HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-06, Page 3I V V --w-
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3M. A Do L H oUc:
R 0
mal ral littva will y a thoprou
il.: I
COZ,%Toir,.�A special tneoting, Co OUTING. TORT.
Ci��04, GaAT- fit G PIE
%VLW holdonVhursday,5th inst. it, vukl!�C:= c 2 Z
S_ -*rQrsfbr;
app ien-tio, of', r,
. Coe(
Ocua-- is
i D ps L X,24 M Y
't 'TA �Ll
'01 he , ---0 � 1, 1 -
p'n 0— if M ip . W
'PALL&WINTIE, -I-ST MR164 pump
i. I 'On "and- rintritlGeh 0vera 4f ill,
P M-Sont tho lloeve, in the allair, Depitty the One pr P6 andby a carp
Reeve, Xessra S' has Provide L
red bevemgo which in, -utxt
Davison ava,,,ve, firabb., Dogney, 1103ourbreakfMit bf aq!
witt, a flea ly
Gordan, alla GThe ty sayll a In and g! flIctioni PArties Ondffi;f- drderi bg A JR
-tea 09 laoit niceti[Il, bills.,,_C6r)1 &,,j any- o_,' _ve sa
�Tera -read and ic ze _-.0sl JIEVCKRY�
ed. Mo Heave e:�plai ame�T r, __ - . 1 116
- -- - ell
tided -that I)PS hasalgoonjqwl
�-KEVJ9418 L9 -so
VC LA 02
ap ated bzfill. 'woo, I&I sa__ T TE -W- - D-0
DIr flar *son CAU cF, 7ct.
0 a _1 � 1i �� ill -1
the Northern GEaval Ro.,%d. S
e4l in reference to
a v UQ., Oni'(bo WINT
Monte tinZ was 0,
_P�, b the Boitrd as Gi)tInsel All
D Intimate toll t
fc'r Mla DrOWU,tOp aRL for relief. ' DIrs TO THET PU the Inhabitants arG-IdMeLiuld F4
D�own�4 proposition 17CIS to L, ke the road BLIO OJT THE JjRr� HAS A F ULL 1�16
�bas. ipipqed oRt W'
'affhu hands-on payin,
r whs
in hafid—which was, 010U0 fo which he:
AKERIC,�. tZ1,I1 L 7Y
on 4 .... . I
ectftiliy to aequall ldi3pta� 4�' I - _ .5�, , ��,
-0 RZ ral telins, an'
I beginost. resp .18S - J -
nt the p0lie lously,oecupledb73[r.jr., Dodd,
hold the Sharifrs C110(ille. The Books,of ithe British North Has JUST RE(791VFD -A �,4RGD11-STM"X. - V, ro
Ailiericanprovillees t In
than 11811111, (If the. very bes'l qualliyandjateif cl
is, crick Ti
r lowL �M_l I
6tiOu and If thdrO Was more' Money OW. ot dOLLOWAT's R.
-Ould -be opoit to eXamin- Ipt I caused the b 9
the COMPailY W I ork, for tho gait tYles in. the foll,m.ing lines: Ood _WJ3Wf4-tf
it ti prep o io'4d s
haind—which thiy said,the, NT. Whiell were up to th Ft:ou
it �Ty CIL"
William BrOIvn. now-deerased, to Hibboas
fit WOuldbe paid rc MtS n6t— (I . zeaiibj&�t
Icsed. 1,
`rftet to Wivo Fr Z Y
Over 2180 If that pro. Medicine., unre I rM t to Myo fr "t. -ND P E,
00 a , �9411- i4l as cbea� as ibe �chgap
y lcn�;Iedge,
'reattejs -and rioweir-S- 1dndSofHAT%J WP.U,1.jBRy-jn
P Wan-'wer'not edfettairtbd it V7 made up a b. rrat
ould come to In: Re.11 V4. 0 r
be for the Council to say on what torinS a"Y III:, i a4to ordoi V
'redients as to render them CROCKmy,
and tberefore.-ap, 11 ust war Ille A splendid stut-k of Cloak B.-Hav - �r�
'Ill Illatcd to flatna,,e E , Searves, Cloud I!Tg learritthe busitiesii ln.ons oftbefirst. A31B into the promises of the- undersigned,: lot
-.Own. H� said- 0513 Who 1"Or 47��_ _�
theY W0111d mlikive Nlra B InY 11ro)d nail a class housestin Toronto. feels qualilleil, to e3reeute C 42, 6 �-Co!ii,
Godorle !p., atsint, 16411 fast'
floodsand Foolen goods tochotse from. it V, , a , , � -
IlOt wish to be Recelve�t bv� ;uyi Ulf Orders- with to Ii 1 11he ow a ir;t ToqIl V X� -,c en Cn�
that he believed theve were -sitpuriousme(ticine,.i.%7[llehttrepiti?�. el toetuan, Promptness',. and7in-:tbe latest %W. red and whi ul. It r est It
legre I dilli- from the States or elsewhere, b -it X.E. -As Miss.%IeC( .style,
7' cuIties in the Way of CyifQrcin- tile seen_ 111n, 110S."ess tbei ninell Is preT aredtogiiie appetall PrOyapt jperty.pt.r.expinxes and taL - *31111171" ]IF, 41:M Wr
'it aivay.
