Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-09-29, Page 2tBoomer., d is I D4 U4 'The builaing o, 'THE NOUBT D" ke; -j b �Py ra�ing the stia ONR t Y11II will 11, Biaov arcun. r4 � ;'CoI3iiiing t-6 his posiii ..rry for T01t, bill 11,0 l o knew his uncle was right, and at last, Mr Campbell tbarNissouri, muideress, af thaJiallsqf the ani a - had the manlittess to gay so. will not be tried before the Spring to fk Is' iI lilast fill Assize% iii, th6bbur Ict, received thw body at t.: is diail I 1 t -o inade f,illowiug out his friou'la a Ivice, do I Cdom the LwAon Advprtiser) gateit, and preceded, it to lth�e' church,. goinif..�,o be (I uite 'att - OM46114nt to Ah fit ail ell wemient I he son ol %V I ot thi nk that lie found it ewly to reform, 1 Rack salt kcabeen diacovereil i Mus- The late Bishop C r-onyn WAs FishleWi & Groy to siluw her a little abotit Shading 11 It 'the burial set -vice aloud. ' � tk� of Kilkenny, remang in ss- S, tIt required moral cour- koka in Paying quantities. the rta received their I for lie t.14 not. Thomas- Cronyn, Esq, arriving within p is of 'the, A as and well 'asso'ete- Bus Stands in Goderich �Pg I hr h .10 Fito sli�ak Plainly to Ilia ov n Ireland'and �as born in that town Irt �ealed cut a plain- stock of stoves w ch an4l woutti make a! erseer i The average yield of wheat in Slaul- , cathedral the organ I they are prepared vf t lie cniihe of Ills dismissl. It rectitired tho yela,4 1802, bein. thus at the time of ; tive dirge, solemn and thrilling. Rev. to sell for cash or other reasonable terms, haads - toba will be 30 to 35 hualielIc. He received. gulf deni:;il to break off those habits his death 69 years 'of age. tiscended :klie pulpit and uipetutit itistmetor." mr h ich ha1 hecoine second nature to him Tile Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, a h is etirly education in Ilia native town Dr. Boonter the funeral GOOD Fop. AWLEYMLE.—Mr W R ,Yeq, but niY purse is two prominent tran. it& r0ellious times died. r studies in Trinity read. the firitm� portion of Wilsono Blacksmith, exhibited.& wooden Con -1 tile lack, but it tlugt him that ullich before lie Mud pursued his late service, the - c�thedral choir supplying t the South Riding Show fl.)ull, %n't bearn plough a And the tuo Separated ursAillcr did not kitow —that of himself lie could itNlntebol!o. Cullrge,,�Dablin, where lie gradualAd as chante. i3ishopHllmuth. y logo at I the customary held in Soaforth,'on 22nd inst., for which (ritirely distinct train oi X.11glit,%it- dc, 1,no thinz" It taught hin) ta Tile Weale n Feniale Cot U. A., in, 1822, beinj ald(i diVit-Lity prizc4 -1 the services. 1,.,-k t4a,,vttigher sourc ; for strength; to Hamiltun has 100 headers and 50 d i'q himself conclder we was awarded. the first prize, it isA volved from the saine circumstances- tk 1Y man for that year. Davo4r . o wren were broth- tz.-Ist :11 Providence, nut In lack, and ill to the ser lce'of the Church of Eagland The procession wits then�( z!ormed from porte that he is going to slow it a' the Bert anti Henry Wi i v the churdli, and in the order laid down, West&m Fair. nd tl a light of spiritual bit-asini4q Sir Francis Hincks is unwell at Otta- -ahil Ireland he wasordaiiied, and served WEATH'zu stil continues 8ry with,THE PREMISES O'cup"ED by " B. SMITH, C014SISTING OF A 3 era, bkse WiLh euergN, the collegians, assuming their proper Story Bri&Building, fire proof roof, store and'dwelling. Froi�t eTatrance tw �elpaiate fter III thell), as oll its earthly There is a gwieral improssion in his 'first curacy nnCer Carus Wi oil", health, e.wh with a ca passed down -Richmond street hard frosts at nitht. o dwelling from Square Situate on North side of Market Square, 22 ft. frontage by .%, lit) H, f-und catiso to be , official cheles that his Successor will soon the North of Englnd. 140 was subso- p looketh. wt.11 to I a- a!rd Dundits street to St. Paul's solomolt's f 11 t I icle John for Persuading have to e timiatd, s the itifirtuaties of (luchtty appointed to a curacy in Long- along 147 ft. deep with right of way to NoFth St. and Hamilton St. tile ai]loopt I furd County, Ireland. cemetery, *here the remains were AFOAUM swe LU St. Paul. Will be sold bi Auction on 15th Sept. next on the premiaes. joill, wag at present all ini"We Ilia age are bein exhibited. About this time, Adelaide was settled interred. ession moved on its way of the fmily of Albert. He wits a bcho- It is Said that the population returns by a colony of retired army offic-3ra and of RUMORS OF AN ATTACK OF FORT GARRY. ssesstti of a haof the census will ba co,4pploted in tile through the principal streets, crowds 11r, arid 1). oiliers, and being deirutis of tile sury ices Enquire of ,,;f this wurld's- good, obtai�ned.by his own coarse of next niorith. of a,minister of the Church with which citizens gathered along the sidewahm and St. Paul, Minn., bas recetly been Visit- compartledthe remains tcothecemetery. rti —We rk I il p-, ipt 11, Gilbert GnIlin, P. 0. Inspector, they had been connected, the Rev. Mr. se of clergymen and col- ed 6y a distinguished -Irish leader, and rate to this The procession "NA7- it ht ur or so of the ev"llim, tin whith -ned front British Coln abia, Cronyn was induced to claim a foot, in their of- since his arrival the city has been agitated A v. __.. has retui legians and masterg 01 e N�as stwat ,;— Whither lie weat to, Put into op6ratinti country in 1832, with a view to settling -ad distinctive headdresses, by 7ague rumo�jl of an intended move- we make their )91 1 ficial robbs a mt�st pleasantly by Jennie nd her unele I WDE _1%U11 SEP a law. 't 11" ` ccjsts in that section. Arriving inLonoldn, on a point not divulged, b over her drawing. But as the hour f. -r I the Canadian pi)statr formed a, pec aliarly novel and impribssive tilent "Pon 8011 y Goderich, August 25th, 1871 andilic headuf tile no itioro, for letters and par-pers to -and his way to his new parish, Ila at �ap,ed We the long array of carriages, the grand Fenian 'army. The St. Paul retiring fruin the Pacific provinces than front one d sight wl �bove sale postponed until the Ist Oct. same place and time. 1031 lagged, T110 Sout-h 31,1ron COUVant. - here with his family over Slinda filledi ,with representative citizens and Press thus, refers to the matter: household r,�t urned ,lot, town to another, viz., three and two etst. of be urch preactied. The inembersof ills I friends and acquaintances, has "Ascon"firtuatory of tliase rumors, a and the pene.s were fiiia%. laid asLde.— I itailar oc- number of strar.Le faces have been I The 12'h of October is approaching I respectively. were so fayourably iinpressed wi It tbe persona, They wet I ing to cst Anxious not beeri, equalled on,any a a 3111t the Secretary of the Reform Asso- Tile Quebec Chrovieft, speaking Of the discourse -of, the now minister, and tile- e London was first settled. observed gathered abou t the several Irish: at �he fa,�e of a of cut- ead'on 8111c icking way so soberIv in the owi I), in this issue,notifies the Party of Gastord woodou railway, says :�The anxious for the services of a ma All the stores lolig Dundas and Rich- hotels, and mysterious hints have 13een IIAWI.iece t tWoeywities rocently imported by Mr. ture as well as piety—for in the early 'torner, wh -it his foot;tepa Nyoreherd ZIP- Ithe m3 -ti ig t) b i ti) I abl inthe Town . streets, in the line of the funeral dropl;ed which justfy the conclusion that The Cheapet, Hulbert tire working beautifully and tit" days 6ducated clergymen were not mond closed, dutilig its pro- there is really dome movement on foot, G. McKENZIE pru,whin, with a rapidity tllllt�' ("'it of 11,11, as agread upon when the trains are cotiseqticlatly running na time. Canada-�­they used every procession, were which inay be as surprising, and pro- with his usual deliborstioll. 1, numerous in gress -, the bells of St. Pall's tolled, arid epresentative men of the Riding last Tile woo,l is coming down regularly. ly quite disastrous, to the actors AND LARGEST, a 0 exertion ft) induce him to remain here. lit everybutward way the regrets of -,the bab As he entered the llarlt.)' , ','is f3et' w ild Tile Comity Cauncit of the County of He went out toAdelai,le for a brief i imit, t the death of art old and highly therein, as its several predecessors have Has moved, to his own Store on a;seinhled. We' have no doubt the'Sec- public at -Y li-is invited 31. C. Camerc�i, M. P., Wentworth, hold in Hamilton, oil Frl- but the strong desire of the congregation arkedly shown. bee.p. It is clainted'that a considarable I atter ? Why r-.bu esteemed citizen were in hdzLy la -it, it %Vill be seen that that body in London, as well as big own personal rge crowd, force has already bean enlisted for the are v�ojl 30 late t e ),,,it dear to be present, according to tho mineral At -the cathedral gates a la I lllnmilr4on Stret Bo- k And Stationeu Stote o id, -or whatever else -it fiiay; ranted a bonusuf $20,000 towanl�d- th�o preferences, seemed to point alit this 88 principally ladies, had assemble to await proposed ra fathir Jennic ST)-ailt, toward him desire of tho 0,tivet.,Lion. S,) mariv dif- tinilton and PurD Duvor Rlilwayi The u a a a -hated I re� seat, 311,1, Ilia P�oper aphere fr labour. the arrival of the funeral, and when the be, against one of the p ssi n of s' c.)rding to th at In tit ati he sank into the lie -s, by Various --- - ____ q tock purchasedby him from the s face with 1113 hands, groaned fereut rumot prompted necessary arrangewents were accordingly thedral doorsweragpened thesacred dealAtism.' A a 0 5 I The 8- covering hi Inade, and be ws -appointed nd file in: our rather tha!1 motives, have been circulated as to his to the 'a- edifice wits speedily filled with people. made by some of the rank' a Insolvent Estate of St eumbency of the congregation here VVe I ern Ontariog "I have seen a hand lifted both in and alit of Parliament, 0 cilant "m by, dvertise.r. this 'new departure ' Fort Garry, lying we believe, the Bisho� (5 Quebec. an inconsiderable distance north (if the agrainst his ovu brother, -.,ad tllt,-,' hii tiiat it ii necessary lie should meet his dividing title between Mintlesota, and awu ,I-nneiit. At For near a quarter of a centufY the I - I atisfactnrily Her Majesty's compjaint is now Rev Mr. Crf#nvii WIS ti -e eSteLmt!d BAYFIELD Her Ma,esty's possessions, is to be th in Arnold treet, tWO brothers c"llstitilents face to face, a. Iffri JOHN R ARRIS me-. for a .