HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-03, Page 2?4
t -no Vv-05tor.1 ��been axpoeted that th clerk (if -the ittg'- luadq for t'lle mh.(ivv ou tbe fth Oct
I--( qlar Wheat, .1as T�' ird - -le
Thou_,b not f.Lvorod with weitther I d 1, a tlow I sue'lla favel- Best 2 blihS Fial.
ONE GF TH" 106T D Du
t-, md. Therd will t)6 loils of besiles
�ovd wea 4ble dav f I. the 'exhib ti, -A. If 'the 2nd W _Bfinlu an; B6zi; 2 buslis'.14urnicr - thesluily. Mossm HappeM flillare Dre-
I - Tofin IV , - 41
or, tho tt estera Fair, with iti 700a en- Pirecturs onl keep up' t eir nuanithitv V�rfteA; J 2iid Jas It, jse;.13- o"
'tin# for twirgra
ad bailsandas Zuricli
in i. I n'b'd P�daf , J�a P
13 just thu place to, turn, mit a large awl
fIND121,11C1111 WTV-, 3, and enthusi here, awror 4;f 2 bu-1
the Bwt -2 buslu Oats; X �Yebb; 2rd T Ali- Aer' h
�o exhitan a failing 6 F, 'DisTav4sfrm ACCIDENT.: On tbe af-; elegaut, gssi�mbly of hoiipst men and bon-
BusinZS3 Stands in Cc ic
INSID0. "S"ni - Best* 2 busli-i Bariej- M Me_ t
Id � 9� I 'erlinrill (if Saturday,,30th inst., Ur I�T�il nia agilud tinv�'tnay. be exp�ected.
,us that -the show' of stock was raost Thero was- very fair as3ortinent W Doiiaf,�;2nd F MeUfinrl�,s; Best f -bitzh Satherlhud, a young -farnier, on 13th I alillf 3
I Y. - If A -clur G oderich Gents �vish tip
"liticent. -; 6110 1 C, I
a,f - The, priticipal entries" a dre the rario6ar iclus usnaII3 slici-xii on ' I ' Be d W, 11'aid; 2 9
rilliluk--al en,�mzi�s (of Mr. Jitn"thy ad do; 31ist was! lastan tl�y - killed while- fixin - enj�v theafisel. a- 4 -Ale.,
'Fialf dox,eari 1,3ueet Corn Tag we �say ef
Rr. P. P. fo� Sauth i -is '82 fIlls. Tile stwiaty; was lllllcfi� in- I no ir
foll,ows- cattle Maas' Dr CfFarixiir; a lit -It on, h. throshing, ol He wa a
_41 1 tihin �lay_t �y way fia§t th7ei wnnder
debted t4 Dr Garner for enlaanain-, tho 12jid do,; Best one diM eftv of Corn, A'stepping'acrogs the maebine,%lid strueh- structeve3im beauties
1525; slieep429; prizes 219; grain, ro(stsi - . -_ 11 , ot the produo-
Uunin, wlto� we;%U glaryinseeing al annearanod,of theoliour.. lilone Conner, Young; 2ndhTL-,tue.' 13 mraimta Plank above him, by
w., 1173; itlipletc.(-tita 2'1,11; car- I his he-, 0 ion 4 nature (Particulalr�t in re2urd to
frult, & 14had pfaced a boan tiful. pquarin in, with RR( ITS AXLD.pLOWARSe which he inissecl - his footiu%, und _%ras lie d -at night.they can while
long,lif a Tirtuo tv.rptshed, mve fijir sex). an
rlpges, .157t-. and over W;)J -ii, other dc- a fountain playing in t lie 6i-alre,decorated 1. - Btst31�arotiesvfwiiiter j, the
His Way: t e hounj�fii 'whirling tbrough
carauLOU'rl V. rtun.-r that Mr. Gtblhuns't Applas-not predipitaiad* into' inichine
E - h
arcutentg. Wo aliall not'Laye room,ti) Niidl Iock ill, Shells, s6iliouuted by'lesi '%all 6 i I each, John Gtunt; 2lid W, body alld when e,;_�ddyipazeqof t emalt7 orqua
I 4A driHo.,
PNNOWorl Eppluart to S., nal iiei it's Dv,3vn- a4uatic plan+44 with chuly an d milmows, Anderi6a; I eat. 3 va eiies, t,,f i.,Iil Ap- ha orIv breathed once tir SOCCUPIEDLY R. B. SMITH, or A
do awre than notice what �cxhibitors,- ri 'e,.tricated,
d, Iv-,ClRinu., -ITTIbuat "cZatratIc
3ut on conditian that tho Pttent' crawa,;h mid �Nt 11sh gain TH31 PP-Vmsz
fro. 611ing in sport, ples-not Ims than 6 in each Jas Ale-;twi6e. Deceased -was very nc�respect Story Brick Buil4ing, fire pra2 ra
i I, ourown county have done. an
)zen ad by his neit,11bors and eaves a wife dwelling from -Square Satuate un 2 S, 22�2% L-OnLgee
1111P fit- North
or attaikiing
Pvondar gtive the Regmtrars' o t9e suri us business of i Donald; 2nd W Anderson; lest di lorth 51,0�,v stli unee
-ching4for food. e Dr sliowed I assorted.Pe, rs, -1 kebf;liald; 2ild - M -MA:- and sev n hi-ldran (the olaost 11). to 147 ft deep with =;ht of vmy to- North St. -1 M" tum IS"'.
life se&I
Moran to Xr,. W. T. Hayv. The r zinor 111, a case 0 'c Faimm,- T.&xn Neorlea-Mr. w. Henneply (atMn,
Me next to the. �quarlul' f insectes, I Donald; Be �t 3 vi�,rietiea of .1ifnins-not mourn III* loss. ext on the P, reaAes..
k. G. Will fie sfuld by Auction on rith. tqept. R
great 1)ains in.1 less than 6 11 eachj� Ale -Caoioron; 2nel CALL FRIJX ZSCOTLAND.-TY8 Rev. Mr. agent ifor the Hwoa segad. aud is autheodsed by
wws zei pmpli,�tuon,; th-tt-, whili it was c,,py t.10 entiqlics, ot his finithictions, which lie mu4 have tak-e 'White -s Store) 16, kWdly consented to act as
G -,4y wllispciv*01 -by thoze Malicious ohl wil tuh, appe;wcd "irl. tile F, -ea Press, as obtaining antl arrangin We should I W Andersw -Bast I doz to tak� subscriptions for the vap�r & peceive orders
O�4h Apples, Grant. ef Ashfield. bas roceived a call ipt jo� work andadvertietroV,
a shown in less M Buqgess; and John- T llb tly ---aftinded to. Orders sent in
v�auz= of thenaUa s�Tand dici, Tory'foi It v�� liked it i'lo lizve rol"ven; Best 0 froi a Scotlaind, whidd' his flock orlb " comingthronaL
re, he a nlon,� 1
cloll"t 60 ovelv little hurried ciruu6�tances w pre the farming bunches %&ry PCs, J Potchor; 2nd Johi a I y
YXSMlion, to %711arn the Vninalf-rs-l"t; I ),a can.when abseilliteli- necessary, U, 2quh* of
rq siuqtirelv litipe ho will not accept. on tl
plcturo�tlmul t1lo oao, by _31C Oro`s�%vell, comenunity cda' ld have at (lied it Plosely. Gau'it. be cell pleted and sent out the Wife erming, Paid
t 'He 4lis. also received front an i4d*friend �alway Ivithout fail oil the followin; day g,111Iscribe
new ene 0
ton of ro storling rafortner tiouN � bz 6 the in- k1hicli,the shapp happear ill tile fm -e- The f the p tato, in heveral
RO -AND VEGETABLES. 4n Eoinhur_h, Mrs. Hoileymati., AL 9-meo- Pprth be -it and lar.est loorat I -aver in tbopmriet:
vie did rl.,Vt t1link 1� 1i -roulld ? It corti'ailly is the' finest wor& 8
AW -Mir
stages from tl* egg up to the full-fledged if s�nd in 3vur jolt welet te the EstablL%hillent O�"
Best four �riefiea of Potatoes --- :one fill nieniento of old %imesin tile lips Aba "fachtieq for turninz- out printing Bag m .4L
bo pny the, slig4keGt ,t;tentitoi�_ in the gAlery. Ev,:rytliill.,r is caln 'Colorado be le were hxhibited, ,%ad has all
k John XQROS`.i6-* 2nd H. a handooin6 ioliline—tho !Lde of Pri4- W h'ibestst3'iet)ftlie4rtzttbqlo%vestpriees.nnd
it, e -IL ar and tift Poe 'In eac int
ther i6fin, ai that ims the
,Z3 , I
vfr. (,;l3bons was ,
so ale, tho sh;u" ir beyoIlLalfwligside, ofl these sp.�cimens, those J�utherford Bli3ellaoroflidtatoes W cinal Counin . ham do ya fr advertt.,inic wit,
I 1W. -MV. 1: -.,.v are- done with exquisitv insects whicE are the C Aorado beetle' P mr�ses eirculatiouin-lorth irtinand.Soruthurues brituerzon, Aunn ZMAD, CIJ'
S:11,ln to appoar hi- cm�stiulonts Murray; 2n -Thos. Ciflbertl'^.t�stdozea' E2na e pla,90 ayLlrl 0.-
p�r_trc, antl inchyi-lu, Ity 'are, photo ographs, natural enem: -,r upon if, in all Mangol W A STIFIEDMAM-CARIZIM
preyin the Tlac a'boyq sule postpored until the 1A Oat.
