Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-09-26, Page 2�A '77 Tr, :"7`tJF` W-7 77 "INN _`7 z�- v, 6 r 7. 0 Pr g il-Iff 3 4 A I PIW 01- f il I—. to fe 3.-,70. L710�)Tli .11 -U A tell of. The lad'es Of 8011th Best' pw-r -oj G'eeSe._ -;34. a, 2d' 'Th6mai -Nichol.- S TIE 117 11,4rou decidedly carry off tl J1 Caj&; rLeV le Pa'51 -2n.1, A. I'Mccitt. BUSIORsi.-It tr inspires. oxi dit, tl];aE their sisters in other sectiotis, fo Three named varieties wiriter poars,.15 of ;nSIRABLIff FOR S.% LE A I I A 1, F S! I k RE, (If t1te r en- Best pair 4 Ducks.-ist,-, W. J teach, 1st Peter i4tiniay, !&, Ja e ott. a lIU1V SLdVa'1A&llUf,AtAury iii RIPA16� LO ba MOST D IV", Or 1EX-ITAL or thusiaBin in exhibiting the w9rk 0 in a Se AT SEAFORT11. hands. We were rather III f eir 43ailey; 2nd, 141. Cv4slvell. Three,zigmed varietibs d4all pears; 51 of �" it) operation, in i,Ul- JOCality at BOIlle date very ea, ly ill f it wn�e, history. Th� - (if re-pliyed The -ti,de might I -e ptirclvis- wtppoilited -It BestVair of Turkeys, each 11st 4blin Hu. illi `4d 0. S. Van ed) (lit r,-aq,,nable ternis f )r C:Isl AN-,, have to conglatulato t the Fine Arts Dopartnient, in which. we Al i - -1 .I. T 1,� v I ' bl, tivellibors expected better things. , A touch of the. ex. Wilson. Agind1id. Three named -varieties of "raje"A' aliff apparatus. necessary usines btisin-c%s ilon-zi -s ex.-t+enr, alk4l tile flij,_ of the Soutll Huron Agrictiltu ral Society itleal inight, for oxanlple,- be infused EXTRAS plums; five of each, Ist J'An Thomson, ful- such an und ertall x1ler is siiid to be s Stands in. Coderich scrihor',,i only reas­n f,,r svilwl­ I-, thiR 0 bavint, lli�t "", I] 1pll.:,Illt�Il lo iritet"i to lie ` tlit' v"I'v sllc, e-ful. �Ipoiv held at Sea- with I'liticli. i,enelit into, tile spirit ot.the 2d Johnq`�Rugill. Nalned culleLtion of already provided and auveral parties to! f wth', oil Bent pair Brahinas. --W, J. B41ey. grapes, ithree clusters of' 6. hrvo taken contracts fur supplying -tile and j,"tiday, 21 it I Matter -of -'fact tu-ttist that gave Best I air Cochins.-W.J 'lcy. ac reclitisitu tutiber, It is to be a " joint Buell a ripe a I,! "-itd ills; .411a; gr, 1wrl in the 6 -pen air, lat John Zimmer. '. V,, � hav now had the J, its. -Jas Wilson. the Printav, utti -,-. - c pair Of puli'v checks to Her Urticioug Mtt,_ Rabb Three eltisters of gra-pes, one or more tock affair, I understailid. Mr. J. Grant "311 rl 1. (if il,111*3011il]�V i�';'y Queon Vic4�ria. How anxiously 5 S jll( -LIlg ('I of kiiiherly mitts is said to be the active 4D %0 ])fit in vidn, for line Of Air, CLASS 11TII.-ll.4PLr­X1BbfTS. varieties, Ist Robert Goverilock. Named or itianaging � parLner, and all who have t'll­v (If th �iu V­dlibiti liz col:cctton -of ripegrapes, three.clusters 00---ra Goderich, '�kjt cres%%veil's vxqiiisito landscapes! rylias Wooden Axle Wagon. -Rudd ok, Fill- of each grown tinder glass, Ist Roi)ert III,! htst,l k Trwin sit wed a cl- (if millinery, *tcn- a I the honov 0of knowilla Chat goiltioltlan, which ravished the l,carts of the fair via- D-uhle Carriage or BJfggv. Plate crab apples, ye)low, certailiiy concur III wISLlIng Min in tie artinent. '111c 91111W - -McIntoall. Govenlock, it'IrS, WIIL crowded around it all d�y. Morrison -1 211d'Lesfie W11ohiles. Ist Peter Ramsay, 2d Hugh Grieves. undertaking. HE PREM] SES 00 -CU PLED BY R. B. S11,11rR, CO AMIUSORLY village IT - ving Ob-) we Lfirough' NSISTrVG Plate of crab apples, - red, list Peter StI,ry Brtek linudiog, fire prmof roof,'store said dwelling. Front entrance �,Iavct_ in- Mr 1'. Grassia showed se%eral Spewing Single Bit Grassill. :T A (`�-Vd 0!;Ir , =Lly tile "eery oraval"� dollies Out as it ollalA. a,3.,; k j 'it chin -,s Mr 0. Wilsdit brought olic Iron Pion --ft.-G. Williamson ; 2nd�l nw)wd varieties ee 0 . . tirket 6quare, 22 ft. frontage by 2d Hugh, Grieves. Thr d%� elkiluil, fl -4.11111 S(Ill&le SL�Iate Oil North side of M lhil."li an�l : of i he fimiou i "Iblorence" inaciiiiies from R.IRunci -0 a 1147 ft decit with right of %tay to NOrth St. all %ye desire t,. at 1VASL il v"Al I V t 1) C,f [nail. Of Pe ehes, six of each, to come like goia that nus heoll th,,,ee d Hamilton St. twinent xvit!i ,ur 1vorn-ii. N\ �, tr,� for it,; f-.,tIIj:e. NN -L, I is for e.xhibition, which was Wooden Plotigh.-R. Wilson ; 2nd , LA T.Ionim Nichol, 2d Jotin Zimmer. tried in tile tursiaou %if tile purer and IlVid Uo awid 6y Auction oil Jo-th Sept. next oil Clio pretaikes. pi, -e6 of workinaiiship, tiltairl G. N%. illiallisoll. J U D GES better fur u6s, extra tibuting. ilplrFrazor's rpTidering .01 terolints f,r e v;,Ii (iie fortho y Homes— Jartitis, Joblis g. to sond III) their I nitd doing all infiluto variety wills are livallinal k tn,l advlerti�;;t:�: 11 of ("Inlitions, iio,selt,ss, , IrbliBeam' Plough. -G. Williamson. toll, Jallies U who st ;11-:y alliVIII& of 131n, fill. Space, we Horse hoe. -R. 11. Calton. Whize, tt�-bt. Nicols. alural, busitiess hkia 61110-,111. aa4l by and Cattle. -GOo. Hyde, Geo. Westicott, bye the lungsufferilig watc-liera for broad Enquire of A11:0.11t 1.14.r - �!10 L'11,1 t4 !:W 'i, -,E ve-wr I oplv,,rninity 1,11,it �.t,2 reyiesviits shonlil likv-to Say More about this Show Single Buggy Special Prize.-McIn�- W da I i and beat 'c!l (if Cnuivla.') 1k hich N% as it credit to the wh6le county' tosh & Morrison*' liarton Hodson. 