Semi Weekly Signal, 1871-09-12, Page 2atlug -th vrrnng Gpher's hnd nd bacto hiin fare. lina tervilti ore Lo�., do ter�$G;7th PmrMalloughDis" *ell. s I stood in the deepenin AL On �g, it (Illite 1) much harim It be-ATIO 8th Private _r -esteemed member "a Greatiway, t#XetqV,, $1. , 9th outilues of I exiieutAtion, that, it the Hamilton lina is Private. Ruhir's, Gtirrio, W, 0 pi 00iiintous M. 0. Came" OF thi win �i sitnod aa burne to, killed offi, the lostiflon alsQ would fail to 13i nd, sumined flie * prob"la, cost -ii ONE THE W 6T DESIRABLt' uger,-Godarich T'li $g . . . . . . . . . . . . 'king the inik UP. -it thu evtniing wouna a* 1 igut boriusea utirthwards, (which is Almost el atosh Gtiderich, Vate.311a Bafkld_Harboura� Uarbc i Coi.'%r4 is Abiint to j4i su t t, a 11118 ritisDepartment 'has of a derit of �htt-t,,s—aul a voite I certain-)aud woutd hime its dual terminus of � Af fulye�, ancl I with . o f" floo tof the -Dontinion.G % 6TR SIATUr, RmLnAsso . I thers - I or - Cried 41tit 4 thm aivht. t CUIILuu, which is making the +Nlew Bpa Opull to all (on OrAtrox. saliguine that the same gentlemanill: etnuieut. he will Played at allipaigiiing. 130.00 marcheA ive thab mpreEsion to the- Doigiiiiii . it . whablicir'llp gorifir ittit. from Aidershott tO Sanditurst, pitcb�d 'tands 1 payment Of #J,el; ti-allc�e. eagai n. deraca olditil-0.1t, so InatilT for the London line? Ist, 87,,It Afeldlosh, Gedoijell., $10 Business S Coderich tents, voaktd and 4te a Meal, rested and it seems to us. of the Cnpt Twto, batteries are eturned,hayll Govern nent,th .187.0, if not ociiiiplatit g - r Ing iiiarched 18 44,�d# User is very evident from U3 attack Williarilson, iatd COrll at-leaSt Will coluiliel,00 t JlUrboul. to bo: emiles. 4th Lialit . he, Indeed it cannot be other wise. Dr. Karl Maix; 1�adinq, spirit �N hat ut Q�uabL-6 and of the e st:tv lure it Ur ilvlesserj Reeve of Tarn- crozier, "'it). $7;.'Oth the otbor at Iftht-au it calls "a lierson bratided llissati Exeter, ad; f;th pi.tv,itti C do yon -think Afr Etlitor,some havq tried ave ItItOrnati - onal $oci9ty, died- at London Kitig4ton Red,River vffloers will fi to make- out,, that Mr Oam..3ron brought the oil Tuesday Sth: inst., aged 53. with the atignia of catluetting with all Giiderich. 65; Tth Pj.kvat6. Gja proference in the app OnWay, Ointments. three Companies.,-, is just wbut Exeter, 84, 8th Private Air Page for an Election dqd,". J woulcl . El.st To,ron'.01-aleati I The disrmainelit 'of - the National every interested in hia own locality fort , . 0 like to know, in the,- hii6ty f *. oil case adjourned- Guardsin Smitil A-Ance commencEw on h. 83; 9th Set4,,t UeDatl our Jildclueut will be given In a few days, Ald, Goda- Country, woxi ever did a coaservittive a W10TIM have clone, itutil he found the richT'p, 62; 10th Private Big r,'Ckide- assist a tr The Americn schrioine�. 16thillsty Whan 6,uletedulrtiAl law beat title to serve the P0410. 4f Mr rich Yp, $1. ue Reformer in his Election I t .1, . iZ. A. Hor- W -Jill cease, I - Lion Oil wats . - I u the Advertiser says, made 7TH U.&TCH, ALL COX:3RS� Whom this time ar0es that the seized near H 141ifai on 61h inst, The Em-perori; of Germany A. ISESOCCUPLEDBY R. B. CONSITING OF A d" he wontil-not and the Lamb shall feed together surely With Y40 barrels of mackerel; for and An$- tory Brick Building, fire ptoof roof; store andd;ellitig. Front erstranc lat Private Hart, Gurrie; 410; 2nd the millenium has come. Our Village without licenie. 'ng tiia hol(i a conferefice at Salzburg- dielling front8quare Situate on 'North siae 4 Market 69nare, 22 �f to, 0 tholi hvb been sin -lied out for spitef ul tue by C-irp Bisset, Exeteri ft 4rd Capt Shep. is almost, smole-d out, and, had it not The West York election case has cl�a t Hong Kong has 147 ft -deep with rightof -way to)!forth St. and Bamiltdp St. iron To firld, the London Free Press aniljcriticisui� Ttletib'erryknn-%,,s�lfrArlesaer's . 7 A fdrri�bli typhoo, n a perd, Goderich Tip. $8; Ith -Private beenthe exertioncif tImneighborhood- driven12`;ships.&Wore and done much rot mes. Adver.Hser for moment on a services, aiiii lie willstirvive the Adver. ed and Judge Havgartv has referred the Will be suld by Auctictuon 15th Sept. next on thep k - User's itufavorablo Opinion. 'r00t4i, BaYfield, 87; Sth Private Bisset, hood, and the loud hand of providence following puinttto the,70ourt of,que'enis darnlio-,10 by land. . � , - eonua-)n platforra, is zo unusual sight So will we. 'Exqter,�$G; 6th Privato-Gre6oway, Fxe- inchanging. the iVindgil last Saturday, Bench for de"cislon: Ist.- Is. the offite of King Amadeas -has made a, tour ter, 85 -7th Lieut Holvard, throughSpai�n,afid bean Well received that we am glmd to witness if, 'even QA. Z% the place ould, -be burat out. As it tmaster, other than those Enquire of platform .0 I Sth NIr N Robson, Clinton,,Q,,3;,9th Sergt Was the gallool-House fence was oil fire, 0 �do towns a disq though they have mountad 'the n,3 R49 Point Q an tuilification I 2nd. Was I in the Provinces. C""'p' Goderich Tip, $29, 1()th ML. C and there is -a power of daiiia�e donAo the respon' - r AV January, 1pril, to scol ourselve3. The Five Press takez The exact tern.s, in which the Attorney Grassi fc, Clinton, 81 fencing and. tb.6 ground. (MrAlolhee - 4ent such 0, p')stinaster? February, a 2 the first round in the fallowing strai BATC St 5fary's R. Q, Church has purchas. December an are usually, and in TALI(ox Cup.—�Ve.hva seen the refers Ito the -accident related by another , nbove order, he rost fatal months i General's reply to the Strathrily deenta- report that Exeter Cc)mpllyliaving ow d anew belt weighing 1,000 lba., and n "Now that it is seen to be impossible correspondeiit.)