-soci. explain his past acts and franklv detail rheumatisin of the feet. mittister 6f the Epiicopal Church in tills Signal. point of attack, and it is fujrthor claimed AT MOORHOUSE'S. 0 .d," Is was their nightly A BoriapartiA . conspiracy has been p 1, v, a i To his car -lost and continued fo the Bditor of Me 11" that men and nioney, and all other rc- ciist.oai, and',af:er few laoluellts cl.iint his future Intentions. The Peformors discovered in Paris. efforts is lar-ely (In e tile protaitient . . iy of quisites of such a campaign, are being the �r intmired of ono I Sciuth 11 rron are not more unreason- DEAla SIA, -I have not seen in at NORTH SIDE MARKET SQUARIN, ad been lately A Steamer was wrecked at Calcutta, positibn occupied by that denomirLation,, Which he is determined so,.,te % entura wl�ich lie h. Our local papers a proper account of U,e rapidly gathered together in this city ur o able (hall formerlv, but have become so and 138 natives oil board perished. not oulf in the city, but in the surround- vicilli!y. As soon as these are properly all -.1 it st�elllcd- -Nic, in con- N. B. -By importing direct from u- he took oce'aaion to rally iritew,ely dis,nis"t'ed with Sir John A. ing coxintry. His influence was used Bayfield Sabbath SchoolPic Organized into effective forces, it is be- In r.)p,vi The Tyne -siders having struck New- . . hof England in lieved that the expedition will quietly int, frout the 61ruvernment those nection with the Churc in secu the otht�r it pou his ill luck, biding hiii, c(l 'Ll's adni.iiistration, that ft castle is flooded with f6reign workmen. So. leave for the azone of hostility, antrat R. ' Mla, ley TO CLEAR OU1 follow in his foots*,-T)s. This w3s takvii large tracts of globe lands, which have this mission, hold on the 7th imst. British Iftaufacturers d words desire their. iepresentative to'very de- I The Czar has ordqred the Gerinall been a not unfruitful source of revenue even at this late date, I sit down to give the propor moment a blow w -ill be struck in i,lolly ,,, ,It occasions, show himself to lakeproccleco oltheFr ch_ . that body ill London, and also lin which will make tlie British lion howl, ed each oth�r 'ast. They had be Eteeply inibued with liber in the schools of Poland. 4 -no you a sketch of the day's proceedings. - and rinder that unsuspecting post an- AT AN IE IS ENABLED TO OFFER ALL ; I prine Adelaide. At the Santa time- he was o cu,Mt1h to reader thein It iples ord nd At 11 o'clock, A. the children assem- Thedread "Intericationals"litipe lately bigot, but always had a kind Is ey to the jurader. goods in his line at a slightadvallce, for. tinick as thought, their wure and ready. to fight for them, at all liaz- i . = been baliquotting instead of strildrig bledI uix)n each A was ardi. We re very much mistaken if 101ping hand -for all moral and religious a very good and encouraging gath- In ad�itifin to the statements above on the sterling price ; in fact, his cu. sdthroii,;h the enterprises no -matter by whom conduct given, itis further known that a meeting mous Reduction tomers are supplied with goods at retafl and conspiring ering, in number 194, looking quite gay En4 Mr. Cameron wilt not be able to coil'- The Vendome of Paris is to be rebuilt ad, so long as th�ly had for their -objects . 'o wasbeld On Saturday nitylitat 4certailt at about same rates that small ealers a,oner di,l te brother see hiswork than ' hopped along in pairs, headed by p,etel% jiistify himself in the'eyes of his and Thiers ha�s deci�ed that a statue of the welfare af tbepeoplb and theadvance ad th'y point in this city, ' . which. it lawge auto have p buy at ivkolesale. be turned the revolvar himself . , about a wid before any could he was in' constituents and obtain a renewal of the first _Napolcon,l.as formerly, shall of religious truth. a Brass Band, and displaying ubscribed FROM �SUAL PRICES. 3�, 000 itolle of Wall Paper, to sr*led was a and deousited, but wheth- theirc(oifidence, and we have defended surstiount it. The inerdase in the dimension -i of the dozen flags of divers colors, adorned er for, the purposas of war or peace is from, beingthe -Did vou know the Parties ?" asked A court has been opened at Washi. ng- Episcopal Church. (if Canada tit last with suitable devices, and appropriate not yet definitelly ascertined. Some bini bitLerio, from the attacks of schis- ren z8gary the'subdivision of texts froul. Scripture in large gi't letters. ppople inav ssunic that'these rattlers Uncle John, with a to(,!- oil hii-face if matic3 in our own ranks, because we ton b., Recorder Gurney and Jud4e dered nee- On they went over tile bridge and tip to -,ire without any foundat I �on whittever, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOOK some personal h&Z!Lrd was involved in the Frag.r to consider all other than Alab- the Provinces into a larger utunber of bulieve that no one shall Id be condemned is manner the Diodese of Ar _Nliddleton's groxe, which is beauti- but the assurance is givea� that they are answer he was to receive. iiia Clar" to besubmitted to the Arbri- soes;.and in th nee. The I oilmen held by any one house in Ontario. tr�adon conierece. Huron cattle into an exist fully situates.1; bounded oil two sides by simply 6ased upon the utterances Prequently unheo. We think, as the reformers i Ahe Lake Huron, who have not hesitated Itc Oh yes, I have met them 1. shop devolving upon : I state �that election of a bi the Ba� field river and. IN SAXE HANDS om YEAB4 at the place. They were men of res sche' of 4,T'e South do, that Air; Cameron's I The Cuba rebellion has been finally clergy and laity of the now diocese, the whi-li, with village opposite affurd very they had been enlisted for this lie. pectable position, in the reception of crushed out. good wages as arerse,rs. Both of tham absence from certain divisions need ex- Thiers i, -afraid of his life anU has his general popoularity of Dr. Cr,)iiyn (he fine views Seen froin the YZL ta-0 rout y quiet -indeed, javer very plin-ation, and that explanation we ex- be d-ch&mber guarded by patrols bad received his dearee of D. D. f points of the midulatin-Y. woodlands.' Bere is i cha cc to save wo-ey a o were usuaU Trinity, Dublin, in 1835), seetne MODERN BEexy SHARP. -1 Was' -a -en. a glass pe -t will be Straightforward and sati- There is a deficit in the Danish Ex- d to' Arrived'at- the appointed place --the talk.rive, unless they had tal as thia most acceptable children atf4ded to the bystander;i, 'Who lately announced by telegraph that an I Goderich,Sevt. 5th, ISTI. EW64 or two-axid much liked by all who kne- factory. Theie is one question which chequer which is to be made up by an Point him out person for that office, as. wits almidantly wire variously estitnuted-at front 800 to "honorable gra-Coopet bad r)een arrest- Goderich, 18th August1871. them. queried we think the Refortners should decide increased income tax. provon. by tho large majorities he receiv- l0U0 persons, a rich treat lit the shape ed in London for switidhng, and the "Is the place an orderly one?" to regard a,;,'* neutr.1 round and that The conference of the Universal Pe a*ce ed at ti4e election on the 6th f Jtilv, off and aiAed by miss London papers give the details (if the I Uncla John, persistently. League is in session at Lansanne, Switz- 1857, over his only important compedi- of Hylllns' led ir, which, ocultring, in the dtill sea- -C,--etainly " and Albert lifted his head is the question of incidental protection, erland. Haacke, one if th� Scholars. vhose Per- affa I h aitention. Yteflbxn�n 4CIDIan4eil with a 1,,ok I of sogne "I to infarit industries native to our own tor, Archdeacon Bethune. of Torouto forniance ,n tile weloducii witonished son, h;LS attracte(l itit C 16�1 � I New Orleans had a public excursion The bishop -elect at once proceeded t "Ron. Florence Caroline Cooper;" and' OF THE 0 �,iany and %vas highly creditable to her- I In bid reply to the address of-tbo never saw anYhilaff COIA;;�; to the ruh-,41 country. At the North Ridino Oonven- last week to which excursioll, steamers England, where, in the following Oct- to be tile cousin of Lord Dun - Self. I SuppoSe thO prolfloters of tile ell- Soidth Ridimg of Huron of propriety there beftse, and I step, tion, when Mr. Whiteho;Ld �Pxvlained were run. ober,- he vras dulycousecratid by the lid the ueice of tile Duke of Agricultural Associati-011 at the Exhibi nearly every r-ight on my way down t tortaitittiont had some prettionition ot a , tioi. yesterday, Governor Wilmot an �1'vn that when the tariff quebtion was debat- It is quite au ordinary event nowadays Ar6bishop of Canterbury ill the chapel or a long B,tcclouch. She is a young slid very T and get a glass of lager beer. I consider what was about to take place, fu sted that before long rail tray communt. in oppo- for babies to be born on the trains. at Lambeth Palace. I- could pretty voinan, although site has hal go ed two years ago, he acted oil it table was spread with ail that o cation between the different Pro,vinces Tj,, R,,fr. Cb� il of this Rifflng wM =eet sit it an excellent tvDic." S�, cc that time, the late Bishop I!Ias tempt the niost dautty appetite; whilst three husbancls, and the one she now, will be "an completed that we niay pre. the Tawn Hall. Seallfco'Ah. on Thursday, tb* 32thdAy No reply was made to this, and 9w sition to certain leading, reforniers, be- The Grand 'Lodge of Odilfellows, "y 'iseel the supervision of his extensive. at tile saine time theve was no lack of the has is not her husband. She seems to . 'for a grand Dominion exhil3ition .,f of October, at 12 o'clock, moon. R SQUIMIL groUD cause he was petitioned to do so by the sitting at Chicago, has jlist amended its pare more remarks being passed, the . - I roldvids of ur seil and (if our work- Coatity Council, the Township Councils, constitution so that no colored man can diocese with care and enery, until Pis more allbstancial edibles. Fowls, ham Ila" had an extraordinary career. She, the p soon seperated for the night. failinu health adnionished hita tba� it' Was the datiAter -of a nurseryinan-, ftar this o,- znd private individuals, the delegates at; join the order. and lanib in abundance. . As for cakes, o . shops.1 The idea appears to have been Goderich, Sept. 28th, 1871. Several days went by af woulSbe impossible longeroto continue fruit, &c half could named Boten rly, but'about eight years 4 0 -, it seelilea as if 0110- t y ,curance, with an alliusion b) financial the tonvantion were Satisfied with his -Uis active labours. -He not only had the entiftil ago,,%vhcn ho was a young girl, Lord , readily aken tip, as it was widel di possil�-�Iy be vinstimed, so pl en by matters. One evenin4g, as th,�y wer ex awao front hoine ic - ' is- A RA RE 'I 1EAT n,A ussed, 'and agsurances were giv p!anati4n. WhenWr Caffieronmp� care of all the churches, bat lie aho to- Nas the supply. For'exmple along the Dundonald took her Y the Chairman of the Finance Committee Sitting after tea, on the piazza e ex1j',4TiatiPq t Seaf,,rth, we hope 1801stacl Poi - tained a special'133terest in his, ild charge, was counted no less than i3 large atid pldred her in a high school- at Bays- ) ell4oying a lik -1 - . _ Sk Pirg T-U3Ur&U00 00= of Nlontreal that, if selected as the place Mir C. 3Fe3r*gU1,90nW coolness of the summer twilight, it will be receiv ad in the same spirit by _ri - title cif tile Hon. Miss, the remaining rector of St. PauFs until 1860. pluin cakes averaging 4 stories cac.- water, umcler the it for the proposed 6xbibition, that city t Jennie, at her father*s request, —1.1 delegates there. Ldt the representative her enterprises in which lie Tae only way in Which I call convey 'Gr -y. What wore the precise relations. 