0 Lit lie seen turuing in multi- to,ir pnitiriot-wil ip �t L.11,k , vs( tho ; NVe.,re a.- i islicill thero musit. have been IT. Sheer. Ballantine, Thqs, tudLlll)tAS eagalues, to have uileir litany Illea! -;%]I t for tho i- On t'P 3i't Do-! It Gan.-Ploug -Thonisoficb-Willtiarns.' Gourle 6161111811111g'WantS nullified bythe aineh- .5010 visitorsill 'Scitforth Oil the I 'A. MjiLelland. conlSer neKt, t:i 01:0�1. to Pair Iron iiarrows.-R . P. Calton orating AgOlicy Of 8.1,W Or AillsLuile. Uur e t; ilo I, X ai a-b,r; Pkqsy & Poulty.-Jchn Wats,in " .(III,; 'I'le"Ild pill), aii(I the entries woubl not 60 %ent suliscriheri. ti.�- likce",v vlkti,oi, a.,,, vLI.e it Chain, du -John Ondinore. Duncan McLaren, Jailles Keneir livroic ltttdt village call now wast of Godericb,, Atioust 25tb, 1871 T. )w ctilan,ed. %yi'! o. -t ovel T.Ite 11111111wr less than :101t,'I. That the insti- Fieldrulter.-John Al. 111artin. Y. haVilig Lftrue-coitokilotIL-jus ros, &r is our earn ImPleMe"t-4-P. Adamson, John dlegaw, and abiore sale postponed until the fat Ocfr samg plaft Mr, 1110 on: ri i nlid their wtif,inn lll;oll inaN Yo I and time. .IV I SZ1711. -1 Tarnip Beall drill. -John M. Martiti. lialiey, Jolin Bitillentill-i. welisuppited st..irestuo twooLd stand- K"e - Timaj) cutter.--M,�x%vel & %Vlitteiaw. f -%r %I ,I;, will c I'; on ow the disp]:L�i ill am O'led WIAC 'if SIrlWLekid wwcailgor Eli Ivizill it to do. & DaijW Produce. -Ill Me-. hope Fanning RIL11 Al. 1N1cTap,lr;Lr&& Co; Dommid, A. D. Freeman, 0, M,p f,,r owit- th"So %I Ili IV:;! i, ly 11,1 .;!,1- s!) it wal_blt� the Mr Frasot ; and ikIr CatnOL-1,11"S tunctivir )r PR ENI I IT LIST. 2nd, ThollIson Williains. ot" rrow. tili� to illenuolL ongilt'j,,li. ago " I" ill'i) , irlit-It. inore All & FrIjits the -P. Adainson, A B. n t., keep on, is %ve lli!ell it, Punip.-J. B. Williams. to have apitiog,sea ; seeing Lhat It=n, m!, Ti,v llea­ PORSE's. Bilowlisoll E. Bingham. taills a ju-A tra"o aud is 4 ell repti mail ited. bp� G AZIE The Cheapest, Iver'. ;lp to, th'i Illark 'Set hOr.90 Sh0Ls-(3raILatn Williainson. Ladies �Vuxk &a. - %, rr. I)r. Cole c K E, Lilt 111,1se I-- tTA:,S 1'ST.--11FAVY I)VAI!T HOUSES. i 1,6pyi 10 it; %V�t) t'l J III' � Cl �ir ),i"I I inc!lvlod v.,nic B st BrI. PLANTS ANo FLOWERS -CLASS 1401, - ' it ILIIllterULIS Staff ot cu.stionters; aiso thlat, tS Of I rod Al ru,(foal tob5 prodOced.) NJ "a- M. Y. McLean, Mrs. H. ChesneV rs. J. Up, % enlock and Mrs. J. D nca�,. :)f Nlra HaILIlay tVhlell Ojai "A forn.:; ofshwivv Jo . 11-6d ; 2nd Jos. [l.tr% ey ; 3d Jas. Collection of Asters, fist IIV. .1. Bailey. M it mar. wllic�l wc liave jus"IN , . 1, 1 ILLS opeutat a N-pali (-f which. it set- ell. NZLtiied colleeti6n of Roses, (13loolos) Ist 1()tLCV frolli-tilts circumbtaaeu. OE Its AND LARGEST, T40 . iziiop of Norfolk, having been jpeat d tIJI` U;IBLII-ISS dilrill- Has moved, to his own Sto 1?6-;t Fold. -Jas. Elder 2d Jas 'Ale- %V. J B,Llit-Y. Natnod coile-fion of tile LIIIII)SPLtUble anti oluillofts soa-S,in rB on W"ll,ki 11.1% J I�vell LI'llial to thj� .1,lltl,,a4; 3d -lab. Scott. Verbeitas 6'varieties,- Ist V. J. Bailey COADiUTOR, JBISHlP FOR THE DIOCESE -OF OL e Z'Ll'Actin" 'I, "1 :1 01!1� S'111117). Amon! st 8ozr Two vp-ar H URO If. Nanied collection (if Gladiobts, not less h Donall _kiA Villy.-Jas. Mc- Than 5 varieties, Ist %V.,J. Bailey. And %� - - I togota--r with EIELMillt6n Stl�tiecl. J ITT, y . 0 1 -And Stationgy -1 's there Wel-L still, It ; 2d T. Alc.11fichael. jitir awrilt lof tile p oprietross Stole -Bee't Two i -ear old GtAding.-W- largest COlIeLti011 Of almuals minted, Ist The hatior of boing elected, 0oadjntor ot-lit vi bod(i well t,.r iEs obLKLoLn- S 17 1) f,lr agri,:iiltural liq in W.a i [fill -on LIUS IIJUZaLshareof the litiolic PUL IS: C�tsli ; 2d J Bailey� 2nd T. T. Colentati. Bishort for the Dmou'.30 Ft-LagA: it)# The Stock purchased by him from the Clal-;11, Pa Ing C I :U"e allp, lit, - i Olit, year,ji,! Ftily -Jos Harvey ; oollsie,�, 6 varieties in flower, T. T. been conferred tilion the V`�,.ry Rev. ucertaijily requires no trilling ainutint Insolvent Estate of NVe regror tIl:It tI:v 21 J -it 1. 14 ',X I I I 1,t ti. lenian. FnelistaB, 6 VitriCtit"S III 110WCr, Duall Ifebitinth, D. 1). into full Of fafth and fortitude, together W11 It it Western Ont n owing 0 lln-olllp-e�p, : 13 't `ne I_eAr0V1d,ng NV. J. Ballet. bhort sketch of the history Of title khcso duLertilinud iiiqti�tryl to lildace a person ar]LO., is to all -T M%; Ifichael. takon, 4 flia ?)I.i::Cs offered IIN Eltrit, P.-izoil, present,�tl by M. C. " VLOETABLES -CLASS15th. -Ttvo kitics liatile is at, I% eli known to all, an -I who vi t" SOW -1171ilit6i; flawes in tao hopte of Tae lrh..Ie e�vIinvillity %Va.i 1. C -I - ]I. fit the best Draft cese, wil 1'. We nK, 00 hust ti% cp yevir o!d mir foret pa,; to Mr Wichie W,lc i.0 If.; thoottice onf Potatoes h;df bilshel (if each, 1st Joho s -ion to beconLu the guide and leader Of real-,, nip "Julig tile Snowdrifts. . Iii re- JOHN HARRIS be �of interest It) of tilt' for tli, :r it only to "JoIn" %;'It' tiler (other busi- if AT MOORHOUSE'S. Ei I, 4)p,. residents of lled% of -V� I roaders old fil!v, nor y"t -fie m f6ling of Hon-ii.