Holloway's I'll IY prood value this season. site ragpe"tfully solivits a _'L C T -,Y.
Selves Of Do got, 1piand ()Intme, call from the Wife& , 7
ritiC-9. Bir Harrison JO 13 N DO.'66 G'HU9. C? C,0 -
then retired "'111110 well to see that each Ootafid box - beirs til 0 before they hake thew fall aurk DO41, forget the place 3 Aottra.west of" i HatliIi?s
'idderiell T!p 25 Aug. IM..
tho propo British (soverninapt status on Whiell winter purchases. 91clstand. QAderi�lj
I IOU Was. di§cussed. is oiigr,- 92nd Set, ie
DIr Myrds "Hol; ' Lved ti e M�er.
(�oderlch kip. 22nd. 1871.
the address on the tab Oult"Iefit," Ond tb t aws-tf F i3odericb;-19th Scpt.,18�1� Sw7t
0 don, =ntQ -3 t'�
Savage 0-2i it -T;Olild-�Afake a goQd deal t -1 is 533,-t)xoo3d str.let,
put the read kia rep.tir, �nd where only they W14) Intinuraetured, an '73 &Vca jZ
prices are y A N,
------------ otindoll"Itts.
than 2 vreeks thel els ill 1346h, currency, audn I le -B US I
if ilot,%ttend- otherpartofthew,prid. lheretall in 113 grr) 7M 40pro Una. Want.ed�
ed to immodiatety, in- less Vjur U7 .4
P� T, olat
ftwOUldbainsucha StAteithatno tolls centp 97 a 31 SOL y
4:- �
Jo� z, Cc�) 06f, Y.
ny part of tile British Pro inc6s, r ausineds. Q -to illix"L11 b3 IMC M_
No represenlative of iiiine will ever tnav 'o
COMM be colleoted He bad takaIx :,u - m i,- -Y iv. _A.�
hen. Some a t..] thr
'tates. either to set I Or to flake Ord Or ie U ol, -5, �
pa'Us to ascertain the state' of thin,"s and fly, -A
as I hit i Auburn P. 0 "q rr-,L
ar.d Ointment and, f
reason to believe S,
1871. nnnj, PHacm ZXC2.7--, 1:u
_-K%ucheste 21 August T1 N., �*_ 0
zaid thG f0llf),Ting repatys Wefe uIrgent:_ tteolpts will pfol:ably ve tl!2 2,
made V� it r
way Oy p ;c�! .1v e t.,,, e p
eiNoa-c ealling !digol 4,
mly rc Z_Izago cmna iDnZ,= f3 VoT, c Z", L�,
venuorq, tal, rA
0 if (e Ab
ridgOatNiII0 Illiti,I'Viverthat ould. Ife in this
cost 62009,; 4 smaller brioloe -presenting th�t
III ate artin
q50 aeb ir me, m
03CIT-1- ')van
and 6 culverts at rill wfill MY kiiawledge and "srrt I (lee,
f advisable to put
lt action is to be. taken apainst any such dee ptions. I L,ov Ut X�Z, �:n ca,-�
the' Public On their guar While the Ato6k is crimplf t& and joelliftg
11AAP. Zb= 9-t --m",
st earncgtv�ulreat all 'those who Intay -re d 4 .t I—
it dhbuld Le taken at once. this a(lvertisome�t that th y be pleas; vlk'
'a -U was imPossible withnnt 'HURD&ROEERT5, "EW GROCE-Ry'ISTORE
7/f t V F4 sal, -go ]I ed, in the pl,b. Lpl�
1�,Xvoa of Qrlcnt-t� V13ft r;:,
-;I X:cf- ',�y o' -
ing in- -A gplend�*_ A�- RB
-a a skilled ay not es mo assorUient of
'to thG bcob, which 0,10d. tak to their frieno.9-fliat they ni, be defrauded of t, ,aB 7,
Z '-ey by P -10111 -in., worth less ii,litations of
Mu fl iQ' �"
e gonnine.HolloiVays Pills and ointment asron a 0, to., ED 8 Wee41%.y 091'OT411 GRANIU-MONNUMIENTS.
