HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-06, Page 5W 4 r 7 T o Foal 170rit-00, 7- U ell, S BOR, 8AVING3 15 17 C 1:1-2 0 Z_ C.- 17 C: A Z*X&Dougmll -MUDD br AL-sm W= &T uonn roji CONSULTATION .Mmlm 0=?O a. Tn. every 6.1y. Will visit orlivdiriti, niglit orday. 4 v7 k, lIZZU Goi lit. E4 it)y f'; yi 0 eq G�i P, t�, "R7 ME M C M W Z-3 r 2 P ?YO ff MORI =UMA a 4 aloliii M!, AIN. lv&aiv c!2kil him Ezzna Mcn-cy. E� 2UP,- btZ_1i 401 canai WL Sri'. 0MONBR. &a. office k`10vic�n4m pandlt.!Saleii.iii Vlarl loi,lr oas, Of cli School. W L a n- 16TTy moll, 10 <, 0:1 Zo a 0Z &I AB GuM FAVOMTED" The Greaio'stPossibl, 22 4 0, Z X 0, zavfiky_,� TUm 1!1�, (Of 111-1;111 a. Jl AD u2)"70 1 V 17 i!&_ t_074 :r ax1r_3,;Ks0ge tha'. rZYSTICIAN, SURPM- oVerlils Drug AN -D, LADDD. P610m tioderich, batarlo. tUb ar,�o r7wt V Vf TT Y 0.. L -2',:['�f zt fpIfl 5D A ni Jki N -a VIE'R* AN I D i. GODERICH-.�, T A RIO Rii' :C.- r - 1�_ S 1) 1871' bee inmzs v. yTfi�t,7,r_QrF7 4-i'M'�'NON V .. 1 01%,T V. -71 ti CT. :10 Vol 10 NOq M (Yy� dn-,-Gwun,,�T C'Mm = MEEM"T AND ATr0RX0Y.iT.i AnD v), - Er_�D a,.% 1114D.7 B IM miecry, Coahty Crown Attorney, 'Ch EtIlitz e� Gaiilxrti Cjilada`t7..-aL_ O*ffijee cea in CourtHouse.v141go- V haptl �n C-drd IcTt %,, "'Zo tie F -I th- a �!i -L, Tic r a wa - - - r - -,L 'PeT C ®r Uftrroi I ­­ ARRIST13 P-3,SOLICITOM5 I.N CUA XCERY,&-C. tha U."IlCe, J�Ile�i -street, Goileriti to an '. t" , , PJ, MIS Lt7j J laor 1p, I Y I , , I , I , I . I B1. C. CAMER0 J. T. Gi t ®R- TM 18OLATED RISK N 17F noyle &Z tiquie'r, Z 1iflki A�21;1) xTrORNIES, SG:,IcjTORS. TIRE 17BURRO collipm, TkIi B 8. TO LE ff:VROPEATY _ta, 6N, XAR' DA171194i SV75 WAR, SQ IDIDDETS, HE 0 AT 8 PER CENT INTIMEST. C-043DOX, let AT.T0RN3Y.3-A-T­LA'W, SOLICI_ �7 ; C='J &c., Goderili zi vorns'ac CE; DAVISON &JOHNSTON! --K.69 `:�* -OATABLZ REAS -JP I -To, 3j[ ORGANT -Q OFIN AL 'Mt. T-10HE3RZD- .71 RO" HEAD X Piano Stools, 417C &C, J Kin ' . Mer of' 0vowch, r9ronto. A131 N BIT I M, A K ER .9 Streef, -6yo GODBAICH % " ' .guipull- roARUFAC TORS, i .. I - , zn,zn­�%u tia-"na. az-u �3eii` anuftetilred by the celebrated Mrill, of 0 jrt:jii 1972. Ui_ Goderieh 12th Sept. 1871. p S. TtZn10o=t*CM, R. S. WILLIAMS CO., CAPITAL o5ottit)TIO ToRoN T, DEPO R, ATTORNE Y, BOLICITOR, &c ARRISTU -.&a. The Mo., SITED WITH GOVEWMENT $60,000, 1 vlc�il tL�0, CAP t extensive makers in the Vominion: tol�eep up &=hCa. in�_i tdd.nptt1tOe1fstto etw ri �nllez C -3 <o ­ the times linrebased6 211, 17 -RESIDENT,, ONEY TO"'LEND'.-.