-Broid INine blo U�Aft US a lfler(JIMEEE y ek I, 2O John Polih hirdi, and his naille will add ali- linulle Servnt is daily gaining for it :'.I -pir II, ulk Evanig. WAk Dr. Hellinuth is Of Jowl It origir and buels Ist J,:!11:.1S Di Which he is determined NORTH SIDE MARKET SQUARR. Lrittlest)(,ro. N111,; Ist to that alleady loll" list men "To !""d oPLI111#11 Of all. Our trAvall N B. -By imprting direc' 0"1 the In IFill S zi-I t,v d Ly� t from 110 eLTASS OR GENFRAL Thomas 2nd NVittitin Cli;trwrs altlohist -iod's ancient pe, ple who -,1rParrCO,p, of "Deltli House— ?tvlll"r t'll't %VvdIlPs4 PURPOSE H,)RSFS. Sr. Nitta ni,mgoltis, Isr J,tulb c,ijily aistingnishLd 1)1,t 11 1) been fortunitte, its Others, in sav jig ,,a ift.,r a CUB oth. TO CLEAR 01 Bes� Brood- (foal to be Pr Dietisou, 2LId liVillia:11 Uliart,trs. Note Church and State. thedeviiiinn-oteal.lit U -1 It it tky�is litish Manufacturers .1� lev, GV 2nd Niattliew LILIO"ll, "Lill all Ja, I Swedish turnips, Ist J.oties D,cksou, 2nd 01' Htili'LlIth was educatedat Broslan, By prl tile 1..Ilg; D.Lv 2V i.Lr :, e ." - � vl:� Jilt)108 M,:I)oWt;Jj. Nille J011g ol anJ it %va* uere that 1�0 received his ;j,auncr tit UILLOrt,allillig iliortfeii f r ine L "A I j)tlt)lju it] heAT AN 31t 4!1 "k: t, rkhl cutrr.,ts, first it"pressions of Christianity. [I E IS ENABLED TO OFFER ALL 1 Lad John Huff;1 Ist Jo-ieph E%aas. Niti, (IT vialld and im.-er- :v] w ls h. Carnochan. R.,ijurt. i6ki, it ,I -to apubjie pr -do' gwids in IT is line at a alight advarce a-ls ; and is p4i'Lictilarly I') CA '-Nil 11liMo (211 Lrt,,td. Nine whitu tile crtitli its itds g"itly T., E-01 Clio lllosL iib0L-cIA 1,0ittronago pit aii _11-Miell tel . I on the sterling price ; in fact, his cult, :31d , I -it, (horgo Hahkirk 2w, Eli fian.1 for Chi t,rder to trill' s - w_.L1r th,,&I -LAZIOTMOU tie -rig are slipplied uith go,idB at retail 0 B, 1,,i lie n'-: wi�-:I tile cliari, io;i At, ellIll,4 dUll. s Reductlau oTwo i t i I d e I- B r, -�,d f, tot. ay.,id peisk-cutions. Indt&LOgaute scv,n of III& lions f that sniall delidern L . Di�kson ; Twt!,vu u,,I It about Sallie rates fill T _AL tA, J;.4 corn, Ist John Thoinson 2n i in 1644 fie caniv to Canada will, clic AIr HUIIIVLjrc) Is stlAi to to have t buy at wholesale. sn 1, -,,*.. -I" 011e an Jame Scott. w.t-or llit'l. i' hi,jit-st t;oi­o,ocnd;tI i 118 fro.o uii�lly VIO,_ fl,V,;o (it ... ls� 111SLL,y ittVaV at Ilia F -ROM THE USUAL PRICES. 3P,000 Rikil of Wall Paper to select 2nd Gili, ZinTOker 2 ,it a tit open, ini.ludiiw TIT(! into Archijish I, or with Swill t 2ILLI bllie�.y front, beiii-the v it Iit V. muk millions, Ist A. 2o(i zioinn.r If Ca. ttoi-Zlir fr.)qI CIL' tiloill-Inig away at tjpiirs� shous all in g Tit I in t! I i -3 a 1; Gt llLande54)ro. Fonr lipi., is ,I thne he has held ti 11.it as a Illooteril C tilight lie bull- parerit LARGEST aND CHEAPEST STOCK Otaila In L. f z, lilillower, Ist J­st11h Evatvq. Ppi�ak ,f and F r eight years Dr. llowl C40 on i,f I , t,iu:jde,b Ls; ;'2LId re,I oilions 131, George Raukirk 2nd d-u-111111tI, was ne f LOU o%er Lho Wa% "'Urle, k%e LIUVO IPeck otir village carpoll � rocted iurf., t,ic p ith tf)�v tI'If "I'lle 41- ytil,o,, C,,Ilcge University, Left Ler, PASLUr bilh-las held by any one house in Ontario. r .11. 4,11.;.; i,tIIII)s lle N�Z,s 'l 'IF fl. it's s. -G. Ewi lst James Scott, 2n,I Rolieri I'Llie, itild Itictiml)ent 8t. U--L1lIIlly�,LLI C,).,jly d,pill, OIL,, Clio USotll I ble�-stht3tcxeher IN SA&E HANDS are perinitt.1d t -P Peck Sitionel C* I.- L%lill-cli, 6herhr .... k. He "'it 12 YEA sho S KffUrw4L'I1S andwie 01-11"Inelitzi "in all w4unur f by w Jrd A. Ross. it Many f r ., --'. -111- 1,,, ipclian_ 2,id Sulireiliten-ient, for vt ei w III the U.,wgory of child. of,, d *0 H ) I, dell 21ld L. 11 SkLJ111 V C IGIL Here -is -,i cha -ee to save mo:-ey 40kLnzXJWe. ifunt,-r. n'utpi of J."lin %Vtliilfla. depz ac,lk lore, ;L:I,i III CIO ll.iL thu C­loijial and U0111,111,11t;tj (ilillrell falit-Les, from the diniviltlo,it (of 1-dge Ili,; li-tppy ii.fitionce 0:1 tl-*,-ir Prizas preented by N1. C. the i,rilish Ainerica atu o-stort. d tenetaietir, down to that The third s� III it th 's i!l t1us Cam Es�j., M. P. B EXTRAS It %%as w.hile naxe illie. Lit-ur. C �1. �A Lil to su at Gerferal Brass -ware, Goderich,'18th Aug . ust 1871. Goderich, Sept. 5th, 1871. sw64 Prcszon, o; th_� Darilvii Di't III J,jhn Kidd 1)plslti�1.11 that h-_ was chosen by tile tewir of theillog day, nd the fear-Lilslar- It at SloL.1vecs" "I At, c toresi(h!nt of ih,! will' all Elie r he was hor' Pill' . it )s., bl�st t�vo vear Ild B -9111-1) (If 1111toll tip to EnLilami 'I'll f6rest confl. judd flaunut, Jaine's Alexan ler ears of age. ho a d 1'. f ilucull. and coliect ftillis fal tile est, deg, It 'I'S y I I , Illare Bee -hive, A undowilleat thrllllli�u and horrifying opts xo� 11aE. ilistrti,-Tor of youth at L Iof a rlluillo�;Lltl uxtre'llei V gratif to -baerve It;) W all 'The follmviti% J01111 Walker, 2d t,, TO Ills,itt.ceic, e st"ITY Rli,Ivvs hnw the I Thp regitlar lipPeting nf t1w Town Contiell Is rw. fl � I Ill stindry alid around the I brewerieR thrivii it' MIT ilich:7 "Friend I-- he ali i iatelided to bill, duiblitith t -CLASLi E. if [tie lre note �ILVCJI,Ivipeol, ol litiniii mn-d rintil FRIDAY, the Oth of October. TLt thit church in ol(illkl-4 havc CIlvel Since last orge FAirsvtli. v la,,,ps fall Ilack again Into a uijd Carl 11 Sidi Otte fal Twitfail call Von Psital hemr. By order, but chaged hia (_!;LSti of INfillincry, Miss Irwin. ly stiort Little; tile fmids Prosj)erous Coup,11tion. dri;ek a huDdre.1 glasseg of 0. Till-Ilip ulitter, eer its a -TAAIES T11031PSION. W til.. L, e-ir4e Nott. dail' I will