accountant several weeks,, to say what
VH1=1 1Ay%4x,;Z,1uLT0TT
the state of the Company's accounts was. I -ould asic as a grPat favour that shoul&it cOff e
T E0 Tile Knowledge of an -Y per-oll that spairmu.,; tnerfi-
'6:;�k here must 11ave been a, large
- are 1) P Iwo, 0 zz C a� za,. cz:-] 2cal
ceived in the first Slim re- lines eing inade d: sold in Icy tialue. be, be made up to Order� or &lc by the yard, Yo- k Kt� epts, 198miftfll T
lo) vit" I ON s
Y years, whibh was not Vollsed V) send fne-all th(iPartleniars III-. eon cull .,:t 1,2�!QMCCU'r" -13".
repairs b ant keep c4MfiLntlVjm band. ard will ftifiilsh to ordi-i
r eitp,vtillg, the satew, that is to say
TOR -3
1, '
utvi intothepocketa the narple and
Of the address l)ftbftvvndorvvII0 IM se)ii;tg the spitrions GE F T FURWE KIM,- ,ush,,rt notioeall
li Worleg - I ' ; `6]�17
sto6kholdtws. In latt, Yeats inedieutes andlikeiwiset e meandalldressofthe 0 fA §(, are'
through som I f the- Latest Stylgg &j d'-Patje3h&.' e4
Cont- e-19 H&VIstones,0-nmter - Tahlie--TtFp-�'Ijan- Or.
a MISmana-emellt the V 44T Squ:
Elf"Ise In the Ul'it(`l Stlit , or elsewhere. whiell
'in w, l �n �_o
?13','Y "live piliplilird th VL-�-Ifpth Marble: and 31sirb,'e- �01) 1 _3
pany had fall&, in arreir- lie Could not prote., I ti ell], so as r) enable tva: for f Ip. A . ... -, - #
ngs thanks to -t : . , " w " - ,
thepumic, to inAit"te peovre;l The Subscriber would hid 4 Slate, &v., 4 -., &m,
evil daers, at
list S110-11
Sao W41 6110 Town should take the irt,,,yi alrai ]on rel ur Onderich JuneaDtla�Zp.._
Ali 1 eugage
rcry handsolneiv any Person who ina), give letrate his sLup A'TORA - N k -e -t -
'N -Us 10 in itspresent.state, it- the offier, if there porters for the libE ral patronagg
nferinaticiii, the inforinants,s nL[116 never n extended to hini while in t
was any Way Of thQ CQUI161 getting their divill-ed.
I e
he 4D
om wit
a n
el g Town of.Goderich. He c g Geacrich, 21 Aug.1871
a h shl
f zL,�_-,rs all- just dues. 11 t ()tight a0tion could rint Shoplift anv P2 n havp reas-)n to 4u no ff
(I Illy buying 811111 1,1uq-ilIIr_o` lhat�hf 01
a Tnll as be taken till the -me was understood III has been Ito sell at COIST; rnd is (eter'mined t UK, -
those slpdi, ille'- 8 of 1 (0- 4p 0 !�,r-a-cic CRun.
hdiviltdo Weil to send tat., !I, a give his cuctomers the I welit of his
�,,IM its bearings and the voice of t116 pell- 4etter, 11) theatdre%4at fmit(witich he -an -do at a success;in business. . A-, - - IEDf;TELY, A9TJ
When j)iat c'Vtofsi.-% e -lits In PO I " K 114 ID
C, oD, s, pie heard in regard to it.' oru- of the books or ill -
MW i hors�-slio*eiii.-.,iuid,gc,�ne)aI lojintry CVOrk. con _VLOCK Elv-GSTOlf 3TATIST G02DPR74M,
t N7zw .273u, '2XV 4-, 14'2121N, Nowc=00, uut., 0. cno,!�
st"Ifetil"T";xvidell are affixed in the i;amc Iftwonlim- ym
was donei the accounts examined Two Journe en:TailorsiV6ted
_1 3�
=Z& an d to uxapsibil. it and -evid a TeP4. Wqtjo mmediately, steady employment drd; 1 60-1
t1ler state of, th& road.as lledlein�sarlp wheth-r the 11 M, WILLI%Myt07
BERTSuX !ZV�0,,Ul in OLIc Zr"'I 7�7 vav,_70W 0-11"'a'- cn-
peninne or not.so that if spurl,plis I)' good wages g
cQrtained. the
Council might Make an offer. olay arply to iren.' Z5 ' 3ena * nillerP.,0. 14 fifue,181I.. Cleal�n_- -c"It 2flalo Or XVQJT�.ftpor
,""DX71IDS, The offer thell t., hays jelle'fcr�'!011 fr011, whom ht, purchased pArVera PWIMIU40W "0 '=11cp rnnn; go, Wfv. Vannia.