—Mr Editor tion was couveyed, are a matter of very . the thankii cost -4,500. Bishq� lValsh will christen Scotlad. - This Y ar Goderich, August25tb,1871 to t3ke the lenillon Uailw-ty off to God- won the cup three times, is 11 ay has taken the eutitled'to- of ti,e reading public are certainly due it next in, nt third an -I Jtin3 th fifth lace, according I httlo interest to the general ptiblic. I f h-ld it. Cartainlv Exeter descryes to the enterprising proprietors of the the peopla thara hav,: becoate very a txtous for irA iv,,ffare. Thitswe find the Who composed that depu k p it, if thi wer� the understand' The ci to) the Registrar neralpBl report. t: L t a In,,. Huron Siquat, on two accounts, for the reulation of John Do - ugallis, New. the Sli.NAL SkNill-,— h0weVer. York Witne8s for the months Clolonel.George Johesney is the author 0 werasatisfied with the myrajity " . , that when the faithful. -advocacy of progressive p August was 350,000 copies. of July slid .47 1 0 0're ri., I rin of the Battle f D f tht- aro wise they and cclurteiy -of the reply, ive-do not see Ina !Y f4lot it uV it was to bo. cipals, and also, in enlarging the Weekly Gilbert; th 0 F4 'Will tic, inners until they losp it Brantford claims Le has rceived the V� 4y the w Signal. And yoU Mr. Editor, permit the o5hmpion Sib. bath School Librarian ofthe world. lie what outsiders have to do) with we spin. t=ftury il;� me without flattery tosay, that your con - offer of a barGnetJ G McKENZIE I o.10 �rand u, I Railway, azd leave Hamil- think that in allfairriess, when their card At t -ho conclusion Ce.pt Thonison. pro- deasing the different articles of your has been 43 There wen on and Tor- Years in the position. ' .000 ap?lications for, Onto t i- ti their Own battls on the ppeared, the controversy anent the The Abundant ex mrietice of the pro. ti k t -to fUr T f heapest, _;ht posed the thanks of the gatheringto Capt numerous correspondents in the columns 0 08 Punshon's services 1 The C other si&. If London -4ould be foolish tuatter, ought to have ceased. laicre farray for his exertions in etting tip of the Sigiat, from week to week, in so svilt season hu demonstrated that the in his old chapel th Leeds, which seats Has moved, -to his own Store on aftempt to ely the arrangements in such orderly aqle, 1;�ely a manner - � as ypu do, i ai is the toost dangerous part of a 2,500 pei)p& 1 ANDLARGE ocimportawith the dignitY of such a lead- witich %vak- re ar d I S T, tha Mtolitto-1 s;1eine, the rx� warmly responded tor, giving general satisfaction. Accept my failwai-train., Ch Stirioeot, arles Paul d� Kock, the French wiU -j�l Jo �Dtefflv b* the ing and influential journal as the G1, Pbe and ain your A n it inber of 450 'pounder - A ovlist, is dead 0 Capt Alurray,madea stirring speech thanks, and as usual I rem to labor so lirsitlently to make good i in reply. Then fullovied Ithre' rmstiong next as far as mArup,iitan varice ts a chaerw very 9bedient servant. The British - go: for Cal Roes, ulis have been shipped. Iroin England I * 1�ernmont �eclinea to The Stock lo -k A4-matioflary Stairs Cook, three J. C. MCINT0911. to be If annex or pral inst the Premier, which Ips. for Capt Thornsoih, And three for Capt could acc4etl in injut-ing, it. charge g three for Capt iqounted dh the fortifications b, beet yiji� urehasedby him from the' Nu one doubt the sinc3rity of this most likely based upon inrafticient infor- SheDpard, tha latter in responding pro- Bayfield Sept. 111871. Halifax) N. S. The French ha�va adopted thi P)aral insolvent Estate Of It ti��ars disinterestedness it on mation, in the face of such a fi�t contra- posed At OttaWaJileb are at- in. p three cheers for the Queen, whiel riated strangers card syte ita ittee, a -ill wd regret that tht;re is not die' ion from gentlemen whose veracity were heartily Lrivpn and the assembly achors, PAwas. rested by bogus policemen, takpol before India is to havel stern Ontario, qao.:ua of tha L)iLectors left in town to - - - li & NYstem cif narrow WW W broke tip, with much pleasure at the a sham court and at to enormous gauge. railways -pears stioned, and who had For the Heron Signal. thilphzud of the subvet, The ap to be unque jery li"rkv fiaes. Keep sober. Ift JOHN. A-Pb.Ris y success of the match and L( o last passiou waa for this Wamanosh, 9th Sept. 1871. Ali honest German thiuki-that close, It nous, and for itivo years before his are. uafor, , all out lighting the very bestopportunity to know where- 9,?Od will to each other. )rd Brou�haml` %Velli.rt Y M on, G. ey of they hat e affirmed. Mr. Editor, VOL, will oblige a number hot weather,is sometimes termed aud Bruce—ut which to us, hereabo 'inua- death collected allithe various editions f Uts, -Thexeisallaspectof the subject, how- Sufteld Rexbor. of the re-wders of your paper, and also y,'beciusa ib'drives people to drink o' Which he is determined has vcry tauch tha of a�woif ever, 'a hich to our apprehension is far the Teachers (if Common Schools, in 0.0 unliollited mugs of beer. ff hyinubipoks he' coilld and. I clothing. Parhaps we have We hay* goo The RePublicaniCominitteeof Entriaud WORTH RME MARKET SQtrjME. and in which every mall d reason to feel assured Comity of Hurun, by publishing tha fjy)- Thu pripprietyotposti)o he i�ograniule of the been very lunch nkistaken ill this, and more serious, ning the reat- has issueA tj lowing in their interest, and that of :a at LoOtrueil, is no which they claim �o repre � t. it 'am_ that the route mark4d down for it, run- i:i tha Province of Ontario, who has the that the coll(lition and possibilities of .0 der confideration, sell 1�rty TO CLEAR 0 U I B.—Bly imptrting direct from 0 cl re Peet Bayfield Harbor will receive serijous cou- School Teachers generally. When a man usVintr tothe fact that theaQue4eb exhi: braces the following principles: The ap- Ding id z4,- -19 direca n into the L�)ndon !eaA parti a of a for himself or his. is imposed upun in any wayl he feels ir- biti ' 4 b . ur e �od on ta as Place on the same day. Plication of the p�inciple of federation tieia., aideration front the ominiint Board of clivad to reiist and do s-miethiti for the A Fretchman: from Ottawa had both to the Kinjolom; T.ho-abolition of titles AT AN Providenves wind in sach questivaabfe colult"Y, eall se;'.rceJY fail to take a deep Public Wor Briti8h Iffolufaicturters iihapessonit-tti-w2sthet this inny be one interest. This charge U*nfortunately is k& Mr- Cauteronis most purpose (if showing the faults of the im- his lep, 6t off he and privileges; strenuous efforts will, we are 'satisfied, poser. W.1len a matt sees his lucerests Tqe suppression of mono.,1 meddled with to his o cars da- Centrai R. It., near polies;Tlie abolition,oftanding armies; word or as be directed to the obtaining of such it wn loss, and t1i i Pakenhani, on the 4th September, and Compillwry edu4tion.