0itild provide the necessary accointonda- The well-ImovM Blind Professor 6:tbe Irfab lffiflou Is. Her voice was ba held to a str" t accountability on all We ll�ave - pleasure in, drawing the Among ot - to several simple batlw ic took a deep intere. t, arid for 'which he ywi an idea of the Performance at table between her and his lordship are wit , tiou. Ue Suggestion tit Governor Wil- Harmonic Pities, wilt give ottletiflils Potpukr0olacertr. clear, sweet, anol for a child, powerful. pther questions, -but let this be "neu- special attentiun of tile Canadian public estly, was the BibleSociety. laboured earn i by stting that the eating was kept up kno wn; but after a 9, hile she inarried 'With cultivation, she g-,ive prom -se of tral gruiind."' Mr Gibbons we'lielieve is to the establishment of the aboye Co- 2 a I mot is worthv'.of consideration, and if For a long titne the active f tend arid I gendemait named Ba- lis; a relati�e of for over- 4 hours. Not by s;aiting for Y carried out woulti result beneficially. reaching a high staudard. Her father also invited. A true blue reU,rmer front iiany. The Directox3 and Stockholdsrs, .7 THE VICTORIA HALL -11 a sit pporter of the Upper Canada and Brit and an( t1wr Lord Dandunald. Her sihed heavijy as she passed into the Hay put. his request for both mettibers I being among , our wealthiest capital- �sh and Foreign Bible §ucieties, he was, "tie table to be cleared off 1-1 and left her 0,000 a year. Site then ig the n"essity for a set, but by every Sitting being'fille,l it -ON_ house, intent; upluu filling some direction to be present on the ground that "Mr. ists, arid feelii - the organization of the Londoin Anx- fell in with a Mr. C,wper, who decals to DIED. on &a fas-, as vacated, and Jim it continued. had d(me dtock Company doin business in their .. ; then of her mother, trilling a nxerry song as (;4iucron could wiplain. what he ry, unanimously eleet­1 :,a presHeat I mly wonder that the waiters held ,jut have made way with all her money On 51*ndaT. 25 Monday Eve. October 2nd She went an,13-Ir. Gibbons cculd tell what he ww- special line have indeed conferred agreat '": d then tb September 1871, JAYr Ninngow an office hich he hela till his death. a, : w( 11 t6 the last. Ana as time wore she married a Mr. Bayley, in 31COONALD, daughter (,,nly surviving child) of D. L I was only a richer man, I would qVing to do." The presence of the mem- boon tin fa-riers, and ovirriets of detached His last public appearance, outside of his hat %Vill be Mr. Scott. She was about to bepre- it -it bell Mvt),,pald, barrieter-at-law, of Toronto, Mildly assisted b3r ati n, the surprise was, no'. w spare neither money ir paills. That herd for both hotis� 5 should lead to a residences by giving them Iusurane own church, was at the annual meeting whence sented to the Queen last season by the aged 9 Intinths and 27 days. A11R8,--1AW I t -IRS 31cfOUGALL. D& ruoiw- voice should be c-alti-vated- and' her grand rally of reformers uid an enthu- such reasonablu rates -of premium, and it of filis sodc' done with 'all tile viands, but on. Mrs. Baylis, but -something - . _$ last spriiit. 1:36bi-WL&DY, -im,SSRS A WAISON, musical talent dbveloped But i is siastic meeting. Members and their is plan t., be seem that the promoters of cattle the supplies. No sooner would u 11 tied to prevent it. Tbrough one DUCKHX, and oilier talent His failing, health rendering it impom- dish be.emptied than full tile to)k its happe The eelel)rat�d Opera Burle-que V11 be wang, tneless, to talk, there is no way opened-" constituent cannot ineet too often and this Company are sound in their views, f her deceased husbands she has a title THE 190LA-TED RISK ible for him to continue the work of his Doors 30 Corcert twaommenc "I think that I see a way to, reacl. coute a cl-ar understanding with. each for all kuow that the class of property. I plaze. And Mrs Willialuson's stall e at,$. that and some other privileges aJso,- other. We do not know that it will be to which they confine ilicir opo:rtions is office with that faithfulness and energy see,ned a sort of 'Fortunatus - purse to 04, 000, and a law atilt is 1l(JW u 11119 which always characterized him, he ail- Llaboutit. Butforsouletinie6hehad Tickets, 25c. eserved Seats, 40c. wherei' she had only to) dive to procure I B Bert, if you will listen to me. and not be necessary at this Uouvention to nominate the class least liable 6 bun from any U been usider a cloud, "d has had tuany nounced to the ynod of- the Diocese at basketful after basketful ad infinicit offended at a little plain speaking. I tile L-andidate for next year's election.- but purely accidental cause, and can, ies. Site renfed furnished Goiderich, 8 !! t. 29th, 1871. it 10 6ve been taking notes, and have arrived Very Nital q-iestious will come befora and is by them now covered at every its Illeeting in June, the necessity for the Tile battle was fast, fierce and Iong slid. difficillt nd uaA turned election ofacoadjutorbishop. Thiswas tained; but to the last the storea` held hoilses, er-tild not pay a at certain conclusions therefrom. the Dominion Parliament in thexoming reasonable rates. incurre I the suipicions of her HEAD OFFICE: Apprentice Wade& o his last public appearance. His recom- a I ut; and the attacking party, although Out; Bile Bert tutned his eyei tapon his uncle in. session, wheneverthat may be convened, Being the first office in the Stock line, i0enditiols. wag adoritedby the Church lit espeople and coidd not get her sup- vanquished, they still displayed full trad to a King Street, Co2wr of Church. Toronto. STOUT wouder, but held his peace, and waitel and the party ma desire to see the re- which has launched into the business it LA.D To LFRN BLACK13XLTIUNQ atilt before- noinintino If, b!%wever, is only right, that the same should be first the election of Dean Hellinuth, who wa.9 baskets in reserve. I am sure Mrs W. -Ii plies; and some weeks two she vient ousineds. Apply -to further developments. consecrated only a kw weeks since- 6 tailor� whoin she had arms ached that evening, and net hers Mr. Beiijaniiii, a CAPITJIL - - - $500.000 ALEX.&DER DEY the way is cl-,ar to the unanimous nomi- patronized, therefore we say to our never seen before, and said: "Oil, Mr. DEPOSITED WITH GOYMNUENT, $50,000. AubumP. 0* months "I have a sum of money subject to my Beinu ei1s,bled for the past few, alone but many-tithers besides. All tht nation of a caiididate that preliminary readeis-and iuEecd tothe )vhole colm- o -.I am the H on. Mrs. Co. Ter. order, now lying idle, which would a Bet(jainin. 31itachester 21 August, 1871. w a uelf remedial measuresag rest an" while the sports went on. Alany swinL I - might as well he go. over, at, that the munity, insure in the "Isolatsd Risk f, e, seme of his friends and I want you to lend me 220 till next PPESIDEVT, furnish a good and suitable instrument. travel could iv were on the ground arid b,)s's of dele,,ates could u�ioiue n work to Fire Insurance Cu pany." not onlY Friday. I have incurred adebt unknou n ALEXANDER McKPNZIE. EsQ., M_ P. This I will place at your command for had hoped* for sume iniprovomen . t ini era occupied them. With little inter - quire, if secitre his return ' Let ns at an) late because the security to police hoblers is health.' But their hopes were in vain. usband, and I want The money A FARM FOR SALE. any length of time you may re lilisitons the Band discoursed 3 weet son I- to 11Y h hare a large and' enthusiastic gathering undoubted (its .capital bring $500,000) to pay it. Ilon't care what I pay.yon JOHN MAUUHAIS"Tun, you wish, andaiR indulge me by trying but because as ab mentioned, it has Abou- a month since he returned home�; stirring intisic. Some very fine anitettr an experiment. Don't answer me to n 'the 12th. ove but only returned to die amon%, Ilia re- filled the breathini? times taken for interest, if if is R5 or RIO or more." (Late Assistant-:�ecretary Westem Assurance Co.) FATt31 FOR OF 118 ACBES, WITMN 14VZ-- been the first to give 10 rates. Welter London tailors are pruverbisilly accent - Hear me through mlmly, and . latives. Slyngt�ln �ltand. Races for pweetmeats, Aynjlea ofthe Town of Gaikrich, 74) of wbiell Ms - night. other Companies ha a reduced their b� teal 114MIKERS-CRIladlan FalikofCommerce. Urder CultAvation and In good order almost clear of t So haspassed away a good man, oilating, )ecially to honorables, aad e Huron and without any feelings of vexation." The Ult luterostZ. rates, but thanki; is uroly I scramb�les for apples, prollienados,andditre It, o cc forked out the inooely, stumps. vhit; ioxin is beunded by 1Ak * "lie to the faithful and dev-)toA' iui!t�r, an carnest we but; itiontion it, some little innocent Benjamin at on ADVANTAGF2 OFFERED. beautiftl1y situated, Gravel RoPA alLths way(sad "I aina' all: interest to know your plan, above Comriany, thor ore give some lay wid practical pveaclier, possessing takinorpril 0. U.forZ25 frthe220. no Toll To pay) uvd there is a Larp 0 an the.. 4na. tunded to entiatici the plea- I mng with the Igo aced, even if the ove (if his utimate friends, -&lid the He soon after found that he' had been Ist-J&bs,-lute security td'Polley Holders, ill the Premises Bearltig Choice Fmit Uncle Jhn---or your experiment, as you It is gain,- the rounds that the Amer- Inr . the flirtati' term it." ican Government. intend to impress on rates were the szme they -deserve our sures of the day, Evening cotuinq oril, sliatte ON %,ejy large Ca:h -Capital -You pay your foreman one hundred esteem (if all who knew him, The most takon in. Ae-had the Hon. Mrs. Cooper T T-� R 1A 8 The Rev Evan. Davies in a very appro- 2nd-iThp importtit feature intradueed by this onethird otzhe purebase viiiineY u down, tho- dollars per month, do you not?" Congress t1l; d4rability of allowing support. foi�s Mam-ger, (Mr. Malwhan) evellgelical. and liberal minded of the priate address thanked the children and arrested for obtaining-inotley under flse Company of instaing nm-hazzw*u pqperty only, balance may remain ab Iringtis it sui t epufthaw hasbeen the last 1.8 years connected A rintriber of other cases being the nm.ns of giving its Policy HIders very bly.payjngiutter-e--aft-overysixPmonths 6 r ceut.­ ;Erectoir be- For flirther particulirs Ap Y 'q3ecause he is not steady, or faithfu Sp6akj) A NAMY ty. 7, a hope there are good w �srswl a st64 rawer 16- to his oNin interests or those of his em- only on accrount of hip age, sun I begau iii-ge lady tins bpen sent to prison to await ing all rEsldeeti in CanRda Im 'Yes, I do." coal, salt and lumber to.enter the States, bishops of the Episcopal Church in Cana- those. assemble for their' attendance, PTetbV§es- Im Twes on debiched dwel'; g. &C. free of da- ith the 'Western "surance Company,' dai he was considered in this sention, wit settle ciltilplii acr and toasts were brotigh f agai list lier, and the charin- -bwkhrildem, D 8 aud,AgI (if Toronto. !'I % grounds for the reporL The month of I's POs'- followed; after which the 'crow without delay, slid paid in =4 at once W22 t Mr R. Radcliff is agent for Gcderich tiou, but also because of ,his Personal ng.- h,ar trial at the next sessions. Godertch 25th JUG. 1871- ployer, your oss out t at averages to disperse as the shadows grew 19 eigIrt dollars; per week from his hegligence Decemberfis approaching, at which time, and vicinity *and all applications eith-or ati!ities and unbimitect cieed. as the, On ail hands it was freely adinitt . Id that R. (RADCLIFF, I yr-sivIO Agent for Goderich and vicinity. -this ectly; indirectly, you cannot when Parliament was last in session, the personaly or by mail will receive prompt ca.lingman ofll.Ze Protestant Church. coil as some pligt pic-nias have been, attentiou. 11 THE LAST KrwG OF IRELAND.