woney returneil., d - w6,, tf ii 10&-T71120. J. pdt LCTJ. a-te_-7. 0, 1%
I VNZ erieb 14'Jane. 1671. igwall pap-iwivill XqiArpIW rO rmt.'... 1
MM . . � I "-p i1on rVV .2-
I fl; 8 R"P -A Cr A lifir ilffir HS: my ;5_ff� clllev, L :un. U =T'l Lneymr7w 2 21, -
rs 111'a".. On Mrs BrO.1711"S part seemed libera'l on Chemists a
S f- ( es re LQ Obtain tilt.. CViflce, IQ ptar Pool, &Lpre R
HOODS, the ce of it, whether it was so. on the Ucdlcth,�s can I", supplied -at the lowest %A h.,feRaib JL XL
ad he could not gray WhiPh reinittanepa's ofn,,t less than z2o worth Qbr
LADIE 67 ELA-T S, part of others interest wastbe &ient in advance) Mercliant''I'ailar Clothier n4ef"Ov-ul U<>ZX-n.Ci1 WIRIM,
At present he could not see hevz Mra and 34s, per dozen box,, or p"Is - 2 do East 0111. HoAn',-wGroce
s or
BrGwn's offer coffild. be accepted. Mr 1)"'ts "O'litmen
ot THE Ifialc baliks" p(jr-trf I,vl I -R I =d it.vles. t. nettf % Ithont discount. Market Square,. . ' Cppy boolis. Geo rein 4 GO detrich. K 0 rt G A URADLESP Tunp I have the botioVr to P.&I7111ite and fliaeli., O-,0yvthj�Z_TOu Tv��j IIe
be, fSavaae said they baol, eithei to tke the Sept 21st, V71.. With neat I espect. S road andrepair it, cr: let it go t6 ruin and I . - ki. 1Mdiia&ofH—u %XA1121Z roll
4 vigz, ADLES; till 70U,�fjll nnd 12�f' 1,C3p the tofla be taken off', 1 $2,50y woul TH(IMAS HOLLO�VAY_' When In town �� 11
d" 553. OxfOid-Street(7ate 244 Strand). livil ofthis Riding 171, good oleal for il; now. But 96000 London, W. C., &-ptember 1, 8n. im R*fnrr� Cou Pox
a- few, montha were the Town Hall. Seeforth, Oi2-Thuredjyp-th4 1.2thday
Wonld not go far if -RATH CM -DUFF,
to alip ever and the t 22 1
8- Gtk 3? r-kF4; tolld taket)
G 0 p
CH �Sarley ork 9,W 0* Offi He moved, that %9�000 bei ccoDtod
Bit, wthi Im
from tha Northern Gravel froad Co. il�
GoRierl A full if all claims at this date, and the Y'liad Holy Forks., Fish tex"
Husband (He urne a
tZilen offtheir hands, provided the nioney eall oit Judga ones). Rakes,'Spadei,8`h6va1§ �00111 0i 5,; U- 9-9 J T Cc
Mary,1 avoexaminfed hose.
Was p d over -it once.
sip Inaav imitations and cl,,un- fa the �30000 of arreais, the town shuld
Mr Gordon vertilicates anti found beal Oil Machi-he Rosii.4
t ught if the personal sesurity was good. -itigpthe eare 08 -um, -R-ope
straight as a sti HINR� SE WIN Cal TELEGRAIMB
erreirsstieking like bnro,'cle � $ . .
ea91ow, g at
nd -then take to every good inud let care that first. theviiid. All oftheabove for sar
The haVe learned to lot.k upon the
upany built the; road for their
tan(L-.j)ad as ow- and
benefitt, and, becaute it turtied out + W - HARDWARESTDIR 154'k..' It ts very wronghow- NE
a losing, -speculation the ratepayers had fl-er this PAIN KiliER of
has stot,tl
mmi,right to bear the Mr Hoit)ll t test ot tinp. Doeforp; atill IrTMITION OF TIE_8101�6
L It, )
9 (Opposite MaIrket thon ht it was no so intich a q'imal- have not -been able t A$
o hush it oil, it's as oterl* etTHred-byVis Teleggraph -;Imsiness tion of liberality on t&_ p.
�7D 0 -1robaspdetermine. during the�ilext 15 daye, to
peen doing such a -arfd it clearoathis entire Stock or L�_,w ee
town as a quetion of how far it w ti t"nished to find ii has I
or g-iutl .9 bout tiers e have kuOwn u-)th y
F Am ow ds Arrivin,"Dall
art of the 'yon, Al,try. in everyho,lvla lionse Ind I ami x1fiG 0 IGAB N Goo
2ntereab of the town to keep tip th'a road. 'aboitt it suit w �G o
TUIV 25th, 18ft.