- The atat HE IS ENABLED TO OFFIR ALL of taeul. At any rate is the not the only one of this kind that h' i,f the Cana been brought against Mir. Macdonald. gr of the person who tuterferes ; no tuatt,,r a to pro Enormous Reduction goods in big line at a IBlghts ant as the neeessities of the harbor re- in what light it is looked at as lo ng. as 1, died next day. Y ide work for thuse laborers who are able ho We are not specially li-3p,, Whether he was guilty Of the profanity to *Ork, Ana, sllst�nauce for those w On the sterling price fact Ilk rus- the temporary failure of Which hs been laid to his charge in - this 'quire And its advantages deserve. The ishurtful to the prosperity and success A new enterprise lately developed isf a' . touters are supplied with song !it retsil of both parties concerned, he feels ' the tihipment (of 0e wood of the aspen ti(inali ur efforts to p:wicular iustance',ar not, Township of SWileY has made a hanl. all- ie� incapacitated front work; The na. YROM THE USUAL'_h�R10Z9. at aboutiatne rates that small dexlen 'taket e1xnndoP;aflayofftOGOderi, we fear he zation of laild; Popular. legisla. have to buy at wholesale. th _ht noyed about it, and at once tries ro poplar from this Province to the United tiou. and diffusionofrepil LiCaill "far asou'ro'glizdvantage 'a c__ a- is aad,ifthe Hainilton, line when coutined to tw say,%' that th4 35,000 Rolle of Wall Paper-,- to has been gouilty of the same offence in some offer for the terminus of the Lon- make a reform. The case is bad enou6h States, to be used in the manufacture f mazzini bl ')ucer oher instances; and if common reprt don Railwy o persons, but is A L)aper. F,7ctriues althogh feeling satisfied that the should be successful- in the north,'we gleat ileal. Wf preached by the leaders and rincipal from, beingthe to be cricdited, they vebe er irse when such wholesale I . I . .1 12dnd ineteed to their ha en neith few is going Edward Bayer, Esq.,, Horton, Kings mein bers of the 1: iterliational are as fol- I 01vu illteresis, in not terminaing where nor far between. thirk th'e coffer should be aga u in not ouly tht�A 100'.., N. S., writes that. an astonishing Iowa —I. The denial of God, who is the STOts: Indeed, his I in bri4urlht r, OW black- 0 County (if Hur but thiotwh the LARGEST A3ZhCHEAPEgT they could, by the stea mm ply,ng hence gurdism and profanity appear from the pr-Tuinently under the notice of the Lon- cure has been effected on his. daughter only, eternal, ank- unshakeable Fouoda.; tO Southaluston,catch the trade forsixty don directors. Province of Ontario also. If a a Per'" bythe-use of-f6hnson's AnudyneLininient. I tioll of our duti and righheld by any 4q miles to the northof us, without buildini., reports of his public addresses and his takes Away oart of another man's livitw 2. The no -house inOntafLo, mile of nulway, nd at the same tune P:i" ate cOnTOrsation which have found THE then that'is robberv, though lie iak The whole spine becatite diseased, she denial of the EXerlandud the uation, Here is q thatice t4 save, inoney! rAr sAU HANDs 12 ILE TOLL -GATE. ­Oii. Saturday I lost the use (if her limba, and her back natuely, of the pi�'Jnts of support which itinathoughtleas wsyaudat thesattleti, I I YEAU, rus vre desire to see them do and consid Veir way into the public printsto have "at the silent, solemn hour whan,night me �, as rounded' up like a bo�vj in con. Yor may alI ent0foy to save your in- a, their spucid vocation� op_�nilofr up the b -,come so proverbial that the public * and im-rning ineet," there was a inyst; suffer loss as well as the person he takes se I quence of taking cold after h vin terests and thtwo Tm7nampsofthe suit th Riding which:hav is e- from, then tue only flificlificatia Of huNlantty, 3. The Gode e prepared to be believe alm. FI -0114 rendezvous at the toll -house for 11 it' tlkO been innoculated for the king pox. a denial of All personal -property, namely, rich, 18th Aifpst 1871. not. ab prts-ut any or suffioient ntilway ost anything the second time erected, to catch eva- name is that he is a thoughtless robber. is . now well.. ot every inducement to produce more Goderich, Sept. 5th c0lumllllicat-14M. The Fre Prea thinks V a-, is �Jleged against him on this i., ' Stich work has beer, Lroing oil for years 1811. a ve- y4ightly of the '*disinterestedness" of lNow this, ais it appe�rs tons is the e. slouists. A well organized band, f with the teachers than What is absolutely necessary ftir real over a score, in a calithu of Collittlod a pan uni* throtign, the comitr - y ' until tbe I)m3ine3 daily life. Property, -when it is the re- The other day a little girl presented Our *dice, but circumstances, we opine, poiat of the matte, in which the nwral furial gthered-around andmainutoried. is xtin down so lo Trmth vs. Motion. uit of work, represents physical activ the garrison consisting of two men, one aw, that in the spri. g nUM-lit represents intelligence.— at -;andon directors will view wollian arw some children—to surrender. ngf wilitev, they come Out lean Take this "11ford Tragedy," for ex -rhea, few wprls �wllt atiffice to teach you 'Stamt) upon it, the post -muster inquired * the I lty letter ill i�mn be such that the Freq Prc,,w aLd and Christian Portion of the community as th the Post-offica. There being no it "'Ore at least will naturull� feel the deep n1, plailily that ample. 'One would have thought that that the Intern'atlunal can in no way be hether, she had not brought three -armed with mus- there - was a piti0ing and a squeezing favorably, and prefer even Bal7field as a eat The grrison was Well ing-! very Gelph at wd most painful interest. We are Pro- ketsi revolvers and four boxes of percus- fiction had done the very worst in paint- of use t,# your cents. "No" she repli6d 94father has te=liaus to crossing the Grand Trunk Lhat was til�Y­:wholeacime. ats ug the inisery and degr�datiokt of childm- cause. put the inating at &ny Of its slur; caps , not I stamp inside." any *iat, or tarin fessedly a christian people; we profess at and could have died'hard, but what gives to Tine thirbociliess to ask for iond. The subject i� 'iespec st.4tions. If the amilton pwple are 4east to have a respect for for cilililing womat.hood. Havingcumeto iary tempt- JL AA sucecssful in the North, the Londo decency and 6 parley the order of the in space in your paper, --which is now c, in. It -is said