Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-09-19, Page 2Aft i"Ii" win AUGW" 6=11, lVon Nt4litke find thedog It &:i*are vitory to the f6mar cliftabiby IF, score Th�44lipson 0"Orphitl GrItra a 740 0Xt:,:i0 lom ­ 9 R oil T -'XO'T DESILRA Z Loo 4., TlU -G - - 0 ON BL] ion. �of.1�2 to Z. Mr. Tuab Listows]. Alr,' Me 9� vace supitie!I to w gail pi of.pea-nuts. & pe 060tea Ila mpire. liacoonats, inake 4 Itario Fruit. Pretty Illuoll sXilly Mori band of Cubitil 111slirgentif -h s I A He Voillfatbol; tho'll. with suspluilitis- The-Fall, illootillwof tit 'Ot I i4iiiy, took we dGairo to have it 'Toast yearly not RA1LW*y.--.Ltal1:wAy ma"t-prosent, V "warrante plite. I - Assoclaii-11 will, held ab to three s6riQht heats withwit isxert,� are plaut #30S3 an, 3 in o, en ti(3tlent with nur pt-iii-na. axe flow rowers 10 lei 'i _­ I carrying Heavy biWerlu-s off Imize CAUAY are 01 -tut & - in ridaillat., siliallitalie- ing partioularlr definite on. ho, Subject Ing herself in the loalit, t , Billy all %C001ints f 1v olitstandilig tit i lie vshibit:4011 Of tile G4do- yet. We 11(sperthat such a state of things toukthes-gul"Ind 6osition in each hiitat doff lba, per day. (111sly w! mayllot Continue Tery longf or oven the after the livab. Olt tlio� third hchtt' tile � Thu Tanituany ritlz, whoits fralids'all nd inizar-operittu fill thop Ines -arid last Ilear 0 efory 95vt,14od allit advortisium lip it) 15th ral Socluty. Tito displaY the city pilpers car of rich 14orticulm advatutagoof a iailronia will scarcely coin- driver of O.Q)11311 Girl wa cbmigeil,' till tho'.Now York roosury .A.tl,v st lait—the end ot the first y F%U whit superior fo the Uumitit of dill.4atilifootlimitt"OtIgst bomoo have 40111 trY104 to 0�pose,. has g,ot up, ed npam tit lip :fj,,)m9naitq posilipalp, OLD? prolirtet.tt-Illip f t1lis establish. was title, but nt' pensate us for the Vine, tr Ila evi. si. it tilwa who had I)ot on.hur. Tito chittige Off- try VI) conovAl t ox1lonso, togother - with tile personal livellieut burgli local shox. Considering that the ell!. ditco Oft thoir.-gullt. liegotittios are olioned by the prosenta- 1110DA—allol fur tim Paper lip to 31st Do-- tries front bulow Were more atiluorotts eilluity and feeling, which seem to be dill iiflb finprove herapsed any, an tin of "The LUO' of John A. cosinher tiont, tile twit. at which, to pro- only anoccobil in takit third ilwt4. Tito Not and Illenth disease is incrAl time ical parties, a larger per- gradually oil the increase. lit I or "The Trial -f Daniel ltlaFarlati4." scnG subscriberit, tho weekly editill", aT than tl ADDITIO*?.—Atimil(litioti'i5boingbiiilt 13. S Wighbaxilly Mrst--dw ....... 11 1 ing-towl Alfirl Iling extent in Leicester- with -the assuranco that "Here, is ouniow r.,%%V VI'large,11, will be rai4ed Ili price.— cantap of prizea were taken by the to-Alic north side of the Pr J. Till) pRon's flotiest Billy 15 $hire. thiii I - CUPTEDUY R, B- 8511M C-01;�511STiXG -Ot A S� e, _pg which 9till jilstlatiii HE PREMISES 00 -next Fruit-avowern (if this no MoLuild's Orphan Girl. 62 3 31 - -The Bit r fanitv Is inoxe till times, SI ry Brick Building, fire pro(of rittif, storou Me to %fr. Gaviii tvvithem, duritig the ighborhotid Church in this yWago. We Mrysk g1fah jonriiala distioss the silo T nwnnenta dapp, v, ill call oil our friends. Wo Timu—.3.03.V 2:50, 2;52J, - Chitioso labor tilall coulki. have been expected. The is greatly nodded, its it hit% hitherto boon .1 essfill introductlim- of, but Ito �wbo gruiliblos it little awaken- dwelling from 89111111-0 131,111100 011 North Bide (of Narlset Square, 22 fto froutar by bove those wh4ow", its will Pay lip tvith- ather a-Anall for tile Comfortable acoamo. 4 race under the atis. Prize -list as far its we could ascertain JCttioli of tile attendants. The third Atiollast 111tokEngland, us-* 1)(issiblo TemOdY Of ed frojin a and solicited to yu rchase 147 it deop with right of %s ay lo North St. an 4 Hamilton St. ont "I"Tutur 'Ir diclsi-. I't is implissiblo 6"I'lie- Confessions of has Waid bedold by Anction.011 15th 8010t.'noxt oil tile prelpit�s. to) keep tin, Pit we thion-I tn do,, making it, in the absence ef tho uual record 111006 of the Association, wits -a running Hatuburgliao 8trung prosticatin, Will Uot Bottle e&onstaitt i nipriA-ettie tits. uIlle's" th"30 " ftept by Suc rutavics, was as follows :-- - ratio, oport to horses ownell in tile 0olln. been detained at (Tardiff fit Qttavitiitille, Mid Vanderbilt for fithor litv soffering ft -080arth Situ Sam. ty of Huron ouly ; best, 2 Ili 3, Firn notanity undui fibligatiolis by battle bing Enquire of V�t)TL r provido un with tbo slainows of APPLES. IF- - 41'ed of oholord, F, %var," wilich wo earned. hiorso. 015, 2A,- 01.0, No 611trallep four of tho'c�aw having I f 20 varieties, 3 spoubugns enob,nmed, Tito r, a" I 'Races under tho auspices of the lioprisail youndor from tbo lilies 11141"Ov. - . Tito four-oired rads, at Sarahiga re. ist John pritid, Hamilton, V08,00. th Seitiorth Ridinj and Driving As. i or this race th�flro wore three infries sllltu(l its ffillowei"-1110 livard, 131-113;, 2,1 trAvolunderhiscontrill 'Thettraveling r o.11me offaq provif u3ly anno,1110- Olt, Rattenbury Tyne Crows ; 84 aylor-WIllship and public would pardon nil ficuasit'llal IlliB- 2nd Juhn Stewart, lictimillor 60 00 Oki, 011 Moaday and Ttioad,ty last, (I'(' "Gippy Lt i"' by Thompson ,"Lbnor Coultor-Ijighn-evem, llance,13lodarichYli, #4.00. 3rd Jam Turr Me Anuxplfiaioliofthu'$Ow Yorlo: tr- olislige of carat &nil no poanut-sollerit 4 is Gnilarlob, August 06, 1871 rLUM4. day the atton ltile firsChdat Qanloli. iOl, if tile- iteri p.,itbtio ary large Of Spectators was "'it Woulistoyr-took tho,load, but was bollig ppdo works k Ildd six And wounded Olt,) Tito abovo sale post oned Illitil tile lot Oct. same Vlave and flino. TT. 19, 18'11 10 Y-firiotiva, 6 specimens of each, v go nany of tile country poo- ol-isely pin -vied by Lhoerick, when thii peddlor ill peallurs andpaillphlets is it (id named, - 1) no� dettring to aliond two days, did lattes, boltvil. and g it off &lie brack,alle.r. Ilucclaultry evil, way Its n(ot be regulat I taosecond fill, a it Several hotels In 81ratogil, have boon., sr romoAolud in plich it way its to) owl lat Alex Watson, Goderich, $4.00. not collie UU6 ulin Daniel Webster to come in. first. &till :0=17 SqoWnm, Zurdon!ll- onorally considorod that tii'o lboit ls000nd, 11014 