wager YOST Carl Pre,ston moved tv i,e reLt:L'Iled TO 2t-9 Town Clerk Iaild was all' 'IN(, I thiiik ii,,t:'P bOt tile, Lavitee to Ow,�ll lilat, _11 3 Sitar 111r. Divnn�j, L-rotess,,rof HOron I OST. f val Was Pri-neillial of ha Raiecki yarn inat, Catil. I�KDouald. I tit,- DioQese is indelited , o next diiy he accepted the not, anti ql1affoed an -I 11 tri. lacv, 11,ia D,,jy I'll the 11"Ildled -if beer. en CA RPET B � G, at the Goderl This School w itY fit the crectimi of n ile,allt.fll. chapel 1 4 Wnn' LI �ilj�l Illol"e (Q:!1 c. j)jIle. declare!' cried his fat friend,- Twist shirtip. (.In(. will, sett of t itlillilp Pants and'vesi.4 TI till- 12t,l in--tant. it en Ina rh; leabove col.oge, "A little Ij,#u.j0Iliu no,% ul Eifel), m on,`1ptrfnl.' BiLt ton Oa, Carl. lids) &­ The finderwin wh,,7i he Br,-nkfast shawl, Mrs. 01111t as it mutw-rim t,, his Is relished I V thu wisest men.", did no� take Toy betYesterda%?, .10h It t 211 i t. WhY YOU lie suittiplAy rewarded by leaving it at this office, fThos Inthis Ivork fie -%as uanfled to try HENRY CLA.RIL r, (if �Viile; led6ll!d, &3 otl�, of the ie�f . firsr. at, 6-derieli. 2srd gelit, 18M redsed its Statils L litil iL j� - .,k - � 91,11 Ot it, Ja,iies Wiled 1,Y so-iie iietu ours if tile family, Son '. I " I — — ! r IIV ii: I k." 'If 3 Worshippers -Weak motherewho I see if 1 co Ill d 'it in Untari. 1. 0 8� fa Clush oil, M, -s S Isnil R000rts,,in. ilild 0 few loc,ptj it' t'll IS. f k; t FinFSIDE T.LIL.-The cat's. romms AV Truloo, tt In Owen Sound, his Badly ear,V Li--.C;l L III, J. ]I; 2nd, Crochat worsted ti(ly, Jas Sott. rutij�umorjt- (of Bishop Cionyll idolize their boys. RRIRTERIS, tTT0#N13YS-AT-LAWi SOLICT- ()­Be f Fvawitr fl-jwurs, will be mourne. L; IT. GrAnt; 2uld; E. W. frolo th-- Iteu... 111.11 Of 0 wbell is an , ne inpr. nt n -That jt�,ross the ocean. Btors fit Chaneery &d.. lGilderielL im-3 teachers in' th enool r-, D therty. - PICIIL'S ()iLtht-. in at likelyl Sic TRANSIT. PUPils, who owa their soce,?3s t L-Ilid4ill, L;I: LIWAOuth %as liliollic- ohen the teritsiare pitch- Mbtto for Grocers. -Honesty tea is DIJR- ed. the best policy. k -ASS OTIJER THAN Ctse Of worstpid fl(oAcrs, Mrs W. Aiii,jiLL- I.-St Ills an4l hisimpress is left L- Li-sr;Wti n of Paxinersylp. COPAiannity bv whoin li wa, I it i,me, I. I -i A M3. f,),-- Llie+nb,lu Ild llI;LY "When are yon Inostly at hatile?' a4ced I-Lr6Ai)zR "-Williain North I Citse of sued and cotiu wo A SHORT The PaTine,slilpiteretlfore cxli%tlng between tM UAVE-d sit -lea evei- sl Clit-oerdIld, wil.4 n". askea h% tile eltitor if a Pallet. u universal csteo;lu, Ani t rk-, F. SI)ar- eltintione I til.,4t 1, ndemigned, linder ti,e z3ame tir firni of E. mount. with deep rtspect an wann, 111'e, it i-ai, if thuCealutcry, Clip. I)IIII,lLo-i ofthe replied the prer. with which he wa* !,,u L'I Crocimt (1trilt, Jitilles Scott, a coi.nected to write a eamt1p, & ol.. litio, lIeen this day dissolved IlynintrAl Oy I;tsdrs. Ca.L tillapol, atill tilt: establishilltnt, f lending article apposing the temperance Pebts dilo- to) the ji_ May t* pirld to Kititte-i quiu, ia;oeg S,.;(Itt, yo.m., t I I e "'estern editor lately returned ft I f .% lit -it II1)-r 0 'I'Vii-in, E3+, still"s I)ill with the "Yotr I 1110A.01tiolit, which wv-s th"n feeling. whileat Oweasoll.l,l Prosicut-'d th_�stapli-�3 waicu, a: iL t -C i,�,l 5fi;L%e, tort it I2. -D. ll-Eren ; 2d S. zi.-CLA.S.-, 12th.-Caiiada Coni- Fl. %I0UvTC48ThE, GnAn nittking a .,2 Helt"::irli lim: lolig felt there was illantiscript iR decline 1; it is illcl,,ible I htir iti An city ,f p4.%% York. - E. HOUNTCASTI.B, ha -I party prize (if for che best ten bush J1. ; 3,1E. Crtji4we,l. Of it i e-Inciviona, attcadaac:3 at t e 1�e 13 hat i' ear olti Helfer In- yon d one,and I %prill -_,I% e voll Twnship of Goderleb. a.id passe '101-3 of fall whoat, list John Curtis, 2.,d 'if it hig'li character, all , after Titan) said a father twellt3 41,11lars for it," said 14pe A tigu 4t SIst. 1871. ,d nuiuber of ils x- if1111C11411jr ; 2d Mrs McLean 3 D Me- Will. Bell. Two busUls ostill, %%IT,) WLS Tinkering all told Of 4"Eii-Ities he at last Succeeded ill foand- watch. niy t ine," was th Elle, li.-st it) fall. 1'1� whaat, IstChrlesTough 211A 11 U­11eut, " wfii,;h How lon.­ do you wish it ?' intinired s;a.- of I P Lbu North. 11 As sht.rt as % ou call otake it D -.it 0ae yearolil 110ifer.-Jas. Broall_ Bell. Two,�uislicla of barley list Charles itir 1865, , nd bag 0siicte been 1, .riv,: ta,�,:it w,,r I wasthe reply. I a Pri neip -1 IS NV J r --j nder. his flers�.- a., I n,I it rtih sat' do - IT 1"111 jr ; 2 Uaroocuanir. 3.1 S. k�nr_ Tough, 2d Hugh Chesne . 'Two bushels I,t,y increasing in the unniber 1199- folltowing : Henderson, 2ad -Udell Es nd schol zoruy A. with honor3 as Twis Your 1114me* led by I - y k N , w Jersey sell (point q ter wbo 11 tiediately, aiLd wrote the r,a large uat�, Ist Julin B tie work. Eac ll"t ed threepupili tiotil t1ley Ivera c,).ered I 4,%vp vllh, see the whole stond drun.4 iIIn 8 ver4.1 'es: H ifer calf. -D. MeLircu ; 2,1 11lair. Two busij,;Is comillo., :�I oy chi S'licces f Elie buy's C. lie fj, will' w -Iles, advertised "gentie. but fire, their own treo-rd than ,ne nian Boiler he 3 -11, G, IOa's, 1st Jaaie3 Laz�desboro, 2ad Thomas vein' 1-f-iltnilth,s, next IJrjj liersOasioti'l aq 1);&I,t (if h 3LA n- 10 11IIIIII. ear old Stevr,-.NIr.; I M -- CL Was a Goderi Ii, as N, is cliscil-bile. t t doilars vwere 3e.i T,o icliol. Two bushels lan-e peas, ist stinilar wo f,ir Gratain L 3�1 youn4 ladies. For Clie A mwn who proteridt-d to have. itimiedLtely hawled liver. *and the para. he ha3 faithfully atoa to a.;C, ati-1, ILI L8i9, ,h -s(, Lvas askud a hat the-gidlust S;t;.d to UVRPIII was publipbed at; a ieader. ar Scool. t!ie daties .f 'if 2,i Ja i.. Br� 4 Cli:trles Tough, 21ld `,Villiain Charters. plail" i seen 7 siliall peas, list J6hn Lilt! "flehinuth Ladies' Conegre" was mt 011n, I7wo bushe s Wherever he went, r preszoll 4i I C.11 i per4on de - Ir c.111 Steer. -S. Car- 0 Bushel of ali-orated. a replie-I the -When a (0 1 tile loVe f U33 -titta B_ -it Oil@ ye ',1'uIl;2ed8 Landesboro. Under fit's presidency it lat, narrator, I,wlVt Meaical Query. 