that the statue of Washing. I moraity ;and we desire that our c 11 aranders was ing to theartist in sensation. -Nothi.ng 2� 3C,*ttl' ton in the Boston State House I 'conveys J41 ptmilile when they have opened up the hild- that tile garrison shouldelear out. Time ing befire the people in an aularged is so fruitful in pathos ae the stiffering to one who -looks upon it HIME SOutli, lt!ePillg away from 'the Grand ran shall be better than oursel" in harin-o' been allowed them to take ,ale, one of the beat 10041 papers in the of a little child. Nowhere is the horrible the first SEWING MAO Trunk-, will' come o look upsn "the theas respects, It is impossible therefore the furniture, the' till -house away country, and gainingr week by meek the so easily attain . ad as in the juxta-prist- time, the.impression that he represents torn confidence of the people, &a ii'man A little nonsense now 'and then, a man who has got up in his night - cloth �W­Ifin sheep's clothing"—w-hioll prevent- thatwe canbe indifferent to the charac ', down iece-meal and the lumber broken has the interests (if the country at heart, T-h-tre are tho6sands and thousands of ed them f ter p who tiono criminality with brutality and blon Is relished bk the wisest mail.', as to iijht the gas. 'or going into a. territory, which and conduct of our public men. In re- up. The Man of the garrison were Who is wabehillIz ch would have made theintributary in two gard to low vitigarity, blwkguadim kept under guard.to preveat thenr giv- cf t Mely the progression. readers insensibleto-the suffer- TALL Tazzs. —There are trees o tall direcli -as to Ube Grand Thuik� -in the and profanity, be educational facilides, li'lilell are ins,,'of adults, in and out of fictio", who An old toper,' who has always been in Missouri i6t -it takes two men and a The A. a man holding the posi- Ig an alartu while the work of destruc- bein brought within the reach -use their ready sympa boy to look to the top of thenL One light of a beat:fwtor. 4cerl. tion tl at if th6 riever ref fond of whiskey d olasges, vi g aser as, ought to tiun was going� on. Thd ptace that - _tby to !an in . hA ii looks to the top till he gets tired and an - 117 Macdonald do ­g4neration,a one who) is ititereited the tale of'a little child's diWess. The ruitied his nerve�'.And con chimes in thus be beyond suspicion. I knew the toll-housa knows it rising 8 scitutton by other commences where 4 left' If he is incapable no more.— in the Teachers of Common 'Schools of heroine (if this romance of real life is a drunkenness, stafed the other day that Off. 'rag Gtderich of being' influenced bY any hig The "dogs of war I are aft M4 OF AMEA10" Owl inan article made -her coa- er the deliti- the Province of Ont ario, and s one wht , fair-haired,' blue-eyed girt of en. Her he shtould have to ftrive tip the molasses is ti ad inside out and disguised voitiaa will 16d in asking the peolije, especially the gin to bur drunken father and mother. The daily pape�s tell of the splendors wear, (were) and a baby is what you LCGL-ST17CH 9EWING MACHINE I- discusses quents, but blubkened faces, coats tur- has an interest iii hiself, I feel justi and a baby 7 An overcoat is Wbt prominant by a large headii diderations his perception of the proprie- 'a the difference between an over- thet conundrum:' "Is not es Of his Offidal-position and his respect chief business in life is to bring runt and as it was evidentf�y bad for Ili` heilth. ' CO 3UCHXXZj.- This The Q21estioll?—The liamilton Line for the sentiraelits and feelings of the make it hard to find th'd scent. Trusteesof the County 6f 111117011—should ffermother has made a pocket in was. f her ofthiganibling moll's (if New York. tf Or X-) Railway A All For North Hu_ best part of his constit ientEr. should be the men and wometi who have alien! a jacket ron I ' The artjc7ereads like thejointpro- sufficient, not fmly to Prevent him from BAYRIELD to bide the gin -bottle in. The the gamblers are �Uflllituously housed as A girl was forced into a, disagreeable- hOUSANDS THROUGH4DUT CANAD& AIX ducdon f the united Hamiltoti derinta- descending to the level of a bar -r tinle in acquiring the needed quali- pacii little uretz-h becomes precocious the reports would have us belijve, it is match -with TZOW-rsing these 31achlum They have Iten a loafer, but from aeting inconsitentli ted - tion after harin,, gona through with sme 00' an old man whom she detest- tested beyondlique8tion. inske the 1;1vorlte jecjc. l, the Editor of the Huroo,,ginal. ficati011s to pass the Board of E13112LUK'_ alike in cunning and ficloility. . and tries clear that -.a galubler's room is better th When th6blergyman came to that stitch alike on both �ldes,' si.4 are I all VDIntillticed *U. tion under the New School Act, who ll she canto evade the questinrdn.�s of his company. part of the semice where the rid- - Perlor tontor -1ther niaebute lrered the public, FQJ' a is w3da ninge or work, perfectioll, lfcaut hampert. There is tirdivarilv a with the character of a gentleman DzAr. S;R,—As Bayfield is going have spent a great deal of mundy, an4i the neighbors, and to conceal the brutal -i 'Pa, how loni does the Legislature asked if she consents to take the bride- lena of odapublull. immorality. profane through a little excitement at present, vome of theta all they, have ill acqu er husband, she said with dullallility- of sober sense in the Signal Of all for6s of editorials stran;,,elv at vari,&nce zith the swearing is then, iring all lives of �her parents. One day she is groom for h fitful brilliancy ' -- ost inexcusable. It is allow me to make some Wport of . it. On Education to train tip, mid t Qit ?" Threi or f* months, iny solv.