HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1871-10-03, Page 17 -7 71F, - , - -1 -1 4711 Iffir I -IF - "U" fl"114119 A.T 110-VIFA VOR CONSULTATION P w U a w. eqery day. - Will visti pauents at Irly haur afteri;vards, WS utorday. -4%7 su. 113ZON. CORONEM &C. Offlet L. andft-cstienze liurts dosir rast, of Getitzal School -'to tho On -ttest ? ssi'61 'Unmber-11 JATUS VOUX6, G80. COX AB.%AHAZ py.'etors. sThe -Clrea.test Possitle Good -o e -Ite L ZL V P -PI -3 rjXT-%T WNTAR10. Ntore. Goderiell, Ontario. UE 0AY 0C.T. 3, 1 .32 1 No A I R ACH C f ATTORNEY-] AND T -LAW, A '41 k�e mallaer t1ut wfbta% wt' ID t,7C*C3, . . ........ Is IF P13EMISE W NE 0131ce, Kingston street, Goderich. 2-j -B T'JE ISOLATLID RISK 2k&.,4r:> -%r 1752 TO v", ODMI ONS U910 ON rARU Ppf)pftTy IFIRE *SURANIN. QUA T3 DA19'1EL G04DON2 =tzn=zv6of ornicS Ecd -ND A U CENT 11W 110 E, ORGAIVS, ExEST.. AT 8 PER RA IST N 'it -F,, r i m - k CEIU 11 ORGAN.09 MVOXAI�L .Pi ErrAD OFFICE ,rnmac - ano Istools, UPHOISY, t '01hott rm. q SOLICI- Ilnufacturel bv the c@lebrated F! —0 *A , ASWITHAVI tors, in Clianceiry Ire., Goderich. WILL'14,110 & CO. To $tFeef, 0 1 praer of 17oll-ch. Tormto. GodeJriCh12ih.Sept:'.187L SW5­61 tb V�kfep to!) Wt The most extensive malzois in the Voiniqio a. e times purchnsed(t in 33 AX a 40 t. 4M X. CAWTAL 00.000 :,V, rf-21 hM19i1Z1*10 UPCO) .1 ted up the.storetwo DEPOSITE� WITH G(jVFHNBIEN , C T, i3 10,000 )oasestoEther0st won1dauniounc to the ARRISTOR, ATTOREY, SOLICITOR, & c. H r unda3ipedbegs to Intimate thatbe has Leen - s vmtzaeT,-djn clanion'(3W r p,,,,;t,,, tgent fortloderichandthesurroui oiling a Tic ot Hurito and Bruce, inothe isno*w riann- 1 IUU,�ZY -0- LEND. Coll PVESTDFNT "Vo fdl�ed lwarly It -0 no ewn3 cm *0 tit ustlyceleb.ated firni,and ispro fir-at-clao i L ry of r, above j FURri -MONEY:T-0 LE.vo pared!.' ?.eliall by them, at ITURE (a Varril ;o lei %ps, .-Wagg6t s, Slelghs1 MANAGER. Istly WA At G re ieduce,t of lutereat AW CHANCnRY AND CONVEYANCING.- 3amri-Q mav oe seen arAl terms ascertain, arl.1 i I I .. . -- JOH.N BjAUGH'-kN,.Tun- IV -?d is�l Lcsc��C;% tcal L 02ca over Dr Cawady'a Drug Storct Wa,re�Roonis. West Street. Assnraue6 Co-� foltnii carry on th6 tLbove business. RE ondenimed Iii - uziy� amouillt or meney to which will be sold GHEAP 701L cASEL (L-ite Assisf4iot-z�eeretary Western in DANIEL GORDO T where "Ploan firllft two to firteenlyeam ataI6vPrat6A)f Goderleh Urit. ir Gederich,19th Sept., 1871. &X77-tf BAu its -Canadian Rank or Commore'l- more etteTi.,ivelytban,Bvei.WWile'tbankfdI for pas;t interdstiII&I'ayoulrable terms of repdvmentpavable� 'St b;teis avoescn nactirtz � Goderich, A w 15, 1870 joqN PASVORB. 