whara t1le nalt tor C -n -H hxvt, heoll cle:q- and vot fisr fi 11-V taaa Photographs c, juld it& stages, or'destroying the 'fan e W zel, W. Murray; Best dozen AI "L1;yV1LLZ
e016 and Turnips, W1 Anderson; 2nd 11. McPhor- aftei aw)n (1 'Thaiesday, 28th inst., - the
i�,t nEo Eac,3 to face. As ourroEonit e -m- bo. Gimd;tr jactua-es %vi,1 likolv pleptse 1 htrvte. Asthe 'nemm2of 4lie "murphies," son; Boot ddzen Beats Dr. WFA.TmF..-For the last week it -haw ciirri3rtif the wail. Lo Blu6vile, 'Abet is
-.iy eyes bett,or; Wit whe . a visitors fin- ul. arner; 2nd he fmai iadj kn'
T'p1mry the N':Lr Ir", t I;r -hamy sho -be en�ouraged - and -e and cold �Iiidlookod ag'-f the
�Dzaa -Z t,.oq.�4 m, own as the 16 Great East-
& ---:Field J. 0.
do; Best ozen Ca�rot bbeliquiteiv t
Ser nuar Stich 111, work r.* Ellis, they 111UY -n.ot destroy d it id - f4 rains had commenced, but it ia again On'," was in a rithor tuYatified- candi-'
in its last t�o give pu1yho:,%r to, the be well Baldwin; ad W. Lwm, -Beat dozen I
conAr"attilato thewaeivus, that iiatairo or that potato' ow2rs w[slihould make 4,n.!-* 'After the mail was ilindo tip. 'lie
h-411IF11-1 has d"Cile s,mlethin',; for their themsi6ives took"it into, a Hotel anc put the bag be- X
Sawa U6;w a is- I CaiTotsGrden, Dr Garne Zrd do- dry and e)A' G IRCK'"Nr" '["A' Thue C -he Pe s tj
crud;tinor it, we e an-dden-d it, Li,*i ti'Aie i- rfa�iihaz j with them. Best dollect (in of diffierent varieties of BusiNiss.-It is getting- quite brisk
�pi-fgiiieu& in-[ iiind," Q bar, until 11 Was really to Start. -
that i& at ollul?. is very -h . 0
81lonld U3 otv.4ilpl(L out I he Pali it woro not that We Di tomatoes, I r. Garner; 2n& R. McPher.; again- as farluere aro beginning Ao take
"Dml large Inudscape ill oil vith t rticular ab. -ht the svulling of,11b; nauie Ili the ineantinien c4pininercial man caune
The fal:eDwin., leqvor is ju.9t w1kas td;o vu- fisher alid ills sion; Best I Iozen Tomatoes, Dr Garner;' theii grain to market whidh makes money LARGESTv
ro I in t4e forerm-mid, Ile- washould like�to call ldn� Eir 'Gailener;" 2nd do; Bes � three Tar-' ties of more plentiful, ..Jud& -g from . t4q in �jid deposited his cantas "covered AND
r.-ays tk;c hait�l-of,.Mr'Crues 01k0l, and i . 8 for hu. had (in 111splay a lie of the finest tl &U le onions, com 'alls f satoples in thie x,,tme 6 safe ind
frnua tlia man. in tliuy llinzda their - 9 not less. 12 in erach, Dr. Garner; ni0acement of the iall trade itbetokens I S.
Ellute-worthy of li�:s artistifA skill The Apeciihons; of; Winatties vecretables Ac aer�; repositury. By and live tho
the cbrivass, uhieli wo, 1,.; Ii - , 2nd dG,- Be t- qitart Top 0m,olis, NV, a busy Vine coming. Tlamiltoix Switreet Ia
whole scullu hes'swcotly on, %,a allywhere--his ;"Great Edstern" being, read hl And StA, 811610
Gau)a%r-vj 3-1 A 60011 Lane; 2ad I y tl; let;�go
tyi- Oct,,, IS71. Wo a I.niro We faipt light, on thu hill toinatoes a�,er�grinw 16'o� and the larg IF-, Reed.' Mr. CARDiF has again op
gest Best four & ads Cabbage, Drdara Oned 'Out his anchl,oro the travellirs valise wagg ztowed
er; 2
tops, tho hazines.-i iti the ruvine, and weighing 2421 � oz, andi sipme D Ad stock of Groceries afid is doing a good _Stock
.1.1le on-114Ard mi A 'carried fiff to Bluevaiv.-IThe Lreh by Lim KOM th6
DP_%nSEn,-Y,,n h%vo myanthority top r. Gaxner; Bait two Oauliflowers� - Dr. tr�de..
ntrmhet t%e rbnuvt thm U10 M42. J04;1 Rued; 2n'
fresiniess ng the troos, big in([ silver- o' 231 oz. Garnei; Bef t Squash, W d Dr. .11141lay be -sure the cou 01V ""Istate Of
lituti. The truus, in fact. are cerudni ' The show of gi-a Lilt. rho Garner. CHANGE- IN Ql?giap.-The council of tore ',and sworil and ona. a the operator
the waster pronit of the work, barle3 wits Lrierlit and eautiful. The Western Ontars"
and one Morris. seeing thatitwoulik beto'their perf4irin a lively tune (in the tal
skill if Us a, Y ent
it, 1"las
fa? mv g"Etor�� in colilice-i'all ri rh tires not in lookilig at their delicate Ob impAITUBNoi. advantage to change their clork. at their egra,^
i.ts plullivaTi soinI41 The wheat, vhvii he found her MnjesVs mail bg
coowl!14', 1, %Ias � fine,
t7t 'Nufth Hur-m 1, N7 C; ditts last , settin, an(
and their f -,r as so striking and both spritig and fai well- Best a 2 -knitted, Jas. they dismissed *. Thos of his sautplas J111 a
Aeft III Place we CnL�� Iffri JOHN HA"D IL
t!jo 1t17 �'t D
Oula wy E wo �Ouc. vin daniago. Me on d, do; Beat pair Gloveq___� Holmes'an'd took Win Clegg in lis place. iettire tLe bewildered astonishinent of
wLtor.l." filled sainplo, entireiv troe it aid; n
w4onlija CIL' it h*1 ally ovatores beca ".11'ere Cresswell, whom we Rufas were, c(asidEEn'll' the semiltin, it knitted, JEs. McDonaidMiddo.-�BeSt It is to be li, iped that the new one vvill he 'aptian (if tho"'Great Eastern, when AT -TU00RHOUSE
em, tu we The puple ulfli; have ainx,,.1ty iiiet in oil, delighting us. cry 114w, Iv)tat(es in liartienhw Pair Jabse, W. Anderson; 2ndA Mu'r- do his duties. in a proper�mannei -traveller's
le 11
by t% r. They 11 Ilbaded at BIllovale 'the'"
e�n`ccto,,l mG will dn4- inu true to the Y, ish his Wat-_r-colors. The "Yoarliu- 8" rea�zllea very g. -eat perfection. doch; Beat pair Socks, Which heis clot-ermineil
W. Anderson; alsorati-fied theiBy4aw gr%litingaidto arup'leahisteadof Her 0 _n9r4wK NRIDE XAMIKET FQ UALE.
-4rns I inaf , atitl that. no tompt.a.6w, Majesty's mail.