2 tialothy seed, Ist William Arjjiztron� a'Lained tile fuirenitist rank, and ill in- I all, not killed III While the st.ck is c.litipplete, and speUint ('f i2i [Ito' j1- is on fire, is it ra and the "a id? clares that his brain gard. of So)c:ety an,.I it s, - :is; 1, %v;Ls by no nj,;;itn3 2dAlexander Brotdfoot. "LlY (if the (lead, etiquette to blow it out B,jfit B Ha:f btisllo�l cellectual aud religious training is andii r. lages. ' ? ery sad that the Sim of a,) ar iie saeczel at. 0 REMARKABLY GEO&A.P. ij,,bic a fo--t jr ; 2 IT aos. G-i-voill-iick 3-1 Thos. flax sacil, Ist John Steel, 2nd Alexander pas -sed by all% snuilr institution ill the A �,Genuine �rish bull. -Sir Boyle nian nd a citizen shollid Gray. world Beati . t ifui III 31,11attoll, pe Charles�L-Lnih, sitting d-jwn once tO Roche said, I'S , ingle misfortunes never A Splendid assortment of gone do.-Vn ere its had rea,;lied it INSID& rftlet in _B.-sc kit; Coy or Ht:Iiffr­Hnffh DAIRY PRODUCE -CLASS 16th. -Five arrangeinelit and comfort, Una V,o,,4sos._ed ldav whist uith with Ellistoo w hos, �coine alone, and the greatest of all I ion- dia.l. But he has not iivei it, vii. hmi wit 11 , I t us r ea hands were very dirty sible misfortunes is generally followed by II I (,�.r:sncy ; 2,1 1). 3d - Jain" pounds of butter, sufliciently salted for of it Vol _4 t tiv.r8oi tile class Sid, der 1-1,,k- Br024(111 C101111S & Faticy r weedst His pupils of forwer vears are niany N, L,, I),, a t t I., table use, Ist Robert oott, 2nd T. T it, every dedrti; 0 inL, at thein for time it much greater." liout it nut only confers Coleman, Five pounds of batter with- liVii,.r upon its Ilitillifictmit fouer, hot t1wai, now suceessf�l teahers the; -Es( Fz Y(,ke,d 0vcon.-j&,iiesMc- Elliston, if flirt were trimips: what ap made ori ft I li n- eq,ially 1`arl�tie ; 2,1 D-oiLel Bell. on'. salt, Ist A. Wilson 2ad Robert "jil'he A bleb5111-f to Litany generations. han,11 You wonid havoil" The clerical party in Rome are pr gelves, : . a I;, 11 IV U-, I IPIM -par- UP to Order or Sold by the y&rd Portant anci r-!spinniblt- spi AV 9;1 :itLI i1a.e other departnients. ieres Extrapnz,;oi 60 of clives.-, Scott. Keg of salt butte", not less 5() r1tere are folv :.fell who ould The Christiitn ulliru finds "a new GET4TS' FURPTSHINGS "'e' it- tii"146 prettv I bs., a Priz-0 of the butter ujiertilke such a risk nuassfst- nethod for riiing fii cls" m th n- I of the Ilatest Styles and Fatteim. %,ivell i)y %V. EvI., f,,r the to become: are whotat he has juat Wen e -,rd' griltidc,l with the property of the n a a will be de e , I I . S`e v �- I latiell Cow, to lip" j-10age Solely 6 do -nor, T. Kidd -4 lly* aljy -got erunkent aid, an,1 11,1T,11:11c, nomicettient of, �he fair Of it reliuions I PUBLICITY, NOT CHEAPNESS . ys.,,ch t!le y Esq.; 2d and 3.1 prizes by the Socipacy, Isl� . e I is the I pregs, Ibill Md011lit-WeL porstiyurailt:v &Ild p'LEL- desideratum in advertis n wilICI her tl"IlltS :13 it 11111L reads as follows: .k 1ting. Make your , The Subscriber would return thanks bireavement, all(l We &IIIJIV 413t ,,Il I !`i) Jacob McGee, 2d Richard Alnuilig, 3d I pctitilill -only to imtrulls If tile doct couji-t hvu Spiel, vast III- willoal sale of the h li Row SIGNAL. his supporters for the liberal patronage --S. ds, Or over drlukinlys 6 s-lell a silucesshil. Isalle. ill ta.ke p5tbo' (in Taursday evettina . sliow their respect for his ul I VVidiain Sitifth. Five poun ladies of tLe soci,tv I i-ontracts wit, t a Hu itating his ezampleand tip sit, it ci.:.0 of M --- extended to him while in the flourlys'n CLASi 5Z4 cheese ruad;� on tile FactorY principle next." Town of Godrich. He can now . orl - -SHEEP The 4)ea,, is n -,t naKnon in the SIGNAL 18 the largest local pap Thawil)-w"hahevil itild t I tBest Ag,�d it tin. --H L va .5t-ur 2. 1 1 at May, is 11, Ist william Fow er, liborary Lvorid; IIIAlly tritCta a.1-1 pallilAt- I THE per , 'I " ( A (hapeptic and "Ielaucholy young in the Dominion. Send -on your allib- I-At behindhim has the sym, 'lly (it; "Ar "IV A v.Lre- 0 . I"uwle r, 3d not known. Dairy lttt of great; iiieri are the eajallal.l�.LLJ to sell at COST; qnd is determined to -lately b -,t a poor consolat, a -, ; 3 1 J,,!Lij 2d W. P-4essi-Mal ,,;III once bewailed his pro' scriptions. fortin 11 -s --i till I ,on). Oz� E, chease t lesa, than 20 lbs made in froO, his pen, wid itis work 11rue spects to a friplin 1. all.1 ls�tid It �te! lia via n o give his customers the benefit of his nhile, community. Lo eidia t ee uccess in business. The fiiu,,,,l .f Bro. I -C D. Walke'r 3d R.' Love te;jr. 1871, 1st Frank lolowler, 2d Preston took place on jgonia James Me- Olvine a culirse (it how he allotild ever get through tht _Az0- Two Journeymen Tailors wante-a 2.3th i, t Michael. - —_ I List., it 4 p. inY�l I -R. 2d�. deavered ni Oolle-go %%orld-" -"Did volt ever know immediateli stiaiy employment aLd See-— il's vo,'�d iii furon afs this Ily one -.0T CE TO D-UTORIS. Cil Ullatlel In 1865, in the and to Stop (;it dill ay?" was the -rare and given - The brethren or '.Ha:t_ 11 R. 11ANUFACTURES- (4tAss 1th.