- MONEY TO LDT,'?D ALEXANDER McKSMIE, Esq., duce4 ltatbq of surroundir r and ispi a y of the abovi celebrated 11 LOT r. N11i signedbegs to intimate thathe has t entnt fortJoderich audthe JL aliPohiteda, 00aga L lie of Huron i BjRc6,thaILe1s4ow luau- cOuntr Fult 7tnne 03 at AW CTIANCERY A'.VD CONVnyAXCi Pared to Sell ah articles male by the' rf WE undergipTed has. any amount otponeyto rout - torliffeen, years, Ilit a low- rate or ally JOHN MATTUHAN, Jun, loan f aiiu �P woft old utm­ Tbzms LO@eooverDrCas-q `sDrugSt6r4 P &Cru Uglang-0 Flip, nterestand faourdbla "Y' if by i31K07 puap%7 Goderich OnL (Life IWARIMOU an aseertal St. of r;p sami ` Ile seen an teru Assistant -Secretary, Western Cu.) by yeIrly instalments f efly Goderich,ii Sept., ISM BW7-tf 112.7e- Rooms. West Street. competiti BAwxmia-Canadlaii-Ba;koft!omineK(-e. Whi ill be sof4 igHE 10 ]ff0jRT01q Wberillt'lle will in'future, carry on' ths' eve business _DANTft GroRbOy- H RE ab More extensive ADVANTAGES OlPFIMED. lythanever.WMIe'tharilfal for past .3 0 L� Go4erich, Au- 15, 1870. W.3 0 i1pprals'er for Me pitrona0e, 4s he a -by striet,atteuti:)n to merit a S curity to Policy Holders, if� the BUiRdfillig Society. (;A)dGrjCh 'P, C raadet Baildings, y. R boulin I t-Abs6lutb se and ore I 43e shape of a very large Cash Capital Aug. 13 W30 2nd- Thpi, impori fa-ituxe Introdu ne by this -1 �I_s of I'drp) aqe�eh, Aug 1k 1 6 As wow 0If RADO 11by - C-ompany of insuring hon -i IOUs PTOYsly only CARD lb the'mehns of givig its in Ccenty LD, Count Policy Holders . v" 0110 .0fithe IM DAYRI't on dFti dwellings, &e. The Subscriber is agent nAd is On the bbertest il�iitle -pr IV) E R -for thetallowin -class L of ffaii i Sales ia village or country punctualfy 3rd -L -The Stockholders, Directors and Agents, b. ]Insurance ii#PPIYcust*ouietavltJxeyeryt4iiiwlnhls;4n�.t�wehas be adfuste;4 Iwo 77ARU rARM, ed to. ng 411 residei la Cinad& loi will. PHOENIXnf Lqndi England., bpi% RADCLIFF (DIVIL P-NIGINmEn AND- BRITISH 43f BRICA, of Torojito�,. Chestnut- RY TR arter Y Drai without delay, and paid in-cas1l. atonce. of Hartford. - - Ilk walvni L of Torontd. Bedroom PJU V REA) SUPMMR, Li - , 4 .� t 1 Yr—BIVID Agent f0i Goderrell, and vicinity- Vire 11%f4rixie business do- do -fit white woo r.7 Convievancor, Niticardie. d one, atIthe, Iowa t possible rates Mattresses Loa rl� of every deqerlption, FeatEer Bel Mows HORACE Tri. ndersigi is- p e d if) flirnish Plans, Spe- quarej.' Goderlelf, ;1RGF_A8. co - MF L t::-- Isn day W-1 e, 29 Sept.726th,,1870. Val Tehiffitclations of I A-. �! i 1,: � " Offtie Market. S �01Y-HANWALA M070 G� i , ORTZIENVOr. --h ;I and Private Bunding-s' -IV. *� - t L7 tion Of tho Saute. Pletur�- inch 9. OU�Phfutlugs, Chrqmoj;LJthogm rik andalso to supernitend that orec a plia 'ph oflhi§'Queen.HavingmadoArran.