bortit. hllirules of ilrditin"Y -c"'Irt"46Y 2nd J,,hn Stewart, Beinuillor, 80.00. was part (4 soy Liss soond, 40 for 50 porsolis striplit;.1 of property. persistence Ili plying Ilia horriges would be kept back to take MItidol Websteragain to(k the luad,bat Ittid r0abonaole 00 On the - second I he theape Rome diroctors of tile London Huron 3Ld A M Rine, 84. in tile races of that day. lit thosounnil round was passed byLimar. U. So Army p4ty-wastor Lellyard Ila trade? -of the attondittiou waa ver. ing and to a G McKENZI anol Bruco Rilway am proposing to pay OPUSZ-AIR GRAPES. dity, thorofoi v iuk, who kopt tile trauk &till cattle Ili firat bmi Itiouillat defaulter in a year foror a lease of the London 10 variebies, 3 bun6hos ench, named, large. At all early hour in tile morning by a got ill ilistaircul. lit tile third itiat theallin of $471,000. lat A 11a3kins, flailliltull, $8.00. people Caine pouriag into tile village, and Tomem AND LARGEST, and Port Stanloy Road. It is rather Limerick tonk tile start aviol- kept ahead An Auiet[o%n bri,,,,. nwe onknown, A2111ough Critic oil Has moved, to it' own Sttjr6 on 2nd John'Freod, do $0.00. long before the time Vpointed for the thi-otightint ilia hoat winning the- race. fitindured vilth affluldivis,at Lauds' Is early in their history thus to propose 3rd A Al Ro Godurich, $4.00 sports to takeplace, both, the streets Gip V Lass wag withdrawn tin tits laat Vold. Frosunh "Ruskill".—Illss lini the rachig park were crowded with ItLteiy, and bit$ No wonder, after the above exhibitf t. Ltanoriuk in but a colt. and was caso-of oholerahom occarred at NON. bean ovoiq in on stl�de et R K And Stationerit Stot mossaluilig hurdani, which stronger coin- England fully pallieq uligiltbo afraid to voutureon, that tit* Rev. X1r Burcott anxious pleasure scukurs. Tito races on tiever ot"ho coorso in a race befowo. castle, UnfLdlalld,- turned Ilia visIV to Itecount fly care i6pparolit'induoament3. It alluded to G. derich as I,& benighted re. both days were really good,, there being ffe runs wolf. and if pro-jorly taken care ttoting the inatiners and otiRtlinis tif tile Ili reference to liorticii1ture." several first-clais horse on the ground. C-mnt�Von b1oltke, is suffering from. 46 iders." The f-11101111119 ;he Stock purchasedby him from the of will Yet 'mak 6-9voit-class, horse. parfidbous islat must bo roxietilbared, it is not merely AConversazions wits held 4n the even-. The arrangements of the Club wore com- TI ;ram no titne kept ftir this race. wt tittack Ili goitt. exiract'aholit *,Ilrvusol will interest tit Insolvent Estato Of lore have "Firmii five to, se . von n aquestion offlease,but thatthe lessees Ing ill the Court lifillso, %tich-, w;)uld plete Ili every r6spoot, and tile proceed SH. I Tito R. 0. clorgy of Oincinuad (F Western Ontar-11016, 5 feet 6 have heon interesting If it find been held in oubotIrds%swonton harmoniously PnIVATU. PITH; instpooted their people llot* to send tllgir Hy,le Palk) there is It groat displa3 f nd in the best of order. Thire wasone A. Pace of a mile dash, for a private childroll to tile Vill)II0 iollools. bodallry, not titialorned. The faces are which by the bye is well-known in any hall having ordinary acoustic pro- PDT8 ratted to Ito wits itin between "Boartits Brite" costly; but, no a t - -hing, howevor, which we rog Thu litirning of it cloth faut0rY in K011t lovely, and the dresses i Mr JOHN H A %t �,f their Derdes. Ryon inside the ell rilled circle t to ba now uszol-up, to suit th alic, 0harley Stbwart." rostilti of taste. The where usualli barristers I'most do con notice, and that was, the large liumber r `9 "1 has t1irown 8UO 1%, fork nion (jut of rule, there is it 9,,l wallt AT MOORHO own fine. How would the rate -payers gregate," unless the speaker was who took loutsido#okets.' Onboth days favo oftholatter�by wimiderablo udde. Illon't, 0 colors are outrageously Lud, and ill* of South Huron like to have a large facing you, yujL Lilding in Tiats Eilgliall j(onriials denounce the the crillolinos,are to,, Which he is detennined --co,ild only catell the roofs of every shad and bu Paris fimus' un;.,rheefulf nonTif Siur, 31]iiiEnT SQUASE. porthan of their-bunusos (the debentures fra-puents of sentenews Tito fir8t thevicinity of tile Park, f� a covezed using to dieut tile vuhifnitiona in the wnina places, fol anagelliOnt with spectators, who were desirous to crow its cowards for rt it riflo, a EerLeg rf geoineftical, otines for which thu Directors, we think ire- sitbject was 'IT It o M gs, butwhocouldnot Suilish crows at dalifax, and peatse tile as Ill Itionlit til tile then there tire N. B. --By importing direct from the Vineyard which morged witifeasthoprocoodin Aturican crews. 11W 11 ey", ands lo�ug be. of groeLl H011111309, I Out into their It. -it in their hearts to pay tile admis- August l4th, 1971 g 11 woliery, lloating of "testimony,, as tg tile find At Kotiigaborg, there were 63 new baild ilia road) spoilt in this fee and thus honorably grat gA11713, 1110111111a (if hair iinartist foal ly ar- British Manuacturers. lied on for further advantages --of applying ashes ts tile sion ff,�, their A specint illeating Of tl,G Coin"" worg, anti then be ca Ih I. rtirt cases of a imera andIUS, tilt 12th, itati, '38 soil. Some were highly Ili favoir of such curiosity. W onoticed also that many e Reeve wits lield at G. T. Gra a motored, aua,-)n the top ff this seaffisiding of th Albert, tor tile ptirlinde (it sUbmiLtitig a By-Isw to now aftses and J5 dbatliq oil 13th. bonnaas to pravent the stoppage 0 even clambered tip on the outside of tile till tiijlo. little hats 1. life hat ;a applicatiin, and others against it. The 6o ratoliger #ranting a blintis of ten th(ou"'Ind tied an PlIr"I" AT AN work into Hurcin I I - -na,118lit, tile I1XLr is DTOO, RALL most forcible testimony wai borne by fence, and hung on by their hands w line dollars to t to,% .1 0. & Is. it. - Germany and Austria have fort of overina"o With ill E IS ENABLr, no gentleman who said that he always each race was proceeding', and in the in- I All tho inuatburs of thu Council being present. alliance in opposition to tile culitif)" gliled down tell, firaily ;Ili tile to-nples, gotiols in hip hue ut a slight, advarce, actm, of tho 0 t 3rval between the iacLs stood down in t was movud by J. F. oldrow. nea by P, taure. on the Sterling in fact, hig savdd his ashes, and,as he was carting a that wo stibinita. il-lawgrauting a bonito; of$10,000 France atid Russia the mantlo or jackut LIN in a Lihalleiess e -n - t, sidtie 4 moveabylo.