'He? bd,�fj 9,11 along felt very Mitch iiiclined 'Wife :-It must4rave eured sonjobvily's-IlliOu tism or you would'dt have 1,e(!u to Ox* "the pound offlasb', but lie in LOCK SUTH
A ?zs&aI1d:-Ccpnv,!rted. wipy it h%i cured a dozen
thougrfit it would be for the interest.,.of 4 caset about If re wftbi- 44 -PORT T
a year, Simon Tinkler UT tt� � I .
equCEPTY :INDS HROUCHO CAN.%DA A 2�- who vOL kliow use. -I to be sneb an awful stifrerer M
the towh to arrive at sisino conclusion s T1rxi`o%v! ing these Mac-hine. They have been
with, it nd wag -laid nit nalf the tim-, why it was. te�ted beyoUlFaliquestiou niake'a 6 favorite look -
shortly a� posaible. Re seconed 310'. thipi saloc Perry Davis' PA IN -KILLER that cured- � S_ 1. 311ax Xr
stitch alike lanbotTivides, aLi ariapronounead s -a -
fifty o much and mill gocit ft grcUt sufftrCT, he to,): , ;to range of work, lierfeeiioll. . i-eanty and exeel- A�M VXDBI?� 003Tr
Moved by- Mr. Crkii, sec'unded by Mr. "Sigli Cafrlagp. ointer
Szvaggas'motiun. Carried tinanituousiv.' L,!m- ueon.e crorter -who Doetor ,-'qiiills used to pt rior tony 44her machine offere I the public. For AT -3
as uled ir-ith the PAix-lim-LEa and inoic LICTH"J..
d�pt�bill �y. strength and :SIRES'TO ACQU&INTTREPUS. _4 -
D'he has fitted rp.0 Shop cm North ptreet nextito.,
' oit Frid�v, Gth inst., to, rccei0e the re hundred Dollars for attendili'a him and was growhig.; .a of uiechanisio , r__19 the Wesl3yan BtetJl9diql;, Cliliph,with V NT rl 1 0
Szvagp that the Council meet xtA p m - lie writes that he pid. Doetor Squills Pver inie 'it CAI arrd-,Get :-Barains. ATTI All. ,.,N
'I the wl ile. he arnish Todin'
lY Of tho Northern Gravel Road. do. worqe al re III), de�r rub some tif it r I� he 081lo ne ReVlp I IaXnehas attadhed wherebels rrepai-edt"ilnll'dtaeifipron�p-;.
iny,41puttlerat oneq. I am thiough with NLt,pw
iquilli, 11y'and at reasonable prices Thankful fp
Account of De cLean, for attending, -If PArN-KILLDft eau'dt cure me not,blug wig 110 riva )r lbe.patron.
It�F improveillent'; It made. en- ationt lay order* of the A in convir.c.d of.hat. must ce q4 the, -
p li�vqj lately bee ame. (To b�, Gonilnued.) age of the last I y9ars solicits a aintl -OP NE E LOT OF
or 816 00 ;it Ling iheuirinufacturen; to eltim it -as the NE T. D
nd -vaccinating about the harbor- $3.06,\ Foldeerywhere, price 2.1, ets, and. 50 els. per PLUs-UU1`RA Maefiffies. 'Will do all Not is the time to Faint your' uher,§
7ron, 11 e finest calubric,
ordered to -b paid Petition from 1-79 kffiJ4 of 4ornotio smqn�,
Gsderdell 35th,S b. 11371 rsegtover-satorapper leather,
hco. sp U 5RA',%TE1,P TO BE AS fit kig
ratIYerz pxaying for a. rnt of $365 Sit K-4hd
-for he purpose of pying, a Bandmaster OP., X60SAILE. NARRA$;TEDF11R TJ1RE1 YEARS. g�at orders froij country CavdagailioPs att�raled
nd, laid over to the
for t1aci Godorich B. Pi-tvit
HE 0813 RIq1i OUTFIT is couipieti and readilypom- Ikolipateli.
r !Wow IDA.6g C�oods
am t meetin,� The Fire Briamle Com- Z-11 ofiended- Is so d, at i�Le4ia f t ic prics hitherto * Sign Palutifti Gildiii,- Graftif�g, raper-��
(PO IPOU IV D PI edforniaeliziesdiiingalitieiwgeo,f%vprk.,f:e
es ZZU& hose in
=ittca reported the Burgin l: arg &e.. ;�c.. tilre'ris being deterni-lied to illaell it wiflim
I �
T4naarvicoable. F&IX instiflicietift PARTIAL L 18) T
sllpp� ba reach of eve Iatuily in- the. o, untry. L
-T wafor and recommenced rhellowin of arresting olls-wie disphyedby this n 'k TRIAL BEFORE PUROUASP Will,,GaVilic rccs'"', and Laid over to neyt moeting mach ille are-Unequallell.