p�od is dunia with al -All, and after nature. The We were glatt to seo kh�t bee-farniint, 2nd T. A1 dersoi,,; Best patche , uilt tile W. G. and Bruce Railway. Nlos�akel* W-111 happen on boardthe beet- :W
C,f ofnl?o puuLTtwrail bv ruilktivo, frilplIA, or tyo
the White is not tie,,Ieeted in thisi secti Case of prei e _got f
"JDr 0
rved insocts
PiCtUroS, "6eVlleS "nL goo" on, as was as ut d - by., rogulateil Inail-packiAs and behirid the
XK?--- 1111-1
loxes of honey -Dr. Gainer,�-Waii Wils es any tuost orderlv of ba;ta LE
caanocatmn, wiNk le:ld ralo to bettay, the Mountains," ara lovely, and itiarked by attested by soine lovely P AMBOARLY. I
trust ci> rgencrausiy repo.o.-I in Ine 'or be pcwer ; the one in which the snow- in thec,"Illo, allifingst l Inch Mr. Joh- OtherQuiltll- Y-ilng; 2. ; a nt; TO C AR OU
I f v.,r-
faha, tn 'he interes�s -d It - 'acturers.
covLred tops appear is a ch�mniiig effort. MuNo,ch's"bi ira the Nell' and r6ebived the Beat Crocht t Work A. Young; 2nd Jas, itish iffanuf
ty. vwt:d overy coffiw:o III tho - "0 A 448cene a the Shore -of Lt e'Auron" hrat I)rizte. Ai.opies and P ars %�ero' few but I!attiilg, I M.'Burgess; -2nd do WEATHca.-The dispos
0 -ft of t, se; Oest ition of the
Z.Ivernnu; tat he � rilled V-1th'-uty is done with admirablo-tasta n
and a sunny fine. The bit tter, dairy c leese alild hollle,_ Best 9m`bT( idery, M. Bur;ess; �nd do; aerial elements is at the present time i AT AN
it %7-lafld El:'t aphur Iny to My a vary capriciom condt,tion readerin" 8TPf ember 25 1871. U IS EN U D TO 01T, E P. ALL
hand. The spot is rough and rocl�v, ninfie bread tr�re all go f d antf rende'red Best Fancy,Work, G -W. Iferry; 2nd,
tuty. I tvn sare nimt w,110 'of "IV widi: nothing ramarkAble about it, but in -ne all'arding of the pri Jameg A the weather (if so fttfid a t-harac.tor as golisas in his Mao at a vhght V.&Anee-
11) s rather a fliffi- gni w; Best Counterpane. John r r T4e Council pursuant to 2
tt�nc)llli'; 3118VOCteil I c"LlIft h0' _`i-itY Of Ar. Oresavrefl'* maua,-,.mQGt it becomes cidd.lask Thela,-iosexhi ;tfd tinite all aS- Gordon'; 2 id A. Young; Best Horse 4�a cely tio adinit if ilese �prion. : One idjoiirnment. Preserit the 'Enormous lawuctiou o,, the stcrliuLz POm ', in ffaat- -h's
dG'iCT'CLtrI_1 tAO C4MU I hava fnn,�ilt for so __e8talidpoutimi." 0 Reeve, Diepty wida gGIBL13 e rvl�,I
est fik,46 yards" ors Cox and Cook-, at abiputsamao rates flazat sm&Uf 426*114=-
Ilmg. VVItece tho: reformers uf 8,)uth B. brillhad 'sunshine _�e
-f .rticws, hit ei 6i nearl y onough Blanketi Jc hu Potcher; titue we are in the inidst if dazzlingly' toonaers ar
and at awither tee - a�id Cou 4111
[Env#0ta pin�:el ale, t4t!"ro,. "That pictur-�, in which the yellow fortheir unquesti0tillul Prepl-nderance Full Cloth, James MePpliald; 2ad Thos.- -Thelminutes oflistmeeting -werer�ad
'they '7M flud Elie -1 is also, i�a be ijve, ;)y in nutubera in the vicinity. Thefe wits Amderson; 3est 10 yd pod; in the' donsest glooln and hav� to buy at X-VIACESac.
ob-arve . , s. Flalin�el-hali "'elf) and 1passed. It -was 'moved, by David FZ02f =11 USLTAZ�_P410E� S.
31:-. As to,cliept3Tspective, it a g,,rguous ai1ray of c nilt and keea wool,. -H. IfIcPhers6n;2nd do;Beiitl0.tl0kuioi[--of teinpost alid rain withso Patt�u andsec; byDavid Cook thatas Wail V8,rCP tO 962ift-t
yuures wtaly� inany fluottiatious frrisli heat to cold and th
f.; li-auly lual"It';od ; and, speaking ior corn.petition. bir Dr Uarner'a prize of a yds. Cheek id Flannel, - H Rutherford; - 'side
e -road runping between lots 35 from, bohagthe
4,OPT. GIBBONS, fr 211d Jamet ald; Best pair of froin placidity to. clanionr, as the varieu.4 had Olt the 14th'c iion a . Ild als6
:,%ruIrsulves, Were it wit for that excessive case -4 Watutiful. blittsiffies. Melpon. age onces I
Y,3i nuiesi of summer and winter wouid -T 9- T 0 0 X
_lCPVrlILSs, we would be greatly aatkfied the fmicVvork was ve7y tasteful, and Blankets, I- Young; Beat six skeinsof the S'ide-road between lot, l�i and loon LARGEST AND CHEAPE, S
seem capable of in'tisturing. ., The forots
with it a's I P, wliola� But that glowing we wotild suggest. to the Diradors,�if YarnlF. NeCharles 2ndA.,Xurdoch. the-Bayneld concession are obstracted�
ars fast aRsuming the, sickiv aL-d fading.
alTusts and taxes the eye to 3 strongly. tney art-. in f itnit.3 next y4ar,* tQ divide it MPTADMEN M � and impassaule by reaaouSith6 fencesof .4 1:;k
To. A JFt_NX]C S T Lold byan, one hQ1150 in on'tatio.
TZ10 Provillo;al 31chibition wl�p llc�ltl v,. tints oftheir deuajing foliage, anti tue P
We arc especially deli.,lited ivith the into at least two or tht-6 aitire, class'ex, -E eqpt. B u %ingkon &;Miller Best parties whose lands adjoin said side --road
& irds tire beginning
so 216t1i nit., anU lza scene on the right side (A i lie stream ; it its the'jillges 4,nud it fery difficult to Democrat Riller oli, ous little �Ilub" andthoseparbiesIlAvingr�iusecltore�move SAKE HANDS, 1140 YEA
aggon, Cameron to -flock in chin ing, intildtilde
and adjust, said road* -resolved tliat tho
tile ba�ravards and garden fences, and to
pzm�nconnq�rd -by thos5 p!epent to Ii.n.ve is so distinct, so cool, and altogether so decidt- lietweenj a bZd- aloi k, cuildon and Be' , ro ough, Rimciman ; 2nd armina
a Wreath of hi-.i�r Ro!wers 1wheu blich very R- unci Be 0011 Pfoue�, R. clerk be, and is, hereby instiucted'to HereAsA chance to sive Mw ley
list in oil 'Lvlr Cress : R.I. - pbq their flittterilij diversions in eint, -
bs3n a. vury the ad,�Mll lit tAe Prm�- well -differant artiulba had 't i 6a compared Ru ci an -i R.Ru-iciman; Beat 9 1 take legaL advice and the necessary steps
I plp� ous bickerings, 'awitlat the she tiers if
tageanaa,uuationrof tl;o sh,00 grouna and stands. first in'animaLs painted from Moo' togptlivr f,,r the sanie vrize. 2ad W. elfect the re:wopenirig
ning- Whee John MoMilan , in order to
seared anil, falling lea'regi. - in.ahort, the of the
tho gun,�i�ak amtnillty;:�f Kiry-Slon and ita tirs.inz'Landscapa ormarinepainting' T -Rh' WINDING UP, Murray ; Cot Kee4 John McMillan�. saidpide-road and the removal of all Goaarich, IM August -1871. G040ehh, Sept" 5�b�, ISM AW64
0 2ad W. Mu rray ; Best -pi J . refro
and third in "any subjec�' ;,uld in %vater- f n the Gveniog the Dir IL xeneral tone a d aspect- of nat4ro
it vory pl,:�?.qpnt to ectors, jildues. ece of COili,6 obstruclions the ni. Cairiedi The'
turou"houti ihdic�tte the preseh6a of the
colBrs. firstin "any subjo,,t," Arst in arid suime i)f' the leiding. men (if Work, Jas, Miller; Best Pair Boots, It' sum, 9f �5, was. paid to Dr. 'Reeve for
vinitum. T;ho weatcori-� F�ucriun, rou ac- , . G - 2 d do. alitumnal efollinox, and t1le Wllol�� tonor
animald"from life" and Aecond in land.7 ifie village dined at Wests' Hotel.- Graham; 2 Willil.ry . lationr gives I � exponse-i incidel Ital to coroner's inquest.
c!jnntof dwtsnaa; wpi yory inLifft!rwitlly all R.M. wam rpf ' 0 1 1111111110t6k4ble The sum of $10 was gi anted tb fue Bat-
0--ple. After. 1i ibstatiffidl, and well- or & Co,. lot and 2nd -prige v i t]:Or JGr
rop'-C.53ah'd. Tho gonenl db;p'lay- of e deace fdat-thatgurn, ple1pporiodic .0"t bor =002.