-Wov good ages 'an" Lodge No. 1-12, a -ad Godparic'h wiiwh came Perth.% Ten entries Bee Pair'of (IIILLt, IStiklidre,ii Arehilwil, authenticity If ti' ng raiserl lainbs Le Ft-Illratekiell, againt roply. The Books and notes of the estate of No. 33, A F - A. -A- M., ,,I ere inatle. The "Wi,eat %%its a 2d Ro�ort; C,rnocliati.- Ton y in IsTl . -J. unoil. 2d J . McOvil- rds &111- 'he Oa i%v--trabellers, I' said a eoloured 51r John HarriSi, Imolvent, are left with AB 1ARALK SMITH very large ga. therin of citizens followea Ivry fino &unple, aud that to whinti'trite ""I ; 3'1 %V- SLI1918dMIL net, Ist 1101,01-t Houders.',n, 2-1 Allen frostiness aOd c,e4t Mr George McKenzie for collection by the remains, fr., izo feil was by Mr Cffarles IS t 'If " 111*0cher, "efl hlLd been �siain' dried Merchant Tailor & Clothier, of &imley. Ti.cru SIX ell pples Vior a Y-cek, all' t in the residence to St. nrst P" Best Pa-vr of one year old Eweii -H Ross. P-tir 0,alikets, Gu..rge N ott, weil as a dejAii of lie, I George's Church and the Mairlant.1 Ce -.u- T 24 Smutipul trusk to J, F. FINDLAY, doors East of H Hortoph's Grocery, Lorcaenr; 2-1 J. etery- AX-liell 3a.l. Aic- Set (if single willull entitle its nuthor to a Itigh milk drinkin' f, -r a in,iftf, I c.,iii,in feel more The funeial Service of the Angli- tri,,,t of Stiring lylie. Tile B-Li-it;y (10 hariv-sa, IstJines wtls(,,,. (, utionian's asatilellotaiian, a,,ch.ii.pr. Assignee. Market Square, Goderich. CAI Church was read by tiia Rev. M,. enLries) lvas cole-Lix ;in ! oright And kilast rb Respect- -m- d n I alai dis iiiiiinit wild I Hamilton, 25th Sept., 1861. SePt 21st, 187L B�st Pair of Ewe T. 1,1pale sx-ldie, Isc' Jainus Twacholl Ladies ed and es'.Zo,itied by all I%ho know hi Davis, of Bayfield. Them nic fueral h3ve r -qt -i -ed some ou.wse priote and wanity at seein' such full rites were then p3rformted, conduetted by tattr vra,ni airl seeds wereall. %-cry goo,l zd If. Lo�c Bette. saddle, 181,4alnea TWitoliell Pair if Dean Hellinuth has puratied his uabiotuw Cen-lance has dise4nin'.,* -inan's boots, not kilif pa;;; ished nd usefili and we I)retA'ct At a recent Sale of joictures, two ama. Teacher' Want--d- W_ Bro. W R. Squier,.-arld the tfi prizes keenly' CLASJ 6tu.-COTSWOLDS. g(tiflit, I$vll' wn. Specilliell hi-Ight ftiyur�for the Diocese Of Huron. GE -hi# brethren mingled -,it the gmve p-as,3,4 Best A.'ed Rain -- C. T. Uale; 2;1 W. id lad es boots, not kno a tenrls o'istinaiely dispiAted the posse I ArT Mn Ou-trs. stolleln in eatlier, R. N. Brett, Assortment of -Neltr 004�btioa Afunt'Lly. ALB ()R FEMALE THLOFIER WANTFD IN sellool 6 flay To-ntillp.Annualdtitlogto Pe;%Se 9 B�at One year old Raai.-H. Ll)ve Kidd. Melodeon Ist a word by a celebrated artist. Ess te It Philip Reeve wishes the public collimence an January Ist, 1872. tha te4ra of his kindred and friend.3. tinwork, Ist John M Depew &Dolierty�2(11 Depow &Dohert AMBEIFuLf. inade the bidings against trio ither. know that on Saturday, 16th Sept. at 11 SAMUKhRANN-1h. Rat there was iL ray of hope in the miist 5 7 entries ; I to ,iversal grief, for th� evor seed, 3 entries and Flax Seed Orgitit, - Dophew D.,11,, The picture represented all ass At last a. in., MIr Ab Trinteea N CKLAS FOSTER, of the uL --area y Be.", Raiii 111h. -Ii Live. senr ; 2d rty.- y. raham Smitk Merchant Acacia was cast on his to C. r. Dille ; 3,1 Jai. So, Fii _,4 F, ARTS -0 1,ASS 18th. %Vtter color ky FITHER. -We have had a Succession "iie of the geatlestien said, It's Of no Tailor. made him a resent of a horse, DANIEL WILDFAiTG. that the parting was notforevej. ed the elltcts of (IrV wuiaher and -was Bust Pair i Itilcote. drawII16', .St. A11:38 2d Miss Wil . f nZe; I Will not yield. Ttie pictu" Goderleh. 21 Sold. M1 I if Ewe..%, Eli lia%o raised goosaturatiat Showers re- re once given up by the horsqdoctoes three cotfin as a k rather w;ts a, -,n. sketeli, Ist Lv[iss VVjs;n, 4cl-tuged to ILLY 41hele, - and I will give weeks before as incurable. Before the 'lit'llbs T Dale ; 2d- Jas. ceirtly, which have provt�d Of tailloll it I J Viat=7 zvAMU7. T-,;natoca exeepti,inal!y 3 t C r. D, Pelicil shotell, Ist lile service by giiavii nyth III- fglr it," "Iti-that cas-j," sti.1- §ubscriber got 1im lie was lying l6r, ill SO lie an the A FARM FOR SALE. -The Wullingtnu, Grey and Bruce wu have, Suen. uoite stiportor exuopt tit one year old 10(wes. -Jas. hit& adversary, I ill not a,) oil. You ground for 4 days, unable to, rise. Best Henry 2a Henry Charles- nicasure, the divastatin't, v�toicucid Of Zhu itiSitfa 7y the Horticilltui-al here. Roois worch. �Q shill]. have it, as mil that Sa C S­11tticute 2,1 W. S,,oa Of 81117170111141ing fiVo'Ah1C 11 FARM FEIR OF 118 ACRES. W"HIN VTVE 0 hm 3d H 11 [live beeti, rag- portrait. �Urday eveningiat 7 O'clock the Blllway hit.31 been sue636fill in No, th gulle"311Y -vel'o ve"S fair and potatoes 4 Love sent,. Francis Palrridg,, 2 1 Frallcis' ealtridge. �ng atid cavagingin all dirrectiong, with A country practitioner fine ( orse was on his feet, eating oats. A -nilp-q of the Twn of Gaderich. 