-hy fleap ovoir the niontitously Swelling CC OU tit tiers aruup witb goodis at retail Twouto Uno. load One , day through a field, the lit irse order to'give their wo.tryarinsa, rest. iv, ser. by 11. Clare, that the rollowhig persulis A winferanou fAir the Reforin of EtUll Bnormous Redu and -it,, and the whode artir , wJth erg Such conduct is not only mean but dis - m"hollill"ho Returnfliq 4 lifleers to tako tho votes dill ilia peon and Atnerican poilli.1,011tUtrits is to pettien. at about same rates that i8nian deal hiaked up some "bobbary" Upset I have to buy t wholesale. gone to Waiwity y-iaw nanietri-In plaotoraltiLb-divilliUll bu hahl in Lundtin, - W% do not lay el2iiu to the gift Of the load. That spot ever since had pro. lionest. The Asis, iciation have t ScIlUU11111ilge No 6, J cook; Ill Uldutowal its plai i blues and yellows, jars t jon the a ' ' ey o. it brifail ..0 Ild&y tL118 IS 01 )eUially FROM THE USUAld_PRICES. "'13,030 P so in fitting up tile b t, proplfeey, -but we havw- felt perfectly duSed such heavy cnips that the grain considerable expen No.2, at 81shualboue N01 9, . X11- the Case. Thil re yestorlay for jille of Wall Paper to n1kt, always fen do onelet-toral subdi.vislon. No 8, at Schol)l- "U" wa before it was time to grounds, and in faising purses for public tr I' bliddlutun; in electoral dabdivislon Zkotohofi iUViVXiUi%, instance; at s3tisfiedthat if the Hamilton line was It of competition, and one of the principal No 6, U Id-fill't, anwilig cut. The next question was thi 1h,Le No 2, %1. balbpn, ill electoral 4 dresses were defeated, the Toronto ra a4rs would ources from which 'hey eXD vJ.1 No. 6, at tile houne of D. clutyra, STOCK ilro. shiopl.fiepara', vii% l,'Peax culttirefor profit," about which 15 ect to be re A correspowleut of tile i4iringfield LARGEST AND OffEAPE ST e feep. For lot , con. , ci. cliailibers -Carnod. aVoritt!t Color ridlio.obins. The f, braak faith vrith those of London in re there Seemed much diversity of opinion. imbursed, is front the entrane %aptainbor 4th, 1571 Republican writes front 11110fia, VLr- imself ill S, was a fierce violet, with golden gird.es therefore to place h garl to the amalgamation, and we have The only pear about which nobody had a perso, okn adjourod meeting of till Council was hold held by any one house in A�ntarlo, any doubt Of bein- a profitable position to view the sports so provided at, which wmild have sent in I - 14� gel, I.tickstow - All the so cautioned the people of North Unron. 0 1 Before tile war Alliella 0 vinty hall "'t the wn" variety wits tile Bartlett, Tito without p -ting the required fee, is simply inow:,arj preAeu T a motes fit litut regular artist into fits I could not 1101P tolli-l- XAr UAIB HANDS .12 YZAR, ineet agaiiii special ineeting were rend and apl,rov-1 more slaves in propot,tiontiiitissizothan The Walkerton Telmeope always the t way of szealin,u. lady, !Your dress here is more sbo�; old 'stagers stuck to it, and to the 0.1 -%j7dtterrrdjm'V.Julin complaining that by i any other 0111111ty in thV StatOf and now autlioritativo, nd understoo to be the Flenfish'Beauty, the Duchess' D'Angou. triist, for tile- credit of the village and the diggla., or a ditch by amPathina4tar on ilia the maji-ority of tile fraHkItilen is estillIaT- tkall to 'Platice. 'Why, all otir dressma urrounding colintry, that on a future road 011posite Wt 1, colt 4. thO W4tA:r Will 100 .9,1 was the reply. I re. Here- is i chatice to save mo. ey subsidis2d org-,*4 of the T., G. & B., in leme, Lonise Bonno do Jersey afid a caused to olverflow tho mald lot. A lottai was rd- edat.Looutiwen hu-illeod. ""no frot�i Pari :imlitr occasion there will be fewer of frainod fitfim adding, 'But is it not you few,-thers, while the nurserymen ad- ceivud irdow W C. Loscoonolict, 1p -di., Barl-bitel', praying for the defeat of the Hamilton the"tidjoininguouiltyp is represented Ili Tito fact is, that vocated a number of fresh varieties, these pilferers.- Iffilvaidille, c altatill; rivill tile Council- the gain of that I ell, ise thein ' Goderich, lsevt.-Btli, 1871. Z*64 By-law in Kinloss thus reasons:—WA $32 US n boiairef bir Murdanh bleicenzit-. The tile house of dolegates by a collired except wtving the upper cla8ses, English Goderich, 18th Augur 1871. whose merits will have to be better FIRST DAY. sell to Day or whoe literaryt attainments rati Council denled any lu-Jobtediness &nil roofu 111131111b NF k Sincerely hope the Klilloss By-law will Trotting Raco—Open to all Dominion the mitin cht inta bir. W Aj.drew provoicuted his witilleti*ako a plesurem ju;6kLII1f lo'll.vA of tested, before they are generally in- if tile shi)etiiaker bred horifus ; best 2 in 3. First horse build as ollratur for tha present year. 54oved by 111) higher than timse ( a plaitiil). ba -,defeated on the 20th inst., and us Ate vested in. One good suggestion came J. Crafiord, s�c. by F CI re. That tile bond c -f Sir. oil Vor If TitYea4mve-indued chall" T E E G R P 1-1 B 00 K .575 ; 2nd, $25. be accepted, it UnJur E�ll this heap Ili, badly put on The morzion problom AgatL It, tvjbidh t1le ;vmxeter line tr(ts frt,ni Afr Dougan, of Windsor, who in Andrew, ror the oillee of Col.ectur r;;g:niaiis ; tile winidur iii 1 the existence -if �qruabme 0 For this race there wore three entries: buing diathiractoey.-Corried. %fvvgd by John F those proud N , ness at eir lIdliation. to' at routoi speating ontho question, recommended raw. meto. by James Crawford, that-Mis Ulittlell they accupt-S ) well Lit As wt. call $ for profitable culture those varieties W_ Woodruf's "Bay Jack;" J Thompson'& 'Well-foruted figpires-out it is Among the long-st3ffering Mormon 11740 a U. g.dl1tthesuniof$26toXoo.9 Volloilitaisr Company.- toky, be supposed, tile negroes tako kitid- 'nere T)i -sa tt,,rk. The jeat.irug are will have to be a-baiultoned by the Torunto which either ripen very early or kiep "Gipsy Lass ;` ard P. M-6rrays "Fly Liruill 1111ton, f -or the varline of payingxponlois and women thom3ands are so ashamell ofheir Company." With thi.i certainty ahead, oye)-y lcite. We hope this meeting of the IA the first heat Bay Jack took tile lead, 1, 1) Ud battallon8boOt- IY tul the- new tirder of tlittigi, thongh gmierally c ssioally syll metrical, but slavery that fhey woald escape if they West Wawa- Association here will give an impetus to, and kept a considerable distance head 'Ili; Match, to Ila liel(f at Cjlntcu oil tile 7th and Sth sonioahat allow in adjusting themselves tilat , brolvided west- Ivitwandisa givei till ewiml too title Ili ilie alloop's face. could, and infliotaignal punishment tin need we saypmother to urge ection is all the way round, and made the heat in atitound. --carried. Moved by Jam Crawfit-rd dow lotheir new relations.