4c;� JNs -EPA, 'VILIS. 3 hellsopas by atrj�tattenti)nWjnQrIta hy ye-Lrly hist4lutonita rate orexpen�es will def on', and ineria-se slfstrilliorL E;zt1.702h- & Victoria Szel, Godeeb ADVANTAGES OFFERED. Ottd rLnn thn Ev�-eo e�ri= CUT CziLt= h=0 N - ] . DAL tSTATE AN D IN CE AGENTS. NO R 6. Areada Builaings, Baffalo, N. Y. Ist-Abs"I teeettrity to Polley Roldere, -ID the NOV QX� HANI). oodeileh,�'Aug 7-511870. rATIC valigoirUt Per sbaria ofk va y large Cash Capiial arg-poitstacks offarat -1 1q Pr C) tuieloAlie0oullty &ug Im Ism.. 2nd- ThF stiloortint feature hitrodneed ty this, one of the I' MAoiken, Suildin-g & 4,Rstviligs IHIS DAY Company of rosuring aan4azardbus ptTMy OWY, I and is oil in(- shortest ntsticc� p-separed to chruAl TI). NZe1DoTa=,-=- Upply ensiamers witheyerything Ili his.,11116suelPs pf Toronto, 1:ro XTIS To abe tale wo erzi CU7rat"qCTO CF41 bein thentmoilrofoving ito; Polley tildeis very I - - CUNSP-D kTCTi0N`rX- R, RAYFIRTUD, County low ates on It taelred (Iwo] 'nL4. &e. Dmwingrolm an earlor -eus Dv,- ko Earon. �ilws L� Vlllag�e or country polls tuall lkzURANOI� O-A.Rr) MM wil Us; - in Cl 1201 ll;revtors and Agoll is, lie- rooin Betts In Walt-ut, ing all r Rldfues in Cannda to Tile illbsiriblir 11 ?A A G I VDTOU, att nded tri. 111911vr do iestnut. ls ageAttt theta owintilrat-class cftta tFlufjl�ly �,Ia without do1q, and paid in cash at once da .,do - in Wbitto'wood. ft lt')�Q LI1W Mattresses of -1k. kAD0 penther "Olsters. ws &a. if ARTYONT) of gartford. ILs. U34 UEzmlin, every deseription HOUNIKiftf Londonp Sittland. (f'9UM PUnGIN2 = A -N -D sum, n iron, LA.ND -sw 0 Age#t ter Goderich: ana FIN, L Y PROVI%CIAlt of'roronto. MI. EW MCK E'U" in 'ZI AgejOjaud CQnvevaneoy, Rineardine. BRITISH AMFHfCA, of T-0ionto. WHITL & 0o ON HANID ALARGE-AS buamess done CRE ABLY �k*5'PUSITH F JOIRDAITS e21—vel tt: TOP- Fllj�e . . 'let SuRTMEN lawestposslible.rates. Platures such as Oil Pailitingi.Cliroinos.T,itbographs DR-UlD STGRE) [Oftrrangelnellti x tho anhzg4 tzil Photiog-r! It of the Queen flavingmad HORA10FA' f I ()R j!nj. �to ler,-sgaedw prepare0o, fumtb Plapp, Up- Conveulent to tbe 31itrinheturlity Flanseesin All efficausions, &c., of Pahae alid B-Luslisigs' THE �4 ]a ho witit � oronvw ulred at Toronto Office HarketSquare, Gilderich, and alto tosaLierinlend the erection or the saint Sept 26th. 1870. -ri Picture Frames it anystyle req W. RIC& rRAV�UR INSURATE 4W SdnVag' Pa Mntk, Unrkat Z4tmre. rp-Has alway� sin hand a complete assort 4re nUl z1ftO M Godarie.h. Awit 4th. 1611. aWC4 %GAINST A IDENTS; CA I NN G meat of z:'Io tc;v- f,'�d " dubs. SWRES NURGE AWD Al"Ith I Bollily it jury or his A.,fl.", gual anteel dii-ge, pay .. entolastipul,tte4sum per week, 9 tile LqbpTiop in tbeLat,84 -Style. - 1 4 frun ato ilepavillent of tht. prineipal sum In red. ewill cavo 1. 