74 of wMch axe W. J. B;u;ey's LADLES' WORK-CLA.SS 19bh,-Loaf of WWII ill s$'I' frishlabOrtrorat work.accitisted hill, 0 owing Stumps. This tarin is bminded by Lake Huron amd Hur in and in one Township of South fro-, lay passing the f f BY urflerC.ultiration aTid ITT. goild urder t1most clear 4of Bust Pair of E -vis lnibs. -Jas. South- ue ut fury ag tu pinike the all Monday he was walked 'toy, ive &0111-; 3d It Love h, lin'e-inade bread, Ist Robert Campball round the Square, and on Sunday last beatitirti'ly situated. Gmvel Road all the way (and Britze, having secured bontisesfroin G Illodllcti--as Lve elite ; 2d H. L LLSV.Lri,,jjS.Jlltje.j1tII1Is- "I , a fl,,rLl parodi�ae. The varieti a inaintemmLe (if life and , * say Barney, that piece of llo Tal I vio'llay) aid there ii 2L Larp Orchitrd on thip, be setir. 2d F. Fowler, 3d James . Cilia, - digicuir for mally was so lively that he ran away from the Preii-lies Bearlug Chnies Pratt Tarnberl"y,' _ninrs' 4 "try , experlillotit rk is not well dippue." with4ut at. West Wa-vantish, Of Potat,pes which took tile prizvs Liero Bust Pit r Of fal Sheep, Patched quilt, lat Ja,a4s Broad,` ; piukt. ' Early. this iijorning te"'Pring to, answer the 'i'lointiation, subscriber*s is Of 10 miles T Ailifiel a3d Kinlom. it has as, , t, any sex 'Or B. oat, 2.1 wtiltlks On at the rate 4Bressus F�10- I braed_i� liVaiker. liantz, 3d kvill. Skiii ( A Kki'lleY llierely iaid, "D ctor, I will t. -If an hor- onep-�hird ofthe parehase itioney relinbed down, "Euglish Kidney " ond Ch. Quij�b (i (111dy) a detioe iiiijit and heavy Iii,par- i . . lialailitie inaly retuain as long as it suits the purehiiiiir out of 28 entries. Ap � lea were i sawed on ground work, let W. 14.v (,it the grontid, and great yon story, Theie was a luau in our -by Payinginterestolvery six moollastp r cant. sinc.), ipur been snceessftil to, CLLSS 7th.-LAILGF, BP.FZD PIGS. e4rThd subacribler challenjes any man tha E -vat, in Listowelf, Walltce and very good, there being 16 entries of �1 in- Eider, d Alexander Ross 3d Alexander Illally vegVtAbles, I he tops A if I% hii-h It;,([ co I I it t It rie, and lie got rich; and do in Glitaric, in thi cure of E[ I qrses and For fartlier particulars 4pply Post-paid having remived the ter, 9 of fall, 4nd 6 collections. Pears Best A -ed Boar, -W J. Bailey. Ross. Tatdric, at Fraulk Fowler 2ad 611, upw3JI.LI Itjlljle�l it ','r mthy greenness, volt kno replied the A XACICAY I Were Also goudt; with 12 eruries. Comb- Best Boar littered in 1871, . of firturice of the peop'e, it will be�.om, the �V_.Bo (yoderich P- 0. Drawer 14 aden. Mrs Sparling. Crochet work, Ist. 1VIrs. doapt,,e the tnelcitiont'driaiguL And said B may, with lloneywasbazuldful. Soalsowasbfapl, Ag -_d Sov, lituar, iloq sr. Gwleri 11, Sept. 25th 9 15thurle, 1871. "�, I must have, pigged in 1871, Sparliag, 2d AlisgThomison. -kinbroid- Which all along pruvillied, were, after,' Ffamilton D;rect,l to how thpir good evident katislacti-,n it Was Sugar, one entry beingr wIoit3 and bright One or more pigs to Ou SheWa ivithsow.-. -er 111!II(ling, list by, faitti-by eArky commencing opertirns. y in inuslin. lot - Thomas McMichael, gllllrl� found to-) It ve bevolike coulplete, his Own bit Iness. asthebesrefined. Therewere7entries W. Boaden. sl 2ndJaines Sutherland. Embroidery n V 14ligate. The wind fias all this re_1 W t of faa,?ry and 2. of dairy cheese, all of Sow litteredA4.187I.-W. an of Tact, -Arguing with an op -a. Eastman, nuort. kept vooring ab ut in every dircu- nentwhop islame,andassuria Iiiiii. that hg J. Bailey. orape ' and chenille, Ist Ml po �upariur quality. Batter was a teinpit- CLAsS 6th. -SMALL 2d R. N. Brett. Worsted work raised 9 A eirculat to- tha rate ingdisplay-the roll awl table in 34, abd EREED' PIGS. - ) , and the 4spect if the sky hall not a leg to stand on. Tellin& a inaul 0 P E Nl.N,- G ayers; of How 1st Urd. Scott, 2nd would sient to indicate att entire chan.,e Best ai,,ed Boar.-Ist W BI Alexander Ross, with only one 45ye (in A insinuating w4y), iuk, lj;t�3 been isined- by Mr Gibson, the salt in 23 pareels. 'We are -sure if air; 2ndt lstMiss'Dtild 'Id ',%I. P_ 'P.,Mr DanoVp-,'Clerk 11rr Per- the fariner Would 1wie nearl' W. Fowler; 3rd,J. MoLeaii*. Miss Dale f geasom that;yiIii. Would liketo jet the.blind side 1, y equal Beat . Bar Fanoy kruttin'91 list James Sutherland At- we are in 0 f himm. Urging. al dend Whd starn al era --OF- their butter, the prooluce. -14, J. . _ present, Wbilst 'I wrxte, tor. The Torronic, Greir and Prace Co. of Canadian r r kitl.;, Reero, atilt JUr andi- pains with all liftereit in' 1871. 2d- Thomas MeAlichael. Two,_--ftaii of the ceutie of � roaring 'fittinder-p-torin not, o -.hesitWte lid.e.kpre�si his opinion. r I Itickson, 2nd, W. Dickson. - -1 dairies would rank A, I aellen socks, Ist A. Wilson lacC(Allpaille, J1.A -R KE, GROCIERY9 prollosesfor thpe�s Best are.1 SoWip must have'-pic-ed i wl 2d James d by all1' raformijqig" an acquaintance. whoL. ever T11 -E n M It Tim, R60,000l to- run In foricign marliets, will become a_ still. exand6i, '.Tw pairs of ooi' " at siltualls . 