� and zig,7zag argumenta., the most 'a saton insult that a man can Thursday last, apic-nic was their missed --4hey all aro missed. Day After 44 great si"licity Oh dear, no air ! bat got up for childrea'for the activities of life, and at day passes, and mot one of 6 What a set Of 91'e3e they Must be, our You are the first person -who has asked The. 0alimi.4 tion of ths le arlder consideratiin. -0 a miserble geetie sit only five weeks." "It is get- artic fler to his AUker, and it can be regarded the Sabbatlr School children of Trinity a great risk of health -should they family is a out the matter.f'- -310 lavai. The SLJ�Jzal tries to couTrince the people of withiloomiersentim t n een ontside the house. At ting late, son, I think you - had better myopllioll ab ArImproireoneza on tha . that of de- Church and it proved a grand affair, the after passing the late e:kandntioul ana last some"iteighboraget,luto the house, rptire.11 abling lhe lootopufa turers. to cldm t� as bi- North Huran tbt their lternative is teetation by all persons of right feeliner. day was fine and the crowd enormous. gaining forthemselves aThLrdor 3 lls have Iltdi-V Imia vup, pt. the Wellington. Gray au(r Bruce line, or When. thcrefore, John 8 Second antl they find the father lying dead, the PLUS 'ULTRA, of SeWing Witchiftes. W211 46*14 The Indianapolis Tonrnal -speaks of a Were man to� conform more to the laws kin:Js ofjoiniestic)sbwIng. yrom _ ,e andfield Sie- The table was set and Covered with all' Llass Certificate, after Dr. Ryersoh mother lying drunk-& verv, -gibbering. t JlUg4t "mbrW no line at %iL That tile object of the Donald publicly indulges in this dis- that could be desired. , I saw, the regf- publishiuyrto the World that a Third idiot from drunk girl in that city getting itit(i ,a snarp, of health and Pf nature, and be less �o the coariiat tver-coat crupper leather, gu pract. Toronto PeliPle in ainalamatuisr with the ice he not only dis,_,races ments when entering in the morning � Class Ci4rtificate under the New Act, is girl of ten taking-eenluess ; and the little by having two lovers aud engaging 1,er- addicted to the gratification of his pan- As J-131111133 line is simp'y himse and acts unworthil iarge of her hrotber.- ex X4 *A]"& Ealf ofr the 'y of his high from diferent Baggoni, taking Weir better than an old Thi rd ?-:-Should they, self to both. * Instead of.&7suarl, tile 8i UMMyrAR0. Hamilton scheme; an1 that the next office, but he grievously filsults the places a child offour. Tilecorpseof thedead dDn24 it would not be necessary to Tat: (38toonifil < under fiying colorsi but I visited after all their - lry hard labisr for their druukard is far appears to have been -a d juble a a tse Fellows' compound Syrup of )=71ris climplote-surl readify.win. gone in decom�osition. - P-mbendeil, Is soil at one-half t1le PAW talberto move of Toccinto wohltl be to, kill ff the, people to whom he is indebted for his thecime ia the afternoon and found the own advantage, as well as that of the Several diys must have elapsed sitice the 6phites, as arestorative for the Zlifted forinael.lues d01119* 110TUAEO oifWurk. t!,e t Hypopho Landon enterprise. London is advised POsitiOn. Umy'had-been all cut up and rendered be it JualuilioctorkrA beingAuteroolived to 'PIU6 it W1%1,i Young, consell uently that;,f the country, wretched man jave up his degraded life. The �wil tary oolltimander at Norfolk Powers w the brain and nervous system, ..the reach vtvery tattilly in the. co� to stick to the opeuill., up Of it& On hrs de iwmbat, but Was most surprised- Should theyj I sa�, receiv for' Iiiatry. th,- their work During All that tinia his wife' was inces- has bden Irectud- to assist theivil oyth 'while the world's progess in enlightell. A xglLl, Jmroax rup legitimatO territory t a at time c_su v conv e -fires the Counti, who have the pleasiu� law. Offenders will be treated with the G,and Trunk. and a[low Hamilton and �hadtakeriplaee. Thenextdaythe During all tb orities in enforcing the Virginia' Oyster our machluep am Aoneqtiatlet the west of the Lt the crowd left wt�ll pleased at whist I as than the majority of Mechatliegi fil a ittly0drinKing. ment would indeed be inarvallous, lu JU e lea (in the n of tti9lpoor little blue-eyed maid kept house T-runt4p to fight th ir own bat, " , 'IOU tb, Nrin. broke out fearfully to the south of Bay- tine man only, whilu a teacher has to with the drunken w(iman iind the dead Iseverest oysterity. other side, ThoGuellph Mr the London, Hurn and field, threat411=9 to burn everything be. please a whole cjulmuniby ? Oh ! how man. 'Nobody cantoi into the house," Philosophers -say that hut Poverty is Bad,'but tha� worst kindf eversible 33rn';D R3ilivaY to Kiticuirdins is bound Suwon shootinir mat . ob- fOre it- I amongst others went to the hardthis! howliumiliatingthis-is! and she Ba a ting the -Doverty , is poverty of the blood ; this 18 Jim-embently the be�t_ Sipgle Shread MaOdus assistance id emptyin,-, a barn belon gin ac vs. And let anyone who has ysmakesthe sense (if hearing more makes a in= "poorindeed,,11 ifffered ttou vublie-lience iti xpuvelious g yet it is. a shameful,f A great ullm- ittlatlinatbAn, p6werful enough for 'the act-Ae. A wag suggests that this acco for it takes Wiudc,41varled�s of -domestic sewing. pAw 1111.ts away his strength, courage, anden OR KATLY A= 110ED. k hovr the hours, atil days, and for tile many closed eyes that are nee" In but enrich the blood with no, *'�thfuu outfit, $12 . rrtaffe Us to The advice 40 our merchants and ' The Battalion Shooting - Match was to Ur. A. Raacke, and in coming out her of the Teachers in th country felt task, thin -of held at (Ninton,_ on TItUraday, and through the 'fire, I slippbd from hope stirring their hearts at a more rpid nigl-ts, sped bir that child while she p4r churches tivery sunday. it Inaunfacturcra to stirreuder the trade the wag- a Blind A"'ald the 1101tit to Hamilion 90 riday, 7th and Oth inst. Both days 96U with part of the load on the top of rate, when so few of, th 0 aPPlicants in 0 watched her little, brotheri $ and 'father -element, Iron, �y taking thoi Peruvian nweeeded in getting a Uer- lay on the floor dead APawly irlarried. cot' Syrn duwn. The' stateu;ent that Turdntu were beautiful and the Wangem me, but knowing my danger I was not the Provinee, iple riding in a p (s. protoikle of iron), and �ou ifill 3130 61PNIS WANTED Artv London into t90 junctin. acirth -f ants, long crawling out, the hay and "inothepdrank -was flames tificate at the late Examination carrUtge were overturned, whereupon a feel rich and "aa good as -any body.