'NUSICAL INSTRUNLINTS. oert ed dinner had been1discusserl,'the �SewingMn(hfiie.- at talioU Shooting-lu6ch in behalf of Nu. 7
lavallor ffia'Alucow. Kokq is alteady, fast H ifer Estray,
Sto-c[;, grain, fruit 0,11.1 i apir-nuents pape'w- & Doherty of Clinton take 'oltith was roulOve 'it W Anders,ni, TINWORK "D PUMPS. inarc Oompany. The sum of �$l was ranted Mayne Reid, the proMe anthor of
mr, 'Harmon Bestpiece lancy Work ling downwards fr jul. the Polar to ltcin.�rt Lee an indigent nAMBP ON- TP TIM, VR_P31UQV4 0, V TEr, U17-
f)r Organ, 4 in Tin Charles Pi-esolied'
vV an I thd Wuba f fi I P Pres;dellt of tie Some y �ook.tha -chair T� -, ` is ' r wild stor!6 for little andl big chila
lrae8 I regio is with A frosli relay if h rii di losa thati, : - -en, !%_j flen-,tva CO. tl-p 18t CY Srr41t1:Zbe? .2
ium and. Md1odeon. and. Mr, J Treleaven fvAis ptaced in tl,F'3 Mooney; r.. est�sot ofaix: rAE Dishes, the- -masters of late " a
4nUalntes the payhico viz.; uml� on sonto of boreal forces, bu lay our (ImeiiiiL,,ni,for as was I nee a 90ant soldier, antol distin- rf"�zl%tcd
SALT After suft I,)-yql and Tliomas L vreneo; Bost Lautbrn, Thos.
yeqrs - have been, in default i
in,) ' ""ng -guisUd hiiiiiwIf i4 the Mexican war,
tlac days at L2,030rmcl others thuy could ther svitsilli. in ga to his tileie S' P
Patriii-de toasts Lawrenev, est Ponip, A. Martin, tatate-labur -ratutm to thocierk
The Stapleton w6rks, Clinton w� ere. dreary After the �captura of the City of Alexiao ct r,11,-6 run 7, Q;n. �3, R . D, AEbECt
Uj�, 7 Mr. A.NDrut3roz lid he felt POULTRY. due semaxi as requirod by law, that th6 h was wont to empty his trunk in admu-
ha.Ve It, * t1,i:%lJ 123 V, hereas r, 3:
award6d � prize for' their dairy and, VLLLlAQF,.[TZX3.----:�A br4uch tele,ira'
in laiT, when the f�,Ioa t7as, I ei.1 1.43t it] that they vvere -mu ;o -the Best Pair G -ese,- 31. McDonald; . ' pit Cle4rk bO _�.ad is- hereby inatriieted and his person before 4paMDg upon the
Ji ilidebted 11 2nd W. Cr
dfliee is uow.6sta�)hiiied iiii our aspirin
ladif-3 and Dr Garner for �lje appearance Reed; Beatuair Duchs, M. Burgess; 2n . - o empowered to iiaftiice.the ponal el �a,,jo of Ia
Kingzston, theq dih wit oze,-ed and 111CI-ir -Jitth+ villa -go and : coliflilu faiar Gandalnupe, und, whilt) so doinv
(if the inside tD, illbatioiss"b., 1$
Oat4ido, iniprove- W. Lane; I �ast pair Tutkeyr,, W. Laae- My rt-ferring thereto. The Gouncil. uld Stir I I e t I
,W4 1p m b� reciting
.9 ailjourned to meat agaia -at Cotclough's lis n h Igas4nd
00. Th�3 total irea.-tip's at the G:itos ment was� wall od. suillo. good (,att1p_ Best p,&ir Slang, hais� James-Rose;r BeS' 'Vire can oo: h9i I
t Go6ricfi, Kinoax4lino And Atateri poetry, much to the wrath isgnstbf
Qd,23-5%33� �.-,;styoar -�t Tormit,ol third prize in iron, the second in wooden were shown frO411 Wasv Ili bat thert: Pair Polish J 6 .110tej, 1101,
ain6s, Rose; 2nd J, 0 tfi, mesvill,.,w on the secoiad Zi
Thu 4liparatusis On' his Ion ther officers, who no Pne
as. wits little or iiothing f -0
M Mr. Cameron, bb, -,oro keeper who lo� at lay i
3�1. The 'receip'a wi� t ploughs, and !he first for horse she wt�l Baldwin-Bqot pair,14panish, M. Bu sia, . 4' hal I F
they Were fl. In Killiflas No of day in November next. clothp-s and uo loves. Dne r ,hde
Uredit ahi,uld be -L ivoll, v I ore
T, 13. 8!rola-s,
present a . stsideat Mille Hcoditis'o dresting h6 roared out--.
Co -of Fing-,d and was 2nd W. Reep
fall abotif, e'1109. ohf�A of-tho allaount 1
Oltntuit tak� the fire. prize for drtini4gr obio. Tile dill! Ity lie th( pglyt ives'T'llat ?P3011AI ctrograpuy, aull will) 4,itl ahortly clerk. At 11oldnight, in hagfmardultent,
giv,mi in gri.�n aan4 the enponses �d Vio ploncril. tif K'o .13W W�� The Turk lq3 dreawingof t9w buur
inKiniossthere�iverefew hvrougb-bre� A spociaN prize jiffere(l by 'Alr. -0. acethiloclate, M-11 sliclv'as i4ay mquiro,kis
enhibicion. is too far eact- maxvallUz Whitelaw, (f6r whom -Oliver bulls impi-rced, imd fo* ilmilis grown. Soicord for the best crouk of Butte Ulten Greece, her-kn-ts--
r, (nat servievs in thatabbravlato
K2�. J. J. Fiqehfg!. of llorrej�tiv- Col- �V.1`1 of seaforth. i,3 amgn take third III Wavi'atiosli since the fflure ofF 11 less than 20 bs. The Nitter to be� the d lttw ot de�- BPEO&OLES.-41�. A4yer the resident it'Isay,'Reid,"interrupted NeVMr- In C�l Arts'Und WMWVVIUX" !MrZOVC -
'z 'Perby of p. all. Forward, Ain joil, I p�trraor of the wei, klitsivit spectacle Mau- 11, '-rhydidfhev r greaso her kne V.Y, - *R(l
n e for grain drill. NVIieLt, they hall gone in to the cultiva- pro r. Sotiord), ET, .1ifePlhe a egg" raent is now tho grJct,,uf jige ifl
barne, ozhi�31bud his recund- -i-alp raotk; XJlrI_i5 & (;o, -
P SAWING k5uisrm --The slipply of 12P
homes ani (Wing the cia. 'IlLi -noulo hayt nva-Q funly acknuWledigtil amd
oPherson & Co., take the Ung of roots and" breedi ig of eLtile, *,'A -0 bi izo offured by - M r. N,;
y Giaq M, Peci, water at the* in dw Isuil. ebutillues vers, at nirlitd, Stieffield, (Eagiand), I-Tiw
tovfr,nn thia On aund -Yrizt� for Hoesa Power Threzher - hi le Kinlo-an was still ot rrying tin the Smith, - Doidinimi'Bakery "You said, 'eggrease her knees." Now, 101owed thieprecept thau WkIrE 141-
:InW_ a . 7 for the best limited, and the cjr-o.ol if expL.,cj.,r, D York and ijajtfej�d, 11,]o ViSItell
Tfie,',�-how is to held ia 1_,Lr_1, and Oeparator. 0111 51-Ae, ellofit six bl"l their the questhn. thatagitatels th Ifenis & Cc) wanufatturers of
in. It would-be , ar�-at h hebs]?all Whvat,(the wheat to be e count -V a,
' rty'If parties with - anxiotioJaues oil -a da r Ageu.w livre. &Oar jlIf,,rtll..4
the prope sis th-atthe S31e why did they grease herkneosl" �40 fleleljrat
Mort yeas'. au.Lweli Al"knfelmw . talto the t if ti-mle lei' ed P-afeeted, lienmig-k1l
41 Aing fariners Mr.Sinith).F.-McCharles; a little (fri- of their celebrated :lieifected spectaclex
S�Con d prize foiGraia Cracker would got thorough -bred ttick In his A special pr zo for tho, best Sting iSr donereininds out.,- The gay lienteaart gazed for a ma- that,,eirence can f31D 19 8UUVj9N2 ilit'
r, Jar of Roney
T-_i.DiFS' cd L -H u: - many respucts of tile groups cleacribol has inore than q%tdrnjj�,e.J r here ., during meat ia blank
ormice, Ife JIM aow t'as touch for iter-iltit less than 3 lus,2nd 4 ainazement, aud then said tress caused by wcak cr fh2king TO`
in Suripture wh i watchea at t1lo hist nine likonth
Bliss Mary MoaaleyGod�rich tallo�the'l Y -6.r Oills Lid Foorinui or three rea�r qfess B -)X H,on�y, Ist: John, id waited s� r;tllt is in S blis farm Vrio afoul Las been c�irei'GUY 6`ndied by them, find
.1y eft(f -fteAffil! pool till thLo ' A duel was the consequence, in wMeh a��! fed ita the ralan-afactum of flitir C&
this tro 'Mr t orlv hy the lArta 44utedtot4eplibfie-
olds.. He would iiiiprem Nlurdoch ;. Z id Jolin Jo wat .