-ement-j f on tLe P=�M IV. HICK. tv-0, tE) U, ling sr- no, Ga -INSURANCE .'r witill -fl.�.Woronto, Alanufactuxiijig House ei 1`1 to. the mavLet. 017171CI:-Iordan'4Bliett,51ark�it ffquari TRAVELER. 0 '/. i — I. _P - I .1 Plf ? I ", _� 1. - /-� 'tames GoderMll. April 4th, IMI. b re�quirod at ToWnto IDENTS prl 111 0 rag TINSURES AGAMST Ao(- CAUSING T, I , I Has always oil fiand'u complete assfirr snyod, 3 L -Goedimffls Bankino- 020-0 1. Bodily injury or loss of Hf 0, glliRant�elng the -4 p�n;ent of astipulte sung per weelc;l from .98 to I i - 3,ffiv inent of ITi 3 71 002 , it'l 4 it, L It, WEST STREET, GODER[Off, )r the pavnieut ofthe principal suin usured, c train $500 to 810,000,if the iny -COMBS& Mrouds in OeLat-st sty1d.. OR, EAU TO Greenbac' rR, Ani-rican ilver and Drafts. ory cause;death with- by %;3 4 L -K, -I Farmers, tes discounted -an -1 purellaied, in three months, also gragtrfuli -!a Er joaged on Chattel ffintgai Deposits receiitred 4MOARSPW to-1;1re. IL WEI EaL 4 ­ OR Bt E LAND 2S LOFE�- INSURANCE" ni fie Or SILL @3 OF JJ 5 V-10 RK WJ, L j7 D. AM 5, LIM dwl Fall information CaA be oblair A'11)RL jilmomft p-=Zf, t '%7 WA Li Agen' and endowmenfe of all fbrms at low Crish Rates f) r- Are.dwng'a hi busiiess ingthe saleof etVlothpab. 1871.. si,49vI ed of 2D00ii0f, Post, P40 R, I - . - a Agent re" Isla. f- Ai B�q whiclifor-appair a, 'IOU f- ai nail dui Goderich 23rd M4y, 0,041vood e pt -weed, and are seenring the-p4troni *9 ql d Vor, sal& Chan W. BELL Co's I want a first -i Aft Worlt Warranted. U_1!1)E�"f11`l1LfV over theport ()fljoeI West Street, ABLE FARNI, -1, CON. 7.W'9ANQ`M E-01 low V,�,a 6D CARRIAGZ %1DJ;N, 2, In -an its1=11filis %7ell ind tsqtef, Tilly enaeutd, 11. to aKuk 16, !e�] mcd tb* 4ugaz l4th 1870- dQsPateb,'uni the ai 7ohn I- ndeuCd :02 , T TRE SC63SH PRO I ill Ci A L of the �firm. fm HEINTZ.5TAN CO'S -PIAN3 _�p -2.; - .91 4L LU ISER Y ew Stook- Orders In' o0, L, THOMASS it,- 7 Ink U13 0- o uron Loil. T. T.'MOORHOUSE... o A five years gnaranteo giV HW�ts at their flalls on each Agent. volli dvike chtys fi3, IblonBleti (3oeriCh, 0 veiy Thitriday eyening, erich iuly:ili li Biro. rich Ist, Miy 1871. instrill f1wnt. v 2eingstoa street. Visiting at 77, oi Entrance o ?Sod P -o Parr opethren are cordilly invie..' at th, A14 for thti 3d, 137i JOH178TOV., 5-wretary. V -14i 'A A BAr Godairich. Feb. L 7j 01 L'it 01M C/ - . t - - .1 1, v) 11ri Strut, Wa Show Bool 0;4 stepa tie across ttie streetr Have removed A�TNA aU C door to W..Achesoni VarneSs Sholp;.-Whorowni'llo, P A 0 T 0 R Y found GL. 0..00 A IF. A, A . rill. ';7 oofn,.