-Alalty antusing nosh tQ do its duty at the polls I If it fruit-growinii, for which this I a toy John F Androw, That this Council Ge jetto� incitionts itilghl, be rulatud of tile I iannor atero, ba lies$ new Wax fl. their tyrants if likey dara.l. Bat none of S TH UVTFRIO, ATTPNTZGNOV TITU_ SU13. specially well adapted. We expected 1:56; Flymmo insecond, and Gipsy Lass ithA.Insireves, all titterii emptylthey these, tin I A , 1ph bmsincEs. on tlCe complaint or birm 1114rgaretJohnsoin SLIIIPIO fliLth-Ulld CV01111lit) til i eceiltly, found the bon -a a iYlhe) is cquilred by his TO= lit whtheir I cS - and Kinlo*3 go right, the Hamilton more information from veteran 1yoTo- -was distanced. In the second 1104 Fly Ing water buing turned till tAt'ller farill, lot I colt. 41 are often Bdly impitsud - upon. ' lit firlp remedy for their evils. A Certain next 25 days, t srheme is secure. logists, but probably they are raserving ttlok the start, but was soon passed by 1-1. Do Or lk.whig the difuli dealiened it tiecuasary red, an4 sligzast the tints f it raw boof Mrs. Hawkins, overcome with shame elc;� (put his entire Stackox 31,sved by 51 Dalton.. see by To Clare, Tuat-the I-ingago, 6neuitt inan was aprosted I),, -h, their forces for the Anrual meetinghich Bay Jack who with -ontiderable diffl- U,)undl do adjourn to meat at (3torge Pollork's steak. !� i A few o to the extroinus (1E and remorae at the-4hought that takes place at Kingston, the week after oulty kept his position, and got Lto the Hotel. Kin-allridge. on Monday, the 4th of No alit. 1�if otgainy. Greatly imcuniali- and herons I paws, brute of a husband ]ins a number TAs Londo'li =V&7- her, idn-viTa the Railway ily-faw dues -not carry ; ell . at b 0onsideredto-have OU(IILIlit- (11 t siboat a lehL 1 1111 W'IilllrO 611AIleinout f liv-truding -the - next. winning pos � rth ahead. but it it should ourry thell tile Inceling be nOld 02 tea any inisdeed, he appealud to Inis , of other Mrs, Hawkinises, has taken cog OTATIA, Efl The followinil, is a summary ror 0 Of the the 20th Inst, at the same iiiace. -carried. . of tile Car Thu Township Council of Hay has re- fornier wator for assiittundo. "Yoll sie, last desperate resort, and pursued the races JAME FJ CUOKE, Oil th� other hand there re 't"'ro husband into court on -a chrge of adult - solved to submit a By -Law to grant Township 'Ifirk rilluisa, my old. dna' leave tilt,. �ha ticauky beyisild the litilits Ing wife number one, she has a ,,r W. Woodruffs Bay Ja,3k .......... .... 1 1 Richinond, aiiid Sol ery. Bei Se dt& run aw-ty to AND UNDER -COST. $15,owboni:D3 to the Londult, Huron VA1111tu P. Murray'mFly ................ 4 .......... 2 2 1 take ii-nothar wife. I don't go for t- 'If thty A -day, for twoagto, atlout Tight to bring an action against Whit, and 10 A Af near Hyde Park .1 ancl Bruce Ptiilway. . Thompson's Gipay Lass ............. die. have him arrested. and hold, because understand why thisWt right now jug' - i'entrancetl with i dinitatiou a-, thpre is no law which recognizes poly - East Wawanosh has given $18,000 to C=11X=ti0U of Mukal mil Corti- i- Time -1:56, 2:00 as It used to be*V rentainqd Call. nd Get Bargpins. atnilion xvq thesightitif-two otinggids-16andI8. Race -,No 2 was a tri;ftin- race, open to rejoined his maswr," this trouble, -th r#.-- gailly. The action has created q%te a the London Hue by a majority of 10& a -0 oud off umahn, t-AlsAill, &OUVe, all horses that suits front voitir vtoting the Ruptiolic 9 Hullett has gien $15,000 by a ma, never bet'. Three minutes; figures v rerfect an their sensation, and many most reverend 31or- �ivali hyj theit inon deacons ase trembling in their By the last Canada G=eftc, we find f) 6 1 With Lt. . mile heats, best 3 in 5 to harness. ticket. I haye notning t r6mindin H1, -o:-,: ARDASFRONG. jority of 185. raoclo_ ga ,no f those astind. ug that the following officiars of the 33" First horse,. $100; 2nd., $40 ; 3r(l, $10. Domiui4� Parliar Yon helped to make t;U ta,%, &tilt till% shoes. -Hawkins will -doubtless get The meeting of tbo d4owers special Clinton has given $10,000 by a ma- B,,Wion h-slolint., cersificates of qualiti- only see at, % ery 'q;,vpre1y into trouble, xu d -all the is p4-stprined-this"tiona1ill nothing retiKdinii Jur you but too serve low f 44erleh i5tu-se For this race there were three entries : nient 1 1 W or Orly Mrs. Hawkin4es, except jority of 55. iation are confirivied in their respectivu "in the utiftentiary ; i4d. witl� . .,war htwitessas f the lily J. Co-ffins' "General Butler;" J. Bailey's 30th Ovt, and not tilon, to meet for the a,terui -orplita. jr the - And dljj�pt: and above tha, t, coriiival, wit, be left lamenting. TJten This should make the� construction of ranks, froin 30th June, 1871 "Black Crook ;" and T. Sharp's "Paf" despatch of hijiginess. tUs expiaiiati-on tile poor, , old, perplexed :L nierry,1;iiinciBilt, happy llook, In ad. Will- they see the.'eiTor �of their the Railway certain far enough north, to Capt :,�nnKaine, V. B., 2d class, Tits first heat ws won fiby Black Dominion Revenue for the month neg -1, wts iliged to I)o satisfied,, t4un-tij Ways) Bow =ry D.& -m 7w Rusi:L­They -County. Orowds Of yonngr wintien tin horse. curse Mormonism;, and depart from out have a 4singpilar -kind of dance Olt the, OPan up the Soutk Riding ofthis I 'L Crook, 3.081. and the three following rling al Aug. $2,018,421. Expendi- lit, 'duu'reekoti it a ir-ghty (illuer. %cc 'rilill" toaxtut) t 1.h3knsa,v,�S, of Brigham7a iieeu of, iniquit lh6u- qo �ig YiA eu�� Thlose freenien have imue !YT omery, V. B., 2d heats by Ge&ral Butler, who was closc' y. ont 8 ttire f -).r satne period 1,835,852. 