Y-3 t,(j tttlr PL its i ty gi�eu,v) t hogs eat ine'lrlts thlararticle Ned Marshall got the Worst Qf it. *briterl L�n,` o wc-11 11ave fl
We a bv t-1 a a 0 1 i lit -on Ne nj Ora t1lat an" icanto d,wn 11 virtnes
SQWI-'TG XACHINES Hills and'"other leatting fai in6rs'of Kill- se s -s ley sue
RZCOMTdZNPED, I shotild thirik it twast - needs cost N14 -isciainied t -,j- posseSa. I as the Von -
There vMS as Wk!l
.4 cc)040 i Chwo all can�csw. uftcr ftwilig1hexe
Vho plizes for she3p claimed by Th3 Wauzer(Agel.lts in 6;odvrich Cook- loss. a go(M 'd al inore 00nibmiat'on Plough, James Frazer, rilra7mr'a 001164eiablo amount -of tj'xpenso fidence of the pj0liu. He. Hayer.. has celebratelli, tAaFs�%. fhat
Z Time tries all Thitigm and fails
LcDva Son- at the Show of t1ne Iftell. qP, mnant) wai on ox-litbition and at- 'from Aslifield t1i , an KinItiss, *but Tees ter., its', well as philosophy ti;-hn ii t the Babbt# received testiall,nials sh,,wing that tht. r
tritoted fisvorable -noticei. It , was nort not evongli 01thriiii,6ride anapals wa prov-4 -that De. Ms&es Baksmr. of Fk ild,
Riding at Clinton, wcro mn�dited to 11n. in do do do. Ttielchnn-gerfrom-so iiany doors. system Air littaug ,last be rrin-' (
competition, a:b,t4amamufactnrers and 'turnipi, inythe ab�eqce 'of- ifolbul AU llile %fr17 Is the
'CL -1 Roo eutt r do do. 1XT1-;RU-4T1X,* B-CIiLZT.TN� -Hot �eren' tirigthe eight., Mr.Jordan reonedy p-ar excellimee for
& quitte III all]
the Of last ye,�-'took numberless first prizes and grain crops fariners otmid, not, dow2ell, tlhoqp� Agent, "ericL.
Dflu-ble,31 dboard Ploitgh do do. Hi-liness---the a aifd adaoiiiplishll has received a sopiily comprising sixty ing
th-_ m=e. r, med%1 at the international Iflihibition DR. GA a - - ftuab-el _cl�u,,11, -hu % pubish-, :Gadedleh, 2.0n&
iNFIR 6illiadveited oil the Gang P16 all. do trionehitis, *&at u
at Faris� z�pd exe. content to rest on their' slovenly end filthy'farmel a "OnQof whom do. ad iiiincessDeWeinouaMoore Carew wheii diffe, ant foulises an illing, litill'toi, $'lit as sime, It ellre,5
I 1-_� ucdb� live, Ye4urllinggr all, Robert Toyloi, -Ash-' has. for a loax time pa§tj been subjept to- fuuny kini-sof -iisious-oldl near, and
d in Zinl(sd notr 4 miles from field,, an ititernafflialady or aiit wb alisand ctoldstn4ankrd It 8m-t1j,11
e ealper r ica failing sightii., Theiru ontis author;zed A FAhM FOR SALEO
e�. Swo I a. The Ofilidorne (Ag,6-lit'in Goderich Mr. L-Lycknoi7j eho by th abo inable-state has l4therto. as ad tit) 'Itiany i�traii,4 t1l 4ftlal'a tlie irritat�rlpart&; it heais ills fidima-
ey ke 13egdwork Cushion, G. W. Derry. atev ilerfaci 'Biting spectReles,
Tho Court of� XOMIX-ftill Slnitll)� wag represelited I. by in whi& th can___ Illation .1114 even consalliption itiolf
oi.41 , b,tQb6 JamosAgnew.. naluesla'vid. uncotwilon- symptc an or' suitthev wilt beex- FARK OF 278 Ac"ElEs
"'is, O�er throe machines an(l %%au in great f aver the farms of th yields tofts in icingualleei
As*�_7"e, Xiz;i pr� -9, "ad- Hair'flower�, Mis as t�j , IN tlle�v Ito 11
Nq Berlin V 001 flowerm, Jamoo Ag ag
an(I Tortainerancl General GAnl Del -v- rit.rj the 1�4,lies, t hl- 1. tp, for i' piew. colupletely Uaffie tuotheal. skilli ha:viiig a 43han, e Town rT05dci2Ai, V, rfwNXb:&,ry
'ith p ;qdfree tof chargi) In view (If the nauescrlte
L afeated V ii
.1 ;Airo WAth a 16pirit -'.1,01iristlan abovewe feel ee!wrvo fu recounuendiiny
The Sing,e-thread ruinous 'weedx. '--. e spok P k
ak e I sects ... d Hooked Nfab Mrs NVm. Ellis fe %V &A
ainst 'the V, tl,(, stnri ps. ais faun �s f,unclied EV I Ae 13urcl sT,4
0�v at tJ'1V43,)tDrt Jillilso. 0 0 einhr oidery. 21,017 `;Hur�ii F a, vorit6" Churn, Alex. - Tiah-, a. busideratitin invited theflunily plivaci!6 the)se noedil'4 aPtic3l hwip,-iiatall se
an Monda, machine ma, ivdion of w -e Gdfterieh� 2al, Oot- 1walltafn1y 1,RT" te�, GTK_1�2 EMC if] the WSFJ (&wt
22 ortcober, 4 --for-, the Efon. le by �nme 40 also incessant cult at, without
olapany borne. to tea �w�s fortuitinisly reirurded for lie �_%vhuexperiance failing,sight or are stiff- so UN to pay) at.4 thf re ig a Urlv Orcl�", qu Q*
Pr ?d
d J
st n_
R M-61
r -
I ul
took fiva� prfie. manning, pointin out thdt ea�t h ak a Agric al boilers',' X.-Durnin. extreme 0011ALUACeU81011, by that golItI*Q- lbrilig f 'ordinary glatses to ,,jior Premises lklakw ch;�T* UFU4
Th:0 r4uni wearing,
Gardfter (Agent in GederichMx. Idoubleset offruot-�and tool-, three times givothes a4scriber being about to give up T I AiNILS.
inau onaking the important discavtry� seeitlit Farming,offersat private sale, Horses, Ore-Rhd luttbe jsuri-LkEe vioricy rel",
Tha feUbaing wmtlolnem wGro em- W B. johnstol�) touk tile finst-prize as P, as much natrime14' "most JUDGbS. __ 0 *r(j] JkS
3 from t sQil AX Sy. I ng.
that -Drol longed � weaK ness in the dieUty is bob
faniiiyrmuldnd� The opQradoisperform- other cropa Honotice Horses Igs..-Andrevy Sti Cows, 'Qately calved) Heif�rx, Sheep. by payiiig inturest cvcr�7 cz njorli4 at C per CaLk, -
d . the probable nson , svispotuforia6ot the basis of 1-1 Hi I 'I- � - : �
iEir I Ounit' er I r niessir I I.,
eil tha &at of is.1-wing with the same in ou* t, in large lzulabers,of Curt Joh Wages.: and Pigs, with all, necessary implemenis Lttr filrikv parti-w7grs q_qqs, I-
GP.2%%_a Jurl-'Z. riiiid4 ioliia j*
needle and fi aper, 'Complaili6l and th;A a nu;re till usedonafarm, Aconslider,
n, '00�-,tcG, pj�lwa=. n rnicaessi,,n brown. tlie Colorailopotnio Beetle, and urged KrAer able quantit
JUellon e of Podder will also be disposed of.