�aud fluvrft TmuER ULARi ­qox, NONT. i.j&ngi C 0 M PT' A GOO-, ASS r 33 A such as HA 90, CONN. J Vfifers IT) C, uic ti 1 1 . I -a a ou I% held on gust 14th. the first Wednesday of OHA ��halrl;caueri)ai d a rm46., I* 4 Clinton, A16 SH CAPIT-A Ivil hm r�Wva Tier 7 ME U1 1* 1nk LL11 a the ru r4fto d) tha, bL each mouth at 7.30 p. cc shop uh. SETS .0gr BOARJ)$ 13roni a 10--Zigon, arii S H AS ........ 5,70,635 A brethren Visiting -BF3DSTD AIDS in. cordi;21ly invited. 2 Vic OSSE"AID IN 51 yeari 000,000.00 ! I I fir, plid stand C,Zi U rtlralm ATTRi, S, iii edlatelyadloinin ot Ite aU CKSON. & pirtonaUy td nll t 95 b fL�nMj.b OUNES. he T70211 811trUste tot '6,.ind tug UZI t-3 zez�l 03 tom Underich Ith �HE LARG'EST ASii& 17- DI Thel capit see. WHATROTS, LOOKRI'r GLASSES Vs A ND AND' , I .7 ; � U GJr4T ,:�7, oT twei 110 it 1:7 (31iTEMT PrrWii'� LnAID P3040', ice t of Litt THE nPL&IDBURY THE LARGEIST AXNU�11� INCOM9 - - I - I I - BZ- G. 13 tB - ara� prepared to Pell- overythin; Ih II 4 their Due 0 2P YL M, 11-T C), a2id Iko &$I artWpt. OT0111US and shrot0s, PAM[, mpri, A'.TD CHARITY. V7 alwysntand and Heari� to hire, al �u tea 0MR10HTEMPLN NO. 2-43. O THIS ORDER rL. ep)S 1,41 with file 4blot Oil Ion DUPY1111 t. overyMoftday commehaing at6to'clock shar adi4* A CALL OX a Inri ;nF.S0rtMVVt the at 21� G! ho!d thelt; meetingla tha Temiper"ance Irall.-Wp3t, 1 W amfor be7lefil oft0an P. n't 1. 1 SIM Srymitip- bzathrext cordially invited. Goderich. ALEX, GURRELi 0:1p?�Re Brit-failuris show th--impor- E T A I L C V61ch 711 ba; cold Cheap for casJu. or ccxa. L a most -reliable indemitity'arrill- capp.pr" atronii "w'T 'woo _V b eb. of P ing- the Uoru�aniesthaf lla rd7 th CM f V AM a valill n e of a Oina 11blicy-muist bd ai h ren kii Ali 4 Rei of llmpmvi 'Wild Z=ds .-Espeolal atbention -given to tbelasurance of pa f -if 1 4D. U ellings, Churelies, School andPti "Buli A for 8"1 IN THE MOST UNPRM . erius of three, andfive vears, at- ratea� as low IT G 12 TRUEMANA -, IS '--'OW- TED t can be-oaaewithsaflity. to the Compi Groderich, Anr 15, 19 74) 1 unaminhy, adititted bi the ILlusicar r NSat AE of th Cii of e:i TEO WA-raoxy ftir, 4F Cut, TK 4 110 Dozen Jell - other malcGrA, OPPOSITE UN OP MONTREAL, CLU ieLit tug to du ill, -'I T42f JLa two, owl 41 no 1P, rrtec;f 0 -ii k- ti,i it Pour A 9) troln 31 1" "We ISO PUM? bori d 23 FLGRY ST, POM yu RIC JESS SONS. OF 71211 ANi r67 0ii . , -1 " . - . f pillt, 4 ERIC R KLYUE-STING 0i and is rapidly isni. .-MONEY-TO�L , EN ?RbKAY, Song of TO rlda_,, evenirgat erings8telu*a '4`iinthe libinion of tile -wealthy] udd 114 -0 'il, it ON VAsr'TPXS 111, L va ED,:! &;,-� - �17 Q L aaudinthaCcincerti[laltsof thelTofesiglonai st. first door we r, "I t d 5ho iminenil popularity of. Xhe I . : 'her.Voice Visiting brakhrIlacorWilyinvire tery r AIS A. D. CA= RON X. 8. is, aecor! 