- Roder- e Ihope was held out that this 69 consumma- t its one, either a�'regards �nuulbers. ap- ick O'Connor, of the ancinnt line of Cut and I know that the am of e;. Many friends of Other denomina. ill join with his own people ill IFALL& WINTER STYLLES MiMIF18111 M11111 of rmlliflefy� ar yeat must be tions sir al goilial enjoyment. was four hundred dollars p� phances oi- re naught, wait the- last Kill,, who sat on tion eevoutly to be wished" would be their sorrow of one so highly valued and bb't,nd comparison the very land. ' His obar. —00 for be'o-.,r the actual figure. �Dismiss best 'over, the throne of CelCto Ire reached. Till then our salt-manufactur- u long tru!ated. herd; awl frequently toward tll0 acter and �ilAoits are paillked with tro, him. U. nderstand mo, I should be the . The Pall111fiN Gazette says "The ('er hold -Utu' Come, last to condemn for a single fault., or for era should keep their courage up. r - �r - - flatterinL, h iJ by tha nionkish writers, M.LVEAERY mans are uing their rchmological close, of the day in ne shape andlanoth at many Puri a re froill. staid .(41d -Ab 0-;- .1axises; I would strive by every researches with stlessness and energy Bishop GrolwWo'nuel er, we heard remarks vilio Idnged for his destruction,. or lat�r .00— uLeans in my power to encourage the orr- VIR - 'JVCW2i which remind one much of the late cant- bodieiiiand froin'the young, to the effect historta s, who have kri"Iteit' in thr E ing, ifrep�ntent; b . ut I would no longer paigh. Asia Minor seems chiefly at this AN rNPOSING DEMONSTRATION. that it was a pity We had n0i such genial to (if the Roman Chimcb. All tha WINT _`R COMING-. set a premium on vice. * Give his place I in.ietiis more fro4ttently where each. 0-- IL as of fated are 00— moment to engae their attention. The nd Wo (Edipus. Wan honest, conscientious man. -W- s Mr The obsequies Fresh,, Fashionable, Che'ap MIMJ1.11:81t find its in- James Blant, a Conductor on the excavators Iready busy there are about - of.the late Lord Bisbop tnet the other in a spirit of k attributed to- the unhappy king ho one leak stopped, Great W03tern, was kWed at Wellington to be joine by Professqr Curtius, un- of Hbron to -day 25thbist.; formed one good -w ill admirably a4ipted, to dn away ventured to Istrikii a1ast blow for tire Begs to l%tal t t st Suence in other w a. our workmen Square, wUe attempting to c e tTO questiona, I one of the most competent of the most solemn an& imposing -de- with, and haal tip ld sores a frvedoin ofAielancli -4,'ho resisted with vioillity t t sbzliks opelled but A IAW Will feel a c S e in t at., Osphere, cars. OUP monstrations ever witnessed in this city. ings, a�d to propioto that fabling of oplate at4oCk tif living investigators on. that g�ound. obd1ir%te'pa"tr' tiouti-the'stol-clad legi ns which work a radical Orill. The" The Hellmuth Colleges and the,7 public brotherhooil,whi6b.should -be a clistiu- h The Obiiierver severely exposes tile con- This expedi -ion will start Shortly, and as of tho. Pope Uil-Rehr Oil WILLINE21 comes, p-�rhaps, a har-rd task still -to duct of volunteers lh:o;n the camp, who, they do not like to do things by halves schools were closiad, the collegians'and guishina-f tuark of all chrietiha commutw more 'thin. 6A, -social aj� aye been MISS NeCONNEL-V some supeAor engineer a put the axe to the root of ur pleasures. have the streets of Saruia unsafa for in Berlin milaters of the coll. ' ege, and the Board of ties. fo our F�stor who has recently the eveof-la­ aI AiiiilaPh-- -It is sai H's �USTRurruvl`-D A I.AliGUR STOON --AND- These litUo selfilih -rati'cations 8eein ladies. blic School Trustees and teacliere At- taken &arge much praise is due for the that Roderic stArown i . 4ain hy than itsual, of the very best quaUly and latest o - officers, with A gunboat, are -told Offfor PU ? - � a trifles.in themselves, but they stita up in site 3p S% icwvo o Ad at, The Western Fair, London, opens the purpose. It is said that the plain of tending the funeral in.6 body. rgetic inaftner in which he act about his is w feared1is sa*!&ge tapper, stylesinthefollowitig lines:- Troy is to be the firqt object of examina- 'The *A rgIllizilig the thit nt 01 the eyes of a fearful aggregate, evet in the lig it of with,7000 entries, beating the last aid yor and members of the,City re -0 Sunday Schools; and [tip two broth nubg ltibbous�t he Ch w t flats, Bo t dollars and cents; but in their influence tion. Professor Adler will watch over ilio -attended' in their offibial the recent ptc-nic may fairly be xegtarciw a- t, a. h4% wastail. in civil fends Which ift will sell as eb P71 I present ov c x bitions. kilids of HAIR JEWELIA yina&tordar. liptitt the character, in their weight upon . . the architectural interests of the ex.; capacity, and the clergy of the Diocese as an evidence, of the appreciation of hi s Ilia t at: shoul 'hve,been turned aid Floviers. ca opened at Lon- ioned- were largely represented. exertions by,hii flock.' 4 . , Yeathesr N. B.-Hping learnti-hecAR84=4 10 liis-vftbe"� the souli (which requires help, wit. bin- The M ddla,ex Assiz pedition he fit further - agal hafola. H4-4eoms, -f4deed- to ises houies inloropto. feelm ubfled 7tO "Wata dnd commiss, &Ancm), who can estimte it? Looking don, on Moday, bpfor� Judge Elliot. The cortege left the Sea Hquse West. Oz wHo,ExioYED.HLX8ZLF,, dt 6 1 r�r A sp�enol� stock ofGloaks i8carves, Clouds cl ortier, with 1romptuaw; $Mai b4ye Wanted PrA14011430 4 41 9) ten I to proceed while iu those parts as far a Boods &udWao1enzo0&",,ohoose*om. stylo. at the matter inerely in a pecuniary The 'Belleville ladies have-forliaed a Jerusalem, where he is't�) oiketch Dn th-e IdifiStei, about two p. in., in the follow- Bayfield.. Sept.-17thi 1871. have been-ditusived bythe treacberansA ts ( . . . .11 I - 4e6uneftispfepatedtiltivespeel _& jour two or �hree glasset of lager Mutual- Julprovement Society, toration of thei irigrder : a 1M. -As Xtes, spot a desio for the res of Dermot and the priesta, " Yet One- 1i - eplsc4r3d*or4,We#t:0f 3114nu%. ralue thittsenon. she respectful Y solucits good. Doet.forget th Ing wi sympatl y VIM f8l old staud. -Weta aZ� nigArt forn, t ' oui4 your two or throe SandAeld is to conduct the Crown bus- Church of St,.'John, - presented by the Tire Rig�tB�evere Dr. Hellmuth, avoid itfviewi &U from the IiAies,lxfora thoy nlakO I hop 0 Godedob. eigars, (fo� a sedatie, I SUPP03a), ineis at Kingston Assizes. The two tothe!!1tuSsian Goyernmenton Huron. the st2fy of the mfth4ppy In - c whose -wipter purdbases. 50PL'118n Amount in the course year to a sum M RAI The great excitement OIL disastrong reign was at I marked by nd. 187L acdonalds will likely have another con- the ccast -of: t.6. Cro*n Prince's visit r.,q . 4oricit t2 -7- sufficient to sectitt-, the services of able forence s WOIL i abaut� diem -is now"paiati .-haiing _torral� two years ago. Xedioal Advisers of Deceased. a sinuere.atriotim, aud. oiia misfor- Morris Bv- req ts at Post-iiii e bl� 4e �ef er, ther, hep tlil a744 I fotcos fist I th nar nated with the paskno of the loin _m t tunes were �,w Thus Jennie c,sufd - be provideol for, anl .4- _. Lsw,'4 %' 6The., Waterlod instroctursiaboth mimic an.drdivin' Rev. -Mr 11au3hon has arrived in C rermeritedby isteahery ada. Ths employ-i4entloT Steamships in con- Clergymen of the Diocese.. orhii sirv.ile':_iehr. 'Amid his savage ctl-q e opens f of thp The crowd wak . % p I Y0 uoto for present eidavnient veying Emigrants fromthe 0rhika yng-- iminpris aticestral iffilds.the.00QuArier, tell* urs"If, rch w Ar 0 , albly pivards �of ivolunteer camp at Pres The Governor-General inspected hit e -plabe; at one titilf. dom'to NortliAmdrica, haki greiitlyii- Chu ardeni, find bi by -the e, ex. blitt P Inkillutise, benefits in lie Cott. N ain postpowerful ftionaroh of, tho'alg' -R EAT E XG here edwithia-the', past few yeazt. Cairiageli, Pre- of th T Itercifully ctissed, Governor Wilmoti, ofNew Brunsw ek, 18631heptp6ttion--of those *li(i'-took Mournin with!"41.1 'Bp4rara.- ere, hb" poed- -6 tto us, but it often trms - darkly; and re- : said at Kiniston, the, othe- of� I - 11 - __ I -g �. � � - .. ' sont.from the eIg oringtpwiphilig.��1 -Dr. 06ulfieldi Rev.. Dr, ownle., p Rev. _y Me these would kisep the,% -the U in Ste= ps, to Canada, -was- fter t welosedari4 o' the- surroth%4ed bv traitors, and �.,CA C> folf Confederation "that uAder the A ag Re:v�J. . Marsh - !?auqufW V9% f )tit the.ititrines nf his sourcewli ag.fe ri . 10 V ; U -t . le6kdi , U. 1, ... & �� . , V Eromtbg�d�,)rindarealine.,ofindtpend- arecifaphouestand economi NAY* tubitous. rmil-% wing the IA&M-of Wi5OPe -Ven. rbhiBan4yi, Yelii. Arch �f?r eriticieased. 116 i� iln I tie I r bbe 'Still Takel ge4t plesure in ii1fQ1F ceht.' C� UwO edlis y4istockof eoe4 in: the beaft, Butt 'would bribg eiamont1whicksca "Pe 'toi-htxve� -r -foi in not unworthy of that ~Ift dM ei' xan(l in 1869ryj� stjillr anon C Pr_ 0ifionfor hitbig � - I FOR SAL A HALF SEIAI jf requiredtheilrbolemightt, ed) on m"dw1blia t�rw for C � business done is ezWlentp an(' ticraber's only reason for sell - having hii own businets to atA cannot give any pttsunat it the Printing oflice. ABRAEUM GQderich, 21st Sept., 1871 As "short accountilmake we dealre to have &T, least a tlement with our patrons. rendering all armunts f.:)r job -work and advertising 'u-, August last—tile 4end of the I our proprietorship of th� 3nent—and for tile paper tip cember next, the time at whi sent subscribers, the weekly r.owetilargeol, will he raised Mr. Gavin Struthers, durk, few clays, wiQ call on our fri hope those who owe its will P ,out murmur or (lelay. ^It _j,, to keep ort, as -we ibbend to 4 constant irnprovement,� UnI vork for provide usw b the war," which we have justiv� 7� — (lown tali Remember the Rev W. S. I lecture this evening <29Lh) ii peraucelW4 AtT.30- RuxAwAy.—On Tuesday horsey village of 3Wt1UndviU olas Morrish's t4eam ran � 31artW,is Hotel, leaving ol ww=n at the old salt well, haff-twolundred yards furth went up the bill at the gaRol whippletrees, passing three oi in their progress. They wer the top of the bill without di jury t* themlIelves or othe _your horses. GONE To BLYTH.—We UnIl 7. HayE, Esq.. has gone ito ] cure a temporary Registry- C I= to be opened an lat Oct. Tnz LADmi? STORE —Mr ertson hastTened his Show'. a magnificent stck of Hat Cloaks, Fun and Fancy ] which the ladies should x�&%:' mspecting before they get t STxzR SHoT.—About 10 white ateer 2 yean old Wag below Air MeWs place w holes throughitsbody. not klitown. THE in= p6s.—Poto we at@ glad to stay, Will give and visitors the pleasure of I On the Imh Umon Eham on the fint wettk of October Assizes are in session: He� sis" by Mm Simms' =d Imovm talent wbiwe Bervicet Idtiffly promised- W�e would.ot rec9mmenal or tonstant.use of ar� - y mQdt important,to take even AL j , *xcrcise ancl ca but it oft4n. Occasions h) brolum skius xua blisterea ay1m 111st, in all a Joliuson% Inodyne Unimei to, It wulre�uce the xwel Aft�r �a ikir aud pro P-0 nd Syr eryous tow far othein of 'consildit;=1AS -Senerally. 3EL 4U: IAM I.Ac S) B j2 N.My willour 1riends Tt Ictskies when they most -that miAel �v Lalling Atur a F. &rdainand get -Norris Deal w T" 4 -nZf t �Oct 2AU(13,-:StxpUen4ud ter. N";t Wi�w4mosh. Howick, -4gorrie, Hey, Zuri& Tamberx Vilng� y, NOT cmw CA300, VIECU4ES AIM 11mflyvjA4b,*p1y1=nt" 4 THE MARX Tb" ............. I . ............ SITa"I* to Ibe -;ZW& .......... - pu-boo ...... pertust ...... ........... per . . ........... . 