6 all that
Tile Council is b4norabiv acknoledged bv the 11illrIfffitto the- pill) bit lirw
116 foir pa�t patriiriag�,bep to WOW
re�aratifpu ,nounoe that hertaition ifi Music vill be!reumcd ms0-re
the.9 adiournod. Illedical. fivulty in everyReetion where t has betli I, A4MtT9tIL suThu
introduced and the rapidly inereabbig-sale _'Go Olt, Ttii Au�Mat, In
diii r
-h itzis held best,guftrantee'lif the estiffiation: in whic The Guclph Re"Mrsible Wa qd
�,Wg @h,41404- by thp public. Is pre-einindritlythe hest Single 1hroad :.Nl"-ine T
The SyLrup will eure, Pulmonary con3umption in Loll imed tue tpublic-hunce its ma -iellons hecen.
0MOA623. 01,I&RN THE A STOUT the llriC and sceond stages ; will zive. grt;.%t relief W 11 do all varieties cf domestic Yi4qEs I I 'fol in the thhd It will eure Asthma. Of KATLY RED COED Tlad from. its counfil, iln Lk
and prolong F 0=?0313D Von UE0IT1jTrO,7 AT TH Flani3lachine, with full outfit, ;12:rreadledo.,
TbA WEETING. �:-g- Each Machine guaarant Goderich-16"Ang. 18714,
and orew wt all dliewies priginating from wani i
r, BJ7,AAp, '[froachitis.Larngitis Coughs and Colds. It -viii of %lusintlar 81 ant d,
-2, as as a ran �ctlon and 2Verv'ouu Fortia. sut-h as E targementof
UC'E�N= TO UA HE '40NY Mk To
6ENTS"IYANTIff) EVERYMIZERP! SlIZENUM en learl, Local aud,'Generry Paralysis,
By V71ping off, this dvo right. Voice. �t will cure Leucorrhom IRO W
'Ers and 01 L& Thts vetiagdehli, vzhich dues s' and kastores the bloodto purity GUELPH C.& -X1 1)4-.
I t "ic 1
I : the Spleen. Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feeble and Irreutar ALSO A'LOT landofthe Manse, your deeds how- e
It "g
o Iret and health,
sleverl"Ilt. -ieh %V11liala J 1,61W
�1 iaham Smith, Agent i toilet
194id othechrieso CI nton . V. N Watson,,4ea1b
Nor haw It caid, you ivent. to had Oy AP SIZZS
8th Sept. isn.
Price. $1.50 ; Six for $T- 501.
And klft You, zealous Minister A
carej upon his Lead, JAIIE9 I.; FELLONYS, quw-ArST,
48 alr7a
ya left hial in a stir.
0 .4 qL
An onrUiners heat, andvnitter's cold, Goderich 8ept. 4th 1871. W3.4mos ETLOR & c0af
herrIornelerat Zeiol� Thing Godericla, July 25th, 1871. AtdulyAq cali"Mitir courage bold,
it like a hero. RE GRX1T FE AL R
and ex e1adIseas:oQysapDIyidgthab1b It V
'Ths v7ord to preach, tVe siel- to soothe,
NATURE- IS 6WX1'VXfA1JZiXG &Q;�, 0 DWARI STORE.-. r"haing einVinence bitsluesi Ili
nsi�nt-or_ out 01 seasoat NEW, HAP Catitioni-I.-Bestire you Oct Peruvian S TEw
hi.q aim to prove -ff-%Hls INV UR AILING Pamphlets free.,- J. P. Square
DINSMORE, fte lorior. I I in VIOTOWUL' of of dawfttu a Dest, Now v`or olter�'forifierlv routiledby-N0011 D Sell 7'
It mndatates�pll exces.4 and rem(livesall obstrttatiofts .fitted t
diseases to which the Ion is rulplec Share 0
D!21=131ag cara-DOW here. norl 111eva, G. It & Co..,,
'0' ove Ur 10 tWn&s nndaspeed�curajii;t herglitdon. �e most itiddern AW6,1 i.ne, is prepared to doz
INSO LV X- T A,0,T' P;i6t0kraph line, @IlOh 40, 0 U N'r D
In sold by P,
The ritnem ofth" opeasion. 4. fit thf:7 cure of ail those paillf,l a,, R 0 N
1UPPOSITE MAUI PME.' P.. btworl,
a temriamia, things, Veratile, in tadand LAlux . I . . I r , - , .