'jity their girlblil in the freak _g! 9 lit M sands Will follow. dancers stand apart�a knnt if yong -1riven in each heat by Black Crook. -Ight tolls 4 -a bmito who supursUti011d, ()no ol which is'a cotldutry--: Vorth class, No. 2 C6mpany. ly VA=Z fo: tho VL Ia. Ensign Ed vard Grigg, V. B., 2d class, Pat was witild The Orillia L -eo it tie.n hure, so,knot if inaidenis tbore- r&wn on the third her. - b.arniog tile wood of the sassafras r (114tures, a akinneli,;L odfad%e anti let it go Witon ttleir g re frank and opbuttruth Who wouldrilt screaniff cau-zlit'half I :-ach sex by itself, and sUelizim a traivol Nti. 4 Ctimpany. J. Collins' Gen. Butler ........ 2 1 1 1 he calleal - out his wife to see* thb sight quillurrel woott,' as it its uni% ersaily CAlitd.' 4114 uai0oitr L1104still U13011 you and half bya falling wind�jwj wirlinoth- fluttis, When the piper b&tks into Ashfield has voted 810,000 to the Ensi--ru Jacob Crozier, V. B.. -2a claas, J. Bailey's Black Crook 1 1. - 2 2 she unappreclatill', _ Ali Elave tronl)10 with somebOdy, aura, t)u-- their cle4r I)luet L eyet-thev Shake hands- ing �on but .4 night dress, and two im- btinted. I fure tho fire goes affi:,A a tuno a V71uth pulls o bis cap, ancl Sllar*s Pat .................. 3 3 die. amuciatwu -tif French g"Itiflemen. i -h 'here they Wallin -ten Grey add Bruct: Railway, by NO- 9 C-lul'ally- ouc as a itian wdijuld-uo gaudy 'pudent youngmen g All -w b A wuve Ensigm J(iseph Beckp V. B., 2d class, bad dreitins or inolaut:1114% .3 a I�Lrl %it and a bow. =jority of 179. Time -3:081. 3:11, 3-.13, 3,08. arrnged -to purchase. 50,001) acres -if " titek 60a, about their dress, Swite c , iorcsentailents, they tell you tile old 11.1'r hadiio, lkwfulr�ight togaze? come If the girl is willina sho wavAs hie han-a* No. 2 Compny. 21 - - N liaid, between Queljeo wid Three Rivers itu,s tir fatheror br(itherstolis to ul) and' release Hai a lover. taken of "soidt Ensign R. J. Leach, V. B., 2d class, The third on the list was 4 runnmo, h o' 1(steln 9 kerehief in the y6uth It is rumored that an official lias Wen ridin' th;iiii. A bri,1111f. Ltd, YOU, 60 1 stablish a collmy, of Its-itilins. - A&V a Chat; thuy st(,P and .1 and I 'No, you niusn't-i-ideed you c a4vauces, takes a corner of the kaudker. scratiny of 'be Turnhery list has reclaced No. 8 Couivauv. race ; open to all lt)rjes.; best `3 in 5 Ultilvi cite datighter td. it friend bere, 4 -a - themselves it) grave won% i the vote for lhe Hamilton line 'front a Tile f4flowing officers passed their mile heats Ut ho e, $150 ; 2nd, 'he Guelp -replied the unfortunate fair one. "But chi0 in kis aud, and lowls bis -Uwiii rs �40; T h Garrison Battery is form- 6.1143 clay pi-ditt.1lUg Olt home affairs,ana era-litill tirdthett. do one yood I inust-you'll be'kille." rotind anO round. 'No word is spoken a at the recent District Caaip Zrd, $25, ud into a Field Battery. tailin-, abunt tile se'van leavmg becausL Vileso f4 majoritvaf12 toa, minority of4. Until examination r 01 determined faces, ixtbermajol.'" rot imik &,-L -oh heaven ! call the cha, here and haild been ranted certificates There were thr�e entries for this race; The L,-u40n Aliertnen haye voted by %fraid to stay in the twuse. Sliesaidthe uidllo latugh isheara,. Stiff Nith cords i I vitich bkwcen experience of lif, witho I; out !" was the' appa-ling old ri, this scrutin r hn3 heenr lerally gisne into rjy tile Board of Examinations, as it.) - K. O'Leary's7 "Reporter;" Morton's 13 to5 too Lease thi, London & Port olkf Ifag- r tile' her. '40f nrourAo, th"M, is "She's gone Lh ,th thotrl movem. -lip 191011 at) 0011111lon WWI Ila- 'let me comp iv "No, I'lldie heavily by herself, going round -auJ-- an both sides, it will tull, have to be low "Nbra, Kestra; And P. Nurray'� "Fly." Statiley Raifway to the Groat Western. no such thing !' duclare little M si &1- 1, flat tistet yLp V �ess idoli, led than we ;ire Vs Miles anti first!" "Think ofmy bac,,yubrtej round. and FIRST dr -ASS CER-TIFICATES. Nora Kestra, took the three heats with- Rrse-thieves prowl about WoudstoLk. dainfully. Evoirythin is dated from Wit Of , a, but yet and ran and -can the landlady." conellided that, Tu=berry has 7ated $28, - 4 I's pollfullu& ' - W. F. Murray, N, P. 4 tin. out any very extra effort. The principal soirreadur. Yon have a nice ontp �i, I tolich her band. Thelpipt'g6es druning 000 to the Hamilton line. Capt. Burglars itifest Chtham. vAlt � 31) alpint lbesnxthat hiaves contest being for the neco' .(in for hours in till slame, mail key and nd money t�)b9cc()Ciesar!' `We�liyes, but noth- I 'kind 'feeling. Grey has voted W-YOWtO the Wolfing- bECO�ND CLAbS CERTIFICATES. The shipincuts froth Siver. raleb last T and g the first two heats Fly kept wHIl was wfore EAie surretlaa4 !, memure,.and tbeprizo ioifuteltiathis.., Major W. W. Ctjuit-jr,, Capt. John LLIg -like it lucasioll ILY confidiinco." TH:s SxGwiL i, the largest local paper " -irclitig 11 as the dance it calle1, it givea wmumg old are you ton Grey and Bi uce by a majority of 361. -EL-tine Nii. 8 Off. Lieut. 6. Wilson, N. I. u horse, lea;4�gReport- week were !worth 859,000. 'LION Silllv 7' we ia the Dominion. Send -on your sub- b�v specttors to tile lassito Who, ill al -hsi to twinted tout it) Ar�rria has done likewise; giving $30. a co lerable distance behitid; in the An Otld ;011ews' Loolgo is about to be th -y,,till(Y 3 On. idiwit. A., T. ALaitgotnury, Nil. 2 e .0 11 so twentYU1111 stinimer revelry. has n6vor spokep:, �y a majority of 9X Vo. Easwil 39ward Grigs,,, No: 4 Olt. thethirdheat; however, Report6r made openod at 'ttwa. donoul, holts to) Its aWo have n* doutit that ort Thursday Ensign XZ,ob Crozier, Nil,. 9 Col. Ell- better time, - all three, horses kept pretty The Harniltonians have abandoned 'years Qd-beft-ore.the stivrendah," was thill 2120 V:6�xuounitho and n�-, or miled. Close, Nora Kestmkeeping the lead by the notion tif a regatta --only heing able 'pro . flulit reply.-Saily liad, Amon -to schoo-� AsTn�IATIc BRoNCHITIS, r NINE, oil a sign Joseph, Back. ff". 2 Co. Ensign , 0 - -i-he kuei� Duidi the earjy, part of the pro�sent 21st- inst.x West Watiancish will p J. L3ach, N,,. 8 Col. Benimain about a length. 'Fly kept well, ithead of to get ts,!;j cro h a to promise to rfiv. . 411-1 PrOMIUy gifortated- its that YEARS.STANDIXG. jUVRED BY 8 immonary were -enturyi' - lubs aad Frou froin dt Avr.LcAN 1)o=RxNF,.­The 0tonfereres, very large majority in the'sanie direction -fazielturst. Gettitleinau. 116porter until the home stretcho, when - A, Corlillnittee bas -liven, appOilLtOd tO avow -to read. 