13utte'r # Varley. IttiAll ........... ottj� *bUF11 ......... wrk.v. ..... yemel* busib ............. .................. ............. mpg T '; - - - ------- tBoomer., d is I D4 U4 'The builaing o, 'THE NOUBT D" ke; -j b �Py ra�ing the stia ONR t Y11II will 11, Biaov arcun. r4 � ;'CoI3iiiing t-6 his posiii ..rry for T01t, bill 11,0 l o knew his uncle was right, and at last, Mr Campbell tbarNissouri, muideress, af thaJiallsqf the ani a - had the manlittess to gay so. will not be tried before the Spring to fk Is' iI lilast fill Assize% iii, th6bbur Ict, received thw body at t.: is diail I 1 t -o inade f,illowiug out his friou'la a Ivice, do I Cdom the LwAon Advprtiser) gateit, and preceded, it to lth�e' church,. goinif..�,o be (I uite 'att - OM46114nt to Ah fit ail ell wemient I he son ol %V I ot thi nk that lie found it ewly to reform, 1 Rack salt kcabeen diacovereil i Mus- The late Bishop C r-onyn WAs FishleWi & Groy to siluw her a little abotit Shading 11 It 'the burial set -vice aloud. ' � tk� of Kilkenny, remang in ss- S, tIt required moral cour- koka in Paying quantities. the rta received their I for lie t.14 not. Thomas- Cronyn, Esq, arriving within p is of 'the, A as and well 'asso'ete- Bus Stands in Goderich �Pg I hr h .10 Fito sli�ak Plainly to Ilia ov n Ireland'and �as born in that town Irt �ealed cut a plain- stock of stoves w ch an4l woutti make a! erseer i The average yield of wheat in Slaul- , cathedral the organ I they are prepared vf t lie cniihe of Ills dismissl. It rectitired tho yela,4 1802, bein. thus at the time of ; tive dirge, solemn and thrilling. Rev. to sell for cash or other reasonable terms, haads - toba will be 30 to 35 hualielIc. He received. gulf deni:;il to break off those habits his death 69 years 'of age. tiscended :klie pulpit and uipetutit itistmetor." mr h ich ha1 hecoine second nature to him Tile Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, a h is etirly education in Ilia native town Dr. Boonter the funeral GOOD Fop. AWLEYMLE.—Mr W R ,Yeq, but niY purse is two prominent tran. it& r0ellious times died. r studies in Trinity read. the firitm� portion of Wilsono Blacksmith, exhibited.& wooden Con -1 tile lack, but it tlugt him that ullich before lie Mud pursued his late service, the - c�thedral choir supplying t the South Riding Show fl.)ull, %n't bearn plough a And the tuo Separated ursAillcr did not kitow —that of himself lie could itNlntebol!o. Cullrge,,�Dablin, where lie gradualAd as chante. i3ishopHllmuth. y logo at I the customary held in Soaforth,'on 22nd inst., for which (ritirely distinct train oi X.11glit,%it- dc, 1,no thinz" It taught hin) ta Tile Weale n Feniale Cot U. A., in, 1822, beinj ald(i diVit-Lity prizc4 -1 the services. 1,.,-k t4a,,vttigher sourc ; for strength; to Hamiltun has 100 headers and 50 d i'q himself conclder we was awarded. the first prize, it isA volved from the saine circumstances- tk 1Y man for that year. Davo4r . o wren were broth- tz.-Ist :11 Providence, nut In lack, and ill to the ser lce'of the Church of Eagland The procession wits then�( z!ormed from porte that he is going to slow it a' the Bert anti Henry Wi i v the churdli, and in the order laid down, West&m Fair. nd tl a light of spiritual bit-asini4q Sir Francis Hincks is unwell at Otta- -ahil Ireland he wasordaiiied, and served WEATH'zu stil continues 8ry with,THE PREMISES O'cup"ED by " B. SMITH, C014SISTING OF A 3 era, bkse WiLh euergN, the collegians, assuming their proper Story Bri&Building, fire proof roof, store and'dwelling. Froi�t eTatrance tw �elpaiate fter III thell), as oll its earthly There is a gwieral improssion in his 'first curacy nnCer Carus Wi oil", health, e.wh with a ca passed down -Richmond street hard frosts at nitht. o dwelling from Square Situate on North side of Market Square, 22 ft. frontage by .%, lit) H, f-und catiso to be , official cheles that his Successor will soon the North of Englnd. 140 was subso- p looketh. wt.11 to I a- a!rd Dundits street to St. Paul's solomolt's f 11 t I icle John for Persuading have to e timiatd, s the itifirtuaties of (luchtty appointed to a curacy in Long- along 147 ft. deep with right of way to NoFth St. and Hamilton St. tile ai]loopt I furd County, Ireland. cemetery, *here the remains were AFOAUM swe LU St. Paul. Will be sold bi Auction on 15th Sept. next on the premiaes. joill, wag at present all ini"We Ilia age are bein exhibited. About this time, Adelaide was settled interred. ession moved on its way of the fmily of Albert. He wits a bcho- It is Said that the population returns by a colony of retired army offic-3ra and of RUMORS OF AN ATTACK OF FORT GARRY. ssesstti of a haof the census will ba co,4pploted in tile through the principal streets, crowds 11r, arid 1). oiliers, and being deirutis of tile sury ices Enquire of ,,;f this wurld's- good, obtai�ned.by his own coarse of next niorith. of a,minister of the Church with which citizens gathered along the sidewahm and St. Paul, Minn., bas recetly been Visit- compartledthe remains tcothecemetery. rti —We rk I il p-, ipt 11, Gilbert GnIlin, P. 0. Inspector, they had been connected, the Rev. Mr. se of clergymen and col- ed 6y a distinguished -Irish leader, and rate to this The procession "NA7- it ht ur or so of the ev"llim, tin whith -ned front British Coln abia, Cronyn was induced to claim a foot, in their of- since his arrival the city has been agitated A v. __.. has retui legians and masterg 01 e N�as stwat ,;— Whither lie weat to, Put into op6ratinti country in 1832, with a view to settling -ad distinctive headdresses, by 7ague rumo�jl of an intended move- we make their )91 1 ficial robbs a mt�st pleasantly by Jennie nd her unele I WDE _1%U11 SEP a law. 't 11" ` ccjsts in that section. Arriving inLonoldn, on a point not divulged, b over her drawing. But as the hour f. -r I the Canadian pi)statr formed a, pec aliarly novel and impribssive tilent "Pon 8011 y Goderich, August 25th, 1871 andilic headuf tile no itioro, for letters and par-pers to -and his way to his new parish, Ila at �ap,ed We the long array of carriages, the grand Fenian 'army. The St. Paul retiring fruin the Pacific provinces than front one d sight wl �bove sale postponed until the Ist Oct. same place and time. 1031 lagged, T110 Sout-h 31,1ron COUVant. - here with his family over Slinda filledi ,with representative citizens and Press thus, refers to the matter: household r,�t urned ,lot, town to another, viz., three and two etst. of be urch preactied. The inembersof ills I friends and acquaintances, has "Ascon"firtuatory of tliase rumors, a and the pene.s were fiiia%. laid asLde.— I itailar oc- number of strar.Le faces have been I The 12'h of October is approaching I respectively. were so fayourably iinpressed wi It tbe persona, They wet I ing to cst Anxious not beeri, equalled on,any a a 3111t the Secretary of the Reform Asso- Tile Quebec Chrovieft, speaking Of the discourse -of, the now minister, and tile- e London was first settled. observed gathered abou t the several Irish: at �he fa,�e of a of cut- ead'on 8111c icking way so soberIv in the owi I), in this issue,notifies the Party of Gastord woodou railway, says :�The anxious for the services of a ma All the stores lolig Dundas and Rich- hotels, and mysterious hints have 13een IIAWI.iece t tWoeywities rocently imported by Mr. ture as well as piety—for in the early 'torner, wh -it his foot;tepa Nyoreherd ZIP- Ithe m3 -ti ig t) b i ti) I abl inthe Town . streets, in the line of the funeral dropl;ed which justfy the conclusion that The Cheapet, Hulbert tire working beautifully and tit" days 6ducated clergymen were not mond closed, dutilig its pro- there is really dome movement on foot, G. McKENZIE pru,whin, with a rapidity tllllt�' ("'it of 11,11, as agread upon when the trains are cotiseqticlatly running na time. Canada-�­they used every procession, were which inay be as surprising, and pro- with his usual deliborstioll. 1, numerous in gress -, the bells of St. Pall's tolled, arid epresentative men of the Riding last Tile woo,l is coming down regularly. ly quite disastrous, to the actors AND LARGEST, a 0 exertion ft) induce him to remain here. lit everybutward way the regrets of -,the bab As he entered the llarlt.)' , ','is f3et' w ild Tile Comity Cauncit of the County of He went out toAdelai,le for a brief i imit, t the death of art old and highly therein, as its several predecessors have Has moved, to his own Store on a;seinhled. We' have no doubt the'Sec- public at -Y li-is invited 31. C. Camerc�i, M. P., Wentworth, hold in Hamilton, oil Frl- but the strong desire of the congregation arkedly shown. bee.p. It is clainted'that a considarable I atter ? Why r-.bu esteemed citizen were in hdzLy la -it, it %Vill be seen that that body in London, as well as big own personal rge crowd, force has already bean enlisted for the are v�ojl 30 late t e ),,,it dear to be present, according to tho mineral At -the cathedral gates a la I lllnmilr4on Stret Bo- k And Stationeu Stote o id, -or whatever else -it fiiay; ranted a bonusuf $20,000 towanl�d- th�o preferences, seemed to point alit this 88 principally ladies, had assemble to await proposed ra fathir Jennic ST)-ailt, toward him desire of tho 0,tivet.,Lion. S,) mariv dif- tinilton and PurD Duvor Rlilwayi The u a a a -hated I re� seat, 311,1, Ilia P�oper aphere fr labour. the arrival of the funeral, and when the be, against one of the p ssi n of s' c.)rding to th at In tit ati he sank into the lie -s, by Various --- - ____ q tock purchasedby him from the s face with 1113 hands, groaned fereut rumot prompted necessary arrangewents were accordingly thedral doorsweragpened thesacred dealAtism.' A a 0 5 I The 8- covering hi Inade, and be ws -appointed nd file in: our rather tha!1 motives, have been circulated as to his to the 'a- edifice wits speedily filled with people. made by some of the rank' a Insolvent Estate of St eumbency of the congregation here VVe I ern Ontariog "I have seen a hand lifted both in and alit of Parliament, 0 cilant "m by, dvertise.r. this 'new departure ' Fort Garry, lying we believe, the Bisho� (5 Quebec. an inconsiderable distance north (if the agrainst his ovu brother, -.,ad tllt,-,' hii tiiat it ii necessary lie should meet his dividing title between Mintlesota, and awu ,I-nneiit. At For near a quarter of a centufY the I - I atisfactnrily Her Majesty's compjaint is now Rev Mr. Crf#nvii WIS ti -e eSteLmt!d BAYFIELD Her Ma,esty's possessions, is to be th in Arnold treet, tWO brothers c"llstitilents face to face, a. Iffri JOHN R ARRIS me-. for a .