8,50" t ) %0,000.1f tile injo y cause deat with - WEST HTREET, GOD9RION, .1 )%10, jj-jG.A r..4 ir.s a h I re. qls the w1k.k.cl two cage tbo �Mtjrz lit three ilia iths. al -o grants full W -H 11% LY. Ati. 0 -GS OF JJ8 WORK WILL ZZ to Z;o pLcrc'm UYS Grem -rican DEFE W &,BQHB ITY� ne manufacturing, Ic Aiw Silvev and Drafts. V -d clalc= to 4botnCT 130,4�0 Mad 7=zlicrut Notes discounted anl ptivelidged, LI FE li6URANCE, DONE THE AS UZUAL 0 'Tar ILI all Mrins at low Ritto. hwtous Bumpas and at 5 pv cant intere,&V2 Are slog a heavy busineaq Inithe, sale si� and endo%li ients of 2T)(ior,%Westpf POSI Offlefi t7 V4 UDZLL. Unit, FulLintoi!thntiondanboobt4tip-.trof SP ing Maggons 0 &Tlo4. 10throb. 1871. sw 40vl pearanno and slitrabilltYcannat (117- Lum ba� aikd Cordurod&ken ill Fir, bo sur- -:02 all VbO W. BE LL Oo's Goderich 23rd May, 1871, .,an are beettringthoPatrullago ell stov.es "tove, -waut, a firat-Uti-sd artle a. Goderlel, r1ft23,d, 1870. MV411ranted elp tale anda tD2 Hope 10AARIAGE TRIMMIN0. D FNUST 0rgans,,Nelodeans,40. UnA 09O a, In all ttalrjifiche-1 vil4l and titt-,fally moutll. With 191ablacan 17 �,o oVor tIL(7 ?oat Offl000 Wd�t Streetj usivelf6*11reinim, despiatell. unaer tile S' In tho t of 111111111t0n) 01106f the fIrM. payhng HE' INTZYAN CO'S PIAN38, C, On V CM tit t O Tff AND �* d NeW, StOok- 0. Ll- THO'MAS'S SpIeudi Orders. in this Urto ourefully atteadcl to. 9 Jabbin and Asl3lairiug. 1. o. 0. 'Woo UA Sk A rantee giyevi ..4trie ation �ftid, to pil orders enti stied it) U6 fire years gua with-, each S1 N B. In8pliepon of th6 worlitntow Willi: twuZ4 *ut ?j?t1 f" &1--,I da oil E T. J. NTOORHOU Agent, a tory & - Bro. Meets attheir liallp floderich ist xdypn, 65ATIA Ry Vom bave ins llflon�Block, Godericht Goderle July �l 18711. Vabinetakers U., derlakeri& Wool[ wery Thu"ay evening# it �j M n Kingston strcet. Visilin, D till btothren. ago cordUly Godoriela, F ob. 8d. 1871,. V:3-17- to XTNA removed a6ross tile street to ilia store nelit Have door to W. Achosores Harness Shop, where will be, 'arriage, rd C T) ASSa'-9TUH1T-1 GODIF H. LODGE r f found 0 - CAITTON, OAF- ASUP A N N P&T A G61 WAV0.4 -a lip I r = othitobefiJBildroom, r)qjlngroqra, and ear orTur 17.A 0 T 0 RY the wmu I "I G. U. (D. A. F. A. A HARTFORD C11NN- Via r, cialng- tip be a ict tClinton, August 14th. 80—i m HERUqUI.ARCOM B* TZS EILIOTT CHAIR$ hair, caul),silidwood' Tinunication its he d oil rASH CAPftAL ...... OAS y SDI T 8 ........ 