
ASL Y0_U GO TO THE POSTOFFIVE Godedels, Much 2MIL 1871, W94- PriCes. TaRtm. W"h Bitted&. I,-%V1W rftooff,,
% I - (ril-ft. lf�- Irbift 1K
]B. .RALDAN-Manaeng birector. lwr ~,
Cf )"a It th" UK 4E1@mhb
-Ati�a h7 t b145 Cere AITEPEIARD STIRACHAN. 3L 3, 0 WE INSURANUE AT n ftepubliefo-r a eTlerr. s at h d I, lag 9Y)1Z1 13a� W1 FiRE & Xou:e7-toT-o*nonRea1'F$t&tet flob�iab, Av916 18*1 W" A1*A n'
e It Lowest Carreut 1WE-8 'fll'RAI.I.EtUoth*Tmsta*dLoasiCompsky I
ibmartaudoloys. NA. jr,rADIFF OP aw
graxTieeark,14 Of big*" pre"4004 i # W 4 CA Atteut! to the reqnW." I a , owwww VW ""
RON 'HOTEU SinauranceferonSOr thr6eyears ondetachad Samuel Curran =Meru" cab"" flotoL Chi -914 OrOtke,-Y, and GIUMat F.
RUSSELL WATCH IDW0,.11iu49, CburC,.tf.,q and Schools with coutenti. in Aisnrdt "act Codernk w owns xn%leountry plaus. Thesenzenan P"W awt1w Ge4er" fV4 Alell 101. Prq1rr4 ks bwaaebr.,A par,
ZU4,M!" Co. HuRaN f4rtr8saleof WhIeh Ila is&AC-Art inGoderwit, its cities " sorablo to tho Fam W44" respeew? Name" to U* r is .f ( a&) 00 Law)* Am 1AMOV
t 11&X on 11aril a vcy,�JA us,orrAley pagc4lariyfa ba ou W.,
I'MYle Or- �p � r�,e stw% a thts rerlxbI6 tims- ter, kee 'er wh:chllj� 13ju a position tA sell cheap and to iog iparaut6d sidWactlqn to t1lepurehaser. ��rft i -A JJrXt CIM114 M&-A'fflkntM for -a tnvelling Alfter "A) FM $"RE
u��thling rcors taintl.,31tig thin a bad wat& Intl for, tke townkbip outlying this Town App y In A hw�_,e W to(
thersialD ex"Via For IwIng snoyedwith at* when wrijitill with zefer!xoe t.3 tka undereloadfor tras, In ewm6edft Vfth bb onewy, Xtj2�SSJWUY, is to bo but cheap. MUSIon f9 Jh* HesA 0&,*, Xasrx. 044w, Draw 64.4,
(:omplate wortment of 9wild &L -d Platad D. WATSON. AT NOTION is hKVbY giVft Vict"VIEL Istreeto Awbor Go*
Ta-tvalery. Watcheii and Clocks rejialnd Ina we*- LoW A IREMOVAL, and Lux k.. ---------- Shookard k Strechanve tipn ViU be out" to me To Houl Xitallsit on, Call and Seo.1 W24W 20 8 Ar Of so, P�rbv- a Ott I tario, at D"t (opp"16 8"Wrows 0#-WIfA) O -HN.' Pntvleton L This DOUGLAM ITON18F 11RAN SSW a =at Tumt% fur*AthorUy wo sq,sum WAIT b..4. ALEXXMICE PAP
ia the lAnwt uA beat C,)uniry C,04airl, X&v4, 11T. *010fter PDX CARK. pereems wWas% WWII
W i a W Caud 46 an d t har- the eoune of tM "Rivee Ann ww==01s; ei" WAICEM&IM to aul at daft For moda-mi* as Anyhouie, in mitchell: stw rro� WX= Tim TIL" t6i Townsbip of fla"8@4,
50rWor tiood ritablitig for 100hoTw; Herw and a of 4r&in* cortm 1AD& Moke Family Gwee6es, OOOD DOUBLE RkRitElkED GU19,
for flirt, atkiborteAg"ks 217 8611 fteap for QW1110 for wwwoew"
in4l iompnot B"W"Ot. ussil- J*&%ieb, Ass ts. 1870. owl b 0. 9: = - I wAftl A- a 1�-dy -d 6."- Nit.,
I" FA&0nh0&_ ia tm nw Novifte& &.,..d&VWb"1& WW& 10dw 'on ommission Tr" 19; XONXT. ,95;WTW71;i, im WW amok his
lueff TWM — "Gite On fastifirday next
do PW'C,#W ** I&sod orgra" wifiwWeb dwir
A072CM *07 DMOLYMM SPEaAL- VALUE 1,N TF.A.- boin Im dw 1@4 Is yeem OW bw
00DERICH&CLINTON TV You wutte do two 4W Week I a me &W. to -hose Oranw0bespeo" "Mmot BY Anwass, a' tbp %* P-0, "ra dbbf to 19 -
I aiked (W 14C=D. *00"saft' at "W"wmew 'm *8*N" m* cr*Wa, a larip k% .1
IlEstabliehed lt*Wb. swrlm A CALL 50r -Xbo� P140 9 .
Gkwvlm =ON art" to 41TW __ � � a - - - - " - WatAn Mob md Jewsl&Y
L *N ;AT34 N bw*6@bft 4 - I a 6, was 110% sm Househofd Furtfiture,
a all=,* TWAT ArrL& CATrUh se 000B* JNUW96XM 13 as
setwdayaad is C1.6to"VWY Wed- STE"BIR117 AW 018409C OW600 "d a we $I BEDS AN 1) BEDDING,
Iff"ROWS - w k = of on ad 004 ho bm" doom bw Mir "Mo"d as Prop"Vi"in""ate L1ORT(CX=t0WW from der V me execs" AadvdW 646dto NMIMIeWWO tO "MMI,
to =at 1� IN", - __
ants 0046. r * teWftew by the above sksawsbe 4favesew4hWo . 41w4ft aulk, Impet-Om towited at bpi Fale n IFAIL1421 A4 1 P. Wfu I __ D. IL 1MCJ%A -A Od% be 0*&ri*A8f1 * Gob" AM UL fa5s 606NW Namb sftk Uft Am I & AWSO J" . KUWAAN'S AW1160 Mart girt I!U ambrh&.04. wa, is:1
to II�-.;A ek