-soci. explain his past acts and franklv detail rheumatisin of the feet. mittister 6f the Epiicopal Church in tills Signal. point of attack, and it is fujrthor claimed AT MOORHOUSE'S. 0 .d," Is was their nightly A BoriapartiA . conspiracy has been p 1, v, a i To his car -lost and continued fo the Bditor of Me 11" that men and nioney, and all other rc- ciist.oai, and',af:er few laoluellts cl.iint his future Intentions. The Peformors discovered in Paris. efforts is lar-ely (In e tile protaitient . . iy of quisites of such a campaign, are being the �r intmired of ono I Sciuth 11 rron are not more unreason- DEAla SIA, -I have not seen in at NORTH SIDE MARKET SQUARIN, ad been lately A Steamer was wrecked at Calcutta, positibn occupied by that denomirLation,, Which he is determined so,.,te % entura wl�ich lie h. Our local papers a proper account of U,e rapidly gathered together in this city ur o able (hall formerlv, but have become so and 138 natives oil board perished. not oulf in the city, but in the surround- vicilli!y. As soon as these are properly all -.1 it st�elllcd- -Nic, in con- N. B. -By importing direct from u- he took oce'aaion to rally iritew,ely dis,nis"t'ed with Sir John A. ing coxintry. His influence was used Bayfield Sabbath SchoolPic Organized into effective forces, it is be- In r.)p,vi The Tyne -siders having struck New- . . hof England in lieved that the expedition will quietly int, frout the 61ruvernment those nection with the Churc in secu the otht�r it pou his ill luck, biding hiii, c(l 'Ll's adni.iiistration, that ft castle is flooded with f6reign workmen. So. leave for the azone of hostility, antrat R. ' Mla, ley TO CLEAR OU1 follow in his foots*,-T)s. This w3s takvii large tracts of globe lands, which have this mission, hold on the 7th imst. British Iftaufacturers d words desire their. iepresentative to'very de- I The Czar has ordqred the Gerinall been a not unfruitful source of revenue even at this late date, I sit down to give the propor moment a blow w -ill be struck in i,lolly ,,, ,It occasions, show himself to lakeproccleco oltheFr ch_ . that body ill London, and also lin which will make tlie British lion howl, ed each oth�r 'ast. They had be Eteeply inibued with liber in the schools of Poland. 4 -no you a sketch of the day's proceedings. - and rinder that unsuspecting post an- AT AN IE IS ENABLED TO OFFER ALL ; I prine Adelaide. At the Santa time- he was o cu,Mt1h to reader thein It iples ord nd At 11 o'clock, A. the children assem- Thedread "Intericationals"litipe lately bigot, but always had a kind Is ey to the jurader. goods in his line at a slightadvallce, for. tinick as thought, their wure and ready. to fight for them, at all liaz- i . = been baliquotting instead of strildrig bledI uix)n each A was ardi. We re very much mistaken if 101ping hand -for all moral and religious a very good and encouraging gath- In ad�itifin to the statements above on the sterling price ; in fact, his cu. sdthroii,;h the enterprises no -matter by whom conduct given, itis further known that a meeting mous Reduction tomers are supplied with goods at retafl and conspiring ering, in number 194, looking quite gay En4 Mr. Cameron wilt not be able to coil'- The Vendome of Paris is to be rebuilt ad, so long as th�ly had for their -objects . 'o wasbeld On Saturday nitylitat 4certailt at about same rates that small ealers a,oner di,l te brother see hiswork than ' hopped along in pairs, headed by p,etel% jiistify himself in the'eyes of his and Thiers ha�s deci�ed that a statue of the welfare af tbepeoplb and theadvance ad th'y point in this city, ' . which. it lawge auto have p buy at ivkolesale. be turned the revolvar himself . , about a wid before any could he was in' constituents and obtain a renewal of the first _Napolcon,l.as formerly, shall of religious truth. a Brass Band, and displaying ubscribed FROM �SUAL PRICES. 3�, 000 itolle of Wall Paper, to sr*led was a and deousited, but wheth- theirc(oifidence, and we have defended surstiount it. The inerdase in the dimension -i of the dozen flags of divers colors, adorned er for, the purposas of war or peace is from, beingthe -Did vou know the Parties ?" asked A court has been opened at Washi. ng- Episcopal Church. (if Canada tit last with suitable devices, and appropriate not yet definitelly ascertined. Some bini bitLerio, from the attacks of schis- ren z8gary the'subdivision of texts froul. Scripture in large gi't letters. ppople inav ssunic that'these rattlers Uncle John, with a to(,!- oil hii-face if matic3 in our own ranks, because we ton b., Recorder Gurney and Jud4e dered nee- On they went over tile bridge and tip to -,ire without any foundat I �on whittever, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOOK some personal h&Z!Lrd was involved in the Frag.r to consider all other than Alab- the Provinces into a larger utunber of bulieve that no one shall Id be condemned is manner the Diodese of Ar _Nliddleton's groxe, which is beauti- but the assurance is givea� that they are answer he was to receive. iiia Clar" to besubmitted to the Arbri- soes;.and in th nee. The I oilmen held by any one house in Ontario. tr�adon conierece. Huron cattle into an exist fully situates.1; bounded oil two sides by simply 6ased upon the utterances Prequently unheo. We think, as the reformers i Ahe Lake Huron, who have not hesitated Itc Oh yes, I have met them 1. shop devolving upon : I state �that election of a bi the Ba� field river and. IN SAXE HANDS om YEAB4 at the place. They were men of res sche' of 4,T'e South do, that Air; Cameron's I The Cuba rebellion has been finally clergy and laity of the now diocese, the whi-li, with village opposite affurd very they had been enlisted for this lie. pectable position, in the reception of crushed out. good wages as arerse,rs. Both of tham absence from certain divisions need ex- Thiers i, -afraid of his life anU has his general popoularity of Dr. Cr,)iiyn (he fine views Seen froin the YZL ta-0 rout y quiet -indeed, javer very plin-ation, and that explanation we ex- be d-ch&mber guarded by patrols bad received his dearee of D. D. f points of the midulatin-Y. woodlands.' Bere is i cha cc to save wo-ey a o were usuaU Trinity, Dublin, in 1835), seetne MODERN BEexy SHARP. -1 Was' -a -en. a glass pe -t will be Straightforward and sati- There is a deficit in the Danish Ex- d to' Arrived'at- the appointed place --the talk.rive, unless they had tal as thia most acceptable children atf4ded to the bystander;i, 'Who lately announced by telegraph that an I Goderich,Sevt. 5th, ISTI. EW64 or two-axid much liked by all who kne- factory. Theie is one question which chequer which is to be made up by an Point him out person for that office, as. wits almidantly wire variously estitnuted-at front 800 to "honorable gra-Coopet bad r)een arrest- Goderich, 18th August1871. them. queried we think the Refortners should decide increased income tax. provon. by tho large majorities he receiv- l0U0 persons, a rich treat lit the shape ed in London for switidhng, and the "Is the place an orderly one?" to regard a,;,'* neutr.1 round and that The conference of the Universal Pe a*ce ed at ti4e election on the 6th f Jtilv, off and aiAed by miss London papers give the details (if the I Uncla John, persistently. League is in session at Lansanne, Switz- 1857, over his only important compedi- of Hylllns' led ir, which, ocultring, in the dtill sea- -C,--etainly " and Albert lifted his head is the question of incidental protection, erland. Haacke, one if th� Scholars. vhose Per- affa I h aitention. Yteflbxn�n 4CIDIan4eil with a 1,,ok I of sogne "I to infarit industries native to our own tor, Archdeacon Bethune. of Torouto forniance ,n tile weloducii witonished son, h;LS attracte(l itit C 16�1 � I New Orleans had a public excursion The bishop -elect at once proceeded t "Ron. Florence Caroline Cooper;" and' OF THE 0 �,iany and %vas highly creditable to her- I In bid reply to the address of-tbo never saw anYhilaff COIA;;�; to the ruh-,41 country. At the North Ridino Oonven- last week to which excursioll, steamers England, where, in the following Oct- to be tile cousin of Lord Dun - Self. I SuppoSe thO prolfloters of tile ell- Soidth Ridimg of Huron of propriety there beftse, and I step, tion, when Mr. Whiteho;Ld �Pxvlained were run. ober,- he vras dulycousecratid by the lid the ueice of tile Duke of Agricultural Associati-011 at the Exhibi nearly every r-ight on my way down t tortaitittiont had some prettionition ot a , tioi. yesterday, Governor Wilmot an �1'vn that when the tariff quebtion was debat- It is quite au ordinary event nowadays Ar6bishop of Canterbury ill the chapel or a long B,tcclouch. She is a young slid very T and get a glass of lager beer. I consider what was about to take place, fu sted that before long rail tray communt. in oppo- for babies to be born on the trains. at Lambeth Palace. I- could pretty voinan, although site has hal go ed two years ago, he acted oil it table was spread with ail that o cation between the different Pro,vinces Tj,, R,,fr. Cb� il of this Rifflng wM =eet sit it an excellent tvDic." S�, cc that time, the late Bishop I!Ias tempt the niost dautty appetite; whilst three husbancls, and the one she now, will be "an completed that we niay pre. the Tawn Hall. Seallfco'Ah. on Thursday, tb* 32thdAy No reply was made to this, and 9w sition to certain leading, reforniers, be- The Grand 'Lodge of Odilfellows, "y 'iseel the supervision of his extensive. at tile saine time theve was no lack of the has is not her husband. She seems to . 'for a grand Dominion exhil3ition .,f of October, at 12 o'clock, moon. R SQUIMIL groUD cause he was petitioned to do so by the sitting at Chicago, has jlist amended its pare more remarks being passed, the . - I roldvids of ur seil and (if our work- Coatity Council, the Township Councils, constitution so that no colored man can diocese with care and enery, until Pis more allbstancial edibles. Fowls, ham Ila" had an extraordinary career. She, the p soon seperated for the night. failinu health adnionished hita tba� it' Was the datiAter -of a nurseryinan-, ftar this o,- znd private individuals, the delegates at; join the order. and lanib in abundance. . As for cakes, o . shops.1 The idea appears to have been Goderich, Sept. 28th, 1871. Several days went by af woulSbe impossible longeroto continue fruit, &c half could named Boten rly, but'about eight years 4 0 -, it seelilea as if 0110- t y ,curance, with an alliusion b) financial the tonvantion were Satisfied with his -Uis active labours. -He not only had the entiftil ago,,%vhcn ho was a young girl, Lord , readily aken tip, as it was widel di possil�-�Iy be vinstimed, so pl en by matters. One evenin4g, as th,�y wer ex awao front hoine ic - ' is- A RA RE 'I 1EAT n,A ussed, 'and agsurances were giv p!anati4n. WhenWr Caffieronmp� care of all the churches, bat lie aho to- Nas the supply. For'exmple along the Dundonald took her Y the Chairman of the Finance Committee Sitting after tea, on the piazza e ex1j',4TiatiPq t Seaf,,rth, we hope 1801stacl Poi - tained a special'133terest in his, ild charge, was counted no less than i3 large atid pldred her in a high school- at Bays- ) ell4oying a lik -1 - . _ Sk Pirg T-U3Ur&U00 00= of Nlontreal that, if selected as the place Mir C. 3Fe3r*gU1,90nW coolness of the summer twilight, it will be receiv ad in the same spirit by _ri - title cif tile Hon. Miss, the remaining rector of St. PauFs until 1860. pluin cakes averaging 4 stories cac.- water, umcler the it for the proposed 6xbibition, that city t Jennie, at her father*s request, —1.1 delegates there. Ldt the representative her enterprises in which lie Tae only way in Which I call convey 'Gr -y. What wore the precise relations. 