4 'fititheast wiid ladoit h43 his -glass -from h1i" eye fliatiy6li eon - Otte or more pigs to, b %. I I P IV eh Ock- at e shovin wit ings, Ist A. WHsoi ij� 2d Alexander Gray. cold �-,sfieady . dasu vie their hise F�)rest via Har- it more, profitable artitcle� of shipm6ht than Sow. ---451; 1XS,MeD0neI4 2nd, W. Rill;. as of raiii, w 4�qll Sider he takes a very short.aigl;ied' RLY OCCUPIED -BYROBINSON CO-) riston, anct VISMIel to a point �betsvcenA it preseintly ia. XrJottnKidd exhibited W1 3rd, W. Stewart 0 w ier. inhi4pitilbl (jurrie antl Wroixez�6r as the; preseim for- an assortment M stovdl and Fair­4woolen- wits, lot Umes Suther- cpp�l I ith �Al 0 elrect on of things. Telling a HER u.wuo squints 10"ae "ry - Best. Saw I land, 2nd George. Nott. Pai�.' ' of *60len our recently overheated nervous sytent, that -you are sorr . ')rd4 cannqt. il U, __C n S itt"Bred in ISM-lati,and y ee the �Tw. 00 L.A Spit 41 is proposed to- raise the I handoule- 'Steve furnitura.-* Depow & 2 d W. tewart.. gle nd:' G6nt!,j; %4u.1(1-hoypver.re.qtjir6 s0eral weeks maittei as h -sees it,- $GG�Qw 24 Ulows D 4erty, of Clinton, exhibited �gii. lat� ames,.Sutherla the is" AS -O?iftD OVE GROCERY WITH A FULL SIOCK OF t, * t '- Tho& Omas- HQw to Quarrel 'with, a Wife. — aw d'Th'-' clulte i4iiiiij, tc� iTbruiili i-11 THE A:B Wei, no- chajil. gaiis w H WAX fruiti,.R. Price. Va-ir; cooling pr%;cpoi�s in thellowels stparil- 11)f the 7L14d0Xr _S L , H untitsho Ua&--her thiletir0parsto ti - deed in,,ourrqPT" wor list Jahli A-Ateijb" ury, 2d ame in- eart)iajid ry 9. e po r J . 1. how- tsb Pair, cifBiack, Sp -io extinguish, entirely ITh' Vft ji� 'd im of tortlar of alitsk "Pow's going out.—she will be sure toisk you if etnesa !y in Ug 2 Al bbb d W der., Rpen -and' (Jeurls of I kiai,_�onuet. is -,Tows 10,pQurid the emuklinir --saimildet the' suirtmain- -- sidiely-4pread straight. 0M then. 0 IQ* -fires; .'h en -To. AIL 6 2a t inIt-Mg- Vh6ther t1leir Z-777`7� frihniM& _Werc­11nn&Vdoffi th6 liffidAi6ittliti -- of- the 'Women Parlor ve3 of. V f diehir -�fjonqy pouig st,nob� W,L-( 2d, ish w!th g6el lit; LOUR, Ilk e I- -2rT& A310* flo7i the depar 60 -wholes, tife. water _&bitsit -,- --- 4rQ :of Xtam —ist, and. enders tJle'b W4nCL WIT AND FE, ED,, lou e - TV y it 7nevi zz u Oil remarkli-At 7hu Ben 11hir of Polands.--4at UT, U"f I lxil� Xr torzj of ve visited --this Be -*this. ti. ArKalo%� 'AU(I _klegint tiiffeS, 011r' WhOL lia -664pno _k YfMZ Wlio thit yl d6tie-,.ofho alitti nn e Wai� e son 2nd, ua4a siii.Y thrip.102h thd TiDlw!� "I of' wiumdo, an curiousi X�g .,Will 64VICUP 1 1 ­ I d. =W er J ,AV 1, -11 , eM a'-" we I f,�rjtply -nave -mm tedL norad a y - - Wilo JU W a ee me =1 0 XW841 22na ';Wd marr oh 41CJ leg 5' 'P#4 t4 el a li, 6ii to" i�7 sa ey. W y, iiri&A 2dL' g Ah 33t - f , " , 'GLASSWARE, lkc, Tho �7: j( jj§�- 00- t 16-, i mem- fo d d nle Wah P hLw�,( an In my f 4V MOM inR of Friday, Ulf opm tneetir ance will be Ill Jectute ivill. b, W. S. Blac"t-lp REGISTRAR � registrar for _Vs' b -is Deputy is t-4. Add oT out resl Johh3tan, Crown, &c. TAOSE SnAn judicious thing, Agricilturat b i 0 the sharpers tha 1316 at the shows� goat Seat-;�th i Sell a small eal� to give 4 to 7 tol, I tip to $15.00, ti tradier. Shat d4 Tas IRISH P11 take - Uet 4ate *Ettellament. Hall on 11,onday V111ion to the fin furmolkic &"_ Mrg Tkurapson,' Watson and 9thi ped their suizU, Vill be Varied an New Mrrzv�z UteDtion to the who has opened John, Bills is pftpaped 1 of Muliijpjtz�y 1woric THE SHow&.1 abont two weeks L cue -ft for givi 41TA06 to the Agr� -didy cometince a., ENCOU31,11ATMV very much grailf good -will we have ;era, ijR all plafts express t-�eir ra4 =ment of thii 401111y to askl� twor4n, thati: gh the din3fs. -1 MUMCAL INS houm is now a "Bradbury" Pia� styles and terms. 'A NEW GROOMY.zl (formerly occapie" hu been cppiene4 with's fmh stock &c., which win PC KNoles CHUELL-11 Salillixth School Jim 3!1'110 in the Maitial Sat"y IuL 31 CrOull in opening owasions. ST. A_vDRaWz,0 the Bazaar on FrU m6 Tea-meetingan 4 St, Audreves Chur itufficient to clear -of -the Munm To the 2-diter efac 4 DEAu Sm —i n' of the North Huroj ju Chuton IW weo� with on�y one PrizA was awarded, and � for, Ist ond, 2ud-! Rants ; the litfor I and the2ndifor_V and,'RecommendedJ an itaported aied! yo= You X-DXTolin NOTE.�' will be found aulice] I ellplanation. The PI bifixte of the County, fig do not think I & Siquall. J PRZMZD ZXZCK� Show, lajit-week, Me 4,01H Aof that pla�cet Pkened B*cks x, Ana =d"f a 'b ei ,clsy;pTende ,construe N ,of4arbuildin,pi ftt 20 fo 30, Pro All KinglitiOn. Wto 299 West ct 2 �9., �s ,and tepht ter. 3, But waym 4, Howick, Go 4, Aishfield am to 0, Centm -IS, �Uy, Zurld S. T irnbefry, Colborne, I -19, Greyv, A�nl 1&3t waak,., have -leen f t 11a N ch 01ce =t lye' Unez on run stage 44ve"n Set& halits on thatroute forthe PZVMXAI, -Mr. I h." for-somitime be4i place, AU* hr Tor An the liftsfionof 81 godtty,- to which 4e W-e*iA him every -a Tax WIM RwIll f=P�X4zL*1QU;Qf illizatiou)RUIP"", a the, ppointment rof 1 i" lizu, Seem tho cbmv, whot Am in the matkr. But I UWA4 the_*,)In!= of & wmuw in -f-hv 4dizit of Smd&14 beb consident,ion, U --.i be the favozite, oont owurprofmaPtemieri feelings _4 �&funct, 1192PPOSS - _Wju� sififetion, however �O=ties h&v*haX- §Pe&k'Mz;0f a Ton ad other mqtembem faucyb4zasir weaffier WAS is And t1wProopeedinp ChiSrAlctilir Qf an thail - V1 .4 11 The lelletta of *er Mwited. ,y vwie& .4 much worn, <Wp -shoes, ,q!1et.tizzh vabftwamencWped -the �fiimjlw lq_b ver 'h orp, I it loc, 10 drum, laud 4re , = trimmed with 'th mmuch in