'I 'Bl)ec . t.yo' 'b ;ashi, kna� Ia inititudorm in Glasgow, and St. Jtibn, N. B.. 11th An at, 18369!1 n 3lieth-iolftt hurch -ef of the Africa Th 'ast "'ana"tsh �vill Wt, ought. to rentark thatnostibalterile by An extra eort, on the, part of the. a tostini,mial to -Rev. D. Ing shte aded, eyeul4c its curit the aaelie of manyonerry splorps coakiect- Ur. Jaitics 1. reilows. ear Sir 1, Z rider he made up, and both reachoid the got lip Buin asiced h -.r reaA fuf-f,�jrtbi consider it tit V.�dnty tit inft, you (if the Illintois met recently in Chicago. � The in, ill* way of the (4ittle ting as, 4uti-n-ts) were peritat.- ir.-litnion, lififfists are pparenfir blem- stand ss a winning post almost abreast Fly, h6w- tit , pridisptcl; of his rolikoval to T silo ans-�ered "Well, I t1ii it stj.- Ali do d th ith took place in the well- utAf�rican Affid e -fur higher than a sfitcond-cla3, 1P -ee Tuns rcut beitefit I have received front the ev e. Reporter. tire ff --your Clitupound construction of tba line. d to try -aft kind, r� na -mod the "Thr 3vru�* f 14�pe_ �ed with An. exce6dinkly prA er, having the advanta, The Onebeo re­atra, is Dustpuned oil gorfectr4adies' *I. ctizal sind 341011ndmof 1;,4 ­hanest Jolm was taken 'off the ground lamed -and oltke.', -She rd; pectfully bade as ood Ile lant -ofwhicli was ph-isphites : I h;tve � beet], hitr this Iast Plainly Speak . 40rd Ing bishop, wose name in Tbe Rev. W.. U. Gieig." Lokiaongthrogularfk�quenters Qtiinn. Bishop Qtflti,- in etty well used Punshou 6 expaotqd. was uallt t%ko in thli nine years, a wrreat safferer from Briin- UP. AIN L EYV1JjLE Pr back from Englaxd of that h6stalry was Joha Brown, -a lead. ellifisandAstith'ina-at tinies jus ill that 19(line.ne wly Ordained 161ders, deacowl UIA next'week. when tko_t trued Mr Brown calk a meeting of the, Re- Mollon?s Nora' Kestra ............... I 1 .1 Lway. I- he -city, and all eathua itinerant preacbers, earnestly Adviseil W`zA.THFr_­1t is *getfing quite cool P. The Rev. Dr. Topp hits returned to- allems to be. a. Southern fashion. to Sa in pack int Las- for week I ocatild ri-Ither lie dowh or fu=vrs of Hay, ou Saturday, 30ih Sept., ..2 2 2 domason;, and Inany anight'the 'IT ae -t espeaiaUy at -night, for otLr6!d friend Ir lortkitto, after three month's absence ill ".;)O,l ovellil:g, after twelva tile ,Appre' hr take any noitrishillent Ili conseqnence, thin To have donlyono.�ife ; tio tre, In.; in ZuriclI, for -the purpose of . Ila, 3 3 3 '1 atic, her kindkr, -and - 80 Uuns"'x4oltaded qhe not to beit her -,Io black k FOstPhas agaju returned and is (t tit call A -1sun lip.' Tit,- -and don Ing the time sit ering hitensely- - otland:. . - un -o itber-own 'Ation and busily employed in The firat race on the prograintile for Song" teiriuning I have had, at -times 64 advice of their own boatir; to attend t wnsl�ip Assoc= ripartirg late grains to a f the freedmen are. the The.Stmth Oxford , Reffirruers havo 'Its "Ilevii'19 b see, licirsts and not jO liO 11011.15d WO IttitO ifecond da wasi a trottinli purse of Once I 4a;fl blind and Could no bm)' glorious old and fruit. It still continues dr IL mesa. expect yj CaLlsIng 110,111inated Xr� E.- V. Hod"twell ffr the, hold -in their sch,tolhousei T�e,, 'have, I tptwo � physicians. 5 water to be Very scarce.- $150, all horses that ever beat one sfilkitlar deVt)tLjnil ekercise-.001led Aud 4 was dark around; The least ex. lnorning,'-.. This Paternal aylvice wan Hay will. Eli�ilse of Commons, -aiitd pa4sed a series have a larga and harmoniou 245; tn�le heats. best .3 in 5 t1d, harticis pulling u'rope )Ileaveu.-All Bat P� Dviaence -provided me, folltowed by tVo pissage of 4 resolution il to eithe p ��.��,COALOIL.--The-Companyi.-itencI to test First horfe, $100; 2nd, e4O.; 3f4. 10. i)f restflution3-pondeinning Coalition$, 11101011 a, friend 11 found, r damp 4)r drasight, was peo�ple ill the oonciroption risil, awid, with, An isilre 0 tilt in a severe attack of- my farbid;1ing the tainistersof the -church to - theirwell. in a week or two, as they hiva R' i�ortli Brudd ILA Throu lenpathathatfriendmel I 'diow Be. Fit For this race, which w a. the, ,,flat ofortners Of Ve Thhidi arooke.orchew tobacco. it wAs hotly purphased. a pump. !lPJiftod arinsatia7witif awAyt'rig,bodi . 68, 0 idim, ito relief trfout e closel contested and ex-oiting ofall.� n!illlil�ated Ali. Th,imasll, . ntoV as lyn"Cate tho� dAnwing Lot a - S paths as babbilers ne'er shall medicines Iliad I Zoiiellide oppospd by thilse ;m the Conference what y VOI)st d to Fitom 'RED. RIVZIL.-Several of the tbe'reweroi threocisries: "ALadyGray, their candidate fur this H flypc wvroolovers of the weed-butin vain. a* parties who went to Red Rier from this p�aying this motion with's.11 Lty fal, lal _Ia_ Ia Ia &a. try your Couip6iind )phos. V-ith: we Twe offon, h6rd itsai. that if YOU 31. Barnei; "I'lonest Billy,,, J�in CFO'nmt)"B- thot ntow they must either pTe up flie, WLdtili chant,� plutes, and have runt reason to think Vicinity last spring have lately got their Thonliorl; "Pellialit . _i- r , y -�ka_ . . i, tilt nel-ifies Alt � work drivin- 'One ni -a tore "Inself away Giid L f-irthe resir t. I have"itt alf, luxury or anker expultsion, he Africau want t*start, a churab orxbankorawy orst:s stolen from. them by the Indiang, Ill- L tile fi aJ. Bi 0 Little Polk$ ara Coming g; b Air. Brow Illinois Are, ev�den being rat b.gt r " otty f0yon . Th nd to and nQ eel is sfronctImuth'idistl tif 1y 'Ktious for a. heir Wiuns x1irdafli tile fields or liver tile. 1roin.t 4a musical a d to --tabib twelve bottles, WIT t other imfitation, or are Ara .1 0.1 - L , - 11 MI., Nzss.-Thereia few 6aseeL'of Dy atart was got. - Toady Gray to uturta4iaents and betook imsed to this- and for -will lthe-lead. Plantation ruads, )'Of! wi4 hear .1iliv alitt e and IV -ell -.is 4-vorj felt in Illy lif�, !scijilineO. . a ceiabritted. tittie People' Cool. portfoHa, 'ar Success will bece#ain if These .. I . sentery still in our irichlity, -but not of a and kept her p,)A IkIl,gridually gailling, th(lur the L aualation, , Yon. tit tile iieatre­ herelle-chose a sea near the the laiat, ear have ritit halt one toonfiou ) yon Itave, --distillery -tir mibrow * �behlnd Foote highly, L' re- erit ed. . 