'o-4 WIMN-
it is peca".iarlysit - pd. It w III, 7n a hort.' line, bring - I " t I;, L. fit
Oil moJ1Phfyi,,ncd with rt;ulariir. Dividendabeethil"Aboli-prei ". t�
woul4almost fill a -mitiAL. POPb9LkN#0TTURE
the Pp n to objeeti(in. Until the tn3ilty-seepild �A auli Sept &st. alth whIch dNideud lti be..1ald PH �F a on ]Ell T.;.
-"Twod not b7 chance, tile conidy Manse, G&ONTHS of Preg)16pleym til v are. IC V -.B 1M.,
r ST 11"PlIc
go 6
ileflat attention paid to 4
'A WATSON copylot-old.Ambrotipe
u4smallpleture.,;-Iii the West 4*10PI'ttleart.
lu are sagle, U
01pil-,11hin it, -hopi turVJd1Jpw4d o"I
Arsumal a ror= wDickat a glaifee, frialtCases OfNervousalid SpiffalAffle to. t 'the Backand Litabs, rii,,ue oil slighlexertioll. p i8n
;2tb v2.2t; proked of. i
oaarich belltember,
Tho latiOu. of the heart. ffytiteri6s. a.d Whites� t P, is,
will effe "VtIn all of lit 1' facial
Is have
REWTOS %Y WAT TfKrY Sept, ;E4ffi
und although a g6wedul I me4v donote oA iv fly
'Th just cautpletedoppiAlIg on an Hiltire
Yon rc?ad ft a p;a� gg ;
ateach 49W your cpua taition. T WICE A WEEK,
lit. the
00D! Cd
parophlet ilround�LlachIC4okage
eareffilly: CCWFU4T� ST K. df'
01.90 and 1-,,� c&,
M61 Gupplros%�d IG 2S 9L I
LInnaii. Xvwe7t,ttle, Out., enend ngell to ir the has. 0130n,& a o -S A L E
Eta rorpostagle,finclosed to S 4thrup W teeVie 6 71
dayawhe'n Otheq��Yes 4
-ZOLS rRoppinT In,
ion YjOaEs, xZT7 yonap
the P
D 1; a bottle containing-ove,15fir 'k
that on,Saturd4y� 16th Sept.. st,11
C:, V:I-r Vy rdta be sgild i 1"s thatilofy," 3hi Abraham 1 Portab-1 136fftirt 16 Hor-se -Poweri,
IITP-& I yl Vaoi. made ]AW, a' P'Tesent' 'Of 0, horse,
I TL I *
atition. bernfro V
&e4 "Up by the hori -List - of rxooas bold, �At I go conin. doctof-8 tme oiler vbofiea Coe a Daulz eO n is a .-The Spp4id I
f--3 V3,7 Cn;�a "'Vo fit" tj�jjg MCI ra3 t-JaCk Tubular 13
kti�qrable, Beforet.hia
R. J odan 0aidInt--s- Go -i Bayl- -Idpit as ergothWlte fhe
sor cenmlw vtgua apalo-7. '2:�- Catfledil RIA fill "Vaula -Bo
f$ol&ln GoiIC?neJtL by Farh�r -1 st wosite ON)
'The Ef nalile - JUn, rme,
. I I , " " gr61=11144-fts, '-u tip jis ieMn g
�10 0. lu 14
4hat f0tel; Op site"flie aarll au af�use J�L the A t'f,of N71 M
eet eating lCrIng all, m �aU. Supr4it*s o -:,t Ponstolitly on Iraid, tozether r 1 0 11 -Second'handSebarator &H'orse Pc;Wer, T11"_1
%17410 0111 he a 1=9 WAR o,
une 23rd 18111� -Now or
'TL07GS no fear 01 with it. nelV4114tielpt d stoult
JA01dAY 116, was Walked ODPSrat & H �,rse Powor, 4)r S IrF.4, It 191W
I . - J _.
rotlult the qud-re, anil oil SUnday laist
4alliag %T BGY -Of if -e 11 ti Lot,
0 F4 4 -'w'ro'eenes,.
was f
MPI'L PLOU � 11 S, PROM sb 11v;eIy that he ran away *66 fheJA0x00D8T0Ck01kR01\ "WOODE
Jtistarrived and will a Sold ver _Ue rite a
ored a where in &%vn." au hoir. "D CA'ST ]JUARD95. L %Vjl� y
sullisailiek"S son aft
uA U, Una delif WITH SUEL N Gderloirl, Oct 8rd'1871 lly Dian P
t4r The ii W
rkt�w Mttorjj., fis'pioUltar9l Furnaces, ultivatore, Gang"
,on W�ln Van lquag ffia the e4ra -t)f Korxes:zind
.1 SPEOf A L:- VIL' E'� IN TEA, oiltarlom
F air in. a0 aml- yt;mh1m swaih,"? Pit �Ughs &C.,, &a.,
ON "Y'N S31 8,1 L E A3 SAILT PAN3,
LL SOLICITED. f "Goae&ll, Sept. 256, Uzi.