�' GUELpfl BE Wiughznl is incOftect The first ad- under the superintendence of Captain but I startea the team I because rum and water. !1 Most of its would think -stander-by said it was a aboakin's."aighp.1 T17 it. , i WING 'MACHiNis co,,, 'rAuu" Lnulq front Londoit, our shrewd Murm n haste, and t"ey felt sacisfiedthat their SAlary would it hard enough f or so young a girl to be IsIrTes.." _V. w -re e Isaved alli except what slid be raised said a gentlemen, "to see those 9URIA"If CANADA. c xiiellent. The range -was -off; but the bu `-how they will feel discotir- kept atged tip in the Areary.dingy house Sra[Lb,AgiputGodeXich,Wini&mjidmon, directurs seeing, that the expenses ofcon- on I 'barn Was- finally emptied b good aged when they knowas I know, that for.soinanyd-51ya,if-there war nothine just.wadded ',fail one at) 'soon," -Wepledjeour reputation ointhess. ware bonus- the vresb side of the Railway a a' sertion, that any educateap W.N vauionScAforth, structicill would be le3senea; track, Samaritans. It, has since been burned. sonie of those who -passed at the Board, -but the mroiiiontitony of.close coinfir-a'- ion after a careful e fth&pt, WA a* secured, and the construction, of tile with a high bank of 30 -or 40 feef behind The next 4� all B Willi in Henry Attended an aucti � hysician, a�field turned to are offering t(Steach,fj)rthe sinalt suat f rhent to emliplain of. Think -what it sale the otheiay,-and expressed some _xamintion ofthe recIPOV -Viat Parvotti' Purgalive pills road placud beyond the sbad-ow of a the target., The shooting all through check the firJ or stop it if'possible and $300. 00 ror the' jeoming Will say , i year T They do inusthave been to stirprise at seeinu so laa-e *cwngrtigatiou doubt. U11like, Hamilton we are con. tras very g4d;thecompetitors I however save ths Villiige, aiid as night,approach9d. it, bee wear through the rey merit than any other pill at'se souid of the ornsty old Trus tj�.ili,,hthinirs and the a - I of A' with for- iug aspects! possess more untic . persons _bld& 4t, witha. straight. main Ifiniii, - anot our being fewa� than former ccasions. whE n all were -fatigued, a isad and fatal tees saY, "lin more now offerect for sale. will be given I a v watches of the night erienced surage fair Shara f th&,busiums of the coun try, IST MATCH. accident- Occurred to one of our, most than $3oo�00 whether . 1 at ne, -and how "An exp oil will Ace0m. HE EMBITION oF TH15 PROVENCrAG ,And d to stretch ulon-#palizing esteemed and flourishingtradeamen, Mr. or a ba(I one chi�t I - nluidh w-Irseth4it alone-iritha dranken. p;tny every.,train," ery pr6perly com- Trrult sliHer-accutur4. is secured, And paray bovirling, maniac for coulp ThfimoBt astonishing ure ofchrollic, S.e polypwT.arius in avery directl Wha't RA'TAL-To-y C-UALLZN01 Cur, fired for E, Ebanhark,'the baker. Howasgoing afraid o any, nd the poses a part'df a western railroad adver- dia=hQ we i0tyivillballeldin the LirUl Shed itr 0odorieU f the gruffiless (if - thei pse Zf a dead ever heard of is that of Win a tevoi Vridaytitts 15th lust. Aft articles fol:eoinpatt- VAW bt, tha real reasou of trWSj1ja1s by a squad of fire m llianners,, coir I-Ither lying on tue floor? tisement. 0 an from each Com- I with a load 4 water to, his own.fields i3i and pikytry because. they "lay 1.130- tbe eat -Lied with the Secretary. Treviiiiiii to the clay of Ublintim cirl' hardly give any Polly to 'think tbat�,00l C8�11 mskO XWZ the facts are attested by Flzra The4xidbitiftivIll b , e Ova to visito OPPOSitiva to the Lgndon' line and the company with an assistant. The assist. school for the timi and wOrSO thaa this cleat acei;unt of the story. #0 Londou and Toronto amalga any. The Cupifell. for fhe third time - I th� The chilclbarself park uutf pig ir wills, Waldo Co., 11'I'll Ination, ?�� toLthe Exeter Company, Capt. Hynman. ant being well eadowed with caution got hove 1104:61141 "UJ0 in 4healsolv63 as' upon the fender,' and diem that youan be. lrr�at, lUptoh Treat ind 3f. �A. morrill, Aftemooltiouilevenfur, Adrollssionl9Q. Shan We, tell? call it be a fear. that. waggoil, and walked behitia ,fitfor' teaching, aftai PBUB ADAMSON. The- out of the * .111101tiow conie-a.shooniakerbyjttstdiiiikiu�6-shen7 either of Wh6m nliglt't be addressed for Q'infou's importance 'besishota of each Co., d , to say boldly and mother covered -his Uce with a sheet obblers, may be eol4ance Who got a 'When a tree Va44o be seen faldlig. Mr�, without fear, tike rueli if Y at theexpease, of Guile oil want-tue -aud therahe lay for.m�.iro.-Jh4n a week. Mr- Clark was cured. by rich an -1 endanger premium of 44 were as fallo, jumped A -am the wagg4 in, di d The old gentleman who could see -no ATohnscnt',gAnodynf,_Unime)lt. 87L 11wiru all In Oitig� to teadh your childreni �ou must pay me at all eirelits-so infich the child is, ce- tb* position as, County T,6own ?" Godelich, Sergt Currg6 d ri fall -on, hq face, and while'down the for it !.'Vhi3,ia no-, was ppointed o.20o a ch 8C goo: & "Juhaving Spring Seliforth, Lient. wag t their stvfe'-, butthey -tainfif. Motheikept-nuArinkio of It. is ov* meancomplimant to, find that Private Graham; Naj� to pieces and the will Sa I woluld like so niuchi 9 at' last week- state -keeper to a -11 and poke; w itei�hburs at lasti caple tll burying , Hen. JosephF Oise running away, a large limb� fell on ar6urid.in -this kind' of i4 wi u- ey ground., ar vil,mayor of.RDck_ in ur tjaZet retreas, we can rival the WIISO CUntQn, -&370 AUjor poor E., and is supposed to ave,brokeft, Y., a to' the- infirtuary, and land, Me.,laaae3 ragg,Eiq., Bamgor, U -M) iallw- .- , Ali 'edifor down South iays he never :slid Vesu�. ros Machias, Me flighta #if +h0iomil" orat01�3 after the Gilmour ; NOZ Bxyfield, Pri say atirionir' sh4$04hedher drinking bout hilesih. tSEEING =D1 vAte.Footig.�.i.tl.�ever&braorapineF6fthe-ne-.k. Stille thimiefyos while he d ttelc all i but tince in his life) And that Ill bar Per w1batway, Life may hai4, tuany *114 and strange ocoateut* of the "hmperar 11mve: given. No.6 Exeteri� Corp.- Bissef; WID. 7 lived iintil Sunday �e`rnlnk W11,1611, JaO was in U� fight with acantemporary ra tmerchants, fully endorsed -wing* to their genius. -if we W re, to W OA iteuds, ith fear an expiriefick �et in.store. for -the girl who "Sheridn Cavalry Condition Powden," .Godorich _T1p, Corp. expired at 3 a. m. buried- tue;Nfiriv he �Th , a 0 0 . accepM their 9ff6r,_.and they kept' that house of 'horror urin its a than who xintrall'a ru nor his been 'WcDougQ; No- 8 Taesday lastj at� 1,V a. 'm. -He leaes a dad.