0: til the wlrlilitlii�` pf'st *04 FLr very dangerous character, but judging u v all tho- Press -turollyll str;ing dalf. 1, tf uo- lazy beasts noiod. a -front of the pit'. The pIny it sicknessi nd llei0keI4 does dainpuess xr 3 ITI -DIN LO 2 311, SAI yatt. The, qualities. Ili f'beer** from 010 windowit oi dar sholis. yba' l4onest Billy oiin#4n, second, -an-d rellittil :connniendei b- - A AIP96d be 1.41io.4 La�w and-Physsic," draloglit havot upon tile. ihiii� they re' and every he least effect would may thU, the Kerr, Broirn, Xc-. TiLrtar oarely ssired &s iada; and, U. g. and wherevOr 'they. oal it -with 'Oog -,no acq(Wnt Weroi 1 to write on -the sl0ject -n!A.onlyas the smallest Qn. yAir- skin: !And vaziotfs ed ttgrewith. wiU remember - - I OT $11 fronting. on Victor!& $tatid XaIlkia plague has again viaitiii! out aevol-d Vept. Flonest Billy took the lead .. it-imilar atijuiatiogs, whitit--tho tile ace),V. wilt -re oA-e'of the charadiejs �f 4�0111.ljlot 5ay eilongh in �ralse your r intior is ha- have appeared, ')tber into a, Xioister'w sizatLitud, if tip C.Inillis 411 nilt"n beiiga of in Ire- 6- inlrbiable adjttiring, Well'isld stan.. Terms )py Vinae. y0L Woaq have thought Anti zame, in -first, 014sely filllowect 16y,� Ijigniti tif halti is alway4 a - iting drawit eiitois- upiofi ill:6 L *49 j, "Ia OiLlaims: tw -tip of Hypti- b letter prevaial ;--y- elaIrLiter 11ink ilita the chairof �h.3 se, talQnt - 1JIound �Svx correct,. m from 11 rings this.place hai; receiv­� Ldy Gray, Nihain Tartar but gifted witl gad dedcat. �y o nAply., if th�ree't�mesj rgive-ah-Adequitte idea of eaf erint Lar(kna-ges slid fint-c to '!he third AU . - i#, ig.m the gallif Limit. . Gover" r. Ito is 04 tall dull rom that qu%rter for the last few viisititat, but much closer. 1011 In 41iff ev r0wag not'goila, is ky, beingsivare, my suffierin 103 an, Y --th maplvea: ael, . . .-. � 11, 1 . 'L &*1 4 1 -9.q. fkj"IC geutlaill. 'renjeurwo, yean. peop (irs. Thi, Quebed buriolitu'Viontreul Is would guard than -ill the, for er he _11i &1 1 or. a wD uat. n th etit", 'a large qnsititt Y of oa*r I's �ora joll!Avad Yon are -at liberty to Ill -at use lea 0. ited anarViclo fro fro; the ax- againstitbutit ent. Iktrd t; Honest Billy a"airt took the Oautte,. and niatir- leading PApeim'd swilioigly rec. seemeth di#4i ,d 016, Uoud enough 1;r every on-- 11, plo�use of this letter, because I hope Alt I 3nald. at- a expres sy ici or at ilia signet?,01fice, -bet he, great.',,iexcitemen, -1@,.d, and, gainedrapidlir- &I th this U a- a 'right.'sinart lot hear, 2"Hols- in the Three doz&.Free -Pre-_V, in Crabbs! - Hall nte a. way alirrde that sioris are'not,coadned. aloite� V ItsDubi ky. -may, be ill,- me4ns of beop.- 13,st cle of stillootinueaju-regardto this cortinion thraigh these, tile$ ty 'ietr6 ation, Front our Lady 3Jo- bulareindid ett in 11aw Ill :The. words . istruok like a fittin-otherAtifTerers'as much Las it hits, (judeeicb, 19SOPt-,1871- Nw,7.;2m ­ I P wra Camp Ili - Second. the liegPir; n 1)7� . r. is legs wo t1unk thev would Inok Well lijile wonders are Ontiflol't6l uhq 1111lat f the 1111aliton6d" thoutselves. Xae. topic. i7he. W., ' G. & B. . By4aw- waot in 'hii -beat &Tth,Lad fr'ray, and Pelham 1 4 ill, White Silk t�;� _6L Insity underbUt on t&e ear f -the. packer, hta y.061 oflli majoxiV, but inAide L Vuiry_`O�J'l -L thd 7 � -A Are noz awara carried in Gray b.- -and e4 re- -TED Taitar trd�tiligj. be seen it irwonderttil. pe I%Adfor�ettiag for a moment Whe he respectfully, TEAM= WAIN bg autiii -of & ire maa is ldidi remain, yours t1lat J)eL In* imy other qqaliffetion for Irt-31ords-it *as - more cloiely contestad, couldriscarcely be keptft td� respond -he started froul'Itis seat boltupight, SIRS. 11 IPWELL, Ex'mouth St. XLepi ao intej�es: in a London but on account of the thorough, 1CRUT333. 'Houltist,'Billy trotted well, never unce 13 r IS .1. _Ah was, -xAmBAICHER FOR SCHOOL nin, brp4jelllg� -a4day ild e q4- by unianT'Butit-wilat be, colifts."ed ere d "Yolf" a uax�..itirl 11a it WaW also, ca fourth heat Lottel and iroare , a It A Umwery�. irried bya, major attenipfing�tobro:ik. Aq the a;notheliqlassin the Soath -that; are- -The enaxtio was pr4giOUS. "Horrible i What can U -norb opction I Goderich T'p. ' APPI!r The Lwidonors looked a&ifth _T tf full iirnwn, Sir^ tPai P. St j litilL o behind ihe Wiles. a yory even istart Was W4811"jui te 6616 1 1:would ralffer be dead than I by Utter pos a to, Gouericb irev hichasother. da JAMES VORTERO of -theiri-schente, h.;c4 give, -way­and to I'd to go I 'fell bet pa -v- it Afitt, piani T thought so. fole 4 y e ell blind? zito][tyms at ema flie &ath of their scheme it,% 'trifiah cau-mil hi _h tl�q el;r,]' -Of 1,11#1 RINCA a p6pu- a protst P RoWAUD ISLA C_()LIN QL.JM less frequently. ter, anol broak jpe fai a4ininioti for si0h, ariEl t�rtsl` tL()ok tip our ctopy jPrinC"4wAr4 Isla -ad is 94.02 4 f our tnQat intelli'-rent 'CitiZens, aud yet i VA possible, they -entered The threb borsai wet, f -of JOK1011 off J 18,kAU $ALKELTY. TheXorth Vdiug%ow willbeheld ote, tut it amounts to Varyevenly for: , -, inent in put dowa quits reavInable,limd I how. fAvr there are wbil, take proper wra &short distance, when I the in bicrea, a f I k . - - ibtVietoriall�dl�itillbafliJea�-,it'botlI I fit theirsi&t, era - the raderich, 19$e $71, *wT-&** at, clintm onTireidzy and Wednesday nofWng. This election was.one, of -flie Efouosb Bifty columericarl to gain, ad nodoi 1 '13 164� --Or 16.28 pW The Ishtod _!ins 141119 lot est §pectalex atild thereby VtW %all ffth last. We shaRnotat. orites, roo to ElItOrtsirkilleut I on gaitirdayl$ ept.' 2$rd,, great -set that evei� took place in this the Lother It b. k , gtrg hint ell tbe magazine witlithe remark �1 sa.7 Ir rat 1, Townsliip t ere being 0 the -Vote% po- good start IhICIIj Taijar -families, the a e iisking 'tfle In5S* _�#f tli�t precip.ps gift, tempt toptit tho prize -list into 1his It PC Was Noon' -A fternoin lLnd EvolliuX. -t", family- being 5.33. lit CHA�NCERY AND C0'VVEYA:N0I!NG, nuillbe'l! over Dr Caml,-af1fa Disig Z�flj- . would suggest, to Asur read- officef d with the exception of about 49 and brought;j�wn, andfortheJ* L if . -_ 1 .11 years St hilf M& Fumom Ouns 4110� the 14at Vfe4dy issue, as it -would xtecessitate I!' thecrowd at onetime numbered upwards follimed Billy pretty oil IY,L SE FAilli. -011iielle lets jand friend& that oux reliable, and cl c anct at tile increased - 18.8 it' the Roman arket 4as hold in Injorgull on Wtiolftea- per ven well known 'flownsmalk Mr. F. Jot- (;o&rIck1h5ePt, 1571- of2,000, Ups- 13,7. ,Of �tht entire p6pulAtion a4y'x, delay and xUa endapgor the 1, =edoffvary,,qUj6t iy�,thera length liehind. IQ 'is *IAA is sole Agent in tL District L a Udy Or4 in ithis heat fifirife.] Lcovoctma Of tile report. fall, des- being only one da�.' Thirteen'. thouikoct. three ire was cotisidoral -60,271 she ii , Ves of Ag Island, 1%75D 'buying Of du me behind - qU tbi 1 boxes were afr4red paliteeoars llavo _retn0vodLth Ill_ at! Pe 4r�pothjn will appear next Week. any round; and­isainal for . #&left - Ilk owe, for tarArus, Morris A Co., AFAIN IFOR SALE. seemed fro tee midired were 4014 at 740. to sic. of -the Old dig. are -iiatilves- of - other �eottutiiies. 