1� V. DMID, L aorumg W C on it superior moi 'being in' av sho till 11.2 of Sl ontra'al, -wharehe livill Reecaustaittl perf ectibn of themost kltillqd Mvlor�rii 90-tr AND G11A BE blflirstmei6dof ptulse has been myArdedilt, by RALVIXG9A 10AN S610hr: URNITURE JJ -jai �UAPITAJ4, $7,00 110, 0. Bash, OrS. Blinds, thoselli ied'to judge, in sifyi I N's - a. A, t -19 0 M? A -N Yi 'r . I . ;'' R OF AU WDS. J:TALF1)0Zr1, thlik, h -a Deed wexisience Thirty4 VAArz, all, ITAIDTANCES AlOnYON AECV. -wouldin Flooilng, 1, 4liemovii, illid Iiiii oil -on T pbohtg T14 fait"ir, au­issor6a�j of 7V J? 'AT E X T 9 vro -5 nii'd bos%ei ex4eed Ing: tW Pmens r 111 ms rary Aj-.51 c6ts postsre One dozen 64011) ou To 01000' a ing0it jieltiOd 6)loparp -d at 9161� �41VENTI:ONS. f lllwilouAdslate Siding, Altilif thtith Ally i nwdicinc FOP 1? ilq th 87 .4e L mount of carli TS.-tv iddress. ho�disbur.00tnenli tkisenortim9gamt over 'rhe,$Ocl- t? pays #4 96110t ALD ot 1A e area caurad in Canda, t1to United Statn and Earollkii, ilit I e. Atli t 110e% fteyAyllsobtl�lJoii Pi H OU -3 -ROPE If paid 14 jr mii y At f &44nry h 61 p, Xppn 10 g STY &T, R -RLY el"ans MUM cmc1=3 T. guy1lidevill:911i Orin OA4 tile 91�er iv )*rt 6y dence ol, VaWtc borp6rittionif;7vierchants. .9 dolz�(-bpy 400- 01 to Wer, ing old Ambroi u, lic, t1kie and �r2parlvg th MCI ja rk E:;C�J &�Zi 02 aft H d 1 A. 'V,= A.�encyln op2ratilon ton ye-3i's Tile in,) hili `vl fiisri at iaill-villi For vn&jk* 6 11'. 3W tiie ti�3 1ru-JZ11 uneuceptionble. "Taztlmonligllpj"� fri Afor If, tife, do s f id ri 1 s' pa id "!:3- go imsts bi striet i-jertio Or_ftherlar�ge. or sf�afi Tha EUE-11 Qr& a, 'C��Cnj E,37t:,y Jerever it isrepre- "trA ThG full arnon4trotithe loan Is a4lirpgga- sub the 1liberld rhey knwn, n res, both Canadin and A#.ieric4ni of J)ubllo patrow"S. 'Ir6 RIMUMS tiO)aing mi fdr commisqIdn. op"Othey rlt��gei 02 t:, -Aa, caa-beieen at the inote ofthe a(lient. i1s1s1,,vear.1836;tbeJY 1 1 � ­ tf le I M-tr patrori h9l. m, hjfn� wer-41hal boy czii gwri-, tai 149, nle-1 tj,il ..i 07lit6h61ton, add ITeeliallical sollit,or Of Patentg and V. 4 loth- YoQ4 114 Yorth&& H'arket gau PF cc fA7, ii6m otherSoldlotles or flom: Individuals, - The 'bill- juR sa fb.1t t�e j rut�,tle Sneli 11UY ta761` W;J h aal Tho "riiiltv 4Q 0 -,r XP22;wif Toi rePay his loi �,rjeari halt-yearl $ill IiiiieYk4b," lif *404 or lb 10 Ill; O MY Goderich,21st Sqpt.�:ISTI. 20th i I 15111elliti3in MS -allerySwjiii nferitaCOW '2%006 15476t Of Dry iftli JUJ a 20th year, 33S f lab -or. o of tile In rjv� L-410. V include, besides Wgrest, a Smalk a r di a nuall same. N9 debt -is onfirely W�ujshqfl, and' MAJ90NIO A of a -i fafel�i j?