5,�t. tho4rh Vol op? Cjgzes vjv�
it 17
11 c?v21I1 b3 suitbly rawgroled onleavin Inade, And All Of Wil Work ^nd Rpytiring doue with nemnext and destach
t170 -'C= P=01allP. 0947olldh or at
OL Lr'�VC:S!"
SHI aa yout- 4..C.L.OU 7f 10' P6. Im kj�mcafla bami. AL T, RKES3.
IRA R. Runciman,
crrr toe 14141 1. l0-UNO ARY, CODERICH
The Books and the est -08 of AUM
14th &pit IV
1011111 rri$ Jnsolvon, , re left with
covt recerit sieii& ill- CITT Of Loi N: I of i
byk rodfrol* hiSL LES VIDEONt
his ur T W V1 i r,
mr XXOMe foi ion - HAR
Will be Viand, At'
wzra 4 w,17 Ili -ad, resimpr,'' West St. each day fn)lk 10 6. in, to
0, Ti i Men 1, i Vow the lox-Jer Of JLAimf Go&-delt Ot 1, vicinity Oat he k"
the day, h HaMilton. ;5th aej)t
Arcl rea :%c wayo 113v wd I] 1:31""I'llif lluitttf-ql�? 0 �,Iv pwl�,
Igpn", t his. Miam,'Nd., 30 jiioJi w"L" IPA *111IONABLE ILORING
nL, fuuv, P�in.o Or a
Esuhiliiigel Uotel. The Ifaruess Udlery.fts.'
t1lb th Lnt":i Lolpf Wbmik ajws)x fift lv%
44 gave 4 )jT.
LIU. 'HavIng had long oxpowoft in tm 1"t wrkithops 5 - 7 006,n, tea Wdeeed Lenses4,-alll
Wit; that vljoace can. do to STRAYED RpR6Zpf. C V is prelialroA to if-taly All Who fttr=twm with f9f.,t. 111 1 dlo*k Ik' Acd e.is calnLd hpyweak o. VSton,
Tito and te v faiiiing A ''eu IDAP 0, til th4ir urdeis.
PtT "
'ne kept ft h"d or
on the It eontil t alut vles, 4' has been earefitay SinAietl ky thent �Ux of 6 rill ' C114,LUE INTO
WIN) 0 The rntle W
4vitli; It 41jiwl�llut 0,. 1A t;ui,. )iJr&L&ig)Ut may, to or&r W I IF!-))
Jitt'lUnflee ilie owner is rdq bw Pwt OM(*; A JW 004d4wo
ed in'the of their Cel-�,, besnilablremarded 11A'1TFJEVJ ENGAGE11A FIMT-fTr ASS MTV]k #Moo,
prodiietki si;k a9A s, ik tiAlail labrVed *4 114W they $ne. � A Ma j*j), I sy ell eu.ses an I ttk h & �kiiy. LM 04ft.
"eAth 4,-040iek I 6t A r41v&,U`!0i
gfC YAP fliat all, ufttr trRugfh6a. r. i;t Pi 1E. I
iVrovitilid tO t 11A3 III_ celebated thw, ine
he war., haviu, PA 0*0 TO X= Stuft
yaor f AND ARO FRZ To Oam Oawfzw JkATU.
opL�la Wit A
F. JORD X, r"84DhAFkr IKUT10" 11.11' AR rRM-11 J,T8 iC3rft
i MAU NEW kst*" A41imt
G,-deri&, -Sept. 221n ni. 7,1 rmus L INTO Tug - 1PR . m4w OF 7" Ica In _rJAMrV ()n Ift, TUZ- PUS311 E Or TH9 VN -
9XpNt_j the de He t in his deppirt- t, ij dtr,.jkLt4, alf-ut tLc lot wi &PWUJ-i;r0 two- V abep" tft 14 olAn"at kirt. 4 Maui It -ZEN A oj- 4LIkEit. �Ibe'tfviw is requuttit tole coir- The *wow wi't vilftoo prm 00Atawis NEW
rnenL, tBis ),Car W ill to Ion f:h_In onq;� CjRCULAp_,� A,_qD Elt-i H rA D,�z, 1PIrlIaLr10 to ha, 14y eXjWja* lind 14ake ba awAy. Uka b4c aww. JMW p2mitat DUWX AN't) rXr(-I-".p
do-I&M Lut vow it wVA th:fte r, ne&tLly and CheX1)JyPrjU"&fjhe S WILDFAsM
0 ^I Sept. 1$3 st Pd -4 411fidd TO WAY AT 9
A Getiet.., Xarch &b. 1671.
. . ............
14 -