1ewt Spectnel" h-Ilniro M. the - in -. third, Abont three �r follr "Iftivertil a - - . F - yeak 1646 men *orb en#aged inAhe prf)_ rially used ice 'and mati]y Tlis South Ridillig Sh6v wM be held, wouldlik,_to, get' a e spare two, thou I Ad were lihipped, oirmalatilito- tile Uniled Of n, length$ "the: cW0forts of trael. ishi tbroughout- rat si air- 5, tioy VC)II, OF 128 ACRES. WIT1111V 1AV9, �Imst 8x(corth, donTitiursday andFriday, sectind hfirmo, bitt r's acicaurtf, Tbi-belit factori It 9tatis, ahfl all whii wor-thein, hakinj ujod, her distance Wo. a'K=d lell Were biroikes, nd, ilther.contrivances, - lie �productionli;,,,of th,6 Afjil Ve 21st mul 22nd 'facorleo were 'At within _,on� -�tindred and aps, 'Thii hina is boundod loy L-Akt fluron atA J - '_ IL _. It For arobe bo0SPoZ;taC1"s Made- i- iii tier cultivation and it, 9001 orderal-aost clear of w1lich we Willi V V90X 9 -mil It lit the clxancei� of, accie -bruu' ov& full t liniiiii 'and tho� ai lvernm A HllsiCHOID RZX5 'famUY licantifil7ly S�tMlb puted j��i tnt join very iia?Wotor�. �4. Grawl Radiii.11 ttLVWay<1Ad IT. Tlifintiu'afforiestBill- ffortV 'llileft JJf W4ay on Orellard *u Vio tarnes'L tinsreniedy uoTipaso pay) aud there i a loarse Rrmiit'�f.-�ReT. G. Bro*n the ellteem. W. N. that , tile �13lopnlltirity, 49 on *Iteelsptallities to nialm roil firill cost he our' -pf 4fqCti 'is universally Prelilfses jkar:ll�: I�W!Cs Littl Grey ......... 1,2 2L a 4 1 Xhou a bii with"'Utsarfleliffics aad pastor of the Presbyterian Okurch, `8. Otlikkis 60t at all- ton the*afis. a. lets. fruitful brueaer of thau tol , J-33radburnii 2 for t li,)a and half of 4ollars.., 'oftne purebw mauoy reWrea down n tile The t The contract' it A-Ull CTOToP iin As 1�iffgixs ItVI*4 the p,4wbotser i1riiiiiston, frola ZaL0�3%41ML Wialeter, ii4� filli.,14he'dald CID He hifts bee Unt, one -evil-wo - had about two Inil 34, ss5 provistent as clunghs; colds, sore throat, Tike Wwitom Wir will be hold at OX IaWri Ilurub;il wors t -T01114113119 as been bout two weeks ago, anA imi fil.Was twttiniz ricej open Can be reliett �nx in Vilifornia, - auil on: tilt rforirn home shortly. donftidL that goo invita 7and tin.; The, vacand.-y on tit medy) too, which 1111on iouthsat;15 per cent._ Lon, 11% fr3m 2" h to 29th inst. II& U all horsew tififall, were endor of indigestible edioles - :auvied by tbelofeat for the r4 ;PpTypost-patato a int -ij Golulu.13400, i - er A: 3UCK;ky *11 be tim IeAIiu BAU BALt.-The Match * between the, 3 irk 6 .,to barnou. in ffirlectures. -_,Frofiably h6`tlid 'readable gr�,_ Ddrkcab has been. filled b y its JiSfe: sure ud c min. Dr. fl`iorfa�s or ar _g ftor for aU Western Nii9thorsol, $160 -1 2ud, $50 ; -Srd, $25. , - litorAiure still live . slid -belo JVjZd Ori-rif �,ciubilliis this F. 0. Draver 14 AA4 wat mllslu-duly ftronioclol the "Red Stuck' f Ustf:fwal, - and --the, nAwaottheni'all.', Wl;tt -'h' Holt flow�� Balipam'of In ot Ill it_�,not be, see Thrue, dentriai wore idslie, for this r#40 Z, in4utinse or is 0 Lj; - -.0 df!'# C 1Z of 0 r B, 11 for him -to -pr4*141V ataff of "53t- ba illishmettit. , He is A an lays*Ve to yourpurnst witl I for, I his t it Du P r o0 d p oil hri exal Is. S 1Vr_1kM1Xr__ff VIE !Vc3mmo it3 'On V�-Vkqy, 22na, cb,=1211 at 7.11 of St, AUCIE-0 M", i n D=a?on ITZ-12q'y pa"I'l Cad �n t%o -Jo N Z omw & MuUin. A 26�-Iiva al zozyul _,nd �1� bczn gaflacye2v, --ml t%cr rffimz�',u= at table-,. TZ] tho b_�L­acq al ZeM,, Est. blkaw. We havo M0 4 Tim 1,16=11 Al� eam Ac,�wnxwzAnc �11ZCN�Y, rcccnttly e7dnv wil Atzmnbly, tho Cot � 1ho Q=_dra Prc2bytci chft:a, in Ha ZZ4;,* -wr_3 Cho yknul� Gal 221-7COF, far,b TIM f211 gronl� Dvaco zjj,�Jci tu­,237 to= es ri mcd in t1c) now le!"Ic TLiZn iL riW�� 1�40 gono far tbla� twa'lu b 141'ay tit ttef"Inst, OVUTUOM-020 b0flol tt tho cnmc.? C, 1 4,?�o �`, TA .Uarnflt,_,n St.., _-0 at ara oilmnazc.-� to tliao lmhab,' di"Th rHain the J�Cracslr Eta= fs t1aca,=r-a I into tho The bU*LN1C,-1Z �7M, Z,)11CaZ' 2M, 4'and "mn-n _�Llnlh_. 'PLIM-t-At and Dnp,atlmn nnlat=, illgiy bt:,Zi Z1113atioll in the yacc-list, and is vull, a yanng 11ady Sabo �cu,-10,cato gir_�Io A. f, end 4tVt1f1S0V&1- az-*o O�Z� ardor. tn 'a? �"t -70 pt frs 174o it,3,7 -ait-cn:8,3t,,4L I Zt1r," for ccrzinm! , — 7 2-1 UnI ZTE V U TEL UPIA 7Z. - nQb , in? tlla A mbitions t'l) ?.Adan,1311� taivy, whaso bmsiacs epffr ,fna r �o�ot, , n .110 deffic-0 c2nnol t, a gmc.&Icl VAMANCY.-A M30.- - 'of Zge, vkb -Lo tnev, nyplo ill LER COVOT02 13%7t1T,MJRW, Qnr r-amas On 8.11UG-J'a his ;mSenco Via f3alvau VDgltit 4aud frnc2 ti) Z;;: lenvo to iczawl Ile qv. -4 tem 06=,,�Jc, frr-1 "I -1p xmm,y �,e arl frotl Lis vamycmencno ftaln orw ul C- Z1V &rja c2 wMch %Te -m - WfUUM havo to-�,-,Dva( vagmant Td6l n lr�= OU -42 ians Ecca a C111in'tty?c ZOIL-tr. le 14"1 fcovl weellet! pyo G71cm" LKS t�114 thl ttoDlthat thoc!VVL��bcn bw ttstcj by il ��Tuwfjbgf thiuk G'Sakm7l wunkl: _4=EsZ-CB% 13�;&2mcntu szmTzi eka �soaj),- b',Bt, 1:51 ,.isome hind w7o"13 do) -s C�der Imm 1tLo O.'a Par Tho Rbrg t�fir Kearg, j,) a Y, Tnia Lay m1wain", tho Van-lz Me tomnCynt"n) C qMMoMUU1C:7. TILLO �_,Q *!, c V1. a tcmlErp d4unJcr rmu r3uc�,14 I dowa -Mt hCaT Ia quize, Ia n:�tnl�-Cr CT Z.=T2fZ and c7g"'ID:tl ha 4UP. Tian PEn lelt Guov,"IcLh cm8at:37, Ad,j.Gcnu7i)a_,T:d tr_,o ftTy Im, t-na'al. to bo _rO, ' e�tl 1! =,cs `C:zj�i lnvcs�ing' hu 4,,7�0 rml-:373-4 Lt at T J Vieuh�g Wal �as , have ,, c2ter 4^,;CzW t::1 VrE se., .Nr,w Low Qvrill - -4 zranuu toviawr= AT- c7aoncl, a Lavol",* ;117o LnIfum"Eture, r2at Vmt t"'zo tz-c! Ito bbewu B. 'e� and tnutuer- c2a �70 Ea esAlly &:I'd '10 (, W irnsr,an], it lcss�s cu -n-% now ft) an! Lee, zorr Z -,Can t -D bo uxtfal Q7,mq_, finn, t%er th, 11,4c Rov Jobn V -_JL to rtev:�A_% !aUd is 11�1 b,47 Qi fZ:13 'Rjjl�t)on. j�j,@ 1�'rV J ;hamt ma lnt�� th"o PS T Zoiv 3 r lk Cal ��Iuiftca w 13 _2t i �a 31- A., JO t4like ChargC Oftht in 31sulbYju, *L6 a t,7,-E!!V tO ur, cri I