(3 Q a 700, G*r" Alfre-1 Dr. heavy brZiadlcloth., Vd6k leather, and the' farmers to Prepare -themselves to Wilson. Z, reginien uouldin 4short,tim fat 1dr W simply feelin
ca ridicating a qg, a t h (Sadefith 15th jure� wat
L-ottv a niece cf le -A towards e t,
xT alt
T, 3) T, I M r, fit er- saille elhil'it of -that Proteit- 'p -
.Z4 4i Y, Al %�or7jzn, 1 1110 or 1-1, TIP.
en- htive uut� heard, ag yet,what surt-id ' SMART BOY Wanted io Itarn tio
J 1,211pran, iiii-in X... aineron '67beep.--folin Wbiternan, ots a aro'exposed A
Vo:ek Don"lat -n-C, T L mi. aound practical gensD wa-2 talk6d, diet that, functionZY Prescribed, but th :xnts.and. all who call their anuls their
rw��bt R. Ymning, Elcet6r, Qces the bacoina--' By Messra it. Clende Ctattle iVery iS certain medical* swa� -to wherever R, ine hwo JAS. "OL'
I - Lot 6�2'n'h at
David Hend rs( tated his opinions iii certain
WaLl Knm!�YD Jo,�,_-pfj K�cr;rrl, pzizze for V. 56 1b & hill. W. Treleavan, R. -L..- un �ero G Tile in. Floating Ballo disco a now E. L.
Olt. Science.
Henry sr'.,tuce, D 01 X�Z, Kayi Z Tralezven and , thera. The fl-rldt,Boo & Ve6tab1e3.-D/Tr,Fow1pr. ecellilsiastical ulatte'ra and strengthened G,,derlch *at$, 1671. OW-29if, Goder16, Oct ard,, 1871 1
ARoV_*;D KumAm business i s ir theni by refe
Andrevu Malcolm, I'lodg, Ladipe Ve alfte;4. -
vina VuaI �ay, JuhuTominaman, 'etvillo" trulweii tovwt of the presi, was repli(d to by Mi. reuce to R.O. works, r &a.,
c7d:.m SnnalcM`Q). the necond prizeeft-r Z f actory cheoxe;.not C li&- (if the -Bevl�w andmr T the Mrs Campbe Planes, Mrs Kerr. tbrivi4g condition the farajers haVegot 'anel the cry is iaixed,that Ito insults the
oung of
leza thim" A_q lb ea0h. SIG -NAT;. Good songs werb sung by almost ad their threshing - Done- andire' Bishops who hippenidtothink othe'rwise. tZ
Zia LIrd��tl I in thatal. Cori- generally itall satiefied" with the results, In likelo annor, -Protestalit nlissionarles, FALU
Messrs Emberton, T. Harris (a fine old WINTERZTYLES.
GM1tnh1tCC1 t%o co-urity -un tl re IiArm. go AR SP'oT.-Tbere is now 4 $of th4COV61-41011. A cattle fair is to ba Aistributectolnesof-the S.-ripture. trans-, Mill"celf, M1111nely, Ki 1118111:
h gentlenita All -we' Ji.". _0�0_
Lo 90unpral _nppeiaranuo 'if thirzl er, lated and Approve'l i)y R, v ,itgnliarieg,
tI, of takda, the Ul ligus n) ?,nd oth6jis.
m �ci latgo, 'Pelir.8 ape,4 -spot on that r
er ide if hela Were on, the,10Lh of Ot-,6)j) aild'a
PH3.3 for Kl.-4s yapw oll ball., tdasted wh6 should have been t6astia K - - -
Tiventy'Soara ago it na�-dl to the situ that lis wriled towarl as.. 'It is wonaiderabie quaiafty of stock i's expoult- and ther likewineare brandedas insultilig 'Auttlinn Come"
nko him � dav aucl ,� LL,�f tu tvY,70.1 f1:02 h1vailling, Exeter, ta,�'i es and a pleasant. and profitatla eveiang t&,a t 40,00(y XMIL ARMY
tho fL-at prizo fez a kiY Wux-threo yetL- iya� spent, wiles in diameter,
whicl, is ed to chaujker hamis oa that oceatilon. the pripito, who -har" their own reasons.
&ra00,-,1 W G a-4QL'M5- On th'113 GiMlit, YO equivalent t( three qnarters: of 'a ivinute TheJoiby good host and hit-dess of thO for withh4ding the Biole, in every shapis -00 -AND-
'W� are much indebted' f6 the T"resi., In X"TE11" CO].-VIINING
by rne=3 of ttlt3 ey,(�oNiaat-. �_t 01 rnatla f if ardj� equal, -) the aug,16 subt in their del uded followeit.- Howicing
(lent, Mr. Andoracin, the 86crotary Mt. it ended by th4al)� I
it,orts of Paula frif
the of one. riil' is Lnwer Cana4a*tto b WIN
GcUC�119 Pto l 'I, u &e --�-117. flerbison, R. L. Hunter, and indewl,a4witli whom
9 in thin dogradod
NrDt'�41].t laurtt f�-M-al Wn!� S idbeast,ara busypriMiIiiig allsorts pnsiti(kli�, tell pV
jr..j.D. T - . ftow -the eye, It,is jL very
eo, 'ta�m3 the first priza foy we m6t for courtesies receivod." . good test in it, rallel which one Iiiust go F:esh, Fashloriabli.19 t hul 01
aV3. Below . - ,
Ho thought - j31tha -vision, 0: of pro it k ges I I&TS8 ZA1ZX,:E.-K
6 Y,)f w 01C Z. 0'4., topltee Dale, irotigh stuoked ilasis, retluiriyig vendor itcOM"o-d"tifill, which, the back to th r A
al Jail an'Alw,ater traffic defipciiids,.' for the to infimite tq ihr inlial)HAVIU of a 14jerich suit
eu thofflrit mise f02 PRE, 14luAl
rmnplb tq thG Xo.-V_� wovo Wi5o iii T"Jakorondth I ey, fight 1 U little more than average
a2 ILI ...
t t1T, pone both local a0d travelling
"3�� d CaLf-, and. cl�plolll&, �0? �"_IHOM Of tr4tion t ) see it svitliout a inagnifier. buuOfilt Of lied"t la kr99 "I, WA�
_'C -3'Y0
The split is a litile to, tile left, RI)d abolit patrons, -and having receiitly hwd thE ir lete 4tock, of
ai�mo Twmzz5o, c:iriit�,kst!� v ho worn, Y' 'HORSES.