0itild provide the necessary accointonda- The well-ImovM Blind Professor 6:tbe Irfab lffiflou Is. Her voice was ba held to a str" t accountability on all We ll�ave - pleasure in, drawing the Among ot - to several simple batlw ic took a deep intere. t, arid for 'which he ywi an idea of the Performance at table between her and his lordship are wit , tiou. Ue Suggestion tit Governor Wil- Harmonic Pities, wilt give ottletiflils Potpukr0olacertr. clear, sweet, anol for a child, powerful. pther questions, -but let this be "neu- special attentiun of tile Canadian public estly, was the BibleSociety. laboured earn i by stting that the eating was kept up kno wn; but after a 9, hile she inarried 'With cultivation, she g-,ive prom -se of tral gruiind."' Mr Gibbons we'lielieve is to the establishment of the aboye Co- 2 a I mot is worthv'.of consideration, and if For a long titne the active f tend arid I gendemait named Ba- lis; a relati�e of for over- 4 hours. Not by s;aiting for Y carried out woulti result beneficially. reaching a high staudard. Her father also invited. A true blue reU,rmer front iiany. The Directox3 and Stockholdsrs, .7 THE VICTORIA HALL -11 a sit pporter of the Upper Canada and Brit and an( t1wr Lord Dandunald. Her sihed heavijy as she passed into the Hay put. his request for both mettibers I being among , our wealthiest capital- �sh and Foreign Bible §ucieties, he was, "tie table to be cleared off 1-1 and left her 0,000 a year. Site then ig the n"essity for a set, but by every Sitting being'fille,l it -ON_ house, intent; upluu filling some direction to be present on the ground that "Mr. ists, arid feelii - the organization of the Londoin Anx- fell in with a Mr. C,wper, who decals to DIED. on &a fas-, as vacated, and Jim it continued. had d(me dtock Company doin business in their .. ; then of her mother, trilling a nxerry song as (;4iucron could wiplain. what he ry, unanimously eleet­1 :,a presHeat I mly wonder that the waiters held ,jut have made way with all her money On 51*ndaT. 25 Monday Eve. October 2nd She went an,13-Ir. Gibbons cculd tell what he ww- special line have indeed conferred agreat '": d then tb September 1871, JAYr Ninngow an office hich he hela till his death. a, : w( 11 t6 the last. Ana as time wore she married a Mr. Bayley, in 31COONALD, daughter (,,nly surviving child) of D. L I was only a richer man, I would qVing to do." The presence of the mem- boon tin fa-riers, and ovirriets of detached His last public appearance, outside of his hat %Vill be Mr. Scott. She was about to bepre- it -it bell Mvt),,pald, barrieter-at-law, of Toronto, Mildly assisted b3r ati n, the surprise was, no'. w spare neither money ir paills. That herd for both hotis� 5 should lead to a residences by giving them Iusurane own church, was at the annual meeting whence sented to the Queen last season by the aged 9 Intinths and 27 days. A11R8,--1AW I t -IRS 31cfOUGALL. D& ruoiw- voice should be c-alti-vated- and' her grand rally of reformers uid an enthu- such reasonablu rates -of premium, and it of filis sodc' done with 'all tile viands, but on. Mrs. Baylis, but -something - . _$ last spriiit. 1:36bi-WL&DY, -im,SSRS A WAISON, musical talent dbveloped But i is siastic meeting. Members and their is plan t., be seem that the promoters of cattle the supplies. No sooner would u 11 tied to prevent it. Tbrough one DUCKHX, and oilier talent His failing, health rendering it impom- dish be.emptied than full tile to)k its happe The eelel)rat�d Opera Burle-que V11 be wang, tneless, to talk, there is no way opened-" constituent cannot ineet too often and this Company are sound in their views, f her deceased husbands she has a title THE 190LA-TED RISK ible for him to continue the work of his Doors 30 Corcert twaommenc "I think that I see a way to, reacl. coute a cl-ar understanding with. each for all kuow that the class of property. I plaze. And Mrs Willialuson's stall e at,$. that and some other privileges aJso,- other. We do not know that it will be to which they confine ilicir opo:rtions is office with that faithfulness and energy see,ned a sort of 'Fortunatus - purse to 04, 000, and a law atilt is 1l(JW u 11119 which always characterized him, he ail- Llaboutit. Butforsouletinie6hehad Tickets, 25c. eserved Seats, 40c. wherei' she had only to) dive to procure I B Bert, if you will listen to me. and not be necessary at this Uouvention to nominate the class least liable 6 bun from any U been usider a cloud, "d has had tuany nounced to the ynod of- the Diocese at basketful after basketful ad infinicit offended at a little plain speaking. I tile L-andidate for next year's election.- but purely accidental cause, and can, ies. Site renfed furnished Goiderich, 8 !! t. 29th, 1871. it 10 6ve been taking notes, and have arrived Very Nital q-iestious will come befora and is by them now covered at every its Illeeting in June, the necessity for the Tile battle was fast, fierce and Iong slid. difficillt nd uaA turned election ofacoadjutorbishop. Thiswas tained; but to the last the storea` held hoilses, er-tild not pay a at certain conclusions therefrom. the Dominion Parliament in thexoming reasonable rates. incurre I the suipicions of her HEAD OFFICE: Apprentice Wade& o his last public appearance. His recom- a I ut; and the attacking party, although Out; Bile Bert tutned his eyei tapon his uncle in. session, wheneverthat may be convened, Being the first office in the Stock line, i0enditiols. wag adoritedby the Church lit espeople and coidd not get her sup- vanquished, they still displayed full trad to a King Street, Co2wr of Church. Toronto. STOUT wouder, but held his peace, and waitel and the party ma desire to see the re- which has launched into the business it LA.D To LFRN BLACK13XLTIUNQ atilt before- noinintino If, b!%wever, is only right, that the same should be first the election of Dean Hellinuth, who wa.9 baskets in reserve. I am sure Mrs W. -Ii plies; and some weeks two she vient ousineds. Apply -to further developments. consecrated only a kw weeks since- 6 tailor� whoin she had arms ached that evening, and net hers Mr. Beiijaniiii, a CAPITJIL - - - $500.000 ALEX.&DER DEY the way is cl-,ar to the unanimous nomi- patronized, therefore we say to our never seen before, and said: "Oil, Mr. DEPOSITED WITH GOYMNUENT, $50,000. AubumP. 0* months "I have a sum of money subject to my Beinu ei1s,bled for the past few, alone but many-tithers besides. All tht nation of a caiididate that preliminary readeis-and iuEecd tothe )vhole colm- o -.I am the H on. Mrs. Co. Ter. order, now lying idle, which would a Bet(jainin. 31itachester 21 August, 1871. w a uelf remedial measuresag rest an" while the sports went on. Alany swinL I - might as well he go. over, at, that the munity, insure in the "Isolatsd Risk f, e, seme of his friends and I want you to lend me 220 till next PPESIDEVT, furnish a good and suitable instrument. travel could iv were on the ground arid b,)s's of dele,,ates could u�ioiue n work to Fire Insurance Cu pany." not onlY Friday. I have incurred adebt unknou n ALEXANDER McKPNZIE. EsQ., M_ P. This I will place at your command for had hoped* for sume iniprovomen . t ini era occupied them. With little inter - quire, if secitre his return ' Let ns at an) late because the security to police hoblers is health.' But their hopes were in vain. usband, and I want The money A FARM FOR SALE. any length of time you may re lilisitons the Band discoursed 3 weet son I- to 11Y h hare a large and' enthusiastic gathering undoubted (its .capital bring $500,000) to pay it. Ilon't care what I pay.yon JOHN MAUUHAIS"Tun, you wish, andaiR indulge me by trying but because as ab mentioned, it has Abou- a month since he returned home�; stirring intisic. Some very fine anitettr an experiment. Don't answer me to n 'the 12th. ove but only returned to die amon%, Ilia re- filled the breathini? times taken for interest, if if is R5 or RIO or more." (Late Assistant-:�ecretary Westem Assurance Co.) FATt31 FOR OF 118 ACBES, WITMN 14VZ-- been the first to give 10 rates. Welter London tailors are pruverbisilly accent - Hear me through mlmly, and . latives. Slyngt�ln �ltand. Races for pweetmeats, Aynjlea ofthe Town of Gaikrich, 74) of wbiell Ms - night. other Companies ha a reduced their b� teal 114MIKERS-CRIladlan FalikofCommerce. Urder CultAvation and In good order almost clear of t So haspassed away a good man, oilating, )ecially to honorables, aad e Huron and without any feelings of vexation." The Ult luterostZ. rates, but thanki; is uroly I scramb�les for apples, prollienados,andditre It, o cc forked out the inooely, stumps. vhit; ioxin is beunded by 1Ak * "lie to the faithful and dev-)toA' iui!t�r, an carnest we but; itiontion it, some little innocent Benjamin at on ADVANTAGF2 OFFERED. beautiftl1y situated, Gravel RoPA alLths way(sad "I aina' all: interest to know your plan, above Comriany, thor ore give some lay wid practical pveaclier, possessing takinorpril 0. U.forZ25 frthe220. no Toll To pay) uvd there is a Larp 0 an the.. 4na. tunded to entiatici the plea- I mng with the Igo aced, even if the ove (if his utimate friends, -&lid the He soon after found that he' had been Ist-J&bs,-lute security td'Polley Holders, ill the Premises Bearltig Choice Fmit Uncle Jhn---or your experiment, as you It is gain,- the rounds that the Amer- Inr . the flirtati' term it." ican Government. intend to impress on rates were the szme they -deserve our sures of the day, Evening cotuinq oril, sliatte ON %,ejy large Ca:h -Capital -You pay your foreman one hundred esteem (if all who knew him, The most takon in. Ae-had the Hon. Mrs. Cooper T T-� R 1A 8 The Rev Evan. Davies in a very appro- 2nd-iThp importtit feature intradueed by this onethird otzhe purebase viiiineY u down, tho- dollars per month, do you not?" Congress t1l; d4rability of allowing support. foi�s Mam-ger, (Mr. Malwhan) evellgelical. and liberal minded of the priate address thanked the children and arrested for obtaining-inotley under flse Company of instaing nm-hazzw*u pqperty only, balance may remain ab Iringtis it sui t epufthaw hasbeen the last 1.8 years connected A rintriber of other cases being the nm.ns of giving its Policy HIders very bly.payjngiutter-e--aft-overysixPmonths 6 r ceut.­ ;Erectoir be- For flirther particulirs Ap Y 'q3ecause he is not steady, or faithfu Sp6akj) A NAMY ty. 7, a hope there are good w �srswl a st64 rawer 16- to his oNin interests or those of his em- only on accrount of hip age, sun I begau iii-ge lady tins bpen sent to prison to await ing all rEsldeeti in CanRda Im 'Yes, I do." coal, salt and lumber to.enter the States, bishops of the Episcopal Church in Cana- those. assemble for their' attendance, PTetbV§es- Im Twes on debiched dwel'; g. &C. free of da- ith the 'Western "surance Company,' dai he was considered in this sention, wit settle ciltilplii acr and toasts were brotigh f agai list lier, and the charin- -bwkhrildem, D 8 aud,AgI (if Toronto. !'I % grounds for the reporL The month of I's POs'- followed; after which the 'crow without delay, slid paid in =4 at once W22 t Mr R. Radcliff is agent for Gcderich tiou, but also because of ,his Personal ng.- h,ar trial at the next sessions. Godertch 25th JUG. 1871- ployer, your oss out t at averages to disperse as the shadows grew 19 eigIrt dollars; per week from his hegligence Decemberfis approaching, at which time, and vicinity *and all applications eith-or ati!ities and unbimitect cieed. as the, On ail hands it was freely adinitt . Id that R. (RADCLIFF, I yr-sivIO Agent for Goderich and vicinity. -this ectly; indirectly, you cannot when Parliament was last in session, the personaly or by mail will receive prompt ca.lingman ofll.Ze Protestant Church. coil as some pligt pic-nias have been, attentiou. 11 THE LAST KrwG OF IRELAND.