5,782,185.'09 0VPBO j,IAVU plea - sum, lit int- jv, tirp p2me 1:0ft)DI tile lirqt Wedne day of inatitigto tile public of 111c be, ulcw i eaelt tuntith at 7.30, p. LOS SPAID-I.LN.51.1piL,G28)OOG,(100-60 STAVIK ic , lit 4b a - in.- Visiting brathren MAT arm 17CU *Lid 002,1 cordially invited. THE BRADBURY tD Ijave opened a wag%ou a, d V099 AND on C 0 7 elar ShOp n DICKSON. qPX BOVA& T R,G E 8 A 6, T YCE, I Kul $6 'GLASSEF old stdod,) j"Imediatielyadlinjaing ilia Western UD Erys , -LOCKINt.11, us �lnN thcna, it) lei. a Ar le. attend p0st,1111IFYtO all tile %7043 Onderich Ma. 1871 'AND T FRAMIxf, 14 entrusted to them, and arfjPl7Q1aT4 to 1131U Dilt lzouvn U:V-: G, 13 are pgf.amd to"cuill eVelything in A.,N $I k-.&NVr R GEST � N'� U.'k 1, INI t le U6. am fie? iggons, Bugg -is, too at 0 40 4'. -A. X% =.) OF ANY 1-4 Gheapjor. Cash catters, 9 bog "Ofa 2 s51 'ACV c, rxomr, Y 01V: G. T, ',q 0 an4 everything it tbeir line, of UwVery best Wa- alwaVs onhalid and 4 litia"a to hire al oil reasou- r teriftl and Worffinauslapnd at rci ilia Very lownt .)sit made with the -Do*jj6j()n able ternii, FARTH HOPE AND 0 UARITY. ep 411unera4ve rates. fv 0. 22.3..tFTItI6ORDr.R the b a ln C> 33 -13 X <�Vr WROUFALD AND RETAM. 21+106 bitla a2arnrfi �n Goderich-,i Auk ISTO I ij), fe: th tilt) beer, ou Lmsd aicirmeetingtill tha Teloperance Hall, Wqst Potiey ImAdets l3t. ovay Monday avg. cinnuileneing ati; o'chiell Sharp- Oil Lamps, old Ic I aul r-�- Rocent fuiinres al,ow the 1-topoT 'To 11r, thu boer, 'Ira 3 CA Tonting brethren eardi�, ly invited. -8 til' plekings. And shevp TIC VpWcRu v"As derwitta r, lis eladt' tA-TIM Of -paitronizillir the nt A' F, CE D E N'T E D the Wo t reflableind itirnik�y alid C 61 �E- j. ��T-Ohy it wavit to avgue Sevretary-- SNOW. IN THE 'MOST UPRJ 0 Ath GV87-611109 unutilif Y, admitted bythe Islusle-t Profesilion Jub oVin Atnit 11.1�0y-411UW 0 ap- AND Ilpl,,joh wfij be ifol, Chop for CaSh 0* 1100rd- ? jb afflik, Large urai (M sureeL of the City. of New York to effeel the Pialios';. t. I oi all GO Holl gi�en txi the Tasarane"f Eppeelal attehl -ell IClesmu", 'illf B.- Iffuron In N' QO Dwell 1.� and Pplillo 141111 Ihygli �Cbureht.. Schoat &0 iu POW Rq PU11TVs RM 'Rg' fiwtirli three and 4fve veai%. at"IrAtes 4q'Iew as '�T SM-ZETIJ rof A;D-Z- they 00?1 be wile with safety to the'voinpaity . WE 09XU6 W A �T "Ciliek. . oT-&9 01, OT )GIAPBN� and is rapidly 813PPr .1 ,"�yevenfilgat erlugs 0 ill in the M. tilsions or the wealthy i -t I falls of the Profsqt wes I ; I ;i o,aj.,cL- in zheir irall on St. of and tothe Concei: God(rieb. Jan. ff8th, I&' -a joptilariti of tile 13"A�- tile �ou nf a wvt kit"d ViitinS bretaron corMzlly invited The imurpil, To Dozells, .00 :1 ir 41 1 C.