a -so. R, Hunter, of E :�etorj, U703 I Best sp�ku Horses, for Z8 ieral purpo- the:sauie di tauce� b6low the apparent coullaWal felicity heittlitenefl by:,the TEE IdAT-MBTS
Z�aw, rpnng -.nznn,�l C:w streets vainlv pulza rb`� tl�41-a-4 YQ,-z Old fillY Or UPI& seso Jos-Agnaw; 2nd PArDc
ac:�,Idn� inve3tmcn�s fnt� �4v!u na onq-y, 1, W %Vif� centre of the4olar.dise. birth of -a 3on anit'heir, no teats need Le, IG01WRICH, Oct 2, lat. XrSS X000XVYLL MILLINERY
in- Ck step'llon, DrPild Z%iava, hAving Old in - — ----
VF�N,JUI havo wi�Ily to zlmo invootcil, 1, entertained (if any 'fallim, id or IsIvirt' wh�xt,. ("all) V Nsh..: $118 a 120 8 3UST HE RIVED A LARGER J3T!krx
j_T_ 0n_,0q3,k33,1, %�hcn Mira LpNiza for Epad 316m. (41m; 2nd Jas M I ff thsin uxual-tirthe verriwilt quiII
PL,ae; Bcsi2-yeu old F illy,, is -ish. 110
is 1 11 sty!" in the folf1ming lines
Ther� isni, disease.flesh 11eit to. coming of their widely ackno-ledged- flet �Si lln�) V b PY 1114 lAt%t
WC26 Gfzcm�l tho apvuumnit -Ialwlnkn-,�2ad Johl - more Fl Lour. (per b 1.) ...... fio S 6(4
a A"Win; trroublesonio � �omaasger than rlleunlaflslu�l 90 Courtesy. It 0 ft n 4e
Itcomeswhe a, you 'least - exppet it; and -niust be very clie6ring to step iW jLt rali, r busli ............ r 50 0 0
Y. .6ur inalayand wholezome IF 46w, 0 ID
i of aolbor�o, tak-c's S�'Crinfl prLiq for r 0 Vo, cr -its 14 Ullsh ............ .. 010 0 0 *4 d
L7! Or aAruznm o1ol flya� prize fortwo 70 Hats., 502116
Hor�v, JOT&bhvia; 2 ii N Lhoesp WSlch,h,,*ll1
We �ster;. generally ran ains till it gets rea aud*` hallan, "a meet him tin that llar;py v tinsh ............. boo a o4s
old- My or gelaii-ig- T. 111Mvb-Ii I dy io go b as k Now, All,
2. D. Z:3 S. P 2att. > -of Best Baag&7 kirbrae, 0 Girvid; 2att J 3-14- Con3pieliollir rl footatojes. V bitsh .......... 040 (6.000 Feathels aNd Fkwers Itindil of 11AIlt JL?W1,,LLER1 naido ta!,r
Lantag. 1 3 Z(�'4Q_Ajd I)LL-e '3 The . most amedy door, with all the genuine grate of a real Nrk V It, ......... ....... il pe 4 6 *9
il',,Imcaaelcl, t6hc
'st; N- 8,�-Hlviflg leRmitk bus?;jeolc in *,IV fjf t1w.frglt
Q). 2,1"!QoNn V- T. G'i'MON-, W Wil a; 2nd Jail, 47or L14 com� -Oint is Akmwes A it, l4pe P�ater faunlias, daudhug -up�lwee nant-, Butter -3 1h ... 15 a a 15 ".,L glojentlid stork of Cl 41
Rose; Best yearlirig, Colt$ J4 -�,ukniqn;
T xz�x 0 des. funl4eke f).;. 0 it a 0 0# r&km . $e'Rrlrs#, CIOU44 cU" lit' %IF lit TOMMMI, foels qxaliW J4� exorlIJ&
wo s of $Ilvwiw lug U gmi& to c1lome from eiWers with -pniqthw, glict in t1w j"t
dwes 104 -ear+ cultditioli xt,�Ie. style.
z:3. AgpZP2711 2,�_T� 2ud T 'or three dose bar two, "And ellauntiagL In t116 fjolloW' 1100" Slid woole
By Tel#. -mph to the 'Hifial.
cure h1orse of any common cofigh or CLIMMIC, I let, 3, Im. ly irmid value Woo sewin. she ye"Wifully holi,ils
Znn- GO -1. UATM Powders will. NV- -As King Jil(collneil is i1nitimred togive *Wild
3: VC1161oz- CL -,%0 D_tm c_] d -rest AE101i QA� W d r� u; 2nd J Will ye ca"in by our toun.
An e o
e;1d ind tZ TOrY iffoist cases may be Wheat, (Faipp#r. bumh...� $1 U & 229 tall frOm 14011dies, befem t4k AAke "r fill uA Tleowt r"get 'ke, plat 3,I60M W4*1 of JEArriew
0� Drytlon;Srd W kaderson;'B6st2ve As ye gang to the fair, jwr buill.. I IS 0 1 winterpurebaseit. old stabol.
a fAr pipriai 22
Z'4175 887,MW AV L'U01SUNW. Rcafor, W Andecackn-,2adff nthortcorl; weeks- - W6 IMO'w this Will ye a in by our toun, 3nour, flier brly ............ 6-Vto 0 600 Goderkh Eq. 2ftd,, 1671, 604"kh. Ifth sw,
froin. experie, And ses how blydie we�re there! Osts.perlinab ......... .... 030 0 030
T. A C, it- On Foiday,`Rh imt., %@-riall Exhihi Vvs� one year uld Helfer. 2.1ed Dryden-, Weive towth oi meal And Pea it. vertuxh...�..: .... 0 W a io 5s
S. tz, Pn 'Df A,niaaLtural 12DIA ki Rutherford; Dest Heifer Vaiii W rOWth 0� M411t, Rirlef.-p�!r bush ........... 043 0 047
I luNiathe iscovery Of FOlowie 0 - Footottloe*, ppr 0 eo a 050
wqrkiw" cattle, John_XAmde; 2ad of Cod Liverr, )a wax , - -vc" ST
91� W ucaJTZ�'y vo-. 7F. �'-Ormn. llnders5h; 2nd Jai MdDer;�, Best yoke p Oal And many a comfort couth, Pork ...................... 700 0 72s -LAD1
21*:ipty vau 1wid, at thf.- enterprWri- and o ind 1$yrap )f Hypophoephites, the Use And weRche eir your heart in our toun, Butter per b .............. 015 di o15 TAIE: J;&P OR,
CL pr_'�311-,kckm Td1A,-,Q Of 2 ycar� vid Steers, treatment of very gen"'fal in the And dilive awe your diotiM Eggs, p",dtoz. (uxqwek@d).. 0,11 0 ols
43110 vair old W i luonaulapdon -4nd other
_-n, wing (bseaw , hit
Y_,C� W Wa ltor�, exe waity Dawid Niueq2ad ido; V�ist i
lili2�C)J��Jt% --4& ".GVQ2�, to gee, a &6E)r, JaVed 1) iti emp: pyzaent has Let's a! be blythe at Ere end 33Y TeTeZraph to tte 4iipal.
QN- t rydeu; 2tid %V Aiid ' arson; beento'a great extent 8ZA"XTX, Oct. S. is". C R EAT E X 0 1 T E M E FA -r
utn.�iln-L of , 616 'We _ �11n. Uest, fat Cuw� St6r or HWgr, W La e. wherever TV di4cOntialled -. LoVs ai be blythe and free 1
it _4an, Gmy add th iirup is iutioduced. it Wheat, fF 4.... silo " 278 —noo
f SPrin;ij;;1fl�19b.. -. 1 04 -110
anDI-11P. &It ift Gae tak thegraybeard fr" the :heA wheat. Niklo.
Dnice IlNaway. Tho da -y waa a beand. &dvautag "3 obtained from To cream the howdieis tea; ymm(oarb1l ............ :,fin - 5so 4T, 1:XC)1X33MX:;LWCJC>Tq
B.'-st aged IR2,131, ThOs- Allaerson, ; .2114 the Vil Me Po L eased
64 03� I Barley, lwr bash ........ _ -0 45 � 043
phi"ahn"'. hvig-,46yaacl A &'A a. Taylar pan Of by the %Tap, *ith# Thco� larg I've been a wanter, la&, 914flo; per bush .............. 0 MS 040 T" 9r"t fil"41MV in illf-rming the liklics of Goderich &lid vidnijy jUt he
21 Sca"�7 2,-V!3 V�,. 1F<1aC-0-AZC2 ?,,.-T,, out the il:draw at.1- of U!nple"ant tutp, -Pease, per liltall ............ 050 052
- -- [L,: tt�o tQmv-i,�I�ttt:3 4�nn rafli and glunia-1. tt, o B, wo-a t brat, li=6 raisidlaliibs in 1$71, eructations Ofq dioglistilig gm and naugea 1`46, now a win and hein Patatoes per busli .......... 044 o4o opened ble Fsk Jato& of
Z's. r, . � I '& Camemix ; Imow tile And, -for a? theiis that timehas doie
UTI�W(130� Vw(,,�t dU0:33eJ 1pa-jL316e, tj�� &jr 221 M. UoDa;:4ald ; Best
C� STLca. G-770 -'yr. whieh it Park ........... .... ....... SM $40
'e-rliii- Ilaiu, -John B;,st Rain Use Of li)a- 1iV40 3uLy hae twa or three, mak &c. Butter, per 1h .............. iiii *Is
Y as ism Py AND FAIN"'
:Y. 8 �,X 7,�, i u -, 14, � "11% v g hu -q; q,- � �Y, p I a u V-8 4 i a t agree- __UZ
A. Cameron 2 dJoJl:n� 1�411 Pwd*x 0XV14ea) .... 012,' 012
74 11-1 13. MT_-Z�0 Z73� 51`7-10�_-,. C�ItQy. -51uU4y ; at kle to the," digestion
�A a4. A. Caiac-Doa $- 2'uil A. and assimilati 80 any healtily diet sel". *, is".