- and have the propriet6rs' Rb6rVf to use fhe, style of our contamporary We, Gorrie, Pliate "011 it is 166 mtos they have msjUa Bat, let-bati.,do its aginst, the. nian who lived down a thOir 11�mas in Ticonitaeuding them. �r.AS AURIVED LN GODERICIr, A.W No, wife a4a Ax children to mourn, ove his" bad b in These kind - of,.T6&ufit`;ra worst,it iiiiuld�lnioat seem as ifanything 1,6n it will be a draw - I V" ;be, U-ndon Dungannon, Lieut. =r,l In ciur opini '4 for a 4oxtfime ouLv vot)Dd�ay--Zlr Cr -loss., are thaei!rgo4bers, others see thAt the chealir that is to be rental Haron gmil must come as an and;litilax gama. HMO& _%ilviay wilt 'only go Bissrett, of Exeter, being the best. shot, Ism, your$ frdy. Teache UUD 1TOUGHTON, in a w6ll-lurned 4rrr to Xin=dina by the way al or Ts � gethsifuit4on", -,axa they after that whch has, been. it you - PrOP0.2e, Of the, WhO10, 9�t -M additio� must,cr celp A., B� ftowwaaX .).me down:at last to may seem strange, but it is - #ue, speechat the Scott Centenary bra. THE if Yin get; the vvoj�lels, mo-4ay to buildit. . .1% that a -an in Now ..Yoik, perfectly un. tion in tliubrgh mentioned t1b kind Q14 00, salt, * The Mechaw" -As we have a mere, interest. in the to the LF41tor oftile Ifilitill of our ........... educated in U41to-ok ilsif a dozen ex of loneliness in which �klte names of all Where itho em be 90tostatod in X* no, they are, eve a ed rd to? folkw unless the an hour�, thos great liferateurs :stana'. . They have t I t' t011icknes", h t of Huron thati the ZD MATM Nolt CWt-& PilVATW. woutorcat3ladlial quisiter par traits in less thaullalf, when UdrOpped the urtain over the onake $9.00 per wer& And' rhiny- wilo-311,111 the liburty'4 advising the 52 -6 firstenl. :xc $1100 We inuif addi that -he �,himself was a h ones of illis'Villagelast week� in speak- wid#12.00. 'The W�tWejs, speli Don rarely left decendanto. We hame o, -andeondition in life offIxefatura linsbavAioad *04 peoplo tiypsy for the Jiaa that, will vervor Rosk's prize of$20.00� 13t,3, Ourrati, ink of T. J. kin of'te how aft6rivard taken for tite theft Shakspeare I no n Bac-3n,' no I a And 1!111 answertE Marks,. he cartantly deservois oibooit_th� matter, and WiVO COUVerAed poral M d theas teoim Therefore, we �uy- to the, $20.00; -0d 0 ir rat it- Uontreal. *JLateVer,,agreeAbl6W cDonal , Creditftoni thepublib,. 'forhe Isboth ith iny shb AyoungtditoihaviAg be� Newton, noPape, no Byron; Italy has 1-tht nine BY what means 46 ando this- ust-tv IS POW I I - t xonth. e pinatas on. th '"t no- says" We have' now i i by, rising, m -at -w:ourageth* Lwtiiloa line, �Od_Privat 'Gord civil andaccontinodating and. while heis. ong all, r am�d no Dante 'no Ptrardk, no Atiosto, or no known faherself. she bare!v3mo 9 Al vuww a. oil oldlaay for kissing her daughte to, the Isurfli encourgp. the Itaililtoli Goderich. $11.00,; 4th I , ehanici who inirld. their blisiness, muke, -ourselves 'which , retp�esting`an I - - 0 � 'ermany husno Ggeffie. iao know-o-vhe call do Private, Fofte , coinfident of th L, _!eichangpV ijilocently Alfieri; 4 .eint #ityofthepurcllager front f0hr to five htth.drwi &A,�ara a i�,mauyvapa Bhe Is Aesmaded ftm A loing line 017mitift, litie. -Whether the eihligt6n, Gra R3yfield:J10.0,7-; 5th-PlivateGreetivrak, he.is cts wit We balleve�, b5 r uotafraidto.,trust, Bytha�byal ButtliaT ' aoy( dpliedtfiat-hehad- 'Scider, no Heine; Frsnc� has rtoXon- rusteea ):uAked men 0 no. idea of traij. J10hilogistR, "dcau also Ull thf- 1utv4* by AU or nj)t, we, Exeter, $9.00 ; %4 Corporal, at to speak 74r J.� Keys and work .a er, and 806114ingthe "liberties oft4epreas.11 taigue, to 3)e%cartes, no Voltaire., no -hand 4WJ queittion. (if ExeterV 00 ; 7thSerg 4� and Stih are cathed to whivit, We hav;ejust ThOSO who wpb Torco4sult4tion w*U It. -POtti, Goderich E --ep One of the neatest. ilatiwile admirer 'of dogsi,� hwd- u on Madame 1[ozippr, op'the parlor oft ho ke t4e, loahzoiw4 .1 - I - the neatest Latuartine. Thete is no &scfmdant Ute'loinil-in Dlvmt�lrs -F they wero 87-W , Sth; Private H;r, 4i:ir *a, 'L - Teaows. we'ailide to, the ue An I _g Brkt* ROO St ) L ' W St. Pefees -oath r old.- Thpy; eep, a very I . 0 a new khavro of Luther,�40alvin or John Knox, Exchange 0441, talm. from 9 4, m. to OF Va. really D. fit litt of �4 fine breed, was requested �y A 0th Privat6 Spal-Hug,-SuAforth $5" Xelecti Walls may'bii ssen eV' Th-a-loct is remarkr4ble, and notisorable aud SeatItmea, Wo on ofganeral goods and sells eliji 'to Put Zonsal - tat -104 tr 10th erg.- So Ihim down for a vlwh-, . As witut 4% Ww Hatillito inslialn'- Over -the loftyforoo an t� tnfL the theory, ofn incriefinate, Pro . 11. -Remember to coollevion, s -,her stay is very reasonably. We 1;�;e two Cardiq OrTiRE Cemetery, stro and Flillina Wilts it, the V mars fr4glnellt, -tyl "Ifti-7 he g4id, f"T not yo-%- dowll� for -one $302tilgergt. �Tho litnitedlueodLiichowingt*WT&Wu=t&kaowt 1W11101k fallury W far wo are at, ;6er;y t,'� ir .11lago, 1, - _. I 4ef flutosuity- The mce-of kbpt by' J'Oltrhal 6 pliar"Mois eve admia Con- St&to a good while ago", Y*r Goolerich, T1p 02,0 3th U09M Wlieni & S+,ruthers, ho try 'ttins an a �3r' strike, the be grest does not multiply, wliita th places. ;_J t beilder'withi 'Godeia, *'Pt. in their It something like awo �at theiryastileas and It lS=M0rP f th it soy'rrisb arl �,Jls alityFaic Pxiv4tti WAlker, Goirria $1.00, , tO4 baker hAs c6ollut Of Some 0 iPariments by d- tiat a Oc� tte trangth. rat grand'aAn. r jcwt conlv w4tend their line to Ki on the best method of 31 in�Wted 4 ew. kind of yeask- which is aw a YnIJI ei 8 A naarolina, . 30 XATC11, OPirrqMm, e4170"four hUrcheis 'in, the Village, mU()Jl ini I the, L a o M "S.-Slie a r. Preserving 9f, , Uosts so light that bne tof his by rotewls of bontl3ea. Tilfts they cu the church tour Ili" how Imposing, *ill be tile mxk 'a - breaA AtUolyb Of Brigland, the old, Scotc-h rta ' in Pianoe. Manym A FARM FOR SALE. T, Wilson, Seafurth $1009 2(1 ethoda had nlsh#d I buildingi just as a mutilated Poill 40t weigh ovek kght ciply leavine-ir Lontlon ta taO 4ftre xethodlse4i,4 Episcqpal- Call 11%ed ; continued rt Iva I veadc;es Cf its,.If r4mA&4 to their 4;jrs6 Jacksony liin troishows 11,1w, t1(1blg vras the perfem 6 A . 