%Zma RON R. S. aduligient himikild aliti J. T- UABRO19 W. P. on it% superjor vie-rito, being in reqpect the E MK A perfection of the iijoA Atli ed %% orltuitinshils and th(- 015 C:r,jadeh t- jui xan. by h1qtiestraceilor pi%toip bas been awarded it, 3ash, Doors., Blinds, f1err;ug to Q* il-A;w6c V, so,, 1; bwd -y- -�othat lleba� pp�ned a those beat qualified tojtIdge�iwatylin�-it, tbamost W toolint, TAnd C)ffi'e perfeet insitruluent tbatig atiV waste. aeWL ort West *ftrait, 6ppo;lte XoUldingqFj0or,;nt7 oAud 'Wild Lamb loop lathe abovo line .4,3 wid e !I - &NGa 0 DON real, wheieliewillkesepeonstmitlY. t u 835o �r, sico th( t1nk of %loat for I on hand or make to order Ta T?4,00M ANv ANP CH,6130 ng,, agsording to amount of carving and Hnlslr. Sidi tit fau C 5. I'M . N T F - 3, voierich. AnT I 61N1 lit I E ot - NSURA,NC C0 URNITURE10F.410 010 T.J. MOORHOU3E ent of Upholster is L- teen in existeuce Thirty-tWokta ffii�in,­ on hand� art f to t ia T. d aaterlat,hev'Albe 11111 .41 A T Is IT a p1jV=dftm rders, 11orio V4 olr+sk) I it -VIC artu that* period has paid LosiFs e Cee ale unuds-s' in- taud'R - " L: ' .1 :. I I., � Thh mnst roiftexreptionable Tartlnsonfalo;"� front I'VE o,7-Asluarstityriffid sawoodkoulailagison sueh as cirefeixi -,.5qndFrFn ,rh -fit of this entirintku, Wall hnovm rogire.q, both Canadian afad American, -disburpienit 4rve�'Ojje rlo.--V fr0fili 1 -hey tbDul; EXLPEDIT10 9 SLY PUZOPIMY can pe seen at thet iiWreofthanvent. 0 witli'llit dtifiN freUs, tQ &BY -*V4UrV,,tbUt1hPV r, au w4k) ve t%ve Beturti, Framtr, to.04fir. Canaa, ttioUldt6d Stat -39, "lid 1341111'0130.' iqay tvor theti WAI�l Pall* our Altar[) Ions. Xlerebii-nts -iddress -; i . I . . 4p� ess 20p,00,1.,jo fect fif Dry in(!b AtId JkLq4ftrt, -T men g -nerally -r Usp lr1st- Godarle,14-21st olaerx, and .,-by��Ibtetartiml to busi4 N9Y 9 Agency in operatlon tehyeam'L era PardoidarAtten ion PaWbNpy Floorinf, 01�L L Amirlun irlire of public patrohake IL34 in ENaV GRIST. wher ver I Is reftiLse4lo�0 insre' aw old AliibrOtff liX, 6.theFire P mitin All 1& 107 W irittava. C=42, fin lit lit vear. IWj 174 r e r13f-,1P of st;ir tL IN A. D* 29611 sinwi phot ii�rqphs.'Thf, TERUMAIOTLY CA64, o at ar, �A�RaroE Fz�teut-�L and li C031PORATED1 OTJ sA 5 10th yev, V 46 in iquening its forifte liberill OR THE 20tlY ieqr, 0(5(� *6 r it,1111301 L ibe LOOK T' k a's LOAN -300IETY* extii-niffi) to' bim. 9 sa� UVIN 30til. Y�ar, 1(1100 h.,14-ginde SuOh I im- Tie tnIlUe V N S W1 A TL APUA M 6ES -nowiff If yesiitls U4 lawartiL ti "y proveinplitsillbi gdl ery T ADVAX Golerion. AU.