' m d ct sn=Dtandittai C�D=t'T fro ID Dz�i, Ewa Lmi Zu CUQH�- AN STOCK OF
&,3tpea of two, �Shexrliligk. ii in, da to a It under t WIt"t. (FAr)
U raid storm which h2s 3ERovinete. lRibb.,
lizvzd -The Wlmt, ($rqiflp) V lKall ..... 113 Ir Met
A� _6 aa!d.
T, D.T tavcrn�5 Wctra ahlicist, fill3eq tc�'Ona 6a"u, Milue; 2tid X. XzDol
a.. It not only in
I been bie*ing since IsAt speing dtsaenflod z Floor. (per lia ) ............ 69# Ck
theLiaaAcalar power of the Ato-tiach,, but -her* during thu; last few dLvs with a
ar-any breed, A, Cameron; Ullyle and (;u;�cd Blood VArley, 9 lonsit....i ........ #to p *45 Und lRent h
L-�r c�--23cnti. iaa3- _-N clay. 3�xhlbitorx o are "diiy formod ............... 600 4111 038
Au Z_1�
vengeance. It tuis rattled altuost incen-* .............. : 00 46
It _al L AcDuwalali; 11-s� �a spring Pi."$, by ita pecular*cUoa on the food, making I &Itly aillte 600
T,-O.pt n_j�, entri�,a up to nellin,
LN I I Alouday list, awl Wissewhe DAMpa, V Wit .......... 00 0 too Re&Uy 80rP*'M* Uytb'09 evw Awilm in Oodieri&
C 14 t i rn� -a short tune agit werel load itt their wish-
il�l W utal. tne prOcew of aigeation more comfortabI4 Park 7 lb ..... ............ boo a 000
arkipn� WE Duttzr. V 11;
W a tho ind,
g8i uauy. &ad the NA-��,, atwgerto ovarcoaue diA_ Ilea for raill are a -W a., far P"t. "Itified
11cit roll of frc3h Butter, 996,4 V doz. (Unpapk,,d).... 0 so 9
tnauan 6-2"- L-Ibor& Ths, ontaidej�e 106vlesmllan e�
i'utlud5 A an.
that thtty have tAea As ssp;�,,site tack. F1 O -N N
Potcheri-I --t-1 'I, � ETS
I $cAus. -A set of large Hay Scales are Toblow" lk t. 30. lat. Of hk own zwaufict4m. *" we ftmed out of Robertoon's NotdJbInhai4kit wiff
nual"'an-r of Nit Cho quaUty wat Ozutev, -U4,4ess tilak Tow
Pit Wbeat (ftly) V
Tre'va e Whe4. (11toible) 0 book,
6*wflm With &uv firA-C14" hOws in thiii Dominim
orl" J�3D, 3, M. 1 W TIN -0 mefully aud. behig creek -d on the square nuder thu
K-�a�- V-Pedit!0"Y "bucuted at tLo blo--iAL aupervision of Kessm Dvwwn, Happet and Shw-room ppmed to."Vf
Otmrnotl-ts tbaii 3011ip Vlomr, (pp -r lowmi) .......... I 4*o X I over 3W E[aU mid BouneU on exhih.tiotL plea" " MU Q n -
ottice. a &Pod 0"
Carrick. This will bw an impirsovement 1krTer. Slonsh- .......... fa F.2
LINICRY DIPARTUNNT, Y9u vW An I the v07 Ut44 sty," "W
F__2 "'0 4 Mc a d
I Id r 0
; 3 is hich waa ia itch ae*4#A &lid the Pro. i- Clatol. # took .. ........... 027 n U"W� A1W
C -a- ' �, T'1? t-. � a 61t-c�
(IA,;3 111alk"Llig P_�rlttmfomwi J,',J,i!ln Vf "-�; Beat Chwff,'not, low than
D 1ji-jus, -,-'L P110". V husk .: ........... *0 -.4
a C-44- '90 klinw,14 i -x -Akes, l,,A.. eron; 2na A yea FAXCi'F1UJ�1_XG iA 4G6K BrW" &Ud, itirtien tif the-whe itko doerve t1to appro. powkkok ........
colvirm bation of the pith 11C. Pewt. P lb ...... 76 "06
rl3rd ivilderson: i,%.At.1QA%FV6 Ot= . .34t&4; krLWimuy done at- tho 46 #00 OTCOUN
nsc#. ..............
,2 Tax i8now.- Great propersUaw we
if �t ja` 2oll J(.4in Pi�.ffier. No*, 9 deoll. (alipKkvd) ...
A 4�
MCn1—_nr,(,a fC7 'L:10
�t,ctn, LC? nen�3
few 0"y" L?
--:I V -o pii7t,
A 3
l, Lt'�Z_n-j Q2
0 rl V, K3 4)
sits-, tw
471:-QU 01`,WCUAI�� Jij ff.
iww, &�v it t. _6440 L �'A C, Dr
St. 14, 1
IiAr Ilk' r ks
rt g
f -,V -
ki K"
f 11 th i i & a A L,
#011 V, I - -
I All %#ry jt'_
A, :W%�v SL
lit HIL-ve-, t1-
lisv�uf bow; U*U.L,_(%; 1�
pillf the thoftA ' �41u i_
0 (� 6," ert ii i�,- ic�-,
I, _-,fupa- iphs
x�rillod for tht
fio"(�Wk Wm his gLv, Bc I
Ar Oijohloul 111t
en -in;
A a Uit kx,l up;,
Uyl 0 QXL" k I U: litti.1 I it t',
6,rt voti shot ais 0 e t'o
4 1-44P 6, IL V back " Titi o.,
2ikmf He glad, "I if � I
.4r Hw-vey coujv�lr f ii ar(;
trit men U) i6swe 1,10 p -h
alli %* i,sd shot tho kx, i, lo,
(*to, of him 1 ht loel, wti,
Rt Harvey walkbc. wukr
whev tilt &1, .1 6tv.
ii, ;un.* up my, tk UAe 11-14
vc hi wt ulLew m"
1.,l itiliot '
�&rlo#V h&,(�
lU-UAt)e1 4;f POK%le Pilit-n-C,
,bouat &Iid wstC ekd a,
mid tht akwt hot J&oy tN, IS If jy"�
jr, j*6 Ili tho ubwwlq� gir
-w*A rtl,"d sud tht neWl, k - -ri
b6-" aftrAl," for tilt bols'.
tootrum revwvued UOID4
formerl! hred = Est&t4m
K%mv awd, ovv�l OiL"l I
,c.i.ddly wh h kad, ont witl
-$Jhlithet he h&t, vuruoc a t,
Uio bam Uwe buiblily adt-is
o" w1w h" bow 64-mA 16
)its owr ornmtry, Uj buy of
trau at dw 4&mam �,,
thmg ecould my* iuiL Thu w
#d t�q mi*& of the )oka
— —4m.- __
iJ mik, ` saki a il&thor.
jorh"# won illoomLing loit I
ow,jc ch i iame ar v me"*. an
di"hemd aw Thol�
"tzb you ihw* I sh&L L,
pulkwh vim
Tht mazi 4AT Jack waill 't- 11
iowtv coblirleft; to the 1111,vi", I
L� Ui tier on tot -tit tb*; b4n�',
W.41 16 reid Igi 1AS Lod J :x
t1if fW6, 111FOr W11100b lit 1041i'
�12 fath,111t A"d r" 141- "Ic
0 AA I" It L.
- N v *. Iv I bf,% " some, t-66 Lk
1� woubd d, ymo,
1)Ubtab lot
O-Hr,w on.
r1rotlgiota, whu kwo be
L�;Jsghff j"St. ftalfo-
*1[ rWhi "YaM dililli'l 6doLCli
Z4 owlight the he" to
;ht deamd @& A 0" pf*�4
lit _rtxi Wig d ropp4 b6t Lhe 10
W0J J*D*00d,
TC lol r"AFT1
i-litollebtv W fal'i'llel"I
tit"ll Wit ub that 00"
Ir ot
#veil,% throlick the *do -
sm K 6W
aii"s ti" Ow 9"1" got h, "a
J -6l VW* A* bad th" AW 0"
,orboldingbow oncl, ftAv b�2 PI
impirwPam"t " Then iLr* -o
i�ioflls" in SL"lat"All to thit ,
bet LbA 660*0 04
ar. 70? locurred bv thoo �ftt 0
of **1 40
, wa an willul