(ji 'IF M, - "I ent 'a A Raj 'h ent -andthey axe godWi4adi Y. R�sqrvit. Ill4ind is Aow S4.721;4M( chor,�ed,,tbtlteend4�eltiakei;ti, e ltbo ;#r to ii$36aloir 'rho Life RqserVe Ain is lilo W LAND A ILE AT �.Z WISO eA the 1AIrli wii he"cornpony 16 leprespqt�d �Jhrquigejlqut Mach yea -r. a 111 he end of The tapidlyin- t -lid Piis t thV,Ume bid Mortgage is paldvl t1a,rio and cuebee, by influefitiat Agaqtar CL 111 tile firi 01% f"P.Qi1i W, A3W1 7111 appixeEti Iii insuran 9, arkernati. --t-liefavof with vrlili !&rep tr6n of .�arded byl Inge mratinity.and Its x1teogly ItUtp licedrai A,. U. ROSbp ggliggli-�qrQ! betterknowu aud'undersiAdg." Bythe si44 �ay- r ILf'i OTTT FOR THE 646ati'll jB V le Tell ("A litiv fir, mthgr� N atE=txeter�%. . L - IF aeldlorJk the, boitowOrgMillittilly, ndivithout tkrnble PaT4 'T. 3? or l&lik avoldlpl; the 03k of loslilighb, ai.di witkrt� GOO. -33IG WATUH PIS _51T 00 J. 14 TROY, a lu, Is duelui I nthe'Prificipal Ut 12 ma out. DoWs suill'at-ithe apgf thaterniL- - - -LAYT,-"N Me. Div offits, aVETMMNARY0 Iean lie settledlitt any month S acdorliel, 1 1. 1 i� . _fi,.i � , etni,il E% -eg 15,1870 ly ineeting byt Directors, on'the application of t . thabovitatier,i Interest at six'periceAt., Vier Wn 11"Xi ill i.!'j;t Ali'l AJ)CJ_P4i We 3TO -ASSURA It 0. "nura willboalloi onall psVinents in c4i 3 T wrs thek, I,c fil'I't-1.6 ti i 11, 1 Noticieto ere v CJJE4 tbeSqoIety4*OMoo.-orbV1 letter posi XV COST-. jiq tre *ot#-:c�f,.l perfoct and e4wy T -RITPION NOTEL, Full particuldra And leantable mi obtylued'at, Ito the Soqxetgr�, vir ftp of 4�j Sdejetylx Val- ('a t, fi 01?r :qators V Y, CRURCIRILL& 1,110". lit' P.411i viduator 0. a. 12 Stradhan, lilsxallre MRONTO CHARDES, Ims C40W. 'afrild"t �hephkr*� AD ljly� DRY (i 1-T �V - . " iii thglk Inn* LUS-'M iXROOE lBA -8--beent ra,�,arlpoint;�dlao e *ggonto at TOLE U Godil t4NJ) AT LOWEST. 1 'A -ND I[IAR Antil-lifti 7,-.r I,,f f it I- the fiteti rbh tWsale of W e 4elebiated n Atlierician I)nperg, tilet J-6 .6R]144�N ere *W _oSa L", ir t'i ti cA,ri ariti PnJ A"P.Tmp. AwD ATTORggi AT L ry 4t e r ai '4-�, kii all Xb A Spleudid 0 ne e (DTZN 411041 poilzietor. 714E; BiRALDAN U0nagj4,Q,Direeto4 G0.DBRJV.R. - , mid -111, 11 ibit, rT 16f. to th. la -1 , - ' ', , k", ii, I.!" & jit, 1 !.IL f1i,!­JJ_J#oIJC#1n.(."? 4ftf tilt Cifil War- NuE -AT eooeieji, ��o 2pkb- ;I q 1�1, in Wem, in --allel, FiAE MAME i% A P -1 $TP A 'its I.. lffer^; ff, Ila V.11)t of weleta wt W30 -6 -Ent mulst lie clfii�M: out I Usad Stabliatig for 3WO -Current ]R%tE&_ -1 "i'' :T'PEOX�it LOW TAA'JVV OF WIESAWBRIN0. T -V ilti IJONF ez Atires Want L404 "'10-aet" ; - -4 low Ca. disi hro a-poske(A U InatkMince for one JY Niwt A.1 ril I - V. I - - I . Zn V�. 