- 15, 18170 wit SALN AT­� rity or neal 1�tate, indxi. Tems very fay 'r r of Ilie vtme -dilyc4pq4i C -T Life. thl ion-hout '1011 6 - &,,Dacr Fog A resif Relet eorrivally reptiesented Aavxnri�of 'I , Arfol titleertail), iiiii Qlafloricib, Ulalv.1870. jilia, Ag-rits P.116 widy �iay# its "llseltoes ell i-, by, illffili TUM, r 44irtl 4olik 641. and 'Je6e a ifi Gov ley, fr4lU4400 ap*arsU,,jil. lent t rjaylitullevt �_11144rgo rhatogl4phs. e MMY ra fromonotwlifttero. Mney maybe� obtalofteil'it Te4 no Aelay boyoniftbo time q4- the Cf. East T9 Ili ije�ldanj Set, tary . IR LA 4U), time With Iwo im wh*�thtr thiev �id b!t V-0404 caprAn the title and V"vlogint 0.0erf6h.Aua ot t1le U JUN Wffll Fl... . B. V , -totwhichis. p3ld. As lit roy Unile ti tile %,�Cutvr, Coiifv, vw?t A. Nt. ftf)9Z-9 Ng. t "'for f t o, in� fthi6lioan is Adva to.d tie. OntsI -vh4 rilefaltamoonto Tniv. puitit is, -t iA tic 1, -Exxcteor� Wt. N. WIA1.90 pit (W vile olay Usti forci),arafssion or sther ebarges. .......... Al b by t1j­ Telegra;&y i�- In& e a PeCIATY- ta A load icowmderd if G de end tfp& rich. Aurg, '16, 1810* �tteu - Adl 80,111ateltildlY W VM 05 _rrjuL '14 'Thiet or *D JF AN TNG rowaicAu repay it 'The p6A0411 isloan by Yearl� u 0, esor fratir ittilivia ot Fm wri;T AL t4loathly pav Ir payment t le I witkCHIC AllOrn-R,mrskrialt lmj* include, Des rm_ aw liq3 CM. tird thvir M sit diviledtlilt"Y tut apished:quid the intartgage, 4W - debt , AS' It I lit T, rsw [lit, ati.r., Olt Line Stipulated. father,6f d at,tseud�-ftllsati hapiL i,ia frieud y fill i4' tij b# firototi.iRvi for T puffte the r4*10 year. And at the told of the pubi v.,sr Or W hic" t"t-T Iftear. lie pay's W6 -7040h 11ve filvd,fed tam tar the ifin 25 7�rsr,,, the IWIS the, time his Alortgove is val(t am �' Wite zapidly In, jW A 11 itisino ciiert lotornt the nor With 0118, Pro tiletor. -'rhis D -0IFF CHEE E. floors of tile favll!'With whhih 'it LA �agjirtled by tile 0* of fit& inixioilkilody OIL FAius vift ill his 0 'will be 1111upply pul*rIty will be!"01111) thaLmenit of Porfiered ry and heS� Country 4 L ST' (,K,-. e0minualty. wad, I U *b(l W" si L Um� Jalebrattid eke ana j han, 'Iarslfs, colli:l-f .20s,369.6 "d L Bjr Waches Clo e ot)tknownisr, Ih­# t'T­1`Vf 4#4 Of �tl" SfTme sum eph' lataiKou And Rfm which Aia tivre awliki-irlifill U3 11" thflilt it Of --tabliV3 Aor IPU [tar 4 - 41 IPTSFORT latfil. withoot toy I af! "wrllo4f Oppkitwiory 4. the barrawor gm 114411S 1GROCERS, OL the risk of login is. '4&4 11 well #so( Md. his I-ml—thus 41volillho 10'Wild #9 UI I proolmi-W he 0 r � IS Yf1`9 GO TOT I, r1i FUST OPF f i IN1054URRI AVE- been re-soo0it1ted $010 409ft prope9ty. W14011 t44(tell h8lsPea'! �L W40)!0111115114=0 t4l the 1103C 011 P -. p -lid iiiii dualft*Ilirgeilmil at theend oft 0 T at 4-�Iftadx slace the Atli March. 1(4 41jriujs (WILUll the, Wi tre elit. X(IVAU(!eAU -.04�rich for, jh� Uret t1lecp6jehpi lie can. at 40 tillot'. 