- Roder- e Ihope was held out that this 69 consumma- t its one, either a�'regards �nuulbers. ap- ick O'Connor, of the ancinnt line of Cut and I know that the am of e;. Many friends of Other denomina. ill join with his own people ill IFALL& WINTER STYLLES MiMIF18111 M11111 of rmlliflefy� ar yeat must be tions sir al goilial enjoyment. was four hundred dollars p� phances oi- re naught, wait the- last Kill,, who sat on tion eevoutly to be wished" would be their sorrow of one so highly valued and bb't,nd comparison the very land. ' His obar. —00 for be'o-.,r the actual figure. �Dismiss best 'over, the throne of CelCto Ire reached. Till then our salt-manufactur- u long tru!ated. herd; awl frequently toward tll0 acter and �ilAoits are paillked with tro, him. U. nderstand mo, I should be the . The Pall111fiN Gazette says "The ('er hold -Utu' Come, last to condemn for a single fault., or for era should keep their courage up. r - �r - - flatterinL, h iJ by tha nionkish writers, M.LVEAERY mans are uing their rchmological close, of the day in ne shape andlanoth at many Puri a re froill. staid .(41d -Ab 0-;- .1axises; I would strive by every researches with stlessness and energy Bishop GrolwWo'nuel er, we heard remarks vilio Idnged for his destruction,. or lat�r .00— uLeans in my power to encourage the orr- VIR - 'JVCW2i which remind one much of the late cant- bodieiiiand froin'the young, to the effect historta s, who have kri"Iteit' in thr E ing, ifrep�ntent; b . ut I would no longer paigh. Asia Minor seems chiefly at this AN rNPOSING DEMONSTRATION. that it was a pity We had n0i such genial to (if the Roman Chimcb. All tha WINT _`R COMING-. set a premium on vice. * Give his place I in.ietiis more fro4ttently where each. 0-- IL as of fated are 00— moment to engae their attention. The nd Wo (Edipus. Wan honest, conscientious man. -W- s Mr The obsequies Fresh,, Fashionable, Che'ap MIMJ1.11:81t find its in- James Blant, a Conductor on the excavators Iready busy there are about - of.the late Lord Bisbop tnet the other in a spirit of k attributed to- the unhappy king ho one leak stopped, Great W03tern, was kWed at Wellington to be joine by Professqr Curtius, un- of Hbron to -day 25thbist.; formed one good -w ill admirably a4ipted, to dn away ventured to Istrikii a1ast blow for tire Begs to l%tal t t st Suence in other w a. our workmen Square, wUe attempting to c e tTO questiona, I one of the most competent of the most solemn an& imposing -de- with, and haal tip ld sores a frvedoin ofAielancli -4,'ho resisted with vioillity t t sbzliks opelled but A IAW Will feel a c S e in t at., Osphere, cars. OUP monstrations ever witnessed in this city. ings, a�d to propioto that fabling of oplate at4oCk tif living investigators on. that g�ound. obd1ir%te'pa"tr' tiouti-the'stol-clad legi ns which work a radical Orill. The" The Hellmuth Colleges and the,7 public brotherhooil,whi6b.should -be a clistiu- h The Obiiierver severely exposes tile con- This expedi -ion will start Shortly, and as of tho. Pope Uil-Rehr Oil WILLINE21 comes, p-�rhaps, a har-rd task still -to duct of volunteers lh:o;n the camp, who, they do not like to do things by halves schools were closiad, the collegians'and guishina-f tuark of all chrietiha commutw more 'thin. 6A, -social aj� aye been MISS NeCONNEL-V some supeAor engineer a put the axe to the root of ur pleasures. have the streets of Saruia unsafa for in Berlin milaters of the coll. ' ege, and the Board of ties. fo our F�stor who has recently the eveof-la­ aI AiiiilaPh-- -It is sai H's �USTRurruvl`-D A I.AliGUR STOON --AND- These litUo selfilih -rati'cations 8eein ladies. blic School Trustees and teacliere At- taken &arge much praise is due for the that Roderic stArown i . 4ain hy than itsual, of the very best quaUly and latest o - officers, with A gunboat, are -told Offfor PU ? - � a trifles.in themselves, but they stita up in site 3p S% icwvo o Ad at, The Western Fair, London, opens the purpose. It is said that the plain of tending the funeral in.6 body. rgetic inaftner in which he act about his is w feared1is sa*!&ge tapper, stylesinthefollowitig lines:- Troy is to be the firqt object of examina- 'The *A rgIllizilig the thit nt 01 the eyes of a fearful aggregate, evet in the lig it of with,7000 entries, beating the last aid yor and members of the,City re -0 Sunday Schools; and [tip two broth nubg ltibbous�t he Ch w t flats, Bo t dollars and cents; but in their influence tion. Professor Adler will watch over ilio -attended' in their offibial the recent ptc-nic may fairly be xegtarciw a- t, a. h4% wastail. in civil fends Which ift will sell as eb P71 I present ov c x bitions. kilids of HAIR JEWELIA yina&tordar. liptitt the character, in their weight upon . . the architectural interests of the ex.; capacity, and the clergy of the Diocese as an evidence, of the appreciation of hi s Ilia t at: shoul 'hve,been turned aid Floviers. ca opened at Lon- ioned- were largely represented. exertions by,hii flock.' 4 . , Yeathesr N. B.-Hping learnti-hecAR84=4 10 liis-vftbe"� the souli (which requires help, wit. bin- The M ddla,ex Assiz pedition he fit further - agal hafola. H4-4eoms, -f4deed- to ises houies inloropto. feelm ubfled 7tO "Wata dnd commiss, &Ancm), who can estimte it? Looking don, on Moday, bpfor� Judge Elliot. The cortege left the Sea Hquse West. Oz wHo,ExioYED.HLX8ZLF,, dt 6 1 r�r A sp�enol� stock ofGloaks i8carves, Clouds cl ortier, with 1romptuaw; $Mai b4ye Wanted PrA14011430 4 41 9) ten I to proceed while iu those parts as far a Boods &udWao1enzo0&",,ohoose*om. stylo. at the matter inerely in a pecuniary The 'Belleville ladies have-forliaed a Jerusalem, where he is't�) oiketch Dn th-e IdifiStei, about two p. in., in the follow- Bayfield.. Sept.-17thi 1871. have been-ditusived bythe treacberansA ts ( . . . .11 I - 4e6uneftispfepatedtiltivespeel _& jour two or �hree glasset of lager Mutual- Julprovement Society, toration of thei irigrder : a 1M. -As Xtes, spot a desio for the res of Dermot and the priesta, " Yet One- 1i - eplsc4r3d*or4,We#t:0f 3114nu%. ralue thittsenon. she respectful Y solucits good. Doet.forget th Ing wi sympatl y VIM f8l old staud. -Weta aZ� nigArt forn, t ' oui4 your two or throe SandAeld is to conduct the Crown bus- Church of St,.'John, - presented by the Tire Rig�tB�evere Dr. Hellmuth, avoid itfviewi &U from the IiAies,lxfora thoy nlakO I hop 0 Godedob. eigars, (fo� a sedatie, I SUPP03a), ineis at Kingston Assizes. The two tothe!!1tuSsian Goyernmenton Huron. the st2fy of the mfth4ppy In - c whose -wipter purdbases. 50PL'118n Amount in the course year to a sum M RAI The great excitement OIL disastrong reign was at I marked by nd. 187L acdonalds will likely have another con- the ccast -of: t.6. Cro*n Prince's visit r.,q . 4oricit t2 -7- sufficient to sectitt-, the services of able forence s WOIL i abaut� diem -is now"paiati .-haiing _torral� two years ago. Xedioal Advisers of Deceased. a sinuere.atriotim, aud. oiia misfor- Morris Bv- req ts at Post-iiii e bl� 4e �ef er, ther, hep tlil a744 I fotcos fist I th nar nated with the paskno of the loin _m t tunes were �,w Thus Jennie c,sufd - be provideol for, anl .4- _. Lsw,'4 %' 6The., Waterlod instroctursiaboth mimic an.drdivin' Rev. -Mr 11au3hon has arrived in C rermeritedby isteahery ada. Ths employ-i4entloT Steamships in con- Clergymen of the Diocese.. orhii sirv.ile':_iehr. 'Amid his savage ctl-q e opens f of thp The crowd wak . % p I Y0 uoto for present eidavnient veying Emigrants fromthe 0rhika yng-- iminpris aticestral iffilds.the.00QuArier, tell* urs"If, rch w Ar 0 , albly pivards �of ivolunteer camp at Pres The Governor-General inspected hit e -plabe; at one titilf. dom'to NortliAmdrica, haki greiitlyii- Chu ardeni, find bi by -the e, ex. blitt P Inkillutise, benefits in lie Cott. N ain postpowerful ftionaroh of, tho'alg' -R EAT E XG here edwithia-the', past few yeazt. Cairiageli, Pre- of th T Itercifully ctissed, Governor Wilmoti, ofNew Brunsw ek, 18631heptp6ttion--of those *li(i'-took Mournin with!"41.1 'Bp4rara.- ere, hb" poed- -6 tto us, but it often trms - darkly; and re- : said at Kiniston, the, othe- of� I - 11 - __ I -g �. � � - .. ' sont.from the eIg oringtpwiphilig.��1 -Dr. 06ulfieldi Rev.. Dr, ownle., p Rev. _y Me these would kisep the,% -the U in Ste= ps, to Canada, -was- fter t welosedari4 o' the- surroth%4ed bv traitors, and �.,CA C> folf Confederation "that uAder the A ag Re:v�J. . Marsh - !?auqufW V9% f )tit the.ititrines nf his sourcewli ag.fe ri . 10 V ; U -t . le6kdi , U. 1, ... & �� . , V Eromtbg�d�,)rindarealine.,ofindtpend- arecifaphouestand economi NAY* tubitous. rmil-% wing the IA&M-of Wi5OPe -Ven. rbhiBan4yi, Yelii. Arch �f?r eriticieased. 116 i� iln I tie I r bbe 'Still Takel ge4t plesure in ii1fQ1F ceht.' C� UwO edlis y4istockof eoe4 in: the beaft, Butt 'would bribg eiamont1whicksca "Pe 'toi-htxve� -r -foi in not unworthy of that ~Ift dM ei' xan(l in 1869ryj� stjillr anon C Pr_ 0ifionfor hitbig � - I FOR SAL A HALF SEIAI jf requiredtheilrbolemightt, ed) on m"dw1blia t�rw for C � business done is ezWlentp an(' ticraber's only reason for sell - having hii own businets to atA cannot give any pttsunat it the Printing oflice. ABRAEUM GQderich, 21st Sept., 1871 As "short accountilmake we dealre to have &T, least a tlement with our patrons. rendering all armunts f.:)r job -work and advertising 'u-, August last—tile 4end of the I our proprietorship of th� 3nent—and for tile paper tip cember next, the time at whi sent subscribers, the weekly r.owetilargeol, will he raised Mr. Gavin Struthers, durk, few clays, wiQ call on our fri hope those who owe its will P ,out murmur or (lelay. ^It _j,, to keep ort, as -we ibbend to 4 constant irnprovement,� UnI vork for provide usw b the war," which we have justiv� 7� — (lown tali Remember the Rev W. S. I lecture this evening <29Lh) ii peraucelW4 AtT.30- RuxAwAy.—On Tuesday horsey village of 3Wt1UndviU olas Morrish's t4eam ran � 31artW,is Hotel, leaving ol ww=n at the old salt well, haff-twolundred yards furth went up the bill at the gaRol whippletrees, passing three oi in their progress. They wer the top of the bill without di jury t* themlIelves or othe _your horses. GONE To BLYTH.—We UnIl 7. HayE, Esq.. has gone ito ] cure a temporary Registry- C I= to be opened an lat Oct. Tnz LADmi? STORE —Mr ertson hastTened his Show'. a magnificent stck of Hat Cloaks, Fun and Fancy ] which the ladies should x�&%:' mspecting before they get t STxzR SHoT.—About 10 white ateer 2 yean old Wag below Air MeWs place w holes throughitsbody. not klitown. THE in= p6s.—Poto we at@ glad to stay, Will give and visitors the pleasure of I On the Imh Umon Eham on the fint wettk of October Assizes are in session: He� sis" by Mm Simms' =d Imovm talent wbiwe Bervicet Idtiffly promised- W�e would.ot rec9mmenal or tonstant.use of ar� - y mQdt important,to take even AL j , *xcrcise ancl ca but it oft4n. Occasions h) brolum skius xua blisterea ay1m 111st, in all a Joliuson% Inodyne Unimei to, It wulre�uce the xwel Aft�r �a ikir aud pro P-0 nd Syr eryous tow far othein of 'consildit;=1AS -Senerally. 3EL 4U: IAM I.Ac S) B j2 N.My willour 1riends Tt Ictskies when they most -that miAel �v Lalling Atur a F. &rdainand get -Norris Deal w T" 4 -nZf t �Oct 2AU(13,-:StxpUen4ud ter. N";t Wi�w4mosh. Howick, -4gorrie, Hey, Zuri& Tamberx Vilng� y, NOT cmw CA300, VIECU4ES AIM 11mflyvjA4b,*p1y1=nt" 4 THE MARX Tb" ............. I . ............ SITa"I* to Ibe -;ZW& .......... - pu-boo ...... pertust ...... ........... per . . ........... . 13utte'r # Varley. IttiAll ........... ottj� *bUF11 ......... wrk.v. ..... yemel* busib ............. .................. .............