10h On t tO' DO #Ufticiftt UMO-Wslarr salt -water, saw -dust, etc, fil ' - .. I . I FAHN FOR OF J18 tCRIE W17!UIN nVo ain't buiLtitug ro;Advia Teeswiggr. Caj)t. wer hove and even stattle. The *4;.Is are fit daxk,'Xt�ntre STRAYED COW. lintim, g4,100 stil varmshilighasheen, tried, j�t` Two gentlemon at Saratoga, Sprinp, A- Or 4304eriCht 7010f Whf& AM- 0- 4e Utdorcdevitfoi aild Jb good ,UOW&r4 :X4ta , V L' a t rungll,. excap.t t good having a di�Pute, t, ME JbrTo van pmlsms op the morning, Stam". 41 -his farm U bauude4d by. JA10 HUW12 414 CO(ftlettill" KUd in TiM Wftll Seg. last summer, one wen '0�1criberaTiftt the 1AtoifAujm*bJ&%t POE neat dra - ore kepi by Ar Wilson, wild 'refsPeWvely. condemned, The Aimplicity'l also keep "the Tal Ih fuin,toward dt, Tilitch -to thethee 9MP office, And ofthe inethodadopted Oum # door i;arly in 111 red beitutifte-lyiatuated 6rivel s1J1bvw4y<#^4 whore Would the New Vj-4h-& wallave twoMe W-Praditionersi - fAr418, is of a lighter, Rolle, �mcl - Polished Yrith ,and wroto *:ounarelupon it. Up POw Tlo""OT vi'l PTOW P"V4Pr0X*r# vW ito Tollro pay) sid� tilom Is WMCOX41114 muy 4TIf BtATUr WQ1_(-Co5r,' O"ICZRS- d! 0 any cliargatilid Ukehir xwtoy. StsubOrrY, ither of whom. 1h 4. Dr W of olosifig the Ppres of the ueariup. orit Alicy 01t.rpl 11ason, 0othriell, $10i 211, no in his! neighbor, 2110, IV04 and she,, wyall the ch 1. A OluellLN 'Utf"ho" "ad upon' and was an� grow Oro. interior gives abuie idea of the vas . tness bent w1wastlips, it they, "lit oslin A ' had,"however, P. itt r; 4ayf;eld, #8; 3rd,, &rgt xliouldy6ur stomagh tkuw s�ored liy a servAut that his ma4ter was 0ii-tbirli 14045 Purchilse'JU011eyn rail- SLe t 0, - I get ont of order, Lot ICOILs W 1) r 8RJ;Uftrct,d*1W, JAG at J$r'e36fl lotts, 00-leilch, $7; 4th, rgt 03p, Q0 attention idthe juthfir; of the future 0sumNan n0t�sj Ilome , but'if � he W a In' lborne $6pt Stli 1671 *S,30 nmy to is W stick to -would �oon bring 'by ts thopue*"W � you to- the scratch, who.drawsthe4 owing conclusionfr, sLJ t- -An(1XrSdiiOr it is OA, wUt irs bave a series 4,ex _Dm St. Peter% whiblit,-litiga an it is, is onlY G�_Av %'XJ Tba i ymi ents he utight leii*o it with bim Cia AdemtUer is F Corld WiUi adiuiinisb�ideupy UVkJJY L?ftt,!�fd to lioii�' st�.ys he,- III: wall OiLly going to Ze. a Ap present, bat vihut we are soon to have WgOtWO 101T, more expecis�UY 11ils6ed Seldom WA a buililing ofsuch pretensions ever With tjli* cry V/0 hj�ycj in Vfield. 40'. 7th turn yourmastarls visit, sa he Zeft 7&ij t)* orelne expec- implyi%blied olithei'mWriden Wariaen p 60011chuth June. 1371. 'kny r rooeaded at) far Ir GoJerioh Tfp, $12,000, it il �erests of flarallo, u* - sytulmthy � Ution. of eve!7 one in th6' ' Township of AlterAtion. for asufaciatit byX4 Wt W ittl name7at mploot in ihe morniug�l iaa& iti, til Z; Sergt Rtoss, Giderioll, #J, fi d notice. ' Comparatively of, Period, and L prefienta & -fary simple and awest ents, TO LEND, ON FARK PROPERTY If vy. And no wonder, after the I I in MontrealLbsve seen if, A Fxenbhmai� has devised. &� *ht, C!"ailtir. wmhipsonoblyandgenevoiislyox'pend, fiffioufous raethod of t, - , 11 -wherebyxhu ' bel The, U-tt magralihil M 1f41Ct4 PaIVITIN. r74 'On, thoukk-it it a conigidor&b1a Ume si ce he t'�Ll - - in= xn§ could live a tty jLT 8 pEp "importance $if Clititue jof Ist PAY I . ENT I J�Yiat _$JU 011 the Hvrb&Cr from W to 40�,Wol Stu any wathOdA Uto room- years and be haippy a ther time; he REA90WABLE, tonudatio As. were l4d; and huadredslo NTEREST, A GOOD TOKF. OV WORK[So 'thee uplic, H*d we 1'2u( Gorrie. 4) 3ril man or practiced. tty With JXj.-Itic ilk iLs gr*64 si; Rv I PriV*bff ad Apply at lot 1, 2U4 0,04. iiV ja4p"Ay tit tUt thrivini t-1140, we! Prig our aunither vi&!W6 Iowa *_St thirtx yous. as a pretty woman; the low"IF $4, sw w jrs* th a at& Bisset, JOater, *0; 4th late 011t Seeing this stupandons 'wqrk� -which next tb;*_ As,� an -'Immovable oAce, &JOHNSTON), VA vailway ZMA!, luktivid; ft fthprivs The Emiarati 'Goateronco rAgets ostn4t�iiihy holder on a fs*�sdary ; and *e rew�u- YAOMoti opc WAL_�U Of it, Tk# twilon, (bgriv, 40) 444. ftiva$r 8411ilds' Ottawa at is alr4a4y out. of our 111 it on loth ilist. Jn% twonty as a Ush flodarlo'll 1201 Sept. 1871. XW5.;f Mar h *hat YV 2 4 ft 1Wo3,,k!4-* 4alad Maing tLa 0 01 tho towm Avith 1Z &21so -Zm lush of Mr. 1=1io- OgffiftUr in C-Galerich 'Tic! tuder the itafluence Lffa sn'll UATIN"IL IV! towards tho tovn;on 0-aftro Ulmtbt tuudaiugtbe zsonlLm thc ter hume. But &,-ach, an -a C, J7JiC.h tten t 01r horlb, in _14 -,brc-s-cut lail A D 4XZ& haW- Z,20'netcil tl 4cs. On the &=Z re to tbop, in -_C-e4G=-87Lk It M'(, 0. Term, -b� FuNer auflgheHy.lp d=gerc ty ZQ the bousp of the kist,-an man. bush: *a And Mr. uk-7 L,_5 I, ticia 100 =rd 31 -wee -1 31sftLandc, to the no-r&t _4zil' a -Ere Etalcted boyand T_, cumini , Zn-drass-ol m_ complemy lsrret!pft�gt�je am -a sw4mnls -cy We ad _047 to It, en but CC -'J_ *t i in 10 mts thalovIU-1 =ay p ke 1S. aLt-e4cn al agmur-E0. lzao 'o -o :ftes N io f= ia myzto�y_ lope no One uffi now zmvc Must th!,:L_f�"l arougat, -ho. -,60 vddc-st� T,D 4qranT 'IT .""tt 71 _11721 2U.-_ 0�=Unrty ahc VC- -to vtaft lux�h M &park- 1",7e am -EeVCYct_Vo= vXt buTa-nlrts &, ppr-�Fent, a bonw,ly to �� I., which =!gult put ea whicla we ED f �, frZc-'.,� a flan tkat4an be jattav4ed Itsaves ngmat &0 of deal eltirrin"G, -t�a-_d, Wumattee-lik d, fo the it ZU f 4 a2d VACry 6=1 1�3,rx lgc,�� U", - 3yr A k1aham 11si-n - - 7912'01�1 is agqnt &-y!t hk -1,M, wm W. IVaitu -wo-ozm0 'WGAIUrvy, IV Ar. John Fuzes, vlacm kr"Johl"ecla 11" eLveneil tL lit is Up. ablf� tf JC,!V" f4 ,_cy 'bum,, 1-tera M 6=01%y au Ant,04- 11T W1db*.vv.'ty, so iev ltzeng�y mt it = Rao a Amon rA='-'w' ne=1$ & coder the ZK-eater", be::IcEt -0rAY #*-,14 % �:l r 5'*G' 1710YV SIZED 1 -1 IL g 'And wirz., *whose "afe. 190� Was tf>129y qlm;an Zndgo 0441n,ind'va2441111 td to = 6 yfav fa co ccra lanaubby., Ivk v (). nmtz Exq J Pl_­­ rr'!' 411 - AT(7cm., Vit I Eacalfug a r, inr ef !�:Z 17,WA&, rlitc, 21 DR43. Aw"tru's., -iw 40CUUIA WR,4 t'ne rz-m! ocrist&Uo.fonzad t1kemtm, vttfitv. us WSW tumiml* 111, Sept. Isr�L , J 'J -TcUatan ;,=,ml 'Aro:,m r%=ng" J. I kill 110 is V78"s vn,4 ,cf ton at Am f AhHUV,F ane Gut"" 4-tos nufi�A has U M­Aftl:�IUE W4 is a ;Fttalzlo WiD, 4T9 mving resa, Paric r Mgmt-he , 'c � ! �, _ftew, 109W it is 4,Lat tlko cd Vkb8fava f6b! isma'' lreoier UeUOD. Tile am '15f 4x PUPkwld a hen wl,, Wards q6 joet.jy t�,nk r, "1Ye,0d4;r:es1-"2 wCerZ APPWC-Q, .S At A 11 r littekloo t -o nr Vaiherip ve t pepper and sCfto U�e _6" yt�4,_-