14y s�frhl-4 loan in 1jetiijatolo) UIVO 111,3 4jill UUe'-JUCA4 ll� tchtwi be atgaoltt any lolontil. glueers ALDAX 5�ana;#n- Directim. xeterFu6iojy Cbeese. to teriat rIll f t6sinue this i,-iie ol "tdick Aux, I%k 14*3 OT3 S a Diretbirs. on tiot. applivation jot awy 0:91 r 110CL119, do We jujosqae that �ii;iii fataullis tbnnr.s t% tIze pullill, ftir tile gcz,Lrr its Irstrou,61a T ly juseatiag1liv I � Intereit itt SIX per -ecut per 4; vorab Tie -,BORNE 110 j Sh# lost onnv -4 1, -AT jogal deAlho e wilt t# I& every Ife.san 04 UIV tit be ponameittle e7ten;4cll blaili d busitivi. Rt, thfillortower.) Al jVed 'an ill P&'Fm6L -in 011vanee Uts f I 4"Z. L a dt, desevve it and milra. led for Lot tbargre a oreat fovorc no Wgg_ gi V tat aLttention tanr LOW- at Cupiet "RaU 0 Ifull lifirtle-nigrgand Imiji tab ey will *i4iiuW tul.l. their wxy to ot by tatter poft Tula, Addrease(I zu IQ V ,0ejetfg VaL- us; jog Z�--Wlbpll tha 1. WAV1.4 to the As r -detched ftifical Aw alto or three YOU& 0 �ntllinv� Tnt's its zfowrr, with I )Uteuts� in -W" a Api I llix for 1,44 then,, Dive; laoi�-. - vo4ericli. AU'rus 'Ir W— ER. ii -eve ifzlaa� 01. tWs- rellal)16 ti, citle! . 1 owlfti 41411 danutry Thel 5 rals an - �loiw an tiantl A-V, wit jj3ttIruIar.y favilrablerto Visa. Farm Atnpzia St to re purphisep- 71tre U iuds one to; lus Walt -it b WW w9ut, [a 40 twt, d6yE writli, -firve "Yo ot jr4 f1joulftg The iloom. n tfti�talaing t1ma % no) ted Ti aut; I fwt be a sUou'a be usL-I, that -i"sbert A t-=0yCzjjV1th%1c1 =118 Lut thu tu-pol, kw0vt 1-� lug !3- AmMtc- d to Taa, 36 rmt olm� the rfor -towA4111 INp-ly ulcom till-, tatigut: Wittd tue wearm of QrOiwe t 14 P F- kL- ft". awe i 4 MONEY 4. atfia.unders! for trans - I . I flamma lca§t ba Gkied, Istyle. swithVerel, C I e L , 6 . . - --v - lllwl4el- - - -A com.pt�tta wQmVineaf; r3Z 9 -old ata Vatosl lujision �io, the U 'op. tr 4 have qsAmit swithior e jr Fft TO LEND AT LOWESST f LIM I titjll 6"t rw pr.vpvflo�! its. an lowell '0 1 il - - I. HAR �j r iow D. WATi'ON; i - M GORD xv, 'ie "Wi�" - ", 011t. he fi 4 CaDD and Slia. au" -itra sil v LoCal Agetit.L D0V9Z'AS0,&'rr,,KEXz18. t itio "ff Iv iftit - NOTIOE45 Iterew. givVit that Applidi- BA*ZTBTZZ AN D AW51mexii Ar TAW Sao all 0 '44� Oft Qe 1*4trarinfr4wil ly (ttie Vote), Awi jioskcd, As ifiveoir, er 0 Groawnteh. yaluliitsfb� 1�7 -i. U a lab. Uth Felit .1871. tll�a� tois the 4gid%ture AN -D SILLU3TV4 IN CHANCEItty, "t 4 1-41*4 till5fwnserb" �jjg rgAb. Ircrth #25.ss In 1, iw at in taiii jww� lsp�itlgol * vowil. 