01 1 and &-boi x#ItU �.-outeni in: kii`­�Ill­,' Th, sui it I, lij Jett .1 to tie r 4 In irl'i'Aft f=C1l 6 lind on XtIrtgago hf IF lO-L at &i bellt lieP anni,in. payaMe hill! UIll, ki Auy! 1671. vaq dni q.traVelling Agenc, Petcuts tAen ont If inked. Nga r r" Lit( Xc #is his ga L fisonah"4- tovnebtq outtsia JU tL_=t,% to 11fe for Ke Gene 41 VY Ye 6u i jots 10, -6 ft I a few at ans kti 1,11b g1l,flial efir r§ a fi� �hj Ilea NOTICSis hej8,1AY giTtilt that applica. fim et11 tattle Li -V010TY100r. VAT�. wmqta 44 ti las ipi#� -111 Agent. Go VAT= aL to the Legislature l411111�4. :61,s 144: 14im .;: &teriw cm* Q-3 VQTS5EM . 110 -1 -al 1. tion will be fir ..... V Nt,- 'C Ito - _ � : 4if tho 1�rovfticiof Ontario, at' _ lie next RIAITOV A Lo 1�,l a IZ, a 1, mra 1. V C —,7 L- 70�a 0 tu -I ot tr, &r rel!ab 13 t 1 pn C - C 0 PATPxr GICOOVED rRON t 101 Tilt)." CA' A -11 lAri x0nor to_T46-qn0tLJt8aJL7State1 Sesiltion tLerei st'Tornnto, fni anthori�y A IltriAl -;,w, daNt li,­�­w I- awi dunw, anq`to T1ZCra)Lq 114CF, top 4ii the coursoof the �`i Alm Style. '-A APPH f r tho, ill the Towaship of for�the purpona uldrlining cetWn ]Andf; A ND J K -W K 1, IR 9 ).of U;it V ei 11A Q'J! Tt)� Let Atortt ftua C 3 ittzbeTow6ships.of BO-anquet,, 3"d. 4 1., 1 1 1.17 IA 41 OM MOVE4. LATELY OCCUPIED 117 Di .4. 010W en, in the said Province, W a 0 IEC R tv, Ell to *oPo4 r DOr rV97 dalAtril4r hitiring rr ul-wed so llr j4p.i T ]Feed Veed I I 1. NN T ON� te. tfw reot Gig", W -Oh" lo lblei ill* eod Ok- puW e,or the (i IL %W41)q Diii GORDO &I P , "i:,- Cali--ri hits l6c 140, inks 00i J" .17 nth Ian alllift-i 10114411re Li that uo x0pririll I i0li ig aouluskiiii nf 1wr plltroll"a his anx 100, i4oi k r 4J! T At tibe will be toeu POO I 11� lalt ­fN Partnership, binsolution ot -4A b89 0 a C7,Alwievery'vVed- -Shephord strechans, talsi#i Alt OTICE 19 HERi GIVEN, TIAT ArM Watches Cloob and lewedery It' Voticialto Debtors Wanted to Furchase, N ei $13 lip 1114we tX? the Ailemli it. "gak U 13 *.t' a el 20 TON or RRI tiliket-0 Yi wilt give ft ot sq"A ELF r the llmyir,* 4rf 0utatik skit the nPlIt age Wren Act to th, %$I w -k ilai boon dMe bv eswww&& vWY evo.." iLt4d A CC. 4 lil",M.aea of qoldftla� rIVA0 0, ",flat It wen execripi tj otb0ti uxilkre'.'ki 9� tW the! bil, lilit bit'll tolat ftr C01*00111I. W, rererrea. Addrm -Kna, 4WILT ful IkI1901VAIrUT1,4i welrbes alW816.41 harA Tf,! '*.9 81,4lqAL JOH-'i AMY 14. 7)tV 48;1 ALUX WAL"011e 1: Af 51a Che for Cas rich. 1XVI ofir, ISM GeAvich. 1, Twk1limber, 1071 I lit, It'i M3 AUCILOII c1iii Avg 5., 1870, Z