1:6 W. j, .11 of A tit, thi� Prqvintui Of'Ont t ODBIRIUH� bohii- at, mo ­ 4w"", Ruth mil. 161L. 10111141- liaip't fluilons anti forto S44-sn iO4 ftins, white wffl, *,okiits, vhi� WyuW &RjVer­Ajftj: Of: jo V , . - VETERINARYIN Watted to rur��A,*% - su"11,11 tilereof &t%iiritnu), fisrouthoresity Xja*,;jUj I rtUS And themoMad rforwit" can tilways proe ui a zro�a o2i W . o6kill-ArA-1 C yc "fi- UU, 11 tf- U) 41Wert -tho course 114 the betwe law Qip"ort **A umoo v), u t 1w, ic licul" ioAa cft"w "4 citonval .4 of J1t*suqnek ral, au.trfiimat� r. .f sta"es hi the -slmm., mr; oto %.zbj cam sALT WELL 10 IS ;U101 sohn tLielitills Amurauly, "A *IWAV* vc;. thvc,tr, it's hl* f)r;jl wnerej j1.jt,�Lb-and!rgs'ermtedj, werene+�, Adslms, X �Vj foir .11* 0 1 90 certaill. Landi OU A for tile porlwas 1011wftoillrtll�g MONEY rul 14) W, t dootlwi If,* all- ith full pyticulmanawice. j? OF VORKIN14 ju,'XI-T TOR (,bji:iet le"Oork Timp., 11 1 r %&UTPO", fAT e I A f'er. 911N 11,110 tsp��. U . ;" articular* prily a I Man wzk� 0. thezall 11V UT.Wif Sid W 11AV 6. njqavj� Mr, L—i,o­a* a*& in Gtdetlabp . , JJVI�ky *Ud btepileV, ILU of Tirm TAU& vZftf cidl V-4eodll 1871. -ter AUS11111. 'aliwAtliti vA Toriclontsit" 16W utte., St 9 per Cot— YOU bxlf yn �wc; �c'r; Iver 1A% fit f k vnotoo- heov., 13.1, t A--NDI �)D -1 11A �IUCOIRED N:T-%T- 104010audebal*'t rin ISTRMNIG, fjio7r6 tim; rawt fr olt t10 fzwjl 4 O -Yr. VF,1SR1XZA.11YCCUXGE LIND AUN vavifl; &C UJ4W. U71- XaSpl nJE:10PX 57F-" F. WALKER is ps. :3 NOTIC Solicitor ske., T$ AT r ca A c em, r to the ac�19�rtzs Shephard k, Stv'sch 0619t (1111AI�MtUlll GIVEN. Tftli AP?Lt- contriloctA Wit h tho R t: %M &0Y A L sc;jtrour w13 be ill Wilt t# tb& f -WO slatife Asisin L111 V. 1. Z., Vf""s tar 0"tolro 4. !�ZGIV -T *I OF BUN SUIORt Ott" STRAUD Cowe'll (if the li-r ;�t, 9 �c,? U=%Iawl, %14 op t, Airat f"r the CAYL-Mis C.1 oatario. 4 t1w "CA OWI -i ,ZtNz�!�.3 v7"aw" ;I f?er ASt.%13F- A, �,. lar alt Aet tw h"4101*w the sh-debwto the awlitrog-W4, � thiort), lit forsinti 11auey to, t-dAneitneiLIVIliblit, . -ZFA Op'! Tar 'Xfk rF`l.,A1$ERt C11 Cabo, cacm&M "D BMI 112Al*. �*Viugs an* Invimuleat 'Cei. Aad,-;Wkty at*eTroi%t*a44v4*0Qmpar- M-Nmail. 14 inne, rei" win %tL% k P -n! e� ia Ev ay, 8 tz., loCrig fur "t4"d to V" ap -)A or W ---? "',z:* %Ivar aw ho V%4%T-j=0' r -o* Tite Owner Wt I pluase prove 00.sartv ps - AUtj-.I)rK-r4;ntjaAa. , , k . 'qPj y fit Cla 0.7 =A, chospill fWill"*1 11W&WA* trot. ""TkAfy ataftl ti 1 If 0 M r6ijnUAh,. , Ix rAt into "A" cbma" a AM -NAM$,, tor-liel �biiy �'aw-ji p�emjjex lbrOWn TAMJ rataiia taken outI)ebts 0614. S. it, 110man GCderift SUCH INAP, PAW#V1FJ VAo1U)f*OX . - I t i #w Sar"mWX I P. ROBY* "01% lel" jr. 4eug", A ps zo va, S"wli IIA AP�4 lilt, wa finswth, An is b r �A ­A� - "I1111111,111111, Vl� ttL­A— late